#Fili and Kili are protective
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nastiiuu · 2 years ago
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The Durin Line is useless
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kateksmallcuteowl · 6 months ago
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My entry for the DTIYS challenge by @lorbalith
Congratulations on reaching 10k followers on Instagram! I hope you'll continue to amaze us with your art (and not just with Bagginshield; your Wolverine and Deadpool are awesome too 🔥).
P.S. It was mentioned that we could add something in the background, so I decided to include some of my favorite headcanons to the reshirement AU. The idea that Fili and Kili used to laugh throughout their childhood and, as adults, grumbled about Uncle Thorin always being so responsible and protective of them, promising themselves they would never be like that. But then, when they saw this tiny-small-little hobbit, they ended up becoming extremely responsible uncles themselves. (Thorin will definitely gloat about this in a letter to Dis). Also, there’s a headcanon that Hobbits and Dwarves have different ideas about modesty. Dwarves believe you can marry whoever and however you like, but all signs of affection should be kept behind closed doors. Meanwhile, Hobbits took a long time to get used to the fact that Bilbo Baggins brought a male Dwarf into the house, but they have absolutely no objections to hugs or kisses in public.
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shangchiswife · 10 months ago
dating thorin headcanons!
hey guys i was rewatching the hobbit and i wanted to make this for thorin because he's a baddie.
thorin x gn!reader
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Very, very closed off when you first meet him
It was Gandalf that thought you would be useful to the company as you were an excelled healer
Thorin’s focus is solely on reclaiming the mountain and he’s pretty skeptical of you and doesn’t know whether you truly belong in his company
Is the last to warm up to you when you joined his company 
He is amazed by how fast you become comfortable with everyone, especially his two nephews who you immediately started joking around with when you met them.
Thorin's perception of you shifts when he witnesses your compassion and skill as a healer. His respect for you grows as he watches you show kindness and empathy to the people that are hurt.
He also starts to understand why Gandalf put you in his company and how your role is important.
Once you’ve shown him that you’re able to be trusted he is comfortable around you
He also starts to get protective over you, especially during battles
Will literally scold you when you almost get hurt. “How careless could you be? You could’ve gotten killed?” he had said one time when an orc’s blade almost impaled you. You were hurt by his words but little did you know it was his way of showing that he cared.
Sometimes when everyone else in the company was asleep, you’d talk to him about your life and he’d tell you about his childhood in Erebor.
Overtime he began to trust you and found comfort in your presence.
When you both are by the fireplace you both steal glances at one another.
When he catches you staring, your cheeks give you away, flushing with warmth under his gaze.
His lips curl into a knowing smirk, his eyes dancing with amusement at your reaction.
Is also very chivalrous and is always looking out for you even if it means sacrificing his own comfort.
One cold day on your journey, you were shivering, and Thorin didn't waste a second before giving you his big fur coat.
When you protested, worried about him getting cold, Thorin simply smiled and brushed off your concerns, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I'd rather see you warm," he said tenderly, his words stirring a flutter of butterflies in your stomach. 
Eventually, your stubbornness won out, and you convinced Thorin to share the coat with you. With a soft chuckle and a gentle nod, he relented, and the two of you huddled together for warmth.
Balin is the first to notice Thorin’s growing affection for you.
He wastes no time in encouraging Thorin to act on his feelings and express his love for you.
Initially Thorin was hesitant because of his responsibilities as leader and was also a little scared of ruining his friendship with you.
Finally he works up the courage to tell you his feelings for you and is pleasantly surprised when you tell him you feel the same way.
Fili and Kili tease have a blast teasing their uncle about his new relationship with you
They’re always wiggling their eyebrows, flashing cheeky grins, and cracking jokes whenever their uncle is around you.
Thorin is never hearing the end of them. 
The rest of the company thinks you guys are cute but are always poking fun at Thorin because he is always just in awe over you.
Thorin will sometimes get annoyed at all their teasing but deep down he appreciates the support from his company and the respect they give you.
He loves to show you the beautiful sights he encounters on the journey.
Despite his tough exterior, Thorin's actions always convey a sense of warmth and tenderness.
His gestures may be subtle, but they speak volumes about his affection for you.
Whether it's a reassuring touch or a lingering gaze, Thorin's actions make you feel truly cherished and loved.
Isn’t really a big PDA person but once you guys are alone he’s all over you.
But occasionally he will hold your hand or gently lift your chin with his fingers.
Sometimes if he’s feeling a little risky he’ll even kiss you on the cheek. “What was that for?” you’d ask, clearly surprised by his boldness."I couldn't help it," he'd reply with a soft smile, "You looked absolutely adorable." 
He loves being the big spoon and wrapping his arms around you so that you feel safe and secure.
He isn’t really one for words but he loves to gift you things like jewelry or even little flowers he finds while on the journey.
Also loves to braid your hair as braiding and hair in general is a big part of dwarven culture and it’s one way he shares his culture with you.
Wherever you are, Thorin’s gaze always seems to find you. Even when you're apart, you can feel his presence, his watchful gaze silently reassuring you that he's there, looking out for you.
He also gives you a promise ring and tells you his desire for you to rule beside him once he reclaims his home.
You practically almost make him fall over when you throw your arms around him and accept the ring. As you cling to him, Thorin can't help but chuckle softly, both amused and touched by your enthusiastic response.
Everytime he catches sight of the promise ring on your finger, he can’t help but smile and  feeling a rush of warmth and affection wash over him.
Once Erebor is reclaimed, you meet Thorin’s sister, Dis and immediately hit it off. She becomes one of your closest friends and offers you love and guidance as you start your new life in Erebor.
Thorin’s kisses are electrifying and always leave you breathless.
His kisses are rough and filled with an insatiable hunger that leaves you breathless.
Thorin's hands, usually steady and controlled, become rough and possessive as they roam over your body.
Despite the challenges you both face, your love for each other is strong. And you know that with Thorin beside you there’s nothing you can’t conquer.
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shirefantasies · 1 year ago
How would the fellowship, Thorin, Fili, Kili, Haldir, Arwen and Eomer react to someone they like who always calls everyone by cute names like ‘love’, ‘babe’, ‘hon’, ‘darling’ etc.
Oooh, good question! I’m going to split this up into LoTR & The Hobbit imagines for the whole casts if that’s all right 😄
LoTR Characters When You Call Everyone Pet Names
His favorite part of your habit, in all honesty, is other people’s reactions. The first time you do it to him he sort of quirks up a brow, but others take it more extremely, offense or otherwise. He gets protective, though, if those others respond taking it too far. He’ll step in front of you if they start flirting with you or try to touch you unbidden even if you’re just friends at that point. No matter who in his group that is, unacceptable. At the use of a regular name slid into the flows of your conversation, something akin to "Oh, honey, you have no idea", his lips quirk up and privately he wonders if you’ve ever meant it.
Your first meeting is you brushing past him at Rivendell with an "Excuse me, darling". Needless to say he stares after you with wide eyes because you must know him, but from where? Then you greet Elrond with an enthusiastic "Sweetheart, how I have missed you", and while the Lord of Imladris appears aware of the affront, he is also amused. Clearly this is simply your manner. Because of this, he accepts it without much overthought, though your pet names never fail to bring a smile to the elf prince's lips.
The kindness you show him almost breaks him- is he worthy of your honeyed words? "Easy, dear heart, the troubles you carry are not even your own, are they?" The part of him tempted to lash out almost wins, but at the end of the day, you are right. All he can do is shake his head. He's heard you say call such sweet names before, but alongside your other words they pierce his heart like nothing before. He bids you sit by his side. "Wish me to speak or to listen?" You ask, and that is when Boromir knows he has fallen for you.
"Who are you calling sweetheart, darling?" Offended as he may be, Gimli also takes it as a challenge of sorts, leaning in closer with smug satisfaction. It becomes a sort of tension for you both, an odd banter of affectionate nicknames tossed out even with the bloodiest challenges. "Cut his head off, Gimli darling!" "Wouldn't dream of doing any less, dear!" Gimli begins getting offended as your habit pops out with others, asking you pointedly what you think you're doing calling the elf sweetheart. "What's he done to earn that, eh?" Leaning in, your noses almost brushing, you give him a smile dripping with smug mock-sweetness. "I thought you didn't enjoy being called that." "Well," he crosses his arms stubbornly, eyes falling away from yours, "I suppose I've gotten used to it now."
"Frodo, my sweet, please eat just a bit more for me, I worry so." Frodo's heart does a somersault- he's made sure notice of your habit by now, heard you speak your darlings and sweethearts aplenty. You often said it to tease the others when spirits were light or when you cared for them, but that was not all. The words my sweet were reserved for him. Everyone else got a plethora, it seemed, but him, and it vexed him in the best way possible, twisting his heart like nothing else. The sound of it was like a balm to Frodo, and he dared hope it held the meaning he dearly wished it to, for he was too shy to ask it of you just yet.
“Sam, love, pass me the ladle, if you please.” Samwise, thinking his heart might burst from his chest and run right up to you, pauses, speaks carefully. “What was that?” He asks, your name falling softly, almost delicately, from his lips. He’d heard the way you tease people before, usually addressing them as ‘my dear’. This was something else. The smile you gave him in response, too, was practically enough to kill him- could you tell? “I just asked if I might borrow the ladle, love.” Yep, the jig was up now.
“It’s got to be some sort of custom.” “That or you’ll be very, very wrong.” You arched a private brow over Merry and Pippin’s back-and-forth whispering, but thought nothing more of it until your next interaction with the blonde hobbit. “Merry, sweetheart, what are you doing?” Looking up from his knife, he held up a small chunk of wood with a strangely cocky grin. “Just a bit of whittling, dear.” Something about the roguish look he gave you, the confidence with which he adopted your habit, had your heart fluttering; you faltered a bit in your response before you sat at his side. Unbeknownst to you, he was elbowing Pippin triumphantly on the other side.
His heart soars the first time he hears you call him honey. No matter what attacks you or what happens that day, day made. Then he hears you saying "No put that down, Merry sweetheart" and it all comes crashing to the ground because he’d gotten it into his head that he was special- was he wrong? He had to have been. When the words so easily pass between your lips again, this time in the form of '"Gimli dear, let me see that", hurt mingles with realization of your manner- that is just how you are. Moments pass, thoughts drifting by as clouds deciding whether or not to storm, before Pippin makes up his mind: he'll make known his interest, try everything he can until he truly does stand out.
Publicly he barely humors it, trying to keep a tough face when his seniors or especially his father are present. Privately? It amuses him. Pleases his heart to see one with light spirits in the face of everything. Your ways make you something of an anchor, a reminder why he does the things that he does. You make Faramir laugh and he knows Boromir enjoys your company too- the three of you together form an escape that reminds Faramir of his younger days. And perhaps that happiness you always brings him has slowly metamorphosed, glimmering with hope every time you call him dear.
This man, a military leader, and you call him honey? Eomer is shaken up honestly. He can’t even be annoyed because he’s too busy freezing with a slight frown upon his face. Wits coming back about him, he opens his mouth to question you, ask in his blunt way why you address him so... then you turn around and call his sister my dearest and oh, perhaps he was truly overthinking it. He laughs it off, swears to put it out of his head...but the mental image of you calling him a name of endearment plays over and over again whether he wills it or not.
“And what has our precious jewel brought to us now?” Since discovering Haldir bristled a bit at your little names, you had decided to find the most ridiculous ones possible for the marchwarden. It worked every time, too, judging by the furrow of his brow. “They go to the Lady of Lórien,” he replied simply, not to be goaded so easily. The man he seemed to know the best, the ranger, exchanged looks of amusement with you. “And what do you have to say for yourself, my dear?” You asked the man. Just as you suspected, Haldir’s expression darkened a bit further- perhaps he had gotten a bit more used to his names than he let on. At that, you couldn’t help a chuckle and a smirk.
Though she may not voice it, she is questioning of your ways at first because she has firsthand experience of people using words as weapons, saying whatever they can to influence others’ will. So sure, call her dear but you will get nothing of her she does not want to give. The day this changes is actually when you call her brother a pet name and he’s shocked and the wide look in her eyes has both of you laughing in a way you usually do not. She envies your carefree ways and from that moment on enjoys basking in them. It is impossible to help the way her heart gives a little flutter whenever a 'dear' or 'my darling' is directed her way, however...
The surprise she fixes you with upon playfully addressing her as ‘my pretty’ encourages you, if you are being honest. It’s a pleasant look, flattered and floored, that you think a lady like Arwen deserves to make again and again. As a result, while everyone else gets a casual darling or dear, you make it your mission to fluster Arwen as much as possible. “Ah, treasure, how has this day treated you so far?” She flushes. “…Well, I say. Thank you. And I wish you to know that you are no less than you say I am. The way you speak to me? It can also be said of yourself.”
You are caring. Parental. As a father of three, Elrond appreciates the way you speak gently and warmly. Assist his healed patients with soft whispers of be free of your pain, dear heart. As he granted you leave to use his name rather than My Lord you still slip up at times…until it becomes quite the opposite and a good night, dear slips from your lips upon parting for the evening. Elrond accepts and assures your every apology with an affectionate smile, shocking himself with the realization that his feelings for you are much stronger than he had allowed himself awareness of.
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bookworm-with-coffee · 2 years ago
This really had me swooning 😍❤
*cough* especially Bilbo's and Fili's *cough*
Imagine: Another man kisses you
Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, Bilbo's reactions when another man kisses you.
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Thorin and you are courting for a short time, and as he is the King while you’re a simple woman, you prefer to hide it. Who could believe the King court you anyway?
You easily hide it until a night of festivities.
A banquet is held in honour of the spring festival. The King is with his family, friends, and some advisers while you’re in another corner of the big room of festivities with your friends. The night is fun and you eat and drink too much, so you sing and laugh non-stop. Then, a long friend of yours offers you to dance. It’s not the first time you dance with him, and you know he is a good dancer, so you accept. 
The dance is nice and fun until you feel his hand on your back presses you against him and his lisp on yours. He acts too quickly given the quantity of alcohol you drank, but when you understand what’s happening, you move away from him. He holds you by the wrist and pulls a little. “I-I’m sorry,” he stammers. “I thought you–”
“Oh, hm, it’s alright,” you say as you try to take your hand back.
“It’s anything but alright,” Thorin says behind you with his sword in hand. He had run through the crowd with his sword, more furious than ever. The music stops, and everyone is looking at you, some of them whispering. 
Thorin takes your hand from your friend and pulls you behind him. “If you touch, or even look at her once again, I kill you. Understand?”
Your friend is freezing while Thorin exclaims again, “Understand?”
“Y-yes, my King,” he eventually replies, trembling. 
Then, after Thorin puts his sword away, he turns to you and kisses you in front of everyone. Not a simple kiss. A kiss that makes your knees weak and your breath hard.
“If anyone touches her, I’ll kill him!” he shouts to the crowd.
You pull his hand, so embarrassed by his behaviour, “Thorin, please calm down, they will believe it…” 
“I hope they’ll believe it!” he smirks as he kisses you again before he pulls on your hand to follow him out.
Note: Out where? You know where, right? 😏
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“He what?” Fíli shouts, startling Kíli while he was telling his last evening in a tavern with you and other friends. “He knows my feelings about her and he still kissed her!”
Fíli is so furious that he doesn’t know how to calm down after hearing one of their friends kissed you. Well, now he is not one of their friends. “He was drunk, and you know it already, he likes her too. Maybe they’re together now. You should have talked to her when you could, and I shouldn't say that if I want to stay alive.”
Furious’ Fíli’s glare is now on his brother as he stands up from his chair. “Where are you going?” Kíli asks, looking at his brother walking to the door while the sky was dark and cold because of the snow.
“I must talk to her. Now,” Fíli says before he gets out and runs to you.
At the same time, you were closing your shop. Some customers inside were still hesitant on their purchase, but you don’t rush them. Leaning on your elbows on your counter, you’re thinking of the last night and the kiss your friend gave you. You’re glad Fíli wasn’t there because you don’t know how you could face him after that. You would have given anything for him to be the one who kissed you yesterday.
