#Florida Prosthetics
jilf · 2 months
my favorite type of cis men are the 6ft≤ autistic berserk fans who idolize guts in a probably gay way
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biteofcherry · 1 month
Ohhh… The Babe Lottery? Sounds like fun! 😌
What if I were to say… Curtis Everett? ❤️
Organization and preparation were your little talents, of which your were quite proud. You were ready for almost any emergency. But as you watched your neighbour carry bag after bag after bag of items into his house, you wondered if he was overdoing it, or if you weren't prepared at all.
The forecast alerted of a heavy blizzard coming your way.
With the way it was already so much snow and ice, making any trip outside of your little cottage near impossible to execute, the snow storm was going to cut you off.
You had enough food, you thought. As well candles, in case the electricity would go down. A hard stack of books to read under a fluffy stack of blankets.
Still, as you watched Curtis haul so many things into his house, as if he was going to feed a small army for a a week or two, you started doubting yourself.
You waved at him from your kitchen window, when he looked your way while closing his truck. Curtis paused, seemingly surprised to find you there.
Many people left the region when the alerts started piling - going to their families, or friends, or completely leaving the area for a vacation in Florida.
But he waved back, causing a soft wave of warmth to flush you.
It was that need for warmth and your growling stomach that pushed you out of the house two weeks later.
The snowstorm was worse then they predicted. Piling layers of freezing, white death to the top of your windows and making it impossible to go anywhere.
Two weeks was more than you were prepared for. Though the snowing has subsided, the plains of it covering the area didn't even began to melt.
Covered in layers of winter clothes, you wasted over an hour of time and gallons of energy to dig your way out of your house and into Curtis' neighboring one.
He had to hear you scratching at his door, attempting to dig through the frozen coating of snow, because he suddenly yanked it open.
Your body was numb and your brain half-frozen, while Curtis appeared to be in full strength. Warmth wafted out of his house and off of his broad body, too.
"I- I'm out of- of food," you mumbled out.
Curtis cursed under his breath, but it wasn't him who invited you inside to get warm and full.
There were two men with him. Both looking cozy at home and terrifyingly pleased with your visit.
One had longer, dark hair and eyes of an arctic wolf. One of the arms he had crossed on his chest was a shiny, black prosthetic. The other man rubbed a hand over his thick beard, then combed his fingers through blond strands of his hair. His black t-shirt had a garish red print of a scull with tentacles.
The same image - you noticed - all three men had tattooed on the side of their necks.
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padawan-historian · 2 years
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There’s a deeply rooted misconception that the only history that Black people have with dogs is a violent one. We recall the stories of slave patrols (the early prototype of our present law enforcement in the United States) enslaved people and free people of color through the swamps and forests with bloodhounds. Our minds turn to images of dogs being weaponized by white officers to intimidate and injure activists and community members. We reinforce narratives that nurture this haunted history of violence. But that is not the full story.
So here’s a little community history that show Black folk being pet parents and companions to furbabies~
- Bartel and Vashti Mosby, sitting together in front of their home with a small terrier in Lincoln, Nebraska (1910 - 1925)
- A  young girl and elder stand on porch with cat (1928)
- Unidentified woman sitting with dog (1910)
- Children play with dog on the beach in Apalachicola, Florida (1895)
- A hunter stands with three hunting dogs in Georgia (1926)
-  A mother surrounded by three children and a dog in rural Wilcox County, Alabama (1910-1919)
- A small child smiles down two dogs in Lincoln, Nebraska (1919-1925)
- At West Park Animal Hospital in West Philadelphia (born and raised~) a multi-racial team including Howard Krawitz and Whitfield Thompson (pictured) crafted a prosthetic cart for a puppo named Peanuts (1964)
- Two women at a picnic show off their smiling pitbull terrier (1910-25)
- Two children with dog in Boston, Massachusetts
Collection sourced from Florida Memory | Smithsonian | Library of Congress | New York Public Library | Nebraska Public Library | Boston Public Library
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floridaboiler · 11 months
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What Is The Main Ingredient of WD-40?
Before you read to the end, does anybody know what the main ingredient of WD-40?
No Cheating.....
WD-40 ~ Who knew!
I had a neighbour who bought a new pickup.
I got up very early one Sunday morning and saw that someone had spray
painted red all around the sides of this beige truck (for some unknown
I went over, woke him up, and told him the bad news.
He was very upset and was trying to figure out what to do ....
probably nothing until Monday morning, since nothing was open.
Another neighbour came out and told him to get his WD-40 and clean it off.
