#Feyre Archeron week
shallyne · 2 years
Feyre Week Day 3: Winter Solstice
Celebrating Prythians best Mom
Little fic about Feyre and Nyx and Rhys and Winter Solstice
Words: 1,029
TW: none
Nyx tries to find a birthday present for his mother
"Dad!" Nyx yelled in front of Rhys's office and knocked on his door. Rhys opened his mouth to call him inside but Nyx didn't stop knocking. So Rhys leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms, and waited. His son kept knocking, for some reason. Rhys sighed and looked up at the portrait of Feyre, a smile slowly spreading. His eyes wandered to the canvas beside her portrait with two little handprints. A painting that Feyre and Nyx made when he was little. 
The knocking stopped and Rhys was about to call Nyx inside when he yelled "Papa!" and the knocking continued. Rhys sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Father!" Nyx yelled though he didn't stop his knocking as he did so. "Mother above." Rhys muttered to himself. The knocking turned into banging "High Lord of Fatherhood! Your Majesdad! Father Incarnate! Daddy!" Rhys snorted and when Nyx stopped, he took the opportunity to say "Come in!" 
Nyx opened the door "Finally," he said. "What took you so long?" 
Rhys turned around in his chair, looking at Nyx. His dark was messy, he probably flew down here. He was wearing his fighting leathers and he was carrying a box. Rhys smiled "What is that?" 
Nyx raised his eyebrows. "What?" 
"The box, Nyx. What is in the box?" Rhys asked. Nyx grinned at him "That's a Solstice present for my dear mother. Not to rub it in your face but it's probably better than yours." 
Rhys stretched his legs and leaned forward. "That doesn't answer my question." 
"It's chocolates from the mortal realm," he replied. Rhys narrowed his eyes. Not because Nyx was in the mortal realm, he often traveled there, but because the box he was carrying was too big for chocolates.  So Rhys said "That's a big box for some chocolates." 
Humor danced in Nyx' eyes. "I am not flying to the mortal realm to get Mom a tiny box of chocolates." he opened it and showed Rhys, who huffed a laugh as he saw that it was filled to the brim. "She'll love it!" 
Nyx nodded and sighed, looking around the room as he tapped his finger against the box. "What is it?" 
"What is it?" Rhys repeated. "You want to ask something, spit it out." 
Nyx threw his hands in the air "I don't know what to get her for her birthday!" 
"You have chocolates." Rhys said. 
"That's for Solstice!" Nyx snapped. "I can't get her paints, she has enough paints. And brushes. She's not interested in jewelry. Flowers are boring."
"Thanks." Rhys muttered. 
"I'm too old to craft something-" 
"Nyx." Rhys interrupted, "She'll be happy about anything that you will get her."
"Obviously." Nyx replied. "But I want her to be really excited-" he stopped and looked excitedly at Rhys "I could go to the summer court-" 
"You're not stealing a seagull." Rhys interrupted. 
Nyx groaned "Why not? Tarquin won't notice and Mom loves birds!" 
"No." Rhys said. Nyx crossed his arms, his wings twitching once. The first sign of annoyance. "Do you have a better idea?" 
"There are tons of shops here, you'll find something." Rhys said. 
Nyx rolled his eyes and stood up. "Thanks for nothing." Rhys smirked. "I'll see you later, love you." 
"Love you, too." Rhys replied. His eyes wandered to the canvas with Nyx' handprints again. Time was flying. 
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Feyre stood on the balcony and looked up at the night sky. It was the night of Solstice. Gifts were already exchanged hours ago and most of their family was already asleep. Feyre pressed her arms around herself when a cold breeze hit her. 
"Come out, you don't have to stand there like this." Feyre said, still looking at the sky. 
Footsteps sounded behind her and then he put a blanket around her. "Why can I never sneak up on you?" Feyre smiled up at Nyx. "I thought you were already sleeping." 
