#Filed Under: DWC
mekandawn · 1 year
@daily-writing-challenge Words: Overcome/Blind Day: 3
Caythaes hadn't performed at Wings and Metal - they hadn't even performed for Fire Fest - yet already they were making plans for the Tournament of Ages. Why not? It wasn't as if they weren't already making plans for it; they'd floated the idea past Leon months ago, almost as soon as the World's Faire had ended. The desire to perform on a larger stage was not something new the corruption had planted in them…
…But as Caythaes gathered up their costumes and got ready for practice with Anzhin, they couldn't help but think about the themes and lyrics in their upcoming performances. About the themes and lyrics of their past performances as well. True, they'd always had religious and anti-Light undertones, but now…
See how you drape yourself in my regalia, the voice cooed as Caythaes brushed their fingers over their favorite red suit. They'd gotten cufflinks made of the black sun and upside-down symbol of Light made, and the symbol adorned the corset they liked to wear with it.
See how you cover your body in my symbol, it purred as Caythaes caught a glimpse of the red suns tattooed upon their chest.
"These are for Belore," Caythaes murmured, resting their hand over their heart so that their splayed fingers touched the tattoos.
Even the Sun can go dark, the voice countered, its tone light and teasing. Do you not call yourself the Solar Eclipse? My dearest Devoted One, how you wound me...
"I get your point. You're so sharp," Caythaes sang to themself as they took flight toward Shattrath. "Getting good reactions with your evil talk."
I understand all…  "I see no-"
Destructive urges… "I see no-"
It seems so perfect… "I see no-"
I see-
"I see no evil!" Caythaes shouted as they rocketed towards the ground outside Wings and Metal. The fire of their phoenix form blazed like a comet through the sky, churning up dirt and rock as they collided with the earth and skidded to a stop.
"Caythaes?" Anzhin poked his head out of the bar, dressed in his ghoul uniform and worriedly cocking his head at them. "Are you alright?"
Scowling at themself, Caythas dusted the dirt from the otherwise pristine priest robe they wore and shook their head. A moment later, they sighed and pulled their hair loose from its tie, running their fingers through the faintly glowing dark purple and orange strands. Once they were satisfied that they'd tamed any wild strands, they pulled it back into a ponytail, making sure to catch the lone tendril budding from behind their ear and tucking it out of sight. "I'm fine, I just…"
"Haven't slept well," they professed, giving Anzhin a tired but still reassuring smile. It wasn't a lie; ever since the whispers first started, Caythaes had slept fitfully, plagued by dreams of stardom and success. Perhaps in another context, Caythaes would have welcomed such visions, but normally they didn't dream at all. Squishy, the little voidbeast they'd adopted during N'Zoth's attempt to claim Azeroth, ate their normal dreams, leaving only those that were divinely induced.
"If you were a prophet…"
"I'm fine," Caythaes repeated tiredly, reaching up to cup Anzhin's cheek in their hand; he had his own share of burdens weighing him down. Caythaes didn't want to add their problems to the pile. "I promise. Don't worry. Everything is okay. I'll go to bed early tonight and everything."
"If you want company…" Anzhin began to offer, removing his helmet so that he could lean into Caythaes's touch, raising his hand to hold theirs in place against his cheek.
"No. No, it's fine," Caythaes demurred, shaking their head as they drew back and slipped past Anzhin into Wings and Metal. "Really. I've just been having trouble sleeping again. You know how it is."
"I do," Anzhin agreed, resting a hand on Caythaes's lower back as he ushered them inside, his expression still worried, but fond as they neared the stage. "And I know how you push yourself, my dear firebird. Please take care of yourself. For me."
"I will, I promise. I just can't wait to be on stage again."
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sirdolraan · 1 month
(( DWC August 2024 Day 4, Ego/Coincidence, CW: None; @daily-writing-challenge ))
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"Ah, Sir Dolraan, it's good to have you and the Meddlers at our side," Khadgar said, shaking Dolraan's hand as the others filed in behind him.
"Same to you, Archmage. A few years of relative peace aren't enough to rob us of our edge, where are we needed?"
Lorellai's gaze wandered as Khadgar and Dolraan began to discuss the ghostly memories that were appearing across the world, and fell on the glittering, still form of Magni Bronzebeard, with Queen-Regent Moira kneeling at his side. The former king's body shone in the low light of the chamber, and Lorellai could hardly drag her eyes away. The stories hadn't done it justice, a dwarf made of living diamond.
Her reverie was broken by a warm hand on her shoulder. "And who do we find but one of the League's finest up-and-comers, ready to answer tha call!" Brann Bronzebeard declared, giving her shoulder a friendly shake as a handsome young man with spectacles and pockets full of scrolls and tomes followed in behind him. "Toddy speaks highly of your abilities lass, glad to see yeh here!"
Lorellai smiled back, taking his hand and shaking it. "Well, just happy to help where I'm needed."
"Is this a friend of yours, Uncle?" the dark iron lad asked, straightening his glasses, his gaze torn between the unconscious speaker and his desire to be polite.
"Ach, that's right, you've not met yet. Dagran me lad, this here is Lorellai Truthhammer, one of the Dragonscale Expedition's finest champions. Aided in several key discoveries -and- stood against the primalists t' boot! Lorellai, this is my nephew-"
"Dagran Thaurissan the Second." Moira's voice rang out, putting a chill over the conversation. "My son, would you please attend me, your grand-da needs us both right now." Something about her voice and gaze made Lorellai feel only a foot tall.
"Oh, of course Mother. A pleasure to meet you, Lorellai, perhaps we can talk about your discoveries once things are calmer," Dagran offered, smiling genially as he strode to his mother's side. Lorellai nodded, then barely held back from shrinking under the icy stare of Queen Moira.
"Oh, would yeh look at that!" Brann said a bit louder than he needed to, "I think yer meddler friends are gettin' ready to head out, go on lass, we'll catch up later." Brann patted her on the shoulder, before leaning in close. "Don't take it personal, lass. Old hurts and all that. You're a good egg."
Lorellai nodded, stepping back with a slight bow to the royals before turning to join the others at the portals, her gaze lingering as it met Dagran's once more, before she went off to join the fight.
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noonmutter · 7 months
DWC Feb 2024 Day 2: Suppress/Pastel
Stromgarde Keep--Terry mused that they probably ought to start calling it Stromgarde Castle, these days calling it a keep felt a bit like calling a dreadnaught a boat--was still new enough that parts of it almost shined under the afternoon sun. He'd spent just long enough in the gloomy, rainy climate of his homeland that he wasn't used to that anymore, and it took him a minute or two to figure out why. He had nothing against the place, its people, or anything else; the brightness and the odd newness of all the construction just set him on edge. As he strode along the walkways toward one of the buildings just off the keep itself, he reflected that he was probably going to feel that way about most of Gilneas in the coming years.
His boots clicked audibly on the cobbles of the pathway, and that added to the unease. Terry Ambroce was farm folk, a street slag, a degenerate; his boots should've been awful, worn, silent things that looked moments away from a trip to the rubbish bin but did their job beautifully. Instead, the fuckers announced his arrival before the secretary had a chance to stand up. The nondescript building had been converted, or possibly just actually become used for its intended purpose as a clerking office, and people dressed in their finest inexplicably-drab-even-under-direct-sunlight Gilnean suits bustled back and forth between one anothers' desks. Stacks of papers in all sorts of quality and condition were everywhere, but Terry noted there were no single sheets drifting across the floor, and no ink spatters on anything.
It was chaos, but it was organized chaos. Sort of, anyway.
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"Sergeant Ambroce to see you, Mister Rumpole."
Terry suppressed a snort at the name. It was aggressively Gilnean, teetering on the edge of being too silly to say aloud. Or hear, in his case, but he was not immune to being a childish idiot. He was saved by the sounds of shuffling paper growing suddenly much louder as a fellow who carried himself like a much larger, heavier man rose from his desk to approach.
Much like everything else about his day so far, Terry was not accustomed to being greeted by an outstretched hand rather than a fist holding a weapon. It took him just a second or so longer than the average person might have to react the appropriate way, and he still fumbled a little bit when he grasped the man's wrist instead of his hand. It was a painfully soldier thing for him to do, but Terry had, despite himself, become a soldier at some point.
Mr. Rumpole rallied easily enough and responded in kind, then huffed a short, but nonetheless genuine, laugh. "Of course, I should've thought about that. I promise, you'll find no knives on me, mate, but if you notice a fountain pen anywhere, do let me know. I've been trying to find my favorite and I'm all but certain Jenkins stole it. Egg'd be on my face if he didn't, but at least I'd have it back, eh?"
Terry chose not to tell him he'd spotted six different possible missing inkpens sticking out of all the bits and bobs on the desk he'd left behind, and simply nodded. "'Ave y' considered filin' cabinets, by any chance? Fer th' mess?"
"Oh, surely!" Rumpole turned and led Terry back to his desk, lifting stacks of books and scrolls and parchment out of his way and setting them gingerly back down exactly as they'd been before. "And by the time we actually get them here, we'll be hearing a few offices have finally been cleared up in the city proper, you know how it goes. No, no, we're making do with what we've got, same as we always have, eh?"
He didn't want to, but Terry was already starting to like this man, and that seemed dangerous. He was clearly a lawyer, maybe even a proper barrister once upon a time, and likeable lawyers were tricky. Coming to a stop at the edge of Rumpole's apparent desk, Terry almost asked whether he was supposed to sit, but Rumpole answered that question for him when he grabbed a thin file from another stack and gestured to be followed again.
