#Fight those before you/For those behind/Blade in hand/Never forget where you stand | Meta Knight
galaxies-unknown · 2 years
[ @gorgonacoralli || Pulled from here!]
She will see them again? Doesn’t think so... mermaids move on very quickly that’s how life and nature works on earth, two or three days of grieving. Then forget about them, or at least what she knew with the mermaids. They just wanted to survive. Then they would go to create more life. Would it be different for other species? She didn’t know. She didn’t have those answers. Maybe even in this planet. Was it different, they cared for their offsprings, of course. Same it happened with the mermaids, but she hasn’t seen a situation where the Cappies were in danger. Or at least in real danger.
                     “I only know a little fraction of Planet Earth. Not much more about it. My home was blue, huge, with no barriers and dry land was orange, full of sand with some fauna on it too.”
Explained the mermaid with what she learned from her home... from the sea, from the elders. But the next question came and she took her eyes from the green to see her friend, she honestly didn’t know, she has seen beaches, but nothing as green as that, but the calm of the grass with the wind. It relaxed her. It gave her peace.
                     “I honestly don’t know... This color and the movement relaxes me. For that I always look at it when I need to think”
Said Naida to the warrior as she looked back at the green of the grass, letting her eyes fixed on the area for a few seconds.
                “Sir Meta Knight... Is this your home planet? Or you were brought here like me?”
There had been many times in the past where, in the knight’s eyes, his charges were looking down death’s barrel... But none were quite so stark as the battle that was to come. Even if he couldn’t quite predict, he knew... It was all going to be ‘all in, or nothing’. But now wasn’t the time to dwell on that. The cappies had survived so far, as had his protégé, as had his partner, and the king and his minion- morons that they were.
How did his majesty and Escargoon survive so long, really...
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The sea... At least, that was what he would describe it as. He had a sort of internal bias as to what Naida’s home was truly like, although he did his best to remold it, create a new vision in his mind based on her description. A part of him still couldn’t put it all together- the universe was so vast, the multiverse even more so... And there was no true way of knowing what Naida’s home looked like without visiting. Given his need for oxygen... He doubted he’d ever be able.
“...this is not my original planet, no.” His voice was quiet as he answered. “...I was not brought here against my will, so I suppose that has helped in considering it my new home planet... Although a part of my heart will always belong to Knisanel.” The Knisanel he knew... Before its destruction, before eNeMeE destroyed anything decent the world once held...
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“I cannot pretend that being separated from it does not hurt... But the pain has lessened over the years.” He cast a glance to Naida, not quite watching the rolling greens of Cappie Town. “Have you visited the town yet, miss Naida?”
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Kirby: Meta Knight and the Knight of Hades (Chapter 10)
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Morpho Knight swung his sword down the slope, releasing a powerful shock wave. The crescent-shaped waves hit Meta Knight in quick succession.
Meta Knight flew left and right, but his arm was hurt and he groaned in pain. Morpho Knight didn’t even look tired.
Meta Knight remembered what happened in the underworld. In that world, he couldn’t feel tired, hungry, or pain at all. The red knight might not feel any of those feelings no matter how much he fights because of the power of the butterfly of Hades.
If so, does Meta Knight have no chance of winning…?
(No, it can’t be...) Meta Knight gripped his sword and thought. (Those who do not feel tired do not understand the breath of battle. Those who do not feel pain cannot read the movement of their enemy.)
Behind Meta Knight were King Dedede, Kirby, and Blade Knight. Both the great king and Kirby fought desperately, but they had finally lost their strength.
Only Meta Knight was standing. He didn’t know if he could get through this mess. Already, just breathing was painful and his whole body hurt.
(Good. I feel tired and painful because I am alive!)
Meta Knight gathered his strength and jumped up, slashing at Morpho Knight.
However, he repelled it easily.
Morpho Knight slashed violently at Meta Knight’s landing.
Due to his tiredness, Meta Knight, who had been struck before, couldn’t move. He held his sword over his body and guarded desperately, but the damage was great.
His head was fluttering. His eyes were hazy, and his feet were swaying.
(Will I… will I go to the underworld again? This time, forever?) When such an ominous idea came to him, something happened.
“Meta Kniiiiight!”
He heard a loud voice. Waddle Dee’s voice.
Meta Knight raised his face.
Waddle Dee overcame a broken pillar holding something.
“Don’t come any closer!” Meta Knight shouted out.
Waddle Dee turned around, gained momentum, and threw what he was holding in his hand.
“Meta Knight! Here…!”
Something flew through the air. Meta Knight quickly reached out and took it.
Immediately, Meta Knight’s whole body shook. His fatigue and pain disappeared as they were swept away. He felt the power in his hand.
