#Finn's adorable
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cillianmurphysdimples · 4 months ago
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I will never be over this grown ass man looking like an adorable little shit.
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ladybugkisses · 11 months ago
this is a rollercoaster of kids saying the darnest things and then leaving me in shambles 😭
i love your ideas for what these characters would be up to in the future, it's so fitting- and the way you wrote all the Rickaby kids and their interactions with each other + the others! !! -CHEF'S KISS-
thank you so much for writing my OCs again, i love this!! ! 🥹 💕🌹💕
Aunt, Uncle, and Finn
Featuring OCs by @ladybugkisses
(this one is kinda long, just so you know!)
Spring. 1938.
A land of superstars, the rich and famous, beautiful houses and sandy beaches...
all things the Rickaby children wouldn't be seeing.
"Do we HAVE to stay with Uncle Cal, mom?"
"Yes, Toby," Ari answered for what felt like the thousandth time. The 8 year old grumbled in his taxi seat. His sisters, bunched up next to him, were off in their own little worlds - Lucy was reading, and Sophie was staring out the window, in awe of anything other than St. Louis.
The car stopped. The doors opened. The sunlight poured into the cab
and standing there were Aunt Ivy and Uncle Cal.
Aunt Ivy looked stunning in the light as she walked over and hugged dad. She also hugged mom, and patted her back. Uncle Cal looked...droopy. He smiled, but it was weak. And half his tail was missing. He walked, slowly, over to dad, who held him tight, and spoke in a choking voice, "I'm so glad I got to see you again."
Toby knew they weren't really his aunt and uncle - they were something like...cousins?But always, Aunt and Uncle.
"You remember Toby," Mom said, smiling, and ushering Toby towards Ivy. "And Lucy, of course." Lucy waved and smiled politely.
"And you must be Sophie!" Ivy said, kneeling down and picking her up. "Why, I remember when I could hold ya in one hand!"
Mom winced. "Iiiii remember when you did that, too..." She nodded slowly. Ivy scoffed.
"I'm just teasin'."
"How're you, Uncle Calvin?" Lucy asked, rocking back and forth on her feet.
"I'm alright." He said, quietly, carrying a young boy on his shoulders. The boy looked about Sophie's age. He had his mother's fur, and his father's eyes. He was put down by Calvin, and shyly hid behind him.
"Whozat?" Sophie pointed, and walked over.
"Easy, Sophie." Calvin knelt down and smiled. "That's Finn...he's awful shy. He's a good boy, though, eh?" Calvin's voice was quiet, and a bit shaky. Ivy had to help him up.
After an hour or so of sitting and catching up, and hearing a lot about tail stuff for some reason, Mom and Dad stood up. "Well, we have to get going," Rocky said, "Gotta go see what the NBC folks want."
"Is Ari gettin' a show too?" Ivy asked. Mom blushed, and shook her head. "No, no...but I help so much with the money, I-" Mom looked at Calvin, and said something. "I don't want to tire him out too much."
"No, yer not tiring!" Ivy looked shocked that mom would even think that. Toby, who'd had to work in a garden under this woman, would disagree with that sentiment, but how would she even be tiring out Calvin?
Must be a grown up thing, Toby thought.
"Ow!" Toby's thoughts suddenly shifted when Sophie stepped on his tail, chasing after a ball. "Careful!" Toby scooped her up, and she giggled and squealed, wriggling in his grip. "You'll pay for that!"
"Nooo!" She yelped, her smile still wide as Toby used all his strength to throw her on the couch. He wasn't a BIG kid - it took a lot out of him! He waved goodbye as mom and dad left, and looked on as Calvin and Ivy glanced at each other.
"It's no crime she doesn't want to see me, Ivy, last time was rough."
"I know, I know. I just...-" The two of them wandered into the kitchen, leaving 4 children alone to their devices.
Lucy had already managed to find something worth reading. She was pouring over some papers at a typewriter, and peering at them. "Wow...this looks like a script!"
"So? That's what Uncle Cal does. He writes scripts."
"But it's a good script!"
"What's it about?"
