#Finn O’Hara
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lumosinlove · 20 days ago
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just say when, i’d play again
pauses, then says,
you’re my best friend
and that was the worst part
you can hear it in the silence
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noblecorgi · 9 months ago
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I recently got an iPad & Apple Pencil so my doodling is escaping the pages of my notebooks and finding digital life.
I’m absolutely pants at colouring and shading but nevertheless, I attempted.
Here’s Finn O’Hara & Logan Tremblay from @lumosinlove ‘s Sweater Weather universe being cute.
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shirbird · 2 years ago
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finally sports journalists are asking the truly important questions...
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oneluckygoose · 9 months ago
FinnLo Math
Hi, welcome to Lucky's hyper fixation at the current moment
For the past two weeks I have binge read Sweater Weather, Vaincre, and Coast to Coast by the lovely @lumosinlove and just want to say, Jesus Christ. I have actually fallen in love with O'Nutzy SO HARD and they are amazing and I'm absolutely a slave to Harvard Era FinLo. To @lumosinlove, this is a masterpiece and now I want to watch hockey, you've infected me.
Anyway, with credits out of the way, I did some math, (get ready for Harvard era FinLo math under cut)
*Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine and I did not create this story, so everything I say may be completely incorrect. Any of this may be disproven in Breakaway, which I don't/won't have the ability to read. Most of this is based off cannon times and events within the Sweater Weather universe, but I have made clear where cannon ends and my assumptions begin. Again, these are not my characters and all credit goes to @lumosinlove, This is not making fun of, patronizing, or degrading the all around fantastic story they have created, and is simply pointing out things I have noticed.*
Now in Coast to Coast, I noticed some strange things that Finn says. He tells Logan he's been in love with him for eight years, right? And over the course of the story Logan mentions he's loved Finn for 7 at some point (that may actually be in Vaincre, if it is the math lines up so that's a testy point). And when they kissed in part V of Coast to Coast it said it had been four years since they last kissed. This threw me off, because I knew this was, what, early January of 2020 in universe.
So I did some digging. Finn is a year older than Logan, meaning when Logan came to Harvard in 2014 (codified in Coast to Coast part VII, the very start, includes sexy Batman during Logan's first Halloween party at Harvard), he would have been a Freshman while Finn was a Sophomore.
Now it isn't clear whether their first kiss in 2015 was when at the end of the 2014-2015 school year or the start of the 2015-2016 school year (though Logan doesn't have a car, so that lends a little more credibility to Logan still being a Freshman, but it kinda seems like Logan never has a car in general, even in Sweater Weather and Vaincre). I tend to think it's the start of the 2015-16 school year because that's when Finn met Hanna, and those sorts of things don't really carry over after being apart for the summer. Anyway, this means it would be Finn's Junior year.
Now their last kiss before Finn leaves is supposedly in May of 2016, which was part II in Coast to Coast, but that doesn't make sense because it is stated that they are only one year apart,
[I'm pretty sure at least. Later in Coast to Coast it mentions Finn's rookie year and it's said that it was only one (1) really bad year without Logan (same goes for Logan as a senior) before Logan is drafted to the Lions after he graduates. This means they're only one year apart, so the 2016 thing I believe to be wrong]
and if you do the math with Logan being a Freshman in the 2014-2015 school year, he would be a Junior when Finn is a Senior in the 2016-2017 school year (I have a whole timeline trust me on this, it'll be at the bottom). So theoretically their last kiss would have been in May of 2017.
Now their next kiss in in January of 2020. Based off of the very beginning of Sweater Weather, the time period of the fic is the 2019 NHL season, so starting in September, it would be January of 2020 when Remus and Sirius' photos got leaked, right before All-stars, which Logan was going on. The same day the photos are leaked, Finn and Logan kiss for the first time since May of 2017.
If you tally it up, it would be 2 years and 7 months since they had last kissed: Seven months left in 2017, plus all of 2018 and 2019 {Essentially (7+12+12)/12}. Notably, not four years.
[If we are going on the timeline where the last kiss is in 2016, it would be 3 years and 7 months, which would be much more reasonable to say four years; however, that timeline is a little jacked so.]
The other thing that threw me off is Finn saying he'd been in love with Logan for eight years, which I also believe to be wrong.
Finn says to Logan when they are officially getting together in part V of Coast to Coast that he'd loved Logan for eight years, which doesn't make sense if they only just met in August of 2014.
To put it simply, they wouldn't have known each other for eight years. Again, if you tally it up, that's five months in 2014, five years, and then about half a month in 2020. {Essentially (5 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 1/2) / 12}. Let's just say they've known each other for 5 years and 6 months. Again, not eight years.
There is the concern of not loving each other when they first met, but Finn does say that he had loved Logan since the moment he saw him at the training camps in 2014, which would have been when they first met, so we can disregard any buffer time.
[And I am about 90% sure that August of 2014 was when they first met because during the Halloween party scene in part VII of Coast to Coast Logan talks about how Finn is his "new roommate" and they'd only just met. I could be wrong.]
And about Logan saying he'd loved Finn for seven years, I don't remember if it is in Coast to Coast which ends in 2020 or in Vaincre which goes until summer of 2021. If it is in Vaincre, this is a totally moot point because it's correct for about 7 years, but if it's in Coast to Coast (thinking on it now it may even be in Sweater Weather, either one would be off), then it wouldn't have been 7 years, but anywhere between 5-6 years. I would need to go back and find the part.
Other Interesting Math Things I figured out while Hyper fixating:
Alex O'Hara:
In Vaincre it says that Alex had to come from somewhere other than Harvard to see Finn in the hospital after he had gotten his first concussion, meaning he wasn't attending Harvard at the time. Vaincre also introduces a whole gang of people who were all on the Harvard team at the same time, which included Alex and Logan. So there had to be at least one year where they were on it together, and I assume it's probably Logan's freshman year.
When Finn's concussion happens is never explicitly stated, but I am assuming it's Finn's Junior year based on Finn and Logan's relationship at the time (pinning and extremely reserved while not awaiting Finn leaving (all this is coming from Logan talking about the concussion in Vaincre)).
