#Fem!Desi!Tony Stark
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spiderrpcrkerwrites · 5 years ago
A/n: anyway obligatory 'tanya is very fuckin desi and will write absolute crack every 3 months after radio silence' ficlet. Beta read by @thebookwormslytherin and @desitonystark (love u bbs). Desi!Fem!Tony, established winteriron marriage. I do not know how to write children speaking apparently lmao
"Hello, siiiiir! Here to see your wife after a 2 month gap? I was pretty miffed when you didn't show up at the airport." Tanishka 'Toni' Stark smirked to herself as she busied herself with resetting her lab after a sabbath to visit home. Whirling around, she expected to see James with that insufferable smile of his. She saw instead her son rushing up to her still in his pyjamas.
"Hi baby! It's 3 AM, why aren't you sleeping in your nice, nice bed?" She cooed at him as she picked Peter up and set him on the desk.
"No sleep. There is a monster under my bed."
"Aww baby, you wanna help mum?" She knew jet lag wouldn't let him sleep anyway. Childhood trips from the States and back had led to many sleepless nights in her childhood, much to the chagrin of her many nannies, until her mother would be roused and would come rushing to put Toni to sleep by singing to her.
"Wanna….watch." Peter yawned. He was learning new words every day, even picking up some of her native language. He was growing up too fast, it seemed like barely a year ago that he was babbling and reaching out to grab her hands.
"Oh? Well let the show begin then. Fri, where's my husband disappeared to?"
"Major Barnes is currently on a reconnaissance mission. He has requested minimal contact. He and Captain Rogers left a week ago."
"Huh. And I wasn't informed...why?"
"Major Barnes specifically requested me to not inform you, ma'am."
"For heaven's sake, my husband is off God knows where and I haven't slept in 72 hours. Fri, where is he?"
"I'm afraid I cannot tell you that, ma'am."
When James stepped off, he felt as if something was off. He couldn't put his finger on it, the mission was a success and miraculously no one was injured, why did he feel strangely afraid?
It hits him as he steps out of the debriefing room. Toni is nowhere to be seen, despite Friday's assurances she's back. Whistling, he strolls up to Peter's room, surprised to see him asleep in the day. Normally the kid was bumbling around during the day, insistent on never napping.
He wakes up squealing when he sees his father sitting cross-legged on his bed, smiling at him. He immediately clambers about, chattering his head off about his first trip to his mother's home.
He suddenly stops when James looks confused.
"Yes, baby?"
"Why you were gone? Mumma was sad."
"Oh?" He knew he had been forgetting something when he'd left abruptly for the mission. It hit him now how Toni would be worried sick about him.
"D'you know where mumma is now, kid?"
"She's in-inventing!" Peter sits up. "Do you wanna watch?"
"I'll go, kiddo. You stay right here and take a nap, 'kay?" He kisses his temple and gets up from the bed, tucking Peter in.
He nearly crashed into the glass when the doors refuse to open. The lab had biometrics registered, but it refused to let Bucky in despite confirming his identity.
He waved to Toni, who was scowling at him through the doors. Showing him a finger, she turned back to the desk.
Bucky dramatically threw himself on the doors, claiming ignorance of the blaring alarms. It might be resistant to missiles, but the lab and its inhabitant weren't impervious to a mopey super soldier. The door crashed open and Bucky toppled to the ground. Toni turned to check on him, and upon seeing nothing but his ego was bruised, she pretended to busy herself on fixing the gauntlet in front of her.
"Meri jaan…" The words had begun to sound less foreign on his tongue, and he only stuttered through foreign languages when he really wanted something.
"Yea?" She turned casually, taking a handful of almonds and munching on them.
"I'm uh, sorry. Like really, really. I truly, genuinely forgot."
"Aww, really?"
"Yes, really." He stood next to her, picking up the gauntlet as if seeing the armour for the very first time.
"Maybe you should also eat almonds then."
"Huh?" He dropped the gauntlet with a resounding crash, as both of them grimaced.
"Ya know, kids are told to have almonds before exams to help them remember. Amma was telling petey all about it." She rolled her eyes but didn't protest as Bucky gathered her in his arms.
