#Ferde Grofé
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bestofmidi · 1 month ago
The Grand Canyon Suite is a suite for orchestra by Ferde Grofé, composed between 1929 and 1931. It was initially titled Five Pictures of the Grand Canyon. It consists of five movements, each an evocation in tone of a particular scene typical of the Grand Canyon. Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra gave the first public performance of the work, in concert at the Studebaker Theatre in Chicago on November 22, 1931.
*~*~presented in luxurious 40 kilobit per second mp3 to fit the tumblr audio size limit while presenting the entire 32 minute piece~*~*
original midi at https://www.freemidi.org/getter-28972
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churchofsatannews · 10 months ago
Vox Satanae: Episode #575 - A Tribute to Magister Neil Smith
Vox Satanae – Episode #575 19th-20th Centuries A Tribute to Magister Neil Smith This week we hear works by Sergei Rachmaninoff, Dmitri Shostakovich, Giacomo Puccini, George Gershwin, Ferde Grofé, P.D.Q. Bach, and Andrew Lloyd Webber. 140 Minutes – Week of April 15, 2024 Stream Vox Satanae Episode 575. Download Vox Satanae Episode 575.
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ronnydeschepper · 11 months ago
Vijf jaar geleden: Grupetto speelt Gershwin
Vijf jaar geleden trad de zes-koppige groep Grupetto op in zaal Roxy te Temse. Zij zetten de memorabele George Gershwin in de spotlights door “Rhapsody in Blue” uit te voeren, “Swanee” en nog andere van zijn composities. Wie van muziek houdt kan niet voorbijgaan aan Gershwin omwille van zijn baanbrekend werk: hij creëerde een mengvorm van jazz en klassieke muziek. Continue reading Vijf jaar…
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rachelbethhines · 3 months ago
Random Disney Song Poll
Round Nineteen
Songs below the cut
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stone-cold-groove · 1 year ago
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Ferde Grofé: Grand Canyon Suite. Arturo Toscanini and the NBC Symphony Orchestra - 1950.
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wollemi-whump · 7 months ago
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WIJ Day 11 - Songs/Playlists for Whump
I actually don't have any! Music in general doesn't inspire any sort of whumpy thoughts for me, never has. If I had to choose something at all, I'd say movie scores. Maybe old movie scores. The ones (typically) with interesting arrangements and unique sounds.
There's one collection that I like which isn't a movie score but definitely has that same sound that I mean: the Grand Canyon Suite by Ferde Grofé. 2. Painted Desert and 5. Cloudburst (aka the song designed to give you a heart attack every twenty seconds) are both my favorites of the suite and the most suspenseful.
Even then, I enjoy them from a story capacity, not whump, but maybe one of you will enjoy them that way.
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michaelbmarin · 14 days ago
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july, 2024. one of my biggest dream had been to see the grand canyon and listen to this suite as i stared out over the land.
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fredborges98 · 4 months ago
Conversa De Botequim
George Gershwin, nascido Jacob Gershowitz, (Brooklyn, Nova Iorque, 26 de setembro de 1898 — Hollywood, Califórnia, 11 de julho de 1937) foi um compositor dos Estados Unidos. Escreveu a maioria de seus trabalhos vocais e teatrais em colaboração com seu irmão mais velho, o letrista Ira Gershwin. George Gershwin compôs tanto para a Broadway quanto para concertos clássicos. Ele também escreveu músicas populares de grande sucesso.
Muitas de suas composições tem sido usadas na televisão e em inúmeros filmes, além de tornar-se standards de jazz. A cantora Ella Fitzgerald gravou muitas das canções de Gershwin em seu álbum de 1959, Ella Fitzgerald Sings the George and Ira Gershwin Songbook (com arranjos de Nelson Riddle). Incontáveis músicos e cantores gravaram músicas de autoria de Gershwin, incluindo Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker(The Bird) , Oscar Peterson, Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, João Gilberto, Fred Astaire, Al Jolson, Percy Grainger, Bobby Darin, Art Tatum, Bing Crosby, Yehudi Menuhin, Janis Joplin, John Coltrane, Billie Holiday, Sam Cooke, Herbie Hancock, Madonna, Judy Garland, Julie Andrews, Barbra Streisand, Marni Nixon, Natalie Cole, Nina Simone, Maureen McGovern, John Fahey, The Residents, Sublime (banda), e Sting.
