#Fic: Afterburn
honkytonk-hangman · 2 years
Afterburn – Crosswinds
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x OC/Reader
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OC/Reader's name is Teddy/callsign 'Kodiak'
Summary: You liked him when he was like this. You liked him all the time, but especially when he gave up on trying to get the upper hand in the conversation, and just let things be. When he was a little less Hangman and a little more Jake.
Warnings: mentions of aviation crash, mostly just hangman being a simp. smoking?
Notes: Dagger Squad took one look at Teddy and Phoenix was already printing out the adoption papers lmao. this is set post TGM, and Mav has taken up an instructing position.
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A loud burst of buoyant laughter greets your ears, the noise out of place in the otherwise quiet administrative corridor, but not totally unwelcome. You have to suppress a smile and a roll of your eyes as you tuck a stack of papers under your arm and push open the door to what you imagine is the only currently occupied room in this part of campus.
Your arrival into your own office barely grants a pause in the ongoing conversations, though several out of the seven aviators lounging about throw you a wave or a quick greeting.
Hangman, who doesn’t appear to acknowledge your presence at all, sits in the visitor chair directly opposite your workstation, with his feet nonchalantly kicked up on your desk, one of your little model jets turning in his hands. You shove his feet off as you pass and pointedly ignore the tiny twitch of his lips that threatens to break into a full-on smirk any moment. Instead, you lean in and snatch back your model F-22 Raptor, before rounding the side of the tabletop, and falling into your chair.
Hangman’s hands stay suspended in place for a few moments, but he drops them a beat later, his eyes fixated on you in taunting amusement as you return your prized desk bauble to its proper position.
This time, you ignore him, tapping your login credentials into your computer, and shuffling the papers from under your arm to the surface in front of you. Out of the corner of your eye you spot Hangman’s fingers reaching out for something else, a pen or another of your model jets most likely, and the flash of surprise that flickers across his face when you sharply slap his knuckles away is almost enough for you to mirror the self-satisfied smirk he’d been wearing only moments prior.
“I know you’re capable of looking with your eyes, Hangman, considering you like to stare so much,” you tease, using the same voice that you might with a naughty child. The man across from you relents with suspiciously little bitching, and leans back in his seat, fingers laced together.
“You know Teddy Bear, I’ve been told that women like eye contact,” Hangman’s smile only grows when you fix him with an unamused look.
“And just like everything else, Hangman, you take that too far,” Phoenix scoffs from the scant seating area right behind him, where she sits facing you with Rooster and Bob.
The green eyes still boring into yours suddenly gain a challenging glint, and he opens his mouth, turning in his seat to respond, but you cut him off.
“Now, now, children…” you say scoldingly, earning an annoyed frown from Hangman, and a shrug from Phoenix.
You go back to updating your records, and for a while the tapping of your keyboard undercuts the soft conversation that fills your office, and you happily listen to the aviators discussing today’s training. It was pleasant to have the company, as much as you pretended to be exasperated with certain people, not-so-deep down you were more than alright with the Civilian Instructors’ Staff Room becoming the new hangout for the group.
It had started several weeks back now, with Phoenix and Bob visiting you on your lunch hour. The next day they brought Fanboy and Payback, who the day after that, had convinced Rooster to come along, and naturally there was no way that Rooster would be invited to any social gathering that Hangman was excluded from, so he and Coyote had tagged along too.
Now it wasn’t just your lunch breaks that had your office full of pilots, since it was plainly obvious that you were the only current civilian instructor on base, they had started using the office as their own lay-room in place of the one used by the rest of the pilots. Coyote had made up the excuse last week that the usual rec room had too many younger aviators in it, and this week it was because you were apparently closer to the hangar. With every new excuse, you’d simply let out a huff and roll your eyes with a knowing smile.
The first time you’d actually been forced to interrogate the how’s or whys had been a week ago, after Maverick had spent the best part of an hour searching for his group and had eventually come looking for you to ask if you’d seen them. He’d found your office filled with his rowdy squad of aviators having an intense argument, split down the middle over Kong vs Godzilla. After declaring Godzilla would be the winner hands down, Mav had ordered them all out.
A bemused smile plays on Maverick’s lips, and he shakes his head. One of his hands holds open your office door, and the other ushers out his squad of aviators, all wearing matching looks of sheepishness at having been discovered.
Once the last pilot has filtered out, the older man turns to look back at you, his handsome features pulled into a concerned, almost fatherly grimace. It was an expression that you’d become rather used to since you’d begun working together.
“Teddy…” Mav begins, and he almost sounds exasperated, before he pauses, and softens his tone. “I should tell them not to bother you,” he says, but you can hear the subtle question beneath the statement. He sounds sympathetic and gentle in just about the only manner that doesn’t automatically make you retch these days.
Your eyes dip down to your hands on your desk, and you spin your pen skilfully around your pointer, ring, and third fingers. It was a trick you had picked up several years ago, confined to a hospital bed and with nothing else to occupy your mind.
When you look back up, you see Mav eying your movements, his lips pulling down in the corners. He knew as well as you did by now that it was an anxious habit.
“I don’t mind. Really, having them around is nice… everyone around here treats me like I’m made of glass, it’s nice to just… have friends,” you purse your lips and drop your pen, before reaching out and straightening the model jet that a certain pilot had been playing with earlier. Another nervous tick that doesn’t go unnoticed.
You didn’t talk about this subject with many people, if anyone, but since being introduced to Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell, you’d discovered the man’s earnest, ironically down-to-earth kindness was good at weeding the truth out of those around him.
“I think…” Mav starts but trails off, looking out into the hall quickly, and then stepping further into your office, letting the door close behind him before he continues. “I think they know that if things were different, you would have been recalled alongside them. They respect you for that,” he tells you softly.
You were never one for bragging, but you can’t deny that he was probably right. Still, you scoff out a small laugh and cross your arms over your chest.
“I think they’re just teacher’s pets,” you try to brush off his praise.
Maverick only shoves his hands in his pockets with a fond smile and shrugs.
“I’m just saying, they treat you like one of their own for a reason,” his face turns more serious then, and he drops his chin slightly. “But I understand if having them around all the time brings up some difficult feelings. Just say the word and…” he trails off again, just as someone calls for him out in the corridor.
You shake your head definitively then and smile softly, but genuinely. You were thankful that he’d even thought about that angle at all. To be honest, you were thankful in general for the oddball friendship the two of you had struck up while working together.
“Really, Mav, it’s fine. They won’t be able to sit around here forever, so it’s nice to have them back for as long as I can,” you pick up your pen again, and spin it mindlessly in your fingers. Neither of you point out that you didn’t even know half of the detachment before they’d been recalled to Miramar for their most recent assignment. You couldn’t really describe it as ‘having them back’, but you know he gets what you mean.
Maverick watches you closely for several more seconds, his eyes dropping to your spinning pen, then back to your face.
“Do me a favour while you’re up there, Cap?” you ask, leaning forward on your desk. Mav straightens up some and cocks his head.
“Shoot down everyone who argued for Kong,” you tease with a grin, and receive a laugh and a lazy salute in reply before you’re left completely alone once more.
You brush the memory aside, another train of thought crossing your mind.
You flick your eyes to Hangman’s neatly pressed tan uniform, and then to your watch for the time. Doing your best to sound nonchalant, you clear your throat, but don’t look away from your work.
“What are you guys still doing here?” you ask, referring to the late afternoon time, and the fact they’d clearly already run simulations this morning. Their duties for the day would have been finished at least an hour ago, giving them time to shower and change into their khakis.
“We’re headed to the Hard Deck after clock-off,” Coyote says, picking up an abandoned stress ball left behind on one of the desks and tosses it across the room where Phoenix easily catches it with one hand, before quickly offloading it to Rooster, who pitches it to Payback.
“You should’ve already clocked off by my count,” you say quietly, trying to sound more than only half-focused on your work.
“You’ve still got an hour,” Rooster tells you unnecessarily. You were aware now of what they were waiting for, and despite yourself, your heart grows warm.
“You know I can always just meet you there,” you say after clearing your throat once more.
“And give you the chance to skip out on shots again, Teddy Bear?” Hangman cuts in, somehow managing the feat of smirking and pouting at the same time.
“You know I don’t drink, right?” you cock your head at him with a squint, but he only shrugs.
For a moment your eyes linger on his mouth as he flicks a toothpick between his lips and tongue, having produced it from somewhere when you weren’t looking. When you lift your gaze again, he lets you know he’d spotted your shift in focus with a taunting lift of his brows, his smirk growing to near Cheshire proportions. You can only shake your head good-naturedly at his antics.
“Well, we figured we’d all just head on over together when you got done,” Coyote says, drawing your attention. You open your mouth to protest once more, not wanting them to feel obligated to stick around just for you, but you’re cut off by Phoenix.
“You get to dunk on any greens today?” she asks, a smile playing on her lips. Her question successfully distracts you and you drag your eyes away from Coyote with a matching smile and a scoff.
“There’s always one or two in a new class,” you roll your eyes.
“Do they not get that you have a pretty big say in whether or not they get their certification?” Phoenix asks rhetorically. You just shrug and absently start spinning your pen between your fingers.
“Well, if they don’t, they learn quickly or they learn the hard way,” you reply. It wasn’t in your nature to grandstand or call people out, especially in front of their peers, but you also weren’t going to allow some snot-nosed pilot to walk all over you. They tended to straighten up and shut their mouths once Warlock or Cyclone himself had a word or two with them.
The conversation easily flows on after that, and you occupy the rest of your afternoon finishing up a few tasks you needed to get done for Monday, chipping in with a comment here or there.
Your F-22 somehow finds its way back into Hangman’s clutches while you’re distracted, but this time there’s an almost child-like curiosity to him as he inspects the model exhaustively, and you find that you don’t have the heart to take it off him again.
When five o’clock ticks around at last, you pack up your desk and note with fond amusement that your model is promptly returned to the exact position you liked. Once you’ve grabbed your coat and bag, you allow yourself to be whisked away.
It never seemed to matter what day of the week it was, the Hard Deck was consistently busy. You suppose it helps to have the Naval base so close by, which was like having built-in regulars, as well as a stream of constant new faces.
You can still remember vividly the first time you stepped foot inside the bar, almost eight years ago now, still fresh-faced, a little wet behind the ears, and filled with the sort of energy only a twenty-two-year-old hot-shot Naval Aviator can possess. Back then you hadn’t really spent all that much time off North Island, but ever since Dagger squad had been around, you’d found yourself happy to be regularly crammed into one of the many small booths.
The sound of pool balls bouncing off one another cracks sharply and draws you back into the present. You throw a cursory glance toward the ongoing pool game, your lip quirking at the intensely competitive expressions on everyone’s faces. At this point in the night, they were all taking the game seriously still, but you know that later it would descend into thinly veiled duels over who could sink the coolest trick shot– or more entertainingly– making up some weird ‘dogfight’ version of the rules that would have generally have onlookers baffled.
Bob steps into sight then, briefly blocking your view of the game as he places two sodas down on the table between you, before somehow folding his not insignificant height into the booth opposite you. You watch fondly as he ducks forward to sweep back some hair that had uncharacteristically fallen into his eyes, looking almost like someone had ruffled it.
“Thanks!” you pull your drink towards you and take a sip, relishing in the ice-cold fizz that almost burns on its way down your throat.
“Penny said they’re on her,” he tells you, his mussed-up hair making sense now. You turn quickly to find Penny in her usual spot behind the bar, and even as she busily works to serve orders, you catch her eye, and send her a thankful wave. You hadn’t fully figured out why Penny never seemed to charge you or Bob for your drinks, but you were grateful regardless.
“So… opinions on the Spitfire and the Mustang?” you ask, watching the way Bob’s eyes light up behind his oversized glasses.
“The fuel capabilities and combat range of the Mustang outclass Spitfires by a mile,” Bob tells you, leaning forward and clasping his hands together on the table in front of him.
“But I’d be lying if I said that the Spitfire wasn’t my favourite,” he tells you almost giddily, and his smile is contagious.
“I mean, it just looks so cool!” you exclaim in agreement, glad that you were on the same page. Bob’s nose scrunches sweetly as he takes a drink from his glass, nodding all the while.
“I’m going to work on the Mk 24 this weekend,” you tell him a moment later. “The curator at the museum of Naval Aviation is letting me backstage this weekend, so I can take some reference photos of the paintjob,” you had to admit you were rather excited about the whole thing, but even still, you speak somewhat quietly, making sure you won’t be overheard.
It was silly, and you don’t really know where it comes from, but you felt shy about your weekend pass time. Maybe it was because it felt like the hobby of an elderly man, but regardless, you’d found a friend in Bob, who had expressed his fondness for miniature model building upon spying the F-22 Raptor you kept on your desk.
Phoenix had blinked between the two of you that first lunchtime they’d spent in your office, as you’d both discussed at length the model series you liked most, as well as preferred painting techniques. Bob didn’t actively build anything himself; he was too convinced he’d become completely obsessed, and in his own words he ‘didn’t need any more obstacles to getting a date’, but he’d let himself get invested in the online community back during his first deployment.
You’re about to ask if he (and likely by extension, Phoenix) would like to come along with you, but a nearby conversation makes you pause.
“Richter told me it’s cause she waited too long to pull her chute, wasn’t enough time for a clear landing,” a male voice says.
“If she was so good, how’d she mess that up?” another voice asks, scoffing back their disbelief.
“Apparently she refused to eject without WSO, but he got knocked out on first impact,” a third voice fills in, sounding far less derisive.
“I heard that she was lucky she even survived long enough for the medics to find them,” the first voice first voice returns, sounding somewhat awed.
“Guess it’s kind of fortunate she saved her WSO then, huh?” the second voice replies.
“’Fortunate’?! You’re joking, right? Kodiak has to be the unluckiest pilot the Navy has ever had!” the third speaker exclaims, a little louder this time, mirth filling his voice now.
“She got shot down right outta TOPGUN, pulled her chute so late she hit the ground hard enough to puncture both her lungs, and then she contracts some infection or whatever the hell else, wrecking her lungs to the point she’s now got goddamn lung disease!” A pause follows his frantic sounding rant, followed by the sound of an emptied beer bottle being fisted down.
“Honestly, I think I’d just have preferred to die in the crash,” the second person says, his tablemates voicing their quick agreement.
You blink at the frank coldness of the statement, and even though you try, you can’t stop yourself from taking a quick look over your shoulder in the direction of where the voices were coming from. You spy a table with three of your current students, which quickly makes you flick your head back around again before they see you.
Their discussion of your accident doesn’t bother you; you’d come to expect it these days. Whenever a new class came through it was all but inevitable that they would gossip to each other about their civilian instructor, more specifically about your unique situation. You couldn’t blame them really; it wasn’t as though they were wrong about you being incredibly unlucky. Frankly, your fragile health condition felt like an utterly sarcastic response from the universe for having the nerve to be young, driven, and extremely promising in your chosen career. Like the outcome of some Wishmaster bargain.