“My treasured sword… the Galaxia!”
It’s unmistakable and genuine. Meta Knight held the Galaxia high. A bright light spilled from the tip of the sword.
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Morpho Knight attacked. Meta Knight lightly dodged, shook up and jumped high.
“Spinning Knight!”
While spinning in the air, he slashed at Morpho Knight.
Morpho Knight flinched and was struck down.
Then, immediately, he held his sword horizontally and drill slashed!
Morpho Knight was blown off and struck against a collapsing wall.
Meta Knight had completely regained his power. The Galaxia gave him strength. And the Galaxia was also strengthened by returning to the hands of its true owner. The sword fighter and the sword, united for increased power!
However, Morpho Knight wasn’t finished.
When he stood up, he swung his sword down and sent crescent shock waves one after another. They flew with tremendous speed, but Meta Knight didn’t give up, dodging one after another, getting closer to him.
“Take this-!” Meta Knight swung after Morpho Knight. 
Morpho Knight disappeared suddenly. He escaped with teleportation in an instant. Morpho Knight materialized above and behind Meta Knight.
Meta Knight looked back, feeling sick.
Morpho Knight slid in and rushed through the air.
It was tremendous speed. Meta Knight couldn’t dodge it.
“Kah…!” He was moving before he realized.
He grabbed the Galaxia, held it in front of him, and took a strong stance.
At the moment of attack…
“Galactic Counter!”
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A deadly mystery that uses the enemy’s attack power against them!
There was no delay, the timing was perfect.
“...ts!” Morpho Knight stiffened his whole body and his attacks were slow.
The game was on. Meta Knight quietly stared at the enemy.
A streak of light spilled out of Morpho Knight. The lights gradually increased, two, three, and the brightness increased. His mask, his sword, and his wings on his back were swallowed by the white light. The knight turned into a ball of light and disappeared with a burst.
After the knight disappeared, countless red butterflies were dancing. The butterflies flew turbulently, fading little by little, and eventually disappeared as if melting away.
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“Meta Knight…”
Meta Knight, staring at the disappeared butterflies, was called and turned around.
It was Kirby. He had been injured in the fight, but seemed to regain some energy.
“Did you win?”
“Meta Knight really is strong! I couldn’t do it at all.” Kirby looked a little sick.
Behind him, King Dedede stood up slowly. “Uh… Uugh…!”
The king, leaning on his hammer, managed to support his body and said with envy. “I was supposed to do it… I could’ve mustered the strength…!”
“Didn’t you turn and run?”
“I didn’t run off! I was getting a better vantage point!”
Blade Knight also stood up, in tears. “Meta Knight, sir, wow, you’re safe!”
“Yes. No need to worry about me.”
“But what happened? I could have sworn you were on the battleship Halberd…”
Waddle Dee rushed in before Meta Knight answered. “Meta Knight! You won!”
“Waddle Dee.” Meta Knight turned to Waddle Dee.
“I’m grateful you returned my strength with the Galaxia. Thank you.”
“I just carried it. It was the Galaxia that strengthened you…”
Waddle Dee jumped up. “Wait, we still need your help! Your knights are in a hole!”
“A hole?”
“This way!”
Meta Knight followed Waddle Dee to the knights.
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The rescued knights were quiet, even surrounding Meta Knight. Everyone’s hearts were so full that no words came out.
Meta Knight opened his mouth. “It was foolish of me to worry, everyone fought so well.”
“Meta Knight, sir…!”
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The Meta Knights wept as if the thread of tension had broken.
Sword Knight said. “You’re the real Meta Knight, aren’t you”
“Do I look like a fake?”
“No! You’re definitely real! There’s a big difference!”
Sword Knight saw Beryl crouching down.
Mace Knight snuck behind and grabbed Beryl’s head.
Axe Knight asked, “Let’s punish him for what he’s done. What do you think?”
“Hm…” Meta Knight thought about it.
Beryl was shaking, rattling. 
Javelin Knight spoke. “Let’s tie him to the bow of the battleship and let him enjoy space travel.”
Trident Knight replied, “Why don’t we send him to Castle Dedede? Let the Waddle Dees take a break and let him do all the castle work alone!”
Axe Knight added, “No, let’s send him to all the towns he destroyed and make him fix them back up again! First, Dreamland!”
Meta Knight spoke. “That’s still too kind. Let’s tie him up so he can’t move and have Kirby perform a song for him.”
“Eh!?” Kirby was surprised. “Why do I have to sing for this guy!? What a waste…!”
“...No, trust me.” Meta Knight told Kirby. “Persuade him with your wonderful singing that he should never do anything wrong again.”
“...Eh? Persuade him?”