O teatro Gershwin Theatre, foi nomeado em sua homenagem e ao seu irmão.
Em 1924, compôs sua primeira grande obra, Rhapsody in Blue para orquestra e piano, que foi orquestrada por Ferde Grofé e estreada pela banda de Paul Whiteman em Nova Iorque. Provou ser sua obra mais popular.
Rhapsody in Blue.
Por: Fred Borges
As rapsódias caracterizam-se por terem apenas um movimento, mas podendo integrar fortes variações de tema, intensidade, tonalidade, sem necessidade de seguir uma estrutura pré-definida. A sua forma consegue ser mais livre que as variações, uma vez que não há necessidade de repetir os temas, podem-se criar novos ao sabor da inspiração. As variações de Sergei Rachmaninoff sobre um tema de Niccolò Paganini possuem uma estrutura tão livre que o próprio Rachmaninoff as intitulou de Rapsódia sobre um tema de Paganini.
A rapsódia é a própria vida.Nenhuma música representou ou representa mais o espírito da cidade de Nova York atual que a Rhapsody in Blue, aliás o termo " Blue" deve ser contextualizado levando em consideração a época em que a peça musical foi produzida.
A Grande Guerra, que teve seu início em 1914 e terminou em 1918, foi marcante na vida da cidade. A parcela rica de Nova York tinha meios para bancar as novidades do século XX: cinema, rádio, automóveis, telefone. Shows musicais de produção intrincada e cenários exuberantes, como as Zigfield Folies, causavam furor na Broadway. Nos salões, dançava-se foxtrote e charleston.
Curiosamente, essa era coincide com a vigência da Lei Seca, que proibiu a produção e o comércio de bebidas alcoólicas em todo o território dos EUA. Destilarias e bares clandestinos (speakeasies) viraram grandes negócios nas mãos de bandidinhos de gangues de bairros pobres, que se transformaram em poderosos chefões de quadrilhas altamente organizadas: a máfia.
Os mais notórios mafiosos que começaram suas carreiras em Nova York foram Al Capone, nascido no Brooklyn em 1899, e Lucky Luciano, que chegou à cidade em 1907, aos 10 anos de idade, e logo já fazia parte da Five Points Gang. Ambos ficaram milionários com a exploração da prostituição e da bebida, negócios que andavam juntos nos bares. Luciano tornou-se o capo di tutti i capi – o chefão dos chefões – de Nova York, depois de matar seus rivais Salvatore Maranzano e Giuseppe Masseria. Já Al Capone se fixou em Chicago.
Não apenas ítalo-americanos participaram do crime organizado; durante a Lei Seca, houve em Nova York grande atividade das máfias judaica e irlandesa, que também se beneficiaram dos lucros da venda clandestina de bebidas alcoólicas.
Em 1924, uma nova lei alterou as regras sobre imigração, restringindo o número de pessoas de cada país que poderiam entrar nos EUA e proibindo a entrada de estrangeiros de certas nacionalidades. A medida afetou sobretudo europeus e asiáticos. Consta que o autor desse projeto era um racista com intenções eugênicas, mas o que mais provavelmente contribuiu para a aprovação da lei foi a reserva de mercado que criava para quem já estava “dentro”, evitando que se acirrasse a concorrência por empregos.
Mesmo sem tanta imigração, a população nova-iorquina teve mais uma vez seu perfil alterado: recebeu na década de 1920 muitas famílias negras vindas do sul do país, onde eram mais fortemente discriminadas.