Back when you’d still been able to fly, you had gotten familiar with being the best. You were a damn good pilot, and it was clear to everyone around you from the moment you got in a cockpit. You never let it go to your head though, after all, it wasn’t just pure natural talent. You had worked incredibly hard to make sure you were outdoing yourself every time you got in the air, to make sure that you were constantly punching up, challenging yourself.
You certainly weren’t the youngest pilot to be invited to go to Miramar to get your TOPGUN certification, not by a long shot, but you were the youngest in over thirty years to graduate top of the class.
Putting yourself in your students’ shoes, knowing all of that, coupled with the fact that you would never again be able to fly… Well, it added up to be a perfect kind of tragedy, really. It was a cautionary tale to some, a dramatic fable to others.
As far as you were concerned, you’d made your peace with your conditions a long time ago. There was no point in dwelling on something you had no control over and couldn’t change. You chose instead to focus on what you could have control over, so you took all your potential, all of that raw talent, and channelled it down a new path.
At the end of the day, you were alive, relatively unharmed, and able to work in a field you adored. You couldn’t complain about that.
“Do you… do you want me to say something?” Bob’s voice cuts through your reverie, and you find yourself blinking back at him with wide, puzzled eyes.
“What?” you ask dopily, unsure of what exactly he meant. Your confusion is cleared up a moment later however, when he dips his chin toward the table of your students, his eyes flickering nervously between you and them. Clearly, he had overheard the conversation too.
Your face softens at that, and you shake your head gently.
“No, it’s alright. They aren’t doing anything wrong,” you wave him off, but deep down, you feel touched that Bob, who seemed to despise any kind of one-on-one confrontation, was willing to step in on your behalf. You see him purse his lips uncertainly.
“What happened to me isn’t exactly usual,” you remind him, trying to sound light and airy. “There’s always some talk surrounding it when I get a new class. They’ll get it out of their systems and move on soon enough,” you assure him, and you mean it, however it takes several more seconds of your companion studying your features before his face and posture relax, and he gives you an almost nervous little nod.
You take a sip of your drink and look away to check the current status of the ongoing pool game. A glance tells you that predictably Hangman was in the lead, but not because of the number of balls he’d sunk, but more due to his peacock-like display from the sidelines. You watch as he turns and cocks his head at Phoenix, saying something clearly taunting, his signature infuriating smirk pulled across his features.
You struggle to keep a straight face when behind Hangman’s back, Payback reaches into the nearest basket and retrieves one of the insufferable blonde’s balls and places it back on the table. You make eye contact as he steps innocently away, and you share a look of sworn secrecy. You wonder briefly how long this has been going on for already, but more than that, you wonder how long it’ll take before Hangman notices.
“How’d you save your WSO?” Bob’s question makes you snap your gaze sharply back to his, and you realise he hadn’t looked away from you yet. You stutter for a moment, before blinking away your surprise.
“I… I released the yoke and shook him awake…” you mutter. Sure, you weren’t bothered when others spoke about your accident, but you never discussed it yourself. Bob considers your words carefully, before he lifts his chin slightly, his eyes flickering between yours.
“That’s why your altitude was so low when you ejected,” it isn’t a question, it’s a missing piece of the puzzle, to him at least, and for the first time in your (admittedly short) friendship, you find yourself forced to look away.
In your efforts to look anywhere but at Bob, you accidentally make eye contact with Hangman. He’s bent over the pool table, facing directly towards you, and with no small amount of amusement behind his look, he holds your gaze and blindly takes his shot, expertly sinking the ball without even looking.
You can picture him performing the trick to impress one of the many women that often fawn over him at the Hard Deck, how the display alone would get them hook, line, and sinker.
You, on the other hand, find yourself practically staring through him as you try to banish all further thoughts of your accident from your mind. Unfortunately, your expression mustn’t be as blank as you’d thought it was, because as Hangman straightens once more to his full height, his eyebrows crease together, and his gaze abruptly flickers down, quickly taking note of how stiff and uncomfortable you are.
When he meets your eyes again, his frown has only deepened, and you watch dumbly as he cocks his head questioningly. It occurs to you then, that you don’t think you’ve ever seen him tip his head like that without a hefty helping of mockery to go alongside it. Concern isn’t exactly an emotion you’re used to from Hangman, and you aren’t really sure of how to process it properly. Instead, you tear your eyes away from him entirely, and face Bob again.
You suddenly can’t remember why this conversation had felt so daunting a moment ago.
“Hey, can we talk about something else?” you ask lightly, thankful when your booth buddy nods happily, looking up as you’re joined by Halo, who deposits a bowl of chips on the table, before squeezing in next to Bob.
You ignore looking in Hangman’s direction for the next hour or so. Normally you had all the patience in the world for Hangman’s button pushing, but right now you’re not sure you can muster up the energy to take any of it.
To be honest you found him amusing, though you were well aware that you’d never been on the receiving end of his more overtly malicious jabs, which he seemed to make less of these days anyway. Unlike most of the people around you, especially aviators, Hangman didn’t treat you as though you would break with the lightest of touches. His blatantly flippant and laissez-faire approach to your generally sensitive circumstances was more than welcome.
Still, even you had bad days, and after your questioning earlier, you didn’t really feel like joking right now. If he was really concerned, he could ask you about it later, but you’re almost certain he’ll have forgotten by tomorrow morning.
Just like a reflection of the Hard Deck itself, as the night wanes on, your already cramped booth steadily fills up with aviators. The scarred wooden table at the centre is scattered with empty glasses and beer bottles, and the bowl of fries Halo had brought over earlier was long devoured. The pool game had ended some time ago, the polished edges of the table now being used as extra seating, which you know Penny would hate.
You’d found it thankfully easy to put aside the heaviest aspects of your earlier tailspin, checking into the rowdy conversation happily. A few of the younger pilots, not your students, had approached the table earlier, and after they’d left again, to fill another round most likely, you’d found yourself bashfully rolling your eyes and shaking your head as the squad had heckled you over the mooning of the younger men.
It had to be nearing midnight when you at last extract yourself from the sticky seating. The air had become hot and heady now, not just within the space of your booth, but throughout the bar as a whole. It wasn’t too bad, but it did feel thick in your lungs, and you knew it could quickly grow into a large problem for you, may as well refresh yourself now.
Stepping through the door to the empty back deck of the venue, you’re amazed at how much noise the simple wood and glass doors can muffle. The night was dark, but in front of you somewhere, you can hear the lapping of the waves, and you step out closer to the railing, breathing in deeply the sea salt air.
You’re a little ashamed to say you jump at the sound of the back door opening again, the roar inside drowning out the ocean for a few seconds, and you turn back to see Hangman gently closing the door behind him.
He wears an easy expression as his eyes fall on you, and you look away to lean back against the railings as he approaches.
“Everything alright?” The lightness in his voice is easily discernible as put on, but frankly, you’re too surprised by the question to figure out why.
“Huh?” you blink up at him with a frown as he comes to lean against the rail besides you, his back toward the ocean and his arms crossed over his chest. The pose, and his proximity make him seem even larger.
“Earlier, you, uh, you looked all…” he doesn’t finish his sentence, and you note that he also doesn’t mockingly demonstrate however he thought you’d looked. You straight up a little, your frown smoothing out.
“Oh, everything is fine. Bob just… he just asked me something about my crash,” you only decide halfway through your sentence to tell him the truth, and you can tell by the ensuing pause, and the way he flicks his eyes carefully over your face that he hadn’t really been expecting you to tell him.
As if he realises his surprise has been visible, he clears his throat and looks away from you, back toward the doors.
“Huh. Wouldn’ta thought Bobby-Boy had it in him,” he says shifting his stance slightly, still not looking back at you. You can practically hear him thinking.
“Hm, you clearly don’t know him very well,” you say wryly, your smile only growing when his face whips back to yours, an almost mortified look of alarm painted over his features.
“Oh Jesus, Jake, not like that,” you reach out and shove his arm roughly, giving a scoff at his stupid man-brain.
Predictably, your shove doesn’t do too much to dislodge him, but you can at least enjoy the feeling of his hard muscle under your hand for a moment. His alarm is replaced with a derisive sort of disgust, but you can tell it's playful more than anything else.
“Good,” he says flatly, and this time doesn’t look away from you, resuming his regular routine of using his stare as some kind of powerplay. You shake your head even as you glance back to squint out at the ocean, your smile still pulling at your lips involuntarily.
“You’re so insecure,” you tease him, earning a scoff.
“Excuse me?!”
You can see his chest puffing out of the corner of your gaze.
“I take my attention off of you for one second and you’re going nutter-butter and getting all pouty about it,” you chortle, glancing briefly back up at him. Even in the dim outdoor lighting you can see the light pink wash that has coloured his ears.
He’s seemingly only able to glower down at you in response, clearly unimpressed at just how aware you were that you had him wrapped around your finger. He scoffs again, looking away, but doesn’t speak, and your grin widens.
You liked him when he was like this. You liked him all the time, but especially when he gave up on trying to get the upper hand in the conversation, and just let things be. When he was a little less Hangman and a little more Jake. It strikes you, however, that he doesn’t even attempt to argue back, the silence stretching on between you saying more than enough.
You look away and nudge him once more, using your whole shoulder this time, which seems to take him off guard, and he sways lightly at your touch.
“Besides, I only have eyes for one aviator,” you say lightly. Hangman’s shoulders square, and his lips begin to form a familiar Cheshire grin as straightens up to his full height, looking down at you almost haughtily.
“Damn straight,”
“I was talking about Rooster,” you tease, and you’re glad the playfulness has returned, his hand covering his heart as his face twists in faux pain.
“You’re cruel, you know that darlin’?”
You let out a laugh as Hangman stares down at you, the fond look in his eyes only turning sharp and annoyed when the back door opens again, and you both look up to spy an unfamiliar man stepping out of the bar.
He seems oblivious to the moment he’s interrupted, sending you both a quick nod before he moves to stand a couple of metres away from you at the railing, his hands fiddling with something. You watch as he tucks a cigarette between his lips, and lifts his lighter to the ends, cupping his free hand around the flame so the cool breeze won’t blow it out.
Before you get a chance to say anything, besides you your companion has stiffened, straightening to his full height once again and stepping away from the rail.
“You can’t smoke here,” he says loudly, catching the guy’s attention as he blows out his first puff, and shoves his lighter away. He looks around at the decking, before his eyes land back on Hangman.
“I don’t see a sign,” he says evenly.
Hangman has stepped around you completely now, almost blocking your view of the other man, who you must note, wouldn’t stand a chance against the aviator if he decided to get physical.
“Listen buddy, my friend’s got a pretty sensitive lung problem, if she breathes in any of that, she’ll get real sick, so I’m asking if you can go stand somewhere else?”
You’re surprised by his words, and despite the patient sound of them, his tone is nowhere near as restrained. You gently reach out for the arm that he’d used to gesture back at you, even as the other man blows out another smokey breath.
“Jake, it’s fine, we can go,” you say, a pit building in your stomach when he doesn’t even look back down at you, the muscle of his jaw beginning to tick.
“Yeah. You can go,” the other man smirks, and somehow, it’s even more infuriating and smug than any of Hangman’s has ever been.
Your grip on your friend’s arm tightens too late as he pulls away from you, reaching the other man in only two strides as you call out for him to stop. Ignoring you, Hangman rips the cigarette from the other man’s mouth and tosses it into the sand, where it blows out.
“Jake!” you shout, a little louder as he gets in the other guy’s face, and you realise your voice is echoed by another.
Phoenix stands in the open doorway, and behind her you can see Coyote by the booth, throwing a curious glance your way. You shake your head at him, just as Phoenix repeats her stern call. Hangman snaps out of it, and steps back from the man. By the time he’s turned back to you, his face reads nothing of the anger he’d just displayed.
“Come on, it’s getting cold, anyway,” he says flippantly. You’re only able to frown at him, but he seems to ignore it, carefully pushing past Phoenix who still stands in the doorway, fixing Jake with a firm look he subsequently brushes off.
“Guy was an asshole,” he mutters by way of explanation. She moves aside for you to follow, and you can only give her a shrug in response to the eyebrow she raises at you.
You find yourself following Jake as he leads you back towards the bar, instead of the booth, and when your senses finally come back to you, you smack his arm sharply.
“You didn’t need to do that! The last thing you need is to get cited for fighting. They’d ground you!” you scold, even as he guides you into one of the stools.
“Nah, you love it, s’why you keep me around,” he rebuffs, flagging down a bartender and relaying your drinks order. You frown at him again as he leans casually against the wooden surface and looks down at you.
“No… I keep you around because you’re my friend,” you tell him, still annoyed, though it lessens when his smirk morphs into something more like surprise.
Your drinks are pushed toward you with nary another word, and Jake taps his card without even breaking your eye contact.
“How’d you even know I can get sick from smoke?” you change the subject quickly, but his face only turns even more bashful, and he looks down at his beer and shrugs.
“Mav told us,” he says, making you blanch.
“He what?” you demand, almost angry for a moment. You didn’t like being treated like glass, you didn’t like when people worried over you unnecessarily–
“He just said we should always wash up before going to your office, the jet fumes were enough to irritate your lungs.”
Your anger subsides, and you feel a little foolish. Of course, Mav hadn’t told them out of pity. He was right, the harsh fumes lingering on their flight suits could be enough to make your respiratory system inflamed. You’d learnt the hard way after you’d started teaching.
“Just figured if traces on us were enough to make you sick, then second-hand smoke definitely would,” Jake follows up, cutting his eyes back towards you, and you can’t help but smile softly. You lean forwards, chin resting in your palm, making him cock his head down at you.
“For someone who takes pride in pissing off his friends, you really do care a lot, don’t you?” Your question makes him bluster, and he tries his best to look nonchalant and annoyed, but his quirking lips give him away.
He leans in toward you too, close enough that you almost pull back, but you steal yourself instead as he gets a hold of his face, and fixes you with an infuriating, yet fond smirk.
“Only for you, Teddy Bear.”
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
Thinking like Enid is making my brain hurt.
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I mean...I love her and all, but holy Hell, she is...that girl we all knew in high school who tried too hard. 🫠💀🔥✨
I was originally going to keep it to Enid and Yoko after Enid switched rooms, but Divina is in the scene now too. Mean Girls gotta be slightly mean. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Poor Enid 😅
ETA: I don't know why I was unaware that Murray had a name, but I wasn't (LOL). I'm a little slow. 😭😭😭😭💀 But I know for sure that Kent and Divina don't have a last name, but in this story they have a last name and a mother. Their father is dead.
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shimshamshimsham · 8 months
Welcome to my blog ! why are you here .
Important info ! !
-i am a minor
-i use she/it pronouns
-i am aro/acespec, bi and trans
Here's some tags ifu wanna see my original stuff:
#yt - promotion for my youtube stuff
#my art - take a wild guess
#text post - stuff that's purely text
#comic - personal comics I've made, tho there might be some reblogs in there idk
#afterburn - my original comic ! ! I plan to make an actual story thing someday , but fn these are just small snippets of me messing around .
