#Fire emergency equipment box
katuschka · 4 months
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Olalla – Chapter Four
Josh Kiszka x female OC
6.432 words
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Also, if you're under 18, go find some other entertainment elsewhere.
One more chapter until Jacob makes an appearance again, so bear with me. Some shit still needs to happen...
Warnings: alcohol consumption, junk food, lots of fluff, heavy petting, oral sex, masturbation, unprotected penetrative sex, some rough sex too, but not too much, orgams (self) denial, depression, allusions to trauma, some arguing going on, the main character being a bit insufferable
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Feel the vibe Feel the terror Feel the pain It's driving me insane I can't fake For God's sake why am I driving in the wrong lane Trouble is my middle name But in the end I'm not too bad Can someone tell me if it's wrong to be so mad about you
Josh protested weakly for a short while but gave up soon, because he didn’t really have enough strength to fight with her. All he wanted to do was to wash the sticky sweat off his exhausted body and crawl in bed. He had a throbbing headache, his feet were swollen and his calves felt as if he set them on fire, not to mention the hollow ache deep inside his chest. The first panic attack had scared him shitless, but he learned to cope since then and could feel this one subsiding already. He hoped she didn’t recognize it, thinking that he was probably just upset by what happened…
He was also so hungry it hurt, but the idea of going anywhere and just being seen by any more people made him even more nauseous. He generally loved people, so this scared him too. He didn’t feel like himself anymore. 
“Could you please at least tell me where we’re going?” he asked after a while, still clutching his forehead with his elbow sticking out of the window. 
“We’re nearly there,” was all she said as she drove through the last sharp bend. They were now at the top of a bare, grassy hill with just a few trees here and there. The sun was setting right in front of them and if he just turned his head left, he would see a truly breathtaking view. It was a warm, breezy, fairytale evening. One of those summer evenings that make you forget about tomorrow; when you stay outside a bit too long, wrapped in a blanket, until early birds and the sun re-emerging on the other side tell you it’s finally time to go get some rest. 
Not today though. The magic was lost somehow. He just didn’t care. He didn't want to care right now…
They soon arrived at a wrought iron gate that separated the main road from a driveway which led to several log chalets. They were obviously new, but looked sufficiently traditional at the same time, built in the picturesque goralski style, with just a few modern enhancements. It looked fairytale-ish AND expensive.
In his dreamlike state, he watched her miraculously procure the keys from the glove box, step out of the car and open the gate. 
She did the same thing again after she parked the car in front of one of the smaller chalets. This time she motioned him to follow her inside. He groaned and slowly dragged himself out of the car. He wasn’t in the mood for whatever she’d been plotting or whoever she wanted to meet here. 
The plank wall interior looked bright and cozy and was moderately furnished with just a large and comfy-looking modern gray couch that contrasted with a wooden dining table and chairs carved in the rural style. There was also a fully equipped kitchenette, a large TV and stereo system and a wooden staircase with iron-wrought banister that led upstairs. It was also completely empty. 
“What is this?”
“Our shelter for the night,” she answered and switched the lights on because it was already getting dark inside. “I figured you’d appreciate a bit more privacy today.”
She wasn’t wrong, he couldn’t deny that. He knew he was a mess and if they went back, there would be questions, and the people who’d ask them, and he feared couldn’t deal with that right now. He was sure she didn’t want to, either. And this place was actually quite nice, but…
“So, it’s just the two of us? Is this place yours?” He asked tentatively. He thought it unlikely, but really hoped it was. 
“No, not mine. I couldn’t afford it even if I wanted to. And I don’t,” she replied matter-of-factly, as if that explained everything, and turned on the oven to let it pre-heat.
Joshua, however, looked positively alarmed now. Still clutching his backpack in one hand, he tried to stop her in her tracks with the other. “Seriously, Olalla! What is this place and how could you get us inside? Please, tell me we’re not trespassing. I don’t want more trouble. If we can pay for this, I definitely will! I don’t want you to…”
“Relax, Mr. I-will-pay-for-it-all. It’s been already paid for. This is a private resort. People pay yearly rent so they can come anytime they want. Anyway, this one belongs to a guy who owns a small chain of bakeries. I’m the housekeeper,” she finally started to explain while rummaging in the fridge and kitchen drawers. “Here, have some water. And stop bouncing around me like a yo-yo. Sit and relax, for fucks sake!” She grabbed his shoulders and gently pushed him in one of the chairs before she dived her nose in the freezer, searching for boxes with frozen pizza. She threw one on the table in front of him “Margherita?” 
He nodded weakly and she put it in the oven. “That’s why I couldn’t go to dinner with you the other day. I was here. Even when they’re not here, I come in here every week to keep this place spotless, because his wife is scared of spiders. Also, it just needs to be ready all the time in case they just decided to come here on a whim.” She noticed his alarmed face and added: “Not now! Don’t worry. They’re currently in Egypt…There’s some wine, too. Would you want some?”
He sucked in a breath and exhaled dramatically, which made her roll her eyes. “I take care of their groceries and other supplies. There’s a monthly budget and they don’t keep track, so they won’t notice. Besides, I can keep the change, so all in all you’re my guest… Now come have a look.”
She took his hand and led him to a small terrace outside a glass door at the southern side of the chalet. That’s when he finally saw it. The whole Tatra mountain range was stretching right in front of them. The setting sun was now illuminating just the tops of it, painting the peaks in fiery red, while the valley below was already shrouded in shadow. The glimmering streetlights of Zakopane looked surreal from where they stood, almost inappropriate…like a fake illusion that civilization could possibly surpass the power of the surrounding nature. We don’t control life, life controls us – that’s what Agnieszka thought. Josh, on the other hand, believed in divine symbiosis. Even now, all he could see was beauty. This was much bigger than him, much more important.
She watched with joy as his expression finally relaxed and a weak smile played on his lips.  “This is beautiful,” he breathed out at last. “You still didn’t explain why we’re really here.”
“I already told you. The privacy.” His crossed arms and raised eyebrows and the whole oh-come-on look on his face told her that he wasn’t buying. He didn’t look so drained anymore, though, already going back to his charming, bubbly self. And even if he wasn’t, she wouldn’t mind. 
She took a deep breath and told him that this was the exact reason. “We’re here so that you could just be yourself. You don’t need to feign anything tonight.”
If they went back to Eulalia, he would no doubt be forced to smile and act normal, at least until he’d reach the confines of his small and stuffy attic room. He had been upset, and she just wanted him to breathe and smile in earnest. This place was perfect for that. She would go here on her own sometimes – or stayed a bit longer than necessary after having done her chores – just to enjoy a private moment of peace, unbothered by anyone. That’s what she told him. 
She did not tell him that she feared that they would just part in the hallway and that would be it. There were still some things that were left unsaid and there might not be another opportunity to say them. She would resume her role of a receptionist/slash/maid and he’d be her guest again, engaging in polite conversations about the weather until he’d be gone for good. The whole ride here, the devil on her shoulder kept telling her that it would be better that way and that this was foolish. Or was it the angel? She couldn’t tell. She also couldn’t let go of him that easily. Maya was wrong. A lot of things could have happened…and they did. She needed closure. 
She did not need to tell him that, though. She brought him here not as her guest, but as her…whatever he was. A friend, most probably. Someone who she cared about, in spite of her resolve. 
He knew that, and that was what really made him smile, not just the view. 
“Thank you, Olalla,” he said in a low tone after a while and brought her from her reverie. “I truly love it here. Can we eat outside? he added, motioning to a set of fake rattan chairs and a small table right beside Agnieszka. He looked like an excited, mischievous boy again. 
“Of course,” she smiled kindly and the stove clock buzzed, telling them the pizza was ready. 
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It was already dark when they finished eating, the wine was almost gone, too. It was getting chilly and they had to wrap themselves in blankets from the couch. Their bare and swollen feet, already freed from their heavy boots, were already getting uncomfortably cold, but neither of them wanted to leave yet. The pizza was okay, but small and they were still a bit hungry after, so Agnieszka quickly made some microwave popcorn. They were now munching the last handfuls, each of them lost in their thoughts, and watching the stars mirror the lights below. 
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” she finally broke the silence. 
“You’ll have to be more specific,” he smiled warmly and reached out to stroke the back of her hand that lay on her armrest... 
“The bus…” Her hand slid from under his fingers to reach for her wine, leaving them hovering in mid air awkwardly for a split second before he retracted them and clenched his fist unconsciously. 
His previously relaxed face clouded again. “What’s there to talk about? People are jerks, you can’t avoid them. End of story, I guess.” His tone was not unpleasant, but it sounded definitive. He wasn’t going to discuss his breakdown with her. She nodded and looked away, so he continued in his honeyed voice: “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’m just impulsive. And I’d rather talk about our trip. The valley, it was a truly beautiful place. How many times have you actually been there?” 
Her heart sank and she watched him playing with the hem of his shirt for a while. It was OK if he didn’t want to talk about the bus ride, but the way he just dismissed the kiss stung her.  She cleared her throat because the lump in it threatened to choke her, and answered politely:  “A few times. I think I was six or seven when my dad took me there for the first time. We needed passports back then. 
“Well, that makes it easier now,” he nodded absentmindedly, still playing with his shirt. 
“Nothing is easier!” Her sudden outburst made him look up in annoyance, but his expression quickly softened when he saw her own. He wanted to hug her, but didn’t dare, too afraid that she would pull away from him again. 
He was about to suggest that they should probably call it a night. The wine obviously didn’t have the best effect on her. However, she took a deep breath and continued. It was a sudden outburst of words, totally out of her character, but he listened eagerly as she told him about the solace she found up there; how the weather made the same places look a bit different each time; how she knew every place accessible on foot and how Dominik – her fiance – once convinced her to get a climbing permit so that he could show her more; how she avoided going up there for nearly two years after he fell and left her here; how she finally learned that it’s just people’s stupidity that makes bad things happen, and nothing else…
She had no idea why she told him all that, but she suddenly felt so much lighter. It was just like the first night all over again. He was her confessor. 
“Is that why you’re running from love? he whispered.
“No,” she huffed in protest. “I’m just seeking joy elsewhere. Love is overrated.” 
“What? Oh no! Love is everything, dear. You cannot live without it. It’s the ultimate knowledge. ‘The more you love, the more you know’ – a dumb man once said. Love IS joy!”
“Yeah, you’re positively glowing,” she responded sarcastically.
“Even when it hurts, it’s worth it.”
“I’d rather never known that pain,” she mumbled. 
“I regret nothing.” His face betrayed him, though. This was clearly not true. He could feel her eyes on him as he chewed the inside of his cheek. She opened up to him, he should do the same. It just wasn’t easy, not when this ugly, fake and pixelated version of him kept defeating him and its tentacles could reach this place too if he weren’t careful. It had destroyed his love and it still threatened to destroy his life…or at least it felt that way sometimes.  “…well, almost…but that has nothing to do with love,” he added when the silence became unbearable.
“So, what’s his name?” The question made him smile, albeit ruefully. He loved how straightforward she was from day one. Some might think it rude, but her questions were always laced with pure interest and concern, nothing more. He appreciated that. She was clever, too…although not clever enough. 
“Who? The love I don’t regret?” It was obvious that she wasn’t going to repeat the question. They both knew exactly what she meant, so he looked at her at last and added, finally telling her much more than just a name: “Christopher.”
“Do you still love him?”
“I don’t believe in falling out of love…unless it turns to hate. And I could never do that.”
“That sounds a bit evasive.”
“Yet it’s the most truthful answer I could give you. Everyone I’ve ever loved has left a mark. Some may be a bit faded, but love just doesn’t leave. Don’t your vain attempts to run from it prove my point?” 
She huffed in annoyance and emptied her glass of wine. “He didn’t leave me intentionally. He died. Isn’t it natural to feel resentful when someone breaks your heart? They’re not gone, they just don’t want you anymore. I’m pretty sure it’s much easier to let go.”
“He didn’t break my heart. I broke his…and mine, in the process. I’m to blame. And I’m pretty sure he’s resentful, but it didn’t make it any easier for either of us. Besides, didn’t you just say a moment ago that it was all about human stupidity? We’re supposed to learn from it, not hide.” 
She had no answer to that. She just tightened the blanket around her, acting like they were just talking about the weather. “It’s getting a bit chilly.”
He gave her a long, scrutinizing look, but she kept avoiding his eyes. “Ok, let’s go inside,” he sighed.
They washed the dishes together in silence and then she reluctantly led him upstairs, sad that their day would – after all – end in what felt like an argument. 
The upper bedchamber was not much different from his attic room, with just the most essential furnishings, the double bed taking up most of the space. It was also equally stifled after the hot day. The bathroom, however, was large and cool and fully equipped.. Agnieszka once again started making everything ready with alacrity. She turned on the boiler, opened up the window to let some fresh air in, reached into the closet and handed him several clean towels, showed him where to find spare toothbrushes…and all that time he watched her with visible concern in his eyes which she masterfully ignored.  
She was finally done. Standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her sides, she exhaled audibly. “Unfortunately, there’s just one bedroom here, but I can sleep downstairs.”
“Don’t be ridiculous Olalla, the bed is big enough for both of us. If you don’t wanna share it, I understand…but in that case I should be the one sleeping on the couch.”
“I don’t mind sharing the bed with you, I just thought…”
“Good, it’s settled then. Now let’s go take a shower,” he interrupted her matter-of-factly and pulled off his shirt. Her breath hitched as he started unbuttoning his shorts. 
“What? Together?”
“We’re gonna sleep in one bed, we have no spare clothes, what difference does it make?” He tried to act nonchalantly, but there was some underlying tension building up under the surface, as if he was testing her, but losing his temper already.
“It makes a difference to me Joshua. I do…”
His face contorted in frustration and he threw his arms up in the air. “And what makes you think that I don’t? What exactly do you want? If you brought me here just as a friend, fine. I can cope with that. You obviously made some assumptions about me along the way, and you weren’t completely wrong. But the kiss…I meant it. And I think you did too, that it’s what you want, but your walls are too high. You’ve been dodging me ever since that happened, even before that, actually… Yet, here we are. I’ve been acting like an idiot too, you haven’t met me at my best, but I do like you, ok? So please, stop overthinking this and fucking tell me. Why does it make a difference to you?”