"Looks like a horror movie. I think." Lucy kept reading, and this time, Toby felt yet another young paw on his tail. He turned around, and saw-
Toby went to grab him like he had Sophie, but Finn looked horrified, and jumped on the couch himself, without a word. Toby smiled and laughed. "Gee, guy, I wasn't gonna hurt ya! It's fun!" He said. Sophie, still on the couch, nodded in response. Finn just stared at the two of them, and curled his knees to his chest.
Then, they heard a voice. "Kids! I need to go into town - who's coming with me?"
All four of the children BOLTED outside. They knew enough to know that Ivy McMurray was a famous movie actress, so whatever she had to do in town MUST be something exciting. Ivy laughed, and giggled. "No one to stay with Uncle Freckle, huh?"
"I'll be alright."
"Yeah!" Toby said. "He's grown, he can handle himself, let's do something fun!"
Ivy looked over at Calvin, and walked over to him, kissing him softly. "I love you, dearie. Anything happens, let me know, okay?"
"Aye, dear."
"You can handle being on your own?"
Calvin laughed. "The surgery wasn't that bad this time, I'm fine." Calvin kissed her, which drew a 'yech!' from all of the kids, even Finn.
With that, Ivy walked out.
"Where're we going?" Toby asked, sitting in the front seat. He was the oldest, after all.
"Studio lot." Ivy said. "I need to pick up some papers from my dire-"
"The LOT!?" Toby looked amazed. "Where they make the movies!?"
Ivy ruffled his head fur a little. "Where else?" Ivy began to drive down the hill. Lucy, in the back, sat between Sophie and Finn. "Aunt Ivy?" She asked, "Why were you so concerned about Uncle Calvin?"
Ivy paused for a moment. "...your Uncle just had a very...delicate operation." She said. "It affects how he walks a little bit. But he'll-" She hesitated, "He'll be alright."
"Where's his tail?" Sophie asked.
"...it, uhm..." Ivy hesitated some more. Toby swore he thought he saw a tear forming behind her sunglasses. "It...had to be taken off."
"Does it grow back?": Sophie asked.
"Tails don't grow back." Lucy said.
"They do on lizards!" Sophie said, sticking her tongue out at Lucy. Lucy crossed her arms.
"And is Uncle Calvin a lizard?"
"He could be under those big ears!"
Ivy stifled a laugh. "That's-...snrk...that's no way to talk about your..pff...your Uncle!"
One thing they don't tell you about film studio lots - it's a bit more boring than one would expect. Ivy had instructed them to wait in the lobby while she got something, and then they would go to another building, and at some point ice cream would be involved. Lucy seemed happy to wait, humming softly and looking at all the posters on the wall. Sophie and Finn were busy learning to communicate without much talking. And Toby?
Toby was bored. Out. Of. His. Wits.
He paced around the lobby, and looked around for something, anything, to do. He walked up to the receptionist. "Hey, is anything exciting going on today?"
"...not that I'm aware of." She said, eyes deep in a magazine. Toby walked off glumly, back to the benches where they were sitting -
Right up to Finn. Who was in his spot
"Finn, I'm sure you're great but you're in my spot. Can you move please?"
Finn just...stared at him.
"May you please move?"
"Sophie, can you tell him to move?"
"...uhm..." Sophie blinked. "Move?"
"Thanks, Soph'. Doing the lord's work here." Toby said, sarcastically.
"Be nice to Finn," Lucy said, "his dad's dying."
"What? No he's not, Aunt Ivy said he was gonna be fine!"
"They had to cut part of his tail off!"
"Remember when they thought they were gonna have to do that to Mom and Dad was sobbing for 2 days straight?"
"...well...I guess-"
"Alright, kids," Ivy walked out, with a few papers, "just a fitting and we're done. Sorry I took s'long!"
Finn seemed popular with the people here - he got lollipops. He got pats on his head. He even got to stand with Buster Crabbe. Buster Crabbe! FLASH GORDON, Toby's IDOL, and FINN got to just wave to him!
Before you ask, Toby DID get an autograph - but still, Toby couldn't help but feel jealous when Buster told Finn 'Say hi to yer dad for me'.
And now, they were sitting in another waiting room, while Ivy could be heard from behind a curtain. Lucy, again, found something to do very quickly - and Sophie joined her as she explained how sewing machines work (to the best of her 7 year old ability, of course).
