#Florida trip permits
Reliable Permit Solutions offers expert assistance for commercial trucking trip permits. Streamline your logistics and ensure compliance with our efficient trip permitting services. Trust us for hassle-free trip permitting solutions to keep your trucking business on the road to success.
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What is the temporary permit?
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Florida Trip Permit
Any vehicle that is not IRP-registered by a Florida-based jurisdiction may drive in Florida with a Florida trip permit. The IRP Trip Permit costs $30 and is good for ten days and is available from any of the many wire services businesses listed in the Florida IRP Manual. To enter Florida, out-of-state carriers need a trip permit. If a Florida-based carrier wants to travel to another jurisdiction but does not yet have an IRP registration, they must either get in touch with that jurisdiction or register the vehicle in Florida.
Hunter Permit
An owner-operator who is not a lessor can move an unloaded vehicle that has no current registration with the help of a limited permit known as a "hunter permit." This license is available through a number of wire services and is good for 10 days. Duplicates or photocopies of the Hunter Permit are not permitted, and the original must be kept in the vehicle. Both legitimate hunter permits granted by other jurisdictions and those issued by Florida are recognized by both of those other jurisdictions.
Florida Temporary Fuel Use Permits
In order to drive on Florida roadways or the highways of any other IFTA member jurisdiction, a vehicle must first get an IFTA decal or a Temporary Fuel Permit.
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Let Your Dreams Be Your Wings | Chapter 16
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Chapters: 16/? Fandom: The Sandman (Netflix 2022, minor content from the Comics) Rating: Explicit Relationships Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x F!Reader  Characters: Dream of the Endless/Morpheus, Lucienne, Matthew the Raven, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Hob Gadling, Death, Rose Walker, The Corinthian, other minor Sandman characters, Original Characters. Warnings: 18+ content (minors DNI), explicit sexual content, POV switching, very long chapters to read. Summary: You always dreamed of becoming a successful Fashion Designer, sharing your creations with the world and making your father proud. But with him being very ill and so many costs solely weighting on your shoulders, things didn’t go as planned and you had to take a different path instead. An interesting offer led you to the elder Alex Burgess and you were hired as a new housemaid for a very good pay. However, your kindness and outstanding empathy convinced the man to give you an additional task for a doubled compensation; gaining the trust of Dream Of the Endless, held captive into the basement for over a century. Despite the shock of finding such an ethereal entity stripped of all his clothes and contained into a confined space, you had to accept for the sake of your father. But the more you got to speak to the mysterious anthropomorphic personification who didn’t utter a single word, the more you were lost into his eyes that, conversely, seemed to contain the entire universe. A deep connection formed between the two of you, separated only by a thick layer of glass.
Little did you know, what started like a simple housemaid job was about to change your life forever.
Credits: The moon dividers were made by firefly-graphics
Tagging: @number-0-iz, @emarich7, @jaziona92. If anyone else wants to be tagged in the next updates, let me know! I noticed that Tumblr sometimes won't let me tag everyone for some unknown reason, so if it comes to that I can at least send you a message to notify you.
You can also read this on AO3 if you feel more comfortable!
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Encountering your mother for the first time felt like a long-held dream finally coming true, and the success of the Fashion Show further underscored that your life was aligning with your deepest wishes. Then, the opportunity for your first international business trip came about, taking you to Florida.
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The quiet hum of distant voices reached your ears, steadily amplifying as you gradually regained your senses. Even though your eyes stayed shut, you realized you were lying on the sofa, your father's hand gently enclosing yours.
Bit by bit, their words began to sharpen.
"I told you this was a bad idea," he sighed. "I get that you wanted to see her, but, Par, we need to be reasonable.”
Paregoros was striding nervously back and forth, her voice trembling. "I know. I shouldn't even be here, I'm contravening the principles of my realm.”
“Why now, then?”
"Because she knows. I owe her an explanation.”
Your body was rigid, and despite the urge to stir, you weren't quite prepared to confront them.
"Par, she surpassed all our expectations. Rest assured, she bears no resentment towards you.”
"She's my daughter. This is something I need to do. Not only for her sake, but... for mine as well.”
A deep silence enveloped the room as your father drew a deep, resonant breath. The sound of your mother's heels clicking against the wooden flooring reverberated in the room, halting abruptly as she quietly cursed under her breath.
"Are you joking right now? What's he doing here?”
"Eh? Who's here?" Your father inquired.
"Stay with her. I'll return shortly.”
“Wait, Par!”
The heaviness in your head and the numbness in your limbs signaled that your blood pressure was too low to permit any positional changes. All you could do was patiently wait, giving your body the necessary time to naturally readjust, no matter how long it might require.
The rapid, forceful steps of your mother were followed by the door flinging open and subsequently slamming shut with a resonant thud.
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Morpheus stood there, right before your father's dwelling. His face was set in a stern expression, riddled with worry, his hands nonchalantly tucked away in the pockets of his coat.
The moment he caught sight of Paregoros stepping out from the main entrance, he steeled himself for the incoming tempest of fury, her eyes dark and filled with contempt.
"You've got a lot of nerve showing your face here," she snapped. "You deceived me, Oneiros. I put my trust in you, and you betrayed me. I should have known better.”
“I did no such thing,” he retorted.
"Do you take me for a fool? Y/N is aware of my existence now. You assured me she wouldn't be.”
"No, I promised you she would not learn the truth from me.”
She issued a scornful laugh. "How is that any different? You knew precisely what you were doing.”
“Your secret was bringing harm to your family.”
"No offense, but you have no understanding of protecting those you love.”
Morpheus lowered his gaze, conceding that, in a way, she had rightly delivered a hit to his pride.
"Since when do you concern yourself with others and their feelings? The only reason you stepped in was because of your little escapade with my daughter. We both know where this is headed.”
His hands clenched into fists, hidden from her view. "No, Paregoros, you do not know that.”
"Don't misunderstand me, I sincerely wish for you to change. For Y/N. But you won't, you never did.”
How could he make her believe in his sincere love for you? That he would go to any extent to ensure you were the happiest woman in the entire universe?
"You leave destruction in your wake. You may be the King of Dreams, but you can't mold my daughter into one of your creations. She's not a plaything.”
His anger was mounting with each charge she put forth. Though he couldn't completely discount her words as falsehoods, his view of you transcended far beyond the idea of a mere possession.
You were his Goddess, his everything. You were the most radiant diamond amidst an infinite sea of sparkling gems devoid of a soul. You were an angel, his most beautiful dream, one he wished to cherish forever.
Paregoros had no clue of your incalculable value to him. In the end, he grasped the fact that she might never recognize it.
"Please, Dream Lord, just leave. She's well cared for here."
Indeed, you were. But the inner turmoil you underwent when meeting your mother for the first time somehow echoed through the dreamstone, penetrating directly into his realm. It punctured the fragile boundary between the two of you, striking his heart and causing it to tighten.
Nonetheless, Morpheus understood that his presence wasn't required. With your family reunited, even if temporarily, he could afford to step back for a while.
“Very well.”
Without waiting for his departure, Paregoros spun on her heels and retreated back into the house. The door closed behind her, isolating Morpheus on the lonely street just as the first droplet of rain touched his nose.
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You couldn't remember a single occasion when you had passed out from a panic attack. Yet, considering the deluge of revelations you had unearthed in the recent months, it seemed reasonable that your mind opted to shut down, swamped by the sheer magnitude of information to digest.
And now, your mother was there, advancing towards you quietly and with visible hesitance, as if she feared shattering you into a thousand fragments.
Eventually, you mustered the strength to hoist yourself into a sitting position. Your father hurried over to you with a glass of cool water, brushing your hair away from your face as you sipped it cautiously, taking small, deliberate gulps.
As Paregoros knelt in front of you, her beautiful eyes brimming with tears and regret, you found yourself at a loss for words. Faced with what appeared almost like an apparition, you struggled to construct a coherent sentence.
Your father gave your wrist a gentle squeeze. "How are you feeling, lovey?”
You were engulfed by shock, confusion, fear, and uncertainty. Expressing all those emotions simultaneously seemed beyond reach.
You wanted to respond appropriately, to greet your mother in the way she had anticipated. But with your complete focus zeroed in on her, your voice involuntarily adopted a chillier tone. "Why are you here, mum?”
Paregoros pursed her lips, bowing her head. "I understand that I'm likely the last person you wished to see.”
Your heart tightened, making room for an instant wave of guilt. "No... it's not that, I'm sorry. I've been wanting to see you, to speak with you at least once since I was a child. And now that you're here with me, I... I don’t really know what to say.”
With a clear of his throat, your father interjected, "Par, it might be best to delay our conversation. After all, Y/N has a significant event coming up tomorrow.”
Despite the evident concern in your father's voice for your well-being, you chose not to retreat now that you had regained your composure.
"It's fine, dad. I can do this.”
Handing him the now-empty glass, you swung your legs off the couch and rose to your feet. Paregoros was so near now, her breath discernible against you.
You needed a private moment with her, to address the situation directly without your father's excessive protectiveness. As much as you appreciated it, this was something you needed to resolve independently.
"Mum, would you accompany me for a walk?”
"But... it appears to be starting to rain,” Your father expressed.
"We won't be gone long.”
Paregoros inhaled deeply, replying with a confirming nod and a wide, relieved smile. Without giving your father a chance to object, you darted for your jacket and snatched an umbrella on the way. Paregoros mirrored your steps as you ventured out onto the street.
The smell of the rain was perceptible, its gradual fall tapping out a rhythm on your umbrella as you unfurled it to cover both of you. You gently extended your arm, and she accepted your gesture, softly intertwining it with hers.
And thus, you began to stride in harmony.