Lost in your thoughts, Fíli enters and runs to your counter, ignoring the customers. You’re so surprised that you can’t speak when he stops and looks at you. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair when he sees no news braids in your hair.
“Is there a problem, Prince Fíli?” you eventually ask while the customers are looking at you more than the things you sell. You let Fíli catch his breath when you take customers out of your shop to talk to him alone.
“Now, tell me what’s happening. You start to worry me…” you say as you walk in front of him. 
He stands up straight, looks in your eyes and takes your hands. “Will you marry me?”
You obviously freeze. Surely for a long time since he ends up pulling your hands toward him, so that you take a step towards him. “I’m sorry. What did you say?” you ask as you’re not sure to listen to him well.
Fíli raises a hand to your face and slowly puts it on your cheek. As his thumb strokes your lips, he looks at it, completely mesmerised by them. “Fíli?” you ask even though his hand doesn’t bother you at all, but his behaviour still worries you.
He leans so closer to you that you feel his breathing on your skin. “Can I kiss you?” he whispers.
Then, you can’t help but smile when you understand his behaviour has something to do with yesterday. You barely have the time to say ‘yes’ that he draws you to a passionate kiss.
Breathless, he pulls away from you, his eyes sparkling, “I hope you said ‘yes’ for the two questions.”
Note: Alright, I got carried away. Now you’re married to him. Congratulations 🎉
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Tonight, you will do what you planned for days. Tonight, you will see if Kíli has feelings for you!
You've been friends with him for a long time, and as he is kind and flirty with everyone, you don’t know how you should take it. But, you, however, have feelings for him, and you want to know if you have a chance or not.
Speaking about it with him is obviously out of the question, so you planned to dance with a friend of yours tonight and see his reaction.
Here you are. In a warm, festive, and louder huge room to celebrate Durin’s Day. Food, ale, wine, music, drunk singers, drunk dancers, … The party has started for a long time and when you look at your friend with a smirk, he understands what you mean. He already knows your plan and he agreed with you, any pretext is good to annoy Kíli with all the jokes he has made to everyone.
Your friend is quite a good dancer and you have a good time with him. When the dance is over, he takes your hand to get you out from the dance floor, and as Kíli still hasn’t reacted, he presses you against him and kisses you. At first, you’re so surprised that you don’t react, but when you realise what he is doing, you pull away from him. “W-what are you doing? We–You–!” The surprise still makes you lose your words.
Kíli, from where he is, sees everything. Fíli doesn’t need to nudge him, but he does it anyway. “Did you see that? It seems it’s too late for you, brother.” But when Kíli sees you frowning and trying to move away from your friend, he stands up and walks toward you.
Your friend still presses you against him when Kíli arrives. “She doesn’t seem to like it, lad. Maybe you should release her.” The severe tone that Kíli uses surprises you. Your friend releases you immediately and walks away with a smile, without any apology. You will make him pay later.
“Follow me,” Kíli says as he takes your hand and pulls on it. He leads you in a quiet corner. You’re both alone and he ends up asking, “Are you alright?” as he puts his hands on your shoulders.
“No, I’m not. He–he kissed me!” you say, upset and embarrassed to be in front of Kíli after that.
“Yeah, I saw it,” he sighs as he strokes your shoulders, trying to comfort you.
“But-but I didn’t want it!” you exclaim as you raise your head to him, hoping he believes you just with your eyes and your words.
“You danced with him with such a cute smile, and you look like you’re having a good time. I can easily understand him. What did you expect?” Kíli’s eyes betray his calm tone. He tries to hide his irritation, even if his hands start to squeeze your shoulders unintentionally.
“What did I expect? I expected you would be jealous! I expected you would steal me from him!” you exclaim, hitting his chest with such weak strength that Kíli doesn’t even move. “I expected you would kiss me!”
You try to calm down, but you still exhale noisily from the nose, like a bull about to change its prey. Avoiding his eyes, you don’t see him smiling and says, “You danced with him on purpose to make me jealous.” It isn’t a question. “You should have come straight to me if you wanted to kiss me,” he resumes as one of his hands goes up to your cheek and the other goes down to your waist.
“I want you to kiss me only if you like me!” You look at him seriously. “Oh amrâlimê, it’s not a problem,” he whispers before kissing you.
Note: I always end up with an idiot in love with Kíli. I should try to change one day 🤷‍♀️
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Bilbo and you started to court since the quest, and now you live with him in Bag End. You’re even betrothed, but no one knows yet. 
You absolutely don’t know any Hobbits’ habits or customs, but you’re glad Bilbo teaches you them every day. They are simple and always nice.
Speaking of nice, Lobelia and her son Lotho are nicer than you thought compared to what Bilbo told you. You feel Lobelia doesn’t like you but she’s not mean to you, and her son helped you sometimes when you were lost in the marketplace.
Then speaking of Hobbits’ customs, tonight is one of Bilbo’s uncle's birthdays. You’re both invited, in fact almost everyone is. Bilbo doesn’t want to leave his home, but you are finally able to convince him.
When you say ‘birthday’, you say ‘cake’! As you’re walking with two plates of the birthday cake, one for you and the other for Bilbo, Lotho joins you with a smile. He is with his friends but he talks to you.
“Is this piece of cake for me?” he asks, showing a plate.
As you want to stay friendly with him, you nod with a smile, “yes, you can take it if you want.” Then, he takes it while one of his friends says, “Now the kiss!” 
You look at him strangely, not understanding what he’s talking about. Lotho laughs lightly, “It’s just an old hobbit’s custom. When someone gives you a piece of cake, you must kiss him on the mouth, otherwise it's bad luck for the person who gets the cake.” 
“Oh,” it’s the only thing you can say with a step away. Even if you don’t want to kiss him, you don't want to get Bilbo in trouble. So you kiss him quickly and all his friends shout of joy.
Bilbo, who was looking for you and his piece of cake, hears Lotho’s friends shooting and sees you in the middle of them with a strange behaviour. He walks to you with a smile, asking if everything is alright. You're hesitant to ask him if what you did is really a hobbit’s custom, but you’re too embarrassed to speak.
Then, Lotho says, “Your woman’s lips taste great!”. His friends laugh with him.
“I beg your pardon?” Bilbo politely asks as he turns to him. Then, he turns back to you and notices your eyes getting wet. “What did you do, Lotho?”
“Me? Nothing,” Lotho continues to smile. “She is the one who kisses me. Right, Y/n?” This sly hobbit waited for a long time to find a way to break your relationship. Like his mother, he doesn't want to start a family with his cousin and so, keep him away from Bag End even more.
When Bilbo turns once again to you, you try to explain to him, but you can’t. You try to run away, but he grabs your hand. “What was it? Hmm strawberries and wine, I think,” Lotho continues.
Bilbo ignores him and takes your other hands. His eyes reassure you and you eventually explain everything to him. When you start apologising, he lets go of your hands and walks to Lotho, who is still laughing with his friends.
Without waiting, Bilbo grabs Lotho by the collar of his shirt and pulls him toward him. “I’m not a violent hobbit, but Lotho, I can promise you if you touch her once again, you won’t be able to speak for days. Have I made myself clear?”
You’re as frozen as Lotho’s friends. As for Lotho, Bilbo's grip is so firm that he can hardly speak. After Bilbo asks him again, he stammers a positive answer. He eventually lets him go and gives a last look to his friends before joining you.
You have never seen him so upset, not even during the quest. He takes your hands and pulls on it. You lean to him and he kisses you passionately. “Follow me home, we have to erase it better,” he whispers in your ear.
Note: The protective behaviour of the dwarves has rubbed off on him. 🤭
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yell0ws0ul · 9 months ago
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He was also the first one to die and he also protected his brother by sending him away... HOW IS THIS NOT WORTHY OF BEING SHOWN THE SAME AMOUNT OF ATTENTION HUH?!?! HOW!?!?
Show my boy some god damn respect😡😡😡
#Justice For Fili Durin
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distinguisheddwarffriend · 11 months ago
Inspired by that post about Thranduil being all defensive/protective over Gimli in Valinor:
We all know the head canon of Thorin being all "no nephew of mine even associates with an elf" BUT
Just imagine, in a world where all three Durins survived, and Tauriel saved Kili (again), and some other elf healed his and Fìli's wounds last minute.
Thorin saw both his nephews almost die before him, has LIVED through how the gold sickness twists the mind and perception of things, and after coming to terms with Bilbo's theft of the Arkenstone, he for a while questions EVERYTHING.
And yes, he totally has a dramatic phase of self pity, holing up in his rooms, drinking Elvish wine (cus thats all there is atm) and smoking Gandalf's pipeweed, and mourning how "everything i knew is a LIE" and "if elves can make such amazing wine there HAS to be some good in them" and "I almost got my boys killed I am such a failure boooohoooo", and after Bilbo kicks his ass out if depression (and a STRONG worded letter from his sister) he is like "okay FUCK y'all I have TRAUMA TM and will do WHATEVER I WANT!!"
So when Kili all shyly comes forward one day asking if Tauriel can please stay with them in the mountain because she's banished from the Woodland Realm he's all "OF COURSE she can stay, you do you my precious boy, if Thranduil is stupid enough to let such a great warrior go we'll stick it to him"
and BAM, Tauriel joins Dwalin in leading Erebor's guard, and Dwalin is torn between "excuse ME u want me to share my job with a pointy eared maiden?" And "holy hell that lass has fire can't show how impressed I am".
And Tauriel Takes No Shit even from her own boyfriend, so Kìli is forced to take his new responsibilities seriously because "I did NOT lose my home to live with a CHILD, Kili", and Fili gets dragged into the whole thing without really understanding what happened, but hey, his lil brother is happy so who cares really.
And whenever someone at council (like Dain) complains about an Elf in the mountain, Thorin goes absolutely FERAL like "are you saying I don't know what's best for this mountain I just won from A DRAGON?! are you suggesting that my perfect baby nephew has bad taste? Huh? Exactly, didn't think so!!!!" And is a protective Papa bear "listen Tauriel if someone gives you shit you SHOOT them. No, not killing them, but, you know, just maim them a little to make a point. Trust me I'm the king."
And once Kili and Tauriel have their first child Thorin constantly kidnaps the kid and has them in the forge before they can even talk because "need to keep up that good old dwarven influence".
Anyway I'll go cry myself to sleep now.
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plussizefantasia · 5 months ago
Hey! Can I get a Thorin x f!reader where the company doesn’t believe in her because of her size and the fact that she’s a woman and then she totally kicks ass and doesn’t care what they think. And he totally regrets ever doubting her? Fluff ending if you can please!!
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You Saved Me
Thorin x Warrior!reader
WC: ~3k
warnings: violence, death, it's essentially a botfa re-write so...
a/n: thank you for the request, this was entirely written in a burst of passion at midnight so if they're are any typos I'm sorry, let me know and I'll fix them <3
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You were a feared warrior, one with skills you’d been honing since you could walk. Your parents had been killed by an orc pack when you were but a baby and you were taken in by the rangers who found you crying by the bodies of your loved ones. Almost a year ago you were sent a letter by that blasted grey wizard, an invitation, or maybe a plea you weren't sure anymore. Join a company of dwarves on their quest, and keep them safe. That is all he asked of you.
You had tried, you really had tried to keep them safe but when those blasted dwarves took one look at you and decided that there wasn't any possible way you knew anything about fighting, it became difficult. You had several moments where all you wanted to do was clobber them over the head, but you refrained. 
The whole journey was wrought with their endless need to remind you that you were a woman, a bigger one at that. They must’ve thought you hadn’t noticed or something of that nature, for surely they wouldn’t keep bringing it up if not to hurt you on purpose. They never forgot to tell you how much they thought you were soft, incapable, fragile. 
You’d shown them time and time again that this wasn't the case, incapacitating two of the trolls when they were all tied up in sacks ready to be cooked for dinner. You were defending  Ori when you were discovered by the warg scouts before your arrival at Rivendell. You were the first to join ranks and fend off the hundreds of bloodthirsty goblins in Goblin-town. Not to mention how you risked your life for Thorin’s when Azog attacked. You had run in with no weapon, just pure adrenaline and a need to save your leader.Not that you would ever tell him that. Tell any of them that.
Thorin was certainly one of a kind. He was undoubtedly cold, it was his nature, he had lost too much in too short a time to be willing to open himself up to others. Especially when the ‘others’ consisted of a woman ranger he hadn’t wanted on the quest in the first place. You understood though, you too had lost too much.
You wouldn't say that he warmed up to you, but it didn’t seem like he hated you as much as he did in the beginning. You had even caught him smiling once or twice when you cuffed Fili and Kili over the head at their cheeky remarks about your size.
 Over and over again you’ve defended these idiotic men, and yet nothing changed, they still had no faith. Most of them treated you horribly not that you think they noticed. It was hard to ignore their callousness when it came to you, especially compared to the warmth they shared with one another. There were several nights when their words became too much and you had to stray from camp in order to let the tears fall out of sight. But you had promised Gandalf that you would protect them, and if that meant staying even when it was obvious you weren't wanted, then that is what you’d do.
It wasn’t until Thorin, overtaken with his dragon sickness had cast you out that you had finally decided you were done. Done with dwarves, done with being underestimated and belittled at every moment.
“You will never be good enough, you are a burden to all those around you, a burden I no longer wish to be saddled with!” He had yelled from his position on the ramparts as you descended from the same rope that the hobbit had used just moments before. 
Thorin had never been cruel, aloof maybe, but never cruel. You knew deep down that it was his addled mind that allowed this cruelty to spew from his mouth. Thorin may not have known you loved him, but you had thought the two of you had reached a sort of understanding, a mutual bond forged by the danger you’d overcome together. Apparently not.
You joined Gandalf’s side as he spoke to Thorin. You bit your tongue to stop yourself from yelling back at the King Under the Mountain. It wasn't until you heard Thorin’s reply that you couldn’t hold yourself back anymore.
“I will have war!” He yelled.
“You will have death!” You had screamed back “You will have death for you and your kin if you do not stop this foolishness Oakenshield!” With that, you turned and headed back towards the gates of Dale. If there really was to be a war you would be needed, to protect those who could not protect themselves.
You heard the horns of war in the distance and shook your head. Foolish dwarves doing foolish things. You kept running towards Dale hoping to be of some use. 
Arriving at the old armory, you pulled out an old steel sword, one dating back to before the fall of the city. It wasn’t as good as the eleven blades that the elves of Mirkwood confiscated when you were captured, but it was well-balanced. The hilt was wrapped in old black leather, well worn and rough against your skin. 
You didn’t have time to sift for a better weapon, so you took the sword and ran. Bursting out onto the street your eyes scanned for danger. You took in all the rubble, some new and some old from the dragon attack years ago. The screaming of a group of people made you cease your reminiscing and run towards them. 
Taking down several enemies as you run, you finally round the corner into the main square. Landing your sight on Bain, Sigrid, and Tilda. Bain doing his very best to defend his sisters. You run forward without hesitation and trade blows with the monster in front of you, taking him down in no time at all.
“Are you all alright?” You ask rushing towards the girls and helping them down from the cart they had used as a hiding spot.
“We’re fine ma’am” Tilda responds in a shaky voice
“You all were very brave, but now it's time to head to the hall where everyone else is. Take cover, the battlefield is not safe for children I assure you.”
“But-” Bain had cut in.
“No, Bain, I know what your Da has asked of you but I’m telling you to take cover.”
He hesitated but nodded and took his sisters towards the main hall where the rest of the women and children were hiding.
You continue to take down the orcs and their armies as you run toward the main battlefield. 
“Y/N! Y/N!” You hear your name being called, rotating quickly your eyes fall on the hobbit who had become very dear to you over the course of the Journey.
“Bilbo, are you hurt? What’s wrong?” You rushed out
“No. No, I’m fine it’s Thorin.”
“Thorin? What’s happened with Thorin where is he?” Your questioning picked up in intensity.
“The Pale Orc is atop Ravenhill, and Thorin, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili have all gone to kill him.” The Hobbit responded just as rushed.