It removed the unwanted paint beautifully and did not harm his paint
job that was on the truck. I was impressed!
WD-40 who knew?
"Water Displacement #40".
The product began from a search for a rust preventative solvent and
degreaser to protect missile parts.
WD-40 was created in 1953, by three technicians at the San Diego
Rocket Chemical Company.
Its name comes from the project that was to find a 'Water
Displacement' Compound.
They were finally successful for a formulation, with their fortieth
attempt, thus WD-40. The 'Convair Company' bought it in bulk to
protect their atlas missile parts.
Ken East (one of the original founders) says there is nothing in WD-40
that would hurt you.
When you read the 'shower door' part, try it. It's the first thing
that has ever cleaned that spotty shower door. If yours is plastic,
it works just as well as on glass. It's a miracle!
Then try it on your stove-top.
It's now shinier than it's ever been.
You'll be amazed.
WD-40 Uses:
1. Protects silver from tarnishing.
2. Removes road tar and grime from cars.
3. Cleans and lubricates guitar strings.
4. Gives floor that 'just-waxed' sheen without making them slippery.
5. Keeps the flies off of Cows, Horses, and other Farm Critters.
6. Restores and cleans chalkboards.
7. Removes lipstick stains.
8. Loosens stubborn zippers.
9. Untangles jewellery chains.
10. Removes stains from stainless steel sinks.
11. Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill.
12. Keeps ceramic/terracotta garden pots from oxidising.
13. Removes tomato stains from clothing.
14. Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots.
15. Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors.
16. Keeps scissors working smoothly.
17. Lubricates noisy door hinges on both home and vehicles doors.
18. It removes that nasty tar and scuff marks from the kitchen
flooring. It doesn't seem to harm the finish and you won't have to
scrub nearly as hard to get them off. Just remember to open some
windows if you have a lot of marks.
19. Remove those nasty bug guts that will eat away the finish
on your car if not removed quickly!
20. Gives a children's playground gym slide a shine for a super fast slide.
21. Lubricates gearshift and mower deck lever for ease of handling on
riding mowers.
22. Rids kids rocking chair and swings of squeaky noises.
23. Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open.
24. Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close.
25. Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as well
as vinyl bumpers.
26. Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles.
27. Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans.
28. Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricycles, wagons and bicycles for
easy handling.
29. Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running smoothly.
30. Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools.
31. Removes grease splatters from stove-tops.
32. Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging.
33. Lubricates prosthetic limbs.
34. Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell).
35. Removes all traces of duct tape.
36. Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to relieve
arthritis pain.
37. Florida 's favourite use is: 'cleans and removes love bugs from
grills and bumpers.'
38. The favourite use in the state of New York , it protects the Statue
of Liberty from the elements.
39. WD-40 attracts fish. Spray a little on live bait or lures and you
will be catching the big one in no time. Also, it's a lot cheaper than
the chemical attractants that are made for just that purpose. Keep
in mind though, using some chemical laced baits or lures for fishing
are not allowed in some states.
40. Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately and
stops the itch.
41. It is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray it on the marks
and wipe with a clean rag.
42. Also, if you've discovered that your teenage daughter has washed
and dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the
lipstick spots with WD-40 and rewash. Presto! The lipstick is gone!
43. If you spray it inside a wet distributor cap, it will displace the
moisture, allowing the engine to start.
My discovery, Ants don't like it..................
As for that Basic, Main Ingredient.......
Well.... it's FISH OIL....
Now This Is Definitely Worth SHARING!!
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shallowbreaths · 11 months
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This is Mary Vincent, she is the biggest badass alive! At 15 she was attacked, brutal raped, hit in the head with a hammer, she had her arms hacked off with a hatchet, and was then thrown off a cliff by the side of the freeway to die. Her survival story is the shit! She says she heard a voice telling her to keep moving or else others would die, so without arms she managed to pack mud into the wounds so she wouldn’t bleed to death, and then she proceeded to scale the cliff with no arms!! She was completely naked, she had severe head trauma, no arms, and they say she had lost 50% of the blood in her body. After scaling the cliff (which she says took her most of a day), she then walked 3 miles before seeing a car with two men that slowed down, but after getting a good look at her they sped off. To which this badass woman said, “I looked terrifying, I don’t hold it against them at all.” Needless to say, she survived. Before allowing herself to even pass out though, she demanded a sketch artist and provided such detail that the monster’s friend saw it on the news and immediately knew it was him and turned him in. Then she testified against the man, and he somehow managed to whisper to her, “if it takes me the rest of my life I’m going to finish what I started.” Oh yeah, btw, it was HIM that released that detail!