For a considerable stretch of time, you both meandered in utter silence, tracing the sidewalk without any particular destination in mind. It was Paregoros who took the initiative, guiding you under a porch to provide shelter from the falling raindrops. The ambiance was tranquil, with the vacant roads around providing seclusion.
She was noticeably anxious, seemingly uncertain about where to begin. Her eyes were fixed on your face, as if you were the most precious being in the world.
Without a doubt, you were to her.
"I had so many things I wanted to tell you, but it all seems so insignificant now. I abandoned you, Y/N. It was never my intention, but circumstances forced you to grow up without me.”
You folded the umbrella and leaned against the brick wall. Oddly enough, it mirrored the scene you had experienced in your dream, except that this time, you were more than a simple spectator.
"I won't deny that I was deeply upset when I discovered the truth, but I've come to understand why you had to leave us behind. I am acquainted with the laws of the universe and the workings of the other realms.”
Paregoros wrapped her arms around herself, hugging her own form. “I know, but I wouldn't hold it against you if you resented me.”
"I don't, believe me. I only wish it could have been different.”
The rain intensified, creating a cascading curtain of water beside you.
"Just tell me one thing; had I not been human, what would have ensued following my birth?” You asked.
"If you were like me, you would have stayed in my domain.”
“And what about dad?”
She drew a breath, struggling to deliver the answer. "He would have been oblivious to your existence.”
You visualized it all in your mind, your father living out the rest of his days ignorant of his offspring, while you had to grow up in a different place. You might never have met him, Ella, Hob... not even Morpheus. It was only then that you came to grasp the extent of your fortune.
"Mum, despite all the ups and downs, I am genuinely grateful for the life I've been given."
A rumble of distant thunder echoed in the sky.
"When dad fell ill, I lost a part of myself in a way that I thought I could never reclaim. But things have changed. I'm now living the life of my dreams, quite literally.”
“Y/N, about that….”
"Hard times aren't fun, but they have a way of molding us mortals into better versions of ourselves. There's still a lot for me to learn on this journey, but I don’t feel alone anymore.”
"And I'm in love, mum. I've found someone who understands me and values me in a way I've never experienced before. All this wouldn't have been possible had I not been human.”
Another bout of thunder, closer and louder than the first, erupted around you, accompanied by a flash of light. Your mother's expression turned resolute as she regarded you.
And the prospects were not promising.
"Y/N, to be perfectly clear, I do not support your relationship with the King of Dreams.”
The way in which she conveyed those words was tinged with anger and disgust, causing an immediate contraction of your nerves. “Why is that?”
"My dear, Oneiros is untrustworthy. Everything he does is driven by self-interest, and he brings ruin to those who dare to associate with him. No exception.”
You could feel the fire building and blazing within you. “That’s not true.”
"You don’t know the atrocities he committed. He completely tore apart his own family, condemning his son to a life of misery and shattering Calliope's heart."
You clenched your teeth, intensifying your hold on the umbrella's handle.
"The agony of having to give you up at birth was hard enough for me. I can only imagine how traumatic it must have been for Calliope, upon discovering her son torn apart due to her husband's deeds.”
You rolled your eyes, uttering a grunt and smacking the ground with the umbrella in a display of frustration. "Yes, it was an absolute tragedy, no one is disputing that. But Calliope was the one who chose to leave Morpheus, wasn't she? It was a conscious decision.”
"And it was arguably the best decision she could have made. What kind of future could she have had with someone who condemned their own son?”
"Morpheus didn't condemn anyone!"
Your voice reverberated through the porch, compelling your mother to take a step back.
"He may have overlooked his son's plea, but how does that make him responsible for his fate? Do you genuinely believe he wanted that outcome? Yes, he was negligent. He trusted that Orpheus would heed his advice. That was the true mistake.”
Paregoros pinched the bridge of her nose, "Y/N...”
You were too riled up to stop. You would not tolerate any disparaging words about the love of your life, not even from your own mother.
"You all label him as some kind of monster, but it seems you conveniently forget that Orpheus was his son too. Calliope lost him, but so did Morpheus. Yet, all the blame is squarely placed on him.”
"Are you aware of the significance of a father picking the head of his son on the seashore?”
The torment he endured, the pain he had to bear alone, with no one else there to offer him support through it all.
"He's genuinely making an effort. He suffered through a century of hell, imprisoned and banished from his realm. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for him. Can't you grant him at least a modicum of recognition?”
She shook her head repeatedly. "It saddens me to have to tell you these things. Calliope attempted to change him, genuinely believing she could. By the time she realized her efforts were in vain, it was already too late.”
You furrowed your brows. "That's precisely the problem, this thing about others wanting to change him. I can't pass judgment on their relationship as I wasn't even born at the time, but if she truly loved him, she would have accepted him the way he was."
Paregoros parted her lips, barely managing to whisper a simple, "I....”
“Mum, honestly, I understand your perspective. But if you find yourself needing to change someone in order to be with them, it means that you're in love with your idea of that person, not the person themselves.”
She was at a loss for a rebuttal, simply unable to formulate one.
"As the Goddess of compassion, I ask you to extend that compassion to him as well. Morpheus has a heart too. It might appear cold to you, but it’s incredibly gentle and riddled with scars.”
She appeared strikingly taken aback, surprised by your words that reflected wisdom and maturity.
She reached for your hand, enveloping it within her warm, velvety ones and gently caressing the back of it. "It appears there's a lot more of me in you than I expected.”
The feeling of her touch, so soothing and energetically satisfying, somehow compensated for all those years of absence, instantly pacifying you.
"You would make an exceptional Goddess, my dear. Even better than me. You’re so empathetic, so kind and benevolent.”
You shrugged. "I'm not so sure about that. I failed to forgive the men who imprisoned Morpheus for so many years.”
"Do you understand why?”
"They hurt him, murdered his raven in cold blood. Alex Burgess never freed him.”
"That means you cared.”
She let go of your hand, only to grasp your shoulders and plant a tender kiss on your forehead.
How many times had you longed for her lips? To receive her kisses, her embraces, and her words of comfort and encouragement?
"Perhaps I judged Oneiros a bit too harshly. Maybe he does deserve a second chance after all. But Y/N, bear this in mind; he's an Endless and you are human. The law prohibits your kind from engaging in romantic relationships with those entities.”
“I know.”
"Your roots may afford you the opportunity to be with him now, but sooner or later, you'll be faced with a decision. You do not possess eternal life.”
Why did you have to be reminded of that fact just when you were attempting to push it away?
"All I care about is your happiness. And I fear that if you remain with him, it will rob you of the opportunity to build a new life with someone else.”
You grunted. "I've had my fair share of human partners and I'd rather not revisit that. Thanks.”
Paregoros looked crestfallen, her hands moving soothingly up and down your arms. "They're not all the same. Just because you've experienced heartbreak doesn't mean it's bound to recur.”
The mere thought of parting ways with Morpheus for another man was inconceivable to you.
"You don’t understand.”
"Yes, Y/N, I do. I was unable to restrain my feelings for your father and because of that, we’re having this conversation.”
You disentangled yourself from her hold, shifting a little to the side. "Yes, and due to those unfair laws, you were forced to abandon both of us. Again, I'm aware.”
Paregoros withdrew, nervously fiddling with her fingers.
"I know that you want me to be safe, mum. But whether I'm making a mistake or not, it's not up to you to determine it for me.”
While the thunder seemed to recede further into the distance, the rainfall showed no signs of abating.
"I just don't want you to endure what your father had to go through with me.”
You shook your head. "I want to be with him. Please, just accept that.”
Your mother scrutinized you, witnessing your sincere emotions reflected in your eyes, and attuning herself to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
"Answer truthfully, Y/N. Does he bring you happiness?”
"Like no one else ever possibly could.”
"Do you believe that he loves you? Sincerely?”
"I'm certain he does. I witness that every single time.”
In the end, all she could do was smile, taking in the profound depth of love radiating from your entire being.
"Fine, you win.”
She let go of the tension, easing her stiff body and offering her hand out towards you. This time, she waited for your move to accept it, and you had no reason to refuse.
"Y/N, just know that I've always watched over you, even during times when you felt you were on your own. I witnessed your struggles and efforts, your sorrow and your joy."
With everything crashing onto you, your lips quivered, but you steeled yourself against the urge to cry.
"Never back down and stay true to yourself. Because I know you're going to achieve so many remarkable things in this life.”
Those words you searched for but never found when you thought she no longer existed, may have come to you a little later than you would have liked, but they were as potent and uplifting as you had imagined them to be.
"And pray, sweetie. Pray, and I will be listening.”
It was her way of assuring you that she would be there in spirit, never once losing sight of you.
You let out a shaky sigh, "I will.”
Somehow, she appeared brighter and significantly warmer, swathed in some kind of celestial energy.
"I cannot stay longer," she declared. "Tell your father that I apologize.”
"Will I see you again?”
"Perhaps that could be arranged. Someday.”
A silent tranquility enveloped the two of you. Neither of you appeared capable of letting the other go, awaiting a move that didn’t come.
And then, your mother posed a final question. "May I embrace you?”
Driven by a sense of desperation as her words unlocked a flood of suppressed emotions, you enveloped her upper body in a warm embrace, tightening your hold while inhaling the pleasant scent of honey and lilies emanating from her hair. releasing a soft sob, she reciprocated with equal grief and intensity, whispering soothing affirmations into your ear.
Your fingers gripped the fabric of her cardigan, feeling the soft material inexplicably thin out and transform. As your hug loosened and you lifted your eyes, your breath hitched. She had morphed into the same awe-inspiring Goddess form that you had seen in your father's memory.
There was nothing you could say that would encapsulate the astounding beauty she radiated.