Without another word, you grab the back of the Hobbit’s coat and drag him behind you. Your eyes quickly scan the horizon, taking inventory of anything that could get you to the top of the Mountain quickly. You spot Lord Dain, on his royal ram, and make a plan in your head.
Hobbit still in your grasp you sprint across the field towards the Dwarf Lord,
“Lord Dain! I need your ram.”
“W-What?!” He sputters.
“I am not asking.” You huff out a frustrated breath and use the hand not currently gripping your friend to shove the dwarf off of his steed, quickly taking his place and beginning your trek to the mountain. Sending a quick prayer to whatever being there might be to keep your love safe. Just long enough for you to kill him yourself.
Once you are sure he won’t fall off you let go of your hold on Bilbo and scan the ground flying past you for any more weapons you could use.
Seeing a discarded elven bow and quiver ahead of you, you steer the ram towards it and scoop it off the ground and into your grasp. Five Arrows, you’ll have to use them wisely, but it’s better than nothing.
You look towards Ravenhill, watching as the dwarves you have reluctantly come to care for dismount their own steed. Pushing your heels into the sides of your own ram you pray to any gods out there that you’ll make it in time. 
You meet a few obstacles on your journey, the occasional orc arrow to be deflected, and even a troll who had fallen right in front of you. Nevertheless, in no time at all you reach the peak and search for the men you came to aid. 
You only see Thorin and Dwalin as they fight their way through hordes of creatures of the dark. You leap into the fray and call out to the two warriors
“Where are the princes?” 
“They’ve gone to search the structure.”
A yell coming from the tower quickly puts that thought to rest. You slash down the last monster before you quickly shift to see a sight that you’ll have a hard time forgetting. The pale orc holds Fili in his grasp. You immediately grasp your bow and nock an arrow. 
The pale orc is too absorbed in his victory speech to notice you pulling back the string. With a deep breath, you let an arrow loose and send a quick prayer that it hits its target. Not a second later you hear a deep grunt and see that your aim is true. The arrow lodged itself deep into the meat of the arm holding the dwarf prince. He drops Fili in surprise and your eyes widen in fear. However, it is short-lived as Fili pulls a dagger out of nowhere and wedges into the stone of the tower, slowing his descent.
Four arrows left. 
Azog staggers back and he catches himself on the wall behind him. His eyes find yours and you try not to shudder at the rage within him. This is a benefit you tell yourself. An angry enemy is a distracted enemy. His rage will be his downfall, you’ll make sure of it.
Fili lets go of the dagger and drops the rest of the distance, landing on his feet and quickly running to your side. Moments later, Kili runs from the tower and practically lunges for his brother. 
“You idiot Fee.” The brother's embrace is hard and you’re a little worried they’ll suffocate each other. Eventually, Kili lets go and turns to you, “Thank you. And I’m sorry.” 
“No need for apologies Kili. Gandalf asked me to protect you, and that’s what I’ve done.”
“Still, I underestimated you, I won’t do it again.” You nod at the prince and clap a hand on his shoulder. 
“I have to go help your uncle, don’t follow me, and whatever you do don’t split up. You’re stronger together.”
“Aye.” They both reply and send a single nod your way.
You clutch your bow and scan your surroundings, a trail of black blood and a broken arrow stem point the way to the Pale Orc’s location. 
“Fili, you wouldn’t happen to have an extra dagger would you?” You turn and ask. He smirks and opens his coat. 
“Take your pick Lass.”
After grabbing two matching daggers from Fili you begin jogging towards the frozen waterfall. You are single-minded in your task, ignoring the shouts of battle from below and the wails of the dying. You cannot let yourself get distracted. Distraction means death and you can’t help anyone when you’re dead.
You come upon a scene that you’d only ever had nightmares about. Thorin and Azog facing off on a barren plane. Neither is holding back and you force yourself to push past the terror that grips your heart. As you run towards your king you begin releasing arrows one after the other. 
Four. Three. Two. One. None.
Each arrow pierces the flesh of the monster pushing him back and back. Blow after blow sends him staggering and gives Thorin the advantage. He swings his sword and slashes at the beast.  But Azog does not fall. 
He yells. He stands and he starts returning blows. They are sloppy, his mace has no aim. It doesn’t need to, the force he puts behind it means he really only has to land one blow. 
You can’t run fast enough to cover the distance, especially not on the ice. Nevertheless, you keep pushing. Your legs burn and so do your lungs but you keep going. You race against time and fate to reach the dwarf you love. 
Thorin falls. The orc closes in. You run.
And run, and run, and run. 
You don’t notice the battle cry that rips from your body, but the orc does. 
He looks up and a sneer crosses his face. 
You get closer.
You pull your daggers.
The orc stands. 
You take a running jump.
Azog runs. 
You smile.
This is foolish. You understand that, not even you as skilled as you are could take down a beast such as this. But you’ll try because you made two promises. One to Gandalf, that you would keep the company safe. And another to yourself, that if you survived this you would stop being afraid, you would tell Thorin you love him and… 
Your daggers land in the Pale Orc’s shoulder blades. You hold on for dear life. His roar of pain nearly deafens you but you hold on still. Ripping one blade from his body you jab it at his neck. He grabs the back of your coat and pulls you away, you scratch him but nothing more. He lifts you into the air and looks into your eyes. The rage is still there, along with smugness, bloodlust, curiosity, and then - shock. His grip loosens and you fall to the ground. 
You scramble away from him, grasping the ice with shaking hands. You stand and turn. Azog is still, frozen in time. Except now, there is a sword piercing his chest. Right where his heart should be, protrudes a sword you know very well. 
Azog grips the blade and looks at you, then falls. He doesn’t get up.
Behind him stands Thorin, looking mightier than you’ve ever seen him. His hair is a mess and there is blood on his face and hands. Yet he’s never looked better. You run towards him and throw yourself into his arms. A laugh escapes you and you let yourself feel for a moment. Feel grateful, and scared and everything you’ve been holding back for the past few days. 
Thorin’s grip on you is strong and you can feel the tremor in his hands as he guides them up and down your back.
“You saved me.” His deep timber pulls you from your thoughts. “Why?”
“I made a promise to Gan-”
“No, you fulfilled your pledge to the Wizard the moment we made it to the mountain, yet you stayed. Why?” Thorin pulls his chest away from yours and attempts to catch your gaze with his.
“Is this really the time?” You ask. 
“When else?” He cocks his head to the side.
“Perhaps after the battle is over?” You fully pull away from him then. 
Thorin pauses, perhaps like you, he had briefly forgotten the battle warring on below you in a moment of joy. But he nods to you and walks back toward the lifeless body of your foe. He rips his sword out of the body. He flips Azog onto his back so his lifeless eyes gaze emptily at the sky. Thorin turns to you, “Perhaps you should look away.” he addresses you.
You simply raise an eyebrow at him. He nods and grasps the sword firmly. From one moment to the next Thorin separates Azog’s head from his body. He takes hold of it and walks towards the edge of the frozen lake, which looks out onto the field below. 
He lets out a mighty shout and hoists the fallen orc’s head into the air. Shrieks echo from below and the enemy begins to retreat. 
You’ve won.
Thorin drops his head and turns to face you, a rare smile graces his face and for the first time since you met him, it truly seems like the weight of the world has been lifted from his shoulders, for at least a moment.
It takes you three seconds to get in front of him, one second to grab ahold of his head, and another to kiss him. Five seconds, five seconds of bravery that you will probably never be able to muster again.
Thorin kisses you back with fervor, gripping you as through he thought you might fade away. Eventually, the need for air separates you. 
“That is why I saved you,” you whisper into the space between you, “because a life without you in it is one I do not wish to bear.”
“You’ll never have to.” is his reply before his mouth is on you again. Where the first kiss was full of passion, a burst of adrenaline between two people. This one is slow, like Thorin is savoring the moment like he is trying to memorize what it is like to have you. The moment is bliss, it's everything you wanted and thought you couldn’t have. 
And then it is ruined. A sharp whistle and laugh from across the lake separates the two of you once more. You turn and see Fili and Kili, holding each other and worse for wear but alive and smiling which you’ll take as a win.
The boys make their way towards you, Thorin never releases his hold on your waist.
“Is it over?” Fili asks.
‘It is now.” Thorin responds.
“Now what?” Kili pops up. Scanning the area around him.
‘We live.” Is your simple reply. Like Kili, you take a moment to look around you. And you really like what you see.
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bookworm-with-coffee · 2 years ago
Sleepless Nights. . .
(Fili x Reader)
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(A/N); Hey, readers! Thank you for stopping by to read this!! You can probably tell that this was a "lying in bed whilst cold" idea. Cos let's face it - we all want to snuggle a Dwarf. Enjoy! ❤❤
Plot; Bedsharing drabble
Pairings; Fili x Reader (Romantic)
Warnings; if you like sweet fluff - you'll probs need a dentist, sexual themes / implied smut / brief scene (18+)
The last light of the day had finally descended behind the horizon when the Company had finally set up camp for the evening. Although the wind of the evening was soft, its chill bit down to the bone. For the Dwarves of Thorin Oakenshield's company, this was not the case.
The Dwarves had thick, hardy blood from their upbringings and many winters spent within the Blue Mountains, making them immune to what they considered a light evening breeze. Gazing at their merriment, you found yourself envious of their indifference to the elements whilst you sat close to the crackling embers of the campfire. You had no such resistance in your blood. Your homeland was mild and warm, the summers being considered hot. None of the furs and clothing you had brought with you were enough to combat the chill of the nights in this part of Middle-Earth. Snuggling into your blanket that you'd draped over your shoulders, you sighed. You prayed that the cold evenings would cease or that you magically gain resistance to the elements over night. These were only the first nights of the quest, and there would be hundreds more. Bombur's hot stews only gave temporary relief, not being able to stop the suffering you felt in your nightly attempts to sleep restfully.
Night after night now, you'd slept horribly. In your futile attempts to rest peacefully, your sleep was light and consistently broken with your trembling. In the mornings, you'd been feeling drained and sore from being curled so uncomfortably in your bedroll. The Company had sensed your quiet and if they'd seen your exhaustion, they'd kept silent about it for your sake. Thorin Oakenshield was a hard man to please, still remaining unimpressed with your presence, like that of Bilbo's. He'd made it clear to the both of you that you were not to be liabilities on the Company. There would be no stopovers in cities, only the dangers of the wilderness. Despite Thorin's hardened will towards you both, you'd grown close with the Hobbit and become quite fond of him. His soft, kind nature had inclined you to feel more protective over the smaller man. However, Fili and Kili saw it as a point of exploit for their mischievous teasing.
There had been many wails and cries from the forest, heard within the evenings, some even managing to startle Thorin himself. He never rested easy either, to your understanding. "The Orcs must be getting restless", Kili mused beneath his breath, knowing that Bilbo was within earshot. The Hobbit had worriedly glanced around the quiet camp. Kili fought his grin, sharpening and cleaning his blade with careful strokes.
"I wonder how long it'll be before we come across them? Or how long it'll be until they find us?", Fili sighed nonchalantly. Your brows furrowed in distaste at their jesting. This was the second time over the course of the week that they'd done it, Thorin telling them off on the first time. It was your turn now.
"Don't listen to them", you chided Bilbo, sparing half a glare to the younger Dwarves as they sniggered to themselves. "They're just trying to be funny". Bilbo sighed, setting his bedroll next to yours,
"Don't you worry that they may be right??".
"No". Your flat answer and shrug surprised not only Bilbo, but the two mischief-makers across the fire. "We're in a camp full of Dwarven warriors armed to the teeth", you elaborated, eliciting smug brow raises from the Dwarven Princes who eavesdropped. "Their pained screaming would probably alert us so that we could escape". The Hobbit found himself chuckling at your addition, the two Dwarves quickly losing their smugness. Despite that, they found themselves in admiration of your fiery wit and sense of humour; Fili especially. He remembered your meeting in Bag End, when he protected you from Kili's food throwing. Although, you really didn't seem to mind it at the time. Both Dwarven Princes had taken to you quickly, despite their Uncle's coldness to you. You had been kind to them since the moment you'd met, carrying many hilarious conversations and jokes on the journey thus far. A smile curled onto the blonde Prince's face whilst he lit his metal pipe, his eyes dancing over to where you and Bilbo prepared to sleep. The Hobbit turned to you,
"Are you sure you want to sleep so close to the fire?". Pulling your blanket closer to your shoulders, you nodded,
"I'll be fine". Bilbo couldn't help his concern. One turn, and you could easily catch fire. He hadn't realised it, but you'd been trying to sleep closer to him each night, praying that some warmth might leech onto you. Even that had become futile now, this becoming your last resort.
Shuffling down, you started to make yourself comfortable for the evening. A soft hum left your lips once you settled, the deep warmth of the fire reaching your frozen limbs effortlessly. Fili watched in curiosity, as he'd done for the last few nights thus far, unbeknownst to yourself.
He'd noticed the paleness starting in your face, the way you constantly needed to stretch your limbs as if they were weak, tired and sore. You'd also developed a soft darkness beneath your eyes, seemingly more tired with each day's passing. Something was wearing you down. He even thought of telling Oin that you were unwell, Kili refusing the idea. If their Uncle caught wind that you had a sickness, he would leave you in the nearest town for care, unable to risk the safety and health of his kin. Kili was positive that it would pass. Yet, Fili wasn't so sure. Seeing you now trying to curl up to the fire after countless nights of lying extremely close to Bilbo had him worried that you had caught chills from a disease. That slowly, hypothermia may take you. Your eyes fluttered closed, unbothered by the world, Fili's brows creasing with worry.
"What is it?", Kili whispered, noting his brother's expression with equal concern.
"Something isn't right", he replied underneath his breath, eyes drifting to his counterpart. Kili's lips pursed, eyeing your form from afar.
"Agreed. She strays further from being herself every day, growing more exhausted".
"I wish I knew how to help her", Fili sighed. "But, she is silent about whatever this is. Maybe Oin—".
"No", Kili halted him. "I don't think she's sick". The blonde's brows rose, encouraging his brother to elaborate. Yet, before he could, a figure had crossed the camp.
"No, I've seen enough", Dori hushed his brother Nori, turning to your figure on the floor. "(Y/n), pardon me for disturbing, but I can't take this any longer". Propping yourself up on your elbows, you gazed up incredulously at the pompous Dwarf you'd also grown fond of. Dori had begun to fuss over you in previous days, ensuring that you were eating enough. You appreciated him and his motherly nature, yet now you weren't so sure.
"Dori?", you questioned, a brow quirking in confusion.
"You need to move from the fire right this very instant, lest you wish to burn yourself alive!". Sighing, you rubbed at your eyes.
"Dori, I'll be fine—".
"No!", he cut in harshly, silencing you. His eyes seemed to plead with yours, clouded in concern. "You'll catch alight being this close and I will not allow it!".
"Dori, please", you begged, the exhaustion in your voice softening his eyes. "I'm freezing. I'm cold—". Before the argument could get around the camp, Fili marched forward. He now understood why your nights had been sleepless. It all made sense. You were cold. He'd almost forgotten that you'd come from a more tropical part of Middle-Earth.
"Dori", his stern voice seemed to break the resolve of the older Dwarf. "I'll handle it from here". In his crystalline gaze, there was a surity and a sense gratitude for the other's efforts. Dori conceded hesitantly, sparing you a sympathetic glance before he parted. You came to dread the Prince's presence, grumbling to yourself in frustration. He was going to ask you to move as well, wasn't he?
"(Y/n), just move aside from the fire a moment".
Not wanting any more fights, you huffed, coming to a stand. The evening air attacked your form, your lower jaw beginning to tremble. The comfort of the fire was no more whilst you settled not too far from Bilbo. You curled painfully in your blanket, forcing your eyes to close. Fili had a sense of relief within him. You weren't sick, thank Mahal, but, he wouldn't let you suffer it out anymore.
