#Fic Maizulee
the-genius-az · 22 days
I have a great idea!
Maizulee and its reincarnations.
Azula is the Queen destined to take over the world.
Mai is the Spy destined to be in the shadows.
Ty Lee is the Knight destined to be in the light.
What am I talking about? I'm talking about both of them being destined to rule the world! but that can only happen by being together.
They have had several predecessors who did not achieve their destiny, and why? fights, wars and massacres.
Before them, the previous spy and knight fought for the Queen, fighting and ending up dying, unable to achieve their objective.
And the same thing always happens! but now? that could change.
Nowadays that has changed, and now Mai and Ty Lee are not only tied to the Queen, but also to each other.
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fishyupmywishy · 3 months
Accidental Hero AU
I want a fic of Azula getting worse.
Like she’s down right terrible. Completely evil and she knows that. She revels in being horrible. She was going to prove her mother right. That Azula truly is a monster.
Everything she does ends up becoming something that was good.
She bombed a building and killed a bunch of people?
The building was full of human traffickers that were about to kidnap a ton of kids.
She kidnapped a noble?
The noble thought she was going to torture them and immediately spills out their plans to steal tax money from the citizens.
And Azula grows more and more frustrated because everything she does ends up being something that makes the world a better place when all she wants is to watch it all burn. Like she truly believes she is irredeemable and has no interest in getting better because if she wasn’t wanted when she wasn’t evil, why should she bother being good at all?
(and if it ends with maizulee or any other sapphic Azula ship, well🤷‍♀️)
Accidental Hero Azula sounds absolutely hilarious to me
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bean-spring · 5 months
Maizulee moodboards because these girls make me go completely insane!!!!! 🧡🤍🩷
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@the-mariachi-96 asked for more moodboards so... Here are the sapphics <3
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blorboazula · 5 months
For the Drabble/word prompt:
Thank you for the prompt!
Azula's on a war path. And Katara can only facepalm and pity their opponents.
Who thought Uno with the two most competitive people in the world would end well? The only reason Zuko and Azula aren't trading punches yet is because Zuko has Drunk curled on his lap, the little menace of a kitten, and Azula has Katara on her lap (according to her, also a little menace of a kitten).
Azula treats a card game like a war, making Zuko buy more cards means she's successful in the conquest of new lands to her empire.
"You're adorably stupid," Katara whispers on ear, quite comfortable on her lap, she's not sure how Azula manages to keep her card in hand and an arm around Katara, holding her safe there.
"I'm a genius."
"This is a luck game!" Zuko exclaimed.
"Shut up, loser," she throws a +4 on the table, for the humiliation of the brother.
Katara laughs, she'll give Azula a good, long reward later that night.
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calliopieces · 2 months
👩‍🍳new fic up!
a Mai character study as well as an exploration of the complicated maizulee friendship (because I wanted an excuse to use the royal fire academy for girls as a setting)
main pairing is mailee (my first foray into writing them!) + a generous serving of maiko
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sifukorra · 6 months
if you have any azutara/azulaang/maizula/mailee/maizulee fic prompts or requests feel free to send them my way! i’d love to try and write them
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zuko-always-lies · 6 months
wlw Azula stats for AO3 fics updated in the last year
Tyzula: 281
Azutara: 145
Maizula: 53
Maizulee: 26
Yuezula: 27
Tophzula: 6
Azuki: 25
Jinzula: 8
Junezula: 2
Azula/Korra: 2
Azula/Jinora: 1
Azula/Kyoshi: 1
Azula/Ty Lee/Yue: 1
Azula/Katara/Mai/Ty Lee: 3
Azula/Katara/Ty Lee: 3
Azula/Mai/Suki/Ty Lee: 1
Azula/Katara/Yue: 2
Azula/Toph/Yue/Ty Lee: 1
Azula/Toph/Ty Lee/Mai: 1
Azula/Suki/Ty Lee: 1
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avatarfandompolice · 9 months
"I don't defend real cases of abuse (obviously) or incest (obviously) and I don't think Grey does either. It's just a stupid little joke she and her fans find entertaining."
But what about the existence of fic writers and artists who create detailed works of art that don't explicitly condemn shit like Zucest, Ozula, Watercest (Sokka/Katara), (abusive) Tyzula, (abusive) Maizula, or (abusive) Maizulee, or at least depict those relationships as toxic? Or worse, depict those relationships as being healthy?
Other those insistences just amusing in-jokes as well?
The quote you are using was in reference to someone trying to say Grey DeLisle is actively encouraging incest and abuse by shipping Tyzula and Zuko x Azula. My point is that she is doing it just for the hell of it and doesn't take it seriously, and that these are fictional characters anyway. Taking what I'm saying out of context does not mean I support people doing what you're saying. In fact, the quote itself is enough to show I don't.
