#Fiance now: gets up every 30 minutes or so to see if she's doing anything
carterashofficial · 3 months
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I love her
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jamneuromain · 11 months
Wild Child Chapter. 1
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Series Summary:
As the granddaughter of the sole Duke in your country, you know that you were going to marry some douche prince, because it is the only way to solidify the grasp the future king has on the Upper House. On the flight home, you come up with a brilliant plan to defy your upcoming matrimony.
Bringing a random man to your grandfather's place, and say you have a boyfriend already.
"Is there anything else I should know about? Before I meet your family?" Ari cocks his head to the side, watching you adjusting your cerulean Valentino dress when you wave your hand dismissively.
"Just say we're in love and help me get out of marrying this D-bag."
Ari Levinson x You
#i didn't know he is my fiance-douchebag-prince
#when i did, it was too late
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“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board Flight CM80072 from London to Ancetol. This is your Captain speaking. My name is…”
The broadcast started as you stuffed your ears with your earbuds. The screeching static along with the horrible noise whenever the captain chewed the mic in his lips and popped every consonant as if he couldn’t speak otherwise.
You should have brought your earplugs.
Or fly your private plane.
Correction: Fly your family’s private plane.
But you guessed they were still mad at you, which was probably the reason why the bodyguard they sent simply handed you an envelope with an airplane ticket inside.
“Would you like to see the menu?” The stewardess asked you with a kind smile, handing you the thick book of menu, “We have foie gras, smoked salmon, or veal rolls for the main course. Of course, you can also choose the vegan meal. All the ingredients are listed below the dishes.”
“I’ll have the veal roll.” You took a sip of the lemon-flavored soda she gave you earlier, “First course - the shrimp, and dessert would be the … ice cream, with extra berry toppings?”
“Excellent choice, Miss Y/L/N.” The stewardess nodded, taking notes of your demands, the impeccable smile still on her lips, “Any drinks?”
The bodyguard to your back coughed. Very loudly. Very spontaneously. As if he would be dead if someone didn’t hand him a glass of water or ship him off to the chemotherapy very soon.
“Cappu…” you changed your mind as soon as you were “reminded” that you were not allowed to drink alcohol, "Screw it, apple cider please.”
“Miss -” The bodyguard in the full black suit tried to warn you, “His Lordship won’t be pleased.”
“His Lordship,” you sniggered, “desperate measure to demonstrate his control over me, huh? Plus, I don’t think I recall our King has issued any announcement on the succession of the title. So, Lord him all you like. Pathetic man. I’m not respecting someone who participated perhaps even less than a minute in creating me.” You muttered the last few words under your breath.
You could practically imagine what “His Lordship” would do when he hears the report from the bodyguard, word for word.
He might throw some crystal ornaments to the wall, shouting at the top of his lungs, as if that would reinforce his authority.
A man to your right chuckled. Like you, he was just approached by the stewardess regarding his meal choice, now sipping scotch on the rocks. You glared at him. He looks like a man in his 30s. Terribly well dressed. The suit fitted his tailoring right up to his cufflinks. Golden cufflinks, you might add. White shirt without a tie. Long hair with a full-grown beard.
“Sorry, can’t help but overhear.” He raised his hands and folded them on his knees, “I’m Guy. Guy Thomas.”
“Mr. Thomas,” you shared your given name with him, but left out your family name, offering to shake his hand.
“Guy.” He stressed, “You’re from Ancetol?”
You were born in the outskirts of Ancetol, the capital of your home country, Ballenia, one of the few countries that are still ruled by a monarch. Your mother was relieved that you were blessed with a quick birth. But your father wanted nothing more than a boy. A boy that could take the family title and carry the family honor. Probably why he didn’t make an appearance until the second day of your birth. Reluctantly. You might add.
You spent the next couple of years of your life in a small town in Ballenia, growing up with your mother who thought innocently that your father would miraculously love you and accept you both as family.
You stopped believing in “a happy marriage” a long time ago. No. You stopped believing in “marriage”. And the fairy tales. And the lovely stories that told you one day, Prince Charming would come to rescue you riding his big white horse and ask you to be his wife, and some happily ever after bullshit.
The reality was, fairly close to the story of your family, where the “Cinderella”, your mother, was abandoned by the prince, who is your father, and he had a couple of mistresses when Cinderella was only allowed to be presented during formal circumstances.
Ah yes, after all, a divorce would destroy the reputation of His Lordship. Making them look bad if they kick a civilian woman out of the door. The press would go frenzy about it, spreading the news that the “Cinderella” had been divorced by the cold-hearted heir of the Duke.
Luckily, or, unlucky for your father, it was your grandfather who carried the Duke title. Your grandfather who was equally displeased with you, a useless girl. Your grandfather, who passed away quite recently. Three days ago.
Hence, your urgent return. And some pretenses for the reputation of your family.
So, sunglasses it is then. During the funeral. With a white handkerchief. No one will see your dry eyes incapable of producing tears, not for that old bastard anyway. You thought to yourself, eyeing the huge bulk of a man next to you.
Did you forget to mention that the late Duke did the same trick as your father? Marrying a civilian woman and keeping a dozen mistresses in the same mansion they live in?
“You sound local.” You commented on the way he speaks English, “Are you from Ancetol as well?”
“Aww, what gave it away?” The man switched to fluent Ballenian, the language you haven’t heard of for years, and asked you, sounding sincere, “Is it the ‘r’? I always mess up the ‘r’.”
“Your name doesn’t sound local though,” you buckled your seatbelt as the stewardess stepped close to inform you the plane was ready to depart, lowering your eyes to fumble with the metal link, “Guy Thomas. Very American.”
Ari, no, Guy, pushed a little smile on his lips.
Of course, this name sounded American. You would freak out if he told you his true name.
“My mother is American and my father is Ballenian.” Which was 75% true because his mother was half American. The other half Danish.
He went by “Guy Thomas” when he was having fun among people and didn’t want to spoil everything by announcing he was Ari. The fucking prince of Ballenia.
Total mood killer.
“Are you here for business or pleasure?” You joked, “Or visiting your family?”
“Mostly business.” Ari fabricated a lie out of nowhere, “I work as a manager of my family business.” Technically that’s not a lie. He even slipped in some details for credibility.
Family business, the kingdom.
Manager, well sort of, since his dad owned the country.
“And I’m back in Ballenia to secure a deal.”
You lacked interest in business and all that, waving your hand as if dismissal, but allowing the stewardess to come and take away the food and drink in front of you, “hard to do business nowadays, especially when the Minister of Foreign Trade is a jackass.”
“You speak as if you know him.”
“Please, he’s been in that position for fifteen years.” You rolled your eyes.
The minister tried to get you to marry his hideous, lazy, pig-like son who knows nothing more than eating, smoking, and partying. Promising your father to “sweeten the deal” by favoring the company your mother owned but your father controlled.
Your father really would have said yes if it weren’t for the deal years ago, promising you to another man already. A man more powerful than the minister or his son will ever be.
“Of course, he is a jackass. If not now, then somewhere in his 15 years of gripping the foreign trade.” But you were not telling a total stranger about you being promised around like a Ming-Dynasty Vase. “Just look at the new announcement he made with the U.S. What deal did he make? None! Claiming that ‘further efforts are needed’. Further my ass. The Ambassador from the States could barely keep the smile on his face for Christ’s sake.”
Ari took a mental note to look into this “jackass” Minister.
“What about you?” He asked, “Visiting your family? Plan on staying here long?”
You pursed your lips on hearing the question.
Visit your family? How about dead family?
You were here to attend your grandfather, the late Duke’s funeral.
Staying long?
You wouldn’t curse yourself like that.
The longer you stay, the more probable your father and your mother will talk you into marriage.
You loved your mother, but for Christ’s sake, “I hope not.”
Ari didn’t respond to your reply. He simply hummed, making you confused about whether he agreed with you or not.
The plane did not wait for a minute more before departing into the air. A short while of gravity shift brought you 30,000 feet up in the sky. You pulled down the blind as the annoying sunlight burned your eyes, getting up for a bit more leg room and heading to the bathroom.
In the blink of an eye, a violent turbulence threw you off your own feet.
The soft ring of the safety belt sign turned the orange light on, while you slowly came to your senses that you weren’t embraced by the ground, but rather a firm body wrapping around you. One arm on your back, holding your upper body, another hung – rather awkwardly – in the air. You were sitting on his thick thighs sideways. Your ankle hurting. You were pretty much sure you twisted it with your damn heels.
“Miss Y/L/N!” The bodyguard hurried towards you, completely disregarding the tremble of the plane, rushing to your side. “Miss, I need you to try and stand up.” He held out an arm, leaning towards you to help you up.
Seeing him trying to assess how hurt your ankle was, you were very touched that he was concerned and reacted quickly. Maybe a small pay rise for him if you get back to your home?
Your bodyguard sighs, shaking his head with a disapproving look, “If this is your way of trying to escape the deal, his lordship won’t be pleased.”
Oh yes, the deal. The deal that simply packed you like a FedEx item and threw you to the palace door. The deal that promised you to the prince, right after you were born. The deal that you were told by your parents to honor for as long as you can remember. The deal lurking in the corner and bit you in the ass whenever you had done something to displease your father, reminding you over and over again that the only reason that you were alive was the fucking deal.
Apparently, your father had left out a most important piece of detail when instructing this bodyguard to “guard” you from running away.
You hardly ever do as you’re told.
“I think my ankle is broken.” You said dryly, pointing at your feet, not even trying to pretend that you can convince no one with your bland facial expression, “Can’t get up.”
Ari bit his lips so that he wouldn’t laugh.
You were sure as hell an interesting soul.
If he had any doubt or concerns regarding marrying you, a complete stranger in a matter of weeks, he now had none.
He thought you were the kind of girl who was a black sheep in the family, a wild child, with tattoos on your eyeballs or something. But you were nothing like his imagination.
Wild? Sure.
Black sheep? Compared to your father, the to-be-Duke, who seemed more like what the term was describing.
Ari raised his eyebrows, “Although I wouldn’t oppose you sitting on my thighs,” he nodded towards the stewardess who lurked behind the thin veil of curtain, “I’m afraid she would be unable to do her job properly if this continues.”
You clenched your jaw. Ignoring the extended hand from your bodyguard, you stood up, feeling instantly a sharp pain stinging your bones.
Bathroom was long forgotten, not that you have a chance to reach there on your own, you slumped down the seat and made sure you pushed the seat back until you could almost lie down like on a gurney. Lifting the hurting ankle on your other ankle, you closed your eyes.
Fuck his lordship.
The pain throbbing on your ankle. Your body dipped in both the coolness of the AC and the heat from your spine and the back of your head.
The few hours on the plane became more and more unbearable.
The veal roll didn’t lift your spirit in any way when it was brought to you.
The meat itself was fine. Only that it tasted like wax to you. You let out a long exhale as you outstretched your leg to ease the stress. Finishing the meal barely, you pushed the plate away, not even looking at the cider that you were thrilled to piss your father off with, and asked the stewardess for some paper. Empty sheets for writing.
She was clearly dumb-founded by your request, but hurried to carry your idea out.
You thanked her when she brought you some sheets, torn from some notepad as there were jigsaw razor edges on the side of the paper.
If the pain and the fact that every second you were closer to Ballenia was bothering you, you only needed something more bothering to take your mind off.
Ari narrowed his eyes when he cast a glimpse that you pulled out a pen from your bag from the overhead compartment and started writing on the empty sheets of paper.
Call him nosey but he wanted to know what you were writing.
Too inconvenient for him, your letters scribbled too small for his eyes to see. Occasional glimpses couldn’t help him read your writing. Nor that the content on your phone was clear enough for him to read either.
He did know that should be a text of some kind.
What text though? That was the real question.
…not some kind of text that could curse the royal family of the Ballenia, right?
Ari was almost amused by his own thoughts, before a shiver ran down his body and stuck an idea in his mind that this was totally and perfectly possible.
…you wouldn’t, would you?
Hard to tell. You weren’t exactly obeying the orders to marry him. Delaying it a couple of times in the past three years. And now, hearing that you had just called a minister “asshole” … or was it “butt ass” (?), anyway, something about ass, behind his back, and that you could mull a long face over your own bodyguard? Ari couldn’t figure out your temper and your actions all of a sudden.
The adjectives, that your father and his father used when they were talking about you, didn’t even come close to you.
“Kind” “Warm” “Considerate” “Perfect Princess”.
“Exceptional”. Maybe this was the right word.
Definitely different and strong-minded.
He could almost imagine the changes you would bring to his family and the kingdom.
He could discuss politics with you. You had your own thoughts and ideas, which was a good sign. Talk about foreign policies. Speaking of, he should really have someone fetch your dissertation from your university to understand where lies your interests. He’d allow gossip on the table too, if that’s what you like.
Ari hated gossip.
And there he was, imagining the future with you, before you were willing to marry him.
“If you want the book, I can lend it to you.” Your voice snapped him out of his fantasies. You had stopped scribing and rubbing your knuckles with your other hand. Pursing your lips together, you had, obviously, found out that he had his eyes glued to you.
“I’m sorry?”
“The History and Nature of International Relations.” You shrugged, twirling your wrist and your shoulder for writing too long, “I gotta warn you though, it’s pretty boring.”
Ari knew the correct answer to his question, but he asked either way, “You are studying it?”
“No. Yes. Hmpf,” You pouted at your change of words, “I did. I was. I was studying International Relations.” Something blipped in your mind, “Did you know this book?”
Ari smiled, “Took a course in International Relations years ago. I’m surprised they are still using it as an example of a textbook – where did you study?”
“NYU.” That’s a plain fat lie. You had a friend studying at NYU, but you were not planning on giving all your personal information away to a complete stranger, “You?”
Ari cocked his eyebrows. You were studying in Cambridge. He read that from your file.
“University of Ancetol.” Because studying there demonstrated the confidence of the Royal family in their country’s educational system. From there, the lies weaved themselves from his lips, “Got an undergrad degree and started to take over the family business. I visited New York last year,” along with his father, the King, but they travelled as quietly as they could, initiating a state visit without disturbing the press, “I miss school, now that I’m thinking of it.” Ari sighed deeply, “Wanted to get a grad degree but work’s too busy.”
“A manager in your family business?” You teased him light-heartedly, “Surely you can spare the time and study for a grad degree.”
Ari chose to evade this question. Reaching for his suit pocket, he fished out a business card with his name (Guy Thomas) and phone number on it, handing it to you, “Grad school doesn’t exactly tolerate me flying all over the world for … my family business.” He pushed his soft brown hair behind his ears, his eyes sparkling with a hint of joy that he had successfully fooled you, “Jewelry, my specialty. Diamonds, pearls, gemstones … call me if you need anything.”
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“Oh, and she got her Master’s degree two months ago.” Ari casually dropped this to his parents in the middle of having dinner, he almost felt proud of his future wife, “Majoring in Political Science and International Relations. With a merit… no, distinction. The top 10% of her class.”
“We want a princess, not a college professor.” His father looked rather disappointed, “We were promised a princess.”
Ari didn’t understand.
If it were to be a marriage without love, he’d rather his spouse would be clever than bimbos who need help spelling “distinction”. Clever would mean he has a handful to deal with, yes, but what’s the fun in talking with someone who only cares about mani-pedi and the latest fashion magazines when he would be running the country?
Why wouldn’t they want someone smart as his wife?
“Your father is right, Ari,” his mother, Queen Olivia, reminded him with a softer tone, “we don’t need someone academically outstanding. We only want her to care for your home, you, and your future children.” She then turned to Ari’s father, King Victor, with blame framing her tone, “Told you should’ve just kept her with us when she was born. I knew Y/L/Ns were incompetent in raising our son’s future wife.”
Ari nearly spat out his food, “HOUSEWIFE?” Earning the “Shhh” from the Queen, he ignored the palace rules and the rules of being a prince altogether, “You want a HOUSEWIFE as the future queen?”
“For the moment.” Olivia waved her hand as if all this was not important, “Only temporal. After you get acquainted with the Upper House, you could divorce her and we’ll find you a proper wife.”
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Taglist: @irishhappiness @patzammit
Find the Wild Child Masterlist here 👈
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Can I have aizawa dating (without knowing) one of his student's (you can chose) older sister? Thank you and stay hydrated! 💗
• It was Bakugous sister.
• He honestly didn't even make the fucking connection. He's just tired.
• You have brown hair, Katsuki has blonde hair. You curse a lot but have a much better control with your temper and youre not as hot headed.
• he didn't connect the resemblance either until he see's you too in the same room
• and he doesn't like bringing work home- especially when he gets to see you
• which isn't as often as he'd like it to be
• so he won't talk about it
• so you wouldn't know that he taught your brother
• he'll say his day was frustrating or it was good and then the subject would be changed
• Your family would know you're seriously dating /someone/
• but they wouldn't know who.
• your dad would know more than your mom would- you're closer with him
• Katsuki would also know youre dating someone, he doesn't know who, and he pretends not to care but he's annoyed he hasn't met them
• he doesn't know what they're like. They could be an asshole- he wouldn't know.
• your relationship with Katsuki is weird.
• some times he's decent- and yall act like normal siblings
• and then sometimes the two of you ignore eachother for months
• which is ridiculous because youre 26 and he's 17.
• you think he has some animosity for leaving the house and leaving him to be the only child there
• now his parents are down his back
• he might also be upset that you disciplined him a lot
• but you also comforted him when he needed it
• regardless he'll still show up at your apartment when he's fought with mom
• or he 'got bored' aka he missed you but he's not gonna say that
• if he didn't feel like spending the night in the dorms, he'd crash at your place.
• Back to the point- they don't know much.
• it's completely unknown to everyone that you're dating your brothers teacher.
• Aizawa is patient. He's so patient.
• you've been hesitant on him meeting your family (though you've been together for what- a year? Year and a half?) Because well...your family is your family.
• you don't want him to dip
• you're utterly in love with this man and you'd be htterly devastated if he left
• and honestly? He's content with how it is now.
• Him occasionally spending the night(s) ((weeks)) at your apartment, leaving work out of conversations and just enjoying company.
• you dont have to go too fast- its fine how it is now.
• he loves you and that's really all that matters to him.
• but one day, you do decide its time for him to meet them.
• it's over winter break- it's December, not long before Christmas, he'd be spending it with you this year and he should meet your family before hand.
• You guys decided breakfast was an appropriate time.
• So there you are, sitting in bed with your greasy gremlin of a man
• he's got a hand in your hair, the other on the bed on the other side of your head to hold him up.
• you were under him, licking the inside of his mouth
• that's as far as you two had gotten before there was a knock on the door.
• you looked towards the clock as he let out a small groan.
• forgive him, it'd been a solid 2 weeks since he'd seen you last and he missed every part of you.
• it was late, around 11:30, none the less you got up, pressing another kiss to his lips "I'll be back in a minute babe,"
• and off you go to answer the door
• and when you do answer you see Katsuki standing there, hands shoved in his pockets, looking very upset.
"I got into a fight with mom. Can I sleep here tonight?"
You nod, "yeah yeah, of course. Just text dad that you're here okay?" You step aside to let him in. "Did you walk? Drive?"
"Hung out with Ei and then drove here."
"Car out front?"
"Mhm, parked next to yours."
"Did Ei do a good job making you feel better?" You glance back at him as you take a cup out if the cupboard.
"Yeah, he did. I'm just not in the mood to go back."
"That's okay. We know how mom gets. What was it about?"
"Responsibility or some shit like that. Not exactly sure anymore."
"Katsu," you mumble, sitting a cup if tea in front of him. "You're doing fine. With everything thats going on, you're dealing with it really well. You're still just a kid, you deserve to have some fun." You kiss his forehead and he nods. "I'm gonna make sure the guest bedroom is ready, kay?"
• So once the room is ready, he brings his cup into the room and plugs in his phone before looking at you.
"Is /he/ here?
"Sho? Yeah, he's probably sleeping now. You'll meet him in the morning. Is Ei and his family still spending Christmas dinner with us?"
"Yeah. He is."
"Does he know how crazy we are?"
Katsuki smiles slightly. "Yeah, one of his moms is like that."
"Good, then you have nothing to worry about. Goodnight Katsuki." You ruffle his hair.
"Let the bedbugs bite, hag."
"You too, little fucker."
• Getting back into bed woke Shouta up, though he was only just drifting off.
"Who was that?"
"Brother, he got into a fight with mom. He's spending the night in the guest bedroom so you'll meet him tomorrow."
He nodded. "Can I go back to kiss you now?" He mumbled.
"Yeah, but we have to be quite now." You smile.
"You know thats one of my favorite games," he got back on top of you, moving your legs so they were on either side of his waist and he had easy access to grind himself onto your heat. You let out a sigh and his lips reconnected.
• The next morning you woke up early than you had really wanted but sometimes shit happens.
• katsuki was already up, if course he was.
• he gave you a small nod, eyes traveling to the hickey peeking out from under your robe before looking away. Gross.
• "Sleep okay?"
"Slept fine, you?"
"Mhm," you smile slightly. "Dad say anything last night?"
"He said to tell you goodnight and he was excited to see you tomorrow, but I was too lazy to get up-" his spoon clattered.
You glance back, "Ah, Katsu this is Shou, Sho this is-"
• Katsuki is 😃
• Why are you fucking here???
• Aizawa is 😌
• I'm gonna use this to destroy you
"Jesus-" Katsuki groans. "No- no no-"
Shouta rubs his face, but he's internally jumping- oh he's going to use this to his advantage.
"You're dating my fucking teacher?"
"Wha- oh." You snicker.
• This is gold
• This is absolutely gold
• You are going to beat Aizawa ass later though, he's totally been overworking his class
• They walk into breakfast and your parents are like ????
• "Hey isn't that-?"
"Yes." Bakugou grumbles. "Yes it is."
• Honestly they'd both use it to their advantage.
• "I'll tell my sister if you ____"
• "I'll tell your sister if you don't _____"
• and when y'all get engaged and class 1a finds out that he's going to become bakugous brother in law, they flip their shit dude.
• Because one, Eiji was the only one who knew he had a sister and that he was dating bakugous sisterb
• mans walked in with his famiky to see his boyfriend and stopped dead in his tracks.
"M-Mr. Aizawa..why are- uhm- why are-?"
Bakugou grabs his hand, nodding at his mother's. "He's dating my sister."
"He's what?" He whispered, eyes widening.
"Tragic, I know."
• One time you had to bring him something bc he forgot it at your apartment that was practically his too at this point
• and you walk in
"Hey sho, you forgot this."
"Mm, thanks."
• Bakugou drops his head to the table
"Bye Katsu," you wave and smile. "By Ei, have a good day,"
"Please leave,"
"You too Bakugou!"
• "who was that?" Mina asks
"Bakugous sister,"
"My fiance,"
They said that the same time
• All hell breaks loose
• "The fact that bakugou has a sister is processed first- "she looks nothing like you how-"
"She has my dads brown hair. I have my moms blonde hair.'
• He's bombarded with questions
• he ignores them
• the fact that Aizawa is ENGAGED to bakugous sister- now that's gold
• and he's bombarded with questions too
• no he did not know you were bakugous sister
• he met you after school started
• at a fruit stand actually
• he proposed before Christmas
• yes, he asked for your parents approval
• yes he asked for bakugous approval, he said yes
• no, he didn't have kids
• but y'all did have a cat and a dog
• No Mina, I'm not showing you a picture of them
• because Ayoma, we're in class right now
• maybe after if you guys shut up
• Anyway Bakugou is the ringbearer for the wedding 🤪🤪
• Class 1A is invited
• Mic is the best man
• Your best friend is your maid of honor
• All might officiated it
• its a good time
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wtfjd95 · 3 years
Together As One; Part 3
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If you wanna be tagged Inbox Me
@xxxtwilightaxelxxx @imnotasuperhero @rooskaya-yelena @swords-are-cool @drpepperobsessed @natasha-danvers @coollemonsaresour @moonlagh @the-camilucha @hello-mtf @darkangelxoxo @ledollarbean-em @username23345 @marvels-writings​ 
Part One | Masterlist | Part Two
Sorry if it seems so crap towards the end. I was trying to get it as close to a decent end as possible for this part but with work consuming my time now that the lockdown in England is easing, I have less time to write and writers block is slowly appearing once more. I’m not too sure if i’ll have a part 4 & if I do, it probably won’t be for a long while.
I hope you all enjoy this either way. 
2 months. 2 long months you had been unconscious and Wanda was terrified. She’d spent several months looking for you, never giving up hope that she’d see you again and once she had, she vowed that she’d never leave your side only to have you blackout on the ride back with yet to wake. So here she sat by your bedside, day in and day out as she waited for you to wake.
“Someone should talk to her,” Steve said. He, Natasha & Clint stood outside your hospital room.
Through the small glass window of the door, the three could see the dried tear tracks on Wanda’s face. The young woman had barely left your side, only leaving at the start to shower and change her clothes before she returned to your side, your hand clasped tightly in both of hers, pressing a kiss there every so often as she hummed a quiet tune. Whether it was to keep herself calm or hoping to rouse you from your slumber, no one knew.
“Yeah,” Clint agreed. “Someone should.” Both men turned to face Natasha, who just sighed and ran a hand over her face.
“Fine, I’ll do it.” Natasha grunted moving towards the door. “Men,” she mumbled as she walked in. 
“Hey, any news?”
“None since yesterday.” Wanda answered, her voice huskier than normal from lack of use.
“Wanda, why don’t you go and get changed?” Natasha suggested, looking over the well-worn sweatpants and hoodie the younger woman wore. “Or maybe check in on Silver? I’m sure he misses you.”
“I’m not leaving Y/N alone,” Wanda mumbled against the skin of your hand. “I promised her I’m not leaving her side again once I found her and I won’t break that promise.” ‘Not now, not ever.’ She thought to herself.
“Wanda, I’ll stay and watch over her while you go and clean up.” The Russian suggested. “I promise to call you if anything changes.”
Looking up at your peaceful face, Wanda exhaled shakily, green eyes shining with tears before laying your hand back at your side and standing from her seat, knowing there was no chance in fighting the redhead. Quietly, she shuffled towards the head of the bed and leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“I will be back soon, my love.” She uttered lovingly. “I promise you.” She pressed one final kiss to your lips before turning to Natasha. “You call me if she wakes up.”
“I promise.” Natasha vowed, looking at you before moving back to Wanda with a firm nod.
Stepping out of the elevator and onto her- your shared floor of the compound, Wanda was greeted by a soft meow and the light patter of feet. 
“Hello, Silver.” She smiled, moving forward and picking the small animal up. “I’m sorry for leaving you with the team for a while,” the kitten revelled in the affection that Wanda gave him, purring softly as she ran her hand over his head. 
Once she’d felt that she gave the cat enough attention, she allowed him to settle on her shoulder as she made her way toward the bedroom.
Entering your room, Wanda sighed. She hasn’t been inside since your disappearance, opting to sleep in her old room or even on the couch at times when she was too in her thoughts. 
The thought of sleeping alone in your shared bed was enough to bring tears to her eyes. Something she’d found out within the first week of you missing. She wasn’t able to sleep without you beside her for her nightmares returned full force with a few new ones featuring you. 
She cast a glance over the framed pictures that lined the top of your dresser, a small smile appearing on her face as she recalled the memories that came with them.
Various team photos played in a slideshow on a fancy digital frame that Tony gifted you a while back; another held a pic of you, Nat & Clint, you had Clint in a headlock while Nat just stood off to the side with her head in her hands.
The last picture, however, Wanda adored. It was at the engagement party that Tony had ‘offered’ to throw you. It had been a fairly fancy party, she might point out.
You had dressed in a pair of your nicest slacks, a button-up white shirt with a charcoal grey waistcoat while she wore a figure-hugging deep red dress. Her fingers delicately tangled in the baby hairs at the base of your neck while yours rested on her waist, foreheads pressed against one another as you swayed softly to the music. Neither of you cared about the world around you as you did.
With a shuddering breath, she set Silver on the bed and wiped the tears from her face, before stepping into the bathroom.
30 minutes later, Wanda was back at your bedside, freshly showered and changed with Silver curled up on her lap, a book levitating in red mist allowing her to run one hand along the kitten’s back, while the other held your hand, thumb running gentle circles on your knuckles. Besides the situation & beeping of the monitors attached to you, it was an almost peaceful silence.
“Y’know pets aren’t allowed in the medical wing, right?” Tony’s voice pulled Wanda from her thoughts, the young woman jumping slightly in response.
“He keeps me calm, you know that.” She told the billionaire, running a hand over Silver’s head, the kitten purring in content.
Tony was about to respond when the heart rate monitor you were connected to began to beep incessantly, Wanda’s grip on your hand tightening in fright. She listened to the rapidly increasing beep of your heart monitor with watery eyes. As Tony headed to the door calling for a doctor, when you suddenly shot up into a seated position, eyes snapping open and gasped for air.
“Y/N?” “Hey, kid?” Tony and Wanda chorused, trying to catch your attention.
Your eyes darted around the overly bright white room as your vision cleared, eventually landing on the two blurry figures at your bedside.
“Tony?” You wondered, lifting a hand to wipe at your face. “Wanda?” You blinked a few more times to make sure you weren’t seeing things.
“Detka? (baby?)” Wanda squeezed your hand cautiously, trying to get your attention.
“Wanda,” You mused. “Hi love. Is that my jumper?” She shrugged in response, tears falling from her eyes. “And who’s cat is that?”
An hour later, the doctor in charge of your care had filled you in on all you needed to know medically. Tony had left to inform the team and Wanda had stayed to inform you on what had happened while you were unconscious.
“And this is Silver,” she told you. The small siamese purred contentedly as he lay curled in your lap, your hand running along his back. “He was a gift from Tony. Not long after…” As she trailed off, you knew that she was referring to your initial disappearance.
“Silver, huh?” You pondered, a soft smile on your face as your fingers scratched Silver’s chin. “Does that have any reference toward a certain blue-eyed, silver-haired speedster we know?” You questioned trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. “I mean, I can definitely see the resemblance.”
The pair of you continued catching up until the door to your private room (courtesy of Tony) opened and Nat, Steve, Clint & Sam all filed in. Natasha being the first to approach, pressing a kiss to your head before each of the guys gave you a careful side hug. 
You were catching up with Steve when you spotted the bag slung over Clint’s shoulder.
“We pull you in from the school run there, Clint?” You joked, the archer scoffing in response. “What’s with the backpack?”
Clint just scoffed in return and threw the backpack into your lap. “Very funny,” He said. “I stopped off with Nat and we grabbed your backup bag you keep ready for this kinda situation.”
“Thanks you guys” you nodded as you reached for the bag, pulling out a fresh shirt.
You moved to stand from the bed, only for you to fall into Wanda when you collapsed. A surprised gasp coming from Wanda as you ended up in her lap.
“I mean you already knew I fell for you but it doesn’t hurt to tell you again” You smirked, arms snaking around her neck, hers around your waist. The both of you leaned in, lips barely touching when the sound of someone clearing their throat caused you to pull away.
“Almost forgot we had company” Wanda mumbled hiding her face in your neck, colour creeping up her own from embarrassment.
“Right, out you guys please.” You waved your arm at them. “I need to get dressed and would like some time alone with my fiance.”
“Oh that reminds me,” Wanda said, removing her hands from your waist and up to the back of her neck.
You watched as she pulled a chain from under the neckline of the jumper, a brief sparkle catching your eyes as the fluorescent lights overhead caused the gem on your ring to sparkle.
“I thought I lost it” You mumbled. “How?” Wanda just smiled as you held your hand out for her to place the ring back on your finger, where the both of you wanted it to stay.
“Let’s just say Fury has his ways” The young redhead told you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
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In the cloak of the night
Summary: A night on which your friend ditched you, turned out to be the most eventful night you maybe had in your life. All thanks to the tall and handsome stranger you met and who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Not even when you were waiting for the bus to take both of you to your place...
Pairing: Syverson / F!Reader
Wordcount: 2.586
Warnings: alcohol, smut. exhibtionism, dirty talk
A/N: With a two day delay it’s here. Enjoy *winks*
Taglist in reblog. Join my Taglist here
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By now you were pretty sure your friend wouldn’t be joining you in the pub. It was Saturday, you were wearing a way too short skirt and all you wanted to do was get drunk with your best friend on the day you would have gotten married.
That was if you hadn’t found out your ex fiance had another fiance in another part of town. The things you discovered ever since you broke the engagement could be straight out of a novel.
That was now six months ago. 
Sighing, you leaned with your head on your hand ordering yourself another Gin Tonic. That really was typical. She kept nagging you about to go out more, to make some effort and then she stood you up.
Rolling your eyes you decided to stay for the next drink and then make your way home. If you were quick, you could still catch another rerun of Charmed on tv. 
Laughter from the other side of the pub made you turn your head to find out where it was coming from. A group of men in camouflage was sitting at the biggest table of the bar. You knew that a bunch of army people had been back from wherever they had been for the last few months, but you didn’t know it had been that many. 
A pair of blue eyes meet yours out of the group of men. He had very short dark hair, a wild scruff in his face hiding most of his face from view. For what felt like minutes he looked at you, his eyes not leaving yours until you both snapped out of it, him because somebody wanted something and you because another glass of gin tonic was set down in front of you.
For the next half hour, you casually looked over your shoulder, to steal another gaze but he was nowhere to be seen. You huffed. Story of your life. 
You weren’t a supermodel, but you were happy with how you looked. Sure you could work out more, your mother kept saying that you never would find a man again if you didn’t put a bit more effort in how you looked, yet as long as you were happy, you wouldn’t give a damn.
“Excuse me?” Someone asked beside you. Already sighing, you turned around only to find the man from earlier staring down at you. If his eyes were what caught your attention at first, the second was certainly his stature. He was huge. His biceps were probably bigger than your head. A little grin sneaked to his face when you didn’t say anything.
“Sorry.” You shyly said, probably blushing. He genuinely smiled at you, his face softening.
“I was wondering if I could invite you for a drink?” He asked.
“Aren’t you busy catching up with your guys?” You asked teasingly.
“Nah. I’ve seen those fuckers every day for 5 months.” He laughed, his hand coming up to rub the back of his head.
“Blink once if you need someone to save you.” You leaned in and whispered. He looked at you surprised and you could see a fleck of brown in his left eye. He winked once at you, making you laugh, before he sat down on the seat next to you.
“What can I get ya?” He asked, already waving to the waiter.
“Nothing yet.” You pointed to your still half full glass.
“Well then, I’d like a beer and some mozzarella sticks.” He said.
He told you his name was Sy and he was an army captain just back from a 5 month stay in Iraq. He’d be home for three months before he had to go back for another 5 months before he was done for good.
“Isn’t that hard?” You asked.