"Yeah? I don't like almonds."
"I don't like you." She scrunched her nose and grins as Bucky made an expression of disgust at the almonds she offered him.
P.s.: yeah so almonds are apparently said to boost your memory power and apparently Toni is a troll lmao and i agree with Bucky almond skins always get stuck in your throat and mum chases me around trying to get me to eat them akjdjsjs
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another-stark-sub · 4 years ago
Notes: This will be unrelated to the Prof Stark fic I promised like a year ago but hasn't come out yet rlly gotta get on that
You didn't think much about the key. It was easier for both of you. He had to stay late for grading and boring things, and you had to get somewhere to study and eat, so when the professor with benefits offered you a key, you took it. Free food and a quiet place away from your roommates? How could you pass that up?
Plus, being in the same place made it much easier for the benefits part of your unconventional relationship with the professor.
So, when the door slammed open and a heavy bag dropped on the floor, it was convenient that you were there.
Usually, you'd shout that you were there, but since you could hear him rustling through the cabinets for a glass and a bottle, you gently approached him. "Tough day?"
Not even looking at you, he replied, "Tough. Impossible is a better word."
You hummed. His fingers dug into the countertop, knuckles turning white under the pressure. When you put your hand on top of his, he relaxed a little, but his arms were still flexed and his shoulders were still high.
The emotions came in little waves. First, the dirty thoughts of what his arms could do. How could a man with at least a decade and a half on you still have arms built like a superhero's? Second, the guilt of thinking that when he was obviously wound up. And third, how he needed something to unwind.
You rubbed his arm, to help him destress, and squeezed his bicep, for a different reason. You pressed up against his side and kissed his cheek. Your lips lingered around his jaw as you whispered, "Sounds like you need to relax, Professor."
With just those few actions, Tony was putty in your hands. He turned to you, his eyes dark with desire. His lips brushed against yours. "I don't feel like being soft today, sweetheart."
You smiled and kissed him softly. With a soft, little moan, you pulled away just a little and said, "Then don't." You started to unbutton his shirt, and he caught your lips again in a kiss that started soft but turned passionate when he pulled you against him and his hands started to roam.
You pulled away to leave a kiss on his neck, his collarbone, the top of his chest, before fully sinking down so you were on your knees.
His hands came to your hair, and as you slid his pants down, he reminded you, "I warned you, I don't wanna be soft today."
You laughed a little. "Remember what I said, Professor?"
Your jaw dropped, and he slammed his cock into your mouth.
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starkrogerrs · 4 years ago
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my first mth fill for mth2020 @marveltrumpshate, for the lovely @deathsweetqueen!
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ad1thi · 4 years ago
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look,,,look what @deathsweetqueen made for me PLEASE SHE'S SO PRETTY this is what my Toni looks like this is literally my favourite thing ever im never talking about anything else ever
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ad1thi · 5 years ago
May I ask for 35 with Ironhusbands? Bc that one would really fit into the MIT era. If you feel like it. Thank you :)
#35: one of them trying to get the other one off of drugs au // from this list // part of rajput tony stark AU. please be mindful of this prompt when reading this fic; because it is about substance abuse. this got a bit longer than i was expecting so please watch out for the read more (hopefully tumblr doesn’t snipe me and fuck it up)
It starts off small. Toni goes from having every single aspect of her life monitored to abject freedom overnight; and it gets to her head. She sneaks Rhodey into a couple of frat parties and gets drunk, swaying to the music while clasping a plastic red cup in between her fingers and she finds that she likes it; she likes the way her entire body relaxes; how the alcohol burning down her throat seems to reach the knot in her stomach and loosen it somehow. 
She likes the way she gets bolder, stronger, more willing to take risks. She likes the way it makes her figure undulate, how blurry faces pull her in and when they kiss - she can taste the vodka on the tip of their tongue. She likes drinking, she likes who she is when she's drinking - and so she drinks some more. 
