#Finn x reader (Epic)
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Will you do romantic headcanons about Nod?
Romantic Nod Headcannons pt 1
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Reader: Female Reader
Notes: I got you, homie.
Warnings: swearing, mad dadd finn, crazy bullshit
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I feel like Childhood Friends to Lovers is very Nod.
You know he sees you as "one of the bros" first, not...kissable.
Thats on the surface at least, deep down though: and even barely pass the surface he's always known he's liked you.
He's very much been in love with you since he was young.
He's literally been through it all with you and you been through it all with him.
He knows no matter which direction either of you go; you'll always have his back.
So, it worried him: maybe he was wrong, yet it was too late, he was already waiting for you outside of work.
And when he seen you: he's never froze in front of you, and he was as stiff as a log.
Didn't help that Finn was behind you either.
*cough* your father *cough*
He just ends up quickly leaving, leaving you confused.
For sure screaming fuck in his head as he runs away.
His emotions kind of just blurted out at you.
after all you had been chasing him for three days and wasn't ready to give up on him just yet.
So, when you actually finally caught him by climbing through his room's window and managing to block all exits, he has nowhere to run.
He'll try and throw you off calling you "a creep" but that shit doesn't work; he's always climbing through your window calls it his "Special personal door to annoy you."
Basically, have to fight the answer out of him.
"You're avoiding me!"
"I am not! I'm. I'm just busy!" He argued, trying to get pass her.
"You are too!" Y/n snapped
"Am not!"
"Just tell me why!
"Why does it matter anyways!"
"Because it's hurting my feelings, Nod! What did I do!? Did I say something!? Do something!?"
He could only stare at you.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you-"
"no, No don't apologize-"
He had to cough it up now; he couldn't hurt you.
God it was so hard for him to get out; which was weird; Nod was usually pretty open to you.
Through every long pause and hard too seek out word he watched you listen with intent.
Finally, annoyed with himself he coughed it up, fully confident in his words.
"I'm in love with you," Nod told; "I've been in love with you."
It was a sigh of relief, his shoulders finally able to slack, and the air held in his chest released with his sigh.
"Just, " He interrupted; causing Y/n to pause, "Just. Please- I can't help it, you do this thing! With your hair! and then it's with the eyes, and then it's- it's the way you just- It's you! you can't blame me!"
"Nod-" Y/n stopped him; hand coming to hold his bicep in a comforting notion, "Nod look at me,"
From his hand, Y/n's hand going from his bicep to his hand, "I have always loved you."
Worry slipped from the world, watching you hold his hand tightly, with a smile on your face.
He was quick to pick you up, and swing you around, you could only laugh happily as he gave you a long hard kiss on the cheek, holding your face firmly within his hands.
"You've gotta be mine," He said with excitement, she could only laugh, "Well- please be mine."
"I would love to,"
Now, as much as he knew, he wanted to just kiss you straight up on the lips he didn't.
But you did and he swears he's on cloud-nine.
He is on cloud nine actually- all day, every time he sees you.
And when you have to leave because you told your dad you'd be back before dark he's determined to take you home; but as much as we all love Finn; he's a bit more protective of you in the dating world.
Nod respects you wanting to please your dad, and he'll let you ease your dad into the idea of you dating.
"I'll see you tomorrow,"
"I don't train tomorrow,"
"Me neither, I wanna take you somewhere, I know you'll like it,"
Nod certainly never changed; he loved you, partners or not,
You agreed and he said he'd get you as soon as he could in the morning.
You rushed home quickly, you're late for dinner.
It was your father who was standing waiting for you at the door.
Y/n was silent, "I told you to be back before dark, and it's been dark."
"I'm sorry, I rushed home as quick as I could," she apologized.
Finn could only sigh, "Where were you,"
"With Nod..."
"Well stop it,"
"What!?" Y/n asked as Finn started to walk away, "Wait that's not fair!"
She chased him into the kitchen; "Stop chasing after a boy that you can do better than." Finn ordered.
"That's not what's happening-"
"No? So, he just runs from you!? Once best friends reduced to avoidance?" Finn defended, "Bees don't explain to flies why honey is better than shit,"
"That's unfair! -"
"Enough!" Finn ordered, stopping her from speaking any further; "Clean up for dinner. Your grandmother and aunts are here,"
You only ran; Finn couldn't help but look back and hear the running of the steps up the stairs and then the slamming door above.
From then on, your relationship with your father becomes strained.
Nod realizes somethings wrong when he comes in through your window and you're lying on top your bed.
Just the way you respond, you sound upset.
He knows you'll talk about it when you want; and carefully climbs over you to lay besides you, wiping what he thought were fresh tears away from your cheek but to realize they've been dried to your face.
He has to cheer you up; he's trying to pull you out of bed despite your protest; he sits you up and looking through your clothes to find you something comfortable.
"Come on, let's get out of here,"
"Nod, I don't want to,"
He kneeled between your legs, his hand in yours; looking up at you and asking what's wrong as he kisses your hand.
You leave it at a bad argument with your father, and he listens to ask much as you'll give him.
Luckily, he gets you out the room; hummingbird waiting.
And just like that he took off with you in front of him, his arms around you and guiding the bird along.
"Just what you'll need I promise."
he took you as high as he could into the trees, the highest tree he knew about, and landed his bird.
"Come on this way-"
Holding his hand he led you through a hole: once a home to a bird, and threw to the other side.
"And its suppose to rain today," Nod commented, "your favorite."
The branch was balding at the end, yet had leaves up top for some protection, leaving a nice view.
And he even set a little picnic out for the both of you.
Second kiss? Scored.
He's litterally planned out the whole thing.
He'll play little card games he brought up, eat with you, kiss you + a little making out
But thing that really reels you in, makes you fall so deep in love is the dancing.
He'll dance with you up on that tree branch, spin you, and dip you. Twirl you for as long as you want.
Sure, you lose track of time, but you could care less as you sit with him snuggled up.
Eventually, he'll take you home, dropping you off at your window.
He'll wanna say goodbye with a kiss, which turns into two, two to three.
He just rather not leave. And lay with you some more.
But you rather not have Finn take his head off.
Finally he truly says goodbye and leaves, you making your way back inside.
Sneaking around your father is routine now. The "Im going to bed early" and "Oh well they asked me in early" works for a while.
And in those hours, you're with Nod: dancing and kissing the hours away
He likes to train with you when you guys can
Strong = Hot in his mind
And damn are you strong
Sure at some point it goes from actually training to rolling around and laughing with one another
Always split before Finn shows up
Would really like to be public about the relationship you know go like: "Oh, this is the love of my life. Let me tell you all about her-"
But tbh he's even nervous; he sees how Finn glares at him
Tbh you hurt my child I hurt you is very Finn, especially when its someone so close
For your month anniversary, Nod surpised you with a handmade card and lunch left on your desk.
Finn had walked you in that day...ouch.
"Who's it from?" Finn questioned.
"Ooh. Didn't leave a name.." Y/n laughed nervously, "Admirers, cookoo am I right? haha..."
Admirer? Admirer his ass
Hes gonna track that bitch so hard.
Oh nods fucked.
Luckily you and Nod sneak around it: quite a bit at that too.
Finn's first suspicion is when you come back from felid work; a run in with boggins to collect medicinal herbs for your healer mentor.
Nod was pushing past crowded medics and helping soliders to get to you before Finn could.
Just the way he looked at you, and you looked at him, the way Nod checked over you, and was quick to take over as your crutch.
He was surpised when he over heard Nod instructing younger healers what to do with you, Finn couldn't help but get it more and more
"Where's my dad!"
"It's okay. It's okay, he's coming. he's coming - just take a deep breath -"
A needle going through flesh with no numbing of any kind after adrenaline wore off was....wow.
"I can't! I can't no! No no! Nod! Please!-"
"Hey! Look at me! Look at me!" Nod called, his upper body hunched over and across Y/n's, blocking what was happening below and holding her down, "I've got you! Alright? Look at me. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, okay?"
They were able to seal the wound
Unlike Nod they wouldn't let Finn in, and only when Y/n was brought out to make room for the next soilder was he allowed to see her.
"Baby girl!" He was quick to hug her, holding her head to his chest and holding her tight, "I was so worried."
Finn pulled away, stroking her hair down and looking over her face: "you're, okay? What happened!? Are you okay?"
You didn't even bother to answer before hugging him tightly, he hugging back.
He only took you home quickly; glancing back at Nod fairly quickly before returning to you
and your father babied you, even though mostly all you wanted from him was his lap to lay your head on.
Which he was glad to provide, fingers brushing through your baby hairs.
Family comes to visit you.
And with them is Ronin after all he's your fathers best friend, and because Nod lives with him he came too
"I was so worried." Finn told Ronin.
"I know." He answered.
The two stood in the kitchen, "I don't want her going on the field again."
Ronin was silent as a cup of tea was handed to him.
"You'll hurt her." Ronin answered, "Not allowing her back on the feild."
"Hurt her or the Leafman army?" Finn snapped, "She almost lost her life, Ronin!"
"Her life, Ronin! This is my daughter!"
Y/n stayed curled up in the blanket, hearing the argueing from the other room.
"You okay?" Nod asked, he sat on the floor beside the couch, chin resting on the cushion.
"Yeah..." y/n answered.
"You'll look pretty badass with that scar." Nod commented, causing her to smile softly, but it soon faded.
"I guess we're not dancing for a while now..."
"We can do other things." Nod told.
"Like what?"
Nod chuckled, "Like what? Well... we can still talk to each other. We can still joke and tickle each other... we can kiss each other still..."
Y/n was silent.
"I know you liked the dancing a lot." Nod commented, "I did too. We'll do it again. Dont worry."
"You know... my dad used to dance with me." Y/n commented.
"Who's a better partner? Me or him?" Nod asked, causing her to laugh.
"Im not answering that." Y/n commented.
"Oh, it must be me then." Nod spoke.
Y/n chuckled softly, Nod rubbing a thumb over her cheek; "i know I couldn't ever have a better dance partner.
"I love you." Y/n told him, he smiling softly.
"I love you too."
She leaned over, kissing him softly, and he kissed her back. He raised from his bottom to his knees, allowing her to lay back as they kissed. He only pulled away for a moment to repeat the three words; I love you, before returning to kissing her softly.
Nod usually liked it when hands ran through his hair, especially hers. But the hand that raked through his hair quickly pulled him off Y/n.
"What the hell is your problem!"
"Finn!-" Ronin tried to argued.
"Dad stop!-"
"You think you can just play with my daughters feelings and then take advantage of her!" Finn snapped.
Nod was stuck on the floor on his side.
"Get out of my house!"
"I said get out of my house!"
"Dad!" Y/n argued getting up, catching the couch corner to keep her up.
"Nod get up." Ronin ordered pulling him to his feet, "Come on-"
"Daddy please! Just stop!" Y/n pleaded hand on his arm, "Please he's not hurting me!"
"I said get out!" Finn shouted: "I'll fucking kill you if you touch her again!"
"Daddy Please!" Y/n begged.
Ronin pulled Nod out the living room and house. Finn and Y/n arguing in the background.
"Whats your problem!" Y/n shouted.
"Problem?! My problem!?" Finn argued, "He's kissing on you after he's played with your feelings!"
"He loves me!"
"He doesn't love you!" Finn argued, "Playing with your feelings and then hes all the sudden ontop of you?!"
"How do you know!-"
"I'm your father! I know better and you listen to me! Do you understand that!" Finn shouted back.
"And what!? End up sad and alone like you?! Chasing after a man that'll never love me!" Y/n argued, tears streaming down her face, "You are not Me, and Nod is not Ronin!"
It grew quiet between the two, and Y/n, despite her injury, was quick to move, leaving the living room and up into her room.
Finn well...he was in complete shock.
Mouth ran dry and all
It took him a moment to even get his brain working again.
He leaved you alone for the night. Its the best choice.
And despite it all.
Nod still comes to see you.
Knocked on your windowseal and everything and kinda lets himself in.
"Look Im sure your the last person you wanna see right now-"
But your hugging him quicker than you should be able to with your knee.
"I don't wanna be here, Nod..."
"I know. It'll get better." Nod told her, kissing her head and rubbing her back, "But with your leg, you're safe here. Just for now, okay?"
Y/n nodded, Nod smiled, "That's a brave girl." He wipped her tears away.
"Im sorry for the way he treated you."
"He's scared to lose you, is all."
"Hey really its okay." Nod reassured her, "and hey, look at the bright side. We don't have to hide anything. And when those injuries are healed, we can go screw around again. On the tree tops. Just us."
Y/n hugged him tighter, "Thank you Nod."
He stays with you for a while longer
Relaxing with you laying on your bed. He just wanted to make sure you were sleeping.
And when you did fall asleep, he personally pulled the covers over you and kissed your temple.
Little did you know Nod had gotten up early the next moring and knocked on your door.
Your dad answered: exhausted, and dry of tears.
Caffine couldnt save him today.
"I told you not to come back-"
"Just. Hear me out -"
"No -" Finn argued, closing the door.
"Just!" Nod stopped him with a foot between the door and the frame, "Look I really. Really love your daughter. Like. Really... love her."
Finn stopped: "okay and?"
"She's everything to me. Like she's everything to you - so I thought we should get along."
"You played with her. You just dont seem to get that -"
"I never meant to hurt her she knows that -"
"You did, though- why is it so hard for you to understand-ignoring her then touching her - please class a act -"
"I didn't understand! She went from being my best friend to being in love with her! I didn't get it!"
"And if you don't love her? You have an empty hole, You're filling with her - get it straight Nod- Your using her!-"
"I want to marry her!" Nod snapped.
Finn was in a silent shock, "How... how long?"
"A long time now..." Nod commented: "Just please! I want-"
"How long!"
"Almost three seasons now."
"Leave my house."
"Finn, please -"
"I said Leave."
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fangirlingatstuff ¡ 2 years ago
Hi ive seen your work, thank you for keeping the epic fandom alive 🙏🙏. I’m not sure if you do nod but if you do could you write headcannons about him, like the mandrake ones. Thank you!!
Awww thank you for liking my work!! 😊😊 I found the lack of content for Epic saddening and had to do something about that lol
I can definitely write some hcs for Nod, I’ve had a few asks about him that I havent gotten to writing yet because he’s not someone I write much for but this is a good way to start!
Nod General and Romantic Headcanons
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I feel like the movie didn’t emphasize this enough but Nod isn’t just a good flyer, he is one of, if not the, best.
I imagine he’s been on the back of a bird ever since he was little. Flying with his dad or with “Uncle” Ronin when they weren’t off fighting boggans, or even riding with other leafmen when his dad wasn’t around.
Nod probably grew up around leafmen his entire life, being in the barracks or following his dad around while he was on a shift. The other leafmen and women took to him like he was family and he was always seen with another soldier if he wasn’t with his mom or dad.
Probably was friends with other soldier’s kids and they got into all kinds of mischief, mostly bugging the older soldiers.
The day his dad and Ronin left for a seemingly routine recon mission, his dad left with a kiss to his mom and a ruffle to his hair. There was a tension in the air, unspoken acknowledgment between the adults that this time was different than before, but Nod didn’t bring up that he could see that.
When Ronin came back alone, with nothing but his father’s helmet and many bruises and cuts, Nod didn’t shed a tear.
He took the helmet as Ronin explained that his dad wasn’t coming back this time and stared at it in understanding, his face falling.
Nod didn’t even need Ronin to tell him that his father was gone when he came up to the door.
Nod was little when it happened so Ronin had taken charge of him early, but that didn’t make him any less rambunctious.
For a while, Nod was quiet, that was until he grew old enough to be unsupervised and all bets were off. It got especially bad right before Ronin started training him as a leafman. His behavior was actually the reason why Ronin enlisted him, because he was getting into trouble.
Loves animals. Wants all the pets, give him five minutes and he would’ve had Ozzie on his back kicking his leg.
Finn is sort of like his older brother and when they are both off duty, Finn takes time in annoying Nod, usually by messing with his hair or playfully shoving him.
Goofy freaking tease. If he’s even half an inch (or whatever the heck tiny people use to measure height) taller than you, he’s calling you short forever now.