“You get used to it.” He shrugged. The longer you talked the more both of you had turned towards another.
“It’s not like I have much to come back here to anyway. I have my dog and my mom.”
“No friends?” You asked. He shook his head.
“Not really. I never invested time in friends because I’m not around much.”
“That sounds lonely. What about girlfriends?” You sucked your bottom lip in. He looked at you for a while, his eyes not leaving yours.
“No girlfriends. I mean there was this woman I loved but…” He shook his head looking away from you. You reached for his arm and waited until he looked at you.
“I get it. Let’s not talk about it,” you said quietly. He nodded at you and you dared to steal one of his mozzarella sticks.
“Didn’t take you for a thief.” He chuckled.
“You’ve known me for an hour, Captain. You haven’t even scratched the surface on who I am.” You winked, eating the mozzarella stick.
An hour later you found yourself in his arms as you danced along to the band that was performing on stage. You were standing with your back against his chest, his arms around your waist. He was so tall, his head didn’t even have to rest on top of yours. The fact that he was so much bigger than you was making you all kinds of tingly.
His fingers brushed over the exposed skin of your stomach. You could feel his hard muscles on your back. He was exactly what you needed. A man who you knew you would have no future with because he would leave in a matter of time. That didn’t mean you couldn’t have some fun. You never had a one night stand in your life but….
Turning in his arms you looked up at him before you could talk yourself out of it and grinned up at him.
“Come down here.” You said, and when he leaned down you kissed him, catching him by surprise. He groaned against your lips, as his arms pulled you closer, his tongue brushing over your lips, deepening the kiss. Grasping the fabric of his shirt you clang to him. One of his hands on your back sneaking under your shirt, caressing your skin. He tasted of beer and something unique you were growing addicted to.
The band finished their song, the crowd around you applauding.
“You wanna get out of here?” You asked against his lips. He nodded, before he kissed you again, taking your hand and going back to the bar where you left your stuff.
The very short way to the bus stop a little down the street took way longer than anticipated. Which could have to do with the fact that Sy couldn’t keep his hands off of you. His lips seemed to be glued to your neck and you were pretty sure you would end up with a hickey. Which was kinda hot. 
When you came to a stop at the bus station and studied the plan, you sighed.
“Next bus will be here in 30 minutes,” you said. His arms sneaked around your waist, his chest pressed against your back and you could feel just how hard he was. Never in your life had you been this horny. For anyone really.
“I can’t wait that long,” he whispered against your ear as he leaned down, making you shiver.
“I think you can, big boy. It’s not like you can fuck me here out in the open.” You chuckled.
“And why is that?” He asked, his big hands running down your sides, resting on your thighs as you leaned into him.
“Because this is an open street and my bed is way more comfortable…” you argued, his lips kissing up your neck.
“My lap is very comfortable,” he whispered.
“I don’t have condoms…” You tilted your head, giving him more space.
“I have some…” He sucked on your earlobe, making you moan.
“Always prepared, Captain?” You teased.
“Better safe than sorry.” He grinned.
Where you really about to let a man you had met only hours before fuck you at a bus station?
“I promise I’ll make you cum on my tongue for the rest of the night…” He whispered against your ear, as one of his hands ran up your thigh.
“I haven’t had sex in 9 months…” you whimpered when you felt his hand between your legs.
“Try a year.” You let your head fall back against his shoulder.
“Fuck….” You closed your eyes. Your panties were soaked. Looking around the empty and dark street, the only light coming from the streetlamp next to the bus station, you decided to give in. He was right, you couldn’t wait until the bus was here. 
Turning in his arms you ran your hands up his back to his neck, pulling him down so you could kiss him hard. He groaned against your lips and you opened your mouth for him as he picked you up and carried you to a bench where he sat down with you straddling him, his lips still on yours. 
“Are we really doing this?” You asked, moaning when his hands landed on your ass under your skirt.
“We better, otherwise I gotta somehow take care of this boner.” He grinned, making you laugh. You kissed him again, your hands holding on to his shirt, slowly running down his chest until you  felt the outline of his cock through his pants, making him hiss. 
“I always thought only pornstars have cocks like that.” You chuckled.
“A Veteran as a porn star?” He asked, his eyebrow raised, as if he was thinking about it. One of his hands opened the buttons of the blouse you were wearing, exposing your lacy black bra.
“You’ll be a rich guy. Can I be your manager?” You joked, biting your lip when both of his hands massaged your boobs, his fingers harshly pulling the lace down, to expose your nipples to him. 
“What do you want as payment?” He grinned, leaning down and sucked on one of your nipples, his eyes looking up at you. You felt his teeth pulling it making you whine, your hands flying up to hold onto his neck, your hips rolling on top of him, making him growl.
“Can we talk about that after you make me cum?” You whispered. The only answer you got was his other hand pulling at your other nipple, rolling it between his fingers.
“Sy... “ You moaned. He released your nipple with a plop, making you breathe in deep as he leaned back at the bench, looking at you with hungry eyes as his hand pulled out a condom out of his pants pocket. You bit your lip, casually looking around to make sure that there wasn’t anyone around.
“We could stop…” he said. All you did was take his hand, bringing it between your legs.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this wet, Captain. Any second thoughts?” You asked. He looked up at you, thinking, before you felt his fingers rubbing over your soaked panties.
“When we’re at your place…” He said quietly, pulling your panties to the side, as you opened his belt.
“I’m gonna fuck you on every flat surface that I can find.” You felt his finger exploring your pussy, making you breathe deeply to stop yourself from moaning as you opened the fly of his pants, your hand sneaking inside, not even surprised to find that he wasn’t wearing underwear. He hissed, when he felt your hand pull his cock out.
“I’m gonna fuck you, then I’m gonna let you nap and then you’re gonna wake up with my head buried between your thighs, eating you out ‘cause….” Two of his fingers pushed into you now, making you moan quietly. 
You began to pump his cock, honestly wondering how it would fit inside of you. Yet you weren’t someone who said no to a challenge. He watched you with dark eyes as he pumped his fingers, adding another one before he pulled out and brought his finger to his lips, moaning as he tasted you.
“I knew it. Like honey…” He shook his head with a grin.
“You talk too much.” You grinned, pulling the condom out of his other hand, ripping it open.
He cocked his eyebrow at you as you pulled the condom over his cock, pumping a couple times. He leaned over, kissing you again, his hands on your ass, pulling you closer to him.
“You will find out that I’m a man of my word.” He whispered against your lips.
“Oh I don’t doubt that, Cap.” You grinned, slowly pushing yourself up so you were on your knees. You rolled your hips up and down his cock, holding on to his shoulders.
“Stop teasing, ‘Hon. Or I’d have to bend you over my knee.”
“Is that a promise?” You asked as you slowly lowered yourself down, his cock pushing slowly into you, making you both hold your breath until he was settled deep inside of you.
“”Fuck, Captain. I’m gonna feel you for days.” You moaned, slowly grinding on top of him.
“Oh no…” He shook his head, thrusting once up into you, making you whimper.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good, you’ll never even think of another cock.” He promised, his hands on your hips as you began to ride him. Everytime you moved, his cock rubbed over your G-spot. You were so wet and horny, it wouldn’t take long for you to fall apart. His mouth found your breast, sucking on the skin just over your nipple. You were sure you would have bruises once he was finished with you. But you would wear them with pride.
“Fuck…. I’m close already.” You sighed, arching your back, pushing your boobs into his face, which made him growl.
“Me too ‘Hon.” 
You put your hands in his neck and kissed him hard as he looked up at you. You felt his fingers on your clit, rubbing harsh circles, making you moan into his mouth as he began to thrust up, meeting you. You bit into his bottom lip, pulling it between your teeth as you parted from him and came so hard, you saw white for a second. He fucked you through your orgasm, holding you close to his chest.
“God you’re so tight… I’m gonna cum.” He groaned. And as you were still trying to get air into your lungs, his thrusts became sloppy until you felt him twitch inside of you. 
“God I wish you’d cum inside me.” You whispered against his ear, making him groan.
“Woman, you will be the death of me.” He shook his head.
You didn’t even care if you looked like you’ve just been fucked as the bus arrived and you walked past the bus driver while Sy paid for the ride. He never let go of your hand, grinning at you, his eyes full of mischief. You didn’t believe in love at first sight… or fuck… but Goddamn this man and his blue eyes.
He motioned for you to walk to the back of the bus where he sat down and pulled you sideways on his lap so you could look at him.
Smiling, you ran your hand on his scruffy cheek, your thumb brushing over his lips.
“You are one of a kind, Captain.”
“And I’m at your service, Ma’am.” He grinned.  “How many stops until we’re at your place?” He asked.
“Eight.” You said, sighing. The grin on his face got wider, making you frown.
“Then you better try to keep quiet.” He whispered, before his hand disappeared between your legs.
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divine-bangtan · 4 years
- sugar & spice (m) jjk & kth
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➻ summary: “Your assistant Jungkook has been harbouring secret feelings for you, the sweet bakery owner, for some time now. But what will happen when Taehyung, handsome, smooth as ever and mysteriously new to town comes along to sweep you off your feet?”
➻ Kiki’s Delivery Service!AU
➻ word count: 20.8k
➻ pairing: older baker!reader x baker assistant Jungkook x upperclass Taehyung.
➻ warnings: angst, reader doubts herself a lot, unprotected penetrative sex (pls keep this a fantasy only and wrap it), oral m. and f. receiving, spitroasting, creampie...hehe, food play, mentions of mxm, pregnancy, pregnant sex, lactation, squirting, anal fingering, anal sex, double penetration, daddy kink, and somehow also tooth rotting fluff.
➻ A/N: Thank you to my lovely cutie pie and fellow cherry koo enthusiast @gingerpeachtae​ for beta reading this for me! 🍒💜 The age of the reader is totally up to you! I’m absolutely in love with this AU, it’s the fluffiest yet the filthiest thing I’ve ever written yet. If you’re wondering about the time period, the film is set in a kind of alternate 30s though it’s not confirmed.
Moodboard I Music
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It started with the gardenia. 
The first time Taehyung visited your bakery he had left behind a small white flower on the bakery counter when you weren’t looking, startling you in the most pleasant of ways when you nearly crushed it with your hand. You lifted the petals to brush the tip of your nose as you sampled the sweet scent, a blush warming your cheeks as you remembered how his charming smile had you flustered and fretful yet so endeared. However, what was not lost on you was the meaning behind it. Secret love.
 “...Miss?” A voice trailed off, disturbing you from your wandering thoughts and turning your attention to the customer right in front of you. “May I please get four apple danishes, a loaf of bread and a box of orange poppy seed muffins?”
“Sorry, yes of course! One moment please, hey Kookie?” You called in a singsong voice as you slipped into the back workroom. “We’ve got another order for orange poppyseed, how long will they be?”
Your part-time helper came in the form of Jeon Jungkook, but you liked to call him Kookie due to his sweet nature. He was six feet tall, ridiculously muscled and had an adorable bunny smile. He did most of the oven work, tending to the fires and cleaning in the kitchen, but helped you with some of the baking as well. He was particularly gifted at making the most exquisite citrus flavoured cakes, and had more recently been trying to perfect cream puffs.
 “Not long, noona. They’ve been very popular lately,” he mused, dimples etched deeply into his cheeks as he grinned. A smudge of black from the coal darkened one, and you couldn’t help but tut. 
“Of course they are, they’re delicious and it’s going to be spring soon...also you have soot on your face again, Kook,” you informed him, wiping it away with an endeared smile. The gentle tingle of the bell alerted you to another customer entering the store, and you hurried back out the front to continue running your popular business.
 “Sorry, the orange poppyseed will be ready soon. Are you happy to wait?” 
“Of course!” The young lady remarked, tilting to the left slightly to get a glimpse of Jungkook.
You remember the day he had come by your bakery, spotting the sign in your window stating you were looking for a kitchen hand. It was over three years ago now, the young man had just moved here for a change in scenery and was looking for a job. The picturesque seaside town provided the perfect scenery for his hobby of photography, and he was saving up to buy a better camera than the second hand one he currently owned.
It was astonishing how quickly he grew and matured in that time as well, hitting almost a second puberty and growing tall and filling out very nicely. The ladies in the town didn’t miss it either. It was a shame he was so shy around them, looking so out of place with a blush dusting his cheeks when he would catch a flock of them whispering to each other about if the cute baker was seeing anyone. They certainly weren’t coy about the way they would stare at his bulging biceps as he hoisted around the large trays of steaming fresh bread loaves, or wouldn’t hesitate to ogle his behind when he squatted to reach the lower shelves behind the counter. If only he could get a clue, but alas, he was absolutely oblivious.
After about ten minutes Jungkook emerged from the back room to refill the glass display with his cakes that would no doubt be gone within the hour. He handed the young lady a bagful, and flustered when her fingers brushed a little boldly over his.
 “These are really delicious, Mr. Jeon. I would even dare say they’re my favorite. Perhaps you’d like to join me later and we can share them?” She asked him, a glint of hope in her eyes at the way he gawked at her. 
From how pretty she was, you didn’t blame him. In fact, a tiny inkling of jealousy unfurled within you, wishing that you could have handsome men line up the way women did for him. Sure, the young man may have wiggled his way into your heart, setting down roots that began small but steadily grew, but he didn’t seem to return your fledgling feelings. A small smile found its way onto his face - nothing like the one you got from him every morning when you opened up the shop together - but nonetheless he was still smiling at her. 
“Or you could even give me a private lesson on baking? I just had my kitchen redone, it’s so grand.” The young woman suggested, but it was when he started becoming flustered for a response that you realised how uncomfortable he was, and how grotesque and ugly it was for you to be jealous in the first place. “The bench is just the perfect he-”
“I’m afraid Jungkook is working right now, and business is really quite demanding at the moment,” you interrupted, causing her sweet expression to sour. “Remember the wedding at the end of the week? We’ve got a lot of orders to finish up on.”
If looks could kill, you’d surely be six feet under from the bitter expression she shot at you. She huffed and gathered her things, leaving without her usual generous tip. Upon her disappearing from sight, Jungkook let out a long breath, shoulders slumping in relief.
“Thank you noona, I really didn’t like the direction that conversation was taking,” he murmured, looking off into space like he was having a traumatic flashback before shuddering violently. “I can close up shop, you should have an early finish for once, you work too hard.”
You opened your mouth to protest but he shushed you, insisting. “No really, I got it covered. Thank you again, noona.” He swooped in to peck you on the cheek before pushing you toward the back. Powerless against his inhumane strength, you had no choice but to be ushered halfway up the stairs before he bounded back down and returned to the shop.
When you reached the top of the stairs your black cat Jiji was quick to rub around your ankles, purring and meowing for food. You chuckled softly at his dramatic antics, more than once having to shoo him away as you fill his bowl with wet food, scraping the bottom of the tin. Some got on your fingers and you scrunched your nose in distaste, wiping your dirty fingers on your apron before untying it and placing it in your washing basket, absentmindedly wondering what you could do.
You supposed you could always finish off the spread for the wedding pastries and, most importantly, the cake. Sketches were strewn across the coffee table, and you sat down on the couch with a huff, vowing to finish it by tonight. Your eyes were drawn to a photograph of the couple, arms around each other in a sweet embrace as the photo was taken. It was the day they were examining the potential wedding venue, you remember how she gushed about the amount of flowers in the garden when she left you the photographs. Her wedding cake was to be white and have lots of iced flowers on each tier, it was simple yet so beautiful. She seemed happy. You wondered when you would find someone who would return your love the way her fiance seemed to, if his look of adoration was anything to go by. Then you remembered the gardenia, and how you met the young man you gave it to you.
It was getting quite late in the day and your shop normally had a few stragglers around this time, however, this evening it was empty. You had your head stuck in the display case, reaching far in to wipe down each shelf. The soft ringing of the bell on your door didn’t reach your ears, nor the footsteps that made their way to the counter. 
You jumped in fright when a face appeared in front of yours, slightly warped through the glass. He stared for a moment too long before you hurriedly freed yourself, dusted off your apron and smoothed any frizzy baby hairs you knew would probably be sticking up. He was impeccably dressed in a white shirt with a button up vest that was almost gold in colour, shimmering in the afternoon sun. From the looks of his attire he surely came from money. As his head turned to the side you noted he had a lovely profile and the rest of his facial features were mostly symmetrical. Lucky bastard, you knew many people who would kill for the natural beauty he so effortlessly possessed, the type of beauty that simply couldn’t be bought. However, the small signs of weariness did not escape you as his eyes took in your little shop. Finally, they landed on you and strangely you felt the need to squirm.
“Good evening, sir,” you greeted politely, wondering if he would be entitled like most of the good looking, rich folk.
He stepped up to the counter. “I hope I’m not keeping you, am I? If it’s too late, that's alright. Though it would be a shame, I’ve been told very good things about this place and I’m exhausted.” His jacket was slung over one arm, hair wind ruffled and a pair of thin wire glasses balanced upon his well-set central nose. It wasn’t unusual for wealthy people to pass through this coastal town on their travels, though they rarely came this late to the bakery. 
“No no, I’m not one to turn away a valued customer, what can I get for you?”
“Coffee please, I’m dead on my feet and I need to stay awake for a little longer.”
You nodded, well practiced hands already beginning to brew his drink. “Long journey? I take it you’re not from around here, and we do get a lot of travellers.”
“Very observant, Miss. I’ve just arrived to manage the large branch of my father’s shipping company that’s located in this coastal town. I was told it had very pretty scenery, but nobody told me it also has very pretty bakers here.” He remarked with a sly grin and you almost lost your grip on the coffee cup at his brazen compliment. He chuckled softly at your lack of response, not wanting to make you too flustered. “May I sit?”
“O-Oh, yes. Of course,” you stammered, kicking yourself for your stuttering. You were normally a fairly confident girl, yet all it takes is one handsome stranger to reduce you to this? Get a grip. He bowed softly in thanks, before turning and draping his jacket over the back of one of the chairs. You found your line of sight wandering down his back to the behind of his well tailored suit pants. The ladies in the town are going to eat him alive in the morning, he’ll soon forget about you and this little place. Yet, you found yourself slipping a small vanilla slice onto the plate beside his cup as a little welcome gift, adamant that you weren’t trying to impress him.
“Thank you,” he said, sounding more than a little tired. Incapable of thinking up a coherent response you bow quickly, spotting the fingerprints all over the glass of the display cabinet and set to work cleaning them. A soft groan makes you whip your head back around to look at him, did he get hurt? What if you made his coffee too hot and he burned himself or his tongue? His face was scrunched up almost as if he was in pain and he licked his lips a few times, seeing them moisten from his tongue caused you to swallow hard.
“Oh wow - this, is this vanilla?” He suddenly asked, and your eyes widened,  he seemed more alert and staring at you now that his cup was empty. “I’m more of a dark chocolate person but my my, this is delectable. Normally I don’t drink coffee, but given how exhausted I was it was welcomed. The sweetness of the vanilla balanced it out perfectly, thank you. How much is it?”
“Oh no! The slice is on the house, consider it a little welcome to town gift,” you insisted.
His sweet expression faltered and he tutted, standing slowly and gathering his things. “If you aren’t going to tell me then I suppose this will have to do,” he sighed, pulling out a note far too large for the price of any of the little pastries in your shop from his wallet.  You gasped and went to grab it and give it back to him, but he snatched it away before his other hand captured yours and the money was pressed into your palm along with...something else? Before you could think of what it might be, he lifted your hand and pressed a kiss to the back.“It was lovely to meet you, Miss...?”
“Oh, um. Y/N.” 
“Y/N...what a beautiful name.” With that he left the bakery, disappearing into the dust pink evening, the little bell attached to the door softly jingling. You realised your hands were trembling from the press of his petal-soft lips, and when you opened your palm to look at the money there was also a small white flower. A gardenia? Where did he get that from?You hadn’t seen any around town.
You picked up the slightly dried-out flower from a few days ago, twirling it in your fingers and smiling when you could smell it still held a strong aroma. The fresh one from this afternoon was still in your apron pocket, and you fished it out from the washing basket gently, trying not to damage the petals. An idea popped into your head for scent bags, and you jumped up to rummage through your shop supplies for a brown paper gift bag. 
It hung in your wardrobe nicely, and would make your clothes smell lovely. He’d only given you two, but maybe he was going to bring one every time? Where were they even coming from? He- you stopped your little tangent of thoughts, cursing yourself for getting so hopeful. Surely he pulled that trick with every young woman he met. You weren’t going to lie, the second time he left you a flower you got your hopes up. But the amount of women who walked about the town with a flower in their delicate gloved hand gave you your doubts.
As a distraction  you threw yourself into your work, finalising the ingredient lists, accounts, designs and much more for the wedding cake and patisseries. Your mood was lifted somewhat, after all, that was your passion. Many days as a child you had helped your grandmother in her little kitchen. You reminisced back to the days where she taught you the secret recipe for her pumpkin scones, now one of your bestsellers.
Some time later you decided enough was enough, as your eyes grew heavier and increasingly difficult to keep open. The rest of your work could wait until tomorrow and you gladly flopped down on your awaiting bed, resting your stinging eyes for five minutes. The lamp on your bedside table casted a soft glow about the room, and you didn’t remember drifting off to sleep.
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Soft chirping met your ears, muffled on one side where your face snuggled into the pillow. You groaned when something wet and feather light brushed against your cheek a few times. A louder, more piercing meow made you crack your eyes open to meet large green ones, a rumbling purr starting.
“Morning, Jiji.”
Your limbs were stiff and aching, you almost thought they might creak like the old wood of your floorboards if you were to stretch a little too hard. A huff of discomfort left your lips, annoyed at yourself for nodding off so easily without washing or even brushing your teeth. As you rose from the double bed in your small yet comfortable upstairs flat, your muscles protested but you gripped the ensuite bench for support, working hunched over your coffee table for long periods of time never ended well. However, it’s where you seemed most focused. Wincing when you took in your unruly hair and puffy under eyes in the mirror. Nonetheless, it was nothing a warm shower couldn’t fix.  
The steaming hot water ran over your shoulders and felt like heaven, relaxing the tension and chasing away that early morning chill that was only just leaving as spring fully came around.You lathered a generous amount of shampoo and your favourite sweet smelling conditioner which you only used for special occasions, such as if you were going to bump into a certain special someone today. 
Loud meows came from outside your bathroom, only increasing in volume as you cracked the door open, still toweling off your damp locks. “Okay okay, at least let me get dressed first. Stop acting like you’re going to starve, I actually think you’re getting a bit fat Jiji,” you mused as you finished pulling the dress over your head. Your eager feline bounded into the kitchen, and you went to follow only to jump in fright as you entered the living room. 
Curled up on the couch that was a little too short for him was a fast asleep Jungkook, looking so peaceful with his cheek squished against one of your too hard decorative pillows. Jiji trotted over to the couch, jumping up without a care in the world and sniffed at his face. Jungkook’s nose wrinkled at the wet ticklish sensation, cracking his eyes open and moving to sit up. When he spotted you looking at him through half asleep eyes, he froze. You quickly thanked the heavens you hadn’t walked into your living room without any clothes on as you sometimes do. 
“Did your bicycle chain snap again, Kook?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, the hair on one side of his head sticking up, not looking you in the eye as he nodded sheepishly. You sighed, this was the third time now and you were becoming angry with the repairs shop. “That’s it, I’m buying you a new one or something, anything would be better. I know you’re attached to that thing but it’s so old now. I just don’t want you getting stranded,” you fussed softly, pinching his chin and making him look at you. “Now go wash up while I make us some breakfast. There’s some clean clothes of yours in the laundry that you never took home, you can change into those.”
“Thank you noona, really.” He beamed, pulling you in for a warm hug that instantly had you melting into his embrace. Your hand found its way into the back of his long dark brown locks, scratching his scalp softly drawing a shiver from his large frame. Unconsciously his arms tightened around you and you let out a soft noise, causing Jungkook to release you instantly. He murmured a soft apology, scrambling downstairs to the laundry. You laughed to yourself at how funny he could be sometimes, blissfully unaware at the fact that he was running away so you wouldn’t spot the rapidly growing tent in his pants. 
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A short while later he emerged from your bathroom, still shivering slightly from the cold water but he was feeling extra refreshed. The appetizing smell of whatever you were cooking wafted into his nostrils and he plopped down at the kitchen table while toweling off his wet hair. His eyes followed your figure as you moved about the kitchen, and the domesticity of it all made his heart flutter. How he wished things would be like this every morning. 
He knew he was staring again, openly admiring your side profile and his eyes couldn’t help the way they trailed further down. You had a little stomach from all the sweet things you sampled, and Jungkook sometimes couldn’t help the way he stared at your hands smoothing over your apron. His mind wandered until he was imagining how beautiful you’d look pregnant with his baby. His cock twitched in his trousers at the mental image of your belly swollen as you squirmed naked on soft white sheets, whining softly for him to fill y-
“...Kook?  Jungkook!” You yelled out, waving a wooden spoon in his direction and his jaw snapped shut and he sat up straighter. “There you are, you sure do zone out a lot, don’t you? For the third time, can you set the table please?” He stood up a little too quick almost causing the chair to topple over, and you laughed softly. He was an odd one alright. “Must be interesting things you’re daydreaming about,” you mused while serving the eggs onto the plates, and it was a good thing your back was turned or you might have seen the way Jungkook almost dropped the cutlery all over the floor.
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Later that day you were busy finishing up with another customer, carefully placing the cakes you had finished icing this morning into her basket.
“Fourteen gold pieces, please. I hope the party goes well, I can’t believe he’s seven already,” you remarked as you placed the coins into the blue register. The two of you gushed over her adorable son, who peeked at you over the top of the counter, and you quietly slipped him a small cookie while his mother wasn’t looking. He shyly thanked you, and you were so enraptured in his chubby little cheeks that you didn’t notice the way all conversations around the bakery fell silent for a moment. The little bell on the door rung, signifying someone had entered and you noticed the movement in the corner of your eye but ignored it in favour of waving goodbye to the little boy. He waved cheerfully in return, a small bite already taken from the biscuit, his other hand clasped in his mother’s and you sighed. Children were something you’d wanted for a while, but you tried not to dwell on it as you wiped away the crumbs left on the counter.
After a moment you grabbed your notepad from the pocket of your apron, rounding the counter and making your way to the table where the new patron had seated themselves moments ago. However, you stopped abruptly when you recognised him as the man who had left you the flower not long ago. Your heart skipped a beat as you took in his profile. He settled into his chair, leaning back and hooked an ankle over his knee so his legs were comfortably crossed, and the movement accentuated the slight bulge of his crotch. 
He placed a book on his lap and flicked through the pages, his hand coming up to adjust the thin wire spectacles perched on the bridge of his nose which had slipped a little, and from where you were standing you could see he had a little freckle on the tip. What was it with handsome men and having a cute little freckle? Jungkook had one under his lip which he often grumbled about being there, but you often told him it was rather endearing.
His tongue darted out to wet the tip of his finger and he smoothly flipped the page, the movement definitely drew your eye. Fuck, even his hands were beautiful, now you were nervous and your feet seemingly glued on the spot. The tip of your pen tapped against your little notepad, leaving small dots on the paper and you muttered angrily at your fidgeting. What were you so nervous for? He was just another customer, he never even told you his name. You took a tiny step forward, only to stop when you saw a young lady take a seat opposite him. 
Large doe-like eyes suddenly stopped in front of you, Jungkook’s mouth parted as he stared at you in confusion, that freckle now right in front of your eyes. “Noona? Are you okay?” He asked, a hint of concern evident in his tone. Your eyes dropped as you snapped out of your slight stuper, only to land on the swell of his bicep as he carried a tray filled with freshly baked bread. God, what was wrong with you? 
“Yeah of course! I just, um...realised something. Would you mind seeing if table four needs anything?” You risked a glance around Jungkook’s large frame, only to lock eyes with the man you’d just been staring at. The alluring chocolate colour of his eyes sent a jolt down your spine, and you jumped back behind your assistant. To make things less awkward you snatched the first thing that was in your sight as Jungkook moved away to place the tray down. You happened to grab the cloth you were just using thankfully, beginning to frantically wipe the side of the counter. God you were so stupid. Of course he was a complete flirt, he’d only been in town a few days and was already drawing in multiple women, yourself included, with his deceptive charm. 
You picked up a basket to wipe away at the crumbs underneath, but as you were putting it down a throat cleared beside you. The leather shoes that came into your view looked expensive, and your stomach dropped. As you lifted your gaze the curious expression on his face made you suck in a tiny breath, and unable to look away you dropped the basket back onto the counter. Unfortunately, it was too close to the edge and began tipping over, he surged forward suddenly to attempt to steady it behind you, effectively pinning you against the counter with his form. You gasped when suddenly his cologne bombarded your senses with warm, spicy cinnamon and...apples? The likely expensive scent made your knees feel weak, and the warmth of his arms pressed into your sides had your heart racing. His efforts were in vain, however, as the basket toppled to the ground, and small bread rolls scattered across the floor. 
The tip of his nose brushed against your scalp, and he hummed pleasantly. “Your hair smells lovely today, Miss (Y/N),” he observed, and you swear your heart was about to give out from how rapidly it was thundering in your chest. So he noticed.
“Oh, thank you Mr…”
“Taehyung. Mr. Kim if you please, but Taehyung will do just fine.” Even as he spoke ever so casually, he made no move to step back. 
His gaze dropped to your heaving chest as you were breathless from the proximity and palpable tension. Suddenly, it occurred to you that the neckline you had picked today was rather low cut, the fabric around your bust a little strained with each breath you took. 
You wanted to stay exactly where you were, quivering with excitement from being pressed right up against him. However, embarrassment got the better of you, a blush coming on strongly to your cheeks and you slipped out from the cage of his arms and kneeled to the ground. Thankfully, he couldn’t see your flushed state as you grabbed the pieces of scattered pastry. You felt unease rise within you when he crouched down beside you, dropping the bread back into the basket as well.
“Oh no, please don’t worry about that Mr. Kim. I can manage myself, besides this is my fault. Clumsy,” you scolded yourself quietly, shaking your head.
“No, it’s fine. I thought I might catch it but apparently my coordination is not as good as I thought,” he chuckled, silence filling the following moments as you continued to grab the bread. “You must keep pretty busy, huh? It’s a good thing you have your boyfriend to help you out.” 
Your eyes widened at his assumption. “Oh-no no, Jungkook’s not-he’s not my boyfriend. Just my assistant,” you explained, feeling your cheeks heat up again as you avoided his gaze once the two of you were standing, no longer crawling around the floor. The counter was covered in crumbs and flakes from the bread and suddenly you were very interested in picking at them. “I’m far too old to be his girlfriend anyway.” 
You couldn’t see the frown breaking out across Taehyung’s face, but as he opened his mouth to protest Jungkoook came striding over. “Noona, is everything okay? It’s not like you to drop good bread,” he questioned quietly, coming to stand just a little too close. The image of him acting like your guard dog came across your mind, hackles raised and ready to fight off any threats to his territory. You so wanted to be but you didn’t belong to either of them, they deserved much better. The young girl who was sitting with Taehyung only moments ago was looking over with concern at the tense atmosphere. Jungkook still stood uncomfortably close, silently challenging the man still standing in your personal space unabashedly.
“Yeah Kook, I’m good,” you replied, reaching out and gently patting his bicep. He looked at you suspiciously, not quite convinced but he nodded and slinked out the back anyway. Taehyung almost glared at Jungkook for another second before stepping back, however, he still stood quite close. Both of you hovered for a moment, you could sense he wanted to ask something. Not even a moment later, he did.
“The wedding this weekend, I was just wondering if you would be attending? Someone mentioned you were making the cake for it, among other pastries.”
“No,” you blurted out the obvious lie, all of a sudden taken aback by his question. Was he asking you out? The hairs on the back of your neck prickled as you sensed another pair of eyes on you, coming from his table.
“Oh,” he muttered, looking a little dejected. “So...you won’t be there? They’re friends of my family actually, so I’ll be in attendance.”
“No, sorry. I have another engagement, but Jungkook will be there!” You reiterated, not sure why you were lying to him. His expression soured momentarily, and another patron wandered up to the unattended counter. You were thankful for a way out and hurried away from the awkward conversation. He fidgeted with the brass button on his creaseless vest for a moment before slumping back into his seat. The nerve of that man! He had another girl with him, watching the whole thing unfold and he had the disrespect to practically ignore her. She certainly was beautiful, just like him. Definitely the type of woman that was more suited to him, rather than something so ordinary like you.
Jungkook came past just as you finished up with another customer, but you flagged him down before he could escape. “Oh Jungkook! I actually have a favour to ask of you…”
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Stupid. That’s what you were. You sulked about the catering room, plating the little pastries for after the reception desert taking place soon. While you had an unmeasurable and intense focus when it came to your work, your passion, right now you couldn’t help but be on edge. The knowledge that Taehyung was around somewhere had your stomach churning with anxiousness at the thought of running into him, after blatantly telling him you wouldn’t be here.
At least, it wasn’t entirely a lie. You really thought you weren’t going to be here as Jungkook had eagerly agreed to be in your place right now. Part of you wanted to test what he wouldn’t do for you. However, when he came to tell you he’d actually been offered some photography work tonight you couldn’t help but notice the twinkle in his eye. That was something you couldn’t bear to take away from him. After you told him to accept the offer he halfheartedly protested, not wanting to disrupt your plans. But in truth you could tell he was disappointed he wouldn’t be able to go, and you weren’t having a bar of it.
So here you were, checking each iced flower on the tall wedding cake meticulously for any that had fallen off on the trip here. Every few seconds, however, you threw a glance over your shoulder for a certain Mr. Kim. 
“Y/N!” Someone behind you exclaimed, the voice definitely male and you froze, slowly turning to prolong the inevitable. When the groom’s face was the only one you could see your shoulders slumped in relief and returned his smile. “It’s...it’s beautiful, thank you so much. You’ve made my fiance very happy. Oops, wife I should say!” He quickly corrected himself, cheeks flushed red no doubt from the champagne, the glass he held fully and freshly bubbling.
“It’s certainly my pleasure. While I love baking itself there’s something so special in seeing where my goods go,” you observed, peeking out into the main hall where everyone sat about finishing the main course. “However, my work here is done I think.” 
Right as you finished speaking the bride wondered in looking for her now husband, the moment their eyes met a giddy smile broke out on both their faces. The action caused your heart to clench in your chest as she reached out and slotted her hand into his awaiting palm. He drew it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles and she looked away with a grin, suddenly noticing you standing there.
“Oh, Y/N! Are you leaving? Already? Won’t you stay for a drink?”
“I-um...maybe not.” You chewed on your lip. “I really must be going.”
“Just one drink, please?” She insisted, taking the glass from her husband and pushing it into your hand. When she pouted at you in such a way, it was hard to say otherwise.