It sort of grows from there. It stops being a couple nights a week and starts becoming every night of the week - and it is a familiar occurrence for Toni to bang down Rhodey’s door at ungodly hours of the night. The third time it happens, Rhodey’s roommate applies for a transfer of dorms and Toni all but moves into the vacant bed. 
Their friendship is still new, frightfully new - but Rhodey knows without having to even ask that if he pushes the issue, that Toni will shrink away from him and ice him out. So he doesn’t say anything, and instead works on ways to keep her safe. At least this way she has somebody to turn to if it all goes to shit. 
He goes to every party that she’s invited to, makes sure to take a (discreet) photo of every man and woman that she leaves with, and starts including the cafe across the street in his morning routines. Rhodey can’t remember the last time he touched a drop of alcohol; and he thinks from the overwhelming stench that he gets during the few times that Toni stumbles back to their room with him instead of her flavour for the night - that he probably never will touch alcohol again. 
It isn’t just Rhodey’s attendance that takes a massive hit though; Toni is barely hanging onto her place at the university with the amount of 8ams that she’s missed - and its a meeting at the Dean’s Office that really wakes up her. She comes back into their dorm room with a frosty expression, picks up the various bottles scattered across the room and up-ends them into the communal toilet. 
Rhodey doesn’t say anything, just helps her collect it all and throw it away without their RA seeing; but from the way that she hugs him fiercely once they return to the room - he knows that she knows. There’s nights she can’t sleep, nights where she drives herself crazy, nights when she begs Rhodey to just give her a sip - and its during one of those nights that Rhodey suggests she gets a job; something to keep her occupied so that she isn’t thinking about frat parties. 
And so she does. She gets herself the graveyard shift at the campus mess and its good for a while; but then Toni meets Tiberius Stone; and that’s when everything goes to shit. 
It’s been close to six months since Rhodey has seen Toni outside of the classes that they share together; and even that had been reduced to scant gazes and small smiles before Tiberius pulls her away to sit somewhere else. 
He misses her something fierce, but he isn’t allowed to complain about her absence, not when he was the one who drove her away. Not when he came back to their room to find her sniffing a thin white line off the edge of her desk; and he’d kicked her out instead of getting her helped. 
He’d walked in and saw her look up with wide eyes, powder peppered around the outline of her nostrils and suddenly he was 10 years old again; looking at the still figure of his father with a needle protruding from his arm and it’d been too much for Rhodey, he’d reacted too quickly without thinking it through - and he has only himself to blame. 
In his darker moments, he listens to the tiny voice in his head that reminds him that Toni knew what happened to his father, she knew how he felt about drugs but she bought a packet anyway but most of the time he’s mature enough to admit that she’s an addict; that this isn’t something that she can control.
No matter how he thinks of it though, the end result is the same: it’s been six months since Rhodey has managed to see his bestfriend. None of this explains why there’s someone banging on his door at 3am; and why when he opens the door - he finds Toni slumped against it.
“Toni?” Rhodey reacts instantly, fallings to his knees so that his thigh pillow her head when she falls, “what happened?”
“Mujhe maaf karado,” Toni’s slurring her speech, but she looks up from wet lashes and cups his cheeks, “mujhe maaf karado“
Rhodey opens his mouth to reply, to ask her what she’s saying; but she slumps against him before he manages to get a word edgewise. With a sigh, he gingerly wraps his hands under her knees and lifts her - stumbling a couple of times before he manages to get on his feet and carry her to his bed. He doesn’t have the strength to carry her to the spare bed; so he just pulls Toni to his chest and falls onto his bed. The last coherent thought he has before he falls asleep is how right it feels to have Toni sleep next to him again. 
He wakes up in the morning to find Toni perched at the edge of the bed; with a fearful expression on her face. He blinks a couple of times to clear his vision, fumbling around for his water-bottle so that he can give it to her. 
“Here you are Tones,” he says, voice with heavy with sleep, “you need some water after last night”. Toni takes the bottle that he’s offering and brings it to her lips to take a couple sips; but the tension in her shoulders hasn’t reduced at all. 