Gently, she let her hands glide along your face, cupping your cheeks with affection and pride. Reaching for her left hand, Paregoros took off one of her golden bracelets, a shiny bangle shaped like a leafy branch. She raised your sleeve and fastened it around your wrist, lightly tweaking the metal for a perfect fit. Excluding Morpheus’ dreamstone you always wore around your neck, never before had you possessed a piece of jewelry so magnificent.
"A part of me will always remain with you," she said. "I know it's not much, but...”
You moved your fingertips over the cool material, tracing all the intricate details of the bracelet. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
Paregoros nodded, her lips pursed as she planted a final kiss on your cheekbone. As she left the shelter of the porch, you observed her standing in the rain, shielded by her essence which prevented the falling raindrops from even grazing her.
"Look after your father," she told you.
"He's the one who's always taking care of me, actually.”
"And he does a remarkable job.”
You noticed the melancholy in her demeanor, the anguish in her eyes as she mentioned him.
"Do you still love him?" You ventured to ask her.
Paregoros nibbled her lower lip, clasping her hands together. "I always have.”
Knowing that their love was destined to last until their final breath, going through the torment of being separated and unable to stay together, was just unbearably painful to you.
"Goodbye, my dear daughter. Hopefully, I'll see you again very soon.”
You remained still under the porch, watching as your mother vanished down the serene street, surrounded by the mystical barrier. Remarkably, she went unnoticed by everyone else, the passing cars cautiously navigating the wet pavement, their drivers remaining entirely unaware. In a split second, she had disappeared entirely, leaving you alone and isolated, consumed by your thoughts that echoed louder than the storm.
If only you could travel between realms at your own convenience, not confined by the stringent rules of the universe. Being a mere mortal, you were bound by your limitations and the unbreakable laws you had to follow.
As you mulled over it in defeat, hearing nothing but the rush of water, a mighty figure took shape behind you. Gauging by the sound of his boots and the faint shadow casting on the ground, just like before, it was easy for you to discern his identity.
And your smile was uncontrollable. "Did you hear all of that?”
"No," Morpheus' voice was deep and resonant, immediately penetrating your heart and causing it to melt.
When you swiveled to face him, you were laughing in delight. "You're not a good liar, you know.”
Concerned about your potential disappointment, the Endless averted his gaze, uncertain of how to respond.
Truth be told, it didn't faze you. The knowledge of having him beside you, invisible, ever ready to support when called upon, instilled an unwavering feeling of safety in you.
With a gentle touch on his elbow, you subtly indicated that you had absolutely no issue with him eavesdropping on you. Your only regret was that he may have overheard snippets of conversation that could potentially upset his mood.
Refocusing his beautiful eyes back on you, he confirmed that by saying, "You defended me.”
He sounded surprised and puzzled, considering your reaction to be unexpected. How many times did you need to validate just how much he meant to you? It distressed you to see him with such low self-regard.
"Of course I did. I won't stand for any of that nonsense about you.”
The corners of his lips twitched upwards slightly, indicating his genuine pleasure, perhaps even happiness, at your protective stance. This only fuelled your desire to safeguard him and be the anchor he could depend on, just as he was for you.
Looking at the pouring rain once more, your mind drifted to your father and the worry he must have been harboring for you. In your haste to leave with Paregoros, you hadn't even considered to bring your phone along.
Yet, for an inexplicable reason, you were mesmerized by the incessant splash of water. The rainfall held a peculiar charm, luring you like a siren's enchanting melody.
"My love?”
Sporting a grin akin to a playful child, you began to move backward. "Would it bother you to get wet?”
Morpheus looked perplexed, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What?”
Upon reaching the edge of the porch, you stretched out your arms, the yet-to-be-unfurled umbrella gripped in your hand. Morpheus stuttered out your name, understanding your intentions, but that did nothing to stop you. Whether it was the pre-show adrenaline or the surging cocktail of feelings, you felt compelled to act on a wildly irrational impulse.
And so, you leapt into the rain, allowing its cold droplets to cascade over you. As you looked up at the cloudy sky, you felt your hair and clothes becoming drenched and clinging to you almost instantly.
Morpheus watched in silent astonishment, observing you relish this instance of unbridled freedom. To him, it seemed as though you were washing away all that was superfluous in your life, allowing past sufferings to flow out of you and dissolve into nothingness.
And it was a sight to behold. You were stunningly beautiful, surrendered to your instincts. Wild.
He remained before you, under the porch, pulling his hands out of his coat pockets. You slicked back your wet hair, indifferent to the makeup that was surely smudging and streaking down your face. You knew that he wouldn't fuss over something so insignificant.
The rain was exhilarating and revitalizing, yet something was lacking. Cautiously, you searched for his hand, brushing against the cold fingertips before confidently seizing it and drawing him out to where you stood.
Morpheus offered no resistance, allowing you to draw him into the rain with you. His hair darkened and fell limp against his forehead as it got wet, with trails of water cascading down his face, tracing the lines of his nose, mouth and jawline.
Like the heroine from a movie, you rose on your toes and pressed your lips against his, kissing him with all the passion that was raging in your chest. The contrast between his skin and the chilly water was striking, his tongue warm and coarse. The rain had a slightly bitter taste, but it didn't bother you.
His fingers firmly grasping your lower back served only as motivation for you to persist. Amidst the flurry of kisses, you took brief pauses to breathe. Finally, when you found the strength to pull away, you looked at him, your face filled with adoration.
Morpheus was making a valiant effort to suppress the smile that was steadily emerging, failing to do so. Subsequently, he bestowed upon you another kiss, this one more profound, his arm cradling your shoulders. As he leaned in, your back curved slightly in a graceful arch as he gently bent you over. You felt your surroundings shift dramatically in a quick whirl, the water suddenly ceasing and the temperature around you becoming warmer.
To say you felt like the girl in the iconic Kissing Sailor photograph, captured at the culmination of World War II in Times Square, would be an understatement. Except in your case, there was also an added element of magic. The moment you opened your eyes and he let you go, you found yourself in what appeared to be your old bedroom, meticulously kept by your father for your overnight visits. Your clothes and hair were completely dry and back to their original state, even Morpheus appeared untouched by the raindrops.
Setting the umbrella aside, you started to question the rashness of your actions, perhaps needing a bit more consideration. Yet, Morpheus seemed far from perturbed by it.
"I’m sorry for the impromptu shower," you joked, "I've always wanted to do that.”
"You must take care, my love. I would not want you to fall sick.”
"Fortunately, I have a supernatural boyfriend always ready to rescue me.”
Despite the joyousness of the situation, Morpheus had reverted back to his somber state. He seemed immersed in contemplation, his eyes drifting until they finally settled back on you.
Without saying a word, his hand touched your cheek. He skimmed your skin with his fingers, delicately tracing paths along your chin. How could your mother ever doubt his sincerity? The way he made you quiver with a mere touch, the thoughtfulness he invested in each gesture, every small gift, every compliment and sweet word.
The way he revered both your body and heart. How he gradually tried to share more of himself with you as time progressed.
Engrossed in your romantic moment, you were startled when the bedroom door abruptly swung open. Your father stood there, holding the doorknob tightly, an eyebrow raised as he looked at the two of you. Clearly, he had expected you to return with Paregoros, not a male entity who seemed quite preoccupied with his hands on you.
With a hint of nervousness, you gulped audibly while Morpheus slowly distanced himself from you. Your cheeks flushed as if you were a teenager caught red-handed, and all you could manage was to stutter your words in an attempt to diffuse the tension.
"Uhm.... dad, have you been introduced to Lord Morpheus, the King of Dreams?”
This was far from how you intended to formalize your relationship to him.
Well, oops.
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The Fashion Show was unquestionably the most phenomenal event you had the privilege to participate in. You had always speculated on what it would be like to witness your creations springing to life on the runway and to gauge the attendees' reactions. Now, as you found yourself incessantly answering questions, posing for pictures, and receiving praises from the company's sponsors and directors of fashion magazines, you could affirm that the experience was utterly extraordinary.
That evening, London seemed more beautiful than ever, almost akin to an entirely different city as you took in the skyline from Oliver's car. Your phone vibrated incessantly, filled with excited messages from your father and Hob who had watched the entire show broadcasted on TV, endlessly lauding how fantastic you looked on camera.
Catching your reflection in the window, you contemplated the dramatic transformation your life had undergone in a relatively short span of time. You recalled the weary, desolate, and drained look that used to reside in your eyes during your tenure at the Burgess mansion; the woman you were then bore almost no resemblance to who you were now.
You transitioned from being despondent to the most successful version of yourself. From a state of loneliness and depression to being encompassed by the finest companions and feeling as happy as you could possibly be. Juggling your time between the Waking World during the day and the Dreaming at night, you were essentially leading two distinct lives, each of equal magnificence. You cherished your friends in the human realm just as much as you cared for the ones you made in the land of dreams.
In the succeeding weeks, the workload at Corbyn&Jones had noticeably escalated since the show, with an influx of requests from organizations and influential individuals seeking new exclusive designs for their impending events. This was in addition to the rapid rate at which most of your previously released collections appeared to be flying off the hangers, shelves and mannequins in local stores. Without a doubt, it was the most frenzied period you had ever experienced in your career. But as exhausting as it could be, you were absolutely thrilled and over the moon about it.
And just as Ella had predicted prior to the night of the show, your fame was soaring.
Your name began to surface in various articles and was highlighted in various shops as the leading figure of the brand. Your friend had stayed true to her promise, giving you all the credit and recognition you rightfully deserved. You were incredibly overjoyed to read numerous testimonials from teenagers and adults alike, claiming that your creations had boosted their confidence. The fact that numerous influencers were now donning your company's attires and promoting them on social media only drove an additional surge in sales. Eventually, Oliver had to contemplate launching an official online store, which recorded thousands of visitors within just a day of its inception.
If someone had foretold all this to you just a few months prior, you wouldn't have believed a single word.