O bairro do Harlem foi o destino final da maioria desses afro-americanos que, trazendo consigo uma rica carga cultural, contribuíram para o movimento chamado Harlem Renaissance. Pela primeira vez no país surgia uma produção literária e intelectual de autores negros.
Mas o que de fato marcou para sempre a cultura norte-americana e toda a música popular foi o florescimento do jazz, nascido no sul mas criado em Nova York. Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Louis Armstrong, Cab Calloway, Dizzy Gillespie e Ella Fitzgerald são alguns dos artistas afro-americanos que o Harlem Renaissance deu de presente para o mundo.
Considerado o livro que melhor retrata o espírito dos anos 20 nova-iorquinos, bem como uma obra-prima da literatura, The Great Gatsby, de F. Scott Fitzgerald, foi adaptado para o cinema em 1974, com o galã Robert Redford no papel principal, e depois em 2013, com Leonardo Di Caprio como Gatsby.
Na música, "blue" é um termo que significa "melancolia" ou "tristeza" e é a origem do nome do gênero musical blues. O blues é um estilo musical que se desenvolveu a partir de tradições africanas e canções de trabalho afro-americanas, no final do século XIX, nos Estados Unidos.
O blues é caracterizado por:
Melodias melancólicas
Letras simples
Ritmo rítmico
Grandes entregas vocais
Presença da guitarra
"Blue notes", ou notas blues, que são o resultado de uma entoação diferente das notas do acorde
Estrutura musical simples, com três acordes básicos e doze compassos
Temas como solidão, tristeza, amor perdido e injustiça
O blues influenciou diversos gêneros musicais, como o rock, o jazz e o R&B.
Logo Rhapsody in Blue é a mistura das influências da música clássica européia com o música e tradições afro-americanas, logo ela é Nova York, logo é vida, vida da mistura das várias migrações e emigrantes internas e externas para essa cidade.
Gershwin nasceu como Jacob Gershowitz no Brooklyn, Nova Iorque de pais judeus russos. Seu pai Morris (Moishe) Gershowitz, trocou o nome da família para Gershwin logo depois de imigrar para São Petersburgo, Rússia. A mãe de Gershwin, Rosa Bruskin, também veio da Rússia; ela se casou com Gershowitz quatro anos depois.
O solo de clarinete que abre a "Rhapsody in Blue", por exemplo, traz a influência da Chazanut, o bonito canto litúrgico judaico.
A fusão entre as influências afro-americanas, europeias e judaicas é a própria música, logo a própria vida, pois vida é fricção, fusão, ebulição, sublimação e condensação, os vários estados físicos da matéria numa só música que sempre representou Nova York em suas várias fases e etapas de sua história, inclusive a atual.
Não foi um grande sucesso, mas a música caiu no gosto de Paul Whiteman, um dos principais bandleaders do início da década de 1920, conhecido como o "Rei do Jazz". Whiteman então lhe encomenda uma obra de jazz sinfônico para ser executada juntamente com outros trabalhos de nível, no Aeolian Hall, num concerto de jazz que estava organizando, o "Experimento em Música Moderna". George esqueceu-se por completo da encomenda até 3 semanas antes da estréia, mas, antes desse prazo, compôs "Rapsódia em Blue", o trabalho que definiu sua carreira e o elevou a outro patamar na música.A abertura da composição apresenta um solo de clarineta, que começa como um trinado e vai num crescendo até se desfazer no ar. Em outras palavras, uma peça para ser tocada com emoção, com toda a pungência dos blues.A sinfonia foi tocada pela primeira vez com o próprio Gershwin ao piano, no dia 12 de fevereiro de 1924, no Aeolian Hall de Nova York, diante de uma platéia que incluía personalidades como o violinista Jascha Heifetz, o compositor Rachmaninoff, Efrem Zimbalist e Alma Gluck. Se até então Gershwin era considerado uma estrela em ascensão, naquela noite passou a ser uma celebridade incontestável, seu sucesso crescendo a cada nova criação.
