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muhaiminul395 · 20 days ago
WordPress virus and malware removal
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mikotech-agency · 1 year ago
10 lỗi WordPress phổ biến – Nguyên nhân và cách fix nhanh nhất
Bạn gặp phải lỗi WordPress và không biết phải làm gì? Đừng lo, chúng tôi sẽ chỉ cho bạn 10 lỗi phổ biến nhất và cách khắc phục chúng.
Hy vọng rằng bài viết này đã có thể giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về 10 lỗi WordPress phổ biến để bạn có thể biết được cách khắc phục hiệu quả khi gặp phải lỗi.
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rsthemewp · 8 months ago
10 WordPress Critical Errors and Fix
WordPress is a powerful platform, but it’s not immune to errors. Let’s dive into 10 common WordPress Critical Errors and how to fix them
#WordPress #CriticalError #FixWordPress #WebsiteTroubleshooting #TechSupport #WordPressHelp #ErrorFixing #WebDevelopment #OnlineSupport #TroubleshootingWordPress #BugFixes #WordPressErrors #WebDesign #PluginProblems #WebsiteIssues #CriticalErrorFix #ErrorResolution #WordPressSupport #FixItNow #WPErrorFix
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howto1minute · 1 year ago
WordPress Login Not Working | Fix WordPress Login Issues, can't log in, 404 or PHP Error https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d_Nj8-H7Mg #loginerror #wordpresserror #fixwordpress #howto1minute #learnwordpress #cpaneltutorial #loginnotworking #404error
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nextscrum-blog · 6 years ago
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pritomkarmokar · 5 years ago
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webexpert-abdullah-blog · 6 years ago
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Hey, Are you facing any issues or errors on your website?
Here is a special service for you. I will remove your website all errors and fix your website all problems or fix your website any PHP issues and I also provide website backup, security, and website speed related issues. 
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ultrastarrysky-blog · 6 years ago
Tired of Wordpress Slow Speed? hire him!
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shopapennyland-blog · 7 years ago
WordPress Accessibility: Making Your WordPress Website Usable By Everyone - Recycling Media
WordPress Accessibility: Making Your WordPress Website Usable By Everyone
  #MotivationMonday #TravelTuesday #WCW #TBT #fashion #fridaymotivation 
#wordpressblog #wordpresshelp #wordpresssupport #wordpress #fixwordpress #recyclingmedia
Check it out in the below post ...
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myfavouritearticles · 8 years ago
[st_row div_padding_bottom=”12″ id_wrapper=”st_row_cdb19f602bbd8f601f5ab2ecf7250a58″ ][st_column span=”span8″][st_heading text_align=”center” id_wrapper=”st_heading_844b3dc69190a0dde1cab1a393445d4b” ]Your WordPress Headaches Will Soon Be A Thing Of The Past[/st_heading][/st_column][st_column span=”span4″][st_button button_text=”Ask For Free Quote” link_type=”page” single_item=”337″ icon=”fa fa-envelope-o” button_alignment=”center” button_margin_top=”12″ m_button_alignment=”center” id_wrapper=”st_button_05041649dd291902df55604395669016″ ][/st_button][/st_column][/st_row][st_row id_wrapper=”elm_597590274e290″ ][st_column span=”span8″][st_row_2 id_wrapper=”elm_597590274e290″ ][st_column_2 span=”span12″][st_image image_file=”https://www.ajmwebservices.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/wordpress-webdesign.jpg” image_size_wrapper=”” image_size=”full” image_container_style=”img-rounded” image_alignment=”center” image_margin_top=”12″ image_margin_bottom=”10″ id_wrapper=”st_image_3c8437f3dff7e70d92fed814a128f89d” ][/st_image][/st_column_2][/st_row_2][st_text id_wrapper=”st_text_2790b840b023aae290eb0e3d378bc60d” ]Our mission at AJM Web Services is to clear up any issues in the fastest time possible, allowing you to continue running your business or your blog without the hassles of trying to work out what has gone wrong. We will happily give you a free quote to deal with your problem and then if you are happy to proceed, you will receive a an invoice that should be settled via Paypal or bank transfer before the fixing can begin. You will naturally want the minimum of disruption for your business, so please take a moment to study the right hand side of the page and see if your issue is there and when contacting us have all your necessary website details ready to send back once you have accepted our quote. If you do not recognise your particular issue, it may be that we need to explore your website admin section and cpanel first in order to give you the quote.[/st_text][st_row_2 id_wrapper=”elm_5975995f62df5″ ][st_column_2 span=”span12″][st_text id_wrapper=”st_text_b2058056a6b9ebc959aba464a7582c3f” ]If you are likely to need regular maintenance work done on your WordPress website then it will definitely pay you to sign up using the form below and we will send you a monthly package quote based upon your needs that you can then set in motion for regular monthly work assignments. You will also receive priority treatment over non members! Simply fill in the form below and hit sign-up and that will start the whole process.