flawedproject · 9 years
I feel as if anxiety disorders are often “downplayed.”Anxiety disorders have the ability to infiltrate one’s normal life and make daily tasks extremely difficult to manage.
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Always reach out. You never know who may be going through the same thing. Someone will understand you, just give them the chance to do so.
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flawedproject · 9 years
Last month, we made history. Same-sex marriage finally became legal in the US which has been embraced by many people around the world. That day, the world became smaller and we all were one big happy community filled with love and hope. It's not everyday that the world comes together like they did on that beautiful day.
I'm sharing this video from PopSugar which brought me to tears. What an inspiration these people are to be brave and their family for the unconditional love. The world is changing. Soon, no one will feel the need to come out because they already feel accepted and loved no matter what.
Love will always win! Be the change you want to see in the world!
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flawedproject · 9 years
Kino is such a yoginspiration! This has helped me reexamine my efforts both on and off the mat. How much should I push myself and when should I do step back and take a breather. The lines in between the two can get blurred easily especially when we’re not in touch with ourselves. The practice of yoga should help bring that awareness and eventually that balance. We are stronger than we think. All the power and motivation we need is inside of us waiting to be ignited!
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flawedproject · 9 years
One of the things that stayed with me after watching these videos is that comparing myself to other girls brings out the worst in me. I see nothing but my flaws. I may not be able to control myself from feeling insecure all the time, but I can do something about it. Listing down the things that I admire about myself and posting that on a mirror so that each time I look at my reflection, I am reminded of my positive traits is a simple place start.
Trying so hard to hide my imperfections and rid of my insecurities is a battle I don't think I'll ever win. I have to surrender to this one and just celebrate who I am for what I am.
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flawedproject · 9 years
Let this be your Fight Song too. Any day can be a fresh start. What you need to be strong is already in you! So go out and fight on!
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flawedproject · 10 years
Here's the other side of it all.
Good news, life has turned around for the better. So I guess my last post did make sense? That was just a dip. And now I'm on my way up my rainbow. ;-)
What changed? I didn't let life be a tidal wave that just splashed me around. I took back what was rightfully mine. My life should be under my control and all it takes is some action to get things going.
I was hesitant. I couldn't find the motivation to bring change into my life? For what? Why would I waste my efforts when life just sucks? I didn't let that stop me though. I just told myself, things aren't getting any better anyway. Might as well try.
What I did?
I read up on some articles. This really helped me find creative ideas that I would have never thought of.
I made a routine for me to follow. I've always preferred functioning this way. It keeps me on track. However, it's another thing to deal with when I end up falling short of my planned routine. So I try to keep it loose and flexible and if can't keep up with it, then no punishment needed. Just move on.
The gratitude list. Yup. This is probably the best thing to add to your life to keep you happy & positive. Whenever I have downtime, I just start to list down every single thing that I feel grateful for. That immediately has the best effect on me. It really just changes everything. Maybe you've heard this A TON of times, but really. It's cliche, but it works!
Thanks, Spotify! This music app is my new best friend. Music really does wonders. All the choices of genres, I always find the perfect one for my mood. It boosts up my energy & keeps me soothed & feeling good.
I know how to breathe. Shocker! Lol My practice recently has been all about pranayama and meditation. I used to think this wasn't enough to be considered as a practice, but now, I feel like it's all I need to get by. A few minutes of just sitting still and breathing makes all the difference in the world.
I've learned to detach myself. Everyday, I remind myself that my work, my relationships, my physical body, & the things I own do not define me as a person. Who I am is deep within me. It's in my heart and that is all that truly matters.
Bye bye social media! I've noticed that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram bring out the worst in me. What's the point of knowing about everyone's private life? We all seem connected online, but we become disconnected with the present. I snoop around, compare and compete. It makes me feel bad about my own life. Remember, media only makes us see the highlight reels of others, so never compare what you see with your own behind-the-scenes.
Eat what you know is good for you. I can't even begin to tell you how food impacts my disposition. I tend to be an emotional eater & starver at the same time. I've had difficulty finding the right "diet" for me (I hate calling it a diet since I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight) and I'm happy I've found the perfect one. It keeps me satisfied & full. And I never have to deprive myself of anything.
I follow a specific mantra everyday. Take things lightly. Don't give up. I am positive, strong, & grateful. All of these mantras help me stay on track no matter how the day plays out. It guides me & reminds me of what my purpose & goal is.
Better than counseling, medication, or anything else!