Well... just one drink won’t hurt.
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Two hours and definitely more than one glass of champagne later, you finally bade your farewell. A gust of chilly air rushed past you as you made your way outside, making you grip your arms where goosebumps were forming. God you wished you brought your jacket, how could you have forgotten? At least it was cooling down your cheeks which were flushed bright red and warm from the alcohol you’d had. There was no way you were driving home this evening, you’d have to call for a driver. Or perhaps you could walk as it wasn’t too far. Deciding the latter would be sufficient - and cheaper, not to mention - you set off in the direction of your bakery, weaving around the pedestrians on the footpath.
Other than the wind that picked up and drew a shiver from you, you began to think this wasn’t so bad - until your intoxicated form stumbled on an uneven paving stone. You hit someone square in the back, grabbing the back of their coat to steady yourself as you garbled a hundred apologies. By some miracle the man didn’t fall down and you thanked the heavens, only to take it back as he turned to look at your flustered face.
Low and behold, there stood the very man you were trying to avoid. Kim Taehyung.
“Miss (Y/L/N)? Well, what a pleasant surprise,” he said with a smirk, while embarrassment burned a hole right through you. “What brings you here?” Of course it was just your luck you’d bump into him - literally - right as you were almost out of there. He looked delectable as always, dressed head to toe in finely tailored clothing. His pants were pressed with a perfect crease down the middle of each leg, fine jacket fitting his broad shoulders perfectly. The hat he was wearing, however, captured your attention and you almost forgot he asked you something.
“Oh! I... um... well, you see, I-,” you managed to get out. Words! Use words you fool, you scolded yourself internally. Something about the man in front of you rendered you speechless, yet he only gave you a small smile and waited patiently for you to find your words, stepping back a bit and slipping his hands into his pockets. 
Still, your mind remained blank. The hilarity of the situation hit you and a giggle bubbled forth from your lips. You smacked your hand over your mouth, feeling your cheeks flush with warmth from the numerous glasses of champagne you’d downed. Taehyung looked at you with an endearingly curious expression, brows furrowing with a chuckle. 
“And what, pray tell, is so funny?” He asked quirking an eyebrow, the fact that you failed to answer him did not go unnoticed. You tried to speak but only more laughs came out until your shoulders were shaking with the action, tears welling in your eyes. 
“Your hat is very funny, why is it so strange? It’s lopsided, and flat. What’s this little thing on top?” You reached up to flick at it, not realising how close you had gotten until you softly bumped into his solid frame. 
“Woah, easy there (Y/N).” The words were whispered huskily right into your ear as he steadied you, and you found yourself trembling from his touch as you were caught off guard. “Wouldn't want you to trip and hurt yourself, now would we?”
“N-No, of course not,” you replied, flustered and he eyed you carefully. After a moment he released your arms to shuck off his jacket, and before you could blink it was dropped around your shoulders. The material felt expensive and warm and the delicious smell of his cologne filled your senses, the spicy scent of toasted cinnamon causing you to turn to putty.
“It’s cold tonight,” he observed, looking up to the cloudless sky. You followed his gaze, admiring all the bright stars twinkling in the twilight. This moment was something you wanted to treasure forever, where you stood thinking about nothing but now nice the sky looked and a beautiful man had offered you his jacket to keep you warm. Alas, it had to end eventually. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
His words brought you rushing back to reality, and you looked at him suddenly. “Oh, I was just going to walk but I can call for a driver it’s fine, rea-”
One stern look from him had you shrinking back into the jacket, he was not taking no for an answer and you nodded sheepishly. The hairs on the back of your neck stood to attention as a cold shiver gripped your bones, only intensified by an icy gust of wind. His hand slid across your shoulders, pulling you into his warm side as he guided you in the direction of where he must be parked. 
Being the gentleman he was, he opened the passenger seat door for you, and once you were safely in he slipped into the driver's seat. There was a long stretch of comfortable silence as he started the ignition and smoothly pulled out onto the road, his hand not on the steering wheel resting dangerously close to your thigh.
“The hat, it’s called a beret. My younger sister bought it for me while she was studying in France, I should have introduced her the other day.”
“The... other day? Have I seen her before?”
“Yes, in the bakery when our little... accident happened,” he reminisced with a small chuckle, once again finding amusement in your embarrassment.
Suddenly it dawned on you, the young girl he was sitting with when he came over to talk to you. That was his little sister. You were glad he didn’t, seeming as though you’d just made an absolute fool out of yourself in front of her. No wonder she looked so beautiful, they came from the same pool of blessed genes. Silence filled the rest of the journey, and before you knew it the car was no longer moving, Taehyung was opening your door for you again and you stepped out.
The heavy material of his jacket slipped from your shoulders and you handed it back to him as another chilly gust swept past. He accepted it gratefully, putting it back on immediately and shoving his hands back into his pockets. Well, it was now or never you decided.
“Would you… like to come in for a drink?” You offered before you could psych yourself out.
“I don’t really…” he trailed off and immediately you feared you had been too bold.
“Oh. That’s fine, no trouble at all,” you murmured dejectedly. 
“I mean, I don’t drink alcohol. Not if I can help it, I don’t find the taste very pleasant. That and I don’t hold myself well. Some tea would be much appreciated, though,” he proposed.
“Yes… yes, of course. It would be nice to warm up a little.” Uncertainty hung in the air, looming over your head for a moment too long before he nodded. 
“That would be very nice, thank you.”
Your hands fumbled with the keys, loud jingling making you wince as you missed the lock a few times. At this point you’d sobered up quite quickly, the shake of your hand being caused by your nerves betraying you instead of the champagne. It had been quite a good hour since your last glass and you were no longer feeling the effects. Taehyung’s warm hand closed over yours, steadying your shaking fingers and your breath hitched as the metal key slid smoothly into the lock. It was relatively dark and you were glad only the faint light of the streetlamp guided you as you cracked the door open, trembling in anticipation of what was to come. The two of you slipped inside the dark bakery, shoulders brushing as you turned to shut the door and lock it behind you. 
“So… what do you fancy?” You asked, turning to look at his figure which looked all the more enticing half in the shadows. “A cup of tea? Some chocolate croissants, perhaps?”
He only shook his head slowly, taking a step toward you. “What do I fancy, you ask? Well...you.”
“M-me?” You asked, your insides doing a flip in excitement.
“Yes. You like croissants? I bet you’d love Paris, so many incredible pastry chefs there, among… other things.”
“It’s a very romantic place, I could take you one day? I’d like that… ” he trailed off and you blinked quickly, unable to look away from his gaze.
“Not just for the pastries?” 
“Not just for the pastries, petal.”
He backed you up against the now locked door, eyes piercing yours with an intensity that made your abdomen clench; however, there was something else in his eyes. Something softer, and you felt that sweetness in the way he ever so slowly pressed against you. The first brush of his lips against yours was not hurried and needy like you expected it to be, and when he pulled away you felt an ache in your heart so strong it left you breathless. 
“Taehyung…” you whispered, breaths beginning to grow heavier as your nerves dissipated to be replaced by lust and longing. He whispered your name back, before sweetly capturing your lips once more, his tongue demanding entrance to explore your mouth which you easily granted. Your fingers fisted in the lapels of his jacket, creases forming in the perfectly ironed material as the feeling of his tongue forcing yours into submission drew a moan from you. A large hand cupped the back of your head so you didn’t hurt yourself as he pressed you harder against the door, the kiss growing hungrier with each lave of the hot, wet muscle. You guided him back, shuffling blindly around, neither of you daring to interrupt your locked lips or even take a breath. Your back bumped into the counter and finally you broke apart for air, looking at your surroundings, somehow you’d ended up behind the bakery counter.
Taehyung’s hands gripped your hips tightly, pulling you flush to him, and the action drew a gasp from you as you were pressed right up against his solid, throbbing length. The searing heat of it could be felt even through the layers of clothing that still separated your flesh, and your pelvic floor clenched around nothing in retaliation. Suddenly his hold on you tightened and he hoisted you smoothly onto the counter with very little effort. Now that you were at his level he wasted no time in getting right back into it.
“I wondered why it is that you haven’t been swooped up by anybody yet,” he mused between the breathless kisses you’d been enraptured in, fingers still gripping at your soft flesh through the thin material of your dress. 
“There are plenty of other-mmf, pretty and young women in this town, certainly more attractive than I am. Why me?” you whispered against his lips, still pinching yourself that this was really happening. God, it’s been so long since you’d been with a man. His kisses trailed down your jaw, the warmth of his lips pressing into your sensitive neck. 
“Hmm, I suppose,” he hummed, pausing to nibble on the spot just below your ear and you tipped your head back to allow him easier access. “They are very much like flowers, blossoming under the male attention they so desperately crave. They’re only pretty to look at, but that’s it. They might as well be just an accessory. Whereas you, sweet thing, are so much more.”
“B-But... I’m a bit older than you. Doesn’t that bother you?”
“Not at all, I really don’t give a shit noona. If that’s something that really matters to people, then they’re shallow and can’t see past something that’s really not that significant.” He growled right into the shell of your ear, his nimble fingers finding the easiest way to remove your dress. You thanked the heavens that you normally close the blinds when you lock up, because Taehyung made quick work of stripping your clothes from your body.
You slid off the counter to kick off the garments that had pooled around your hips, throwing them away into an unknown corner of your shop. Goosebumps arose across your bare skin, and Taehyung’s seized the soft flesh of your hips, hand kneading and moulding, pulling you flush against his hardened cock. He was so warm, and he let out a strangled groan as you reached down to palm him over his trousers. At your coaxing, his cock only seemed to swell further, impossibly large now and he rocked in your hand for friction. The tug on his foreskin only made him moan more, and you were enjoying the way he let his guard down. His mouth found its way to your bare shoulder, sucking pink marks along your neck and collarbone so he quieted somewhat. 
You whimpered when his hands moved down to grab the globes of your ass, groping them and pulling the cheeks apart. Cool air hit your dripping centre and you whined louder, clenching around nothing again. Taehyung relinquished your neck to stand to his full height, smirking at your flushed and needy expression. His eyes trailed down to drink in your naked skin, but he was still fully clothed. Feeling a little exposed, you moved to cover up your bare body. After all, you had a sweet tooth and you did pack a few extra pounds as a result of that. Most of the time you didn’t care, however, in this moment you were particularly caught off guard and feeling a little self conscious. 
“Uh uh uh, I don’t think so sweetheart,” Taehyung purred, grabbing your hands that were snaking up your torso. “Don’t you dare hide yourself from me, not when you’re this beautiful.” He hoisted you back up onto the counter hastily, almost knocking over the jars of toppings and chocolate syrups you had left there. His hand snatched the glass bottle that almost fell, and he smirked like the cat that got the cream. “Caught it this time.”
Without warning he dropped the bottle on the bench and swooped down. His mouth closed over your nipple, hot and wet and you moaned at the feeling, hands coming up to bury themselves in his golden curls. Taehyung nipped and swirled his tongue around the peak with a growl that grew louder the harder you pulled on his hair, giving you no warning before switching over to the other one. Lithe fingers snaked up to pinch and twist your spit-slicked nipple, making you squirm underneath him. Now that both aching peaks were being lavished with attention you squirmed, no lover had ever spoiled you this much and it made you all the more eager to touch him too.
Your hands gripped at the lapels on his expensive jacket, uncaring if it would tear as you attempted to push it off his wide shoulders. He laughed softly against your chest as you whined, straightening up to slowly shuck the garment from himself, never taking his eyes off your heaving chest that was shiny from his ministrations. He peeled off his top half, tugging at his dress shirt until each button popped open slowly revealing smooth honey toned skin to your hungry eyes. Your fingertips reached out to smooth over his chest, bringing little goosebumps to the surface. He had such a lovely body, his pecs firm and full, yet the most delicate and defined collarbones you’d seen on a man. Taehyung’s shoulders were broad with a thick, vascular neck you just wanted to sink your teeth into, and to top it all off his jawline was chiseled like a work of art. Your palms trailed higher and you sat up so you could run them over the expanse of his shoulders and upper back. He shuddered at your ever so gentle touch; fingernails raking featherlight down his back, drawing a soft moan from his lips which you swallowed with your own. You dragged your nails over his hips and dipped the tip of your finger into his navel. He flinched at the action, his stomach clenching away. When you ran your palms over his abdomen he broke the kiss abruptly, turning his face to the side. He didn’t have the most defined stomach, yet you didn’t mind one bit.
“Taehyung, you don’t have anything to be ashamed of either,” you pressed a kiss into his jawline. “You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen,” you whispered into his skin. Except for Jungkook something in the back of your mind quipped back and a small sense of guilt arose within you. You knew he felt jealous of your interest in Taehyung, but that was something that could be dealt with another time.
The man standing in front of you turned back and pressed his lips to yours again, groaning when your hand slipped past the waistband of his underwear to grip his bare length. It throbbed as you gave it a few experimental strokes, satisfied at the way he let out an animalistic groan. His hand suddenly gripped your thigh, and he smothered you with his form until you had to let go of his length and lay back. His fingertips were likely leaving indents in your flesh but you didn’t care, not when he was so close to where you desired him most. “Please,” you whimpered breathlessly. His fingers parted your thighs, swearing softly when he touched your folds to instantly have his fingertips coated in your arousal. He paused, lifting them up to inspect them unabashed, drawing his fingers apart to look at the strings of slick. 
“Fuck. You want me that badly, huh? Such a good girl, so wet and eager for me.” His words made you clench, and he definitely felt it as he lightly ran his fingers through your soaked folds, admiring the way they glistened. Taehyung easily sunk two fingers knuckle deep into your heat, crooking them to seek out that sweet bundle of nerves. Needing to feel his lips on yours again you whined while leaning forward, begging him with your eyes. Quickly he obligated, ever the attentive lover. 
After a while your clit was throbbing, crying for his attention. He reached over into one of the jars next to the display cabinet, which you used to touch up any pastries that needed more powdered sugar. A generous amount gathered on the top of his thumb when he dipped it in, and before you could realise what he was doing that same thumb was planted firmly on your pearl of nerves. 
“Taehyung! Mmf, oh my god. That feels so good but you’re gonna give me a yeast infection, fuck.”
“Mmm, not if I lick you clean.” He swooped down, tongue lapping at the now gooey sugar that had somewhat dissolved with your wetness. He suckled at your juices, tongue swiping through your folds against his fingers that were still buried before he trailed up to your clit. His lips pulled the little bud into the hot, wet cavern of his mouth, the nibbling teeth causing your hips to jump at the stimulation. God, his tongue felt like heaven and sin all at once, never before had anyone made you feel this good. Certainly, you’d been missing out in all your previous experiences. His hand reached out, grabbing the bottle of chocolate syrup you’d left on the counter, and he looked over to see what other sweet concoction he’d found.
“Mmm, perfect. Open wide sweetheart,” he smirked. Confused, you opened your mouth slightly to which he found most amusing. His fingers withdrew and you whimpered in complaint before your knees were gripped firmly and pushed apart, spreading your legs wide open for him to see. He drizzled a little of the chocolate syrup onto your glistening folds, a few drops sinking into your entrance. The bottle was quickly dropped onto the counter and his tongue was quick to follow the droplets, shoving the appendage deep into your pussy to chase any of the chocolate before it got away from him. “Fucking hell,” he groaned against your cunt, voice muffled. “This is definitely the best thing I have ever tasted in my entire life. I feel like I could die right here.”
With each delve of his muscle you could feel your skin prickling with heat and anticipation or the climax that was beginning to build. Your neglected nub was once again attacked by lashes of his tongue as he pushed his fingers back in, now intent on watching you fall apart. “That’s it petal, good girl. Come for me, that’s it.”
Without mercy he suckled on your clit and your legs shook as that tension began to release, waves of pleasure spreading through your whole body. No noise came forth from your lips for a few seconds, however you quickly broke that silence and cried out loudly with each wave of your high, Taehyung’s fingers still thrusting to draw out your orgasm.
“Please,” you whimpered, looking up at him almost in tears.
“Please what? Use your words,” he growled, already pulling at his belt and letting his pants and underwear fall around his ankles. “What do you need, tell me sweetheart.”
“Need your cock. Please please Taehyung, I want it so bad.” His hand that was soaked with your juices reached down to fist his hardened length, a few drops of precum dripping onto your abdomen. He groaned loudly at the sight, at the way your eyes twinkled in want when you looked at his throbbing appendage. “I want… god I want to suck you off so bad, but I fucking need you. Now.” 
The thought of it had him swearing softly, imagining you on your knees before him. He almost came there at the thought of sinking his cock in between your pretty lips, feeling the back of your warm, wet throat constricting him like the perfect girl you were. However, you looked so beautiful spread out across the counter, he’d rather keep you right where you were. Besides, he was so worked up, he really didn’t need your first impression to be of him finishing too early. “Another time, my sweet. Right now I just really need to be inside you.”
To emphasise his point, the head of his cock ran through your glistening folds, the friction on your clit causing your legs to twitch in overstimulation.  “Kim Taehyung, if you don’t put your dick in me right n-oh!”
Your sentence turned into a gasp as the tip of his dick pushed at your entrance, and the first inch sunk in with a little resistance from how much your walls tried to clamp down, welcoming the intrusion. He bent down over the top of you, possessively capturing your lips with his as the rest of his length split your walls, sinking in to the hilt. It was like heaven, you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t wondered what being stretched by his girthy cock would feel like. As if he couldn’t be any more perfect, of course he had to be so well fucking endowed. It almost hurt how big he was, you noticed as your pussy fluttered and clenched around him. Almost. 
Moments passed where both of you simply panted heavily, his face buried into the crook of your neck. “One second, just give me one second or I swear I’m gonna cum. You feel like fucking heaven, noona.” You nodded, incapable of coherent words in that blissful moment. 
“Such beautiful tits,” he groaned as his mouth sucked marks across your collar bones, lips seeking out a peak to torment once more. “Tell me, sweet thing. Who’s tits are these?”
“Yours, Tae. Oh god, they’re all yours.” Came your breathy moan, the strands of his honeyed hair tickling your skin as he dragged his face over to the other nipple.
“Good girl,” he quipped. “What about this pussy, hm?” To emphasise his question he slowly pulled his length from where it was buried in your cunt, driving it back in with an even slower thrust that had you keening desperately at the delicious burn.
“Yours, yours! Just fuck me, please!” 
“Well, since you’re such a good girl who asked so nicely…” After a second he straightened up, hands gripping your hips tightly as he withdrew only to bury himself in your cunt again, hips smacking into the flesh of your ass from the force of his thrust. Once he could tell you had adjusted comfortably to his size he picked up the speed, beginning a much faster pace, the sound of skin slapping filling the otherwise quiet bakery. You threw your head back over the counter, the slight feeling of blood rushing to your head making the sensations of Taehyung’s cock all the more intense. 
Neither of you heard the key opening the door, nor saw the figure that froze in the entry, unable to see anything from outside due to the drawn curtains. Jungkook's eyes were wide much like a deer caught in the headlights, drinking in every inch of your exposed skin. Your heaving breasts looked deliciously perky with the way your head was thrown over the counter, noises he’d only ever dreamed of hearing spilling forth from your parted lips. His shocked expression soured, however, when he realised it was Taehyung standing between your spread legs, his cock plunging into your centre and making your face twist in ecstasy. You hadn’t realised he was there yet, eyes closed and still making little mewls with each of Taehyung’s thrusts, now deep and slow, almost teasing you. The elder looked up and simply smirked once their eyes locked, just who he’d been hoping for. Taehyung was the obvious alpha male, and he could see the way Jungkook’s pants were already straining.
“Mmm, harder... please,” you cried out, ankles locking around Taehyung’s waist so he couldn’t stop what he was doing.
“You want me to fuck you harder, noona? You know ever since the first time I saw you, I’ve fantasized about taking you nice and hard over this quaint little countertop. Have you, noona? Or perhaps you’d been too busy fantasizing about your little assistant, hm? You’d love to have him fuck you like this you dirty girl, isn’t that right? Answer me, or I’ll stop.” He teased, voice becoming a little strained with heavy breaths. His eyes were still locked on Jungkook, mocking the astounded boy.
“Oh god, yes. Fuck yes I’d love to have Kookie fuck his noona like this, oh fu-I think I’m gonna come again Tae.”
“Already? Are you gonna come thinking about Kookie?”
“Yes, hng-ughh Tae, and you! Gonna come, o-oh, because of you!” You cried, each syllable growing in volume the closer you grew to your orgasm.
“Go on noona, show me how much you love my cock,” he permitted, thumb coming back to your clit to pinch and rub the bundle of nerves, pushing you toward your climax. Right as you began to peak, he hooked your legs over his shoulders and began furiously pounding into you. The new angle and pace had you hurtling into a powerful, leg shaking orgasm which made Taehyung curse. You looked so beautiful, and you had a little audience for him to show off to. You were screaming so perfectly, perhaps you secretly knew Jungkook was watching the whole exchange. 
When you came down from your high, panting and swearing softly he pressed a kiss to the inside of your leg. “You’re so pretty when you come, my lovely. Don’t you think so, Jungkook?”
Your eyes flew open to see an upside down, very shocked Jungkook. The two of you were at a standstill for a moment, before you quickly tried to sit up and cover yourself. Taehyung’s hand was gently pushing you to lie back down, he suddenly leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Noona, (Y/N) darling. Don’t you want sweet little Kookie to join us? You want to suck him off while I fuck you nicely, hmm?” His words sounded so sweet, and you clenched around him at the very thought. He chuckled, that was just about all the confirmation he needed. However, he waited until you nodded, not going ahead without your clear consent. 
When Jungkook saw you nod, he was in complete disbelief. You wanted him? His length throbbed painfully in the confines of his pants, feeling so tight it might almost rip through the fabric. Despite being upside down, you could still clearly see the outline of the colossal bulge.
“Come here,” Taehyung barked, tutting in annoyance when the younger man still seemed to be rooted to the spot, too stunned to move. “Jeon, I suggest you move your ass if you want your dick sucked.” At his words Jungkook snapped out of his stupor, eagerly striding over to stand above you. 
The younger man was impatiently undoing the buttons on his pants, pulling them down and grabbing the back of his shirt and yanking it over his head, forgoing the buttons altogether. His length sprung forth, already looking angrily red and leaking copious amounts of precum. 
The temptation to taste him was too strong, and you stretched your neck to run your tongue along his dripping cock, pressing sloppy kisses, all the while looking up at him with innocent yet sultry eyes. He swore softly at the sight, pulling back to allow your lips to envelop the head of his cock, tongue swirling around his slit to gather the salty drops which kept leaking. He whimpered loudly, finally knowing what it felt like to sink his cock between his noona’s lips. You relaxed your gag reflex, eyes raking up his body. He was definitely a sight to behold, a sheen of sweat already glazing his glorious chest, making his abs - seriously, how did this boy have them - even more drool worthy. Although you were already drooling. 
His eyes were glued to your mouth, and the way it easily took his cock with each gentle thrust, he was careful not to make you gag. Although, you had other ideas. Your hands sneaked up, gripping the flesh of his bare behind as you relaxed your throat, feeling his hips jerk as he slid in the rest of the way and bottomed out. He groaned, whole body shuddering in pleasure, unable to stop his hips from jerking forward to chase the euphoria he found between your lips. The rather hard thrust had you choking a little, eyes tearing up but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Not when Jungkook was being so vocal, moaning and cursing so much you were sure anyone outside could hear. When you gagged again, inhaling deeply through your nose he pulled back, giving you a small reprieve and letting you breathe through your mouth. It was at the moment the man standing between your legs, who had been enjoying the show decided it was time to remind you of his presence. 
You cried out sharply when Taehyung’s throbbing length buried itself into your sopping heat once again, the movement jolting you and causing Jungkook’s cock to sink back into your throat. He began to swear as both men thrust into you, using your body to get themselves off. Hungrily, like he thought he might never get the opportunity to witness this again, Jungkook’s eyes raked over your soft body. The way your breasts bounced with every thrust, nipples stiff and slick from his elder’s mouth. Then your wonderful thighs, rippling each time Taehyung drove his hips into them. Jungkook always knew you would have such a beautifully soft body, he just wanted to knead you with his hands and run his tongue over every inch, every curve you had. There was so much slick shining on the inside of your thighs, loud squelch noises from each time Tae’s cock pushed into you. He wasn’t going to last much longer, not with the way moaned and swirled your tongue around his length.
After a few minutes Taehyung could feel how you were clamping down on his cock again as it dragged against your sweet spot with each thrust, you were getting close once more. His own pleasure twisted sharply in his abdomen, tightening dangerously quickly. The pad of his thumb pressed down on your clit once more, rubbing furious circles to get you to finish before he did. “One more, I want you to come one more time for me, noona. For us.” 
Your climax came to a peak and you squealed, Jungkook’s length popping out of your mouth to make way for the wails of pleasure as your legs shook. You reached out to pump him in your hand, and the sound of your moans as you came was all it took for Jungkook to swear and suddenly he was coming too. You took him back in your mouth quickly, grabbing his hips and pulling him so his cum spurted to the back of your throat.
“Fuck! Oh my-oh fucking hell noona, oh,” he all but yelled, whole body trembling as he climaxed.
Suddenly Taehyung could hold on no longer either, he stilled and you moaned louder as warmth flooded deep inside you as he came, your pussy clenching unconsciously at how good it all felt. Jungkook whined in overstimulation when he pulled out, but your  lips drew the top of his cock back into your mouth to suckle at the remains of his salty release, the sensation of your tongue lapping against his frenulum almost too much for him.
He pulled out, your tongue licking your lips to collect any remains as you bathed in post orgasm bliss. Taehyung’s cock softened, slipping out of your swollen pussy as the three of you panted, catching your breath. 
Jungkook leaned on the bench, looming over you and he flashed a hopeful smile. The same that made your heart flutter so innocently each morning, the slightest glimmer of potential for something more between you two. However,  you’d just sucked him off while another man fucked you. 
Now that the hazy headspace had cleared, embarrassment came forth unbridled and you couldn’t stand to be around a moment longer. You slipped off the counter, wobbly legs barely able to support you as you hastily picked up your clothes. It seems that Taehyung had the same idea as he was quickly dressed, buttoning up his shirt and snatching his jacket up off the floor.
“Well…” he began with, looking between the three of you. “Looks like you two have something to talk about. I’d best be going, see you around.” With that, he was out the door. Gone. It brought your memory back to the first time you’d met him, watching him walk out of the door. Things had been so much more simple then, when you weren’t sleeping with two men at once. You didn’t waste another second dwelling in the awkward tension between you and Jungkook as you rushed upstairs without another word.
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The next three weeks were awkward to say the least. Conversation was somewhat scarce between both yourself and your assistant, and you feared you’d forever ruined your relationship with him. Jungkook was barely conversing with you, and whenever it was necessary he gave one word answers at best. 
It was now that you realised he always used to say things such as let me do it, or I made extra of your favourite. It was in the small things, the everyday gestures that your feelings began to steadily blossom, nothing like the grand and unrealistic romance you so desired. Now Jungkook felt so far away, perhaps he despised you now. All because you had to be stupid and greedy, turning a blind eye to the blessing that was right in front of you all along and pursuing someone you have convinced you were good enough for. 
Since that night, Taehyung had not been back to the bakery.
In fact, you had not heard from him at all. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t shed a tear or two over it, after how sweet he’d been in the beginning. The larger part of your conscience, the more irrational part urged you to wait around like a stupid damsel in distress. Hoping that maybe he would walk back in through that door with the little jingle of the bell and make you smile like the idiot you were, pretending nothing had ever gone wrong.  But the more rational part wanted to beat that other part to a pulp, it was far more likely that he had been sweet, like honey for one reason. To lure you in like the silly little fly you were, walking right into his web. How many other girls had he been with in three weeks? Was that really his sister, or did he just tell that to women he’s luring in to make them let their guard down? Just like you had. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping, it was a perfect day, but strangely a little warm. Beads of sweat rolled down your temple, and you wiped them away with the back of your arm as your hands were covered in flour and dough. God, it was unusually warm this morning.
You turned around from your workstation, looking for your rolling pin on one of the other benches. Incidentally your eyes met Jungkook’s and his gaze darted away abruptly, pretending to also look for something. Guilt gnawed at you, knowing that you had caused his embarrassment. After all, you confessed you wanted him in the way he wanted you and then proceeded to mope after Taehyung, not looking at him twice. 
You took your anger out on the innocent dough, squashing it angrily between your fingers absent mindedly. You kept muttering see you around in a mocking tone before realizing it was now over kneaded. Great, now you had a suitor on the run, an assistant that was giving you the silent treatment, and your bread would be flat and overly tough. At least your favourite apricot jam would make it taste better, and you couldn’t help craving another serving you mused as you cleaned the sticky dough from your hands.
The delicious smell of the fresh bread wafted from the racks where they rested, and you sought out a tray that had mostly cooled. When you pulled it out, resting the heavy tray on your chest as you normally did, you yelped and dropped it on the bench with a loud bang. The apple that Jungkook had been about to chop skidded across the floor as he dropped it and rushed over to you.
“Noona! Are you alright?! What happened?!” 
You gritted your teeth and breathed in through your nose, wincing at how unusually sore your breasts were. Jungkook reached for your cheek, and his hands in your face smelled strongly of apple juice, almost burning your nostrils with its potency. Sudden nausea gripped at your stomach, twisting your insides and making you feel queasy. You pushed past Jungkook and sprinted up the stairs, hearing Jungkook’s heavy footsteps right behind you. You barely reached the bathroom before you fell to your knees, heaving over the toilet bowl to empty your stomach.
“(Y/N)!” A distressed Jungkook cried out from the doorway before crouching down, hands still incredibly gentle as they reached to sweep your hair out of the way. “What’s wrong? Are you sick?!” An answer didn’t make it past your lips however, only more of your breakfast. Jungkook was audibly panicked, but still rubbed comforting circles on your back as you continued to throw up. “That’s it, get it all out,” he murmured.
Your mouth tasted foul and as soon as you stood up you were reaching for your toothbrush. He was glued to your side, picking up a cloth to wipe away at the vomit that was on your chin, still asking a million questions. Embarrassed, you waved him away even though the tender action made your heart squeeze. So he still cared? “I’m fine Kook, I just don’t know why I’m throwing up all of a sudden, I didn’t eat anything that was off…”
He was still insistent on fussing, telling you to go to the doctor if you couldn’t explain your sudden illness. You wondered back into the bedroom, wracking your brain for any inclination as to why it might me, thinking of your symptoms. Your gaze landed on your little clock on your dresser which displayed the date, eyes widening when things began clicking into place. Your period was also a week late, you had sore breasts and morning sickness. You slapped a hand over your mouth muffling the distressed whine that left your lips, words not coming to you at the moment from the shock.
You were pregnant. 
Jungkook tentatively touched your shoulder making both of you flinch as the initial shock wore off, and the harsh reality of it came crashing over you. Your eyes flickered to Jungkook’s wide ones, concern evident at the tears brimming in your eyes. “Noona? (Y/N)? What’s wrong? Why... Why are you crying?” God, he was so innocent sometimes, of course he hadn’t caught on yet. 
“K-Kook,” you all but whimpered, voice breaking from the way your throat constricted in an attempt to hold back the sobs. “I-... I think I’m pregnant,” came your confession, barely audible, but Jungkook’s ears picked it up well enough. You could barely look him in the eyes, your own watery with tears and you sounded so defeated.
He crushed you to his chest, his arms enveloping your frame in a warm hug, and you never wanted him to let you go. The sobs came forth unbridled now and you buried your face into the crook of his neck, drenching his shirt with your tears. 
“Is it really such a bad thing?” He whispered to you between shushes. “Noona, you know I’ll always stick by you, right? No matter what. I’ll be here even if that bastard isn’t,” he murmured and you trembled all the more from his sweet words.
You pulled back so you could look him in the eye, offering a weak and watery smile. “Oh Jungkook, I really don’t deserve you.”
“Nonsense,” he chastised quickly, a warm thumb coming up to wipe away the wetness on your cheeks. “I really like you noona, like a lot.” 
“I do too, Kookie. God, I’m so sorry,” you chuckled, pinching his dimple softly before burying your hand in your apron for a handkerchief. “I just thought, you know...you’d want to be with someone a bit closer to your a-”
Your words were cut off when Jungkook covered your mouth and nose with his own handkerchief, wiping away the snot and you had no doubt you looked a complete mess. Blubbering away and confessing your feelings to a younger man, knocked up by another.
“I don’t want to hear that, ever again. Okay? Besides I’ve been fantasizing about calling you my girlfriend for as long as I’ve been working for you. Do you have any idea how happy I am right now? I don’t care about not being the father of this child, as long as I have you by my side I know I can do anything.” He pecked your lips suddenly, prompting a brighter smile from you which warmed his heart to see you no longer upset about everything. You snaked your arm around the top of his shoulders, grinning as he brought your lips back together. You melted into his arms as you deepened the kiss, but he flinched back a bit.
“What? What’s wrong? Did I do someth-”
“No, nothing’s wrong it’s just...your mouth kinda tastes like vomit still. Sorry.” The two of you burst into laughter, a bit of lightness in the otherwise serious situation. You moved back into the bathroom to begin scrubbing your teeth clean while Jungkook, unable to relinquish you from his hands as if you’d disappear if he let go, kept rubbing comforting circles on your hips. He looked deep in thought. “I’ll get a hold of Taehyung, I promise. While I know you probably despise him right now, I think he has a right to know about the baby.”
Silently you nodded, uncertainty and nervousness swirling deep within your stomach. Jungkook was right, you should tell Taehyung but what would his reaction be? Would he be angry? God, he seemed so nice, so genuine. Maybe it really was just some elaborate plan to seduce you, how many other women had fallen prey to his charms you wondered. Perhaps this was not the first time a woman had tracked him down after being knocked u-
“(Y/N)? It’s alright, just don’t dwell on it okay?” His hands trailed up to rub your shoulders, drawing a long sigh from you. “We’ll make an appointment with the doctor first, yeah? Just to be sure. I’ll even come with you.” 
You turned and buried your face into the crook of his neck again, so over the moon to have such support. You don’t know what you did to deserve this, to deserve him. 
“Do you think people would mind if we opened… a bit late today?” You asked him, fingers creeping up his chest to play with his collar as you looked at him suggestively.
He wrapped his muscular arms around your shoulders, giving you a soft squeeze. You whined at the action, causing your tender breasts to ache. In retaliation you reached down and groped the firm flesh of his behind. Instantly he bucked forward, seeking friction and pushing his quickly hardening length into your abdomen. 
“You mean..” he gaped, beaming down at you with an expression so endearing and so excited it made you giddy. Firm hands found his chest, and you guided him back out of the bathroom and pushed him onto the bed, immediately tugging at the buttons on his work pants. His swollen cock sprung out immediately, already rock hard and dripping precum, so eager to finally bury itself in you completely.