"No, not yet." Nyx replied. Feyre brushed a piece of lint off his midnight blue jacket and said "I already tried some of the chocolates, they are so good." she grinned. "I don't know how I feel about a whole box of them because I won't be able to hold back." 
Nyx snickered. "Go nuts, they are all yours." Feyre tried to put the blanket around him but he refused. "I have another gift for you, for your birthday." 
Feyre smiled. "Aw Nyx, that's so sweet of you but you didn't have to-" 
"I know," he interrupted. "But I want to." he pulled out a little box and gave it to her. Feyre opened it and grinned. 
"I know you have a ton of jewelry but I was walking past this shop and I saw these." he picked up one of the two hair clips "They look like Illyrian wings!" he grinned. "When I'm on my missions and you miss me, you have a part of me with you." 
Feyre couldn't hold back the tear that slipped down her cheek and hugged her son. "They are beautiful, I love it." she kissed his cheek. "I will treasure them." 
Nyx smiled and then turned to the door. "It's rude to eavesdrop." 
Feyre giggled as Rhys walked out of the shadows. "I didn't eavesdrop." 
"You're a snoop." Feyre said as Rhys joined them on the balcony. Nyx nodded. "He is." Rhys rolled his eyes. "I didn't want to interrupt." 
Nyx giggled. Feyre watched Rhys and Nyx bicker and she realized how the time flew when it hit her how big Nyx got. He was a head taller than Rhys, 19 years old. "Nyx look, a shooting star." 
Nyx stopped in his tracks and looked up, with the same curious eyes that he had since he was a baby. When Feyre met Rhys's eyes she knew that he was thinking the same. He put an arm around her as Nyx started to tell them that it was the second shooting star he saw that month, the first time in the mortal realm. Which turned into him telling the story about his trip. Feyre leaned her head against Rhys's shoulder and listened to her son, throwing some questions in here and there. 
Taglist: @reverie-tales @feyreweek @elentiyawhitethorn
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spacerockfloater · 5 months
The way people switched on Tamlin the moment Rhys was introduced is diabolical.
“Tamlin never really loved Feyre, it was all a trick from the start”: It is stated that Tamlin was disgusted by the idea of forcing someone to fall in love with him and considered it slavery, but ended up being so in love with her that he ultimately lets her go and choses her freedom and safety over that of his own people. Rhys confirms that Tamlin loved Feyre too much. And he loved her truly. Not because he had to. Tamlin treated Feyre with dignity when she was engaged to him. He introduced her as his lady, to be respected and cherished by all. And she really was loved by his people, too. Rhysand uses her as his lap dog to scare Hewn City and parades her as his whore.
“Tamlin never did anything for Feyre, he just used her”: He improved her and her family’s life in every aspect and offered her everything he had.
“Tamlin had sex with someone else in Calanmai”: Out of duty and responsibility because he didn’t want to force Feyre, who still wasn’t sure about her feelings, into it. All of the High Lords perform the Calanmai. Lucien says so. How convenient that this is never brought up with Rhysand. He surely does perform it as well. All the theories in here, “Lucien doesn’t know what he’s talking about/ This is a SC ritual only/ He probably just passes the duty on to someone else” are just a way for people to villainise Tam and glorify Rhys again. All of them inaccurate. The Calanmai is canonically performed by every High Lord. There’s no evidence that proves otherwise. As the son of one High Lord and the ambassador of another, Lucien would know. He is 500 years old. It’s just more convenient for SJM to never bring this up again because it raises the question of “Who was Rhysand fucking all these years?” and it makes her favourite character look bad. And once he is engaged to her, Tamlin flat out refuses to do it. Let’s be real for a second.
