wolven91 · 4 months
Thick as Thieves
"Have you seen this human?" Asked the canid officer to the whole crowd, the dyed red ear confirming that the canid was in it for the long haul.
A fanatic to the GC.
The small data slate the canid held in his hand that he held in the air for all to see was projecting a small picture a few inches above it. It showed a human in full detail, slowly rotating. The entire bar had gone quiet the moment the Galactic Community officer and his retinue had appeared in the doorway. All eyes on them until they had declared their business.
The canid was a zealot, which meant his team would be to. Zealots and norms don't mix. One finds the other either too much, or not enough. The ursidain all but blocked the door meaning even if a fight broke out, there would be no reinforcements from beyond the single room unless the GC team wanted them.
As it turned out, the GC team's business was bounty hunting.
"We have a substantial reward for the whereabouts, or credible information that leads to the whereabouts of the human known as 'Bruno' or any human that has interacted with him."
The hyenid on the opposite side of the bar merely took another long draught of their golden amber as the creature spoke, blinking slowly and unimpressed. It wasn't their problem, and they had no love for the GC nor the canid currently appealing to the patrons' wallets.
"He is wanted for questioning for the destruction of an entire species' development, along with assisting an armed assault and capture of a GC S-a-R vessel. The people on board were not soldiers, they were doctors. Rescue workers." The canid continued, slowly stalking deeper into the dive, seemingly not satisfied that the occupants had seen the hologram, nor heard the story.
In truth, the hyenid hadn't. They'd heard of the infamous 'Bruno', of course, but the version of the story they'd heard was not from a GC mouthpiece and was substantially different. The fiks didn't tell the story often, to the point where most almost outright claimed that 'Bruno', their prophet, didn't even exist.
"He's also wanted for a slew of other crimes including sexual interactions with a non-sentient creature. Conspiracy to distribute peanut bu-"
"Saah! Lies!" Cried a fik from a dark corner, the large creature jumping up onto its table and resting a clawed foot against the back rest of the neighbouring booth. In its hands were a chipped, but still dangerous looking sword and a curved axe, a wicked spike cut into the blade at the bottom. The sword would engage a target before the axe would be swung in a long arc until the spike was behind the target. The fik would then yank their arm back, puncturing any standard issue armour with the sharpened point.
The hyenid grinned as a point in their side twinged in memory. Fiks. Cheeky fuckers the lot of them. They took another slurp of their drink.
"Do you have something to say? Fik?" Demanded the officer, whilst the fik's tail was grabbed and pulled by its brethren who were sat at the same table.
"Saaah... Bruno has not... had interactions with animals!"
"His own admission on his rescue confirmed that he bedded several fiks before they were uplifted." The officer's snout curled back as he narrowed his eyes. "Your kind still aren't part of the GC. You're basically animals still..." Baited the officer.
"No one 'er's seen ya' stupid 'ooman. Fuck off." Called the hyenid over the rim of her drink before the fik could say or do something they'd regret. The canid's head turned their way and he lost interest in the fik now that they were less likely to give him reason to take action.
"The experiment speaks."
"Say's the paw licker."
The officer snarled again and marched up to the corner of the bar, just on the other side of the hyenid. He was mere inches away from where they sat on a stool. Wisely, he kept the bar between himself and them. For all he knew, they had a holdout weapon. Something short and stubby. Something loud. Something that could break a wrist if fired one hand, but preferable to nothing in a fight.
The canid dropped his voice into a low, gravelly rumble.
"No surprise your kind are now slumming it with these things, you fucking experiment." The canid sneered. The hyenid merely sighed into the now mostly empty stein. They hated dregs and wanted another, but the barman had disappeared and would likely remain gone until the threat of a fight was over.
"Tha's fuckin' rich." They belched loudly, directly into the face of the officer before tightening their lips and ensuring every speck of dead space was breathed out into the officer face. "Comin' from ya'. GC ain't welcom' 'er. The only thin' ya' gonna' get 'er is mocked."
The canid held her gaze, his eyes burning with barely contained rage. But he was GC. He had rules. His precious devotion to them had him follow those rules until otherwise. As a sanctioned bounty hunter, he had more freedom than most; but not enough to warranty attacking a bar full of people who hadn't actually touched him.
Crescent Station would throw the GC off of it if they got wind of a GC officer abusing his rights.
It was why the place was so popular with the folk who lived on the very edges of the GC's over extended reach.