As your days became full of non-stop activities, eight months had officially elapsed since the end of the Sleepy Seakness. Eight remarkable months filled with dreams, wonders, and mysteries, eight months of love for Morpheus.
The fact that your father was now aware of him brought such relief to your heart. You lost count of the number of times you had to explain that Dream of the Endless couldn't just accept an invitation for a human dinner at his house. Despite his initial apprehensions about the challenges you might encounter with an eternal being, in the end, your father couldn't resist continually inquiring about him.
It was truly endearing, although you were aware that Morpheus probably didn’t know how to deal with it.
One day, Ella summoned you to her office for a matter of utmost importance. You didn't have time to fret about the possibility of bad news because her radiant smile and gleaming eyes practically blinded you the moment you walked in.
"What's going on?" You asked her. "You seem extremely cheerful.”
"Oh, actually, this isn't about me at all," she responded.
"What do you mean?”
"Y/N, do you recall my college friend, Andrew Rake?”
That name immediately struck a chord.
"I believe so. Wasn't he the one who aspired to relocate to the States?”
Ella nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! We stayed in touch. Guess what? He's now the owner of his own small enterprise in Florida.”
You smiled genuinely. "That's amazing!”
"Right? But here's the best part; ever since he saw our collection on the runway, he's been keeping a close watch on our company, and you in particular.”
You were taken aback. "Me?”
"Yes, sweetie. The fact of the matter is, he wants you on board for a new project he's undertaking.”
"But... Ella. You said he's in Florida. How am I supposed to assist him?”
Ella chuckled, tapping something on her phone which subsequently sent a message to your device. Upon opening it, you discovered a PDF document containing details of a plane ticket, complete with a specified date and time for a trip that had been booked under your name.
“Ella, you can’t be serious.”
"Of course I'm serious! He's an old friend, and I'm more than willing to share your creative talents with him for a while.”
You rubbed your forehead. "We have so much to handle here. Can I really travel abroad at a time like this?”
"You have both Oliver's and my full blessing. The trip is planned for two weeks, so please, consider some of those extra days as a bonus vacation. It's a gift from us.”
Ella clapped her hands together in jubilation. "Oh please, just bask in your success! We wouldn't be in this position without you. We can certainly manage to let you go for a few days.”
You couldn't recall the last time you had taken a plane for travel, let alone when you had even left the city of London to venture anywhere else. For at least two years and a half, arguably the longest and toughest of your life, your father had been the sole thing that occupied your thoughts.
Perhaps this blend of work and relaxation wrapped into one trip was precisely the respite you needed to unwind.
"I don't know what to say, really. You guys are the best.”
Ella playfully blew a kiss in the air. "Hush, you are the wonderful one here. So, take some well-deserved rest and start packing your bags; Cape Kennedy awaits you!”
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Being on a plane seemed unreal, but you were truly leaving your country and gazing at the white clouds below.
You had always harbored a desire to traverse the globe, and thanks to your job, that opportunity was now within your grasp. Andrew, despite crossing paths with him at various social gatherings, never became a close friend. He was, nevertheless, always pleasant to be around and had an undeniably unique sense of style.
The information Ella provided about his requirements and the project were rather vague. All you knew was that he was in need of your design expertise for a task he seemed unable to accomplish on his own. His business was modest in size, with a minimal workforce. He was the sole brain behind every fresh concept, crafting each new article of clothing, which he would also proudly wear himself and display in public.
You were indeed intrigued by this collaboration, as it marked your first venture working side by side with another creative mind.
Soothed by the tranquil hum of the plane, with the gentle white noise permeating the cabin, your eyelids began to droop as you succumbed to sleep. Your head gently swayed to the side, giving a slight bump against the window.
Your body felt weightless, drifting, until the familiar beach in the Dreaming materialized before you. The sea breeze was as enchanting as ever, with its authentic salty aroma pervading the surroundings. You settled onto the sand, the grains soft and shifting around to create an impromptu pillow for you. Your blue gown shimmered like a starlit sky and flowed around your legs.
You had never seen that dress before, it would be wise to remember such a striking garment for inspiration.
Morpheus was absent, but it didn't bother you. You knew that he was still busy with the final refurbishments of his domain, keeping track of all residents and constructing new areas for the humans to revel in. Even in his physical absence, his presence was felt all around. Your Moonstone necklace glowed once more, illuminated by an enchanting blue light that danced in a rhythmic circle.
If only you had an inkling of what was happening before you, in a dream that seemed no different from any other.
A distant figure began to take shape along the seashore, steadily advancing in your direction with a measured stride. The beach land was a private corner of your consciousness, a fragment of the Dream World that Morpheus had set aside exclusively for you. Never had you seen another entity traverse it, other than Morpheus.
As you became engrossed in the vistas of the ocean ahead, a voice emerging beside you caused you to slightly jump.
“Uhm…. hello…?”
You noticed a young girl with an impressive array of black dreadlocks, punctuated by a few strands in gradient hues of blue and lime, standing right beside you. She was dressed in a long-sleeved black pullover with a striped shirt peeking from underneath, complemented by a pair of dark trousers and white sneakers.
She bore a gentle appearance, her face marked by a bewildering expression that was difficult for you to interpret.
Hi," you replied. "May I know who you are?”
After a brief pause, she introduced herself by sharing her name with you. "I'm Rose. Rose Walker."
Rose Walker? How strikingly human a name for a dream, you mused.
Despite your thoughts, you presented a warm smile. "I'm Y/N Y/LN, it's a pleasure to meet you.”
Rose nodded her head, casting a curious glance around. "Where exactly are we?”
How odd…
"This is the Dreaming. Or at least, a portion of it.”
"Wait, am I asleep?”
Was she merely a strange manifestation of your mind, or had another human somehow intersected your dream?
Regardless, you chose to go along with the unfolding scenario.
"Where do you hail from, Rose?”
"I come from New Jersey, but I'm travelling in search of my brother right now.”
A brother? What was going on?
"Do you have any idea where he might be?”
"I actually do. He’s in Florida.”
Florida, go figure.
"I'm sure you will find him, Rose," you said encouragingly, unsure of what else you could possibly say to a figment of your imagination.
The girl’s eyes lingered on the sea line in the horizon. “We got separated a long time ago… and our mother passed away recently.”
Your heart sank. "Oh no... I'm truly sorry.”
"Thanks. We have a great-grandmother now. She's assisting me in my search.”
There was something profoundly unexplainable about the dream you were experiencing. The tale she was recounting, though it could potentially be drawn from your own familial experiences and anxieties, somehow rang incredibly true.
"Family is the most precious thing, isn't it?”
Rose's lips stretched into a soft smile. "It is. I really need to find Jed. Without our mother, I want to be sure he’s okay, look after him.”
"You know, Rose," you began, "One valuable lesson I've gathered is that your tenacity and determination have the power to lead you to any destination.”
More than anything else, this was a deep self-realization.
"If it's your aim to locate your brother, there won't be any hurdle capable of thwarting your efforts.”
After a moment of evident consensus, Rose exhaled deeply, "Not even foster agencies?”
Despite the peculiarity of your dream, you asserted, "Not if you refuse to allow them.”
The girl appeared to ease at your assertion, nodding and letting out another breath. An uncanny ambiance started to envelop the surroundings, contrasting the usual tranquility of the beachfront.
You couldn't quite put it into words, for when you looked at her, you had no negative perceptions whatsoever.
When she joined you on the sand, you had the sensation that a distant rock split in two, but you dismissed it because oftentimes, elements in your dreams could morph into something bizarre for no apparent reason.
And thus, the two of you struck up a friendly conversation, which effortlessly flowed with random talks, jests, and laughter. A sudden impulse to protect her welled up within you, despite the awareness that she wasn't as tangible as you were. But then again, what if she was indeed real?
You inquired about her dreams and ambitions. She wanted to repair what remained of her family, secure a job to support herself and her brother Jed. She aspired to write, to weave a narrative that was uniquely hers to tell.
You became so engrossed in her life's story, that you quickly grew fond of Rose and the purity of her spirit.
Yet, something was amiss. It was as if the Dreaming was crying out in the distance, rumbling and fracturing.
Then, a chorus of assorted voices started to materialize and reverberate around you, signifying that your in-flight nap was nearing its conclusion.
Rose seemed to hear them too, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked around in puzzlement.
"It's been wonderful meeting you, Rose," you expressed, rising from the sandy cushion and allowing the fabric of your celestial dress to billow and expand. The moonstone was radiating intensely, so much so that you momentarily wondered if it carried any special significance.
"Who knows, perhaps our paths will cross again in my dreams?”
Rose said something, but as her lips moved, you couldn't hear any word. The Dreaming became hazy and remote, almost spiraling before it vanished.
Upon opening your eyes, you saw the flight attendant strolling down the aisle, instructing passengers to fasten their seatbelts. As she passed by your row, slowing down slightly, the man in his 50s next to you took off his earbuds, and you immediatly complied with her request despite your drowsiness. Throughout the entire landing phase, you gazed out of the window, despite the slight discomfort of your ears popping and feeling plugged. It was pleasant to watch the water glistening under the sunlight, a sight that transported your thoughts back to the Dreaming, and your intriguing encounter with a gentle, enigmatic girl named Rose Walker.
But why did you sense such apprehension, with a gut feeling of some looming event? While a part of you was tempted to dismiss it as a byproduct of your travel, you were all too familiar with your own instincts.
No, you couldn't let that cloud your mind before you even set foot in Cape Kennedy. What could possibly go wrong?
As soon as you were able to stand up again, you waited patiently for the queue of people disembarking the plane, retrieved your luggage, and expressed gratitude to the flight attendants for their service. Finding yourself in a foreign country was extraordinary, the thrill coursing through you profoundly invigorating.