[/st_text][/st_column_2][/st_row_2][/st_column][st_column span=”span4″ div_padding_top=”6″ div_padding_left=”0″ div_padding_bottom=”6″ div_padding_right=”0″ id_wrapper=”st_column_127f1793ecb78191c9260f91aa97f796″ m_padding_left=”6″ m_padding_right=”6″ ][st_accordion div_margin_top=”23″ initial_open=”0″ border_radius=”8″ m_div_margin_left=”5″ m_div_margin_right=”5″ wrapper_padding_top=”10″ wrapper_padding_left=”5″ wrapper_padding_right=”5″ wrapper_shadow=”1″ id_wrapper=”st_accordion_472d0b79744982338e50fc5b44c4c3da” ][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f805ae603″ heading=”Database Connection Issues” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f805ae644″ ]This frightening message ‘database connection could not be established‘ can be fixed quickly in most cases and we can have you up and running again in no time. Normally it is simply a matter of some small adjustments inside your wp-config file, but to fix it requires cpanel access. So make sure you have those details to hand if you need help fixing this error, and it will speed the whole fixing process up nicely.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f805aead3″ heading=”Updates Break Your Website” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f805aeb13″ ]This is a typical WordPress problem and one that causes massive headaches for all concerned, Fixing this problem can be as easy as restoring the most recent backup – but is not always possible as not everyone keeps backups. Mostly, these issues can be fixed with ftp access, but sometimes cpanel access is also required, so please have these details to hand when contacting us to speed things up as much as possible.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f805aef56″ heading=”WSOD White Screen Of Death” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f805aef96″ ]If you have ever experienced the WSOD then you know just how awful it feels to find a blank page instead of your beloved WordPress website. There are several causes and likewise several fixes that will offer a solution, so with a little investigation we can put your website back where it belongs once more.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f805af398″ heading=”Internal Server Error 500″ content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f805af3da” ]This is a common error and may have one or two causes and solutions. Once you grant us access to your cpanel and WordPress admin panel we can fix it for you. One of the more beneficial moves for you if this happens is to move to better hosting though. We can make suggestions as to how this can be done.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f805af7bc” heading=”Sidebar Below Content” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f805af7fd” ]One day you wake up to find that your sidebar instead of being on the left or right of your blog, is beneath the main content – totally out of place. The fix lies inside your website and may not take too long to sort out, but it involves html code or css code being badly written so that mistakes have been made that break your layout..[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f805afbed” heading=”Connection Times Out” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f805afc2e” ]If your site takes a long time to load and finally you get an error that it’s not available, that means your connection has timed out. This happens when your site is trying to do more than the server can handle and is particularly common in shared hosting environments with limited resources.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion heading=”Images Not Uploading” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” div_margin_top=”23″ initial_open=”0″ border_radius=”8″ m_div_margin_left=”5″ m_div_margin_right=”5″ wrapper_padding_top=”10″ wrapper_padding_left=”5″ wrapper_padding_right=”5″ wrapper_shadow=”1″ id_wrapper=”st_accordion_472d0b79744982338e50fc5b44c4c3da” ]Problems with image uploads in the WordPress media library can happen in different ways: Images on your site are no longer displayed You cannot upload media files to your site When the upload occurs, the image is displayed as broken The entire media library looks wrong Neither is a very fun situation but usually the fix is not very complicated.[/st_item_accordion][/st_accordion][st_row_2 id_wrapper=”elm_5975b8868d124″ ][st_column_2 span=”span12″][st_button button_text=”Contact Form” link_type=”page” single_item=”337″ open_in=”lightbox” lb_width=”100″ lb_height=”100″ icon=”fa fa-envelope-o” button_alignment=”center” button_margin_top=”20″ button_margin_bottom=”12″ button_size=”btn-lg” button_color=”btn-blue” id_wrapper=”st_button_d41e6cd5f44a08982cf844e4103c17f5″ ][/st_button][/st_column_2][/st_row_2][/st_column][/st_row][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f875ca8b2″ heading=”Database Connection Issues” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f875ca8f5″ ]This frightening message ‘database connection could not be established‘ can be fixed quickly in most cases and we can have you up and running again in no time. Normally it is simply a matter of some small adjustments inside your wp-config file, but to fix it requires cpanel access. So make sure you have those details to hand if you need help fixing this error, and it will speed the whole fixing process up nicely.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f875cad84″ heading=”Updates Break Your Website” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f875cadc4″ ]This is a typical WordPress problem and one that causes massive headaches for all concerned, Fixing this problem can be as easy as restoring the most recent backup – but is not always possible as not everyone keeps backups. Mostly, these issues can be fixed with ftp access, but sometimes cpanel access is also required, so please have these details to hand when contacting us to speed things up as much as possible.