#Fides Cordis
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twofacedharveydent · 9 months ago
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Fides Cordis | @darknightfrombeyond  → Delilah 'Del' Shepard
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elejahfanfic · 1 month ago
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Del x Malcom_
ft. Trip Tucker
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erraticrandomficwriter · 2 months ago
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A thank you gift for @darknightfrombeyond
Hope you like it :)
Del Shepard and Malcolm Reed - Fides Cordis
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deans-baby-momma · 2 years ago
Law & Love Chapter 15
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Life was good. Hell, it was great! For the first time in over two fucking years,  things were actually looking up for Y/N.
Yea okay. She got laid, fucked ten ways to Sunday, bent into positions she couldn't ever describe but that's not all. She had a friend. 
A bona fide, genuine friend. So what if they knew what the other looked like naked, what the other tasted like, Cordell was proving to be an integral part of her life.
For a few weeks now, they have talked daily and texted numerous times a day. She listened to him as he told her about his trouble with his daughter, Stella, dating the neighbor and family nemesis boy; about his son, August, being on the fast track to be on the national honor society for their school.
She listened to him tell all about his brother Liam being in the running for some political office; not that she really paid attention to, because she knows from previous experience, politics can make or break any relationship. 
He heard about her monotonous and humdrum days at the diner; the most exciting thing being the gossip of the mayor's daughter getting pregnant by the town's degenerate and running off with him.
"Order up!" Pops announces as he sits a plate on the order shelf but Y/N’s mind is stuck on something Cordi said last night. 
Was he serious? Did he actually think it was a good idea? Was he just horny and needed a good fuck and knew I'd be willing?
"Maybe you just need to get away?" he had suggested. "New place, different scenery. You could come to Texas and visit."
The consistent dinging of the order bell pulls her from her recollections and she turns to look at Pops. "Sorry," she apologizes and grabs the order, walking away to deliver it.
As soon as she comes to consciousness,  she knows something is wrong. Before Y/N even opens her eyes, she can sense something is different. There is a silence around her, a stillness like never before.
She slowly lifts her eyelids and is met with complete and utter darkness, not a light in sight. She turns to look at the alarm clock and can't see anything; the usual red glowing numbers aren't there.
Y/N realizes quickly that the power is out. Grabbing her phone and turning it on, she notices that it is 4:45 am; that explains the darkness, the sun has yet to rise. 
She rolls back over and tries to go back to sleep but Cordell’s words begin ringing in her head again. “"Maybe you just need to get away?" New place, different scenery. You could come to Texas and visit." “I’d love to see you again Y/N. Introduce you to my family.”
As she lays there contemplating his suggestion, the sun rises and not long after her phone beeps with a message. 
‘Power’s out. Won’t be opening the diner until it’s restored. And since tomorrow we’re closed anyway, have a good weekend!’
It doesn't take Y/N long to decide what she’s going to do with her free time. She’s going to Austin. 
Opening up a travel app on the phone, she quickly finds a direct flight out of Helena Regional Airport, straight to Austin-Bergstrom. She enters her card info and waits for the confirmation before she makes my next move.
As soon as the email arrives with the information she is seeking, she texts Cordell.
‘Up for a visitor this weekend?’
‘Depends on who is visiting ;)’ 
‘Well, thanks to the storm I didn’t even know rolled through town, I have a couple of days off from the diner. Thought I’d take you up on your offer…..if it’s still legitimate :D’
‘It’s legit and open-ended. Come on down. What time does your flight get in?’
‘I’ll be at the airport waiting. Can’t wait to see you!’
‘Can’t wait to see you either…….and meet your kids.’
‘Oh. Shit! I hope this doesn’t dampen your spirit but it’s just going to be me here this time. Fam’s gone on the annual Walker Camping Expedition.’
‘Oh. Well, if you don’t mind me impeding on your alone time. Why didn’t you go with?’
‘You aren’t impending on anyone’s alone time. I had to stay back because we are close to getting some imperative evidence that’s needed to make an arrest. Cap told me I was going to have to pull out of the yearly trip.’
‘Oh. Well, guess I’ll see you at 7 roomie.’
‘See you at 7, darlin.,’
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Packing for the trip is simple. A couple of outfits for the days she’s in Austin and her essentials. Y/N is packed and ready to go two hours before time to leave. She uses that time to shower and dress comfortably for the plane ride.