This left Toby, a loud, boisterous young lad, and Finn, a guy who Toby hadn't heard talk once the whole time.
"...so..." Toby looked over. "You, uhm...you like books?"
Finn shrugged.
"...you like movies?"
Finn nodded.
"What's yer favorite?"
Finn thought for a moment, and then, pulled a scary face, holding his hands over his head.
Finn nodded.
"Lucky - my parents don't let me watch that stuff."
"Last I checked, they did, and you chickened out!" Lucy said.
"Hey! I don't air YOUR secrets do I!?" Finn giggled a little when that happened.
"So. Finn. Level with me...why don't you talk much?" Finn thought for a moment - thinking through how to explain it. He looked down at his feet, then back up at Toby. He shrugged.
"You don't know?"
Finn nodded.
"CAN you talk?" Finn nodded in response again, and move to open his mouth, until-
"Oh, sorry, Mrs. McMurray, i didn't pin you too hard did I?"
"No, no - be careful, though!" Ivy's laugh came through - it was bright. Finn's eyes softened at it a bit - he had been stiff a few moments before, but now, he looked more relaxed.
"Alright, kids, all finished - who's in for ice cream?"
"Don't shout! Girls have to be careful back there!"
The five of them sat outside of an ice cream stand - Ivy was careful to hide herself, wearing a head scarf and a pair of shades - and the 4 children diligently went about eating ice cream.
And, of course, Finn was doing something odd.
Sure, he was eating his ice cream normally. He was sitting normally. He just wasn't...talking. or saying ANYthing. He stared at something across the street - a little bird, pecking at the ground. Sophie looked for a moment, before going back to her ice cream.
"...Aunt Ivy?"
"Yes, Toby?"
"Why is Finn so quiet?"
"He gets it from his father." Ivy said, nodding. "He's definitely his father's child." Toby blinked.
"...Does he ever say anything?"
"He only speaks to his best friends. I'm sure he'll be talking to Sophie by the evening!" Sophie was circling around Finn, and trying hard to play one handed rock paper scissors while she viciously attacked her cone.
"Sorry today wasn't as exciting as I thought - I figured we'd get to go on set today."
"We're gonna go on set!?" Lucy asked, a bright hope in her eye.
"Absolutely - but you have to be very careful on a movie set." Ivy said. "It's dangerous!"
"I can be careful! I dunno about Sophie though..." Sophie was trying to climb a fence. "Soph! Get down from there!"
"Okay!" She bounded down, and hit the ground hard. She simply looked down at herself, brushed her dress off, and ran back over.
Finn walked over to his mother, and looked up. He tugged her dress a little, and spoke softly, for the first time anyone had heard. all day.
"...oh! Goodness - we ought to run back home and check on him, make sure he's alright." With that, the gang piled into the car, and got home.
Dinner had gone just fine. Mom and dad had come home from that awfully long set of meetings, and they looked...happy. Food was good, on account of Uncle Cal, and now the kids were getting ready to go to sleep. They were all crowded into the spare room. Uncle Cal walked in, and smiled.
"Night, all."
"Can you sing us a song?"
"Yeah! Mama always sings us songs in port...porter...porterhouse-"
"Portuguese?" Calvin finished the word for Sophie.
"I don't speak any Portuguese..." Calvin said. "I speak Irish, though."
"Is that why you talk funny?" Lucy asked.
Calvin chuckled. "Aye, that'd do it, I think." He said. "I used to sing an awful lot better before all this tail business."
"Yeah, what's with yer tail?" Toby finally asked. Finn, at the mention of it, leapt out of the bed, and into his dad's arms, and whispered something to him.
"My tail is sick, and it's making me sick. We hope it'll stop, but we'll see." He nodded, and kissed Finn's forehead, letting him back down. "Now, lullaby, right?"
"Please?" Lucy asked.
Without missing much time, Calvin started singing in a language they didn't understand. "Dún do Shúil, a rún mo chroí, A chuid den tsaol, 's a ghrá liom..."
As he sang, Finn nestled into his bed, and went to sleep. Sophie followed suit. Lucy was next...Toby was still a little awake. He yawned, and spoke.
"Lucy says you're gonna die...is that true?"
"We all do, someday." Calvin said.