All the time, she just stood there, watching him flailing his arms around, shocked. If only it were so easy – not overthinking it. Was she really pushing him away today? She wasn’t aware of that. She wanted to touch him again. Badly. The yearning was strong, and past the point of it being purely physical. It kept frightening her.
He was wrong, though. This wasn’t really what she wanted. When she saw him for the first time, he was just another guy that she could potentially have some fun with…if he wanted. Just another handsome body to fill the void for a while. But that changed very quickly. And what the hell did he want, anyway? 
“I’m scared.” She was crying now, overwhelmed by his confession as well as her over emotions. 
“Of what, baby?”
I’m scared of the fact that for the first time in years, I care. And I’m scared of having to admit that, if you asked. And no matter what happens now, you’re going to leave me. I don’t know what this is yet…definitely not a date…we have no future. But I already know that I’m going to miss you.
She couldn’t say any of it aloud though. 
He cupped her cheeks in his hands and looked into her eyes, searching for cues. “Do you want me to go sleep on the couch, baby? It’s ok, you know.”
“No,” she whispered. No, she couldn’t possibly let him do that. It was something in his touch. Every time he made a slightest contact with her skin, her brain short-circuited, making her mind do mental backflips. Because, screw that…If she’s going to miss him, she wants to miss everything about him. “Can you kiss me again, please?” 
He barely touched her at first. Just a fleeting brush of his lips against hers. It would be almost innocent if it weren’t for the shaky exhale, almost a moan. It was controlled, and he did it on purpose. He was teasing her before he looked at her again and whispered: “Is this what you want, hm? Just a kiss?” 
“You can take whatever you want.”
“I’m not going to be taking anything today, baby,” he responded, caressing her cheek in a loving way. She leaned into his touch and ran her fingertips up his bare chest, tracing his collarbones and then his jaw as she tried to commit every detail of his face in her memory. “We’re gonna take it slow, what do you think? he whispered. 
“Yes…,” she whispered back. 
He reached for the hem of her tank top, motioning her to lift her arms up, which she was reluctant to do. 
“I stink like a pig,” she sniffed, but a soft smile was already forming on her lips. 
“You smell divine, my dear.” He kissed her again, this time with more passion. They stood there for a while, reveling in their newly found intimity, licking and moaning into each other’s mouths. He cupped her bare breast in his hand, running his fingers along her nipple before he bowed down to do the same thing with his tongue. She tilted her head back. “Joshua…”
“Yeah,” he muttered with her nipple still in his mouth. 
“I’d really like to shower first…” He smiled against her skin and straightened up. He took her hand, grabbed the towels with the other and led her into the bathroom. 
He did as he promised, and took it slow. They took off the rest of their clothes and stepped in the shower together. She unbraided his hair, helped him disentable the dreadlock beads from his hair, before she started rubbing shampoo into his curls. “Coconut ice-cream again?” he chuckled softly. She smiled back. “I told you I take care of the supplies. That includes my supplies. I get a wholesale discount for this.” 
“You’re a hell of a housekeeper,” he laughed. 
When they got back to the bedroom, she just turned off the lights and climbed in bed. He followed suit. They cuddled at first and explored their bodies in the darkness. Listening to his heavy breath was intoxicating. The silky softness of her skin, in contrast with her calloused palms, moved him in a way he never expected. But as soon as their kisses deepened and his cock hardened, they couldn’t wait any longer. She cupped his balls and kneaded them gently, making him whimper. 
“I need to feel you,” he whispered.
“Come inside then.” 
“What a nice way to put it,” he chuckled against her shoulder. “How do you want me?”
“Spoon me.”
She turned on her side and he positioned himself, pushing in slowly. He tried to do everything slowly, but it became almost unbearable after a while, and when she whispered “more,” he quickened his pace. He wanted to do just what she asked for, and just listening to her reactions was making him lose his mind. So, when she whimpered “tough me more,” he was delighted to oblige. He grabbed her leg and lifted it up, resting her shin against his knee. His hand sneaked down her thigh until he found that precious little button. It didn’t take long and he soon felt her contracting around him. He diligently took her there, pushed her over the edge with one last flick of his finger and held her tight while she reached the dizzy heights and then came back to him.
It took her a while to realize that he had stopped completely. “Joshua…go on…” Her voice was like a jingle bell, feeble and high and a little breathy. 
“Shhh, just let me savor the moment, it’s ok” he murmured into her hair. She exhaled heavily and relaxed as the fatigue threatened to overcome both her mind and body at last. With their limbs still intertwined and their bodies still connected, she felt his chest rise and fall against her back. It was getting cold in the room. He moved just a little to grab a blanket, threw it over both of them and buried his face in her hair again. Almost involuntarily, he moved his hips just a little a few times and whimpered weakly, still chasing the feeling before he finally stopped. “Get some rest, sweet Olalla,” he whispered and his fingertips stroked the baby hair that covered her temple. She fell asleep before he got limp, feeling both peaceful and full.
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The sun emerged from behind the clouds and its morning rays hit Josh straight in the face, waking him. He was a bit disoriented at first. He also had a painful erection.
The planks on the ceiling looked just like those in his attic room, but the light coming from the outside, as well as the smell of new wood and furniture were different…then he remembered. 
Her side of the bed was empty and cold and no sounds were coming from below. That made him start…only to notice a piece of paper with a quickly scribbled message placed carefully on her pillow. 
I had to go back to Eulalia, but I will be back VERY soon with some clean clothes and breakfast. Feel free to make yourself some coffee.
He checked his phone on the nightstand to see what time it was, only to find it dead. Perfect, so she was keeping him hostage now. 
That made him huff. He had no idea what time it was, but he had faith in her, so…first things first. He had to take care of himself. He wrapped his fingers around his hard-on and started stroking himself. It was slow at first, but he soon became impatient. All the pent-up energy, all the emotional whiplash he experienced recently, all the hurt and newly found pleasures…he needed to release the tension that had only intensified the night before. 
For the first time in months, he didn’t picture Christopher’s mouth enveloping the tip of his hard dick while he was pumping himself. The events of the previous night occupied his mind instead. He enjoyed sex with women, but it had been a couple years now…and to be honest, it had never infiltrated his deepest fantasies…until now. He just couldn’t help it now. He could feel it again – her tight walls, smooth like velvet, warm and tight…but not too tight. Different.
The way she moaned with each thrust; it was so melodic. So sincere. All the hurt she had tried to hide, it seeped out of the pores of her silken skin and evaporated in the air above them. He made her feel better. She made him feel better. 
He closed his eyes and he could see her face clearly again, as if it was tattooed on the inner surface of his eyelids. He thought about their first kiss as he twisted his wrist, stroking the head of his cock in a circular motion. The electricity when the tip of her tongue met with his was real. It made him moan loudly and his heart started to beat faster. He was getting close already. 
He ran his second hand past his abdomen to cup his balls, kneading them gently just like she had done yesterday. He longed for her to do it again, but right now he had to get this over with so they wouldn't burst. A few more strokes – together with a memory of her dark ponytail flailing in the wind – before spurts of his cum landed on his belly and chest. 
The hurt he had felt – it somehow ceased to matter the very moment she decided to try to make it go away without even asking what he had done to feel that way. Her whole being left an imprint on him. Her teary eyes, her ringing laugh, the softness of her skin and her calloused hands. His vision of her was not purely sexual, but it made him emotional. She was a born caretaker, who – for some reason – chose to live without love. He couldn’t forget the way she was looking at him the night he gave her the pendant. Like deer in headlights. She begged to be seen, yet she was trying to make herself invisible. He became convinced that he had to fix it. 
Again. He hadn’t learned a single thing…
He lay there for a while with his eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of warm sun rays on his skin, but the relief he had sought was short-lived and he started to feel on edge once again. Groaning in annoyance as his release on his stomach started to get crusty, he finally scrambled out of bed and trudged over to the bathroom.
The quick shower he took to clean himself did not make him feel more relaxed, on the contrary. It once again reminded him of last night. He lathered up a drop of the coconut shower gel between his hands to wash his torso with it and the smell only made him dizzy. He needed her. 
He wandered naked around the chalet, searching through empty drawers for a compatible charger, knowing too well it was futile. He made himself a coffee and then just let it get cold on the table. He opened a bottle of beer, took two sips and then just held the cold bottle on his forehead while he sat sprawled on the couch. He started gnawing on his lower lip out of impatience when he finally heard a key in the lock and his eyes snapped open. 
She was beautiful, with her long dark locks just hanging down this time. She was wearing a white madeira sundress and flip flops. He had never seen her like this. 
“I’m SO sorry, it took a little longer than I expected, I hope you didn’t…oh!”
At first she thought he was angry, the way he leaped from the couch and darted towards her, with that look on his face. She instinctively backed away, but he just took the bags she was holding, put them on the table and literally pounced on her, grabbing her sides and making her stumble backwards and collide with the wooden door. 
“Joshua! Wait a second,” she bursted out, grabbing his shoulders in an attempt to regain her balance. He disregarded her feeble resistance, grabbed her wrists and pinned them against the door at both sides of her head.
“For what exactly? I’ve waited for hours. Now I don’t need to anymore. I think I”m going to take what I want after all,” he grunted against the soft skin right below her earlobe and pushed his leg between her things. “And don’t tell me you dressed like this to make me wanna hold your hand again, so don’t play coy,” he added, while licking a long stripe from her collarbone back up to her earlobe, earning a high pitched moan when he bit it. Her heart started beating wildly, sending tingling waves of arousal throughout her whole body. He was already rock hard, rutting against her pelvic bone. 
“Aren’t you hungry?” she whimpered, nodding towards the table. She was referring to the food she brought, but they both knew she was teasing him with double meaning. She arched a little, pressing her still clothed pussy down on him a bit more. It was exhilarating to feel his hands tightening around her forearms, digging his fingernails in her flesh. He looked at her, nostrils flaring, and she reciprocated with intense glare. 
“I’m starving. Feed me.” He let go of her arms, grabbed her jaw instead to force her mouth open and licked into it, claiming it. Her own hands immediately travelled up his back, kneading his tight flesh in a sudden frenzy, pulling him even closer to her chest.   
Still locked in a searing kiss, he turned her around and they slowly made their way towards the couch. When her calves collided with it, he just pushed her down and kneeled in front of her, pushing the hem of her dress up to her waist with one swift motion. She had no panties on, which made grin like a madman, shaking his head with a mischievous “tsk”. 
With just his fingertips, he pushed her thighs further apart and licked his lips absentmindedly, seeing her in all her glory for the very first time. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, while the same fingertips travelled further up her inner thighs until his thumb brushed gently against her clit, sending a jolt of electricity up her spine. 
She moaned melodically and he hummed in unison with her. “You said you liked my singing?” 
The question brought her back to earth and she looked down at him in confusion. “You want to sing to me now?” 
He locked his eyes with her and they gleamed with mischief as he brushed his cheek against her inner thigh and planted a soft kiss on her labia. “Uh huh.” 
“What do you mean?”
“Just this…” he whispered, pressed the tip of his tongue on her exposed bud and really, really started singing…
He had to push her abdomen down with his hand to keep her steady as her whole body twitched in shock, her hands frantically grabbing at the pillows around her. He had her moaning loudly in no time. She had never held any man’s head between her legs, but she entangled her fingers in his curls almost involuntarily, in fear that he would stop. He hummed in approval and quickened the vibrations of his tongue even more and she cried out, eyes open wide. He slowed down a bit when her legs started shaking, enveloped her clit with his lips and started sucking on it gently. That was a terrible mistake, because instead of prolonging the experience, it pushed her over the edge immediately. 
She watched him in a haze as he emerged from between her legs and hovered above her, his facial hair completely wet. She immediately reached out to wipe it off with her palm, but he grabbed her wrist and smiled devilishly. “Leave it!” It sent her mind reeling. 
“What is it, baby? You look completely ruined,” he crooned maliciously. 
“Oh god, Joshua, just shut up and fuck me!” she exclaimed impatiently, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him closer. 
“Oooh, I will!” he bit his lip and shook his head maliciously. Before she could react, he buried his dick in her to the hilt. They both groaned loudly, exchanging a quick look. He swallowed audibly and rested his forehead between her breasts. “Your body’s made of silk, baby,” he murmured against her skin. “It’s driving me nuts.”
She clenched around him deliberately, making him groan again. “Don’t get too sentimental now. I’m not ruined enough yet!” 
“Dear lady, you’re a beast,” he whimpered through his teeth and straightened up. “As you wish.” He grabbed her hips and started thrusting into her with an unexpected force.  
She watched him, mesmerized. She literally saw him in a completely new light now. His parted lips, his furrowed brow. Just seeing him like that was an intensively sensual experience, and it turned her on even more. She could soon feel another orgasm building deep inside her low abdomen. It was becoming almost overwhelming and she grabbed his upper arms to steady herself, digging her fingernail into his skin. That did it for him and his movements became erratic. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to regain control over his bbody, but she clenched around him again and hissed: “Go on. Fill me up!” 
With a few last spasmic thrusts and a long, high-pitched moan, he did, taking her with him one more time. They collapsed together on the couch, breathing heavily. 
“I like you too.”
He didn’t say anything, just pulled her even closer to him and kissed her forehead lovingly.
“What do you think is going to happen now?”
“I don’t know,” he answered truthfully, stroking her hair “but literally anything’s possible. Let’s not worry about it now.”
“I assume you can’t stay longer, can you?”
“No, I’m afraid I can’t. But we still have a week. Let’s make it the time of our lives.”
And they started immediately. The weather was capricious that day. The morning sun soon hid behind the clouds and heavy shower rains kept drumming on the roof. It was a perfect day for ceaseless fucking. It was as if nature played along. Once they got the taste of each other, they just couldn’t stop. 
