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tkatsumi06j · 7 years ago
She Broke Japan’s Silence on Rape
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[写真] 䌊藀詩織さんは譊察に、圓時TBSワシントン支局長で、安倍晋䞉銖盞の䌝蚘䜜家である、山口敬之氏によりレむプされたず蚎えた。ゞェレミヌ・スヌテむラットが本玙のために撮圱
東京 29日日本の最も著名なテレビゞャヌナリストに数えられる人物が䌊藀詩織さんを飲みに誘ったのは、春先の金曜の晩のこずだった。東京の通信瀟でのむンタヌンが終了するからず、その人物の局で新たなむンタヌンをやる機䌚を探っおいた。[蚳泚: 探しおいたのはプロデュヌサヌ枠の仕事]
圓時TBSワシントン支局長で [のちの] 安倍晋䞉銖盞の䌝蚘䜜家であるゞャヌナリストの山口敬之氏は、起蚎内容を吊認。二か月にわたる譊察の捜査の結果、怜察は事件を䞍起蚎凊分ずした。
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[写真] 䌊藀さんは自身の経隓を綎った手蚘を出版した。写真提䟛、文芞春秋株匏䌚瀟。
統蚈䞊、日本は比范的䜎い性暎力の発生率を誇る。幎床に内閣府が実斜した䞖論調査では、日本で生涯を通じおレむプを経隓したこずがあるず答えた女性が人に人であるのに察しお、米囜でレむプされたこずがあるず答えた女性は人に人であった。[蚳泚: 䜆し、米囜の統蚈は幎床のもの]
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参考内閣府男女共同参画局、幎床調査の結果報告曞 『男女間における暎力に関する調査』報告曞平成幎床より
むしろ、本来ならば性教育を行うための文化的に重芁なチャンネルである筈の挫画コミックやポルノずいう玠材においお、 性的欲求を満たす延長ずしおレむプが描かれるこずがよくある。
譊察や裁刀所はレむプを狭矩に捉える傟向があり、䞀般的には、物理的な暎力が確認でき、自衛の努力 [抵抗] が行われたこずの痕跡がある堎合にのみ蚎远を行い、 加害者・被害者のいずれかが飲酒しおいた堎合は告蚎を思い留たらせようずする。
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[写真] シェラトン郜ホテルの倖に停車するタクシヌの車䞡。譊察は、䌊藀さんず山口氏をホテルに送り届けたが、女性は電車の駅に行くこずを芁求しおいたず蚌蚀するタクシヌの運転手を事情聎取した。本玙のためにゞェレミヌ・スヌテむラットが撮圱。
‘Not a Chance’ 「あなたが勝぀事はあり埗ない」
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参考䌊藀詩織著『Black Box』88頁における実際の蚘茉。
「私もそこそこ酔っおいたずころぞ、あなたのような玠敵な女性が半裞でベッドに入っおきお、そういうこずになっおしたった。お互いに反省するこずろはある」[※著曞『Black Box』蚘茉の原文ママ ]
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参考䌊藀詩織著『Black Box』112-113頁における実際の蚘茉。
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[写真] 「私は䜕も違法なこずはしおいない」「性的暎行は行われおいない。あの倜、犯眪行為は行われなかった」ず山口氏は語った。本玙のためにゞェレミヌ・スヌテむラットが撮圱。
Shame and Hesitation 恥ずためらい
捜査官は、幎月日にワシントン発東京行きの䟿で空枯 [蚳泚: 成田空枯] に到着する山口氏を逮捕する蚈画なので、取り調べぞの協力のために日本に垰囜するよう䌊藀さんに芁請したずいう。
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[写真] 恵比寿界隈に䜇む「シェラトン郜ホテル東京」。本玙のためにゞェレミヌ・スヌテむラットが撮圱。
‘I Have to Be Strong’ 「私が匷くあり続けなければ」
日本の囜䌚は今倏、この幎間で初めお、性犯眪凊眰法の改正を受け入れ、 レむプ [蚳泚: 新眪名「匷制性亀等眪」] の定矩を拡倧した。口淫ず肛門性亀が加えられ、朜圚的な被害者 [蚳泚: 客䜓] に男性が含められた。たた最も軜い凊眰の刑期を増やした。ただし、同意に぀いおは䟝然ずしお明蚘せず、執行猶予刀決を䞋す䜙地も残した。
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tkatsumi06j · 7 years ago
She has dared to be the first Japan's #MeToo
日本で初の #MeToo ずなるこずを遞んだ女性
December 22 , 2017
By Hanna Aqvillin 原著ハンナ・アクノィリン
英蚳: Ulrika EhrensvÀrd 和蚳: @tkatsumi06j
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00.30 Shiori Ito accused a high-profile media director of raping her - for that she had to pay a high price.
00:30 著名なメディア幹郚をレむプで蚎えた䌊藀詩織さんは、高い代償を払うこずになった。
Shiori Ito put everything at stake when she accused a high-profile TV newsman of raping her. She was hated and stood alone in a country where nobody wants to talk about sex crimes.
When Shiori Ito was ten years-old, her mother took her to Summer Land, an outdoor swimming pool complex. She was playing happily in the new bikini she had been nagging about since the day before, when a man suddenly came up behind her in the water.
"His hands touched every part of my body," she said.  
She hurried back to the adults to tell what had happened. Their reaction left a scar in her heart that remains till today, when her mother's friend explained that this happened because she had such a sweet bikini.
Japan Times2017/7/13付
Japan Focus (2017/8.1付
"I should have known better."
The same sense of powerlessness and fear came back to her when Shiori, now 28 years old, held a press conference for Japanese media this year in May 2017.
With a background of having studied in the United States,  Shiori is a freelance journalist who has written for Reuters, Al-Jazira and The Economist, among others. She stands out like an odd bird in Japanese society where most neither speak English or identify with the outspoken culture of the West.
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Shiori Ito has become the symbol of the # metoo movement in Japan.  Photo: Lars Lindqvist
䌊藀詩織さんは日本の #MeToo ムヌノメントの象城的な存圚ずなった。 ᅵᅵ真ラヌズ・リンドクむスト
- "I've reported from the FARC's guerilla in Colombia's jungle and cocaine trafficking scene from Mexico, but it is here in Japan - the supposedly world's safest country - which I've felt most afraid," she said at the beginning of her press conference.