Naquele ano, no palco do Liberty Theater, Fred Astaire estrelou o musical dos irmãos Gershwin. A linha melódica suave e as letras inteligentes tornaram famosas muitas das canções que integravam "Lady Be Good", entre as quais, "Fascinating Rhythm", e "Oh, Lady, be Good" . Outra de suas canções, muito populares, mas que não estava incluída na produção original foi a balada "The Man I Love". Para muitos críticos, esse novo tipo de combinação entre música e letra foi responsável pela sofisticação da música popular norte-americana.
Uma curiosidade:Algo interessante entre a biografia de Mozart e Gershwin é que ambos tinham irmãs prodigiosas da música, ambas iniciaram ou seja foram pioneiras ou desbravadoras, ambas começaram a ganhar dinheiro e por questões culturais e históricas foram parar no anonimato de suas casas como " donas de casa" ocupando-se de suas familias.Nada contra, mas o papel da mulher na história durante muito tempo e até os dias de hoje ainda é fundamentalmente estar no " backstage" fazendo homens triunfarem e isso sim é condenável e injusto.
Retornando a Rapsódia em Blue, blue sentimentos, blue sofrimentos,blue racismo cultural, mental,existencial e estrutural teve na própria cultura uma passagem, um beco, um pequeno beco para atingir toda uma população rica ou pobre, de homens brancos ou pretos, da Eugênia da ignorância que isso significava socialmente e o que viria a ser para a própria civilização ocidental na segunda grande guerra.
George Gershwin e Noel Rosa morreram jovens, um com tumor cerebral outro com um ataque cardíaco fulminante, fulminantes foram suas composições e parcerias, seu " sincretismo musical" mas suas músicas se eternizaram, a do tema desse artigo virou fundo musical para uma campanha publicitária da United Airlines, para o bem e para o mal, mas de modo geral são a Nova York e o Rio de Janeiro de hoje, confusa, difusa, corrupta, imoral, moralista, Democrata(" Esquerda"), Republicana(" Direita"), essa primeira,mais uma rotulação que a outra, livre, presa, pobre, miserável, rica,bilionária ou milionária, mas continuam mágicas, fantasiosas, jocosas,amorosas, rancorosas,traficantes e traficadas, população trancafiada, segregada,maliciosa, perturbadora, provocadora, quem morou, mora, vive, sobrevive lá, sabe que é vida, vida que segue!Entre Rapsódia em Blue e Conversa de Botequim uma boa música sempre será, sempre haverá a crítica do crítico e a população a aclamar bis, bravo, mais uma vez!
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guelfoalexander · 5 months ago
Rhapsody in Blue
George Gershwin
Gershwin, Bernstein, Barber. Conducted By Leonard Bernstein
Rapsodia in blu, per pianoforte e orchestra
Data di registrazione
luglio 1982, San Francisco
Campione audio
Leonard Bernstein (Direttore, Solista) (Pianoforte)
* 25.8.1918, Lawrence, Massachusetts (MA), Stati Uniti d'America
† 14.10.1990, New York, New York (NY), Stati Uniti d'America
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra (Orchestra / Gruppo)
* 1919
George Gershwin (Compositore)
* 26.9.1898, New York City, New York (NY), Stati Uniti d'America
† 11.7.1937, Hollywood, California (CA), Stati Uniti d'America
Ferde Grofé (Strumentazione / Orchestrazione, Arrangiatore)
* 27.3.1892, New York City, New York (NY), Stati Uniti d'America
† 3.4.1972, New York City, New York (NY), Stati Uniti d'America
Informazioni sull'album
Gershwin, Bernstein, Barber. Conducted By Leonard Bernstein
George Gershwin
Gershwin, Bernstein, Barber. Conducted By Leonard Bernstein
Anno di produzione
Casa discografica
George Gershwin
Rapsodia in blu, per pianoforte e orchestra
1. Rhapsody in Blue
Leonard Bernstein
On the town. Danze per orchestra
2. 1. The Great Lover
3. 2. Lonely Town: Pas de deux
4. 3. Times Square: 1944
Samuel Barber
Adagio per archi (Op. 11)
5. Adagio
Leonard Bernstein
(da) Candide. Operetta in 2 atti
6. Ouverture
Leonard Bernstein
Danze sinfoniche da "West Side Story", per orchestra
7. Prologue
8. Somewhere
9. Scherzo
10. Mambo
11. Cha-Cha