You made the choice to release all worries, and the unsettling feeling in your stomach receded, making room for optimistic thoughts and anticipations.
Extracting your phone from your bag, you promptly switched off airplane mode and shot a fast text to Andrew to let him know you'd arrived. Given his kindness in offering to pick you up from the airport, you didn't want to keep him waiting any longer than necessary.
With your attention absorbed in the screen, grinning at the cheerful, amusing emoji Andrew sent in response, you failed to spot Rose Walker in the midst of the bustling crowd.
What was supposed to be a business trip was about to unexpectedly evolve into an extremely perilous journey.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 (currently reading) Go to Chapter 17 ->
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richincolor · 1 year
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New Releases - Week of Oct. 9, 2023
We have history, fantasy, a contemporary rom-com, a memoir, and a retelling this week. It's quite a range in just four books. Does anything catch your eye?
Brooms by Jasmine Walls Levine Querido
It’s 1930s Mississippi. Magic is permitted only in certain circumstances, and by certain people. Unsanctioned broom racing is banned. But for those who need the money, or the thrills…it’s there to be found.
Meet Billie Mae, captain of the Night Storms racing team, and Loretta, her best friend and second-in-command. They’re determined to make enough money to move out west to a state that allows Black folks to legally use magic and take part in national races.
Cheng-Kwan – doing her best to handle the delicate and dangerous double act of being the perfect “son” to her parents, and being true to herself while racing.
Mattie and Emma — Choctaw and Black — the youngest of the group and trying to dodge government officials who want to send them and their newly-surfaced powers away to boarding school.
And Luella, in love with Billie Mae. Her powers were sealed away years ago after she fought back against the government. She’ll do anything to prevent the same fate for her cousins.
Brooms is a queer, witchy Fast and the Furious that shines light on history not often told – it’s everything you’d ever want to read in a graphic novel.
The Fall of Whit Rivera by Crystal Maldonado Holiday House
Frenemies Whit and Zay have been at odds for years (ever since he broke up with her in, like, the most embarrassing way imaginable), so when they’re forced to organize the fall formal together, it’s a literal disaster. Sparks fly as Whitney—type-A, passionate, a perfectionist, and a certified sweater-weather fanatic—butts heads with Zay, a dry, relaxed skater boy who takes everything in stride. But not all of those sparks are bad. . . .
Has their feud been a big misunderstanding all along?
Blisteringly funny and profoundly well-observed, The Fall of Whit Rivera is a snug and cozy autumn romcom that also tackles weightier topics like PCOS, chronic illness, sexuality, fatphobia, Latine identity, and class. Funny, honest, insightful, romantic, and poignant, it is classic Crystal Maldonado—and it will have her legion of fans absolutely swooning.
Huda F Cares by Huda Fahmy Dial Books
Huda and her sisters can’t believe it when her parents announce that they’re actually taking a vacation this summer . . . to DISNEY WORLD! But it’s not quite as perfect as it seems. First Huda has to survive a 24-hour road trip from Michigan to Florida, with her sisters annoying her all the way. And then she can’t help but notice the people staring at her and her family when they pray in public. Back home in Dearborn she and her family blend right in because there are so many other Muslim families, but not so much in Florida and along the way.
It’s a vacation of forced (but unexpectly successful?) sisterly bonding, a complicated new friendship, a bit more independence, and some mixed feelings about her family’s public prayers. Huda is proud of her religion and who she is, but she still sure wishes she didn’t care so much what other people thought.
Realm of Wonders (The Queen’s Council #3) by Alexandra Monir Disney Hyperion 
Jasmine thought that she had earned her happily ever after when she and Aladdin defeated Jafar. Then her beloved father dies and, overnight, all her plans for the future change. Instead of her wedding, she’s now planning a funeral and a coronation—her coronation, to become the first woman to rule Agrabah. Jasmine has always been headstrong, but for the first time in her life, she finds herself faltering.
Then from beyond the grave, her father seems to pass along a message: Someone is coming. She must find the book. Before Jasmine can figure out what that means, her claim to the throne is called into question.
Her father’s old counsellors decree that the best way to determine the true ruler is a tournament; a series of tests, each one increasing in difficulty—and danger. Now, with help from the mystical Queen’s Council, Jasmine must assemble her own team of advisers, win the tournament, and uncover the mystery of her father’s last message, so she can prove to her people—and herself—that she deserves to rule Agrabah.
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Jack Ohman, Tribune Content Agency
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May 1, 2024
MAY 02, 2024
Today, Florida’s ban on abortions after six weeks—earlier than most women know they’re pregnant—went into effect. The Florida legislature passed the law and Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed it a little more than a year ago, on April 13, 2023, but the new law was on hold while the Florida Supreme Court reviewed it. On April 1 the court permitted the law to go into operation today. 
The new Florida law is possible because two years ago, on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court  overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that recognized the constitutional right to abortion. In Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the modern court decided that the right to determine abortion rights must be returned “to the people’s elected representatives” at the state level. 
Immediately, Republican-dominated states began to restrict abortion rights. Now, one out of three American women of childbearing age lives in one of the more than 20 states with abortion bans. This means, as Cecile Richards, former president of Planned Parenthood, put it in The Daily Beast today, “child rape victims forced to give birth, miscarrying patients turned away from emergency rooms and told to return when they’re in sepsis.” It means recognizing that the state has claimed the right to make a person’s most personal health decisions. 
Until today, Florida’s law was less stringent than that of other southern states, making it a destination for women of other states to obtain the abortions they could not get at home. In the Washington Post today, Caroline Kitchener noted that in the past, more than 80,000 women a year obtained abortions in Florida. Now, receiving that reproductive care will mean a trip to Virginia, Illinois, or North Carolina, where the procedure is still legal, putting it out of reach for many women. 
This November, voters in Florida will weigh in on a proposed amendment to the Florida constitution to establish the right to abortion. The proposed amendment reads: “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.” Even if the amendment receives the 60% support it will need to be added to the constitution, it will come too late for tens of thousands of women.
It is not unrelated that this week Texas attorney general Ken Paxton, along with other Republican attorneys general, has twice sued the Biden administration, challenging its authority to impose policy on states. One lawsuit objects to the government’s civil rights protections for sexual orientation and gender identity. The other lawsuit seeks to stop a federal rule that closes a loophole that, according to Texas Tribune reporter Alejandro Serrano, lets people sell guns online or at gun shows without conducting background checks.  
In both cases, according to law professor and legal analyst Steve Vladeck, Paxton has filed the suit in the Amarillo Division of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, where it will be assigned to Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, the Trump appointee who suspended the use of mifepristone, an abortion-inducing drug, in order to stop abortions nationally. 
Last month the Judicial Conference, which oversees the federal judiciary, tried to end this practice of judge-shopping by calling for cases to be randomly assigned to any judge in a district; the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas says it will not comply. 
And so the cases go to Kacsmaryk, who will almost certainly agree with the Republican states’ position.
Republicans are engaged in the process of dismantling the federal government, working to get rid of its regulation of business, basic social welfare laws and the taxes needed to pay for such measures, the promotion of infrastructure, and the protection of civil rights. To do so, they have increasingly argued that the states, rather than the federal government, are the centerpiece of our democratic system. 
That democracy belonged to the states was the argument of the southern Democrats before the Civil War, who insisted that the federal government could not legitimately intervene in state affairs out of their concern that the overwhelming popular majority in the North would demand an end to human enslavement. Challenged to defend their enslavement of their neighbors in a country that boasted “all men are created equal,” southern enslavers argued that enslavement was secondary to the fact that voters had chosen to impose it.
At the same time, though, state lawmakers limited the vote in their state, so the popular vote did not reflect the will of the majority. It reflected the interests of those few who could vote. In 1857, enslaver George Fitzhugh of Virginia explained that there were 18,000 people in his county and only 1,200 could vote. “But we twelve hundred…never asked and never intend to ask the consent of the sixteen thousand eight hundred whom we govern.” State legislatures, dominated by such men, wrote laws reinforcing the power of a few wealthy, white men. 
Crucially, white southerners insisted that the federal government must use its power not to enforce the will of the majority, but rather to protect their state systems. In 1850, with the Fugitive Slave Act, they demanded that federal officials, including those in free states, return to the South anyone a white enslaver claimed was his property. Black Americans could not testify in their own defense, and anyone helping a “runaway” could be imprisoned for six months and fined $1,000, which was about three years’ income. A decade later, enslavers insisted that it was “the duty of the Federal Government, in all its departments, to protect…[slavery]…in the Territories, and wherever else its constitutional authority extends.”
After the Civil War, Republicans in charge of the federal government set out to end discriminatory state legislation by adding to the Constitution the Fourteenth Amendment, establishing that states could not deny to any person the equal protection of the laws and giving Congress the power to enforce that amendment. That, together with the Fifteenth Amendment providing that “[t]he right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude,” Republicans thought, would stop state legislatures from passing discriminatory legislation.
But in 1875, just five years after Americans added the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution, the Supreme Court decided that states could keep certain people from voting so long as that discrimination wasn’t based on race. This barred women from the polls and flung the door open for voter suppression measures that would undermine minority voting for almost a century. Jim and Juan Crow laws, as well as abortion bans, went onto the books.
In the 1950s the Supreme Court began to use the Fourteenth Amendment to end those discriminatory state laws—in 1954 with the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, decision that prohibited racial segregation in public schools, for example, and in 1973 with Roe v. Wade. Opponents complained bitterly about what they called “judicial activism,” insisting that unelected judges were undermining the will of the voters in the states. 
Beginning in the 1980s, as Republicans packed the courts with so-called originalists who weakened federal power in favor of state power, Republican-dominated state governments carefully chose their voters and then imposed their own values on everyone. 