They made their way to the back of the building, a thankfully much quieter part of the building, though Terry saw that as a warning as much as anything. Not many ways out if this really was all some elaborate ambush. But, Rumpole shouldered open the door at the end of the hall to reveal nothing more insidious than a simply-appointed private office. Which, really, was insidious enough on its own. The light coming through the windows was pleasant enough, and the smell of old paper was mild enough to actually be appreciated, rather than feeling assaulted by it. The furniture, unlike almost everything else in the keep as a whole, carried the air of age around it, despite being immaculate and polished.
Rumpole set the file down and gave the dark, gleaming wood a fond pat, grinning as he nodded Terry toward the chair on the opposite side. "Gorgeous, isn't she? I may not have been the richest man in my firm, but you can bet I went for the niceties when I could afford them! Sadly, she's not my old one. I suspect that's been wrecked along with the rest of the firm, but we'll cross that bridge when we chase the monsters out from under it, eh?"
Terry could only nod. He wasn't quite as unnerved as he'd been when he arrived, but that left him heading directly toward confused, instead. What the hell was he doing in a barrister's office?
"So! You've already got my name, and I've already yours, and we both know you got our Queen's fascinating correspondence or you wouldn't be here, so I won't waste your time going over all that again. I do still have to observe the usual niceties and thank you for your time, of course; I've been doing plenty of reading about you, Sergeant, and nothing seemed more offensive than taking up your time away from your expansive family, eh?"
Ah. This. Terry had seen this plenty of times from the outside, when people were talking to blue-bloods or high ranking officers and the like. It was downright wierd to have it aimed directly at him: The man was buttering him up for something. "I appreciate th' speed-through introduction, mate, but as y' so clearly already know, I was kinda keen on surprisin' my kids by pickin' 'em up from school t'day. No offense t' you, o' course, but kin y' skip t' th' point?"
Another bark of laughter preceded a small flurry of movement as Rumpole untied the twine binding the file, withdrawing a surprising number of sheets from the battered leather folder and spreading them out not unlike a casino dealer would playing cards. "Fair play to you, Sergeant! Well, let's see here..." Turning his back to his guest, he reached up to the sparsely-filled shelves behind the desk and pulled down a much larger, rolled-up scroll that was easily recognizable as a map. As he spoke, he unrolled it to reveal a large portion of Gilneas, laid out in odd, mostly-rectangular shapes with numbers and notes all over each one.
An estate map? What are they trying to pin on me now?
To his frustration, Terry couldn't make out the legend properly from where he was seated without moving the map himself, and Rumpole was already--still--talking.
"As you're obviously aware, Gilneas was finally declared a safe zone, though of course there are still all those pocket skirmishes and little border incursions…"
And now the confusion was giving way to annoyance. "I 'elped clear a fair number o' those pockets. Yes, I'm aware."
"Right, well!" Rumpole had the decency to look suitably chastised, recognizing he was starting to prattle even after he'd skipped a good portion of the prattling already. "Straight to it, Sergeant: My colleagues all across the kingdoms have seen the writing on the wall and, more importantly, on paper, and gathered all the records that still remain intact enough to have standing." He waved one hand toward the closed door to indicate the mass of papers and fellow lawyers just beyond. Then, he placed one finger squarely on a specific point on that map.
Terry's eyes widened as he sorted out where precisely it was.
"I was given the unique honor to be the one to inform you that your family's stead is one of those lucky few. If you wish to claim it, of course. Our recently crowned queen has declared anybody that shows valid claim has, in layman's terms, dibs. Standard post-war repatriation; there's a bit of a shortlist for whatever's left of the noble houses, the officers, and the notables. I suppose you can sort out where you fell on that list, eh?"
"I--my--...wot? Notable?"
"You are the Lighthound, aren't you?"
Terry blinked.
"Sir, I am a barrister. I do research."
"Right, yeah, sorry, I... 'oly shit."
Terry's thoughts were going entirely too fast for him to catch up with, but when they all went in circles, they all eventually wound up in the same place. It was just a matter of waiting them out, and Rumpole, sensing an opportunity to give his prepared presentation, seized on the moment. Though he was still technically listening, Terry spent the majority of that time studying the map. Now that he had a reference point he could work from, the other plots around his family's ranch clicked into place. His neighbors, to the best of his knowledge, were all dead.
Except for the two.
Declan Diggs' father had run a respectably-sized distillery, owed mostly to Big Diggs' love of vodka, of all things. Made him a bit wierd to everyone else--Gilneans were mostly scotch, whisky, and bourbon people--but growing potatoes had only been the start. They were easy to grow, hard to kill, and turned into strong booze, so Big Diggs was all over it. Terry remembered hearing his buddy talk about how his dad was looking at getting a few fruit trees transplanted to try and branch out--gods, Diggs thought he was so fuckin' funny--into wine, but then everything had gone to absolute shit, and Big Diggs didn't make it out alive.
Smits' parents had devoted a ton of time and effort to clearing their own land of stone before he'd been born. The Mathers family had made a killing selling it to various quarries and sculptors, and then turned around and got that crappy dirt worked into good growing soil. By the time Smits was old enough to walk, he was already an accomplished stone-picker, and by the time they were going to school together, Smits already had tons of ideas and plans to get out of Gilneas, see the world, and most importantly, make tons of money and make a name for himself. Much like Terry, he hadn't been clear on what sort of name he wanted to make, he'd just known he'd wanted to make one.
They were all supposed to be big shots, making big shit happen, together. But they weren't, and only some of that had been Terry's fault. He'd already known, from the moment he'd found out what they'd done to him--what they'd tried to do to his family--that they didn't deserve to be forgiven.
But the people they'd been, the friends he'd once known, didn't deserve to be forgotten, either.
"...wish to re-stake the claim, the Crown would be happy to purchase the land back from you for a tidy sum. You could also grant ownership to another party, if you've got someone in m--"
"Where do I sign."
"Eh? Oh! Of course, just here, here, and..."
"And I want first biddin' rights on any o' th' adjacent steads, if their owners give 'em up or don't 'ave sufficient records. These two 'ere," Terry thumped his finger down on the Diggs and Mathers steads in turn, "Their last livin' fam'ly members are in prison fer treason, among other thin's. I doubt they'll want or be able t' claim it. Let me know about those as y' can…"
Terry and Rumpole spent almost an hour discussing the details. After that, Rumpole took advantage of Terry's damn near photographic memory to help sort out some plots they'd had a lot of trouble identifying. By the time they'd gotten too close to the cities for him to be of use anymore, Terry realized another hour had gone by on top of that, and he'd long since missed the window to surprise his kids at school.
It was time to go home.
( @daily-writing-challenge )
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curechocolattymilk · 4 years
I am in a sorta rambling Skyrim mood again so if you want lists of my mods i have/want to keep for Skyrim Extended Cut’s release/want to get for a fresh save under S:EC uhh here you go??
MOD LIST IN GENERAL/AS A WHOLE (might be a long one)
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
Alternate Start
Cutting Room Floor
The Paarthurnax Dilemma
Khajiit Speak (disabled atm, only on for a Khajiit character I plan on remaking)
Wet & Cold SE
Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM)
BarenziahQuestMarkers SSE
Immersive Patrols SE
Horns Are Forever SE
Falskaar (disabled & prob gonna be uninstalled. Wasn’t satisfied w the mod so i went back to a save before installing it that wasn’t too far back)
Run For Your Lives
Enhanced Lights & FX
True Storms SE (+Compatibility patch for W&C)
Civil War Aftermath
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions & Custom Home Support SE
Derkeethus Dual
New Beginnings- AS Extension
No More Stupid Dog
D13 Faster Get Up SSE
Amazing Follower Tweaks SE
DWC Player Werewolf Replacer
Diverse Werewolves Collection
Dominions More Argonians
Immersive Good Boy
Skyrim Sewers
Convenient Horses
Fast Travel Ambushes & Consequences
Interesting NPCS/3DNPC (& with it, Cyb’s Overhaul) SE  Patches/Hotfixes
BAT- Bigger Argonian Tails SE
BS: Bruma SE (and patches)
Vigilant SE + Voiced English Addon SE
Cinematic Dragon Soul Absorption (disabled)
Shout - Immersive & Dynamic Overhaul
SkyUI SE + Flashing Savegames Fix
Destructible Display Cases
Dragon Stalking Fix
TK Dodge SE
Immersive Movement
Hun Lovaas & the mod authors other music replacer mods
More Tavern Idles
Ultimate Combat SE
Library of Paarthurnax SSE
Dawnguard as vampire (didn’t want to lose part of my sould for the DG quest lol, turned right back into a werewolf)
Real Bosses (Light File)
Immersive World Encounters SE
Better Jumping SE
Kaidan 2
Race Menu
Miraak DB Follower + Dialogue Plus
Monster race crash fix (for the Play as a Dragon mod)
Lucien Flavius
Racial Body Morphs SE - Diverse body types & height
CWN - Civil War Neutrality SSE
Alt Conversation Camera
Guard Dialogue Overhaul SE
Deadly Dragons
Werewolf Feral Run
Bigger Tails for Werewolves
Predators - Werewolf & Vampire role playing tool (Lite version currently disable)
3DNPC Talkative Followers
Masque of Argonian Vile SSE
Talkative Dragons + Enigma Series
My Little Hatchling SSE + Adoptable Argonian Hatchling
Play As a Dragon
Growl - Werebeasts of Skyrim (I definitely recommend this for werewolf playthroughs! It doesn’t have Moonlight Tales’ features but its still balanced/fun & barely buggy in my experience)
Death is Highly Overrated redone 2020
To keep the bulletpoint list hopefully short: Patch/QoL mods that fix vanilla issues (i.e. USSEP, D13, SMIM, the like), follower mods (save for Miraak since S:EC seems to have something planned for him), mods done to tweak the Werewolf experience, combat & boss difficulty mods, Mods that overhaul NPCs dialogue/AI (guards, citizens in general), weather mods, music mods, & mods that make Argonians & Khajiit look a bit more fun are for sure staying! Any civil war mods I have might be trimmed off, debating on how S:EC approaches reworking the secondary story quest. That being said:
BarenziahQM - For the sole fact it makes that quest soo much better
Paarthunax Dilemma - a solid maybe? S:EC is also gonna do something bout this part of the Blades quest if I read their reddit post correctly, so I might just leave it disabled & see what happens first
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions - yes pls let me make Tei a papa to every Skyrim also I need it to make Kaidan’s home available for the kiddos
Derkeethus - makes him a more decent follower but eeeh idk i rarely take him out often so it might be snipped itsa maybe
Destructible Display Cases- sometimes i’m too lazy to lockpick
No more Stupid Dog/Immersive Good Boy- Meeko is a good boy I should be able to tell him & also my kids + housecarls shouldn’t call him stupid >:(
More Argonians- I just like these funky reptiles (used to have More Khajiits too but it always would CTD at a certain inn w it installed. F)
Alternate Start- Makes things more spicy
CH- Sorta QoL for the skyrim horses, for sure staying
FTA&C- Again, makes things more spicy, but in the event of some group jumping you while traveling
Vigilant- Maybe?? It’s fun as hell but not really in character for Jeer-Tei. Perhaps re-enabled later as an end game thing alongside BS: Atmora whenever that comes out?