Her family could only talk about how it effected them, it was as if they didn’t realize that it was effecting her too. So she was homeless for a while and she obviously had trouble making and maintaining any meaningful relationships. Her attacker got charged with a long list of crimes and got the maximum sentence at the time…. 14 years! He was released for good behavior after 8!!!!
He then tried to sue her after his release, (as one does after brutally raping someone and then cutting their arms off), but the court threw it out. He then moved to Florida where he was an “upstanding member of the community, and great neighbor.” His neighbors said things like, “of course we didn’t like what he’d done, but life goes on.” Yuck! I know this is shocking, but the asshole killed again and a witness saw it. The police arrived at his house and he was covered in blood still. He tried telling some BS story. The woman he killed (a mother of 3) wasn’t highly thought of because she was a sex worker, that’s one reason why they are so often killed, it’s easier to get away with. SOOOO, Florida asked Mary if she’d face the monster again in order to testify to the man’s nature. This badass said, “Hell yes” and flew down. I really hope she whispered to him, “I’m here to finish what I started.” He was convicted again and put on death row. Unfortunately, God got him with cancer before Florida got to finish his story.
This isn’t about him though, he was a disgusting creep that doesn’t deserve a name. This is about Mary fucking Vincent, the biggest badass of all time. Because of this story, there are now laws instituting mandatory life sentences for certain violent crimes. This is about a woman who uses her experience to help teenagers who are sexually assaulted, even though she STILL suffers from such terrible nightmares that she has woken up trying to escape with such violence that she has literally broken bones doing it several times. This is about the woman who went on to have two sons who she says gave a clear and definite reason to keep going. This is about a girl who at 15 says she couldn’t draw a straight line but grew up to be an artist with no arms, who fashions her own custom prosthetics in order to do the things she wants to do.
I’ve never met this woman, but she is one of my heroes! She is magnificent. Fuck that loser who wound up rotting in a cell alone, it could have been a car crash or a tree falling that caused that damage, he is a gross and barely necessary tool that lead to forging something truly amazing. What she has done, overcome, and made from the pieces is so fucking incredible that she should inspire us all. She was NOT disposable, but how easily she could have been. All she had to do was close her eyes at the bottom of that cliff and go to sleep. I’ll bet she could have quit on herself a million times over the years since 1978, but Mary Vincent doesn’t quit. She took the unimaginable and turned it into art. She IS art!
In Mary’s own words, “This is the third phase of my life since that awful day. I went from victim, to survivor, to artist.” Hell yeah you did Mary!
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Random Ohio headcanons that have been rotting in my brain for almost three days ✨
One of the biggest Twenty One Pilots fans ever. Same with Nirvana and the Foo Fighters
Uses he/it pronouns and is bisexual
Bro has like. The craziest, most unruly hair.
he's a liiitttttleeee fire crazy.
Has said some of the most unhinged shit ever, both awake and half-asleep.
Speaks Polish, Czech, Slovak, and Russian (the Slavic villages in Cleveland and Youngstown), as well as French
Best friends with Florida, Iowa, Nebraska, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Indiana , and strangely Alaska (idk why-) and Pennsylvania.
He's oddly very smart despite his crazy nature
almost never gets sick somehow 😭
Has asthma, scoliosis, and an iron deficiency
He's double jointed as well
Missing both legs (has prosthetics) due to an accident during the Civil War (bro kicked a pile of dirt. spicy dirt.)
Only 5'5
Silly lil gremlin boy
He's so goofy
He likes to steal the other states' hats.
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angsty and fluffy Florida headcanons
(by alligator guy and rad sunflower dude)
(florida hat divider made by @alaskashigh)
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Had his left leg bitten off during an alligator accident and it never grew back right so he uses a prosthetic. Sometimes will throw his prosthetic leg at states whenever he's bored or they get on his nerves.
Has a bunch of tattoos. Big tattoo on his back, one full sleeve on left arm, couple on his ankles and feet, few on his chest and ribs, couple on his right arm, one behind his ear, and one on his lower back. Dude is covered head to toe. (His favorites being the ones Loui and Cal tattooed on him)
Sharp as fuck teeth. No joke those things are DEADLY. Also has a gap tooth that he likes to use to shoot water at the states. [It drives everyone nuts]
Can drink his oceans water and be completely okay.
During hurricanes he has to be monitored since he's died during them a bunch. He coughs up salt water, his lungs will get filled up, blood gets replaced with salt water, etc. He once died 12 times in one sitting from a really bad hurricane. It's not fun and he hates it.