In your numb, painful state, you hardly noticed the Prince setting his bedroll beside your own. He slid down, increasing the cold you felt when he lifted your blanket from your form. Your eyes shot open in a form of shock, your body tensing and covered with goosebumps. Instead, Fili set the blanket with his own, creating a double-layer blanket. Not only did the Prince cover you, but himself as well, shuffling closer to you. "Fili", you breathed out his name, your teeth beginning to chatter. "What are you doing?".
"It's okay", he murmured with a softness, wrapping you under one of his larger arms. Heat seemed to pour from Fili, his barely clothed form alike to a furnace. "Can I move closer?".
"Please", you shuddered, the Prince obliging quickly. Your arms came to wrap around him, the cold of your hands resting on his back seeming to give him shock.
"Mahal, you're so cold", he mumbled, curling his head over yours to comfortably have your head in the crook of his neck. You huffed harsh breaths, your body slowly becoming used to the warmth enveloping you. His large hands were like branding irons on your clothed skin as he rubbed circles over your arms and back, his hair masking your face from the cold. Once you ceased your breaths, your trembles coming to fade, he eyed your face for sickness. "Are you alright?".
"Yes", you sighed, nuzzling into his chest. "Thank you". A soft smile splayed on his face, relieved to see you no longer in pain. "Please don't leave".
"Just sleep", he encouraged, running his hand over your hair. "I won't leave you". There was a gentle compassion in his crystalline gaze that completely mesmerised you. Your tired gaze finally closed, fully trusting the kind Dwarf. Sighing in contentment, your body relaxed for the first time in many nights. Fili's heart thrummed like a lullaby close to your ears. His soft breaths were calm and steady, repeating in a blissful loop. It wasn't long before your breaths evened out, his callouses running gentle caresses over your cheek. And despite how he usually stayed up later, Fili allowed his eyes to come to a restful close as well.
The following morning came quickly over the horizon, your eyes fluttering open to find soft breaths fanning over your face. Fili's expression was peaceful whilst he slept, his arms holding you flush against his form. His legs had tangled with yours in your shared unconsciousness and you found that your muscles and bones no longer ached with inflammation. It had been the best sleep of your life.
With him already awake, Thorin's ocean gaze scrutinized your tangled forms from afar, yet said nothing. The rest of the Company didn't share his response as they rose for the day.
"You were awfully quiet for two people that bedded each other", Dwalin had teased, earning a disappointed look from Balin.
"Can't have been that good in bed then", Nori commented playfully. Gandalf had shaken his head at their antics.
"I was just keeping her warm!", Fili had defended, the Company laughing in their amusement.
"Aye, I believe that", Bofur conceded. "But, with or without yer pants on?". The blonde glared, sparing only you a sympathetic glance.
"Did you sleep well?", he asked, slipping his coat on over his tunic.
"Yes, thank you", you grinned, your muscles no longer stiff and your face no longer like death. Fili matched your expression. "I'm sorry about them".
"Don't be", he chuckled, shrugging. "They're just jealous". Some part of you felt as if you'd never sleep that well again. You knew Fili was doing this as a one-off and it saddened you. However, you would not waste this energy while you had it. You'd relish in it, even if it was for only one day.
Bombur had made a hot breakfast, rehydrating dried meats, cooking eggs, tomatoes and frying the mushrooms Bilbo had picked in the woods yesterday. Dori had set you aside a plate, ensuring that you had enough sustenance to carry you throughout your day. "I'm sorry", the older Dwarf planted himself beside you. "For everything". You turned to him, feeling the regret in his gaze.
"Don't be. I was lying too close to the fire. You cared for me, like Fili. Thank you". Dori offered you a smile of warmth, rubbing your back comfortingly.
"It's alright", he assured you.
As the day progressed, Ori had offered to knit you an extra blanket. Thorin didn't like the idea of his scribe forsaking his job for you, however, he understood why. Compassionately, he'd offered you his coat instead, which had shocked even his nephews. You didn't wish to deprive Thorin of his source of warmth, thanking him kindly, but declining the offer. The days were growing warmer, you'd noticed, but the nights were less promising.
The evening approached all too quickly, the late afternoon winds carrying a chill. Eagerly, you'd awaited Bombur's rabbit stew, courtesy of Fili and Kili's hunting skills. Ori had approached you whilst you ate, wrapping a scarf gently around your neck that he'd knitted post-haste for you. "I know it's not much", the young Dwarf fumbled. "But, I hope you like it and that it keeps you warm". You smiled, causing his expression to light up before you offered him a side hug. Happily, he obliged.
"It's more than I deserve, thank you, Ori". Dori smiled at your interaction, clapping his youngest brother on the shoulder in gratitude when he returned to his family. Bofur had taken to giving you his hat, lowering the flaps over your ears to keep them warm.
"Keep that safe for me, Lass. Can y' do that?". You grinned at his friendly demeanour, nodding.
"Thank you, Bofur".
"Was the stew hot enough?", Bombur asked with some insecurity. It occurred to you then that word had spread fast around the camp about your more tropical background.
"Beautifully so", you'd assured him to his delight. Oin had even taken to offering you a tea he'd made from chamomile flowers and honey-dipped sage for more peaceful sleep and happy muscles.
However, you dreaded only being with one blanket as the cold front moved in. You'd set up your bedroll as the trees rustled up above. The stone-covered floor beneath you matched the cold in the air, stealing the warmth from your form as you attempted to settle for the night. Steps approached your tensing form, the blonde Princeling aligning his bedroll with yours again to your surprise.
"What are you doing?", you whispered, eyes darting up at him in alarm. A soft laugh rumbled in his chest whilst he settled in with you.
"What does it look like?", he bounced back. "I told you I wouldn't leave you. I meant it". He offered you a lopsided grin that made your heart do backflips. "How close you snuggle up to me is entirely up to you". And despite his cheekiness, you didn't refuse his kind embrace, that same compassion twinkling in his icy blue gaze. His hot clothed skin met your own, a sense of bliss travelling into your very soul at the soothing feel of it. He adjusted Bofur's fluffy hat, ensuring Ori's scarf was also adequately covering you.
"Thank you", you hummed, almost gasping at his callouses trailing up and down your back, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
"It's alright", he murmured, his chin resting upon your head in contentment. Some part of you prayed that he'd never stop sleeping beside you like this.
To your delight, it became a nightly ritual. Most times, no words had to be expressed. It never mattered how involved in a conversation Fili was, he would always follow you to your slumber whenever you decided to sleep. If he was on nightwatch, he would hold you in his arms, bundled into his lap. It was in the quiet hours of the night in which Fili allowed himself to admire the evenness of your breaths and your restful expression. Sometimes, he would lay soft kisses upon your forehead when he was sure you were entirely asleep. Slowly, he came to the understanding that he was becoming taken by you.
Guilt had begun to fill his heart over time. This was an entirely innocent act and yet, Fili felt as if he had tainted it. You had no idea about his feelings and if you did, would you still allow him to be so close? To hold you with the hands he desired to do so much more with? He found it was selfish to keep you so close, feeling that you deserved more than him.
It mattered not when danger struck the Company.
First, it had been trolls who'd taken to stealing the ponies for their meal, before putting yourself and the Dwarves on their breakfast menu. But, with the coming of Radaghast the Brown afterwards, Fili realised there were far worse worries than the trolls they'd faced or his impure thoughts.
Wargs with Orcs astride were hunting you all and there was nowhere to run. Adrenaline carried the Company across a field littered with boulders. "Ori, no! Get back!", Thorin exclaimed, pulling the younger Dwarf back against the fifteen-foot boulder your group had begun to pass. Sweat beaded down your forehead, eyeing Thorin for further instructions. It was Gandalf who instructed you to keep moving instead. "Come on, come on, quick!!", he ushered everyone along. Fili stuck close to you, pulling you with an iron grip to ensure you kept up. You never fought his touch, holding onto his larger hand whilst your legs burned amidst your sprint.
"Where are you taking us?", Thorin had ground out in his suspiscions, eyeing the grey wizard who declined to answer him. The howling of the Wargs was enough to heighten your anxieties, alleviating your pain, pushing you forwards. Radaghast's cries of laughter descended over the hills ahead, alerting you all to the nearby Orc pack. What you weren't expecting was to see Radaghast leading them in the hills right ahead of you. The Dwarves were lead to a sharp left, you all ducking for cover beneath a boulder. Thorin pinned Bilbo beneath his arm and against the boulder face, doing a headcheck to make sure that everyone was accounted for. Fili had you pinned behind him, his large twin-swords drawn. Thorin admired his nephew's instincts to protect those weaker than himself. Not that you weren't a capable fighter, you just weren't as seasoned as the Dwarves. Dwalin growled beneath his breath, his axe at the ready. Ori clung to your arm, holding on for dear life. All of your breaths, despite wishing to catch them, shallowed as the jaws of a Warg gnashed menacingly above. Thorin's ocean gaze darted to his youngest nephew, armed with a bow. Panic leapt into your throat. You would get caught, you knew that. Your mouth opened to protest, but Thorin had given his orders. Kili stepped out from beneath the boulder, firing true between the Warg's eyes. This was not enough, to everyone's surprise. The Warg and his rider tumbled to the floor, the Dwarves striking hard and fast. Your face had screwed into a cringe, the wails of the two hellish creatures echoing throughout the hills. A moment of tense silence passed before a foul tongue was heard on the wind, Gandalf's gaze snapping to the hills ahead. Howls began to echo in the landscape, the wizard shouting, "Move!! Run!!". Your feet hit the ground, Fili pushing you forwards, ahead of himself. Noticing that Bilbo was lagging behind to your right, you gripped onto the Hobbit, pulling him with you.
"Ori, quick!!", you ushered the smaller Dwarf that flanked your left.
"I'm trying!", he gasped, gaining on your lead.
"There they are!!", Gloin yelled, pointing to your far right. You spied the many numbers they had, your heart battering within your ribcage.
"This way!", Gandalf called, looping you further left and down the yellow hills. Thorin was faster than the rest of his Company, taking the lead ahead of the grey wizard. Yet, it was all for naught. Thorin's arm stopped your group, growling at the Orc riders dead ahead.
"There's more coming!!", Kili shouted, arming his bow to fire.
"Shoot them, Kili!! Shoot them!!", his Uncle ordered with urgency. You drew the sword on your waistbelt, holding it in a defensive position.
"We're surrounded!!", Fili proclaimed, only a few yards ahead. The enemy had completely enclosed the Company in. And you were all heavily outnumbered. You darted forwards to help build the front lines, Fili catching you in his peripheral. His strong arm outstretched, catching your smaller form. "Stay behind me!!". The sternness and desperation lacing his voice whilst he held you back was almost terrifyingly different to the softness he usually offered you.
"I'll fight with you! I can fight!!", you argued.
"No!!". His voice dropped an octave. "Flank the others. Protect them. Let me protect you!". His eyes pleaded with you whilst he gently shoved you back. "Do as I say, (Y/n)!". Fili was a seasoned warrior. With so many enemies, you may be the Company's last line of defense. Kili shot arrows effortlessly into the wind, the other Dwarven warriors falling into a panic.
"Where's Gandalf?!", Dori shouted. Now that you looked around, running to regroup with Bofur, Bilbo and Thorin, you didn't see the wizard anywhere. Dwalin flanked your right, responding hatefully,
"He's abandoned us!!". You panted, watching to your horror as Ori took the first line of defense, shooting his slingshot weakly at the leader of the pack to no avail.
"Ori!!", your cry broke the air, Thorin charging forwards from your left to join the outer circle with his nephews.
"Hold your ground!", he screamed, Dwalin and Bofur lingering with you to protect the others. Readying yourselves for a difficult fight, you all jumped when hearing the voice of the wizard you'd all come to love so much.
"This way, you fools!!", Gandalf yelled, seemingly within a ditch in the rocks. It was your best chance. Everyone knew it, not hesitating to sprint in the opposite direction, towards the boulders.
"Come on! Move!!", Thorin barked, ushering Bombur, Fili and Ori ahead of himself. Kili had not stopped holding his ground courageously. "All of you, let's go!! Move! Move!!". As per Thorin's proclaimations, you helped Bofur, Bilbo, Balin and Dori into the ditch below. Meanwhile, the King skillfully struck down the Wargs that attempted to foil your escape. Oin, Gloin, Bombur and Bifur slid down, one by one. Dwalin grabbed ahold of you, once assuring himself that Fili, Nori, Ori and Thorin were near enough.
"Let's go!", he'd shouted, dragging you down into the darkness below. Eagerly, the Dwarves below attempted to catch you both, cushioning your rough fall successfully. Quickly regaining your foothold, you held up your weapon in renewed fervour.
"Kili!!", Thorin shouted, still not descending until all of his kin were accounted for. Gandalf helped keep track of that, having counted you all as you fell in. Ori and Nori had come tumbling into the cavern, everyone pulling together to break their fall. Nori pushed Ori behind himself, growling with a primal fury. The two Dwarves were followed by Fili, Kili and finally Thorin. Dwalin and Fili fronted a defense in front of you, the latter tucking his arm behind himself to cover you.
Instead of the onslaught you'd all expected to follow, a horn broke the air, hooves breaking the softer ground above with thunderous steps. An onslaught had begun, just not involving the Company. Metal clashed in the fields above and arrows flew, an Orc tumbling into the cavern with one piercing his chest. You all were ready to fight the creature, sighing in relief when you found it to be deceased. Not satisfied, Thorin ripped the arrow from the Orc's chest to examine its make. "Elves!", he spat, throwing it aside distastefully.
"I canny' see where the pathway leads!", Dwalin called out, having now moved ahead from the group. "Do we follow it or no?!".
"Follow it, of course!!", Bofur responded all too eagerly, pushing his way through the crowd his kin had formed. The Company didn't wait for further orders, Nori leading his brothers behind Bofur and his cousin and brother. Balin followed suit with Kili at his side. Gloin and Oin followed after them. Thorin's eyes darted between Gandalf and Bilbo with an unreadable amount of frustration before following his kin.
"I think that would be wise", Gandalf agreed with some lighthearted amusement. You breathed a sigh of relief, placing your sword back into its scabbard. The Company had survived, you were all alive. Fili waited for your steps to follow his own before moving forwards. Bilbo lingered with the wizard, their steps falling far behind your own.
"Are you hurt?", the Princeling asked, his gaze travelling over your beautiful body for any signs of injury.
"I'm fine", you sighed. "In need of a lot of rest. And you?".
"The same", he assured with an amused huff. You were all finally safe, having landed in the realm of the Imladris, better known as Rivendell; the home of the Elves. You had always wished to visit these lands, having read about this place only in legends.
The rays of the setting sun reached over the cliffs of the Valley. It provided a dim, natural lighting of a golden orange. Upon seeing the water that flowed freely through the small and beautiful city, your body craved a bath and a new set of clothes. Sweat and dirt had matted your clothing heavily, creating an unpleasant stink and stickiness to your skin. Thorin was in no way impressed about being in Rivendell over the next few days. Yet, most of you couldn't care less.
You all had descended the stone steps, having an Elf by the name of Lindir greet you upon entry. Gandalf had asked for an 'Elrond', a name you had read only in Middle-Earth's greatest history books and legends. Lord Elrond Half-Elven. And it wasn't long before he showed. He and his men came astride many stallions, surrounding the group of Dwarves that shoved you and Bilbo into the middle of their kill-circle. You had been relaxed all along, realising that there was no harm intended. The Elven Lord was kind beyond words, greeting the wizard as a very old friend. He had looked upon your group, noticing how weary everyone was. Without hesitation, he offered food, his house and all its amenities to you all. You didn't hesitate to thank him on the spot, Dwalin and Thorin rolling their eyes at your good manners.
"You are most welcome", Elrond had assured you with an inclining of his head, Gloin's words having been quickly forgotten in your kindness.
The day's passing seemed slower in Rivendell. You didn't feel rushed as you rinsed yourself in pouring water to remove any and all dirt before soaking in a premade bath. All of these amenities were in your room, the silk curtains closed for your privacy. The water seemed creamy, smelling floral as it softened your skin. Steam rose from the water, being just the right temperature. A clean dress had been set on your bed along with a night gown. You used the exfoliating oils on your scalp, rinsing out the sweat and dust once you had left the bathtub. The dress the Elves had been kind to leave you was a soft baby blue, sheer with many layers. The sleeves and underdress were silver silk that clung to your arms comfortably.