Just a decade ago, reproductive rights scholar Elizabeth Dias told Jess Bidgood of the New York Times, a six-week abortion ban was seen even by many antiabortion activists as too radical, but after Trump appointed first Neil Gorsuch and then Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the balance of power shifted enough to make such a ban obtainable. Power over abortion rights went back to the states, where Republicans could restrict them.
Trump has said he would leave the issue of abortion to the states, even if states begin to monitor women’s pregnancies to keep them from obtaining abortions or to prosecute them if they have one. 
Vice President Kamala Harris was in Jacksonville, Florida, today to talk about reproductive rights. She put the fight over abortion in the larger context of the discriminatory state laws that have, historically, constructed a world in which some people have more rights than others. “This is a fight for freedom,” she said, “the fundamental freedom to make decisions about one’s own body and not have their government tell them what they’re supposed to do.” 
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tefindeno · 1 year
New Achievement!
What do two siblings, who only see each other once a year and when they do they do the scariest things they'll do all year, listen to while driving? If you guessed RPG/Lit you'd be correct! Specifically 'Dungeon Crawler Carl', books 1 & 2 during this trip.
I just got back from our yearly sibling hiking trip, this year to the Sawtooth Mountain Range of Idaho. As a person who has lived their whole life in Florida, where our landfills get names like 'Mt Trashmore' to denote their elevation, I am consistently stunned by mountains. I just can't even believe people carry on with their daily life and can just glance down the street and there is a mountain. I mean, get real.
We flew in to Boise, grabbed a car and headed east to Twin Falls. Quick stops to see Evel's Snake river jump site and to have dinner then over to Balanced Rock. The hope was to take astrophotography including the Rock but it was determined to be too dangerous to be able to scramble back down with our gear in the dark. We got a few sunset shots then came back down (we each did fall on the route back) and then drove around looking for other compositions. Nothing really stuck out but the light in the canyon was beautiful.
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Next day we checked in with Shoshone Falls, then Perrine Coulee falls, then took a boat up to Pillar Falls. While on the boat we passed under Perrine Coulee bridge and got a good look at multiple base jumpers. Turns out, you don't even need a permit to hop off that thing. There is a small grass landing strip beside the river, and then you have to scramble up the side of the gorge to get back out.
Afterwards we hopped back in the car and took off for Ketchum. On the way we passed a wildfire that was licking at the asphalt wanting to cross the road. Luckily their were firefolks out wrangling the fire back.
Next up for Craters of the Moon, which I thought would be interesting to see but nothing too spectacular. Well, I was wrong. Surprise. The landscape was so interesting, the patterns and textures were amazing. We climbed through a few caves, met an extremely friendly cave pigeon, saw sunset then hunkered down while a storm passed. We waited about 3.5 hours, hoping the sky would clear enough for some astrophotography. It never really cleared up the way I wanted but it's still one of the highlights from the trip.
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Over the next few days we hiked a bunch, including to a few alpine lakes. Most notable was the day hike up to Sawtooth Lake, passing Alpine Lake. Once we made it to Sawtooth lake a storm moved in and it got nasty quick. We hid under a stand of trees for it to pass, and when it let up was went to grab a few photos before heading back down. While grabbing the photos another hiker showed up with their dog Bea, who graciously posed for a quick photo before heading off again.
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We followed this up with a day of riding OHVs on routes that seemed far too advanced for me. It was 8 hours of white knuckling the wheel and trying to keep at least 2 tires touching the ground at all times.
Our nights were full of the most stupendous astrophotography conditions. The Dark sky preserve was one of the main reasons we went to Idaho this year, and it was truly stunning. Anytime you can see the milky way with your eyes it an incredible experience. I've got some image stacking to do to hopefully bring down some of the noise in the astro shots but, I still love them all so much.
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Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard: 8/9/2023
Fifth Place: Ann Coulter
Did you know that The New York Times is plotting against Ron DeSantis? If not, then you didn't read Ann Coulter's new column, where she writes:
Right now, nothing would help the Democratic Party more than somehow blocking Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida from becoming the Republican presidential nominee.
The Democratic Party doesn't have to block DeSantis, the Republican base has already done that for them. As established, DeSantis has been polling a distant second to Trump the entire race--and even that's starting to get rather difficult for DeSantis to maintain. The New York Times doesn't need to plot against him anymore than they needed to plot against Bill Weld in 2020.
Fourth Place: J. Michael Luttig
The retired right-wing judge was on CNN today, where he said the following:
Frankly, I don’t care about the Republican Party at all, except to the extent that the two political parties in America are the political guardians of democracy in our country. American democracy simply cannot function without two equally healthy and equally strong political parties. So, today, in my view, there is no Republican Party to counter the Democratic Party in the country. And for that reason, American democracy is in grave peril.
This notion that we somehow have to bail out the Republican Party because having two parties is needed for democracy is utter nonsense. It would be no different than somebody making the same comment about the Whig Party, the Federalist Party, or the Democratic Republicans. The Anti-Masonic Party dissolving did not turn us into a one party state, nor did the end of the Know Nothing Party.
In truth, we already have multiple political parties outside of the main two--the Libertarians could take a chance in Congress, as could the Green Party, and the Reform Party, and the Right to Life Party, and the Socialist Party, and tons of others. The end of the Republican Party will not mean perpetual Democratic rule, it will mean a new party will finally have the chance to rise from the ashes.
Third Place: Mike Pence
Did you know Joe Biden launched a war on gas? That's what Mike Pence declares in a new video where he badly attempts to look like he's filling a pickup truck. Of course, the rise in gas prices since 2020 has to do primarily with the fact that people are--you know--actually driving now and weren't back then, the COVID-19 pandemic caused people to travel much less. (One person told me the roads were so clear a previously hour and a half long car trip took them fifteen minutes.) It's this thing called supply and demand, when demand increases and supply doesn't prices go up because the amount people are willing to pay goes up.
Oh, and if Biden is declaring some kind of war on energy, somebody should really consider telling the President given he has approved more oil and gas drilling permits on public land than Trump--wrongfully in my opinion.
Second Place: Nick Akerman
If you're like me, you think the Donald Trump trial should be televised--that is not the opinion of Nick Akerman, who wrote an article from The New York Times with headline of "Why Televising the Trump Trial Is a Bad Idea." You see, although the media has felt the need to televise every trial it thinks it can sensationalize that it comes across, it seems like the one which would actually change the lives of the American people needs to be behind closed doors. Public transparency is only for OJ Simpson, not for the former President.
Actually, the article mentions the OJ trial, and Akerman says:
A major lesson from the O.J. Simpson murder trial, which gripped the nation when it was broadcast starting in 1995, is how the impact of television can undermine a trial when the judge, the lawyers, the defendant and the witnesses play to the viewing audience, as they did then. This turned a grave murder trial, with Mr. Simpson’s guilt or innocence hanging in the balance, into daily entertainment.
Given how OJ Simpson is now one of the most hated men in America as he had been since the start of the trial, it seems rather surprising that Akerman is saying televising this trial would somehow help Donald Trump.
Winner: Matt Walsh
White people are not going extinct, despite what Matt Walsh will tell you. A recent article in The Hill did find that white people might not be a majority in this country come from twenty years from now, but that does not mean we will be losing white people. In spite of that, Matt did a long rant on his show today about how white people could be going extinct in the near future.
I will not be reprinting that rant, because it is nothing short of the rantings of a deranged racist--but I will say it is based on a total misunderstanding of data, one I do not believe was unintentional.
Matt Walsh, you've said the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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egregiousderp · 1 year
Skuun! I absolutely must know the following:
what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
28. last meal on earth?
Judge Judy watch tapping gif, etc.
Okay so the local aquarium for us usually gets hit for the Manatees—not something most aquariums have to be sure. Kind of one of the stereotypical Florida Things.
But see, if you do enough Everglades trips (which I have. My sister has a degree in one of the environmental sciences, and our ecosystem here is pretty wild.) you kind of get plenty of chances to see things like the Local Diving Birds and Herons, lizards by the handful (Iguanas like sweet cereal), plenty of Gar, Plenty of Alligators, and (in winter), Manatees. There are airboat tours all over the place. Not to mention there’s plenty of chances to do like. Actual skindiving off the reefs and see random wild fish for yourself. (Which I’ve also done. They like to stare. It’s pretty funny.)
I’m also within biking distance of a really nice little nature preserve with some mangroves, and no-permit-needed blue crab catching in season.
But the one thing you can’t do there that you can do in an Aquarium?
Pet some motherfucking stingrays.
Stingrays are the thing for me at an aquarium.
As for last meal?
…One with good company.
I don’t think there’s more to ask for.