With all this to say, I can assume Alex was a Senior in the 2014-2015 school year, left to join Florida's team in 2015-2016 and met Kasey down there in their rookie year. (Obviously they proceeded to fall in love as all good O'Hara's do: fall in love with their best friend.)
Leo Knut:
*open's mouth* *closes mouth* *opens mouth again* *looks down at the ground* Leo was in 8th grade when Finn and Logan met.
Leo was 18 at the start of Sweater Weather (2019) with a birthday somewhere in Nov-Dec, so theoretically he would have been a Senior in High School the year before. If you just tick back the years, that would put him in 8th grade during the 2014-2015 school year.
Not anything important I just stumbled across it and thought it was worth sharing, may as well make this post longer.
All in All List of Math:
Logan and Finn's last kiss before Finn left for Gryffindor would have been in May of 2017 not 2016
Their next kiss would be 2 years and 7 months later, not 4 years later
Finn and Logan have been in love since they met in August of 2014, meaning they've been in love for 5 years and 6 months, not eight years.
Alex O'Hara shared his Senior year at Harvard with Logan during Logan's Freshman year
Leo Knut was in 8th grade when Finn and Logan met
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constellationgrayson · 3 months ago
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Wake up babes new Sweater Weather/Coast to Coast/Vaincre inspo pic just dropped
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ttylfedora · 1 year ago
April Fools with the Lions: Best Bits
Omg. Hello? It’s so nice to be back! In honour of April Fools and the discord having a bit of fun with it, I bring you… April Fools with the Lions: Best bits!
All characters belong to @lumosinlove. Happy April Fools!!
Logan rubbed his eyes, waking up fully. Leo curled into his neck at the movement. He looked over to find Finn’s side completely empty. Leo stirred once again and looked up at Logan with a sleepy smile.
Logan squinted at Leo, wondering if he was seeing things.
“Leo, why do you have lion face paint on?” Leo’s face was fully painted, as though he had been to Katie’s birthday party and had been forced to sit down and have his face painted during it.
“Why do you look like a zebra?” Leo asked, just as confused as Logan.
Logan grabbed his phone off of the nightstand and opened up his camera. Sure enough, an intricately painted zebra looked back at him.
He messaged Finn, asking if he woke up the same.
All that was sent back was a smile emoji sent by Siri.
“You’re going to walk into the rink like that?” Nat asked Kasey, who was sporting a dolphin and a rainbow across the side of his face.
“I need to find Finn before Finn finds me.” Kasey called back. “I know Alex didn’t do this on his own. He has about as much artistic talent as I do in my little toe.”
Kasey and Nat never did find Finn before practice. They did, however, find a Lion stood dead centre of the locker room looking at the Goalies TPed stalls.
“If this was you, you need to do better next year.” Kasey laughed, clapping Leo on the shoulder. Leo laughed.
“No no no. This was Cole and Layla. They were round the corner watching me come in here thinking I didn’t see them.
“Time to recruit Nat, I think,” Kasey whispered to Leo and pulled out his phone.
“Layla I have no clue what to do. I can’t go out on the ice like this. I thought I was being nice by just TPing Kasey’s stall!”
Layla only covered her mouth to suppress a chuckle, watching Cole panic over his now upside down name and number on his jersey.
“All is fair in love and war, Rookie!” Kasey howled through the door, Nat howling after him.
Pascal let out a frustrated groan. Some the start of practice, not a single one of his shot found the back of the net. Timmy let out a similar sigh, taking his helmet off and wiping the perspiration off his head.
“It’s playoff season! We can’t be doing this,” he gridded out. He watched Finn line up a perfect shot, only to miss as well. Looking over to Coach Weasley, he wondered why he wasn’t angrier. He looked amused, even.
Pascal looked down at his hockey stick. Something felt… off. He held it out in front of him, Timmy and Kuny doing the same.
“It feels small.” Evgeni stated.
Pascal looked up at the rest of the team to find the Triple Threat of April Fools, Remus, Sirius and James, grinning back at them.
“You know, when I locked Remus and Sirius in my basement, I did not expect to be paid back like this.”
“Luke! Luke!”
Luke ran into the bathroom, only to burst out laughing upon finding Saint with bright red hair.
“Was this you?” Saint’s face like thunder, he pointed to his bright red hair. Luke fought to keep a straight face and shook his head.
“I promise it wasn’t. Now hurry up, I need to shower as well.”
Two hours later, Saint and Luke rocked up to practice, looking like Rangers biggest fans sporting bright red and bright blue hair. Logan was unable to make a shot that practice, for he was laughing so hard at the coloured sweat dripping down both their necks. He snapped a pic for Leo, his only partner in fools it would seem…
Remus and Sirius made a habit of turning up to practice early. Maybe it was the quiet before the storm, maybe it was the control of having the rink to themselves. One thing they did know, however, was that they liked the rink before anyone started playing the practice session joint playlist. ‘Game Day Vibes’ they called it. A playlist comprising of songs from everyone’s repertoire.
Once the rink was full, Coach allowed the playlist to be put on. Except all that rang through the rink was… a nursery rhyme?
Remus looked over at Finn who was in charge of the playlist. He pressed skip. Finn looked up in confusion as a musical rendition of ‘incy wincy spider’ played out.
“Who, in the ever loving fuck put this in the playlist?” Jackson called out, skating round next to Finn as he frantically scrolled through the playlist. “It’s just nursery rhymes…”
James was doubled over in the far corner, something akin to ‘don’t diss my son’s music taste’ coming out in amongst gasps of laughter.
James had his playlist privileges revoked for 6 weeks.
“So we did the ducks last year, what are we doing to Remus and Sirius this year, Dumo?” Julian asked, placing his cereal bowl in the dishwasher.
Pascal thought on it, scratching his head.
Katie bounded in with multiple chain links in Rangers colours.
“Look what I made for Logan, Papa!” She held them up with a big toothy smile. Well, almost toothy. She had a visit from the tooth fairy the previous night.
Jules’ eyes widened and looked over at Pascal, who responded with his own fully toothy grin.