When you arrived at dinner, the Dwarves noted your sweet scent. You'd definitely bathed and left your hair loose to dry. Despite being offered a seat at Elrond's table with Thorin, Balin, Bilbo and Gandalf, you chose to sit with Bombur, Dori, Ori, Bifur, Gloin and Fili at their smaller table. You sat between Ori and the space on your left where Bofur sat at the head of the next table. Fili had eyed you from the moment you entered the terrace. Silken silver and sheer blue. It was a breathtaking combination on you. You sat across from him, the sun hitting your back and giving you an ethereal halo. His mouth went dry, but it seemed he wasn't the only Durin in the state of infatuation. Kili had eyed the harp-playing Elf-Maid, her delicate fingers tracing over the strings. He even offered a wink which faced scrutiny by Dwalin, seated across from him. You hadn't noticed Fili's gaze whilst you ate, watching as Kili further humiliated himself at his table. The blonde Princeling had taken his lower lip between his teeth, resisting the impulsive thoughts that raged like fire within his mind and blood.
Dori had trouble trying to convince Ori that salads were good. So you joined, coating some of his salad with the light citrus dressing on the table. "Dressing makes it taste better", you encouraged the younger Dwarf.
Dwalin seemed to disagree with your words, searching his plate frantically for even the smallest traces of meat.
Bombur wasn't fussed, stuffing his face without a care. "Change the tune, why don't you?", Nori groaned eventually. "I feel like I'm at a funeral!".
"Did somebody die?", Oin echoed, his deafness making his counterpart harder to understand. Nonetheless, a change of music was in order and Bofur was happy to oblige. He clambered onto a stone platform to your own surprise and had started singing the merriest drinking song that you'd ever heard. The Dwarves all seemed to know it, clapping and banging on the table, Thorin seeming to tap the floor happily in rhythm. Bofur leapt around, offering you a friendly wink and smile whilst he danced with not a care in the world,
"So, the cat and the fiddle played 'hey diddle-diddle', a drink that'll wake the dead! He squeaked and he sawed and he quickened the tune! And the landlord shook the man in the moon, 'it's after 3!', he said!".
The song came to a crashing conclusion, dinner becoming a foodfight fest amongst the Dwarves. What mattered to you most was that they were all here, able to be merriful. It was a lovely dinner, however, Elrond and Lindir were unimpressed with their guests' manners. With good reason.
After the festivities of dinner, you had chosen to retreat from the terrace on your lonesome to the Dwarves' disappointment. You wished to explore the Elven libraries, whilst the Dwarves took to wreaking havoc on the Elves' pantry. They stayed in a small room, all together with many chairs, a few beds and just their bedrolls.
Night had finally descended upon Rivendell, the evening seeming milder to you. Thorin, Balin, Bilbo and Gandalf had all disappeared for the evening with Lord Elrond, nowhere to be seen by anyone for many hours now.
The moon shone through the curtains of the Dwarves' shared room, exhaustion having taken them all after their post-dinner snacks. The fire they'd made in the center of the room was now dying into embers. Snores were heard for halls beyond, the Dwarves draped both comfortably and uncomfortably over furniture, the floors and the bed. Fili was curled up by the bedside table within his bedroll. He'd bathed and washed his clothes, setting them to dry over the balcony railings, wearing the soft brown tunic and pants he'd brought as a spare. Everyone was dead asleep, yet his eyes were wide open. Even Kili, who had his limbs twisted in many directions on a hard chair had fallen into a slumber. His mind drifted to you, pondering if you were sleeping soundly or not. Despite how he should've been glad to not be sharing his space for a few nights, Fili found himself distraught. He'd gotten used to hushed words being shared before sleep would take you both. He got used to the feel of you within his arms. Your nightly embrace felt right, your bodies snuggled together perfectly. Although he'd never admitted it, Fili had slept better since having you beside him. The Prince realised that he missed you. Packing up his bedroll and abandoning his belongings, Fili crept past the sleeping bodies of his comrades, beginning to wander the halls in search for your quarters.
Bodies molded together in passion, hot breaths mingling. Kisses were like fire upon the skin, strong arms holding you to the mattress in your shared pursuit of pleasure. One could only wish, you thought, placing down the book you'd tried to read in your attempt to relax and sleep. When your thoughts drifted to passion, Fili's expression and tone of voice came to mind. He'd looked at you on the battlefield like nothing else mattered, your skin still feeling his hard grip. The deep warmth of his skin and his callouses often had you fantasising on what a heated night would be like with the Princeling. It had tingles building between your legs. Aside from such thoughts, your mind had drifted to him. Fili must've been glad to be without you for a few nights, surely. He had not the faintest clue of your fantasies whilst you shared soft whispers and warm embraces during the colder nights, nor the feelings for him dancing in your heart. You missed him, unable to chase sleep without his arms around you. Heaving a sigh, you stood from the chair in which you'd perched, your nightdress falling to your knees. It was strappy and hemmed with lace around the chest and ends. It was a pure white colour, sheer with an underdress. The colour matched the silken sheets of your bed, you finally lifting them to climb in. You had to attempt sleep. In the dimness of your room, your mind raced, thinking back on the few handmaids that had tended to your room earlier in the evening. They pondered to you about your supposed partner, noting Fili's glaces and protectiveness over you. You had assured them that he was just a friend. You were you and he was a Prince. He could never—
"(Y/n)?". Your head lifted from your pillow and snapped to the open curtains at the front of your room, the blonde Princeling eyeing you from the doorway. Your eyes had widened in surprise, hardly expecting his company at this hour.
"Fili! I—", you fumbled, trying to cover yourself with your sheets.
"Don't!", he'd halted you. "It's fine, I don't mind". He wasn't exactly dressed properly either, you noted. His tanned tunic hung loosely around his broad figure, the first buttons undone to reveal his chest. The sleeves had been rolled up to reveal the strongly built muscles of his forearms, wearing nothing but a pair of pants with a dagger attached to his leg. "I came to check on you", the Princeling's voice softened amidst his confession. "I wanted to see if you were safe". Seeing you like this had him at a loss for words. Your smile made you seem relieved to see the Prince, and perhaps you were. His eyes seemed heavy with thought, coaxing your next question.
"Is something wrong, Fili?".
"No, no", he assured, offering you a smile. "The lads are keeping me up with their snoring. I was actually wondering if I could stay with you for the night?". You matched his expression amusedly.
"Of course", you nodded, beckoning him to join you. "I'd actually like some company tonight".
"Makes two of us", Fili sighed, straying forwards to your bed. Climbing in on your left, his eyes lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, (Y/n)". His body heat had radiated outwards once he'd settled in beside you. And despite how you weren't the slightest bit cold, you still felt drawn to his warmth. Fili had moved his body closer to your own almost out of instinct, lying so close that you could see the curves of his lashes and the depths of his kind gaze. "Are you alright?". The way you'd withdrawn from the terrace on your lonesome and your sleeplessness had the Prince worried that the Warg attack had unsettled you.
"Better now", you assured, a content sigh leaving your form. "Are you holding up okay?".
"Better now", Fili mirrored with a fond smile. "I feel like I can finally get some rest now, at least".
"Likewise". His brows knitted together in confusion, silently asking you to elaborate. "It was different, trying to sleep without you next to me tonight".
"You missed me??". Fili's heart had begun to hammer within his chest, his courage slowly dissipating with every breath he took. Trying to avoid getting any of his hopes up, his crystalline gaze monitored your expression for any signs that you may be uncomfortable.
"I've hardly slept a night without you since this quest began, Fili. It's hard for me not to miss you". His lips parted, brows raising in slight shock at your confession before he murmured,
"I missed you as well". His eyes had grown sadder, as if harbouring some guilt. "It's also why I chose to come here. I sleep better when I'm next to you".
"Me too", your hushed whisper barely left your lips before you pressed them to his softer ones. Fili's eyes fluttered closed at the contact, his heart having leapt into his throat. His heated hand found your waist, slowly tipping you onto your back with him hovering over you. The beads of his braided beard hitting your face tickled and shocked you with their cold, the kiss becoming devouring, his tongue working into the wet cavern of your mouth whilst your hands wove into his golden mane. His kiss had you seeing stars when his lips retreated from your own, trailing down the base of your throat in soft, searing touches. Fili's hand gripped the delicate material of your nightdress, declining to remove it without permission. When his lips reached your collarbone, his head lifted to tease you, pressing a feathersoft kiss to your forehead instead. Spindling his braid between your fingers, you smiled cheekily up at the Princeling, "The lads will definitely know something's up now. We'll both probably never hear the end of it". A soft laugh rumbled in his throat. Something told you that he didn't really mind the idea.
"We probably won't", he conceded, raising his brows almost suggestively. "But, maybe we should give them something to tease us about?". Heat traveled to your core, noting how his fingers began to thread into the material by your waist. You saw the glint of dark mischief playing in his gaze whilst it danced over your features.
"I quite like that idea". Your response coaxed him into resuming the heated ministrations that he was desperate to continue.
-- Extended Ending --
When the first light of the morning sun rose from over the cliffs of the valley, the soft light poured into your open room. The sheer curtains moved with the cool breeze, encouraging you to worm yourself deeper into the hot embrace of your lover. A delicious ache remained between your legs, reminding you of the previous evening's delightful happenings. You could still feel the hard grip he had when he'd parted your legs, the tingles from the desperate kisses you'd shared whilst he pumped rhythmically into your core, the smiles both loving and devious; and the way the heavens descended to the Earth when he'd helped you reach your high. Fili had held you afterwards, grounding you from the dizzying pleasure, cleaning you up and pressing sweet kisses across every inch of skin he'd been privileged to see. You truly didn't care for the vulgar sounds that slipped from both your lips the previous night, sighing contentedly in the embrace you shared with the Prince. As if being called by your thoughts, his crystalline eyes opened, blazed with an admiration and a laziness. They traced the features of your face, his callouses working imaginary patterns on the skin of your bare back. Brushing your messed fringe from your face, his lips finally pecked yours lovingly. A sigh left through his nostrils blissfully. Nothing could make this moment any better than it was...
The sound of steps stumbling into the room caught your shared attention, a distraught and exhausted looking Bofur standing in the doorway. "Just lettin' ye know that breakfast is ready", he grumbled, rubbing at his head. "And that the whole building heard y' last night". The both of you pursed your lips in restraint of your laughter, Bofur remaining unamused. "I had to try and sleep to multiple horrifying renditions of a Warg's call. Scarring t' say the least". Bofur forced a smile before leaving, "Glad t' see ye slept well, at least".
When his steps faded, the dam broke loose, your shared laughter pouring from your very hearts. Fili laid back, a shiteating grin on his face. You had to wipe at your eyes that became tearful with amusement.
Maybe this moment had just gotten a lot better?
The End . . .
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fandom-imagines-stories · 9 months ago
Fire Moon
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Kili Durin x Reader
Words: 2482
Summary: While on an escort detail with the dwarven princes, you and Kili witness an event that prompts him into a romantic realization. 
Notes: I’ve written a lot of angst for Kili and you know what, the boy deserves some fluff. So I’m going to attempt some cozy adventure fluff for one of my favorite fantasy boys of all time. 
Exhaustion weighed heavily over the camp. 
Every step took more effort than you thought you had left. You’d just about completed your patrol when you heard the footsteps behind you. You reached for your sword. 
“You look too tired to lift that, let alone use it,” Kili teased, stepping into the light of your torch. 
You huffed and took your hand off the hilt. Still, even through your fatigue you couldn’t help but smile. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be helping your brother look over the supplies?”
He shrugged. “Fili can handle it. Besides, he always accuses me of stealing the apples.”
“Don’t you?” You scoffed. 
Kili winked and tossed you the bright red fruit. “Though you might be hungry.” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “Thanks.” You took a bite, the bright taste helping restore you a little.
“We should be in Rohan in a couple of days,” he said, taking another apple from his pocket. He spoke with his mouthful of the fruit. “The merchants should find decent trade there.”
“If they can manage not to get themselves killed.” You started walking again.
He followed, chuckling. “They aren’t exactly the exploring type, are they?”
“I’ve saved at least a dozen from poisonous plants alone.” Your hands moved with your words, emphasizing your frustration. 
He thought it was adorable. 
“I’m worried, should we run into any Dunlendings, these people won’t just be unable to defend themselves, they’ll get in our way of defending them” you sighed. 
“I’m sure we’ll manage.” He nudged your shoulder, grinning. “You look so serious.” Kili mockingly mimicked your expression, unable to hold it for long before he was beaming again. “This is supposed to be an adventure.”
“We’re charged with keeping them safe and I can’t do that if they keep putting themselves in danger!” You exclaimed. 
Kili raised a brow. “You really are tired, hmm?” He snickered. 
You laughed, running a hand down your face. “Shut up.” 
A content quiet settled between you as you took in the scenery around. Even in the dark, the silhouettes of the Misty Mountains still took your breath away. 
“I’d forgotten,” you mused. 
Kili tilted his head. “Forgotten what?”
You smiled and took his hand. “Why I agreed to come on this venture in the first place.”
Kili brought your hand up to his lips, holding it a little tighter. His dark honey eyes met yours with nothing less than utter happiness. 
“Well, we’re fortunate you could join us,” he chuckled. “Who knows what kind of trouble Fili and I would get into if you weren’t here to keep us in line.” 
You snorted. “I’m sure he’d say the same about you and me.” 
“He mentioned it just this morning, actually,” Kili beamed. 
“What a trio we make.” You looked over the camp and sighed. All these people traveling to gather supplies to take all the way back to their homes. They worked and prayed and fought to protect something you’d never had. Not that you always minded. With the stars over your head and Kili’s hand in yours, you knew you would be content anywhere. 
Besides, you were far too restless to ever stay in one place. As were your traveling companions. Even now, Kili could hardly stand still. 
You stretched beside him, yawning. 
“You should get some rest,” Kili said. “I can take watch for the next few hours.”
You shook your head. “I’ll be fine.” You yawned again before you could stop it. 
He shook his head and pressed a kiss to your temple. “Sleep, my darling.” The rumble of his voice warmed every inch of you. 
You knew there was no point in arguing. 
“Only if you promise to sleep as well.” You leaned in, lips brushing his ear. “It gets too cold without you.”
Kili turned his head, quickly capturing your lips in a kiss. He smirked. “I’ll do a few rounds and then switch with one of the others.”
You gave him another quick kiss before heading back to where you’d set up your bedrolls. 
Kili watched you go, his grin never faltering for a second. In all the years he’d known you and all the time you’d been together, Kili had still never gotten used to simply gazing at you. 
“You’re supposed to be watching the whole camp, you know,” Fili teased, appearing at his brother’s side. 
Kili cleared his throat and turned to the tents. “I am.”
Fili chuckled, shaking his head. “I still can’t believe that the girl who followed us around, demanding archery lessons grew up to be-” he motioned to your retreating figure, “well, Y/N.”
“I think she’s always been beautiful,” Kili mused, the taste of your kiss still lingering in his smile. 
Fili snorted. “That’s not what you said the first time you took her shooting.” He ruffled his younger brother’s hair. “Ah, the power love has over memory.”
Kili stopped dead. “L-love?” He stammered. 
“It’s only an expression,” Fili laughed. He watched Kili’s face turn red. “Unless… by the gods, you are in love!”
Kili yanked him aside. “Would you keep your voice down?” He hissed. 
Fili lit up with a mischievous smile. “You haven’t told her?”
“There hasn’t exactly been a good time.” Kili crossed his arms and turned away, looking more bashful than Fili had ever seen him. 
Fili pat him on the back. “Well, I wish you the best of luck, brother.” He snickered. “You’re going to need it.”
Fili cast many knowing looks in your direction the next day. Every side-glancing smirk made you wonder just what the dwarven prince was keeping from you. Unfortunately, you took the middle of the party while he stayed in the back, so you didn't get the chance to interrogate him. 