Very attached to Loui. When Spain left him with Gov he was thrown into a new scary world and unsure of what to do/where to go. Running into Louisiana was pure fate in his eyes. He wouldn't be the same if he hadn't met him.
He has his own language with Louisiana. The two of them made it centuries ago when they couldn't speak to each other and ended up adding to it more and more. Louisiana and Florida are fluent in it and like to confuse people by talking to each other in it. (I've been thinking about making their actual code or language type thing. if i do i'll make a post about it)
Once bit a walmart employee during a weekly grocery run with a few other states. he’s banned from that walmart now. (you can’t ban him. he will come back no matter what)
His room is FILLED with plushies. He's got plushies from all sorts of places and people laying about. Sitting on his bed, thrown on the floor, up on his desks/shelves, everywhere. Lots of them are from Louisiana and California, some from other south states, and even one from Gov as a gift when he was sick. His favorite is his oldest plushie, one he's been carrying around since he was a territory
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Random Head cannon of cali (Sorry it bit messy or random aslo I am bad at typing my thought 😅)
Cali is tran (FTM) -He/They
recovery Self harm this why he wear oversize flannel all the time
I have seen this somewhere he have a hobbit house near the mountain with a lot of rooms for his kids where they can’t find him and no one can bother him( he prefer this way)
Have lot of pets mostly insect that is common in cal
have bipolar, severe anxiety ,ADHD and autism as well anorexia and C-PTSD but he is in therapy ( I feel all the state have PTSD and needs therapy)
Have a Labrador service dog name godie
I seen a headcannon that cal and Alaska have chronic pain and i love that idea.I feel like cal need a feeding tube due the lost appetite to wildfire and breathing tube. seizures and can paralysis for one to five hours,have bad tremor and constant headache nauseous when fire season he will be in pain for months and cry till he pass out.He also have a lot of painkiller and mental health pills
two Prosthetic legs right leg up the knee left down the knee due to lost of nerve and to damage from fires
have been in the military
Care about animals more than human
Have abandonment issues
Cali is a system
Florida,texas and cali see each other as family but was less close now
Have shit ton of tatto and piercings
Love to read alway can seen reading with tea
Love makeup as well and dye his hair often
Special interests of their:
film technology
computuer science
Yeah i think that all I might add more later again sorry that if it don’t make sense I am bad at English and spelling🥲
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tastytoastz · 4 months
Hi Toast, I hope you’re doing well!
I’ve been enjoying your fics so much (especially with how things ended in canon).
I saw a post a while ago (I don’t know if it was from you or someone else but it was before Fitpac was official) that was talking about having Ramón and Richas in a Parent Trap style situation in an attempt to bring Fit and Pac together.
Do you have any headcanons about what that kind of au could look like?
I could see Ramón and Richas looking almost identical (even though I don’t imagine them as identical in other aus) and maybe finding out that their parents were together before a big misunderstanding (I don’t think Fitpac could have been married nor would they actually have biological twins, I always felt that it was a bit fucked up for the parents to divorce and move to different continents and not tell their kids that they are a twin).
But I do think that the parent trap shenanigans fit Richas and Ramón so well down to the summer camp run by El Quackity and Quackity (who would try sending Chayanne to the isolation cabin multiple times) with the other eggs as campers (who may or may not get involved in helping plan this plot). The camp could be a desert island themed survival camp based in Florida (most central location for people from the US, Mexico, France, Brazil to feasibly send their kids, particularly if the parents are already friends with the Quackities).
I could see Fit as a famous fight choreographer/stuntman (hence he would live in California) and in a weird relationship with Spreen (he could fit the Meredith character as he is not a kid person and would be after the money and it would be cathartic for Ramón and Richas to do the pranks on him later on haha).
Pac would be an inventor with multiple parents living in Brazil with the other members of the Favela Five, and Ramón would totally nerd over the inventions when he goes undercover as Richas (but he would have to hide the nerding out bc Richas would not be as into the mechanics as Ramón is).
It could be an example of right person wrong time for them; maybe Fit and Pac met at the camp as camp counsellors in university and Ramón and Richas come across a old picture of them being all couple-like in one of the old camp albums!