Rhodey can’t stand it, can’t stand the idea the idea that she might be scared of him, which is why he pushes himself to a siting position, reaches out so that he can intertwine their fingers. Toni looks up at him with wide eyes, but doesn’t make any moves to take her hand back - so he thinks that its progress.
“Hey,” he says softly, cocking his head and smiling at her, “hey you’re okay. We’re okay sweetheart, I promise,” he brings up her palm to press to press a shaky kiss to it - and thats all it says; Toni flings herself into his arms and starts crying into his shoulder; brokenly apologising over and over while he runs a hand down her back and soothes her. 
Toni’s heart feels like her heart is jack-hammering against her ribs; and she wants to reach out and press her palm against it - to force it back into her chest and make it stay there. Instead, she looks over to Rhodey, who presses a kiss to her shoulder and sends a reassuring smile her way. She takes a deep breath, trying to gather up her courage; and then addresses the people sitting around her at large, “Hi. I’m Toni Stark, and I’m an addict.”
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ad1thi · 5 years ago
life (you only get one of them): chapter 2
-my zindagi na milengi dobara au
Summary: in college, Steve, Sam and Bucky made a promise. 3 weeks, 3 activities, 3 boys and the country of Spain. 15 years later, Sam is getting married and its time for them to make good on that promise, to give him the send-off of the century. But between Sam’s conflicted feelings over his engagement, unresolved tension that threatens to break up the trio; Bucky’s secret agenda and Steve’s workaholic tendencies - it definitely promises to be a trip they’ll never forget
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
Costa Brava. The first leg of their journey.
Sam leans against the side of the wall - watching the announcements to see when Steve’s plane was going to land
The crisp air is a stark contrast to the sweltering heat from Mumbai - and Sam finally feels like he can breathe again
(a small part of him thinks that has nothing to do with the location and everything to do with the company, but now isn’t the time to dwell on such thoughts)
Hands wrap him from behind, lifting him up the ground and spinning him around
He turns so that he can hug Steve properly - leaning up and rubbing his fist against Steve’s head until he yelps
“Its good to see you man,” Sam says - once Steve has pushed himself out of the chokehold that Sam had him in, “you really need to stop disappearing like this”
Steve rubs the back of his neck self consciously, “I’m here now aren’t I? So what’s this I hear that you’re getting married? I swear that you and Natasha just became official”
“About 6 months ago, but I wouldn’t expect you to know that,” Sam jabs an elbow that Steve narrowly misses - and they stand on the side of the road to flag down a cab, “but yeah it was all a bit surreal. Wasn’t too planned but it is what it is right?”
Steve looks at him quizzically - but before he can voice his thoughts, a car skids in front of them and their conversation is lost in favour of dragging up highschool spanish in order to communicate where they need to go
The ride to the hotel is uneventful, both men content to enjoy the other’s company in silence 
“Hey,” Steve says once they reach the hotel, “I have this super important call that I have to get on - would you mind checking in for me while I grab this real quick?”
“Yeah - sure,” Sam says, but Steve isn’t around to here it - pushing his passport against his chest and making his way across to the nearest table
“Well, thats a reassuring look for the rest of the trip,” Bucky says from behind him - and Sam throws the first thing in his hand (which turns out to be Steve’s passport) in fright
“When did you get here bhenchod?” Sam says, throwing an arm around him and wheeling his stuff towards to the reception desk, “I thought you were taking a later flight?”