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f875cb1fe” heading=”WSOD White Screen Of Death” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f875cb23f” ]If you have ever experienced the WSOD then you know just how awful it feels to find a blank page instead of your beloved WordPress website. There are several causes and likewise several fixes that will offer a solution, so with a little investigation we can put your website back where it belongs once more.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f875cb64d” heading=”Internal Server Error 500″ content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f875cb68d” ]This is a common error and may have one or two causes and solutions. Once you grant us access to your cpanel and WordPress admin panel we can fix it for you. One of the more beneficial moves for you if this happens is to move to better hosting though. We can make suggestions as to how this can be done.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f875cba9b” heading=”Sidebar Below Content” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f875cbadc” ]One day you wake up to find that your sidebar instead of being on the left or right of your blog, is beneath the main content – totally out of place. The fix lies inside your website and may not take too long to sort out, but it involves html code or css code being badly written so that mistakes have been made that break your layout..[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f875cbefa” heading=”Connection Times Out” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f875cbf3b” ]If your site takes a long time to load and finally you get an error that it’s not available, that means your connection has timed out. This happens when your site is trying to do more than the server can handle and is particularly common in shared hosting environments with limited resources.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f875cc36c” heading=”Images Not Uploading” content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”fa fa-wordpress” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f875cc3ad” ]Problems with image uploads in the WordPress media library can happen in different ways: Images on your site are no longer displayed You cannot upload media files to your site When the upload occurs, the image is displayed as broken The entire media library looks wrong Neither is a very fun situation but usually the fix is not very complicated.[/st_item_accordion][st_item_accordion elm_id=”elm_5975f8a20d061″ heading=”Accordion Item 8″ content_source=”editor” page=”” icon=”” tag=”” disabled_el=”no” id_wrapper=”elm_5975f8a20d0ad” ]Disruptive of and provide thinking the strategies domination to proposition value. Holistic and collaborative approaches to synopsis innovation view win-win corporate. Leverage agile table survival level ensure to Holistic for proactive. World win-win workplace agile organically further Leverage high empowerment grow. Approaches workplace via ensure foster the iterative World a.[/st_item_accordion]
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simplywebstuff · 3 years ago
How To Deal With 404 Error In WordPress
A 404 error in WordPress shows you that your browser can’t locate the page or post. In This article you will learn how to deal with 404 error in WordPress. #wordpress #wordpresstutorial #fixwordpress #wixwperrors #learnwordpress #wordpress404fix #wp404
A 404 error in WordPress shows you that your browser can’t locate the page you are trying to access. Believe me, when you or your visitors are trying to access your website this can be super frustrating. While there is a chance that your page or post has actually gone missing, the majority of the time, this error has a different cause. In This article you will learn how to deal with 404 error in…
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View On WordPress
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nsindhu · 4 years ago
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Will fix your hacked or defaced Wordpress website Click for details
#fixwordpress #hackedwordpress #bloghacked #wordpresssecurity #hacked #website #security #web #fiverr #freelance #wordpress #deface #hack #WordpressSecurityExpert #wordpressexpert
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releaseteam · 5 years ago
Searching for IOS Developer in Sunnyvale, CA. Click here for more information: https://t.co/0IMV45p1An #ecommerce #ios #android #fixbugs #fixwordpress #webdevelopment #codequality #devops #automatization #javascript #iphonesdk #json #xml #androidsdk #swift #sql #xcode pic.twitter.com/svq5Ph4OBi
— HonorVet Technologies (@HonorVetTech) October 13, 2019
via: https://ift.tt/1GAs5mb
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pritomkarmokar · 5 years ago
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Do you want to create your Contact from or you want to fix contact form errors? Do you want to Fixing CSS issues? contact me here : https://bit.ly/2VONMNt 
I am going to be solved all your wordpress problem otherwise I returned your money back. 
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shopapennyland-blog · 7 years ago
 Resetting Your WordPress Password
  Check it out in the below post ...
#MotivationMonday #TravelTuesday #WCW #TBT #fashion #fridaymotivation
#ASTROWORLD #GSLvsTHEWORLD #WhileEveryoneIsAsleep #wordpressblog #wordpresshelp #wordpresssupport #wordpress #fixwordpress #recyclingmedia
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lisawilson860-blog · 8 years ago
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