#Financial and Investment Analysts careers
gwopmaker · 2 years
Best Jobs in Finance
Best Jobs in Finance
Where are the best jobs in Finance? The map below shows us that the typical stereotype of Financial professionals coming from the big city is probably not a stereotype at all. Based on the data, your chances of landing a job in finance in of the following states is much higher than if you go to a state like North Dakota. However, you may want to keep in mind that the competition is higher in…
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accesesame · 2 years
Best Jobs in Finance
Best Jobs in Finance
Where are the best jobs in Finance? The map below shows us that the typical stereotype of Financial professionals coming from the big city is probably not a stereotype at all. Based on the data, your chances of landing a job in finance in of the following states is much higher than if you go to a state like North Dakota. However, you may want to keep in mind that the competition is higher in…
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astrocafecoffee · 1 month
💫Your future spouse's career based on your Juno persona chart 💫
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✨ For entertainment purposes only. Enjoy.✨
🌜what to check?
- just check your Industria (389) asteroid in your Juno persona chart.Find out in which house it falls in!!
Why this asteroid?
- Juno persona chart tells about your future spouse and Industria(389) asteroid is a long term career related asteroid. So this asteroid in your juno persona chart can give a insight about your future spouse's career.
Leshh go!
🌆 Industria in 1st house of JPC : 1st house represent one's identity, personality and how they present themselves to the world.This asteroid in 1st house suggests that their career may be tied to their personal identity and innovative spirit. Now some possible career of your fs-
*Entrepreneurial scientist - they may excel in entrepreneurial pursuits within the scientific community. They may innovate new technologies, products that have a significant impact in their field.
* Industry leader - they maybe known for their innovative idea and proactive attitude to their work. They can easily be a leader of their respective industry.
* visionary consultant - they may excel in their field as a respectful advisor, who offers solutions to businesses or individuals seeking guidance.
* Creative director- career in creative leadership such as creative director in advising, film, fashion, or design.
* makeup artist
* Model
* engeneering
* design/ work in media.
🌆 Industria in 2nd house of JPC : Their career may be closely related to their values resources, managing or utilising assets and their sense of stability. Some possible career of your fs -
* wealth management specialist - they helps individuals or organizations maximize their financial resources and investments through innovative and strategic approach.
* Creative Financial analyst - specialised in creative or innovative analysis methods.
* Financial innovator- innovates new financial products, services or strategies.
* asset manager
* Entrepreneurial investor
* can sing well
* accountant
🌆 Industria in 3rd house of JPC : 3rd house represents one's communication style, mental persuits, and interaction within immediate environment. When this asteroid in your 3rd house this can indicate that your fs may excel in the career of innovative communication methods or technologies. Some possible career of your fs -
* They may into journalism, media, broadcasting, or public relations where someone uses their creative ideas.
* technology writer/ blogger: their career path may involve writing / blogging about technologies or industry trends or sharing their ideas with wide audience.
* Workshop/ educational outreach programs.
* small business owner
* excel in troubleshooting skills, problem solving abilities, explaining complex concepts in simple terms.
🌆 Industria in 4th house of JPC : their career tied to their home , family roots, and emotional well-being.some possible career of your fs -
* career in real estate - specialize in designing sustainable, eco friendly, or technologically advanced buildings.
* e- commerce, consulting, freelance work.
* Family councillor or therapist - they may help individuals and families navigate challenges, fostering harmony and growth within te hone environment.
* interior designer
* Home renovation specialist
* Family owned business owner.
* childcare provider
🌆 Industria in 5th house of JPC : 5th house is associated with creativity,joy, children and hobbies. It governs one's individual approach to work, self expression and personal fulfillment. So your fs career strongly related to this area of life. Possible careers -
* creative artist/ entertainer - Excels in creative profession like music , theater , film, writing etc.
* event planer- organizing wedding, festivals or social gathering.
* teacher/ coach - inspiring or guiding others in academic subject/ sports.
* youth councillor - natural affinity to work with young people and helping them to discover their talents.
* atrs nd crafts business owner.
* fitness instructor
* dance teacher
* entertainment industry professional.
🌆 Industria in 6th house of JPC : 6th house is associated with employment, daily task, health and service to others. So possible career of your fs -
* health care professionals - career related to healthcare, nursing, doctor, medicine, and pharmacy.
* nutritionist/ dietician - helping others to improve their dietary habits , manage health condition.
* fitness trainer/ coach - motivates others to adopt healthy lifestyle.
* administrative professional - may indicate talent for efficiency, attention to detail, making career in administrative or office management appealing.
* environmental scientist
* social worker
* reasearch assistant
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🌆 Industria in 7th house of JPC : 7th house is related to marriage, buisness partnership, legal matters, and one-on-one interactions. Possible career domains of your fs-
*legal professional - career related as mediators, legal consultant, specialization in areas such as contrat law , family law or dispute resolution.
* business consultant - expertise in the area of strategy, negotiation, and partnership development.
* marriage and family therapist - helping couples navigate challenges, improve communication and strengthen their bonds through therapy or councilling sessions.
* international business manager
* foreign affair specialist
* event coordinator
*public relation specialist
* human resources manager
🌆 Industria in 8th house of JPC : 8th house is associated with themes such as mysteries, psychology, healing, emotional connection. So possible careers of your fs -
* psychologist/ psychotherapist - your fs may excel in trauma therapy, helping others to navigate profound emotional experiences , uncover hidden truth.
* forensic investigator/ crime analyst- they may be focused on uncovering hidden truths and solving mysteries.
*massage therapist - specialize in modalities such as deep tissue massage, craniosacral therapy or helping clients release emotional/ physical tension through healing.
* reasearch scientist - may excel in fields such as psychology, quantum physics, or consciousness studies.
* occultist - astrologer, tarot reader, or spiritual councillors.
* healer/ energy worker
* heal others through their respective fields. Can be. Singer too .
🌆 Industria in 9th house of JPC: 9th house is associated with themes such as higher learning, expansion of horizons , seeking truth, broadening one's perspective through travel/ exploration. Possible careers of your fs -
* international relations specialist - involve promoting international cooperation, resolving conflicts, forming mutual understanding between nations and cultures.
* spiritual teacher/ guru- your fs may pursue careers as spiritual teachers, gurus, mentors, guiding others on their spiritual journey.
* tour guide
* philosopher
* religious leader - may pursue careers as priests, ministers, guiding and supporting communities in matters of faith and spiritual growth.
* global NGO worker
* foreign language teacher
🌆 Industria in 10th house of JPC: 10th house is associated with themes such as career aspirations, social status, reputation, and professional achievements. This asteroid influences the individual's approach to career, public image, authority, ambition. So possible careers of your fs -
* media personality/ influencer - television hosts , journalist, bloggers, social media influencer , reaching a wide audience.
* creative director/ artist - artist, designer, performers.
* startup founder, business owner, or self employed professionals.