Is constantly holding things out of your reach or blocking your way, if you have to do something or need something, by principle he feels like he has to prevent you doing or getting whatever you need.
Cheesy dorky pick up lines. He has an entire index of them, sometimes he will go alphabetical. Finn has a list of his most used ones.
He will be taking you on flights all day every day. Hope you aren’t afraid of heights.
In all honesty though, he would be so excited to share his love of flying with you. He’s good with birds and would love for you to like flying as much as he does. If you don’t, thats ok, but he will give you puppy-dog eyes when you tell him you don’t want to fly today.
Tries to impress you all the time with his swordsmanship and status as a leafman, apparently he heard that people “like a guy in uniform” so he’s laying that on thick.
Even though it is when he isn’t trying at all that he impresses you the most, you won’t ever tell him that. He’s too cute when he’s talking about how to train a bird or fit a saddle and you could listen to him for hours.
That isn’t to say you aren’t impressed by him as a leafman. His agility is crazy and seeing him train or fight is a feat in itself. Just make sure you stay safe and he’ll let you watch him work all day.
Ronin teases the two of you. So does Finn. Nuff said. Finn likes to embarrass Nod in front of you.
“Oh have I told you about the time when Nod got scared by a caterpillar?” “FINN!”
Ronin encourages this, he’s the one that started it after all.
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fafi-and-oblivia ¡ 1 year ago
About Fafi! <3
Heya hello! You can call me Fafi! I am one of the admins on this blog! This post will tell you everything you'd need to know about me as a creator on this blog. I might eventually make a separate blog for NSFW works if I ever decide to take a stab at it, if it is created it will have a link in this post. (I do ask Minors to not interact with this blog if it ever comes up, the blog will strictly be for people 18+) I'd also be willing to touch a bit on more sensitive/heavier content in my writing. If you're looking for my art or to request art please visit my personal account over at @stintsy!
This post will take you into the depths of what I will and won't write on! please stay respectful of my preferences, thank you!! <3
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Things I will write on:
Heavy angst
Sensitive topics that require TW's
x reader (romantic & platonic)
Character x Character (platonic)
Things I might write on:
NSFW (though would not be posted to this account if I do)
Mild gore
Things I will not write on:
yandere (readers & characters)
Character x Character (romantic)
Heavy gore
Real people
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Fandoms I will write on:
Blooming Panic (Bloomic)
Cryptid Coffeehouse (CC)
Our Life: Beginnings and Always (OLBA)
Our Life: Now and Forever (OLNF)
YuuriVoice (YV)
Fandoms I might write on:
Error143 (don't know the character too well)
Fandoms I just like talking about/listen to:
RTGame (Youtuber)
Terraria (Game)
Hollow Knight (Game)
Kirby's Epic Yarn (Game)
Wii (Game Console)
Retro Gaming (Genre)
DS/3DS (Game Console)
Dr. House (TV Series)
Love Island US (TV Series)
Will Stetson (Music Artist)
BTS (Music Artist)
Lyricless Music (Genre)
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( * = specializes in character; aka I do best with this character)
( ' = not as well rounded with character)
Characters I will write on:
Quest* (Bloomic)
NakedToaster* (Bloomic)
Xyx* (Bloomic)
Nightowl (Bloomic)
Onion* (Bloomic)
Cove (OLBA)
Baxter* (OLBA)
Derek' (OLBA)
Qiu' (OLNF)
Artemis (CC)
Taz' (CC)
Kurou (CC)
Alphonse (YV)
Finn (YV)
Characters I could write on:
Tamarack' (OLNF)
Micah' (Error143)
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Thank you for reading! <3
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finnwrld ¡ 4 years ago
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hi, im finn!! ive got so much just shit on this blog so yk have fun ig >:)
i use they/them pronouns and im a minor
big CW for swearing on my blog, stay safe :]
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MASTERLIST; BLURBS: i update this every time i post a new fic
STATUS: my activity status with writing and posting
ABOUT ME: get to know how cool and epic i am
SECOND NAV: has less important links and stuff
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personal side blog; @foot-hands
mcyt side blog; @chommyinnit
my wattpad is @/sstupxfy and my ao3 is criusly, anything of mine that isn’t on those accounts lmk because i most likely didn’t approve it.
ask for discord!!
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MOST RECENT FIC: devils advocate - eddie munson x reader
CURRENTLY LISTENING: didnt wanna have to do it - cass elliot
SONG LYRIC IN BIO: on the bound - fiona apple
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dni if ur @m4rzm4rz or i'll poop on u
do the right thing
safe space for everybody!! i try and trigger tag everything but if i miss smth lmk!! i also use tone indicators regularly
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sherlollydramoine ¡ 4 years ago
Broken Promises
Prompt 5: “unacceptable, try again”
Fandom: Rami Malek/Need for Speed Movie
Pairing: Finn X Reader
Word Count: 1163
Warnings: Language, Angst
HC! Enjoy!
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Rage. All you were feeling right now is rage. You couldn’t figure out where the hell your boyfriend was or why he was over three hours late coming home. You’d been calling and texting with no response and his friends had replied to you either. Having already called every hospital locally in the area as well as the jail, he was nowhere to be found. 
You’d been excited about the Halloween event for over three months and you couldn’t wait to show off your handiwork to all of your friends. Your best friend Ash and her cousin Alaina always threw the most epic of Halloween parties every year and to date you’d never missed one. Getting that invite in the mail was the highlight of your year to be honest, and every year you worked your ass off to create the most elaborate hand sewn costume you could. The last three years your boyfriend Finn had attended with you; the couples costumes you put together were somewhat legendary at this point.
It wasn’t unusual for him to be running a little behind and you’d become accustomed to anywhere from forty-five minutes to an hour, which is why with your careful planning you had informed him that he needed to be home at a time an hour earlier than was actually required. Allotting yourself enough time to have your hair and makeup done so that when he did finally show up you could scrub, buff, make him up, and then dress him so that you’d actually be on sort of on time.
He had promised you over and over again that he wouldn’t be late today but as you are slowly realizing, his promises as of late seem to be empty. Fighting the urge to break down into a fit of tears at his complete lack of regard for you as this is the only thing throughout the entire year, out of every event you’d attended, where you asked him to be with you. He knew how important this party was to you and yet he seemed to give zero fucks about your feelings today.
Lifting yourself off the couch and grabbing a cold beer from the fridge and popping the cap off tossing it into the bin on the opposite side of the counter you take a long pull wincing at the taste of the piss flavored liquid, which to Finn used to be the funniest thing you’d ever said about beer. 
Frowning deeply, trying to convince yourself that he wasn’t injured or dead somewhere because of one of his reckless friends that you adored. 
Tossing the empty beer bottle into the bin as you belch loudly you hear the key in the lock and then the door swing open.
“Where in the fuck have you been man? No call, no text, no-nothing?”
Finn freezes in place, eyes wide in alarm as he slowly puts his hands up in defense.
“I uh-I,” he stutters.
“Are you going to feed me more bullshit Finn, or are you going to tell me where the fuck you’ve been? You know how hard I worked on those costumes and how this is the one, I repeat, the one and only thing that I ever ask you to do with me all year.”
“YN, babe, I’m sorry. There was this-”
“Seriously, the same tired excuses? Another race? Another car problem? Another what Finn? There’s always ‘another something’ with you!” you couldn’t help it that your voice was raised. Yelling had never been something that you were keen on or did all that often but in this situation it felt warranted.
“So Tobey got a call about this really awesome car that the garage now has an opportunity to re-build, but it was two hours away and we had to move fast.”
“So you couldn’t tell him that you had other plans for this evening and were unable to accompany him? There are several other guys that work in that garage that could have gone with him.”
He was staring at his shoes now face red with embarrassment and that’s when you notice it. The smudge of bright pink lipstick on his collar. 
“Babe, I’m really fucking sorry. I really am. I will go and shower at lightning speed and we’ll be on our way before you know it.”
“Are you cheating on me Finn? Is that really why you’re so late? That shade of pink lipstick on your collar goes well with your skintone,” you said dryly, watching him squirm uncomfortably in front of you.
Taking his silence as guilt you brush past him and into your bedroom, angrily pulling open the closet door to retrieve your suitcase. Randomly grabbing items from the closet and tossing it into the large piece of luggage stubbornly fighting back tears. You wouldn’t let the lying cheating asshole see you cry.
Finn had followed you into your bedroom to try and explain that it really wasn’t what it looked like. 
“Babe I know you’re mad and I’m sorry. I can promise you one thing and that’s that I’m not cheating on you.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I love you so much, I wouldn’t do something that stupid. I’m really sorry.”
“Unacceptable, try again.”
“I don’t know how else to say I’m sorry but I swear I’m not cheating.”
“I’m not in the mood to hear your bullshit right now. I’m so mad I want to-to-to- I don’t know but I’m mad. You promised me Finn, you promised that you’d be here for me and you weren’t. As of late I’m realizing that your promises are far too empty to be taken seriously. But you wanna know something? I did-do, love you. I’m the one that should be sorry.”
“What would you have to be sorry for?”
“I’m sorry that I’m not an engine or that I’m not made of metal. At least that way I’d know that I have your full undivided attention for hours every day. You’d be more excited to see me than the real me. I’ve never complained about the endless hours you spend at the garage or hanging with the boys because I love you; you don’t give a fuck about me though. I’m always just a second thought so easily forgotten, just a warm wet hole for you to fuck, and most importantly I’m just your servant.”
His mouth opened and closed several times as the weight of what you’d just said sunk in.
Your eyes burning with rage as you zip the case closed hauling it off the bed.
“Still nothing to say, huh?”
The tears were pooling in his eyes as he continued to process what you had said, realizing that the one person he claims to love more than anything in the world was leaving him.
Not sparing him a glance you push your way past him for the second time tonight, grabbing your keys and phone slamming the front door shut behind you.
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such-fun ¡ 5 years ago
Fic: Closer to the Light  2/?   Kylo Ren x Reader
Closer to the Light
Pairing: Kylo Ren x Reader
Summary: You rejected the Force once, but it’s pull won’t be denied.
Spoilers: No TROS spoilers. Takes place just before The Force Awakens and continues from there. Rey will feature but not as heavily.
Tag list: @babsbixby​, @i-am-lokii-of-asgard​, @holacherrycola90​, @bookworm-nerd6, @fanofallthingsnstuff​, @bulba-bulbasaur​, @thomasscresswell​, @vampgguk​, @johnnysactualgf​, @siobhanlovesfilm​ 
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Poe had felt immense relief when a stormtrooper, of all people, managed to help him escape the First Order. 
He could honestly admit he had not seen that coming. From what they knew of the Order, troopers were taken as children and brainwashed into loyal servants who laid down their lives for the men and women in power who viewed them as expendable. He never thought he would meet one who could break whatever conditioning they had been put through.
Not that it was impossible to imagine, but more so that the Resistance believed anyone who the Order failed to control would have been killed on sight. 
Whether Finn was just lucky or not had yet to be seen. He was no longer FN-2187, and it would take time to see if Finn could be a man that the Resistance could truly rely on. But Poe had hope that Finn would be a valuable asset, as well as someone he could call a friend one day.
That is, if he even made it off Jakku.
After they crashed into the planet that Finn was so reluctant to return to, Poe had woken alone and injured. 
And annoyingly missing his favorite jacket.
The fighter looked to have split upon entry into Jakku. He couldn’t find a trace of Finn and didn’t have the means to look for BB-8 on his own. 
Running into a scavenger named Naka Iit was pure luck. 
Poe had turned on the charm and told the man all about his rather epic escape from the First Order. He thought Naka would be taken aback by his heroics. Instead, the man thought he was crazy.
Well, crazy, but entertaining as well. So Naka agreed to give him a ride to the Niima Outpost.
And because Poe’s life was nothing if not an adventure, they were attacked and shot at by scavengers along the way. Poe, as skilled and scrappy as ever, managed to evade their attackers and they reached the outpost in one piece, if a little worse for wear.
From the outpost he was able to charter passage to Yavin IV from a merchant. And once planet-side was reunited with his beloved X-wing.
His return to D’Qar was unexpected but extremely welcome.
He could hear the mix of surprise and relief over the transmission as he radioed in to the base, letting them know it was really him about to enter their airspace.
The last thing he needed was to get shot out of the sky. Again. And by his own friends, no less.
His movements were a little slow and the bruises and blood on his face caused worry among his fellow rebels, but they still greeted him with wide grins and gentle hugs.
The sea of people parted as the General made her way to him, a motherly smile on her face and a hint of a tear in her eye.
Leia held his battered face in her hands, pained at the signs of his torture and all the suffering he had endured. Poe raised his hands, gripping her wrists lightly, as if to physically reassure her that he was there. That he was okay. 
Bruised, yes, but not broken.
“It’s good to have you back,” she whispered for his ears only. 
“Wait ’til I tell you how it happened,” he smirked, with a small chuckle. 
“That will have to wait, Commander,” Leia announced reprovingly, but the tiny sparkle in her eye told him she was looking forward to the story. “You’re needed in medical.”
Poe didn’t fight her, and allowed himself to be lead toward Doctor Kalonia and her eager staff of medical officers. The General didn’t leave his side.
He was seated in front of the good doctor, but aside from giving her a nod of hello, all his attention was on his General.
“What news of the map?” Leia asked firmly. Poe didn’t take her change in tone personally. This was war after all.
“I retrieved the map from Lor San Tekka,” he replied with a frown. “The village was flooded with stormtroopers in minutes. I managed to get out but they grabbed San Tekka. I gave BB-8 the map and told him to go. That I’d find him later.
“Ren was there,” Poe added softly. He had to give the General credit, she didn’t flinch at the mention of her son. “He tried to get San Tekka to talk, but he refused. They—killed him.”
Leia closed her eyes and sighed. Poe gave her a moment to process the loss. When she looked to him once more, he continued.
“I tried to stop him—them. He stopped my blaster shot in midair,” Poe shook his head. “Used the Force to keep me from running, and had me dragged onto their ship. Ren ordered the village slaughtered. 
“I’m—I’m sorry I couldn’t stop it,” his voice trembled but the General dismissed his apology with a sorrowful smile.
“There’s nothing you could have done,” she consoled him, even as she knew it would not help relieve their shared pain. 
“General Hux had me interrogated on their ship,” he recounted. “You’ll be happy to know their interrogators are unimpressive.” The proud smirk on his lips twitched when he thought of what followed.
“Ren came when they couldn’t get me to talk.” Leia nodded, knowing that Poe, despite his resilience and strength, would have been no match for Kylo Ren’s mastery of the Force. 
“I fought, I tried to keep him out of my head,” he growled, and Doctor Kalonia paused her ministrations, waiting for him to calm before she resumed cleaning his cuts.
“How much does he know?” the General asked, her voice sympathetic and understanding.
“He knows BB-8 has the map,” Poe admitted shamefully. 
“We’ll send a team to look for the droid,” she declared calmly, nodding to an officer who hovered nearby. He nodded pointedly and left to inform the rest of the council.
“General,” Poe drew her attention once more, and Leia was concerned at the anguish she saw in his eyes. “Ren—when he was looking in my head, through my memories. He—he saw her.”
Leia inhaled sharply and her hands clenched unconsciously. In a strange way it reminded him of Ren’s reaction upon seeing the girl. The poor woman, obviously traumatized, who they had now unintentionally placed in danger.
“I don’t know how they’re connected but whatever Ren’s intentions, they didn’t look good,” Poe lamented, visibly unhappy with the General’s previous decision to leave him in the dark, even if he understood her caution. 
“We need to find her,” he shared a long, resolute look with the General, “before he does.” 
It had been a week since you had been visited by Leia’s enigmatic messenger. And nearly as long as you’d slept.
Bone-tired, you hadn’t even managed a trek to the mines since. Rhydonium was unstable enough. Between your jittery hands and sleepy eyes, it would be a recipe for disaster. The last thing you needed to do was drop some and blow yourself up.
You hadn’t even left your encampment. Knowing your luck, you’d hop on your speeder to head into town, pass out, and end up lost in the middle of the desert upon waking. Abafar was full of utter wastelands the locals called The Void. 
If anyone mistakenly wandered into the Void, there was a good chance you’d never see them again. Not alive, anyway.  
It wasn’t fear that kept you up.
