likesdoodling · 3 months
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One of my favourite moments from Vol 10. Pt 5 :D:D:D
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stardustizuku · 4 months
I think the most beautiful thing here is that for the first time in his LIFE Ferdinand has been granted the ability to fight for something HE wants.
No more “for the greater good” or what his father would like. No. This time he is fighting for something his, and only his.
And it’s not Ehrenfest, or the throne, or Yugersmitch, it’s not even really revenge or to win. (Although knowing him that last is probably a high priority)
No. He wants a lab and Rozemyne.
He wants a life filled with his stupid hyperfixation next to the only person who understands and pampers him in the way no one in his life has ever done before.
What he wants: more than a crown, more than power, more so than the life he used to have -
Is a home. A place where he knows he’ll be able to relax, next to a person who understands him.
It breaks me
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yuiamaya · 1 year
My first full illustration colored.
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tassjis · 8 months
So like Myne gives blessings accidently half the time... add her weird earth knowledge and here's where I set the scene
A young Lutz with tripping scrapping his knees in the forest while they make paper
Myne offers to help and kisses it better - coz earth logic
"Huh I guess kisses do heal people here"
Cut to Aub Alexandria and her happy husband
"...Yeah kisses do heal people here"
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i feel like at some point kazuki sensei sat down and was like "how do i make this happen" because literally for fermyne to hapen
1. Roz has to get magiked into an adult
2. The adoption to Sylvester has to be canceled (i mean not HAS to since it's an adoption but like. even relation by adoption is a bit ehh)
3. they have to fall in love (impossible)
but it's still happening. and that's the best part of fiction because if this story was real that would actually have like 1 in a million odds of happening
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echo-bat-location · 5 months
A fermyne edit for @insert-clever-username-1133 <3
(1/3 of the presents for the Honzuki Spring Prayer gift exchange)
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honzuki-reymilie · 2 months
I often see people praising the relationship between Rozemyne and Ferdinand for its aroace representation, and, I'm really sorry to say but, Rozemyne and Ferdi are aroace-spec at best and not fully aroace (I am talking about canon here but ofc people are still free to headcanon characters in whatever way they'd like).
I hate to say this but, Rozemyne is actually in love and just doesn't realize it yet. The author said it in a tweet talking about a dream she had on Rozemyne that the moment in which she realizes her feeling for Ferdinand is different than the one she has in mind. She also said in an interview (the one from Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi!) that Ferdinand and Myne will eventually develop feelings for each other mostly after the time period in the final volume.
In that interview, she also said that she wanted to make a point that it isn't necessary to have romantic feelings for each other to become a family and get married, which is why she refrained from writing romance in the main story and only hinted at it.
Personally, as an aroace who is actually also a FerMyne shipper, I have mixed feelings and kinda self-contradictory thoughts about this. On one hand, I'll be squealing and fan-girling all over whenever I see FerMyne moments and FerMyne tweets from the author. However, on the other hand, at the same time, I also think and wish that if Kazuki-sensei wanted to make the point that romantic feelings aren't necessary for marriage, she shouldn't have introduced romantic feelings in Ferdinand and Myne's relationship from at least Myne's side and just go through a fully aroace Myne.
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ship-of-skitties · 11 months
the aob fandom struggling to differentiate platonic/familial love and romantic/sexual love
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kahluah · 9 months
Ascendance of a Bookworm part 5 volume 8 spoilers
Too tired to make any long post, but this new book blessed is with the Fermyne content 🙏🙏🙏
Their entire interaction was both comedy gold and couple goals
I pray to the gods that those two are successful at turning Ahrensbach into their own little playground for books and food and research. They deserve it
Also fucking laughing my ass off over Sigiswald's courtship necklace being an absolute piece of shit that can't even last through one night of a Rozemyne rampage. Meanwhile Ferdinand gave her those hair sticks and such so long ago and they are still in perfect condition. Like get rekt, your royal ass does not have enough mana for Rozemyne to consider you, PLUS she thinks you're basic.