* legal professional/ lawyer
* educational administrator
🌆 Industria in 11th house of JPC: when your industria asteroid in this house your fs may excel in the career of social network, group affiliation, humanitarian causes, collaboration etc. So possible careers of your fs -
* social entrepreneur - creates innovative solutions to adress social challenges.
* Tech entrepreneur, start-up founder.
* content creator - social media influencers, bloggers, using their platforms to inspire/ educate peoples.
* environment activist
* advocate
* community organizer
* designing educational platforms , or promoting digital literacy.
🌆 Industria in 12th house of JPC: 12th house is often associated with hidden strengths, spirituality, and working behind the scenes. So possible careers of your fs -
* they might work in reserch and development, data analysis or logistical planning behind the scenes.
* astro- spiritual researcher
* music industry
* astrologer
*song writer.
* mystical or spiritual advisor.
* environmental conservationist.
⚡ Note : these are only some possibilities of careers of your fs. And guys check the degrees to , it's like cheery on top 💌
🌜Don't forget to check my other observations too 👀
That's it guys , see you soon 💝
- piko 💖
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obsidian-pages777 · 23 days
Pick a Card: Career Guidance
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Top Left to Right--> Pile 1, Pile 2
Bottom Left to Right--> Pile 3. Pile 4
Pile 1
Current Situation: The Chariot
You are determined and focused on your career goals, moving forward with purpose and direction. There's a sense of control and determination driving your actions.
Challenges: Five of Wands
You may be facing competition or conflict in your workplace. There could be differing opinions and struggles that make it hard to progress smoothly.
Advice: Strength
Rely on your inner strength and patience to navigate through challenges. Maintain self-control and approach conflicts with compassion and understanding. Your resilience will lead you to success.
Ideal Careers:
Leadership Roles: Positions such as a manager, director, or CEO, where determination and leadership are crucial.
Entrepreneur: Running your own business where you can harness your drive and overcome competition.
Project Management: Roles that require strong organizational skills and the ability to navigate conflicts and challenges.
Military or Law Enforcement: Careers that require discipline, determination, and the ability to handle conflict and stress.
Athletics or Coaching: Where physical and mental strength, as well as resilience, are important.
Pile 2
Current Situation: The Hierophant
Your career path is currently influenced by traditional structures and conventional methods. You may be working within an established system or organization.
Challenges: Seven of Cups
There may be confusion or too many options available, making it difficult to choose the right path. Avoid getting lost in illusions or wishful thinking.
Advice: The Hermit
Take time for introspection and seek inner guidance. Reflect on your true goals and values before making decisions. Solitude and self-reflection will provide clarity.
Ideal Careers:
Education: Teacher, professor, or academic advisor, where traditional knowledge and guidance are valued.
Religious or Spiritual Leader: Priest, minister, or spiritual counselor, providing guidance within established belief systems.
Legal Profession: Lawyer, judge, or paralegal, working within the structures of the legal system.
Research and Academia: Careers that involve deep study and reflection, such as a researcher or academic.
Counseling or Therapy: Roles that require introspection and helping others find clarity, such as a therapist or counselor.
Pile 3
Current Situation: Ace of Pentacles
A new opportunity or beginning in your career is emerging. This could be a job offer, a new project, or a chance to start something new with strong potential for growth.
Challenges: The Devil
Be wary of falling into negative patterns or becoming too attached to material success. Avoid temptations that could lead to unethical behavior or burnout.
Advice: Page of Swords
Approach new opportunities with curiosity and a willingness to learn. Stay vigilant and gather information before making decisions. Be clear and honest in your communication.
Ideal Careers:
Finance: Banker, financial advisor, or investment analyst, where new opportunities for growth are abundant.
Real Estate: Real estate agent or property manager, involving new ventures and potential for substantial growth.
Technology: IT specialist, software developer, or tech entrepreneur, where continuous learning and vigilance are key.
Journalism: Reporter, editor, or content creator, focusing on gathering and disseminating information.
Consulting: Business consultant or analyst, providing strategic advice and insights to businesses.
Pile 4
Current Situation: Three of Cups
Collaboration and teamwork are currently significant in your career. You may be part of a supportive group or network, enjoying camaraderie and shared goals.
Challenges: Four of Pentacles
There could be a tendency to hold on too tightly to security or resources, leading to stagnation. Fear of change or loss may be preventing growth.
Advice: The Star
Stay hopeful and keep a positive outlook. Trust in the universe and your vision for the future. This is a time for healing, inspiration, and aligning with your true purpose.
Ideal Careers:
Event Planning: Event coordinator or wedding planner, where collaboration and teamwork are essential.
Human Resources: HR manager or recruiter, fostering a positive and collaborative workplace environment.
Creative Arts: Artist, musician, or performer, involving collaboration and shared creative goals.
Non-Profit or Community Work: Community organizer, social worker, or NGO worker, focusing on collective well-being and humanitarian goals.
Healthcare: Nurse, doctor, or therapist, providing care and support with a focus on healing and hope.
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alienpossession · 3 months
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"Ohhh fuck bro, yeah, get inside of me," said the newly promoted investment banking analyst as he let his small intergalactic friend slipped right back in through his anus after blowing his cock. Cristobal entered UPenn through scholarship as a talented soccer player, so no one expected him to not only ace his college soccer career, but also graduating in the upper rung of his Finance degree. Not like it's very hard or anything, but Cristobal, or Chris in its anglicized version, is never known to be a rather bright student. Even his GPA in the first two semester were not stellar or anything. Of course he didn't disclose the fact that a small-yet-brilliant, intergalactic being with light-years ahead computational abilities and civilization beyond human comprehension slid into him during one of his away game. That little bundle of brilliance turned around Cristobal's fate as it cohabited with the handsome Latino stud, and life went so much smoother for the suddenly very studious Cristobal.
And with every milestones they achieved together, as a way to show his gratitude, Cristobal would feed his little partner with his blissfully tangy and creamy spunk that looked like the elixir of the deities in the creature's folktale. A double promotion is certainly worthy of copious amount of cum, that's why Cristobal already planned an explosive night where he will have a threesome with one of the Assistant Vice President (in IB, AVP is like, middle management, nothing really high or anything but still a rather powerful position) and his wife. Well, it's a dinner for starter, but the little fella already aimed at the hunky DILF ever since Cristobal seen him changing clothes in his office after his morning workout on the ground floor's gym and also the encounter during bathroom break where the AVP gingerly smiled at Cristobal as they make eye contact while he stuffed his definitely fat cock into his suit pants after pissing in the urinoir
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He's going to make the move tonight and put that hunk and his wife under its alien mate control, sharing the blissful devotion to serve the brilliant intergalactic being
If the AVP already under its control, maybe the little creature can spread across the AVP rank and then proceed to climb higher within his influential investment banking leadership to see how much control it can exercise not only over the company, but to the global financial landscape as it sees fit. After all, it's been a rather lonely few years for the little creature, maybe its time to call some of its friends to Earth and reap some more bliss in life from the oblivious human.
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Uber's still not profitable
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Uber just released its Q2 numbers for 2022 and trumpeted that it had finally achieved cash-flow positivity — and it only took 13 years and $32 billion in losses! So has Uber finally turned a corner? Will the company finally attain profitability and repay those billions?