With the knowledge that their parents are not currently happy and getting the tea from Phil (who has been one of the head counsellers at the camp for ages) they plot to learn more about each others lives and do the nesserary disguises (for example they both would have to wear pants the whole time to hide the fact that their legs are different if Richas has a prosthetic leg in this universe) and switch with each other so that they would have to be un-switched eventually. I could see this au as primarily the idea of Ramón and Richas, but I love the idea of the other campers/counsellers (who are friends with Fit and Pac) helping them plan out this/lie for them bc they also want Fit and Pac to get back together haha
Anyways sorry for the long post, I felt bad for asking you for any headcanons relating to this without offering some ideas of my own haha
Hope you have a great day,
Hello!!! Good! I hope you're doing well as well!! :D
This might be a bit of a disepointing answer....But I have never seen the parent trap 😬 I legit know next to nothing about that movie lmao, so thinking up headcannons for an AU based on it is a bit hard XD
Sounds like there would be a lot of funny shenanigans especially if Philza starts to like, give Ramon and Richas ideas and hints about stuff. Like the always wearing pant's thing, like it gets overly hot and Richas/Ramon has to just keep saying he's fine and 100% dosen't have to change to shorts while they are pretty much burning up. Or Ramon getting stuck having to paint something and not knowing how do that while Richas is trying to make a machine without it blowing up in his face.
I hope you have an amazing day as well!!! <3
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When my mom died, I took her dog to find her a home since we couldn’t take her in and it was a drive from Florida to Georgia so we had to stop on the way a few times to let her out.
Each time she would hold her paw up like it was hurt and we couldn’t figure out what was wrong because she didn’t whimper she just held it up and stared at us then after the third stop, she started behaving normally.
It wasn’t until the next day we figured she was asking where my mom was because my mom had lost her leg and limped using her prosthetic
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fracturedsteel · 1 year
[ closed starter for @strxngetimes ]
It had only been eight months since everyone had been brought back from being dust bunnies, and the universe had been saved from one deranged, wrinkled eggplant.
You’re welcome for that, by the way.
The first month after everything, Tony had wasted away both his body and mind inside a stale hospital room. He likely could’ve weaseled his way out of there sooner, but the radiation from using the infinity stones had really put a damper on his plans. And, y’know, losing an arm was probably nothing to sneeze at, either.
Wheels slowly started to move once he’d been cleared for release, though. Within two weeks, Tony had brought to life the blueprints he’d created while on bedrest for his prosthetic arm. It wasn’t… perfect, but where was the fun in knocking it out on the first go?
Sixth months later and it still wasn’t perfect. Whatever. It got the job done—speaking of, he was back to his day job now. Rhodey, Pepper, Happy, hell, even the old team: all of them urged him to stay off the field, saying it was “far too soon” and “you need to rest more, Tony” and—his personal favorite—“don’t you think it’s time to retire the suit?” Real comedians over here.
No, instead of resting more or retiring to fucking Florida, Tony was still flying through New York streets grabbing up purse-thieves or rescuing the occasional cat from Central Park trees. Villains seem to have retired themselves after everything—good for them, really.
Today was different, though, and thank god for different because he was getting bored with the petty crime. A rift not too dissimilar from Loki’s wormhole had opened up on 5th, and giant insects and animals that were both familiar and otherworldly were storming the street. It was when Tony was handling a hybrid bear-rhinoceros-demon creature that he caught a glimpse of navy and crimson flying by.
Gritting his teeth together, Tony formed a shield with nanobots as the horned bear rammed into him, forcing him to slide backwards on the asphalt. He quickly disengaged the shield as the creature charged again and knocked it out in one blow with a rapidly formed sledgehammer.
“So,” Tony called out. “The ringleader finally decided to make an appearance to his own circus. I don’t know whether I should clap or whistle.” He focused up on a lion-goat looking thing trying to ram into swerving cars. Well, half-focused. Strange wasn’t leaving his damn peripheral.
“Then again, I doubt you’d hear either considerin’ you never seem to hear your phone ring when I call. Isn’t that something? Should I buy you some hearing aids, Strange?”
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creoterative · 1 year
Uhm... I made another one.
Yeeesss, I know, my finals for this semester are coming up, but leave me some freetime xD
Anyway, my best friend sent me another bunch of funny things kids in kindergarten said and I made another TWDG kids template out of it.
So there.
Enjoy! Xd
PS: I had to rewrite some of them because she gave those to me in german and they wouldn't make sense in english, so... excuse the Florida comment xD
Minnie: "I have a unicorn at home! But I ripped out the horn, so it's a not-so-much-corn now."
Sophie: "I always read books at home, my favorite book is Justin Bieber!"
Louis: "My parents have a swing in their bedroom, it must be so much fun, but I'm never allowed to play with it." (...That was disturbing, send help to the poor boy.)
Duck: *talking about future jobs* "I wanna be a whale!"