They fucked three more times that afternoon. At first he bent her over the dining table right after lunch. It was animalistic and quick and she feared she’d leave scratch marks on the wooden table as she cried out with each violent thrust against her cervix. His hands on her hips were gentle though, kneading her flesh like velvet cushions, the pressure of his fingers  on her skin more aggressive only when he came. 
The second time was slow and gentle, as they lay in bed under the roof. Rain kept falling as he showered her with kisses. 
They lay there for another half an hour before they concluded it was finally time to take another shower. That’s where he pressed her against the tiles and filled her with his seed one more time. 
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The day wasn’t over yet, but it was time to go back, so they cleaned up the chalet, got dressed, packed their things and soon were on their way back, arriving at Eulalia before supper. 
Maya greeted them at the reception with a smile, but something was off. She was all smiles and giggles when she and Agnueszka talked briefly earlier that day. She looked almost apprehensive now. 
“I need to talk to you,” she hissed at Agnieszka in Polish after Josh excused himself and ran up the stairs to his room. 
“Can it wait?”
“No, I’m afraid it can’t. 
“Well, it will have to. We’re going out soon in half an hour. You promised me. I’ll be back in the kitchen tomorrow morning.”
“See you in the moooorning,” Agnieszka trilled over her shoulder, already on her way up. 
Back in her room, she checked her phone briefly, only to notice she had a whatsapp message from Bartek. It was a link to some article one of his buddies allegedly found somewhere. She opened it and gasped in shock. 
Josh knocked on her door ten minutes later. He definitely did not expect her to open it with teary eyes.
“What happened,” he frowned. 
She showed him the screen and he went pale immediately. “OK, let me explain.”
“Yeah, you do that…and while you’re at it, feel free to introduce yourself, because clearly, I don’t know you…”
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Give me all your true hate and I'll translate it in your bed Into never seen passion That is why I am so mad about you
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waywardstation · 8 months
Phione Akari AU
A flock of persistent Murkrow go after Akari when both herself and Ingo's guards are down.
I wrote this based off two requests I got from anons; one to see Ingo dealing with the problematic murkrow that go after Akari, and one asking about Akari trying to figure out Pokémon moves.
OR read here on AO3!
AND check out the Phione Akari AU masterpost!
“No, I will not.”
“Miss Akari.”
Ingo continued scrubbing his tunic in the waters of the coastlands’ stream while Akari tapped the pokedex page again with her writing tool, where a shaky doodle of scrambled eggs on a plate had been scribbled.
“I can’t. It would be noon by the time I’ve found and prepared all the ingredients. Then it would be lunch, not breakfast, and we would be several hours behind schedule.” Ingo held up the soaked tunic and looked it over as it dripped river water. Hmm, most of the dirt had washed out, it looked like… sliding down that cliffside to escape that alpha purugly had not been one of his proudest split-second decisions.
“Phiii phi!” More tapping on the page. 
“I’d love to prepare some, honestly. But it’s just not a viable option right now.” Relatively satisfied with his work, Ingo stood up and held his soaked tunic out in front, taking it to hang it up and dry near the camp’s fire. “We need to be packed, refueled, and ready to leave as soon as this is dry enough to wear. It’s just going to be what we have on hand right now, alright?”
“Pphf,” Akari slumped as Ingo returned to pick both her and her pokedex up from the stream’s edge, and set them down beside the camp’s storage box. There, she resigned herself to watching Ingo poke the sluggish fire back to life with a stick, pull his coat back on over his underlayer to protect himself from the cold morning air, and start going through their provisions.
It was probably just going to be roasted beans and berries again. Boring.
“I think today, we should try searching over by Hideaway Bay.” Ingo turned to open the storage box’s lid, digging around inside. “I know that alpha ambipom is rather temperamental, but I believe we’ve put off a much-needed examination of the area for too long.”
“Phi,” Akari sighed as she watched a horrendously greasy cooking pan emerge from the container, to Ingo’s disgust.
“Eugh,” He grimaced at the crusted-over texture along the edges. “Clearly, our previous traveler was not much of a maintainer when it came to equipment. But no matter-”
Getting back to his feet, Ingo moved to return to the riverbank, ruined pan in hand. He stopped only a moment to glance over his shoulder at her.
“This will only take a moment. You’re, um, alright there?”
Akari nodded her head fervently, shoo-ing him with her flippers. She could see he was hesitant, but she was fine! He did not have to keep her stuck to him every waking moment of the day, despite what he often insisted.
And Akari both understood and appreciated Ingo’s intent. It was reasonable to want to shelter her when she had no means to protect herself, either physically or through the use of moves, which were currently still a heavily-locked mystery to her. But as someone who was not used to such constant dependency, and quite sure they’d never like it to that degree, Akari found it suffocating sometimes.
So she really appreciated that Ingo had been trying to relax on that a little lately and give her options when she had finally expressed as much.
Ingo gave one last look around, then continued on. “Alright, but please keep an eye out. I’ll be right over here.”
As Ingo got to work scrubbing the pan in the river, Akari slumped against the box and stared up at the surrounding foliage. 
Bushes that seemed comparable to small houses in size. Massive evergreen trees jutting up for what seemed like a mile, the sluggish sunrise peeking its numerous fingers through the flaring canopy of branches. Hills framing their entire camp at a scale more comparable to mountains.
It was all nauseatingly staggering in this tiny body.
A rustle, somewhere overhead. Akari glanced up into the branches of a tree near the camp’s tent, sitting halfway between herself and the stream. Ingo, who had begun humming something, stopped both his tune and his scrubbing to turn back at it.
A long, heavy stretch of uncomfortable silence. 
“…Miss Akari, stay right where you are, please.” A whisper carried across the camp to her. Ingo was setting the pan down carefully on the riverbank, and getting back to his feet slowly. He could see something she couldn’t. She noticed him looking back and forth. Was he… gauging the distance between herself, himself, and the tree? 
Whatever was in that tree was much closer to her than he was.
That was not good.
Akari supposed she had taken herself out of the danger for a moment, as she was slammed with the full realization of what kind of a position she was in. 
Something wanted her, and she was in quite an open space. Her safe bucket was over by the riverbank near Ingo, and Ingo’s pokeballs were still set down by the tent, along with all his other belongings.
This didn’t happen. This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t supposed to happen!
“Look at me,” Ingo whispered again, pulling her attention back to him. Halfway across the camp now, he was almost past the tree with his hands positioned like he was getting ready to grab her. “Don’t move. I’m almost there.”
The tree's branches rustled again, but Akari did not look back over at it. 
Perhaps it was the horror of this unique situation that she’d never find herself in while in her own body. Or maybe it was the anxiety driven by uncertainty and new, prominent fragility telling her something was already diving for her. It could have even been the fact that protection was so close. But at the sound, Akari reflexively bounded forward towards Ingo’s open hands using her flippers.
The sudden and dramatic action had been a poor choice. At her movement, the tree released a mess of croaky squawking, and shades of black burst from the cover of the branches.
Murkrow. The greedy pests never lingered long in daylight, but the sun was still not entirely up yet; perhaps Ingo and herself had gotten up too early.
These had to be the same flock of murkrow that had been stalking them these past few days, waiting so patiently for a chance to snatch her. After so many previous attempts having ended in Ingo or his Pokémon smacking them away, it may have been personal at this point. And revenge was a very strong motivator.
Sharp red eyes locked gnarled sets of claws on target as they dove for her. But Ingo was quicker. A set of hands protectively clasped around her, and Akari was jostled harshly as darkness sheltered her — Ingo had reached the rest of the way and slid across the dirt to grab her first.
Surely she was safe now, right?
While she could not see, Akari could hear everything just fine. Flapping wings, incensed squawking, and Ingo’s own shouts. But worst of all, incessant pecking. They were pecking at his hands, trying to open them! How many were out there? It sounded like fifty!
“Krow! Krrow!”
“No! No! Stop it!”
Another hard jostle in the darkness, and more shouting. Akari tumbled upside down; he must have curled on himself to try and better protect her. But it was for naught; a sliver of light broke through — terror gaping through the cracks rather than comfort reassuring her that it was over. A gnarled talon had burrowed itself in between Ingo’s hands, and was trying to forcefully wrench them open.
“Get- get off!”
Through the weakening bars of Ingo’s fingers, Akari could see sharp beaks nagging at his wrists. A hard jab, a subsequent shout, and his hands reflexively jolted open another crack. More talons curled through to make sure they stayed open. Then a gnarled beak barged in and clamped down on the long, thin ribbon atop her head. Suddenly with a disorientating, painful yank, the safe darkness disappeared entirely against the harsh light of the morning sun.
Up in the air. Rising up above the storage box, then the firepit, then the camp’s tent, Akari felt herself being tossed up with extra momentum before reversing into a downward fall. And looking below, she found herself staring straight down into the darkness of a murkrow’s throat, waiting for her to fall into it. It had gotten too greedy, and had decided to try and eat her up right there before any other members of its flock could.
Oh, this was it. This was the end!
“Krawwk!” A pained screech and a flurry of feathers, and Akari’s view of an open beak was knocked aside, replaced with a weathered gear station emblem and black fabric against a sideways skyline.
Ingo’s hat. He had smacked the murkrow aside at the last moment by managing to throw it, pretty much the only thing he had on him at the moment, and saved her from being swallowed up at the last second.
“Akari! I’ve got you!” Falling back downwards, Akari could see Ingo shouting and reaching up for her amongst the cloud of pests still harassing him, and for a moment she believed she would be saved. But unseen talons from above closed around her before his hands could secure her from below. 
Ingo’s hat returned to him, but she was off again with another murkrow. And this time, it made it past the camp’s tent. Surroundings scrambled together, and Akari found herself now staring down at a sight that would have flip-flopped her stomach if her current body had one.
The base camp, way down below and only getting smaller. The underside of a murkrow and its furiously flapping wings. A flock of its kin (about twelve, not the fifty she imagined) trailing hastily after them into the sky. And Ingo, still being harassed by a small group that had not yet noticed their coveted prize had been stolen away from him.
She had been snatched. A Pokémon had finally snatched her up and away from safety. And now it was surely going to eat her-
Before the sickening reality could fully set in, the murkrow carrying her squawked and dove downwards. The sky was replaced with a blurred scenery of green and brown whizzing by, and Akari realized her kidnapper was trying to lose its allies-turned-pursuers so it could have her to itself.
It was quickly carrying her far away from base camp.
“Phi! Phiii!” Crying out felt involuntary at this point; Akari couldn’t help it. This was a nightmare scenario and she couldn’t even do anything about it. Useless flippers. Weak body. Inaccessible, mystery moveset. Why had she willingly left herself out in the open like that?
A hard impact knocked Akari out of her thoughts, and a series of screeches broke out right above her. The pressure on her ribbon-like appendage loosened, and free-fall gravity weighed heavy on her for a moment before a new snap came down on one of her flippers, dragging her along once again.
Another murkrow had caught up, collided with them, and snatched her away. But its success would be short-lived; from where she dangled by her flipper, Akari could now look back and see the maneuver had given the rest of the flock time to catch up. At least seven more were right behind them.
“Krow!” Akari’s current captor squawked around her flipper in its mouth as it thoroughly examined her, bright eyes shaded dark under its feathery crest. “Krawwk!”
Still unintelligible dialect that meant nothing to her, despite being a Pokémon. And Akari knew her sounds would be just as garbled to them, but she sternly shook her head anyways, using her other flipper to smack its beak . “Phi-phi!”
Let go!!
Another impact. Feathers flew in a burst, and Akari was ripped right out of the murkrow’s beak by the greedy grip of a claw. An immediate dive bomb followed, disorienting her.
They were all fighting over her.
Trying to focus on the ground down below, the small part of Akari’s mind that wasn’t either uncontrollably racing in a panic or freezing up entirely was trying to come up with something. Anything.
Should she try to free herself from this Murkrow’s grasp? She’d fall a long way down, surely. This was a massive height for her. But she had no bones to break. No muscles to bruise. No organs to damage. She’d be fine like this, right? She was built like a water balloon, after all. 
But water balloons bust open on impact. What if she did too-?
And what would she even do if she did survive the fall? Drag herself all the way back to base camp — wherever that even was now — and just hope no wild Pokémon spotted her and snatched her up along the way? And of course, all of that was generously assuming all these murkrow wouldn’t immediately go after her again in a frenzy.
This was hopeless.
She wanted Ingo.
But Ingo was not here. And he probably had no idea where she was. She certainly didn’t.
“Kroww!” Two murkrow had caught up at once and clamped down on her at the same time, one pulling on her flipper, the other yanking on her ribbon while she was still tight in the grip of a claw. With her squishy, malleable body, it didn’t hurt like expected, but it still squeezed a surprised squeak out of her.
This was pathetic. What was she doing? She did not get into situations like this, and she certainly did not give into them so easily! She did not falter to anything! Raging alphas and frenzied nobles haven’t stopped her yet, why should a pesky flock of cowardly murkrow get that honor? And Lord Braviary carried her through the skies all the time! This was the same!
…no, it was not the same at all.
Another moment of freefall as the three-way tug-of-war yanked Akari out of any secure grip, but with more screeching and flapping wings to follow, another sharp beak predictably clamped back down on her ribbon and pulled her along again.
She couldn’t keep doing this. They were going to tear her apart before any of them even got the chance to eat her! But again — no known moveset. No outside help. No helpful physical capabilities-
-Wait. There was that one weird thing she could do, where she could sort of dissolve into water. Or melt into it? Just plain liquify? It was still very confusing, as it sort of just… happened sometimes. 
Could she do it out of water? No idea. Could she do it on command? Again, no idea. But it was the only way out of this that she could think of, so she had to try. They couldn’t keep her in their beaks and claws if she wasn’t solid.
The horrific squabbling continued all around her, but Akari scrunched up and pulled her flippers close. Drown it out. Just drown it out, like water. Water is loose. Be loose. LOOSE! Just let your mind drift! Let go, let GO-
Perhaps she had concentrated too hard on loosening up instead of actually loosening up, as the cold whistling of wind was abruptly a very prominent sensation all around her. Had she been let go?