“Tamlin didn’t help Feyre under the mountain”: He literally could not. He was bound by a curse. He was forced to be Amarantha’s consort and a consort cannot oppose you. His powers were bound. Alis warns Feyre that Tamlin will not be able to help her. Stop acting as if he didn’t want to help her. He decapitated Amarantha the moment he got his autonomy back. Claiming that there’s no proof that Tamlin was under the influence of a spell when he literally didn’t break the curse and Amarantha’s magic didn’t allow him to use his powers is crazy. And even if he tried, he could never provide actual help. We see this when he begs Amarantha for Feyre’s life. Him showing he cares about her would only make Amarantha more jealous and vicious towards Feyre.
“Tamlin made out with Feyre instead of helping her”: He couldn’t help her run away. No one could do that. She would never make it, Amarantha would find her. In fact, Tamlin specifically could not help her in any way. He could only assure her he still wants and loves her. And she wanted that just as much. Rhys abused her physically, mentally, verbally, drugged her and much worse. And he enjoyed all of it. If he didn’t want to raise suspicions, he wouldn’t have placed a bet in her favour. Rhys is a sadist, SJM just decided to mellow him down in the next book so that we’d all like him over Tamlin.
“Tamlin ignored Feyre’s wishes and only wanted her to be his bride, he didn’t let her be High Lady”: Both Tamlin and Feyre were bad communicators going though trauma and Tam had a whole court to care for. Tamlin was unaware of how Feyre felt because she barely spoke up once. Rhys knew because he literally lived inside her head and had all the time in the world to focus his attention on her since his court suffered zero consequences during Amarantha’s reign. And Tamlin simply told her the truth: there’s no such thing as High Lady. Even her current title is given to her by Rhys, the magic of Prythian has not actually chosen her to be High Lady. The title and its power are decorative. And she said she didn’t want that anyway.
“Tamlin locks Feyre up and uses his magic to harm her”: He locks her in his humongous palace to keep her safe, after she just came back from the dead and his worst enemy is kidnapping her every month, while he runs off to protect his borders. Rhysand locks Feyre in a fucking bubble. Tamlin loses control of his magic. He doesn’t want to harm her. That’s not abuse. Abuse is intentional. Feyre and Rhysand lock Lucien and Nesta up. They lock the people of the Hewn City up in a cave. Feyre loses control of her magic and harms Lucien’s mother. Double standards I guess.
“Tamlin is a bad and conservative ruler”: Tamlin is such a beloved ruler that his sentries literally begged to die for him. Feyre had to fuck with their minds to finally turn them against him. They were his friends. He was so progressive that the lords fled his court once he became their ruler because he wouldn’t put up with their bullshit like his father did. He loved all of his people. He is against slavery. The Tithe was just tax collection. Rhysand practically rules over just one city, while ignoring Hewn City and Illyria. He treats 2/3 of his realm like shit and everyone except the residents of Velaris hates him. He collects tax, too, but we conveniently never see this. He ranks the members of his inner circle (my 1st, my 2nd etc.) and reminds them every moment that they are his slaves first and anything else second, while Tamlin treats them equally and even gives Lucien an official title by naming him Ambassador.
“Tamlin conspired with Hybern”: He was a double agent and his short lived alliance, two weeks all in all, not only didn’t harm a single soul, but ultimately saved all of Prythian as he was the only one who brought valuable information to that meeting. He dragged Beron to battle. Rhysand’s alliance with Amarantha harmed thousands and only helped save one city, Velaris.
“Tamlin is responsible for turning Nesta and Elain into Fae”: No, that was Ianthe, who got the info from Feyre. Tamlin was fooled by her, just as Feyre obviously was, or she wouldn’t have trusted her. Tamlin was disgusted by that act.
“Tamlin is less powerful than Rhysand”: Rhysand himself says that a battle between them would turn mountains to dust. Tamlin killed Rhysand’s dad, the previous High Lord of the Night Court, in one blow. He is just as powerful as Rhysand. SJM again just wants us to believe otherwise. And he is smarter, too. He was the only one not to trust Amarantha. And he was a good spy for Prythian against Hybern.