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cecilraybaker · 10 days
Fishing Destinations to Add to Your Bucket List
Fishing Destinations to Add to Your Bucket List https://cecilraybaker.org/fishing-destinations-to-add-to-your-bucket-list/ For fishing enthusiasts, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of casting a line into pristine waters in search of the next big catch. Whether you’re angling for trophy-sized fish or simply seeking the tranquility of nature, the world is filled with incredible fishing destinations that will leave a lasting impression. Here are some must-visit fishing destinations to add to your bucket list:   Alaska Known as the “Last Frontier,” Alaska offers some of the most spectacular fishing opportunities in the world. From its remote rivers teeming with salmon to its pristine lakes filled with trout and char, Alaska is a paradise for anglers of all skill levels. Whether you’re fly fishing for rainbow trout in the Kenai River or battling giant halibut in the waters off the coast, Alaska offers an unforgettable fishing experience.   Florida Keys The Florida Keys are a mecca for saltwater anglers, with some of the best flats, reefs, and offshore fishing in the world. Whether you’re chasing bonefish, tarpon, permit, or mahi-mahi, the crystal-clear waters of the Florida Keys offer endless opportunities for anglers to test their skills and reel in trophy-sized fish. With its warm weather, beautiful scenery, and world-class fishing, the Florida Keys are a must-visit destination for any serious angler.   Costa Rica With its diverse ecosystems and abundant marine life, Costa Rica is a dream destination for sport fishermen. From the fertile Pacific coast waters to the rich mangrove estuaries of the Caribbean, Costa Rica offers various fishing experiences for anglers of all interests. Whether you’re trolling for marlin and sailfish offshore or casting for snook and tarpon in the mangroves, Costa Rica offers some of the best fishing in the world.   New Zealand Known for its stunning landscapes and pristine rivers, New Zealand is a fly fisherman’s paradise. With its crystal-clear waters and abundant trout populations, New Zealand offers some of the best trout fishing in the world. Whether you’re casting dry flies to rise trout on a remote backcountry stream or drifting nymphs through a gin-clear river, New Zealand offers endless opportunities for anglers to test their skills and enjoy the beauty of nature.   Amazon River  For anglers seeking adventure and adrenaline-pumping action, the Amazon River is the ultimate fishing destination. With its vast expanse of waterways and unparalleled biodiversity, the Amazon offers some of the world’s most exciting and challenging fishing. From battling giant peacock bass in the jungle rivers to casting for monster arapaima in the oxbow lakes, the Amazon offers an unforgettable fishing experience for anglers of all levels.   Conclusion   The world is filled with incredible fishing destinations waiting to be explored. Whether you’re a seasoned angler seeking the thrill of a lifetime or a beginner looking to hone your skills, these fishing destinations belong on every angler’s bucket list. So pack your gear, book your trip, and get ready for the fishing adventure of a lifetime. via Cecil Ray Baker | Outdoors https://cecilraybaker.org September 10, 2024 at 07:00AM
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dtjkfk · 2 months
The Art of Permit Fly Fishing: A Journey into Angling Mastery
Understanding the Permit
Permits are a prized catch in the world of saltwater fly fishing. They inhabit the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico. Recognizable by their round, silver bodies and distinct black dorsal fins, permits can grow up to 40 inches in length and weigh as much as 50 pounds. Their strength, speed, and wariness make them a formidable adversary for anglers.
Essential Gear for Permit Fly Fishing
To successfully target permit, having the right gear is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of the essential equipment:
Fly Rod and Reel: A 9-weight or 10-weight fly rod is ideal for permit fishing. These rods offer the power needed to cast in windy conditions and the backbone to handle a strong fish. Pair this with a high-quality reel equipped with a strong drag system to manage the powerful runs of a hooked permit.
Fly Line: A floating line is generally preferred for permit fishing, Book a Fly Fishing Trip allowing for accurate casts and effective presentations. Some anglers opt for an intermediate line in deeper waters.
Flies: Crab patterns are the most effective flies for permit, as these fish primarily feed on crabs. Popular patterns include the Merkin Crab, Raghead Crab, and Bauer Crab. It’s essential to carry a variety of sizes and colors to match the local crab population.
Leader and Tippet: A fluorocarbon leader, typically 10 to 12 feet in length, is recommended for its invisibility in the water. Use a tippet with a breaking strength of 16 to 20 pounds to withstand the permit’s powerful runs.
Techniques and Strategies
Permit fly fishing requires patience, precision, and a keen understanding of fish behavior. Here are some key techniques and strategies:
Sight Fishing: Spotting the fish before casting is critical. Use polarized sunglasses to reduce glare and improve visibility. Look for signs of permit, such as tailing (when the fish's tail breaks the surface as it feeds) or subtle movements in the water.
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Casting: Accurate casting is essential. Practice delivering your fly quickly and accurately to moving fish. Aim for a gentle presentation to avoid spooking the permit.
Retrieve: Once your fly is in the water, use a slow, steady retrieve to mimic the movement of a crab. Pay attention to the fish’s behavior; if a permit follows your fly but doesn’t strike, vary your retrieve or switch to a different fly pattern.
Setting the Hook: When a permit takes your fly, avoid the instinct to set the hook immediately. Allow the fish to fully take the fly into its mouth before applying steady pressure to set the hook.
The Experience
Permit fly fishing is more than just a sport; it’s an experience that connects you with nature in a profound way. The thrill of stalking these elusive fish in their natural habitat, the satisfaction of a well-placed cast, and the adrenaline rush of a hard-fought battle all contribute to the allure of permit fishing.
Whether you’re wading the flats of the Florida Keys or exploring the remote atolls of the Bahamas, the pursuit of permit offers endless challenges and rewards. Each encounter with a permit is a test of skill, patience, and perseverance, making every catch a memorable achievement.
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arpan-123 · 2 months
Best winter fishing in florida
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Some of the best winter fishing in the US is available in Florida. Anglers seeking to escape the cold and catch a variety of species frequently travel to the Keys, Tampa Bay, and Crystal River/Homosassa. The waterways of the Keys are still alive with game, including barracuda, jacks, and tarpon, and the weather is pleasant. There are chances to catch trout, redfish, flounder, and black drum in the Gulf of Mexico or on grass flats around Tampa Bay. Spring-fed waters at Crystal River/Homosassa are warm all year round, making it possible for anglers to target bass, snook, and snapper. In Florida, the best species to target in the winter are redfish, snook, Spanish mackerel, permit, tarpon, bonefish, and sailfish. For those looking for a winter fishing trip, the state is a great choice due to its varied fishing grounds and pleasant climate that persists throughout the year.
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bluescapevacations · 3 months
Exploring the Florida Keys: Best Activities Near Your Vacation Rental
The Florida Keys are a paradise for vacationers seeking sun, sea, and a variety of activities to enjoy. Whether you are staying in a luxury villa, a cozy cottage, or an oceanfront condo, there are plenty of exciting things to do near your vacation rental. 
Here are some of the best activities and attractions to explore near your Vacation-Rentals in Florida Keys:
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Snorkeling and Diving
One of the top attractions in the Florida Keys is the incredible underwater world. With crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs, snorkeling and diving are must-do activities. 
Popular spots include John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park in Key Largo, where you can explore the only living coral barrier reef in the continental United States. 
For an unforgettable experience, head to the Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary near Big Pine Key, known for its stunning marine life and underwater visibility.
Fishing Adventures
The Florida Keys are renowned for their world-class fishing opportunities. Whether you prefer deep-sea fishing, flats fishing, or backcountry fishing, there's something for every angler. 
Charter a boat for a full day of sportfishing in the waters off Islamorada, known as the Sportfishing Capital of the World. Alternatively, you can try your luck at catching tarpon, bonefish, and permit in the shallow flats near Marathon. 
Dining Delights
No visit to the Florida Keys is complete without indulging in the local cuisine. From fresh seafood to tropical cocktails, the dining options are endless. In Key West, make sure to visit iconic spots like Blue Heaven for a delicious breakfast or lunch in a laid-back atmosphere. 
For a romantic dinner, try Latitudes on Sunset Key, offering breathtaking sunset views and exquisite dishes. If you're staying in Marathon, head to the Island Fish Company for a waterfront dining experience with a diverse menu featuring locally caught seafood.
Outdoor Adventures
In addition to water-based activities, the Florida Keys offer plenty of outdoor adventures. Take a leisurely bike ride along the scenic Overseas Heritage Trail, which stretches from Key Largo to Key West. 
For a unique experience, visit the Turtle Hospital in Marathon, where you can learn about sea turtle conservation and even meet some of the rescued turtles. 
Nature enthusiasts will also enjoy a trip to Bahia Honda State Park, known for its beautiful beaches, hiking trails, and excellent birdwatching opportunities.
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Cultural and Historical Sites
The Florida Keys are rich in history and culture. Explore the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West, where the famous author lived and wrote some of his most renowned works. 
Another must-visit is the Key West Lighthouse and Keeper's Quarters Museum, offering panoramic views of the island. For a glimpse into the area's maritime heritage, check out the History of Diving Museum in Islamorada.
With so much to see and do, vacation-rentals in Florida Keys offer the perfect base for an unforgettable holiday. Book your next stay with Bluescape Vacation Rentals and experience the best that the Florida Keys have to offer. Let Bluescape Vacation Rentals help you find the perfect vacation home for your dream getaway.
We’d love to connect with you on social media, and are active on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram
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digita-123 · 3 months
Best Winter Fishing In Florida
Florida is busy all year long, providing ladies and sportsmen with the opportunity to explore some of the top fishing spots and discover the state’s waters from a fresh perspective. This is in contrast to many other fishing destinations that experience a downturn over the winter. The secret to success is knowing and using the appropriate tactics. This guide delves deeply into the subtleties of winter fishing in the Sunshine State, giving you the best advice and information to maximize your next fishing trip. The best winter fishing in Florida is an experience like no other, offering both seasoned anglers and beginners a chance to enjoy bountiful catches and beautiful scenery.
Why Winter Fishing in Florida?
Florida’s mild winter climate makes it an ideal location for fishing year-round. While many regions face freezing temperatures, Florida’s waters remain relatively warm, creating perfect conditions for a variety of fish species. The absence of extreme heat during winter also makes for a more comfortable and enjoyable fishing experience.
Top Winter Fishing Spots in Florida
Florida Keys: Known for its clear waters and abundant marine life, the Florida Keys are a prime winter fishing destination. Anglers can target species such as tarpon, bonefish, and permit. Winter is also an excellent time for sailfish, which migrate through these waters.
Tampa Bay: This area is famous for its inshore fishing opportunities. Redfish, snook, and spotted sea trout are plentiful during the winter months. The bay’s complex ecosystem of mangroves and flats provides a rich habitat for these species.
Lake Okeechobee: Known as the “Bass Fishing Capital of the World,” Lake Okeechobee offers fantastic winter fishing for largemouth bass. Cooler temperatures bring bass into shallower waters, making them easier to catch.