Stuff I reblog ! ! ! :
-things I find funny
-queer whatevrs (trans stuff , ace stuff , other)
-fandom stuff ( eg . undertale/deltarune , homestuck , amphibia , and various other stuffs . )
-important shits (Palestine , occasional us politics , and serious transgender stuff )
my links ! ! :
yt :
bandcamp :
Thanks for reading ! ! ! enjoy my blog . or else .
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cullthedeer · 8 months
Archive warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Luke Hughes & Quinn Hughes. Alternate Universe, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Aftermath of Violence, Complicated Relationships, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat --- more warnings in link.
800 words.
Here's a kind of love only feral things understand: Quinn makes Luke crawl to him in the dark.
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seresinhangmanjake · 9 months
Fic Rec Masterlist
As requested, here is the list of all the fics recommended for my road trip :) Thank you to everyone who sent them in!
*if I missed any, let me know*
Many of these are 18+ and please read any warnings
Jake "Hangman" Seresin:
Damn Those Dog tags - @horseshoegirl (series)
Don't Hang'em Til Noon - @sailor-aviator (series)
If You Please - @the-authoress-writes (one-shot)
This is Only Temporary - @lenafromthenordiccoven (mini-series)
The Backup - @ereardon (series; in progress)
Snowed In - @ereardon (mini-series)
Sleepy Baby - @discount-shades (series)
Contract Spouse - @discount-shades (series)
Dead or Alive - @discount-shades (series)
Fuck: The Universe - @roosterbruiser (series)
Snitches Get Stitches - @goldenseresinretriever (series)
Oh, Deer - @wkndwlff (one-shot)
She Blinded Me with Science - @wkndwlff (one-shot)
Pulled Strings - @missathlete31 (one-shot)
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw:
it's a slow build, baby, until afterburn - @callsign-madusa (series)
Terms of Endearment - @ohtobeleah (series)
The Actress and The Aviator - @greenorangevioletgrass (series)
That Summer - @ereardon (series)
Golden Hour - @ereardon (series; also with Bob; in progress)
Cruel Summer - @roosterbruiser (series; with Jake)
Cardinal Rule - @mamachasesmayhem (series; in progress)
Heavy is the Head - @mamachasesmayhem (series; in progress)
Honeyverse - @mamachasesmayhem (series)
Je te Laisserai Des Mots - @jupitercomet (series)
How You Play the Game - @roosterforme (series)
The Boyfriend Experience - @notroosterbradshaw (series)
Sunday Scaries - @wkndwlff (one-shot)
Bottoms Up - @wkndwlff (one-shot)
Wingmen - TheDarkSeaofSecrets
My Brother's Best Friend - Lyndun407
The Mission - Lyndun407
Recommended Masterlists:
Masterlist - @roosterforme
Masterlist - @wkndwlff
Masterlist - @bobfloydsbabe
Masterlist - @demxters
Masterlist - @hangmanssunnies
Masterlist - @top-hhun
Masterlist - @callsign-phoenix
Masterlist - @kryptonitejelly
Masterlist - @callsigndragon
Masterlist - @jupitercomet
Masterlist - @beyondthesefourwalls
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Multiple Characters x Reader...
main masterlist📌
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*·˚Don’t forget to reblog, follow, like, and comment on the authors’ or artists’ pages. Show them some love!
*·˚Broken link or @? Pop a note in the comments or my ask box.
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Works by @miniwheat77
Sizes. 141+Alejandro x Reader: Who has the biggest dick?
By Nature, She’s Naughty: Y/n was a wild one
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Works by @mistydeyes
Hunk-o-mania Pt.1: The boys thought wrong, now they’re performing
Playboy Bunny Pheonix Edition Pt.2: The boys are very pleased with the solution
Opposite Occupations Pt.1: They realize that all the long hours are worth it
Take A Walk In My Shoes Pt.2: A day in your life
Almost Military Wives GC Pt.3: What goes on when the boys are deployed
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Works by @sprout-fics
Afterburn: Just 6 dudes taking care of their girl
Poly 141 x Reader: It takes weeks, month for you all to put the place in order, and by the end of it all, you’re exhausted
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Works by @loveindefinitely
Need To Listen To Me: that was a flaw. A genuine character fault, and Price was cementing that fact in this very room
Lust for Life: You’re suddenly all too desperate to get back at your father and experiment a thing or two
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Works by @the-californicationist
They Help You Practice: You smiled to yourself, eager to push more of their buttons. 
The Window, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7:
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Works by @charliemwrites
From SpecGru With Love
Men at Work
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141 + König First Word Reactions by @starstruckmiraclekitty: Reactions to their babies’ first words
Be Gentle Man Pt.1 and Be Gentle Man Pt.2 by @rileyslibrary: Etiquette training
Breeding Team by @sirenmoth: AU where reader is an omega who took suppressants
Strip Poker Pt.1 by @catsnkooks: Soap’s CO brought out some cards
Cachorrita Pt.1 and Cachorrita Pt.2 Los Vaqueros x Reader by @lxstfathier: Caught in the middle of narco violence, you are taken in
Four Big Guys by @antigonusyuki: And oh, all the blood rushes to John’s cock
Civillian Asset by @cuckoo-on-a-string: There’s blood under your nails and a threat to your life
Price’s wife = the wife of 141 by @ghosts-cyphera: and you managed. of course you managed. you were price’s good little wife
Sparrow by @diejager: Their tense shoulders slouched, finally knowing where you went
Mafia!141 by @groguspicklejar:
With Them, Who Swallowed a Star by @vellichor-of-the-solivagant: Now, he made music out of you
Home is Where You Are by @1-ker0sene-1: "Taking good care of our boys John…You always do…Making sure you all come home to me again”
Cook!reader x 141 and The Assistant by @bookbrokelibrarian:
Lift Me Off My Feet by @lovifie:
Cherry Bomb by @swordsandholly
FFS Riley Collection by @dozeydaisy
Dad!141 x Mama!Reader by @baduzzxy
Mafia!141 AU, Ext. by @ghouljams
Suite 141 by @mangowafflesss
Contractors!141 by @kyletogaz
Nosy Neighbours by @tojisun
Down the Hatch by @syoddeye
Frozen Hearts Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5, Pt.6, Pt.7 by @lushrve
Can’t Stop Thinking About Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Pt.8, Pt.9, Pt.10 by @a-b-riddle
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
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sugaredrhubarb · 11 months
Reading with Ru: Aug/Sept Fic Recs
I know I'm certainly in need of some positivity and escapism lately, so I'm gonna try to do semi-regular fic and book recs! Starting with a retroactive what I've been reading from the past couple of months with this account! (I might go back in time and make an all-time rec list later)
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starting with cod because i know most of you go here
Sergeant Squeaks by @charliemwrites - (series of one-shots ghost x reader and price x reader separately) both one of my favourite reader characters and my favourite canon setting depictions of Ghost and Price. their own weird brands of showing love are wonderful; the tension leading to getting together is fantastic, and the sex is super enjoyable.
Ghost Stories by @kneelingshadowsalome - (ghost x medic!reader) I'm repeating myself, but I love Salome's writing. This is where I was first introduced to it, and I think it's really special. Ghost POV as he struggles with developing and then accepting love. felt so real and grounded. angsty and then fluffy, and you can't help but adore the reader as well.
saltwater by @ceilidho - (ghost x reader) It's pretty unlikely any of you don't know Ceil, but on the off chance you haven't given this one a read yet, it really is a must. I lump praise on her pretty regularly, but I don't know anyone who is able to portray their character's emotions as intimately as Ceil. her ghost feels really grounded in all his complexity. there is a common theme in these recs of really enjoyable reader characters, and this is not an exception; the reader feels like a full but still ambiguous character who is vulnerable and strong and really great.
don't leave me locked in your heart by @ohbo-ohno - (ghoap x reader dark!) we all know bo, we all love bo. I always love the way she depicts ghost and soap's dynamic changing and evolving to include the reader. the descent into dark territory in this is really really fun. It's also just hot and well-written! if you haven't read it before, go read it, and then go read all of bo's drabbles and asks on here. genuinely one of my favourite dark but still fun writers. I think she balances it really well.
body electric by @yeyinde and Afterburn by @sprout-fics - (141 + Los Vaqueros x reader) a classic. I've returned to these so many times. sometimes you just want to read dirty, filthy, well done, smut and then warm cozy aftercare. not to wax poetic about pure sex (except that's exactly what one should do), but I think it can be really hard to write group sex like this and still have such insightful and individual glimpses into each character and dynamic, and Lev does it wonderfully. and then it's also hard to find good aftercare fic, and Sprout's feels like literal aftercare for both the reader character and the reader.
other fandoms
tried to curate to themes i think overlap in some of the cod works! and I think most of these can be read fandom blind.
i revisited @winterrose527's fic in August, and even though she already knows how much I love her work, I won't skip a chance to repeat it. Anna writes for asoiaf and is pretty much the queen of Robb Stark/Myrcella Baratheon, but I would say the modern AUs (my favs) can be read almost completely fandom blind. Any contemporary romance enjoyer would love her work. I'm really partial to her kid/single-parent fics. I think it's so hard to get right, and I always adore reading her kid characters and how she approaches love stories when kids are involved. anna's works are always brimming with love and incredible platonic, familiar, parent-child, and romantic relationships (if kid fic isn't your thing she also has a ton of other great fics). personal favs: We Could Be a Little Something, And There They Are, All the Same
Lawless by @goldcranes - (arthur morgan x ofc) age difference, cowboy love story, essentially a romance novel. if goldcranes has no fans, I'm dead. I encourage you to explore her work; very few people write as strongly across multiple fandoms as she does, and each of her works feels like a really strong love story with special characters.
The Odyssey by @sunlightmurdock - (bradley bradshaw x reader) 1980's roman literature prof x virgin student - no need to know top gun. katie's work is another entry in the 'feels like it stands really strongly separately from the source material' category. she has multiple ongoing AU's that I really love, but this one is a favourite. i think she does complex characters really well - their actions always feel intentional, and as flawed as they are, I always love them.
Wouldn't it be Nice by allyoops - (m/f captive A/B/O) if you aren't reading original works smut on ao3 you are missing out and allyoops is a great place to start for noncon, dubcon, age gap, taboo etc. enjoyers. they have a ton of works; usually one shots with lots of really delicious dynamics and different settings and tropes.
An Intoxicating Presence by FormerlyIR - (mob a/b/o haladriel) MOB. A/B/O. HALADRIEL. picks up with Halbrand in prison thanks to undercover FBI agent (and his mate!) Galadriel. does that sound crazy and awesome? well it is. mix it with Gal's internal struggle, the added complication of omegaverse, and overall great writing. really fun and really damn good.
civitas terrena by banalityofweevil - (darklina) angel Alina on an exploration of love in immortality with fallen angel Aleks. honestly, it's just a must-read for enjoyers of writing. incredibly creative with divine (literally and figuratively) imagery. i think one of my comments was on the precision of lulu's diction and I really stand by that.
tinsel into gold by ribbonedhare - (darklina) ddlg and cnc friends, this changed me. it is so warm and soft and my god, is it good. just scrumptious.
Be My Babydoll by KittyDruthers - (darklina) ddlg dollification need I say more
check the reading with ru tag for more!
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atelierlili · 5 months
It's time take you back to the past
to play the shitty games that suck ass.
Some besties wanted a list of Everlark fics recs where Katniss and/or Peeta are blasted to the past/alternate universe to relive the events of the games to fix it, so here we are!
Time Is Never Found Again...Or Is It? (113,000 + words) by blahblahblah1703
Katniss, after talking to Snow in his rose garden, finds herself somehow back in her childhood home. She has seven months until she enters the arena for the 74th annual Hunger Games, along with the love of her life, who when she last saw him, was still struggling not to kill her, just perfect.
The pre-game everlark that happens here is 🤌. This is part one of a larger series. The sequel (which is wonderful as well) can be found here. This is the series that got me into this rabbit hole.
Afterburn ( 104,000+ words) by BlueMaple
Katniss Everdeen-Mellark goes to the woods surrounding New Appalachia, a.k.a the former District Twelve, on the morning of the fiftieth anniversary of the final Reaping of the Hunger Games. There, she is literally waylaid by her own past, and wakes in the past, six weeks before Primrose was first Reaped. Alone, grieving, terrified, and without a clue on how she got there (and then), she realizes that it will be impossible for her- on every level- to simply live through events as they transpired in her personal future. With no way to return her to that future, she is nevertheless determined to get back to her own party - hopefully with a lot less damage and fewer crucial casualties along the way.
This is apart of the All Sorrows Less series, which is still being updated. It's filled with wonderful side characters, mindblowing twists, a baby I will kill people for and GILF Katniss, what more can I say?
Second Burn ( 127,000+ words) by carnationhes
Katniss wonders if things could be different if she got a second chance. And then she gets one. This morning she wakes up back in District 12 after Peeta's warning of the bombing on Thirteen.
Have you read Second burn? Why haven't you read it yet? You should read it. It's amazing. Literally makes my brain chemistry tingle. I think this is most accurate depiction of a Katniss being blasted to the past with no meta explanation why. It's sooo soo soo good. I'm on my knees please read it and please read the sequel Ignite as well. This series is so underated please.
over and over (lost again) (13,000+ words) by TeaBrigadier
I died in the Hunger Games. It isn’t even the first time it’s happened. I’ve died in the Hunger Games five times now
This is a very self contained time loop where Katniss continuously relieves the first games until she gets it right. I know it doesn't really fit the theme, but this one makes my feel happy feelings and i wanted to recommend something that's isn't so long so I'm adding it anyway. Deathloops are fun!
Catching sparks (19k words) (Last update 26 Feb 2024) by Silver_Cleo
The time when 23 year old Katniss and Peeta get transported from their home in what had once been Victor's Village of District 12, and into the bodies of their much younger selves, who have just woken up from exiting the arena of the 74th Hunger Games.
Here Katniss and Peeta get traveled to the past to the point where they just win their games. It's a great WIP. I love Everlark working together and being cute + humanizing the 74th tributes and their family <3
I'm probably missing a few, but these are my favourite ones so far. As much as I love the trope, I know it's a monster to take on from a writing standpoint so props to the writers!
I hope you enjoy them <3 There's nothing I love more than shining a light on amazing fics new and old. If you have recs of your own, please send them my way. I love this trope so much haha
@bbrooklynbabe @nightlocked-in @waywardangel-wilds
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sp00kymulderr · 11 months
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part 3 - Afterburn
series masterlist
Pairing: Joel Miller x afab reader (no pronouns)
Warnings: 18+, cursing, details of grief, survivors guilt, dealing with emotions badly, reader is dealing with death of a loved one, general sadness, kissing, m masturbation, premature ejaculation, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving). Please let me know if I missed any.