Shout- makes cooldowns more bearable so itsa keep
DSF- also a QoL mod
Immersive Movement + More Tavern Idles + Better Jumping + Immersive Encounters
AFT- big traveling groups are always fun/it makes it easier to horde keep all of Skyrim’s dogs
Race Menu + Racial BM SE- falls under “makes Argonians more fun” like some other argonian focused mods I guess? RBM plays around w everyones height and RM just lets you go buck wild (in a sfw way! unless...yknow you got nsf/w mods i guess) doesn’t hurt to specify tho lol
Alternate Convo Camera- Really fun!! Despite it pointing out how short my LDB is
Deadly Dragons- Makes fighting the Dovah much more fun w all the (honestly not as canon) diversity in looks & abilities! Can recommend, not too harsh on older devices either from what I know
Death is Highly Overrated
Play as a Dragon + Monster Race Fix- another hard maybe because well...you turn into a dragon which isn’t too immersive I guess?? Probably another “end game” mod for Tei
MODS IM EYEING/WANT TO GET (this post is so long so far I’m sorry)
Survival Mods!! (iNeed is one I’m looking at & maaaybe Frostfall?? idk i’ll have to see about that one i heard its not too fun for the Argonian gang) P much looking for something that’ll make exploring the wilds of Skyrim less of a bore
Camping + Hunting based mods! I’ve been eyeing Campfire & Hunterborn specifically, but open to any other suggestions. Same reasoning as survival mods, makes it more fun to travel! Plus, I’m going for an in character experience, it would fit Tei!
Khash & Auri follower mods. I’ve been eyeing these two for a bit, but from my experience w adding Kaidan & Lucien late game, I miss a lot of fun stuff D: So I’m planning on nabbing them for a fresh playthrough under S:EC (or at least, Khash! I uh...don’t know how to download mods manually/always mess it up & Auri doesn’t have the option to let Vortex do all the work unfortunately, but we’ll see!)
Maybe some nice armor mods?? Again nothing too heavy to handle but just to add some flavor(tm)
Saw a mod that made Animal AI a bit more realistic, might nab that
long shot but a mod that lets everyone refer to your LDB via they/them pronouns would be cool too but idk feel like it’d be a nightmare to attempt modder wise. Honestly i’d love the idea of having a mod or two that’ll let me confirm that Tei is trans themselves in game (3DNPC has a quest where you can say your character is, but that’s about it to my knowledge)! Buuut I’m unsure to search for any cause: 1) I don’t want to deal w transphobes ruining my searches & my day on Nexus & 2) Any curious google/bing searches keep bringing up Lovers lab & mmmm no thank you.
and uh...so far that’s the base of it? idk im still looking around & I might have to add/drop some things depending on like...how much my current computer can handle, Not grabbing any fancy graphics mods, that’s for sure lol
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contreparry · 4 years
"8. Rose garden" for Anders and anyone else you'd like to write about for the DWC!
Here’s some pre-Fenders in a modern!Thedas setting for @dadrunkwriting!
The Kirkwall Biopark was in full bloom, full of color and life and noise. It seemed everyone was out enjoying the summer sunshine, the cool shade, the green grass, and the bright blue sky. Anders fully intended to spend his rare Saturday afternoon lounging in the sunshine and taking time to- ah, what did Varric tell him? Yes, taking the time to stop and smell the roses. Something something working too hard, something something taking time for himself, blah blah blah, get some fresh air, Anders, before you become a ghost!
“As if,” Anders muttered to himself as he walked the different paths in the park. “I’m perfectly corporal, thank you very much!” As if to prove his own physical presence, he made his way towards a man selling ice cream and water from his cart and purchased a bottle before walking down the brick paved path. He passed picnicking families and happy couples and several old ladies and gentlemen as he strolled along. It was rather nice, just having a walk in the sunshine. No one to talk to, no one to yell at, no emergencies to fix, no paperwork to file... just sunshine and bright, beautiful flowers. And the smell! It was sweet and floral and almost overpowering, and the boughs of the rose bushes were nearly bent over from the weight of the giant blossoms. There was a nice little stone bench under one of those giant archways, Anders recalled. He ducked under another rose branch (red roses that smelled sweet like candy) and rounded another corner to find-
Someone was already sitting there. A man. A man was sitting there reading a book, with his long legs stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankle, the dappled sunlight shining on his pale hair, his bright green eyes flashing behind his glasses- Anders gulped. Fuck. He always had a thing for gorgeous nerds. He ought to walk away, but also... well, Varric said he needed to take some time for himself and get out there more. This probably wasn’t what he meant, but Anders was happy to interpret it that way.
“Hey. That seat taken?” Anders asked casually, and when the man looked up from his book and over the frame of his glasses at him, Anders was drowning in green.
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For DWC: Fill, Wanted, Trouble for Hawke x Athenril
Woohoo, more of Hawke and his bae/boss/it’s complicated/(?)
m!Hawke/Athenril, “Wanted in Ostwick” (AO3)
“You said you wanted to see me, Aveline?”, Hawke asked innocently.
“I did indeed,” the Guard-Captain said, folding her hands together on her work desk. “Oh, come off it. You’re not in trouble. Not this time, anyway.”
“Right,” Varric said, “because people only ever get hauled up to the Guard-Captain’s office for social calls.”
Glaring at the dwarf standing behind Hawke, Aveline said, “I don’t recall inviting you.”
Hawke explained, “Oh, that was on my initiative. I figured that if I was being dragged here I’d need him to talk me out of whatever circumstances I’d find myself in.”
Aveline felt a headache coming on. “You…oh, never mind. What I wanted to talk to you about was this.”
She reached into a drawer, carefully lifting a well-worn piece of parchment covered in writing and decorated with two portraits. A stamped decree on the corner denoted Ostwick as its place of origin. Hawke and Varric leaned in to study the poster as Aveline explained why and how it’d come into her possession.
“You see,” she said, “I was clearing out some old files when I moved in, and I just so happened to spot this old poster. What’s this all about?”
Hawke shrugged his shoulders. “I haven’t the foggiest, Aveline. This is clearly a wanted poster for ‘James Faulkner’ and ‘Jessie Varvel’.”
“Oh for the love of the Maker…!” she yelled, jabbing her index finger at each picture in turn, saying “That’s clearly you, right down to that stupid smear of blood you’re never able to wash off after a fight,”
“I beg your pardon!” Hawke ejaculated, defensively wiping at his nose, which was perfectly clean this time round.
“, and that’s obviously your old employer Athenril!” she continued, pointing at the redheaded elf whose picture was right next to his.
“I, ah, hasten to remind you that she happens to also be your old employer, my dear Guard-Captain, so I wouldn’t be screaming this from the roof of the Viscount’s keep,” he retorted.
“Oh, please. That’s not even close to the worst skeleton in anyone’s closet here,” Aveline said, rolling her eyes.
All three of them waited for Merrill to interject with some confused comment about skeleton infestations in the keep, until they realised that she was still in the Alienage.
“Anyway,” Hawke huffed, “I claim the right of habeus corpus. My lips are sealed.”
Varric stared at him. “I think you mean protection from self-incrimination, Hawke.”
Squinting as her headache got worse, Aveline said, “Actually, you’re both thinking of the statute of limitations, which I assure you is well past.”
Hawke turned to Varric, asking him, “Isn’t a statuette of limitations that thing Bartrand had us fish out of that creepy thaig?”