“Go get your brothers and sister, Katie. We have work to do.”
Remus and Sirius returned from practice to find their entire front room decked out in Rangers merch, chain links hanging from each light and across the ceiling.
“I swear as soon as Logan and I meet on the ice again…” Sirius looked over at Remus, “it’s war.”
Remus chuckled and pulled out his phone to find a message from Dumo.
‘Thanks for the key, it’s under the flower pot’
Everyone was gathered in Sid’s for their monthly get together. Some of the Rangers had made the trip down as well. Thomas was sat at the bar, his arm hooked loosely around Noelle’s waist.
“So no one managed to get either of the brothers?” She whispered in his ear.
Thomas smiled back at her, eyes softened as he moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Not yet. Did you manage to get the video?”
Noelle pulled her phone out of her bag and showed it to Thomas.
“It’s hilarious, T. Me and Nat were in stitches.” Thomas smiled slyly, placed a kiss on Noelle’s forehead, and walked up the the little make shift entertainment stage.
“Can I please have everyone’s attention!” He called out, arms wide. Mutters of ‘speech!’ were called out across the bar, paired with smattering’s of applause.
“Now with the close of another successful year of April Fools, we have this years standings. At the bottom, with the most unoriginal prank I think any of us have ever seen, we have Cole and Layla, who took it upon themselves to TP Knutty and Blizz’s goals.”
A round of ‘boo’s’ swept across the bar.
“Yes, yes, thank you. Do better next year” Cole and Layla had their heads in their hands looking mortified.
“Before I reveal the winner, I have one last thing I would like to do. Who here has been personally victimised by a certain pair of red-headed brothers this year?” Hands went up, Logan the Zebra’s face like thunder as people turned around to chuckle at him.
“Yes, now. I set Christmas on a task a week ago. Big love, Noelle,” he held a glass up to her and winked. “A little birdy once told us that our very own Alexander and Finnigan have their own pregame ritual they started when they were kids. Their mom and dad were more than happy to share this video with us-“
“No no no- please Walker I’m begging you,” Finn called out, laughter clinging onto his every word. Alex’s jaw was on the floor.
“If you’d please turn your attention to the screen.”
An old video played. A young Alex was instructing their parent to sit on the couch whilst Finn was in the background rewinding the tv to the perfect moment. The pair did an almost perfect rendition of the handshake from the parent trap.
Thomas looked back at Finn and Alex who were doubled over in laughter.
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remuslupininskirts · 2 years ago
I need Wolfstar recs! Please. I can never find good fics.
Wait give me a minute to compile.
*Me takes ages to get list then forgets about ask by accident*
Me: shit.
Okay here we go
Storms and stress
Sirius is a student at durmstrang and comes to hogwarts then meets the boys
Forever is a state of mind
Deaf dance choreographer remus with young teddy meets make-up artist sirius.
Red, White & Royal Annoyance
Rwrb au for wolfstar (the garden kiss)
Siriusly? The moon!? Okay i went through a period of really liking social media aus so this is another
Hunger games au.
Literally read anything by athenowl and you should be good so hears some of their other stuffs
Axe and sword
Royal au -athenowl
The secret garden
A secret garden au -athenowl
Okay i will stop with the athenowl love now
Turn on my charm
Oh wait another fuckin YouTuber au i promise i dont have a problem
.You’re my kaleidoscope
Raising teddy au after he was left on remus’s doorstep. James and sirius step up to the plate to help
The kitchens
Will you accept another royal au?
Sweater weather
Ice hockey au. It has the best fandom ever around it with loads of other fics.
My favourites being written by @/fruitcoops
Who may or may not also be athenowl
Their fics are just crazy good okay.
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randomrichards · 2 years ago
Hotheaded brothers
Fulfill list of Mom’s wishes
Bond through quirky ways
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fruitcoops · 8 months ago
Hopelessly Devoted
O'Knutzy Week Prompt C2: "Hello, There". Prompts by @oknutzy-week-2024, and characters (of course) (with love) by @lumosinlove <3
TW for joking mentions of romance-novel smut
Leo had never seen someone work as hard as Finn O’Hara. He saw it in the straight line of Finn’s back and the solid set of his shoulders, even when he was calm. He saw it in everything he did—in love and, up until recently, in hockey. He was unequivocal dedication, embodied.
He was sure Finn would say the same about him; he was sweet like that, pretty face and prettier words that were always so honest they made Leo’s ribs hurt with the pounding of his heart. Finn liked to call him brave. Leo had started believing it after the last decade had proven it true in more ways than he cared to count.
And, Christ, Leo counted everything. Endless cycles of goals-assists-saves-loss-win-horror-victory that left him bolting upright at two o’clock in the morning well into his first season of retirement. Netminders kept perfect track of the game and every player coming at them. Remus’ mental playbook of every player in the NHL was only uncanny because he was out of the goal. Leo still remembered the tics and tells of most everyone he’d ever faced.
But what was there to count, now? Beautiful mornings? Those happened every day, though he hadn’t been awake for sunrise in three blessed years. Exotic vacations? He had a wonderful time on their honeymoon (all three of them), but he’d always prefer visiting one of their families.
The pan sizzled softly when he flipped the bagel with a practiced flick of the wrist. Leo smiled to himself. Maybe he should start counting Finn’s annual bacon-egg-and-cheese total. He’d probably come up with the same number if he bought a calendar and ticked the days by hand.
Finn’s commitment to his mid-morning snack was rivaled only by his unwavering passion for bodice-ripper novels, and the evidence of said passion filled their kitchen with a flurry of furious clicking while Leo slid the bagel carefully onto a plate.
See, Leo thought it was a joke, at first. A funny little prank Finn was playing on his new rookie roommate, tucking raunchy paperbacks into the bookshelf between Brontë and Dickens to make him blush. Har-dee-har-har, you got me, I’m such a prude.
Finn had not been joking.