He helped you to yank his trousers down quickly, shoes and all getting kicked off in a hurry. You swore you could hear his shirt tearing a little as he ripped it over his head, his hair becoming messed up in his haste Jungkook yanked you into his reach so he could strip you, much like a child at Christmas, uncaring about the poor wrapping paper and eager to get to his present. Fighting him would be useless with the way your eyes drank in his impressive physique.
Once you were completely bare you grabbed his shoulders, clambering on top of him and reaching between the two of you to grab his dick, running the leaking tip through your damp folds. As you sunk down a few inches you had to stop, the stretch from just how fat his cock was leaving you breathless for a moment. Tiny rocks up and down allowed your walls to adjust before you took a breath and bottomed out, Jungkook threw his head back, exposing his deliciously thick neck to your hungry eyes. The urge to mark it was far too strong, and you didn’t hesitate to bend forward to suckle on the skin, little red and purple marks blossoming. 
You immediately got to work grinding your hips back and forth, only seeming to drive Jungkook even crazier. After a few minutes he pushed you to sit back up, the need to see your body again too much yet he couldn’t decide where to look. Your breasts swayed in his face with every rock of your body and it was so hard for him to resist bucking his hips upwards. The sight of your pussy lips swallowing every inch of his throbbing cock again and again was truly something to behold, and it felt a thousand times better. Or your beautiful face, contorted in the most blissful expressions, consumed by the pleasure. At a particularly loud moan you let out he thrusted up, grunting at the feeling of you clenching around him. 
Jungkook seized your hips, planting his feet on the bed and began pounding his thick length into you without mercy. Caught off guard, you collapsed onto your hands at the sharp spike of pleasure in your belly, your cries muffled as you buried your face into Jungkook’s damp neck. He too smelled heavenly when you were this close, his natural woody musk overloading your senses with each sharp inhale of breath.
He sat up so you were face to face, the position rather intimate, but was quickly bending down to draw one of your nipples into his mouth, nipping softly. “Ah! Be g-gentle, please Kookie. They’re so sensitive right no-ow.”
“Mmm. Can’t wait ‘til they’re all heavy and swollen with milk, I bet you’d taste so sweet noona.” He practically growled, suddenly possessive at the thought.
“Kook! Oh my-oh god, harder. Please please harder baby. You gonna fuck your noona nice and hard?” You begged, running your fingers through the dark, curly locks on his head. Quickly he gripped your waist tighter and flipped you onto your back in an impressive show of strength, quick to re-acquaint you with the delicious stretch as his cock buried itself back inside you and resumed a brutal pace. He was a rather energetic lover it seemed.
“You feel so good noona, oh my god! Fuck I-I’m not gonna last much longer, not when I’ve wanted this for so long.”
“Ugh, it’s okay baby. I’m mfph almost th-there, oh!”
Your arms anchored themselves on his broad shoulders as you jolted from the force of his thrusts, one hand snaking up to thread into the dark hair at the nape of his neck and he whined louder between laboured breaths. Right as he let out a long high pitched moan you felt his whole body tremble, warmth gushing deep in your abdomen as he came. However, Jungkook was ever the soldier and continued on slamming his hips into yours and you finally tipped over the edge. Your walls clenched and fluttered, eyes rolling back into your head. Yet he still continued even as you felt the sticky mess of his cum getting pushed deeper with each thrust, more still filling you. The sounds you were making must have been bothering the neighbours, slapping skin and cries of ecstasy. But neither of you could help it because it had felt like heaven. God, why hadn’t you done this earlier?
When the waves of pleasure finally subsided he dropped onto his forearms, cock going limp and slipping out of your abused pussy. 
“Noona.” His chest heaved with his efforts but he couldn’t resist nuzzling into the crook of your now sweaty neck, and your heart clenched with the affection. “That was amazing, so much better than I ever could have imagined. Well...have been imagining.”
“Jungkook, baby,” you breathed, panting heavily. “I’d love to stay like this forever but I’m gonna dirty the sheets, can you grab me a washcloth from the bathroom please?”
He pecked your cheek and sprung up immediately, kicking off his pants that still clung to one leg so they wouldn’t trip him and headed toward the bathroom. Your eyes dropped to his bare behind and you all but drooled, it truly looked so much better without his pants obscuring the view.
“Or,” you began and he paused, turning back to you as you flipped on your side, attempting to strike a seductive pose. Rather it seemed he was the seductor, unknowingly posed like a Roman statue, his body half twisted in a way that accentuated all his best features while gravity accentuated your worst. However, his eyes raked over your figure, insatiable. “How about we just take a shower together? Save some water, hmm-oh Jungkook!” You squealed as he easily hoisted you up bridal style, pecking your lips. 
“I think that sounds like a very good idea, shall we?” He asked, carrying you in the direction of the bathroom already sporting another semi.
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Three weeks. You were three weeks pregnant, the life inside you so tiny yet had already become such a huge part of your life in just one day. Jungkook was still diligently stuck by your side, and earlier today he’d tried ringing Taehyung’s office to try and speak with him. However, he was told that the elder was not available. All that could be done was to leave a message with his secretary. 
You pondered what he might say as the two of you walked arm in arm on your way home from the doctor’s office late in the afternoon. Again, two parts of you rationed with one another. He did just start a new job, perhaps that would explain his absence for almost a month. 
Three days, the more rational part of you argued. It was a common rule you’d heard the women gush about over tea in your shop, that no suitor was too busy to contact you at some point in three days. If they didn’t then you simply weren’t a priority for them, not that it mattered anyway. You were loyal to Jungkook now, he was certainly a priority to you.
But there was something about Taehyung, the extent of his genuine nature was incredibly difficult to fabricate. It kept nagging at you in the back of your mind, to just wait, to give him the benefit of the doubt when he finally did come forward. Or maybe you were just being hormonal and making things up to comfort yourself. A distraction was what you needed.
You tipped your head back to breathe in the fresh air. The sky was dusted with a pretty pink and orange colour as the sun set, and you thought would make a nice picture.
“Oh, by the way. I never asked you about the job you got, taking photographs, did you have fun? It is what you came here for after all.” A heavy sigh followed from the man by your side, which definitely caught your attention. “Jungkook? What is it?”
“It was alright, I probably could have enjoyed it more. I just couldn’t help but feel really disappointed the whole time. I wanted to like it more but I just... couldn’t,” he trailed off with yet another deep sigh, his fourth this evening.
“What do you mean? Is it not what you want to do anymore?” You questioned, bringing your other hand to his arm to rub comforting circles. He shook his head, fumbling in his coat pocket for the keys and unlocking the door. 
“No, it’s not what I want anymore. As a hobby I think it’s okay, but I’ve completely fallen in love with working here, with baking,” he paused before pushing the door open, turning back to you. “But most importantly, (Y/N). I’ve fallen in love with you. My beautiful noona.” 
Your eyes sparkled with tears. “Oh, Jungkook. I-”
“You don’t have to say it back right away. Take all the time you need, I’d wait for you forever.”
He began to head inside but you grabbed his arm firmly, and he looked back at you with a startled expression. “I do, I absolutely do. The feelings, they’ve always been there but I’ve just been afraid to act on them. But... I do love you, more than you know.” 
The pure expression of elation that spread across his face made your heart ache, and you just had to kiss it, to kiss him. He let out a little gasp of surprise when you grabbed his cheeks and pulled him to you, pressing your lips together. It was only when you let out a little shiver that he pulled away, ushering you inside and away from the nippy wind.
Now that you were significantly warmer you let out a long yawn, fatigue making your eyelids feel heavy. Jungkook pulled you to him again, pressing a kiss against your hair, the action would never cease to make your heart flutter. “I’ll lock up, you go upstairs to bed noona. I love you,”
“Goodnight Jungkook, I love you too,” you murmured back sleepily with a smile. Reluctantly you slipped out of his warm arms, making the treacherously long haul up to the first floor where your dwelling resided. Once he was sure you’d safely made it up the stairs, he fished around in his pocket for the keys, turning around to lock the door. However, he froze at the figure who stood looming in the doorway.
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You awoke later to the other side of the bed cold and empty, the feeling of a rough tongue licking at your cheek.You stirred with a groan, waiting for the grogginess to subside while you waved your cat away, hearing him pounce onto the floor and out into the kitchen. His demands to be fed grew louder and louder until you simply couldn’t ignore him, and you dragged yourself out of bed to the empty kitchen. Once Jiji’s bowl was filled and he was happily eating you noticed how quiet it was. That’s strange, where was Jungkook?
The clinking of silverware and a light on downstairs caught your attention. You scratched the back of your head in thought as you made your way down into the back room, but when you emerged  at the bottom of the stairs you froze.
“Noona!” Jungkook suddenly exclaimed, rushing forth and the loud scrape of the chairs as both men shot up caused you to  jump a little. You put our hand out to stop him approaching and he paused, your shock only grew when you noticed Jungkook was sporting a black eye, and he squirmed on the spot while you gawked at him. While you were concerned, you had something - well someone - more important to address. “Um… Taehyung is back… ” 
“I noticed, Jungkook,” you gritted, trying to keep a strong front in front of them. 
Moisture sprung to your eyes and it made Taehyung’s heart clench, seeing you look so similar to a cornered animal. One wrong move and you would likely bolt back up the stairs. You were frustrated with yourself because you didn’t expect to cry immediately, but seeing the father of your unborn child proved to affect you more than you thought it would. 
“(Y/N)... ” He began, taking a small step toward you, his arms reaching out with the urge to comfort you. However, you gave him a dirty look which had Taehyung quickly retracting and not coming any closer. “I know you’re upset… and angry… and confused-”
“Correct,” you quipped.
“But there’s an explanation, I promise,” he pleaded, waiting with baited breath before you crossed your arms and gave a tiny nod heavy with trepidation. “I wanted to come and see you personally the following morning, believe me I truly did. But something happened with my father and the company, I had to go overseas urgently.”
“For almost a month? You couldn’t have at least written to me? A telegram? Even a goddamn smoke signal was too much effort for you?” 
“I did! I wrote you a letter and left it here early in the morning before I left, I even put my return address on it so you could write back to me while I was away. I was waiting to hear from you, and the whole time I thought you’d gotten my letter and didn’t want to see me anymore, because of Jungkook.”
A tiny twinge of guilt arose within you, your gut instinct had been right. He had tried to do the right thing. “I’m sorry Taehyung, I didn’t get any letter from you.” You truly were apologetic, a part of you now wished that things had played out differently and you’d given him a chance. But you couldn’t change the past now, and Jungkook was rooted firmly in your heart. Besides, if you had to choose between the two, you’re sure you would never be able to come to a decision.
“I apologise for leaving so quickly that day, but I needed some time to think as it wasn’t just the two of us anymore. A third party had become...involved. But before I could see you in person again I had to go. Hopefully you’ll accept this,” he trailed off, gesturing to a small box on the table. Gingerly you slipped past him to pick it up, gasping when a small glass flower was inside. “When I was in Paris, I saw this in a shop window and immediately thought of you and the first time we met. Finally I got you a flower that won’t wither away and die.”
“Taehyung...it’s lovely, but I don’t really think it’s appropriate for me to accept gifts like this from you anymore. I love Jungkook now. Any contribution from you from now on should be for the b-” You stopped your words suddenly, did Jungkook tell him yet? 
“The baby? My...baby. Yes. Jungkook told me.” His eyes flickered down to your stomach. “Oh (Y/N), I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’ll support you one hundred percent, I should have been more careful.”
“Well… we should have been more careful. But you’re not mad?” You questioned, chewing on your lip nervously.
“What?! Why would I be mad at you? I… God I just want to touch your stomach so bad. Can I? Please?” He practically begged, and you felt a laugh bubble up against your will. You’d never seen him pout before. Gently you grabbed his hand, guiding his large palm against the flat of your abdomen and unintentionally pulling him closer. At his proximity your heart rate picked up, old feelings stirring at the warm cinnamon you could smell on him. No, you couldn’t think of him that way anymore. 
You diverted your gaze, instead making eye contact with your lover Jungkook while Taehyung rubbed soft circles on your stomach. Things would be… unconventional from now on, to say the least. 
“I just...don’t want to miss out on this,” Taehyung whispered. “Watching your belly grow, feeling the little kicks. I don’t have a child yet, and I’ve always been so excited to be a father. But it’s a shame things turned out this way…”
“Which is why we wanted to talk to you (Y/N).” Jungkook suddenly piped up, having been unusually quiet and relaxed this whole time. “Hyung… I mean Taehyung and I have been speaking all night.”
“I got the message from him and came to see you as soon as I got back, only to watch you kiss him instead. I must admit I was incredibly jealous and originally I planned on talking calmly, but that’s not quite what happened. We started fighting, and then we started... kissing.” He admitted, looking slightly abashed. You, however, were utterly shocked and kept looking between the two trying to imagine such a thing.
“Wait...what?! You two kissed? Each other?”
“Well, yes and then it escalated.” Taehyung murmured with a smirk, peering over to Jungkook. He looked nervous, his hand coming up to touch the back of his neck. That’s when you saw it, many more marks peeking out from under his collar than what you’d left on him. “One thing turned into another and, we ended up having sex. Your table is wobbly now, sorry about that, but this kid’s stamina is no joke.” 
Your jaw almost hit the ground, a whole mix of different emotions hitting you. The first being sorrow and betrayal, tears once more beginning to well in your eyes. But you quickly felt yourself growing angry, after all your partner had technically cheated on you with another man. 
“Jeon Jungkook, you treacherous whore,” you snarled, rubbing your temples at the headache this confusion was bringing you. “I just have one question...why? I thought you two hated one another.” 
“We just couldn’t see past the jealousy we both had over you. But once we actually started getting to know one another a bit more, we actually realised we have a lot in common and are willing to explore that further.” Jungkook explained. “I think the three of us could make it work, that way everyone is happy.”
“You mean… we’d all be together? You’re both okay with that? You actually like each other?” You questioned, to which they smiled and nodded. On the one hand, you would get to have what you’d secretly desired which was both men at the same time. The idea had your heart skipping a beat with excitement, thinking about all the sweet words they’d say, and soft mornings you’d share. How well you’d be taken care of, in many ways. But what if things didn’t work out? What if they grew too jealous and the relationship deteriorated? Apprehension weighed heavily in the air. However, if you never even gave it a shot you would never know what could have been. 
“Noona? Do you need more time to think about it?” Taehyung asked gently. Did you? You looked up at both of them, their soft gazes making you feel like the most treasured woman in the world. Ever so subtly their hands brushed together, fingers intertwining. Something in your gut told you this was the right thing to do, and you reached up to take a hand in one of theirs.
“I’m willing to try.” You told them, biting your lip to soften the huge grin. 
“Really?!” They both exclaimed in unison, eyes wide and you were suddenly tugged into their embrace. Uncontrollable giggles consumed you, and you pecked each of them on the lips.
 “I have a feeling the three of us will go together like sugar, spice and everything nice.”
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It was still rather early in the morning, the sun only very faintly peeking through the curtains in your bedroom window. Still, your body was beginning to make its demands known no matter what time it may be. Jungkook was warm against your back, his arm slung over your waist, and you couldn’t stop the way you squirmed and panted softly. God, you had woken up so aroused it was almost painful. At your excessive movement he pulled you tighter to him, and you gasped at the feeling of his morning erection pressing against the soft flesh of your behind. He grumbled something unintelligible into your neck but you didn’t care, you needed him right now.
“Jungkook,” you whined, turning to face him a little more. “Please baby, please.” 
“Oh?” He definitely heard you loud and clear as he raised his head, but before he could even say more you threw your leg over his hip and began grinding your sopping apex against his clothed length. The angle was awkward but you didn’t care as it provided some well needed friction. 
Immediately his hands gripped at your swollen breasts, fingers pinching your sensitive nipples through the thin fabric of your nightgown, and you cried out  from the sudden pleasure. “God,” he growled in your ear. “You need me that much, huh? Can’t even wait until Tae gets here?”
“No, I can’t wait. I need you right fucking now Kookie, please.” There was desperation in your tone now, and you sounded like you were on the verge of tears.
“Alright noona, of course. You know I could never say no to you,” he whispered into your cheek, pressing a soft kiss there. His hands travelled further down your body, smoothing over your swollen tummy like he always loved doing. “You’re so fucking beautiful like this, aren’t you? So desperate for me, begging to be stuffed full of cock. I can’t wait until I can fill you up with my cum and get you nice and pregnant again, with my baby.”
You rolled over onto your knees, propping your weight on your forearms. Jungkook groaned at the sight it presented him with as your gown slipped down your back, your weeping cunt glistening with your arousal, so engorged and throbbing with your pregnancy. He shot up, coming to kneel behind you so he could get a closer look. Jungkook ran his thumb through your folds, cock aching at the way you clenched and whined. There was so much slick, he couldn’t believe how wet you were, a little leaking down and dripping onto the bed from his ministrations. You became pliant, pushing back against his fingers as far as your stomach would allow, desperately wanting him to bury them into you, anything to ease that empty feeling.
“Careful sweetheart, gotta make sure you and bub are okay first,” he murmured into your ear, hands smoothing over your stomach again as he placed a soft kiss on your shoulder. “Let’s take this off.” 
His hands bundled up the bottom of your night dress, patiently waiting until you lifted each knee off the bed so it wasn’t caught and gently peeled it from your panting form. The cool morning air nipped at your exposed skin, every inch of you flushed hot. You leaned back, Jungkook’s chest plastered to you, your puffy nipples hardening quickly when Jungkook pinched them between his fingers. Milky droplets began beading and dripping down your front, drawing a long moan at the sensitivity of them. 
“You’re so amazing, oh my god. Do you have any idea how often I’ve imagined you like this? So perfectly swollen and pregnant, so incredibly fertile. Breasts so soft and brimming with milk. You’re such a good girl for Hyung and I, you’re gonna let us fill you up again and again aren’t you?” He continued his groping while whispering filthy things in your ear, you were so worked up it was almost painful. 
“I-If you keep doing that, uhh fuck Kookie, baby. I think I might come, oh.” At your whining he gave an extra hard pinch, and little droplets of white sprinkled across the bed sheets, some dripping down your chest onto your stomach. He relented for a second to tear off his pajamas in record time, giving you barely a second’s warning before the hardness of his scalding cock was sliding into the cleft of your asscheeks, a moan breaking out from him at how soaked it got. With one hand your fingers twisted in the bedsheets, the other trying to reach behind and line him up. However, he chuckled and gripped your wrist to stop you. So close yet so far, and you began muttering a sting of incoherent and almost hysterical gibberish, undecipherable other than the occasional please. Given how wet you were he easily sunk in, and it made the stretch of his girth a little more tolerable as he bottomed out with a curse. His teeth bit softly into the flesh of your bare shoulder and you whimpered loudly as he drew back to sink straight back in at a torturously slow pace, always giving you a few seconds to accommodate his thickness. The teasing was driving you near insane, but thankfully he had such a fat cock it still felt incredible. He was always so gentle to begin with, treating you as if you were fragile. However, as he said before he could never say no to you. Once you really whined and whimpered for him to go harder, boy did he give it to you.
He adjusted his hands on your soft hips, gripping them tighter so he could tug you back onto his length as he began slamming into you. Loud slaps filled the room as his pace quickened, pounding eagerly from behind and you wailed, this angle always making him feel so much deeper than usual. “You just get more beautiful everyday, ugh,” Jungkook huffed in your ear, voice strained from the feeling of your velvet walls gripping him eagerly.
Your softness dug into his hip bones as his thrusts grew more powerful, his incredible thighs flexing with the brutal pace he set. Pleasure twisted in your abdomen acutely, the pressure building up easily with your swollen belly. “Jungkook, I’m gonna come already. You feel so good baby, oh!”
At your words he used his impressive strength to pull you against him even more, the angle had his cock rubbing against that special spot and your high hit you harder than it ever had. You reached up and behind you to anchor your hands on his thick, vascular neck, sweaty skin sticking slightly. Your thighs trembled right as you began to peak, and just as the door swung open and you locked gazes with Taehyung. You felt a delicious pressure release in your abdomen as you gushed with a broken shriek, clear fluid squirting all over the tangled bedsheets. He watched you with eyes blown out wide, grip on the doorknob so tight it almost broke and you couldn’t help the way your eyes rolled back into your head. Each jolt caused your ever growing breasts to sway, and the way your hands were above your head only accentuated all your lovely curves which he happily consumed with his gaze.
Jungkook let out a few loud, high pitched moans as he released inside you, the warmth making you shudder as you began coming down from your orgasm. A warm, sweaty forehead pressed against your back as you both panted from the effort, Jungkook’s hands steadying you as you lay down onto your side. The shortness of breath was really beginning to kick in now that you were almost five months pregnant. Wordlessly you reached out for Taehyung, making grabby hands at him as he set his things down and shut the door.
“Good morning princess.” He stalked over to the bed, eyes raking over your glistening body, also flicking back to take in Jungkook who had flopped back against the pillows. “Do you want more? Does daddy get a turn?” He leant down and whispered in your ear as he pressed kisses all along your cheek. You whined and nodded yes, immediately seeking out his lips with your own. God, you just came but you were always ready and wanted to feel both of your lovers, so insatiable these days.
“Good morning my sweet,” he murmured, bed dipping under Taehyung’s weight as he joined you. His fingers ran through Jungkook’s dark curls, and he bent down to capture his other lover’s mouth in a sweet kiss, the younger tugged Taehyung toward him and eagerly began pulling at his clothes.
While the two of them locked lips and stripped you scooted up and flopped onto your back, skin glowing with a light sheen of sweat and legs wide open to accommodate your ever growing stomach. Both men’s gaze immediately fell to your core, looking so pretty with Jungkook’s cum slowly dripping out. Taehyung couldn’t resist, he shifted toward you, dropped to his stomach and pushed your legs further apart. “Look at you, such a messy girl. Daddy should clean you up, hm?” You bit your finger coyly, head clouded with lust as you nodded. Taehyung took another few seconds to stare at your engorged centre, his breath fanning against your wetness causing you to squirm before he quickly dipped down to run his tongue through your folds, groaning at the mixture of sweet and salty taste. He lapped up the juices, tongue seeking out your clit and drawing it into his mouth ripping an almost scream from you from finally getting stimulation on your sensitive, blood fattened nub.
Taehyung started to moan louder, and you lifted your head up until you were almost sitting - you had to otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see past your growing stomach - only to find Taehyung still had his head buried between your legs. However, Jungkook had his own agenda, and his teeth nibbled at one of Taehyung’s buttcheeks before his tongue dipped down between them. One hand snuck down underneath Taehyung’s hips to stroke at his cock which he had previously been grinding against the sheets. 
You’d quickly learned that Jungkook had a bit of an oral fixation, he was obsessed with leaving hickies wherever he could. More than once the two of you would be working early in the morning, then the next thing Jungkook would haul you up onto the unoccupied part of the workbench and eat you out. You had to have a door installed that separated the back workroom from the shop because of his high libido, though as he grew more explorative you’d also have to scold him about food safety. 
The elder sat back on his knees, a hand coming to sink two fingers into your sopping apex. His thumb rubbed circles against your engorged clit, and with each thrust of his wrist he pushed out some of the thick white mixture. Now that he was sat up, Jungkook crawled up and laid on his side, coming to lap at the drops of precum on his erect length. The elder pulled his hand from between your legs and popped them into his mouth, a soft groan accompanying the taste he so adored, the cum of both his lovers combined.
“Kookie? Can you go again, baby?” Taehyung asked, his other hand gently threaded into his hair to ease him off his member. Jungkook nodded eagerly, pumping his own cock in his hand, already hard again. The stamina that boy had frightened you, once you were ready for another baby he’d have you pregnant again in no time. Taehyung motioned for him to lay on his back, and gently guided you over to where Jungkook was propped up with his head resting against the pillows. You turned around and straddled his hips with your back to him and he sat up a bit to steady you.
“Are you okay to keep going? You’re not too tired?” Jungkook whispered in your ear, to which you quickly nodded. No matter how tired you were, you rarely turned down sex with your two lovers. However, on the odd occasion that you did want to rest instead they had no qualms, as they happily indulged in their own intercourse often. The sudden need to twist around and kiss him overcame you and you whined softly, seeking out his lips. They were both so sweet and attentive, you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. 
“Kook?” You murmured. He hummed in response, a warm palm soothing on your arm. “I love you, so so much.” 
He couldn’t suppress the grin that broke out across his face no matter how hard he tried, because he was so undeniably happy. “My (Y/N), I love you so much, more than you could imagine.” He leaned forward to peck your lips again before an insistent tap on your thigh brought your attention back to Taehyung.
“Don’t worry,” you whispered, already pouting at him for a kiss as well. “I haven’t forgotten about you. I love you too, Taehyung.” At your words he seemed to melt a little, his lips brushing against yours over and over in soft little pecks. 
“I love you too, petal. All of you.” He touched your stomach gently, also looking back at Jungkook behind you. The hand that was just on your tummy came up to cup your cheek, however, you’d grown quite impatient and turned your head to draw two of his fingers into your mouth. 
“That’s it, such a good girl,” he hummed, smiling as you suckled while looking up at him with wide eyes. The sweet tone turned to a growl as you dropped his hand only to bend down, now practically on your hands and knees, and licked a stripe up his fat, throbbing length. The taste of his salty precum had you keening, popping the tip into your mouth and swirling your tongue around the head. You lapped at his frenulum, occasionally running your tongue across the slit to catch the droplets as they continued to bead. 
Jungkook behind you kneaded your soft rump, pulling the cheeks apart and running his tongue from your clit up to your tight hole. Your excessive juices mixed with his cum made for a perfect lubricant as he lapped at your rim, his thumb coming to spread the slick around it and you clenched at the threat of intrusion. He watched in fascination as you clenched again, lightly pressing on it to test the resistance. Given how wet you were the digit sunk in easily, and you immediately clamped down. Taehyung growled as he felt the vibrations of your moan on his cock, his hand threading into your hair softly. Jungkook worked his thumb in and out of your ass, giving your muscles time to slowly relax. A thrum of excitement rushed through you as he pulled the digit out, only to slick up two more fingers and ease them in carefully. You always got a bit more worked up when you knew you were going to have both men at once, it felt incredible being so full of them.
“God noona, you’re taking my fingers so well. You love getting your tight little asshole played with, don’t you? Such a good girl.” Jungkook hissed, scissoring the digits until he could work in a third finger. You pulled your lips from Taehyung’s cock with a pop sound, the pleasure was so overwhelming, especially when Jungkook’s thumb came to rub circles on your clit.
“Are you close again, princess?” Taehyung asked, stroking your hair. You nodded furiously, pushing back to try and get the younger’s fingers probing deeper.
“U-Ugh! Daddy, Kookie! I’m com-oh!” you didn’t even finish your sentence before your orgasm washed over you, toes curling and skin tingling with the euphoric feeling. Jungkook’s fingers continued to rub against your sensitive walls, the completely unique feeling causing you to clench even harder. When your cries subsided you slumped back a little and Jungkook withdrew his hand. “Please,” you whimpered, pouting and looking between both your lovers.
“Please what, my love? Use your words.” Taehyung ordered.
“Want more, want you both.”
“Oh? Is one cock filling you up not enough for you? Greedy girl,” he tutted. “Can you sit back for me? Want Jungkookie to fuck your ass while I have your pussy?”
Your empty orifices clench at his words, wanting so desperately to be filled and to feel the push and pull of both their lengths fucking you. Eagerly you nodded, reaching down to touch your clit again but Taehyung’s hand grabbed your wrist.
“Did I say you could do that, hm?” He growled, tugging your hand away. Your eyes widened at his commanding tone, shaking your head slowly. “What did I just tell you to do?”
“Sit on Jungkookie’s cock, daddy.”
“Exactly, go on then,” Taehyung growled, the softness of his hands as he helped you move back contradicting his tone. You hovered over Jungkook's length, the tip pressing against the seam of your ass. A faint gasp escaped you as he ran the head of his cock through your folds to soak it in the wetness dripping from you, before moving back to line himself up. Ever so gently he pressed the tip against your asshole, applying a soft pressure, coaxing the muscles of your rim to loosen. 
Gradually your ass relaxed to grant him entrance, the head of his cock slipped in aided by your excessive slick. Once he pushed past that initial resistance the rest of his silken length sunk in easily, creating a delicious stretch and you moaned. Taehyung drank in the whole image, watching the younger's cock bottom out as his hips met the flesh of your behind and you sat fully impaled on his length.
Your pussy fluttered and clenched rhythmically, more droplets of your nectar running down to coat Jungkook’s heavy balls. The feeling had him crying out with a choked whimper, you were so tight and warm and he was so sensitive from only just coming.
Gently you rested back against his chest, Jungkook’s torso propped up safely by your pillows and your legs flopped open wider, beckoning Taehyung forward. The elder man sauntered over to you both, his precum dribbled down to join the mess between your thighs as he drew closer, rubbing the tip of his cock through your soaked folds.
You squirmed, unconsciously opening your legs wider for Taehyung to swear softly at the view he was blessed with.
“Daddy, please. Want you too,” you whined, pleading with your eyes as well. You continued shifting and grinding, making Jungkook’s grip on your hips brutally tight. He might leave a few bruises on your soft flesh but he couldn't help it, not when you felt so good. Besides, he would kiss it better later.
“Hyung-” He grunted, not able to get anything else out as he felt Taehyung’s fat cock push into your empty cunt, the thickness still stretching you despite how wet you were. In one smooth, slow stroke he bottomed out and a choked cry was torn from your lips at how full you were, already teetering on the edge and so close to tipping over. In a desperate lust filled haze your hand shot down to rub at your clit furiously, jolts of pleasure still shooting through your abdomen even though both men weren’t moving.
Instead of stopping you this time, Taehyung watched on with a smirk as you rocked yourself back and forth slightly, so desperate for release. He withdrew his cock slightly from your walls and you cried out in displeasure, pussy trying so hard to suck him back in. However, not a second later he plunged back in to the hilt slowly, right as Jungkook pulled out only to fuck back into you. The room filled with your loud cries, nothing got you to moan quite as loud as when you were stuffed full with two cocks, and not to mention the grunts and groans from both men as they picked up a rhythm, one thrusting in right as the other pulled out. 
Taehyung’s eyes glazed over as he watched his length bury into your sopping, swollen folds over and over with each thrust. The sight made him harden further, heavy balls smacking against Jungkook’s length occasionally where it sunk into your slippery ass. It didn’t take long for your next climax to come, the only warning you gave them was a broken whimper of, “hgn, c-oming!” before your legs were trembling, a little sprinkle of clear fluid gushing forth as your eyes rolled back.
“Fuck-,” Taehyung grunted, quickly circling your clit to help you ride out your orgasm as he looked at the wet sheen covering his abdomen. “This is new. Does having your tummy nice and swollen make you squirt, sweetheart?”
All you could manage was to nod furiously, hips still being jolted from each push and pull. Suddenly the urge to shift positions came forth and you pushed on Taehyung’s chest gently, still trying to find the words after your powerful orgasm that left you feeling like jelly.
He slowed his pace, an expression of alarm appeared across his features and he gripped your hand. “What is it my love? Did we do something wrong? Are you hurt?”
“N-No, I just. Can I go on top please?” You breathed out, fatigue beginning to take its toll. He visibly relaxed, pressing a kiss to your sweaty temple. 
“Of course.” He eased out gently causing you to wince at the sudden empty feeling when Jungkook did the same a moment later. Your hand gripped Tae’s wrist, tugging him softly so that he turned and flopped on his back on the bed and you swung a leg over to straddle his hips, two sets of hands touching you gently, always prepared to steady you. Taehyung’s fingertips trailed up from your hips, coming to cradle the small swell of your abdomen. The tender moment had you pausing, before you leaned down to kiss the grin off his lips. 
You reached down to grip his length, lining him up before you sunk down on him. A content sigh left you at being reacquainted with the feeling you’d come to love and crave. The younger eagerly jumped up to close in behind you once again, his large hands groped the flesh of your ass, parting your cheeks to look at your twitching asshole. He was quick to ease himself back in as well, the elder giving him a moment to adjust before they picked up the pace, and from the way they were both moaning you could tell they were getting closer. You were glad as you were definitely getting tired during the rigorous fucking sessions these two always put you through. 
Jungkook’s strength astounded you, he was practically picking you up and pulling you back back onto his length, doing most of the work while Taehyung fucked up into you with practiced ease. It was more frantic now, all three of you driving towards that blissful finish as you often did to start off the morning, although you’d be having an extra long sleep in for sure after this. 
Your swollen breasts were now perfectly in Taehyung's face, bouncing with each thrust and he couldn’t resist leaning forward to draw one of your puffy nipples into the warm, wet cavern of his mouth. Your moans grew louder at the sensation, not to mention the way his chest began glistening as droplets landed there from the other peak. Not in a million years would you grow tired of seeing one of them latch onto your chest and suckle on the sensitive nubs, particularly now that you were pregnant and lactating. It just made them far more keen, the hormonal men brimming with spunk always ready to fuck their cum into you in whatever hole they could, showering you in praise after for being so good and fertile for them. Jungkook particularly would stare at your belly, definitely daydreaming about you pregnant with his child next. Luckily, he didn’t seem to mind too much that you didn’t have his baby growing inside you, it only antagonised him and gave him cause to try and outdo his hyung. It was a blessing you had such high libido or this relationship certainly wouldn’t have worked out so well, but the three of you had somehow achieved harmony.
“I-ugh, hyung! I’m gonna, uhhhh, gonna come!” Kookie cried.
“You can come Jungkookie,” Taehyung growled, his own words strained as his high approached. Jungkook was the one to peak first, pushing his thick cock into the hilt, stilling slightly as the warmth of his cum flooded your ass and he let out a string of high pitched moans. You were next, thanks to Taehyung furiously slamming into your swollen, sensitive cunt. As soon as you gripped him tightly in the throes of your ecstasy, he finally came as well, filling up your pussy with his warm, thick seed.
You collapsed forward onto his chest, panting hard and he pressed a kiss into your hair. “You’re always such a good girl for us, isn’t she Kookie?”
The three of you were dazed in your sweaty, post orgasm bliss, soaking up the sweet moment. The younger man hummed in agreement and parted your cheeks, staring at the copious amount of cum oozing from your spent orifices. You were sore but satiated, happily soaking up the tender moment until Jungkook exclaimed,
“Now that is the best creampie I’ve ever made!”
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➻ A/N: This fic took me six months to write...so I would really appreciate a little bit of feedback! 
Part Two: & Everything Nice coming soon! 