Also, Erwaermen can think whatever he wants regarding Ferdinand and Rozemyne,,, but I'm like 100% sure all the other gods are just going looking at these two funky little dudes, their blorbos, all like "look at them go" and "you're doing great sweetie"
Looking forward to Georgine live reaction next time when her plan is foiled
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ming-sik · 3 months
What are your thoughts about the romance in AOB?
Short answer: it’s bad.
Long answer: 
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The main problem with the romance in AoB is that it’s yet another vector through which the ugly blue thing sucking up all the narrative oxygen in the room of the back half of AoB can use to render the protagonist of the story completely narratively inert outside of acting for his benefit or on his orders. Fermyne is a sledgehammer the story uses to make Rozemyne backslide from a deeply flawed but dynamic character with potential to Ferdinand’s submissive child bride who’s sometimes allowed out of her cage to do things that benefit him or that he personally approves.
Myne’s never been a straightforwardly good character, which is actually what I like about her. She’s a hot mess; selfish, arrogant, cowardly, ignorant, bigoted, and mean-spirited, which is great! She has a lot of jagged edges for other characters to catch on and conflict with, and her aggressive personality combined with her cowardice means that she can dish it out but can’t take it even a little which is really funny. She’s never really allowed to reach her full potential because AoB is really bad at actually creating and following through with conflicts so most of her problems are just solved by making her overpowered enough to brute force whatever problem she previously had and at some point she stops having problems that she doesn’t solve immediately, but her potential really tanks when she meets the blue thing.
Ferdinand is the worst character in AoB and it’s not close. He’s massively overpowered in such a way that he resolves most interesting conflict in the story offscreen, the story contrives itself to attribute so much sympathetic tragedy to his backstory and character that it flips right into comedy, the insistence that every character is jealous of his super awesome powers and amazing brain abilities but also he’s the most tortured social outcast ever means that he seems like a self-pitying loser, and most importantly he is NOT FUN. He’s not fun! He’s not funny, in fact he hates characters who are funny and will actively try to prevent them from doing anything funny so he is comedic poison in a story which relies heavily on comedy(he’s not an effective tsukkomi because as the strongest presence in the room he shuts down jokes rather than facilitating them, Benno’s the closest thing the story has to a good tsukkomi because he’s practical but not a killjoy). Why this is a problem with their romance is that he fucking hates Myne so much it’s unreal. He HATES her! He hates that she’s a jokester, he hates that she likes books, he hates that she likes sweets and fish, he hates that she’s not interested in embroidery, he hates that she likes red pandas and Japanese culture, he HATE HATE HATE HATE HATES that she originally has some semblance of a pre-existing worldview that doesn’t conform to his narrow view of common sense… and he never stops hating that! He constantly negs her to the point that it’s a running “joke” that he never praises her unless she’s gotten good grades, which is because outside of her ability to keep up with his “Teaching”(in quotes because he doesn’t really do anything except give her stuff to memorize which is the part you do after you teach someone) he fucking hates everything that this weird girl stands for, does, or is interested in. Fast forward to part 5 volume 12 and he WON’T EVEN LET HER WRITE HER OWN WEDDING VOWS because he’s that worried she’ll write something weird. He hates his fiance so fucking much that the idea of her saying “I like you more than books” instead of a canned generic noble vow is so distasteful to him that he can’t even let her write a draft that Roderick helps with. He doesn’t respect her, either, he deliberately manipulates the situation so that she doesn’t even know they’re engaged so she’s socially pressured to marry him, forces her to choose between him and her family(while saying that he’s going to intentionally force himself into a miserable position if she leaves him so she panics and feels like she has to prevent him from hurting himself), and then also starts crying about how she should be with Lutz after somehow managing to make HER recovering HER memories of the commoners she loves about the fact that he’s sad about his dad(Also confirming that he doesn’t care about anyone outside his dad? Imagine being Hirschur and having stood up to Veronica, losing all support from Ehrenfest for decades so you can continue supporting Ferdinand and sheltering him from his mother, only to find out that you’re so worthless to him that he doesn’t even think of you when he thinks of people who care about him) to also force her to choose him over the single other person he considers a romantic rival in another either/or rather than even entertaining the idea that she could care about both of them equally. And he has to force her because this boring, slimy little pedophile is so incredibly unappealing that the only reason Rozemyne is even really with him is that he’s put her in a position where he’s literally the only person she’s allowed to trust or confide in.