"But soon?"
"...It'll all be good memories." He said, smiling. "Sleep well, Tobias."
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dandysworldhcs · 12 days ago
Episode hc.
There was an episode in the early 2000s where the toons go to the beach and bring Shrimpo with them.
Shrimpo pushes Scraps into the water and she takes him with her and he like. Just stops moving.
Scraps gets help from Sprout, Sprout brings him out of the water, Shrimpo isn't waking up, Sprout shakes him really really hard
Sprout, in a fit of pure fear, chucks him into the dirt behind him.
Shrimpo wakes up n he's all mellow.
Like. No yelling. He's not angry AT ALL.
In fact, hes like "Hey dude wassup" and then he almost falls asleep again. But Sprout is all like "WHAT THE FUDGE????????"
Some important parts of that episode that lores the shrimpo:
He goes to get a sandwich from a cooler, boxten is by the cooler, boxten gets all scared (rightfully so) and gives shrimpo his half-eaten sandwich covers his head. Shrimpo's like "Dude that's your sandwich" and gives it back and then walks away and boxten is all like "what the hell".
Finn tries to provoke shrimpo, but the shrimp just goes "Dude... what are we................" And then walks back to the water and just floats away.
Eventually at the end of the episode, everyone is uncomfortable and tries to get shrimpo away from the beach but he gets angry and starts biting everyone and when they get back to Gardenview the episode cuts to a part of shrimpo in his room and it's shown that it was all an act to bully the toons in the worst way possible by making them think that their beloved angry guy wasn't angry any more.
The toons are taught that they love shrimpo just the way he is and its uncomfortable any other way.
-the blood golem anon
ough...blood golem anon.....youre changing mr...... AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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kasumingo · 2 years ago
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3 Different characters
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systelon · 1 year ago
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day 4 of. you know the usual
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ratatatastic · 1 month ago
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you ask the most superstitious men with attachment issues to the comfort of worn equipment what their oldest piece of equipment is and sometimes you get "im not a weirdo like that" sometimes you get "i still use a girdle"
naturally maffhew could not be a part of this because well you know...
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charpim · 2 years ago
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my friend finn the human
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hirunoka · 2 years ago
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Jere with This Kind of Look on Him Compilation
(also known as: "I love his bowl cut, as well, but I go even more crazy when his hair is messy like that and I decided to make it everyone's problem." )
Part #1 | Part #2 | Part #3 | Part #4 | Part #5 | Part #6 | Part #7/?
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risto-licious · 2 years ago
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into blue skies ☄️
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thatsadguymochi · 23 days ago
4 more new ones turned to pixels!!!!! (and fixed Sable!)
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Albert and Levi belong to @the-trinket-witch
Elena belongs to @angelwishess
Finn belongs to @thehollowwriter
Sable belongs to @twsted-void (I hope the edit I made looks nice!)
and here is the link to Quartz's No Yandere sim au info+character sheets!
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hoshiika · 1 year ago
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and then they kissed
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Been procrastinating to draw something based on my post apocalypse au for months :,) But I finally did it!
Gonna take on the opportunity to remake the post explaining this au (and delete the original one). So here it goes:
In this au, all of the main characters were born in the same time period as Marceline, so, in the post apocalyptic world.
Pretty much the same backstory, but she met Bonnibel when they were kids when she accidentally got separated from Simon and Bonnie helped Marceline find him. They remained friends and would bump into each other every now and then. When Simon left, Marceline stayed with Bonnibel for a while but ended up leaving. She's still a vampire hunter.
Grew up in a human colony in Ooo. Ooo is a very anti mutant place at this point, but he was always really curious about them. Always wanted to explore more of Ooo but his mom has always been really protective. Once he went out exploring by himself and got chased off by a vampire, which resulted in him ending up lost ans running into Jake.
His life was as normal as it could've been for a mutant with strechy powers in the post apocalypse before he met Finn. He avoided humans but didn't harvest any deep hatred towards them. Tried to get rid of Finn at first but they ended up saving each other's butts at some point and Jake promised to help Finn find his colony. They became good friends in the process. Marceline saved them from a vampire once and they started following her around to find out if she was one of them, ended up becoming friends in the process and stuck with her to have a better survival chance.