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The Stroke of Midnight (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
Book/Pairing(s): Open Heart/ Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Abigail “Abby” Chacko)
Word Count: 2175
Summary: How would they get their New Year’s kiss if there are obstacles in their way?
Category: Angst with a happy ending
Warning(s): hospitalization (car accident, coma, fainting, depression, anxiety) kissing (ofc, it’s New Year’s Eve-)
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December 29th, 2020 (9:52 P.M.)
Abby loathed it. 
She loathed wearing those damn masks that made her suffocate. She loathed wearing at least three pieces of clothing, which got her all sweaty and sticky. Best of all, she loathed COVID-19. 
Damn every single human that doesn’t know how to social distance.
She got it. She knew how it felt to not spend time with her dear friends. She knew how it felt to not go to gorgeous beaches and get her tans. 
But this whole pandemic would be over if everyone followed the damn rules. People are acting as if they are seeing their families for the first time. Airplanes flying across the sky with every seat filled. Beaches filled with women in bikinis and men in shorts. Parties filled with people and alcohol. 
Abby is wholeheartedly done.
She recollected how Seb and Amma when they couldn’t come to Boston for the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations because of the fast-spreading virus. Even if she missed her family, she video-called them with Ethan, laughing and sharing joy with one another.
The moment of tranquility at that time inhabited her memories as more patients filled the ER, the moans and groans of pain settling in the overcrowded room. With a sigh, she got back to work, tending to them who may possibly have COVID. 
After placing one patient in the ventilator after she had trouble breathing, the junior resident went to the diagnostics room to take a break. It was depressing to call their families and tell them the heartbreaking words that their loved ones might not make it. And for a bonus point, during the holidays.
And it’s already depressing enough that Ethan hadn’t called her yet. He was supposed to here now; his shift was going to start in 5 minutes. Habitually, he got here early, either to finish paperwork or to start his rounds. The fact that he is not here know made her stomach feel wary.
She jolted at the beeping of her pager, signalling her to the ER room. I wasn’t even gone for five minutes.
Reluctantly, she went back down to the ER. She could see figures not far, and a bloodied man. Automatically, her thoughts went to calling his family about this accident. She hated heeding the cries coming out of their mouths, wishing she could do anything, anything, in her power to to save their loved one. But she prompted herself that she tried her full hardest.
Thrusting those thoughts aside, she rushed down to the patient. Suddenly, a pair of hands ceased her from taking another step forward. Naveen.
“Abby, don’t go down there,” Naveen said, worriedly. Huh?
Abby was confused and impatient. “What are you talking about? I’m a doctor. I can help him!”
Naveen replied in a hushed, soothing kind of tone. “There are other doctors there. They’ll tend to-”
Just then a paramedic came, someone the Chacko doesn’t know. “Patient is Ethan Ramsey, age-”
The world stopped. People annulled their motions. At least, that’s what she concluded. Her pulse, however, grew rapid. Her eyes widened. In horrible fear? In terrible anguish? In emotional pain? She doesn’t even know. 
“...Naveen? Please don’t tell me it’s who I think it is.”
“...I’m so sorry, Abigail. His car was hit by a truck and it rolled over a few times. He will be okay, I promise-”
But she’s not so certain. She wanted to slap herself. To cut herself, for ever thinking that. But even she took a look at Ethan. He’s covered in blood. She couldn’t even recognize him. 
Then, she said it louder.
 NO! NO! ETHAN! ETHAAAN! Let me go. LET ME GO! NAVEEN, LET ME GO!!” Abby struggled, trying to release herself from Naveen’s grip. He was maintaining a vice-like grip on her, murmuring soothing words that he will be alright.
But she couldn’t make out anything. The world was spiraling, and so was she. 
In one blink she fell onto the floor, her knees making an uncomfortable thud on the white tiles, and her vision went black.
December 30th, 2020 (10:06 A.M.)
The first thing she overheard was the beeping of a heart monitor. Next, she saw the IV going through her arm. She found out she was lying on an uncomfortable bed, sunlight streaming through the windows. Finally, she sees the Chief with an anxious face.
“Abigail! Ladoo, are you alright?” Naveen asked, concerned.
Only one word came out of her mouth. A name. “Ethan...”
She placed everything now. The bloodied body of Ethan Ramsey. Her true love. Unconscious. Unaware of any of her calls. She gasped out.
“Ethan! Naveen, where is Ethan? Where-”
Abby couldn’t breathe. She is suffocating. And she wasn’t even wearing one of those damn masks.
“Abby, deep breaths,” Naveen soothingly commanded.
She did as she was advised. Her breathing got normal, but her pulse didn’t.
“Naveen! Where is Ethan? Is he alright? Where-”
“Ladoo. Ethan is in the ICU, currently in a coma. He had a major surgery in his lung and chest. Thankfully, the surgeons stopped the blood loss. He had two broken ribs and a broken arm.”
Abby couldn’t get that first sentence out of her mind. “He’s... in a coma?”
The senior doctor sighed profoundly. “Yes, Abigail. We don’t know when he will wake up.”
We don’t know when he will wake up.
A tear spilled out of her eye, but she forced herself to swab it away. She will not break down. At least not now. Finally, she cared enough to question about herself.
“...What’s wrong with me?”
A sigh pulled out of Naveen’s mouth again. “You fainted after you had heard the news about Ethan. Your blood pressure increased. Fortunately, you’re fine now. I’ve informed Seb and Jazmin about this. They sensed you would be uncomfortable with talking about Ethan now, so they’ve decided to give you some space.”
She was appreciative. For having the best brother and mother. She treasured them. Too much. “I’ll shoot them a quick text message later. For now, I’m going to Ethan’s room. Where is he?”
“Please. I want to see him.”
With a defeated sigh, Naveen and a nurse aided her onto a plastic wheelchair, much to her annoyance. She could walk fine, she’s not paralyzed or anything.
Abby was wheeled down the familiar hospital hall as nurses and doctors kept sparing pitiful glances. She didn’t need pity. She needed Ethan.
She walked into the room, preparing herself for what she was going to see. She wasn’t prepared at all.
Ethan was wearing a hospital gown and looked exhausted. His eyes were closed and he looked calm. Peaceful. Tranquility.
Some of her friends were already there. Bryce, Sienna, Jackie, Elijah, Rafael. They knew Abby would want to see her love. Some of them whispered comforting words. Others patted her on the shoulder. They all left her, and soon, she was alone with her fiance.
She started. “Hi, Ethan. It’s me, Rookie.”
She looked at the calendar. December 30. 
“Two more days till this horrible year is over. Life always throws us curveballs, don’t they?”
She sighed. “Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. Couples are supposed to kiss each other at the stroke of midnight. I need to feel your lips on mine at midnight. Please.”
The tears she tried to hold fell out like a dam breaking. She broke out in sobs.
“Please, Ethan. I... I can’t live without you in this damn world. If you die, I die, Ethan. I die. Please. I wanna feel you lips on mine at midnight. We planned so much for the future. Please. We’re engaged. We’ll be married next year. We’re hoping to build a family. With Jenner, as our third wheel. Please wake up, wake up, wake up. I love you too damn much.”
She whispered the last sentence. She tangled his hand in hers and held them tight. He may be in a coma now, but she’ll sing a song for him now. 
The sun comes up It's a new day dawning It's time to sing your song again
She takes a deep breath to keep her voice from cracking. Whatever may pass And whatever lies before me Let me be singing When the evening comes
Bless The Lord, O my soul O my soul Worship his holy name Sing like never before O my soul I'll worship your holy name
She sighed. He didn’t move, but something told her that he will move soon. 
“Rest now, my love. I’ll be waiting for that kiss when you wake up.”
He didn’t wake up that day.
December 31st, 2020 (11:40 P.M.)
Abby was with him yesterday and planned to stay in his room the whole night, until Naveen discharged her and gently forced her into an on-call room. It’s amusing how he thinks the 22 years old would get any sleep. She wanted to be in Ethan’s comforting arms. Him stroking her musky brunette hair. Her wrapping her narrow arms around his waist. Sleeping under the brilliant moonlight. But now, the coma threatened to take away that lifelong dream.
It was 11:40 P.M. on New Year’s Eve, and Abby was still waiting for that midnight kiss. He promised he would kiss her at 12:00 A.M. He didn’t have any problems in doing that. If so, he would have told Abby. He didn’t have to go into a coma to hamper it. Abby would still love him.
Abby was looking at the wall, staring at it blankly as she clasped his hand and gave it a squeeze, hoping for it to jerk. And minutes later, it did.
The first jerk got her out of her train of thoughts. The second jerk made her look at his bruised face, hopeful for a holiday miracle. The third jerk made him slowly open his eyes, his familiar hand gently stroking her thumb as to figure out who is next to him. 
She gently fastened her eyes. Oh no, what if he loses his memory? It was a serious car accident after all. Stop it, Abby, Naveen didn’t mention a head injury. Oh no, what if he was lying? What if he was trying to make me feel better? What-
“Rookie...?” She looked back at her, only to observe Ethan staring intently at her, with a slight glimmer.
“Ethan...” She couldn’t hold back the tears this time. 
The ocean eyes lost glimmer and instead widened with evident alarm. “Abby, don’t cry. What happened?”
Abby released a tremulous breath, one that she barely knew she was holding. “A truck hit you car and it flipped a few times. You were in it. You had a major surgery in your lung and chest. The surgeons stopped your blood loss just in time. You have two broken ribs and a broken arm. And you were in a coma.”
If Ethan wasn’t alert before, then he definitely is after hearing her last statement. “I was in a coma? For how long?”
“Just for a day, luckily. It’s New Year’s Eve.”
She looked at her watch. 
“... 11:55 P.M.”
Ethan nodded his head slowly, before gently stroking her cheek to wipe away the salty droplets of water. “Rookie, don’t cry. I’m awake now, am I not?”
She broke. Again. 
“B-but, I th-thought you wouldn’t m-make it. I thought y-you would never w-wake up. I thought o-our future was de-destroyed. I thought I would ne-never see you bl-blue eyes again. I thought-”
She gave up saying the last sentence and the first sob came out. Ethan’s heart broke piece by piece before shattering. 
“Lie down with me.”
She was hesitant. “But w-what if I h-hurt you?”
“You won’t,” Ethan assured. “I want to hold you.”
Slowly, she got up from the uncomfortable plastic chair and gently lied down with him. Her hand came around his waist, mindful of his injuries. Ethan’s hand went to the daily job of stroking her hair down. 
“I’m right here. Our dream will never be shattered as long as we have each other’s hearts. Even if I did die-”
“Ethan, stop-”
“No, Abigail, let me say this. Even if I did die, our hearts would be mended together. If you died, I would never love someone else again. You would be mine always, no matter what happens. My heart would belong to you and only you.”
Joyful and comforting tears obscured her vision. “I love you, Ethan.”
“I love you, too, Rookie. To the squares of infinity.”
Just then, they both heard the countdown. 11:59 P.M.
“Are you ready?” Ethan asked.
Abby smiled. “Hell yeah, I am.”
And their lips met at the stroke of midnight, fulfilling his promise.
“Happy New Year, Abigail.” The former attending said, a beautiful grin adoring his face.
“Happy New Year, Ethan.” Abby returned with the same grin.
As sleep was overtaking both of them with colorful fireworks decorating the night sky, Abby managed to ponder on one more thought.
Good riddance, 2020.
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notes: If you’ve made it this far, thank you!
notes 2: Happy New Year, and good riddance! Let’s all pray for a good year this time. I wrote this fic in one day, and I am pretty impressed of myself. But I thought I would give you one more fic as this year comes to a close. Forgive me if there were any spelling mistakes or grammar errors. Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
tags: @missmiimiie @aylamwrites @starrystarrytrouble @udishaman @caseyvalentineramsey @queencarb @choicesstan1 @newcolonies @arcticrivers @angela8756 @takemyopenheart @rookie-ramsey @ohchoices​ @ohvamsey @ohramsey @natureblooms24 @drariellevalentine @maurine07 @lucy-268 @drakewalkerfantasy @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @gryffindordaughterofathena
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flashbackharry · 4 years
Prompt 51 and 52:
51. “Are you still awake…?”
52. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
Thank you @woopboopboop for requesting, I’m sorry its so late :(
You can request a prompt from this list:
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you didn’t take quarantine as seriously in the beginning as you should have. You begged Harry to take you to museums and the beach and he obliged of course, only wanting to make you happy. It wasn't until the death tolls started climbing day by day, and in England where you were currently staying with Harry and his family, it was even worse. Now you turned somewhat into a hypochondriac, making Harry wash his hands after he’d come back from a run, to which Harry responded,
“I didn’t touch anything love.” Still, he washed his hands after seeing you start to bite your lower lip in anxiety.
Staying with Anne, Gemma, and her fiance in Harry's childhood home was nice. It was in a secluded area surrounded by trees but not so far making a walk to the nearest cafe only about 20 minutes. Not that that mattered, everything was closed up due to concerns surrounding the virus.
You tried giving yourself somewhat of a routine. You tried not sleeping past 8am, although when you woke up, Harry was just coming back from his run. He suggested you run with him in the mornings to which you smiled and simply said,
“I don’t run”.
You did however take up cooking and cooked breakfast for everyone most mornings, usually before Anne beat you to it. This particular morning when Harry came back from his run, his headphones hanging from his neck, his shirt was lightly covered in sweat, his hair a roused mess atop his head. He walked over to where you were cutting up onions and bell peppers at the kitchen counter for the scrambled eggs you were making. He kissed your temple and asked
“So, what's on the agenda for today?”
“Mhmm, maybe some poetry at two? Gardening at 5, maybe a stroll around the neighborhood at dusk?” You said teasingly although all sounded very appeasing.
Harry leaned against the counter and chuckled, eating some of the fruit you had cut up earlier.
“Sounds lovely, did you just come up with that yourself?” He asked, getting up from against the counter and hugging you from behind, peppering kisses to your neck as you giggled.
“Very cute guys, but please, I just woke up.” Gemma said from the doorway, walking over and taking a seat on a stool where the island was.
“Oh shush, you and Michal were very PDA-ey when you first got together.”Harry retaliated.
“Yes we were, then we had the sense to stop.”Gemma said, blowing a kiss over to you and winking.
“Yeah well, I will never hide my love for this one.” Harry said, kissing your shoulder. You pushed him away, your cheeks reddening a little.
“I love you, but please go shower bub.” You said pinching his cheek.
Harry removed his hand from your lower back and with a little protesting, he walked out of the kitchen, not of course without ruffling Gemma's hair on his way out.
Michal came down shortly after Harry disappeared and took a seat next to Gemma.
“Morning sleepy head.” She said as he planted a kiss to her head.
You loved watching them interact, as much as she teased you and Harry, she was the same as you guys. Unabashedly in love with their significant other.
“Something smells good.” Michal said smiling over to you.
“Breakfast is served.” You said, handing them their plates of scrambled eggs with a side of toast.
“Where would we be without you?” Gemma asked with such conviction you couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. Then she smiled and you returned it.
“Not as good as your mums but at least it's edible right?” You said right when Anne walked in, and you started blushing again.
“None of that darling, there was a period they hated my cooking if you can believe it.” She said giving you a kiss on the cheek before also sitting down. You smiled again. Pouring her a cup of coffee. You couldn’t help being nervous around your boyfriend's mom, even after all these years, but just like Harry, she always proved you had nothing to be nervous about.
“Yeah cause you started experimenting with that vegan shit mum.” Gemma said and Anne laughed out loud.
“Language Gem.” Was all she said, before sneaking you a wink.
Harry came down moments later, sporting his attire for the day, his hair damp from the water. He actually did dress up everyday, unlike you who sported a new one of his jumpers every few days or so.
“It makes a difference, really.” He told you one day while he was getting dressed, he glanced at you on the bed through the mirror he was facing.
“You just wanna show everyone your impeccable taste in fashion.” You said, teasing him. You watched as he laughed and poked his tongue out at you.
“Morning mum.” He said, walking over to Anne wrapping his arms around her while she sat holding her cup of hot coffee.
Harry walked over to you and sat on your lap while he grabbed some of your food from your plate. Smiling with his mouth full.
“Going grocery shopping today, any last requests?” Anne said. You peered over from Harry's lanky torso, towards Anne.
“Some more greek yoghurt please, someone keeps eating it despite saying how gross it is everytime.” You said, pinching Harry's side lightly.
“Ow!” Harry yelped.
“Can Michal and I just go with you mum? I never know what I want until I’m actually there.” She said, getting up from her seat and grabbing her and Michals plate and bringing it over to the sink.
“Yeah sure, I’m leaving in about 10 so hurry up.” She said, also getting up and walking out of the kitchen.
Gemma walked over to you and lifted your chin with one of her hands,
“Thanks for breakfast darling.” before walking out with Michal.
“I think that means we have the house to ourselves for about an hour.” Harry said, getting up from your lap. You let out a breath of air you didn't know you were holding in.
You took the remaining plates off the island and brought them over to the sink. Harry rinsed them after you went over them with a soapy sponge.
“Can I give you a haircut?” You asked.
“Absolutely not.” Harry said almost instantly.
“Why not?” You whined, frowning a bit.
“Because I dont wanna have to go bald trying to cover up the inevitable mistake you're going to make, besides, I think I might grow it out again, God knows how long we're gonna be stuck here for.” Harry said.
“Rude.” You responded, taking your hands out of the soapy water and instead running them through his unruly curls. Harry yelped again and splashed warm water from the sink at you. The fight ended with both of you slightly soaked and giggling.
When the rest of them got back from the grocery store, you helped put away all the groceries and the rest of your day was spent doing relatively nothing. You sat in the living room and watched way too many episodes of Seinfeld, you and Harry tried cooking some new recipe from a cookbook you had laying around and when that didn't end up going very well, you had to order a pizza. Harry had a few meetings later in the night over facetime so he was upstairs in the study doing that.
It was around 1am when you started feeling tired, so you headed into the bathroom and started getting ready for bed. The hot water felt nice against your skin.
When you finally got out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom, everyone else's doors were closed, no doubt already asleep by now. You hadn't noticed how long you were in the shower until you glanced at the clock. It was nearly 2:30.
Yet Harry was nowhere to be found. You figured he was still on facetime with Jeff so you decided to go to sleep anyway.
It was nearly 4 when you felt a finger poking your side.
“Are you still awake?” Harry's deep voice filled your ears.
You opened your eyes and looked at his head looming over you above the covers. You closed your eyes again hoping he’d get the hint that you wanted to go back to sleep.
“I'm not gonna stop poking you until you give me attention.” He said, laying his head on the pillow and staring at the ceiling. You sighed and faced him.
“Whats up Harry?” You said, grabbing his hand under the covers.
“I can’t sleep.” He said, meeting your eyes.
“Wanna have sex?” You said smiling, half joking half not.
Harry chuckled softly, the corners of his eyes crinkling, and he spoke again,
“Wanna come watch the sunrise with me?” He said, lifting his hand to move a piece of hair from your face. You glanced at the clock, you did have about an hour and a half until the sun would be up again.
You smiled at him and nodded your head.
You both got ready quietly. You put one of his jumpers on again and a pair of joggers before heading downstairs to find your slippers. Harry met you at the bottom of the stairs, he already had his shoes on. Once you found your slippers Harry opened the front door quietly, locking it behind you. He took your hand in his as you both walked down the driveway.
The ground was damp as it had rained a little earlier yesterday afternoon. A thin layer of dew covered the grass and you instantly regretted wearing slippers because you knew they were going to be soaked. It was eerily quiet and peaceful, that period of time in the morning where you could hear the birds beginning to chirp but if you listened hard enough, you could hear a few lingering crickets.
You walked the quiet rural streets, the houses here were far apart from each other, seeing nothing but rolling green hills for what felt like forever before seeing another house.  You found a bench after walking for 30 minutes or so. Harry sat down, pulling you into his lap. You rested your head against his. The sun barely peeking over the horizon.
“How was your call with Jeff and the others?”
Harry sighed, wrapping his arms tighter around your torso.
“It was okay. He asked if I wanted to fly back to L.A before this stuff gets worse, quarantine there.”
You tired not feeling a little sad before asking,
“And are you?”
“Politely told him no. It's not often I get an opportunity to spend long periods of time doing nothing with my family and you. Told him if he really needed me in person I’d come but if I can do my job here, at home, that I would appreciate that.” Harry finished.
You didn't say anything back right away, instead started peppering kisses into his neck, you whispered “I love you” into his ear and Harry's lips met yours. He kissed you slowly, the sun now illuminating the entire sky. He whispered “I love you more” into your mouth.
You stayed sat on the bench well after the sun had already risen. Not saying anything, playing with the many rings on his fingers. Harry pulled you up off his lap and took your hands guiding you back to the house.
Once your feet hit the ground you whispered a little “Oh.”, wincing a little.
“What's wrong?” Harry asked, worry lacing his features.
“My slippers are wet and it feels like when you have socks on and step in something wet.”
Harrys turned his nose up, cringing. He took your hand and lifted you up until your feet touched the bench and you stood there, towering over him. He turned around and hoisted you on his back. You smiled as he carried you back to his mum's house.
“And they say chivalry is dead” You said jokingly and Harry breathed a laugh.
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itsthestutterforme · 4 years
Loss (The BAU Team)
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Y/N's fiance was murdered while he was coming home. Y/N has no idea how to cope with it and the team did what they could to comfort and be there for her.
The entire team has been sending glances my way during the whole case. My fiance, Blair, was jumped on the way home and he was left bloody on the side of the street.
I have no idea what could have lead to that. He wasn't affiliated with any gangs or mobs. Sure he's higher class but he doesn't go about showing off his rolexes.
I stayed in the waiting room with his family the entire time he was in surgery until I got a call from Hotch. His family said that it was alright for me to go to work, but something didn't feel right.
Nonetheless, the convinced me to work on the case and I did. I remained quiet unless I had some information or I was spoken to.
And that's probably everyone has been looking at me but not saying anything. The case went by fast, but not fast enough. If anything happens to Blair while I'm working on this case, I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself. Hotch sits next to me with his eyebrows stitched together as per usual.
"What's on your mind? You've been out of it all day," "I.. I'm scared, Hotch." I whisper to him. I tried to be quiet but I didn't try hard enough because now everyone's head turned towards us. "What happened?" "Blair was jumped on the way home last night, and I have no idea how or why. I was in the waiting room when you called me."
"I've heard about the series of jumps that's been happening around the city." JJ says. "I have too but all of them were flashing the fact they were higher class by wearing their designer products. Blair is humble, he doesn't do that." I explain. "Why didn't you tell us? We would have understood." Hotch says.
"His family said there is nothing that I could do. It was in the hand of the surgeon and we were all sitting around anyway." "They would call me if there was any change and I didn't get any call yet, so." I add.
"I could only imagine what's going through your head right now. If that was Will, I couldn't form a single thought besides him." JJ states. "I don't want to say anything to jinx it so I'm just praying that everything is okay." The entire plane went silent as I look out the window at the large, fluffy clouds.
The team insisted that they come with me for support and I rush into the waiting room to see that Blair's family wasn't there. "Excuse me, miss. What room is Blair Redford in?" I ask, my heart pangs against my chest. "Are you family?" "Yes, I'm his fiancee,"
"Ma'am, I'm so sorry. He coded a few minutes ago and-" "Just tell me what room he's in, please," I beg. "Room 271," I sprint through the halls and skim over the room numbers until I got to 207. Blair's sisters were embracing their mother at the foot of his bed.
"W-why didn't you call me?" I whimper. "We tried, I'm so sorry," his sister states. Everything in my hands drop to the floor as my gaze falls on Blair's motionless body. His skin still looked so vibrant and tanned as I slowly approach the bed.
I put a hand on his face and gasp when I notice that he was still warm. I rest my head on top of his and tears prick my eyes as I smell his faint cologne that he knows I love so much. I bury my face in his hair and sob with so much pain in my throat.
The more I cry, the feeling of daggers stabbing my throat increased. I hold his head against my chest and my body shakes in anger. A series of yells tore from my throat of pain in its most disgusting form as I cradle him in my arms.
I rock myself back and forth as I start to feel my throat rub itself raw. I feel a hand on my shoulder but I ignore it. "Is there anything that we can do?" I hear Garcia ask. "Being there is all that we can do right now," Morgan answers.
I continue to rock myself back and forth until the doctor came in with the mortistician to take his body away. "I'm so sorry, Miss Y/L/N," the doctor says. I give Blair one last kiss before pulling away from him.
"Here are his belongings," the doctor adds as he hands me the bag. I take the bag and hold the back against my chest. I grab my go bag from the case and rush out of the room with tears still pricking my eyes.
I run into a firm chest and slowly look up to see Hotch peering down at me. The team was still there for God knows how long. They all look to me, longing to help but have no idea how. I look to the floor and gather myself to say, "I cope better when I'm by myself."
"Take all the time you need," he says. I nod before walking away from them and out of the hospital. My body started to turn numb as I mount into my car and drove home. My phone started to ring but I flick the mute switch on the side.
I mindlessly unlock my door and walk inside my home. One of his shirts was draped over the arm rest of the couch. I take it into my hands and bring it up to my face to smell. My hands started to shake as the shirt drops from them.
More yells leave my chest as I flip over the couch and throw the vases against the wall. The was a sense of relief in my chest for a moment and I take that as a sign to destroy everything I saw in sight.
From vases to mirrors to chairs, all of it was broken to pieces. By the time I got to the bedroom, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I fall to the floor and slowly fall asleep.
Garcia and Reid have been stopping by the house every day to check in on me. They've been leaving things at the door step but I haven't left my bedroom in days.
Come to think of it, I haven't eaten in days. I slowly sit up and look around the room. Damn, that's going to take hours to clean up. I lay back down to look up at the ceiling and stay there until I hear the doorbell ring.
"Y/N, it's Garcia again. I just.. I'm so used to you being there to have my back when I've ran out of energy. Since you've been gone, I've felt so alone and I can only imagine how you must feel."
I can tell by her tone that she was on the verge of tears. "I hate seeing someone I love in pain and I want to help but I have no idea how. I feel so helpless right now and I'm sorry," she adds.
The thought of Garcia crying because of me makes my heart hurt. I grab my blanket and slowly walk down the stairs. A soft sighs leaves my lips before I open the door.
I hear a gasp from Garcia as I see her holding a basket and seven other baskets on the ground. "Y/N?" She says in disbelief. "None of this is your fault, Garcia." I state, my voice still weighing with sadness.
Before she can say another word, a few cars pull into my driveway. My eyebrows stitch together in confusion. "Is this an ambush?" I ask. "No, honey, it's.. your birthday is today." Garcia says.
"It is?" Everyone hopped out of their cars with gifts in their hands. "Happy birthday, Y/N." Hotch starts. "I don't think she knew it was her birthday," Garia tells the group.
I shake my head no and the next thing I knew, I am being embraced by Reid. The gift he had clattered to the floor and he wraps his arms around my waist. My hands come up to rest on his shoulder blades.
He didn't have to say anything for me to know what he meant. I lean my face into his shoulder and he rests his chin on top of my head. We stay that way for a few moments and my eyes started to close.
I haven't felt this safe since Blair. I pull away when JJ says, "Let's go out for dinner," JJ says. "I don't know," "Come on, we'll help you get dressed." JJ says, looking to Garcia. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you. It looked like a tornado went through there."
"We'll work around it," Garcia says, pulling me inside. "You guys make a reservation at the Cultured Pearl. We'll be over there in 30 minutes tops," Garcia adds.
"I think what they mean to say is an hour," Morgan says. JJ and Garcia both send him a glare and my focus falls back to Reid. He's been looking at me the entire time and we continue to make eye contact.
"You don't have to leave, Spence." JJ says. "Good, because I wasn't about to." Reid says, holding the side of my face.
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I'm pretty upset right now
So, my birthday is this Friday and nobody asked me what I want to do for it. I have told people multiple times that I don't wanna go out for my birthday. I don't like going out for my birthday and I've made that perfectly clear. The issue is that my fiance is using my birthday as an excuse to do things she wants to do.
An example is that when I told her I wanted to stay in for my birthday she literally told me that we're either going to see a movie that she wants to see or go to the zoo. I don't wanna do either. She picked the zoo after my multiple protests and even bought the $80 tickets to force me into going.
I'm literally going to someplace I don't wanna go for a day I don't wanna celebrate because she wants to have fun. The thing is, she always gets to pick the thing we're doing. I wanna play some music, she gets mad and says we're gonna watch a movie that she picked out. If it's my turn to pick she turns down everything I wanna watch unless it interests her but if she's picking then it doesn't really matter too much unless it absolutely disgusts me (any gory films).
From the second I wake up to the second I leave for work it's always something she wants to do. She wants to go swimming, we go swimming. She wants to go to the mall, we go to the mall. She wants to visit her sister who's 30 miles away from us? Doesn't matter if I'm working that night and get zero rest. We're going to see her sister.
I don't mind going places if we plan to go, but it's always sprung on me last minute and it's rarely anything I would also enjoy. I enjoy talking to her family, when I'm rested and don't have to work the same night. I hate the mall and I don't like wandering around target for 3 hours.
Even when there's something that I enjoy planned it ends up getting shot down because my stuff always comes after and she always takes "longer than expected" despite me saying that I'd still like to do my thing too. I'd like to go to an arcade or a music store. I'd like to go to a basement show or restaurant concert. I'd like to stop over at an old used game store and just look over what they have.
Its gotten to the point where I stop asking because every time it's a no. It's so much worse because I asked for one day where I can just be at home and do something I'm interested in for a while but got turned down.
I'm off tonight and we're gonna be running around because she just quit her job and she needs to return everything so I don't get tonight off. I'm off Thursday but that's when she wants to go to the zoo. Friday I work but we're going to visit her father. Saturday i work but we're visiting her mother. Who knows what we're doing after that because it's always something and it's always a surprise.
Even the days we don't go out are only filled with her interests. It's not like I haven't tried to get her to join in my interests either. I've offered for her to play games with me and she always turns it down without trying. I got her to play Stardew Valley and that ended quickly. Same with Don't Starve. I tried CTR and it ended the same. She says she has a headache but then goes and watches a movie with the volume on 60 while playing Animal Crossing.
It goes beyond just activities, it's also whenever I try to talk about or show her something I'm interested in. I found some songs I absolutely adore and when I show her she immediately says I need to turn it off. When I talk about my interests she says I'm too loud. When I try to do anything it feels like I'm an annoyance.
I don't know. I just feel like things aren't working out very well. I'm frustrated and she won't listen.
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
Close My Eyes (1)
I close my eyes and I make believe
You’re the one that’s holding me…
Tumblr media
Gif cred. @sdmngifs​
Pairing: WillNE x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k+
Pronouns: She/Her
Will was hidden in his room, working away at editing a new video. It wasn’t anything special, it was just another TWOTI video. There wasn’t much happening this week, but the fans had been begging for a new TWOTI video. He wasn’t really happy with what he had produced in this week’s video, after all, he didn’t have anything important to talk about. At this point he had finally reached the 6:30 mark of his video, at least he was over halfway done with editing.
Suddenly, Will had felt a tap on his shoulder. He was home alone, who could’ve gotten into his apartment? He turned in his chair, taking his headphones off. His face lit up once he realized who stood in front of him.
Y/n L/n. She had to be Will’s best friend, they had known each other before Will had even started YouTube.
"Hey, Will,“ Y/n held a giant grin on her face.
"Hey, n/n,” Will smiled back, “how’d you get in?”
"I lived with you for months before I moved out, I know you’ve learned to hide an extra key under your welcoming mat,“ Y/n replied sitting down on the bed that belonged to Will.
"Oh yeah,” Will chuckled. “I got drunk a few times too much.”
"I still remember ‘where are my keys, y/n?’,“ Y/n’s grin turned into a small smile.
Will couldn’t remember the moment y/n was talking about, only because during that time he had been blackout drunk. It happened when Will and Y/n had been roommates, they had gone out with Alex, George, and James for drinks one night. Being the responsible woman y/n was, she knew to stay sober because Will would be the one who’d end up drinking a bit too much by the end of the night.
The night had led to Y/n helping Will walk properly without stumbling back to their apartment. Once they had reached the doors, Will had ended up padding himself down in a cold sweat
"Y/n! Y/n! Where’re my keys?!” Will had somehow mumbled out in a panicked tone.
"Will, you idiot,“ Y/n had clicked her tongue, pulling out her own set of keys. "I should’ve known you would’ve lost your keys. Tomorrow I’ll head back to the pub and get them for you if they’re still there.”
"What?! I left my keys?! Y/n we need to get my keys back!“ Will slurred, tugging on Y/n’s jacket gently as she began to unlock the doors.
"I’ll do it tomorrow, Will,” Y/n let out a soft giggle at Will’s drunken state, grabbing his hand to help lead him to his room as he stumbled.
"Yes, Will?” A soft smile was placed on Y/n’s face.
"I think I love you.“
Y/n let out another giggle. "I love you too, Will.”
As soon as the pair had finally reached Will’s room, Will had fallen onto his bed roughly, only to be comforted by the softness of his comforter.
Y/n kept a smile on her face as she had gone to leave the room.
"Yes, Will?”
"I really meant it. I love you,“ Will had mumbled into his comforter.
From what Y/n could understand, Will most likely mumbled something about him 'loving her.’
"Love you too, Will,” Y/n gave a small nod, finally making her exit.
"I still can’t remember much about that night,“ Will let out a playful scoff.
"Anyways, I have news,” Y/n’s face lit up.
'Please tell me you’ve broken up with him,’ Will thought to himself.
"Everett asked me to marry him!“ Y/n practically yelled, quickly she had flashed her left hand, showing a gorgeous thin silver ban encrusted with five diamonds.
The color drained from Will’s face, his smile disappearing for a quick second before quickly reappearing. "I’m so happy for you, n/n!”
That was a lie.
Will Lenney’s heart broke. For what could be years, Will has had the biggest crush on Y/n L/n. They had known each other even before Will had started YouTube. Throughout the years, they had gone through everything together. They had even been roommates for such a long time before Y/n’s newly engaged fiance had forced her to move out.
Y/n’s boyfriend. Will hated him with all his heart. Y/n’s fiance was known as Everett Conway. Just the name sounded bitter to Will.
Throughout the months on months that Y/n had been with Everett, every time Will had been in the same room as Everett, Everett had been such an arse. He was egotistical and smug. One thing Will knew for sure was that Y/n certainly didn’t have the best taste in men.
'They’re going to break up sooner than later, that’s when I can tell her how I feel,' Will would constantly tell himself.
But now he couldn’t. He had lost Y/n to Everett. How could he let this happen? Why didn’t he do anything to keep this from happening?
"I’m so happy that you’re happy!“ Y/n had replied, standing up. Y/n made her way to Will, sitting down in his lap as she hugged him.