The only time I would ever bring real-life implications into a cartoon character analysis is when others do it first. There have been plenty of people that are like "if you ship Kataang then you support abuse IRL," to which I'd respond with something pointing out that based on that logic Zutara shippers are supporting a lot of bad things. I only use the boundaries people set for themselves when proving them wrong and clowning them. They're the ones moving the goalposts.
The difference here lies in people shipping the characters just because they like them and/or their aesthetic, and the people who ship them while defending the abuse. Grey is not defending the abuse. It's basically never brought up. There are people that definitely do, and they might suck, but we also can't assume just because they're saying that in reference to some cartoon characters that they support it 100% in a real life situation.
TLDR is that you can ship anyone as long as you're aware it's not serious and you understand the difference between fiction and reality. The people who can't separate the two are the ones causing the most issues, whether it's trying to call out people for "problematic" ships or using fictional ships to mirror bad real-life behavior.
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beeturtlle · 1 year
Loving your maizulee art, what fan fic are you reading? Need me a good read tbh
hihihi, sorry for the slow answer! I HAVE BEEN READING AND REREADING THESE ONES!
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leocchisart · 5 months
What are your thoughts on Maizulee and the Fire Foursome ship (Azula/Ty Lee/Mai/Zuko)?
i don't mind maizulee. it's not my favourite but if im reading it in a fic it'd only be if tyzula was prominent.
fire foursome.... does that mean zucest? im leaving my stance on that open ended
but i do like the fire foursome in a pack kinda thing for abo. i think it's a very interesting concept. otherwise i can't exactly see a situation for them other than actual foursome. i wouldn't read it solely because itd probably be centered around the girls pleasuring zuko. that's just really boring imo
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likeadragonfruit · 2 years
This is once again an edge case, but the question isn’t like or dislike, it’s “do you ship it?” And for MaiLee, I have to say I
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
Quite frankly, I got soured on it from a combination of MaiLee building itself on anti Azula narratives. I get why the appeal and why the Boiling Rock is a frequently used moment, but as an Azula fan I don’t care for that. (And I know not every MaiLee fan or narrative does that, but still.)
I actually kinda feel really bad because on the OT3 ship front, I love Maizulee. But unlike my other OT3s, where I also ship all three combinations of ships together, in this case I don’t ship MaiLee. And it’s not even that MaiLee is bad or anything.
What would have made you like it?
I think while the grumpy/cheerful dynamic is present and can be nice, I’d like it more if MaiLee dug into the complexities of the relationship between Mai and Ty Lee.
Also probably more importantly being able to like it on my own terms. Because I definitely think there’s things there to like. I don’t know, maybe I’ll read a fic that makes it click for me some day.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
This ship definitely has some great potential. And a lot of people talented people making wonderful art of them. 
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the-genius-az · 3 months
You might like this one :3 It's from the same author, who wrote MES -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/5703487
I had already read it!
But I enjoyed reading it again, sometimes it's good to go back to reading with a new mind :)
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fishyupmywishy · 3 months
Why is that my favorite ship at the moment (maizulee) have so much incest in the fics??😭
Like, alright, fine, it’s disgusting and I have a deep hatred for proshippers, but do what you want I guess. But the excessive amount Zuko/Azula or Ozai/Azula is actually so gross. Especially the ones that don’t tag it as incest. Seek out professional help or go outside cuz I’m genuinely so done😭
Anyway, if anyone has any long Maizulee fics to recommend WITHOUT incest, please lmk🙏
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 2 years
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I have so many wips to work on its not funny😟
Maizulee chap 3. Reunion
Lilith going to human realm chap 2.
Sam centric fic
Tamber psychotic wives<3
Wednesday m2
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blorboazula · 7 months
attempts at atla fanfics
The fics are separated in a few categories under the cut. The ones with asterisk are the ones you really should mind the tags, but do check all of them because better safe than sorry.
Requests are open, I write: Azutara, Tyzula, Maizula, Maizulee and solo-Azula. There's an ongoing game where you send me a word and I give you a fanfic.
soft Azutara short fics
spiky bits
smells like bonfire and jasmine
unkillable fire hazard
the ciano series (dragons au)
the grumpy dragon
the convenient side of having a dragon
not very dragon-shaped
blood and ash on her tongue
sometimes your best friend is a giant lizard
stupid warm, fuzzy feelings
normal emotions (/one word = one drabble: jealousy)
you'll be fine, you'll be fine (/one word = one drabble: pain)
Azula: the firebending weapon
made into a blade
more ash than person
the Agni Kai trilogy
I'll show you lightning (+ freedom under the bleeding sky & everything we never had)
there’s something that can’t be pain because she’s so perfect
water doesn't keep you safe
one word = one drabble
jealousy (2)
other AUs
the last firebender
dead of the night* (Azula/Ursa)
ghosts of smoke* (Azutara + past Azula/Ursa)
a honourable family drowns in shame* (Azula & Ozai, mentioned Azula/Ursa)
Maizula True Mates AU
a pile of cubs
nothing is real, nothing has ever been real
smutty fics
late night at the palace (Maizula)*
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haytsun · 2 years
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