12. Meeting Scene
13. Cool, Fugue
14. Rumble
15. Finale
Leonard Bernstein
(da) West Side Story. Musical
16. America
© 2024 Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft
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antowilly · 2 years ago
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sunset-supergirl · 3 years ago
Happy birthday Ferde Grofé
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justforbooks · 4 years ago
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Rhapsody in Blue is a 1924 musical composition by the American composer George Gershwin for solo piano and jazz band, which synthesizes elements of classical music with jazz-influenced effects. The composition was commissioned at the request of bandleader Paul Whiteman. The piece received its premiere in the concert, "An Experiment in Modern Music," which was held on February 12, 1924, in Aeolian Hall, New York City, by Whiteman and his band with Gershwin playing the piano. The work was orchestrated by Ferde Grofé several times, including the original 1924 scoring, the 1926 "theater orchestra" setting, and the 1942 symphony orchestra scoring.
The rhapsody is regarded as one of Gershwin's most recognizable creations and as a key composition which defined the historical period known as the Jazz Age. The Nation has described Gershwin's piece as inaugurating a new era in America's musical history. The editors of the Cambridge Music Handbooks have posited that "the Rhapsody in Blue (1924) established Gershwin's reputation as a serious composer and has since become one of the most popular of all American concert works." The American Heritage magazine notes that the famous opening clarinet glissando has become as instantly recognizable to concert audiences as Beethoven's Fifth.
Rhapsody in Blue premiered during a snowy afternoon on Tuesday, February 12, 1924, at Aeolian Hall, Manhattan. Entitled "An Experiment in Modern Music," the much-anticipated concert held by Paul Whiteman and his Palais Royal Orchestra drew a "packed audience." The excited audience consisted of "Vaudevillians, concert managers come to have a look at the novelty, Tin Pan Alleyites, composers, symphony and opera stars, flappers, cake-eaters, all mixed up higgledy-piggledy." Many influential figures of the era were present, including Carl Van Vechten, Marguerite d'Alvarez, Victor Herbert, Walter Damrosch, Igor Stravinsky, Fritz Kreisler, Leopold Stokowski, John Philip Sousa, and Willie "the Lion" Smith.
In a pre-concert lecture, Whiteman's manager Hugh C. Ernst proclaimed the purpose of the concert was "to be purely educational". The selected music was intended to exemplify the "melodies, harmony and rhythms which agitate the throbbing emotional resources of this young restless age." The concert's program was lengthy with 26 separate musical movements, divided into 2 parts and 11 sections, bearing titles such as "True Form Of Jazz" and "Contrast—Legitimate Scoring vs. Jazzing." In the program's schedule, Gershwin's rhapsody was merely the penultimate piece and preceded Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1.
Many of the early numbers in the program reportedly underwhelmed the audience, and the ventilation system in the concert hall malfunctioned. Some audience members were departing for the exits by the time Gershwin made his inconspicuous entrance for the rhapsody. The audience purportedly were irritable, impatient, and restless until the haunting clarinet glissando that opened Rhapsody in Blue was heard. The distinctive glissando had been created quite by happenstance during rehearsals:
"As a joke on Gershwin.... [Ross] Gorman [Whiteman's virtuoso clarinettist] played the opening measure with a noticeable glissando, 'stretching' the notes out and adding what he considered a jazzy, humorous touch to the passage. Reacting favorably to Gorman's whimsy, Gershwin asked him to perform the opening measure that way.... and to add as much of a 'wail' as possible."