Ruby: "Yes, I love Spargel! Oh, what's that?" (It was at this moment, that the little girl learned, Spaghetti and Spargel aren't the same. And for my english friends, Spargel is Asparagus.)
Clementine: "Mommy had a baby yesterday! But it is a little bit ugly."
Marlon: *to the new young woman working there* "My dad said everyone needs a job when they grow up. Why don't you have one?"
Mitch: "Remember when you said that I'm not allowed to play with the water in the sink anymore? *soaked from head to toe* "Because I don't."
Louis: "I don't like cucumbers that grow." ( what .)
Willy: "Did you know, that eggs break apart when you throw them? By the way, where is the cleaning set?"
Brody: "You can't play with us, you don't like coffee!" Violet: "But you never drank coffee either!" Brody: "But I like it, because momma likes it!"
Tenn: "You're my kokong." (He meant Cousin.)
Marlon: "I want my reflection to be alive as well, I want to play with it. That's so unfair!" (He didn't understand the concept of twins yet.)
Violet: "I'd eat that very gladly. I just don't want to."
Willy: *after being asked to help clean up the mess* "No thank you, I like it better this way."
Marlon: "Your pants are ugly." Mitch: "You're wearing the same." (And then Marlon threw a tantrum because he felt insulted.)
Aasim: "I have a bunny at home. But sometimes it changes colour." (Again, Aasim are you okay?)
Louis: "My goldfish went to Atlantis today!" (It died.)
Marlon: "My uncle has no eyes, so he got a dog with eyes. I don't want my eyes either, I want a puppy!"
Clementine: "How long does a strawberry tree grow?"
Mitch: "If bears gotta go for little boys, they pee in their fur."
Louis: "I'm there in a second. Geez, I hate it when people say that, what KIND of second, a long or a short one?!"
Violet: "Tastes ugly."
Ruby: "You need to go home, you have 124 meters fever!"
Sophie: "If you destroy my picture, I'll get world destruction!"
Aasim: "I have to computer now."
Louis: "My tummy feels yucky, can you call my mother in law?"
Marlon: "What do you have there?" Louis: "A cough drop!" Marlon: "Woah, I want a tough drop too!"
Ruby: "I lost my fuck in the sandbox, momma!" (She was talking about her toy truck.)
Minnie: "My mom has circus disturbance." (She meant circular disturbance.)
Omar: "Today I have fish sticks with potato pudding!"
Brody: "Look, I'm a mermaid! Now I only need a fork!"
Marlon: "Why is that man shaving the lawn?"
Louis: "But I already ate all my cousins!" (It's raisins, Louis.)
Ruby: "My grandma is in the animal shelter because she can't walk anymore." (Her grandma went into retirement.)
Willy: "My grandpa is magnetic too!" (His grandpa had a prosthetic leg.)
Duck: "My dad is special too, he's from Florida!"
Mitch: "I want more pregnant stamps." Ms. Martin: "...What?" Mitch: "I'm still hungry." Ms. Martin: "Ah, yes, you can have more ravioli."
Duck: "Can I have more weed?" (He meant arugola.)
Sophie: "I only got one motivation left for cleaning up, so I'll hurry."
Louis: "I got a bikini!" (It's a kiwi, Louis.)
Marlon: "Does the CD player google the songs first or why is it taking so long?"
Clementine: "My baba brought me today." Duck: "Huh? I thought you could only eat them?" (...He thought she meant a banana.)
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A Florida lawmaker made alarming comments on Wednesday that appeared to endorse the eradication of LGBTQ+ people.
During a state legislative committee hearing, Rep. Randy Fine, a Republican, made disturbing comments in a speech where he attempted to rebuke anyone not on board with his legislation, HB 1423.
The bill seeks to ban drag performances in public, similar to a law passed in Tennessee recently. That law was enjoined by a state judge who halted its implementation.
“If it means ‘erasing a community’ because you have to target children - then, damn right, we ought to do it!” Fine said during a vigorous defense of his measure.
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The bill expands the “adult live performances” definition under the government’s regulatory authority. “Adult live performance” refers to any show, exhibition, or other presentation that depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, or sexual excitement, to include specific sexual activities, or to include the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts.
The legislation increases penalties for allowing children to attend performances depicting broadly defined sexual conduct or lewd behavior.
In particular, it specifies that such behavior is that which is considered “patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community of this state as a whole with respect to what is suitable material or conduct for the age of the child present” and “taken as a whole, is without serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for the age of the child present.”
It will give Florida the authority to fine, suspend, or revoke a license for a public place that is found to be in violation.