The best analyst of Uber’s financial disclosures — as always — is Hubert Horan, a transport analyst who has made a second career out of debullshitifying Uber’s balance-sheet deceptions, proving that the company is a bezzle (“the magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it”).
Every bezzle ends. Uber’s days are, therefore, numbered. But Uber is a bezzle, and so long as new suckers can be found to buy up the company’s stock, its existing investors can cash out and run for the hills in advance of the collapse. Uber management devotes substantial energy to polishing turds, bringing a deceptive gleam to each quarter’s results to lure in new money.
Last quarter, Uber trumpeted its first profitable quarter.
They lied.
In February, Horan did an especially fantastic job dissecting Uber’s lies revealing the accounting tricks behind Uber’s Q1 profitability. The main trick was this: Uber had been forced to sell off unprofitable overseas divisions in China, Russia and Southeast Asia. The company had spent billions trying to enter these markets…and failed.
The buyers for these divisions paid back a fraction of Uber’s squanderings. Worse, the buyers — Uber copycats that were also losing money — didn’t pay Uber in cash. Rather, they paid in their illiquid, doomed stock, which they had assigned sky-high valuations to, borrowing a leaf from Uber’s own ledger-books.
So Uber sold off unprofitable divisions, writing off billions. It swapped these divisions for junk shares in doomed companies whose own accounts were works of absolute fiction. It claimed those junk shares were worth vast fortunes, called them an “investment,” and declared that it had turned a profit. That was the secret to Uber’s Q1/22 profits.
Even if you accept Uber’s bizarre valuations of these companies, this maneuver should not send you out to buy Uber stock. After all, if the only way Uber can turn a profit is to sell off overseas divisions and exit major markets, the company won’t be “profitable” for very long. Claiming to have turned a profit by selling off a third of the company is like claiming to have saved yourself from starvation by eating both your legs. What are you going to eat tomorrow?
Which takes us neatly to Q2–2022 (and H1–2022), where, once again, Uber is claiming to have attained profitability. How have they managed this incredible trick? Is the company finally going to deliver on its $32b promise of losing money on every ride but making it up in volume?
Horan’s latest analysis lays bare the latest bag of accounting tricks deployed by the company, summed up in a single line: “Uber has completely abandoned its original, failed corporate strategy, and has reverted to a lousier version of what traditional taxis had been doing for years.”
Anyone who’s taken an Uber since the lockdowns lifted knows that the company’s prices have skyrocketed. What you may not know (unless you drive for Uber) is that the company has also slashed driver pay over that same period — over the past year, Uber’s share of each fare climbed from 18% to 28%, a 66% increase in the shareholders’ claim over the fruits of Uber drivers’ labor.
This is a big deal! In Q2 alone, Uber transferred $2.8b from its drivers to its shareholders. If the company can keep that up, it will make its shareholders $11b richer (and its drivers $11b poorer) in 2022.
But how long can the company sustain this practice? After all, Uber drivers are living through the Great Resignation, the tightest labor market in a generation, with businesses of all kinds desperate to lure them out of their cars. Hell, Uber drivers can just switch to driving taxis and get a raise (many Uber drivers are cab drivers who switched when Uber’s $32b investor cash firehose funded predatory low prices and driver subsidies).
Just as Uber must use unsustainable tricks to keep investors from bailing on an unprofitable enterprise, the company needs tricks to keep drivers behind the wheel even as it steals their wages. The latest trick? Letting drivers see riders’ locations and drop-offs before they accept a job.
Now, this is absolutely a good thing for drivers. The idea that Uber drivers are “independent contractors” was always a tissue-thin fiction, but never so much as when the company dictated that these “independent contractors” wouldn’t be allowed to know what jobs they were saying yes to, and how much those jobs would pay, before agreeing to them.
But for Uber to live up to its own mythology, it had to lie to its drivers, because at its core, the Uber myth was that it would replace yellow cabs with cars that would make runs to unprofitable exurbs that no driver would freely choose to service (while charging rates so low that drivers couldn’t survive on their pay).
Uber drivers were never going to freely choose to make runs to outlying areas and then “deadhead” back to the center of town, earning nothing as they made their way back to the place where their next fare was waiting. The only way to get drivers to make these runs was through coercion: first, hide where the next job was until the driver accepted it; next, penalize drivers who cancelled unprofitable jobs after accepting them.
When Uber announced that it would finally let its “independent” drivers know what jobs they were saying yes to in advance of acceptance, it trumpeted this as a benefit to riders, because it would lead to “fewer cancelled rides.” What it failed to mention was that this was because it would lead to fewer accepted rides. That is, rather than having to wait longer because drivers tapped “accept,” realized they’d lose money on your business, and tapped “cancel,” you would now wait longer because drivers just didn’t accept your run.
Thus, Horan’s conclusion that “Today, Uber is offering much worse service at much higher prices than the traditional taxi industry that it had ‘disrupted.’ Traditional taxis were unpopular because the only way they could keep fare revenues and costs aligned was to limit service to the densest, highest demand neighborhoods (maximizing revenue utilization and avoiding empty backhauls) and rationing service during big demand peaks…Today, Uber offers the same poor service as traditional taxis, but must charge enormously higher fares because of its much higher cost structure.”
Uber’s balance-sheet shell games demand that we credulously accept its claim to gains while ignoring the costs of those gains. In service to this, the company produces exceptionally opaque accounts that do not break out specific revenue sources and costs, using coarse topline measures to make it hard to fact-check its claims.
Nevertheless, Horan sleuths out some important figures. In 2019, Uber was running a negative 40% net margin (losing $0.40 for every dollar it brought in). It was spending $5.16 on the average trip, and averaging $1.89 in revenue on each trip.
In the past year, Uber has increased its year-over-year revenue by 105%, and its operating expenses went up by 72%. Today, the company earns $4.39 per trip and spends $4.69 per trip, narrowing its Q2–2022 operating margin to -8.8% and its net margin to -11.4%.
Hypothetically, if the company continues to raise prices and cut worker pay, it can continue to narrow the gap until it breaks even. But can Uber actually do that?
Take Uber’s wage-bill. The company bet big on formalizing its program of worker misclassification, teaming up with Lyft and other gig-work companies to spend $225m to pass California’s Proposition 22, which would allow the company to abuse its drivers with impunity. But sloppy drafting errors led to the California Supreme Court striking down Prop 22 in its entirety. A similar attempt to pass a worker misclassification ballot initiative in Massachusetts also failed, not even making it to the ballot thanks to a misleading summary in the voter guide. The Massachusetts debacle cost its backers $100m.