“I suppose you could call it that,” the dwarf quipped.
It definitely was worse now. “A ‘statute of limitations’, you numbskulls, means you can’t be prosecuted for a charge after a certain amount of time, but this doesn’t happen to include murder, robbery, or grand theft, so don’t get ideas. And no, I’m not telling you how long right now either.”
Eyes dimming after lighting up at the idea of gaining clemency for the odd felony by getting away with things for long enough, Hawke turned back to Aveline. “Oh all right, I suppose you’ve got a right to hear this story. This was a special assignment Athenril had for me, hence why you were left out of the loop when we went over to Ostwick.”
Aveline leaned forward, steepling her fingers. “Special assignment, huh?”
“It was, ah, a two-man job.”
Raising an eyebrow, she asked, “Is that what they call it now?”
“Look, if you’re going to take perverse pleasure from questioning me about this, I think I have a right to make Varric tell you the story so we’re even.”
They both started to protest, but Hawke clapped the merchant on his shoulder, telling him, “Too late! You’re up, says me and your unpaid tab at the Hanged Man, which will disappear tonight, if everything goes well right now.”
“Oh, all right,” Varric said, “but only because Hawke’s still kind of hung up about…”
Hawke was staring daggers at him.
“Look, you drag me into this, I’m going to take you down with me.”
Aveline gently pounded on the tabletop. “Do you mind getting on with it, Varric?”
“Very well, so this was, as you can guess, sometime during Hawke’s first year here…”
Somewhere, sometime in the future, a short-haired Nevarran Seeker of Truth let loose a disgusted noise once she realised that she’d let Varric recursively nestle his narratives within each other yet again. The dwarf’s smile threatening to reach both his ears, he began.
Sometime during Hawke’s first year in Kirkwall, and when he was still working for Athenril the Hightown smuggler, he went on a special assignment to Ostwick with her, namely smuggling lyrium mined around Kirkwall and selling it to their branch of the Mages’ Collective at a killer rate in return for certain services, specifically getting them, along with some Tal-Vashoth mercenaries she’d pay for this one-off, to come over to Kirkwall and deal the Coterie such a bloody nose that they’d get off her back forever, ladder or otherwise.
Hey, you’re the one that mentioned the statuette of limitations, Red. Once you tell us how long that is for lyrium smuggling, I’ll just say it happened that long ago plus a month.
So anyway, they were supposed to go there with just a small sample of the stuff, with Hawke as “James Faulkner”, an eccentric Fereldan nouveau riche who was wasting his parents’ money on a tour of the rest of the world, starting out at Val Chevin, then Cumberland, followed by Kirkwall, then the coastline of the Free Marches, which left Ostwick as his next port of call. Athenril was posing as Varvel, his elfin mistress, because you know, that’s the kind of world we live in.
That said, I don’t think she wasted a single opportunity in their shared quarters reminding Hawke just who was boss.
…I did say I was going to drag you down with me, Hawke. You don’t like how I’m telling this story, you can take over any time. I can pay for my own drinks, you know. Fine, Aveline, I’ll get to it. Where was I? Oh yeah. After riding the rough seas day and night, they finally got within sight of Ostwick, and the loving couple…of business associates…disembarked, with a heavy suitcase of the stuff in tow.
This, as you might expect, is where everything started going wrong. You see, the Coterie firstly didn’t really fail to notice their chief rival, even with her hair and ears wrapped in a headscarf, leaving the city, and secondly, the Coterie happened to have friends of their own in Ostwick, specifically amongst the Templars, whose lyrium addictions they were already feeding, so this really was a ship doomed to sink before it launched. Figuratively, although it could well have been literally too if they had so wished.
Still, they probably wanted their marks to get a little bit further into the city before getting at them, so that they had the opportunity to really make examples of them. Such was it that “James Faulkner” and “Jessica Varvel” rather overconfidently got through the customs, what with their specially lead-lined valise nominally containing the various curios that this Fereldan fop had been picking up on his Grand Tour but instead secreting the good stuff within its secret panels.
Finding lodgings in a chateau so ridiculously beyond their usual accommodations that it’d have broken their budget had they actually intended so stay more than the night, or, well, not just steal it back once they were done in Ostwick, Hawke and Athenril went on to indulge their fantasies of wealth and privilege, strolling through Ostwick’s rich markets and supping on fine food and wine – a fleeting dream, that they only wished they could hold onto for more than just one day…oh, all right, Hawke, I’ll move on. I hate seeing you grumpy.
In truth, they were also reconnoitring the streets, seeing where and how they’d approach the drop-off point, having picked up their contact’s signal at the bottom of a tankard in one of their better establishments, also surveying the rooftops for possible exits and escapes. This in particular would come in handy afterwards, when it all went to shit. Their supposed contact was in fact a mole, a double-agent for the Templars if you will. Safe be it to say that if they had actually turned up at their agreed-upon alleyway in Ostwick they’d have never made it out alive.
But you see, Templars in Ostwick are a bit more of an organised and efficient bunch than the hobnailed thugs…excuse me, Aveline, beleaguered civil servants…we have over here, and from the moment they’d landfall there they were already making preparations to nab the two of them, and as they slept in their down-lined bed, posters were already going up and their informants were already spreading the word that this Fereldan dandy and his elvhen maid were both Public Enemy Numéro Un.
Still, to give Hawke and his lady-boss some credit, they did sense the air shifting outside their room well in time to get dressed into their armour, shoving their finery into their lyrium case, dumping the mass of worthless Lowtown gewgaws onto the carpet, before the Knight-Lieutenant assigned to the case started kicking down the door after his usual “you-are-under-arrest” speech, bolting out of the window to the waiting rooftop outside.
Well, you can imagine the sort of wonderful escapade that resulted. Real exciting stuff, these rooftop chases, what with being weighed down by that precious valise which was the source of all their troubles. Hawke can tell you just how difficult it is to balance on a slanting roof with five pounds dragging you down on one side. Clutching it to his chest like it was a child, Hawke zigzagged his way to the harbour, with Athenril leading him the way there.
It was all going well until he twisted his ankle and slid all the way down a tiled roof to land amongst a pile of grain sacks, only to find himself surrounded by a group of opportunistic bandits who were on the lookout for “James Faulkner.” Wincing in pain as he drew his daggers, Hawke prepared for the inevitable. There were a lot of them and just one of him, and his foot was aching something fierce.
Then, like an avenging spirit, Athenril dove off the next roof, her arrows landing in one thug each, making a perfect descent to the cobblestone quay, fighting her way to Hawke.
“Come on, don’t make me do all the work,” she said, smirking at him.
Returning her grin, he told her, “I was distracting them while you lined your shots up.”
Oh what? You don’t like it when I do the voices?  Fine, Hawke, you do yourself since you know yourself so well, Red, you do Athenril since I can’t hit the high notes. Well, if you’re both going to be like that, no more dialogue. Wet blankets.
Anyhow, you can pretty much guess how that fight went, and eight or nine corpses later, Hawke, still gripping to that case like his life depended upon it – and let’s face it, it probably did – hobbled his way along the waterfront. It was clear that unless they found a boat they’d never make it out of Ostwick. Neither of them being sailors, they settled on a dinghy they cut loose from a docked caravel, slipping between the ships until they made it to the coast.
Well, Ostwick and Kirkwall, different as day and night as they are, do share a common problem, namely big horny men along the shore. Turns out they’re even thicker with Tal-Vashoth than here, because their kinsmen decided to start spreading the Qun at Ostwick, and over time more of them got disillusioned of their ethos, and so they’ve got a worse infestation of wandering, directionless, ox-heads on their stretch of the Wounded Coast.
Wandering and directionless as Hawke and Athenril were at this point, it was pretty much inevitable, really, that they would run into them, and so they did. A camp full of dozens of them wasn’t all that far down the coast, and wounded as Hawke was, there was no way they could fight their way out of that one, so they did the only thing they could think of.
Namely, surrender.
After convincing her of that very point, he crouched down to the valise whilst maintaining eye contact with their leader the whole time and popped open the secret compartments, pulling out the enriched lyrium as it shone in the night. Turning to the saarebas to see their reaction, the leader nodded in approval, gesturing to one of their tents.
And, well, what happened that night, after she tended to his wounds, I leave as Hawke’s prerogative.
They left the next morning on a fishing boat headed for Kirkwall, having impressed upon its captain that they were more trouble than any bounty was worth, with no lyrium, no mages, and no gold, but a fine story to tell and memories of living it up in Ostwick that would last a lifetime. And that, Red, is the story behind that poster on your desk.
Varric and Aveline turned to their mute companion. He hadn’t moved an inch since Varric had finished spinning his tale, just sitting quietly in his chair in front of the table and gently tapping at the poster lain upon it. Blinking in silence, he eventually looked back up at them.
“Hm? Oh, right,” he said, “Well told, Varric. Very discreet, very tasteful. Just had to mention my impromptu roof dive though, didn’t you?”
“Well, it does explain why you handed it over to the Tal-Vashoth without a fight.”
“I suppose it does,” Hawke murmured.
Aveline looked over to him concernedly. “Are you feeling all right, Hawke?”
“I’m always all right, Aveline,” he said, standing up. “See you at the Hanged Man tonight? Drinks are on me, and not just Varric’s. Thanks for reminding me of, well, simpler times.”