Word Count: 5.6k
Summary: “Do you remember what it’s like to be happy?”
A/N: I'm sorry it's taken so long to post. I'm really proud of this one. If you like it please please comment and/or reblog. To follow for fic updates only go to @sp00kyupdates​ or see taglist details on my masterlist. Credit to banner/divider maker.
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Joel is not the same after you return from your short shower. Your packs are waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs as he stands by the door scanning the horizon, an impatient tut leaves him.
“We gotta go, you ready?” He grunts, not even bothering to look at you.
“Joel c’mon…” You respond, your voice a little hoarse.
“Just-” Joel snaps and then sighs, finishing the rest of the sentence in a slightly softer tone “Grab your stuff. Put on your boots”
He shoulders his pack and walks out the door, waiting on the porch. You mutter your frustration. He isn’t being fair and you’re pretty sure he knows it too. You want to understand why this is such a bad thing - the two of you - but he doesn’t seem to want to even acknowledge what happened.
You sit on the sagging couch and look once more around the old house. It’s always difficult to come to these places, but somehow it’s also difficult to leave them. Someone lived here, someone loved here, someone was happy here once – you hope at least. You look around the dusty living room once more and contemplate, as you always do. What has this place seen, what kind of people called it a home? What secrets does it keep?
Those thoughts bring you to your own home too, where you’d been until the outbreak. You’d never gone back but you’d often thought of returning, seeing if anything of your old life still existed. Since you’d lost your last connection to your past.
You shake your head and pull on the new boots lacing them tight, ready to put them to the test at least. Joel is waiting for you outside when you finally make your way to him and he’s already walking, apparently sure of the direction.
You follow in silence for a while. Your feet don’t hurt as bad as before and you’re grateful for that.
“Did you ever go home, Joel?” You ask eventually, hesitant.
“Huh?” he’s only half listening to you, looking around for any signs of imminent threat.
“You ever go back to your old home?”
“No” is all he says.
You leave it at that.
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The last thing Joel wants to think about is home. Home is where his broken heart is. He’d never go back there, he’d pull the memory completely from his head if he could. 
There’s a lot of memories he wishes he didn’t have to have.
And now he has a new one; his head feels so all over the place because of you and your lips, your warmth, the disquieting solace he found in you. He knows he shouldn’t punish you for any of it; for what happened, for how he feels, for how he doesn’t understand his feelings. But he’s already punishing himself for everything else that’s ever happened, so you’ll have to take the brunt of this mistake.
And it was a mistake, he knows that. You don’t want him the way you think you do. He’s sure of it. It’s not about anything more than forgetting for you, for finding some distraction from your pain. He knows it too well. He’s been there. He’s still there in a way but at least after all these years he knows better than to chase that feeling. He has to keep away, help you know better too.
“Keep up” He mutters as he looks back at you, and he knows he sounds harsh but he can’t stop himself.
That deceitful monster in him wants more. He feels it. He won’t give in to it.
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When you were younger you used to run free and happy in the green garden outside your house. You would spend all your time outside, climbing trees, scaling rocks, swimming in the lake by the forest. You had a treehouse in the garden and you'd climb up to it every summer night and watch the world from up there, free and happy and something more.
Alive in more ways than just surviving.
She'd been with you even then, you'd share secrets and tell stories cuddled up in your sleeping bags in the treehouse at night together. You lived for those moments when you and your best friend would live in your own world and everything else was just background noise.
Now you're climbing trees and scaling rocks but not for the same reasons the innocent child of your past would. You have to scope out the land, find a good place to stop. Joel helps boost you up to a branch so you can climb, to check out some noise in the distance of the forest, and when you snag your shirt on a twig you have this pang of gut-wrenching muscle memory of that time she fell from the treehouse and you thought for a moment of blind panic that you'd lost her.
You hate that every single thing reminds you of her. You despise the memories for making you misty eyed and weak. The more Joel ignores you as the time goes on, the worse it gets. The more you remember, the more everything reminds you of your dead best friend and the lives you'd lost to this world of horrors. Your life next, you know. That’s all there is now.
Just you.
And Joel. 
Joel, who was pulling away more and more with every passing second. His hesitant gaze on you lands regretful and forlorn.
Eventually up in the tree you're able to see far enough to know there's a camp of people further down the forest, so when you’re back down Joel decides on a detour that leads you both far in the opposite direction not wanting to take any risks. Your new boots are finally starting to rub after hours and hours of walking - nothing good lasts forever. You wonder if the person they belonged to before you ever got to wear them, if you shared the pain of blisters from the same shoes. If the people in that house used to go hiking in this vast forest every weekend. You wonder if they are dead now too, or just trying desperately to survive. Are they trying to make it back to their home, to find the memories they’d left behind?
You'd go home. You would. If you ever could. It's too far now, too dangerous and too much to ever think you could make it there. Besides, what would you do when you got there? Hope you had anything of yours left? Let yourself drown in the pain of distant memories, of things you knew you’d never get back? But there were things, all these trinkets you wanted to hold to your heart now you have nothing else. Photos; pictures printed and framed or posted on your walls with sticky tack since you were a teenager. Family and friends and pets and all the things you have lost. The things you’d never, ever get back.
The silence consumes you and you think you’d rather wallow in your grief and misery back at the place where you were once happy, instead of being here where your longing and guilt are driving you to insanity with every ticking second. You miss talking, you miss having a friend. She was everything you ever needed in life, she was the only thing that had made you happy in the years since the world ended. You need that, and you know Joel won’t give you any of the things you need. He doesn’t want to know you any more than he has now. You can’t see past his actions back at the house and he can’t see you in any way other than shamefully anymore.
You don’t even know what to say to him now. So you just walk, and ignore the aching and misery consuming you whole.
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It’s a few hours later and your feet are starting to bleed through your socks, because all good things must come to an end in this empty horror of a world. Joel finally decides it’s time to stop and make camp. It’s getting dark after all and there’s the opportunity for cover while you’re still under the protection of the vast forest - you’re nearly at the edge now. 
“This should work” he mutters more to himself than you as he looks over the spot you’ve stopped at.
He briefly glances at you and it’s nothing but it’s more than he’s given you in hours so it makes you feel a little glint of that spark from before again. What if you just kissed him again, the way he let you before? Would he stop you? You know he likely would, but it doesn’t stop you wanting to try.
Like he knows, he’s stepping further from you acting like he’s inspecting the site he’s picked. There’s nothing to inspect - it’s a patch of mossy forest floor with a large rock on one side and what looks like an ancient tree on the other. You watch him momentarily and feel that misery all over. Touch would solve it all. His touch would solve everything just like it did before. The darkness above the trees could hold a secret if he could just give you something, a tiny thing to keep your sadness at bay.
And yet you are both wordless as you set up the small camp; no fire - that would potentially draw attention and the woods are never an entirely safe place to be - just your sleeping bags set up with an arm's length between the two like he’s worried you’ll somehow get the wrong idea if he gives you even the possibility of touching him again.
“Here” He mutters when you’re both sitting down and you almost laugh with the ridiculousness of how hard he’s trying to not even give you his gaze anymore. He hands you some of the jerky that’s been wrapped in his pack for a while. It’s dry and hard.
“We got all that stuff from the house” 
“Gonna split it, when we…” He mutters without finishing his sentence.
When we go our separate ways. That’s what he meant and he doesn’t have to say it. He’s gonna leave you. Leave you completely alone.
“You know where you’re gonna go?” Joel asks and maybe there’s the hint of guilt in his voice but more likely you’re imagining it.
Tears prick hot in your eyes and you try to blink them away. All this time you’d done so well at not letting him see you cry; the tears from your loss and your grief had only once fallen in his sight and now you were feeling them fall down your cheeks right in front of him all because he was finally sending you on your way.
Stupid. You’re so stupid. It was only ever temporary and he’d made it so clear he didn’t want anything from you. He was just doing a sad, lost person a momentary favor but you’d lost sight of that completely after these last couple days. The way he had kissed you…the way you know it would’ve gone further yesterday if there hadn’t been an interruption…but none of it means a thing in the wake of his words.
He’s looking at you now. Of course this would be the moment he finally decides to turn those beautiful eyes back on you - you can feel the weight of his gaze on your face and you want it to be dark and lustful like before but when you look over at him he’s frowning. You sniffle and clear your throat, and finally give him an answer.
“I- I want to go home” You say so sadly and his brow knits in confusion for a moment before he understands.
“You think that’s a good idea?” Joel sounds more judgemental than he probably means to. He’s still watching you, but he never addresses the tears that are silently falling from your sad eyes.
You shake your head and sigh. Chewing on the last of the jerky for a bit and it makes you feel sick. His gaze burns you now, like it’s melting through the cold of him ignoring you all day and scorching at your flesh. Why won’t he stop staring? Why suddenly is he so intent on giving you all this attention? Does he just pity you that much?
He’s still eating slowly when you lie down on your sleeping bag, staring up at the trees and the night sky just above them. You’d spent nights like this watching the stars before - your heart pangs at the memory and you feel bile rise up in your throat for a moment before you screw your eyes shut tight enough to see the dance of colourful light behind your lids.
“Do you remember what it’s like to be happy?” Your voice is a whisper, it shakes as you shove that memory back down.
You open your eyes and turn your head in time to see Joel's sudden pained look and the shake of his head. You can feel the misery around him like it’s an aura. That only makes your heart hurt more. Damn it, why does he have to make you feel more? It’s always those eyes; he can make himself as hard and distant as he wants but his beautiful brown eyes betray him every single time
“Yeah. Well, I do. I remember. I remember living” If it wasn’t clear you were crying before it’s obvious you are now, you sniffle and wipe tears that race from the corners of your eyes into your hair.
Joel remains quiet for a while after that. Perhaps he just doesn’t know what to say, or perhaps he’s trying not to comfort you. The trees above the two of you wave gently in a breeze that rushes quietly through the forest, and the stars above them shine like they always have - unchanged by the death of this world and the screaming of your souls. Between you and Joel there is a blanket of grief and despair and both of you seem to be wrapping yourselves tighter in it at every turn.
Eventually he clears his throat and there’s a slight shift in Joel’s body, angling more towards you. It makes you bolder - like before - and you reach your hand between your two sleeping bags. Just lay it there between the two of you.
“I don’t want to remember, Joel. Not right now. I just want to feel something else” 
He rubs his watering eyes and sighs deeply. He is wavering, you can tell. He’s holding back but there’s the twitch of his hands as he looks at you lying there and he slowly reaches out - rough, calloused and warm hand encompassing yours slowly. He lets out a long breath.
“It’s not gonna help. I- I’m not gonna help you like you need. Nothing’s that simple. I should know…”
“You’re scared”
“Maybe” Joel shrugs. 
His hand holds yours a little tighter. You’re still crying silent tears that glisten on your face in the starlight.
“Don’t you feel alone? Don’t you just feel so fucking alone all the time? Why do we have to feel alone, when we’re here together?” You’re actually pleading now. It’s pathetic really but you just need the incessant heartache to stop for even a moment.
Joel hums low and gives you a long stare. His eyes soften more. There’s a shred more sympathy than there has been and it’s enough for your body to ignite with that burning hope just like last time.
“Fuck” He mutters, and then “Come here” and he is letting go of your hand and laying on his side on the sleeping bag, it seems reluctant but he’s inviting you to him and you’re almost embarrassed when you move in a heartbeat and close that gap between you and him.
Your breath catches when you lie beside him on your side and his body curls around yours, his arm over you and he holds your hand again. He’s warm like a comforting blanket - it feels almost like he’s protecting you the way he holds you close. It’s the closest you’ve ever been; even when he’d kissed you, when he’d touched you he’d kept a distance. You had never gotten to feel all of his body against you like this. Only in your hopeless dreaming. His breath tickles on the back of your neck and the warmth of it lingers, his heart beating steady where his chest presses against your back. He lets out a nearly silent sigh that makes you think he’s feeling the same thing as you. 
You are not alone.
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For a while it’s nothing, and Joel starts to think you’re sleeping. Your breathing is steady just like his and those sweet little sighs could just be the slumber taking hold. You don’t move and he’s so afraid to make even the slightest change to the position lest he starts you on that downward spiral again.
He knows it’s a mistake. Such a big mistake to let you feel close to him. It is only going to make everything worse in the long run but your words ring so true in his mind - he has been so damn alone. Ever since…for too long. He’s been alone. You draw him in like a magnet; a strange and shameful comfort that he’s denied himself all these years.
Maybe it’ll be fine. Maybe it’ll just be this, nothing more and nothing less. No guilt. No attachment. Maybe you’ll leave willingly and he’ll never once think about this moment again and neither will you. Maybe. 
He murmurs your name softly and buries his face against your neck. He just wants to feel. Something. It’s wrong. He’s leading you on. But he wants to escape his loneliness just as much as you want to escape your pain.
He hears the smallest moan escape you like a breath and it makes him tighten his arm around you a little, because it brings him back to what happened before. How he’d touched you, how he’d felt you. There’s a stirring in him at the memory. You both feel it.
Joel knows you’re not asleep now, your breathing is less steady and your hand squeezes his a little.
“Don’t let me feel alone” You murmur and fuck Joel wants to let that base part of himself take control all over again.
He hesitates but only for a second. 
“I won’t”
And then he’s turning your head, and he’s kissing you.
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There’s a moment of guilt that rises from your chest slowly, but it’s gone again the moment your lips meet his.
It's not like the first kiss. It's not even like the kisses in the kitchen when he'd pressed you up against the fridge and touched you. It's not like any kiss you've ever felt; it's urgent and desperate but not forceful or rough - there's a subtle tenderness behind it like he's really genuinely trying to give you that feeling of togetherness you crave so much.
It makes your mind go blank after a moment, when you feel his tongue and he’s asking for a permission which you grant without a moment of hesitation. It makes you forget where you are, who you are, what you've been through. 
He's good at that. Making you forget.
He's good at it all.
He kisses you harder when you open your mouth to him and it turns from tender to intense. It becomes more. More and more of him and you and it's what you've thought about all day. Like he really wants you. You're still on your side with your head turned and him over you, your back pressed against his chest and his subtle shift of hips against your ass makes your breath hitch. 
Oh, he wants you. And you want him. 
And what else matters?
“Joel…” you whimper. Sickly sweet and full of urgency. 
“Yeah, I know,” He says. 
There’s something else there, something you don’t want to hear. Something he doesn’t want to share. He shakes it away in a moment of a blink. He’s well versed in brushing away those moments. You need to learn it from him.
“I know” He says again, and he kisses you once more. Your lips lock in a moment that fans the flames that have been burning all this time; these weeks the two of you have been traveling together, these moments you have been sharing that are more than just moments. He stokes the coals of your desire with his mouth on yours and then down, down. To your cheek, your jaw, he’s over you and pressing you on to your back half on the cold ground as his lips meet your neck and you keen in some kind of desperation to be alight with his touch again.