Ref: https://tkatsumi06j.tumblr.com/post/166495534736/translation-why-shiori-decided-to-publish-her
In front of flashing cameras, she accused the bureau chief of one of Japan's biggest television channels for raping her in a hotel room. He is a well-known name in the media industry and had published two books on Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The last thing she remembered was that they had dinner at a sushi restaurant, then everything blacked out.
- At 5:00 am, after I regained my consciousness, I found myself being naked in a hotel bed and a man was inside me against my will, she told the astonished journalists -  no Japanese woman had previously talked so openly about a rape case.
Shiori had summoned the country's media hoping to break the taboo and to question why her rape case was dropped, according to her sources, after "orders from  above".
After the press conference there were only a few in the media that supported her story or wrote about Shiori's case. Instead, the media focused about the public discussing her attire - that she had not clipped the top two buttons on her shirt - than what she actually said at the press conference.
"A journalist colleague had advised me to wear my suit to the press conference, but I refused. I was tired of being told how to behave like a victim, says Shiori.  
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Shiori Ito eats lunch in central Tokyo.  Photo: Lars Lindqvist
東京の郜心の飲食店で昌食をずる詩織さん。 写真ラヌズ・リンドクむスト
I met Shiori Ito for the first time in August this year [2017], two months after the press conference. She was sitting at the kitchen table in her studio apartment in central Tokyo and from time to time she looks through the slit between the long curtains, down towards the rushing traffic.
私が初めお詩織さんにあったのは今幎 [2017幎] の月。䌚芋のか月埌のこずだった。 圌女は郜心にある圌女のアパヌトのキッチンテヌブルに腰かけながら、たびたび長いカヌテンの隙間から、混雑しおいる道路の様子をみやった。
She was too scared to go outside.
After the press conference, her Inbox were filled with death threats, unknown numbers had called her phone and lies about her privacy had been posted online along with pictures of her family and friends.
A woman criticized her for failing to protect herself. Speculations were abound suspecting she had a political agenda to remove the right-leaning Prime Minister Shinzo Abe from power, because a Japanese woman would never talk openly about something so shameful. Sometime,  isolating herself from the rest of the world was so difficult that she thought about taking her life.
"I was called a whore and prostitute and they said I should die. It was a horrible time," she says.
"I had to do everything I can before getting help from anyone. I was so dejected that I could not get myself out of bed."
Friends and family advised her not to speak publicly.
- I think they wanted to protect me, but they also want to protect themselves. They fear of losing their jobs or getting cast out of society because of me ... which from Western eyes is completely absurd, Shiori told me while her eyes were filled with tears.
「私を守ろうしおくれおはいたのですが、自分たちのこずも守りたかったのだず思いたす。私のために仕事を倱ったり、瀟䌚から぀たはじきにされるこずを恐れおいたから 欧米の考え方からするず、異垞でしかないですよね」
"It hurt to see that people close to me were being hurt badly because of me."
- Police investigation was inadequate due to political pressure. But even health care, justice, and the social safety net were unhelpful. 
I had to do everything I can before getting help from anyone, says Shiori, recollecting on the days after she woke up in the hotel room.
She first visited a gynecologist who could not help. Then she called SARC, Tokyo's only help center for the rape, to find out which hospital she could go to because only 14 of Japan's 47 prefectures - in urban areas - have hospitals equipped with rape kits to take samples and secure evidence.
The staff woman who responded to her call  said that Shiori had to make reservations for evaluation before they could give her any information.
"I was so dejected that I could not get myself out of bed," said Shiori.
Five days later , she decided to go to the local Takanawa police station, and there she met with police officers who did not want to accept her filing damages because it is difficult to investigate.
Shiori, who had hoped that the job dinner with a senior manager in the TV industry could help her put a foot into the industry, suddenly saw her dreams crumble.
"The police officer said that I could forget about my career being a journalist after this, because nobody would like to hire me. They said my life will be over. But ... I couldn't keep being silent," she said.
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tkatsumi06j · 7 years ago
She has dared to be the first Japan’s #MeToo
日本で初の #MeToo ずなるこずを遞んだ女性
December 22 , 2017
By Hanna Aqvillin 原著ハンナ・アクノィリン
英蚳: Ulrika EhrensvÀrd 和蚳: @tkatsumi06j
It is unusual to report rape in Japan, the stigma makes women silence and only 4 percent exposed to sexual violence choose to report, according to a government survey from 2014.
" Many believe that rape only happens on films. This is worsened by the fact that media does not even use the terminology of 'rape', but calls it 'only' as a molesting. I love my country but this has to stop, says Shiori.
「倚くの人は、レむプは圱像の䞭の出来事でしかないず思っおいたす。さらに悪いこずに、メディアは”レむプ [匷姊] ”ずいう甚語を䜿わずに、単に”性的暎行”ず衚珟しおいたす。私は自分の囜を愛しおいたすが、これは止めなければなりたせん」
When the victim decides to go public, it is common that they are subjected to harsh blame from the society. The phenomenon goes under the term "second rape" [in Japan]. Shiori talks about the grueling interrogation by the police , about questions that were repeated over and over again: Was she a virgin? What kind of man does she like? What was her love life like?
[性暎力の] 被害者が公衚に臚むず、埀々にしお瀟䌚から酷く責め立おられる。この珟象は「セカンド・レむプ」ず呌ばれおいる。詩織さんは譊察の執拗な聎取の仕方に぀いお語った。䜕床も繰り返し質問されたこず。凊女であるか。どんな男性が奜みか。どんなセックスラむフを送っおきたかなど。
And then, in front of a crowd of police officers, she needed to perform a walkthrough with the aid of a body-sized doll in body size to show how the rape had happened.  Getting a female police officer to be present is virtually impossible in Japan, where only 8 percent of the police force are women.
"They said I did not look sad enough to have been raped. I should cry more, act like a victim," she said.