She was falling! And neither a claw or a beak had snatched her up yet? Had it worked? She didn’t feel like water. Garbled squawking was still heard somewhere around her, but when Akari tried to glance upwards, she couldn’t get a good look at the flock.
In fact, she couldn’t get a good look at anything. 
She had fallen long enough to slip into a mid-air tumble. Rolling too fast, it was all a hopeless blur. Sky. Ground. Trees. Clouds. Sky. Ground. Trees? Sky? No matter what, Akari could not slow down to make sense of anything around her. 
Squawking was still heard, spiraling somewhere. It was going to be one or the other — if a murkrow didn’t swoop to catch her, the ground eventually would. Then she’d find out exactly how similar she was to a water balloon.
To her dread, something clamped down hard all around her, tight and desperate as she was now enveloped in warm darkness.
Akari cried out instinctively with the abrupt impact. Surely, she had fallen into the open maw of a murkrow that had finally dove to catch her. And this time, Ingo wasn’t there to knock it away and save her, and she was now hopelessly crammed into its gullet. 
She instinctively thrashed as if she wanted to keep fighting, but it was half-hearted; what could she do anymore? Truly now, this was it. This was really it- 
The paralyzing horror and the deep darkness retracted its hold, giving way to light. Akari opened her eyes hesitantly; she had not realized she had shut them so tightly.
There was Ingo. Quite disheveled and hunched forward over her, he was staring down at her in his fingers. His chest was heaving with excess adrenaline and exertion like he had just run a mile. His hands were trembling (and bleeding?) and warm with the same nervous sweat that slicked his forehead. His eyes were wide with a certain disbelief, yet relieving all the same as they settled on her. 
“Oh, oh- you’re alright Akari! You’re alright-!” Ingo’s hands, shakey as they were, closed around her again as he held her close, reassuring her all the while that she was ok. It was as if the murkrow would snatch her up again if he didn’t. “You’re ok, you’re alright! I’m- I’m so sorry-”
He had run after her and caught her. 
“Phiii! Phii!” A burst of emotion swelled her little chest with gratitude. Springing out of her stunned state to try consoling the frazzled man back, Akari’s squeaks were lost amongst Ingo’s stumbling words. Flippers extended out to him without much direct intent as he frantically looked her over, but she didn’t know what else to do. 
Ingo! You!! You caught me!!
“I followed- I wouldn’t allow them to just- I wouldn’t ever let such a thing just happen-“ Quickly-spilling reassurances were choppy and unfinished as Ingo still tried to catch his breath. “I’m- I should not have gotten lax with safety procedures and left you there like that. Forgive me, I won’t neglect your safety like that ever again. I won’t- I promise!”
“Phii!” Akari reached out to bap at him with a flipper, because again, it was all she could do. Of course he’d ask for forgiveness. If he was asking for forgiveness, she of course would as well.
Ingo leaned forward, finally allowing himself to get a few deep breaths in. “You’re… alright? Aren’t you?”
Akari nodded fervently yes, but to her half-surprise, she was hurting. Areas where beaks and talons had clamped and yanked now stung like fresh bruises, but the slippery blue membrane of her body didn’t hint at any damage at all. It just… hurt, even though it appeared fine. 
The same couldn’t be said for Ingo’s hands, though. Fresh marks and scrapes littered his skin and disappeared down under his tattered sleeves. They had really torn him up. Akari frowned at him as she wiped at some of the residual blood with a flipper, and threw her head up in sudden search of the murkrow.
“They were very set on reaching you,” Ingo cleared his throat. “But I am alright; I was worse off than this after my first attempt at carving a pokeball. Though, speaking of those murkrow…”
Ingo lifted his head up to look over his shoulder, and Akari’s gaze followed, eager to see where they were.
High up in the sky, a screeching, umbrella-shaped silhouette of stretched leather wings was trailing after a disorganized disaster of murkrow, rapidly escaping into the distance.
“I’m hoping Gliscor has discouraged their group enough to keep them from bothering us again. But I may have to request that Miss Zisu allows her honchkrow to accompany us next time, just in case. They’d keep their distance for certain.”
“Phi!” Akari watched on with admiration. So Gliscor had saved her! Ingo must have retrieved his pokeballs, and Gliscord must have went after the flock and gotten them to drop her-
“Oh! And ah, not to downplay the situation by changing tracks so quickly Miss Akari, and I apologize that it had to fall under these conditions, but I would like to congratulate you on your, well… first successful use of a move?”
The sentence was said just as awkwardly as it was received. That was not something one person would normally say to another person to begin with, but even given the unique circumstances, Akari cocked her head to the side, giving Ingo a confused look. A move? What move?
“I believe you utilized the move Confusion?” Ingo framed it as another question, like he needed her confirmation to be sure. “It was rather high up so it was difficult to know for sure, but all I saw was a bright flash, then the murkrow suddenly derailed every which way, and then I caught you. Remarkably similar to Alakazam’s use of the move, if I could compare.”
Akari gave a second look at the murkrow in the distance. Their flight patterns looked horribly uncoordinated like they couldn’t even see straight, now that she knew what she was looking for. And that would explain why none of them were able to swoop down and catch her…
Perhaps concentrating so hard on thoughts of a loose body and drifting mind had accidentally directed them way more outward than inward. 
“Phii!” Akari squealed, throwing her flippers up in celebration. While it wasn’t what she had intended, she supposed she had used a move! It had been an accident, yes, but she used an actual move! She wasn’t entirely defenseless anymore!
“Yes, yes, congratulations once again,” Akari’s excitement was infectious, as Ingo couldn’t help but huff a laugh through his nose. But the amusement was short-lived as his tone flattened somewhat. “Though, I hope you understand that regardless of your newfound capability, you are absolutely not uncoupling from me again for the remainder of our trip. Can you work with me on this?”
Ingo tugged back the flap of his coat collar and placed Akari in the crook of his shoulder, secure along his clavicle. Setting the coat collar back, she could see why he wanted her there — the folded fabric layer hid her well, and it would be even more effective when he got his tunic back on with its spacious hood. “My coat collar, one of my pockets, a sleeve, my hat… anywhere, please, as long as it is on my person. I do not think my heart could take a repeat occurrence of this incident.”
It felt like Ingo was sort of trying to play off the severity for her sake, but Akari didn’t have to look very deep to see that things were taking their toll on him. This entire mess of a situation had crammed a year’s worth of stress and grief into a few short weeks, and Ingo was not carrying it as well as he probably thought he was. He didn’t need any more stressful things like this. Fragility of both mind and body were pitifully clear right now.
She couldn’t let something like this happen again. And if that meant staying attached to him like a stubborn tumor for the rest of the trip, she’d have no problem doing that. 
“Phi-phi!” Akari latched onto his neck in a hug and used her flipper to pat against him, trying to clearly express her outspoken agreement. She was going to stay right there for the rest of the trip, and nothing would make her move.
“Thank you.” Ingo breathed out, ridding himself of any residual anxiety. His hands moved to rub at his face, but that was the last display of self-soothing Ingo allowed himself before he stood back up, groaning quietly.
“Now. New topic — Breakfast.” Ingo began making his way back up the hill towards the base camp. “Or… lack of it. It appears you will be getting your plate of scrambled eggs after all.”
“Phi?” What did that even mean?
“I had to throw what we were going to have to the murkrow, in order to get them off of me long enough to go after you.” Ingo admitted, shaking his head. “So it appears our schedule will have to accommodate for some time to scavenge. I am well aware that you will harass me relentlessly if I attempt to skip a refuel.” 
“Phi-phi!” Akari leaned over Ingo’s shoulder and spit a cold, yet harmless stream of water down the back of his tunic. Darn right she would!
“Hey-!” Ingo scrunched his shoulder suddenly, something of a laugh slipping out. He pointed a finger at her in mock admonishment. “No, do not abuse the proximity!”
Akari leaned back and did it again.
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novaonhere · 1 year
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See You Later
Relationship: Cal Kestis x f!reader
Summary: Cal ends up being one of the causalities to the Ninth Sister.
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Death, cussing, mention of blood, bullets
A/N: GET THE TISSUES, apologies,
Prompt: “Hey, at least I loved you till my very last breath, right? Like I had promised.”
(gif not mine)
You sit beside Gabs, making small talk about dinner plans as you wait for Cal and Bode to finish interrogating the Senator. You and Gabs exchange many smiles and laughs, starting to share inside jokes.
You and Cal have been with this crew for a while, which happily surprised both of you. You haven't had a stable crew for a hot minute and were happy falling into a better routine with people you cared about and trusted.
This was the same crew that showed you and Cal how DESPERATELY in love you two were and finally just locked you in the ship's bathroom until you told each other. It was one of the twin's ideas, but they wouldn't tell you which one. Since then, you and Cal have been all over each other. It's been a few years since your first kiss, and things have been running smoothly, relationship-wise.
You fell in love with him more and more each day, especially since you both live a life-or-death type of lifestyle. You never know when your last day is with each other, so you make each one count.
Senator Daho Sejan sulks behind Cal and Bode, one smiling back at the girls and one giving a quick small grin. You nod to your boyfriend, knowing he isn't in realization mode just yet.
"I'm thinking we make your famous stew, (Y/N)," Gabs smiles, slinging an arm around you as you make your way toward the front of the ship. You laugh, reciprocating the friendly gesture. Cal's eyes lighten up by Gabs's words.
"Oh, we definitely should stop by the market then," Cal smiles, catching up to you. He slings an arm on your free shoulder, placing a kiss on your temple.
Of course, any nice moment in your life had to be interrupted by an explosion. Unfortunately, this one was too close for comfort. Boxes of ammo and weapons exploded in front of the crew, launching everyone backward. Everyone equips their weapons, waiting for disaster. A large ship lands just feet away from you as everyone branches themselves behind some intact boxes. Breathing heavily, you, Cal, and Gabs look at one another, the color leaving everyone's faces.
Bright lights shine down onto the crowd. You and Cal throw up your hands, trying to block the light, but keep a hand on your sabers, ready. Three ships enter your line of sight, one slowly lowering to land on the platform in front of you. The Senator takes this as a moment to shake his way in front of the crowd.
"What took you so long?" He cries out, stomping his way up towards the shadowy figure slowly emerging from the ship. "While you've been chasing shadows, I have been-" A burst of red light appears and in an instant, lands on the Senator. No, pierces through the Senator. Cal takes his free hand to push you behind him, watching the Senator slowly be dragged to the dark figure.
The figure grabs the Senator by the shoulder, hoisting him up. The red light from the saber illuminates their face.
"The Ninth Sister..." Gabs whispers out, pain and anger behind those words.
"You've been caught harboring a traitor," She says, clutching onto his shoulder harder. The Senator doesn't flinch, probably already dead. He retracts her saber back into her hand, flinging the corpse to the side. She turns to the group, both you and Cal in fighting stances.
"KESTIS!" She calls out to your boyfriend. He doesn't move a muscle but trying to Force you behind him. Confused, you try to push up next to him.
"Together," You state, making sure the rest of the crew was safe.
"Take care of everyone else," He frowns, glaring daggers at the beast. "She's mine." You nod, trusting your boyfriend.
"OPEN FIRE!" She calls out. In an instant, bullets are whizzing past your head as you duck for shelter. The twins call out and go charging before Cal can stop them. You turn to your right, reflecting bullets from one of the ships that were aimed at Gabs.
"GET INSIDE!" You call out to her. You dare peek to the ship seeing the boys trying to fire at the ship, but with the amount of armor, deemed a bit useless. As she stands up to move, she yells out. You don't hear what has been said, but feel her tackle over you. Two bullets graze way too close to your ear as you both fall onto the floor.
"Thanks G-" You choke. Gab's eyes aren't filled with light, the corner of her torso burnt and bloodied. You scream out, tears brimming your eyes.
Cal watches the scene play out as he also deflects bullets. In a fit a rage, he runs towards the Inquisitor. Everyone is screaming for him to get back, it's not worth it, yada yada. All you could hear was the two sabers bouncing off each other. Time seemed to have stopped, and this overwhelming coldness drifted over your body. Bullets flew past you, surprisingly, not hitting you at all. It wasn't until Bode pulled you back into him that you came back to reality.
The reality of a bright red light.
The reality of that light illuminating through Cal's chest.
Without much thought, you snatch Bode's gun and take two shots at the Inquisitor's head. Unfortunately, one bounces away, and one only skims her ear. She calls out in pain, retracting her saber and fleeing.
Cal's legs have yet to give out, but are so bent they're practically on the floor already. You drop the blaster and run. You've never ran so hard in your life, you thought your lungs were going to fly out of your back. Sliding up to your boyfriend, he collapses into your touch. You vision is blurred from tears as you brush his hair out of his face. It was wet with sweat.
His breathing is ragged and unsteady. His eyes are wide and staring up at yours. You look to his torso, but the sight only makes your cry out harder.
"(Y/N)," He whispers, shakingly reaching a hand up to your face. Tears pour down your face, watching the life slowly leave the redhead.
"No, Cal," You sob out, holding him tightly in your lap. "You can't leave, not now, not ever. I love you." Your lips quiver, your hands shake. His eyes start to roll back then focus on and off. "PLEASE!"
“Hey, at least I loved you till my very last breath, right? Like I had promised.” Cal smiles weakly, dibbles of blood coming out of the corners of his mouth. "I love you, do what needs to be done." And with that, he becomes cool to the touch.
Your sobs echo through the space. Your chest becomes heavy, your eyelids droopy, your face and lips chapped. You hold him tightly, bringing your face down to his, resting your forehead on his.
Bode and Bravo watch, arms crossed and winced. It took all of their willpower to start the dreaded walk over. To make it real, and not a shitty part of the show. Bode tried to separate you two but you kicked and screamed like a toddler. When he was finally able to separate you, you flung yourself into his embrace, wheezing and hiccuping from the lack of oxygen. Bravo picked up who used to be Cal, and followed you two to the ship.
You place a singular petal on Cal's chest. Bode and Bravo helped you set up proper burials for those who had died, and they left you to be alone with Cal for one last time. You shakingly place his light saber across him, letting one of his hands rest ontop of it. You stare at him, his face abnormally white, the freckles stood out even more. His hair was pushed out of his face, and his nose seemed more crooked than ever before. His eye bags had sunken in, as if he was ready for the best sleep of his life.