And then it was endearing, like all the other Finn-isms of which he was so fond. It was just…such a silly hobby for an athlete—a former frat boy, no less!—to have in an environment like the NHL. It felt absurdly right that Finn, with his big smile and open heart, would unabashedly love books with oil-paint cover art of a lady fainting into the arms of a conveniently topless bodybuilder. Leo had tucked it into his heart and let it lie.
Finn retired.
Finn was utterly horrific at sitting still.
Finn started with Marie Adkins’ 1942 classic A Rogue for a Lady and ended with Eleanora Zimmerman’s yet-unpublished installment of Zoe Cross’ Cross-Continental Affairs: Volume III, officially clearing the romance collections of all three public libraries near them. His whoop of joy when Ms. Zimmerman answered his email inquiry with a PDF of her manuscript had startled Logan so bad he spilled coffee across the kitchen island and into his lap.
But reading—devouring—the books wasn’t enough. Finn’s systematic rip-through of every literary soap opera he could get his hands on came with an elaborate Goodreads account as well as a nightly debrief.
Leo fucking loved it. Listening to Finn parse out his opinions like an Ivy League lecturer quickly became the best part of his day, especially when the season wound down. It was permanence and consistency while his head whirled with thoughts of this one, just this one single last year and then I’ll really be done, this time for sure. Finn loved hockey like everything else: with no holds barred. He left it, and he was okay. More than okay—he was thriving.
But no hobby was without its faults.
So fucking stupid, Finn had muttered with a sharp shake of his head. I just can’t. It’s a disappointing plot and, worst of all, it’s poorly paced.
Leo and Logan had shared a look across their spaghetti. Finn could give no greater insult to books known for their overdramatic style than ‘poorly paced’.
Well, Logan had said, carefully, almost casually. We all know you’d write it better.
Damn right I would, was Finn’s forceful answer as he stabbed a noodle onto his fork.
Then do it.
Leo had to admit even now that he hadn’t expected that. Perhaps he should have, from Logan. There’s an issue? Solve it. His ‘no more running, no more bullshit’ oath when they were first starting latched into most things he did.
Finn had wavered about it for three days. Once (and only once) he nudged Leo awake at 7:30 in the morning, still sweaty from his run, to ask him if he thought publishing under his real name was a bad idea. He had been forced to mull that one over on his own when Leo banned him from post-shower, mid-coffee cuddles for the crime of dripping sweat onto his pillow.
Finn decided to start writing a book on a Thursday morning in the middle of March, bought a new notebook and a nice pen, and promptly didn’t write a word until his birthday in August.
I’m a failure, he had moaned into Leo’s chest, half-suffocated by the thick fabric of his hoodie. I’m so stupid.
No, baby, you’re not stupid, Leo had soothed. It was a little hard to breathe with the full weight of him splayed useless across Leo’s body, but that was nothing new.
I’ll never write a word. I’m cursed to keep reading forever and being mad about shitty romance with bad, boring characters. The 70s did it best.
Leo remembered sighing in sympathy. But they’re all straight.
But they’re all fucking straight! Finn had groaned. He didn’t move from his puddle of misery and writer’s block until Logan came home and knocked on the back of his head with a pack of pre-sharpened pencils and a cow-print composition book.
Goodreads reviews became graphite smudged on Finn’s hands and cheeks. Small spiral notebooks cropped up around the house, and eventually settled as Finn’s stalwart companions on his morning jogs. When the pencils wore down to nubs, he bought the crappiest pen Leo had ever seen in his life—when that ran dry, he bought another, and a third, and then all the notebooks grew into a teetering tower on Finn’s desk overnight.
A stapler followed, and red pens.
March rolled around again and the tapping of Finn’s laptop became a comforting ‘hello’ when Leo came home from practice. Finn didn’t talk about his book, but Leo didn’t mind. As long as Finn was happy, he could be patient, even if curiosity chewed at him day and night.
When do I get to read it? Leo had finally begged in the heat of June, turning over in bed four nights after his final NHL game. He was restless already and hardly sleeping. He needed something other than endings to occupy his mind.
Finn had smiled at him. The point of his nose pressed to Leo’s. I sent the manuscript out last week. The first copy is yours, Peanut.
Leo had kissed him for that most thoroughly.
“Hello, there.”
Leo smiled into a hidden freckle behind his ear and wrapped his arms around Finn’s chest, giving him a squeeze. “Hey.”
“This for me?”
“You sound surprised.”
“Yeah.” Finn’s head rested back on his shoulder. Leo took the weight happily. “But not really. Ugh, my eyes hurt.”
“Wear your glasses.”
“I wore them yesterday.”
“Didn’t realize they had a recharge time.”
“You know, plastic and glass can be really high-tech these days.”
Leo covered Finn’s eyes with one palm; his lashes fluttered and his chest shook with a laugh. “Glasses,” he insisted, dragging his hand up to Finn’s forehead to tilt his face all the way up and meet his gaze. “Keep this shit up and I’m not putting special sauce on your bagel sandwiches anymore.”
Finn’s soft doe eyes went bright. “What special sauce?”
Leo quirked a brow at him. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“C’mon, that’s not—”
“Glasses or I eat it and you never, ever get to try it.”
Finn gasped. “You’re starving me.”
“That’s exactly what I’m doing.”
“You’re just mad yours never turn out as good as mine.”
“It’s because you don’t heat the pan enough.”
“I do!” Finn protested, sitting up and turning sideways in his chair to face him. “I did everything right when you showed me. It doesn’t taste right.”
Leo shrugged. “You’re cursed. Sucks to suck.”
Finn groaned and thumped his forehead against Leo’s collarbone. The hair at the back of his head was soft when Leo scratched through it; the muscles of Finn’s neck relaxed on a slow exhale.
“Same or new?”
“New,” Finn mumbled.
Leo hummed. For three weeks, he had been waiting for Finn to scatter his attention to the handful of ideas that had been left in the void. He refused to send books to his publisher until he could read them aloud to his captive audience of two without turning five shades of red and blowing a frustrated raspberry at the draft. Many had not yet passed that test. “From your list?”
He nuzzled his nose into the top of Finn’s head. “ ‘S it about, then?”