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Shiori Ito says that there are special places, rooms built as subway cars, where men go and pay to grope the girls. Shiori Ito has tried to interview the men who go there, but it was difficult.  Photo: Lars Lindqvist
詩織さんは、地䞋鉄に暡しお䜜られた郚屋が眮かれた特殊な店が存圚するずいう。男性客はそこで金を払っお、[スタッフの] 女性たちの䜓をたさぐる。そういう堎所を蚪れる男性客に取材を詊みたが応じおもらうのは困難だった。写真ラヌズ・リンドクむスト
When she eventually convinced a police investigator to watch the surveillance camera from the hotel, her case accelerated and more evidence was collected.
The video record showed how she was brought into the hotel by the TV manager the that night. Even the taxi driver who drove them from the restaurant to the TV manager's hotel room testified that she behaved in a drunk and confused way and repeatedly asked to be released at a subway station. But the TV manager had insisted she would remain in the taxi. Even DNA proofs were secured from her underwear.
A few weeks after notification , Shiori was informed that a warrant had been issued by prosecutors and that they would interrogate him. But only hours before the arrest would take place, the case was dropped without warning. A senior police chief, who previously worked for the prime minister's chief of staff, told the Japanese media that it was he who ordered to drop the case because there was insufficient evidence. Even though he has not previously been involved in her case, or usually works with that type of police procedure.
The police inspector who had collected evidence of her case was transferred to another department. Shiori and her lawyer then appealed to the police's decision to drop the case to an independent justice committee. But even there it was decided that the investigation will not be raised again. Something that did not surprise her lawyer, as only one percent of all cases are reopened.
詩織さんの事件で捜査を行い蚌拠を集めた捜査官は別の郚眲に異動された。詩織さんは匁護士ずずもに、譊察が捜査を取りやめた件に぀いお独立した叞法委員䌚 [蚳泚: 怜察審査䌚] に䞍服申立おを行った。しかしそこでも捜査の再開は行わないこずが決定した。詩織さんの匁護士はずくに驚かなかった。捜査が再開される割合は党䜓の䞀割でしかないからだ。
- The police refuse to say why they dismissed the arrest warrant. Everything happens behind closed doors without transparency.
Shiori will never forget the disappointment she felt afterwards: now once and for all she thought that it was proved the society was not on the victim's side.
- If what the law says does not matter and the police have such a great power that they can suppress an arrest warrant without holding anyone accountable, I wonder what sort of society we live in?
Shiori felt like the society has ignored her, as if someone had placed a gag on her. She was once again the ten-year-old girl in the swimming pool looking for protection.
But perhaps it was her background, the years she spent in the United States, which gave her courage to continue the fight for justice. She wondered how far people with power were willing to go to silence her.
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tkatsumi06j · 7 years ago
The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
August 1, 2017 Volume 15 | Issue 15 | Number3
2017幎8月1日 第15集第15号No. 3
Murder of the Soul - Shiori and Rape in Japan | 「魂の殺人」──詩織さん事件ず日本におけるレむプ事件の実情
よみがえるトラりマ The traumatic childhood experience
When Shiori was 10, her mother took her to Tokyo Summerland, an indoor pool. Wearing a new swimsuit, she splashed happily in the water until she was sexually assaulted. “A man came from behind and touched me on every part of my body,” she recalls, crying at the memory. Shaking and terrified, she told the grownups but their response was bewildering. “My friend’s mother said it was because I was wearing a bikini.”
The emotions forever associated with that incident – powerlessness, fear, humiliation – flared again after a press conference in June this year, where Shiori, (she wants her last name concealed) now 28, told fellow reporters she had been raped. She had hoped to trigger a debate about the treatment of victims in Japan. Instead, she says, the response was a flood of hate mail. She was a ‘prostitute’ who had brought it on herself. Among her sins, it seems, was unbuttoning the top of her blouse during the press conference.
あの日に起きたこず What happened on that day two years ago
Shiori says she awoke in an upscale Tokyo hotel in the small hours of Saturday April 4th, 2015 to find a man lying on top of her, inside her. She pushed him off and fled to the bathroom. Groggy and in pain, she tried to remember where she was. She’d had a night out with the man in Ebisu during which she believes her alcoholic drink was spiked. Her last memory was using the bathroom in the sushi restaurant. 
In the bathroom she realized she was naked and had to return for her clothes. “Everywhere was hurting,” she says. When she went back to the bedroom, she says the man tried to rape her again. “I had a really rough fight with him and I was hurt. He said: ‘I have your underwear as a souvenir.’ I didn’t know how to curse in Japanese so in English, I said, ‘What the fuck are you doing?’ And he hadn’t worn a condom. I asked: ‘What did you do to me?’ He said, I’m sorry, let’s go and get the morning-after pill at the pharmacy. Then he starts saying, ‘Oh, I like you. I’m going to take you to the States. You always look so strong but now you look almost like a kid.’ He completely changed his tone and I was so confused. All I could think was, ‘I want to go to a safe place and wash myself.’”
「日本語でどう眵ればいいのかわからなかったので英語でこう蚀いたした。”What the fuck are you doing!䜕おこずすんだこの野郎”ず。男がコンドヌムをしおいなかったのでこう蚊きたした。”私に䜕をしたの”ず。するず男はこう蚀いたした。”ごめん。アフタヌピル (morning-after pill) を埌で薬局に買いに行こう」ずそしおこんなこずを蚀い始めたのです。”がくは君奜きだなあ。アメリカに連れお行っおあげるよ。君はい぀も匷そうにしおいるけど今はたるで子どもみたいだね”ず。圌のトヌンがこれたでずたるで違ったので私は混乱したした。ずにかくそのずき考えおいたのは”早くどこか安党な所に行っお自分を掗い流したい”ずいうこずでした」
How doctors, nurses, the police, and friends responded
Later, alone at her apartment, she called a rape helpline. The woman on the other end said she would have to come into the office for counseling. Shiori did not have the strength to get up from her bed. A doctor prescribed the morning-after pill, barely looking up from his notes or bothering to ask why she needed it. Friends told her to get on with her life; a nurse said all traces of the drug had already left her body and she would never be able to prove it had been there. It was five days before her mind cleared and she went to the Harajuku Police Station.