Leaning down, you place a long kiss to his forehead. And with that, you took a match and lit underneath the table. You couldn't bear to watch.
"See you soon," You hiccup out, trying to hold it together. Slowly, you turn around and head back towards the ship.
A/N: Great, now I'm depressed.
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greyias · 5 months
In addition to being stuck on My Time at Sandrock these past few weeks, I've also been distracted by what basically amounts to "blorbo from my head". I was trying out something to see if it would possibly work as a way to run some 5e Waterdeep modules solo so I could pretend to have some post-epilogue adventures with Ari and Gale (long story short: no, it doesn't work well for that, the search continues!).
Despite it not working out for my intended purpose, I did get a little pulled into the story that wound up emerging, and got very attached to the randomized character I was playing.
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This is Eliana (or rather, the best representation I could make of her in BG3). She is a level 3, half-elf bard. She has a whole whopping 7 AC, and her spell list consists of such combat bangers like "disguise self", "minor illusion", "faerie fire", and "charm person".
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The other three party members are all rangers.
She has a -1 to her intelligence, but consistently rolls a 5 or lower on almost every INT based check (which seems to be about half of the checks she has to make). She introduced herself to her future boyfriend by continually pretending he and one of the other rangers were having an illicit moonlight affair.
Her charm person spell failed once during an encounter on an enemy and she rolled a Nat20 on deception to still convince him to hand over a box containing a potentially world ending McGuffin during combat. She has a rapier but didn't draw her weapon and do damage until like 75% of the way in. She talks to trees, not because it's an inherent ability or she's really into nature, but because it just seems polite at the time. (Sometimes they even talk back... sort of.)
She's befriended a random dire wolf and was nearly murdered by a cute little tabby cat. She disguised herself as the BBEG to interrogate a bunch of cultists who were trying to capture her. She has somehow managed to weaponize the Light cantrip.
Her mortal enemy is a door.
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seen here, plotting said door's demise
She is utterly ridiculous and I love her.
So, of course I had to bring this powerhouse into BG3 for an honor mode run.
She did surprisingly well for the tutorial, but then she and Shadowheart forgot to have weapons equipped when walking into the first post-prologue fight and I got a very rude awakening when facing off against the Intellect Devourers. Poor SH died while Eliana ran like the dickens. I tried to alt-f4 to start the encounter over but the game was like "haha nice try" and saved as it was shutting down. After leaving poor SH to her doom, she went and found Gale and Astarion, remembered to equip a weapon, and got vengeance on the little pesky brains and revive my poor suffering cleric girl (who will soon be respecced into a poor suffering ranger girl once we find Withers, as well as the rest of the team).
I'm almost tempted to take bets on how soon this honor mode run is going to end. There is no way they're getting to Act 3 with that enabled. Probably not past the Grove even.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 11 months
So. New AU 1.
Security Breach is happening, right? Things are looking real bad. No one's been hurt yet, but Glitchtrap is in control and they're all powerless to it... Except Roxy.
A thing I use a good amount with things is that Roxy being a part of the MXES as the final node gives her different capabilities. One of these, is a vastly improved defense system against things like this, meaning every time that Glitchtrap tries to control her, there is an active fight with MXES and the Helpi system to do so. She has moments of clarity, she's more herself than the others but still not, she's consciously aware of this attack on her systems and tries to assist where she can, but ultimately, it's the security systems trying to defend her, and they're not equipped for a fucking digital consciousness invading her brain.
Being part of security also gives her a much more detailed understanding of the Plex, access to some areas the others don't know exist, and access to different kinds of overrides, failsafes and other such systems so long as the correct conditions have been met. I have a lot of ideas for what she does with this kind of power, but this is all you need to know for this AU.
Roxy struggles with the system trying to control her all night, as we know. She's been trying different things to win one over on Glitch with the assistance of the Helpi AI that she can call on at any time through the security network. Except nothing has worked, and what has worked, hasn't worked for long.
But then the place starts to burn. The fire spreads at incredible speed, it's getting hotter and hotter and Roxy is quite literally blind to it. BUT a fire means that other boxes on the conditions list have been ticked. She has more security clearances now and the system has hard kicked Glitch in the nuts to give her this. The fire has caused conditions to be met in the systems for everyone else too, so Glitch has temporarily lost all of his little puppets for now. Everyone has clarity for the fire an nobody knows what to do...
With the Minis guiding her, Roxy is able to locate Monty and Chica, with them bringing Sunny out of the daycare to meet up with them. The plan was to go to the Fazcade to meet up with DJ and her proximity would allow the emergency doors to open in DJ's tunnels to let them out. Except that doesn't happen. The Fazcade gets completely cut off in the blaze and there's no other way out anymore. It's all gone. They're trapped.
At this point, they've all pretty much figured that Roxy has more access to things than she's been letting on (because they've been Glitchtrapped she's not telling him shit) and are desperate for a way out of this. There has to be somewhere they can go, there has to be! They're scared, and rightfully so. Sunny is the only one not severely damaged now, if they have even a slither of a chance of not getting replaced and forgotten, they can't get any more damaged. After a few minutes of panic and desperation, Roxy is given a list of fire safe locations in the Plex and there's not many. The only one that's not blocked off and isn't the underground pizzeria she can't let them in...
Is Sewerhell. The place they send the animatronics when they're not worth keeping around anymore.
She obviously doesn't want to take them there, but what other choice does she have?
And so she leads her friends, her family, directly into hell, where they will be stripped of their ability to leave the very moment they step through the door. All except her and the Minis.
They may be safe from the fire but at what cost?
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marlenacantswim · 1 year
Hey dude, what's the plot/a few plot points of your perfect hypothetical mission: Impossible movie? A specific action sequence you'd love to see? Or an entire arc? Or literally just describe the whole plot, go nuts.
oh whoop, this is a beautiful question. a doozy for sure. you've opened a pandora's box i know you're more than happy to stick your face in with this one.
cw: on the field emergency amputation
first off, they're back in colorful outfits like they are in rogue nation. at one point benji's got one of those gayass benoit blanc neck scarves. ethan can be in the occasional black t-shirt, as i know is his want, but he'e gotta be in some colorful patterned button-up tucked into some high-waisted black jeans at some point.
i'm thinking this is like, post-rogue nation but pre-fallout in time period.
the villain isn't aware of the imf but is expertly good at adapting, and has a special skill in reading people. the second she learns of the imf's existence when they almost thwart her first scheme of the movie and kill/capture a lot of her men, she immediately figures out all she can about them and hacks into cam footage to literally watch the team while they're not working to learn about them as people. she's able to quickly and conclusively gather that ethan cares a whole lot about benji; more than he really realizes.
somewhere around the middle of the movie, there's some building they're all in doing spy stuff. luther's out of the building, benji's doing server stuff inside, and ethan's running around the hallways, probably in a fancy white suit that turns inside out into a button-up or smth. stuff happens, and ethan discovers that the baddie planted a bomb that'll take the whole building and the ones next to it, and after communicating an abort to his team and pulling a fire alarm or smth to clear it of civilians, he makes his leave, turning the jacket into the button up as he does so. when he doesn't hear anything from benji through his earpiece, he asks luther, who tells him that trackers indicate benji's still in the building, so ethan rushes back in while luther looks for cam footage to confirm it.
while ethan's running so so fast to the room benji's in, luther tells him that he found benji on the cams, but something is very wrong. he's bleeding, struggling, and looking to the camera pleadingly. when ethan gets there, he figures out why. benji's lying on the floor— awake, but panicked— and there's a trail of blood from his ear and the side of his head; presumably why he couldn't call ethan, as whatever hit caused his bleeding also shattered his earpiece. more alarmingly, there's some sort of metal contraption attached to benji's leg right on his calf, and a pool of blood forming around it. benji tells him that right when he made the call to abort, a man came out of the shadows and knocked him out, and he woke up less than a minute ago, in tremendous pain and attached to this thing. further investigation reveals that the contraption is pierced all the way through his leg and attached at either side, making removal impossible without the proper instruments. worse, it's chained directly to the floor.
despite benji's desperate insistence that ethan leave him and get out of here before the building goes, that man is not having any of it. brandt is part of the team still btw, bc i think he's silly. the building they're in is next to a hospital, and ethan instructs brandt (who is being very argumentative) to gather a bunch of specific surgical equipment. benji realizes what's about to happen when ethan requests the bone saw.
yeah. that's right. ethan has to cut benji's leg off to save him. don't worry too much; julia taught him a thing or two because he asked a LOT of questions (even when he wasn't on the job, he was always on the job). m:i isn't known for being gory, so the camera probably wouldn't show the actual process, but you'd get to see a lot of ethan apologizing and reassuring benji and compartmentalizing his emotions and fears until he can get benji out of there. and so much benji crying. put that man in pain.
brandt and ethan barely get him out in time. benji passes out from blood loss as they're going through the hallways, and the explosion happens right behind them and takes ethan out. luther pulls up in the van as the dust settles and brandt takes the wheel after they get the two of them in the vehicle and to a different hospital since the explosion hit the one next to them (luther hacks all the traffic lights to get them there asap).
ethans first loopy thought after coming to is "not again," but then he goes completely fucking manic when he remembers Benji. he effortlessly rips his IV out (idiotically) and fumbles around the halls ignoring nurses trying to talk to him until he finds the rest of his team. luther is of course immediately concerned when he sees him up and limping (brandt only gives a shit in the "jesus christ, this fucking guy..." sorta way lmao) but also knows not to try and stop him, especially with benji involved.
benjamin dunn himself hasn't regained consciousness yet, but he's stable for now. after a short convo where ethan is doing a really good job pretending he's completely collected himself, luther and brandt give him some space, and ethan totally breaks down. watching who he thought was julia get killed right in front of him was one thing, y'know? but his own hand being forced to hurt and take from benji just at the mere chance he could get him out alive? the possibility he could have spent the last moments of life in agony at ethan's direct actions? that's affected him in a way he didn't realize was possible.
benji rouses to find himself down half a leg and with super spy extraordinaire ethan hunt crying against his chest. i could write some kick-ass dialog for this scene between them... maybe i will one day. needless to say, neither of them are all that good at emotional communication (luther has sole ownership of that braincell) so their talk is full of lots of difficult half-admissions and sly feeling-dodging. also benji cries again.
or maybe they have him on some crazy-ass pain meds and he comes too all loopy and says his feelings flat out and is just so silly and it gives ethan an open to be genuine and laugh at his teammate and maybe realize some stuff. y'know. maybe.
i guess this takes benji out of the action for the third act, but he can switch places with brandt and be the guy in the office reporting back. as long as brandt's very verbal about his distaste for benji's operating style. ethan has to keep reminding them to stop filling the coms with petty bickering.
i have no clue how the "final battle" would shake out. it is custom for ethan to be somewhere on his own, so probably that. the villain would actually be really good at besting him bc she can see through all his tricks and charisma, so he'd probably win through some brute-force insanity like crashing a helicopter into a famous landmark or smth; something she would not have time to adapt to that would get the imf in so much federal trouble.
at some point luther has one of those eye-opening discussions he's great at with benji, and a separate, more difficult one with ethan, about their importance to each other and how if they don't figure their shit out with each other, horrible people are just going to keep taking advantage of it and they're going to keep thinking they're hurting each other in an infinite spiral for the rest of time. neither of them are going to quit field duty, no matter how much the other one wants that, so they've got to come to some sort of understanding.
yadda yadda yadda, and then benji's got a mean-ass prosthetic for the foreseeable future. it's cool; they use it to sneak tech into places all the time in future movies.
tom cruise doesn't stand on a single out-of-frame box. most of the cast is repeatedly and unapologetically shown to be taller than ethan.
luther gets to kill a man. as a treat.
i'm about to drop this question in your inbox too, whoop. i'm sure your m:i ideas are mental, miss Whump.
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And this, friends, is why graphic design matters:
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This is an excerpt from a two-page article published in the Magazin Öffentliche Sicherheit 11-12 2012, the official publication of the Federal Austrian Ministry of the Interior, about a famous 18th century Viennese murder trial.
The latter was quite extraordinary in so far as that both the method of the execution, which (luckily!) would become known as the last of its kind in Austria, and the delinquent were unusual; on 29 January 1786, Franz von Zahlheim, a scion of a noble family and a civil servant, murdered a female acquaintance who had come to his home accusing him of having robbed her the day prior when he had visited her in her home. Zahlheim, notoriously short of money, had indeed stolen from her, and killed his victim in order to cover up the theft. Zahlheim's attic was swiftly identified as the crime scene, and Zahlheim as the culprit.
The death sentence, as Zahlheim received, was rarely acted upon during the rule of Josef II, and particularly not by being broken by the wheel, causing the Zahlheim-case to stand out.
I am still on the fence whether I want to believe that the person responsible for the maagazine's layout did not read the article while adding the advertisements, or whether someone with a macabre sense of humour got a laugh out of purposefully arranging the ads thus, but next to the image of the article, which describes both the crime scene at Zahlheim's house and his (horrific, and rather messy as well) mode of execution is an advertisement for a cleaning business.
In the red box, the firm assures potentially interested customers that We restore normalcy after a state of emergency, and above, lists what special situations they're equipped to deal with: fire damage. Water damage. And, cleaning up crime scenes.
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Part of the article, featuring an anonymous engraving of a contemporary artist imagining the murder based on information from the trial.
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...If he had contracted this firm, Franz von Zahlheim's attic would have been squeaky clean, never been identified as the crime scene, and he would have escaped execution...
Could you advertise a modern cleaning business any more effectively?
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official-moomin · 1 year
what is your opinion on the titanic submarine stuff going on
I think there was gross negligence and this all could have been avoided if corners were not cut. The sub's window was rated for much shallower depths than the Titanic rests at, and I'm sure the body of the sub also was not rated for such deep depths. Vital equipment was left out, such as the submarine equivalent of a black box. A person with experience was fired for saying that the sub was a death trap. Emergency escape protocols were limited to none. Corners were cut all over and the might of the sea was severely underestimated. It makes no exceptions and tolerates no mistakes. It does not care about you, no matter how wealthy you are. The sea will not conform to you; it is you who must conform to the will of the sea.