Knowing that the Walker family is out of town and it’s going to be just Cordell and herself in the house,Y/N  takes the time to shave everywhere and wash everything. She even gets the idea of the perfect outfit in her mind as she’s bathing. 
A cute little red and white striped sundress with spaghetti straps and a built-in bra. Y/N smiles mischievously as she decides to go bare under the skirt too. If Cordi gets too handsy, he’s going to be in for one hell of a surprise!
When the text comes through that her Uber has arrived, she grabs her bags and  purse and locks up before handing my luggage to the driver. Once she’s on her way, she grabs her phone and texts Cordell once more.
‘Just got in the car with a complete stranger, trusting them to take me to the airport and drop me off. If you don’t hear from me in an hour, send rescue. LOL’
‘Darlin’ that’s no laughing matter to a Ranger. Text me as soon as you get through security. Please. Be safe.’
‘My big Texan hero’ she adds an emoji with heart eyes to the end. 
The driver is quiet as they drive toward the airport and Y/N is thankful. How do you tell someone that you’re taking a 5 hour flight to Texas to hopefully get railed by a moose of a man with the cock to match. She’d probably look like a maniac….or a whore. 
As soon as the car pulls up to the drop off area, the driver stops the car and gets out to hand her her luggage. Y/N thanks with a sizable tip and turns to head into the airport. The terminal is busy but not bustling as she makes her way to the counter to pick up her ticket. 
Once through security and her bag has been checked and tagged and headed off to be loaded, she pulls her phone out and texts Cordell.
‘Safe and secure awaiting boarding call’
‘Good. See you soon.’
She doesn't even give another thought to the fact that only a thin piece of material separates her naked body from the others inside the building. She open a game on my phone and begin trying to beat the next level until her flight is called.
The flight from Helena to Austin is smooth and with no hiccups. A few minutes after 7 pm, Texas time, Y/N is walking down the boarding ramp, searching for baggage claim. She doesn’t even see Cordell standing there.
As she is watching for her luggage, a hand lands on her shoulder and she hears his voice.
“Excuse me Miss,” he says authoratively. “You look a bit lost. Do you need a guide?��
Y/N turns and looks up at the tall man behind her with a smile. “Why officer, that would be wonderful.”
They both laugh and then wrap their arms around each other and squeeze. “Good to see you again Y/N.”
“Same for you Gigantor,” Y/N giggles.
As soon as she gets her luggage, they take off toward Cordell’s truck to head to the Walker Family Ranch.
@spnbaby-67 @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @supraveng @deandreamernp @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @kazsrm67 @chriszgirl92 @deanwithscissors @raisinggray @fanfic-n-tabulous @hobby27 @stoneyggirl2 @brownbearhusky @purpleeclipseeggsland @kmc1989 @deans-spinster-witch @yvonneeeeeeee @tmb510 @globetrotter28
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wlfs-zzz-archive · 6 months ago
A (Currently Being Updated) Cast of Characters
@pyxilate *
Amethyst / Nzyndale (HSR)
Aphrodite (Genshin Impact)
Camazotz Bloodmoon Valorant (ZZZ)
Cascade Lumière (Genshin Impact)
Cayde Foreshadow (Genshin Impact)
Daedalus (Genshin Impact)
Danai / Lilith (HSR)
Dionysia Laodice (ZZZ)
Genevieve (Genshin Impact) 
Ixchel (Genshin Impact)
Jiàn (HSR)
Jikan (HI3)
Jinlian (HSR)
Jíshǒu (HSR)
Julian Silver (ZZZ)
Kagami (ZZZ)
Malori Vex (ZZZ)
Malum (Genshin Impact)
Maxine (HSR)
October (ZZZ)
Prajna Konton (ZZZ)
Qiao Lin
Quartz (HSR)
Ravyn Daggervytch (HSR)
Starchasm Nyx (HSR)
Thanatos (HI3)
Thirteen (ZZZ)
Thursday / Stelle (ZZZ)
Xiu Long (HSR)
Yuki Fujimoto (Genshin Impact)
Zerø Destovox (ZZZ)
Zoismos Laodice (ZZZ)
1999 / Carina (HI3/ZZZ)
20-77 / Nicole Scorpion (HSR)
911 (ZZZ)
Seir (she is not included in this list due to being present in every universe)
@the-all-consuming (I’m leaving you to alphabetize and categorize these bitches cuz I ain’t doing it myself)
Rosémond Fossoyeur
Kaine Amadeo
Carlo Fossoyeur
Curie Burnman
Ju Long
Kahira Kamisato
Valentyn Myroslav
Xuĕ Tao