Poe was hardly about to drag you away kicking and screaming. And Leia, while concerned with your well being, seemed content enough to wait you out. 
No, it was your own traitorous mind that kept you awake.
The first few days, it was your memory that haunted you. Not just of the massacre at the temple. Of the dead students and Luke’s desolate face. Instead it was Ben that haunted you.
Ben’s smile had always enthralled you. He was serious and understated more than not, but when you could make him laugh or smile, it was hard to resist joining him in his mirth. 
He was taller than you by age twelve. Nearly a foot taller by sixteen. You could remember the crick in your neck that would develop after spending so long staring up at him. 
Your mind could not seem to reconcile those memories with the man you were confronted with on that fateful night in the temple. 
Even when he was reserved, you could always see Ben’s emotions at play on his face. From concentration to concern, fondness to focus, Ben was always feeling something. 
It was the blankness on his face that night that spoke volumes. That was not the Ben you had grown up with, not any longer.
And it broke your heart.
You only wish you knew what had happened, what had driven him so far away from the light. If Luke and Leia knew, they never told you. And after enough time passed, there seemed no point in asking. Knowing wouldn’t change anything.
It should have been a relief when your memories finally stopped plaguing you that past night. But what followed merely confused you.
Well into the night, you had laid down once more in hopes in getting a few moments rest. They were few and far between, but all that was keeping you going lately. 
Resting your head on your makeshift pillow, you closed your eyes and reveled in the blankness of your mind. The memories that had been playing on repeat granting you a rare reprieve.
And then it began. Your mind, exhausted, felt a sudden tug. 
Your eyes opened blearily as you puzzled at the sensation. Rubbing your temples with the heels of your hands, you tried to ignore the strange feeling. You shifted on your bed and pulled your blanket higher up on your body.
The tug gave way to a buzzing and you let out a frustrated grunt. By now your head was beginning to hurt and you whimpered softly. You had no pain reliever in your camp and little way to ease your pain.
Tossing your arm over your eyes to block out all light, you forced yourself to relax. You took a deep, calming breath and tried to open up your mind in hopes of releasing whatever it was that was causing such tension.
It was as if a spark had suddenly ignited. 
You felt a wave of emotion, but it didn’t feel like it belonged to you. It felt triumphant. And then for a moment, the feeling had a voice.
“Open your eyes…”
It felt like a whispered plea, and in your wearied state you could do nothing by comply.
Your arm fell to your side and you opened your eyes. Your gaze roamed around your simple tent and the few personal belongings you owned. 
Feeling strangely unsatisfied, you turned your stare to the opening of your tent. From there you could see the rusted edge of your speeder, and the outline of the mines in the distance. 
There was only so much terrain that was commonly traveled on Abafar and the mines created a distinct landscape that many used as guides and landmarks when journeying to and from the city. 
Dissatisfaction turned to pleasure and the foreign emotions, which had before been inviting, turned sinister.
And then you were alone in your mind once again.
Your eyelids fluttered and you didn’t know what to make of what just happened. It had felt as if another person had crept into your mind, but you couldn’t make heads or tails of it.
You had spent so long isolated and cut off from the Force that it’s possible reappearance felt wrong and unwelcome. 
If you hadn’t been so weakened, so completely drained in body and mind, you would have been alarmed. You would have jumped from your bed and hopped astride your speeder. You would have run until you could run no more.
But your body was bone-weary and worn out, and gave in to the temptation to sleep.
The sun was shining brighter which told you that hours had passed.
Your head was fuzzy and light, your body still longing for sleep after being deprived for so long. But the whirring noise in the distance that woke you was persistent.
And if you weren’t wrong, it sounded like it was moving closer. Fast. 
Rolling out bed, you didn’t bother with your jacket that might have protected you from the dust and sand as you stepped outside. You stumbled out of your tent in your pants and tank top, both of which had seen better days, and finished pulling on your boots as you searched the wide open terrain for the disturbance.
A speck of black caught your eye, hovering low to the ground but never touching the dunes of sand. You cocked your head to the side as you studied it.
Whatever it was, it moved quickly and began to take on a somewhat more familiar shape. Two wings, slightly curved in, circular cockpit. Your heart sped as your brain tried to catch up.
A TIE fighter. Not totally unheard of considering many pilots used Abafar to refuel. But to be so far out of Pons Ora? 
You were now wide awake and scrambling toward your landspeeder. You didn’t know what the Order was doing here, and you didn’t want to know. 
Left with little choice, you headed toward the mines and the cover they would provide. If the pilot wasn’t interested in you, then he would continue on ahead. If you were his target, you knew the layout of the mines undoubtedly better than him. 
When the fighter shifted focus, turning to follow you, there was no doubt who they were after.
The real question was why? 
It had to be that conversation with Poe. You didn’t know if someone overheard him mention the General, the Resistance. If someone had thought you were a some sort of spy or member of the rebellion. All you knew what that you needed to make it to the mines.
Your speeder, hardly in its prime, was no match for the TIE, which was gaining ground quickly. The mines were still too far off for comfort.
When the first blast hit, you nearly lost your balance as an explosion of sand and flame landed to your left. 
You had no time to process the fact that the blast, while bone-shaking, was still a good distance away from you. That whoever was chasing you didn’t intend to kill you.
At least not so impersonally as a blast from his onboard weapons.
The second blast, landing just a bit behind you, sent your speeder tumbling off course and you flying off. The dunes provided a little cushion as you slammed into the ground.
You were struggling to come to your feet as the TIE fighter came to a stop. Hugging your ribs, you stumbled as the pilot descended. 
You blinked, almost sure you had a concussion, confused by the sight of a man clad in black, face covered by a helmet reminiscent of Darth Vader. Smaller and sleeker than what you remembered in holograms and history texts.
That couldn’t be just another First Order pilot, and it definitely wasn’t a stormtrooper. 
You tripped over your own feet as you came to a sickening revelation, falling to your knees as your pursuer came into focus. His cape fluttered in the breeze as he approached. Soon he was in front of you. Hovered above you, he silently regarded your bedraggled form.
He called himself Kylo Ren now, you reminded yourself. He wasn’t—this was Kylo Ren. Your heart was beating out of your chest, the rush of blood all you could hear in your ears. Your gaze fell to his boots, your breathing heavy and labored as he remained eerily still.
“Look at me,” he demanded, the cold, mechanical voice that now replaced his once warm and deep tones made you shudder.
Unable to do so, your eyes remained on the ground.
There was the sound of a click and brushes of movement, but you didn’t glance up until you saw his knees bend as he crouched down to meet you at your level.
“Look at me,” he repeated, and recalled the voice in your head last night. His voice.
The mask was gone. In its place was a mess of black hair, achingly familiar, a pair of full lips pulled into a slight frown and finally haltingly recognizable brown eyes.  
His face, for all its familiarity, might as well been a mask itself. There was no anger, or curiosity, or happiness. It was like he was studying you. Deciding what to do with you.
And you knew this wasn’t the man you called a friend once. This wasn’t the boy you regarded with a young girl’s first blossom of love. This man was the Jedi Killer. The Commander of the First Order. And yet you still found yourself unable to stop the shattered plea that fell from your lips.
His eyes narrowed and he jerked away, standing abruptly as his fists clenched. And as you waited for the pain that was sure to follow, he simply waved a hand and your world went black.
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ao3feed-mythology ¡ 6 years ago
All Together™
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
by mellloyelllo
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Orange is the New Black, Steven Universe (Cartoon), A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Sharknado (Movies), Jaws (Movies), XXXTentacion (Musician) RPF, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Family Guy (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, Garfield - All Media Types, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Universe Online, Victorious (TV), iCarly, Minecraft (Video Game), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Russian Doll (TV 2019), My Singing Monsters, Revolver - The Beatles, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), M&M's Commercials, Homestuck, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), Santa Clarita Diet (TV), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, Free!, American Horror Story, Ирония судьбы | The Irony of Fate (Movies), John Wick (Movies), Fortnite (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game), Salad Fingers, Wonder Woman (2017), अलीबाबा और चलीस चोर | Alibaba Aur 40 Chor | Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves (1979), Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, Everyman HYBRID, Everybody Else (Band), Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Teen Titans Go!, Regular Show, Clarence (Cartoon), Flaming Carrot Comics, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë, Jane the Virgin (TV), H2O: Just Add Water, Shrek (Movies), Fish Hooks (TV), Shark Tank (TV 2009), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), The Stanley Parable, Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV 2003), Fran Bow (Video Game), Hamilton - Miranda, Johnny Test (Cartoon), A Separate Peace - John Knowles, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Office (US), Five Nights at Freddy's, Phineas and Ferb, Moshi Monsters (Video Game), Neopets, K-pop, Poptropica (Video Game), Baby-Sitters Little Sister - Ann M. Martin, Super Planet Dolan (Web Series), Slazo, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), We Bare Bears (TV), Adventure Time, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Magiswords (Cartoon), Hey Arnold!, Rugrats & All Grown Up! (Cartoons), CatDog (Cartoon), Harvey Beaks (Cartoon), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Camp Camp (Web Series), Fairly OddParents, Camila Cabello (Musician), Anne with an E (TV), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Eminem (Musician), Club Penguin, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, Captain America (Movies), American Dad!, Country Music RPF, Tiger Cruise (2004), Karate Kid (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom - A. C. Crispin, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Muppet Show, The Muppets - All Media Types, Sesame Street (TV), Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Apple "Get a Mac" Commercials, McDonalds "NHL Mini-Sticks" Commercials, Talking Tom and Friends (Cartoon), Nintendogs, Melanie Martinez (Musician), Little Witch Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), Gravity Falls, Halloween Movies - All Media Types, The Nun (2018), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), How to Get Away with Murder, School of Rock (2003), The Cheetah Girls (Movies), Good Luck Charlie, Ant-Man (Movies), A.N.T. Farm, Codename: Kids Next Door, Powerpuff Girls, Mr. Pickles (Cartoon), Peanuts, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Fallout (Video Games), Weather Girl (2009), Heathers (1988), Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Burger King "The Burger King" Commercials, My Babysitter's A Vampire, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Minions (2015), Despicable Me (Movies), Because of Winn-Dixie - All Media Types, South Park, Sanjay and Craig (Cartoon), Breadwinners (Cartoon), Robot and Monster, Fanboy & Chum Chum (Cartoon), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), Original Work, Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers, Godspell - Schwartz, Het Achterhuis | The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank, Ed Edd n Eddy, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Ed Sheeran (Musician), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Furry (Fandom), Lego Ninjago, The LEGO Movie (2014), Lego - All Media Types, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danny Phantom, True Jackson: VP, Pinky and the Brain, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Multi-Fandom, Dance Moms RPF, Life Is Strange (Video Game), Mother 1 | EarthBound Zero | EarthBound Beginnings, Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu | EarthBound, Mother 3, Portal (Video Game), Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical - geekenders, Ariana Grande (Musician), Justin Bieber (Musician), Bebe Rexha (Musician), Taylor Swift (Musician), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Liv and Maddie, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Shake It Up! (US TV), G-Force: Guardians of Space, G-Force (2009), Ancient History RPF, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Little House on the Prairie (TV), The Prince of Egypt (1998), Mulan (1998), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain, Number the Stars - Lois Lowry, The Giver Series - Lois Lowry, Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes, SuperLuv - Shane Dawson (Song), Kirby - All Media Types, Chick-fil-A "Eat Mor Chikin" Commercials, Cow and Chicken (TV), Block B, Beauty and the Beast - All Media Types, Groundhog Day (1993), Christian Bible, Islamic Lore, Jewish Scripture & Legend, The Epic of Gilgamesh, תורה | Torah, Hindu Religions & Lore, Orphan Black (TV), Black Panther (2018), Mad Men, Goosebumps - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Pretty Little Liars, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Les Schtroumpfs | The Smurfs, Pillsbury Company "Pillsbury Doughboy" Commercials, Nickelback (Band), Rocko's Modern Life, All That (TV 1994), The Color Purple - Alice Walker
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Oscar (Shark Tale), Brook Soso, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Megan Bloomfield, Graham Eaton, Lenny the Chocolate Moose, George Milton, Lennie Small, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Lemony Snicket, Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Artesian McCullough, Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe), Jade West, Joel Luschek, Noelle Holiday, Slim (Of Mice and Men), Slime (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft), Enderman (Minecraft), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Janae Watson, Sister Jane Ingalls, Sophia Burset, Baz (Sharknado), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Starfire, Cyborg (Character), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Stanley (Disney: Beauty and the Beast), John Bennett (Orange is the New Black), John Doe (Roblox), John Wick, Ruby (Steven Universe), Jane Doe, Justin Hammer, Carrie "Big Boo" Black, Peridot (Steven Universe), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Shrek (Shrek), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Ben Shapiro, Desert Glass (Steven Universe), GLaDOS, Winnie (Free!), Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap, Watanabe You, Franny Morello, Thanos (Marvel), Spider (Minecraft), May Parker (Spider-Man), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Peter Parker, Lois Griffin, Michael Scott, Freddy Fazbear, Nevel Papperman
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Parker (Leverage)/Alex Vause, Megan Bloomfield/Graham Eaton, Barry Benson/Oscar (Shark Tale), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Undertale) & Peridot (Steven Universe), Olivia Caliban/Jacquelyn Scieszka, Blue Diamond/Greg Universe, Sans (Undertale)/Shrek (Shrek), Papyrus (Undertale) & Sonic the Hedgehog, Noelle Holiday/Susie (Deltarune), George Milton & Lennie Small, Artesian McCullough/Maritza Ramos, Alex Vause/Reader, W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Ned (Pushing Daisies)/Harry Potter, Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Harry Potter, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Garnet/Jasper (Steven Universe), Alice (Alice in Wonderland)/Christopher Robin (Winnie-the-Pooh), Frank Castle/John Wick, Joel Luschek/Nicky Nichols, Alexandrite/Malachite (Steven Universe), Freddie Benson/Carly Shay, Star Butterfly & Steven Universe, Count Olaf/EsmĂŠ Squalor, Galina "Red" Reznikov/Gloria Mendoza, Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)/Pearl (Steven Universe), Enid/Red Action (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Carol Denning/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Tony Stark/Thanos, Peter Griffin/Johnny Test, Courage/Katz, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)/Eugene Krabs, Gene Forrester/Phineas "Finny", Creeper (Minecraft)/Sans (Undertale), Creeper/Steve (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft)/Reader, Gene/Jailbreak/Hi-5 (The Emoji Movie), Jailbreak/Smiler, Lord Boxman/Eugene "Gar" Garcia, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Sonic the Hedgehog, Jim Halpert/Michael Scott, Eievui | Eevee/Pikachu, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Harry Potter, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Reader, Freddie Benson/Nevel Papperman, Gibby Gibson/Nevel Papperman, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello/Vince Muccio, Liane Cartman/Quahog Residents (Family Guy), Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Glenn Quagmire/Joe Swanson, Benny (In the Heights)/Alexander Hamilton
Additional Tags: Futanari, Mouth Sewn Shut, Everyone Is Gay, Kissing, Necrophilia, Murder, BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Must Read, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Discussion of Abortion, Abortion, Glasses, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Fuckin' Fluffy Mondays, Everybody Dies, Holocaust, I did this instead of studying for my finals, harambe trump, Cereal, Vore, Cock & Ball Torture, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Furry, Irony, Epic, Bromance, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Brownies, Mind Control, Dogs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
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madmen-ao3feed ¡ 6 years ago
All Together™
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
by mellloyelllo