Your hands traverse the broad expanse of his chest, clinging to the rough fabric of his shirt as he kisses the spot right under your ear that makes your soul leave you for a moment.
“You won’t stop this time?” You ponder, looking for a promise
Simple, straight. Joel. He needs it. You know it’s been a while, you can tell by the way his hot mouth latches on to your soft flesh as he ruts against you like he’s already chasing a release he’s waited too long for.
“Doesn’t mean anythin’, right?”
“Doesn’t mean anything,” you repeat. 
He means it. Do you?
“Fuck” He groans, deep and guttural when your wandering hands reach lower. It’s all so urgent. There’s no moment for softness. It’s lustful and intentional and greedy. Teeth and nails and need. No moment to waste as your nimble fingers find the opening of his faded jeans and make their way inside.
He’s still exploring with demanding grunts of appreciation at the taste of your skin. He’d liked it before. He likes it more now, after the long day of toil. You’re intoxicating in all the ways he never knew how to resist.
You think he feels the same as you. It’s been so long. You can’t remember the last time you felt such intimate touch, before Joel. It’s more addicting now than it ever was back then as his fingertips dance with burning brushes against the skin under your shirt.
There are no memories. No pain. No distant threat. No trees. No breeze. No stars. Just him and you in this blank space you have created for yourselves - outside of time and reality. It is a kiss that takes away life, that takes away loneliness. His touch breathes hope into you that you’d only ever felt with…no. It’s just him and you and nothing else.
Just that.
Your fingers trace down, past where buttons are undone and the zipper is open. You touch him, a slight squeeze that makes his breath hitch so damn gorgeously you feel it in your core.
He’s big. God, he’s big and he’s hard and it’s for you. It’s for you.
He breathes out and grits his teeth as you feel him, he has to stop kissing you for a moment as you ease his pants down and free his hardened length from its confines. He’s not gonna tell you to stop. Neither of you are going to end this until it has to be ended, you know that when you look in his eyes and they are dazed with lust and desire that he’s been holding back for too long.
There’s no call for modesty here in this darkened patch of forest floor where the only sounds are the rustle of leaves and your panting breaths. He watches you with a knitted brow trying so goddamn hard to hold on to at least a bit of himself when you lewdly spit into your hand and wrap it around his thick length.
“Shit” Joel grits his teeth, pressing his forehead against your shoulder. He murmurs your name. It’s never sounded as good as it does when spoken by him like that. Your hand moves, thumb swiping his leaking tip to smear on him. He feels good in your hand, heavy and smooth and he’s already shaking.
“I…sweetheart, I can’t…”
“Yeah, you can” You shush him with your lips against his, oddly soft and caring in this moment of heady lust.
“No I mean it’s…fuck” Joel pants out, his voice a gruff whisper that tickles your skin and makes you clench “Haven’t had- I can’t fu-” words tumble from his lips to the side of your neck as he devolves into mumbles you can’t quite make out. He trembles and bites back a loud groan, before spilling warm and sticky onto your fingers.
“Sorry” He murmurs with heavy breath and it’s the sweetest fucking thing in the world from this man who has been pushing you away for what feels like eternity.
Ah, you make sense of the words now.
“Haven’t had anyone touch you in a while?” You say, biting your lip as you look at him - he takes your breath away as the moonlight catches on the glint of his eyes, the trickle of sweat down his brow. His eyes are big and brown and there’s an apology in them that you don’t need.
“It’s okay. It’s okay” You assure with a soft smile. You kiss him, a sweet peck on the lips which he returns with another. It feels almost too intimate and you know you’re falling to somewhere you can’t crawl out of.
For a beat there’s a silence; Joel zips his fly and is catching his breath after his release whilst you drag your lips from his and down to his chin then his jaw. Drowning in the scent and taste of him. He is like nothing you’ve ever known and you want to be devoured by his presence.
You’re making do with wiping your hand off on your trousers when he moves you, pressing you down on to your back fully. There’s a hunger in him. He is starved and he craves. You shiver at that; he can slip from one moment to another like a changeling. His demeanour seems to shift with the wind.
“Gonna make it up to you, darlin’” He whispers with a dark desire as he goes back to kissing your neck and his hand moves down your body and to the button of your pants. Your mind flashes back to before - the way he’d made you shake back in the house - and your cunt throbs with need for that again. For him to take away your mind and your breath and your sanity if he wants.
You need him in ways you cannot fathom.
“Oh god”  You moan as he cups you through your underwear, mouth still attacking the curve where your neck meets your shoulder. 
You’re ready to feel that way again. And you’re about to beg him not to tease you when he pulls his hand away and detaches from your neck.
“Joel” the whine is so needy you should be embarrassed but you’re not capable of feeling that at the moment.
He shushes you softly and finishes unfastening your jeans, as he kneels between your legs. And then he’s taking them off; your jeans and underwear pulled down to your ankles and off, tossed to the side. He’s a man on a mission, and he licks his lips as he nudges your legs apart further and looks down at you.
Fuck. You might come from the sight alone. God…is he going to…
Joels calloused hands slide up your thighs and to your lower stomach and he settles himself right between your spread legs. You can’t look at him down there like that.
“This okay?” He asks, holding on to your thigh with one large hand while the other slips up under your shirt to palm at your warm skin.
You have to let out a huffed laugh at that. It’s definitely okay. It’s more than okay.
“Mhm” You answer, lips pressed together and you look up at the stars instead of the beautiful man currently kissing your inner thigh. Before he had wanted nothing to do with you and now he seems to want everything with you, you’d have whiplash if your brain wasn’t slowly melting out of your ear at the feel of his lips dragging higher.
He’s taking it so. So slow. Palming your breast now and kissing the other thigh You’re going to combust and be left nothing but a pile of embers if he keeps this up. You need so deeply that it hurts.
You card your fingers through his hair. It’s surprisingly soft and the sensation adds to the tension in you. He grunts as you give a little tug, but you think he gets the message without you having to use your words, your words probably wouldn’t make sense in this moment.
“Oh!” you gasp. 
Yes, he proves that he got the message loud and clear as he’s parting you with his tongue and licking a stripe that ends at your clit and makes your eyes roll back. He’s good.
He tastes you and moans deep at it. His tongue swipes again against your clit and your grip in his hair tightens a bit again but he doesn’t seem to mind or even notice as he explores and delves deeper. He swirls against your entrance, and then presses in for a moment and you’re going to lose it completely.
The noise of your whines and whimpers increase, a muffled cry against your hand as he moves up again and sucks against your clit with a softness which quickly becomes much more fervent when you respond well. You buck your hips against his face, so he holds one strong arm across you as he continues to alternate between using his tongue and his mouth to bring you closer.
Your mind is all but scrambled with the way you feel. You haven’t had anything like this in so long and he’s fulfilling needs you had almost forgotten you had. He’s not just giving you pleasure, he’s giving you back something you thought you’d lost. He’s making you feel on fire in every way possible; burning skin on burning skin, scorching heat between your legs and deep in your belly.
You're winding, tightening, as he continues. He delves a thick finger in to you and then another as he focuses his mouth on your sensitive bud, listening to the sounds of your heavy breath and knowing he’s doing right.
“Joel…Joel you’re…yes, like that…” You moan too loud, Joel grunts against you with a light slap to the thigh. Keep it down. Even now he’s aware, does he ever really let himself go fully?
Right, you’re out in the open. It feels like you’re in a world of just you and him…you have to try and keep some kind of sanity as he makes you see the stars behind your lids. It’s almost impossible, biting your lip to try and quiet yourself.
It’s…it’s incredible. The way his tongue moves. The crook of his fingers inside you. The pressure in you when he purses his lips around your clit. Your body is too hot, alive, more alive than you’ve felt in weeks. Too alive, all at once.
“Oh god…I’m…it’s….please…” babbles of incoherence which earn you a pinch to your skin, but he doesn’t let up on his ministrations. He doesn’t give you a chance to calm down.
Suddenly, your body ignites as the tight coil in your stomach snaps and it’s like there’s no yesterday, no tomorrow. You writhe, hips bucking, Joel holding you down and continuing until the very last moment of your orgasm. You’ve come before, of course, even if not with a partner in a while you’ve known this feeling many times and yet it’s like something you’ve never fully had before. He’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Fuck, your eyes are shut tight as you ride out the waves. Little aftershocks that make your body shiver. You can feel him - a final kiss to your clit, another to your inner right thigh and then he’s raising up, moving away from you and you can hear him catching his own breath like he nearly drowned in you.
“Jesus” You groan, limp and a mess. He breathes out a quiet, pleased laugh and you finally open your eyes and try to adjust them to see his face again. 
He’s looking at you. He’s all lines and splotches and coloured lights but he’s looking at you with something like a smile. 
Everything is blurred.
The lines are blurred. What does it mean? What does that soft kiss he places against your lips now actually mean? You feel sluggish from the climax but somehow your mind is racing still despite it. The lines are so damn blurred and it’s going to make you crazy, it’s going to make you lose it all.
“Alright?” He asks softly as he helps you put on your underwear and jeans again. Where did all his uncaring gruffness go? When will it come back and how will you live when it does?
“y-yeah…I think…yeah” You mutter dumbly. “Joel, I-”
Whatever you were going to say is cut off. He lays beside you again, arm going right around you pulling you flush against his chest. Your heart won't stop racing.
“You still feel alone?” Joel whispers in a deep grumble against your ear. You can feel it come from his chest. You shudder helplessly.
You shake your head. There’s a feeling of exhaustion from the day's movement settling in and you succumb to it swiftly, resting your head down on him and letting your breathing match to his. Letting him take you over completely.
No, you’re not lonely.
This fate is worse than loneliness.
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honkytonk-hangman · 2 years
Afterburn – Masterlist
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x OC/Reader
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OC/Reader's name is Teddy/callsign 'Kodiak'
Summary: It had been clear from the moment you got inside a cockpit that you were going to be something special. Which is all the more reason why it was so tragic that you would never, ever, be able to fly again.
Warnings: language? hangman being hangman, some amount of angst, slowish burn?
Notes: This was going to be a oneshot but then it got to 8k and i hadn't even gotten into it properly yet so i've decided to make a series, but each part will probably sort of be able to stand on its own? not sure yet <3
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🌪️ Crosswinds
🚀 V.max
⚖️ Equilibrium
✈️ Flight Risk (AU)
448 notes · View notes
hislittleraincloud · 7 months
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Marilyn Thornhill, studying Nepenthes plant species, c. 2005 🌿✨
9 notes · View notes
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin Recommended Fic Masterlist
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❤️‍🔥 - Smut
☁️ - Fluff
💢 - Angst
🍬 - Sweet
📚 - Multi-Chapter
You're just trying to enjoy a quiet night at home when a less than sober pilot is dropped off at your doorstep. And he's spilling all his sober thoughts in drunk words.
Drunk Words are Sober Thoughts by @seresinsbabe ☁️🍬
Drunk Jake Coming Home to Reader by @of-many-fandomss ☁️🍬
From an Ask: jake seresin being drunk and coming home to the reader and it's basically just really cute and full of fluff!!
FWB Shower Sex with Jake and his roommate finding out by @call-sign-shark ❤️‍🔥
From an Ask: Heeey girl how are you?
Can I ask this prompt
“• B’s roommate entering their washroom (while B is in the shower) and yelling over the water “HEY B DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY SHAMPOO IS I CAN’T FIND IT ANYWHERE” “name..” “BECAUSE LIKE I THOUGHT IT WAS HERE BUT I CANT-“ “name im not exactly alone in here…” “huh wha-“ and A popping through the shower curtain with the biggest smile “hey name” “oh OH HI UH i’ll just.. knocks multiple things over leave you two.. alone” knocks more things over “also i think your shampoo is over there” “ um thanks A um i’ll just-awkward finger guns”
With hangman please? 🥹
Boyfriend Material by @beautifultypewriter ❤️‍🔥🍬
Reader has a fun game she plays when she ends up on a bad first date. Her friend with benefits, Hangman, is the key piece in the game, but he may take things too far one night.
Breathe by @andorskenobi ☁️💢🍬
After a particularly rough mission for Jake you realize that the feelings you have been harboring cannot wait any longer and that you may not have forever to tell him how you feel.
3. Smiling Into a Kiss by @spideystevie ☁️🍬
From an Ask: and if i say 3 w hangman 🤭🤭🤭 or 12 w rooster just bc i think thatd be the funniest god damn thing - vinny xx
Worth Fighting For by @imjess-themess ❤️‍🔥☁️🍬
You made a promise to your brother you wouldn’t fall for his best friend, Jake Seresin. Professional boxer and certified heart breaker. Unfortunately you can’t keep your promise, no matter how hard you try to hate him.
Take Care by @harringtonbf ☁️🍬
Hangman takes notice as you try to shake off the unwanted advances from some weirdo at The Hard Deck.
Afterburn by @top-hhun ☁️🍬📚
It had been clear from the moment you got inside a cockpit that you were going to be something special. You certainly weren’t the youngest Naval Aviator to be invited to TOPGUN, but you had been the youngest to graduate at number one in more than thirty years. Which is all the more reason why it was so tragic that you would never, ever, be able to fly again.
But you hadn’t been one of the best thanks only to pure talent, you had worked hard for your accolades, so instead of calling it quits, you decide to take all of your potential, and channel it toward a new path.
You return to TOPGUN, and choose to be one of the best civilian instructors the program will ever have.
Drink Up by @fandomxpreferences ❤️‍🔥☁️🍬📚
You’re a new bartender at the Hard Deck and you’re more than willing to fill a certain blonde pilot in on the newest drink on the menu.
53. Dumbification by @topguncortez ❤️‍🔥
From an Ask: maybe 53 with jake?😵‍💫
Watermelon Moonshine by @roosterscock ❤️‍🔥☁️🍬
A sweet NSFW 18+ drabble written by the author after listening to the song Watermelon Moonshine.
Fuck: The Universe by @roosterbruiser ❤️‍🔥☁️💢🍬📚
Fuck You Fuck Me Fuck Them Fuck It Fuck This Fuck Off Fuck, Rooster! Fuck: Kisses Edition The Fucking End
You're a Kazansky--Tom "Iceman" Kazinsky's youngest daughter--and you've taken after your father and become a Naval aviator. You finished at the top of your class at Top Gun and have worked diligently and fruitlessly to get to where you are now: North Island. You don the call-sign Wisteria not only because the beauty of the flower but because of its lethal qualities.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin is the bane of your existence and he returns those feelings towards you ten-fold. Jake thinks that you've gotten everything handed to you and has no trouble telling everyone that. When things finally boil over one day (in a shower cubicle on base of all places), you find unlikely companionship in Jake. Who knew lemon-lime Gatorade and Plan B would be the start to your love story?
Or enemies to fuck buddies to friends to lovers. Whichever you prefer!
5. Meet-Cute with Hangman by @harringtonbf ☁️🍬
From an Ask: 5 from meet cute with hangman ??