Carmine Cassius
Eumbrel Kaimen/Joel Lazarus
10-65/ Akil Amastan
Kaosu riron
Josefina Kaimen/Misericordia Lazarus
Nobody/Maikel Lazaru/ Serafina Lazarus
Bian Lian
Haywood Ellington
Hikari Katshuito
Dubhán Ceallach
Luxo (Source of Everything)
Council of Evil: (Genshin)
Fides Cordis Adamari Timeo Fortitudo Implete Tempus
Cult of Dreams: Basalt Calcite ONE
Aeonstruck Moonhunters:**
Lucifer Hecate Augustus Midas Angel Velvet The Illuminator (Svajonė, Aeon of Dreams) The Cutter
Crudêl, Aeon of terror (TL2&1)
Mortala, Aeon of Desolation (TL2&1)
Wolfsbane (TL2)
The Emperor, Aeon of Conquest (TL2)
Tobia Lazarus
D'Angelo Constantino
The Agency Against Akil Amastan (The A.A.A.A)
The Poacher
The Ethereal Cultist/Hunters
The Eradication Protocol 
The Party Animals
*two omniverses exist because of this. Pyxilate has two omniverses, one shared with the-all-consuming and one individual universe where their characters never existed. This is due to Pyxilate a selfish bish who wants everything to herself. However there are also two HSR timelines in the-all-consuming’s universe so it’s not all bad.
**Calcite is The Cutter, he defected from the cult to a different cult group!
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sugarcause · 3 years ago
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genshin characters as latin love phrases
includes: ningguang, shenhe, rosaria, zhongli, hu tao, gorou, baizhu, amber, albedo, ayaka, keqing, itto, thoma, childe, eula, ayato, raiden ei, kaeya, xiao, aether, lumine, diluc, kokomi, beidou, mona, dainsleif, ganyu, yunjin, scaramouche, noelle, sara, kazuha, venti, sucrose, lisa, yae, xinyan, yoimiya, yanfei, jean precis: quam se ipse amans, sine rivale reader gender: gn! voice mail: happy valentines / early valentines day to everyone! one of my fav restaurants are on discount rn so i will celebrate with a nice order <3 hope everyone spoils themselves / is spoiled !
Amor vincit omnia - Love conquers all Ningguang, Shenhe
Ubi amor, ibi dolor - Where there's love, there's pain Rosaria, Diluc
Inis vitae sed non amoris - The end of life, but not of love Zhongli, Hu Tao
Semper Fidelis - Always faithful Gorou, Baizhu, Amber
Nunc scio quid sit Amor - Now I know what Love is Albedo, Ayaka, Keqing
Nescit amor habere modum - Love does not know how to keep within bounds Itto, Thoma
Amantium irae amoris integratio est - Lovers’ quarrels are the renewal of love Childe, Scaramouche
Si vis amari, ama - If you wish to be loved, love Eula, Ayato
Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur - Even a god finds it hard to love and be wise at the same time Raiden Ei, Zhongli
Amoris vulnus idem sanat qui facit - Love’s wounds are cured by love itself Kaeya, Diluc
Serva me, servabo te - Save me and I will save you Xiao
Ama me fideliter, Fidem meam toto, Decorde totaliter, Et ex mente tota, Sum presentialiter, Absens in remota - Love me faithfully, See how I am faithful, With all my heart and all my soul, I am with you, even though I am far away Aether, Lumine
Cras amet qui nunquam amavit; quique amavit, cras amet - May he love tomorrow who has never loved before; And may he who has loved, love tomorrow as well Diluc, Xiao
Fluctuat nec mergitur - It is tossed by the waves but it does not sink. Kokomi, Beidou
Astra inclinant, sed non obligant - The stars align us, they do not bind us. Mona, Dainsleif
Dum spiro spero - While I breathe, I hope Ganyu, Yunjin
Militat omnis amans - Every lover serves as a soldier Scaramouche, Noelle, Sara, Childe
Aut insanit homo aut versus facit - Either the man is crazy, or he’s writing poetry Kazuha, Venti
Amor Scientia Que Inserviant Cordi - Love and Science to serve the Heart Sucrose, Albedo
Amor meus amplior quam verba est - My love is more than words Lisa, Yae, Xinyan
Non inter se, sed in eandem intueri directionem, verus est amor - Love does not consist of gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction Yoimiya, Yanfei, Baizhu
Amor patriae - For the love of one's country Jean
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my valentines post! <3
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oveliagirlhaditright · 3 years ago
I love fanfictions where Angel and Xander actually become friends, sort of. 