The failure to formalize worker misclassification, combined with a historically unprecedented tight labor market, combined with rising federal and public support for unions, is extremely bad news for businesses whose path to profitability depended on workers so desperate that they would put in 16 hours days and still need food stamps. No wonder there’s a coordinated effort among the capital classes to engineer a global recession:
When it comes to customers, remember that riders have alternatives to Uber. Take Lyft, the uber-alike backed by billionaire Trump donor Peter Thiel (inexplicably, Lyft has cultivated a reputation as “the good Uber”). While Lyft follows Uber’s lead in failing to break out gross customer payments, its revenue relative to volumes only grew by 12% in Q2, while Uber’s grew by 66%. This means that Lyft is doing less gouging (of riders or drivers, or both) than Uber.
Lyft, like Uber, is a bezzle, and like Uber, Lyft is desperate for misleading accounting figures that it can trumpet to investors to goose its share price so the original scammers and their early marks can exit, clutching bags of cash. A campaign by Lyft that aimed at Uber’s spiraling prices could easily tempt Uber riders into becoming Lyft drivers (likewise, a campaign aimed at drivers promising a greater share of revenues could prompt an exodus of Uber drivers).
As tech stocks (and other speculative asset classes, like crypto) crater, gamblers are desperate for a new sure thing, and both Uber and Lyft have benefitted from that. The companies’ misleading Q2 figures prompted a rise in their stock prices.
That rise can be entirely attributed to three magic words: “Adjusted EBITDA Profitability.” Or, more specifically, one word: Adjusted.
One year while I was teaching the Viable Paradise workshop, one of the other instructors handed out a piece of absolutely invaluable writing advice. James D Macdonald gave a lecture to the students on how to write about guns. Macdonald is a veteran with extensive firearms experience, and he explained how even minor technical errors in a writer’s depiction of a gun would prompt floods of derision from his fellow Gun People.
But, Jim explained, there is an easy fix for this. Just add the word “modified” to any gun you write into a scene. If your protagonist takes aim with a modified Glock 19 and then accomplishes something technically impossible with a stock Glock 19, the gun-obsessives in your readership will tie themselves in imaginative knots to figure out what fiendishly clever modification you had in mind, and credit you for your deep knowledge of firearms.
“Adjusted EPITDA” is the “modified Glock 19” of balance sheets. Its subtext is, “Well, lesser companies may use generally accepted accounting practice to report their finances, but here at Uber, we know so much more than them that we have created our own, superior form of accountancy. If you doubt its superiority, merely consider that with plain old EBIDTA, our company is hemorrhaging billions, but once we adjust that EBIDTA, we are raking in fortunes! Who can deny our brilliance‽‽”
Just as Douglas Adams’ hitchhikers carried a towel for its “immense psychological value,” Uber and Lyft derive great PR value from their “adjustments” to their balance sheets. Non-hitchhikers assum that any hitchhiker with a towel “will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc.”
More importantly, that non-hitchhiker “will then happily lend the hitch iker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have ‘lost.’” Likewise, the self-styled “brilliant investors” who are mid-bezzle and still think they have the money the confidence trickster has made off with will look at that word “adjusted” and assume the managers at Uber are on a glide path to world dominance.
Uber’s bag of tricks is nearing its bottom. Its fantasy of magic, self-driving robo-taxis is over (the company spent $2.5b to make a car that had a fatal crash every 0.25 miles, and then had to pay another company $400m to take the division off its hands):
Same for the fantasy that it can attain profitability by throwing billions at failed overseas expansions and then make up for it by “selling” those companies to other failing businesses who claim their useless stock is worth a fortune.
Also the fantasy that all Uber needed was to jettison the rapey frat-bro who founded the company and replace him with a cultured fellow who thinks rape is bad, actually:
But every bezzle ends. The Saudi royals — who provided much of the billions used to prop up the Uber bezzle in its first decades — cashed out with the company’s IPO. The company may lure in some new suckers and delay the exodus of current bag-holders with its current fantasy of infinite price-hikes and wage theft, but that’s a fantasy, too.
Riders who face spiraling prices will drive their own cars, or take a bus, or take a cab, or take a Lyft. Drivers who face spiraling wage-cuts will drive a cab, or take a job elsewhere, or switch to Lyft. Uber is a bezzle, and every bezzle ends.
Image: JERRYE AND ROY KLOTZ MD (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:LA_BREA_TAR_PITS,_LOS_ANGELES.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A mammoth drowning in tar, from the La Brea Tar Pits. Next to the sinking mammoth is a sinking Uber logo. In the opposite corner is a sinking business-man whose head has been replaced by a bag of money. Running diagonally across the whole image is a jagged, declining red line as from a stock-chart.]
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isfjmel-phleg · 14 days
How on earth does Ray Terrill, broke teenager working at a fast food restaurant for (probably) minimum wage, own a $3,000 laptop?
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(The Ray 1994 #11)
There's an official answer for that. But it just raises further questions.
We know how much the laptop is worth because a burglar breaking into Ray's apartment comments on it. In 1995, $3,000 would be the equivalent of about $6,182.46 today. This is quite a big-ticket item.
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(The Ray 1994 #11)
A reader even wrote in asking about where he got the computer, and editor Brian Augustyn theorized that "the computer is something he was given by his dad back when he was still housebound."
The dad in question being, of course, not his biological dad but Thomas Terrill, the uncle who raised him.
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It was probably a fairly recent gift. In a flashback to Ray at sixteen, he is seen using a desktop computer, not the laptop. He is in his room here, so this computer is clearly his and not a shared household item like a lot of home computers were in the 1990s. This too would have been quite an expensive item in the early 1990s, costing thousands of dollars.
So it's established that over the years Thomas has bought Ray two computers. That we know of.
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(The Ray 1992 #1)
But how on earth Thomas could afford this is not clear. We don't know what he does for a living, or if he even has a job at all--he's in his seventies by the time of his death, so he might have retired at some point. We don't know if Ray's dad is contributing any child support (knowing him...he probably isn't). We don't know what the Terrills are living on. They have a good-sized townhouse in Philadelphia, but there's nothing to suggest that they're any better off financially than the average family.
In fact, after Thomas's death, he owes a lot in legal fees, and the only way that these can be paid is to sell the house. Ray inherits absolutely nothing from Thomas. So it's a safe assumption that there's not a lot of money in that household.
It is possible that Thomas poured his own savings, if he had any, into Ray's upbringing. Which, apparently, included giving him a desktop computer, probably as a distraction/bribe to keep him indoors. Possibly even as a response to Ray's attempt to run away at age thirteen.
The laptop might have been an eighteenth birthday gift, as well as an investment in Ray's future. As Ray tells his cousin, he has enough computer skills to make a living working from home as a programmer. Evidently this was his plan for adulthood before Thomas's death. So the laptop is a sort of alternative to paying for higher education or a trade school or other means of preparing for a career that would be available to someone who wasn't required to stay out of sunlight.
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(The Ray 1992 #1)
...and instead of getting an actual computer job, Ray uses the laptop to stalk his childhood best friend...
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...and create a video game villain that goes sentient and wreaks havoc on the world...
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(The Ray 1994 #3)
...before accepting a systems analyst job from a supervillain. This boy makes The Best Life Decisions.
Alternatively, the laptop and/or desktop computer might have been obtainable because of charity. Ray's alleged fatal allergy to sunlight was highly publicized when he was a child, and it's very possible that one of those foundations that grant wishes to seriously ill children might have taken an interest in his case.