Pretty much the same childhood, except she always had to hide from humans since she's a mutant. She never built her kingdom (at least not yet), spends a lot of her time building weapons and deffense mechanisms (Neddy's tree is her base). Met Marceline, Finn and Jake 'cause they fell into a trap she had set. She recognizes Marceline and lets them out, and the two of them meet each other for the first time in years. Bonnie becomes a part of their team, and Finn and Jake did not trust her at first, like, at all. She just had a bit of a mad scientist vibe that they didn't know how to interpret. When Marceline was turned into a vampire, they didn't want to leave Bonnie alone with her, scared that Bonnie would hurt her, but she was the only one who didn't trigger Marceline's blood thirst. Finn and Jake started warming up to her when they realized how caring she was with Marceline during this time, but they only became actual friends on an ocasion when Marceline was away visiting Simon and Bonnibel got captured by a group of mutant hunters who tried to kill her and Finn and Jake saved her.
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st4ngray · 1 year ago
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Twinningg ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Doodle alongside the post aa-
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iluvchick3nz · 19 days ago
Hii!! If you'd wanna write something about Leo being a bit younger than Finn and Logan that would be lovely! Maybe him being slightly insecure about it and FinnLo reassuring him, or maybe he misses his mama and needs some extra hugs, or perhaps Finn and Logan have to teach him something about adulthood, like paying bills or smth. Whatever you feel like really! No pressure though 🥰
Have a lovely day!!
Personally, I feel like Leo was pretty ready for a lot of adult stuff, like paying rent and cooking for himself and taxes. I headcanon Wyatt as working as an accountant or in finance and actually LOVING IT, he's a total math and numbers nerd (if you were wondering, Eloise works at a nonprofit and volunteers at a women's shelter and you can fight me on that). So I feel like Mama and Papa Knut prepared Leo really well for the real world. HOWEVER, it's hard on ANYONE to move away from home, especially if you're lucky enough to come from a loving one or are from a place you love to go back to, like Leo.
Hence, have some sweet little nutter butter needing a pick-me-up from his boyfs who couldn't even chop a carrot properly before they met him (it's okay, they've learned, and they help Leo prep and can make a few good recipes)!
All credits to @lumosinlove
P.S. I just got back from a LONG hike, so I am going to curl up with a blanket and bang out some of these prompts staring at me in my inbox. Thank you for being so patient, and please keep sending me your ideas! XOXO
Leo liked hanging out with Regulus’ college friends. They were funny and charming, and didn't seem to have any idea about anything related to hockey, which suited him just fine. They were a bit artsy, kind of like the friends he wished he'd had when he was in high school. 
It was another end of year party, after Regulus’ sophomore year, and Leo was talking to Amanda about her French essay.
“It was kind of cool,” she was saying. “Looking at the demographics of different dialects and where they came from. But there's almost nothing out there on Cajun French, at least not that I could find.”
Leo laughed. “I could've been your textbook.”
She smiled. “Should've thought of that.” She shrugged. “But I found enough sources to justify the length of my section on that dialect, so it's all right, I guess.”
He nodded, trying to still listen, but he caught sight of Finn and Logan across the way. Finn had a hand low on Logan's back as he mixed them both drinks, and Logan had turned to talk to him, smiling with his lips against Finn's jaw. Logan had grown his hair out again, the curls less frizzy now that he actually took care of it. Finn was running his long, nimble fingers through the dark locks, and Leo could just imagine the feeling.
“I've never asked,” Amanda said. “You didn't go to college, did you? Not even for a little bit?”
Leo turned to her, brow furrowed. “No, why?”
She nodded her head from side to side. “Just trying to put the pieces together.” She considered her next words. “They were already in the NHL when you met, right?”
“Yeah,” Leo said. “They met at Harvard, then Finn got drafted to the Lions, then Logan, then about- three? No, a two years later, I came along, right out of high school.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “How old were you when you got together?”
Leo suddenly straightened. “Uh, nineteen.” He looked at her shocked face. “What?”
Amanda shook her head rapidly. “Nothing, nothing. It's just- does it bother you?”
Leo was confused. “That they knew each other beforehand? No, I actually like learn-”
“No,” Amanda laughed, then sobered. “No, the fact that they're a bit older than you.”