その埌ひずり自分のマンションに戻った詩織さんはすぐにレむプのホットラむンに電話したが応答した女性はカりンセリングするから事務所にきおほしいず䌝えたずいう。だが圌女はベッドから起き䞊がるこずもできない状態だった。埌で婊人科医を蚪ねたずきに「アフタヌピル」 を凊方しおくれたが医者はカルテを芋぀めるばかりでロクに圌女の方を芋るこずもなぜピルが必芁なのかを尋ねるこずもしなかったずいう。看護垫は薬物の痕跡はすべお䜓から消え去っおおりそれが䜓内にあったこずを蚌明する術はないず蚀った。友人たちは「[諊めお] 前に進むしかないよ」ず蚀ったずいう。
“At the reception desk, I asked to talk to a female cop. I talked to her about what had happened. It was really hard. After two hours she said, ‘Well, I’m from the traffic department, you need to speak to an investigator.’ She retold her entire story to a male police officer who said she was at the wrong place and needed to file a complaint at the Takanawa Police Station, closer to where the assault occurred. And so, she again found herself explaining the assault to another male officer, who paused sympathetically before telling her to forget about what had occurred. “He said, ‘These things happen a lot and there is no way to prove it. Your life will be ruined.’”
詩織さんは男性の譊察官に最初からすべおを話した。するずその譊察官は管蜄が違うずいっお 圌女が暎行された珟堎により近い 高茪譊察眲に蚎えを出しおくれず蚀う。詩織さんは高茪ᅵᅵ察眲で再び男性の譊察官にいちから暎行の件をすべお話す矜目に陥った。
How rape victims survive in today’s Japan
One of the first things many Japanese women do while still shivering and bleeding at home is to read online about the experience of others – and deciding it’s just not worth pursuing. Even when the police and prosecutors can be persuaded to take up a rape case, the odds against conviction are high. In many cases, they will try to broker a financial deal between the rapist and victim rather than risk airing their testimony in court. In the most recent high-profile example, actor Takahata Yuta apologized for raping a hotel maid last year but escaped trial because Maebashi District Public Prosecutors Office in Gunma Prefecture waived prosecution. In 2015, the Tokyo High Court acquitted a man of attacking a 15-year-old girl because it said she hadn’t fought hard enough.
[被害を受けた盎埌に] 自宅で血を流し震えながら日本の被害女性の倚くが最初にするこずのひず぀がネット䞊で他者の経隓を読み比べるこずだずいう。そしお最終的には远究する䟡倀はないず諊める。仮に譊察や怜察がレむプの立件にたで至ったずしおも有眪刀決に至るたでのハヌドルは䟝然高い。倚くの堎合譊察や怜察はレむピストず被害者の間で䜕らかの金銭的和解が成立するように導き法廷で蚌蚀がなされるリスクを避けようずする。
著名人が関わった最近のケヌスでは昚幎ホテルのメむドをレむプしたこずを謝眪した高畑裕倪容疑者のケヌスが挙げられる。矀銬県の前橋地方怜察庁は [容疑者ず被害者の間に瀺談が成立したため] 高ᅵᅵ容疑者を䞍起蚎ずし高畠は公刀を免れた。前幎の幎には歳の少女に暎行を加えた男を 少女が「十分に抵抗しなかった」こずを理由に 無眪ずした事件もあった。
Still, Shiori persisted. A sympathetic officer in the Takanawa Police Station was persuaded to watch footage at the Sheraton Miyako Hotel, which proved at the very least that she had not been a willing participant. A taxt driver later confirmed that she pleaded to be dropped off at a train station. The plea was ignored. Video footage from the hotel lobby would later show her being carried through the hotel lobby. The taxi driver testified to several unusual details, including Shiori’s verbal pleas, and the fact that she had vomited undigested sushi on the taxi floor. The hotel bellman recalled the man struggling for three minutes to get the unconscious Shiori out of the taxi. A DNA sample was collected from her underwear. She endured a humiliating ritual in the careful marshaling of evidence: reenacting the rape using something resembling a crash-test dummy as male officers looked on, taking photographs.
たたタクシヌの運転手は詩織さんが口に出しお蚎えおいたこずや車内で消化されおいない寿叞を吐き出したこずなど状況の異垞さを䌝えるいく぀かの詳现を明らかにした。 ホテルのベルボヌむは意識を倱っおいる詩織さんをタクシヌから出すのに連れ蟌んだ男が分ほど奮闘しおいたこずを蚌蚀しおいる。
Rape statistics in Japan are among the lowest in the developed world. Victims of sexual assault in Japan are even less likely to tell the police than elsewhere; fewer then 5% of Japanese women officially report rape. Less than a third even talk about it to friends or relatives, according to a 2014 Cabinet Office survey. Campaigners say the actual numbers of rapes and sexual assault far exceed the roughly 1,300 cases sent to prosecutors per year.
日本におけるレむプの件数は先進囜の䞭でも最も䜎い氎準にある。同時に日本で性暎力の被害に遭う者は他のどの先進囜よりも譊察に蚎える可胜性が䜎い。公匏な統蚈によればレむプ被害を通報する日本女性は%に満たないずいう。幎に内閣府が行った調査によるず家族・芪戚や友人に被害の事実を話す女性は䞉分の䞀に満たないずいう。掻動家たちは レむプや性暎力被害の実際の件数は怜察に送臎される幎間1,300件ずいわれる件数をはるかに䞊回るず蚎える。
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The vast discretionary powers of Japanese prosecutors mean that conviction rates are high - if the decision is made to proceed with a criminal rape case. “The highest hurdles to getting justice
occur in the pre-trial stages,” according to a paper by Harriet Gray, School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield. Of particular concern, says Yamamoto Jun, a campaigner and herself a victim of sexual assault, are the actions of the police.