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henrycepeda · 1 month
Strengths and Weaknesses
Welcome to my first post!!
It is my first time using Tumblr and I am very excited about this new journey.
I consider that I have different strengths like financial planning and mathematics, I like numbers, and since I was a kid I learned by myself how to save money and I always do my best to have something for the future, especially now that I have two daughters, but my problem is that I just let the money sit there and not investing, starting from today I will do my best to make the money work for me.
My weaknesses are people management, and I have to work more on my sales/negotiation skills. I worked as a server for over 6 years and I really enjoyed that time and learned a lot from it, every day there was something new to learn, there I could develop my sales skills and I was one of the top sellers but when it comes to buying something I never negotiate I just accept it the way it is and that is something that I have to change. Hopefully, in one year, when I come back to this post, I will be a different Henry who has overcome every obstacle.
Currently, I am in my last term for International Business and there are different paths that I can take based on my career, I would like to gain more experience in sales and negotiation and also managing people. I would like to become a business analyst and an entrepreneur who can work and develop in almost any area, from manufacturing to technology.
Thank you for reading and don't forget to follow!!
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ymw011 · 2 months
Unveiling the Job Market: How Many Jobs Are Available in Finance Services in 2024?
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In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, the job market plays a pivotal role in shaping career aspirations and industry trends. As we step into 2024, professionals and aspiring individuals  are eager to uncover the opportunities awaiting them in the realm of finance services, particularly in the United States. This article sheds light on the abundance of opportunities available in the finance services. 
Exploring the Finance Job Market Landscape:
Quantifying Opportunities:
How many jobs are available in finance in the USA?
Analyzing recent statistics and projections to gauge the scale of employment opportunities.
Factors influencing job availability, such as economic conditions, technological advancements, and regulatory changes.
Diverse Sectors, Diverse Opportunities:
Breaking down the finance sector into subcategories, including banking, investment management, insurance, and consumer services.
Highlighting the unique job prospects within each sector and the skill sets required to excel.
Identifying emerging roles and specialties that are gaining prominence in response to market demands and industry shifts.
Finance in the Digital Age:
Examining the impact of technology on job creation and the transformation of traditional finance roles.
The rise of fintech companies and their contribution to job growth, particularly in areas like digital banking, payment processing, and financial analytics.
The demand for professionals with expertise in data analysis, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence within the finance sector.
Investment Management: A Thriving Field:
How many jobs are available in investment management?
Unveiling the job opportunities within investment firms, asset management companies, and hedge funds.
The significance of skilled portfolio managers, financial analysts, and risk assessment specialists in driving investment strategies and maximizing returns.
Exploring the global reach of investment management careers and the potential for growth in international markets.
Consumer Services: Meeting the Needs of Individuals:
Evaluating the job market within consumer-focused finance services, including retail banking, wealth management, and financial advising.
The demand for client relationship managers, financial planners, and retirement advisors in assisting individuals with their financial goals.
The role of personalized financial services and digital platforms in catering to the diverse needs of consumers and enhancing their financial literacy.
Trends Shaping the Future:
Anticipating future job trends in finance services and the skills that will be in high demand.
The growing importance of sustainable finance and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, leading to opportunities in green finance and impact investing.
The influence of geopolitical factors, regulatory reforms, and demographic shifts on the finance job market landscape.
As we go through 2024, the finance job market in the United States continues to offer a lot of opportunities across various sectors. Whether aspiring to go into investment management, consumer services, or the dynamic world of fintech, individuals with the right skills and expertise are well-positioned to thrive in this ever-evolving industry. By staying abreast with market trends, honing relevant skills, and embracing innovation, professionals can seize the abundant opportunities awaiting them in the realm of finance services.
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ajayblog12 · 3 months
B.com vs BBA
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Certainly! Let's delve deeper into the comparison between B.Com and BBA:
1. Core Subjects:
  B.Com: The curriculum typically revolves around core subjects like accounting, economics, finance, and business law. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of financial principles, taxation, auditing, and commercial laws.
 BBA: This program covers a wider spectrum of subjects including management principles, marketing, human resource management, organizational behavior, operations management, and business ethics. It offers a holistic view of various aspects of business administration.
2. Skill Development:
   B.Com: Emphasizes on analytical and numerical skills required for roles such as financial analysts, accountants, auditors, and tax consultants. It enhances proficiency in areas like financial reporting, analysis, and auditing techniques.
   BBA: Focuses on developing managerial and leadership skills necessary for supervisory and executive roles. Students learn strategic decision-making, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and project management skills which are essential for managerial positions.
3. Career Trajectory:
   BCom: Graduates often pursue careers in accounting firms, financial institutions, banking sector, taxation departments, and corporate finance departments. They may work as accountants, auditors, tax consultants, financial analysts, or investment bankers.
   BBA: Opens up opportunities in various sectors including marketing, sales, human resources, operations, consulting, and entrepreneurship. Graduates can work as marketing managers, HR specialists, operations managers, business consultants, or start their own ventures.
4. Industry Focus:
   B.Com: Primarily caters to industries related to finance, accounting, banking, insurance, and taxation. It prepares students for roles in financial management, auditing, taxation, and corporate finance.
  BBA: Offers a broader perspective and is applicable across industries including retail, manufacturing, IT, healthcare, hospitality, and consulting. It equips students with versatile skills needed to navigate diverse business environments.
5. Further Education:
   B.Com: Provides a strong foundation for pursuing advanced degrees such as Master of Commerce (MCom), Chartered Accountancy (CA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), or Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in finance or accounting.
  BBA: Acts as a stepping stone for postgraduate studies like MBA or specialized master's programs in areas such as marketing, human resources, operations management, or international business.
In summary, while B.Com focuses more on finance and commerce-related disciplines, BBA offers a broader understanding of business administration and management principles. Your choice should align with your interests, career aspirations, and the specific skills you aim to develop.
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barrybulakites · 3 months
Navigating the Path to Success: A Comprehensive Guide to a Career as a Financial Consultant
In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, the role of a financial consultant has emerged as pivotal. Balancing analytical prowess with an empathetic approach to client needs, financial consultants are the navigators in the complex world of personal and corporate finance. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of pursuing a career as a financial consultant, outlining the steps to success, the skills required, and the impact one can make in this dynamic profession.
The Blueprint to Becoming a Financial Consultant
Educational Foundations
The journey begins with solid educational foundations. A bachelor's degree in finance, economics, business administration, or a related field is typically the minimum requirement. Courses in investments, taxes, estate planning, and risk management provide a strong base. Advanced degrees or certifications, such as a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) or becoming a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), can significantly enhance one's prospects and credibility.
Gaining the Right Experience
Hands-on experience is invaluable. Internships or entry-level positions in banking, insurance, or investment firms offer a practical understanding of financial products, market strategies, and client relations. Experience in customer service roles can also be beneficial, as they develop the interpersonal skills crucial for consulting.