Will tensed up for a moment, only to accept the hug.
'Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry,' Will thought to himself as he buried his head into Y/n’s shoulder. He always loved Y/n’s hugs. They were warm and welcoming, she always smelled good. Was he going to be able to hug her like this after she’s married?
It had been a couple of days after Y/n had told Will about her engagement, Will had found himself sleeping in longer, going to bed later, and having a couple of more beers than he’d usually have.
It felt like it was early morning, Will had himself buried in the blankets of his bed. His shades had been closed shut, keeping out whatever sunlight that could possibly try and enter his room. The brunette was half away, half asleep. There was no sign of him moving anytime soon.
A repeated buzz coming from his phone had gone off, making his phone vibrate against his nightstand. Will let out a loud groan. Maybe if he ignored it, it would stop. After what felt like minutes to Will, he finally gave in to the buzzing phone as he sat up but held a slouch, grabbing his phone. The brightness of the screen had slightly blinded him as he looked at it.
George was calling.
With a sigh, Will pressed the green button of his phone, hearing George’s voice.
"Hey, Will.”
"What is it, George?“ Will replied, laying back down on to his bed.
"Did you get the news about, Y/n?”
"I did,“ Will’s voice became bitter as the thought of her being engaged to Everett flew back into his mind.
"I’m sorry about it, mate. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling right now,” George’s voice could be heard on the other side of the line.
"I’ll tell you,“ Will scoffed. "I feel like absolute shit.”
"If y/n’s smart, she’ll call it off sooner than later,“ George replied. "We all know that Conway isn’t the kindest.”
"That’s the thing, George,“ Will shot back. "She’s head over heels in love with him and I have no damn idea why. Maybe she just has poor taste in men.”
"Maybe she’s just in love with the idea of being in love instead of that jackass,“ George’s snickering was loud and clear through the phone.
"I think you just might be right,” Will let out a sigh.
"Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that Alex and I are always here or you,“ George had finished his chuckling. "I doubt they’ll make it to the wedding date.”
"Thanks, George,“ Will gave a nod even though he couldn’t be seen.
"I’ll leave you be to your sulking.”
"How’d you know I was sulking?“
"I have my ways,” Geroge quickly spoke before the phone call had been ended.
Will let out another sigh, checking his phone. 11:38 AM.
'Maybe I should get ready for today,' Will thought to himself, pushing his blankets off of himself.
It had only been a couple of days after Will had been given the news about Y/n’s engagement, Will had found himself trying to make himself as busy as he could be. From editing, to trying to hang out with his friends as often as possible, the only thing on Will’s mind was to stay busy.
In all honesty, all he was trying to do was push the thought of Everett being Y/n’s fiance. It hadn’t taken him long to realize the longer he thought about it, the less productive he’d be.
Yes, Y/n and Will would still talk, but Will would make sure Everett bever came into the conversation. And whenever Everett somehow did come up, Will would be quick to change the topic.
Meanwhile with Y/n, she had sent her free time in the next few days working on trying to figure out what was the plan for her wedding. What was the theme? Who would be invited? When was the date? Would the Wedding be held in Britain or would it happen in a different country?
Y/n sat in the small living room of her shared apartment with her fiance, a MacBook sat in her lap.
'Beautiful places in Britain to be wed.’
Y/n bit on one of her nails as she scrolled through a random article dedicated to ‘Top 10 most beautiful places in Britain.’
"Hey, darling.“
Y/n had glanced to her left, seeing her raven haired-fiance enter the room. "Hey, Ev.”
"Whatchu you looking at?“ Everett came closer, glancing down at her computer screen.
"Oh, just some pretty places I thought we could have the wedding take place at,” Y/n gave a small smile, looking up at her fiance who towered above her.
Everett let out a snort, “Wow, you certainly are excited to become a Conway.”
"Well… I just want our wedding to be beautiful too,“ Y/n nodded. "Do you think we could be married in a garden?”
"Are you kidding me? Absolutely not,“ Everett had cringed "Just the thought of all the pollen… No. That’s my final answer."
"Alright then, I’ll keep looking. What about a barn?” Y/n let out a small sigh.
"What do you think we are? Pigs? No way in hell will I get married where animals sleep,“ he scoffed.
"Fine,” Y/n gave a small nod. “Thoughts on a hotel?”
"That feels cheap,“ The towering man crossed his arms. "We should get married in a Chapel. It’s classy and simple.”
"Okay then…“ Y/n gave a small nod as she looked away from Everett. Y/n closed out of her tabs of places with a small frown.
"Oh, don’t be sad, darling,” Everett squatted down closer to Y/n, placing a hand under her chin, making her look at him. “There are many more choices you can make about the wedding.”
Y/n gave a small nod as she cracked a smile. “You’re right, Ev. Sorry for being such a bummer.”
"Mhm,“ Everett gave a small nod as he stood up. "Anyways I need to head out, I need to meet up with some business mates.”
"What are you guys gonna do?“ Y/n asked, watching her fiance step toward the front door.
"Oh, just talk about some architect plans, stuff like that,” he replied, picking up a black coat from the hanger that stood next to the white door.
"Oh, alright,“ Y/n replied, shutting her computer.
"Also, Y/n… before I go, just know you’re not allowed to have any boys over. I don’t want something bad to happen to you,” Everett had paused what he was doing to turn to the h/c girl who placed herself on top of the grey couch in their small living room.
"Well is it okay if I have Gaby over?“  Y/n picked up the TV remote that had been shoved in between the soft cushions of the couch.
Gaby was one of the very few female friends Y/n had, she was also one of her best friends. Gaby and Y/n had known each other even longer than Will and Y/n had known each other, which was saying a lot. Whenever Y/n would have a problem, she’d end up venting it to Gaby, and Gaby would of course listen and give her the best advice she could.
Everett bit his lip, thinking for a moment, "Not for too long.”
"Thanks, Ev,“ Y/n smiled.
"Also, y/n… stop calling me Ev so often, you know my name is Everett, it’s just five letters longer than that nickname. You don’t have to be so lazy, you know,” The fiance replied, still standing by the door that was held open by himself.
"Alright, noted,“ Y/n’s smile faded a bit.
With that, Everett gave a small wink and closed the door, making him disappear from Y/n’s sight. As soon as the door closed, Y/n picked her phone up, immediately opening her text messages.
'Hey Gabs, Can you come over? Everett left for some work stuff and I can only be unsupervised for a limited amount of time.’
Y/n had texted Gaby quickly before changing contacts to another person, Will.
'Hey Will, how’s the next video coming along? I’m alone and hella bored.’
Within seconds, the text message to Will had been read and the typing bubble had appeared.
Gabs: 'Lmao, omw.'
Gaby’s text had appeared up at the top of Y/n’s screen, only to be flicked off-screen by Y/n’s thumb.
WILLIE: 'Just working on an S2W video atm, You always seem to be bored.’
A smile had appeared on Y/n’s face as she read Will’s text.
'I’m always bored because 80% of the time I’m alone.’
Will had read the text immediately and was already typing back.
WILLIE: 'Well, maybe you can waste a good amount of the percentage by helping me out with making a new video some time.’
'Ooh, we do need to schedule a time to make a video together, it’s gonna be so much fun.’
WILLIE: 'Of course, anyways sorry to leave you be to be bored but Alex wants us to get back to watching overly upset people at an airport.’
Will had seen the text, but no typing bubble popped up.
Y/n let out a sigh as she placed her phone on the coffee table in front of her next to her MacBook and picked up the remote control to the TV.
After a while of searching through Netflix, a loud banging came from the front door. Gaby.
"It’s unlocked!” Y/n called out, her eyes merely glancing at the door before going back to looking for something to watch.
The door slammed open to reveal a girl with straight, long brunette hair and beautiful brown eyes. A silver piercing went through her left nostril.
"It feels like it’s been forever,“ Gaby huffed, closing the door behind her with a kick of her feet.
"It’s been four days, Gaby,” Y/n chuckled, scooting over on the couch to make room for her friend.
"Four days too long!“ Gaby shot back, taking her seat. "Now let me see that ring.”
"You’ve already seen it,“ Y/n giggled, placing the TV remote on the armrest of the couch.
"Only over a photo! I wanna see the real deal!” The brunette replied.
"Okay, okay,“ Y/n shook her head as she stood up. Y/n left the living room, heading into the bedroom she had shared with her fiance. Y/n walked over to her nightstand, opening the top drawer to reveal a small blue velvet box. Taking the box, Y/n walked back out into the living room.
"You’re not wearing it?” Gaby raised a brow.
"Well, I just feel like it’s kinda unnecessary to wear while I’m at home in a tank top and sweats while looking through Netflix,“ Y/n answered, plopping into her original seat as she opened the box.
Once the box had opened, it revealed the silver ring that Y/n had already flashed to Will.
"It’s so pretty!” Gaby gushed, looking at it.
"I know,“ Y/n giggled, brushing a free hand through her hair.
"Damn, doesn’t your fiance make good money?” Gaby looked back up to Y/n’s face instead of the ring.
"Yeah, he’s an architect,“ Y/n shrugged.
"So why do you guys live in an apartment?”
"Well… just the thought of living in a big house with Everett while we’re engaged is something I think I don’t want at the moment. I can only imagine how empty the house would feel considering how often he works compared to me,“ Y/n explained as she stared at the ring. "We also have to pay for the wedding.”
"Have you found anything out about the wedding?“ Gaby leaned her head against her knuckles as she finally looked away from the engagement ring.
"Everett just told me we’re gonna get married in a chapel,” Y/n gave a small shrug.
"Wait, but didn’t you want to get married in a ballroom or garden or some shit like that?“ Gaby replied with another question.
"Uh, yeah. But I guess it’s okay that we’re gonna get married in a chapel. he said it’d be classy,” Y/n gave a small nod.
"Do you get to make any other choices about your wedding?“ Gaby had raised her brow again.
"Yeah, I think so… Everett said so,” Y/n sighed.
"Okay good, because I was worried that he might be too controlling over the marriage or something,“ the other female had moved her knuckles to brush a hand behind her neck.
"Controlling? Everett isn’t controlling, Gaby. He’s never once forced me to do anything I didn’t want to do,” Y/n had done a small eye roll as she spoke.
"Are you sure about that? Because I’m pretty sure he threatened to break up with you if you didn’t move our of the apartment you shared with Will a month and a half after you two started dating,“ Gaby clicked her tongue with a worried look on her face.
"He was just worried I could be cheating. And I moved out to prove that I wasn’t,” Y/n had quickly snapped. She was getting defensive.
"Fine, you moved out to make sure you didn’t lose the chance to ride Conway’s dick, I get it.“
"Really? That’s crossing the line a little bit,” once again, Y/n had rolled her eyes.
"Whatever you say,“ Gaby responded as she stood up.
"Alright, if you’re gonna be snotty about my relationship with my loving fiance, you can just get out,”  Y/n spoke quickly without sparing a second to think.
The emotion left Gaby’s face for a quick second. “Fine, I’ll leave. I just wanted to make sure my friend wasn’t in a toxic ass relationship.”
Gaby quickly headed towards the front door.
"I’m not in a toxic relationship, I’m in a loving one!“ Y/n called after the brunette.  Without saying anything else, Gaby had slammed the door, leaving Y/n alone once again.
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Bond Like No Other
Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Key [just in case someone needs it i'll put it up]
(y/n)= Your name
(h/n)= Hero name
(q/n)= Quirk name
The next symbol of peace, that's what he is. Deku, the successor of All Might. Many know his story, but no one knows it better than his fiance. (Y/n) had been there for him all through UA, and she would continue to be there for the rest of their lives. That, she promised Izuku the night he proposed to her.  
Everyone knows that those two are inseparable, the ultimate power couple. So when the world found out they were finally engaged, people went wild. They have a bond that nothing can break and it shows. 
It had been a gruesome battle, quirks activating left and right. A robbery turned into a battle zone. The villains were on all levels of the 30 story building. At least a hundred of them, all prepared to kill. They refused to talk reason with the hero’s, threatening to take the whole building down with everyone in it. They were demanding a huge sum of money, but this wasn’t just about money. This was about striking fear and doubt into the hearts of civilians and heroes alike. It was not just some random urge that the villains had, no it was too well thought out.It had to have taken time to craft such a scheme. This wasn’t a situation that heroes could take head on. The hero’s had to play their cards just right, or else innocent people would get hurt or even killed in the crossfire. 
(H/n) and Deku were among those courageous heroes that day. At first, things seemed to be calming down, until an explosion bursted through one of the middle stories of the building. Effectively proving that the villains were in no way bluffing, they were either going to get what they asked for or kill themselves and everyone around them. Everything was beginning to crumble down so fast. Yet, the villains would not relent, they refused to give up their hostages even if they themselves got hurt in the process. They attacked anyone who dared oppose them. 
People were getting desperate, time was running out. The heroes were stuck with two choices. Try to keep negotiating and let the building keep crumbling, causing rumbling to crush the civilians inside. Or rush into the building and have the villains possibly harm the civilians. Heroes were talking amongst themselves, trying to formulate some sort of plan, while some negotiators were on speaker phones trying to reason with the intruders inside. The longer the heroes wait the more it becomes a do or die kind of situation. 
It was time to act, no solid plan could be formed without some sort of negative factor playing into it. But the pros of rushing in outweighed the cons at that moment. Something had to be done, so when one hero went in, the rest followed suit.
Heroes tried to surround every corner, hoping to outnumber the villains. But, for every hero, there was a villain, just as ready to give up their own life for their own twisted cause. Neither side was backing down, as the civilians were being rushed out. The media filmed the building crumbling faster with every blow dealt from the inside. People were lucky to come out unscathed, most suffered some kind of injury, ranging from minor cuts, to burns and lacerations, to even life threatening gashes. 
Deku and (h/n) had split up, with Deku taking the higher grounds and the (h/n) taking the lower. Though they were separated, they kept in touch through their earpieces. However, with all that was going on around them, not much else could be heard but pained screams, grunts, and blows coming from each side of the com. Even if they could hear each other, they had to pay attention to the opposer in front of them. Both of them faced equally terrifying opponents, with quirks abnormal to normal villains. 
By this time, only a couple of civilians were still being rescued and carried off. So far, no casualties for either civilian or hero. The villains were dropping in numbers as backup arrived. Soon the building started giving way as support beams shattered under all the pressure. Villains were being hauled off from the top floors where Deku was since they were knocked out cold. 
Just as he landed on the ground carrying four unconscious villains, a ear blasting boom rang from the middle section of the building. Car sized chunks of cement and rumble flew from the foundation of the building. People started fleeing to avoid being splattered onto the ground beneath their feet. Surrounding buildings started to be evacuated as rubble crashed into the sidewalls of them.
Speaking into his earpiece, Deku tried to get a hold of (h/n). All he received was static and pieces of words lost in the chaos around them. Shoto, a beloved friend and fellow hero, noticed Deku’s distress. (Y/n) was Shoto’s cousin, so of course he had his own share of worries. 
“Anything?” Shoto yelled loudly, hoping to be heard over the surrounding noise.
“Static and broken words, but nothing that can be made out,” Deku yelled back. 
They shared a look, both knowing the others plan. Head in and search, before it all hit the ground. 
The heroes sprinted to the nearest entrance on the lower level, which happened to be a massive hole in the side of the building. Ashy smoke clouded the air making it hard to see far ahead. Dust and Debris suffocated the air, burning both of their lungs as it made it hard for them to breath. The foundations of the building moaned under the stress, causing them to rumbling and shift. One of the beams from where they entered finally gave way, causing them to jump forward, barely missing the beam as it collided with the ground with a thud. Metal rods from different levels splintered the ground through the ceiling. Broken furniture scattered the cracked tile floors. Glass shards crunched under their footsteps. Shoto held out a flame from the palm of his left hand, giving them somewhat of a better view. There was not a body in sight. They started calling (y/n) by both her real name and her hero name, hoping that one would get a response. A couple minutes, and nothing became of their attempts, so they headed to the second level.
But they kept walking. However, they froze after one of their steps sent a sharp snap echoing throughout the walls. Then they heard a crash from one of the levels above them. It sounded as if hits were being thrown back and forth, as if a fight was still in progress. A sudden crack the ceiling above bursts open as something flies through, even managing to break through the ground on which they stood. It plummeted full force through the ground into the first floor causing dust and debris to fly up in its wake. A groggy chuckle rang out in the aftermath. Both Deku and Shoto watched as a giant muscular figure jumped down to the bottom through the forced whole, taking no notice of the two heroes on the way down. Using the foggy air as cover, they followed the person while making sure to stay out of sight. 
It was difficult to see what the man was doing, as he grabbed the fallen object from its indented spot on the ground. But, upon further inspection, Deku could start to see an outline of a figure, the head hung to the side as the man pulled them up by the neck. The dust started settling again and all Deku could see was red. In the man's grasp was his love, the unconscious injured body of (h/n). His baby. Hurt. 
Deku’s body was moving before his mind could even fully comprehend the full severity of the situation. Shoto hadn’t even moved before Deku was on the man, ripping (h/n) from his ugly paws, cradling her to his chest, before full on Detroit smashing him through the ground.
The force of the blow took out all support beams and pillars, as the building was now crumbling like an avalanche with them still inside and all exits blocked off.
Shoto quickly tried making beams out of ice, hoping to prevent their demise, but sharp metal rods penetrated any barrier he created.
“I can try to smash through the rumble, but you need to take her,” Deku shouted, handing the slowly stirring (h/n) over to his friend. 
 After finding the best place to break through, Deku readied himself, having them all thrown back. The building to their side had crashed to the ground, effectively cutting them off. And to make matters worse, the villain was arising from the whole he was punched into. Shoto set a wall of ice between them. But, it did not last long as it was quickly shattered by rubble. At this rate, if they did not find a way out soon, they would all be crushed with the building. Looking around, Shoto spotted a small hole. 
“There seems to be a small opening behind the villain, probably where a window used to be. It would be a tight squeeze, but we can make it,” Shoto yelled over the surrounding chaos.
Deku nodded leading the way. They were getting out of there no matter what. He was going to make sure of that. They just had to make it past to the small gap in the wall. The criminal didn’t seem to want to let them go easily though. As the heroes made their way over, the villain charged, grabbing an abandoned rifle lying on the ground beside him and firing wildly in their direction. While his aim was terrible, the bullets were flying by way to close for comfort, especially as the villain got closer to them. Deku veered off towards their attacker, shouting at Shoto to get (h/n) out before it collapsed. 
Shoto wanted to argue, and he would have, but he knew (h/n) had to get medical help immediately. So he sucked up his pride and dashed to the openeding, using his ice to block incoming objects. All while, hoping Deku was close behind and unharmed as shots still rang out in the air. 
After exiting the building, he ran even faster as the building finally came toppling over. Though Shoto had gotten them both away from it, the forcefully wave of turbulent debris ridden wind swept his feet from under him, hitting him like a tsunami. Ripping (h/n) from his arms as they both hit the skin shredding asphalt. Shoto’s vision was blurring, the world was spinning, he could see his cousin in front of him laying imobile on her side scrapes and burn running bleeding through the tears in her costume. He tried to push himself up by his elbows, but he collapsed, starting to blackout. However, he saw shaky figures running towards them right before everything went black.
Deku could see Shoto run to the exit with (h/n) through his peripheral vision. All he needed to do was keep this guy occupied until they were a safe distance away. Shots were still piercing the air, Deku swerved from place to place using the scattered rubble as cover. It only lasted another minute or so as the magazine emptied, causing the villain to throw the useless weapon to the side. Ceasing his chance Deku leapt towards the villain, fist propelling forward as he activated his quirk. The criminal was once again forced six feet under. 
The towering was caving, but if Deku could climb his way up the broken rods, he might be able to smash his way through the other side of the building. Feather light feet swiftly bound from one rod to the next, careful not to land on anything to wobbly. He was close, so close to freedom. One last punch was all it took to clear a hole wide enough for him to slip through. As he jumped out, the whole thing came crashing down. The forceful wind shoved him away from the now crumbled building, causing him to tumble onto the sidewalk. For a second Deku was not even sure he had made it out, the air was dark with debris, rendering him blind to his surroundings. All that could be heard was the creaking of shifting metal and rubble trying to settle into a state of stability on the ground. But, the only thing Deku could hear was eerie silence. Nothing ached though, every muscle felt numb and weightless. Blood was pooling around his body, but he couldn't see where it was coming from. 
The air was starting to settle, slowly clearing the view around him. Deku laid his head to the right, squinting his eyes when he saw a familiar looking blue costume along with red and white hair laying on the asphalt. Shoto. And a couple feet in front of Shoto was (y/n). Laying on her side facing Deku, he couldn’t make out their conditions, but if they were anything like him, they weren’t doing too great. He should go check on them, but his body refused to move. All Deku could do was extend his arm towards them as his vision faded to nothing. 
All three of them were spotted on the ground and immediately transported to the nearest hospital. Shoto woke up soon after being emitted, only suffering minor bruises and a mild concussion from hitting the asphalt. Izuku and (y/n), while not in critical condition, were not as lucky. Both having broken bones and stitch worthy gashes drained a good amount of their blood. (Y/n) was the next to slowly rise from her sleeping state. Bright lights prodded at sensitive eyes as the lids creaked open. No matter how much she blinked, the beaming lights seemed to be too much for her at the moment. Holding a hand up to block out the light, she scanned around the room looking around for a clue as to where she was. 
Shoto walked into the room, wearing hospital clothes with bandages scattered across his body. Wobbling over to the chair beside her bed, Shoto sunk into the cushions of the chair leaning so that his arms were hanging over the edge of the rails of her bed. 
“How do you feel,” Her cousin asked softly.
“Definitely been better,” Her voice was hoarse and scratchy. 
Shoto reached over to the side table grabbing the water bottle and handing it to her. Silently thanking him, she sipped at it before setting it beside her. 
“What happened?” She asked.
Hesitance was present all over his face, making worry sprout through her heart. With a heavy sigh Shoto started explaining. From the fight, to when Deku and himself went looking for her, to the flying bullets, and the building collapsing before he blacked out. 
“So where Izuku then?” (Y/n) pressed, a knot forming in the back of her throat. 
“He’s okay,” Shoto paused for a moment “He’s just resting in the other room, I promise.”
(Y/n) started shuffling around, sitting up before swinging her legs off the side of the bed opposite to where Shoto was sitting. All Shoto’s protests were ignored as she stumbled to her feet. Pain spiked up her spine as her feet hit the cold tile floors, her hands reached out grabbing the IV pole to her side for stability. Her cousin was quick to her side, helping her get her bearings. Releasing the pool, (y/n) stood straight, nodding to Shoto, signaling that she was now fine to walk on her own. While he might have let go, he was by her side nonetheless ready to help if needed. 
Shoto led the way as they walked down the white hallway. Past windows of other patients residing in the hospital. It wouldn’t be a surprise if some of these people were here because of the fight prior. There were even a few heroes that she recognized fighting alongside that day. It was heartbreaking. But not as heartbreaking as what she saw next. She hadn’t even realised that they arrived since she was still looking around. But, she stopped scanning her surroundings when her eyes landed on the person on the other side of the open door.She couldn’t look away, she was stuck in place as she took in the sight before her.  
There before them was Izuku, her Izuku lay unmoving on the creamy white bed, bandages scattered from head to toe, connected to some machine to his right with an IV hanging from a pole to his left. 
“Can I- can I go in?” She murmured softly.
Shoto nodded, pulling over a chair for her to the left side of the bed. After getting all situated, he pulled her into a hug before leaving the room. Leaving her in silence. 
It was always hard for her to see him so hurt. They have been friends since diaper days. Walking through life hand in hand. The two even got into UA together. Seeing him like this almost reminds her of his pitiful state after the sports festival, man she almost ripped Shoto a new one when she saw the extent of his injuries. Izuku wasn’t even aware of how hurt he was then, he was just so happy he made a breakthrough with Shoto. Izuku always loves those sports festivals, from the times where he participated in them, to the times he now watches them, eyes glazed with wonder as the newest students demonstrated their skills and quirks. Be brought a whole new meaning to the phrase of ‘once a fan always a fan’. 
They had to have an entire bookshelf of his notes by now. Quite the curious creature. Entranced by new and old quirks, never putting one down over the other, instead he saw the wonder in all quirks and skills. Something Izuku made quite clear when he was asked to visit last year's freshman at UA. It was a funny sight to see as the number one hero blabbered on and on about how cool all their quirks were. But one kid in particular caught his eye, he was a young kid, who sat in the back of the class, taking up as little space as possible. He seemed to wince a little when Izuku mentioned quirks. When Izuku asked the teacher about the kid after they all left, he found out that the kid was quirkless. God, his reaction to hearing that made her fall so much father in love. Izuku ran to find that kid and hugged the life out of him. While most might have thought it was just Deku being the loving hero he was, she knew it was more than that. She knew all he went through before UA, how everyone put him down. So of course, she knew what that kid becoming a hero meant to him. His love for others never ceased to shine through the darkest of times. 
(Y/n) chuckled, all through these years he has never truly changed. Always staying the same old lovable dork he had alway been. And she wouldn’t change a thing about him. Her bandaged hands caressed his own, thumbs brushing the scars along his knuckles. Quite the heart warming site for anyone who happened to look through the window. 
It was another hour or so before Izuku woke. Poor thing was just as blinded as she was before. It pained her to see how groggy he was, but she was there for him, peeling one of her hands comb through his unruly locks. At first his eyes flared with panic, but that was only until they landed on her. Instantly tearing up in relief. 
“Hey you,” He croaked out.
“Hey,” She whispered softly, voice full of adoration and love.
Nothing else was said. Nothing else needed to be said. All words were shared by simply being present. Shoto came in much later to check on them and only to see them both on the bed, arms holding onto each other for dear life. Smiles lying on both their faces.
The next morning they were released from the hospital after getting cleared by the staff.
Izuku groaned “My back hurts.”
“Duh, we sleep on rocks dressed to look like a bed,” (Y/n) retorted lightly. 
“Have pity on me.”
She pecked his pouting lips “I don’t think I will.”
With a dramatic huff, Izuku flopped onto their apartment couch, tosing his arms over the edge for extra effects.  
“Oh no, Izuku has passed, whatever shall I do,” (y/n) said in a tone of fake worry.
A blanket was draped over his form, covering even his face. 
She let out a long sign footsteps getting further from the couch. “I guess there is no one who will lay with me and cuddle on the bed.” 
When she started to hear him shuffle around, she booked it for their room and shut the door right before he got to her, locking so he couldn’t get in. 
“Oh my god, open the door, I have earned some cuddles,” He whined. 
“I can hear his ghost now”
“I swear, I will knock this darn door to hell,”
“I dare you”
A moan of frustrations passed through Izuku’s lips, a giggle leaving her own. If it was a game of chase she wanted, she was going to get it. The day was filled with playful fighting that led into the night. Their love was pure. It was stronger than any quirk. A bond no one could break. 
Things finally started to settle down as the moonlight set in through the windows. Both had just finished showering, soft cotton pjs falling onto skin. Hums of (y/n) fluttered around the air as she swayed from side to side following the melody in their bedroom. Izuku walked out of the bathroom stopping to lean on the door frame, gazing upon the heavenly angel waltzing around the room. She paused in her ministries when she felt eyes on her back. Looking over her shoulder with a warm smile, turning to him as he walked over to her. Heavy scared arms encased her waist as she was brought into his loving embrace. In return, she swung her arms around his neck resting the side of her head on his chest. Izuku tucked her head under his chin, closing his eyes in contentment as they swayed with her peaceful hums. 
 Her melody faded out to a comfortable silence. Neither of them pulled away, staying in each other's arms for a little while longer. Izuku started to shift, making her look into his emerald eyes. Oh how she loved those beautiful eyes. They glowed with vibrant green life. 
“Keep looking at me like that and I just skip the proposal and marry you right now,” 
She lowered her as she chuckled, slightly shaking her head hoping to hide the quick spreading blush on her cheeks. Pulling one and from her waist Izuku his fingers under her chin guiding her gaze back to his. 
“You think I kidding, I’ll do it right now,”
Curiosity filled her as she eyed him. Guiding them over to the night stand Izuku pulled open the bottom cabinet, shuffling a couple of things around, searching for the desired object. (Y/n) gasped before slapping a hand over her mouth. A small velvet back box lay in the palm of his hand. Her knees were buckling as her vision blurred as water built up around the edges of her eyes. Recognizing her starstruck state, Izuku gently pushed her back so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Eyes followed his every move, Watching as he shifted himself to one knee in front of her. All her attention was on him and only him.
“I don’t even know how to start this,” He shook his head “Man. Kirishima would be so disappointed.”
She let out a light laugh, waiting for him to continue. “I love you, ya know that right? When you were not responding to your com that night, you scared the living daylights out of me. Images of you sleeping next to me and images of you lying lifeless in the rumble kept flashing through my head. And I- I don’t know what I would do if- if you had-.” Izuku paused, trying desperately to hold back the lump in his throat. Head dipping down, only to be lifted up by gentle hands cupping his cheek.
“But, you found me,” She whispered, combing a piece of hair from his face, tears of her own cascading down her face. “You found me, you saved me. Like you always promised to do our first year of UA. And I will always do the same for you, without even batting an eye.”
The hand that wasn’t holding the box encased one of her’s on the side of his face. “Aren’t I supposed to be proposing to you?”
They shared a laugh, pressing their foreheads together. “Just put the ring on me you dork,”
He did just that, delicately sliding the ring on her finger. And after, he pounced on her, trapping her in his arms rolling them from side to side as happy tears streamed down both their faces. 
No one was surprised that they were getting married, just that it happened the way it did. All their friends and family celebrated their engagement. And while everyone shed a couple of tears, no one shed them quite like his mother and All Might. 
The two would have a lot to plan these next couple of months, and on top of that they had hero responsibilities to attend to. It might get stressful, but they will be in it together. Nothing could shake them, for they had a bond like no other. 
Hello, I swear I am not dead! Well maybe not physically, mentally though, that’s a different story. I’m still working on the next part for hawk’s story, i am hoping to finish it sometime next week! I promise that I did not abandon it. Until then I offer this piece of trash I wrote last night.
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onlyyyariii · 4 years
"They're looking at you." Ethan growled, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"I know Ethan. They always do."
"Well I don't like it."
He turns and glares at them. They laugh and look away from us.
"Have you heard about the serial killer that's on the loose? It's terrible, what's happening to these people."
"Yeah it's a real shame."
"Ethan come on I'm serious. Someone is out there killing people. I want you to be safe. I love you so much and I don't want you taken away from me."
I lean over the bar to place a kiss to his lips. He deepens it for a moment before pulling away.
"I wouldn't worry about me, Li."
"All I can do is worry about you."
"Well I'll try to be more careful alright?"
I nod before turning back to make another drink. I've been working at this bar for a few months now. Ethan, my fiance, comes to visit me every now and then during my shift. A lot of my customers being old men, hit on me. I'm perfectly content with how my life is now. I love Ethan with all my heart and nothing will ever change that.
"I'll be back to pick you up after work." Ethan says, stepping down from the stool.
"I'm working til 2, E. That's really early and you have work tomorrow."
"Babe, I love you and I want to bring you home."
"Okay," I laughed.
I kissed him goodbye before returning to the bar.
Ethan's POV:
I watched as the guy who was checking her out before walked up to her now that I'd left.
"Hey sweetheart, how about another drink?"
"Of course. What would you like?"
"Tequila and lime. How bout you come sit with me and the boys when you're on break."
"No I'm fine. I have a fiance and we're perfectly happy together."
I smiled knowing she's mine. But I'm so killing that guy later.
"Come on baby we only want to talk."
"Then you'll start eye-f*****g me. I only want my fiance to eye f**k me so the answer is still no."
He sneered, "You'll regret that, you b***h."
"Here's your drink sir."
She "accidentally" poured the alcohol on him. I smirked, that's my girl.
"Oh I'm so sorry!"
"Shut up. I'll be leaving now."
He walks back over to his boys. My time to shine. I walk out the club and go around the back. They don't have cameras here which is stupid. I open the seat on my bike and grab the switchblade. Nice and shiny, pointed objects are my favorite thing to kill with. A shard of glass to the throat, my switchblade to the chest, maybe a nice pipe to the head. They're all very good methods. All ones that I've performed in the past 3 months. They get the job done quickly. I sit down on the bike and wait for them. When they come walking around the side, they stare at me and laugh.
"You waiting for your little fiance in there?"
"Sure am."
"Well she's a whore," they say, stopping in front of me.
"Oh don't get too close. I bite."
They all get up in my face. Smirking, I push the switchblade into the ones chest. After pushing him off, he falls to the ground choking violently. His friends look at him then back to me.
"You stabbed him!" he screams.
"D**n right I did. Now which one of you, wants to go next?"
I killed them, one by one. After the three of them were dead I get on my bike and drive home. That's three more people who'll stay away from Liana. I change and shower before lying in bed. Liana will call me when she has to be picked up. Closing my eyes, I rest my head against a pillow drifting into a light slumber.
Liana’s POV:
Walking around the back of the club, I come across three bodies. I scream loudly. It was the three guys from the bar. Someone killed them! I rush to grab my phone out of my pocket.
"911 what is your emergency?"
"Three guys have been killed around the back of Fantasia."
"Alright ma'am. I just sent a message to the nearby police. I would like you to stay on the line until they get there."
"Of course."
Looking around the scene, something shiny catches my eye. I know I shouldn't touch anything but I'm curious. I walk over to the object and pick it up. It's a switchblade knife. Looking closer there are letters engraved on it. Perhaps a little message?
'EGD, all my love, LMS.'
Oh my god. This is Ethan's switchblade I bought him for his first birthday we spent together. No. He couldn't possibly be the- I gasp. Flipping open the blade I notice the dried blood. Sobs rack my body. Ethan is the killer. Ethan is the serial killer that's been running rampant for the past three months. I can't let them find this. I quickly hide the blade in my back pocket.
"Oh yes, I'm sorry I zoned out. It's just the bodies I-"
"No, I understand completely. The police should be arriving very shortly."
I step away from the bodies. I check myself from head to toe to see if any blood got on me. Luckily it didn't. Checking the time I see it's around 1:30 in the morning. When did he kill these guys? A police siren blares as many cars pull around the club.
"Oh they're here."
"Of course, you may leave the line at this time."
"Thank you so much." I say, hanging up.
Many officers jump out of their cars and come over to assess the situation at hand. An older police officer walks up to me. He has a notepad and pencil in his hands.
"Hello, my name is Officer Michael Monroe, I'm going to ask you some questions if that's alright with you."
"Of course."
"Alright, when did you find the bodies, Ms...?"
"Liana Summers. I found them just about 15 minutes ago. They were already dead before I got out here. There's so much blood."