Kili, on the other hand, couldn't seem to get away from you quickly enough. Every time you approached him, he came up with some excuse to get away. Even last night, he’d remained distant, staring up at the stars while he lay across the grove from you. Between that and Fili’s odd attention, you couldn’t help the doubts that began to flit through your head. 
Had you done something wrong?
Another day of travel passed, vast and rolling fields to one side and jagged, towering peaks to the other. The mountain breeze wisped through your hair. Its briskness carried the scent of wildflowers and helped to distract from your thoughts. 
Kili, who was leading the party, called everyone to a stop. This would be where you camped tonight. It was a good spot- near a creek, trees for firewood, and plenty of rabbits for restocking previsions. But since he was giving you the cold shoulder, you kept this praise to yourself. 
He and Fili met you in the middle to tie up your ponies and discuss the evening’s plan. But once the ponies were secured, the three of you just… stood there. An odd and unfamiliar tension hung between you. 
So Fili took matters into his own hands. 
“Some of the merchants were talking,” he said, glancing between the two of you. “Apparently, they saw some smoke along the ridge.” 
Kili made a face. “I didn’t see any smoke.”
“I did,” Fili said- a little too quickly, you noted. He put a hand on you and Kili’s shoulders. “You two should go scout it out.” And before either of you could argue, he continued. “We wouldn’t want to be surprised by a group of Dunlendings, would we?” He hurried off to join the others, turning back just for a moment. “Don’t get killed. I’m sure you’ll have plenty to talk about when you get back.”
Fili shot his brother a wink. 
Kili promptly reddened and muttered a string of curses. 
“He seems… odd today,” you noted, watching the blonde vanish amongst the tents. 
“It’s a long story,” Kili grumbled and started up the path. 
You took a deep breath, trying in vain to banish the worries pounding through your head like a war drum.
Fili was right about one thing. 
It would certainly be an interesting night. 
It was hard to remain irritated once you began to take in the beauty around you. Massive trees enveloped you on either side, giving you glimpses of the rocky landscape through their branches. Birds and frogs filled the air along with the bubbling of creeks made from snowmelt. The setting sun cast the world in hues of orange and gold, giving the mountain peaks the illusion of being capped with fire. 
“We should be at the top of the ridge within the hour,” Kili said, hiking slightly behind you. 
“I’m not sure we need to go that far,” you observed. “I see no sign of smoke at all. And besides, why would Dunlendings be camped out this far?”
Kili caught up to you. He looked strange, almost nervous. This only worsened your confusion. 
“Why don’t we go anyway?” He gave you a small smile. “Just to be sure.”
You watched him for a second, tilting your head as if he was a riddle you couldn't solve. 
“Alright,” you finally said and the two of you continued onward, now walking side by side. 
Kili felt more anxious than he was when he faced his first one. Every time you glanced at him, the butterflies in his stomach turned brutal, and each time you smiled at the stunning view, he wanted to catch your lips with his and never let go. 
You tried your best to pretend like everything was normal despite the fact that lightning seemed to shoot up your arm every time his hand grazed yours. 
“I heard of a town with a goblin problem not far from Ered Luin,” you said. “Perhaps we could head there when we escort the merchants home.”
Kili nodded. 
You continued in silence.
A deer ran across your path to drink from the creek. Its large brown eyes watched the two of you and must have determined you posed no threat for it bowed its head down to the cool mountain waters. 
This, you thought, was all you needed. The air of the Misty Mountains, the pleasant tiredness of a day’s adventure, and someone to share it with. 
You just hoped that Kili felt the same. 
With the sun almost set completely, the first stars blinked their soft white light over you. Even Kili, who’d only ever seen them as a cold, distant light, couldn’t help but marvel at their splendor. Everything just seemed more beautiful now. 
By the time you reached the top of the ridge, you both knew there’d be nothing to find, but you stayed to enjoy the view anyway, lit by the stars and the lingering light just on the horizon. 
Across a canyon, evergreens painted the rocky hillside with shoots of autumn gold running in between like veins. A distant waterfall twinkled in the starlight. 
Breathless, you stood at the edge, taking in every sight and sound. 
“It’s beautiful,” you gasped. 
“Yes, it is,” Kili agreed, though he wasn’t looking at the mountain at all. 
You turned and he quickly glanced away. Your heart pounded. It was now or never, you supposed. 
“Have I done something?” You blurted. 
Kili’s nose scrunched up adorably, his brows drawing together. 
“Well, you’ve been different and I thought I may have done something.” You could feel your cheeks grow pink. 
“No,” he paused, smirking at himself, “well, I suppose, in a way-” He thought of the way you smiled at every person in the camp, even when they irritated you. He thought of how your eyes lit up when you saw something beautiful, like the view before you now. How, even in the dark, it pained him not to see you for a single moment. 
Your stomach sank. You took his hand. “What is it? If I’ve said something or done something to upset you, then please tell me now.”
Kili’s expression morphed, a bright smile taking over his features, bringing a light to his eyes that rivaled the stars. 
“No, Amrâlimê,” he said sweetly, “the only thing you have done is be the incredible woman you are.” Kili took a breath, holding your hand to his chest to feel you closer. “The woman I have fallen utterly and completely in love with.”
He kissed your fingers, then your palm, then the inside of your wrist.
“K-Kili,” you breathed, feeling as though you’d given all of the air in your lungs away. Like you had given yourself to him completely. You opened your mouth to tell him this, but both of you turned as you were swallowed by a warm light like the most powerful and enchanting sunrise. But it was not the sun rising about the dark peaks and emerald trees.
It was the moon. Impossibly large and glowing it embraced everything in reds and oranges and golds. It turned the already incredible view of the canyon into a wall of magic.
“A fire moon,” Kili gasped. “I’ve only ever heard tales of them for old explorers. Truly the stories cannot compare.”
The moon continued its ascent slowly, both of you frozen by its brilliance. The pure rays washed over you, giving you all the clarity you needed. 
“Marry me,” you said suddenly.
Kili tore his eyes away from the celestial splendor to look at you in surprise. The light surrounded you with an ethereal glow. You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. 
You continued, stepping closer to him so that your faces were breaths apart.
“I love you, Kili of the Line of Durin,” you beamed, tucking a strand of chestnut hair behind his ear. “This journey has shown I don’t want a single adventure without you by my side. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” You paused, trying to gauge his response, but he remained entranced. “If you’ll have me.” 
Speechless, Kili simply took your face in his hands and brought your lips to his for a kiss with a passion that outshone the light of the Fire Moon ten times over. When he pulled away, he could hardly contain his joy.
“Yes,” he said. “A thousand times yes. Amrâlimê… my love… my Y/N.” He kissed you again and again in between each wonderful phrase until you were both breathless and laughing. Kili’s eyes widened with realization. “We must tell Fili at once! This was all his doing, getting us to come up here so I would stop being such a coward.” He grinned, his boyish playfulness returning. 
You smirked. “First, let’s punish him for his trickery and stay here a while longer. Make him worry a little.”
Kili chuckled. “You are a devious thing, aren’t you?” 
“Yes,” you giggled, “but you love me anyway.”
Kili laid a hand on your cheek. “That I do.” 
He pulled you into his arms and held you beneath the brilliant moon.
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l7nns31deb109 · 2 months ago
It's so hard to fnd people still taking requests for the hobbit!! Any chance I could get some headcanons of fili with a human s/o please?
Right?? Yes ofc, he’s such a cutie!!! Hope you enjoy 💁‍♀️
•Sweetest boy EVER
•doesn’t care that you’re different race
•very protective over you, even tho he knows you can take care of yourself
•loves your height difference, will wrap a arm around your waist and proudly claim you as his
•before he made it official with you he learnt about your cultures courting rituals
•teaches you how to braid if you don’t already know
•adding on to that, braids your hair in very intricate ways
•picks you flowers a lot
•when he introduced you to dis and his brother he was very nervous how they’d react, given you were a human. Spoiler alert tho dis LOVES you and kili already thinks of you as family
•big acts of service guy! Will make you food, or do chores for you
•will often wake you up to breakfast in bed
•calls you Amrâlimê
•teaches you Khuzdul
•pulls you down when he wants to kiss you
•not big on pda in public but in private he’s a big softie
99 notes · View notes
letmelickyoureyeballs · 9 months ago
WOOOOOOO THIS WAS SO GOOD! The fighting was hot as hell, and her calling him a pussy was absolutely hilarious! GIMME GIMME GIMME
Along for the ride, to Erebor - Part 5
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Summary: Transported to Middle Earth, you must Join Thorin Oakenshield's Company as they travel to reclaim Erebor! OR: My take on the classic 'modern girl in Middle Earth' troupe. This is the second installment, so we are following the second movie of The Hobbit trilogy, and falling deeper in love with Kili on the way! This is the second part for the second movie.
Tags: Kili / Reader, Reader-Insert, Slow Burn, Modern Character in Middle Earth, During The Hobbit, How Do I Tag, Canon-Typical Violence, Kíli Is a Little Shit (Tolkien), implied soulmates, Dwarf Culture & Customs, Freeform, light smut, it's really just a brief description nothing too graphic but i certianly wouldn't want to be caught reading it, Holding Hands, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleepy Cuddles, Protective Thorin Oakenshield Company Members, Dwalin & Thorin Oakenshield Friendship, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Where In Middle-Earth Is Gandalf?, Hair Braiding, Dwarf Courting, My First Tumblr Fic, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fíli & Kíli & Thorin Live, Thorin Oakenshield Lives, Fíli Lives (Tolkien), Kíli Lives (Tolkien), sword fight training, kili is a big ole softy and i love him so much for it, tags tbd tbh lol
Word Count: 4,758
A/N: OMG!! I graduated! I got a job! I finally edited this part! I'm so tired y'all, I'm writing this author note at like midnight lol. ~AnywhoOOo~ I hope you enjoy! let me know if you'd like to join the tag list to be directly notified of chapter updates! <3
Divider credit: @cafekitsune
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You woke to the usual clanging of pots and pans as breakfast was being cooked. Kili’s hand was still on your waist and his arm was still your pillow, though you were sure it’d gone numb in the night. You gently placed your hand on his cheek and gently ran your thumb over his delicate cheek bone. He looked so handsome sleeping softly beside you, it made you smile like a giddy little girl. You regretted having to softly remove yourself from him, but you had to start packing your things and getting ready for the day, which was so much easier now that you didn’t have to worry about your hair. When you were finished and your bag was neatly packed, you tenderly woke Kili up.
He stretched then his eyes popped open, “Good morning!”, he sat up energized and ready to conquer the day.
“Good morning!” You replied with a kind smile, ever impressed by his liveliness in the mornings, “Start packing, Bombur’s almost finished breakfast.”
He shuffled about beside you while you worked on the final half of your bracelet, waiting for breakfast.
The porridge was the usual white sludge meant for nutrients, not flavor. You rinsed the dishes in the river with Kili’s animated storytelling as you usually did after meals. Thorin had the company moving out when you returned.
The day’s walk was very scenic, mostly idyllic forests with little rivers, where the lighting truly brought it all together. You walked between Kili and Fili so they could give you the basic run-down of sword handling and bowmanship.
By the end of midday, the company was on the border of the forest and a field. Thorin decided to make camp there and told Gloin to make the fire while Nori, Bifur, and Oin set traps in the forest to restock the reserves or something, you weren’t listening, too focused on Kili’s hand in yours as he led you somewhere.
The extra sparkle in his gorgeous brown eyes told you he was very excited to teach you about archery. As the resident Archer, no one (his brother) could compete for your attention by correcting him. He was also excited to watch you use his bow and his arrows; an honor bestowed upon an extremely select group.
Kili was very protective of his bows, not just because of the time it takes to make such an incredibly valuable weapon, but because one time in his youth he worked for weeks carving a brand-new bow from solid wood, making the string by hand, and engraving runic talismans into the handle. He worked very hard on that bow; Only to have one of his snot-nosed neighbors snatch it from him while they were playing and accidentally snap it in half after a misstep. Kili was furious, absolutely inconsolable. Fili had to drag him from the scene of the crime to the forest behind their family house, so he didn’t hunt the kid down and destroy him. He didn’t say anything to Fili, just cursed and milled about the clearing in frustration. At first, his brother didn’t know what he was doing, concerned he was setting a malicious trap for the offending child (such a spiteful trap was almost sprung after another incident of the same nature); but as Fili silently watched, out of arm’s punching reach of course, he realized his brother was just looking for a piece of wood to make a new bow. Fili built a fire to keep the chill of the setting sun at bay, not wanting to abandon his brother to the coming night. He watched the younger mumble curses in dwarfish as he whittled the wood seemingly in his own little world. Kili hadn’t really taken notice of the fire his brother built despite using its light and occasionally throwing more wood on absentmindedly while he stayed up all night to make the string and engrave the handle. Their mother, Dis, saw them through the window in the back door in the middle of the night. Fili was sitting on the ground, relaxed, leaning against a tree while he watched his brother on the other side of the blazing fire, Kili was sitting on a rock hunched over his bow as it came together. Dis knew from that moment Fili would always look after his little brother, or at the very least try his best. The craftsmanship of the bow he made that night was nowhere near his previous bow, but it could still shoot the straightest arrow in the village. It would do till he grew again and needed a bigger one.
Kili brought you a few yards away from the camp, out of ear shot but not out of sight. After the crash course in archery during the day’s walk, you were as prepared as you could be. Kili carved a target into the trunk of a tree with his dagger, not worried about losing misfired arrows in the underbrush because the fletching on the end of all his arrows were bright yellow.
He situated you both at a reasonable distance from the target and demonstrated again how to place your fingers on the string and what position to be in when you pull the string back. When he handed you the bow you were not expecting it to be as heavy as it was. Without an arrow, you tried to pull the string back like he showed but you couldn’t move it. You looked at Kili.
“Just pull it back Y/N.” He encouraged, with a proud little smile on his face.
“I am, Kee,” you said still straining to pull it. It wouldn’t budge. He thought for a moment, trying to figure out what could be wrong—Ah! He got it!
“Here, let me help.” He came up and stood behind you. “The draw weight for my bow must be too high for you,” he said into your ear in a low hushed tone while he got into position. He shuffled his legs behind yours and placed his hand below yours on the handle and his fingers above and below your slimmer, softer ones on the string. They were much stronger and much thicker than yours. Two of your fingers were the same width as one of his, a thought that quickly had you blushing. The irresistible mental image of moaning out for him while being deliciously stretched around his capable digits as he cooed praises, was nearly too much. You thanked God he was behind you and therefore couldn’t see your bright red face.
He let you do most of the work pulling the bowstring to allow you to get a feel for the mechanics and amount of potential energy the movement created.
“And…” he made sure you were ready, “Release.”
You both let go of the string at the same time.
“Perfect! Now let’s try it with an arrow” He got one from the quiver on his back and handed it to you.
You nocked the arrow like he taught you then got into position. He helped you pull the string back like before, allowing you to control the aim.
“Ready…” You said to him this time, “Release!”
The arrow flew across the field and landed smack in the middle of the bullseye!
“No way,” Kili said in complete disbelief. You both went over to inspect the target. Sure enough, the arrow was deep in the carved circle of the tree.
“That’s amazing Y/N!” He turned to you with the biggest smile you’d ever seen. You were as happy as him, jumping up and down excitedly.
“I want to try again!” You walked over to your previous spot and lined yourself up, waiting for him to join you. He chuckled at your enthusiasm and grabbed another arrow on the way over. You repeated the process like a practiced dance, enjoying more than anything that he was your partner. He allowed you to aim again, but this time the arrow didn’t hit its mark or the tree at all; It planted itself firmly into the leaf-covered underbrush.
“Awe,” you pouted, “I rushed, next time I’ll take my time.” You grabbed another arrow from his quiver, accidentally getting your face in his. For a moment, you could feel the heat of his lips and his breath tumbling over onto your own in a near ragged pant.
When you backed away you both politely laughed it off, though you could have sworn he leaned closer to you in that brief moment.