Licensing and Certification
Depending on the services offered, financial consultants may need to obtain specific licenses. For example, selling insurance products requires a license in the relevant state, while offering investment advice might necessitate Series 7 and Series 66 licenses. Pursuing certifications like CFP or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) not only legitimizes expertise but also signals commitment to professional development.
Essential Skills for a Flourishing Career
Analytical Acumen
At the core of financial consulting is the ability to analyze complex financial data. Consultants must interpret market trends, evaluate investment opportunities, and understand regulatory impacts to provide sound advice.
Communication Mastery
Translating complex financial concepts into understandable advice is an art. Practical communication skills ensure that clients are informed and comfortable with their financial decisions.
Ethical Integrity
Trust is the cornerstone of a financial consultant-client relationship. Upholding high ethical standards and transparency is essential for building and maintaining this trust.
The financial landscape is continuously changing. Successful consultants stay abreast of new regulations, products, and market dynamics. They adapt their strategies to serve their client's evolving needs best.
The Impact of a Financial Consultant
Financial consultants make a significant impact on their client's lives and financial health. They guide individuals through life's financial milestones—be it saving for education, planning for retirement, or managing wealth. For businesses, consultants can optimize financial performance through strategic planning and risk management.
Navigating Challenges
Like any career, financial consulting comes with its challenges. Economic downturns, market volatility, and evolving financial regulations can test a consultant's resilience and adaptability. Building a client base takes time and requires consistent effort in networking and reputation management.
The Road Ahead
The demand for financial consultants is expected to grow as individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of finance in an uncertain world. Embracing technology, staying informed about global economic trends, and prioritizing continuous learning are keys to a prosperous career in financial consulting.
A career as a financial consultant offers a blend of analytical challenge and personal satisfaction. By guiding clients towards financial security and prosperity, consultants play a crucial role in the economic landscape. The path to becoming a successful financial consultant involves a commitment to education, ethical practice, and a deep understanding of financial markets. With the right skills and dedication, the journey can be both rewarding and impactful.
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hardwinters · 11 months
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ₓ ˚ . ˚ ♡ || actress & model & former olympian. STATS. CAREER. PINTEREST. ACCEPTANCE.
howdy everybody! i'm dial and i'm so effing excited to meet everyone and their muses! i am reaching hag status soon at 26 yrs old and roll with she & her pronouns for the most part but i'm honestly cool with anything. anywho, enough abt me, onto my methodical little daffodil who wouldn't hurt a fly unless it was in the path of her skates :o she is one of my favorite muses, but it's my first time playing her in a setting like this and i really look forward to it! if you are interested in any of my listed plotbunnies orrr would like to plot something else just tick the little heart! i also have dsc available upon request ♡
some trigger warnings to keep in mind: anxiety attacks & injury descriptors
born & raised (for the most part) in incheon!!
no siblings unfortunately :( it's a wonder her parents found the time to have her
her mom was an always busy financial analyst who seemed to never not be on the phone talking business, while her father was the most respected divorce attorney in south korea due to his discretion when dealing with high profile cases.
100000% mostly raised by her nannies. her parents were overly serious and not very affectionate. they loved jinseon, but they definitely didn't express that in the ways such a sensitive child needed them to. sort of left her with a lack of self love that she overcompensates with kindness to others.
as her parents wanted her to fall into a high paying career, jinseon was one of those overly scheduled kids who was just shuffled from lesson to lesson to lesson. even her meals were listed in a planner. she learned to love and rely heavily on routine even as a child.
one of those lessons happened to be ballet through which she discovered her love of performing and knack for tightly controlled yet elegant movements. her instructor noted her agility and recommended her for a beginner's figure skating program.
fell head over heels for the feeling of being on the ice...it was the first of her lessons that she really connected with in a major way.
got rly good rly fast and made her coaches take notice. she had tremendous self-discipline and wouldn't miss a practice for anything. TRUE ICE PRINCESS THINGZ! the things she mostly struggled with were anxiety and her own confidence, but she found it easier to fake it than give up.
it wasn't long until she was competing in respected events around the country and eventually, the world!
the way her coaches invested in her allowed her to go far, even though they could be extremely harsh and the practices equally grueling. she did her best to channel everything into motivation and become the best at what she did.
her first championship routine was preceded by her first of many anxiety attacks, but quitting wasn't an option. not with sponsors and coaches and parents all bearing down on her, demanding perfection.
she soldiered on and managed to reach the podium at her first and many other world championship events. she was quickly gaining popularity among fans of the sport; any practices that weren't closed would get increasingly full of spectators wanting to see what she did next.
she especially grew in popularity among younger people with aspirations of following in her footsteps. because of jinseon's charisma and pretty face, there were always the cheeky questions of when her drama debut would come being thrown around. she was so focused on competing however that she had little room for other ambitions.
her routines well known for her wickedly fast scratch spin (nearly six revolutions per second) and perfectly fluid triple axels.
the republic of korea's noc eventually came calling and jinseon was officially chosen to compete in the 2014 winter games in sochi, which is around the same time everlast entertainment first took note of her!
ngl, swiping gold away from russia's almost unbeatable skating team in their own country was an extremely scary time for her, esp being only 16 at the time, but the graceful way in which she publicly handled the pressures of it all was widely praised and eventually earned her a contract at everlast entertainment.
she was getting to do commercials and magazine covers and interviews, as long as her management team signed off on them. it was something that resembled freedom but was actually far from it, not that she seemed to care at the time.
jinseon became so swept up in being the perfect teen role model, and eventually the perfect young adult role model. it was a lot to take on, but she shouldered everything with a smile, only pausing to allow her anxiety to grip her when she was in the confines of solitude.
when the 2022 winter games come around, everything is seemingly business as usual. she's sticking to her status quo and waiting for her ice time when she catches wind of another competitor's intention to bust out a surprise 4lo.
her coaches fly into a panic, thinking this may sink her chances of winning gold. their solution is for jinseon to go even bigger, landing the first ever quad axel, something she nor any other skater had ever successfully done in competition up until that point.
maybe it was her anxiety, maybe it was the olympic mind games, or maybe it was the fact that she simply wasn't skilled enough. she attempted the jump and it went catastrophically. in an attempt to catch herself, her skate hit the ice early and well before she was able to brace for the impact. she felt an excruciating sear through her entire leg, especially around her knee. no one had told her anything yet, but deep down, she knew. as she lay sobbing on the ice, she knew she wasn't coming back from this.
both her mcl and acl were pretty much obliterated, having to be surgically reconstructed shortly after the games. as she expected, she was told she'd never be able to strap on skates at a competitive level ever again, if even at a recreational level.
she felt rly lost for awhile, not really knowing what to do with herself. she had to go through physical therapy to help heal her knee and regain mobility, but a good deal of her pain was mental and emotional as well. she'd essentially gone through a loss and felt as if she'd let down everyone in the process. for awhile, she wasn't rly seen in public and mostly stayed at her home in seoul.