The Morning After by @auroracalisto ☁️🍬
A morning after for Jake Seresin and GN!Reader
Never Let Me Leave Again by @demxters ☁️💢🍬
From an ask: Can I ask for Jake Seresin x f!reader, a angst with a happy ending? Maybe they fight but make up? Love your writing!
Lock and Key by @auroradawnwrites ❤️‍🔥☁️🍬
From an Ask: Blurb request- Reader lives across from Hangman’s apartment. They’ve made eyes at each other a few She’s locked out. Reader can’t get help until morning. Jake gives her a place to stay. Maybe there’s one bed?
Google Said by @sehnsuchts-trunken ☁️🍬
Jake comes home to find you wrapped up in three blankets and decides to make you feel better.
The Traitor Series by @fandomxpreferences ❤️‍🔥☁️💢🍬📚
Traitor - Bradleys been acting off for a while and you finally pinpoint what the cause is. Unfortunately for him, you believe in an eye for an eye.
I Trusted You - You finally confront Bradley and Natasha.
Grenade - You and Jake decide to make a movie just for Bradley.
Hellfire and Holy Water - A certain someone shows up at your door and you're really over it.
Epilogue - Set five years after your life with Bradley fell apart.
More Hearts Than Mine Universe by @fandomxpreferences ❤️‍🔥☁️💢🍬📚
Jake was never the type to be taken home to mom. He never saw himself meeting the family, going to a small town where there’s a lifetime of memories and wanting to hear about every single one. He never saw himself sitting with a girls dad and noting all the ways that they were similar, hoping to live up his expectations he has set for his daughter. He never wanted that. Until he met you.
Jukebox War by @roosterforme ☁️🍬
Jake likes the jukebox at the Hard Deck, drinking beers, and cute girls who are a little bit mean to him.
It Only Feels This Raw Right Now by @teamhappyme ☁️💢🍬
Jake and Reader are at a crossroads that have the potential to change everything about their relationship that they've grown used to over the past years. With Reader transitioning from being a Naval Aviator to a more stable position after the mission in TG:M, only time and their love for each other will tell this tale.
Hangman x Roommate!Reader (A Will They/Won't They One-Shot) by @girl-in-the-chairs-void ❤️‍🔥☁️🍬
From an Ask: Hi girl!!! I dont know if ur taking requests but I’ve recently become obsessed with hangman x roommate!reader and I feel only you can do my imagination justice :))
so imagine this: gang gets together for their annual get away and they get frkn slammed out drunk together bc their get away is the only time they can let go and be themselves without all the tension from work .. jake and his roommate (also a naval aviator) seem to always forget they are just friends when drunk like full on grinding on each other while dancing, making suggestive comments to each other,.. but they’ve never actually kissed so the gang decides to interfere and with the result of a stupid dare they get locked into a closet together being forced to kiss but Jake refuses and reader is kinda hurt by it (imagine a kind of nick and jess new girl inspo for this part, he doesnt want their first kiss to be like that) and after that they decide to go skinny dipping all together (thanks Rooster for the idea) they end up being the only two left on the beach together having a heart to heart conversation and reader wants to know why Jake refused to kiss her… you can decide how you end it!!!
Better Man Universe by @sweetlittlegingy ❤️‍🔥☁️🍬📚
A series about how Jake falls in love with a single mom and becomes a dad and very loving husband. This one is seriously so sweet.
Pas de Deux by @yanna-banana ❤️‍🔥☁️💢🍬📚
Jake and Odette danced around each other from their days at the academy until they were assigned to opposite coast lines; Jake to the west and Odette to the east. Now years later, Odette joins the Daggers at Top Gun. Will they be able to come to terms with their feelings? Or will the past keep them apart?
Silver Springs by @roosterbruiser ❤️‍🔥☁️💢🍬📚
Before becoming a hotshot Naval aviator, Jake Seresin was born and bred in the small town of Silverkeep, TX. It’s only a short drive from Austin but feels like a different world entirely--all the houses are falling apart, people keep their rusty trucks unlocked on their front lawn, central air conditioning is rarer than a rainstorm, and everyone wears their best boots to church. His every waking minute is spent with his endearing group of friends--and most importantly: you. Riding your bikes to Silver Spring on Friday afternoons, drinking cheap beer around a bonfire after school, and making mixed tapes is what you all live for as your senior year drifts to a close.
He comes of age and falls in love with you, his best friend that he affectionately refers to as Filly. You’re the bull-headed, ardent, zealous girl he met in Sunday school before you were old enough to tie your own shoes. Somewhere between chain-smoking after baseball games underneath the bleachers and lying in the bed of someone’s daddy’s truck at the rundown drive-in, the two of you have been entirely dedicated to each other. You both think you’re in love. But your situation is a delicate balance of downright, darling devotion and paralyzing fear of rejection. This is to say: neither of you have the gall to do a damn thing about it. Your existence in the little world of Silverkeep is fragile--suddenly and easily disrupted when maturescence rears its ugly head. Sometimes very far apart and sometimes very close together, yours and Jake’s story spans across fifteen years. From Port Gin to Rior River, your paths are woven intricately by fated grocery store encounters and sprawling horse ranches. 
They All Know, He's In Love With You. by @roleycoleyreccenter ☁️🍬
From the night you first set eyes on Jake “Hangman” Seresin, and went home with him from the bar, you knew that there wasn’t ever going to be anything serious between you two. You just wish you could figure out why he keeps acting the opposite, and everyone thinks you are together.
Drive me wild by @bussyslayer333 ❤️‍🔥☁️🍬📚
falling in love with your best friend’s older brother wasn’t ideal, but jake seresin just might be worth it.
Above The Fold by @ereardon ❤️‍🔥☁️💢🍬📚
As editor-in-chief of Farrington College’s newspaper, you have an ethical duty to journalism to unearth the truth. So when you catch wind that the college’s oldest fraternity is about to be banned for elicit behavior, you’re intent on getting to the bottom of the dissolution of the fraternity. But their suave president Jake Seresin will do anything he can to stop you from getting the full truth. Breaking the story about DPhi’s decades of misconduct could win you a national college journalism scholarship, and the prize is free tuition to your grad school of choice. That is, if you can get past the arrogant and headstrong Jake to uncover the truth behind DPhi’s allegations. Jake has made it his mission to stop you, and it’s clear he despises you for tampering with his fraternity’s politics. Or does he? 
Pizza Box Puzzle Pieces by @ddejavvu ☁️🍬
Jake is a responsible drinker, he swears. But when you're stuck being responsible for the night, a very drunk Jake gives you all but one piece to a puzzle you don't complete until the morning after.
Seeing Red by @call-sign-jinx ❤️‍🔥☁️💢🍬📚
According to the Red Queen hypothesis, a species needs to evolve and adapt in order to survive because its competitors are doing the same.
Or how a young woman who wanted to be a lawyer ended up being a well-known naval aviator, hiding a big secret.
the longer that you stay, the ice is melting - @welcome-to-my-multiverse ❤️‍🔥☁️💢🍬
Some people called you heartless or cold, but you were just trying to protect yourself. And then Jake Seresin knocked down the walls you so carefully built.
Cross by @thewulf ☁️💢🍬
The four times you captured Jake Seresin’s attention and the one time he did something about it.
Angel in Disguise and Angel in Distress by @call-sign-shark ☁️ 💢🍬📚
Studying hard for the Uranium Mission, you fall asleep in the meeting room. Hangman takes care of you…
Hangman always takes care of you, but what happens when he discovers that you’re pregnant?
Where I'm From and Compromise by @sometimes-i-write-good ☁️ 💢🍬📚
Jake Seresin could handle lots of things. He was the only naval aviator of his time to have a confirmed kill - two, actually. He kept forgetting about that second one. It was newly under his belt, and, considering the circumstances surrounding it, he hadn’t felt too inclined to brag about it. Still, the point remained. Jake could carry the weight of taking a life, of saving a life, and of putting his life in harms way. 
Jake never thought he would fall in love with the woman who cried on the first date he ever took her on, but here he was months later standing in her kitchen even more in love than ever.
Wake Up, Kid by @youvebeenlivingfictional ☁️ 💢 🍬
From an Ask: Oh my goodness Jake Seresin!!! How much is your going rate for bribery? (Seriously tho I obviously don’t want you to be under any pressure and like you’ve probably got other priorities but wow I’m in love - total sucker for the innocent character becoming more confident and experienced)
“What do you expect? That this is all going to be easy? That you’re gonna get up there and everything is gonna just click? It takes work. It takes perseverance, and practice. You’re wasting valuable time. Wake up, kid!” 
Nothing to Lose by @topgun-imagines 💢
The real reason behind why Jake Seresin’s flying is so reckless.
Sleepy Baby by @discount-shades ☁️ 💢 🍬 📚
Jake must defend his call sign to a stranger, and he is on a timer. 
Panic by @mamaskillerqueen ☁️ 💢 🍬
When out with your co-workers turned friends, an incident with a grabby man at the Hard Deck sends you spiraling into a panic attack. Thankfully a certain green-eyed aviator is more than happy to help you through your panic.
So, I'll Be There When You Arrive The Sight Of You Will Prove To Me I'm Still Alive by MarvelousAvengfulSlytherin (AO3) ❤️‍🔥 ☁️ 💢 🍬 📚
The Dagger Squad find out two things: 1) Maverick is married to someone in the Navy and 2) has a kid with said someone in the Navy. It's too bad none of them actually looked hard enough to see that it's two kids, their own friends to be exact, and that it would come back, biting them in the ass when they made that bet when they began their training.
Callie 'Halo' Kazansky-Mitchell doesn't care about bets, all she's worried about is her Pop's health. It becomes a hilarious distraction nonetheless as she watches her family find their way back to one another. It was true what Slider said, "She may have Maverick's height but she's all Iceman's kid to boot."
or the one where Callie is Ice and Mav's kid, Rooster's little sister in this Top Gun AU
7 Years by @flaming-tgmcu ☁️ 🍬
All the times Jake asked you to marry him and all the times you turned him down... until one day it was different.
Talk You Out Of It by @thedroneranger ❤️‍🔥
One of two entries for @roosterforme’s #love is in the air tgm love song playlist challenge! This fic is inspired by Florida Georgie Line's Talk You Out Of It. Happy Valentine's Day, ya filthy animals! 🖤
Burnin' Up by @cherrycola27 ☁️ 🍬
And that's it, folks! My final entry for @roosterforme 's love is in the challenge! I hope you enjoyed it. This fic was inspired by "Burnin' Up" by the Jonas Brothers. My teenage self is screaming!
Sunshine & Roses by @abliafina-18782 (AO3) ☁️ 🍬
“How often do you get to be creative Bradley?” Jake asked. “Look, I love your designs, I wouldn’t be here otherwise, but they’re not me.” Bradley crossed his arms, an intrigued look on his face. “You saying you’re giving me free hands?” “Sure am.” Jake made sure to sound confident, but on the inside, his heart beat as if he’d just finished a marathon, “I trust you.”
Or; Hangster flower shop & tattoo parlor
American Made by @hangmans-wingman ❤️‍🔥 ☁️ 💢 🍬 📚
After the uranium mission, Jake 'Hangman' Seresin desperately needs to restore his Texas roots. With only two months of leave approved, his mother is already trying to find a suitable bride for Jake to settle him down. Despite just wanting to relax and restore his horsemanship skills, the first game for the Texas Longhorns throws a new obstacle in his path. An all-American sweetheart who captures his heart instantly. Will sixty days be enough to get this new love into the endzone?
Somewhere Out There Is Somebody by @a-reader-and-a-writer-for-all ☁️ 💢 🍬
On February 13, those over 16 receive an empty box in the mail every year. You place items in the box and they appear in your soulmate's box the following day. Until now, you haven't figured out who your soulmate is. But after an unexpected run-in with your least favorite aviator, you discover your other half may be closer than you think.
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littleferal · 2 years
Rodolfo Parra x f!reader
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A/N Rudy knows how to take care of you when you’re too tired for sex but still want it. This was inspired by @yeyinde ’s utterly fantastic body electric, and @sprout-fics equally wonderful afterburn. I’ve set this in the morning after and we are entirely ignoring the fact that sex would totally be off limits this soon after xD It can be read as post everyone x f!reader but I strongly recommend going and reading both pieces :) I just wanted to explore how everyone would be with reader after it all, and how it might start.
Although not yet written this is placed after Soap x f!reader and Alejandro x f!reader - we pick up after Alejandro’s turn. Sorry I’m jumping right in the middle of my thought, you’re gonna have to try to keep up a smidge 😅 If I can wrangle the brain I’ll also write their pieces but of course I wrote the sweetest first <3 There’s some Alejandro x f!reader at the start, then some Alejandro x reader x Rudy, but this is predominately Rudy x f!reader.
Shout out to @0celestialbitch0 for checking my spanish, thank you my sweet 💕
Rating explicit Word Count 3635 words. Warnings m/f/m, two partners and mention of more, unprotected vaginal/penetrative sex, having so much sex it makes you sleepy, fluff fluff fluff because Rudy is the sweetest
🔞🔞 This work contains explicit adult content and is intended for audiences over the age of eighteen. By continuing to read you agree that you are 18 or older, have read the content and warnings and wish to proceed 🔞🔞
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Your limbs are leaden. They anchor you to the cot, the aftermath of the aftermath finally catching up on you.
It’s not, you realise slowly, the press of Alejandro above you that’s keeping you in place, nor is it gravity; it’s just the dull weight of your own body, muscles relaxed after so much attention.
“You still with us?” Alejandro’s accent is velvet on you. One of his hands leaves your hip to rise and span the side of your neck. Letting the fingers dig in slightly, he tilts your face upwards to his. “Hmm? ¿Bonita? All tired out now?”
Neither comes out, just a soft hum as your fingers grip his shirt, and the strands of hair at the base of his neck. He tips his head back ever so slightly at the grip, teeth bared in a grin that you return.
You feel so good. Sated, heavy, and like you could just lie here for hours with his weight on you. In you.
You tug on him instead until he leans back down over you with a deep chuckle, noses knocking as you chase a kiss he won’t quite give you. Instead, his smile is a press against your lips, tongue peeking out to tease then escaping away until he finally holds your face in both hands and kisses you fully. You sigh into it, and hold him closer to you, trying to drag him down, down. Like if you kissed him hard enough he’d join you where you are in your daze.
Rodolfo is over Alejandro’s shoulder. He comes into your vision as your head tilts to the side, a sign Alejandro takes to pepper your neck in kisses. The blunt drag of his teeth has you shaking lightly as Rudy steps up.
You reach for him and he comes to you like you’ve beckoned him into your arms, within reach in one broad stride. His touch is light as his fingers thread into your hair at your temple, his thumb rubbing comforting sweeps over and over. When he talks his voice is as soft as his touch.
“¿Cariño? How are you?” For him, you try.