Leo just looked at her. “Uh, no? I don't think I've ever thought of it as a bad thing.”
“But they were, like, out of college for a few years when you met. You would've just been starting.” She looked at him apprehensively. “And that doesn't- I don't know, it doesn't make you think?”
“About what?”
Amanda seemed a bit lost for words. “About- about whether they're… you know, it.”
Leo was taken aback. “It? Of course they are, I love them.”
She sighed. “I'm not trying to, like, make you insecure or criticize.” She shrugged. “I was in a relationship when I was in middle school, all the way up until halfway through this year. I thought he was ‘it’, too. I guess I'm…”
“You're what?”
She looked him right in the eye. “I'm curious.”
“About what it's like to know- like, really know- that you've found the loves of your life when you're so young.”
Leo looked at her carefully. “I think- I think for us it works. And for some people it doesn't.” He bit his lip. “It's also different for us. Logan and Finn were always destined for each other, even if they were a disaster at Harvard. But if I wasn't really it, if they didn't love me completely and wholly, they wouldn't have been with anyone else but each other.”
“And that doesn't bother you?”
To Amanda’s obvious surprise, Leo smiled. “No. No, I think it's romantic.”
“Oh.” She looked down. “I'm sorry.”
Leo patted her arm. “Don't be. It- it's okay to have questions.” 
He looked up to where Finn and Logan were talking with Regulus, who got approached by someone else. He excused himself, leaving the other two by themselves.  
Leo turned back to Amanda, gesturing with his thumb. “I think I'm- I'm gonna just…”
“Yeah,” she said with a small smile. 
“I hope you did well on your French essay.”
Her cheeks flushed, pleased. “Thanks, Leo. I'll see you later.”
“See you.”
Leo wandered over to where his boyfriends were, seemingly bickering quietly underneath a string of lights. He came up behind them and rested his hands on Logan's hips. Logan turned up to him with a smile. “Soleil,” he said happily. He turned into Leo's arms and leaned up for a kiss. “Ça va?”
Leo nodded. “Ouais. What are we talking about?”
Finn snorted. “Which M&M flavor is best. I said pretzel.”
“Non, the caramel ones.”
“Those aren't even that good, they're just pure sugar.”
Logan huffed, then tugged Leo's forearm gently. “Allez, Le,” he said. “Which one's better?”
“Personally,” he said, bending his neck down to be closer to them. “I prefer the peanut ones.”
Their answering smiles warmed him from his head to his toes.
Later, when they were all cuddled up in bed, cooling down in a late-night afterglow, Amanda's words kept nagging slightly at Leo’s brain.
“Guys,” he said from his place on Logan’s chest. “I have a question.”
Finn, walking over from where he threw the cloths in the laundry hamper, came to flop on his stomach beside them, his chin resting on Leo’s hip bone. “What is it, my peanut M&M?”
Leo snuggled closer into Logan's warm skin. “Does it ever… I don't know, like, bother you that I'm younger?”
Finn looked taken aback. “What? No- I mean-” He suddenly looked defensive  “Did someone say something?”
Leo pressed his nose into Logan's chest. “At the party today. Amanda asked if I was sure about you guys, because we met when I was so young.”
Logan shifted underneath him. “Quoi? Sure?”
Leo carded a hand through Finn's hair. “Like, if I was sure you guys are forever for me. If I am sure.”
“You are forever.”
Leo smiled at the grumpy, possessive tone that Logan sometimes got. “That's what I told her. I told her that, if I wasn't, then you two wouldn't have wanted anyone else but each other.”
Finn kissed his palm. “But we do want you.”
“You've made that very clear,” Leo laughed. “And I know that the two of you, or me with just one of you, would never compare to the three of us.” He brought his foot to rest on Finn's lower back. “But I do think about it. The fact that I'm a little younger.”
“Quoi?” Logan asked. “You're more of an adult than we are.”
“Hey.” Finn flicked Logan's leg. “Speak for yourself.”
Logan wrapped Leo up tighter. “You were way more mature at nineteen than I was when I was nineteen.”
Finn nodded solemnly. “That's true. Nutty, you're way ahead of your years.”
“Thanks, I think?” Leo smiled. “But sometimes- I don't know, sometimes I don't feel like that.”