The canid licked his chops and huffed before turning away and stalking back out, but not before he threw one last jab over his shoulder.
"Put clothes on you animal."
The hyenid glanced down at their naked torso and pulled a face, more confused than anything else. If they were a uniformed GC agent, fine, clothes come with the job, but they weren't?
Once the officer had disappeared, the hyenid waited before leaning back, away from the bar and addressed the space between their knees.
"Ya' okay?" They asked.
"Yeah thanks! That was intense!"  Said the human that was the spitting image of the wanted hologram. Except he'd gained a tattoo on his neck and a ring pericing on his eyebrow.
"Nah, tha' wan' intense. Tha' were a prick." The hyenid sniffed as the fik clan broke from.the corner and went to see where the officer had gone.
"Do you want your top back?" Asked Bruno.
"Nah, he'll smell ya' before ya' get back to ya' ship. Keep it on n' keep ya' 'ead down." The hyenid explained, shuffling backward so the tiny human could get out.
"Was that the only reason he didn't find me?"
"Yeah, look, ya' mates are callin' ya'. See ya' later."
The human gave a soft smile and a short wave before running the length of the bar and being swept into the long coat of one of the fiks, disappearing from view.
The hyenids had found staunch allies with the fiks, and with the GC breathing down both of their collective necks, anything a hyenid could do to piss them off was a pleasure to do.
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inkyquince · 8 months
Tooth gone
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kneipe · 9 months
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weimar 2023
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escinsight · 1 year
Introducing The Complicated History of Festivali i Këngës
There's more to Albania's Eurovision selection than giving us something to watch over the holidays. Eurovision Wars' Phil Dore talks to author Nicholas Tochka on the roots of Albania's Festivali i Këngës.
The Eurovision Song Contest community may love Festivali i Kenges as our unofficial Christmas party, where we all digitally tune in to Albanian broadcaster RTSH on its livestream. But many of us may not know its complicated and at times difficult history; a history that tracks the nation’s former status as a totalitarian communist regime, as well as its transition to capitalism and democracy. I…
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chantylay · 2 years
The Albanian public has selected Albina and the Kelmendi Family to represent them at Eurovision with the song "Duje".
Unsurprizingly, the Albanian singer has a powerhouse vocal to match her power ballad. The song is about family drama, and how easy it can be to forget to love. It is deeply emotional and the fact that her family is singing with her makes it extra poignant.
Because FIK has language requirements and a live orchestra, there is nearly always a revamp before Eurovision. I hope they do not go for an English revamp. For one thing, with all six family members singing, there's no guarantee that they can all sing in another language comfortably and in unison. It's a much safer bet not to try to change the lyrics on them. For another, with message songs like this it can come across as heavy-handed if you put it in English. Let the emotion of the music and the staging tell the story. Keep the lyrics in Albanian. As far as instrumentation goes, I don't really know what Albina's music is generally like to make a solid prediction. I suspect there will be a significant change when the creative team isn't bound by what is available in the FIK orchestra. I will say that while the arrangement was fantastic, it didn't always feel entirely at home. This song was written with some different sounds in mind, in my opinion, and I'm interested to see how it changes.
The stage at FIK was mostly taken up by the orchestra, which limited how much you could maneuver 6 people who are not professional dancers. There was a lot of everybody being mostly in a line and stepping a little forward or a little back when a given person was or was not meant to be in focus. This limitation won't be an issue at Eurovision. I suspect they will do more with blocking and some light choreography so there is less standing around. Possibly a setpiece of some kind that the parents can be concealed behind before they come out to be the ones to remind their kids to love. So they wont just be on either end of the line looking off stage, waiting for their cue. With a bit more space to breathe, they can really do a lot in terms of visual storytelling. I have no doubts that they can make this shine.
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bettyg196 · 2 years
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Festivali i Këngës 61 - SF2 : My top 13
1. Lynx
2. Vanesa Sono
3. Manjola Nallbani
4. Elsa Lila
5. Gent Hoxha
6. Melodajna Mancaku
7. Evi Reçi
8. Alban & Lore
9. Arsi Bako
10. Gjergj Kaçinari
11. Permit of Stay
12. Franc Koruni
13. Petrit Çarkaxhiu
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karinaaadiva1 · 4 months
Desain Interior di Telkom University: Menginspirasi Kreativitas dan Fungsi dalam Ruang
Program Studi Desain Interior di Telkom University menawarkan pendekatan pendidikan yang komprehensif bagi calon desainer yang ingin menciptakan ruang yang estetis dan fungsional. Dengan kurikulum inovatif, fasilitas modern, dan koneksi industri yang kuat, program ini mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk menjadi profesional yang kompeten dan kreatif di bidang desain interior.