Now you may object to me calling Ferdinand a pedophile because Urano was in her 20s before she died. People who believe this are just gonna ignore anything I say here because despite pretending that they like dark fiction they don’t actually like when the dark topics in fiction are discussed, but also Urano’s age is irrelevant, we are talking about Myne, who has lived almost a decade in the body of a child(not an “””adult coded minor”” or a petite adult, literally the body of a 4-13 year old) in the social position of a child and whose lack of sexual and romantic understanding is specifically mentioned. In the fanbooks Kazuki confirms that Ferdinand does not see Myne as his elder, which makes sense because he’s never even seen what Urano looks like. The oldest he has ever seen her look is 13, the age she is when he forces her to marry him. For most of the story she was or looked, as confirmed repeatedly by the story, prepubescent. The fact that it’s confirmed that he’s sexually and romantically attracted to her in p5v12 means that he’s attracted to 13 year olds. Also in Gretia’s short story it’s revealed that he tracks when every child in Rozemyne’s employ has their sexual awakening, so it’s not just her if you want to split those hairs. Also in part 2 when he’s speaking to Benno(mid-30s) about rumors that he’s currently in a relationship with Myne(age 5) he says that relationships with this age difference are normal, so it’s not just political marriages if you want to split those hairs. The elephant in the room is that some people argue that Rozemyne’s lack of romantic/sexual feelings are indicative of her being aroace or even that Ferdinand and her are a QPR. If you HC this, pay me money. It is specifically stated that Ferdinand is romantically and sexually attracted to Rozemyne, feelings which she does not reciprocate because she doesn’t “understand” romantic love. While many aromantic people phrase their feelings this way, it’s honestly just willful ignorance to pretend like this is epic aro rep and not Rozemyne being characterized as a prepubescent child. The latter is obvious in the way her lack of romantic feelings is described, with a heavy emphasis on her not understanding them and characters repeatedly attributing this to her youth and lack of development. I get that other aro people often describe their feelings as “not understanding” romance and that aro people are often told that they will someday develop romantic feelings and never do, but like. This is a 13 year old being forced into a marriage when she admits that she’s not sure about it and doesn’t understand exactly what’s expected of her. Also, the fact that Ferdinand says she only needs to keep his name stone for two years(until she’s at the minimum age of consent) is outright stating that he does expect her to develop these feelings at some point and is just willing to wait. Also “summoning winter early”, a euphemism for CSA, is treated so lightly by the story that any argument that hinges on this particular relationship being fine because it’s an aroace QPR between a 24 year old and a mentally 22 year old is moot because the story specifically thinks that CSA generally is morally neutral and it’s only bad if a fat ugly guy does it. I’ve already discussed the way Ferdinand grooms Myne outside of a sexual context, ie he overwrites her existing worldview and forces her to conform to his common sense along with putting her in a social position where he’s her doctor, legal guardian, only confidant, and protector so she’s incapable of functioning without him, which I stand by.
I don’t like Ferdinand. I’ve never really liked Ferdinand, initially I found him boring and as the series dragged on and he got both less interesting and more central to the story I turned to actively disliking him, and now I sure fucking hate him. I’m done qualifying that because people interpret any criticism of him like an attack. I was never gonna cheer for him finally getting to fuck that thirteen year old he’s been grooming even if it was the mostly beautifully written prose of all time, so really I’m glad I’m a Ferdinand hater because it means I don’t have to get up every day and lie to people pretending that the engagement ceremony isn’t some of the worst writing in AoB. Honestly I don’t think any of you even think Ferdinand is actually queer, AoB fans are just squeamish enough about supporting canon Fermyne that they try to sanitize it by interpreting it as a queer relationship, in the process conflating aromanticism and pedophilia. 