A person may also be charged with a third-degree felony if they knowingly allow a child into a live performance that depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, or indecent exposure.
“The question is not why do I want to run this bill. The question is, why are there people in this world so determined to push this on children? Because, if you weren’t doing that, this bill wouldn’t exist,” Fine exclaimed during a speech.
In December 2022, officials with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration revoked the liquor licenses of several venues in Miami and Orlando over potential minors in the audience.
In response to a Democrat’s question regarding whether the bill would affect Hamburger Mary’s, an LGBTQ-friendly establishment that features drag performers, the Republican said he did not know about it and did not plan to visit it. Hooters establishments would not be affected, he said.
“This is a disgusting bill and is designed to target parents like me. It will – like everything – be selectively enforced by the state to target members of the LGBTQ community, as we’ve already seen, with DPBR taking away licenses of venues that host drag shows – that were not lewd and that were very family-friendly,” Democratic Rep. Angela Nixon said, Florida’s Voice reports.
The bill passed the State Administration and Technology Appropriations Subcommittee with a 10-5 vote.
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frogsonalotusleaf · 4 months
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Kaibaman, Ally of Justice
AKA Seto Kaiba
“A villain like you could never defeat a hero like me.”
Quirk: Dragon
Can transform from white wings & a tail to a full dragon form to a dragon with 3 heads. The entire process is very painful (and ruins his clothes) so he rarely uses it & rather fight using his self-made support gear.
Occupation: Hero, CEO of Kaiba Corp (hero support company)
Age: 21
Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: October 25th
Languages: Japanese & English
Height: 6 ft 1 inch
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Scars: 2 on his back (where his wings come out) & one on his tail bone (where his tail comes out)
Other: Slim but muscular, uses hydrogel injections (at least until the right woman comes along), prosthetic right arm, prosthetic left leg, robotic right eye
Japanese VA: Kenjiro Tsuda
English VA: Eric Stuart
After both of their parents died, Seto & his younger brother Mokuba grew up in an orphanage.
He developed his quirk at age 4 after several days of severe pain in his back, large white dragon wings & a long white tail bursting from his body. As days went on, his body completely transformed into a Blue Eyes White Dragon then a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (similar to his previous form, but with 3 heads.) Seto eventually turned back into his human form.
At age 12, he played against Gozaburo Kaiba in a game of chess & won, the man adopting both brothers.
Their new father forced Seto into a rigorously accelerated school program, studying several subjects including economics, social studies, foreign language (English), hero theory, business acumen, and corporate management proficiency, wanting the boy to become the heir to his company Kaiba Corp. Seto complied, wanting to secure a better life for his little brother.
After realizing his father made weapons of mass discussion & sold them to villains, Seto decided to take over Kaiba Corp and did so with his & Mokuba’s shares of the company. He refocused the company on hero support equipment, collaborating with Schroeder Corp. in Germany & Industrial Illustrations in America.
Despite being highly recommended for the UA hero track, he placed second in the entrance exam. He spent his entire UA school life trying to outrank his rival, Yugi Muto, but still graduated as second in his class.
Along with running successful Kaiba Corp branches in both Tokyo, Japan & Miami, Florida, Seto’s goals remained the same after graduating: surpassing Yugi in the Japanese hero rankings &, eventually, becoming the number one hero of the world.
Originally debuting as the hero ‘Critias The Legendary Knight,’ Kaiba soon realized that he couldn’t just save people-ranking higher more so was dependent on popularity. Seto reluctantly saw that his attitude made him unlikeable by many people & was stagnating his chances of being ranked higher.
Switching gears successfully, he took on the hero name of ‘Kaibaman’ & took inspiration from the Sentai genre with his personality when dawning his hero outfit, gaining him thousands of fans. He climbed up the ranks, but has yet to surpass his high school rival nor become the number one hero in the world.
Does stage shows & other kid-focused events for free, wanting to be an inspiration of justice & hope for children.
Seto isn’t looking for marriage quite yet, but he will go on dates if he thinks it will benefit him in any way.
Likes sex to relieve stress. Uncircumcised. Favorite position is reverse cowgirl.
Reference pics:
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 4 months
Hi can I get some Florida hcs or art :3 whatever you wanna do I'm just thinking of Florida sm today . . . .
- 🦦
Yes you may young child :3
He has in fact tried to wrestle a shark before. I'll let ya use yer imagination to figure out how that went.