“Listening to a wonderful song can change someone’s mind.”
“Oh yeah… songs have the power to move hearts. I see!” Kirby was determined and nodded. “I will sing! It’ll be a moving song that will gentle the heart of any villain!”
“While you’re at it, would you like to serve your home cooking as well? You should make a special dish that will make him cry with excitement.”
“Okay! Looks like Meta Knight is kind to his enemies.”
“Waddle Dee.”
Waddle Dee, who was swaying and listening to the story, jumped up when Meta Knight called out. 
“I’ll leave it to you. Hold Kirby a concert and set up a special seat for Beryl. Don’t forget to serve Kirby’s special dishes. Have Beryl eat until he is full.”
“Uh… uh… uh, yes…!” Waddle Dee imagined it and nodded in tears of fear.
(Me, Meta Knight…! What a terrifying thing! Kirby’s song is so terrible it could crack the walls of Castle Dedede, and Kirby’s food is so bad he could lose his appetite for the rest of his life…!)
Kirby said with a smile. “Heh, I’ll do my best! Let’s work together, Waddle Dee!”
“Ah… okay…”
“What should I sing? I have to sing with all my heart so Beryl doesn’t do bad things again… of course, I’ll do my best to cook too… Wow, I’m excited! Hey Beryl, I hope you’re looking forward to it!”
“Oh, oh. I’m sure I’ll change my mind.” Beryl was relieved and grinned.
The Meta Knights and King Dedede whispered in the shadow.
“Beryl’s acting like he’s saved.”
“How stupid, he doesn’t know the horror of Kirby.”
“Meta Knight is too cruel. No matter what he did, I’m sorry for Beryl.”
“How could sir make such a proposal…”
“Wow, he’s not kidding around! Good luck, Beryl!”
Meta Knight turned over his cloak and started walking. “Well then, let’s go back to the battleship Halberd.”
“Yes sir!” His subordinates saluted in unison and lined up.
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Captain Vul and the Meta Knights were enjoying tea time leisurely for the first time in a long while.
Meta Knight wasn’t there. It seems he had something to do, so he went out without telling them where he was going.
Captain Vul was talking about, of course, Meta Knight.
Axe Knight said. “Even so, it’s strange. Why did Meta Knight, who had been unconscious on the Halberd, appear in the ancient temple?”
Captain Vul replied. “I have an idea, but I can’t quite explain it. I think…”
Captain Vul took a sip of his tea and continued.
“At that time, Meta Knight’s body and mind were disjointed. His body was in a bed in the Halberd here, but his mind was wandering somewhere else.”
“Usually, the wandering heart returns to the body. However, Meta Knight is a very strong person, so I think this time his body was called to his heart.”
Blade Knight said. “Meta Knight has a strong body, though.”
“...Well, that is correct. However, if anything, his heart is stronger!”
“Persuasive, if not…” Sword Knight muttered.
“At that time, Galacta Knight took a big hit. Moreover, he was combined with the red butterfly to become even more powerful.”
“Yeah, but what about it?”
“I think I’ve got it. Meta Knight’s desire to fight a strong opponent called to his body.”
“I see, then I understand.”
The Meta Knights nodded.
“Meta Knight’s enthusiasm to fight can be a bit overkill.”
“Hold your tongue. Meta Knight doesn’t like fighting. He likes to make himself stronger.
“Regardless, his desire to fight a strong enemy caused a miracle.”
“As expected from our master!”
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Around the time when the peaceful tea party was held on the Halberd, Kirby’s special dinner concert was being held in the basement of the Castle Dedede.
Meta Knight was standing alone in a flower garden of Dreamland.
A pleasant breeze blew and the colorful flowers swayed.
Meta Knight picked up a yellow flower and took a deep breath. It had a refreshing smell.
“It has a nice scent. Pink was… too sweet, wasn’t it?”
Meta Knight couldn’t forget Papi’s happy voice. The whole time he was trying to stop Meta Knight from returning to the original world… At the very end, he was desperate to save Meta Knight. Without Papi, Meta Knight wouldn’t have been able to return to this world.
He wondered, what was Papi doing now? Was he fluttering around looking for someone to talk to?
At that moment, a white butterfly flew by and perched on a yellow flower. It was slowly drinking from the flowers.
Meta Knight muttered in a small voice. “If one day you go to that world, let me know.”
The butterfly stopped moving, as if it had heard Meta Knight’s words.
“I’d like to thank that talkative butterfly with light blue wings. Papi was a good guide… no, a good friend.”
The butterfly fluttered away, and began to fly from flower to flower.
Meta Knight quietly watched until the butterfly disappeared.
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(Chapter 9 - Table of Contents)
(The end, thank you so much for reading and all of your support!)
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