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nefertittythegreat · 2 months
Hello, I was relieved to see a kind and reasonable reblog as opposed to what I've been exposed of the fandom these past days... You can privately answer this ask or not at all, I'd hate for you to get blocked by mutuals in the fandom LOL (guess who that happened to, whoops?) I wanted to ask you about the Ferdinand fic idea that got you stonewalled?
First, I'm not afraid to be seen interacting with you! You're one of the few people who interact with me directly in the fandom, when I have literally been dying for some sort of aob interaction. I have so much love for you already, though we've only interacted a few times! It will be a shame if my mutuals block me because of this. I understand they probably want to curate their blog to avoid any AoB hate. Sometimes, you just want to keep the good times rolling, and I get that.
It would be a shame since you and me differ in opinions on a lot regarding Aob. If you ingested any of my content, you would know. For one, I'm a fervent Fermyne shipper, and I'm a Ferdinand lover. My blog will always reflect that. I mean, i have a multiple fermyne post on my blog, but at the same time, I'm in the minority(?) that prefer Sylvester over Ferdinand. Funnily enough, when i joined the fandom over 2 years ago, speaking well about Sylvester was almost unheard of. I was still at the beginning of part 3 and couldn't understand, but in part 4, I got it even if I disagreed because he's just a good boy okay? He's trying his best😭😭
Either way, even though I wasn't interacting directly with the fandom, I learned early on that the nail that sticks out will be hammered down in this fandom. And my own interactions outside of tumblr haven't been pleasant. If me a person who falls primarily in the majority regarding my opinions is feeling this then i can only imagine what someone who has interpreted the series in a different way feels and I know I must not be alone in this feeling.
I want this fandom to be a place where we can discuss freely without fear. I want this fandom to feel welcoming. I've been a part of so many fandoms, and too many of them are toxic.
I'm sorry you're getting hate. I haven't seen it in the notes, so I'll assume you're either deleting it or it's in your asks. If so, I am disappointed with us a group. I understand loving something so strongly that you feel attacked, but interacting and analyzing in the way that you do is a form of love as well and has its place in fandom.
I believe we've grown in number here on tumblr over the past two years, and it's time to organize ourselves better to prevent stuff like this from happening in the future and help everyone curate their own experience as we navigate the main tag. To be honest, I'm not even sure if we have an "official" acronym for the series yet(Are we AoB or AoaB?), but I could just be out of the loop. Maybe we should have a tag specifically for discussions and analysis in this fandom?
I'm gonna be tagging this because I feel we as a community need to think on this, and im willing to start that discussion. I just want this fandom to be as welcoming and fun as possible for everyone. We are all never gonna completely agree, but we can have fun together on here like I believe we have been.
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likesdoodling · 2 months
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I've been drawing a lot of people hugging for pose practice, so here we have Rozemyne and Ferdinand hugging. Because I can :D
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stardustizuku · 2 months
I lover FerMyne cause Rozemyne is generally pretty calm until you touch Ferdinand and then she explodes into a fury that will make you shit your pants
Meanwhile Ferdinand remains calm until you realize you are standing on a mine field and the moment you try to touch a hair in her body you WILL blow up
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yuiamaya · 9 months
Part 5 Volume 12 spoilers
I love them so fucking much
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tassjis · 8 months
Ascendance of a bookworm spoilers for the end of part 5
Thinking about the scene where Ferdinand reveals he is a LutzMyne shipper and I think that it's so funny coz Rozemyne is sitting there going, 'no? What are you talking about? FerMyne will be canon' and he's just going 'but you love Lutz???'
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them <3
it's very much not MY ship but i ship it and this is basically my whole headcanons on their dynamic and everything
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