“I’ll let you know, Hawke,” she said. “We do have a bit of a lull at the moment, hence the social calls. And, well, thank you both. I suppose that is one story I’d been waiting to hear.”
With that, Hawke and Varric, the former still oddly silent, left the Guard-Captain’s office.
“Funny thing,” Varric told the Seeker some unspecified time in the future, “when Aveline came back the very next day that poster was missing from her desk. Some of us say it was next seen pinned to a wall in the Hawke Estate, some say it flittered its way to the Red Lantern district after that, but there’s no way to know one way or another now.”
Cassandra groaned and asked, “Was any of that the truth, dwarf?”, pinching at her slightly throbbing forehead as she did so.
“Well,” Varric said, “it does explain why Hawke remains persona non-grata over in Ostwick, statuette of limitations or otherwise.”
“I suppose it does, at that,” she said. “But is the Champion of Kirkwall really such a…sentimental creature?”
“Lady Seeker,” he asked as he innocently raised his palms, “aren’t we all?”
Letting forth another disgusted noise, Cassandra said, “Absolutely not.”
Still, she too was quiet for a long time before resuming her questioning, idly tracing circles on her copy of The Tale of the Champion with her fingertips as Varric discreetly swiped a drink of grog from her mug. Stories were hard work.
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thevikingwoman · 7 years
DWC: # 6 wheeeeeee omg also I am very interested in hearing more about that hacker AU
Thank you so much @superfluouskeys, and @suzumicchi! (who asked for the same). Sorry this took so long! I am so happy you are interested in the Hacker AU! 
A kinktober prompt for @dadrunkwriting​. 
6. Size Difference | Bondage | Bonds (Telepathic or Empathic)
I hope this fits the premise, due to the circumstances it is more plotty and less kinky as such. Still nsfw, but less explicit than my other kinktober fills. Under cut because it got very long. 
Iwyn Lavellan x Solas | Hacker AU | romance post-apocalyptic AU, strange science, thought sharing, nsfw
The government of the South Thedas Union is led by Corpypheus, and his grip on power is concerning, as well as his close ties to Tevinter. Now there is a hole in sky, and a martial law, with Templars and Wardens exercising their force relentlessly. A resistance, the Inquisition, is hiding deep in the Frostbacks, unwilling to believe Coprypheus is doing anything to stop the Breach. 
The other Hacker AU are set after this: Hacking, Wine. 
The Device
“Could you please hurry up dear?” Vivienne asks. She acts completely composed, but she sends a nervous glance towards the abandoned parking lot. Debris is shoved against the gatehouse, the broken gate lying on the asphalt like a dead snake.
They drove over it just before, and parked their car right by the door. Iwyn is trying to open the lock, it’s wire guts spilled out and connected to her phone.
“I’m working on it Viv. It’s a little more complicated than it should be.”
Cassandra sighs. Solas looks at Iwyn, and says nothing.
The facility has been abandoned years ago, but Leliana’s contacts had said there should be useful research and devices left.
Rumor has it that Calpernica is now the lead researcher for Corypheus. Whatever her old lab holds, it will be sure to be useful.
The lock beeps and light up green. Cass push the door, and it swings silently open. She starts forward, her sword humming and glowing, but Iwyn stops her.
“They might have warded it,” she says. She taps at her phone, grateful for Dagna’s enhancements. She looks intently at the information scrolling on her screen, nodding along.
She frowns, and lowers her expectations for what they will find.
Once inside, they quickly split up, Cassandra and Vivienne looking through the files while Solas and Iwyn take a closer look at the gadgets left behind.
“Most fascinating,” Solas says, and turns over a small rectangular item. It has silver buttons on one side, and a display on the other.
“What does it do?” Iwyn leans close to him. She likes bringing him along for outings like this, solid and calm and smart.
“I think it might be a financial calculator.”
She enjoys the way his eyes light up with interest, and she wants to kiss him. It is quite new, this fluttering attraction, and she is uncertain if it is returned. She will keep near him, to slide under that shell he has, those secrets that holds him back.  She can hack through systems using brute force, shattering the system in her wake, but sometimes more subtle approaches are needed. She knows of those too.
“Let me know if you find more interesting stuff.” She touches his forearm with a light squeeze and wanders off, interested in the desk at the back of the room.
There are several devices lying in a jumble, but her attention is drawn to silver chain linking 2 green boxes. Each box is smooth, no buttons or display. She turns one over in her hands, no ports, no interface, nothing. It might just be decorative, but her gut tells her otherwise.
Everything tells her otherwise when the box is stuck, she can’t let go.
“Solas,” she says, forcing her voice to be calm. There are no lights, no indication anything has changed. No interface for her to break. “Something is wrong here.”
“Let me see,” he says, and moves next to her. He picks up the other box, and then the whole thing starts to hum, to vibrate, and then there is a green flash of light.
The next thing she notices is that she is lying across Solas, her face on his chest. It feels nice and comforting, and she feels warm and happy. Then she remembers the device.
“Oh shit!”
As she gets up, she sees it on the floor, except it is no longer the same. The silver chain has dissolved, a fine metal dust on the floor on pants and on Solas sweater.
“Huh. This is odd.” She stands and prods it with her foot, and Solas gets up to stand next to her.
“I recommend not touching it again, Iwyn.”
“I know. Are you feeling alright?”
“I am fine.” Solas brushes the dirt off his sweater. “You?”
“I’m good, except I don’t know what happened. At least I had a soft place to land.” She smiles softly, and she wants to kiss him. She feels heat rise in her cheeks as she imagines the feel of his lips against her.
Together, they manage to get the two boxes into her backpack without touching them again. Solas has found one other device he deems interesting, it goes in the backpack as well. Vivienne and Cassandra has found several lyri-disks and printed paperwork left behind, and they make their way out.
The dusty hallway is still empty and silent, and so is the parking lot. Soon after they are all on the road, Solas driving steadily as lonely pools of streetlight greets them. The mission was smooth and uneventful, she doesn’t know if it is a bad sign, or a stroke of luck.
When they return to Skyhold, Solas and Vivienne takes devices and the paperwork to the lab. Iwyn is sure Dorian will soon join them for a lively debate. She hopes the disks holds some useful information; some clue to Calpernica’s research.
Iwyn debriefs with the Advisors, the unofficial leaders of their resistance. Leliana wants to hear the details of the layout and the security.
Cullen wants to send bruisers to sweep the compound. She doesn’t think it is a great idea, they were too lucky. She is debating with Cullen when she stutters and loses her focus. She is suddenly and sharply aroused, her nipples peaking against the fabric of her shirt, heat pooling in her belly. A brief images flashes before her, herself bend over slightly over the table with the devices in the compound. She sees, and she feels Solas hands on her ass, caressing with gentle strokes. It is odd – it was not what happened, and while she doesn’t deny her attraction to him, she is not usually thinking about him, like that. Not until she is alone, at least.  Now that the idea is in her head, it is hard to stop it. She thinks of him doing more than just touching her, she imagines being naked, her breasts pressed into the table, his erection heavy against her. She feels a rush of arousal, powerful and wild. She exhales, and pushes her fantasy away. It is not the time and place, and she is not sure if she has any right to think of him like that. She turns her focus back to telling Cullen why there is no need wasting lives.
It keeps happening. Random, visual flashes of kisses, of touches, of yearning and having. It feels odd, different then her own thoughts, appearing at strange moments. While playing a multiplayer game with Sera. While having tea with Josephine.
The nights are the hardest. She thinks of Solas briefly, a remark he said, a smile he offered, a discussion they had. Any small crack in his shell, and she wonders what it would feel to have him close. Suddenly she can’t help thinking of his lips, his hands, his hands on her, and when she gives in and touches herself, her orgasms come faster and harder and wilder than usual.
It is another two days before she sees Solas again. Skyhold is a huge place, a sprawling compound deep in the mountains. She feels cooped up in the computer lab, the cave beneath the main house that Sera and Dagna has rigged with cables and racks of servers. It is a good setup and she feels at home there, but she needs fresh air. It has nothing to do with the other women’s casual kisses, while all she can think of is Solas hands, delicately inspecting the latest oddity, or wrapped around some old-fashioned leather-bound book.
Solas is not in the research lab, just Dorian and Vivienne arguing. Over fashion, it seems, not their work.
Iwyn thinks some fresh air would help, and she makes it across the yard to the garage. She has noticed Solas likes to spend time on the cars, and she is not disappointed. He is bent over one, the hood popped up, while is fixing something in the engine. It is a good view, and she slows to appreciate it. She thinks about running her hands over his ass, how good it would feel.
“Fenedis lasa!” he swears, and turns around, a set of heavy pliers in one hand. The other pinches his nose, smearing dirt on his brow. He sees her, and he smiles a little, while unbidden the image of him pressing a soft kiss to her lips comes to her mind. She got to either do something about it, or stop thinking about it.
“Is the car giving you trouble?” she asks.
“A little,” he answers, and he manages to rub oil on his cheek too. It looks unbelievable sexy, a roughness that she doesn’t see in his lab.
The feelings are stranger, now that she is closer to him. It feels almost as if she can imagine what he wants, how he longs to touch her. How he wants to grab her ass and pull her close, and yes, she would like that too.
It doesn’t prevent her from stepping closer, she can’t help it. The last few days broken her down.
“You have a little oil here,” she says, and she licks her thumb and swipes it over his cheek. The touch sends sparks along her fingers, she is mesmerized by his grey eyes meeting hers, a storm brewing. He puts his hand over hers, and the pliers fall to the ground with a heavy sound.