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Orange is the New Black, Steven Universe (Cartoon), A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Sharknado (Movies), Jaws (Movies), XXXTentacion (Musician) RPF, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Family Guy (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, Garfield - All Media Types, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Universe Online, Victorious (TV), iCarly, Minecraft (Video Game), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Russian Doll (TV 2019), My Singing Monsters, Revolver - The Beatles, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), M&M's Commercials, Homestuck, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), Santa Clarita Diet (TV), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, Free!, American Horror Story, Ирония судьбы | The Irony of Fate (Movies), John Wick (Movies), Fortnite (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game), Salad Fingers, Wonder Woman (2017), अलीबाबा और चलीस चोर | Alibaba Aur 40 Chor | Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves (1979), Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, Everyman HYBRID, Everybody Else (Band), Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Teen Titans Go!, Regular Show, Clarence (Cartoon), Flaming Carrot Comics, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë, Jane the Virgin (TV), H2O: Just Add Water, Shrek (Movies), Fish Hooks (TV), Shark Tank (TV 2009), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), The Stanley Parable, Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV 2003), Fran Bow (Video Game), Hamilton - Miranda, Johnny Test (Cartoon), A Separate Peace - John Knowles, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Office (US), Five Nights at Freddy's, Phineas and Ferb, Moshi Monsters (Video Game), Neopets, K-pop, Poptropica (Video Game), Baby-Sitters Little Sister - Ann M. Martin, Super Planet Dolan (Web Series), Slazo, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), We Bare Bears (TV), Adventure Time, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Magiswords (Cartoon), Hey Arnold!, Rugrats & All Grown Up! (Cartoons), CatDog (Cartoon), Harvey Beaks (Cartoon), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Camp Camp (Web Series), Fairly OddParents, Camila Cabello (Musician), Anne with an E (TV), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Eminem (Musician), Club Penguin, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, Captain America (Movies), American Dad!, Country Music RPF, Tiger Cruise (2004), Karate Kid (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom - A. C. Crispin, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Muppet Show, The Muppets - All Media Types, Sesame Street (TV), Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Apple "Get a Mac" Commercials, McDonalds "NHL Mini-Sticks" Commercials, Talking Tom and Friends (Cartoon), Nintendogs, Melanie Martinez (Musician), Little Witch Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), Gravity Falls, Halloween Movies - All Media Types, The Nun (2018), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), How to Get Away with Murder, School of Rock (2003), The Cheetah Girls (Movies), Good Luck Charlie, Ant-Man (Movies), A.N.T. Farm, Codename: Kids Next Door, Powerpuff Girls, Mr. Pickles (Cartoon), Peanuts, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Fallout (Video Games), Weather Girl (2009), Heathers (1988), Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Burger King "The Burger King" Commercials, My Babysitter's A Vampire, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Minions (2015), Despicable Me (Movies), Because of Winn-Dixie - All Media Types, South Park, Sanjay and Craig (Cartoon), Breadwinners (Cartoon), Robot and Monster, Fanboy & Chum Chum (Cartoon), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), Original Work, Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers, Godspell - Schwartz, Het Achterhuis | The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank, Ed Edd n Eddy, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Ed Sheeran (Musician), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Furry (Fandom), Lego Ninjago, The LEGO Movie (2014), Lego - All Media Types, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danny Phantom, True Jackson: VP, Pinky and the Brain, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Multi-Fandom, Dance Moms RPF, Life Is Strange (Video Game), Mother 1 | EarthBound Zero | EarthBound Beginnings, Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu | EarthBound, Mother 3, Portal (Video Game), Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical - geekenders, Ariana Grande (Musician), Justin Bieber (Musician), Bebe Rexha (Musician), Taylor Swift (Musician), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Liv and Maddie, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Shake It Up! (US TV), G-Force: Guardians of Space, G-Force (2009), Ancient History RPF, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Little House on the Prairie (TV), The Prince of Egypt (1998), Mulan (1998), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain, Number the Stars - Lois Lowry, The Giver Series - Lois Lowry, Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes, SuperLuv - Shane Dawson (Song), Kirby - All Media Types, Chick-fil-A "Eat Mor Chikin" Commercials, Cow and Chicken (TV), Block B, Beauty and the Beast - All Media Types, Groundhog Day (1993), Christian Bible, Islamic Lore, Jewish Scripture & Legend, The Epic of Gilgamesh, תורה | Torah, Hindu Religions & Lore, Orphan Black (TV), Black Panther (2018), Mad Men, Goosebumps - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Pretty Little Liars, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Les Schtroumpfs | The Smurfs, Pillsbury Company "Pillsbury Doughboy" Commercials, Nickelback (Band), Rocko's Modern Life, All That (TV 1994), The Color Purple - Alice Walker, Doraemon (Manga), Go Diego Go!, MS Paint Adventures, Homestar Runner, Inanimate Insanity (Web Series), Battle For Dream Island (Web Series), Digimon - All Media Types, Caillou (Cartoon), Berenstain Bears Series - Stan & Jan & Mike Berenstain
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Oscar (Shark Tale), Brook Soso, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Megan Bloomfield, Graham Eaton, Lenny the Chocolate Moose, George Milton, Lennie Small, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Lemony Snicket, Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Artesian McCullough, Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe), Jade West, Joel Luschek, Noelle Holiday, Slim (Of Mice and Men), Slime (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft), Enderman (Minecraft), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Janae Watson, Sister Jane Ingalls, Sophia Burset, Baz (Sharknado), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Starfire, Cyborg (Character), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Stanley (Disney: Beauty and the Beast), John Bennett (Orange is the New Black), John Doe (Roblox), John Wick, Ruby (Steven Universe), Jane Doe, Justin Hammer, Carrie "Big Boo" Black, Peridot (Steven Universe), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Shrek (Shrek), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Ben Shapiro, Desert Glass (Steven Universe), GLaDOS, Winnie (Free!), Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap, Watanabe You, Franny Morello, Thanos (Marvel), Spider (Minecraft), May Parker (Spider-Man), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Peter Parker, Lois Griffin, Michael Scott, Freddy Fazbear, Nevel Papperman
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Parker (Leverage)/Alex Vause, Megan Bloomfield/Graham Eaton, Barry Benson/Oscar (Shark Tale), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Undertale) & Peridot (Steven Universe), Olivia Caliban/Jacquelyn Scieszka, Blue Diamond/Greg Universe, Sans (Undertale)/Shrek (Shrek), Papyrus (Undertale) & Sonic the Hedgehog, Noelle Holiday/Susie (Deltarune), George Milton & Lennie Small, Artesian McCullough/Maritza Ramos, Alex Vause/Reader, W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Ned (Pushing Daisies)/Harry Potter, Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Harry Potter, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Garnet/Jasper (Steven Universe), Alice (Alice in Wonderland)/Christopher Robin (Winnie-the-Pooh), Frank Castle/John Wick, Joel Luschek/Nicky Nichols, Alexandrite/Malachite (Steven Universe), Freddie Benson/Carly Shay, Star Butterfly & Steven Universe, Count Olaf/EsmĂŠ Squalor, Galina "Red" Reznikov/Gloria Mendoza, Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)/Pearl (Steven Universe), Enid/Red Action (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Carol Denning/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Tony Stark/Thanos, Peter Griffin/Johnny Test, Courage/Katz, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)/Eugene Krabs, Gene Forrester/Phineas "Finny", Creeper (Minecraft)/Sans (Undertale), Creeper/Steve (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft)/Reader, Gene/Jailbreak/Hi-5 (The Emoji Movie), Jailbreak/Smiler, Lord Boxman/Eugene "Gar" Garcia, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Sonic the Hedgehog, Jim Halpert/Michael Scott, Eievui | Eevee/Pikachu, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Harry Potter, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Reader, Freddie Benson/Nevel Papperman, Gibby Gibson/Nevel Papperman, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello/Vince Muccio, Liane Cartman/Quahog Residents (Family Guy), Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Glenn Quagmire/Joe Swanson, Benny (In the Heights)/Alexander Hamilton
Additional Tags: Futanari, Mouth Sewn Shut, Everyone Is Gay, Kissing, Necrophilia, Murder, BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Must Read, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Discussion of Abortion, Abortion, Glasses, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Fuckin' Fluffy Mondays, Everybody Dies, Holocaust, I did this instead of studying for my finals, harambe trump, Cereal, Vore, Cock & Ball Torture, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Furry, Irony, Epic, Bromance, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Brownies, Mind Control, Dogs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
22 notes ¡ View notes
ao3feed-orphanblack ¡ 6 years ago
All Together™
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
by mellloyelllo
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Orange is the New Black, Steven Universe (Cartoon), A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Sharknado (Movies), Jaws (Movies), XXXTentacion (Musician) RPF, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Family Guy (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, Garfield - All Media Types, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Universe Online, Victorious (TV), iCarly, Minecraft (Video Game), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Russian Doll (TV 2019), My Singing Monsters, Revolver - The Beatles, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), M&M's Commercials, Homestuck, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), Santa Clarita Diet (TV), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, Free!, American Horror Story, Ирония судьбы | The Irony of Fate (Movies), John Wick (Movies), Fortnite (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game), Salad Fingers, Wonder Woman (2017), अलीबाबा और चलीस चोर | Alibaba Aur 40 Chor | Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves (1979), Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, Everyman HYBRID, Everybody Else (Band), Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Teen Titans Go!, Regular Show, Clarence (Cartoon), Flaming Carrot Comics, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë, Jane the Virgin (TV), H2O: Just Add Water, Shrek (Movies), Fish Hooks (TV), Shark Tank (TV 2009), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), The Stanley Parable, Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV 2003), Fran Bow (Video Game), Hamilton - Miranda, Johnny Test (Cartoon), A Separate Peace - John Knowles, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Office (US), Five Nights at Freddy's, Phineas and Ferb, Moshi Monsters (Video Game), Neopets, K-pop, Poptropica (Video Game), Baby-Sitters Little Sister - Ann M. Martin, Super Planet Dolan (Web Series), Slazo, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), We Bare Bears (TV), Adventure Time, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Magiswords (Cartoon), Hey Arnold!, Rugrats & All Grown Up! (Cartoons), CatDog (Cartoon), Harvey Beaks (Cartoon), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Camp Camp (Web Series), Fairly OddParents, Camila Cabello (Musician), Anne with an E (TV), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Eminem (Musician), Club Penguin, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, Captain America (Movies), American Dad!, Country Music RPF, Tiger Cruise (2004), Karate Kid (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom - A. C. Crispin, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Muppet Show, The Muppets - All Media Types, Sesame Street (TV), Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Apple "Get a Mac" Commercials, McDonalds "NHL Mini-Sticks" Commercials, Talking Tom and Friends (Cartoon), Nintendogs, Melanie Martinez (Musician), Little Witch Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), Gravity Falls, Halloween Movies - All Media Types, The Nun (2018), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), How to Get Away with Murder, School of Rock (2003), The Cheetah Girls (Movies), Good Luck Charlie, Ant-Man (Movies), A.N.T. Farm, Codename: Kids Next Door, Powerpuff Girls, Mr. Pickles (Cartoon), Peanuts, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Fallout (Video Games), Weather Girl (2009), Heathers (1988), Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Burger King "The Burger King" Commercials, My Babysitter's A Vampire, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Minions (2015), Despicable Me (Movies), Because of Winn-Dixie - All Media Types, South Park, Sanjay and Craig (Cartoon), Breadwinners (Cartoon), Robot and Monster, Fanboy & Chum Chum (Cartoon), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), Original Work, Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers, Godspell - Schwartz, Het Achterhuis | The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank, Ed Edd n Eddy, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Ed Sheeran (Musician), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Furry (Fandom), Lego Ninjago, The LEGO Movie (2014), Lego - All Media Types, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danny Phantom, True Jackson: VP, Pinky and the Brain, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Multi-Fandom, Dance Moms RPF, Life Is Strange (Video Game), Mother 1 | EarthBound Zero | EarthBound Beginnings, Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu | EarthBound, Mother 3, Portal (Video Game), Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical - geekenders, Ariana Grande (Musician), Justin Bieber (Musician), Bebe Rexha (Musician), Taylor Swift (Musician), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Liv and Maddie, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Shake It Up! (US TV), G-Force: Guardians of Space, G-Force (2009), Ancient History RPF, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Little House on the Prairie (TV), The Prince of Egypt (1998), Mulan (1998), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain, Number the Stars - Lois Lowry, The Giver Series - Lois Lowry, Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes, SuperLuv - Shane Dawson (Song), Kirby - All Media Types, Chick-fil-A "Eat Mor Chikin" Commercials, Cow and Chicken (TV), Block B, Beauty and the Beast - All Media Types, Groundhog Day (1993), Christian Bible, Islamic Lore, Jewish Scripture & Legend, The Epic of Gilgamesh, תורה | Torah, Hindu Religions & Lore, Orphan Black (TV), Black Panther (2018), Mad Men, Goosebumps - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Pretty Little Liars, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Les Schtroumpfs | The Smurfs, Pillsbury Company "Pillsbury Doughboy" Commercials, Nickelback (Band), Rocko's Modern Life, All That (TV 1994), The Color Purple - Alice Walker, Doraemon (Manga), Go Diego Go!, MS Paint Adventures, Homestar Runner, Inanimate Insanity (Web Series), Battle For Dream Island (Web Series), Digimon - All Media Types, Caillou (Cartoon), Berenstain Bears Series - Stan & Jan & Mike Berenstain
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Oscar (Shark Tale), Brook Soso, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Megan Bloomfield, Graham Eaton, Lenny the Chocolate Moose, George Milton, Lennie Small, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Lemony Snicket, Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Artesian McCullough, Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe), Jade West, Joel Luschek, Noelle Holiday, Slim (Of Mice and Men), Slime (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft), Enderman (Minecraft), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Janae Watson, Sister Jane Ingalls, Sophia Burset, Baz (Sharknado), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Starfire, Cyborg (Character), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Stanley (Disney: Beauty and the Beast), John Bennett (Orange is the New Black), John Doe (Roblox), John Wick, Ruby (Steven Universe), Jane Doe, Justin Hammer, Carrie "Big Boo" Black, Peridot (Steven Universe), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Shrek (Shrek), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Ben Shapiro, Desert Glass (Steven Universe), GLaDOS, Winnie (Free!), Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap, Watanabe You, Franny Morello, Thanos (Marvel), Spider (Minecraft), May Parker (Spider-Man), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Peter Parker, Lois Griffin, Michael Scott, Freddy Fazbear, Nevel Papperman
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Parker (Leverage)/Alex Vause, Megan Bloomfield/Graham Eaton, Barry Benson/Oscar (Shark Tale), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Undertale) & Peridot (Steven Universe), Olivia Caliban/Jacquelyn Scieszka, Blue Diamond/Greg Universe, Sans (Undertale)/Shrek (Shrek), Papyrus (Undertale) & Sonic the Hedgehog, Noelle Holiday/Susie (Deltarune), George Milton & Lennie Small, Artesian McCullough/Maritza Ramos, Alex Vause/Reader, W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Ned (Pushing Daisies)/Harry Potter, Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Harry Potter, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Garnet/Jasper (Steven Universe), Alice (Alice in Wonderland)/Christopher Robin (Winnie-the-Pooh), Frank Castle/John Wick, Joel Luschek/Nicky Nichols, Alexandrite/Malachite (Steven Universe), Freddie Benson/Carly Shay, Star Butterfly & Steven Universe, Count Olaf/EsmĂŠ Squalor, Galina "Red" Reznikov/Gloria Mendoza, Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)/Pearl (Steven Universe), Enid/Red Action (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Carol Denning/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Tony Stark/Thanos, Peter Griffin/Johnny Test, Courage/Katz, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)/Eugene Krabs, Gene Forrester/Phineas "Finny", Creeper (Minecraft)/Sans (Undertale), Creeper/Steve (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft)/Reader, Gene/Jailbreak/Hi-5 (The Emoji Movie), Jailbreak/Smiler, Lord Boxman/Eugene "Gar" Garcia, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Sonic the Hedgehog, Jim Halpert/Michael Scott, Eievui | Eevee/Pikachu, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Harry Potter, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Reader, Freddie Benson/Nevel Papperman, Gibby Gibson/Nevel Papperman, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello/Vince Muccio, Liane Cartman/Quahog Residents (Family Guy), Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Glenn Quagmire/Joe Swanson, Benny (In the Heights)/Alexander Hamilton
Additional Tags: Futanari, Mouth Sewn Shut, Everyone Is Gay, Kissing, Necrophilia, Murder, BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Must Read, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Discussion of Abortion, Abortion, Glasses, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Fuckin' Fluffy Mondays, Everybody Dies, Holocaust, I did this instead of studying for my finals, harambe trump, Cereal, Vore, Cock & Ball Torture, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Furry, Irony, Epic, Bromance, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Brownies, Mind Control, Dogs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
19 notes ¡ View notes
Ronin raising a baby left at the door-step| pt.1
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Reader: female - the baby
Notes: i live for this man and father daughter content, and also Part One <3
Warnings: Yelling, Baby Y/n throwin punches bc she dont take no shit 👊
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We're gonna go being left on the door step daughter father content here
Left at the doorstep of the leafmans barracks with a little tag that said "Commander of the Leafman army"
Some rookies found you, all bundled up in a hand woven basket.