“I got an upgrade,” Bucky replies, “thought I’d see if I could travel with you and Mr. Business over there. But I overestimated, got here too early”
Bucky grips Sam’s chin, and turns him around to the rest of the reception, waving at a couple of girls who giggle in response, “and let me tell you birdbrain, it was the best decision of my life”
“The girls here,” Bucky whistles, “are absolutely gorgeous. Bellissimo - thats spanish for beautiful by the way, all over. And the men too”
He rubs his hands together, “I’m going to enjoy this holiday”
“ ‘s not a holiday,” Sam says half heartedly, “its supposed to be my bachelor’s party”
“No doubt no doubt,” Bucky murmers, but he’s already moving away from Sam and towards a girl with rouge lips who’s eyeing him surreptitiously from across the hall
They’re on the beach when Steve sees him - and he swears that his heart arrests in his chest
He’s brought his laptop with him, ignoring Bucky’s ribbing in favour of placing bids on an advantageous stock - and he looks up just in time to see him pass them by; chasing after what looks like a volleyball
He’s absolutely gorgeous, lean muscles that ripple with sweat and dressed in a pair of swim shorts that cling to his thighs - and when he bends down,  Steve has the strangest urge to bounce a quarter off his ass
He has gorgeous locks that Steve desperately wants to run his hand through, and a smile as dazzling as the sun
Steve swears for a second that he’s fallen completely in love - and then Bucky ruins it by whistling
“Now that is exactly why I came on this godawful trip,” Bucky says lowly, “I would not mind getting lost in those eyes”
Steve feels himself getting angry despite himself, “Back off Bucky - I saw him first”
Bucky pulls down his sunglasses and glares at Steve mockingly, “what are we - kids in middle school? It’s all about speed Stevie boy”
He steps up and brushes his sand all over Steve’s laptop, “watch and learn”
and Steve watches as Bucky waltzes over to the possible love of his life, tapping his shoulder and dazzling him with a smile that Steve can personally attest has made many a men and women drop their trousers instantly in college
He watches them interact for a couple of seconds before slamming down his laptop and stalking back to the hotel - leaving Sam with a terse “I’m going up to my room”
Tony’s looking for his volleyball with little avail when someone taps his shoulder - and he whirls around to meet a man with startling blue eyes and a gorgeous smile
“Can I help you?” Tony asks and the man holds out his hand, “I’m Bucky”
“Nice to meet you Bucky,” Tony says, before taking a step back, “if you don’t mind - I have a ball that I’m looking for”
Bucky reaches out and grabs his forearm, “So my friend Stevie back there,” he thumbs towards the Adonis on the beach-chair who looks a bit like he wants to murder Bucky, “has a ickle crush on you and my absolute favourite past-time is to egg him on. Would you mind hanging out for a couple of minutes, let me rile him up?”
Tony looks over Bucky’s shoulder - chuckling when Steve meets his eye for a second and then looks back down, “your friend’s sending you death rays with his eyes - you sure its just him thats got a crush on me?”
Bucky’s cheeks heat unexpectedly, and Tony has to admit - its kinda cute
“It’s a bit complicated,” Bucky says, “but the gist of it is that Steve may bury me right here in Costa Brava if I may a move on another person that he’s got eyes on”
“Well we wouldn’t want that,” Tony says seriously, “you’re far too pretty to be buried six feet under. Besides, I think your friend has been sufficiently annoyed - looks like he’s leaving”
Bucky turns around just as Tony spots his ball behind the trash can, and he bends down to grab his ball
He looks up just in time to catch Bucky checking out his ass, and inwardly Tony preens
“Well,” he says, “I better be going - since I got my ball and your Steve is no longer around. It was nice to meet you Bucky”
Bucky smiles, “and it was real nice meeting you doll”
Bucky winks and walks away, and Tony waits until he’s out of eyesight to thumb open his phone and flip through his emails
Deep sea diving with Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers - 21st April to 29th April
The next couple of days were going to be really interesting
tagging: @icarustarks, @spiderrpcrker, @veronicasummersfelton,  @allthingsmarvel100, @starkrogerrs, @imposter-human, @anthonyed, @rxmanoff, @talesofsuspenses, @acastleintheair
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ad1thi · 5 years ago
life (you only get one of them): chapter 1
-or, zindagi na milengi dobara au 
i would like everyone to know that this was meant to be a bullet fic, and then eva got me super excited and now its,,,not a bullet fic its got 5 parts (tentatively) so @icarustarks hope you like it hun (consider this a super late birthday gift)
also tagging @spiderrpcrker because she sent me an ask about the exact same idea
Summary: in college, Steve, Sam and Bucky made a promise. 3 weeks, 3 activities, 3 boys and the country of Spain. 15 years later, Sam is getting married and its time for them to make good on that promise, to give him the send-off of the century. But between Sam’s conflicted feelings over his engagement, unresolved tension that threatens to break up the trio; Bucky’s secret agenda and Steve’s workaholic tendencies - it definitely promises to be a trip they’ll never forget
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
“You’re getting married,” Steve says again - breathing through his nose to calm himself down, “It is the most important financial quarter of the year and you want me to take three whole weeks off because you decided, on a whim to get married”
“It wasn’t a - “ there’s a groan on the other line, “look its really complicated but yes, I’m engaged and I’m getting married to Nat and you promised Steve. I haven’t seen you in ages man - I miss you”
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose, “Is Bucky going to be there?”