“A prince.” Finn raised his head slightly. A kiss found the neckline of Leo’s shirt. “And a knight.” A second alit on his bicep, lingering long enough to feel his lips move. “And the sun.”
“That’s cheating,” Leo whispered through his smile. “You’re not supposed to write about us.”
“The New York Times bestseller list disagrees.” Finn lifted his head. His nose scrunched. Confidence rouged his cheeks, and Leo wasn’t a writer, but he’d pen poetry about that any time. “My self-imposed rules can wait. I have a good feeling about this one.”
“Yeah.” Finn raised his eyebrows and leaned close like he had a secret. The plate with his cooling sandwich chimed at a tap from his pen. “It’s funny. Something tells me they’re gonna end up together in the end.”
Leo looked at him for a long moment, then darted a kiss to the bridge of Finn's nose. "Are you putting porn in it?"
"Are you going to let me eat my bacon-egg-and-cheese with the special sauce that you made because you love me so much and you think I'm so cute and sexy?"
"Sunshine, I will write all the porn you want."
"Hmm." Leo let his eyes drift to the laptop screen (just a little peek, a tiny one, not even a real spoiler) but Finn's hand lowered it before he could catch more than a glimpse. He made a disgruntled noise and straightened. Foiled again. "Wear your glasses and I'll make you one tomorrow, too."
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pastlivesandpurplepuppets · 5 months ago
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Over the years I’ve attended several Easy Company reunions, and, despite their reticence to talk, the men have told me little things about Skip. These little things mean a great deal to our family. Don Malarkey said, “He was my best friend from day one at Toccoa.” Johnny Martin described him as “totally real—he protected and took care of all the men in his squad.” Les Hashey said simply, “We all loved him.” Pete Toye, the son of Joe Toye, told me that his father admired very few people, but my uncle was one of them. Burr Smith has passed away, but his daughter, Susan Smith Finn, showed me where her father had written in his journal, “[Skip] had a magnetic personality that just drew people to him.”
~ Eileen LaFleur O’Hara (Skip's niece)
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lumosinlove · 3 months ago
Pinterest refreshed so I lost the pin but it was “so how did you two meet?” And “funny story actually, we’ve met in every lifetime” and it feels very Finn Logan Leo
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olinblogin · 1 year ago
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ⁺   . ✦
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Dandy’s World
-Pressure (only like three characters I’ll write for💔)
-Cookie Run
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-slightly suggestive content (not full on nfsw)
-childhood romance (no suggestive stuff)
-teen romance (no suggestive stuff)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-polycules/polyamory (multiple characters x reader)
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
- major nsfw
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rm
- extreme Yandere stuff (r@pe, cannibalism, etc)
- Viktor
- Jayce Talis
- Vi
- Jinx
- Sevika
- Caitlyn Kiraaman
- Mel Medarda
- Ambessa Medarda
- Salo
- Lest
- Vander
- Silco
- Ekko
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Pigsy (mostly platonic)
-Sandy (mostly platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (mostly platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
Dandy’s World
- Dandy
- Astro
- Vee
- Shelly
- Sprout
- Pebble (platonic)
- Glisten
- Flutter (platonic)
- Toodles (platonic)
- Rodger
- Teagan
- Brightney
- Scraps
- Goob
- Boxten
- Poppy
- Finn
- Razzle & Dazzle (can be semi-poly)
- Shrimpo
- Hollyberry Cookie
- Dark Cacao Cookie
- White Lily Cookie
- Golden Cheese Cookie
- Pure Vanilla Cookie
- Pitaya Dragon Cookie
- Burning Spice Cookie
- Shadow Milk Cookie
- Wind Archer Cookie
- Moonlight Cookie
- Sea Fairy Cookie
- Black Pearl Cookie
- Frost Queen Cookie
- Stormbringer Cookie
- Elder Faerie Cookie
- Crimson Coral Cookie
- Shining Glitter Cookie
- Stardust Cookie
- Clotted Cream Cookie
- Nutmeg Tiger Cookie
- Street Urchin Cookie
- Rebel Cookie
- Mozzarella Cookie
- Burnt Cheese Cookie
- Smoked Cheese Cookie
- Captain Caviar Cookie
- Financier Cookie
- Crunchy Chip Cookie
- Wildberry Cookie
- Affogato Cookie
- Tea Knight Cookie
- Lilac Cookie
- Red Velvet Cookie
- Almond Cookie
- Black Raisin Cookie
- Latte Cookie
- Kumiho Cookie
- Milk Cookie
- Werewolf Cookie
- Vampire Cookie
(There’s just a lot)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ⁺   . ✦
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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mymoonss · 4 months ago
every time i see will smith and macklin celebrini all i can think about is finn o’hara and logan tremblay…
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iluvchick3nz · 29 days ago
i needdddd more teacher finn!!!! like him talking to his students about his hockey husbands 🫠🫠
Happy V-Day to all who celebrate! Have some Fish-reflections on young love while he falls in love more and more each day. :)
Love your prompts, keep them coming! I've got almost all of them written. :)
All credits to @lumosinlove <3
“Okay,” Finn said with a sigh. He fell back into his chair and looked at his students. “Time's up. Pencils down.”
There was a light clatter as they all dropped their writing implements, a few rubbing their foreheads against the inevitable headache. Finn smiled at them and clapped his hands once.
“Well done. I'll give you an MCQ packet for the break, and don't forget your Pride and Prejudice essays that are due the week we get back, on the Friday. I want your drafts by the Monday, please, for feedback.” He stood. “This AP test doesn't know what's coming.”
There was a light chatter as they all stood up to hand in their practice FRQ exams and took the packet Finn handed them. They looked tired and worn out, but they were ready. They always were- Finn made sure of it. 
“What did you think?” one of his students, Robbie, asked his classmate, Marianne.
She looked at him over her round glasses. They suited her. “We can't talk about it, you know that, Robert.”
Finn hid his smile behind a packet. She never called him by his nickname. He heard Robbie sigh and looked up to find him watching her longingly as she and her bouncy curls left the room with her friend, Claire, throwing a thank you! over their shoulders. Robbie sighed again and turned towards his backpack, catching Finn’s eye. He blushed. Finn raised his eyebrows at him.