All of these takes are cold as fuck. SJM was testing the waters with ACOTAR and she made sure the main love interest, Tamlin, was insanely likeable, so that the book could be a satisfactory standalone story in case she couldn’t land a trilogy deal. She didn’t know it would be such a big hit. But once she realised she could turn this into a franchise, she had to figure out a new story to tell. She may claim otherwise, but there’s just too many plothotes to convince me. And in order to make her new main love interest seem like the best choice, she had to character assassinate the old one. There was no other way. ACOTAR Rhys was too much of an evil monster to be loved by the majority of the audience. But Tamlin was introduced to us as such a heroic and passionate man that is literally impossible to turn him into someone despised by all. Feyre’s relationship with Rhysand reads too much like cheating on Tamlin. That’s why anyone with basic analytical skills is able to realise the flaws of the narration.
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lulufoxlainfawn · 2 months
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𝓔𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓷 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴 𝓭𝓪𝔂 6 𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼
Lucien shrugged. “First—here. To help. Then ...”
Another glance at Elain. “Who knows?”
I nudged Elain, who blinked at me, then blurted,
“You could come to Velaris.”
He saw all of it, but nodded graciously. “It would be my pleasure.”
Today I thought it’d be awesome to have our interpretation of a canon scene of Elain inviting Lucien to Velaris @artby.amara did an amazing job with this scene.
Artist: @artby.amara on instagram
Commissioned by me for
Characters belong to Sarah J. Maas
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deboecia · 16 days
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Felt the need to paint this sketch I made some time ago. Now it’s ready for @elainarcheronweek day 5 💛
©characters belong to SJM
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emilyondemand · 14 days
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“Because you’re the foundation, the one who lifts us. You always have been.”
Day 7: Growth 🌸✨
“I glanced toward my sister. ‘Did you . . .?’ A nod from Elain. ‘Nuala did the decorating though.’ It was then that I realized what the three different tiers had been painted to look like. . . The same design of the chest of drawers I’d once painted in that dilapidated cottage. One for each of us—each sister. . . ‘I asked Nuala to do it in that order,’ Elain said as the others gathered round. ‘Because you’re the foundation, the one who lifts us. You always have been.’”
While Elain takes accountability for her failure to help Feyre in ACOMAF, I love this moment in ACOFAS where Elain again makes amends to Feyre and acknowledges just how much Feyre did for her and Nesta. Elain’s willingness to uplift Feyre speaks volumes to just how much Elain has grown through the course of this series so far.
And I can’t wait to see Sarah continue to explore that growth in the next book!
Sweet @pinkykei.art did such a wonderful job capturing this scene! I love how she draws all the ACOTAR characters and knew that I had to have her for this piece 💕 She is such an amazing person and artist and it was so fun to work with her!
Art by: @pinkykei.art
Commissioned by: me
Characters belong to: @sarahjmaas
For: @elainarcheronweek
You can find it on IG here
Likes, comments, shares, and saves are welcomed and appreciated!
Please do not repost without permission.
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copypastus · 6 months
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I was very amused when through fandom events I realized starfall is supposed to take place at the first day of SPRING. How could I not insert a lil Tamlin? Works for either @starfallweek or @feyreweekofficial
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@elainarcheronweek-main | Day 1: Visions 🔮✨
“ᴇʟᴀɪɴ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛᴜʀɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜɴɴʏ ᴡɪɴᴅᴏᴡꜱ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ, ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴅᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʜᴇʀ ʜᴀɪʀ. “ᴡɪʟʟ ɪ ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴀʀᴛʜᴡᴏʀᴍꜱ ᴡʀɪᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴏɪʟ? ᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛʀᴇᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ʀᴏᴏᴛꜱ? ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʙɪʀᴅ ᴏꜰ ꜰɪʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱɪᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴇᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴍᴇ?”