「正矩がなされるこずぞの最も高い障害は  公刀前の段階にある」
“The highest hurdles to getting justice in a rape case, then, occur in the pre-trial stages, which is why this paper focuses on the early stages of the legal systems relating to rape and sexual assault.”※蚘事には党文は未蚘茉
英シェフィヌルド倧孊東アゞア孊科に圚垭 圓時 したハリ゚ット・グレむHarriet Gray博士は論文でこう述べおいる。 [珟圚はスりェヌデンのペヌテボリ倧孊でポスドク研究員を務める]
Victims often describe their first visit to a police station as traumatic. There are few officers trained to deal with victims. In many cases, the reaction of beat cops is to treat women victims as suspicious. Potentially recoverable DNA evidence is routinely neglected. Shiori’s experience of having to announce her assault to a room full of uniformed men is typical, says Yamamoto, as is the advice to forget what occurred. Many cases conclude with “suspended prosecution,” meaning guilt is assumed but the perpetrator is not charged, often in return for financial compensation.
Shiori’s decision to badger the police into investigating her assault, then to publicize it, is very rare. She says she too might never have said a word but for her budding career as a journalist. If she couldn’t face the truth of what had happened to her, how could she continue? Whatever her attacker did to her, she says, it could never be worse than the psychological damage of running from herself.
詩織さんは性暎力被害の捜査を行うよう譊察に疑問を济びせ続けそしおこれを公衚するずいうひじょうに垌な決断を行った。詩織さん自身䜕も蚀わずに終えおいたかもしれないずいう。 しかし芜を出したばかりのゞャヌナリストずしおこの事実ず向き合わずにどうしおこの道を続けられるのかずいう思いがあった。加害者が圌女に䜕をしようずも自分から逃げるずいう粟神的痛みに勝るものではなかったず。
Suspicions surrounding the retracting of arrest warrant
Two months after the assault, the arrest warrant was issued for quasi-rape (where consent is impossible) against Yamaguchi Noriyuki, then the Bureau Chief of Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS)’s Washington Bureau. On June 8, 2015, investigators waited to serve the warrant to Yamaguchi at Narita Airport. Instead, Shiori says, one of the investigators called her and said he had been ordered to let Yamaguchi go. “Even now, I have vivid recollections of this call,” The investigator said: “He just passed right in front of me, but I received orders from above not to make the arrest. I’m going to have to leave the investigation.” The case was transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. In July last year, it was dropped by prosecutors at the Tokyo District Court. Shiori was offered a ‘settlement’ from Yamaguchi via her lawyer and the police. “I couldn’t believe it,” she says.
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That startling denouement, which the police deny (though they won’t discuss it) had the whiff of political conspiracy. Yamaguchi is the author of two soft-focus books about Abe Shinzo, the prime minister, and the men reportedly became close. He had won praise from Abe supporters for reporting on allegations that the South Korean military had operated military brothels across South Vietnam during the Vietnam War, which they saw as a riposte in the long diplomatic battle over Japan’s wartime system of brothels in Korea. Now, this star reporter of the nationalist right was himself accused of sexual assault.
この政治的な策動の匂いが挂う衝撃的な幕匕きに぀いお譊察偎は吊定するが反論もしおいない。山口は安倍晋䞉銖盞のこずを持ち䞊げる曞籍を぀出版しおおり二人は近しい仲にあるずいう。  山口はベトナム戊争時に韓囜軍が南ベトナムで軍の慰安所を運営しおいた疑惑を報道し安倍の支持局から称賛を持っお迎えられた。圌らからすれば日本が戊時䞭に朝鮮で運営した軍の慰安所に関する長きにわたる倖亀戊で盞手に事実を突き返す決定打になるず思ったのだろう。そうしお囜粋右翌らのスタヌ蚘者ずなった山口が今では性暎力を行った疑いをかけられおいるのである。
The uninterested media
The story was largely ignored by the mainstream media but taken up in Japan’s weekly tabloid magazines. On May 18, 2017, Shukan Shincho published the rape allegations in detail, including comments from Nakamura Itaru, the senior detective who had cancelled Yamaguchi’s arrest overruling the Takenawa Police Station. The article carried a photo of Yamaguchi and described him as ‘bettari’ (tight with) Abe. The claims spread rapidly online, fuelling criticisms that the Abe administration was remote and corrupt; that it protected its cronies and smeared its enemies.
As the Diet prepared a rare revision to the legal provisions for rape crimes in May this year, Shiori decided to go public. Before her press conference at the Ministry of Justice, friends told her to wear a business suit, and to shed a few tears or she ‘wouldn’t be believed.’ “That made me very sad,” she said. “If that’s the way people see me what chance have I got? This is how I look; I wear jeans and T-shirts. Someone said, ‘button your shirt’ but I said ‘no.’ There were 50 journalists in the room, with cameras and lights
I couldn’t breathe.”
「そんな颚に芋られおしたうのならば私に䜕ができるのずいうのか。ゞヌンズやシャツしか着ない。それが私なのだから。 ある人は"ボタンを最埌たで閉めお"ず蚀いたしたが私は”むダ”ず蚀いたした。50人からのゞャヌナリストが郚屋に詰めかけおいおカメラがこっちを向いおいおフラッシュを焚かれるのだから息が出来なかったんです」
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Shiori (right) 詩織さん右
“Becoming a rape victim myself made me realize just how small our voices are, and how difficult it is to have our voices heard in society,” she told the reporters. “I know there are countless women who have gone through the same experience, leaving them hurt and crushed. I know that, both in the past and today, many of these women have given up. How many media have published this story? When I saw Mr. Yamaguchi repeatedly broadcasting his side of the story through his powerful connections, I couldn’t breathe. Where is the freedom of speech in this country? What are the laws and media trying to protect, and from whom?”
「自分自身がレむプの被害者ずなるこずで私たち [被害者] の声がどれほどか现くそしお瀟䌚になかなか䌝わらないものであるかを思い知らされたした」
詩織さんはこう蚘者団に語った。 [※蚳泚: 実際の日本語での発蚀ではなくあくたで英文を日本語に翻蚳しおいたす]
 「同じ経隓をしお 深く傷぀き打ちのめされおきた女性は数え切れないほどいるでしょう。そしお過去から珟圚にわたっお諊めおきた女性たちも。いったいどれだけのメディアがこれらの出来事を報道しおきたのでしょうか。山口さんが匷力なコネを通しお自分偎のストヌリヌを展開しおいたずき私は息ができない思いをしたした。蚀論の自由はどうなっおいるのでしょうか法やメディアは䜕を誰から守ろうずしおいるのでしょうか」
From her perspective, the subsequent media coverage was thin: Most of the big media outlets ignored it; Nippon News Network interviewed the head of the criminal investigation department at Tokyo Metropolitan Police, who said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. The backlash, however, was excruciating. She was accused of inviting the assault, and of political opportunism. She had connections to the Democratic Party, some said, which wanted to unseat Abe. Her family name was revealed, despite her pledge to protect her parents from the glare. Broken, she went to hospital and stayed in bed for four days. “I had a panic attack; I thought I could deal with it but I couldn’t.” In trying to show women they could talk about rape, she says, crying again, “I instead showed that what happens is this.”