it was quite honestly her fanbase that got her thru this time! their continued support despite her not being able to do cool figure skating jumps anymore meant more than she could ever express to them. their insistence that she try out acting was p much what made her take that leap, once she was mostly back to physical health. for the first time since her injury, she felt like her life wasn't over.
her management team was far from happy about her auditioning for kang hanna in agency. they felt like a less conceited, chaebol role sans a romance plotline would be a better first outing for her, but she wanted something different! something that didn't feel so controlled! something that didn't make her constantly think about what she had lost!
here's some highlights of said plotline from agency.
it was an uplifting experience getting to step outside of herself and take on the role of someone with such a different personality. it allowed her to detach from her own situation for a few weeks and focus on something else entirely.
everlast entertainment is still trying to keep her in the box they've carved out for her, but jinseon is starting to see some rly green grass outside of it 👀
some tidbits about her current day personality:
still widely known for her politeness even as she navigates a new career field. honorifics, bows and respectful distances are all popular tools in her social arsenal, especially when she's meeting someone for the first time.
she's always been the good girl and the nation's olympic sweetheart, but she's increasingly curious about the other side of fame. ppl who just don't give a f*ck?? kinda heroic if you ask jinseon. she just doesn't have it in her. she's far too timid, so she just admires from afar.
she can be overly sensitive sometimes and her feelings have always been reaaaal fragile. she'll pretend she's not hurt by something but it's usually fairly obvious. she gkhgljkj remembers the shit you do to her though like real trust is hard to win back with her. she'll be nice but things won't be the same if true betrayal happens!
loves friendship and love but is often too scared to seek it out! what if it's one sided? what if they downright hate her? she isn't the type to speak up when she likes someone or even wants to be friends due to fear of rejection, but getting past that barrier has been pretty blissful in the past.
wishes she could just be as outspoken as everyone else, but her words get fumbled so easily. that's why instead of trying to appeal to her management team sometimes, she just...does things w/o their knowledge 😭
along with some brief plotbunnies, i also have some quotes & inspo to hopefully inspire some sort of connection ideas!
something based off of this quote pls
some more inspo
bestie vibes like this
a former pr relationship that was organized by meddling management teams due to a shared wholesome image. there was never any true romance, but you both enjoyed laughing over the awkward situation.
her dad represented one of your parents in their divorce proceedings.
you / your idol group performed at the opening ceremonies for the olympics one of the years that jinseon competed and you've kept in touch ever since, even if your chaotic schedules rarely allow you to link up in person.
you and jinseon are ambassadors for the same brand and are about to do your first collaborative photoshoot!
you and jinseon auditioned for the same drama role and now the media is pitting you against one another. there's no truth to the rumors of professional jealousy...is there?
alternatively, i'd love to collab on ideas for future castmate situations! maybe we can discuss a future drama jinseon and your muse can appear on together if you're looking to do something new soon ♡
the secret romance jinseon hid from not only the public, but her management team, if only because she knew they'd try to talk her out of it. things have ended since, and there's a deepening lack of closure between you.
maybe some childhood friends from incheon? you and jinseon knew each other before all the fame and accolades were bestowed upon you.
some fellow athlete friends!! or maybe someone who frequents her gym, takes the same pilates class she does etc.
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study-in-uk-msm-unify · 6 months
Emerging Industries: Opportunities in the UK Job Market
Planning to study in the UK? Want to explore career opportunities in the United Kingdom?
In the ever-evolving world, the UK stands as a hub for innovation and growth, bringing numerous emerging sectors that offer promising career prospects. As technology continues to reshape the global economy, several industries in the UK have captured attention, presenting exciting opportunities for job seekers and entrepreneurs alike. Take a look at some of the career opportunities you could take advantage of.  
1. Fintech (Financial Technology)
The UK has strengthened its position as a leading fintech hub, with London being a prominent center for financial innovation. Fintech includes a wide array of sectors, including mobile payments, blockchain, and cybersecurity. Job opportunities in this field span software development, data analysis, financial consultancy, and regulatory compliance.
2. Technology and IT 
In the emerging era of the digital world, technology continues to dominate businesses worldwide. As, a result the demand for technologically advanced professionals tends to rise. Software developers, data analysts, cybersecurity experts, and artificial intelligence specialists roles are in high demand. With the increasing use of technologies and the need for innovative solutions, these roles offer tremendous growth opportunities and competitive salaries. 
3. Healthtech
The combination of healthcare and technology has given rise to HealthTech, a sector dedicated to enhancing medical services through innovative solutions. From telemedicine to health analytics and AI-driven diagnostics, HealthTech offers diverse career paths for healthcare professionals, software developers, data scientists, and researchers.
4. Renewable energy and sustainability
With an increased focus on sustainability and combating climate change, the UK has been investing significantly in renewable energy sources. Wind, solar, and hydroelectric power are among the sectors experiencing rapid growth. Job roles in renewable energy range from engineering and project management to research and policy development, catering to those passionate about environmental conservation.
5. Cybersecurity
With the increasing frequency of cyber threats, the demand for cybersecurity experts is on the rise. Businesses and governments are investing heavily in safeguarding digital infrastructure. Job roles in cybersecurity encompass ethical hacking, network security, data protection, and risk analysis, presenting ample opportunities for skilled professionals in this field.
6. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
AI and machine learning are revolutionizing various industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. The UK is fostering innovation in AI research and development, offering roles in AI programming, data engineering, robotics, and AI ethics.
7. Creative industries
The UK has a rich heritage in the creative sector, encompassing fields like media, design, gaming, and entertainment. Roles in creative industries span from content creation and graphic design to video production and game development, appealing to individuals with artistic and technical skills.
In conclusion, the UK job market is filled with opportunities within emerging industries, showing the nation's commitment to innovation and progress. Whether one's passion lies in sustainability, technology, healthcare, or creative endeavors, these sectors offer an array of possibilities for career growth and contribution to shaping the future.
By embracing change, acquiring relevant skills, and staying adaptable, individuals can position themselves to thrive in these dynamic and promising industries, contributing to both personal success and the advancement of these transformative sectors in the UK.
If you are struggling to get the right guidance, please do not hesitate to consult MSM Unify. 
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lingyunxiang · 9 months
William Jacques
Bill is a founding partner of Martingale and a member of the Executive Committee. He provides strategic leadership and is a member of the Investment Team. He is also a member of the Brokerage Committee. Bill served as the firm’s Chief Investment Officer for more than 25 years. Prior to founding Martingale, Bill was a Trustee and Vice President of Batterymarch Financial Management from 1984 to 1987, where he was involved in quantitative research and portfolio management as an investment strategist. Before joining Batterymarch, he was a Vice President of J.P. Morgan Investment Management where he began his career as a research analyst.
Bill graduated from Lafayette College cum laude with a B.A. in mathematics and economics. He earned an M.B.A. at the Wharton School. Bill is a CFA charterholder and subject of Harvard Business School and Columbia Business School case studies on Low Volatility investing.