A Court of Wings & Ruins by @sjmaas ✨
⭒˚。⋆ ⋆⭒˚。⋆ ⋆⭒˚。⋆ ⋆⭒˚。⋆ ⋆⭒˚。⋆ ⋆⭒˚。⋆ ⋆⭒˚。⋆ ⋆⭒˚。⋆ ⋆⭒˚。⋆
⇢ Art by @/kanicandraw 💖
⇢ Comm. by me
⇢ Please don’t repost
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"I was not a pet, not a doll, not an animal.
I was a survivor, and I was strong.
I would not be weak or helpless again.
I would not, could not be broken.
For the final day of @officialfeysandweek2023 , @the-lonelybarricade and I reached out to @witchlingsandwyverns to create a piece that reflected Feyre's time returning to Spring Court in ACOWAR as both High Lady of the Night Court AND a spy against the invading Hybern army.
🚫 Do not repost without asking
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jmoonjones · 5 months
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Nesta Week: Birthday!
My birthday is in April too, so I love that hers is too!
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velidewrites · 9 months
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Wow, Feyre, your hair looks just like Starlight!
— Feysand as Sophie and Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle ✨
Part 1/3 of my dear friend’s @azrielshadowssing birthday gift! I love and cherish you so much - I hope you like this little Feysand treat! 💕
You can find Part 2 here!
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beesays · 1 day
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It felt so easy to be this close. So easy to reach out and rest her hand against his chest. So easy to step into the tension between them and revel in it.
Art by @evermorelore
I was entirely self indulgent for my birthday and commissioned Superintendent Rhys and Art teacher Feyre from my fic Hot for Teacher. I couldn’t be happier with the outcome and @evermorelore is such a joy to work with!!
You can read Hot For Teacher here!
Now back to writing so I can indulge even more!
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shallyne · 2 years
Feyre Week Day 9: Free Day
High Queen Feyre
A repost of the list of points that could point to Feyre becoming High Queen, it fits into todays prompt ❤️
1. Amaranthas titles mirror Feyres titles (Huntress, High Lady, maybe High Queen & Faerie Queen)
2. The land chose Feyre because in ACOWAR the forest in the middle parted to let her through
"The woods seemed to monitor each of my steps" - acomaf page 217
3. Symbolic: the first time Feyre sat on a throne after being crowned High Lady was in the court of nightmares. She sat on the throne and Rhys leaned against it
4. I don't know if that is important but it feels important: Feyre is able to befriend Prythians deadliest monsters. Example: the Suriel, Bryaxis
5. "leave this world a better place than how you found it, Cursebreaker"
6. Power of all 7 High Lords
7. "You were given life by all 7 of us....what if we gave you more than expected? What if you could stand against us-hold your own, a High Lady?" or High Queen? Acomaf pg. 73
8. "No one was my master-but I could be the master of everything, if I wished. If I dared." acomaf page 319
9. "What-get rid of the High Lords?" "Perhaps. But mostly eliminate the inherent privileges of High Fae over the lesser faeries." Tarquin to Feyre in acomaf page 323
10. In acotar, Feyre sees a mural where a female hand holds the cauldron
11. Lady of Many Faces (Feyre called by Book of Breathings) | Queen with Many Faces (Book in Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood)
12. ACOSF chapter 42, Amren and Rhys talking about High King." I didn't do anything to earn my power, I was born with it." Feyre did earn her power.
13. ACOSF chapter 42 "Feyre isn't interested in being High Queen." - "She would do the necessary evil to protect her unborn child."
14.Aelin ended up as Queen | HOSAB mentioned Bryce twice as future Queen | Feyre = High Queen?