It is tragic that five lives were lost, especially since one life was that of a 19 year old who didn't want to go on in the first place. He did it for father's day. As morbid as it is, I am glad the CEO was one of the ones aboard the Titan. It was him alone who should have paid for his mistakes; not the four other innocent lives. But that doesn't mean he deserved it.
The submarine imploded, which was and is the best case scenario. The water pressure would have killed them instantly and they wouldn't have suffered. They could have drifted and awaited death via suffocation from the oxygen supply running out. They did not suffer.
Have a Moominous day!
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more-ri · 17 days
The flickering light of the bonfire cast dancing shadows of the men who sat around it onto the bare stone walls behind them. The long beings danced and frolicked through fields of bland brickwork, occasionally tripping over a chunk of granite where a shoddy repair had been done. They had used their freedom to mock the prisoners, goading them into acting out so that they might find solace in the suffocating iron of an insubordination cell. 
The shadows scattered and ran as the piercing light of the night watch’s lanterns swept over them. The guards walked among the men with iron batons and stone faces, hoping to find any wisps of arcane energy they could snuff out. Above the yard were several watchtowers that seemed impossibly high from the ground, each connected to the other by a wall made of wooden beams so thick it should’ve been a crime to have cut down the trees for simple lumber. Atop these towers sat handfuls of guards, each equipped with crystalline searchlights that illuminated the upturned dirt and pools of mud that surrounded them, and a small box that allowed them to communicate with their twin facility in case of emergency.
Sat apart from the group of chatting men were two who placed themselves away from the fire. As the cold of the night began to sneak through their thin jumpsuits, their conversation slowed.
“Did she really try to shoot you?” As the man leaned in, his mud speckled eyeglasses slid down his nose, falling before he could stop them. As a look of surprise emerged on his face, a nimble hand reached out to catch them before they had the chance to clean themselves in the dirt.
Apostrophe held the eyeglasses gently, turning them around as she examined them. She took a chance to look through them, and was quietly surprised at how clear they made the world around her. Returning the pair to him, she pondered a moment before responding.
“Yeah. I think some part of me suspected she was going to.” She said, hugging her legs closer. “It was just, difficult. To see it coming.”
She looked over the man who she’d slowly been able to open up to. Friend might have been an overstatement, yet as he was one of the few people who hadn’t tried to stab her in their first conversation, it was close enough. His glasses and athletic form gave the impression of a librarian who retrieved overdue books by force, though his short cut hair and friendly demeanor painted the picture of a guard who was fired for refusing a bribe. Painted in sloppy handwriting on the collar of his suit was “No. 17650, Calan.”
Calan stretched his arms out, breathing a sigh as he looked up to search the sky for any new stars.
“Wasn’t a gun, but one time a lady came at me with a kitchen knife.” Calan said, with the nonchalance of describing his birth sign.
“Oh.” Apostrophe said. “Did you deserve it?”
“Of course not, who do you think I am!”
Apostrophe pointed at the nearest watchtower. 
“I- fine.” A moment passed before he said: “I ran that time. Not like I could fight back then anyway.”
“You’re really building up the tough guy reputation.”
Calan sat upright, waving his hands in the broad motions of a half baked plan.
“Alright, how about this:” He said, looking around before he continued. “You and I find a way out of here, then we kick off our new lives by having a night out. Two dressed up gentlemen with spirits in our hearts, luck on our side, and women in our arms."
As he spoke, Apostrophe watched as his eyes filled with a familiar hunger. As her better judgment began to form cohesive thoughts, it was pushed to the back of her mind at the thought of freedom. The taste of being able to do as she pleased again made her mouth water. Calan reached a hand out in front of her.
“What do you say, brothers in crime?”
As the cold snuck in through the shutters of the inn, the conversation inside grew dead silent. A chill ran up Apostrophe’s spine as her weak attempt at seduction suddenly seemed shortsighted.
“You’re a woman?” Calan’s words were slow, drawing conclusions that sent needles into Apostrophe’s fingertips.
“No. Well, not really-” Apostrophe wasn’t sure whether to scramble for words she didn’t have or her bag on the bed. “It’s compli-”
“Is that what it’s been this whole time?” Calan tensed, lacing each word with venom before spitting it out. “Use me as your ticket out then ditch me?”
“What? No. No, not at all. I wanted-” Apostrophe backed away, moving until her leg hit the frame of the bed. “I wanted our plan. Our night in the town?”
A small smile grew on Calan’s face, blooming into a wicked expression that pulled the air from the room.
“I guess this is close enough, right?”
Apostrophe froze, her better judgment had escaped from the box she put it in and was now ringing every alarm bell it could reach.
“What do you mean, close enough?”
Calan took several steps closer, each one made the room shake and the lights flicker.
“We can still have a very special night.”
“Calan, please.” Apostrophe slipped a hand into her rucksack. “Please don’t do this.”
Apostrophe walked down the moonlit street. Their steps out of the town were heavy, each one made their tired legs cry out in muffled pain. They wiped the mixture of blood and tears off of their face with a dirty sleeve before the cool night air dried it. Off in the distance a scream was quickly followed by a bell of the night watch, which had faded by the time Apostrophe collapsed beneath a roadside tree. 
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cloama · 7 months
From NBC News:
March 12, 2024, 7:43 AM EDT / Updated March 13, 2024, 4:19 AM EDT
By Mithil Aggarwal, Peter Guo and Matteo Moschella
A passenger has told NBC News about the dramatic incident in which people aboard a Boeing flight were thrown into the ceiling, as authorities probed what caused the plane's sudden mid-air plunge.
More than a dozen people were rushed to the hospital Monday and at least 50 were injured when a LATAM Airlines flight traveling from Sydney to Auckland, New Zealand, experienced a “strong shake,” officials said.
Authorities in New Zealand said Tuesday they were seizing the black boxes from the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, which had been due to continue on to Santiago, Chile.
"Everything was going well," said passenger Brian Jokat, who was sitting in a window seat as the flight headed toward New Zealand. “Then, all of a sudden, the plane took a nosedive down.”
“People were flying out of their seats, hitting the roof, being thrown back four or five aisles back,” Jokat, 61, said in a telephone interview.
Jokat said that while he had his seat belt on, the passenger in the aisle seat of his row didn’t.
“I saw him lying on the ceiling looking down at me,” he said. “He was fully out-stretched,” Jokat said. “And then, bang, I looked behind and everyone was falling off the ceilings.”
Jokat said the seat belt, which he rarely wears at cruising altitude, saved him from the injuries.
“But those days are over. I will always keep my seat belt on,” he said. “Because what I saw in that plane was people flying like rag dolls.”
LATAM Airlines Flight LA800 was carrying 263 passengers and nine crew members, the Santiago-based airline said in a statement Tuesday. The flight landed at its scheduled time of 4:26 p.m. Monday (11:26 p.m. Sunday ET) in Auckland after its 2-hour, 42-minute flight.
The plane "experienced a strong shake whose causes are being investigated," the airline said.
Emergency services treated about 50 patients, 12 of whom were taken to the hospital, New Zealand’s emergency medical service provider, Hato Hone St John Ambulance, said in a statement Monday.
The airline said that most of those were discharged shortly after and that only two people needed medical attention, “but without any life-threatening risks.”
The pilot told the passengers the plane had suffered equipment failure for a few seconds, causing it to drop for almost 500 feet in the air, Jokat said. “He said, ‘My gauges went down; everything went down for one or two seconds, and they just lit up again and continued to function,’” Jokat added.
“Some people broke right through the ceiling. So you can see all the wires inside,” Jokat said.
New Zealand’s Transport Accident Investigation Commission said on Tuesday it was seizing the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder of a LATAM Airlines (LTM.SN) Boeing (BA.N) 787 after an incident that left more than 50 people injured.
Damaged overhead panels inside the LATAM Airlines plane. Brian Jokat
New Zealand’s Transport Accident Investigation Commission, which is investigating, said in a statement Tuesday that it was “seizing the cockpit voice and flight data recorders.”
Chile has appointed a representative to participate in the investigation, the Chilean aviation authority said Monday on X.
"We are thinking of the passengers and crew from LATAM Airlines Flight 800, and we commend everyone involved in the response effort," Boeing said in a statement Tuesday, adding that it was in "contact with our customer" and will support "investigation-related activities."
The plane manufacturer has been under fire for multiple safety incidents and technical snags in recent months.
Most notably, the door panel of an Alaska Airlines flight blew out midair over Portland, Oregon, on Jan. 5, prompting a criminal investigation by the Justice Department.
Last week, a tire came off a United Airlines flight shortly after it took off from San Francisco, hitting cars parked near the airport.
A Boeing 737-900 plane flown by United Airlines made an emergency landing in Texas after bright orange flames were seen shooting out of its engine.
And an investigation is underway after another Boeing-made plane flown by United suffered “stuck” rudder pedals at Newark Airport in New Jersey last month.
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dzthenerd490 · 11 months
File: Jeepers Creepers
Code Name: The Creeper/ Every 23 years on the 23rd day of March, it gets to eat.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ACA-Alpha is contained at within a magnetic locked coffin with engravings on the coffin created by the DTASMW to weaken SCP-ACA and prevent him from summoning SCP-ACA-Omega or any SCP-ACA-Beta instances. The Coffin is located in an 8x8 meter room within Site-AF. There are hidden sentry turrets in the walls of the containment cell connected to the emergency power of Site-AF to ensure that if the magnetic locks of SCP-ACA-Alpha's coffin fail then SCP-ACA-Alpha will still be unable to escape. 
A Foundation researcher and two Armed Guards are to enter SCP-ACA-Alpha's containment cell daily to ensure there are no faults with SCP-ACA-Alpha's containment. They are also supposed to wear Foundation identification necklaces to ensure that the sentry turrets do not activate and fire upon them by accident.
SCP-ACA-Omega is kept at Site-AD with an 20x20x20 meter experimental magnetic containment cell, the magnetic field inside the containment cell is powerful enough to keep SCP-ACA-Omega floating in the direct middle of the containment cell. This is to prevent it from moving from its position and to keep it from absorbing the walls into its "body". 
Outside of the containment cell, Foundation engineers are to check and repair the engine and magnetic cores of the containment cell. Within the containment cell, A specialized AFA-3 is to enter SCP-ACA-Omega's cell to ensure the magnetic field is working. The AFA-3 is equipped with specialized skin that prevents its metal skeleton from getting affected by the magnetism and its synthetic body doesn't get crushed by the gravity of the magnetic pull. 
All recovered SCP-ACA-Beta instances are contained at Site-AA within a 10x10 containment cell with each one locked in their own storage box or crate. Foundation researchers and doctors of Clearance Level 2 or higher are allowed to regularly request handling of SCP-ACA-Beta instances for testing purposes. Though of course they are too regulated to be aware of the dangerous properties of each individual SCP-ACA-Beta instance. Two armed guards are to guard the exterior of the containment cell while two armed guards are to guard the interior of the containment cell. 
Description: SCP-ACA-Alpha, it is a humanoid monster, standing at the average height of 5.6 ft, though its weight is undeterminable as some testing has shown it to weigh 100 pounds and others show it to weigh 1000 pounds. Furthermore SCP-ACA-Alpha has two retractable wings on its back that can both hide under its flesh and extend to a width of 12 feet. Both wings are bat-like in nature and despite their fragile appearance they are both as tough as steel. SCP-ACA-Alpha's main body is a disgustingly dark shade of gray and has grotesque skin that seems to be a mix of reptilian and insectoid in nature. 
DNA testing has shown that each part of SCP-ACA-Alpha's body belongs to a different deceased or declared missing person. According to eyewitness accounts before being amnestied, SCP-ACA-Alpha seems to hunt for victims in order to keep its body going by harvesting organs or body parts that it likes from each person.
Apparently, SCP-ACA-Alpha is able to tell which body parts on a person are most compatible and beneficial for its body. Furthermore, when an organ or body part is successfully harvested and attached to SCP-ACA-Alpha it suddenly transforms to resemble SCP-ACA-Alpha's body as if it's always been that way. As such every time its "harvesting period" begins it goes out to find said body parts before it goes back into hibernation again. Its "harvesting period" is every 23 years, and always on or around March the 23rd, why this is the case is unknown. 
SCP-ACA-Alpha is also capable of creating anomalous items that are referred to as SCP-ACA-Beta instances. However, what would be considered its magnum opus is SCP-ACA-Omega. SCP-ACA-Omega is a vehicle made from different parts of cars and surprisingly other vehicles throughout the centuries. SCP-ACA-Omega, despite not being cybernetic, has mechanical traps and mechanics all over it. Such as, a hidden harpoon hook in its exhaust pipe, drone-like land minds that can be deployed while SCP-ACA-Omega is driving, and spike-like growths from anywhere around the "body".
SCP-ACA-Omega's most terrifying and dangerous power is its ability to reflect every form of damage that comes at it, rifle shots sling back at the shooter's head, shotgun shells rip the shooter apart, and even a rocket launcher with end up sending the fire explosion right back at the one who fired. 
SCP-ACA-Omega has also shown signs of sentience and is able to move on its own even without SCP-ACA-Alpha but is at its strongest when around or being called by SCP-ACA-Alpha. Furthermore, if SCP-ACA-Omega is left alone by SCP-ACA-Alpha for too long it will start to move slowly on its own to kill more people, absorb car parts and metal to maintain itself, and search for SCP-ACA-Alpha. How this is possible is unknown as SCP-ACA-Omega has no anomalous markings or signs of containing thaumaturgy properties. 
Lastly there are SCP-ACA-Beta instances which are also creations of SCP-ACA-Alpha. Each SCP-ACA-Beta instance is a bladed weapon of some kind whether it be a knife, throwing star, or even an axe, made of human skin and bone. Despite being made of human body parts, each SCP-ACA-Beta instance is as strong as titanium yet able to resist heat as well as tungsten. How this is possible is unknown as again there is no thaumaturgy energy or any anomalous sigils have been placed within any of the SCP-ACA-Beta instances. 