So they take you to Ronin, whos probably already on his 40th cup of caffine that day
"This is important."
He looks up at his soilders, and tells them to come in.
There they are. With you. No more than a month or two old asleep in the bundle of blankets.
"What? Sanchez finally had her baby? On Duty no less? That woman has to be strapped down for bed rest."
"No...sir. She was at the barracks entrence."
What? Huh?
Did he hear that right?
"By who?"
The soliders shrugged.
Ronin was quick to get up and the soilders handed him the baby.
"Basket had your title on it sir." One spoke, "Does that help identify the parents at all? You know anyone who was havin a baby sir?"
"Just Sanchez." Ronin answered, he too wanted to get to the bottom of this, "Find her and her wife, make sure there okay. Both of you go together."
And off they went, he sat down with you, a big yawn coming from you.
Truth be told he didn't know who this child was or who's it could be.
But he thought it was cute how you grabbed onto his finger, eyes big and gray, your color hadn't come in yet.
Yet he could assume you had been born with that ashy black color hair. You had a pretty decently full head of it after all.
And that's when he saw it.
A pendant around your neck, tucked away and hidden, in the blankets.
A product of two worlds colliding.
Then and there he knew he had to keep you safe.
You were innocent in this war and in this world.
The soldiers come back; tell him what he already knows; it's not Sanchez's, and Sanchez is standing guard, pregnant as ever.
"Let's bring her to the Orphanage," one recommended, "They'll know what to do,"
"No," Ronin ordered, "She was left here, for a reason,"
"But sir, she's a baby, no offense, sir, but can you handle a baby,"
"I handle you two, don't I?"
Leafmen that see him leaving are in shock; did him and Tara finally get together? Have a kid? Wait had him and Tara been together this whole time?
Yet despite there stares he holds you close and leaves with you home.
Nod's was home, he putting dishes away; he was always home before Ronin.
"Don't tell me you brought home a baby aphid when you told me no," Was the first thing Nod told him when he seen the blankets.
Nod was quiet shocked when he was shown the baby.
"Who's kid?"
"Orphaned, staying with us just for a little bit. Till we figure it out."
Oh what a lie.
You were staying forever.
Lets just say: the first few days? Shit the first day was stressful
What are they suppose to feed you?
You certainly don't eat ration packets- or quiet frankly....anything
For there luck the old lady next store was real tired of hearing it and knocked on the door.
Nod answers the door.
"Why is that child trying like she hasnt eaten in an hour?"
"She won't eat."
"Move aside."
Props to the old lady coming to the rescue and saving Ronin's ass
"Milk Lily's tend to be the norm, especially when my children were growing up, I'll give you a list of needs and some milk lillies from my own garden to start you off with- Where is your wife Ronin? She must be tired from the bundle of joy."
"There's no wife," Ronin informed, "Someone dropped her off at the barracks."
"Then I can call up my sister. She works at the orphanage. Will that help any?"
Ronin was silent, looking up at the old lady rocking the child, "Im keeping her."
"Well..." The old woman started, "she is certainly cute. I dont blame you... You'll need a few things"
Bam Baby list.
It's just the essentials, really, especially for the age.
The first weeks were really hard on Ronin
Like really hard, hes use to no sleep. But...damn...
They can find both of you sleeping when Ronin has downtime in his office
And sometimes the other soilders take you to play with you.
"She can't walk yet idiot!"
"It's called training for a reason!"
Ronin after weeks of having you: has yet to name you
People litterally just call you "baby"
That's until one day he's coming home with you in a sling one of the soldiers had shown him how to wrap, he's coming back from his Milk Lily farmers.
Nod's not home: as he's on night rounds covering Sanchez's shift- finally she had taken bed rest
So the window at the end of the hall being opened confused him
He called for Nod but got no answer.
So he set you in the basket of groceries: you know. For safekeeping as something sounds in the kitchen.
Before he can even round the corner and into the kitchen he's attacked from behind,
Arms wrapped around him to choke him, hoping to kill him easily and cheaply.
Yet Ronin kicks as he's dragged and manages to grab the dagger that sits on his belt besides his sword and stabs backward at anything physically possible
Into the shoulder and let go he turns to face the intruder
A boggin woman, "Where is it!?"
"I have no idea what the hell you're on about!"
Yet the crying in the background catches ear, and it's a race for the baby. The woman gets there first and gets through his front door.
"Fuck!" Ronin shouts quickly following grabbing his spare bow and arrows at the doorside.
With his skill it was a simple shot and down the woman went. He running to grab you as you cried.
"It's okay. It's okay..." Ronin cooed, "shh...my Y/n...shh."
The commotion grabbed neighbor's attentions as they came out to help
"Ronin, are you -"
"Call the gravedigger..."
"Are you alright? The both of you?"
The people only got a nod as he walked back to his home.
And from that day forward you're named Y/n.
No particular reason he claims anyone who asks in the future
Its a lie, he had been thinking about it for a while
He'd be lying if he didn't get even more attached to you, especially as the months came through: you're eyes matched your hair in orgin: that yellow orange that came from Wraithwood with the midnight hair
As you get older too Nod takes a more brotherly role.
And Ronin finally introduces you to Tara closer to your year old mark.
"I have been wanting to meet you for some time." Tara smiled, lifting Y/n into the air with a smile.
Yet you reach back for Ronin
Totally does not hurt Tara's pride- it really hurt
"She's not keen on new people"
"Oh, she's your daughter for sure then." Tara teased.
Tara was right there
No matter what you were pretty attached to your dad.
Though your first words werent Dada, they were idiot and leaf.
He knew exactly who he had to make run laps because of that
You were an early bloomer, walked early, started babbling one or two words early
He was pretty proud of you.
There was no "big 1st birthday" party for you.
It was just you and Ronin, and Nod, Uncle Finn coming to watch you destroy a pie as you tried to eat it.
Pie is just about your third word.
Finally something more normal.
Besides that, you don't talk very much, even as you grow, and as you grow, Ronin, kinda not by his desires, gets pushed into a Mommy group.
Judgmental mommys are ass mommys
"Well, she doesn't talk yet. That's concerning." A mother commented.
"Y/n can talk when she wants. Isn't that right? Y/n?"
He only gets you hugging him tighter in response.
1000% daddys girl
You come to enjoy playing with his gear.
All of it
Weapons included.
And as your old enough to play on your own with kids your age, you don't
You prefer Older people to younger people: find friendship in the old man that sits on the corner with his coffee in the moring rather than people your age.
100% as you become older and able to play by yourself with no one watching over you (which isnt full true ronins always there somewhere in the background) you can be sure you'd come home with a pet aphid
"His names Charly! But with a Y! I don't like it spelled with ie!"
"Y/n let the Aphid go."
"No way! Charly needs me!"
Charly infact does need you.
And even grows up with you: as he was pretty young when you found him
The Adventures of Charly and Y/n have began
Ronin's the dad that says "were not keeping the aphid" and then becomes bestfriends with said aphid
Honestly? Really proud of himself for once when it comes to you, he's been really critical of himself in the past, seeing you be so loving and caring towards people you love really warms his heart.
Will let you sleep in his bed if you have a bad dream.
Yes Charly can come too
Shit Nods squeezing himself in there too
First day of schooling?
Ooo...he's worried about that one
No Charly to be with you, no one to keep that sass held back a little
Turns out you didn't want to go.
You cried- alot
"I don't want you to go!"
"I'll be back in a few hours. I promise -"
Holding onto him, she cried harder, "No! I don't want you to go!"
Only got you to stop crying with removing the creast from his helmet he had in hand
"See. I'll always be in here." He spoke tapping the metal.
"Really?" She asked, he wipping the big drew drop sized tears.
Ronin nodded, "It'll keep you safe. Like I do."
Y/n nodded as he kissed her head.
"No leafman-" he started
"Is truly alone." She finished as he smiled at her.
"Now. Go. I don't believe in anyone more than I do you."
Turns out school wasn't bad, and you were excited to do it again.
Bad idea on giving you the crest: you simply haven't let go of it
During school hours especially, holding it while your eating: while your at playtime standing alone. Its in your pocket if you have to use both hands
During anytime your at home your more leniate with it: sits at the table by your spot at the table, or under your pillow if you want a good dream, or on your dresser if your drying it from being freshly cleaned and polished.
Alot of kids repeat stuff from there parents. So alot of people ask if your moms Queen Tara
"I don't know Queen Tara." Y/n answered.
"Sure you do! You're her daughter!"
Y/n shook her head no, "she's not! My Dad's My mom and dad!"
"My mama says you're a half breed." A girl spoke up
"I am not!
"Yeah, you have that werid colored eyes because you're from Wraithwood!" A boy added.
"I am not!"
"My Momma said your momma got attacked by your daddy from Wraithwood, and that's why you're a half breed!" A third.
"I am not!"
"Yeah, you are! Momma says that the only reason Commander Ronin takes care of you is because they didn't wanna spread rumors!" The girl again, "the same thing with your brother! Your daddy probably killed his daddy!"
"That's not true! My Dad's My dad! My dad wouldn't abandoned me!" Y/n shouted, "My dad wouldnt hurt anyone!"
"He's not even your dad!-"
Then all the sudden your in trouble.
Like big trouble.
Punched someone in the face trouble.
And Nod's there to get you instead of Ronin
He gets the silent treatment as he walks the two of you home
You can sure Ronin's PISSED when he gets home
He's let you hang around "soilders" for too long
He's actually never yelled at you before.
Then again you've never gone to school before
Watching you physically flinch as he's yelled at you trying to get an answer out of you stopped him in his tracks
He's absolutely floored
What the fuck did you flinch for? Did you think he was gonna hit you? He's never hit you before?! Why would he do it now-
His response is shutting down: nothing like this has ever happened before and his shutting down is building up walls.
Seems you've latched onto that idea after the first time he yelled at you.
You stay away from him: you didn't show up to dinner so Nod brought you some.
Your hiding under the bed.
And he sits against the bed, a plate close enough for you to grab on the floor.
"Whats wrong baby bean?" Nod asked, yet she was quick to grab the food.
"Dad hates me...I'm not even his...." She responded, looking down at her favorite meal made, it only upset her more and she pushed it back out from under the bed.
"Ronin could never hate you." Nod answered, "He loves you, in his own way...sure-"
"Yeah? And I'm not even his."
"Y/n your his everything."
"Then why is everyone saying he hurt someone. And I'm not his."
It takes Nod a solid few mintues to figure out whats actually going on
He's realizing kids are most likely repeating there parents gossip
Which is lies anyways.
But it looks like you need more time than anything
So when he leaves and you're left in your room by yourself with Charly
You end up eating dinner with your hands, your aphid eating off the plate with you
Ronin's surpised to find a plate washing and air dried in the bathroom the next morning.
"Where'd this come from?"
Nod leaned against the doorframe rubbing the tired our his eyes: "Mhm? Y/n's probably."
"On the sink top?"
"Look, be glad she's okay, alright?" Nod argued, "She had a rough day yesterday."
"She had a rough day?" Ronin asked sarcastically, "Nod she floored a kid-"
"Alright. Yeah, whatever." Nod answered, rubbing his face as he slipped away for caffine.
So...with the thought now in his mind he went to go see how your doing.
Sleeping most likeky
Yet he finds an empty bed, and an open window.
"Y/n?" Ronin asked, no answer: and his worry spiked, "y/n-"
Yet the chirp of an aphid caught his attention as it slipped from under the bed to stretch, and Ronin was quick to kneel down and look under the bed.
There you were asleep and hiding, as far back as you could against the wall
So he does what ever dad does.
Moves the bed to get to you.
You're still sleeping when he picks you up
Your head on his shoulder and little legs wrapped around him.
Okay, maybe he wants to hold you like a baby again: it makes him sad almost, how fast you grew up.
You wake up but stay silent: After all your father hadn't held you in quiet a while.
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fangirlingatstuff ¡ 2 years ago
Can you maybe write a bunch of random headcannons or a x reader for Mandrake? Sorry I'm weird lol.
Indeed I can, anon!! And dont worry, you’re not weird
Hell yes, mandrake stuff!!!!
Mandrake General and Romantic Headcanons
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While it may seem like Mandrake has a short temper, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. He wouldn’t have gotten as far as he has being Lord of Wrathwood if he was quick to anger.
He does, however, find a lot of things annoying, and his solution to that is usually to get rid of the annoying thing (said thing usually being troops of leafmen, toads looking to make a quick buck, rowdy boggans, etc.,)
He is opportunistic by nature. If Mandrake sees a chance, for anything, he will take it. This is why he was suddenly more aggressive on the offensive when Queen Tara was to pick an heir to the throne. He saw a chance to completely throw off the scales in his favor and he took it.
If it wasn’t already clear, this man is a family man. He fucking LOVES his family, they don’t just mean the world to him, they ARE the entire world to him.
If Dagda said he didn’t want to keep fighting anymore, Mandrake would begrudgingly come up with a truce with the Leafmen, he cares that much.
Whether he wants to or not is another story, he quite enjoys being a menace and having others fear him.
Mandrake goes through shifts with his son, Dagda, when it comes to commanding the troops. That way they both are able to get proper rest, but it also means that they don’t spend as much time together as they could.
When there is a lull in Mandrake’s offensive nature, him and Dagda will go on patrols or hunting together to catch up. He always tries to make time for his son when need be.
However when he does have free time, Mandrake can be found riding with his grackle, Nightshade, either hunting or exploring certain areas he had never been before, or back at Wrathwood reading stolen scrolls or working on new weapons.
He is curious by nature. If he finds something that catches his interest, he wants to know every little thing about it. He’s particularly interested in human music, instruments and records are fascinating to him, especially if music is on a CD or something like a phone or radio.
He has broken in to Nim’s tree multiple times. He doesn’t just read out of necessity but out of actual interest. He probably has taught himself and his son how to read English so that they can break into Professor Bomba’s house and read some of his books. And just in general harass him, they find it funny to steal his things and watch him fume over himself trying to figure out where they went.
Unlike the leafmen, they made it a point to mess with the human as much as possible. It became a game to see who could steal the most stuff without him noticing. Dagda currently has a streak.
While he doesn’t as much anymore, Mandrake loves to just in general mess with others. It is his form of entertainment.
Mandrake and Ronin have a serious score to settle between the two yet no one really knows why. Ronin won’t talk about it, especially after Tara’s death, and Mandrake will only allude to it in passing. The only people who know why is Ronin’s second in command, Finn, Nim Galuu, the late Queen Tara, and one of Mandrake’s closest confidantes, a boggan named Weevil.
Mandrake is a lot stronger than others give him credit for. That scene where he brought down a huge oak tree single handedly from meters away? Yeah, that’s not just a one-off feat of strength. That’s barely a taste.
For all his cruelties and reputation as a feared warlord, this man has a soft side and the common person will see it when he is around kids.
He loves children. He can’t resist being soft for a child and is really gentle with infants. If he could, he’d have a whole litter of them, he loved being a father and adores just being around kids.
He makes it a point to never harm a child directly, and he makes sure that the rest of his army knows the consequences if they do so.
I mentioned that Mandrake is very family orientated. This also applies to his partner. If you aren’t just a fling and you and him are together, this man is the definition of devoted husband.
When I say devoted, I mean D E V O T E D. Just say the word and he will be leveling the entire forest for you. Please say the word. Just give him the excuse to do it. Don’t ever joke about it because he will take any chance he can to burn the forest to the ground with glee.
In a relationship with him, there is noone above the other. The two of you are equals, both in public, in private, and in power among the hoard. Your word means just as much if not more than Mandrake’s, only because Mandrake has a pension for punishing those who disobey his partner. The boggans hope you’re the more agreeable of the two, because if you say “No you cannot kill another boggan just because they forgot to go on patrol like I told them to,” then everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.
That being said, your relationship is built on trust and honesty, so there is a LOT of leeway for teasing. So much of it. If it wasn’t for your relationship, it would seem mean, but he never means any of it and neither do you.