“Iwyn,” he says, and it is soft like the wind, and then he pulls her to him, and they are kissing, dizzying, like nothing she has ever felt. His hands are under grasping her hips, and slides lower. He lifts and spins her, pressing her against the car. He smells like books and oil and she needs more, she needs to feel his skin next to her. He does too, he pulls on her shirt, his hands sliding up her back. She moans his name into his mouth, and she pushes him back, into the pillar behind him. She can almost feel the rough stone biting into his shoulder, and how much he doesn’t mind, how much he wants it.
It is almost too much, too fast, and she takes a step back. He looks bereft, and he looks around, dazed.
“Maybe we should go somewhere private,” she suggests and she is suddenly nervous, even if her blood knows how much he wants this. “If you want, that is. I’m sorry, I…”
“Iwyn.” He takes both her hands in his, and looks at her, earnest. “There is nothing to be sorry for, but yes, I agree we should go somewhere else.”
She feels a spike of nervousness and elation as he keeps one hand in hers, and they start towards the main building.
They don’t talk as they walk, neither of them vocalizing the agreement that they will walk to her room, and not his. They ascend the stairs, and soon they are there. She is nervous. She notices three lyri-disks on her bed, and she quickly tosses them on her desk, next to the hard drive and assorted cables. Should she push him against the closed door and kiss him? Should they talk?
“We should talk,” he says. “Though I do not object to being pressed against the door, on principle.”
She blushes, and then she frowns. “Wait – how did you know? Is that what is happening? Sharing thoughts?”
“I believe so,” he says, and sits on her bed. She sits next to him. “I noticed that all of my thoughts were not entirely my own, and I think you have just confirmed it. Have you felt the same?”
“I have. It was strange, kissing you. Good, it was very good. But strange, like seeing double? But with touch.” She strokes his hand, gently, and it is like that, double. She feels more than just the touch, and she tells him. Solas nods, and then she feels, she knows, he is distracted by her lips when she wets them. She licks them again.
“Iwyn. We are trying to have a conversation,” but he smiles as he says it, and he doesn’t mind much.
“It has been happening for a couple of days,” she says, “ever since that strange device.”
“It just occurred to me too. It seems to be stronger now we are close.” He wants to get closer, and so does she. There is no hiding.
“You still felt it, though? When I’ve thought of you?” She remembers the last few nights, and she is embarrassed, a flush of heat creeping into her cheeks. “I am sorry. There has been, um… times… at night…”
Solas laughs a little. “Me too,” he mumbles, and she suddenly realizes that he must have thought of her also, that the reason her arousal was so strong was that it was him, too. He must have thought of her too, maybe touching himself, groaning in the dark. She imagines it, before she can catch herself. He smirks at her, and then she reaches out for him, feeling the warmth under her fingers as she draws her fingertips along his jaw.
“It is not just idle thoughts,” she says. “I want you, Solas. I mean I… not just because you I can’t stop thinking of you, of touching you. I really enjoy being with you. Talking with you. I have for a while.” Her fingers drop to her lap, and her eyes too. She thinks she is in love with him, but she is not quite ready to tell him, and she think it wouldn’t be fair to spring it on him like that. Not now, influenced by who knows what.  
As soon as she had the thought, she feels a warm rush of affection and she looks up at him.
“It is the same for me,” he whispers, and they are kissing again, their worry already forgotten.
It feels amazing, and there is an instant feedback, a loop in her mind of touch and be touched. She softens her lips in response to his thoughts, and it immediately feels better, more, deeper. It is gentler now, as they understand what is happening, as they can adjust to the feel of each other.
Her arousal increases together as they touch, and it is not just hers, it is his need too, it is their passion felt together as a single bright light. Their desire guides them, and quickly has their hands roaming, their clothes shed. There is no need for words, but they say them anyway. Yes, please, more, please…
They come together urgently, everything powerful and larger than herself, she has nothing she can hide, nothing she wants to hide. He is inside of her, and she is inside of his mind, and it is not long until she screams his name while he shudders and bites into her shoulder.
They lie entangled on the bed, and Iwyn pulls a blanket over them. Curled together in a pocket of softness.
“Think of something,” she says, kissing his shoulder.
“Of what, vhenan? Of the work I left unfinished?”
“No, something… sexy,” She laughs, then she recognizes the endearment he used. She likes it, but wants to ask him about it too. Before she can, Solas rolls on top of her, pinning her down.
“I see.” He smirks, and she feels a little warm. It is all herself though, none of the thoughts are his.
“Did you?”
“Most certainly.” Solas’ grin grows wider, and the tips of his ears redden.
“I think the freaky mind share thing is gone.” She lifts her head to kiss him.
They do a few more tests, and all their thoughts stay inside their own heads.
“I suspect the device is meant to bring the two subjects closer, or maybe to an understanding? I believe it is ultimately connected to the fade,” Solas muses.
“I like being close to you.” She reaches her hands around his neck and pull him in for another kiss.
“As do I. Do you miss it, knowing my thoughts?”
“No? Yes? Maybe? There was certainly was some good parts to it. And I really don’t regret where we ended up.”
“A most enjoyable outcome,” he agrees, lips against her cheek.
It is a relief being alone in her head, but she did enjoy getting a glimpse of his thoughts. One little note, one chip in his armor, one digit of his code unlocked. She will find them all.
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mekandawn · 1 year
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@daily-writing-challenge Words: Divine/Tradegy Day: 2
Resisting the urge to scoop Pin into their arms and curl up in a ball, Caythaes rose to their feet and gently dusted their robes off. Much like how Fate had run into Aberrus in gleaming silver armor and now lay on the floor in blackened, twisted armor, Caythaes's workclothes had shifted as the corruptive forces of the Shadowflame washed over them. A high collar nearly as tall as their ears flowed downwards into a metal ribcage made of gold and spiked metal plates rested on their hips. Heavy pauldrons weighed down Caythaes's shoulders, pale green eyes rolling around in golden settings, glancing this way and that, taking in their surroundings and wicked looking metal caps decorated the fingers of their gloves.
Reaching up, Caythaes felt a pendant at their throat, the image of an upside-down symbol of the Light haloed by a black sun rising into their mind. It was something they'd discussed with Anzhin just weeks before; a symbol for the Solar Eclipse that could be sold as a pin much like Anzhin's own star or Velathra's moon and dragon's paw.
Only the day before, Korvax had teasingly suggested that if Caythaes were a prophet, he'd have to bring them offerings of kisses. At the time, Caythaes had replied that they were only a simple Seer, and if they did turn out to be a prophet, they were going to throw themself into the ocean. Now, his voice echoed through their mind, the once soothing rumble twisted into a dark, seductive whisper.
The truth was, Caythaes did often fantasize about being a prophet. They yearned for the recognition, respect, and praise that came with such a lofty position, and the idea of standing before a restored Sanctum of the Sun among a crowd of followers devoted to Belore caused their heart to ache. Once, Caythaes had worked towards that goal - or at least, they'd railed against the Light with a heart full of frustration and anger - but in the years since, they poured that energy into their performances.
After all, what was the difference between adoring fans hanging on your every word on stage and a temple full of worshippers assembled to hear you preach?
Why had they chosen the stage name of Solar Eclipse? Where had the idea for the symbol really come from? Had they been a puppet for something dark all this time without realizing it?
The thought chilled them to the core, but before Caythaes had a chance to dwell on it, someone shouted their name and snapped them out of their reverie. 
The Adamantine dragon had begun its assault anew, and Caythaes had to focus on keeping the adventurers in the room with them alive and on their feet.
The whispers would be drowned out in the heat of battle.
Everything would be fine.
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1000attorneys · 4 years
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melvinfellerstuff · 6 years
Melvin Feller Shows You How to Start a Consulting Business in Texas.
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Melvin Feller Shows You How to Start a Consulting Business in Texas.
 Melvin Feller Business Ministries Group in Burkburnett and Dallas Texas and Lawton Oklahoma. Our mission is to call and equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We provide workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way. When the heart of a business is service rather than self it can be transformed into a fruitful business ministry earning a profit and being of service to the community and their customers.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree in business organizations.
 Starting a consulting business in Texas can be a flexible, profitable way to make a living. In order for your consulting business to succeed, you should keep in mind some important legal considerations. These include choosing the most appropriate business entity, obtaining licenses and permits, attending to health and safety, correctly handling tax issues, working with policy statements and contracts, obtaining adequate insurance, and dealing with employees.
 Keep in mind that the term “consulting business” can cover a broad range of activities. Some consultants primarily work in their own offices; others work at other people’s businesses or at indoor or outdoor job sites. Moreover, some consultants are, in one or another legal sense, “professionals;” for example, they may be licensed by the state. In reading through the rest of this article, you should make allowances for your particular kind of consulting.
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Choosing the Business Entity
Depending on the details of your particular consulting business, you might well be able to operate as a sole proprietorship or partnership. However, you should at least consider using a legal form that protects you from personal liability. In this regard, if you are a member of a recognized profession you not only have more common options, such as a limited liability company or corporation, but also additional options, such as a professional corporation or professional limited liability company.
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In many cases, consulting work may not seem particularly dangerous, and situations involving personal liability may seem unlikely. However, if at any point you are responsible for the handling of valuable information, physical property, or perhaps even individual people, you could be at risk of something being damaged or lost, or someone being injured. This might occur at your own business location or it might occur elsewhere—but, in any case, you would want the business, not you personally, to be responsible for any liability.