"Yes Ms. Summers we understand that. Did you know any of the victims?"
"Yes, but not personally. They have been hitting on me for the past few weeks. I work the bar inside the club. I always rejected them of course."
"Of course. Would you like a ride home?"
"That would be lovely thank you officer Monroe."
I get into the backseat of one of the police cars and wait for an officer to drive me home. One the cars starts up I assume the man will need my address.
"I live at 156 Mason Lane. It's an apartment building."
"We're nearing that building now."
Once we arrive I quickly jump out and thank the man for driving me. I watch as he drives back towards the crime scene. Making my way up to the third floor, all these thoughts force their way into my mind. Why has Ethan been doing this? How did I not know about it? How could he kill people but then act normal the next day? How did I not catch on to his actions? I open the door to my apartment and make my way to the bathroom. I take a nice warm shower then walk into Ethan and I's shared bedroom. He's sleeping peacefully on our bed. He looks so young and innocent as he sleeps. How could he be a murderer? Sudden anger fuels through me. I get dressed in one of his t-shirt's and underwear before grabbing the switchblade out of my pants. I clean it off and wake him up.
"I'm up- Liana how'd you get home?"
"The police brought me," I won't tell him I found the switchblade yet, I want to see if he'll tell me what he's done, "I found the bodies."
He has a look of remorse on his face, not for the men but for me.
"I'm so sorry you had to see that." He pulls me into a hug.
I know he's a murderer and all but he's still my Ethan. I melt into his embrace as tears drip down my face.
"How could you do that to people Ethan?"
He tenses up and then pulls back.
"What do you mean?"
"What do I mean? Ethan I found your switchblade with the blood on it! How could you kill innocent people!?"
A scowl settles on his face, "They weren't innocent."
"Baby you killed them. You murdered them, and for what?"
"For you. I did it for you. They were staring at you. They tried to lie to me and tell me that you wanted them. I was trying to protect you!"
"The only thing I was scared of was the serial killer, and the serial killer is you."
I pull farther away from his body. I love him with all my heart but- he's killed people. Somehow this feels like my fault.
"No no no Liana please. Please don't leave me. I did this for us baby. They wanted you. All of them. All of the people I got rid of wanted to take you away from me."
I stop moving. Of course. This all makes sense now. All the people that have died, somehow or another flirted with me in front of Ethan. He's very possessive. I was warned by his ex girlfriend. I just failed to see it.
"Ethan?" I say, turning toward him.
"I love you. I love my Ethan. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so- I forgive you. I love you enough to look past these... mistakes. Please tell me you'll stop. You'll stop for me."
He looks at me. Anguish present on his features. He's an addict. He's addicted to the game. His game.
"You can't, can you? It pains me, to realize that I'm in love with a psychopath. But I just can't leave you."
"You can't?"
"No, I've loved you for far to long to give up now."
I rush over to him and he pulls me into his arms. I love him far to much to give up on him now. I pull his lips to mine. We stand by our bed, liplocked and crying all at once. He pulls away and smirks at me.
"Make up s**?" He suggests.
I giggle, "I want you to be rough with me."
"Very rough."
Moral of the story, Liana liked that he was protecting her. They became Bonnie and Clyde more or less, without the robbing part.
Tag list: @grantzarrr @luxplsr @rhyrhy462 @fangdolan @blindedbythelightt @333dolans
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A Royal Romance <3 Prince! Bakugo x Reader
It’s fluffvember!! I’m not following a prompt list, but if you send me a request for a prompt I’ll do it! No warnings this is just cute!
“If you don’t find a wife soon enough I’ll have to watch your stupid wedding from the grave!” The beautiful Queen whacked her son on the head with her long golden scepter. The fiery young man shot his red eyes up and fumed. Interrupting his training was a sure easy way to get yourself blown up. His shoulders tensed as he dropped the iron anvil he was using to lift over his head and squat. It hit the floor with an incredibly loud bang. He slowly looked back at his also raging mother. He had been trying to ignore her until his last set was done. “Why do you always come in here and nag at me?” He said through grit teeth, knowing better than to raise his voice. Prince Bakugo was known for his fierceness, a well respected warrior that shook both enemies and allies to their very core with one look. The only other person that could ever hold a candle to that kind of fear and respect would simply be the boys mother.
Another smack of the scepter, this time behind the knee, making the prince lose his balance a bit. “What was that for!” He raised a fist to the air and scowled, this time unable to control the volume of his voice. “You’re going to listen politely you little brat!” The young prince growled and laid on his back, looking at the ceiling. He’s had this conversation 100 times, the fight always ends the same way. The truth is, Katsuki had no interest in ever getting married. Romance was always in the back of his head. He’d listen to her bitch and head to his favorite pub to drown out the pressure of fulfilling his royal duties. “I’ve been real nice and patient about this, but you’ve been of age to take a wife for awhile now. You not showing up to that meeting with Princess Uraraka and her family has damaged our relations with them!” She took a deep breath, lowering her voice to try and sound a bit more nurturing. “I worry about you. So I’ve decided to change my approach.”
The blonde lifted his head off of the ground to look at his mothers face. He kept a stoic face, not trusting this new tone.
“You have 30 days to find your own fiance, or you will marry the princess of my choosing 31 day’s from today. You most likely won’t like who I have in mind, so I’d get to searching if I were you.” With that the Queen spun and left on her heel, leaving the prince in a twitching stunned anger.
Prince Bakugo had hardly toweled himself off before heading straight to the pub. The door slammed open and the whole bars atmosphere changed. He stepped in and faces shot down to their drinks, knowing better than to look at the Prince when he was in a bad mood. The bar tender rose a mug of mead above his head with a smile. “Hey your highness! It’s been a minute! I thought maybe you’d forgotten about my humble establishment.” The yellow haired man winked to the new barmaid, he’d bragged to her a lot about knowing the prince ‘like a dear friend’ and the woman’s jaw dropped when she saw that he was telling the truth. The prince settled at the bar on a stool and the bar keep handed him a stein of his favorite beer. “You’re surprisingly quiet, what gives?”
“Not in the mood to talk Kaminari.” He grumbled into his drink and took a long sip. “Where’s shitty hair?”
The bar tender pointed to the corner of the pub with a chuckle. “Oh, Kirishima? I’m kind of surprised, he’s been chatting up a girl for awhile. She looks irritated, she brought a book with her.”
Bakugo turned to see his second in command, his most trusted knight and General sitting across from a commoner girl. Bakugo rolled his eyes and slammed his drink on the counter. Why would the one person I want to talk to busy themselves with someone other than me? He thought to himself with a scowl. Kirishima saw him looking and waved at him to join him. The girl turned her head to look and see who he was waving to and immediately turned pale.
I heard the prince visited here sometimes, but I didn’t think I would actually see him... Panic started to rise in your chest a bit, how did this annoying man know the prince? You had been trying to get out of this conversation for awhile now, you came here to visit your friend while they were working and maybe catch up on your reading. It wasn’t often you had any time off of work, especially during the spring. He was wasting your precious time, but he had wealthy clothing on. You knew better than to talk back to someone who might be a noble, it was easy for people in this town to lose everything just by speaking out of turn. You turned away from the approaching prince and stared back down into your book. You felt his presence just behind you, the aura coming off of him feeling almost poisonous. You had heard the stories, you had seen his soldiers coming back from battle covered in dried blood with sick smiles on their face. “Y/N you have to meet his royal highness, he’s the friend I was telling you about.”
He had been mentioning how his best friend was smart, loyal and handsome. You had been ignoring him, you’d been offered marriage by a few suitors in town. You didn’t understand why, you were under the impression you were plain looking. You didn’t have a lot of assets that a family would be looking for, so why were people harassing me all of the time? You couldn’t breathe, the man Kirishima invited Prince Bakugo to sit with you two. Your brain tried to think of a reason to leave, but your mind seemed to have shut off.
Prince Bakugo was star struck. Never in his entire life had he seen such a naturally lovely lady. Your hair was swept against your face, your eyes glowing with emotion and honesty. So many princesses he had met that were covered head to toe in makeup and restrained to corsets, they always had something hiding behind their faces. Their reasoning for speaking to you layered in greed. Bakugo never interacted with peasants, this bar was upscale, what were you doing here he wondered? “This is Y/N, she works with her family at a stand in town square.” He smiled and touched your hand that was holding your book. You flinched, just lightly but enough that the prince noticed. “Tell him what you sell Y/N.” He nodded, edging you on.
“Y-yes sir.” You stammered. “My father makes hand made daggers... I sell them to travelers.”  You didn’t look either of them in the eye. You were trying to be as polite as possible. “Your highness.” You finished your sentence. Bakugo said nothing for a moment. “Isn’t that interesting, a woman who can read and knows her way around a weapon.” He smirked at you and squeezed your hand he had pulled away from your book. Your hand was shaking violently, you were afraid. If he were to do anything to you, you wouldn’t be able to fight back- your train of thought was interrupted with the princes fist. He flung his hand against the red haired man with a yell. “You idiot! Can’t you see your bothering this lady?” The prince grabbed his friend by the collar of his shirt and dragged him to the counter.
Kirishima smiled, he knew exactly what he was doing. He’d planted the seed of intrigue in his friend, and before long the prince was hooked.
You didn’t go back to the bar, even when your friend invited you. She said the prince had been back to the pub everyday this week, she said he brought so much business in they were running out of mead and cheese! You congratulated her on all of the tip money she was making. Your heart sped up a bit at the thought of the handsome prince. You had caught his eye that day, it was like he stared directly into your heart for a moment as he pulled his friend away.
You stood behind the wooden stand in the spring breeze, the town square was filled with people but not many had stopped by to see your wares. You sold one knife today, and it was worth a pretty penny so you leaned against the counter, reading your book instead of trying to get the attention of the people who passed by.
“Hey! Y/N!” You cringed at that voice, you knew exactly who was calling your name. People parted the way with hurried feet, scurrying to the sides of the plaza. You took a deep breath and looked away from the pages. It was the Knight Kirishima, and he wasn’t alone. He had a whole crew with him, including the moody prince. “Wow you were right Kiri! She is cute.” A gorgeous woman with pink pigment covering her whole body gushed. She had a flowing skirt dyed the brightest green you had ever seen. The crew swarmed your stand, picking up all of your wares and inspecting them. A man with stark black hair slashed at the air with a smaller dagger, the pink girl squealed and dodged his attacks. “Can you two try not to kill each other please?” Kiri called over his shoulders.
Prince Bakugo was trying not to look at your face. He stared disinterested off to the side. “Wow you guys sell good stuff. Your father hand makes all of this?” Kirishima asked picking up the longest knife in the collection and admired it. “What do you think Bakugo?” The prince had his hands in his pockets. He shrugged a bit, and you noticed a light blush forming on his cheeks. He swept his eyes to the side, catching you looking at him and the red on his face deepened. “Uh, yes sir. We have our own forge.” You straightened your skirt out and tried to stand up straight. “That’s amazing. It’s peasants like you that keep our economy thriving!”
Prince Bakugo shot a look of death at his friend and his face twisted in anger. “You shouldn’t call people peasants, you peasant!” He raised his hand to smack his friend, and Kirishima laughed. “Aw come on, you say that all the time!”
By the evening you were left with a heavy bag of gold, and all of your items were gone. The Prince having bought every one in stock without a word.
Your family was ecstatic, you on the other hand were heavily frustrated. Your father bought high quality steel, for managing to sell so well he made you a gift. He made you your very own long sword.
A few days after your second interaction with the Prince gifts were starting to appear at your family home. Your mother almost fainted when a healthy kid and foal were delivered to your doorstep. Bags of wheat, coal and barrels of beer started coming around one after the other. Your mother washed and braided your hair, she sang while she sewed you a new dress. Someone was courting her daughter, and she couldn’t wait to meet the wealthy mystery man. You lied and said you hadn’t had a clue as to who it could be.
You smiled every time another present arrived, faking happiness for your families sake. But by the end of the week, you were fuming angry, unable to mask how upset you were getting. You decided to take some time for yourself.
You’ve been studying months, reading every book on the matter. You had been reading about the art of sword fighting. Your father thought he had made you an heirloom, not a weapon.
You wrapped the blade in a cloth blanket and tightened your boot straps. You needed to vent out you anger, and headed for the woods in the blanket of night time.
You slashed at the branches of this small tree, easily cutting through the thin wood. You smiled to yourself, the way you moved through the air feeling freeing.
The ground trembled, a loud terrible blast made you lose your balance. You looked around, heart stuck in your throat. What was that? A battle? You dipped into the bushes, hiding your body from whatever terrible thing was approaching.
Someones footsteps snapped twigs loudly, but it sounded like they were alone. You saw the flash this time, a bright terrible light followed by a deafening sound. Birds scrambled out of their nests and cawed to the moon as they flew away. Branches flew across the clearing and you peered through the sharp twigs of your hiding place.
It was him, the Prince was pacing back and forth. He raised his hands, sparks flying off of his palms before settling down on a fallen log, looking up at the moon with his back to you.
Did that fool follow me out here? You gripped onto the hilt of your sword and jumped out of the foliage, pointing your weapon at the back of his neck. Pointing a weapon at the royal family would be certain death, but you were tired of being a toy to whatever sick game he was playing. Tears welled in your eyes as you  demanded him to explain himself. He turned his head nonchalantly before realizing it was you. He stood up, his body towering over yours. You gulped, immediately regretting your decision to threaten him. You stood your ground, your voice wavering. “Did you follow me here?” He shouted. You furrowed your eyebrows and lowered your sword. “Follow you? No! You followed me!” You shouted back at the prince. He looked surprised that you would speak to him that way. “I always come out here when I need to think.” He said with a less harsh tone.
“Well...” You thought for a moment. He looked honest enough. “I came out here to think too.” A very small twitch of his lips hinted that this monster might actually know how to smile. It quickly faded. “It’s late, you should be in bed.” He said bluntly. “Shouldn’t you have your gaggle of followers around you?” You hissed, you’re a grown woman. You can make your own choices. He didn’t react harshly like you thought he would. “Yeah well sometimes I just want to get away from all of that.”
“All of what?” You pushed, and he sat back down on the log without answering.
“All of the wealth and fame? Never having to worry about anything ever because people fall on their knee’s when you walk by?” You seethed. You knew in your heart this man had to be selfish, going as far as harassing you with his display of power by drowning you in gifts you could never hope to pay back. “Just because I’m royal doesn’t mean I don’t have shit to worry about.” He said looking up at the sky.
“What are you stressed about anyway? Your family should be set for awhile now.”
You dropped your sword and put yourself in front of him, forcing him to look at you. “I knew it was you! What’s your problem anyway harassing me like that?”
He didn’t answer you. “You have my mother confused. She thinks I have a suitor and is getting all giddy about a non existent wedding.”
He smirked, not looking away from the sky. The moonlight hit his soft skin, you knew he was handsome, but out here he looked breath taking. Bakugo felt the same way about you, hardly able to look at you he tried to avoid eye contact by pretending to star gaze.
“Tell your mother it was just generous gifts. There is a wedding, it’s just not yours.” His heart was pounding in his chest. He hates that you make him feel so vulnerable, everything about you was so frustrating.
“Your getting married? To who?” You sat down beside him and looked up too. You were starting to feel tired, you were usually asleep hours ago. You never really get to admire the night sky like this, you don’t understand why people waste time looking at them when they have to get up for work in the morning.
“I don’t know who it is. My mother picked her out, it’s in about two weeks.” He took a deep breath, not really having the energy to be angry about it right now. “Can I ask you something Y/N?” He looked at the way your eyes twinkled in the dark, seemingly even brighter than anything in the sky. “Go for it... erm, your highness.” You almost forgot to be formal.
“Do you ever feel like you have no control over your life?” He asked plainly. Bakugo didn’t understand why he felt like he could spill anything to you. I mean, it’s not like anyone would believe you had a secret meeting with the princess in the woods anyway. You’d be labeled a liar before the words even made it all the way out of your throat.
You laughed a breathy, sarcastic laugh. “Uh, yeah. You can say that.” You looked at the blade you wouldn’t have without the money the prince spent at your store. “It’s why I want to learn how to fight. It makes me feel... I don’t really know how to explain it.”
A rustle in the bushes behind you too broke the bubble around you two. You had been focused on each other, you forgot you were standing without caution in the middle of wolf country. You grabbed your blade and held it towards the bush, but the Prince shot an arm in front of you. His palms facing outwards. He guarded you from whatever it was that was making so much noise.
An elk head popped out of the tree line, and quickly ran away at the sight of you two.
You both kind of laughed and lowered your fighting stances. “You know that form was all wrong, you really don’t know how to use that thing, do you?” He said with a stoic look and a hint of a growl under his breath. “Hey! Not all of us can use magic to fight. Where did you learn to make those blasts anyway?” You grabbed his hand and turned it around. His hands are incredibly soft, they kind of shown in the dark. You expected them to be callused and dirty, but even his nails were clean.
“I mean, I could teach you how to use that sword if you want.” You looked at his face and tried not to blush. “You want to teach me?” The kindness in his eyes didn’t fade, but his tone went back to being harsh. “I just don’t want you to get yourself killed out here is all. It would make me look bad if you died.” You couldn’t help but smile.
Every night you two met under the stars, you slept against your stall during the day. You waited until your parents fell asleep before creeping out of the door, your feet hitting the dirt path to the clearing with a giddy smile.
You two spilled how you felt about life out here alone. He told you about battles he had seen, claiming to have even run into a dragon once. He learned fighting tactics from studying the big creatures, never tempted to slay them. You always had heard he was a terrible and ruthless warrior, but he only fought against the most wicked of kingdoms. He didn’t even hunt for sport, only ever killing the forest creatures for food. You told him about wanting to travel the world, leaving your family and getting a job as maybe a mercenary. All while avoiding getting cut by the other one.
“So I’ve been meaning to ask you...” You ducked, his blade whipped over your head, slicing threw a piece of your hair. You swung out your leg, hitting his shin. He staggered for a moment but didn’t lose his balance. Just giving you enough time to stand up. “Just say it then!” He side stepped, his blade clashing with yours in defense. “Have you met your future wife yet?” He froze and you knocked his sword out of his hand. You swung hard expecting resistance, and lost your footing. You toppled onto him, knocking you both onto the ground. His back hit the dirt and you both lost your wind. You picked your head up, his face was burning. Your breasts were squashed onto his chest and he could see down your blouse. You squeaked and rolled off of him, and now your face was blushing terribly as well. “Sorry- I’m sorry!” You stammered. “I was just wondering what was going to happen... I mean after your married you probably won’t be able to uhm...” You looked at the discarded weapons. “Yeah it might be a bad look if I was secretly meeting another woman in the woods at night...” Your heart twinged. You had never told him, but the past two weeks have been the best in your life. You know you’ll miss having a sparing partner, but it felt deeper than that.
“This is probably the last night I’ll see you then, isn’t it Katsuki?” You said with a low voice. You rolled onto your back, laying beside him and looking up at the full moon. He said nothing, he had almost forgotten his mothers promise. Spending time with you made him forget about all the things he hated, he felt... happy when he was with you. Your smarter, kinder, funnier and braver than any other woman he’d ever met. He even asked you to drop the formalities, begged you to call him by his first name without any “your highness” attached.
“I guess it is. Tomorrow my time is up.” He finally muttered.
You took a chance and reached for his hand, he didn’t recoil. His fingers interlocked with yours, you laid a foot away, he held onto your hand tightly. You were so close to him, laying right by his side.
Yet the two of you felt so far away.
“What are you so dressed up for?” Prince Bakugo was trying to comb his hair down in front of his mirror. His mother wasn’t wearing anything special, of course her simple clothing was still lavish. He didn’t yell. “I mean I should look good for my wedding shouldn’t I?”
The Queen took a moment to realize what he was talking about. “Oh! Yeah...” She put her hand on his shoulder and the prince turned to see his mothers eyes looking kind. “You really didn’t meet anyone this month that would make a better wife, my son?”
You flashed in his head. Of course it was you, the minute he saw you sitting in that stupid pub you had worked your way in his guarded heart. “No, just point me to the direction of my new ball and chain.” He said quietly.
The Queen laughed and Bakugo narrowed his eyes. “There’s no wedding today, Katsuki.”
“What do you mean?” He yelled, his hands sparking like he might throw a punch. “I was trying to get you to put effort into finding love. You weren’t letting anyone near that spikey little heart of yours.”
“You tricked me?!” He raged. The Queen yelled back. “Don’t you raise your voice at me, brat!” She composed herself and straightened out her posture. “It worked though didn’t it? Where’s the little forest nymph you’ve been trying to hide from me?”
“What are you talking about?” Bakugo stuttered. Surprised to hear she would mention you. “Oh go ahead and pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about... I got eyes and ears on you boy!”
Bakugo knew to hit Kirishima as hard as he could when he saw him next.
The Queen turned on her heel and walked towards the door. “If I met a common girl in the woods... I’d tell her how I feel before it was too late.” She stopped at the door frame. “Especially if that common girl loved me back, and I was just too stupid to notice.”
She shut the princes bedroom door, leaving him to think alone.
The evening was falling and the sky was turning a beautiful hue of red and orange. You looked at your sword leaning against the wall covered in it’s cloth. Your mother stirred a big pot of soup, humming happily to herself. Your father peered over his mug of warm cider and caught the distant look in your eye. “My sweet daughter, you’ve been so happy this month. Why do you have that forlorn face again?”
You forced a smile on your lips. “Oh I was just thinking father. I’m perfectly fine!” You turned back towards the window. You wondered if his new wife was as beautiful as you were picturing. If she had perfectly kept hair, clear skin... If she had gorgeous fashion and grace. If she knew all of his secrets like you did... if she loved the way he laughed manically with his whole belly as he reenacted blowing that war lord away. Or if she thought he was a barbarian... Your stomach turned and tears stung behind your lashes. What if he saw her and forgot all about you so quickly it was like you never met?
“I think I’m tired, don’t make me a bowl momma I’m going to just go lay down.”
You stood away from the window and headed for your small bedroom, just hoping to lay down under your quilt and silently cry for awhile. Why would I let something like this happen to me? I’m such a fool. You cursed at yourself.
“What’s going on outside?” Your father asked your mother before you left your little living area. You turned and watched your mother gasp and drop her spoon into the pot of hot liquid. A line of horses traveled up the stone path to your cottage. They carried the royal flag, you saw him in his full military uniform on top of a large black stallion. He was with all of his friends, Kirishima, rode right beside him in plated armor. They were coming fast. “Oh goodness, are we in trouble? The royal army is here!” Your mother grabbed your father out of his chair and pulled him away from the windows. “No, no its okay poppa. Stay here...” You pushed open your door and met them outside. Bakugo hopped off of his horse by standing on its back and launching himself in the air. He’d done that flip for you before and laughed when you tried to copy him, falling flat to your knee’s on the ground.
He grabbed your hands and you two embraced. His arms wrapped around your waist and you threw yours around his neck. “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at your wedding?” You asked unable to hide the smile on your face, even though you’re confused. “Listen I never told you the whole truth about my wedding.” He looked sheepish. “There was a catch, I had to marry someone my mother chose, or find my own love within the month.” He started to ramble, throwing out how he couldn’t think about anyone other than you, that nobody in this world was like you. You giggled. “Katsuki, what are you saying?”
He stopped his word vomit and looked at you with determined eyes. “I’m saying that I know who I want to spend my life with.”
The prince knelt down on one knee and pulled out a golden band. “It has to be you, Y/N. I- I love you...” He slipped the ring on your finger. “I don’t expect you to be subservient like a slave, we can travel the world and fight together.. you’ll be my fearless Queen and-” You lunged at the nervous prince and tackled him to the ground. “Yes you idiot! Yes!”
Your mother and father cheered from the door way, along with all of his knights yelling behind you two. He grabbed both sides of your face and planted a hard kiss on your lips.
You closed your eyes, forgetting everything around you for a moment. All you felt was his lips against your own. The fog in your head moved quickly, clearing away all of the feelings of doubt and repressed emotions.
You could finally see the stars clearly, and they spelled out the truth.
You two were made for each other.
Thank you so much to my very favorite requester.
My asks are always open <3
My ko-fi account -> https://ko-fi.com/writinginthedarkwood
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buckthegrump · 5 years
Whenever You’re Ready
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Summary: Bucky lost the love of his life three years ago and he’s still trying to figure out how to deal with that. But that gets harder when he gets an unexpected visitor.
Warnings: Mentions of death, angst, so much angst, fluff, a whole lot of feelings y’all 
Word Count: 6.2k
A/n: I had this thought and needed to write it
“I’m sorry, sir,” the officer said, “We have reason to believe that -”
Bucky stopped listening after the officer said ‘I’m sorry’. The words ‘I’m sorry’ were never followed by good news. Or even just neutral news, it’s almost exclusively followed by bad news. Especially when the ‘I’m sorry, sir’ comes from a doctor or a police officer.
But it didn’t matter that Bucky had stopped listening because he knew what they were about to say. They were going to tell him that they couldn’t find her body and that they were presuming her dead. But she couldn’t be dead. Y/n had promised that she wouldn’t die on him.
“We also lost his trail,” the officer finished.
“What?” Bucky’s head snapped up.
“He disappeared.”
* * *
Bucky sat up. The room was dark and silent. He glanced at the clock already knowing what time it was 1:35 am. The exact time that he was told that his fiance had been killed. No, not killed. Murdered.
It was the same dream, same memory, every year on the same day and he woke up at the exact same time. He was positive that no matter how many years passed it would be the same. He didn’t know if it would be worse if it was a happy memory that reminded him of what he was missing, or if he should be glad he was stuck with the worst night of his life.
The dream happened for months after and then it slowed to once a month until it only happened on the day.
He could roll over and try to fall back asleep but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to. He threw the covers off of him exposing his legs to the cool air of the room. He got up and made his way to the bathroom.
The water from the shower was as hot as it could possibly be. The hope was that it would get so hot it would burn away the pain, but nothing he tried was taking away the pain. The grief group he went to was just starting to make the pain a little less but -
Hours passed and the once nearly boiling water turned to ice against his back. All he wanted was to stay in the shower but he was meeting friends soon.
At 9:30 Bucky got into his car and drove to the cafe. Sam and Steve were waiting for him when he walked in. His friends decided that day when Bucky found out that he shouldn’t be alone on that day and so every year on that day, they would take the day off and spend all day together.
Sam was the first one to spot Bucky, he smiled and waved. 
“You were almost late, Barnes,” Sam said calling Steve’s attention to the new arrival.
“Well,” Bucky said as he sat down in the empty chair at the table, “I don’t think I could be late anywhere.”
Sam and Steve chuckled slightly at this. They remember the countless fights that Y/n and Bucky got into about being late versus showing up at least five minutes early. Y/n won and now ever since Bucky’s been on time for everything.
“How are you doing, Buck?” Steve asked. Bucky shrugged. “Did you have the dream again?”
“Yeah,” Bucky whispered. “I pulled out one of her dresses the other day, it doesn’t smell like her anymore. And I’m having trouble remembering the last time I told her that I loved her. But the day I found out she was dead -” he laughed humorlessly, “that day I can remember perfectly. It’s really fucked up when you think about it.”
Sam began talking about one thing or another and the conversation started flowing easily. And for a while, Bucky’s heart didn’t feel as heavy as he knew it was but it was nice to feel lighter.
After their coffee, they all went to watch a movie that ended up being terrible. It was about a man who didn’t know the ‘real’ value of life until his wife left him and took the kids. Sam leaned over and whispered snarky comments in Bucky’s ear. Bucky only heard about half of them, the ones he did hear were rather funny.
But Bucky couldn’t help but think about how lucky this guy was that he got a second chance. That he was able to go back to his wife and tell him everything on his mind, and Bucky would give anything to have that chance.
* * *
After the movie, Bucky got into his car and when he looked into the rearview mirror he saw Y/n. He gasped and looked out the windshield and then back into the mirror but she was no longer there. He let out a sigh of relief.
“What’s your problem?”
Bucky’s head snapped to his passenger seat where Y/n sat. She was looking at him.
“What?” She asked with a cheeky smile.
He turned back toward the wheel of the car and started driving.
“Did I do something?” She asked clicking her seatbelt into place. “Are you mad at me? Is it because I said that Star Wars isn’t as revolutionary as Legally Blonde? Because I’m right I don’t know why you’re trying to fight it, I’m always right? Also, do you think Firefly might be overrated? Because I have a theory that if they had more seasons it would’ve been one of those shows that started out great but then just ended terribly.”
Bucky gripped the steering wheel as tightly as he could. His bottom lip was shaking and every breath felt like it might be his last. She continued to talk like this was an everyday occurrence. Like Bucky hadn’t been slowly dying from the inside out because the love of his life, his soulmate had left him to live in this world without her.
“Ok, baby blue,” the nickname made Bucky tear up, “what is up? Is this because of the Star Wars thing? Or have you changed your mind about marrying me?”
“Never,” he whispered. He glanced over at her half afraid that once he acknowledged her she would disappear. She was still there beaming at him with her wild eyes that sparkled and her hair pulled back in two french braids.
“Good, because I was thinking about some things that should happen for the wedding,” Y/n continued to talk wedding the rest of the way home.
At every turn, Bucky was sure that she would vanish but she didn’t, she just talked and didn’t mind that Bucky wasn’t saying much of anything (which wasn’t too different than when she was alive). He was just going to see this time as a gift. Live in this fantasy for the rest of the day because there was no way that this would continue after he fell asleep.
While Bucky was getting ready for bed Y/n sat in bed and watched him.
“Wow,” she said in her best Owen Wilson voice, “My fiance is hot as fuck.”
Bucky snickered and rolled his eyes. He climbed into bed, he laid on his stomach head faced towards the ghost of his dead fiancee.
“Goodnight gumdrop,” he muttered.
“Sleep tight, baby blue,” she whispered and Bucky could’ve sworn that he felt her kiss his forehead.
And for the first time in what felt like forever, Bucky Barnes fell asleep with a smile on his face.
* * *
The first thing that registered was a horn blaring past him. He blinked his eyes a few times trying to figure out what was happening. He was in his car stopped on the side of the road off of US 26. It was dark outside and he was on the portion of the highway that was surrounded by a forest.
He looked to his passenger seat but just like he suspected Y/n wasn’t there. The more concerning issue was; how did he get here? And why was it 2 am?
He chalked it up to sleepwalking and drove back home. He flopped back into bed instantly going back to sleep.
* * *
Bucky spent most of his day at work on autopilot, but that was no different than any other godforsaken day. Tony, his business partner, barged into his office an hour before quittin’ time.
“What do you want Stark?” Bucky asked not taking his eyes off the screen.
“I was thinking about something the other day,” Tony paced in front of Bucky’s desk, “I know we mostly work with veterans who are dealing with PTSD but we should set up a foundation that also helps with the spouses and the significant others of vets or people who died overseas.”
Bucky froze before actually looking at Tony. He didn’t say anything so Tony, being a babbler, started to babble.
“I mean we could open it up to everyone else that lost someone because I know that you had a tough time coming back to work, and it’s ridiculous that society puts a time limit on grieving. So I was thinking that we set those up. And before you ask yes I was a little apprehensive about bringing this up to you because I wasn’t sure how you would react -”
“I like it,” Bucky cut him off.
“Good, because I kind of already set the plan in motion.” Tony gave him a thumbs up and promptly left the office.
This wasn’t an unusual thing, Tony having an idea and setting it in motion before consulting with Bucky. Luckily over the years, Bucky had gotten good at retroactively putting things to a stop when needed.
Bucky really did like the idea of setting up another foundation that helped people with the grieving of a lost loved one and mentally kicked himself for not coming up with the idea himself.
* * *
Bucky had snagged a coveted seat on the light rail train that ran through the city. It wasn’t a subway because it wasn’t underground, which Bucky (and most of the people in the city) found ridiculous because that meant when it got too hot outside the train was only able to go so fast.
And being the end of July the annual heatwave was rolling into town. The AC on the train was only doing so much during rush hour and people were packed in tight.
Bucky was doing his very best to ignore the discomfort by reading a book, but the book was getting boring and had recycled the same plotline about three times now and he was only halfway through. 
Just as he was closing the book the train came to an abrupt stop and someone fell into his lap.
She looked at him wide-eyed. 
“Sorry,” she grimaced.
And it felt like the whole world froze. There was no one else in the world but them and she literally took his breath away with one word. He was certain he’d never seen anyone quite as beautiful as she, just as he was sure he would never find someone more beautiful.
“It’s ok,” he breathed. “I’m Bucky.”
She smiled at him and Bucky’s heart nearly burst out of his chest. “Y/n.”
“So,” he was very conscious of the fact that she hadn’t moved out of his lap, “do you make it a habit of falling into people’s laps?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you trying to flirt with me?”
“Is it working?”
She chuckled softly and got out of his lap. “If it was, how do you see this conversation ending?”
“Best case scenario?” He asked and she nodded. “Exchanging numbers and dinner plans.”
She pulled out her phone, quickly unlocked it, and handed it over to Bucky. “Let me apologize for literally falling into your lap.”
“There’s really no need to apologize,” he said as he took her phone and put his number in.
When he handed it back she typed something in then looked back at him. “This is my stop. I’ll see ya around Bucky.”
Bucky watched dumbstruck as she hopped off the train at the stop. A second after she disappeared into the crowd his phone buzzed. An unknown number had texted him a simple message: Y/n Y/l/n.
* * *
The next time Bucky saw Y/n was when he went to get after-work drinks with Tony, Steve, and Sam. It had been a month since the anniversary and the next day Tony and Bucky were launching their new foundation.
Steve was telling a story about a date he’d had recently and Tony and Sam were just taking the piss out of him for everything that he’d done wrong on the date.
Bucky looked up in the middle of the story and found Y/n standing next to the jukebox staring at the options. She turned her head towards him and smiled. He blinked and when he opened his eyes she was gone.
He didn’t see her again for the rest of the night.
But the next morning around 5 am, a full hour before he would get up to go to the gym, he woke up on the side of the road again. It was the same spot as the last time. As Bucky drove home he kept his eyes peeled for any hit and runs, he wasn’t sure what he would do if he ended up hitting someone with his car while he sleepwalked.
* * *
Her skin was soft beneath his fingers as he drew lines across her skin. She let out a sigh as she slept next to him soundly. Bucky had woken up with the sun on that particular Saturday and he knew for a fact that Y/n would be pissed if he woke her up.
So he laid there with her and watched her sleep. He pressed a soft kiss to her bare shoulder and she shifted so she now she was laying on her side with her nose nuzzled into her pillow.
“Y/n, are you awake?” He asked softly. He smiled when she didn’t answer. “You don’t know this yet, but I’m going to propose to you. I don’t know when or how but I have the ring. I think you’ll like it, and I hope you say yes. God, I have no idea what I’ll do if you say no. Please don’t say no.”