Like this one fic I read, where Angel had amnesia after coming back from Hell--and Xander ended up learning about all he suffered in Hell, when they tried to use hypnosis to get his memories back and it didn’t work, but while under hypnosis he told him all about Hell--and he tells Angel,��“You, my friend, are now a bona fide member of the Scooby Gang.”
But Angel has no idea what the Scooby Gang is, because I guess he’s never seen Scooby Doo, so Xander has to try and explain it to him. So he explains that Buffy is Scooby, of course, because Scooby always saved the day and Buffy always saves the day, Giles is Fred, Willow is Velma, he’s Shaggy, Cordy’s Daphne, etc. They then try to figure out who Angel would be. It’s super cute.
I also liked how in the comics--after Xander tries to kill Angel in season 8; it’s fine--he goes to therapy for some of his aggression issues, and actually tries with Angel for the first time ever. Like, tries to help him through his heartache about Buffy (and Angel, in return tries to help him with Dawn), etc. And they just have a really nice conversation all around.
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tomasorban · 6 years ago
The Emperor - Arcanum 4
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The Arcanum Four of the Tarot is the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton, the sacred name of the Eternal One that has four letters: יהוה [Iod, Hei, Vav, Hei].
י “Iod” is the Man, ה “Hei” is the woman, ו “Vav” is the phallus, ה “Hei” is the uterus. Yet, we can also state: י “Iod” is the man, ה “Hei” is the woman, ו “Vav” is the fire, ה “Hei” is the water. The profound study of the four letters of the Eternal One takes us inevitably to the Ninth Sphere (sex). We must lift our serpent through the medullar canal and carry it up to her heart’s sanctuary.
The cross of the initiation is received in the Heart Temple. The magnetic center of the Father is found between the eyebrows. The sanctuary of the Mother is found within the Heart Temple. The four points of the cross symbolize the Fire, the Air, the Water, and the Earth (also Spirit, matter, movement, and repose).
Remember, beloved disciple, that the four elements of Alchemy are: Salt, Mercury, Sulfur, and Azoth: the Salt is the matter; the Mercury is the Ens Seminis, the Azoth is the mysterious ray of Kundalini.
The Mercury of Secret Philosophy must be fecundated by Sulfur (Fire) so that the Salt can become regenerated. Only like this can we write the book of Azoth, write it upon a reed if what you want is initiation. The clue of our liberation is found in the lingam-yoni.
The cross has four points. The cross of initiation is phallic. The insertion of the vertical phallus into the formal cteis forms a cross. This is the cross of initiation that we must place upon our shoulders.
The four sacred animals of Alchemy are: the Lion that hides the enigma of Fire; the Man the represent the Mercury of Secret Philosophy; the Eagle that corresponds to the Air; the Bull that symbolizes the Earth. Egypt’s sphinx (as well as Ezekiel’s sphinx) has the sacred symbolism of the four creatures of Alchemy.
The water contained in the lakes, rivers and oceans when heated by the fire of the sun are transformed into clouds that ascend up to the sky, and after a period of digestion are converted into lightning and thunder. This same process is repeated in the sexual laboratory of the alchemist. Our motto is Thelema (willpower).
The entrance into the old, archaic temples was commonly a hidden hole in some mysterious spot in the dense jungle. We departed from Eden through the door of sex, and only through that door can we return to Eden. Eden is sex. It is the narrow, straight, and difficult door that leads us into the light.
In the solitude of these mysterious sanctuaries, the neophytes were submitted to the four initiatic ordeals. The ordeals of fire, air, water, and earth always defined the diverse purifications of the neophytes.
Commonly, these sanctuaries of mysteries were found located at the foot of some volcano. There the disciples would fall to the ground and lose Consciousness; in those moments the hierophant would take the students out of their physical bodies (thus, they would already be in the Astral Plane) and into the profundities of the sanctuary. Then he would teach them the grandiose mysteries of life and death. The volcanic emanations of the earth produced that apparent state of death. Some disciples fall in that apparent state of death within the Gnostic Lumisials. The ceremony of carrying the cross (as was practiced in the Gnostic Lumisials), serves in order to humbly confirm some internal, esoteric initiation.
Each one of the seven bodies of the human being must be crucified and stigmatized. All students of Kabbalah must be familiar with all of the elementals of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. The present “human being” is still not a king or queen of Nature, but all are called to be kings or queens and priests and priestesses according to the Order of Melchizedeck.