Despite that, each SCP-ACA-Beta instance has the ability to float and even fly directly forward to the direction the user is holding it towards. When an SCP-ACA-Beta instance is held with the intent to kill it will always fly to the weak point of the target that will ensure the kill is instant. Unfortunately, SCP-ACA-Alpha is the only one who can bring SCP-ACA-Beta or SCP-ACA-Omega to their full potential as anyone else who tries either needs to be extremely careful or else will die right away upon even physical contact alone.
SCP-ACA-Alpha was discovered IN 2001 during a series of attacks taking place at the [data expunged] police station of [data expunged], Florida. SCP-ACA-Alpha was found by MTF Iota-10 units where it unfortunately escaped and killed another victim. After all eyewitnesses were amnestied SCP-ACA-Alpha was hunted via Foundation satellites until he was spotted in [data expunged], California. How SCP-ACA-Alpha was able to cover such a distance and why was unknown. 
Mobile Task Force Epsilon-6 "Village Idiot's" went to the [data expunged] ranch and found SCP-ACA-Alpha. The squad of 10 units suffered massive losses leading to only 6 MTF casualties and a civilian casualty, that civilian being the farmer's youngest son. But after extensive firepower SCP-ACA-Alpha was weakened and contained. Afterwards the Foundation assigned all Foundation agents around the U.S. to find any traces of SCP-ACA-Alpha leading to the discovery of its various lairs throughout America, Its collection of SCP-ACA-Beta instances, and finally SCP-ACA-Omega itself. 
Both the farmer of [data expunged] and his surviving son contributed to the capturing of SCP-ACA-Alpha as such under Protocol "Sole Survivor" they were asked to join the foundation. Both surprisingly accepted, the son now works within MTF Epsilon-6 while the father works with MTF Artemis-6. 
"This is probably the most fucked up creatures I had ever seen. And I've seen some fucked-up shit before, but this guy... ugh. he takes it to a whole new level. But grossness aside, his weapons, his car, even his own body. It's all like a weird fucking pattern. I mean, he needs to build himself up from random people in order to keep himself going, he does the same for his car, and he uses other parts to make himself some weapons. I mean when it comes to fleshy shit the first thing that comes to mind is always those Sarkite fucks but I don't think that's the case... if anything it's more like what the Children of the Scarlet King do. But if that's true then how come we never saw this guy before, why did it take us so long to find him? Was it really because he sleeps every 23 years? Also, why 23 years? What makes the number 23 so significant, other than the fact that it's a chaotic number... Wait... Could it... no... It can't be. Nah those guys died out centuries ago. The Sarkites killed them all, besides he looks nothing like them. There's no way SCP-ACA-Alpha is a Davite... that's just not possible." - Dr. Sanchez.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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ask-carmenpondiego · 7 months
Chapter 9: Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?
After a quick wardrobe change, they all gathered in the hall. In the room they would eventually call The War Room, they quickly unpacked some maps, computers and schematics, laying out what they need over a large table. A bit haphazard but for the time being, still useable. Going over the floorplan, they formulated a route to best access the room this creature was supposedly in. M, doing a bit of computer hacking, was able to get schedules and codes. They pulled as much research they could find on the creature but so much was redacted, it was not useable.
“So we know they keep it in a vat of acid 90% of the time. We don’t have the ability to transport a vat of acid. So we will need to hit when they take it out for their experiments.” Carmen explains. “M, are you certain this is what you want? I still think we are ill-equipped for this.” M slams his hands on the table, “You had no fuckin issue before! You offered me a heist of any fuckin creature I wanted. This is it. I am owed this.” Carmen sips her coffee, “I never promised you a heist. You wanted ‘a puppy’ and this is the puppy you chose upon my conditions that we could handle such a beast without murder to us or others. This is skirting this line. So I ask again, Are you certain you want this creature and are you certain we can pull this off in our current situation?” M groans and rubs his face, “We’ve been at this for fuckin hours already, yes I am fuckin certain!”
Carmen nodded, “Alright, final call. Drake, you fly us there and park the plane as close as you can without drawing suspicion. This clearing in this area here should suffice, if there’s any issues, just act like you have a bit of an emergency maintenance to do. Asta, you watch the wind and weather patterns from the plane. Theres a good chance we may need to have an alternate path to get out. Which is where Lekir and Vasha come in. Lekir will form an explosive ice barrier along the outer wall here in this room and possibly some ice to help either contain or sedate the creature.
M and I will secure it and have it ready to go on the move. Surprisingly this experiment lab has windows which is good for us, bad design for them. Vasha will need to locate the helicopter over here and fly it to position, keeping distance away from the ice blast. We dont need to damage the transport before we get to use it and we need the winds to be agreeable so theres no turbulence to screw up any aim whether its boarding or taking defensive non-lethal shots. We dont need them to become lethal.
From there depends if we meet back at the plane or take off from there and have Drake and Asta meet us back here. I’m not expecting a whole army of fire ants but you never know with these facilities. Any questions?” Carmen opens a box and hands everyone an ear-com set. “These will help us communicate when separated. Keep them charged tonight, we’ll leave at first light. Make sure that you eat a mid-light breakfast and do whatever bathroom things you need to before we leave. There will be no bathroom breaks but I don’t want you starving either.”
The plan seemed solid enough with room to improvise if need be. Everyone dispersed and Carmen flopped into the office chair nearby, looking over the plans. She sipped the last of her coffee and sighed. This is what she missed. She gave this all up when she had met Wally and had Blendin, she was barely making do before that when being a single mom to Adora. By the stars, she missed them. She pulls up a photo of Adora’s birthday, with Wally holding Blendin and Adora blowing out the candles. Carmen smiled, but the thought plagued her if she was doing the right thing by not getting her children back. Until she knew she was safe from the law, she couldn’t drag her children into the mess. She still had some leads as to why the museum was burnt and why she was brought specifically to a no name asylum. She needed to solve that before the kids could come home.
“Cute kids. They yours?” Lekir peered over the mare’s shoulders. Carmen looked up and wiped a stray tear, “Wh- oh, yeah. This is Adora and Blendin and my.. husband, Wally.” She paused, not knowing how to really address him. Was she even a true widow? Lekir sat on the table, tilting her head. “So is it like an open marriage or…” Carmen shook her head, “He’s missing, technically considered dead. There was no body at the museum.” Lekir nodded, “Ah, I remember seeing that on the news. Some people think it was one of your heists gone sour.” Carmen put her head in her hands, “I would never set such priceless artworks on fire just to get away. Those are pieces of history you may never be able to repair.”
The two were silent for a little bit, Lekir kicking her legs idly. When standing, Lekir was a good foot taller than Carmen, then again everyone currently at the HQ were taller, being 6ft or taller while Carmen was just a mere 5’6”. Lekir made small frost designs on the tabletop as Carmen watched. “How do you do that?” Lekir chuckles, “A unicorn asking a demon how to use magic, thats a new one.” Carmen swivels her ears, “I have a bit of a horn defect, I was never able to use magic like every other unicorn. But a demon? I thought you were a wolf.”
Lekir shook her head, “No! No no. I’m not a wolf. I’m a demon species called Vesk. All beings from Cador are called demons. I happen to be proficient in ice magic. I have a friend back in Cador who likes to use lightning but already mastered all elements so far. Her name is Celica.” Carmen looked at her maps, “Cador? Where is that? I don’t recall a region like that.” The Vesk laughed, “You won’t find it here. It’s off world, you need to use specific portals to get there but I wouldn’t recommend it. Our gravity is way too heavy for your bodies.” Carmen chuckled, “So thats why you had no issue lifting me against the wall, you’re super strong here.”
Lekir stood and effortlessly picked Carmen up and laid her on the table, climbing on top and licking her fangs, “How about I show you that refresher now~ and if your husband is still alive, we can have him join the fun someday. But until then, how about you show your girlfriend some love.” Carmen blushed and giggled as Lekir unzipped and tugged off the thief’s leather pants and lifted her halter top, stripping herself from her own clothes and leaving them scattered around the table. M walked by and stopped short as he heard the moans and giggles, “Aw gawddammit Red.. on the table?! Now I’ll have to sanitize it.. or burn it.. or maybe pour bleach in my eyes.. all of the above..” Lekir waved her hand and shut the door in his face with a bit of a freezing blast. Drake and Vasha strolled past while exploring the mansion and questioned if he was alright. “Fuckin.. those two.. right on the table. We have fuckin 10 bedrooms! Use one of them! Don’t use the gawddamn table!” They watched M storm away and then looked at each other with a cheeky grin before slipping into the door where the two lovers were.
M busied himself by grabbing some chips and flopped onto the sofa. Asta came over shortly and sat down on the floor by him as he idly flipped the channels on the television. Silently he offered some chips to the carbuncle, who looked up at him questioningly. “You want some or not, I ain’t holdin them all damn day like this.” Asta smiled and grabbed a handful and watched any shows that he pulled up, perhaps he really wasnt as bad as he makes himself to be.
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shadowredfeline · 1 year
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While I went to workout with my mom and my brother, they were remodeling the front desk where they're adding something new including an office, so one of the employees was just doing their job. They especially had to move their work equipment like laptops and stuff like a stand over by the fitness center and had to use an emergency door for something people can get in. Cause Emergency doors are only used in case people need to find the closest fire escape in case there's a fire. So my brother, my mom and myself, we went to workout like usual like doing cardio and lifting weights, then afterwards, went to the store to pick up some cheese and corn along with some snacks to get for my grandfather. Then my brother wanted to get some Takis because those are his favorite snacks since my favorite snacks are like Goldfish, Flaming Hot Chester's Fries, Baked Cheetos, Lays both original and Barbecue Chips and Doritos Nacho Cheese. So we went to Walmart and got the Takis and we also tried to get some cheap snacks like we got Kit Kat Churro Flavor since I do enjoy eating Churros as well as for a Kit Kat bar. After we ordered some snacks from Walmart, we decided to go to McDonald's to grab a quick lunch. So my brother and I got some Chicken Mcnuggets and some fries for lunch. And most importantly, the box says saying it's Grimace's Birthday and they even have cool things you can order during the birthday event. Like the nuggets and the fries and maybe a burger, and also comes with a Grimace theme Shake which I didn't get one, because some people say it might taste like a berry. But I thought it might taste good. But If I were grabbing a dessert from McDonald's I usually stick with getting an ice cream cone or my usual Oreo McFlurry. And for the Grimace Birthday event, I decided I had Goldie and Rosie be part of it too. But man I bet the Ramcats, the Speedsters and the Rabbits might enjoy this event too. I hope we'll still wish McDonald's and Grimace a Happy Birthday.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Boy that was a delicious lunch, Isn't it, Caleb?
Caleb 😺🏀🏈: Agree. We could use a quick lunch before I can snack on these Takis.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Okay. I sure hope Spot and Maxwell, Riya and Miya might enjoy a McDonald's meal together. And maybe you should share some of the Takis with Cude.
Caleb 😺🏀🏈: Yeah I mean if he wants to. They're really spicy though and I wasn't sure if he wanted some or not.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Okay. Let's enjoy ourselves some lunch.
Caleb 😺🏀🏈: Sounds good, Shadow. 😊
People I tagged @bryan360 @murumokirby360 and @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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the-hinky-panda · 2 years
Day 7: Cobweb
This is my first time writing for Benny “Borracho” Magalon so go easy on me. 
10/7: Cobweb
Universe // Characters: Benny “Borracho” Magalon
Rating: This one is a soft R for language and mild spiciness. 
“Weren’t we supposed to get the lab report on the shell casings?” Conners puts his feet up on the corner of his desk. 
Borracho shuffles through the papers and files on his desk. “Supposed to. Don’t see ‘em yet. Lemme check email.” 
“Don’t fuckin’ bother,” Nick yells from his office. “Fuckin’ internet is down again.” 
Henderson gives a lopsided grin. “Sounds like someone had his porn interrupted. Again.” 
“Fuck you!” Nick shouts back. “Borracho, call down to IT. See if you can light a fire under their asses.” 
Borracho grumbles but picks up the phone away. “Why is it always me?” 
“Because that cute little IT girl likes you,” Zapata snorts. 
Henderson leans back in his chair. “And Z here struck out with her so she won’t do shit for him. But our man B here still has a chance.” 
Borracho flips them off just as you answer the phone. 
“IT. Yes, we know the internet is down. Yes, we’re trying to get it up and running again as soon as possible. Yes, we know you have very important jobs to do.” 
He clenches his jaw to keep from smiling at the level of exasperation in your voice. “It’s Magalon from Major Crimes.” 
There’s half a beat of silence on the other end of the phone and then. “Yes, I will meet you in the server room in five minutes.” 
He hangs up the phone and makes note of the time. In three minutes he’ll get up and leave but until then, he fiddles with the computer mouse and acts like he’s trying to solve the problem. 
“Well?” Nick comes out of his office, chomping loudly on something. “What’d IT say?” 
“Something about a car accident knocking out a tower. They told me to try to reconnect on the computer and if that didn’t work, go reset the server.” 
“So, we’re fixing it now ourselves?” Nick scoffs. “What’re we fucking paying them for? Probably just some fucking technical college moron paid to push buttons and record our calls.” 
“Or monitor our browsing history,” Henderson hides a smile behind his protein shake. 
“That’s why you watch it on your phone, asshole.” Nick responds. “What are you, a fucking ameture?”  
Three minutes is up and Borracho stands up from his desk, heading out of the bullpen and towards the server room. Not knowing who he might run into on the forty-three second walk to the glorified closet that houses the servers and modems for the LA Sheriff's department, he keeps his head down and continues to tamper down the smile that threatens to show on his face. 
You’re not some moron from a technical college paid to push buttons. You’re a graduate of MIT and also hold a Masters from Cal Tech. You’re a freaking genius, trying to get into the FBI as an intelligence analyst with a focus on internet and social media postings. He remembers listening to you in the dark bedroom, your eyes bright even in the dim lighting, as you talked about algorithms and online flags that you were in the process of developing in an effort to track social media posts that could be used as warning signs for potential mass shooters. 