Love, Light, and Kindness,
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flawedproject · 10 years
The Rain in Rainbow
Why am I writing here again? I need it. I need this for myself right now. I have lots of questions in my head and I'll share one. Which one would you pick, a life of growth & isolation. An endless amount of time to think & rid yourself of the hustle and bustle of people around you. A life where you're not part of the crowd, but a spectator free of drama & chains. Yet this life will leave you a bit lonely & miserable most days. You'll hit the lowest of lows and highest of highs. Or would you choose a life that you don't have to face alone. An abundance of love & friends, yet you consider yourself just going through life. No aha moments, no epiphanies, no time to step away from it all to think. Everything's just one right after the other. It gets overwhelming & exhausting, but at least you don't feel powerless or weak to face it. This is my dilemma. Maybe I'm just young and this is what happens when you're still a kid trying to be an adult. Maybe this is just an unspoken reality that everyone just bears? Maybe things aren't supposed to be this way & I have to make a change? I just want to get it right. Everything I do seems wrong. I always feel so small. This world hands me a lot more than I think I can handle. The only comfort I find in it right now is the actual reality of my life itself. I go through a ton of crazy ups and downs and if this is one of those dips, then I'm bound to rise above it soon. It's not possible to just sail smoothly. It's how we react to the waves and thunderstorms that get us out of terrifying situations.
Happiness does not consist of acquiring the things we think will make us happy, but in learning to like the things we have to do anyway. If there's no rain, there won't be a rainbow. I'll just have to keep going for now & trust that everything will unfold the way they were meant to.
Love, Light, and Kindness,
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flawedproject · 11 years
Day Sixteen: I've got a boring life.
Since I made the big move to California last September, my life has not been the same. There'd be days when I despised that and days when I cherished that. One thing I could agree about it though was that I don't have the most exciting life out there right now.
That does make me cringe a little bit and I bet if you had the same struggle, it's not something we would be proud of. But what if it could be? 
All this time, I've come to realize that I am here in this world to work towards my dreams. Something beautiful that would occur in the future. However, it is possibility that the dreams we think we are meant to chase may not be right for us after all because there is something better.
This dream life I'd like to have doesn't really allow me to fully appreciate my present. When we constantly look forward to something hoping it'll be better is being optimistic, but it could also mean taking for granted what is now. In a way, it reflects a sort of escapist way of living, don't you think?
Before I made this realization, I would always say that it's alright my life sucks right now because I'll eventually go out and be young again, I'll be traveling a lot, I'll have the most amazing job, I'll become so successful and happy, and I'll just have the best life I always dreamed of.
It's like a backlash to my current situation when in fact, where I am is the most perfect place I could be right now. I need this "lull" to think, to detach, to heal, to grow. I don't need anything better.
So give that a thought. You say you've got a miserable life, but is it really miserable?
Xoxo, Katie
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flawedproject · 11 years
Website Wednesdays: Totally Unique Thoughts, totally!
My day is never complete without a nice message from The Universe. Yes! I get emails from the universe! Well, that's with the help of a website...
I discovered "TUT" on instagram a while back and decided to sign up for Notes from the Universe. This is the only reason I rush to actually check my e-mails first thing in the morning.
I love the adorable messages I always get. Inspiring, encouraging, and funny! Sometimes it's the push I'm looking for, the laugh I need to brighten up my day, or the answer that pulls me out of those dark moments.
Best thing is, you get to customize it to your life that way the notes you get motivate you towards your goal.
Definitely recommend this for everyone to subscribe to. Who wouldn't like the Universe as a friend anyway?
Check it out here:
Official site
Thoughts become things... Choose the good ones!
P.S. Here's my message from the universe today. Fit perfectly with what I'm currently going through. Love it when that happens. Thanks TUT!
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flawedproject · 11 years
TUBE TUESDAYS: Missglamorazzi
For the past month I have been loving Ingrid Nilson's vlogs and I am so glad she posted this video. We don't always see missglamorazzi as raw as this with no make up and not talking about beauty tips. Nonetheless, this is her most inspiring video yet.
Here she talks about her personal struggles and insecurities and how she has moved past those. It is such a beautiful thing for her to do, using her success over youtube to reach out and be real and honest to the fanbase she has accumulated over the years.
Thanks to missglamorazzi for such a beautiful message! I hope she stays as adorable and sweet as she's always been!
Xoxo, Katie
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flawedproject · 11 years
MUSIC MONDAYS: Seasons of Love- RENT
Measure your life in love.
Lyrics here!
Xo, Katie
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flawedproject · 11 years
Website Wednesdays: A thought about that catalog
You hear me talk about Tiny Buddha (Website Wednesdays: Not So Tiny Buddha) a lot and so I wanted to shake things up a bit and share an almost similar site, but not quite.
Thought Catalog was probably the first "literary" site that I fell in love with. I picked it up while I was in college which couldn't have been a better time! I find it funny because every time I read an article, I felt like I was the one who wrote it. Like as if it was actually torn from my autobiography and here I was reading it and astounded at how spot on it was! (And I know that you probably feel the same way if you already love the site!)