He hears a snort, “Is Bucky - your bestfriend and my roommate, going to be there? Yeah Steve he’s going to be there”
“I can’t be around him Sam, you know this, you know what went down between us”
“Funny that,” Sam says, a cutting edge in his voice, “ because I don’t remember you ever telling me what happened between you guys. I just remember you showing up one night at my apartment with your clothes washed out by the rain and staying on my couch for a week. Steve - you owe me”
Steve throws his head back, before opening his laptop and pulling up his calendar, “I’ll see what I can do”
He waits for Sam’s whoop of joy before cutting the line, and starts flipping through his calendar - but he knows he’s going
Sam’s right, he hadn’t seen him for almost a year, and he even missed the Wilsons’ anniversary dinner. He owed Sam, even if it meant putting up with Bucky for a whole three weeks
On the other end of the call - Sam waits until the phone clicks to send a pointed look to the man standing next to him
Bucky whistles lowly, “you got him to agree”
Sam puts the phone down and starts folding his clothes, systematically moving aside various parts of Bucky’s body to spread his clothes out on the bed
“Despite what you think,” Sam says dryly, “Steve does have a heart”
“Oh I know,” Bucky says around a mouthful of popcorn, “I worked that out when he told me frequently and vividly how I broke it”
At this Sam looks up, levelling Bucky with a glare, “none of that bullshit on the trip Barnes,” Bucky raising his hands in mock surrender does nothing but deepen the glare, “I’m serious. Steve doesn’t know I know for one, and I won’t have you ruin this trip for me with your nonsense. Sharon was 5 years ago and I will kill you myself if you run salt on the wound”
“Hey it’s not going to be me,” Bucky says placating, “I’ve reached out to the guy dozens of times over the years. He’s the one who can’t move past it”
Sam raises an eyebrow and Bucky grumbles, pinching the skin of his neck, “I won’t antagonise him, I promise,” he grimaces, “well - I won’t antagonise him much”
“I don’t think I could spend an entire trip with winding Stevie up,” Bucky muses, making grabby hands until Sam hands him a beer bottle, “He always turns so red - its hilarious”
Sam’s face re-arranges itself to something akin to pity, “Its okay to admit you miss him you know. I’m sure he misses you too”
Bucky pointedly dusts his hands onto Sam’s tshirt and presses a sloppy kiss onto his cheek, “why would I miss him when I’ve got you birdbrain?”
“You guys were always closer to each other than you were to me,” Sam holds up the hand not wiping the spit off his cheek to stop Bucky from answering, “hey I’m not jealous or nothing. It’s okay I get it. You guys got on like a house on fire, it really sucks that you stopped talking”
“Yeah well,” Bucky keeps his eyes trained onto the floor, “wasn’t really my decision was it?”