She continued to sleep soundly, breathing deeply. He brushed his thumb across her eyebrow. The only time she looked this at peace was when she was sleeping, or after Bucky had shown her what she did to him.
“I love you,” he whispered.
A few seconds later she groaned and made the same noise she always did when she woke up, a small whimper that her night’s sleep was over. She opened an eye and looked at him.
“Were you watching me sleep again?” She asked in a hoarse voice. Bucky h’mmed in response. “You fuckin’ creep.”
“Oh yeah, because I’ve never caught you watching me sleep,” he chuckled.
“Uhh, when I watch you sleep it’s to make sure that you’re still breathing. Some times you’re sleeping so deeply I’m afraid that you’re dead,” she argued fully awake now. “Please don’t die on me.”
Not caring that neither of them had brushed their teeth yet, he kissed her lips softly. “I won’t as long as you promise to wait until we’re both well into our 80s or 90s.”
“Deal, but I hope you know that when I do die, I’m going to come back and haunt your ass so you’ll never actually be able to get over me and date someone else. I’m selfish like that.”
“I don’t want anyone else,” Bucky admitted.
“Well, when you say things like that it makes me feel bad for finding Sam really attractive. I hope you know that if you break your promise, I’m definitely turning to him for comfort and then we’ll fall in love and have a million babies,” she teased.
“Oh, a million babies?”
“Oh yeah, one million babies, and they’d be so much cuter than any babies you and I would have.” She smiled smugly until Bucky poked her sides and started tickling her. She giggled. “No!” 
“Take it back!” 
But she didn’t she just kept laughing and swatting at his hands. After a minute or two, he stopped and kissed her again. He paused and looked at her, really looked at her in the morning sunlight that peaked through the drapes of their bedroom window. He leaned over to his nightstand and opened the drawer and dug around for something.
“What are you doing?” She sat up and leaned against the headboard. Bucky turned around holding a ring. It was simple enough, it was a white gold band with a blue sapphire with two smaller diamonds on either side of it but the gems on the ring were huge. “What are you doing?” She repeated.
“I have been waiting for the right time, the perfect time to do this but I realized that when doesn’t matter. The perfect time wouldn’t make a difference, what matters is the person. You might not be a perfect person but neither am I, but you are the perfect person for me. So Y/n, I’m breaking one of your rules and asking you a question before breakfast,” he extended his arm slightly so the ring was closer to her, “Will you marry me?”
Y/n gasped shakily as tears welled up in her eyes. “Yes, of course!”
Bucky took her left hand and slid the ring on her finger, thanking the heavens that it fit. He stared at the ring as it sat on her finger.
“Are you not going to kiss me or anything?” Y/n asked snapping Bucky out of his daze.
“Neither of us have brushed our teeth and your morning breath is so bad -”
“My mom just called, she says that I can’t marry you.”
Bucky shook his head at his fiancee. “Shut up,” he chuckled and kissed her.
* * *
One Saturday, early January, Bucky was eating his cereal staring at Y/n or her ghost or whatever she was.
“Can I help you?” She asked cocking her head to the side.
“Are you a ghost?” He asked.
“You already know what I am, Barnes,” she answered solemnly. “You’re just afraid of what it means if you’re right.”
“But if you’re a hallucination,” his voice broke as he spoke, “that means you’re not real.”
“If I was real then you wouldn’t be keeping the fact that you can see me a secret?” She leaned back in her chair.
“I could just have a fever,” he reasoned.
“You’ve been seeing me off and on for months. If your fever had lasted this long you’d probably be dead,” she propped her elbow on the table and rested her chin in her hand.
“So what’s wrong with me?” He asked, cereal long forgotten.
“I don’t know,” she shrugged then gasped. “Maybe I’m a vision from a god or some higher power. Here to tell you that you’re missing something.”
“But what would I be missing?” Tears began to fall down his face.
“Do you not miss me?”
“I miss you every goddamn day but there’s not much I can do about that.” There was a brief silence and Bucky found himself wishing that she was actually something he could touch, not an uncommon wish for him. “I should go see a doctor, shouldn’t I?”
Y/n gave him a sad smile and Bucky pulled out his phone.
* * *
Y/n was sitting on the couch with Bucky, her legs on his lap and he was going over something that Tony had sent him. Bucky was petting her legs.
“Why are you petting my legs like a dog?” She asked pulling one of her headphones out of her ear. “You know I’m not into pet play.”
Bucky stopped his movements and glared at her. “Must you make everything dirty?”
She grinned. “Yes.”
Bucky shook his head and put the stack of papers down on the coffee table. He crawled over so his head was on Y/n’s stomach without missing a beat she started running her fingers through his hair. He moaned at the feeling and closed his eyes.
“What are you listening to?” He asked his voice muffled but the fabric of her shirt and her tummy.
“The podcast My Favorite Murder,” she said. “If you just gave it a chance you might enjoy it.”
“Why are you so obsessed with true crime?”
“Well if I’m prepared for it then I have a better chance of surviving and listening to how fucked up people are, helps me learn what to do if I’m ever in that situation.”
He chuckled softly, he lifted his head and looked at her. “You realize the chances of you getting murdered are very slim right? Besides, I’ll protect you if that ever becomes a real possibility.”
“Yes,” she rolled her eyes, “You’re very strong and manly. Will you please just listen to this one story about people who live on an island and one of the couples shares a pair of stainless steel teeth?”
Bucky didn’t really have that much of an interest in true crime, but he’d be lying if he said that story didn’t sound interesting.
“Fine, but just that one story,” he said, “You’re not going to hook me on this.”
He lied, she got him hooked on that podcast and any time they came out with a new episode they either listened to it together or texted the other if they were apart.
* * *
Bucky was listening to the podcast that Y/n had gotten him hooked on. He was sitting in the waiting room for the doctor and Y/n was in the chair across from him watching him closely. He was doing his best to just listen to the podcast but her stare was making that hard.
“Barnes?” A nurse called. 
Bucky sprung up from his seat and followed the nurse back into the exam room.
“Bucky Barnes,” the doctor greeted when she walked in.
“Dr. Cho,” Bucky greeted.
“What seems to be the problem?” She asked settling into the office chair in the room.
“I keep seeing my dead fiancee,” he said bluntly.
Dr. Cho pursed her lips and nodded her head. “Are you sleeping well?”
“Yeah,” he said completely forgetting about the sleepwalking he’s been doing.
“How long has it been going on?” She asked making a note in her chart.
“It’s off and on for a few months.”
“But not all the time?”
Dr. Cho sighed. “Well, it might be a psychological thing if that’s the case the next plan of action would be to see a psychiatrist.”
“And another option?” Bucky asked though he already knew the answer.
“That you have some sort of brain tumor,” she answered and Bucky’s entire body sagged, “So I will schedule you for an MRI, but I would also like fo you to talk to someone.”
Bucky nodded silently agreeing with her.
After he got home that day he looked into some highly rated therapists and when he talked to his friends about it they all had suggestions for him.
* * *
The hauntingly familiar sound of a horn blaring startled Bucky awake again. He was sitting in his car that was idling with the radio playing quietly. The clock in his car told him it was 4 am. When he looked around he noticed that it was the same part of 26 that it usually was.
He really needed to find a way to stop himself from sleep-driving.
* * *
The room was eerily quiet. Bucky picked at his jeans pretending to rid them of pieces of fluff that didn’t exist. He’d been sitting in this room for almost half an hour silently, other than the initial hellos.
“You won’t know if this works until you talk to me and we are able to start a discussion,” Maria Hill, his new therapist told him.
“I know, I just don’t know where to start,” he said.
“Start from the beginning.”
So he did. He told her the story of how he met Y/n and falling in love with her and then proposing. He only wavered a bit when it came to the birthday party he’d planned for you.
* * *
“Are you sure you sent her the right time?” Natasha asked.
“Yes,” Bucky answered.
Natasha had asked that question about five times and it didn’t matter that Bucky had shown her the text that said he’d told Y/n to meet him at the restaurant at 6:30. Nor did it matter that Y/n had texted at 5 saying ‘hey love, I’m going to be a little late the meeting is running long and I still have to talk to some people afterward.’  
No, none of that mattered to Natasha who was nervous that Y/n would hate the surprise.
Bucky had set up a dinner for Y/n’s birthday. She thought it was just going to be her and him but Bucky had also invited all their friends because Y/n had started complaining that they didn’t all hang out together anymore.
Natasha was th only one who was worried for the first ten minutes of Y/n not showing up. After that everyone started to get more and more concerned about her unusual tardiness. Until they all decided to call the cops.
* * *
“They didn’t believe us at first,” Bucky told Maria. “They said that we had to wait 48 hours before we could officially file a missing person’s report. But we knew. It didn’t matter to them that Y/n was never late and if she was she would’ve called or texted. They thought she was running from me.”
Maria was quiet as Bucky took a tissue to blow his nose. 
“They never found her body either, isn’t that just a kick in the nuts?” Bucky laughed sardonically. “And the last thing I told her to her face was ‘just so you know you lost the game’ which might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Maria gave him a confused look. “The game?”
“It’s this thing where once you start playing the game you can never stop and the way to win the game is by not thinking about it but once you think about it you’ve lost the game,” Bucky explained.
“That’s counter-intuitive.”
“That’s the game.” Bucky shrugged. “I’ve also been seeing her.”
“No, Y/n. Not all the time but sometimes. We talk and I know it’s crazy but I like being able to talk to her again.” Bucky bounced his leg as he thought for a moment. “I’ve also been sleepwalking. More like driving.”
“What?” Maria looked shocked.
“Not all the time, but sometimes I’ll wake up to find myself in my car stopped on the side of the road. It’s the same spot every time, I never hit anyone or anything as far as I can tell.”
“Well, there are ways to get around sleepwalking maybe have a friend spend the night to stop you from getting into your car, set up an alarm system, I can send you a list of what some of my other clients have found helpful.”
* * *
A week after his therapy appointment Bucky was in the hospital for his MRI. 
It wasn’t until he was in the machine when he heard her voice.
“I hope you still have that amazing insurance because MRIs are not cheap,” she said and Bucky held back the urge to roll his eyes, “Are you ignoring me because you don’t want to look crazy in front of the doctors? Because you know that they know why you’re here right? They already know you’re crazy.”
As Bucky lay there for the rest of the scan Y/n sang a song that had been stuck in Bucky’s head for the past week. When he came out of the machine she was standing there in the corner of the room. He didn’t say anything but he made eye contact with her.
“You’re still missing it,” she said. He furrowed his brows at her. “Bucky you’re missing it.”
An hour later Bucky was sitting in front of a neuro doctor.
“There’s nothing showing up on the MRI,” Dr. Banner told him, “Medically? You are fine, Mr. Barnes.”
“Thank you, doctor.”
* * *
It happened again. He woke up on the side of the road in his idling car. But this time the sun was just beginning to rise. Bucky slammed his hands against the steering wheel before turning his car around to head back home.
He was about halfway home when something realized something. It was what Y/n had told him about missing something.
Every time he’d woken up on the side of the road it was after he’d seen Y/n. That’s the only time he’d sleepwalked was the night after all of the hallucinations. Which made him wonder, why that particular spot?
He could’ve gone home and just ignored his thought for the rest of the day but that might actually kill him.
He flipped a u-y and drove back to the spot. He pulled over on the shoulder. When he got out of the car he took a few deep breaths. 
Not really knowing what he was going to find or if he was going to find anything be began walking through the forest.
“This is the part of the horror movie where I die because I’m walking through a forest because a hallucination told me to. If Y/n could see you now she’d kill you for being stupid. Also if you get murdered they are definitely going to make fun of you on all the podcasts for being a complete idiot,” he mumbled to himself as he stumbled through the foliage and brush of the forest floor.
He walked for about a mile or two before he came across a small cabin in the middle of nowhere.
“What the hell?” He whispered to himself.
Then someone from inside the cabin let out an ear-piercing scream. Bucky finally had a logical thought and pulled out his phone to call 911. They told him to stay on the phone with him and they were sending units to him.
The screaming had stopped and Bucky almost went into the cabin. It was only a few minutes later when he heard the sirens and the officers came and two pairs walked over to the cabin and went in. Bucky was standing next to an officer who was told to wait with him.
There was a gunshot, not long after one of the officers made a call over the radio for an ambulance because there was a girl in the cabin who needed medical attention.
The officer that hung around with Bucky took his statement as they waited for the ambulance. Giving the statement to the officer was a blur and he tried to find a way to tell the officer that visions of Y/n had led him here without actually telling him that.
When the EMTs made it through the forest the ‘girl’ was escorted out of the cabin and Bucky’s heart dropped. There was a woman walking with the officer who looked so much like Y/n but her hair was unkempt and looked like she hadn’t eaten in years.
But then her eyes met his.
“Y/n?” He asked and his voice broke. Bucky didn’t wait for her to answer again as he ran over to her, how he managed not to trip over anything was a mystery to him. He stopped right in front of her. “Is that really you?”
Y/n let go of the officer and lifted her hands to his cheeks. She gently touched his face and he leaned into her touch. He was almost sure that at any moment he was going to wake up from this dream to an empty bed.
“You found me,” Y/n whispered before collapsing into Bucky’s arms.
* * *
Bucky sat next to her hospital bed and watched her. He was afraid that she would disappear. But he could touch her, he could feel her again. But he wouldn’t. Not until she made the first move, he wouldn’t make her do anything she didn’t want to do, he didn’t even know what’d happened in there.
The detectives that had come around informed him that any number of things could’ve happened during those three years and she would be a very different person now. That she would need countless hours of counseling.
Y/n had been unconscious since she fainted outside the cabin. Bucky knew he should call everyone, tell them that Y/n was alive, but he also knew that they would all want to come and see her so he settled for the two people who needed to know. Tony, because there was no way in hell Bucky was going into work today or anytime this week. And Natasha, because Nat would kick his ass if he kept this from him. 
Everyone else could wait until Y/n woke up and was ready for visitors.
* * *
Natasha had come in an hour after Bucky called and cried into his shoulder. She’d stayed for a while before Bucky told her to go home and that he would call her the instant Y/n woke up. Natasha had been reluctant at first but agreed because it didn’t look like Y/n was going to wake up anytime soon.
Which wasn’t true because an hour after Natasha left Y/n’s eyes fluttered open. She looked over to find Bucky wide awake watching her sleep.
Y/n gave him the smallest of smiles that somehow still took his breath away.
“You were watching me sleep,” she croaked.
“I thought you were dead -” he stared and had an apology on the tip of his tongue but she cut him off.
“Don’t apologize for not looking for me,” she ordered.
“But -”
“No,” she said firmly. “You were working with what you had.”
“How ok are you? Scale from one to ten.”
“If one is I’m dead, I’m gonna go with a one-point-five.” A tear fell from her eye and Bucky wanted nothing more than to wipe it away. Her lip began to tremble. “Um, he uhh -”
“You don’t have to tell me,” Bucky cut her off. “Not yet.”
There was a silence that Bucky didn’t know if he should fill or not. He knew what he wanted to tell her, but he wasn’t sure if he should if it would be what she wanted to hear.
“I’ll understand if you don’t want me anymore,” she told him. “I know that three years isn’t really a long time but if you don’t -”
“You can’t get rid of me that easy, gumdrop,” he told her and a sob escaped her lips. “I’d go get you another ring tonight. I meant what I said when I told you that you are the perfect person for me. And I still want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“But baby blue, I’ve changed. I’m not the same person I was. I’ve done things -”
“Y/n, neither of us are the same person we were three years ago. And whatever you did, kept you alive,” he said, he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. “So yeah, we have some stuff to work out but my heart belongs to you and you alone. And I’m not giving up on you.”
Y/n reached out her hand for Bucky and he took it. Her frail hands wrapped around his one, they were cold. He could only imagine the rest of her body was just as cold.
“You still wanna marry me?” She asked softly.
“Do you still want to marry me?” He pulled over a chair not removing his hand from hers and sat down.
She nodded. “But I’m not ready to. Does that make sense? Like, I wanna be ready.”
“I would wait forever for you,” he told her.
“So you lied,” she sighed and he furrowed his brows at her. “Clearly, you couldn’t have changed that much you’re still the cheesiest person on the face of the planet.”
Bucky scoffed and pressed a gentle kiss to her hand. “Promise me you’ll let me know if you don’t want me to do something. Like if I touch you in a way you don’t like, you have to let me know. I never want to be the reason you’re in pain.”
“Ok,” she whispered. “Where’s everyone else?”
“I only called Natasha and Tony today because I wasn’t sure how you would react to a room full of people wanting to see you. I can call them if you want and get them here.”
“Not yet, I haven’t seen you in three years,” she played with his fingers. She hadn’t let him go as if she had been touch starved for so long.
“Ok, whenever you’re ready.”
And yes they had things that they would have to work out together and individually, but Bucky meant it when he said that he wasn’t going to give up on her.
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lifeinahole27 · 4 years
CS ff: “Walking the Tightrope” (Chapter 4/10) (au)
Summary: Killian’s daily routines are a matter of habit. When he wakes up late one morning, his routines all change for the better. Emma doesn’t care about routines, but she does care about Killian, no matter how reluctant she is to admit it to herself.
Rating: E (much later in the story)
Content Warnings: Maybe some strong language. 
A Special Thank You: My continued gratitude to my lovely friends, @captainstudmuffin and @phiralovesloki. And a heap of love to @captainswanbigbang for putting this together and helping me accomplish this.
A/N: Without going into too much detail, I’m moving to a twice-a-week posting schedule. Mental health and mental illness are truly fickle things. This is the only way I can control mine right now. If I’d had my way, I would’ve posted the rest of the story in one go and taken a few months away from all social media. This was the proposed solution. Thank you for all the support and love over the last five years. It’s been my favorite adventure, so far. 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | 
Find it on Ao3 & FFN!
Chapter 4: Middle of the Road
October 25: Friday 
Friday is another night out at the Rabbit Hole, and for once Killian is there before her instead of the other way around. He’s in the middle of some animated story about lobsters, much to the amusement of those in attendance judging by their rapt expressions. There are two seats open at the table. One is the safe option, across from Killian and next to David. Or the other option is to sit at the head of this cacophony of tables and next to Killian directly. 
His gaze flicks over to her, as if he senses her thoughts, and as the story wraps up to the raucous laughter of their whole group, he puts on a satisfied little smile and lifts his hand in greeting. 
It looks as though he’s gotten the approval of both Snow and David, so that’s a mark in the right column. 
When her drink is set down in front of her, she wanders over, making a split second decision to sit at the head of the table. 
“Seems like I missed the best part of the evening,” she says as she settles in beside him.
“Long story short, the lobsters won the battle,” Killian tells her, smiling and sipping from the bottle in front of him. “How was your day at work, Swan?”
“David hit a new record in computer freeze-ups, so it was a little long.”
“It’s not my fault the computers are still running Windows 95,” David argues, his scowl not directed at Emma but at the ancient technology they’re currently running in the station. 
“And it’s not my fault you just decided this year that you wanted to start digitizing the last fifty years of records we have,” Emma retorts, losing the battle with herself and sticking her tongue out at David when he does the same to her. “Also, I would definitely argue that it is your fault that our equipment is so damn old.”
“Have you spoken to Regina about upgrade budgets?” This comes from the other end of the table, where Robin is seated, and almost every head swivels to look at him. “Ah, that’s right. You’re all terrified of my fiance. How silly of me to forget.” The blase tone has no offense to it; Robin is simply used to the stunned silence he gets at the obvious suggestion of asking Mayor Mills for budget increases in certain departments. It’s no big deal to him, the guy dating her, because one day he walked into her office to talk to her about a playground rebuild and suddenly they were seen everywhere.
Of course, back then, everywhere they were seen included heavy amounts of arguing. Then, suddenly, one day they were everywhere and making out. So that was an interesting development for a sleepy little town. 
“You know, I forgot that since she started dating you she’s been much easier to talk to,” Emma mentions. “Maybe I’ll schedule an appointment with her and ask about getting some upgrades in the station.”
“It’s best that you do this one on your own. She’s still mad at me for dragging a pack of dogs through those daffodils she had in front of Town Hall,” David admits.
“Only a little, mate,” Robin adds, winking when David looks at him. 
“Isn’t it rather handy to have the expat club around, love?” Killian nudges her with his elbow when he says it, grinning wide when she makes eye contact.
“It’s not so bad, I guess,” she responds with her own smile back. 
After a couple hours, the length of the day starts to weigh on her and she can feel her eyes drooping shut even with the group still in full swing. 
“Okay, I’m calling it a night,” she announces to their side of the table. 
“I’ll walk with you, Swan, if you’ll allow me. I’m at the end of my night, as well.”
It’s on the tip of her tongue to dismiss him, but Snow catches her eye and gives her one of her meaningful looks. She gives one of her own back, indicating that yeah, fine, okay she gets the message.
“Okay. Let’s go,” she says lamely, instead of whatever objection had been waiting.
Outside, they both take a moment to adjust to the quiet and the wind, with Emma pulling out her beanie and pulling it on snugly.
“I need to remember my own,” Killian says, indicating the hat on her head. “You’d think I would be better suited for cold weather given the track record of my home country.”
“After I moved back it was a struggle to get used to the temperatures again,” Emma admits.
“Moved back?”
“From Florida. I spent three years down there,” she says, leaving out all the rest of the story on purpose. But the answer seems to suit Killian just fine. 
“I never officially lived anywhere else until I moved here,” he tells her as they walk down the street. “Visited a lot of places in the Navy, but official, permanent addresses were all in the same town.”
“The Navy, huh?”
“Aye. One day you’ll get to hear all about my sordid but charming history,” he says, a teasing note to the words. 
It’s so easy, walking the short distance with him. She almost tells him she can take the rest alone when they hit their corner but she resists, instead leading him again along the path to her building. He stops when she does, still standing a respectable distance away. 
“Thanks for walking with me,” she says quietly. In truth, she wants to ask him up for a cup of coffee or something, but she can’t remember the last time she’s had a man in her home and now doesn’t feel like a good time to try when it’s getting late and she wasn’t lying about how tired she is.
“Always a pleasure. Goodnight.”
She responds in kind, itching like she did that first time he walked her home to reach out, to have some form of physical signature to end the evening. 
He’s just turning away when she moves again, grabbing his arm and going for a quick kiss on his cheek but he turns and the peck ends landing right on the corner of his mouth. Rather than sink into the comforting embrace of awkwardness, she stands her ground against the urge to run.
“Thank you again,” he tells him.
“For what?”
“Everything. Walking me home. Understanding. Not pushing me. I’m trying to get on the same level, and I wanted you to know that.” 
“All at your own pace, Swan. Goodnight,” he says again, his smile tinged with peace.
She makes sure to give him one last wave and smile when she gets to the door, liking the way this night ended much more than the last time he walked her home. 
-x- October 30: Wednesday
While Storybrooke is a small town, it doesn’t mean Mayor Mills has an abundance of time. As such, Emma can’t get an appointment until Wednesday. It’s something to break up the monotony of the day, however, so she doesn’t mind. Right before lunch time, she heads to the stately office building and waits her turn behind various townspeople requests.
It’s such a simple meeting, with professional courtesies and barely any spare chatting or gossip. Regina’s never really been the type, even before she got together with Robin. While he’s certainly made her more approachable, the meeting is still over about ten minutes after it begins, and Emma comes away from it with more than she anticipated.
Armed with her upgrades budget and a wishlist a mile long, Emma heads outside and starts walking back to the station. Across the street is NeverEndings and she slows down a bit, weighing the decision to go in. Ultimately, the idea of surprising Killian and maybe asking him if he wants to grab lunch with her is what sends her crossing, pulling open the heavy wooden door and rushing into the reception area. 
The last couple days have been really nice with him. They walk together in the mornings, and sometimes she loops her arm through his while they cross the street. She has snuck him two kisses outside of the library so that Granny doesn’t see it when he leaves her at the front of the diner. 
And today, she didn’t even have to stop at the diner. Instead, Killian was waiting at their corner with a second mug of coffee. The least she can do is give him his afternoon caffeine fix. 
It turns out the office building is a little more active during the day compared to when she brought him his dinner. She stands there in shock for a moment, remembering that there are people that work here that aren’t Killian, or Will, or Robin, and trying to decide if this really was a good idea. 
She’s just about to turn around and head out again when the secretary, a woman named Anna, calls out to her. 
“It’s nice to see you, Emma! It’s been too long! Is there anything I can help you with today?”
“Um, I’m actually here to see Killian? Killian Jones?”
“He’s in his office. Do you need me to take you back?”
“No, thanks. I know the way. Thanks Anna.”
It looks like Anna is about to launch into something else to say - the woman has a penchant for talking far too much but is one of the nicest people she’s ever met - but Emma moves quickly beyond the desk and back towards the office she knows. 
She weaves her way through the halls again, finding Killian’s door wide open this time. He’s not alone, however, and she startles when she sees a young teenager sitting in the chair across from Killian’s desk. Like he can sense she’s there, the man in question glances away from his computer screen and makes eye contact with her. 
“Ah, Swan! Good afternoon. Henry, just give me one moment,” he tells the young man in the chair, starting to rise from his own. 
“Sorry, I didn’t -” 
The boy turns then, curious brown eyes landing on her, so familiar that it steals all the breath in her lungs momentarily. Even his hair looks the same color as Neal’s. 
“I didn’t know you were busy. Never mind,” she says quickly, turning from the door and all but running back out through the front doors before Killian even has a chance to finish standing up.
His voice follows her down the hallway, but she doesn’t slow down, doesn’t even stop to consider what this may look like to him. The only thing she’s concerned with is getting away from the memories she wishes she could forget. 
Her feet take her to Granny’s - something about this place is the heart of Storybrooke and so everyone always ends up here one way or another - but it’s mostly a trip for comfort rather than necessity this time.
In that regard, the proprietress must sense her needs, because she’s handing over a bear claw fresh from the fryer while Emma waits for her usual lunch to cook. Directly after, a mug of hot cocoa is placed in front of her, cinnamon already sprinkled over the whipped cream. 
“How much do I owe you?”
“Same as always,” Granny says without slowing down in her movements behind the counter. “Dessert’s on me. The hot chocolate is from that one over there.”
Emma glances to where she’s pointing, expecting to see David or Ruby or anyone besides Will settling into a booth along the windows. He raises his own mug and turns back to his conversation with Belle, but she has a feeling that’s not the end of the moment just yet. 
She’s halfway through pushing her lunch around her plate when Will wanders over and props against the counter where she’s seated. 
“Did she put the rum in it like I asked?” he asks, pointing to the mug in her hands. Suddenly, she wonders if there was a different tang to the usual comfort today but Will’s smile is one she recognizes. “Only joking, lass. I know you’re on the clock. But surely you could’ve used it with the way you looked when you ran from the office.”
“You saw that?” She wants to cringe, to run away and hide again, but Will isn’t judging her so it’s not the end of the world. 
“Sped right past me as I was on my way back to Killian’s office. You know him and I go way back?”
“I thought you just met when he moved here.”
“Hardly. Met right before he joined the Navy through some literary club thing he was in. He was interning at the London branch when this position opened up and I told Robin to hire him and stop having all those brains wasted on fetching coffee and being a gopher.”
“Leaving England for a junior editor position had to be a big decision. Why would he come all this way for a spot he probably would’ve gotten if he stuck it out over there?”
“That’s all his story to tell you. But there is something I’ll tell you about Killian,” Will starts, and Emma won’t lie and say her heart doesn’t stutter at the words. She’s expecting the worst, as always, but she nods at him to continue.
“He hasn’t been in a relationship for a long time. Had his heart broken clean in two. If I’m not mistaken, that’s something the two of you have in common,” he says gently. There’s something about the way he says it. This is a level of friendship they’ve never crossed, preferring witty banter and faked hatred to show their friendly affection for each other instead.
“I’m guessing he doesn’t know you’re telling me this?” Emma asks.
“No. Probably tell me to mind me own bloody business. But it’s funny. About a month and a half ago he started smiling the way he did, before life got to him.” He gives her a look at that, before Belle is back by his side. Her fingers link with his like she doesn’t even know she’s doing it, and the sight makes something in Emma’s stomach clench with want. 
They turn to leave her, but Emma calls back to Will before he gets too far.
“Thanks. I’ll try not to be too mean to you from now on,” she says.
“Bollocks! That’s half the fun of it!” he exclaims, grinning ear to ear and turning around as Emma laughs. 
She doesn’t particularly want to return to the station but knows she should go back to work. The rest of her day is spent intently focusing on the files she’s copying. When David leaves for the day, she tells him to go on ahead. If he’s worried, he knows better than to push for information right now, which works just fine for her. She’ll talk when she’s ready.
When the last file of her stack is completed, she finally shuts everything down, looking up to find Mulan kicked back at her desk and reading a book. 
“Never thought you’d give up,” the other woman mutters without looking away. “Go home. David delivered food to your apartment over an hour ago.”
“I’m going. But not because you told me to,” Emma points out. She stands, bending and twisting and stretching until all the pops and cracks from her back have helped ease some of the pain she feels. 
With more amiable separating words from both of them, Emma finally leaves Mulan to take over the next shift, knowing that Phillip will probably be in after his aptly named son, Phillip, is put to bed for the evening. Her walk home is trudging, at best. Even knowing that David dropped off food for her isn’t helping pick up her feet any. 
The shock of seeing a kid look that much like Neal is enough to sour a whole day, if not the whole rest of the week. 
It’s not just that Neal left her, and that he left in the middle of the night while she slept, but that he did it because he thought Emma was pregnant. There was no indication that she even was. She had a stomach bug, three days of her head in the toilet which was preceded by her mentioning she had a craving for Granny’s grilled cheese sandwiches and a chocolate milkshake from back home.
Not even bothering to do the math or ask about her cycle, he just assumed that the cravings and the vomiting meant she was pregnant. They’d had sex once. For roughly thirty seconds until he complained that she was too tight and he pulled out. And he’d been wearing a condom. 
The anger of it starts fueling her into moving again, and she almost rushes right past Granny’s when she hears the calling of her name. 
“Evening, Swan!” Killian greets her from where he’s kicked back in one of the chairs on the patio, even though it’s far too cold to be sitting out here like that.
She waves, something jerky and unsure, and keeps moving along. She had no intentions of waltzing into his office and then fleeing like it was the scene of a crime this morning, and it’s mostly embarrassment that has her feet moving quicker. 
“Come on, Swan. Don’t make a man drink alone.”
“Not in the mood for a drink. Or a man,” she says, half-zoned out and just wanting to get home to try to process the rest of her emotions. 
“Emma, sweetheart?” he asks, hurt evident in his voice, and when she doesn’t slow down he gets up from the chair he was in and moves after her. “Wait a moment, Swan. What’s happened? What did I do between this morning and when you stopped by my office?” 
The fact that he thinks it’s his fault is what has her slowing minimally and letting him catch her around the forearm with his prosthetic hook. He uses that momentum to coax her to turn around, and the look on his face is finally what makes her cave. He doesn’t deserve the brunt of her fuckery. He’s been so patient through everything else, and while any other man in her life would’ve probably run at her first change of heart, this one has stood nearby with no pressure, no conditions asked. She fights through that heavy feeling in her chest, past the lump in her throat, so she can maybe even try to explain what happened. 
“It’s not you. I just… was reminded of my past and why I’m not good at this kind of thing.
“You’ve got to trust that I have no ill intentions here.”
“You think this is because I don’t trust you?”
“Isn’t it?”
“Of course I trust you. But it doesn’t change the fact that everyone I’ve ever been with has left me behind.” It’s probably the first time Emma has ever admitted any of this out loud, and suddenly what she thought was just a slight case of emotions feels a lot more like a boulder sitting in her stomach. For the tiniest moment, she’s afraid she’ll start crying. Her voice is almost garbled when she speaks again, fighting past the emotions welling up. “Neal, Graham… even Walsh. They left me in one way or another.” He doesn’t know them yet, doesn’t know what they did, but letting their names out into the open takes away some of their power.
Moving just a bit closer, Killian holds eye contact with her, probably just as much for him as for her. “Well, love. You don’t have to worry about me. I may leave this area on occasions, but I’ve no intention of leaving you unless you tell me to.”
It could just be an empty promise, but coming from Killian it sounds like a genuine one. She nods, just a fraction of her chin tilting down, to show him she understands. He moves forward the rest of the way, his intent clear without being overpowering. And then he’s kissing her, his arm coming snugly around her waist. 
It’s different from their first kiss and the small affectionate gestures they’ve shared recently. There’s something more than intention behind it and without the spontaneous factor involved, it’s calmer if not less intense. It doesn’t occur to her to be ashamed that they are standing in the middle of the street because how can she care about anything else when Killian is doing his best to remind her what human connection feels like with each subsequent press of his lips? 
This is enough for now, the start of a new routine for them. She always just assumed he was some nerdy dude with an office job, but really, Killian is like twenty things all wrapped into one and she’s discovering she’s eager to uncover each layer of him one at a time. 
With that thought, her final hang-ups fall away and she surrenders instead to the warm lips attached to the man that has changed her mind about dating. She thinks to tell him that, but then he’s shifting, his hand sliding into her hair as his left arm pulls her closer and then she’s all but crawling into his jacket. He’s warm, chasing away the chill she’s felt not just because of the temperatures but because of the hole she let herself sink into earlier. Chest to chest, she can feel the sound that rumbles through him when she wraps her arms around his waist. 
There’s a part of her that wants to know, desperately, why she was resisting this - resisting him, but she knows there’s still miles to go before all the dark spots fall away from her memories. This is a good start, though. It’s just them, figuring things out and also making out like they’re a couple of teenagers.
“There are better places to do that than the middle of the road.” It’s Granny’s voice that springs them apart. 
“Seriously?!” Emma says, looking over Killian’s shoulder at the older woman. 
Granny just gives her one of her patented looks and goes back inside, leaving them alone again.
“Would it be all right if I walked you home?”
“Sure. I’d like that,” Emma answers, taking his hand as they start heading that way. “Are you dressing up for Halloween tomorrow?”
“Aye. Quite the get-up I’ve got, too.”
“Oh yeah?”
He hums his agreement, but not saying anything more about it. “How about you, love? What have you cooked up for a costume?”
“I don’t normally dress up,” Emma admits. “But I think I can pull something together easily enough.” Even as she says it, she’s thinking of the parts of a suit she has at home. Surely she can pull that off with a couple accessories, right? It’s too good of an idea not to try, and so even though she's sad to say goodnight to Killian after the moment they’ve just had, she’s also excited to get inside and go tearing through her closet.
She makes sure to thoroughly kiss him goodnight before she does, however.
Chapter 5
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