He pushes open the door to the server room and you’re already there, swinging wildly at something in the corner and sputtering. He automatically reaches for his pistol thinking there was someone else in there that you are trying to defend yourself against but as his eyes adjust, he sees it’s just you. 
“Boxing with a ghost there, mamí?” 
You’re still spitting and pawing at the air. “Damn cobwebs! Doesn’t anyone clean in here?!” 
“Why would they clean a closet?” 
“Because there’s over half a million dollars worth of equipment here that is being used to keep LA safe.” 
Borracho laughs shortly and steps over to you, tugging his flannel shirt over his hand and swiping over your face. “I don’t think it’s working. How’s that?” 
You wiggle your nose and pass a hand over your cheeks. “Good.” 
The smile he’s been holding back finally emerges. “Good.” 
He leans down and presses his lips to yours and you lean into him. There is no hesitation on your part, there never has been from the first time he kissed you in this enclosed space. Your arms slide around his chest, your fingers press into his shoulder blades, and it feels like you’re trying to superimpose yourself on him. He’s going to feel the press of your body against him for the rest of the day, clinging to him with the stubbornness of cobwebs. 
You slip your tongue into his mouth and he pushes you back against the cement wall with a low growl. He moves his knee between your legs and feels your grind against his thigh. He’s trying to remember if he has a condom in his wallet when you tip your head back and break the kiss. 
God, he loves hearing you say his name. He starts pressing open mouth, sloppy kisses along your perfumed neck. 
You’re more insistent but he’s still focused on the slender column of your throat.
He groans in frustration and takes half a step back. “IT should stand for ‘infuriating tease.’” 
You laugh lightly. “I’m sorry, baby. Tonight though?” 
It’s a Friday night and Nick is having one of his parties. But fuck it. You’re the only addictive substance and girl he wants. “Yeah, tonight. Six?”
“Your place or mine?” 
He smiles and presses a quick kiss to your lips. “I’ll pick you up. Let’s do a proper date tonight.” 
“Oh my. What’s the occasion?” 
I love you. You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you have no business giving me a second look but you did and now I can’t get enough of you. That’s what he wants to say but all he manages is a small shrug and “No reason.” 
You hum in acceptance. “Okay. Six it is. And Benny?” 
You reach off to the side and press a switch, the modem that sends the connection to Major Crimes thrumming to life. “You really need to stop turning off the modem to get me up here.”
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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Franken-Bird: USAF wants to turn two damaged F-35s into an operational jet
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/05/2023 - 23:15 in Military
F-35 maintenance specialists are at Hill Air Base, Utah, taking on a seemingly impossible task - to unite two aircraft damaged by accidents into a restored and fully operational F-35A Lightning II.
Led by the Joint Program Office (JPO) F-35, the project requires a "dream team" of exceptionally qualified individuals from the JPO, the 388ª Fighter Wing, the Ogden Air Logistics Complex and Lockheed Martin.
“This is the first time in the F-35 program and a very interesting project,” said Dan Santos, heavy maintenance manager of the F-35 JPO.
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After researching feasibility, the F-35 JPO, working with the 388ª Fighter Wing, chose to rebuild the AF-211, an aircraft that had a landing gear collapse and landed with its nose in June 2020.
The nose section of this aircraft is being replaced by the undamaged nose of the AF-27, an F-35 that suffered a serious engine fire at Eglin Air Base, Florida, in 2014, and is now serving as a USAF Air Battle Repair and Damage coach in Hill.
In recent years, the F-35 JPO has sought new opportunities to reuse parts and usable systems of damaged F-35 aircraft, for continuous use and benefit for the maintenance and operations of the F-35.
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AF-27 jet that caught fire on the ground.
Based on the experience gained in several recent aircraft rescue and reuse projects - including the installation of the first F-35 maintainer training center using recovered aircraft sections, as well as the partial restoration of a recovered F-35 fuselage for use as an ABDR Trainer - the F-35 JPO is now taking a step forward.
The F-35 JPO took advantage of this newly created network of qualified professionals, resources and facilities, all located at Hill Air Base, to carry out the "Franken-bird" project.
The Ogden Air Logistics Complex played a significant role in providing hangar space and heavy equipment for the project, Santos said.
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Front of a crashed F-35 being used for training.
"It takes a team for this type of enterprise to be successful," said Santos. "I am very impressed by the collaborative efforts of the various agencies of Hill Air Base, working together to make this happen.
Along with Lockheed Martin, the F-35 Joint Program Office and the 388ª Fighter Wing, several units of the Ogden Air Logistics Complex, including the 570º Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, 576º Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, 809º Maintenance Support Squadron and 309º Expeditionary Depot Maintenance Squadron, are among the multiple units that provide direct support.
Keith White, a contracting officer of the 388ª Fighter Wing, said that although the jet is owned by the wing, it is still part of an F-35 JPO contract, and Lockheed is the contractor responsible for the work.
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Burnt rear of an F-35 being used for ground emergency team training.
“Work began on the viability of this project in January 2020, when the F-35 JPO came to us because we had already completed the large damage restoration projects for the F-22,” said Scott Taylor, chief mechanical engineer at Lockheed Martin.
However, unlike previous projects, Taylor said that this initiative stands out due to its meticulous documentation, which will be used to establish standardized F-35 procedures that can be perfectly integrated into routine operations in the future.
“All sections of the aircraft can be uncoupled and re-coupled theoretically, but this has never been done before,” Taylor said. "This is the first F-35 'Franken-bird' to date. That's history."
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To complete the work on site in Hill, entirely new and exclusive specialized tools, accessories and equipment have been designed and built, specifically adapted for mobility. These have potential future uses abroad.
“We design versatile tools that fit perfectly in a Conex box, making them transportable to various locations, including areas of advanced operation,” Taylor said.
These new mobile accessories achieve the same results as large automated and stationary manufacturing jigs at the F-35 plant in Fort Worth, Texas, but with a new approach. The additional capacity will benefit the entire F-35 program.
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“The F-35 program is still young compared to all legacy fuselages,” said Dave Myers, chief engineer of the F-35 JPO's Lightning support team. process with which we can move forward.”
This project is currently several months in advance and is due in March 2025.
"This project will not only return a combat resource to the combatant, but will also open the door for the repair of future crashed aircraft using tools, equipment, techniques and knowledge that have been developed," said Santos.
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Lightning IILockheed MartinUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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birdofdawning · 2 years
The Woman From the Sea (Part 8)
The beginning is here; the previous part is here.
8. To the Lighthouse
The Woman From the Sea is woken from anxious sleep by the storm hitting her window with force. She vaguely knows that it has been blowing for a while; the noise has kept her on the edge of consciousness for hours. Possibly. She has no way of knowing what time it is, but she thinks it must be early in the morning.
The curtains are thick (‘black-out curtains’ Jane called them), but she, or a stray draught, has left a sliver open and a white light outside is slowly oscillating. The lighthouse.
She lies in the dark for a while listening to the wind and the rain hitting her window. She doesn’t feel like more sleep right now. Could she carry on with her book (Death in a White Tie)? But in the common room, by the fire.
Jane’s door is open as she passes by. The curtains are wide open, and despite the clutter it’s obvious her room hasn’t been slept in. Is she in the common room too? The Woman From the Sea feels herself relax at the thought of seeing her again.
The common room is empty, but the light of the tiny office is on. The Woman From the Sea steps through but finds only shelves of file boxes and some sort of radio. There is another door, though, and beyond it she can hear what sounds like the wind whistling through creaking metal girders.
The storm hits the house violently, making it groan; something — maybe in the kitchen? — falls to the fall. Suddenly she very much wants to be where Jane is.
She turns the knob and a voice in her head, some fragment of a fairy tale, sings Be bold, be bold and she steps down into a short corridor and refuses to think about the rest of the rhyme. The rain is thunderous on a low tin roof above her and the bare weatherboards shift in the wind. Six steps take her to the lighthouse. I am a bold hero come to rescue the princess, imprisoned in this enchanted tower, she thinks, hidden away here by some foul magician, and the whimsy steadies her nerves. The noise of the weather is everywhere.
Dim wall lights show a concrete structure looming up into shadows all around her. A central pillar supports a steel staircase that winds up to a mezzanine, more light glimmering down through its gratings. Around her are various large shapes covered in tarps. A low hum comes from an uncovered piece of machinery across from her.
She walks over to the staircase and puts a hand on the railing. A bold hero. She begins to climb. Almost immediately she can feel the burn in her gastrocnemii.
Jane sitting in an office chair by a table of equipment. She’s in a sleeping bag and is rubbing her eyes as if she just woke up. “Hey there. Uh, you probably shouldn’t be up here.” But she grins at the Woman From the Sea as if she’s pleased that she is up here.
The first mezzanine is fairly empty. The second has a cot bed and some boxes neatly stacked by the wall. From above her, somehow distinct despite the wind, is the tinny sound of people cheering and a man talking. The Woman From the Sea takes moment to catch her breath, then carries on. After the mezzanines the third floor feels solid and real; it’s even carpeted, she sees as her head emerges from the stairwell, though the thin carpet is decades past its prime.
“Oh, of course. I just wondered where you were. I’ll go,” and she turns back to the stairs.
“Hey, no, it’s okay. You can stay for a bit. Keep me awake.”
The Woman From the Sea smiles shyly at Jane as the tall woman leans back to grasp another office chair from behind her and swings it around to rest beside the desk, all in one long-limbed movement. She clears a pile of folders from the seat and gives the chair a quick brush. “Take a load off,” she says gesturing for the Woman From the Sea to sit. “Oh, there’s some blankets back here.” She moves as if to get up, but the Woman has already seen the blankets folded up on another camp bed and wraps one around herself.
She sits and looks around.
“Watchin’ the game,” says Jane, gesturing at an old laptop that faces her.
“I thought the internet was difficult out here?” asks the Woman From the Sea. “Or are you… using an aerial of some kind?”
“Naw, it’s from last month. My brother records them for me then burns them onto a disc, and I ration them out over the next month. Luckily I don’t have anyone around to ruin ‘em for me. Uh, tell me the scores and how they went,” she explains quickly. With a small shock the Woman realises that Jane has noticed her occasional difficulty with the vernacular. And is making allowances for it. Without teasing or irritation or… Jane is angling the screen toward the Woman, and now she can see a baseball game. “This is just local. The nationals hadn’t really started when I was last back. You a fan?”
“Not really. My roommate took me to a game at Fenway once, at college. She bought me a hotdog.”
Jane smiles again. “Yeah? How was it?”
The Woman’s eye widen, remembering. “It was delicious! But so unhealthy!” Jane laughs. Then are tinny shouts from last month’s crowd and she focuses on something that is happening on the screen.
The Woman looks around. The staircase continues up to the next floor, ending at a closed trap door. There are two narrow windows in front and behind her looking out into the night, and she can hear the rain hitting the glass. There is the cot, and a short shelf of folders, and beside Jane’s desk is a table with a radio and other electrical equipment.
“The light gallery is through there,” says Jane from beside her and she’s nodding up to the trap door. “With the big light. If you leave it open it hurts your eyes after a bit.”
“Not really. Well, sort of. It’s automatic, like the beacons,” she reaches back to pat one of the metal boxes on the table. “And if they stop for whatever reason a buzzer sounds down in the house. But, you know. They’re paying me to be here and keep an eye on things. And the ships sometimes like to say hi as they go past. And I log them as they approach and, ideally, let the Port know.”
“And you need to be here to make sure it doesn’t go out?” asks the Woman From the Sea, feeling like a child asking questions that will be called ‘unintelligent' and ‘a little lazy, honestly child, if you just thought it through...’.
They’ve been smiling at each other for no real reason the Woman can discern, and she looks down shyly.
Jane’s mustard-yellow sleeping bag nudges a faint memory. She knows it smells of lavender and old wood. “Was I in that last night?” she asks, pointing.
“Uh, yeah. I wrapped you in some blankets and then zipped you up in this.” Jane’s voice sounds slightly odd, and the Woman looks up to see her flushing.
“Well, thank you,” she says, and then she recalls a fragment of a dream: she is wrapped up and tangled up in the limbs of somebody warm and kind. She frowns “Did you… were you in the sleeping bag with me?”
Jane is bright red. “Oh, yeah, so you stopped shivering at one point. And the book said that was a bad sign, because you were still cold to the touch.”
“’Like cold marble’,” recites the Woman.
“Yeah, it said that. So I, uh, got in too. It said I should warm you with my body heat.”
The Woman From the Sea, who hates to be touched by strangers, considers this, and discovers that she does not mind the thought of it at all. “Recent studies have put that procedure in question. It may not be as advantageous as previously thought,” she says breathlessly.
Jane raises her eyebrows. “Well I guess I’ll just have to force myself to stay out of the sleeping bags of any more hypothermic woman I come across.”
“Your new first-aid manual will have all the up-to-date procedures, “ assures the Woman.
“Gosh, I feel relieved just thinking about it!”
The Woman beams. “Yes, knowing you have immediate access to accurate data is always so reassuring, isn’t it?”
Jane nods gravely. “It certainly helps me sleep at night.”
Something about Jane’s tone leads the Woman from the Sea to wonder if Jane has made a joke somewhere. But she can’t pick it out, and anyway another vague memory has surfaced. “Jane, were you… I felt bare skin against mine—”
“DOTTIE,” says Jane, bright red again. She takes a deep breath and continues, “Okay, yes, I was in my shorts and tank. The book said that skin to skin contact... It suggested that the best way to...” She opens and closes her mouth a few times, then appears to abandon her sentence. She gives the Woman From the Sea a desperate look that the Woman deciphers as embarrassment and guilt and... something else?
“I don’t mind,” the Woman whispers.
“Okay. Well. Good then. Uh, I’m gonna...” Jane gestures at her laptop and the Woman nods, smiling.
As the storm whistles around them Jane watches her baseball game and the Woman From the Sea surreptitiously watches Jane.
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