Sam gives up on packing his suitcase to wrap his arms around Bucky, not budging when Bucky starts protesting
“Who knows,” Sam muses when Bucky stops shifting, “maybe this trip will fix us. Put the trio back together”
Bucky snorts, “If Steve can find space in his life between the stick up in his ass and his workaholic tendencies then sure there’s maybe a chance”
but he also slumps against Sam’s embrace, which tells him all he needs to know about how Bucky really feels without Steve in his life
“So, just to clarify -” Sam says, painfully aware of the way that Natasha is only half paying attention, “my flight is in 3 hours and I’ll be touching down in Costa Brava - where I will be meeting Bucky and Stevie. I won’t have a sim until later in the day so please don’t freak out when I don’t call immediately”
“Remind me again why you can’t fly with Bucky?” Natasha asks, the voice just off plaintive, “it will make me feel so much better if I knew you were flying with someone baby”
“Bucky’s got a later flight,” Sam says, keeping his voice even, “and I don’t want Steve to see both of us enter together - it will set a bad tone for the whole trip”
“Ah yes,” Natasha doesn’t roll her eyes, but its a near thing, “the infamous Steve. I’m not sure how I feel about you road-tripping with a man I’ve never met. At least I know that Bucky gets up to no good - I have no judge of Steve”
“Steve lives in London it isn’t exactly a train ride away. And trust me, Steve won’t be getting us into any trouble. He’s not the type”
She hums noncommittally, looking down at her wrist before offering up her cheek - that Sam obligingly bends down and kisses
‘Its getting late for your flight,” she says - “and I wouldn’t want to keep you any more than I have already. Plus - I have a bunch of stuff to do, resignation letters to write, a wedding to plan, there’s just so much”
Sam’s almost at the door, but he freezes, “wait - what do you mean resignation letter?”
Natasha cocks her head at him, “we’re getting married baby, of course I’m not going to continue to work. Who’s going to look after the house if we both work? Besides - you make enough for the both of us”
Sam physically tamps down on everything he has to say, mindful of the time, “We’ll talk about this when I get back, but please - hold off on sending any letters until then”
Natasha’s brows furrow, but she nods, and Sam’s shoulder sag
“Just remember,” he says before he steps into the cab, “your work is the reason we met. I wouldn’t throw it away that quickly”
and before she can say anything - he closes the cab door and settles in for the long drive to the airport
Three weeks in Spain, Sam thinks to himself, sending off a quick message to the three musketeers chat to let them know that he’s on his way, maybe this is exactly what he needs to get a bit of perspective
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ad1thi · 5 years ago
life (you only get one of them): chapter 3
-my zindagi na milengi dobara au
Summary: in college, Steve, Sam and Bucky made a promise. 3 weeks, 3 activities, 3 boys and the country of Spain. 15 years later, Sam is getting married and its time for them to make good on that promise, to give him the send-off of the century. But between Sam’s conflicted feelings over his engagement, unresolved tension that threatens to break up the trio; Bucky’s secret agenda and Steve’s workaholic tendencies - it definitely promises to be a trip they’ll never forget
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
ive changed the name of the fic and upped the chapter count (again - because im super indecisive) but i hope yall enjoy this!! (fyi - the chapter count is just going to keep going up until i get an idea how exactly this fic is going to pan out - so bear with me please)
@rxmanoff made this and this to go with part 1 and part 2 of this fic (which is just the most amazing thing ever) so go give it (and her) some love!!
Bucky generally revelled in being right, usually overloading it over people with a smug smirk that he could never shake off his face
Now however - looking as another frown added itself to Sam’s already wrinkled face because Steve had made them stop yet again so he could take “a very important call James - can you just pull over please” - now he wasn’t really happy to be right
He’d only been half joking when he’d said that Steve was going to be a workaholic during the trip, but a drive that was supposed to only be half an hour’s turned into a 3 hour affair - and Sam really shouldn’t be this stressed out during his bachelor trip
So when Sam says, “I wish someone would just throw your phone out the window,” Bucky doesn’t think - he grabs Steve’s phone mid conversation and lobs it out of the window
There’s terse silence in the car, for all of 10 seconds before Sam pulls over and Steve starts yelling
“What the fuck? What the FUCK? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!” Bucky’s half certain that cupping his ear to protect them from Steve’s growing decibels isn’t going to help the situation, so he keeps them by his side, “what the actual fuck is wrong with you?”
Bucky shrugs, “It’s Sam’s bachelor trip. What he says goes. He wanted the phone out the window so I -” he mimics throwing the phone out, which is obviously the wrong thing to do because Steve lunges for his neck and its only a calculated hand on the car-door and a tumble onto the road that saves him
“I get that your life is very happy go lucky,” Steve mimes quotations, “but some of us work for a living. That was a call to the Japanese Prime Minister chutiya - and you fucking threw my phone out of the window”
Steve points towards the bushes, “go get my phone”
Bucky cocks his head, “come again?”