Kurikulum Inovatif dan Terpadu
Program Desain Interior di Telkom University menyajikan kurikulum yang mencakup berbagai aspek desain interior seperti teori desain, ergonomi, teori warna, material dan teknologi, serta pencahayaan. Mahasiswa juga mempelajari perencanaan ruang, sejarah desain, dan teknik presentasi yang efektif. Kurikulum ini dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang proses desain interior dari konsep hingga implementasi.
Fasilitas Modern dan Teknologi Canggih
Telkom University menyediakan fasilitas modern yang mendukung proses belajar mengajar, seperti studio desain, laboratorium komputer dengan perangkat lunak desain terkini, dan workshop dengan peralatan lengkap. Fasilitas ini memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk mengeksplorasi ide-ide kreatif mereka dan menerapkan teknologi terbaru dalam setiap proyek desain.
Pengembangan Kreativitas dan Inovasi
Program ini menekankan pada pengembangan kreativitas dan inovasi, mendorong mahasiswa untuk berpikir out-of-the-box dan menciptakan solusi desain yang unik dan berkelanjutan. Melalui proyek-proyek praktis dan kolaboratif, mahasiswa belajar untuk mengatasi berbagai tantangan desain dan mengembangkan keterampilan problem-solving yang kritis.
Kolaborasi dengan Industri
Telkom University memiliki hubungan erat dengan berbagai perusahaan dan profesional di industri desain interior. Mahasiswa memiliki kesempatan untuk magang dan bekerja pada proyek-proyek nyata yang memberikan pengalaman praktis dan pemahaman mendalam tentang dunia profesional. Kolaborasi ini juga membantu membangun jaringan profesional yang luas dan berharga.
Partisipasi dalam Kompetisi dan Pameran
Mahasiswa Desain Interior didorong untuk berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi desain dan pameran, baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Partisipasi ini memberikan pengakuan dan penghargaan serta umpan balik dari para ahli di bidangnya, meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan motivasi untuk terus berkarya.
Peluang Karir yang Menjanjikan
Lulusan Desain Interior dari Telkom University memiliki prospek karir yang cerah di berbagai bidang seperti desain interior residensial, komersial, dan institusional. Mereka juga dapat bekerja sebagai desainer ruang publik, perencana pameran, atau konsultan desain. Keterampilan yang diperoleh selama studi memastikan bahwa lulusan siap untuk berkontribusi dalam menciptakan ruang yang estetis, fungsional, dan inovatif.
Dengan pendekatan pendidikan yang inovatif, fasilitas modern, dan kolaborasi industri yang kuat, Program Studi Desain Interior di Telkom University adalah tempat yang ideal bagi mereka yang ingin mengejar karir di dunia desain interior yang dinamis dan penuh peluang. Bergabunglah dengan kami dan bawa visi kreatif Anda menjadi kenyataan yang berdampak positif bagi masyarakat.
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hoyokutenshogym · 2 years
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🌊 #zendokaibudokaratefederation #zendokaiitalia #zendokaikarate #realfightkarate #fullcontactkarate #jissenkarate #karatedo #karate #ikuworldchampionship2022 #iku #fik #Osu https://www.instagram.com/p/CkjIF5rIeAX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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larosebisou · 3 months
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baker-street-boys · 2 months
Season 4 Fix-It/Post-Canon Fic Recs! pt. 2
this is part 2 of my fic rec list, for some more info see part 1!
here's to love (here's to us) - by trustingno1 John's speech at his and Sherlock's wedding, obviously it made me cry. but also laugh it's cute and silly and really sweet.
The Marriage Proposal Negotiation - by Goddess_of_the_Night John is on a date, and Sherlock crashes it by proposing to him. `Goes with my them getting engaged without dating headcanon.
All of bozuri's johnlock fics I've read all of them, and I love all of them, go read all of them.
To A Friend Who Sent Me Roses - by AlgySwinburne 5+1 of people mistaking Sherlock and John as a couple and Sherlock for Rosie's father. Obviously, in the end, it's not a mistake.