It is necessary for the student to become familiar with all the elemental creatures of the four elements. Salamanders live in fire; Undines and Nereids live in water; Sylphs live in the air and Gnomes live in the earth.
The gospel of Mark is symbolized by a Lion (fire); the gospel of Matthew is represented by a Youth (water); the gospel of John is represented by the Eagle (air) and the gospel of Luke is represented by the Bull (earth). The four gospels symbolize the four elements of nature and the realization of the Great Work (the Magnus Opus).
Every Hierophant of Nature is converted into a King of the Elementals. If you want to be admitted into the Elemental Paradises of Nature, then respect all life, do not kill any animal species, do not drink wine that contains alcohol; love vegetables, do not ever destroy a plant or a flower. You only need two things in life: wisdom and love. This is how you will attain happiness, peace, and abundance.
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. - Matthew 5:48
Every initiate must work with the elementals in the central mountain range. That mountain range is the spinal medulla. The Prima Matter of the Great Work of the Father is the Ens Seminis. You know this.
The sacred receptacle is in your creative organs, the furnace is the Muladhara chakra, the chimney is the medullar canal, and the distiller is the brain. When we work in the laboratory of the Third Logos we must transmute the lead of our personality into the gold of the Spirit. The Magnus Work cannot be performed without the cooperation of the elementals.
The Gnomes and Pygmies are the great alchemists that transmute the lead into gold; they reduce the metals to its semen (seed) in order to transmute them into the pure gold of the spirit; their labor would be impossible if the Undines did not obey or if the Salamanders of fire would not make the voluptuous Undines fertile, because without the fire, the tempting Undines can only take us to a shipwreck. Ulysses (the cunning warrior destroyer of citadels) was himself bound to the mast of the ship so that he would not fall seduced by the sexual beauty of the Undines. Ancient Gnostics stated: “All of you will become Gods if you leave Egypt and pass through the Red Sea (the ocean of temptations).”
The vapors of the prima matter of the Great Work would not ascend through the chimney without the help of the disquieting Sylphs. The Gnomes need to distil the gold in the brain and this is only possible with the help of the aerial Sylphs. The Gnomes transmute the lead into gold. The Magnus Opus would be impossible without the elementals. We need to become familiar with the elementals of Nature.
Fire: light a fire then vocalize the mantra INRI. This mantra is vocalized in two separate syllables: IN – RI:
Prolong the sound of each letter.
IiiiiiiiiiiiiiNnnnnnnnn RrrrrrrrrrrrIiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Thereafter, concentrate on the fire that you have lit (on the candle, on the oil lamp, or on the charcoal) and profoundly meditate on the fire. Invoke me, Samael, your friend, who wrote this lecture, I will assist you in this practice. Then vocalize the “S” as an affable and fine whistle, like the buzzing of a rattlesnake.
Practice with the Sylphs
Air: seated on a comfortable chair or laying down (face up) with the body relaxed, you will profoundly meditate on the following plagiary:
Spiritus Dei Ferebatur super aquas, et inspiravit in faciem hominis spiraculum vitae. Sit Michael Dux Meus, et Sabtabiel servus meus, in luce et per lucem. Fiat verbum halitus meus, et imperabo Spiritibus aeris hujus, et refrenabo equos solis voluntate cordis mei, et cogitatione mentis mei et nutu oculi dextri. Exorciso igitur te, creatura aeris, per Pentagrammaton et in nomine Tetragrammaton, in quibus sunt voluntas firma et fides recta. Amen. Sela Fíat.
Blow towards the four cardinal points of the Earth. Pronounce the letter H many times as if imitating a very deep sigh. Then slumber while meditating on the Genii Michael and Sabtabiel. This way you will become in contact with the Sylphs...