15. "Once I discovered and mastered what the others had given me, I could weave them together - into something new, something of every Court and none of them." acomaf page 451
16. Acowar page 419 "Would we fight against Hybern only to find ourselves with a King and Queen of Prythian?" Tamlin about Feysand
17. "Today Rhys's mysterious clothier made me into the Queen of Night." acowar page 464
18. "Look at you, a child of all seven courts - like and unlike all. How the cauldron purrs in your presence" chapter 64 acomaf
19. "And the new, emerging world beyond." Acofas chapter 1
20. "I loved the work, actually. This territory, it's people - they were as much my heart as my mate." Acofas chapter 1
21. "There was more that I could do to help. Personally. I just hadn't figured it out yet." Acofas chapter 1
22. "...and followed her High Lord and Lady through the darkness, back into the light." Acofas chapter 6
23. Rhys's POV at the end of ACOMAF, he thinks of Feyre as "My Queen"
24. Feyre in acomaf being like "I knew I haven't finished what I was born to do" and Suri telling her in acowar "Leave the world a better place than how you found it"
25. “His High Lady looked so young he always forgot how young she truly was, considering what she'd already faced and achieved in her life.”
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spacerockfloater · 5 months
Me watching Feyre convince herself that Tamlin is a disgusting monster who only used her to get his power back and then stopped caring for her the moment she became his because he was some selfish lunatic who wanted to keep her as his useless plaything the more time she spends with Rhysand and his Inner Court:
Tamlin. The guy who helped her family even if he only needed Feyre. The guy who had to watch the love of his life die screaming in pain as Amarantha broke every bone in her body. The guy who crawled in front of Amarantha and begged her to spare her while his own blood drowned him. The guy who slept at Feyre’s feet each night out of paranoia that something would happen to her, not him. The guy who let Feyre roam his court and help whomever she wants until she found out that these people had their own healing to do and the help they actually needed, looking up to someone, was not something she wanted to offer. The guy who had to watch her reject him publicly by hesitating at the altar and never even mentioned it because he didn’t want to embarrass or upset her. The guy who had to watch her get abducted every month by his nemesis, a known sadist. The guy who waited and gave her space. The guy who was searching for a way to break the bond all of these months even though she furiously blamed him that he was not doing enough to cancel her bargain with Rhys, a bargain she willingly made and was responsible for. The guy who was willing to let her go even if it meant condemning an entire world. The guy who launched himself at Hybern to save her sisters.
And he’s crazy because he wanted to keep her safe in their fucking palace for one evening?
Reading Feyre’s narrative after she started hanging out with the people of the Night Court made my skin crawl. I kept gripping the book furiously and mentally telling her “Wait, that’s not what fucking happened” every time she spoke about Tamlin. It was horrifying because this is exactly what I always imagined people who abandon you do: leave you and then tell people their own, made up version of events.
Watching her stop speaking about him with love and slowly paint him as her tormentor was like watching a train wreck you couldn’t prevent:
- I love Tamlin and he loves me and we have sacrificed so much for one another.
- I love Tamlin and both of us are dealing with a lot right now, but we’re trying and we’ll make it.
- Tamlin loved me and he made some wrong decisions but I still feel like I’m cheating on him.
- Tamlin’s actions were wrong and I hope we’ll sort things out once we all calm down.
- Tamlin gave me everything but he still made some wrong decisions.
- Tamlin really cared for me but I don’t need what he has to offer me anymore.
- Tamlin was right about my safety after all but I have decided I don’t care and don’t forgive him.
- Tamlin only wanted me because I was useful and then stopped caring for me.
- Tamlin is a selfish prick who used me and then tossed me aside and wanted me to be his stupid ignorant pet and he didn’t give a fuck about me and I hate him and want him to die.
Feyre. Feyre. FEYRE. Wake up. None of this is true. You’re spiralling and you’re blaming him for every little thing he ever did that slightly inconvenienced you while you forgive and justify each and every one of Rhysand’s horrendous crimes against you, all of his countless lies, all of his manipulation.
I think she just never loved Tamlin and that’s why it was easier to hate him.
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nocasdatsgay · 6 months
Poly Week Masterlist
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Happy Poly Week! @polyacotarweek Links will be added to the fic posts as the days pass. Please heed the content warnings on the fic post. All fics can be read as a stand alone.