Morning, Love - by her_ladyships_soap John calls Sherlock 'love' by mistake one morning. They're not sure where to go from here. but they figure it out pretty quickly. Sweet and fluffy.
And here are a couple bonus ones that take place before Season 4:
A Sister's Ingenuity - by Crazyphangirl Harry gets up to some shenanigans after John tries to convince her there is nothing going on between him and Sherlock. (I wish there were more fics with Harry, she's so funny)
EMERGENCY CONTACT: Sherlock Holmes, RELATIONSHIP: n/a - by blueink3 Sherlock is John's emergency contact, a series of all the times he gets called because of it. This one is heartbreaking but with a happy ending.
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pastelfarvet · 4 months
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Glædelig pseudosommer fra mig og dagens outfit 🩷🤍💜
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I love EVERYTHING about this!
Fik and Dani! <3
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escinsight · 2 years
The Joy Of Discovering Eurovision's National Finals
At this time of year, the Song Contest community is all in on the National Finals. Harriet Robinson explains how they fell in love with the rush of following each country’s selection of a song for Eurovision.
I’m really enjoying watching this Eurovision Song Contest season’s selections unfold, including the legendary deluge that was 2023’s Super Saturday, but how did I get into watching music contests on foreign TV channels? The first Song Contest that I remember was Oslo 1996. I was nine, living in England, and Gina G was a big deal. The Contest didn’t really become something I looked forward to…
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chantylay · 9 months
We are seeing some progress in delegations willing to speak out against Israel's participation in Eurovision amidst the ongoing genocide. Keep it up.
Here is the contact page for the EBU itself: https://www.ebu.ch/about/contact-us
And since this is a review for Albania's entry "Zemrën n'dorë" by Besa Kokëdhima, and Albania has not made a statement at this time;
Ms. Kokëdhima's instagram is @divabesa
You can contact Radio Televizioni Shqiptar at [email protected] or [email protected]
Now onto the review:
As sometimes happens with Albanian entries, I don't think the FiK orchestra was the intended arrangement for the final song, just a requirement for participation. While it sounds right at the end of the song, it feels like it is missing something during the first verse and just completely wrong for the beginning of the second verse. I suspect there will me more electronic elements in the final version of the song (which will also need to be about 30 seconds shorter), that then transition into the bombastic orchestral moment in the final chorus. I think that would compliment the sections of the song the orchestra did not, and would keep the impact of the ending. The style transitions in this song will need extra attention in the revamp process, there is a risk of making it sound like a few different songs that were simply plastered together. If it's done well, however, the ending effect could be really captivating and avoid the risk of being labeled as just another boring ballad.
The lyrics are giving me a hard time in google translate. It seems to be about a chaotic relationship, where the singer is highly emotionally dependent on the object of the song. It's not clear if it is a toxic codependency or if the character of the singer is feeling used by someone who is much less invested. There are several metaphors here that I'm not sure are coming through exactly in the translation, and the musical transitions may be reflecting a trajectory of the relationship over time that is hard to process when you are trying to read along in a different language than the one being sung in. I think this may be one to ride the emotion of the voice and the presentation and not worry too much about what the song is about exactly.
Likewise, I don't think they want to overdo this one in the staging department. Her voice and her body language need to convey the feelings and it will not be useful for a lot of things to be happening in the background. Have some mood lighting that changes to complement the changes in tone, give her some choreography that won't detract from her singing and is able to make the stylistic transitions without being jarring, and get some good camera angles in there. Maybe a pyro shower at the end, since it kinda has that vibe. And then you have a show. The song gives the vibes for a good Sacha-Jean Baptiste project. I for one will not be surprised if she announces that she will be working with Albania again this year.
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bettyg196 · 2 years
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Festivali i Këngës 61 - SF1 : My top 13
1. Albina dhe familja Kelemendi
2. Serxhio Hajdini
3. Enxhi Nasufi
4. Rezarta Smaja
5. Fifi
6. Erma Mici
7. Urban Band
8. Sara Kapo
9. Rovela Dilo
10. Fabian Basha
11. Luna Causholli
12. 2 Farm
13. Anduel Kovaçi
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hoyokutenshogym · 2 years
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🌊 #zendokaibudokaratefederation #zendokaiitalia #zendokaikarate #realfightkarate #realkarate #fullcontactkarate #jissenkarate #karatedo #karate #fik #Osu https://www.instagram.com/p/CkKolBGoXrH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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