Everglades: The unique environment of the Everglades offers a variety of species, including tarpon, snook, and largemouth bass. Winter is an excellent time to explore this vast, wild area while enjoying great fishing.
Best Techniques for Winter Fishing in Florida
Adjust Bait and Lures: Fish metabolism slows down in cooler water, so using live bait like shrimp or small fish can be more effective than artificial lures. Slow-moving lures that mimic injured prey can also entice strikes.
Fish During Warmer Parts of the Day: In winter, fish are more active during the warmest parts of the day. Aim to fish between late morning and early afternoon when the sun has warmed the water slightly.
Target Deeper Waters: Fish often move to deeper, more stable waters during colder weather. Use a depth finder to locate underwater structures where fish might be hiding.
Use Light Tackle: Winter fish are often more sluggish and less aggressive. Light tackle can help make your bait presentation more natural and increase your chances of a bite.
The best winter fishing in Florida offers a unique and rewarding experience for anglers of all levels. By understanding the best locations and techniques, you can make the most of your winter fishing adventures in the Sunshine State. Whether you’re casting in the Florida Keys, exploring Tampa Bay, or navigating the Everglades, Florida’s winter waters are brimming with opportunities to catch a variety of fish species. So, pack your gear, head to Florida, and discover the thrill of winter fishing in one of the world’s premier fishing destinations.
read More : best winter fishing in Florida
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portablefrailty · 4 months
Shades of Freshman Year?
This is the kind of win you’re not supposed to get.
Facing a great team on their home ice in a 2-0 hole and desperate to stay in the series; facing the best power play in the league and itching to break an 0-10 drought and avenge a PK that’s surrendered 4 goals; facing a goalie change; coming off 50+ shots faced in Game 2; up against a 40-25 shot disadvantage, a 39% face off win rate, a 31-17 deficit in hits--nothing about Game 3 boded a Rangers win.
The script unfolded as expected in the first. Guentzel, the deadline acquisition who’s scored maybe more playoff goals against the Rangers than any other player, buries another. Carolina allows no let up but holds the lead into mid second period when, at 7:39, Fox gets called for tripping.
Carolina goes on their third power play of the game, hoping lucky 13 will break the drought.
They. have. all. the. momentum.
Guentzel wins the faceoff. For thirty seconds its a firing squad: Burns, Jarvis, Aho, Guentzel and Svechnikov all shoot the puck. One block, one miss and three saves by Igor.
Just past the eight minute mark the whole series undergoes a seismic shift.
Zibanejad jumps a bad cross-ice pass at the blue line. He and Kreider are off--two white streaks breaking down ice with one hapless stick swinging, back checking defender between them.
Kreids buries the shorty. 1-1 score.
For the rest of the second it feels like the Canes (team, coaches and fans collectively) have been punched in the throat. The momentum shift feels like round 2 in Rocky IV after that hook tears Drago’s eye open.
The Canes were so rattled the Rangers damn near scored again on the same kill. Twice.
After that, nothing surprised me. Not the go ahead third period goal. I thought the Rangers might take it 2-1 but Carolina does their thing with the goalie pulled. Svechnikov at 18:24. Ho-hum. No panic. Three minutes and nineteen seconds later (not including intermission)-- By the time Panarin rips the game winner (his fourth), it feels like it's meant to be.
Wins like this are about the surest sign you can ask for that it's your team's year.
The series isn't over (technically), Boston ain't bad and Florida is scary, and the west has got scoring talent galore. Not to mention the Avs: as a Jersey transplant in Colorado, the thought of a another Avalanche cup win, this time at the Rangers's expense, makes me throw up in my mouth.
All of the above notwithstanding--the Rangers have the '94 Mojo. Another President's Trophy, another 7-0 start to the playoffs. They're also rested and, with Chytil back, actually healthier than ever! Unlike the Knicks, who are a Brunson ankle-tweak away from forfeiting--the Rangers are spreading the love and could absorb almost any loss. Just when you think a Ranger's name hasn't been mentioned in a while, he scores.
Hell, with Quick on the bench, we could even survive losing Shesterkin!
The 5-5 issue has turned into a nothing burger with a healthy six to date in these series and a slew in round 1. Not that anemic even-strength scoring matters much when you're dominating on the power play and your PK has more goals on opposing penalties than your opponents do!
In the face of this freight train Carolina be like Michael Spinks after a hard right from Tyson--a fine boxer whose grand strategy is now trickling down his leg and will be lucky to make the first bell.
Lest I be accused of jinxing my beloved Blueshirts: I'm not having Stanley Cup visions yet. But I can't deny that tonight's vibes have a premonitory quality to them.
Not exactly Stephane Matteau, Jim Leyritz or David Tyree tremors.
More like Kovalev's goal in Game 6, Jeffrey Maier's catch, or Brandon Jacobs vs. the shot clock at Texas Stadium.
Rest assured, though, Lord Stanley's mug remains as impossibly silver and elusive to me as the Holy Grail.
After tonight, though, I will permit myself a fond remembrance of the day Ken Conrad brought a cardboard and tinfoil replica to school one fine spring day in the waning weeks of freshman year (June 15th, 1994, to be exact). It was glorious. Every Ranger fan was decked out like an American flag while the eye of every Devil's fan (about 70% of my high school) burned red with bitterness or green with envy at the sight of that faux trophy.
The afterglow lasted precisely one week--ending the night John Starks went 0-11 from three point land doomed the Knicks in Game 7 against the Rockets. After finally getting past the (Jordanless) Bulls, I was sure the script called for a Knicks coronation and felt a bit cheated to be denied the double title.
I was 15. A year later I watched NY getting swept by the Legion of Doom, Claude Lemieux snag the Conn Smythe and the Devils raise their first cup (with two more slated for my college years).
At age 45, I have learned not to take championship glory for granted. 30 years on, following the Rangers negotiate the two month gauntlet that is the NHL playoffs is about a nerve wracking as witnessing my son's birth in the middle of the Boulder Floods of 2013--7-0 record be damned.
Tonight at least I'm making a point to enjoy the ride so far.
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classajobs411 · 5 months
Federal Regulators Deny Florida's Proposed Changes to CDL Testing Methods
Federal trucking regulators recently rejected a proposal from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles that aimed to modify commercial driver license (CDL) testing procedures. The Florida agency had suggested allowing third-party testers to permit applicants who fail the pre-trip inspection to continue with the rest of the CDL skills test and only retake the failed segment at a…
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kayakingtours · 6 months
Kayak Camping: A Comprehensive Guide to Multi-Day Expeditions
Kayak camping offers a unique blend of adventure, tranquility, and connection with nature that is unmatched by any other outdoor experience. For those who love to paddle and explore, embarking on a multi-day kayak camping expedition can be the ultimate adventure. Whether you're a seasoned paddler or a beginner looking to immerse yourself in the wilderness, planning is key to ensuring a safe and enjoyable journey. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know to embark on your own multi-day kayak camping adventure.
As a kayaking lover living in Florida, you're in the perfect location to explore some of the most picturesque landscapes the state has to offer. From the serene waterways of Naples to the stunning beauty of Bonita Springs, there's no shortage of incredible destinations to discover. And when it comes to guided kayak tours, Mike's Coastal Expeditions stands out as your premier destination for unforgettable adventures.
At Mike's Coastal Expeditions, we are passionate about kayaking and dedicated to providing our guests with top-notch experiences rooted in strong family values. As a family-owned kayak tour agency specializing in kayaking Naples, we take pride in offering 5-star excursions that cater to adventurers of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced paddler, our knowledgeable guides are here to ensure you have a safe and memorable journey.
Now, let's dive into the essential components of planning a multi-day kayak camping expedition:
Choose Your Destination: Research potential kayak camping destinations and consider factors such as distance, difficulty, and natural beauty. Look for areas with designated campsites accessible by water and check for any permits or regulations required.
Gear Up: Invest in high-quality kayak camping gear, including a sturdy kayak, waterproof dry bags, camping equipment, navigation tools, and safety gear such as a PFD (personal flotation device) and a first aid kit. Pack light but ensure you have all the essentials for a comfortable trip.
Plan Your Route: Plot your route carefully, considering factors such as distance, water conditions, and potential camping spots along the way. Be prepared to adjust your itinerary based on weather forecasts and unforeseen circumstances.
Food and Water: Plan your meals and pack lightweight, non-perishable food items that are easy to prepare. Bring plenty of drinking water or a water filtration system to ensure you stay hydrated throughout your journey.
Safety First: Familiarize yourself with basic kayak safety techniques, including how to paddle efficiently, navigate currents, and perform self-rescue maneuvers. Always wear your PFD and stay alert to changing weather conditions and potential hazards.
Leave No Trace: Practice Leave No Trace principles to minimize your impact on the environment and preserve the natural beauty of your surroundings. Pack out all trash, avoid disturbing wildlife, and follow any specific regulations for camping in your chosen area.
Enjoy the Journey: Above all, remember to savor the experience and enjoy the beauty of nature as you paddle through stunning landscapes, camp under the stars, and connect with fellow adventurers along the way.
By following these essential tips and guidelines, you'll be well-prepared to embark on your own multi-day kayak camping expedition. Whether you're exploring the tranquil waterways of Naples or venturing into the wilderness of Bonita Springs, the adventure of a lifetime awaits. And when you're ready to embark on your next kayak adventure, remember that Mike's Coastal Expeditions is here to make your dreams a reality.
As fellow kayakers and lovers of the outdoors, we understand the thrill of exploration and the joy of connecting with nature. That's why we're committed to providing unparalleled experiences that showcase the natural beauty of Florida's coastal regions. So pack your bags, grab your paddle, and join us for an unforgettable journey into the heart of paradise.
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