“What do you mean, mon coeur?” 
Leo shrugged. “I feel like- I don't know, sometimes I really miss home. New Orleans. Like, it's still home to me, but Gryff is home to me, and you're home to me, so I feel home in all these places. I just can't let go of New Orleans yet, and sometimes…” He pressed into their hands. “I really, really love you, but sometimes I feel like I need a hug from my mama.”
Finn smiled at him, carding a hand through his hair. “That's not because you're younger. That's just because you're so sweet.”
Leo felt sheepish, turning his smile into Logan's chest.
Finn cooed. “Aw, our little sunshine's embarrassed.”
Logan laughed, leaning his head down over Leo to press wet kisses to his forehead and cheeks. “Ouais, mon soleil, you're just the sweetest.”
“Guys,” Leo said, but he felt warm. “Stop that.”
“Non, non, never.” Logan settled further against the pillows, bringing Leo with him and cradling his head with his hand. “Toujours, soleil.”
Finn shifted further up the bed, laying down beside them with a leg thrown over their bodies. “Do you ever feel insecure about it, baby?”
Leo considered this for a second. “I guess… sometimes I wonder what people think. Because you were in your mid-twenties when I was nineteen and we got together.”
Logan groaned. “No we were not.”
“Way to call us old, peanut.”
Leo kissed Logan's chest. “I'm just sayin’- a lot of people would think that's weird. But as we've gotten older, it seems less weird.”
Finn smacked his hip lightly. “Will you quit it with the age thing?”
“I'm sorry, honey. C'mere.” He pulled Finn in for a kiss. “Better?”
Finn nodded satisfactorily. “Very much, yes.”
“Allez, where's mine?”
Logan was looking at them both expectantly. Leo rolled over a bit to hover over him, leaning down to brush their lips together. When they pulled apart, Logan didn't even open his eyes, just turned his face toward Finn, jutting his chin out.
“You needy thing,” Finn said, but complied. Their lips made a soft breaking sound as they pulled apart. “Needy baby boy.”
“Mm, ici.” Logan pulled Leo down to rest on him again and tangled his ankles with Finn's. “Ouais. We sleep like this.”
Finn brushed his hair back from his face. “Needy thing.” He looked to Leo. “Sweet thing.”
Leo snorted. “I thought that was Logan.”
Finn shook his head. “It's both of you. I'm a lucky guy.”
Leo nudged their noses together. “That you are.” He breathed deeply and settled once again on Logan’s chest. The skin was warm, like a heater, lulling his eyes into closing. “I love you.”
“I love you so much.”
“Love you,” Finn sighed. “My sweetest things.” He stroked a hand up and down Leo's ribs. “Your age doesn't matter, baby. You could be two years younger, or two years older, or ten years older, and we'd still love you.”
Leo scrunched his nose. “Ten years older?”
“Mm,” Finn said, biting Leo's jaw. “Sexy silver fox.”
Leo pushed his face away with a laugh. “Ew, no, that's so gross.”  When Finn leaned in to suck at his jaw again, licking at the skin, Leo made a protesting noise. “Finn.”
Logan patted Leo's butt. “I love how you are in this life, peanut. Exactly like this.”
That made Finn perk up. “Do you think we're together in every life?”
“Yes,” Leo answered immediately. He tilted his chin up to look between the two of them. “I don't want to love anyone else but the two of you.”
“Non, me neither,” Logan grunted. He wiggled a bit, wrapping his legs around Leo's calves. “Don't like that thought.”
Finn snorted. “You're a grumpy and possessive baby now.” He tucked his face into Logan's neck. “But you're both mine in every lifetime. No take-backs.”
“No,” Leo smiled. He could feel Logan's breathing evening out below his cheek. “No take-backs. Good night, sweethearts.”
“Good night, nutter butter.”
Logan just made a soft sighing noise, but he pulled Leo closer. Leo smiled, taking one last chance to look at how their skin shone in the moonlight, how their lips parted around their breathing, before closing his own eyes. He could get used to this in every lifetime. 
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byler4vida · 28 days ago
We finally saw Finn and Noah together!!, missed their friendship 😭😭❤️❤️
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will80sbyers · 2 years ago
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