“You okay there, Robbie?”
He nodded, but his smile was forced. “Yeah. Got a basketball tournament over break down in South Carolina. Pretty excited.”
“Well,” Finn said, standing to approach him at his desk. “You’re doing really well. You're still on track to be top of your class.”
Robbie shook his head. “I don't think so. Marianne has a higher GPA. Her entire life is academics, and the school newspaper, and the cello.” He counted each one off on his fingers. “I might get salutatorian, though.”
Finn bit the inside of his cheek in amusement. “Well, she's an honorable competitor to lose to.”
Robbie let out a wistful, airy chuckle. “Yeah. She is.” He paused and looked at Finn quizzically. “Mr. O’Hara, I have a question.”
Finn tried to hide his surprise. “Shoot.”
Robbie was chewing his lip nervously. “Did people ever,” he started. “I don't know, not take your academic achievements seriously, just because you were good at sports?”
Finn tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
Robbie huffed. “It's just- sometimes people ask me why I even bother with school, you know? When I've got a scholarship to play basketball in college and everything. Especially stuff like English. They don't understand.”
“Well,” Finn said, resting his hands on the desk. “You can always just enjoy school. That's not their business. My teammates teased me all the time, but I found a purpose in retirement outside of hockey, you know?” He glanced at the shelf of books he kept at the back of the room. He let students check them out, and they were filled with his own annotations. Some of them even had Leo’s, from all the times he'd read and reread Finn’s books from college. Finn smiled. “And even if I hadn't made it to the NHL, academics gave me something else that I would've been happy doing.”
Robbie’s eyebrows shot up. “You would've still been an English teacher?”
Finn nodded, smiling widely. “Oh, I absolutely would've. But I'm grateful I played hockey. Met my husbands.”
Robbie considered this for a moment. “And do you think that you and your husbands would've still gotten together, even if you hadn't played hockey?” At Finn’s silence, Robbie’s eyes widened. He spoke nervously. “I'm really sorry, you're not supposed to ask a teacher that.”
Finn laughed. “No, it's okay.” He thought for a moment. In his head he could imagine him and Leo running into one another in a bookstore, both reaching for the same trashy romance novels they read when they were really tired. “They definitely would have. Leo loves to read as much as I do, we would've gotten along really well. And Logan…” He paused again. He could picture Logan’s green eyes and smile so vividly. “Well, he'd be hard to get rid of in any lifetime. He's pretty stubborn. And he likes to be read to.” 
Robbie chuckled, shouldering his backpack. “Well, he fights on the ice like he's stubborn, so I'm not surprised.”
Finn grinned, then blinked hard, eyes going to his watch. “Speaking off, I've got to get going soon. Gotta catch my husbands before warm-ups tonight.” He clapped Robbie on the shoulder. “Have a good break, bud.”
Robbie smiled. “You, too, Mr. O'Hara.”
Finn watched him walk out of the room. Just as he stepped through the doorway, Marianne approached him. She was rubbing her arm nervously and talking a mile a minute. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes wide, but Robbie’s smile was so big that it seemed to relax her shoulders slightly. She swung her backpack around onto one arm, reaching inside to pull out Pride and Prejudice, sticky notes sticking out of the top. Marianne pointed to something on the page and continued talking. It was obvious that she wanted Robbie to follow along, but all he could do was stare at her, a small smile on his face. When she realized this, she paused, blushing, and fidgeted with the corners of the pages nervously. Robbie said something gently and gestured towards the library, which was at the end of the hall and open until late in the afternoon. Marianne nodded and they walked off together. Finn smiled at their retreating forms.
“Mr. O'Hara?”
Finn jumped slightly. He turned to find another student, Daniel, standing by Finn’s desk nervously. Finn eased his shoulders and smiled. “Hey, man. What's up?”
Daniel blushed. “I was wondering if I could get an extension on the essay,” he said, his Austrian accent thick with nerves.
Finn tilted his head. “Daniel, I can only do that so much for you. You're taking an AP class.”
His face flushed even more. “I know, it's just- the English is harder than what I was expecting. I'm struggling to analyze it.”
Finn sighed. He crossed his arms and leaned his hip against his desk. “Tell you what. I have an idea, okay? And if it doesn't work, I'll give you an extension, but I want you to try. The exam is in three weeks.”
Daniel nodded eagerly. “Okay.”
Finn reached for a photo frame on his desk. It was of him and Logan and Leo on the Harvard campus at sunset. They'd gone for a visit to see a football game and to go to the library, where Finn had led them both to a dark corner and kissed them breathless. Finn smiled at the memory. He turned the frame for Daniel to see. 
“My husband, Logan. The shorter one,” he said. “He's from Quebec, so English is his second language.” He looked up to find Daniel staring hard at the photo. “I used to read to him in college to help him understand the hard texts. He found it easier, sometimes, to hear the words and talk about them with someone.”
Daniel nodded. “That's nice.” He looked at Finn. “But what do I do?”
Finn smiled at him. “What if you got Jesse to read to you? He's doing great in AP Lang, and he's an incredible writer. He took my class last year when he was a junior.”
Daniel blushed even harder, stark against his golden hair. Finn had suspected for a long time that he and Jesse liked each other, even if they didn't know it. When Daniel had moved their sophomore year from Austria, Jesse had taken right to him, inviting him to join the tennis team and always being an ear to listen, even when Daniel struggled to find the words. Finn felt his heart ache a little for them. He wanted to give them a push in the right direction, but he more than anyone knew that these things took time. So he settled for looking at Daniel's unsure face over his glasses. 
“I think you should try it, Daniel. He's a good friend, he'd be happy to help. He can read you passages, talk them out with you, read your essay back to you.”
Daniel nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, he's a good friend.” He adjusted his bag on his shoulder, taking one last look at the photo in Finn's hands. “Thank you, Mr. O'Hara. I will try it, and let you know if I still need an extension.”
Finn grinned widely. “Sounds good.” He jerked his head towards the door. “Now get outta here. I gotta go watch my husbands play some stick and puck.”