「パニック発䜜を起こしたした。自分なら耐えられるず思ったのですが耐えられなかったんです。レむプ被害に遭っおも声に出しお蚎えおいいんだずいうこずを他の女性たちに瀺したかったのに逆にこんな惚めな姿を晒しおしたいたした」 ず蚀いながら詩織さんは再び涙を流した。
Shiori’s goal
 Yamaguchi, who denies rape, has since been fired by TBS and has largely disappeared from public view. Shiori has filed a request with Tokyo prosecutors to reinvestigate the case.1 She says she has no interest in revenge against the government, or even the man she says raped her. “Everyone wants to take me to a place where I am fighting against Abe Shinzo; I don’t care,” she says. “I don’t even care about Yamaguchi. I do care that the justice system works. The people around me are furious but I don’t have that emotion because it is so hard to deal with.”
レむプを行ったこずを吊定する山口はTBSの職を远われ公にはほずんど姿を珟さなくなった。詩織さんは東京怜察庁に察しお [怜察審査䌚による審査を通しお] 再捜査を求める申し入れを行った[1]。詩織さんは政府や圌女をレむプしたず信じる男に察しおでさえ埩讐する気持ちはないずいう。
「誰もが私が安倍晋䞉ず戊おうずしおいるように芋せようずしたす。私にはどうでもいいんです。山口すらどうでもいいんです。私にずっお重芁なのは叞法制床がちゃんず機胜しおいるかなんです。 私の呚りの人は怒り狂っおいたす。でも私はずおも堪えきれないのでそういう感情を持たないようにしおいるんです 」
Her thoughts on the expanded sex crime law
The day of our interview at a friend’s house, the 1907 sex crime law was amended, mandating tougher sentences and allowing for broader definitions of rape, including assaults on men. The revisions, welcome though they are, would not have helped Shiori, says Yamamoto. “For that to happen, we must change how things are done, and that takes time.”
Facing the sense of helplessness
Shiori says she will “never forget” her sense of helplessness when told the police had stopped her case. Like the frightened 10-year-old girl at the pool, she had looked for protection that was not there. “Laws do not protect us. The investigation agency has the authority to suppress its own arrest warrants. I want to ask
all people living in Japan. Are we really going to continue to let this happen?
譊察が捜査を取りやめたずきの無力感は「決しお忘れられない」ず詩織さんは蚀う。か぀おプヌルで怯えおいたあの歳の少女の頃のように䞎えられない保護を [誰かに] 求め続けおいる。
She now waits for the results of a review by the Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution – she must convince eight of the 11 members to pursue an indictment. “For the past two years, I often wondered why I was still alive,” she said in May. “The act of rape killed me from the inside. Rape is murder of the soul. Only my body was left, and I was overwhelmed by the feeling that I had become a shell.”
「 過去幎のあいだ私はなぜ自分が生きおいるのか䞍思議でした」
「 レむプずいう行為は、私を内偎から殺したした 。 レむプは魂の殺人です。もう肉䜓しか残っおいたせんでした。私は抜け殻になっおしたったずいう思いに苛たれおいたのです」
Notes 泚蚘
[1] In May, Shiori applied to host a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan, which declined (full disclosure: I am one of 12 journalists who sit on the FCCJ’s Professional Activities Committee, which votes on press events). Letters and emails flooded into the inboxes of FCCJ members, falsely accusing them of buckling to political pressure from the Abe government. Katsumi Takahiro, a former aide to a DPJ senator with the Democratic Party, sent an open letter demanding to know why Shiori’s request had been turned down.
[1] 月詩織さんは日本倖囜特掟員協䌚FCCJに察し蚘者䌚芋の開催を申し入れたが华䞋されおいた党面告癜するず筆者は蚘者䌚芋等に぀いお評決をずるFCCJの報道䌁画委員䌚PACの12人の委員の䞀人である。安倍政暩の政治圧力に屈したのではないかずFCCJの各メンバヌを䞭傷する抗議のメヌルが殺到した。旧民䞻党参議院議員の元秘曞である勝芋貎匘氏 [←本蚘事の蚳者] はわれわれに公開曞簡を送り぀け詩織さんの申し入れがなぜ华䞋されたのか回答を求めた。
23 notes · View notes
tkatsumi06j · 7 years ago
Saying #MeToo in Japan
日本で #MeToo を語るずいうこず
By Shiori Ito
Translated by @tkatsumi06j
TOKYO — In late May, at a press conference in the Tokyo District Court, I went public about being raped.
In Japan, it’s unthinkable for a woman to do this, but I didn’t feel brave — only that I had no other choice.
On April 4, 2015, as I regained consciousness in a Tokyo hotel room, I was raped by Noriyuki Yamaguchi, a former Washington, D.C. bureau chief for the Tokyo Broadcasting System and a journalist with close ties to Prime Minister Shinzō Abe.
I met Yamaguchi the night before to discuss work opportunities. My last memory of that evening is feeling dizzy in a sushi restaurant. As I went through the ensuing criminal case proceedings, I came to realize how Japan’s system works to undermine survivors of sexual assault.
山口氏には職の盞談でその前日の倜に䌚っおいた。私の最埌の蚘憶は、寿叞屋で気分が悪くなっおいたこずだった。 刑事事件の捜査手続きを経隓するうちに、私は日本の制床が性暎力の被害者であるサバむバヌの気力を埐々に奪うものでしかないこずがわかっおきた。
When the arrest was canceled, I thought my only recourse was to speak to the media. 逮捕が執行停止になったずき、私は頌れるのはメディアしかないず思った。
The investigation was scuttled throughout. This was, I and others suspect, partly due to political pressure, but also because of a medical, investigative, legal and, ultimately, social system that marginalizes and fails victims of sex crimes. I’ve had to fight every step of the way.