If anything either of you do or say crosses a line, there is no shame in telling the other so, boundaries and limits are always respected, and “no” will usually never need to be repeated.
The only exception will come to affairs with the leafmen. You will have to be very firm if you ever disagree with him in those matters. It might irritate him, but he isn’t mad for long. Even if you do argue. He firmly believes in not going to bed angry and he will be open to talking to you about whatever the issue at hand is.
He loves to make you flustered. Especially if he has to work hard for it, it makes the sight of you blushing even more satisfying.
Challenge him. Physically, intellectually, emotionally, playfully, he does not like anything easy and he doesn’t find complete submission interesting. It actually makes him uncomfortable. If there is a set power dynamic between you two, be a brat. It’s more fun for the both of you.
There is one hard line that Mandrake doesn’t break: You have to get along with his son. If you and Dagda don’t get along, sorry, he’s not interested.
Though, it’s very hard not to get along with Dagda, he’s generally fun to be around and you’d most likely be best friends with him if you hadn’t gotten with Mandrake when Dagda was a child.
Expect a lot of roughhousing. Whether it’s you and Mandrake, Mandrake and Dagda, whatever, this man is like a cat and will pounce on you without warning for an impromptu wrestling sesh. Sometimes its playful, other times it’s like trying to run away from a dog who is set on trying to tackle you.
While Mandrake is busy, very busy, usually, when he has down time he is always with you. He hates being away from you for long and gets extremely clingy. Depending on how much time away you spend from him, he might not let you out of his sight and will follow you around.
He will make excuses, though. Saying he has nothing better to do or that he has free-time. That’s a lie, he is purposefully skirting his usual responsibilities just so he can refill his “you time” meter.
He lives off of domestic moments, but he can pull out the romantic in him. Solo flights with you at night, finding a clearing and just lying down in the grass to watch the stars, bringing you trinkets and gifts that he had found on patrol, wait the gifts—THE GIFTS!
He is ALWAYS trying to bring you stuff. It could be stomper jewelry he found, something he stole from the Jinn, weapons, furs, fresh kills, cool bones or rocks, he is like a crow and he wants to show you all the near little things he found. Hang them up on the walls or shelves of your chambers or wear them and he will puff up in pride.
If you show in an interest in something, he is going out of his way to try and find every little thing that fits that interest. He can have a one track mind so you might have to keep him on a leash and tell him he cant just break into a stomper’s house and steal their stuff.
There are no secrets between you two. If there were, they aren’t kept for long. Mandrake doesn’t like gossip, but he makes an exception for you. The two of you will gossip like teenage girls but then never say a word to anyone else.
If you couldn’t fight before, that’s fixed within the week. Sparring is his version of a date night so you pick up very quickly how to at the very least fend off your partner. And if you can hold your own against Mandrake, you don’t really need to worry about anyone else.
But lord forbid if anyone hurts you. There isn’t anything, leafmen and nature be damned, that will get in his way once he finds out who dared to lay a hand on you in malice. He will make an example of them, and it will give him a lot of pride if you are happy to watch.
By himself, Mandrake is the most feared being in the forests of Moonhaven. By yourself, you might as well have the power to take over not only Moonhaven but the rest of the surrounding forests if you so pleased. But by each other’s side?
Ronin needs to be careful. Upsetting you just gives Mandrake the “go ahead” to raise living hell upon the forest.
You occasionally will turn around and see Mandrake gazing at you with the softest and warmest look in his eyes. You mean everything to him, you are his family, his world, and he would do anything for you if you allowed it.
Call him a sap, he won’t deny it.
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storiesbyreese ¡ 6 years ago
Fanfiction Questions
Fandom Questions
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? Star Trek TNG
2. What is your latest fandom? Star Wars 
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? the SVU Cabenson fandom, I still get messages on those fics and its’ been ages. 
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? Not really 
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? SVU, Once Upon a Time, Warehouse 13, Stargate SG1, Supergirl, Rizzoli and Isles, Xena, Star Wars, X-Men, Wicked, Rent, Legends of Tomorrow, NCIS, Birds of Prey, General Hospital, Doctor Who, Grey’s Anatomy 
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. Alex Cabot & Olivia Benson, Regina Mills & Emma Swan,  Myka Bering & Helena G Wells, Sam Carter & Janet Fraiser, Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Jane & Maura, Xena & Gabrielle, Leia and Amilyn Holdo, Elphaba & Glinda, Maureen & Joanne, Sara & Nyssa, Jenny & Gibbs, the Doctor and River Song, Callie Torres & Arizona Robbins, 
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. Myka and Pete, Kara and Mon-El, Lena and James
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? have been a fan for a long long time, seeing Last Jedi and reading Leia Princess of Alderaan finally pushed me into doing something with it
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? finding new things to enjoy like new books I wouldn’t have picked up if not for Holdo, or the Organas being in them
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in? not right now, I tend to read the fandom I’m writing in because I tend to have a one track mind 
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP? Leia Organa and Amilyn Holdo 
12. Who is your current OT3? Rey, Finn, and Poe 
13. Any NoTPs? Rey and Kylo 
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? BB-8 and his humaniods 
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? Leia and Amilyn 
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? I’m currently writing Rey and Ben as siblings, so I’m not big on Rey/Kylo, but to each their own ship 
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? always loved Leia and Han, and yes, I love Leia with Han and with Amilyn. Space is big and open and gay 
18. What ship have you written the most about? Supergirl’s SuperCorp, with SVU’s Cabenson not fair behind. 
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? not really 
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Sara and Ava over on Legends of Tomorrow, I’m such a NySara shipper AvaLance took me by surprise 
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? the very first was a Star Trek TNG fic with a Crusher/Picard ship
22. Is there anything you regret writing? not really
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. I’m pretty proud of my SVU fic, it was the first one to get a really huge and really positive response from readers.  
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? all of them! espically the older ones, as I’d like to think my skills have improved. But even with the new ones, I always catch mistakes that could be fixed. 
25. What’s your most popular fanfic? It would have to be my Law and Order SVU Cabenson stories 
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles? depends on the fic, there’s no real method to it
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries? titles 
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? First off I would be so honored and touched if someone wanted to try fan art of my work. So many pieces I would love to see! Claudia with Myka and HG’s baby sleeping on her chest. Alex and Sam dancing barefoot in their backyard, Rey hugging Amilyn with Leia watching, Nessa telling the Ozian children stories while her mothers looks on
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? I do not, I should get one
30. What inspires you to write? good characters, an idea I would like to see play out, a good actress I connect with  
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing? every comment ever is the best
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you? music does inspire me, I try to make playlists, I will listen while I write but not while I edit. 
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? all of the above 
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic? 126,863 it’s my Calzona fic 
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about? I struggle with drabbles
36. What’s your favourite genre to write? fem-slash family fics 
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why? 3rd and multi pov
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs? both 
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer? I hope it’s coming up with creative ideas and writing characters in character within those ideas 
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing? ending stories, I tend to leave them unfinished in case I get more ideas 
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: Let the Dye Fly High, You Always Answer, we made it through the night, there’s a feeling you give me, an evenglow , 
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing: kimaracretak, glassesofjustice, potstickermaster, A. Windsor
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you? anyone and everyone who is brave enough to put their work out there 
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention? Leia and Amilyn 
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic? I don’t think I can pick one lol it’s whatever I’m currently reading? 
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? I would say just have a poke around and see if anything catches your eye because I have written for a lot of fandoms 
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? Recently, A03, but my older stuff is all on FanFiction.net 
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? Yes, because I’m a writer who knows how good it feels to get a comment. It helps to know people are enjoying what you’ve put a lot of time and heart into 
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not? I love comments and sparing the word is always kind 
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction? It’s been so long now I don’t remember lol 
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go! I love how there’s a space where we can share our ideas and best of all show others they are not alone. As a writer it gives you an outlet to express yourself, and to express how you feel about things. As a reader you get to see that the thoughts and feelings you’re having, others have them too. 
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dearlazerbunny ¡ 7 years ago
Not Your Princess
Pairings: Kylo x Reader
Genre/Rating: Band!AU, M FOR (attempted) SMUT
Words: 3300
Summary: Requested by anon, who wanted some rival band AU followed by some good ol’ smut. Now, as previously mentioned on this blog, I largely identify as asexual, so sexy times aren’t exactly my forte. Anon, let me know if I need to change anything to make it hotter/more of what you want. I aim to please : )
Okay, Y/N. Time to rock and roll. You take a deep breath and your little quartet walks into the bar together. A banner announcing BATTLE OF THE BANDS! Is strung along the back wall and your eyes run over the words with a delicious sort of excitement.
You turn to Rey, your pianist, who is surveying the crowd. “Go ahead and find a table, I’m going to sign us in.” She nods to Finn and Poe, drums and guitar, respectively, and they head off into the darkness in search of seats in the already crowded room.
As you move through the hordes of people, you can’t help but get more and more pumped. The air is electric, with people chattering and laughing and talking about their favorite bands that are going to perform tonight. Looks like a good crowd, and that’s key for any performance. You get the attention of the bartender and he comes over. “Hey! I’m here to sign in for the competition.”
“Which one are you?”
“Reign. There’s four of us.”
He checks a clipboard hanging on the wall. “Looks like you’re up second. Go ahead and get any instruments you want on deck.”
“Mind if I see who else is playing?”
He shrugs and passes over the clipboard. You turn away and lean your back against the metal bar as you scan the list. All good names, but nobody who’d be real competition- oh. Oh, fuck no. You’ve got to be kidding me.
“Well. Funny running into you here.”
God damnit. You put on your best about face and look up into the face of Kylo Ren and his band of groupies, also known as the Knights of Ren. These guys came onto the scene about half a year after you did, and they were a constant pain in the ass. Always trying to schmooze your regulars into letting them take your spot, or signing up for the same competitions you did-like now.- in effort to take you down a notch. It hadn’t worked yet, but in the back of your mind you couldn’t help but worry just the tiniest bit. They were good, and were progressively getting better, if their performance last month that you’d caught was any indication. And they had a small but impressive following that may be tough to crack in an audience-decided competition.
Still, couldn’t let them know all that. “Ren. What a surprise. I suppose you think you’re here to embarrass yourselves- I mean, play the competition?”
He smirks- that goddamn smirk, you see it in your nightmares- and holds his hand out for the clipboard still in your grasp. “Like you didn’t see us on the list. I know you’ve got an eye for us, princess.”
Oh, and that nickname. God, someday you were going to rip that word right out of his mouth.
“In your dreams, asshole.” You smack the clipboard to his chest and aim to get away, but not before running into Armitage and Phasma, his back up. Also endlessly annoying, though more palatable than their leader. “Armitage. Phasma.”
“Y/N.” Armitage at least greets you. Phasma just gives you a curt nod. No conversation there; fine with you. You scan the bar for your crew and make your way to a little table tucked into the back corner, collapsing into a booth.
“You’ll never guess who I just saw.”
“Ren and his cronies?” Poe nods toward the door. “We saw them walk in. Think they’ll be a problem?”
“Musically? No. In general? You know how I feel about them.”
Finn snorts. “Yea, we get the idea.”
You shrug you shoulders. “What can I say? He’s a complete dick.”
“I dunno.” Rey sips something from a bottle she must have gotten when you were gone. “I think he’s cute, in a weird way.”
You make a face, trying not to cringe. “You try having him call you princess every other word out of his mouth and see how you like it.”
“Princess? Please, you’re a fucking queen.”
“Ooo, that’s a good line.’ Poe wags a finger at you. “Use that next time.”
That puts a grin on your face. “Will do. Next round on me?”
The three of them cheer and you grab your wallet to grab another set of drinks. As you wait in line you post on facebook and your band’s website about your location tonight and when your set is up to play.
“Posting about us? You’re too kind.”
“Jesus, fuck off, Ren.”
“Not a chance.”
You try to ignore him, but with his height he’s easily able to read over your shoulder. You exhale. “What do you want?”
“Well, since you asked…” he looks up up and down and raises an eyebrow. “You’d do.”
You don’t think your eyes have gotten so wide since you accidentally walked in on Finn and Poe hooking up. “Excuse me?”
“You heard what I said. Come on, princess, you can’t hide from me. I see how you look at me.”
“With utter distaste and loathing? Yeah, I think I’ve noticed.”
“Don’t think I didn’t see you at our show last month.”
Shit. “Just scoping out the competition. Which isn’t much, by the way. Might want to work on your set rather than hitting on me.”
You want to smack that half smile right off his face. “Suit yourself. But it’ll happen eventually.”
“Not even in your dreams.” You finally step up to the bar. “Four, please.”
“Here.” Ren pulls out a pub lack leather wallet, just like the rest of him, and throws money on the counter. ‘It’s on me.”
“Put your money away, I don’t need-”
“Me? I think you do.” He winks, something unidentifiable in his eyes, and walks off into the crowd. Your cheeks flame, despite yourself, frustrated for never getting in the last word. Goddamn him. What’s his deal? Why you? Go creep on some other singer. To think in the beginning you might’ve agreed with Rey.
You take the bottles back to your group and throw your money down on the table in disgust. Rey raises an eyebrow. “Someone else pay?”
You sigh. “Guess.”
“Ren,” they all three say simultaneously. You sink further down in your seat, mentally cursing him under your breath.
Luckily, your absolutely amazing set takes your mind right off of him. The crowd responds beautifully, jumping out of their seats to cheer and clap as you take the stage and play your songs. Everyone is on their A game as you deliver possibly one of the best performances of your careers to the most enthusiastic group of people you’ve ever seen. Everyone rocks out, has a great time, and is begging for more so much that you take two encores to thunderous applause. Finally, you take your bows, faces flushed with the thrill of performing and you take the mic once again. “Thank you everyone, thank you so much! Don’t forget to Reign!”
The crowd goes wild as the four of you step off the stage, and people swarm you for pictures and autographs. You oblige, taking a few selfies and signing a few shirts before regrouping outside to cool off.
“That was fucking EPIC!” Finn is jumping onto Poe’s back in glee and Poe runs around the parking lot, giving him a hilarious piggyback ride as you and Rey look on, laughing your asses off.
You give Rey a hug and she returns it, saying in your ear, “You sounded amazing!”
“Likewise, girlie.” You run a hand through her hair fondly and she smiles. “Think we’ll win?”
“Um, if we don’t, I expect each of us and half the bar to protest on the spot.”
“Hell yeah!” Poe and Finn return with joyous whoops. “We showed those fucking Knights who’s boss!”
“The knights serve, and we Reign!” Four voices holler in joy into the night.
Back inside, the four of you take stock of the aforementioned Knights as they take the stage. You’ve scored a spot closer to the performance space after requesting a fan’s table and are currently a few more drinks deep into the night.
“How do you think they’ll do?” The three of them look at you anxiously. You were the only one who had attended their concert the month before.
“Not sure. They were decent last time,” you admit, shrugging your shoulders. “But I don’t think they’ll hold a candle to us.”
“Hear hear!” Finn bangs his glass on the table while Poe looks on reproachfully, playfully wiping the drink he’d spilled back onto Finn’s lap as he laughs.
“Shhh, I think they’re starting.”
The lights dim once more as Kylo on his guitar plays the opening chords. They’re… good. More than good. Great, even, you grudgingly had to admit. The songs were catchy, ranging from upbeat to ballads, their voices sounded great, and they had a decent crowd cheering and dancing around them. As they wrap up, they also get the privilege of an encore, much to your group’s dismay. To your surprise, Ren steps up to the mic and taps it. “For our last number, we thought we’d do a cover that’s been requested by a few of our fans. Hope you enjoy it.”
The crowd screams- mostly the girls in the audience- as the opening chords of Shawn Mendes’ There’s Nothing Holding Me Back. You scoff. There’s no way he can-
Your thoughts are proven unfounded as he flawlessly pulls of the first few notes.
I wanna follow where she goes I think about her and she knows it I wanna let her take control…
The girls scream. Everyone in the bar looks impressed.
And he’s looking right at you.
I mean right at you. Normally, you’d dismiss it- it’s hard to see anything but a mass of people in the black when you’re onstage and the lights are shining in your eyes. But he’s staring at you with an expression so intense you’d never seen- or felt- anything like it.