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 Licenses and Permits
 Even if you operate as a sole proprietor, you should consider obtaining a federal tax ID number, known formally as an Employer Identification Number (EIN). For most other forms of business, an EIN is a requirement. The process is easy and can be completed online at irs.gov.
 The State of Texas does not have any general business license or permit requirement. However, the State recommends that you check with local governments at the city and county levels to learn about license or permit requirements for your particular type of business. General information related to starting a small business in Texas is available through the State’s Texas Wide Open For Business website. Even the most limited consulting business may need a license from a state or local government office; this may be something as simple as a doing-business-as  (DBA) certificate filed with the county, or it may be something more significant.
 In addition, there are various occupations and professions for which Texas requires some form of state licensing or certification. These include not only traditional professions such as physicians, lawyers, dentists, and accountants, but also occupations such as dietitians, real estate brokers, and insurance agents. Some licensing information is available through the Occupational Licenses & Permits section of the Texas.gov website.
  If you will be selling goods as part of your consulting business, the State of Texas also requires you to obtain sales and use tax permit, which you can do online.
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Finally, even if your consulting business is “low-key” or office-oriented, keep in mind that there may be local zoning laws that would prohibit your business in certain locations. This generally is more likely to be an issue if you are thinking of operating the business out of your home and you live in a clearly residential, as opposed to commercial, area. Even if the business is permissible under the local zoning ordinance, you may be required to obtain a compliance certificate from the local zoning authority. In short, your best bet is to investigate zoning regulations before you open for business.
 Health and Safety
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For office-based consultants, health and safety is not likely to be a primary concern. However, if you will be working “in the field” in situations that are potentially dangerous, such as construction sites; or if you are otherwise working with hazardous materials, you should investigate federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations.
Additional information regarding worker health and safety is available through Texas’s Occupational Safety and Health Consultation Program (OSHCON), which operates within the Texas Department of Insurance. Also, the Texas Department of Insurance’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (TDI-DWC) has resources for both employers and employees regarding workplace safety.
 Tax Matters
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  Your tax situation will vary depending on the legal form of your business (e.g., corporation, professional limited liability company, partnership). Even with a sole proprietorship, you need to attach a separate schedule (Schedule C) to your personal income tax return. In more complicated arrangements, such as an S Corporation or a multimember LLC, you will generally have to work with entirely different tax forms. If you are used to working as an employee, this added level of complexity can be confusing. If that's the case, the services of a good accountant may be a worthwhile investment at least at first.
 Consultants are typically self-employed. If you are transitioning from an employed position, keep in mind that you will be working with a new tax form, IRS Form 1099-MISC. This form will be provided to you at the end of the year by those clients who are paying you for your services. While there can be some exceptions depending on the legal form of your business, you should also be aware that generally, as a self-employed individual, you personally will be subject to the federal self-employment tax. With this additional tax obligation comes the requirement that you make quarterly estimated tax payments; information and instructions regarding these payments are available on IRS Form 1040-ES.
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One other matter that is often grouped with tax issues is your status as an independent contractor. The very term “consultant” may seem to imply that you are self-employed rather than an employee. However, it can be useful to review the IRS guidelines regarding independent contractors, such as those contained as part of IRS Form SS-8. In addition, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has adapted an older set of IRS guidelines for determining  whether a worker is an independent contractor. Information is available on the TWC’s form C-8.
 Finally, if you run your consulting business out of your home, you may be able to claim a deduction for business use of your home. Details about how to figure the deduction can be found in IRS Publication 587.
  Appropriate insurance for a consulting business will vary depending on the business’s details. Even if you will work mainly out of your own office, you will at least want adequate premises liability insurance, just in case a client or other business-related visitor slips and falls or is otherwise injured at your business location. You will also want adequate property coverage for your physical business equipment. Insurance for loss of your own business data is also worth considering. And, depending on your area of expertise, you should also seriously consider – or may even be required to have – professional liability insurance.
 If you will work in situations that are more clearly physically dangerous, you should also look more closely at insurance that covers personal injury – both to yourself, and, as necessary, to others. Similarly, if you will be driving between various job sites, you should make sure you have appropriate vehicle insurance.
 You may well find that, to get the best information and best coverage, you will need to work with several different insurance agents with different areas of expertise. Try to find agents who have previous experience writing policies in the areas relevant to your business. For example, if you will be consulting on hazardous chemicals, try to find an agent who knows something about coverage for hazardous substances.
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Policy Statements and Contracts
By its very nature, “consulting” is frequently a very flexible business, and different clients may want at least somewhat different services from you. In turn, you may very well be interested in accommodating the varying needs of these different clients. While you do not want to unduly limit what you can offer to potential clients, it still  may be in your own interest to formulate and provide in advance—in writing—at least general policies regarding how you work. If you have a website, you should consider posting your policies there. Regardless of whether you have a website, you may want to create a printed document containing general policy information that you give to each of your clients before you reach any agreements and begin work.
 General policy elements could vary widely depending on what kind of consulting you are involved in. They might include billing issues (whether you bill by the job or by the hour; any minimum charges or minimum hourly billing increments; how you charge for travel time; whether you bill bi-weekly, monthly, at the end of a project, or on some other basis), how you deal with getting paid (do you take retainers; do you expect monthly or other periodic payments), and who pays for certain expenses (such as special equipment, airfare, or hotels).
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At least as important as general policies, however, are the specific agreements you reach with each individual client. Ideally, these will take the form of contracts for service and will spell out in detail a range of matters, including those already mentioned (billing, payments, expenses) as well as the details of the work you are expected to perform.
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Keep in mind that, under basic contract law, in order for a contract for services to be legally binding, (a) you and your client must agree on what the contract is for (there must be a “meeting of the minds”), and (b) there must be an exchange of value (also known as “consideration”—in the case of a consulting business, usually the exchange of your services for money from your client). If the services involved will be completed in less than a year, the contract need not be in writing. However, most consultants would not take the risk of providing services without first getting a written, signed agreement. In fact, you should consider drafting—or having a lawyer draft—a standard contract that you can modify for individual clients.
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  To the extent, you will have employees; you should inform yourself about basic employment law issues such as illegal discrimination, workers compensation, and how to handle the hiring process. With regard to hiring in particular, learn how to:
create a useful job application     that does not include illegal questions
check references or make other     preemployment inquiries — again without violating privacy laws or     otherwise seeking illegal information, and
ask interview questions that are     both useful and legally permissible.
 In addition, many key employment laws are administered through the Department of Labor and there are a variety of informative webpages within the Department of Labor website. Finally, additional information about both federal and state regulations in such areas as equal employment, safety, wages, and labor posters for Texas employers is available on the Texas Wide Open For Business website.
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 Melvin Feller Business Consultants Ministries Group in Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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eggyyoon-archive · 7 years
I am glad that I saw the post before you delete it!! I do can see that Jeonghan seem to be happier and healthier during that era. TBH, I think Carats hate that hairstyle because they are too focused on the fact that their "pretty porcelain doll" was ruined. They didn't even give it a chance... There are times where I do get feelings that Jeonghan seem to be frustrated because Carats painted him as one image when he's different. He tried to live up to that image but it is tiring. TO BE CONT.
(2/3) Cont. Be ready for long rant XD this subject had been bothering me for awhile. I just wish that Carats will learn to love him for who he is. Jeonghan love Carats a lot and will try to do anything to make them happy. He mentioned it several time that he kept his hair long just because Carats love it. However, I feel like some Carats doesn’t care about his happiness sometime. Ugh, he was gorgeous with that hairstyle /sobs/. to be cont.
(3/3) Cont. I’ve noticed that Carats also called him cheater, swindler, and devil in disguise when he acted differently from their “pretty porcelain angel doll”. At first, it was like a joke but those terms are negative terms and it is not funny after first few times. He’s brilliant and cunning. His intelligent and skills should be appreciated in positive light not negative. Sorry for a long rant XD I think I will go and rewatch all videos from Pretty U era to get my fix. ~Black Hair Jeonghan Anon
everything’s under the cut bc this got WAY TOO LONG and i don’t want it taking up so much space!
(i hope you don’t mind that i combined these all into one ask!!)
good god i’m sorry this took me a long time to answer but, anon, you touched on so many jeonghan topics that i couldn’t leave it at one paragraph. and i’m sorry to delete the post! i wish i could conjure it back somehow.. i guess it’s in the abyss of deleted files, but i’m glad you saw it and wanted to share your feelings!
i do agree with the fact that his bob cut might have been disliked because it was such a drastic change, it might have also been because of personal preferences (which i can’t really blame, seeing as i can’t imagine myself in a bob cut) but he pulls it off so well, sometimes i don’t know how it could be hated that much. he also embraced his new hairstyle. remember when he asked coups how he felt? coups said that it made him look more masculine, and you could see that he he probably wanted to move on from the “delicate” image that he was showing during mansae and adore u eras, so it’s obvious that he would be upset. i really do hope he got over it (it’s been over a year since then).to this day i still see comments about people missing jeonghan’s long hair and i definitely agree to some extent - it was a fun time (even if i didn’t know svt in 2015.. but we can ignore that for a second), but people should also appreciate that he’s trying to show different sides of himself every era. he went from being the boy who sat in the corner during 17tv to being an mc in music shows and svt’s variety show appearances. could you really imagine him promoting in boom boom era or dwc era with long hair still?? the more i think about it, short hair fit him the most, ignoring the fact that his hair was blond and quite damaged.he’s shown to us how much of a quick-thinker he is in games and that was probably what grew into carats calling him a swindler, etc. it was funny and lighthearted for a while, but i can understand why he started to dislike it - because it’s purely his quick-thinking and his want to have fun that causes him to do things wittily and cheat. he doesn’t have any bad motives - he loves all of his members and gives them names and speaks of them very fondly. it’s very hard to think of him as a cheater or swindler anymore. like you, anon, i also hope that people will be able to see him in a positive light and stop calling him other names, because i understand how frustrating it can be.one more note: i hope everyone realizes how much jeonghan (and seventeen in general) loves carats - it’s so touching that he says he thinks of carats all the time and wants them [us] to be happy! it should be in our best interest to be respectful to him by not calling him names, or using a more positive one to describe him.