The rhapsody was then performed by Whiteman's orchestra consisting of "twenty-three musicians in the ensemble" with George Gershwin on piano. In characteristic style, Gershwin chose to partially improvise his piano solo. Consequently, the orchestra anxiously waited for Gershwin's nod which signaled the end of his piano solo and the cue for the ensemble to resume playing. As Gershwin improvised some of what he was playing, the solo piano section was not technically written until after the performance; hence, it is unknown exactly how the original rhapsody sounded at the premiere.
Upon the conclusion of the rhapsody, there was "tumultuous applause for Gershwin's composition," and, quite unexpectedly, "the concert, in every respect but the financial, was a 'knockout'." The concert itself would become historically significant due to the premiere of the rhapsody, and its program would "become not only a historic document, finding its way into foreign monographs on jazz, but a rarity as well."
Following the success of rhapsody's premiere, future performances followed. The first British performance of Rhapsody in Blue took place at the Savoy Hotel in London on June 15, 1925. It was broadcast in a live relay by the BBC. Debroy Somers conducted the Savoy Orpheans with Gershwin himself at the piano. The piece was heard again in the United Kingdom during the second European tour of the Paul Whiteman Orchestra, most notably on April 11, 1926, at the Royal Albert Hall, with Gershwin in the audience. The Royal Albert Hall concert was recorded—though not issued—by the British record label His Master's Voice.
By the end of 1927, Whiteman's band had performed Rhapsody in Blue approximately 84 times, and its recording sold a million copies. However, in order for the entire piece to fit onto two sides of a 12-inch record, the rhapsody had to be played at a faster speed than usual in a concert, which gave it a hurried feel and some rubato was lost. Whiteman later adopted the piece as his band's theme song and opened his radio programs with the slogan "Everything new but the Rhapsody in Blue."
Two recordings exist of George Gershwin performing abridged versions of his composition with Paul Whiteman's orchestra. A June 10, 1924 acoustic recording produced by the Victor Talking Machine Company, and running 8 minutes and 59 seconds, and an April 21, 1927 electrical recording made by Victor, running 9 minutes and 1 second (approximately half the length of the complete work). This version was conducted by Nathaniel Shilkret after a quarrel between Gershwin and Whiteman. In addition to the aforementioned two versions, a 1925 piano roll captured Gershwin's performance in a two-piano version.
Whiteman's orchestra later performed a truncated version of the piece in the 1930 film The King of Jazz with Roy Bargy on solo piano. Whiteman re-recorded the piece for Decca on a 12-inch 78 rpm disc (29051) on October 23, 1938. However, it was not until the Great Depression that the first complete recording of the composition, with pianist Jesús María Sanromá and Arthur Fiedler conducting the Boston Pops Orchestra, was issued by RCA Victor in 1935.
During World War II, a recording by pianist Oscar Levant with the Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Eugene Ormandy was made on August 21, 1945. This recording, labelled Columbia Masterworks 251, became one of the best-selling record albums of that year. Over a decade later in 1958, the Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Hans-Jürgen Walther and with David Haines on piano recorded an 8:16 version for Somerset Records. The album cover featured a photographie de nuit of the Chrysler Building—an Art Deco-style skyscraper—and the surrounding cityscape with a blue hue.
In 1973, the piece was recorded by Brazilian jazz-rock artist Eumir Deodato on his album Deodato 2. The single reached Billboard peak positions number 41 Pop, number 10 Easy Listening. A disco arrangement was recorded by French pianist Richard Clayderman in 1978 and is one of his signature pieces.
In the late 1970s, interest in the original arrangement was revived. On February 14, 1973, it received its first performance since the Jazz Age: Conductor Kenneth Kiesler secured the requisite permissions and led with work with pianist Paul Verrette on his University of New Hampshire campus. Reconstructions of it have been recorded by Michael Tilson Thomas and the Columbia Jazz Band in 1976, and by Maurice Peress with Ivan Davis on piano as part of a 60th-anniversary reconstruction of the entire 1924 concert. André Watts (1976), Marco Fumo (1974), and Sara Davis Buechner (2005) released recordings of the work for solo piano as did Eric Himy (2004) in a version that featured the untruncated original short score. Meanwhile, such two-piano teams as José Iturbi and Amparo Iturbi as well as Katia and Marielle Labèque also recorded the piece. Michel Camilo recorded the piece in 2006, winning a Latin Grammy Award.