And while we're on that topic, he has a prosthetic left arm (elbow down)
Blonde curly hair Florida is best Florida imo
Space hyperfixation,,,, /silly
Flo eats bugs sometimes just to shock (maybe) and horrify (only if they haven't seen him do it prolly) the other states.
I feel like his hair is probably in rough condition from chlorine, bleach, and centuries worth of salty ocean water.
All sharp teeth cuz yes
Chases squirrels and other states (York) up trees for the hell of it.
Does not understand how the fuck fire works, but he loves it. Til it's hurting someone he loves. It becomes the opposite after that.
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buriedself · 11 months
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@ VICORTEZ66 JUST POSTED … Happy 10th birthday to Waldo 🐶💓
FULL NAME: vicente alejandro cortez. NICKNAME(S): chente, vee, vic, vice, victor (outdated), #66 (outdated). AGE:   forty5. DATE OF BIRTH:   march 27, 1978. PLACE OF BIRTH: miami, florida. CURRENT LOCATION:  manhattan. GENDER:  demi man. PRONOUNS:  he/they. ORIENTATION:  gay. OCCUPATION: retired formula one driver, currently trains formula one drivers & heads an organization for children interested in mechanical engineering. EDUCATION LEVEL: bachelor's of science in mechanical engineering from university of miami.
HEIGHT:  5'11. TATTOOS:   a few small ones on his calves, drawn by the kids he's mentoring. PIERCINGS: wouldn't you like to know... CLOTHING STYLE:   please don't ask i don't know fashion. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS:  prosthetic left arm, glare, scruffy & greying stubble, burn scars on his arms and torso.
ALLERGIES:   none. SLEEPING HABITS:   gets approximately 7 hours of sleep, occasionally interrupted by nightmares. EATING HABITS: does not like sweets but chocolate <3. SOCIABILITY: 4/10 on a good day. DRINKING / SMOKING / DRUGS: yes / once a blue moon / no.
LABELS / TROPES:  badass teacher, brutal honesty, death glare, jerk with a heart of gold, mentor archetype, seriously scruffy, tragic bromance, used to be a sweet kid, icarus. INSPIRATIONS: wolverine (x-men), sasuke uchiha (naruto), haymitch abernathy (the hunger games), aizawa (bnha). POSITIVE TRAITS:   hot. is that not enough in this economy? cautious. what's it called when you're a good mentor. NEGATIVE TRAITS: reserved, caustic, maybe too sexy? LIKES: cheesy romance movies, quiet, hot cocoa. DISLIKES: the race track, driving, fire. FEARS: car accidents. HABITS:  not making eye contact. HOBBIES: axe throwing.
MOTHER: alive & well. FATHER: deceased, natural causes. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: none. BEST FRIEND:  tba. EXES: tba. SIBLING(S): two. CHILDREN: none. PET(S):  dachshund named waldo.
dad was a mechanic that did some formula circuits when vicente was young. he basically grew up in his dad's shop, helping in any way he could. dad would take him to watch races when he could, and he managed to get vicente into karting by pulling some favors with the team he worked with.
his parents were rightfully nervous / scared about letting him do this because he was a reckless kid and a worse teenager. still, they loved him to death and let him race under the condition that he would still go to college and get a worthwhile degree just in case.
he graduated meche early and managed to start formula 1 racing with new york based racing team sentinel racing at 21 years old.
the team really took a chance on him because if he didn't do well, the entire team was going to tank by the time the season was over. he earned fifth in the overall drivers ranking and saved the team.
continued racing for sentinel and practically put the team on the map. over the course of his career, he won a grand total of 5 driver's championships.
[car accident tw] vicente was 32 when his racing career came to an abrupt end. mid-season, he got into a very terrible crash on the track, his car flipping many times and basically exploding into a fireball. he pulled himself out of the wreckage and the fire with the thought that he had to live for the sake of his family. he suffered some burns, as well as the amputation of his left arm below the elbow.
spiraled into a depression in which he isolated himself and just got worse and worse.
had some sense knocked into him a couple years back after which he reemerged and signed a contract with sentinel to train / mentor prospective and current drivers.
also runs a foundation to promote mechanical engineering for kids/teens and is very active in it.
refuses to show up at f1 press events.
is 100% convinced that the driver that crashed into him did it on purpose because he was on track for a sixth win.
has not made an appearance on any circuit since his crash
sentinel drivers he trains / mentors
close friend that pulled him out of his depression
people that were racing around the time he was still active
current situationships
a sentinel sponsor ???
someone who drags him out to events even when he doesn't want to go
his Agent.... sorry for what you have to put up with
other people that had a fall from grace
idk. i am sleepy.
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