You take me places that tear up my reputation Manipulate my decisions Baby, there's nothing holding me back
So, you hold his gaze.  Throughout the entire song, you stare at each other, neither of you backing down. Why, you didn’t really know exactly. Maybe to show him that you weren’t intimidated, that you weren’t scared of him or his shitty band. Why he was looking at you, who knows- probably just trying to shake your confidence. You weren’t going to let him. Your cool gaze locks on to his and stays there through every lyric and chord. His does the same. A few of your band mates notice, and looks at you confusedly, but you just ignore them in favor of the staring contest of the century.
When their band finally quits, you’re absolutely furious, not to mention embarrassed. What game does he think he’s playing, trying to get a rise out of you? When the lights come up, you stand abruptly, almost knocking over the drinks on the table, much to your bandmates’ protests. Making sure Kylo can see you, you subtly nod your head so he knows to follow you, then head to the side of the bar in the direction of the bathroom. After you slip in, a few minutes later he joins you with that ever present smirk on his face.
“You rang, princess?”
“That’s queen to you, Ren. What the FUCK was that?”
“Queen?” He muses. Then he smiles. “I could get used to that.”
“I’m not playing around here, Ren!” You shove him at the shoulders until he bangs against the door behind him. “What the fuck do you think you were doing? Trying to embarrass me? It’s not going to work. I am SO much bigger than that. You hear me?”
He leans in so close you can smell the cologne on his neck. “I don’t think we’d be in here if you weren’t a little flustered,” he whispers, and you back off furiously because he’s right, damn him.
Shouldering him aside, you tug on the door to open it. “Just stay out of our way.”
The door slams shut with a bang as he stops it with one hand.  “Y/N.”
You whirl on him. “What?!”
He stares at you for a moment before, with blinding speed, pressing his mouth to yours with such force he’s pinned you up against the metal door. You shove him away, gasping for air, then slap him smack across the face. He raises a hand to his cheek, which is already smarting red. “I hate you!”
“I hate you more.”
There’s a moment of stillness, like the calm before the storm. Then the two of you rush at each other and collide like you’re desperate, devouring each other hungrily like you’re starving for each other. You bury your hands in his hair, and hearing him growl deep in his throat sends sparks shooting through you. Had you wanted this? For how long? You didn’t know. But in this moment it felt like all you had ever wanted.
Still kissing you like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do, he slides his hands underneath your thighs and lifts you into the air, setting you onto the edge of the counter, giving you better resistance against him as you claw at his back and neck, looking for purchase against the heat rising inside you. He switches from your lips you your neck, sucking against the delicate skin, and you arch your back, trying to give him better access as you fumble with the hem of his t-shirt. Eventually he rips it over top of him, giving you a glorious view of his muscles. You run a finger over his chest lightly, and he puts a hand to yours, pressing it into his chest. You reward him with a scratch of your nails to which he moans into your neck, coming back up to attack your mouth.
His hands are all over you, efficiently stripping you of your shirt, and teasing your nipples with the pads of his fingers, making you gasp. Unconsciously, you spread your legs a little wider, giving him greater access to you. Which he definitely makes use of, pressing his already growing member against your crotch. God, he feels huge. Already you want him inside you, the suddenness only adding to the want spiraling up your thighs and straight between your legs. He grabs at you, fingers slipping off your jeans, but he can feel a wet spot already growing at the crotch.
‘Yeah? Is that how much you want me, princess?”
“I told you,” you say through gritted teeth, tugging relentlessly at the button of his jeans. “Not. Your. Fucking. Princess.”
“I think the position you’re in right now begs to differ.” He runs a hand through your hair in an almost sweet gesture before slipping his pants down an inch or two, revealing his cock, already hard and glistening. In retaliation you put a hand around it and give it a sharp tug, causing him to stutter and gasp. The power it gives you makes you smile, and you slowly stroke it with the tips of your fingers, making him moan. “You’re such a fucking tease.”
“I’m sorry.” You sit back, resting your hands on the counter behind you, easy as you please, making him growl in frustration. “I was under the impression that you wanted this.”
“Jesus-” he’s on you again in an instant and you laugh into the side of his neck, giving him little nips and sucks in between breaths. His hands have moved from your waist to tugging at your belt and you reach down to help him with it, yanking it off and discarding it somewhere behind you. Your pants slide over your hips to reveal you completely and suddenly. His fingers are exactly where you want them to be- one thumb on your clit and another just at your entrance, causing you to surge forward in effort to get some friction going. As he pushes inside you, your head drops against the cool mirror behind you and your eyes close, the sensation so beautifully wet and heady.
He twists in and out- one finger, then two, and even three- as you work up a rhythm with your hips, subtly riding him. Nothing has ever been as good as this- the few hookups you’d had have paled in comparison to this by a mile. His smirk returns when a little noise of want falls from the corner of your mouth, and you decide to kiss it off of him, tugging his bottom lip between your teeth and pulling it towards you slow and hard.
All at once, he pulls you to the front of the counter and slides into you so quick and good your head lolls back into a gasp. He fills you so perfectly its almost sinful. He’s not close enough, so you wrap your arms around his neck as he begins to move in and out of you and tug, burying your face in the crook of his neck. You can smell the sweat and heat pouring off of him and feel his muscles tightening as he goes in further and further, each thrust pushing him more inside you until all you can feel is him. Working your muscles, you clench around him, causing him to grunt in satisfaction.
The two of you are intertwined for who knows how long, a dance of nothing but pure want that sparks a fire inside you and heightens every sensation. You can feel when his thrusting becomes more erratic, his breathing heavier. You snake a hand off of his neck and down to your clit, rubbing hard and fast, making something in your stomach coil tighter.
With one last push, he’s pumping inside you, hot and wet, and the feeling of it pushes you over the edge as well, sparks exploding behind your eyes as you cry out. You try to muffle yourself by biting into his shoulder but that just causes him to thrust deeper, making both your breath hitch in time. As both of you come down off your highs, your arms are wrapped around each other for support. Slowly, breathing comes back to normal, and your heart stops acting like its going to beat out of your chest. When he pulls out, the loss of heat makes you shiver, but he wipes the sweat off your forehead with the back of his hand as if to say, I’m right here. You laugh breathlessly as you lean into the gesture. There’s a peace about this, the two of you sitting there comforting each other after riding through the storm-
Which is promptly interrupted by the bathroom door swinging open, followed by a more-than-slightly tipsy Poe. “Y/N, you in here? They’re about to announce the OH MY GOD!” He slaps his hands over his face as the two of you stare at him, wide eyed. “I- holy shit, okay, I’m just gonna-” he fumbles for the doorknob behind him while maintaining his makeshift blindfold. “Uh. Yeah.” He’s gone, a waft of cool air ruffling your hair in his wake
You look accusingly at Ren. “You didn’t lock the fucking door?”
He reaches over and flips the lock with one hand, then immediately puts it back on your waist. “I was a little preoccupied, sue me.”
You look up into his brown eyes, still flushed with want, but there’s a surprising amount of softness behind them as well. “So… is this a thing, now…?”
“Only if you want it to be.”
You stare at him, considering. Put a gentle hand up to his cheek where the outline of your fingers are still red from where you slapped him. Place a gentle kiss right on the outline. “I think I just might.”
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totaltozier ¡ 7 years ago
Christmas Gift - Finn Wolfard x Reader (Holiday Fic Extravaganza!)
REQUEST: can you do Finn x reader where you spend your first Christmas together and surprises you at your house on Christmas night please xx
NOTE: So I love Christmas and I’m so sorry that I haven’t posted in forever I’ve been super busy with school and work but here you go! This one is super cute! Also ya i know that the 23rd is Finn’s birthday but that’s not the point of this fic lol
Saying that Christmas was your favorite time of year was an understatement. You lived for the holiday season and everyone and anyone knew that. The tree has been up and decorated since December first and the stockings were already hung with care too. Everything was ready for Christmas except for the last few gifts you needed to buy. Specifically, your boyfriend Finn’s.
Apparently, he had not bought your gift either.
“Babe, if I were to give you a gift, what would you want it to be?” You rolled your eyes at Finn’s question but laughed at the text anyways.
“Idk, anything really. A sweater, tea mug, socks, etc.” you replied back.
“That’s still not very helpful, Y/N.” Finn texted back.
You sighed before typing “It doesn’t matter what you give me Finn, I’ll like it no matter what because it came from you.”
A minute passed before his next text came through on your phone. Finn had just sent a smiley face and heart emoji. You typed your next message. “By the way, what do you want for Christmas?”
You only got the eye rolling emoji in response to that.
It was December twenty third and you were helping your mother wrap up the last of the presents. It was your job to add the ribbon, gift tags, and bows. You were adding a silver bow to the present in front of you (a collector’s edition Harry Potter book set for your cousin) when your mom held up the final gift from the pile.
“Is this one for Finn?” She asked you. You looked at the paper bag in her hands and nodded. You reached forward and took the gift from her.
“Yes, it is. I can wrap it myself.” You offered. She nodded her head in agreement and quietly picked up the finished gifts to put underneath the tree.
You opened up the nag and pulled the gift out from inside. You wanted to give Finn something heartfelt and personal, something unique. Since he was always drinking way too much coffee you went to one of those paint your own pottery shops and hand painted a travel mug for Finn. The mug was a dark indigo colour with paisley blue geometric shapes scattered about. You were admiring your own work when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
Opening your phone, you saw that Finn had sent you a message.
“Voila! I’d say it’s a masterpiece!” Finn had sent with an attached picture of a gift all wrapped up.
Quickly, but carefully, you wrapped up Finn’s gift in red and silver wrapping paper and topped with a bow to match. You snapped a pic of the final product and sent it to him.
“I’d say that this one belongs in an art gallery!” You joked.
“Ooh what is it?” Finn replied.
“Ha ha nice try smart one. You have to wait until we exchange gifts!” You explained.
“Speaking of… When do you want to swap gifts?”
“I’m busy with family pretty much until boxing day so maybe after that?” You suggested.
“Sure.” Finn said.
Christmas day was a whirl wind of events! The morning started bright and early. You always woke up your parents as early as they would let you to start opening gifts and stockings. After presents, your family had your traditional holiday brunch full of French toast, eggnog, and candy can pancakes! In the afternoon, the rest of the family came over to your house including your aunts, uncles, cousins, grandma, and grandpa. As the Christmas turkey cooked in the oven, all of the kids had an epic snowball fight outside.
It was just after dinner when the last of the presents were being exchanged, the tree almost empty underneath. The last present remaining was the one you had wrapped for Finn and you couldn’t help but miss him.
You looked around at everyone in your house, they were all talking with one another, showing each other gifts. Every face had a bright smile. You were happy as well, a warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach. But still, you couldn’t help but feel like something, someone was missing.
You pulled out your phone and opened up your messages with Finn and typed him a quick message.
“You gift is the last one under the tree :( Wish you were here to open it!” You sent.
Within a minute Finn had replied. “I wish I was there to see what amazing gift you got me!”
Before you could send your reply, another message came through.
“By the way, your Christmas lights look really great! I love the inflatable reindeer on your front lawn!”
Suddenly you were confused, Finn hadn’t been to your house since the reindeer had been put up and you never told him about it either. Before you could even text him back asking what he was talking about, the doorbell chimed and you ran to the door to answer it.
You swung open the door and to your surprise, Finn was standing on the other side.
“Merry Christmas!” He exclaimed and you instantly moved forward to give him a hug.
“Finn! What are you doing here?” You asked and led him inside and out from the cold.
Finn shrugged off his winter coat and hung it up on the rack in the front hallway. “I came to give you your gift! It is Christmas after all.” You smiled sweetly and quickly leaned forward to give him a kiss. “I came for that too.” Finn added and you grabbed his hand and pulled him into the front room away from the rest of your family so you could exchange gifts.
Finn offered you a small red bag that was covered in sparkly snowflakes. You took the bag from him and placed it on your lap. As you began to pull out the tissue paper from inside you glanced up at Finn who’s eyes were wide with a bright smile.
“C’mon, open it Y/N!” He encouraged and so you reached in and pulled out a small rectangular box.
Just by looking at the box you had a slight idea of what could be inside. You carefully cracked it open and the most beautiful necklace lay inside.
“Oh my goodness, Finn!” You gasped. “This is amazing it’s so beautiful!” You pulled out the necklace to take a closer look. It was a simple silver chain with a small heart pendant.
“Flip it over” Finn said and you turned over the heart to look at the back. In small letters your first initial had been engraved alongside an ‘F’ for Finn.
You ran your thumb over the small engraving as you looked up to Finn. “This is truly amazing Finn. Thank you so much I love it!” You said before kissing him on the cheek.
“I’m so glad you like it!” He said as a warm blush came across his cheeks.
“Can you put it on me?” You asked and Finn took the necklace from your hands. You turned around and held up your hair out of the way for him to clasp it around you. “Okay, now it’s your turn!” You handed your gift to Finn.
Finn picked up the gift and jokingly shook it next to his ear. “I wonder what it could be!” He said before carefully starting to unwrap the gift. You were suddenly overcome with nerves, worried about whether or not Finn would like your gift. Once unwrapped he held up the mug to get a better look.
“Wow this is so cool!” You watched as he turned the mug around to look at all the patterns. “Did you paint this yourself?” He asked with a smile.
You nodded your head. “Yeah I did. There’s a pottery place downtown and since you’re always drinking coffee I figured that you’d like a new mug!” You explained sheepishly.
The look on Finn’s face was full of euphoria. “This is great I love it so much!” He said. “Thank you, I can’t wait to use it!” Finn added as he wrapped himself around you for a hug.
“I’m glad you like it!” You said, pushing yourself up from the couch. “No come on, it’s time for you to meet everyone!” You took Finn’s hand and lead him towards the living room where the rest of your family was.
You got as far as the foyer when Finn stopped dead in his tracks. “Why’d you stop? If you’re nervous to meet my family you don’t need to be, they’re going to love you!” You explained in a calming voice.
Finn looked up and you followed his gaze. “Mistletoe.” He said. You looked back at his face and he had a soft smile. You smiled back before leaning up on your toes to give him a kiss.
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justfangstvdto ¡ 7 years ago
Open Coffin | Chapter 09: “Fury Rising”
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Pairing: Kol x Salvatore Sister!Reader
Chapter Summary: The reader and Stefan stole Klaus precious coffins on their retaliation trip and for once have the upper hand against their nemesis. Unlikely allies are made as they try to protect the precious cargo, that for some unknown reason is spelled shut by a witches spell.
Warnings: unbeta´d all mistakes are mine, canon divergence, typical tvd violence, swearing
 Word count: 2978
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
Open Coffin Masterlist
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Samuel Johnson once wrote “Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged.”
But revenge is not always solely passionate, most times it is acted out of desperation.  The need to avenge wrongdoings with the most primal thought in mind; An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, blood must have blood - whatever you prefer to call it- with no other alternative in near sight.
People would argue that forgiveness, the common ground for the combat between past grievances and future healing, is the noble high ground, and while that might be true, one, you have never considered yourself as particularly noble and second, in your experience the taste of revenge, however fleeting it is, is undeniably sweet.
And lucky for you, forgiveness is the last thing on your mind...
“Open up you wooden piece of shit!” You clutch the axe in your hand before bringing it down, the blade ever so barely stopping right before it would scratch the coffin´s surface.”FUCK!!”
“Are you done?” Stefan asks, leaning against the cold stone wall.
It has been two days since you and Stefan snatched Klaus precious coffins he had been driving around in his very suspicious white van.  
It's safe to say that you have never been this close to one, playing Klaus like a puppet and second, to Kol.
But like everything in your life, something has to get in your way. For whatever reason, the coffins are spelled shut, and there is no way to open them.
Which does not mean you won´t try your hardest.
“Does it look like I´m done?”
“Kind of.”
“Haha, you´re so funny. You know, I don't even understand why these witches decided to screw with me anyway. I was an ally to their kind back in the day.” You bring the axe down once again, hoping that your persistence would make a difference, when clearly, it won´t “Where's your loyalty now, huh?”
Even Bonnie, your newly made ally tried to get it open when she showed up after her dreams led her to the burned down house.Whatever is going on, witchy dreams are never a good sign.