捜査は終止穎だらけだった。これは、私や他の人びずが疑うように䞀郚は政治的な圧力によるものであったかもしれないが、それだけではなかった。医療、捜査、叞法、そしお最終的には瀟䌚のシステムそのものが性犯眪の被害者を矮小化し救枈を怠るものだったからだ。 私はすべおの節目で䞻匵し続けるこずを䜙儀なくされた。
When I came forward, my case had been closed and I had just filed an appeal to have it reopened. This was rejected in September.
I went public to say that the entire mechanism of handling sexual crimes must change, and to ask that the Diet, as our parliament is known, stop delaying the proposed amendments to Japan’s 110-year-old rape law. To say that sexual violence is a reality that we need to talk about.
The investigation
From the medical professionals to the police, I encountered a lack of understanding about sexual violence and inadequate support for survivors.
After fleeing the hotel, as I became aware of the physical pain, I realized what had happened. The gynaecologist I visited provided little assistance. I called the hotline for Tokyo’s only 24-hour rape crisis center to ask which hospital to go to (rape kits are only available in certain hospitals in 14 of Japan’s 47 prefectures). I was told to come in for a preliminary interview before I could receive any information. I was too devastated to move.
ホテルを逃げ出した私は物理的な痛みをおがえはじめ、その時はじめお䜕が起きたのかをはっきりず認識した。蚪ねた産婊人科はろくな助けにならなかった。 レむプキットは日本の47郜道府県のうち14郜道府県のいく぀かの病院にしか存圚しないため どの病院に行けばよいかを蚊こうず、東京唯䞀の24時間レむプ盞談センタヌに電話しおみたが、情報を提䟛する前にたず事務所を蚪ねお初歩的な面談を受ける必芁があるず䌝えられた  。
Five days later, I went to the police. I was starting out as a journalist, and although I was scared, I didn’t want to hide the truth.
Initially, the police officers tried to discourage me from filing a report, saying my career would be ruined and that “this kind of thing happens often, but it’s difficult to investigate these cases.” I persuaded them to obtain the hotel’s security camera footage. The taxi driver’s testimony disclosed that I was carried inside the hotel. Eventually, the police took on my case.
I had to repeat my statement to numerous police officers. One investigator told me that if I didn’t cry, or act like a “victim,” they couldn’t tell if I was telling the truth. At one point, I had to reenact what happened with a life-size dummy at the Takanawa police station while officers took photographs. It was traumatizing and humiliating. A former colleague once referred to this procedure as “second rape” because it forces the victim to relive their ordeal.
In early June 2015, officers at Takanawa police station obtained a warrant for Yamaguchi’s arrest for incapacitated — or what is called “quasi” — rape.
Police planned to arrest him at Narita airport on June 8, but in a highly unusual move, the then chief of criminal investigation at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police canceled the arrest. My case was transferred to that department, where I was asked to settle out of court. Prosecutors filed papers against Yamaguchi, but in July 2016, they dropped all charges, citing insufficient evidence.
When the arrest was canceled, I thought my only recourse was to speak to the media. I spoke to journalists I trusted. No outlet, except weekly news magazine Shukan Shincho earlier this year, ended up reporting this story. The circumstances were politically sensitive, but Japanese media are usually silent about sex crimes — they don’t really “exist.”
It is taboo to even use the word “rape,” which is often replaced by “violated” or “tricked” if the victim was underage. This contributes to public ignorance.
メディアでは「レむプ」ずいう蚀葉を䜿うこずすらタブヌずされおおり、倧䜓の堎合においお「暎行された」あるいは被害者が未成幎者の堎合は「いたずらされた」ず圢容される。 こうした姿勢が瀟䌚的な無知の蔓延に繫がっおいる。
Going public
My coming forward made national news and shocked the public.
The backlash hit me hard. I was vilified on social media and received hate messages and emails and calls from unknown numbers. I was called a “slut” and “prostitute” and told I should “be dead.” There were arguments over my nationality, because a true Japanese woman wouldn’t speak about such “shameful” things. Fake stories popped up online about my private life with photos of my family. I received messages from women criticizing me for failing to protect myself.
その反動は匷く私に叩き぀けられた。゜ヌシャルメディアでは䞭傷され、憎悪に満ちたメッセヌゞやメヌル、そしお芋知らぬ番号からの電話が寄せられた。私は「売女」「売春婊」などず眵られ、「死ねばいいのに」ずたで蚀われた。 私の囜籍に぀いお疑問芖する声もあった。本圓の日本女性だったら、そのような「恥ずべき」こずは口に出さないず。ネット䞊で、私の家族の写真ずずもに私生掻に関する停りのストヌリヌが流されるようになった。ある女性は、自分で自分を守らなかった私が悪いず責め立おた。
The mainstream media discussed what I wore. On social media, people said leaving the top buttons of my shirt undone undermined my credibility or explained why I was raped. One journalist had advised me to wear a suit to the press conference, but I refused. I was tired of being told how a victim should behave.
䞻芁なメディアは私が䜕を着おいたかに泚目した。゜ヌシャルメディア䞊では、私がブラりスの䞊のボタンを二぀開けおいたこずが、私の信頌性を貶め、私がレむプされた理由だず揶揄された。 あるゞャヌナリストに䌚芋にはスヌツで臚むようにずアドバむスされたが、私は拒吊した。いかに被害者らしく振る舞うべきかを求められるのは、うんざりだったからだ。 
After the press conference, I avoided going out. When I did, I wore glasses and a cap to disguise myself, but people still recognized me and took pictures.
䌚芋の埌、私は倖出するのを避けた。出かけるずきには、グラス をしお垜子を被り、倉装した。それでも私だず気付き、写真を撮られるこずもあった。
Those close to me supported me. I was heartened to hear from women who thanked me and said they’d experienced sexual assault, but felt unable to say anything.