I also like to look at Thought Catalog as the hipster version of Tiny Buddha. I could just imagine Lena Dunham fans adoring the articles like they would an episode of Girls. Witty, grungy, yet poetic (not to mention the occasional awkward raciness when needed) and oddly "inspiring" just 'cause you realize how amusingly depressing your life is & it makes you wanna laugh at your mishaps instead.
Here's a little description of the site:
Thought Catalog has fantastic articles and there is such a wide variety in style and stories that you'll definitely enjoy your visit! It's not the typical Flaws and Love inspirational stuff, but it's got me through shitty times before so that's a thumbs up for me!
Check it out here:
Official Site
and TUMBLR!!!
Xo, Katie
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flawedproject · 11 years
Tube Tuesdays: Why Do We Fall- Motivational Video
If you're at a place where you're struggling. If you feel like you're in hell. If you feel like you lack inspiration, motivation, & the courage to do what you wanna do, to be who you want to be, and to be where you want to be, WATCH THIS.
Xoxo, Katie
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flawedproject · 11 years
MUSIC MONDAYS: Give The Love Around by The Script
This week I thought of sharing this song by another favorite band of mine! I can't even imagine how someone wouldn't like these three awesome men. It's either you love them or you've never heard of them, right?
Anyway, this song has powerful lyrics about starting with love to spark change in this world. To make it the beautiful place it's meant to be. Pretty inspirational for a group who sings the best break-up songs out there (take a cue from these guys Taylor Swift).
Xo, Katie
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flawedproject · 11 years
Day Fourteen: It's Time to Forgive Yourself
At the beginning of the week, I posted through my personal facebook account an article talking about forgiveness (click here to read it!). If it wasn't any more obvious with my two entries last weekend, I was struggling a little bit, afraid of plummeting into another dark phase.
When Monday rolled in, I did my usual routine of reading a Tiny Buddha article (Website Wednesdays: Not So Tiny Buddha) right before my yoga practice. Ironically, I came across the article on forgiveness which caught my attention.
Initially, I didn't think it would relate to me or be the solution I needed. Of course, that was far from true. It was exactly what I needed.
Through that article, I suddenly realized how much of a victim I was to my past. I've been blindly holding on to that label for a while now. How many of you have done the same?
So how was I a victim of my past? When I separated each emotion and issue that I've struggled with, about 90% was rooted from problems I've dealt with since childhood, four years ago, or last year. Only 10% was really because of my present situation (maybe even less)!
The walls I've put up today are the toughest and tallest they've ever been not because of my current circumstances, but because of my fear of someone hurting me, leaving me, bringing me down, letting me down, or judging me. All which have happened to me before. None of this has happened recently though. How ironic, right?!
Instead of continually moving forward, I always permit myself to look back on each thing that has left me on the ground. Every time I do this, I just remember it being worse than it actually was. Not to mention how this does not help in any way whatsoever. 
I end up lying there, remembering what caused me to be scared, weak, and insecure and just crying over dust.
It dawned on me that there is a way out and this is by forgiving myself. Not forgetting. 
The only way to move past all of this, is to reveal the roots of my problems right now, accept them as they are, and forgive rather than punish myself for it. There is no need to suffer for what has ended and is over.
It's also very important that we do not simply forget because I've made the mistake of doing so before, burying past emotions, and in the end, when it reappears, it only brings out frustration and anger.
So think about it. Are you a victim of your past? Do you allow it to hold you back and chain you down? If so, uncover the reasons behind it. Yes, it's not easy to face them again, but once you do, you'll be able to accept it, embrace it, and eventually make peace with it. And that is what will get you to move further in life with a lighter heart and a happier soul. :)
"We may be flawed, but we are loved." Xo- Katie
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flawedproject · 11 years
Website Wednesday: Kindness according to the Life Vest Inside
In line with this week's Tube Tuesdays, I decided to talk further about this uplifting non-profit organization called Life Vest Inside. Founded by the lovely Orly Wahba, this campaign had its beginnings three years ago and has now become a beacon for kindness.
I came across its Youtube channel two weeks ago and discovered one of its smash hits, One Day (Kindness Boomerang) which I featured yesterday.
I look up to this kindness campaign because many of us take this granted. We don't always see the importance in small gestures and the power they actually hold. An act of kindness ripples out to the rest of the world and LVI stands for that. It can brighten someone's day or save a life. Think about that the next time you do something nice for somebody. 
I urge you to take the time to explore further the magic that Orly and her campaign does for everyone. It's such a remarkable to be dedicated to and I just wish her and her team more power!
Kindness is not something you do - kindness is something you ARE. -Orly Wahba
Learn more through:
Xo, Katie
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