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cocoelle · 8 months
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The Aldrich Family
Lillian - 17, Jaqueline - 24, Colten - 27, Giselle - 56, Lane - 57
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Lane Aldrich - 57 - Cancer
Real Estate Tycoon - Owner of luxury properties and high-end developments Traits - Outgoing, Logical, Genius Backstory: Lane was born into a wealthy family in Paris, France. He grew up surrounded by luxury and opulence, which sparked his interest in the world of real estate and property development from a young age. After completing his education, Lane pursued a business degree and then went on to attend an art school in Paris, where he developed a deep appreciation for art and culture. During his time in art school, Lane met his wife, a talented artist, and together they traveled the world, immersing themselves in different cultures and artistic traditions. Their shared passion for art and architecture eventually led Lane to establish himself as a prominent figure in the real estate industry, specializing in luxury properties and high-end developments.
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Giselle Aldrich - 56 - Sagittarius
Art Gallery Owner - Owner of San MyShuno Art Gallery Traits - Romantic, Faithful, Silverspoon
Backstory: Giselle was born and raised in a family with a deep appreciation for art and culture. From a young age, she was surrounded by paintings, sculptures, and the vibrant atmosphere of the art world. Giselle's passion for art led her to pursue a degree in Fine Arts at a prestigious art school in Paris, where she honed her skills and developed a keen eye for talent. During her time in Paris, Giselle met her husband, a fellow art enthusiast and collector, and they shared a mutual love for the beauty and expression found in art. Their shared passion for the arts brought them together, and they continue to support each other in their respective endeavors. After completing their studies at a prestigious art school in Paris, Giselle and her future husband traveled extensively, immersing themselves in different artistic traditions and styles. Giselle's experiences abroad broadened her perspective and deepened her passion for art. Upon returning home Giselle opened her own art gallery which showcases a diverse range of contemporary and traditional art, and she takes pride in supporting emerging artists and promoting their work.
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Colten Aldrich - 27 - Libra
Financial Analyst - Senior Analyst at Landgraab Industries Traits - Language Savant, Intellectual, Outgoing Backstory: Colten is a driven and ambitious financial analyst who graduated from a prestigious business school with top honors. He is known for his sharp mind, strategic thinking, and strong work ethic. Colten's passion for finance and investment was ignited during his college years, and he quickly excelled in the field, earning a reputation as a rising star in the industry. During his time at business school, Colten met his fiance at a charity function for the arts. They bonded over their shared love for the arts and soon realized that they had found a deep connection with each other. Their relationship has been a source of strength and support for both of them as they navigate their careers and personal lives. Despite his busy professional life, Colten always makes time for his two siblings, whom he adores. He is a loving and protective older brother, often offering guidance and support to his youngest sibling Lillian as she navigates her own path in life.
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Lillian Aldrich - 17 - Leo
High School Student Traits - Outgoing, Silverspoon Backstory: Lillian is a 17-year-old high school student who is the youngest of three children. She grew up in a family deeply rooted in the world of art, as her mother owns an art gallery and her father is a real estate tycoon with a passion for collecting art. From a young age, Lillian was exposed to various forms of artistic expression, which has greatly influenced her own interests and aspirations. She has always been surrounded by creativity, and as a result, she has developed a keen eye for art and a love for self-expression.
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workpermitz · 10 months
Why Work In The UK? Exploring Job Vacancies And The Top 10 Highest Paid Professions In 2023
The United Kingdom, often referred to as the UK, has long been a favoured destination for individuals seeking new career opportunities and a high standard of living. With its rich history, diverse culture, and thriving job market, the UK remains an attractive option for job seekers worldwide. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why you should consider working in the UK, explore the current job vacancies, and highlight the top 10 highest paid professions in 2023 along with their annual salaries.
Why Work in the UK?
1. Economic Stability
The UK boasts a stable and robust economy, making it an ideal place to pursue your career goals. Despite global economic fluctuations, the country has consistently demonstrated resilience and growth, creating a secure environment for professionals across various industries.
2. Multicultural Society
The UK is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and traditions. This diversity fosters a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, allowing individuals from different backgrounds to thrive and feel at home. Working in such a multicultural environment can be an enriching experience both personally and professionally.
3. Access to World-Class Education
For those with families, the UK offers access to some of the world's best educational institutions. Whether you have school-age children or are considering furthering your own education, the UK provides ample opportunities for personal and academic growth.
4. Healthcare Benefits
The UK's National Health Service (NHS) provides free healthcare services to residents. This means you and your family can access quality medical care without worrying about high medical expenses.
5. Cultural and Recreational Opportunities
From historic landmarks to vibrant cities, the UK offers an array of cultural and recreational activities. Whether you prefer exploring museums, enjoying live performances, or hiking in the picturesque countryside, the UK has something to offer everyone.
Job Vacancies in the UK
The UK job market is diverse, catering to a wide range of skill sets and professions. As of 2023, here are some of the sectors with promising job vacancies:
1. Information Technology (IT)
The IT sector continues to flourish in the UK, with a high demand for software developers, data scientists, and cybersecurity experts.
2. Healthcare
The healthcare industry consistently seeks qualified professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and healthcare administrators.
3. Finance and Banking
London, the UK's financial hub, provides numerous opportunities for finance professionals, including investment bankers, financial analysts, and accountants.
4. Engineering
The engineering sector requires skilled individuals in various fields, such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering.
5. Creative Industries
The UK's creative industries encompass film, television, advertising, and design, offering opportunities for artists, writers, and multimedia professionals.
Top 10 Highest Paid Professions in the UK (2023)
For those aspiring to earn a substantial income in the UK, here are the top 10 highest paid professions in 2023, along with their average annual salaries:
Surgeon: Surgeons top the list with an average annual salary of approximately £112,000. Their expertise and the critical nature of their work command a high income.
Anesthesiologist: Anesthesiologists closely follow, earning an average of £110,000 per year for their crucial role in surgical procedures.
Dentist: Dentists earn around £90,000 annually, reflecting the importance of oral healthcare.
General Practitioner (GP): GPs, who provide primary healthcare services, have an average salary of £80,000 per year.
Pharmacist: Pharmacists earn approximately £70,000 annually, ensuring access to essential medications for the public.
IT Director: IT Directors oversee technology strategies and earn an average of £65,000 per year.
Marketing Director: Marketing Directors command an average salary of £60,000, reflecting the importance of strategic marketing.
Finance Director: Finance Directors in the UK earn around £60,000, overseeing financial operations for organizations.
Legal Director: Legal Directors, responsible for legal affairs, earn an average of £58,000 annually.
Aircraft Pilot: Aircraft Pilots round out the top 10, with an average annual salary of £55,000 for their role in ensuring safe air travel.
These figures are approximate and can vary based on factors such as experience, location, and employer. However, they provide a general overview of the earning potential in these professions in the UK.
In conclusion, the United Kingdom offers a wealth of opportunities for individuals seeking fulfilling careers and a high standard of living. Its stable economy, diverse culture, and strong job market make it an attractive destination for job seekers worldwide. With numerous job vacancies across various sectors and the potential for lucrative incomes, the UK remains a top choice for those looking to advance their careers in 2023 and beyond.
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