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kaoruyogi · 8 years
DWC: Red wine-stained lips?
Alright! You’re my last one for the night, what with my double shift tomorrow and my burning, sleepy eyeballs. But that inspire this, so I hope you like it!
For @dadrunkwriting
Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x Halise Lavellan (modern lawyer AU)
Rating: T for Teen (very mild sexuality) 
Little Sighs
He’d made a habit of watching her while she slept.He wouldn’t call it a bad habit, either. Cullen collected her little twitchesand sighs and whimpers. He filed them all away, carefully sorted and cataloguedin his memory. It made him notice her idiosyncrasies, how she moved andbreathed differently in the late night than she did in the very early morning.
For instance, Halise was very still at night, butshe shifted and shuffled in the mornings when her sleep was at its thinnest andher dreams at their most vivid. At night, Cullen found he could run his fingersfeatherlight over her skin without waking her. They would glide over the suppleshoulder that had bared itself, free from the trappings of her nightshirt. Theyfloated across her forehead, brushing away tiny stray wisps of red hair thatdared impede his view. They brushed over her lips, pink as roses in the failinglight of day.
It was those lips that entranced Cullen thatnight. His fingertips ghosted across them, noting their subtle change in colorfrom the single glass of red wine she’d had with dinner. She didn’t like it,but someone gave it to her, so she drank it in their presence to avoid seemingrude. She’d kissed him after that. The sweet tang lingered on those plush lips,sending a jolt through him that bade him draw them between his teeth. He was asgentle with her as he could have been, despite the urge to devour her.
As if reading his thoughts, Halise bit down on herbottom lip in her sleep. The stained flesh whitened under the press of herteeth before emerging, even redder and glistening in the dim light of herbedroom. Cullen let his finger graze the surface, marveling in the feel of her.
She’d sighed into his kiss earlier that night.And, by some miracle, she sighed then, too. Was she dreaming of him? Of theirkiss? Of something more?
Her brilliantly green eyes had fluttered open beforeto pour her warm love into him. He watched her then as she slept, waiting,willing her eyes to open. Willing her to feed him the love he so desired fromher.
But they didn’t open. In that moment, he realizedhe should not have willed her eyes to open. She slept peacefully, giving himdozens of memories for his collection all the while. He should cherish everysecond with her, asleep or awake. He’d lost her once, and nearly lost her asecond time. Maker only knew how many more seconds they would have together.
Though she was still asleep, Halise inhaled deeply—noisily—then.Her body rolled toward him, and he felt her hand fall gently onto his waist.Her fingers squeezed at him and her elbow bent as though she was trying to pullhim closer. So he obliged her, closing the scant space between their bodies toenvelop her in his embrace. Her head nestled under his chin, and a soft sighleft her nose to travel down his bare chest, prickling his skin into goosebumpsthe entire way.
Settled once more, her breathing eased and evened,the depth of her sleep restored. Cullen’s hand rested against the back of herhead, his fingers skimming over her hair in a slow rhythm. He had anothermemory to file away, to store and save until he needed it again. Needed heragain. But he had her then, and that was enough. Sleep took him softly, therhythm of Halise’s breath on his chest setting the soothing tempo of hisdreams. He had her then, and that was enough.
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Date Added: 11 December, 2019 Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X Downloads: 1126 Uploader: Paro File Size: 23 Mb File Name: alc658 audio driver Download Type: http File Version: 610131591 File Format: exe Price: Free
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How much time do I have to file a workers' compensation claim in Texas?
Texas employees injured on the job may qualify for workers’ compensation insurance benefits. To receive these payments, they must file claims within a specific timeframe.
Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim
Ideally, an injured worker’s employer will file a workers’ compensation claim on his or her behalf. If this doesn’t happen, the injured worker must file an Employee’s Claim for Compensation for a Work-Related Injury or Occupational Disease (DWC Form-041) with the Division of Workers’ Compensation. This form requires information about the injured employee’s work status, injuries, and employer. It must be filed within one year of the accident date.
However, there's an exception for work-related illnesses that develop slowly over time. These occupational diseases must be reported within one year after the date the worker knew, or should have known, the ailment was caused by the environment or activities of the job.
Workers’ Compensation Claim Denials
An employee’s failure to file a workers’ compensation claim by the deadline will bar that claim unless:
●     The employer or insurance carrier refused, failed, or neglected to file an injury report. Under these circumstances, the employee’s injury claim filing period won’t begin until an injury report is submitted.
●     The carrier already agreed to accept liability for the payment of medical bills and income benefits.
●     The employee establishes good cause for failing to file a claim. This defense may be raised if the worker believed the injury was trivial, that the injury claim was filed, or if he or she received assurances from the employer or insurance carrier the claim would be paid.
You Need an Attorney
If you were injured at work, you should file a workers’ compensation claim as soon as possible. These claims can be complicated, but a skilled workers’ compensation attorney will ensure your rights are protected so you receive rightful benefits. To learn more about what the law offices of Steve M. Lee, P.C., can do for you, visit us on Facebook.​​
Related Links:
Some Injuries Fall Short of Qualifying for Workers’ Compensation
Texas Workers’ Compensation Eligibility for Part-Time Workers
Denial of Workers’ Compensation Benefits
  How much time do I have to file a workers' compensation claim in Texas?
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sandramsizemore · 6 years
Six-Year Statute of Limitation Governs Medical Claims
In a landmark decision the NJ Court of Appeals held that medical provider claims for expenses in workers’ compensation claims are subject to a contractual six-year statute of limitations. The ruling will have a major impact upon the overburdened state’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (NJDWC) system already recognizing a soaring number of medical expense dispute and lacks a standardized nor alternate dispute resolution (ADR) system to adjudicate the matters. The Court ruled that the delayed medical claims were valid even though they were filed over two years from the injured workers’ accident. In deciding the case the Court reasoned that even though the NJ DWC had been conferred with exclusive jurisdiction under N.J.S.A. 34:15-15 enacted in 2012, the Legislature was silent on the issue of the statute of limitations (SOL) for such matters. The Court held that, the triggering date for the time-bar in N.J.S.A. 34:15-51 is not the date of the employee’s accident, but the date of the action’s accrual under the law of contracts N.J.S.A. 2A:14-1.
Judge Fisher wrote, “…we are most persuaded that the Legislature intended to leave unaltered the time within which medical-provider claims must be commenced because the Act's two-year time-bar simply doesn’t fit. N.J.S.A. 34:15-51 requires that a petition for compensation must be filed within two years of ‘the accident.’ Because there can be no doubt that ‘the accident,’ as used in this statute, relates only to the date the employee's work-related injury occurred, the idea that the timeliness of a medical-provider's claim should be gauged by the passage of time from the employee's accident seems nonsensical. It's safe to say that there would be – if this shorter statute of limitations applied – numerous times in which the window within which medical providers would be required to assert their claims would expire before their claims accrued. Is it not likely that at times an employee might be treated by a medical provider for a period greater than the two-year period following the worker's accident or even not be treated by a particular medical provider until after two years elapsed from the work-related accident? In seeking a reasonably plausible interpretation of the Legislature's amendment, are we really to assume the Legislature intended to create a situation where a medical provider's right to pursue a legitimate claim 12 A-5597-16T1 might actually be extinguished before it even accrued? Absent greater evidence than its silence, we refuse to assume the Legislature intended to make such a significant and incongruous change to the time-bar applicable to medical provider claims.” NJ is one of the very few states that has no medical fee schedule nor ADR process to handle medical fee disputes. See, “Guidelines for Medical Provider Claims-A Valuable Approach” 10-21-17 and “Fee Schedules: A Defense of Bureaucracy in Workers Compensation” 12-3-18. Medical claims have become a growing albatross to the compensation adjudication process and a major distraction from focus of the primary worker- employer disputes. The expense disputes continue to escalate in number and drain the summary adjudicatory process of delivery of workers’ compensation benefits of precious resources and time. Before medical provider claims emasculate the entire workers’ compensation system legislative action is needed to finally establish a mandatory and binding ADR.
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Jon L. Gelman of Wayne NJ is the author of NJ Workers’ Compensation Law (West-Thomson-Reuters) and co-author of the national treatise, Modern Workers’ Compensation Law (West-Thomson-Reuters). For over 4 decades the Law Offices of Jon L Gelman  1.973.696.7900  [email protected]  has been representing injured workers and their families who have suffered occupational accidents and illnesses.
Six-Year Statute of Limitation Governs Medical Claims published first on http://workers-compensation.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
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