You are responsible for what content you consume.
I made a key to give an idea of what to expect:
❤️‍🔥- smut
🥀- slight emotional/mental angst (all stories have happy endings)
Day One Beginnings: And Then There Were Three
A Neapolitan Bonds Fic: You are invited to the Autumn celebrations as an emissary of Dawn. The High Lord’s mate invites you to meet him after the party is over. Alternatively: The night the mating bond snapped. Pairing: Azriel/Eris/Reader ❤️‍🔥
Day Two Comfort: Even High Lords Need a Break
A Neapolitan Bonds Fic: Eris is over working himself. You and Azriel decide to make him take the hounds for a walk. Pairing: Azriel/Eris/Reader ✨🥀
Day Three Secrets: Spring Time Affairs
Flora (OC) likes to rile her husband up, especially if it means she gets to play with Elain in the process. Pairing: Tamlin/OC/Lucien/Elain ❤️‍🔥
Day Four Adventure: Sharing is Caring
A Neapolitan Bonds Fic: Azriel has a surprise for you after the ball at Hewn City. The surprise is Rhysand and Feyre. Pairings: Azriel/Eris/Reader, Feysand, Reader/Feyre, Azriel/Rhysand ❤️‍🔥
Day Five Favorite Tropes: The Siren’s Song
Nesta Cassian and Azriel go to the middle to investigate an illegal trade route that is involved in some assaults in the Court of Nightmares. But instead of a headquarters they stumble upon the very field that’s being harvested. CW for Sex Pollen Pairing: Cassian/Azriel/Nesta ❤️‍🔥🥀
Day Six Celebration: The Rite of Spring
A Spring Time Affairs fic. A Calanmai fic. Tamlin and Flora complete the rite, going to find their loves once it is done and the next day help with cleaning up the festivities. Pairing: Tamlin/OC/Lucien/Elain ❤️‍🔥
Day Seven Free Day: Baby of Mine
A Spring Time Affairs Fic: After Calanmai and forgetting to take the tea, Flora is pregnant. The problem is, she doesn’t know if Tamlin or Lucien is the father. CW Pregnancy Pairing: Tamlin/OC/ Elain/Lucien✨🥀
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stargirlfeyre · 2 months
People (we all know who) are trying to use this as an opportunity to compare Azriel and Tamlin so let’s talk about that.
You cannot put Azriel’s behavior towards Elain and Tamlin’s behavior towards Feyre on the same level because there is a fine line between protective and controlling.
Azriel is protective of Elain. He doesn’t want her in harms way and when someone hurts her he becomes upset. Now does Azriel ever actively do anything to control or limit Elain out of protection? No. When the conversation about the troves came up he said that Elain shouldn’t be subjected to that kind of darkness but did he actually do anything to stop her from helping? No. Ultimately, whether Azriel liked it or not, Elain was still going to help them if Nesta had not done it. His dissatisfaction and protectiveness over Elain did not stop her from making her own choices.
Unlike with Tamlin and Feyre.
Tamlin straight up controlled Feyre. To the point where she was not even allowed to learn about her powers. Something that belonged to her was still under the justification of him. His “protectiveness” of her stopped her from making choices even about her own body. She couldn’t even walk out of her front door without following the rules he put in place for her. He directly did things to limit her and when she pushed back, she was physically injured. Twice. When Elain pushed back against her families overprotective nature, Azriel sat in his little corner and just watched her make the decisions for herself. When Feyre pushed back against Tamlin’s controlling nature, he almost killed her the first time and gave her bruises the second.
Azriel’s protective nature is normal when it comes to the people you care about, Tamlin’s protective nature manifests in toxic and aggressive ways. But you’re still asking what’s the difference between them?
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maherdraws · 10 months
#rhysweek day 4 | childhood; they do snowball fights since they were littles and that makes me tear up a bit cause I imagine little azzy, cass and rhysie being kids and having fun.🌌🦇🥹
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