Gershwin's rhapsody has also influenced a number of composers. In 1955, Rhapsody in Blue served as the inspiration for a composition by the noted accordionist/composer John Serry Sr. which was subsequently published in 1957 as American Rhapsody. Brian Wilson, leader of The Beach Boys, stated on several occasions that Rhapsody in Blue is one of his favorite pieces. He first heard it when he was two years old, and recalls that he "loved" it. According to biographer Peter Ames Carlin, it was an influence on his Smile album. Rhapsody in Blue also inspired a collaboration between blind savant British pianist Derek Paravicini and composer Matthew King on a new concerto, called Blue premiered at the South Bank Centre in London in 2011.
Photo above: Cover of the original sheet music of Rhapsody in Blue
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pop-sesivo · 2 years ago
The Day of the Wolves (1971). Director: Ferde Grofé Jr.
De niño, vi dos veces esta película en TV. No recordaba su nombre. Pero recordaba su trama, así que pasé meses buscando en Google una película con una historia similar hasta que me topé con el rostro de Richard Egan en una de mis búsquedas y supe que había encontrado la película.
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extremely low-budget, extremely entertaining, and extremely violent made-in-Arizona action movie with groovy music, oddball locations, and great character actors
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khwethemule · 4 years ago
Grand Canyon Suite: V. Cloudburst · Ferde Grofé - Leonard Bernstein - New York Philharmonic
I found this song with #BeatFind
Grand Canyon Suite: V. Cloudburst · Ferde Grofé - Leonard Bernstein - New York Philharmonic
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wollemi-whump · 10 months ago
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
When I started plotting fanfic versus when I started actually physically writing it is different. I was always so sad when bad things happened in my shows :( that I would just make up fix-its (though I didnt call them that because I was five) where all the characters were happy (I watched a lot of adult shows, sad things were happening all the time).
When I was old enough for school, I would always use character names for my worksheets (god. there were three. if youve been on tumblr for five minutes you can take a guess which three.)
For assignments, I wrote stories inspired by shows and movies I'd seen (usually very dark and definitely not for children lmao). Perhaps the most obvious example of this was the 22-page story I wrote in fifth grade which was a blatant Charmed x Supernatural crossover with most of the character names changed. (I think the funny thing was I didn't even include the sisters, just a side character they had helped in one episode who was the protagonist of my story. Saying this now, that's about as fanfic as u can get lol).
The first piece of actual fanfiction I can find is a 15-line fic I made when I was twelve. The 2nd was a 40 word whump snippet. The third was a 350 word crackfic (same fandom as the first).
I seemingly took a break for a while as I discovered you could read other people's fanfiction and promptly devoted all my free time to it.
I continued physically writing but it was all original fiction, not fanfic. I started physically writing fanfic snippets again (whump) a few years ago for an interest of mine and eventually started doing it for more fandoms, leading to now where I'm working on completing my ~10k White Collar fic.
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
I actually don't listen to any playlists surprisingly, except my own which are just grouped by genre. I do enjoy "Grand Canyon Suite" by Ferde Grofé. Love "Painted Desert". I also like the soundtrack for the game A Short Hike.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I like to think the Neal celebrates all the holidays with the Burke's. It's already established he goes to their house a lot, but I like the idea of them doing various holiday things especially since Neal likely never got the best version of that growing up.
Thanks for the ask!!! :D
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frenchcurious · 5 years ago
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Affiche argentine du film de Ferde Grofé Jr., ''The Day of the Wolves'' (1972), dessinée par Felix. - Source Heritage Auctions.
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