At all.  
“You and witches? You hate witches.”Stefan asks surprised, the sheer thought of you working with witches hard to grasp. You always seemed unsympathetic towards them. Or so he thought.
“I don't hate witches. I just hate what they can do to me. Especially the aneurysm. Ouch.” You remember the first time a witch gave you an aneurysm, it felt like your head was about to explode like fireworks. And not the good kind. “But I do have to say, I like Bonnie. She hates Klaus almost as much as we do. I like that in a person.”
You decide to give the axe one more try. You bring it over your shoulder, ready to break this coffin in half if you have to. You swing the axe down for the millionth time but as expected, it didn't hit the surface.
“I give up.” You throw the axe aside and let yourself fall on the floor, your back resting against the wall next to Kol’s coffin.   
Stefan joins you on the cold floor, his jacket scratching against the textured stone wall. “Tell me about him,” he says glancing over at the coffin.
“About who?”
“Your boyfriend. Klaus brother.”
And there it is. You knew he must've eavesdropped.
“So you did hear my conversation with Klaus. Why didn't you say anything? You ask.
You knew Klaus didn't just start talking about Kol just for the fun of it. He must´ve seen
“I don´t know. Busy saving my buddy Klaus I guess.” He jokes.
To other people I might seem like his forced flipped switch is done and dealt with, but if your family is known for something is definitely to bury feelings under any form of wit.
“Ugh, don't remind me.” You roll your eyes, the thought of the epic failure that was supposed to be Klaus downfall makes you want to dig a hole and never come out.  “Look, I know how this must look for you, but Kol is different. He's no-”
“Is that his name? Kol?” You nod “Do you know who the others are?” Stefan asks. He has been wondering who he's been carrying around.
“These two are either Elijah or Finn. Only this one, I don´t know who that is.” You say pointing to the coffin It's true you don't have the slightest idea who might be in that coffin. Perhaps its the spare coffin for Rebekah?
“How can you tell who is who?”
“I´m not sure with Elijah or Finn. But with Kol...I just feel it.”
“You...feel it?” he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He must think you´ve gone completely mad.
“Never underestimate the intuition of a woman, Stef.” You joke, earning the most exaggerated eye roll from your little brother. “Look, I know it sounds impossible to love anyone close to Klaus after everything he has put you through. But Kol hates Klaus as much as you do. Maybe more. No, definitely more. And I love him, Stefan. I really do.”
“So he's the reason you came back? Because Klaus has him?” He asks, his gaze evading yours by fumbling with his daylight ring.
For a fleeting glimpse there, young and vulnerable Stefan seeped through the cracks of his mask of bloodshed and vengeance. He must be worried that he's just a stepping stone to get Kol back. But of course, that's not true. You are glad you get to spend time with him after all these years. Even under these circumstances.
“Yes and no. he’s a very big factor as well, but you were and will always be my number one priority. If I had to run into a burning building to drag you out I'd do it. Again.” You say, the memories of that incident still so fresh in your memory as if they happened yesterday.
“But while we´re on the topic of me coming back to this god awful town, there is something you should know about that involves Elena and you're probably gonna hate me fo-” You stop midsentence, as two very familiar voices reach your ears. You always use your vampire hearing once in a while just to be safe of anyone that might be coming for you “Oh Jesus Christ.”
You gesture to your ears and then upstairs, the chattering of Damon accompanied by Elena as they approach the ruins, reaching Stefan's ears. He looks at the coffins, the moment he lays eyes on them they disappear. These witches think fast.
Stefan?” Elena approaches the dark room with caution. Damon had to wait outside because the witch spirits resting in this house hate his guts and screwed with his daylight ring. Honestly, you can't blame them.
“Buh!” You whisper in her ear. Even a blood-sucking monster has to have fun, right?
“Y/N?! She jumps back in shock “What are you-” Elena begins, but Stefan's dramatic appearing from the shadows startles her.
“Elena, go away, you shouldn't be here,” Stefan tells her, his voice indifferent and cold.
“Stefan, I need your help.” She says, her voice shaking with worry and anticipation “Bonnie said that you would be here.”
“Well, Bonnie sucks at keeping secrets,” Stefan replies.
“Listen, you two need to give Klaus his family back.”
“Oh, really? Is that what we need to do?” You scoff. There is no chance you will let any of these coffins out of your sight again. Not until you know how to open them.
“Klaus compelled Jeremy to stand in front of a speeding car!” Elena argues.
“I don't really see how that involves us.” You shrug.
While you understand the need to protect your little brother, if Klaus resorts to such methods he is beyond desperate.
“Don't you get it?”You shrug again “Stefan, he's not gonna stop until he gets what he wants.”
“Elena, stop talking.” He rolls his eyes and you chuckle at his annoyed undertone he developed ever since Elena entered the room. “I'm not giving Klaus anything.” He shakes his head.
It must be hard for her to acknowledge the fact that even though Stefan flips his switch, and you're certain he did after Klaus set him free, he is not running back to her immediately.
“Are you listening to me? He's gonna kill Jeremy!”
“Not really my problem.” Stefan shrugs his shoulders.
Elena raises her hand and slaps Stefan with all the force her mortal being possesses.
Interesting. There is some fire in her after all. Who would´ve thought?
“And you can go to hell!! She yells at Stefan, then turns to you “Both of you.” she says on her way out.
“Already there, Elena. Already there.” You mutter, not caring if she even hears it or not.
You and Stefan only have the chance to share a look before Damon rushes through the house, his skin sizzling like bacon in a pan.
“Wow! That was impressive.” Stefan says in a sarcastic tone, almost sneering “But the coffins aren't here, so...You can go away now.”
“I don't care about the coffins.” Damon winced as his skin heals from the sunburns.”We need to talk.”
“Okay, let's talk.” You lean against the wall to your right “Tough, If you prefer a punch in the face again, let me know.”
“Nothing's ever easy with you two, is it?” Damon says before he attacks Stefan, vamp speeding him out of the house, so he doesn't have to watch out for the light shining through the windows.
You hurry after them, pushing Damon off of Stefan when he tries to hurt him with a wooden stake. Instead he plunges it in your chest, several inches away from your heart. Of course, he's not trying to kill you, just to hurt you.
Stefan punches him in the face as retaliation, but Damon is quicker and stakes him in the stomach with a tree branch.
Perhaps Stefan even wants him to let out his anger Damon has every right to be angry. From his point of view, Stefan blew the only chance of getting rid of Klaus. However, he doesn't know the whole story.
“That is for screwing up my plan! You stop me from killing Klaus and you steal his family! Why?? Doesn't make sense!” He yells and twists the branch and Stefan groans in pain. “Answer me!!”
“Stop it!!!!” You throw the piece of wood you retracted from your chest into Damon's shoulder before pushing him off of your little brother.
You wrap your hand around the branch and pull it out of Stefan's chest with one tug.
“Piece by piece Klaus took everything from me.” Stefan groans as you reach for his hand to pull him to his feet. “I'm doing the same to him. We both are.”
“But I had him, Stefan!” Damon snaps, pointing an accusing finger at Stefan “Why did you screw it up?”
“He did it to save you, you dumbass!!” You yell at him.
“What??” Damon freezes, the sickening feeling of realization settling within his bones “No. No way! You didn't do this for me.”
“He was one step ahead of us.” Stefan explains “If Klaus died, his hybrids would have killed you.”
“When are you going to get it through your head? Stop saving me!!” He yells at him and walks back to the house, his shoulder purposely colliding with yours.
But then he stops.
“Do you know what I can't figure out? Why steal the coffins?” He asks and faces both of you again.
“Even if it doesn't seem like it, Klaus´ siblings are a weak point we can exploit and use against him.” You tell him.
“Use against him to do what? You're not gonna kill him, you know how I know? 'Cause there was only one way to kill him and you blew that to save me.”
“You're wrong Damon.” Stefan shakes his head, reflecting Damon's usual denial “Klaus doesn't just get to live forever. There's another way. There has to be.”
There is. Two ways actually, one deadly one non-fatal but equally painful. But telling them isnßt an option. They would use the same weapon to get rid off all of them.
You can´t let that happen.
No, you won't let that happen. Even if it means you have to lie to them. Again.
“Fair enough.” Damon nods “But whatever you two are doing, I want in.”
“We don't need your help.” You shake your head. Planning anything with Damon most likely ends in a disaster. History speaks for itself.
“Really? Last time I checked you're hiding in a haunted house.” He argues and cocks his head towards the burned ruins.
“So? We like spirits. And not only the alcoholic kind.” You
“You're going after Klaus; Y/N.” Damon needles reminds you, as if you didn't know that already. “You have to be cutthroat and devious. I'm so much better at that than you two.”
Oh if you only knew, brother. If you only knew...
“Come on.” Damon continues “What do you say? If you're gonna keep saving my life at least make it for a good reason.”
“You want in?”
Stefan looks at you, waiting for your reaction. Having Damon on board would certainly be easier as facing his fury, but there is also the risk of Damon being….well Damon.
“Okay, fine.” You sigh “But it's just us three. Your precious Elena stays out of it, alright? Completely. If this is going to work we have to stick together.  No matter what happened or will happen. This is the only advantage we have on Klaus. We can´t let anyone screw it up.” You look at both of them and while Stefan nods, Damon rolls his eyes. How typical “No matter the consequences”
“Fine. Whatever, it's a deal.” Damon sighs, his foot impatiently tapping on the floor.
“Good.” You nod your head; ”Follow us.”
“Wait. I'm not so...welcome in there.”
“Don't you worry Damon. We all want the same thing.
You and Stefan lead him to the bad lid and dusty room and Damon follows close behind eager to know where you might have hidden the coffins.
“Have a look.” Stefan gestures to the empty room.
“What? Klaus is allergic to dust?” Damon jokes and looks at Stefan with a questioning look on his face.
“Hm...Look again.” You tell him and he promptly does as you ask, his eyebrows rising in surprise.
“Witch spirits hate Klaus as much as we do. They're using their powers to hide the coffins.” Stefan explains.
“So even if he comes in the house…”
“ ...he won't be able to find them.” Stefan finishes his sentence and Damon smiles, enjoying this hide and seek already.
While Damon ran back to bring Elena the news of his epic misjudgement, Stefan decided to dig deep into the lore, trying to find a way to open the locked coffins. And you, well….you don't want to let the coffins out of your sight. Especially, of course, the one with Kol in it.
He has been lost for decades upon decayed and now he's so close, so undeniably close with only a wooden barrier separating you.
You close your eyes for a mere moment, perhaps for a breath or two, leaning on the coffin supports. The air suddenly feels heavier as questions upon questions fill your head, the silence forcing them out of the shadows.
Why would the witches close the coffins? Will working with Damon work? Will they forgive you if they found out what you did? Will you ever see Kol again´?
But when you open your eyes again, instead of the pale, rigged surroundings, a different view lies before you. A beautiful night sky stretches itself above your head, the stars twinkling in shining as bright as they can while a street parade strolls through the streets, the music filling the silent night air.
You don't have to turn around to know where you are. How could you ever forget this night? But how the hell did you get to New Orleans, on the same rooftop of the Mikaelson house? Is this a dream?
You smile as the song you and Kol danced to start playing on the old Grammophon. You breathe in the feeling of tranquillity and wholesomeness spreading throughout your body.
This has always been your happy place. No matter what your immortal life threw at you, you always had this memory to come back to.  And being here in person, or whatever this is, couldn´t be more perfect.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Your heart jumps at the familiar voice, you can feel it hammering in your chest. This great pounding, this great pressure, every beat now magnified.
Could it be….
You turn around and your heart now completely sinking to your knees, your eyes fixated on the person in front of you.
To be continued….
A/N: Well isn´t this a mean cliffhanger ;) Sorry not sorry.  I do hope you liked this chapter though!! I know it was a long time coming again, but I promise I will post the next chapter a lot quicker now that I seem to be out of the bad writing hole.  Please PLEASE let me know what you think. Feedback fuels my writing like nothing else!! Also, I hope to see you next chapter as well! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day/night!
Open Coffin Tags:   @shadyladyperfection @laitalianax3 @newurleans @originalbish98 @christinalibertymikaelson @acourtofhopeanddreams @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @relmi-llorrac @piercethepottorff @maliae14  @5-seconds-of-animals @captain-amelia-bradley  @rock-n-magick @flymeawayworld @givemesomehybrid @mikealsonlover @nuteller28 @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99 @drkplum @fandooomqueenforyou @free-the-fangirl @clockworkballerina @twisted1ginger @superwholocksociopath474   @pacifyprincess @mustachio1616 @thealyana   @sandyclaws @unicorntrooper @buckysummers @sanity-is-overratedxp @akshi8278 @graysonmalfoy @woodworthti666 @elenavaldez09 @akshi8278 @sincerelystiles
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bomberqueen17 ¡ 7 years ago
replied to your post
“In the back of my mind I’m sort of bracing for The Last Jedi to just...”
I will read this stuff even if TLJ insists that Poe was immaculately conceived by goddamn porgs. Actually, wait, of COURSE an AU would sound good next to that. Take two. What I mean is that the only thing that would stop me from reading this universe is physically being struck blind with no text-to-speech options.
replied to your post
“In the back of my mind I’m sort of bracing for The Last Jedi to just...”
I am completely down for non-canonical/AU stories. Your material has always been good, to me, and I'll read anything you feel like putting out there.
torrilin reblogged your post and added:
I’ll happily read weird au shit. That’s basically what Buffy fandom is these days.
Oh-- I didn’t mean that I was going to have to veer off wildly into non-canon, or that, uh, I may not actually be awake enough to finish this sentence, I just got up and was confident I was awake but I’m kind of groggy. Uh, what was I trying to say here? 
I mean, thanks, guys, I’m touched! I just mean-- it’s like, when a canon gets Jossed, you know, it can take the wind out of the sails. There are whole swathes of fic I’ve read and loved where you can absolutely pinpoint where the released canon was when the author wrote it. And it’s still fine fic and you still read it, but there’s kind of a-- I don’t know, sort of quaint cast to it? like ha ha ha this person wrote this story before we had a canon first name for this character so she’s using the fanon one, aww. [I’m thinking of SG:A’s Major Lorne but this works for H*x too.] 
I also know as an author that it tends to take the wind out of my sails a bit. I have these enormous epics, and they build, and then the canon they started from changes in a different direction, and I just sort of... it takes some support away, you know?
And actually I just sat down last night and was reading the opening of Home in the Wind and... oh... gosh. There are a ton of little details that I’ve since changed my mind on, some explicitly and in writing and within the text of the story, so, uh. (Norasol, in that opening chapter; I mention a husband, I imply that Kes’s father had been around, I totally friendzone her with Lita-- it gets worse, I hadn’t realized I’d said so much stuff right out, that I later solidified in my head a different direction.) What I ought to do is edit the whole story, but what I’m going to do is just write an author’s note, I think. 
Because, again, when TLJ comes out, the whole series will get sort of fossilized in the genre of “post-TFA, pre-TLJ” fic, and it’s not that it won’t attract any new readers ever, but it will be sort of fly-in-amber-like, you know? As soon as the trailer came out with Finn in that pod gasping and waking up I was like-- yeah all of us with Finn Wakes Up stories are Jossed now. [And that looks like a great moment and I’m pumped. Of course Movie!Finn is going to be a lot more driven and urgent than EpicFanfiction!Finn.]
So, anyway-- at least for my own satisfaction, I want to wind this up before TLJ comes out. Either I won’t be caught by it at all, in which case I’ll be glad to be disentangled from an epic anyway because the fandom will be moving in new directions, or I will and I’ll want to write something compatible, and either way, I need this ‘verse to be done. And i have a few thousand more words of material it’d be a shame not to ever get to publish in anything.
But, again, thanks y’all for being supportive. And holy heck, thanks for reading that whole epic, inconsistencies and all, I’ve been publishing that thing for over a year!
reydiation replied to your post “In the back of my mind I’m sort of bracing for The Last Jedi to just...”
I’m continually shocked by the things Kes as a character can do. I guess I’m not surprised that he could both tease Poe about being attracted to, and become co-conspirators with, the same young lady. [actually jess is the one i have material i want to use, about.]
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