Daniel nodded with a shy smile, saying a quiet goodbye before walking out of the room in that slightly nervous way he always did. Finn laughed softly. It seemed like years ago he watched Logan carry himself the same way, guarded against a language he wasn't totally confident in. Not anymore, though. Now he could take Finn and Leo apart in two languages, whispered in their ear in the early morning or gasped in their bedroom late at night. Or both. Even watching him yell on the ice got Finn all toasty. 
Finn sighed wistfully, taking another look at the picture in his hands. He turned, placing it in its rightful place on his desk alongside all the others. There were loads of pictures spread all around his desk area, even hung up on the wall behind him. Some were of him and his Lions or Harvard teammates, some with his family. Most, however, were of him and Finn and Leo, or some combination thereof, all wrapped up in one another and smiling in every frame. Finn hadn't known that delirious happiness could be so long lasting, but he was now falling more in love each and every day and living a more blissful life than he could have imagined. True happiness, he supposed, was one of those feelings that was almost unshakeable. 
Finn checked his watch one more time and hissed through his teeth. He grabbed the grading he'd need to do over the weekend and his bag, rushing to lock his classroom door and jog down the stairs. He waved to the secretary, Mx. Tulane, on the way out and searched frantically for his keys. Logan would've laughed at him, and Leo would've gently scolded him for never putting them in the same place, and all Finn could think about was blue eyes and dark brown hair and the greatest love he'd ever known. He was desperate for some good luck kisses.
An hour later saw him slightly out of breath and flashing his pass to the stadium security guards, jogging to where he knew his husbands would both be. He was correct, and found them on their pre-game loop around the back halls of the stadium. Logan had used to warm up on the bikes, but ever since returning to Gryffindor he joined Leo in his and Finn's old warm-up.
I don't want soleil to be warming up alone anymore, he'd said. And I've spent too much time away from you both to do it anymore than I have to now. Plus, then you always know where to find us to kiss us before the game.
Indeed, Finn had known where to find them. They were running ahead of him, both in their spandex and some shorts. They were talking happily, and Leo said something that made Logan shove him playfully. Leo just laughed. It sounded like sunshine.
Finn couldn't contain his excitement anymore and ran forward. At the last second, Logan heard his footsteps and turned, eyes widening in delight. He slowed down, expecting Finn to stop, but Finn just kept running. He bent down and wrapped his arms securely around Logan's waist, picking him up and jogging a few steps before halting and squeezing him tightly. Logan was laughing freely, more freely than he did with anyone else, as Leo slowed down, too, with a smile on his face.
“Hey, teach,” Leo said. He looked Finn up and down. “You look hot.”
“Hi, butter baby,” Finn said. “And my Lolo.”
Logan wriggled around in protest, but Finn just held him tighter and kissed his cheek a few times. Logan was still laughing and turned his head to cup Finn's jaw, bringing him into a proper kiss. Finn sighed against his mouth contentedly, setting him down on the ground so he could hold Logan's face firmly with both hands. Logan's fingers were all in his hair and tugging at the strands. Finn felt a bit dizzy.
A warm presence made its way to their sides. “Do I not get a treat, too?”
“Mm,” Finn hummed against Logan’s mouth. “One sec.” He pressed a last firm kiss to Logan's mouth before pulling back with a smile. “Hi, Lo, baby.”
Logan's mouth was red. “Salut.”
Finn kissed his cheek before turning to Leo, grabbing his hips and pulling him flush. “And how's my sunshine?”
“Good,” Leo said. He smiled into Finn's first kiss. “Better, now that I'm with both of you.”
Finn just kissed him deeper. He clutched one arm around Leo's waist and one at the back of his neck, using this leverage to dip him suddenly. Leo gasped against his mouth, grabbing at Finn's shoulders. Finn loved to do this to the both of them, to take them by surprise and romance them, no matter how cheesy they thought him to be. He loved the feeling of their bodies and skin beneath his hands. He didn't think he'd ever tire of it.
After a long moment, Finn broke their kiss, staring down at Leo's flushed face and hair that seemed like it was floating towards the floor. Leo was smiling exasperatedly and lovingly at him. “You sure know how to sweep boys off their feet, huh, O'Hara?”
Finn kissed his forehead. “I've had lots of practice.” He helped Leo stand and opened his arm for Logan to join them. “How are we feeling, lovers?”
Logan kissed his jaw. “Ready. Right, Le?”
Leo traced a finger down Logan’s jaw and leaned down to kiss him lightly. “So ready. Colorado doesn't know what's coming for them.”
Logan leaned into the touch. Finn watched them love each other and smiled. He drew them closer to his body. “I missed you today.” He rested his head on top of Logan's. “I thought of you.”
Leo kissed his forehead. “Oh yeah?”
Finn nodded. “Robbie was nervous about being an academic and an athlete. I think he has a crush on Marianne, who's the smartest girl in school. She's not an athlete.”
“What'd you tell him?” Logan asked. 
Finn closed his eyes and swayed into the warmth of their bodies. “That I have husbands who like to read or be read to, and even if I hadn't played hockey and had chosen to just go into teaching, they would've loved me regardless.” He paused, then snorted lightly. “Oh, and Jesse and Daniel are totally crushing on each other. Jesse is going to help him with the hard English.” Finn could feel Logan’s smile against his shoulder.
“Mm,” Leo said into Finn's hair. “You mean we could've had a sexy English teacher from the beginning?”
Finn squeezed his hip. “Hey, you loved when I played hockey. I was a very sexy seventeen.”
“Ouais, you were,” Logan laughed. “The sexiest seventeen.” He kissed Finn's shoulder and Leo's chest. “Allez, we need to finish our warm-up.”
“Go on,” Finn said. He kissed them both hard once more each and patted their butts firmly. “I love you, good luck, I love you, you'll be amazing, I love you. Have I mentioned that I love you?”
Leo kissed his forehead and ran away. When he was far enough down the hallway, he turned to jog backwards. “I love you!” he shouted, eyes twinkling. “C'mon, Lo, I'll race you back!”
