#Firm Faith
helpfromheaven · 1 year
A Firm Faith to Stand on God's Words
A fountain in Corbevoie, a suburb of Paris, France, May 2023 Isaiah 7:9 “Unless your faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm.” When King Ahaz of Judah learned that the two kings of Syria and Israel were planning to attack Jerusalem, he and his people were scared, trembling “like trees shaking in a storm” (verse 2). The attack never happened because the Lord wouldn’t let the invasion happen.…
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Verse of the Day - 1 Corinthians 16:13
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wiirocku · 3 months
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1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT) - Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.
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icicleteeth · 2 months
The thing is Honey is Supposed to be unattractive (by conventional standards) to Everyone... Guys who want skinny dudes won't like him, guys who want fat dudes won't like him either and guys who want muscular dudes definitely won't like him, his hair is a mess in a way that isn't really pretty; the point is he's kinda ugly in a failboy loser way... But it doesn't get him down... That's how I see myself irl so it's why Honey turned out this way
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 9 months
All the hate you’re getting must be annoying. Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your blog, and I am certain others do as well!
To be honest it hasn't been that bad. Less hate really (and hardly anything on those lines that hasn't been a misunderstanding quickly cleared up) and more just... misinterpretation of my intentions or what I say sometimes, which is honestly half on me because I'm not always able to find the best words to convey my meaning, but still half on people for not reading and considering the psas and statements I've made.
So far, most people have actually been pretty chill!
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jane-lynndrake-t · 10 days
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You're good at reading between the lines, friend.
I can't tell you how many times people have thought that, but I can tell you about the hilarious pinched look on their faces as they thought it.
When you're young and already outcast, it's a protection to be seen as someone not worth approaching. Or exploiting.
1/4 sarcastic lines found :)
From Mrs. Drake's obituary
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aspirant1598 · 17 days
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meepmeep19 · 11 months
Yk how Dazai contributed to half of the PM’s profits during his time in the mafia? Imagine if Chuuya had been responsible for the other half. So like everyone else in the ENTIRE PM only contributed like 0.0001% in total lmao💀
And so Mori would like on the reg call meetings calling (read: scold like a high school teacher) everyone except SKK (he does NOT need to increase their ego anymore than it already is lmao) while massaging his temples like
Mori: Can you please explain how two immature CHILDREN have managed to contribute more to this organization than every single TRAINED ADULT in this room???
Ace: (because he is 100% enough of a snivelling weasel to insult two children out of pure pettiness) It’s not our fault Sir. We’re all only human after all, but those things-they’re INHUMAN!!! Demons like them obviously don’t need to take any breaks; hence the cause of the work discrepancy. If it wasn’t for this minor detail, then I can assure you Sir, that we would all prove to be FAR more competent than those freaks.
Mori: (already feeling a headache coming on) Ace, how many times do we have to go through this? They’re not actually…
Meanwhile SKK are right outside the door eavesdropping and snickering to themselves (after having just come back from playing competing in the arcade for like 7+ hours lol) Yes their egos are in fact inflating to a horrifically unhealthy degree.
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scenevarian · 1 year
Sometimes when its like 1-4 AM varian would just come out his lab and just walk in the hallways, whenever someone woke up and went downstairs while it was early morning you'd see a varian like baking or something
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ritadcsc · 8 months
Nas batalhas da vida é necessário almejar algo que esteja além delas, do contrário o sofrimento das lutas é uma tortura e evitar todo e qualquer esforço parecerá uma boa solução para a infeliz vida cheia de pedras num caminho que leva a lugar nenhum.
Cássia Kawamura em O mínimo sobre maternidade, p. 37
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rmorde · 1 year
The reason Nobara has been eliminated is because she is one hell of an OP QUEEN who could have ended the villains with just one finger snap of Hairpin.
Like all Nobara needs to defeat Sukuna is a finger and her strawdoll. RESONANCE! No more Sukuna! The guy is pretty lucky that the jujutsu elders are so stupid that they hoarded the fingers instead of experimenting on Nobara's abilities if she can destroy it. I think she could totally destroy it.
The same situation can apply to Kenjaku. Nobara only needs a part of his body to destroy him with Resonance and Hairpin.
Come to think of it, Nobara could probably even hurt Gojo. I don't think Infinity can protect him from her CT.
All I'm saying is Gege probably realized he accidentally made Nobara too OP. She's like Gojo 2.0 but better. Then he panicked because he just had put Gojo in a box to create tension. So he had her eliminated immediately too.
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grace-of-spades1 · 2 hours
friendly reminder
Jesus loves you
2000 years ago He died for your sins
He has a plan for you
He created you for a reason
John 3:16-for God so loved the world He gave his only begotten son not to condem the world but save it
'Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”' - John 8:12
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Verse of the Day - 1 Peter 5:8-9
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wiirocku · 1 year
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1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT) - Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.
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misterbaritone · 10 months
Watching this new Scott Pilgrim show almost drove me to reopen the book.
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e-c-i-m · 4 months
Dear Child of God,
Jesus protect us!
Love, ECIM
Video: Canva Music: At the Cross - Kaleb Brasee Cover
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