You shot all the arrows he had in his quiver. A handful hit the target, and a few even got close to the bullseye, but none hit the center like the first. Being a good coach, he encouraged and teased when the time was right.  
Once again in your own little world, it was like nothing mattered except him. His radiant smile, his contagious laughter, his excitability; it was all consuming. As the day wore on, your arms got tired, and you were ready for a break. You helped him collect the arrows in and around the tree, so he could show off for a bit like boys do for pretty girls. He did trick shots and action shots and even pinned the pinecone you threw for him to the tree. His skills were very impressive. Your return to the camp was met with impressed exclamations.
“Was that a bullseye on the first shot?!” Bofur asked, having seen the miracle even from the other side of the camp.
“Aye!” You said excitedly, proud of your accomplishment. You didn’t even realize that you were beginning to use their dialect.
“Good job lass!” Oin said, along with the others happily celebrating with you.
After all that working out, you were hungry for a snack. You rummaged through your bag in search of the grapes you had foraged with Bilbo the day before. They weren’t in your bag where you left them, carefully wrapped in your old T-shirt.
‘They couldn’t have fallen out’ you thought as you scanned the camp for the thief, already having an idea of the culprit. You stopped when your eyes fell on Kili across the camp, leaning against a tree with a shit-eating grin as he popped a grape into his mouth.
You were livid. It was a total invasion of your only private property: your bag, and you felt extremely violated.
You couldn’t say anything to the offending dwarf or even look at him in fear of your rage exploding onto him. The camp fell silent as you walked to Kili, your anger evident from your expression.
That feeling in Kili’s chest sunk to his boots when he saw how angry you were; he knew he’d gone too far. You snatched the grapes from his hand and walked (stomped) into the field beyond the camp.
“Y/N wait—” he tried to follow you into the field.
“NOT NOW KILI” you snapped at him over your shoulder in a tone he didn’t quite think you were capable of. He stopped in his tracks at your tone, the same one his mother used when she was very cross with him. The other members of the company who heard the commotion snickered at Kili’s self-inflicted misfortune.
You sat in the field, soaking up the sunshine and eating your grapes while you calmed down. Kili moped around camp like an abandoned puppy; it was quite a pitiful sight.
When you finished your snack, you took a few deep breaths to get the anger from your system and allow your thoughts to come together to properly explain to Kili why you were so mad. The youngest Durin hesitantly joined you in the field when he saw you were done with your grapes, his footfalls crunching the grass beneath him alerting you to his presence. He sat next to you clearly a little nervous by how he picked at the grass.
“I’m sorry,” he said, looking at the ground. “It was just supposed to be a joke, honest,”
“Joke or not, Kili Durin, you shouldn’t have gone through my stuff!” You wanted to make sure he understood how unhappy his actions made you. He cringed at his full name. “You violated the only sliver of privacy I have out here!”
“Sorry, Y/N,” he said in a regretful voice you’d never heard from him before. “I shouldn’t have gone through your bag.”
You sighed and looked over at him. “I forgive you Kili,” You took another deep breath, satisfied he’d learned his lesson, “Just don’t do it again, ok?”
He smiled, happy to be back on good terms with you, “I won’t, I promise”. You smiled too, his infectious charm melting what little remained of your anger. You leaned in for a hug, knowing you both needed physical reassurance.
He sat with you in the field for a while, content to stay in comfortable silence. You’d been eyeing a beautiful patch of flowers a few feet away since you’d sat down. You shifted so you were laying on your stomach to get a closer look at their vibrant hues and decided you wanted to use them, but how? Kili moved next to you, mirroring our position, to see what you were looking at. Then inspiration struck.
“I’ll braid them into your hair!” You said excitedly. He gave you a look of surprised confusion.
“What?! No!” he was immediately against the idea and even backed away from you as if you’d jump on him any second like his brother might, “Why don’t I put them in your hair instead? They’d look much better on you.” He desperately tried to come up with a reason to avoid the inevitable onslaught of mocking he’d have to endure if he agreed to your plan.
You brought yourself to a kneel so you could look him dead in the eyes with a blank expression, “Pussy,” you simply said.
He scoffed and got all huffy and puffy, “I am not a pussy!” He said defensively, his cute accent got thicker when he was flustered, it made it so hard to take him seriously, “I just think the flowers would make you even more beautiful than you already are.”
You blushed deeply at his words and looked away from his charming little smile to keep your thoughts from your more baser mindset and to think over his offer. He started twirling the end of one of the braids he’d done the night before between his fingers. It was a sweet and absentminded motion, to which you relented with a sigh, “Alright, but you have to teach me how to use a sword after.”
“Deal!” He gave a hearty nod. You got your hair stuff from your bag and your bracelet to work on and hopefully finish while Kili did your hair. You picked the prettiest flowers and put them in the extra fabric of your shirt like a delicate basket. He dragged over a stone to sit on and got to work undoing the braids and brushing your hair out.
You didn’t realize how tight he’d made the braids till the tension was released from your scalp. You sighed in pleasured relief as he moved your hair around with the brush. That sound immediately pricked his ears.
“Does that feel good, princess?” He looked down at you and smiled as he massaged the sore parts of your head. You were too lost in the feeling his skilled hands were creating to hear his pet name.
Once he massaged the soreness away, he parted your hair and began braiding. Kili had a vision of what he wanted to do to your hair. He wanted a thick band like a crown around the top of your head and four small thin braids scattered across the rest of your loose unbraided hair.
You were on an entirely different plane of existence. You felt so calm and relaxed and taken care of with his undivided attention, it was like nothing you’d ever felt before. His tranquil voice when he asked for a flower every now and then was the only thing you could hear.
When Kili was putting on the finishing touches, Fili came and joined you in the field to see what you both were doing, sadly breaking you from your lovely state of mind.
“Kili wouldn’t let me put flowers in his hair.” You pouted after the older brother inquired about your change in hairstyle.
“Even after he rummaged through your bag!” Fili feigned offense on your behalf with a smirk as he laid on his side in front of you both propped up on his elbow.
“Shut up, Fili” Kili huffed, ashamed of his previous actions, as he carded his fingers through your loose hair to make sure it was laying properly.
“Awe, Kiwi’s embawwassed,” you said in a baby-talk voice, making you and Fili laugh a little.
Kili stopped combing his fingers through your hair and tangled them in the loose hair at the back of your head. He pulled your head down to make you look up at him looming over you. He was about to say something, but the inadvertent dominating gesture caused an involuntary moan to slip past your lips, stalling any thoughts he tried to voice.
You were both stuck in that trance for just a moment, yet it took an eternity to pass. He was unable to look away from your pleasure pinched eyebrows and slightly parted panting lips. You were captivated by his handsome blushing features and the fire in his eyes. You wanted so desperately to kiss him, to meet his lips in heated passion.
“Good gods you two,” Fili rolled his eyes. His sudden interruption snapped Kili back to reality so he could release your hair. “Get a room,” Fili finished his statement.
“Shut up, Fili,” you both said in unison with faces equally ablaze and eyes cast anywhere but at each other. The elder just looked at you two and laughed to himself, he knew at that moment you were both madly in love.
“Here’s your brush, Y/N.” Kili handed it to you, wanting to change the subject.
“Yes, thank you” You took it from him and hastily returned it to your bag then met Kili back in the field for sword training. His brother was still there passively observing (waiting till he had to step in to correct the younger as this was not Kili’s area of expertise).
Bilbo allowed you to borrow his sword so you could get an idea of what a properly fitted one felt like without your wrists being torn to shreds by the other much heavier swords of the company. Kili walked you through basic moves and positions to teach you how to make your weapon like an extension of your own body. When he tried to speed up the movements and have you come at him in mock battle, you faltered and messed up the arrangement of poses.
When this happened, Fili of course would step in with a simplified version to help you. Before long, you had an audience, and the watchful eyes and extensive fighting prowess of Thorin and Dwalin. Kili was no longer the teacher but the sentient-sparing mannequin. The sequence of positions and movements became longer the more you worked at it. It felt amazing to be capable of so much. You knew it was just choreography, but it made you better now than you were before.
You were beginning to sweat under your thick tunic. The physical exertion was getting to Kili as well. When you took a water break you removed your shirt, the coffee brown padded camisole you wore underneath being far more breathable, but much tighter than your usual outerwear. It left hardly anything to the imagination.
Your less-dressed return to the now-stamped-down grass of the makeshift training area was met with impressed exclamations, wolf whistles, and light applause. You blushed and pretended to be a fashion model at the end of a runway. They found it very amusing.
Kili came back after wondering what the commotion was about.
He saw you waiting for him, you hadn’t noticed him approaching yet, too busy putting on a silly little show. He loved seeing you like this, confident and carefree, not worrying about how you looked and focusing on something that was far more rewarding: having fun. He used the few seconds you were distracted to admire you. Your half up half down hair he’d just braided and styled, was blowing softly in the wind, and your short unruly baby hairs were matted to your sweaty forehead giving you a halo of sorts. Your camisole highlighted the alluring curve from your ribs to your hips like nothing Kili had seen before. The hem of the fabric was ridding up on your waist, revealing just a sliver of your lower tummy. Your pants kept where they were, hugging tight to your thighs and bottom.
‘Two can play that game’ Kili thought, not even trying to hide his mischievous smile. He took his shirt off and threw it in his bag.
You looked up and saw him coming to meet you. The long bangs that framed his face were clinging to it now from his perspiration. He was smirking, knowing he caught you slightly off guard. His prominent pectoral muscles bled into his strong thick arms. His waist tapered into his hips where his pants were beginning to ride low, revealing his defined adonis belt in its retreat. He exuded power as he walked towards you with his arms out a bit from his side, and his palms facing you, as if he were accepting your challenge.
“Ohho, it’s serious now, is it?” you said over a light chuckle, feigning being taken aback by his friendly challenge.
“Oh, it sure is.” He returned your light laugh and with a smug expression he tapped his sword against yours where it hung at your side. He knew he was flustering you. He could see it in the deepened flush that colored your cheeks and how your thumb picked at the leather-covered hilt of your sword.
You had to bite the inside of your lip rather hard to keep your eyes above his exposed shoulders. It had been so long since you’d felt so physically and mentally attracted to someone. The way he was looking at you made your panties dampen at the scandalous thoughts that his honeyed chocolate eyes made race through your head.
If Thorin hadn’t said, “Ready positions”, in that barking tone of his, you’d have jumped Kili’s bones and rode him off into the sunset.
You both got into the starting positions you preferred. Thorin shouted ‘Commence’ in Dwarfish. Kili came at you with harsh blows, which you perfectly countered like you’d been taught. You were able to quickly move yourself, so you were standing at his side. You took the opening and swung for his exposed ribs, but he easily blocked your attack. You pressed your blade against his to force him back and give up some ground. He stood steadfast in his heavy boots, however, and pushed back against you, getting his face close to yours to tease you.
“Good job, you remembered how to keep your grip on the sword.” He said with mock celebration. You gritted your teeth, determined to keep your footing. He glanced at your lips where your teeth were worrying your lower lip; A habit he noticed when you were focused or nervous.
“I’ve been taught well, Archer.” You shot back, as suave as you could manage under the conditions. He threw you back so he could reset his stance.
“We’ll see about that, Ibinê,” he said, flustering you again with that mischievous grin as his native language easily rolled off his tongue.
You charged at him, and your blades collided with a loud metallic clang. Your sudden advance surprised him, he backed up a few steps. Cheers came from your audience.
“Ibinê?” You strained while your blades met again in a brute force pressing match. “What does that mean?”
Kili shoved you back and swiftly turned around, a trick he hadn’t yet revealed in your spar. He abandoned his blade somewhere off to the side and turned around again but crouched in his movement so he could swipe your legs from beneath you. You fell to the ground with a muted thud, your weapon knocked from your grasp. Kili scrambled to straddle your hips, pinning down your legs with his and your wrists above your head. You tried to fight against him, but his strength and weight are much greater than yours.
He panted above you, smiling like a cat who got the canary, “If only it were you straddling me,” he whispered under his breath and winked at you discreetly. Your chest was heaving, making your breasts ebb and flow with the rhythm. The erotic tension was palpable between you.
“We have a victor!” someone said from the sidelines to break your daze. Kili blushed and stood and helped you from the ground. Your audience clapped a little then dispersed to the camp a few feet away. You leisurely walked away from the encampment along the edge of the forest to catch your breath. The extra sway in your hips enticed Kili to follow you. He walked beside you, you looked up at him delighted he got the hint and followed you. He leaned in close to say in a voice that was deeper than normal, “Ibinê means my gem.” His words took a moment to register, causing a delayed blush to color your chest and neck.
He bit his lip as a thought played behind his eyes. Growing bold from the adrenaline still in his veins, he wrapped his hand around yours, he picked up speed till he was running. He took you far from the others. The sun was setting, painting the sky in those vivid colors only seen at dusk and dawn.
Kili slowed to a stop and used his grip on your hand to bring you in front of him. He took a step into your personal space.
“Labathmizi means I adore you.” He gingerly placed his hand on your cheek like he was handling the thinnest, most precious glass in the world. You were blushing profusely, your gaze danced from his eyes to his lips. “Abnâmulzi means you are beautiful.” He pecked his lips against yours for a moment then backed you against a tree and pinned you against it with his strong hand on your hip. His voice was low and rough with arousal, “Azralizi du-nâmrul, Ibinê, means I want to fuck you, my gem.” He pressed his lips to yours in a kiss that surpassed any expectation you had. His lips were soft against yours; his hand tenderly held your cheek. You lifted your leg over his hip, his hand moved to from your hip to your thigh, and it felt like it was searing into the cloth covered skin. It slid up to your ass cheek and urged you to grind against him. You whimpered as his hardening member pressed against your soaking core. Kili met your movements, making himself hiss at the delicious friction you were both craving.
When you broke the kiss for air as lust flooded your mind and loins, “That’s really hot” was all you could manage.
You were becoming addicted to his kiss. The way his thumb would glide against your cheek and the soft, barely there little whimpers he was making as you deepened the kiss were driving you mad with need.
Your hand was on his bare shoulder and the other tangled in his hair scratching and pulling lightly on the soft brown tresses. His tongue won its fight against yours when he gyrated his hips perfectly to grind into you, causing a moan to bubble from you.
He broke away, panting. He looked at you, suddenly silent with his eyebrows pinched in a sudden focused confusion. This immediately concerned you.
You opened your mouth to ask if he was ok, but he put his finger to his lips to silence you. He closed his eyes to focus on something; dwarfs and their connection to the environment around them still confused you.
His eyes shot open in a panic, and he tore himself away from you so he could pick you up bridal style.
You clung to him as he broke out in a dash back to camp, “A pack of orc’s are coming.”  
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Taglist <3: @letmelickyoureyeballs, @nessarosefiction, @akari-rioan
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djvasija · 7 months ago
Soldier, Poet, King
Here's my tesis on how the durin line matchs SO PERFECTLY with this song :D
Soldier- Fili
HEAR ME OUT. It is not because Fili is the one to jump into action the first, because that's Kili, but because of the huge responsability Fili has to carry. He is in fact the second on the succesion line. One day he'll be king of something that they don't even have yet (Erebor) but surely he will hold whatever leadership position Thorin has now.
He is carrying a very heavy sword, his future depends on how well he fights and on their victory.
When Kili falls sick, Fili is ready to not be there in Erebor when the door opens, to defy his Uncle orders, in order to be next to his little brother. An in his finals moments, he leads Kili another way because he knows which where the orcs are and he is ready to fight them himself and lead his brother to security. Because that's what a soldier does: protecting
"there will come a soldier who carries a mighty sword he will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord o lei, o lai, o lei, o lord he will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord"
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Poet- Kili
Again, Kili is the most impulsive one, he is always the first to jump into a fight but at the same time his heart is full of love and hopes about a new life in Erebor. He is always smiling and cheering up the team. We can apreciate he really has a deep world inside his mind that he lets out through his words. He conects with Tauriel easily by telling her stories and about the promise he did to Dis, his mom. In the last movie, Kili is the one to confront Thorin, speaking up and letting to be known what everyone in the company thinks but no one is really brave enough to say. Loyalty is a very important thing among dwarves and confronting a leader is not something they usually do, but Kili does.