“Goo- good Rudy,” your voice weaker than it had been earlier.
At that Alejandro rolls his hips into you. It’s a lazy roll, little intent behind it other than to pull a few more sparks of pleasure from you. You gasp, ankles locking again around Alejandro’s waist, his teeth pressing firm at your neck with a wolfish grin.
“Si, she’s good. Our chica bonita is so good.” There’s pride in his tone - deep and warm and it blossoms something in your chest so you hold Alejandro a little tighter. His smile feels softer against your skin.
“You need to rest?” Rudy asks, pulling your attention back to him.
You do. You really do. A whole night’s sleep and now it seems you can only take two of them before feeling tired again. But Rudy is right there, and the pull you feel towards him is undeniable, equal to the man on top of you.
You shake your head, then no to make yourself clear. Want you too, to be sure. A smile breaks on Rudy’s face at that, sunshine and bright and you just want to be closer to him for that alone.
Finding strength, you reach up and hold Rudy’s hand, your fingers just about linking in his to pull his touch fuller. He cups your face with it, gentle eyes assessing you like he has so many times before but never like this, never in these circumstances. He looks over your expression, your reactions to both men, every little move you make.
“Si. You have me.”
Alejandro yields you with a huff of a laugh, pressing one final kiss to your temple on the other side before pulling away.
“Take good care of her Rudy.”
When he pulls out you miss it instantly - the soreness you feel only seems to be soothed by the thickness of a cock in you, and a small moan slips between your teeth. Your reaction brings a smug smile to Alejandro’s face and tempts him down to kiss you again, your sudden gasp as two of his fingers press into you swallowed by him.
“Keep it there, ¿si bonita?”
You can only nod a mumbled yes, trying to chase sensations as they slip away from you, your fingers clinging to his shirt. But Alejandro steps back leaving you empty, in emptiness. Your whine does nothing to call him back to you, his smile not faltering for a second, although you think the self-satisfied pride almost drops into something kinder. Only Rodolfo’s voice quietly calling your name pulls your attention away.
In your peripheral Alejandro slides his two slicked fingers into his mouth with a smirk, then Rudy steps forward and he’s all you can see.
His gaze is soft and kind, eyes liquid, as his hands trace over your form. As if he’s mapping every sore spot you have before he moves, soothing you with gentle hushes when you whimper at a pain point, all the brighter for the contrast to his kindness.
Rudy’s touch is a balm after Soap and Alejandro’s enthusiasm. Somehow every light caress of his fingers over you begins to soothe - just the right pressure, in the right places, and you relax deeper and deeper into each touch, almost forgetting the deep throb between your legs that says more with every heartbeat.
It almost feels like exaltation. Its hushed prayers said at an altar, asking for forgiveness before stealing away to commit sins. Its promises dripped in honey, sweet and smooth.
Up your legs, skirting your thighs along the outside, and then up to tug Soap’s oversized shirt back down your body.
“Let’s keep you warm, si?” He murmurs - as if in way of explaining - before his hands soothe down both your sides. A final check, a reassurance for himself that you seem to pass.
“Can you sit up for me cariño?”
“No, no,” the words fall from between your lips, tongue slipping as you try to form your thoughts. “Rudy I’m too tired- too tired to ride you.”
“Está bien,” he murmurs in gentle tones, firm hands rubbing over your shoulders and thick fingers into the tension in your neck. “I’ll do all the work. Promesa.”
It’s the look in his eyes - too kind and soft, pleading with a promise of more care to come - that has you moving towards him. You nod and Rudy’s smile brightens.
Alejandro helps you as you try to push yourself up. His hands are firmer against your back than Rudy’s, and it brings a sharp laugh to the top of your throat - that you now know what all their hands feel like on your body. That you can tell them apart blind. Your mind skitters to other thoughts, replaying the previous night then—
“Easy, easy,” Rudy soothes, perhaps taking your bitten-off noise as a sign of your soreness. To reassure him you loop your arms around his neck and kiss it, trusting Alejandro to ease your weight up as you lean against Rudy’s chest. Your legs splay awkwardly under you at the shift and it takes some uncomfortable shuffling until you’re settled - legs on either side of Rudy’s hips in a sore stretch, but pressed comfortably against the man and in his lap.
Behind you Alejandro tuts. “It’s all gonna leak out,” he grumbles, his hand slipping between your legs from behind, fingers gently nudging at your sore pussy to push his and Soap’s cum back into you. You hiss at the surprise intrusion, head dropping with a dull thump against Rudy’s chest. Alejandro’s touch softens.
Rudy takes his time acknowledging Alejandro’s comment. Instead - sooner than any of them - his hands are gentle on your face and lifting it. He watches your expression as it shifts with Alejandro’s touch, before speaking in muted tones to the older man that you don’t quite catch. His eyes never leave yours.
“Que romántico eres,” comes Alejandro’s reply, deep and humoured.
“Si,” is all Rudy says.
Then he’s kissing you.
He takes his time with it, languid and luxurious. No rush to be anywhere but here. It shoots a thought into your head, sharp then smoke curling - how a part of him must have just ached last night, that you weren’t kissed as much as you should have been. Because that’s what it feels like - like he’s making up for kisses you haven’t had.
Rudy kisses you like it’s your first time and your last, cradling your face in his hands as he does it as if you’re the most precious thing he’s ever held. His lips are soft as they press against yours, the pads of his thumbs rubbing callous-rough over your cheeks. A kiss here, then he moves. A kiss to the corner of your mouth, your cheeks, each eye then your forehead.
He’s all warmth and soft touches, it feels like slipping into a warm bath after a long day, every part of you warmed and relaxing. And when he slips his tongue into your mouth the sensation pulls at you like a lapping tide. Over and over you rock up against him, lulled and content.
“Hermosa chica,” Alejandro groans somewhere to your side at the scene, his voice deep with awe. His fingers stroke down your neck and you tremble and whine at the praise, leaning your head in his direction. But you just can’t seem to unmoor yourself from Rodolfo.
With a shift, Rudy takes your attention back from Alejandro. He bands his arms around your waist and ass as he rises on his knees, kissing his way down your neck to gently suckle at the love bite there. Every time you whine at the bruise he laps his tongue over it, alternating with gentle kisses and the odd nip that makes a smile bloom. And when you’re distracted with it there’s a shuffle, and then his cock is bare, thick, and warm between your legs and pressing between your slick folds as you both settle again.
The press of him has you gasping, but you rock against it all the same - like an itch that’s only better when it’s scratched, it hurts and soothes all at once. So you chase the pleasure.
“This ok cariño?”
Your head is hazy with it all - the thin line between pain and pleasure blurring and mixing until it’s both, each as rich as the other and just as intoxicating.
“Yeah— Yes. So good.”
Rudy helps, but even so the exertion would have been worth the small groans it pulls from him. Groans that are echoed deeper by Alejandro, muting the wet sounds that aren’t only coming from between your bodies.
The slick of Soap and Alejandro’s cum eases the way, your poor pussy still sore from the beard burn Price gave you. It pushes through your puffy folds, stinging and soothing in equal hot-cold measures, never enough to make you want to stop.
“That’s it, ir poco a poquito,” Rudy murmurs to you, hands warm and guiding the roll of your hips on top of him. Each roll burns you up, feverish and more sensitive than you've ever felt.
“¿Que esperas hermano?” Alejandro questions. Rudy huffs hot breath against your skin at the comment.
“Siempre apuras estas cosas,” comes his grumbled reply. ”Nuestra chica necesita lenta,” said with a kiss to your neck.
”Nuestra chica—” Alejandro begins to repeat back at Rudy, then, “Bonita, what do you want?” He comes into your vision again. Hair sticking up from where you must have pulled it, the thought sticking muddy in your head that you’d marked him somewhat too. Then, “Hmm? More?” he asks, firmly pressing against your clit with spit-slick fingers, and your mind blanks with a jolt.
The yes bursts from you before you can catch it, even as your hand snaps down to grab Alejandro’s wrist. It’s out and Rudy pulls you tight into him. Protective, possessive, this was his time with you, and guilt pangs in your chest - despite muddled thoughts you can still feel Alejandro pulling one way and Rudy the other.
“I liked it Rudy, really,” your voice wobbles as you reassure him. “You’re so good— sweet, to me.” And that’s the truth.
He only smiles indulgently against your neck.
“This is what you want, hermosa. Just that.” He finds your eyes when he says it, and the sincerity calms you and builds you up at the same time. Rudy’s hand is on your cheek, so you tell him more, breathless but sure, before taking his thumb into your mouth. Something flickers in Rudy’s eyes at your action, his breath caught before it escapes in a noise somewhere between a groan and a growl.
“Joder!— I— Cariño—” Then he’s kissing you again. Needier, sharper than before, his teeth catching on your soft lips before he pulls back and kisses the spot in apology.
“More hermosa chica? Yeah?” He asks, trailing kisses down your neck and rutting up into you like he can’t quite control himself. It makes you dizzy with his sudden enthusiasm, sharp and bright flashes of pleasure shooting up and down your spine.
“Please,” you moan against his forehead, now holding his face in your hands to keep him close, rolling your hips against his. Unsure if it’s to move away or closer.
“Ok. I got you.”
Rudy lifts you with ease, his gun-calloused hands digging into your thighs. You whine at the loss of his heat, absentmindedly still rocking your hips until he moves to hold you with one arm secure under your ass. When you still he lines himself up with your entrance, smearing mixed slick along your puffy folds before pressing gently against you.
“Tranquilo cariño. Hmm? Go slow. Easy.” He makes sure to find your eyes as he says it. They’re liquid warmth and you know you’re safe.
Your thighs tremble, and your forehead knocks against his.
You inhale.
You exhale.
You nod.
“Please Rudy.”
He lowers you back down and you can’t help the moan that bubbles out of your throat.
It’s like being able to breathe again after near drowning - your throat hurts, your head spins, but you move regardless.
Smooth and you’re liquid against Rudy, dropping your forehead to his shoulder and moaning into the bunched fabric there. It chafes and irritates, and you use what energy you have when he lifts you again to pull it back with one hand, breathing relief and relaxing against his warm skin.
“Like this?”
“Yes, yes. Like this Rudy.”
You rock together until Rodolfo finds perfect time, lifting you up then sinking you back down onto him to the hilt, effortless in his strength. The man is bloody perfect. You tell him so, between the little gasps he pushes from you. “You’re good Rudy…So— so good. Fuuuuuck—” The way he fits in your sore cunt, it’s just the right amount of pressure, just the right friction. You cry out, twisting in his hold at how beautifully overwhelming it is.
“See?” Comes Alejandro’s gravel-rough voice as he shifts closer, “Our girl likes it like this.”
You bare your teeth in a smile at Alejandro’s comment, but would bite down on him if the man was close enough. Instead you hold Rudy tighter, clinging to him as he lifts you up on your knees then lowers you again in a perfect slide that has sparks skittering behind your eyelids.
It’s not like anything any of them have done for you. Last night was drunken pleasure, only sobered by the things you did. They all gave as much as they took, but this—
Rudy cups the back of your head as he moves you single-handedly. It only strays to thread through your hair, fingers massaging into your scalp before he has to move it down to hold you. His grip is firm, but it’s closer to being held than moved. He’s sweet and you just know he’s giving you everything, the thought urging you to hold his face and kiss him.
So you do.
Rudy was watching you as he slowly fucked up into you - even though he couldn’t see your face you realise this as you lean back to look at him and find his eyes already on you. They’re glazed over and soft, but attentive bright as you move toward him. You don’t give him a chance to speak before pulling his lips to yours.
It’s messy and not your best kiss. Every heavy slide of him into you has your mouth opening on soft moans and whimpers, eyebrows scrunched with the confusing blend of pleasure and pain. He chuckles warmly as you try to kiss him at the same time, nuzzling his nose against yours then dragging it up to kiss your forehead.
“No, no,” you mumble, trying to pull Rudy back down. “I…I was kissing you.” He comes back down to you with no complaints, settling you heavy in his lap, using one hand to pull you both back together. He seems no more urgent in his kisses than when he first started, but they feel headier for the heft of his cock in you.
“You can have both,” he says with a smile against your lips, tilting his head to kiss you deeper just as his hips rock up again. It sparks something and you realise suddenly you can come from this alone - the pressure of him filling you, rubbing insistent deep in you as his tongue slips over yours. You clench and he groans, rutting up harder.
“Rudy…” You don’t know exactly what you’re asking for but you need him.
“What? What is it cariño?” He doesn’t stop when he asks, holding your face gently in both hands, barely a breath from you as he presses in, in, in. It makes you curl in, one hand clinging to his shirt, the other seeking your clit.
Alejandro says something, an exchange in Spanish that goes over your head, followed by the warmth of his hands on your waist.
“You should have said,” Rudy murmurs. Then his thumb is on your clit, wet with spit and smearing it in deft little circles.
It barely takes anything until you break with a soft cry. More gentle than any time you’ve come in the past twelve hours, but it still leaves you shaking in his hold. Rudy soothes you through it, hushing your little gasps with kisses and gentle rocks until you finally settle against his chest.
“Easy mi cariño, easy.” He still twitches in the tight clutch of your cunt, but doesn’t press you for more. Instead, he sweeps the sweat-stuck strands of hair from your face and rubs soothingly against your skin under your shirt. Alejandro moves into a space somewhere behind you too, his warmth a presence at your back like a blanket being placed over you.
The smell of three men comes to you as you even out your breathing with deep inhales.
It’s Soap first from his clothes sticking to you; warm and pink peppercorns, clean Scottish pine, and the moss of the forest. He’s citrus bright tempered by an equally sharp wit and kindness, and you smile into the neckline of his hoodie as the memory of him this morning floats over.
Alejandro is next as he presses himself against your side, moving your hair back to find more spaces to kiss you. He’s spiced sandalwood and frankincense, sweetened by oudh and cut by the alcohol still lingering around him. When he lazily slips his tongue into your mouth for a kiss, you swallow down on the feeling of honeyed whiskey. He makes you dizzy with it.
Then finally Rodolfo as he brings your face back around to him. His warmth is gentle - honeysuckle candles and the soft smell of salt-tinged wildflowers on the coast. You trace patterns absentmindedly against his neck as you breathe his scent in stronger until it calms your heartbeat, soothed by his hands on you, cupping your head to him and strong at your lower back.
As you come back down you realise. “You… you didn’t…?” You’re hazy with fatigue, but still sure on this.
“It’s ok.”
“Rudy—,” you start but he gently cuts you off.
“Está bien cariño.” He says it with such kindness, and although it has to be - you’re truly too sore and spent now for anything - you know he means it honestly.
So instead, “remind me to give you a blowjob later,” you promise him before settling against his chest.
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It doesn’t take too long before the pressure of Rudy’s cock in you becomes heavy and bright.
“Too much.” You don’t think he’s heard you, heavily turning your head to try and speak again against his ear.