Logan pressed a fleeting kiss to Finn's cheek. “Je t'aime,” he said, then he was off and chasing after Leo. Leo's smile was bright and toothy, Logan yelling at him in French and him responding in kind, both of them laughing hard. 
Finn couldn't help the fond feeling that arose in his chest as he watched them run away. He missed them with every step they took, but no matter- they'd be back in his arms in a couple of hours, ready to go home and read a book before bed. Finn bit his lip around a grin and turned to go to the family box.
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alizibtheterrible · 1 year ago
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(adding them to The Collective™️ simply because I can, more info under the cut)
Ebb (the oldest): Ebb is the biggest and the oldest. Her tusks and hair have already started to grow in and are more prominent than her siblings. She’s very calm and likes to sleep. She also enjoys eating anything in sight… Ebb really doesn’t have a preference to any person in particular. She does tend to stay around Finn and Quinn more however.
Flash (second oldest): The only brother of the group. He’s a gremlin. He throws his weight around, especially with O’Hara, and occasionally gets put in his place. He’s the fastest which earned him the name of “Flash.” He dislikes being pet but regularly makes exceptions for Kaida, who he favors. He mimics Kaida’s behavior, even going so far to butt Jenna’s leg sometimes (bro really thinks he’s badass)
Huracan (Second youngest): Huracan is incredibly curious and agile. She regularly gets stuck at the top of cabinets, an occurrence that baffles everyone. Huracan will accept pets from everyone, she does not discriminate. She likes to be around Sparky, since he’s kind of the unofficial mediator for the piglets. Huracan also likes to be around Noah, Tessa, and Fynn since they’re more likely to give her food.
O’Hara (youngest): The runt of the litter. Being the smallest, her tusks have barely grown in. She and Flash wrestle a lot, but she loses most of the time (jokes on him, she ends up being bigger than he is). She’s fairly shy and prefers to be around her mother than humans. O’Hara has a fondness for Ethan though (youngest sibling bonding fr).
@rainofthetwilight @sharksandjays @weekend-whip @finn-m-corvex @officercooks @taddymason
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deathmetalangel · 1 year ago
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this includes every character i write for and a link to their current personal master lists if i have works out for them (warnings may vary and minors dni)
this is in no particular order of character btw but my favorites will have a neat little asterisk
refer to what i don’t and do write in my separate post. also this is constantly being updated so don’t mind it much. you can always request a character if it’s not listed there’s no harm in asking :)
- marceline*
- princess bubblegum
- marshal lee*
- finn
- fiona
- esdeath*
- tatsumi
- akame
- kurome
- tate langdon*
- violet harmon
- kyle spencer
- nora montgomery
- moira o’hara
- bloodhound (no smut)
- wraith
- wattson
- octane
- loba
- revenant
- lifeline
- valkyrie
- crypto
- jake sulley*
- neytiri
- kiri
- neteyam*
- lo’ak
- aonung
- tsireya
- prince zuko*
- princess azula*
- sokka*
- katara
- aang
- suki
- yue
- ty lee
- mai
- judd birch*
- val bilzerian*
- connie
- mona
- izuku midoriya
- keigo takami
- touya todoroki
- shoto todoroki
- katsuki bakugo
- himeko toga
- tomura shigaraki
- tamaki amajiki
- simon ‘ghost’ riley
- john ‘soap’ mctavish
- könig
- valeria garza*
- alejandro vargas*
- robby keene
- miguel diaz*
- johnny lawrence
- daniel larusso
- tory nichols
- eli ‘hawk’ moskowitz*
- demetri alexopoulos
- zero two
- hiro
- mitsuru*
- ichigo
- misa amane
- light yagami
- l
- tanjiro kamado*
- nezuko kamado
- kyojuro rengoku*
- giyu tomioka*
- shinobu kocho
- sanemi shinazugawa*
- genya shinazugawa*
- zenitsu agatsuma
- inosuke hasibira*
- muichiro tokito
- mitsuri kanroji
- iguro obanai*
- tengen uzui
- alastor* (i fully respect his asexuality so no smut :3 since he’s not canon aro i still write for him)
- angel dust
- charlie morningstar
- vaggie
- loona
- millie
- moxxie
- verosika mayday
- stolas goetia
- barbie wire
- striker
- octavia goetia
- adam*
- lute
- lucifer morningstar*
- rosie
- the vees
- max dennison
- thackery binx
- sarah sanderson
- peter parker
- wanda maximoff
- pietro maximoff*
- tony stark
- natasha romanoff
- k'uk'ulkan*
- killmonger*
- miguel o’hara*
- ray*
- fuckshit
- fourth grade*
- ruben (no smut)
- stevie (no smut)
- jesse white
- sarah fox
- ethan morgan
- benny weir*
- rory keener
- erica jones
- naruto uzumaki
- sasuke uchiha*
- sakura haruno
- minato namikaze
- hinata hyuga
- neji hyuga
- itachi uchiha*
- shisui uchiha*
- kakashi hatake*
- haku yuki
- pain*
- konan
- sasori
- deidara
- arthur morgan*
- sadie adler
- dutch van der lide
- mary linton*
- john marston
- lenny summers
- javier escuella
- mary-beth gaskill
- ethan landry*
- billy loomis
- stu macher
- sydney prescott
- tatum riley
- alex*
- harvey
- haley*
- sam
- abigail
- emily
- shane
- sebastian
- elliott
- maru
- penny
- leah
- din djarin*
- anakin skywalker*
- padme amidala*
- poe dameron
- luke skywalker
- leia skywalker
- ahsoka tano*
- han solo
- bo katan kreze
- charlie conway*
- adam banks*
- guy germaine
- dean portman
- julie gaffney
- connie moreau
- luis mendoza
- conrad fisher*
- steven conklin*
- jeremiah fisher
- belly conklin*
- taylor jewel
- alice cullen
- jasper hale*
- rosalie hale
- edward cullen
- jacob black*
- paul lahote
- leah clearwater
- seth clearwater*
- bella swan
- alec volturi*
- jane volturi
- victoria
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