"there will come a poet whose weapon is his word he will slay you with his tongue, o lei o lai o lord o lei, o lai, o lei, o lord he will slay you with his tongue, o lei o lai o lord"
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King- Thorin
This is pretty obvious but for me the song fits beyond perfection for Thorin. His desire to be king is not motivated by greed, but for justice. He wants his people and most important his family to live in their homeland, a safe place to grow. Thorin is not King only because of his line but because when everything fell down, he was the one to lead his people and as Balin said, to build them a new life.
During the whole trip we see a very serious Thorin, with a furrowed brwo most of the time. But once they are finally in Erebor, his mood changes, and we are shown a more smiling Thorin. He finally can see in front of him the oportunity to prove himself. He has his own cross to bear, the expectations but also the fears of his own of what he will become once he's King. It's the crown of thorns he was to wear for the rest of his live.
"there will come a ruler whose brow is laid in thorn smeared with oil like david's boy, o lei o lai o lord o lei, o lai, o lei, o lord smeared with oil like david's boy, o lei o lai o lord"
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brainrotbabe24 · 7 months ago
Reuniting: Part 2
Hi, here is part 2!💖💖💖
Ori: You were close to the Ri family, so when they arrived home, you went to see them. You noticed Ori was covered in scratches and bruises, looking like a mess. You clicked your tongue in disapproval and immediately started caring for him. You puttered around, cleaning his face and treating his wounds. You even scolded him for messing up his braids. All the while, Ori was a blushing mess, and his brother's laughter didn’t help. "I am so proud of you, but you must be more careful. I was worried sick," you said, concern in your eyes as you sat there rebraiding his hair. Once his brothers left the room, Ori gently took your hand away from his hair and gingerly kissed it. "Thank you for taking care of me," he whispered.
Dori: You were shocked when Dori initially decided to leave, and you were equally dismayed when you didn't hear from Dori after months of waiting. No letters, nothing. You were nervous...scared he had died, and the unknown made you stay up all night. You had become numb to everything, so when you heard your name being called in the market, you didn't care. How could you care when the most important person in your life was gone? "Y/N!" you heard the voice call again. You turned and immediately dropped your basket. Standing there with a flower in hand was Dori. You were speechless. Dori walked over and brought you into him. You melted into his hug, letting yourself cry at last.
Nori: Relief washed over you when you heard Nori has returned with this family. You had thought this journey was a horrible idea. You'd argued with him, saying, "Yes, you're going to look out for your brothers, but who's going to look out for you?" "I'm used to this life…relax," he said, leaving without looking back. As you replayed those moments in your mind, there was a knock at the door. You opened it to see Nori. You were silent as you let him in and started the kettle. Unsure how to process his presence, you sat down with your head in your hands. You were lost in thought when you noticed him come over to you. Getting on his knees, he laid his head in your lap, wrapping his arms around your waist. You heard him sniffle and quietly say" "I missed you, darling." You gave in, letting all the pain disappear. You leaned down to stroke his hair, pressing a gentle kiss to his ear as you murmured, “I love you.'"
Thorin: Thorin had sent you letters, had gotten his sister to talk to you, and even hired a team to bring you safely to Erebor. He wanted to welcome his queen, and show you your new home..but he felt small and alone. He was afraid you had changed your mind to marry him, that you felt betrayed by his sudden departure, and he was nervous you would hate him. He was pacing the floors of Erebor when he heard horses outside. He rushed to the entryway, arriving just in time to see you dismount. You rubbed your back from the travel and looked around in awe. When your eyes locked with him, he couldn’t help but choke out a laugh. You smiled and ran to him. Thorin embraced you, soaking you in. He snuggled his face into your hair as your hands snaked under his cloak, clinging to his body. He felt your sobs against him, each one making you hiccup. He let his own tears fall as he smiled, knowing you still loved him. 
Fíli: You were in one of the first groups to arrive at Erebor after the battle. You had learned from Kili that Fili was still bedridden. Your stomach dropped at the news, and you asked to see him. When you entered his room, you saw his matted hair, bruised face, and the bandages wrapping his body. You hold back tears as you go to his bedside. You sat down on the edge of the bed and gingerly brought his hand to your face. A quiet sob escaped you as you realized that Fíli was fighting for his life for the second time. You kissed his fingers, thinking of how you couldn't protect him, how you wished you had been there. "Why are you crying?" a voice croaked out. You snapped your head up to see Fíli smiling at you. His blue eyes, filled with joy and happiness, brought a glimmer of hope to your heart. You leaned in and kissed him gently, feeling the warmth of his lips against yours. "I missed you," he murmured, squeezing your hand lightly.
Kíli: Kíli had traveled back home to help the next group of dwarves move to Erebor. He was excited because this group contained you. You two were very close when he lived at home, and he was giddy at the thought of seeing you again. He ran his hands through his hair and adjusted his shirt, trying to make himself look a little presentable. He paced nervously, trying to spot you in the crowd, when he heard his name. "Kíli!" Looking around, he spotted you pushing through the crowd. Tears pricked at his eyes as a big smile spread across your face. He picked you up and hugged you tightly before setting you down. Kili held your face in his hands, his fingers gently grazing your lips. "I love you, Kili." you said softly. Kíli burst into tears, pulling you into a kiss. "I love you too." 
Bilbo: Biblo felt utterly exhausted and empty when he arrived home. He dropped his stuff at the door and made his way to the bedroom. The journey had been overwhelming, and all he wanted was to sleep and, for a moment, escape the trauma he had endured. As he began to undress in his bedroom, he noticed a figure moving under the covers. Startled, he jumped back. "Bilbo?" he heard a sleepy voice mumble. Remembering that he had asked you to watch his house, he stood there in silence, unsure how to react. You yawned and stirred awake, rubbing your eyes. "Bilbo, you’re back! Give me a hug," you said with a sleepy smile. Bilbo just stared at you, not sure how to react. He awkwardly stood there, his shirt unbuttoned, his boots off, and his mind raced. He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't find the words. Sensing his hesitation, you got out of bed, gently reached for his hand, and said, "Let's get you to bed, hmm?" As you guided him into your embrace, Bilbo felt the weight of the past months lift. He buried his face in your chest, and as soon as he was in your arms, he burst into tears.
Gandalf: Gandalf was known for his spontaneity. He would kiss you and leave on month-long adventures. You didn't mind—knowing they were never dangerous, just business, yet you always hoped for his safe return. But this time was different. You saw this adventure as dangerous, and having him leave without even listening to your warnings frustrated you. So when you were in the garden and heard the familiar humming, a wave of anger and relief washed over you. You looked up from what you were doing and saw him pull up in his cart,  a hopeful smile on his lips. "Gandalf," you said sharply. He looked at you, understanding your anger. "I'm sorry I was gone so long," he said softly. "I've replayed this moment in my head a thousand times, and I know I messed up… please, forgive me." You looked at him, and the anger subsided, replaced by overwhelming relief. Without thinking, you ran to him. He caught you in his arms, holding you close.
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vee-vee-writes · 12 days ago
Bilbo the Balrog (Company x fem!reader)
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This is part two to Bilbo’s Little Sappling
It had been a long tedious day of slogging through swampy paddocks and long tussocks. When it all stopped to make camp for the night, each company member quickly fell into routine, contributing to the set up in their own way. Ori, Dori, Oin, and Balin gathered kindling, while Gloin, Dwalin, and Nori gathered and chopped firewood. Bombur was starting the stew while Bifur and Bofur cleared an area for your bedrolls. While Thorin typically barked out orders on this particular night he seemed fixed on the quiet debate he and Gandalf were having. Likely discussing which route would be the best to take for tomorrow's travel.
Your father had found his place helping Bombur with the nightly stew. You were thankful for Bombur’s kindness towards him. Most of the younger and elderly dwarves had come around to him but there were a few who were still cautious. You didn’t blame them, they looked to their leader for guidance and Thorin was far from accepting.
While you usually floated between jobs tonight you found yourself working alongside the two cooks. They left you to skin and prepare the fresh game while they dealt with the vegetables and gathered fresh water. Once each dwarf had finished their prospective task and the fire had been tended to, they gathered eagerly around awaiting supper. All but Fili and Kili who had been sent to watch the ponies.
So once you had helped dish up for each of the company members, you filled three more bowls. Expertly balancing the three bowls, you sought out the two young princes’. Camp had been made in a small clearing in the forest you had come too, while the ponies were slightly further away so as not to disturb you all in the night. After trekking the short distance from camp you broke through the trees to find the herd. The brothers sat lazily upon a rock overseeing them but it didn’t take long for them to spot you. Beaming they both sat up straighter, puffing out their chests ever so slightly as they did.
A small giggle threatened to burst out of your lips at the site. Hastening your stride you’ve made it to them in no time, pushing a bowl into each of their hands before settling down with your own. “Mhmm good good and even better company” Fili teased with a flirtatious smile. Flushing you quickly fixed your gaze to the bowl in your lap.
“Aw stop it Fili, you’re embarrassing her” Kili chimed, pinching one of your cheeks with his free hand. Sweating his hand away you desperately tried to come up for something to retort. But before you could say anything, an enraged hobbit burst through the bushes, startling the nearest ponies.
“What is wrong with you two? Do you have no manners or shame? If I was your mother I’d be highly disappointed” Bilbo raged. Taking in his flared nostrils and beet red face the two young princes quickly threw their hands up in surrender. “How dare you try to take advantage of my daughter out in the woods where you thought no one would see you. I - WE have customs around courting and this is highly inappropriate and downright offensive. To a cost, a young lady alone like this with no chaperone is ungentlemanly” Bilbo continued, the vein in his forehead bulging.
By now, the rest of the company had come flying through the woods, to see what was going on. Slack-jawed and lost for words the young princes’, meekly stared on at Bilbo in surprise. You said nothing, knowing it was better to let him rant it out lest the brunt of his protective ramblings be turned on you.
“Bilbo my good lad, what is all this fuss about?” Gandalf soothed. “These two hooligans were coming on to my daughter! They thought no one would catch them! Well they thought wrong!” Bilbo flung his arms animatedly as he ranted on.
“Is this true?” Thorin gruffly questioned his nephews. The two vehemently shook their heads, still at a loss for words. “(Y/N) are they telling the truth?” Thorin questioned. “They meant no harm, we were simply having one another on. All Kili did was pinch my cheek after Fili had made a joke. I swear nothing else happened nor was anything else going to happen” you replied in earnest.
“Well that’s certainly not what it looked like to me” your father huffed. The rest of the company seemed highly amused as they watched on. “Well it seems the matter is settled then” Gandalf comforted, “(Y/N) why don’t you come back to camp with the rest of us and leave Fili and Kili to their watch.” Nodding you made your way over to Gandalf and your father.
The wizard was quick to lay a grandfatherly hand on each of your shoulders and guide you back towards camp. With the matter resolved the dwarves behind you lit up with a muted buzz of whispers about the incident. One thing was certain, nobody would be making the same mistake as the two brothers had. Lest they want to face Bilbo the Balrog.
Enjoy my work? Check out my masterlist for more.
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teddy06writes · 1 year ago
X Reader Fic Masterlist
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Dead Poet Society:
Charlie Daltons Annuel Dead Poets Holiday Party: Halloween Edition Diner Days Everything Falls Apart Study Session Repercussions Dating the Dead Poets HCs
Neil Perry:
Music of the Night Why'd I Guess the Ending? Anywhere... Just Not Home Happiness Here For You A Quiet Moment Everyone But You
Todd Anderson:
Favorite Poet Surprise Cuddle Sessions Friday Night Fun, Monday Meetings
Steven Meeks: Of Little Love Poems, Secret Admirers and Anonymous Notes
Charlie Dalton:
Friends to Lovers Hcs
Gerard Pitts: None yet
Richard Cameron: None yet
Knox Overstreet: None Yet
The Outsiders:
Being the Fourth Curtis Brother HCs Thanksgiving Special '24
Dallas Winston:
Never Fall In Love Again No Matter What Ghost Stories Late Nights By The Fire Oh How The Turn Tables People Watching Whumptober '24 Day Twenty
Sodapop Curtis:
Golden Too Old? Yeah Right! Meltdown Soda x theaterkid!reader
Two Bit Mathews:
I'll Try Too Old? Yeah Right! Spooky-est Place On Earth
Darry Curtis:
Pumpkin Spice Everything Hot Tea Heals The Soul Morning Routines Whumptober '24 Day Two Whumptober '24 Day Twenty Three
Johnny Cade:
Protective Cool, Calm, and Collected-- Until He Smiles
Steve Randle:
1955 Chevy Delray
Polyam Jally:
Take Me Back to the Night We Met
Polyam Dallypop:
I Told You It Was A Dumbass Plan
Top Gun: Maverick:
General/Unit:None Yet
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw:
Whumptober '24 Day Nine
Jake 'Hangman' Sersin: None Yet
Javy 'Coyote' Machado:None Yet
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace: None Yet
Robert 'Bob' Floyd:
Whumptober '24 Day One Thanksgiving Special '24
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia: None Yet
Ruben 'Payback' Fitch: None Yet
Polyam Hangster: None Yet
Polyam Bobnix: None yet
The Bear:
Carmen Berzatto: None yet
Sydney Adamu: None Yet
Richie Jerimovich: None yet
Marcus: None Yet
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby:
Can't Sleep? Whumptober '24 Day Five Get Some Rest Soft Nights Ghost of His Lips Bitter Goodbye
Arthur Shelby: None yet
John Shelby:
Whumptober '24 Day Seven
Lizzie Stark/Shebly: None yet
Alfie Solomons:
Interrupted Date Nights Lost Words Win Win Much Ado About Nothing Whumptober '24 Day Six Whumptober '24 Day Ten Whumptober '24 Day Eighteen Whumptober '24 Day Twenty Two Tired... "You know I have no problem with either." New Year, Same Us
Michael Gray: None Yet
Luca Changretta: None Yet
Star Wars:
Cassian Andor:
Jyn Erso: None Yet
Polyam CassianxJyn: None yet
Bhodi Rook: None Yet
Din Djarin: None Yet
Han Solo: None Yet
Lord Of The Rings/The Hobbit:
The Fellowship: None Yet
The Company: None Yet
Whumptober '24 Day Fifteen
Whumptober '24 Day Eleven
Legolas: None Yet
Gimli: None Yet
Frodo Baggins: None Yet
Samwise Gamgee:
Pippin Took:None Yet:
Merry Brandybuck:None Yet
Faramir: None Yet
Eomer: None yet
Eowyn: None Yet
Bilbo Baggins: None yet
Thorin Oakenshield:None yet
Whumptober '24 Day Seventeen
Whumptober '24 Day Four
Bofur: None yet
Bard Bowman: None yet
The Umbrella Academy:
Whumptober '24 Day Sixteen
Number Five Hargreeves: None yet
Klaus Hargreeves: None Yet
Diego Hargreeves:
Whumptober '24 Day Three Whumptober '24 Day Nineteen
Allison Hargreeves: None Yet
Luther Hargreeves: None Yet
Viktor Hargreeves: None Yet
Lila Pitts: None Yet
Bucky Barnes: None yet
Sam Wilson: None yet
Natasha Romanoff: None yet
Loki: None Yet
Druig: None Yet
Makari: None yet
Sersi: None yet
Eddie Brock/Venom:
Quiet Days
Criminal Minds:
Thanksgiving Special '24
Spencer Reid: None Yet
Aaron Hotchner:
Whumptober '24 Day Eight Whumptober '24 Day Twenty One
Derek Morgan: None Yet
Emily Prentiss: None Yet
Wicked (2024):
Elphaba Thropp: None Yet
Galinda Uppland: None Yet
Fiyero TIgelaar:
Long Day Take Care of Yourself Fears, and Comforts for Them
Polyam (Any combo of the three): None Yet
More potentially to be added...
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