Rape myths
I grew up in a culture and society where women are exposed to sexism and harassment from a young age. When I was 10 years old, I was groped by a man at a Tokyo swimming complex. My friend’s mother said it was my fault for wearing a “cute bikini.” Sexual molestation on public transport is a common problem that society trivializes. In high school, my friends and I faced this on a daily basis.
私は、女性が幌い頃からセクシズムやハラスメントにさらされる文化ず瀟䌚の䞭で育った。 私が10歳の頃、私は東京のプヌルで男に䜓をたさぐられた。その時、私の友だちの母芪は「かわいいビキニ」を着おいた私のせいだず蚀った。 公共亀通機関での痎挢行為は普通にある問題で、瀟䌚では些现なこずずされおいる。高校の頃、私の友だちはほが毎日のようにこの行為にさらされおいた。
There is a strong social stigma associated with speaking out against sexual assault and a common perception that victims are less valuable to society. This is why many stay silent. Just 4 percent of survivors report rape to the police and when arrests are made, more than half the time prosecutors drop the charges.
Rape myths are widespread. Japanese society blames victims, saying it’s the woman’s fault — what they wear, where they go, how they behave.
It’s not that victims haven’t come forward; Japanese society wants them to stay silent.被害者が名乗りを䞊げないのではない。瀟䌚が沈黙を守るこずを望んでいるのだ
When women speak out, their allegations are decried by dominant counter-narratives of “false accusations” or “false reports” in mainstream and social media. Men can even take out insurance against these accusations.
There is little concept of sexual consent in the law or in society. We need education about this in schools because we live in a society where “no” means “yes.” Rape is a genre in pornography. In relationships, some women think mimicking rape is desirable. People I’ve spoken to say they know when “no” means “no.” That’s a very Japanese way of communicating — not saying much but trying to read what the other person is saying.
According to a 2017 poll by NHK, Japan’s national broadcaster, 27 percent of respondents believed that sharing a private drink signaled sexual consent, while 25 percent took getting into the same car as a sign.
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Many of the women who have shared their stories with me were assaulted in their workplace by their bosses. Sexual abuse happens whenever there is a power imbalance — which is everywhere in our male-dominated society.
In mid-October, around the time the Harvey Weinstein story broke, my book “Black Box” was published. Editor Izumi Ando had encouraged me to write about my experiences, saying that by going public, I’d cracked the door open.
月の䞭頃、ちょうど、ハヌノィヌ・ワむンスタむン氏に関する報道がなされた頃、私の著曞『 #BlackBox 』が出版された。線集者の安藀泉氏は、私が公衚に螏み切ったこずで扉をこじ開けたず、私の経隓を曞籍にたずめるこずを私に提案しおくれた。
The book’s title comes from the term prosecutors and police officers used to describe how rape happens behind closed doors. They kept saying: “We still don’t really know what happened; only you two know that sort of thing.”
I am still fighting for justice. In late September, I filed a civil suit against Yamaguchi.
He has publicly denied my rape allegations and written against me.
Change, slowly
In the past year in Japan, we’ve made some progress. In July, our lower house of parliament (where just 10.1 percent of seats are held by women) amended the law pertaining to sexual assault to increase minimum sentences from three to five years, recognize male victims and widen the definition of what constitutes rape. But we need to keep pushing for more change. The age of consent is still 13. To establish a case, victims need to prove “violence and intimidation,” something that is virtually impossible.
昚幎、日本ではすこし進展があった。月には囜䌚の衆院議垭の.のみが女性は性的暎行に関わる法埋を改正し、最も軜い量刑で幎だったものを幎ぞの改蚂し、男性被害者を被害者ず認め、レむプの定矩をより広矩なものぞᅵᅵ䜜り替えた。 しかしさらなる倉化を求め続ける必芁がある。䟝然ずしお性的同意幎霢は歳に留たっおいるし、被害を蚎えるには「暎行たたは脅迫」行為を受けたこずを被害者偎が立蚌しなければならないこずも倉わらない。これは、ほが䞍可胜なこずである。
Japan hasn’t had a big #MeToo movement, but what’s happened in the United States and elsewhere has provided an opening in our media to discuss sexual harassment and assault here, and to raise awareness. Some well-known authors — Mayumi Mori and Kyoko Nakajima, who contributes to Asahi newspaper, for example — have criticized society’s silence and are writing about their own stories of harassment. Journalist Akiko Kobayashi wrote in Buzzfeed about being sexually abused as a child. In private, women’s solidarity groups and others are quietly saying “me too.” But for now, most can only whisper it.
日本では倧きな『MeToo』のムヌノメントは未だ起きおいない。しかし、アメリカや他の囜々で起こっおいるこずが、私たちのメディアに、セクハラや性暎力の問題を提起し、意識向䞊を図る機䌚をもたらしおいる。 たずえば、䜜家の森たゆみ氏や、朝日新聞に寄皿する䞭島京子氏などの著名な䜜家が、沈黙する瀟䌚を批刀し、自らのハラスメント䜓隓を掲茉し始めおいる。 ゞャヌナリストの小林明子氏は、子どもの頃に性的虐埅を受けたこずを 『バズフィヌド』の蚘事に掲茉した。たた個々にも、女性団䜓や個人が静かに『Me Too私も』ず語り始めおいる。 しかしいたのずころ、囁く皋床でしかない。
Some MPs are now hoping to introduce a new bill to support survivors that would mandate, for instance, that rape crisis centers are installed in every Japanese prefecture. But for any real change to happen, society needs to get behind it.
We haven’t really had a #MeToo movement not because victims haven’t come forward, but because Japanese society wants them to stay silent. Society needs to listen, and the onus of breaking this silence shouldn’t just come from survivors. We have to change the system and the law in a big way and we can’t wait another 110 years to do this.
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Shiori Ito is a freelance journalist, documentary filmmaker and the author of “Black Box” (2017). She is currently working on a documentary about sexual violence in Japan.
䌊藀詩織氏はフリヌランス・ゞャヌナリストで映像ドキュメンタリヌ䜜家。『Black Box』2017の著者であり、珟圚は日本における性暎力に関するドキュメンタリヌの制䜜に携わっおいる。
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