S, A. Weor
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tradizioni-barcellona · 2 years ago
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LUNEDÌ 24 OTTOBRE 2022 - ♦️ SANT'ANTONIO MARIA CLARET♦️ Antonio María Claret y Clará, in catalano Antoni Maria Claret i Clarà (Sallent, 23 dicembre 1807 – Narbona, 24 ottobre 1870), è stato un arcivescovo cattolico e missionario spagnolo, fondatore delle congregazioni dei Missionari Figli del Cuore Immacolato di Maria e delle Religiose di Maria Immacolata. È stato proclamato santo da papa Pio XII nel 1950. Venne ordinato sacerdote il 13 giugno 1835. Si recò a Roma nel 1839 e tentò di farsi inviare nelle terre di missione ma, a causa della sua salute cagionevole, venne rifiutato sia dalla Congregazione Propaganda Fide che dai gesuiti. Tornato in patria, si dedicò all'organizzazione delle missioni popolari nella sua patria (la Catalogna) e nelle isole Canarie, guadagnandosi la fama di grande predicatore. Il 16 luglio 1849 fondò a Vic la Congregazione dei Missionari figli del Cuore Immacolato di Maria o dei Cordis Mariae Filii (C.M.F.) detti anche "Clarettiani", dedita all'apostolato e soprattutto all'attività missionaria. Nominato da Pio IX arcivescovo di Santiago di Cuba il 20 maggio 1850, si trasferì a Cuba, dove rimase fino al 1860. Claret si dedicò subito alla riforma del clero, lottando contro il concubinato e promuovendo una formazione più attuale dei sacerdoti in seminario. Al suo ritorno in Spagna, venne trasferito alla sede titolare di Traianopoli di Rodope e divenne confessore della regina Isabella; prese parte al Concilio Vaticano I, dove fu tra i principali sostenitori della proclamazione del dogma dell'infallibilità papale. In seguito all'insurrezione del 1868, seguì nel suo esilio la regina e morì a Narbona nel 1870 all'età di 62 anni. Il suo corpo riposa nella Casa madre dei clarettiani a Vic. Da Il Santo del Giorno Tradizioni Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto - Sicilia Sicilia Terra di Tradizioni #Tradizioni_Barcellona_Pozzo_di_Gotto_Sicilia #Sicilia_Terra_di_Tradizioni Rubrica #Santo_del_Giorno (presso Barcellona Pozzo Di Gotto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkGEuW3oAwc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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twofacedharveydent · 9 months ago
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Fides Cordis | @darknightfrombeyond
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elejahfanfic · 3 months ago
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Del x Malcom_
Fides Cordis_
@darknightfrombeyond 🎁
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erraticrandomficwriter · 2 months ago
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Del Shepard - Fides Cordis
For @darknightfrombeyond Just because :)
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theyourclasses · 5 years ago
21st July 2020 Daily Current Affairs & Daily GK Update in english
New Post has been published on https://yourclasses.in/2st-july-current-affairs-2020
21st July 2020 Daily Current Affairs & Daily GK Update in english
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21st July Current Affairs 2020 in English
    Which organization celebrates World Chess Day globally on 20 July every year to marks the date of the establishment of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) in Paris in 1924?United Nations
  ”Navin Rojgar Chhatri Yojana” is an initiative of which state that has recently been launched by their chief minister, for all-round development of the Scheduled Castes? Uttar Pradesh
  The Rev Cordy Tindell Vivian has recently passed away, in which year he became the interim president of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)? 2012
  The President of the United Nations General Assembly, Tijjani Muhammad-Bande has made the announcement that ______ and ______ are the winners of the 2020 Nelson Mandela Prize. Morissana Kouyate and Marianna Vardinoyannis
  To improve the technological capability of the Indian automotive sector with the help of exchange of knowledge & expertise, which company has launched an e-Portal named “Automobile Solutions Portal for Industry, Research & Education (ASPIRE)”?ICT
  Who has won the Formula-1 Hungarian Grand Prix 2020 at Hungaroring, Mogyoród, Hungary?Lewis Hamilton
  In the third G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting, Which measures have been highlighted by the union minister for finance & corporate affairs Nirmala Sitharaman?Direct Benefit Transfers
  Andre Schurrle, who recently announced his retirement, is related to which sport? Football
  What is the name of the mission that has been launched to “Mars” by the United Arab Emirates? Hope
  SBI Cards and Payment Services has appointed Ashwini Kumar Tewari as its new Managing Director and chief executive officer, whom will he replace? Hardayal Prasad
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darkdreamslove-blog1 · 8 years ago
Spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas, et inspiravit in facien hominis spiraculus vitae. Sit Michael dux meus, et Sabtabiel servus meus in luce et per lucem. Fait verbum halitus meus; et imperabo spiritus aeris hujus, et refrenabo equos solis voluntate cordis meis, et cogitatione mentis mede et mutu oculi dextri. Exorciso igitur te, creatura aeris, per Pentagrammaton et in nomine Tetragrammaton, in quibus sunt voluntas firma et fides recta. Amen. Selah. Fiat.
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