“Too much,” you repeat, whine dropping to a soft moan as you try to lift yourself up, your thighs trembling and protesting the effort.
Rudy understands. With gentle hands he lifts you up from his lap again, slow and smooth until he slips from you with an exhale, air hissing through his teeth. You miss the fullness of him and you don’t.
“Better?” His voice is against your chin, lips finding and pressing to your cheek in adoration as you lower back into his lap. You hum your reply against his ear - yes - pressing your face down onto his shoulder again.
You find yourself once more weighed down by your own body. Sleep pulls and tugs at you and you let it, wrapped around Rudy and safe in his embrace. The last thing you’re conscious of is the sweet murmurs of both men, and two sets of hands soothing over you.
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littlezarp · 2 years
Call of duty, MW2
@gh0st5bby4life fics are *chef's kiss*
Jitters : 141 x OC (Jitters is a PMC brought onto the support 141 operations, much to the distaste of the 141 group of PMC's)
@halcyone-of-the-sea's every work
Ghost :
Can't trust me ?
@uselsshuman 's Masterlist
he tells me to shut up, i got this
The choices we make
Angsty shit with Simon
The truth is out
Living with ghosts
Sugar Daddy
@nsharks 's one shots + Bleeding blue series
I'm with you
Keep you close
Butterfly effects
Wolf and the lamb - (Lion and the Lamb prequel)
One night stand leads to pregnancy
@charnelhouse's Ghost Masterlist
He knows
Mistaken friendship
No more
All Alone
The things I never said
Dad!Simon by @lundenloves
Between dreams and sugar
Alpha!Ghost x reader
The witch and witch hunter
Mary on a cross
Werewolf!Simon x reader
I can't marry you
Sassy series
Situationship with firefighter!ghost
The little things
The roommate series
Cowards always run
Open his eyes
Accidentally hurting you
One, two, three - Ghost x reader x soap
It's time to have fun - Ghost x reader x soap
Don't touch my boys - Ghost x reader x soap
Afterburn - 141 x F!reader
That sex pollen fic - everyone x reader
Dead Disco - Ghost x Soap x F!reader
COD monster men
The Pack
Poly relationship with Simon and Johnny
Safeword with the cod boys
Knights in shining tactical gear - Ghost x reader x soap
John Price :
All I need
Deep Breaths
Lion and the Lamb
Viper and the Lamb
Argument and makeup
The Killing Moon
Professor Price
Bad dreams
Trust me
Apollo, do you copy
What's so great about war ?
Songs that sound like sea foam - Fisherman!John Price x Mermaid!reader
Not in your life
Bloodstained honesty
John Price x F!OC Tank
Salt and pepper
The Last of Us
@guess-my-next-obsession's Joel Masterlist
@charnelhouse's Joel Masterlist
Confused Warmth
You came back for me
Reject me, I get it
Who are you if not alone
Cold as ice (part 2 : Cold as ice II)
Savior complex
Too late
Summer Lovin
Say it with your hands
Hot single dilfs in your area want to chat!
You're losing me
The Hayloft
Still here
The whole @pedgeitopascals Joel Miller masterlist
Call my name
Love in the middle of a firefight
Lucky for me, I run on spite and sweet revenge
Once again in your arms
Angst with Joel Miller
Boss - Javier Pena x DEA!OC
The Rookie
The dangers of misunderstanding
To sell your love for peace
Just dumb enough to try
@absurdthirst's Javier Pena Masterlist
Are you staying ?
Just Friends
The last goodbye
Love me not
All I wanna do is save you - Dilf!Matsukawa x College F!Reader
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tgm fic recs
@stcverogers tagged one of my fics in a rec list yesterday and i thought it was such a good idea, i wanted to share some of my own favs
in no particular order:
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one time thing // kiss the sun (fight the fire) // love that’s a real long shot  He nods again like that’s exactly what he expected you to say. “I think you’re wrong. Doesn’t matter now though, does it?” i would rec anything by @callsignvalley but this is probably the series that got me most. i also love tailspin and its rooster follow up steady
california coast in your green eyes // i’ll carry my bags just until i can hold you again (2 different series) Bob’s older sister gets the news that his plane went down during a training drill, and shows up at the hospital at the same time as an arrogant pilot. //  Six months after they break up, Jake shows up at Julie’s Family thanksgiving. A second chance holiday romance with fake dating, family drama, and fall festivities. @theharddeck these fics, esp carry my bags, feel so so real and human to me, i love julie and the characterisation of jake feels so on point i also love her series out of the clear, blue sky as well as kinda might, sorta like, love you a little bit + its follow ups
i’ve been holdin’ out so long (4 part series) You can’t stand Hangman, but your dreams lately say otherwise. He notices. @steadfastconviction i adore Bluegrass and her sass
do not engage (series) You hate Hangman. Really, you do... Or so you like to think, until it begins to seem like that distaste might not be as strong as you’d prefer to believe. @clints-lucky-arrow the entire f&f universe is great but Duchess especially is a badass
afterburn (series) It had been clear from the moment you got inside a cockpit that you were going to be something special. You certainly weren’t the youngest Naval Aviator to be invited to TOPGUN, but you had been the youngest to graduate at number one in more than thirty years. Which is all the more reason why it was so tragic that you would never, ever, be able to fly again. @top-hhun is a master of setting a scene
the off-season (series) It was supposed to just be one summer. But somehow you found yourself living in your grandparent’s Maine vacation house indefinitely. It was quiet when the summer tourists left, but tolerable. That was, until your brother’s friend from college needed a place to crash and he somehow wound up staying in your guest bedroom. Also indefinitely. @ereardon just started this series but i’m so into this world (au) already
fuck (the universe) (series) You’re a Kazansky–Tom “Iceman” Kazinsky’s youngest daughter–and you’ve taken after your father and become a Naval aviator. You finished at the top of your class at Top Gun and have worked diligently and fruitlessly to get to where you are now: North Island. You don the call-sign Wisteria not only because the beauty of the flower but because of its lethal qualities. i mention @roosterbruiser below bc i read landslide first but holy fuck indeed
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landslide (series) It’s been almost three years since the accident that took half of her, and Faye “Clover” Ledger seems fine, really. She loves her old house, she has a perpetually expanding vinyl collection, she’s got a job she likes on base, and she is only a short drive from the beach. She’s grounded--literally. @roosterbruiser landslide is one of those fics i have to read in little bits because it’s just too good. beautiful writing that just transports me (and i love faye, she may be the most developed fanfic oc i’ve ever read - and I love her taste in music)
baby let’s play house // pt 2  you got yourself in trouble. bradley has a bit of a savior complex. together, you come up with what could potentially be the worst idea in the longstanding and illustrious history of bad ideas. @seasonsbloom i just really love this fic, it shows all the quietest best parts of bradley
first impressions  at the induction day for the newest recruits of the Golden Warriors of VFA 87, rooster assumes you’re a civilian, instead of, you know, a member of his team? you see how far you can push it before he figures it out.  @ohcaptains‘s pilot in this fic is the badass bitch i wish i could be. as well as fucking funny.
like i can (series) After yet another bad date and tired of swiping on apps, the Dagger Squad steps in to help you out by setting you up on a series of blind dates. Much to Rooster’s dismay. @sometimesanalice perfect blend of cute, funny and heartmelting
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he’s so pretty (when he goes down on me) // pt 2  things between you and Bob are strictly business: he’s your backseater, and that’s all there is. @seasonsbloom‘s writing is so good it made me want to try writing fic myself
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hangman x rooster
we’re fools to make war In a Walmart at three am, between beef jerky and tortilla chips, with the lights flickering above them like it’s the fucking twilight zone, Bradley wants him more than he’s ever wanted anyone. or: it's a hundred degrees in texas. i can’t find a tumblr link for this but the writer is @baroness-elsa. this is 66k words and i read it in two days which probably says enough. holy shit.
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there are many many more (this fandom is FULL of talented writers, damn) but this already took me an hour so that’ll be part 2 haha
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redfurrycat · 11 months
📽️📺TV-Show & Movie-Based Fic Recs📺📽️
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: 64PackofCrayola, Abliafina, AnadoraBlack, Andthentheybow, Anonymous, Arami_d004, Boasamishipper, Boostergold, Broke_Traveler, Buckybraciole, Ceterum, Chase_acow, Content_Scrapbooker, Copacet, Doodlewrite, Dreamsoflovingness, Duchesscharliejames, Earthangel_44, FabuMazX, Fluffypoato, Foxhybridmikaelsonargent, Gracedbybattle, Hangmanbradshaw, Happypuppys, Haridwar, Heir2slytherin, Icezansky, Ilarina, Infinitejaust, Katastrophe, Kerbyfullyloaded, Lawrussoauto, LetPeteBeMaverick, Lolibat, LulaluzHazel, Magdarko, MidnightBlast, Nimuetheseawitch, Orphan_account, Plincess_cho, Puckingrightschicago, ReformedTsundere, Rnadison, Road1985, Rosexpetals, Sreshaw, Thecarlysutra, ToukoJalorda003, Trinipedia, Winterbucky, WWISA.
/27 Dresses/
Save your first and last dance for me by nimuetheseawitch {E}🤠🐓
/50 First Dates/
Days Like This by chase_acow {E}🤠🐓
/Almost Human/
These questions carry me away like a whirlwind by trinipedia {E}🤠🐓
/Anyone But You/
Anyone But You by FabuMazX {M} 🤠🐓
/Battlestar Galactica/
whirlwinds and thunderstorms by boostergold {T}🤠🐓
/Beauty and the Beast/
now I know he’ll never leave me (even as he runs away) by happypuppys {T}🤠🐓
/Brooklyn 99/
the rooster by lawrussoauto {T}🤠🐓
the bet by lawrussoauto {T}☃️🏍️
/Criminal Minds/
minimal loss by andthentheybow {M}🤠🐓
Kind of the same way - TGM Edition by trinipedia {M}☃️🏍️
/Fantastic Four/
They Call Me Mr. Fantastic by Anonymous {E}🤠🐓
/Harry Potter/
Amortentia by thecarlysutra {T}☃️🏍️
seven by orphan_account {_}🤠🐓
/Hidden Legacy/
If the Sky Can Crack by infinitejaust {E}🤠🐓
/His Dark Materials/
his dark materials / dæmon AU by buckybraciole {T}🤠🐓
Walking into the sky by kerbyfullyloaded {T}☃️🏍️
scarlet flags by winterbucky {T} 🤠🐓
/How To Lose A Guy in 10 Day/
how to lose a guy in ten days by haridwar {T}🤠🐓
Room by Room, Patiently by infinitejaust {M}🤠🐓
/Jurassic Park & World/
You're DINOmite by ReformedTsundere {T}☃️🏍️
it's such a magical mysteria, when you get that feeling by hangmanbradshaw {E}🤠🐓
Dust is Everlasting (And Love Even Moreso) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}🤠🐓
/Mr. & Mrs Smith/
Mr & Mr Kazansky by abliafina {M}☃️🏍️
Mr. And Mr. Kazansky by Lolibat {M}☃️🏍️
/The Mummy/
History's Like Gravity, It Holds You Down Away From Me by hangmanbradshaw {E}🤠🐓
/National Treasure/
You Can Make My Wish Come True, If You Let Me Treasure You by hangmanbradshaw {E}🤠🐓
/The Notebook/
Golden Boy by Earthangel_44 {E}🤠🐓
when the night will come and take us home by doodlewrite {T}☃️🏍️
/Ocean’s Twelve/
When in Rome (and the Alps, and Paris, and...) by LulaluzHazel {T}🤠🐓
/Pacific Rim/
Rec List 🤠🐓☃️🏍️
/The Parent Trap/
Brilliant Beyond Brilliant Idea by boasamishipper {T}☃️🏍️
The Parent Trap by Broke_Traveler {T}🤠🐓
/Percy Jackson/
a force to be reckoned with by winterbucky {T}🤠🐓
Watching, I Keep Waiting by infinitejaust {G}🤠🐓
/Planes, Trains, and Automobiles/
Planes, Trains, and Gay People by sreshaw {E}🤠🐓
/Princess Diaries 2/
stolen kisses, pretty lies by hangmanbradshaw {E}🤠🐓(//HTLAGI10D)
/Princess & the Frog/
it's 2am and I’m cursing your name by hangmanbradshaw {E}🤠🐓
/The Proposal/
Show me the places where the others gave you scars by Ilarina {T}🤠🐓
/Purple Hearts/
I Don't Wanna Live Through This Comedown  by Road1985, trinipedia {E}🤠🐓
/Scooby Doo/
you’re not fooling me (I can see) by magdarko {T}🤠🐓
/Set It Up/
Set It Up by Foxhybridmikaelsonargent {_}🤠🐓
Set it Up AU by AnadoraBlack {T}🤠🐓☃️🏍️
you take it to the heart (the waiting is the hardest part) by puckingrightschicago {G}🤠🐓☃️🏍️
Cyrano by arami_d004 {G}🤠🐓
and yet by heir2slytherin {_}🤠🐓
The Happy Moment Will Arrive When I Shall See by WWISA {T}🤠🐓☃️🏍️
dirty white chucks (and I can't get clean) by rnadison {T} 🤠🐓
/Stargate Atlantis/
the afterburner by copacet {E}☃️🏍️
/Star Wars/
The Best the Galaxy has to offer by AnadoraBlack {M}🤠🐓
a look from you (and I would fall from grace) by rnadison {G}☃️🏍️
king of my heart - icemav star wars au by rosexpetals {T}☃️🏍️
caught in the fire (say oh we're about to explode) by doodlewrite {G}☃️🏍️
mystic creature, come to me by haridwar {T}🤠🐓
Survivor: Maverick by icezansky {T}🤠🐓
/Swan Princess/
Swan Prince by 64PackofCrayola {_}🤠🐓
Man of his own invention by trinipedia {T}🤠🐓
/Twister & Twisters/
you were nothing but trouble, baby and I've been sifting through the rubble lately by hangmanbradshaw {M}🤠🐓
Twist My Heart by MidnightBlast {E}🤠🐓
we can build this dream together by plincess_cho {G}🤠🐓
My TGM X Twisters crossovers by fluffypoato {T}🤠🐓
crying sky (wash over me) by gracedbybattle {G}🤠🐓
mirror, mirror by ceterum {T}🤠🐓
The Restless Wind You Can't Fence In by dreamsoflovingness {_}🤠🐓
/When Harry Met Sally/
When Jake Met Bradley by infinitejaust {M}🤠🐓
/The Sound of Music/
The Sound of Freedom by Katastrophe {G}🤠🐓☃️🏍️
Of Hills and Airplanes (That Always Seem Insurmountable) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}🤠🐓
/The West Wing/
Out You Come [from Recovery Period Series] by Content_Scrapbooker {T}☃️🏍️
kazansky for america by duchesscharliejames {T}{G}☃️🏍️
Maverick for America by LetPeteBeMaverick {T}{M}{E}🤠🐓☃️🏍️
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