Steve shakes his outstretched hand, “you threw it in the fucking bushes - now go get my fucking phone?”
“Are you - what - Sam?” Bucky fumbles for words, “go get your phone, are you crazy?”
Steve sits down on the road, legs crossed over one another, “I’m not moving until you get my phone. Go get my phone Barnes”
Bucky looks at Sam meaningfully, “are you going to do anything about this?”
Sam sends a prayer up to whatever deity is overlooking his bachelor trip, pinching the skin between his eyes, “Steve get off the damn road man, Bucky will buy you a new phone. Bucky I uh -” he sighs, “I have no words man. Who throws someone’s phone?”
“Look guys this is my bachelor party, I get that you have this very amazing lifelong rivalry - but you love me right? You care about me right?” he looks at them until they both grumble and nod, “okay good. So can you put aside your differences and just give me a good bachelor party? Please?”
Steve sighs and pushes himself off the ground, wiping the pieces of tarmac off his chinos, “Course we can buddy,” he swings his arm around Sam and pulls him in - locking eyes with Bucky over his head, “but you still owe me a phone”
“So what exactly are we doing here?” Steve asks, desperate for a way to cut through the tension that’s blown up and settled itself in the car like another passenger
Sam reverses and steps out, pointing to the ocean with a flourish, “my dudes - we’re going deep sea diving”
Instantly, Steve’s face curls up like he’s had something sour, “is this trip designed to torture me? First he throws away my phone and now deep sea diving - Wilson you know I don’t do well in water, what if I drown?”
Sam opens his mouth to reply, but the actual response comes from behind them, “well if you drown then I won’t be doing my job very well”
The three whirl around at once, to face a smiling Tony 
“Hi,” Tony says, extending his hand, “I’m Tony Stark - your instructor. I’ve already met Bucky, and you must be Steve,” he smoothly steps between them to address Sam, “which must make you the groom of the hour”
Sam mock salutes, “Sam Wilson at your service. We spoke on the phone?”
Tony nods to a small hut behind him, “wetsuits are in there - everybody go get changed and I’ll meet you out here in five”
Sam and Bucky take off by some mutual unspoken decision to race, but Steve stays rooted in his spot - startling when he feels someone touch his bicep
“Hey,” Tony says softly, “nothing’s going to happen to you okay? I promise.”
“I just met you,” Steve says wryly, but he flashes Tony a grateful smile and goes to get his wetsuit
Bucky and Sam splash into the water with the maturity of five year olds, but they also dutifully look the other way when Tony extends his hand and helps Steve into the shallow water - so he can maybe forgive them
“Okay,” Tony says when they’re all in the water, “for today - I just want everyone to get used to the water. Splash around a bit, get your hair wet - make yourself feel comfortable. I want you to try and work through any nerves that any of you may have, get through any questions that have been weighing down on you - and then we’ll break for food. After, I’m going to teach you how to talk underwater”
Tony winks at Steve, and it momentarily distracts him, just long enough for Tony to bend down and splash water in his face
Bucky takes this as his cue to swipe a leg under Sam’s and make him fall down on his back - and then its every man for himself
Steve has no time to dwell on his fear, because he’s too busy trying to enact revenge - but then Tony looks over at him with a soft smile, and Steve looks track of his mind a little bit
He finds it when Sam roars up from underneath the water and gets his entire left side wet, but he’s too busy laughing to be freaking out about anything
Later, when they break for food and Tony nudges him good-naturedly before grabbing a sandwich and sitting down, he wonders if that was Tony’s plan all along
tagging: @icarustarks, @spiderrpcrker, @veronicasummersfelton,  @allthingsmarvel100, @starkrogerrs, @imposter-human, @anthonyed, @rxmanoff, @talesofsuspenses, @acastleintheair @omg-just-peachy @i-am-nanas
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ad1thi · 5 years ago
au masterlist
okay ive been meaning to do this for a while, and ive finally got the time to do it so here’s a list of all of my aus!! this is divided by ship for ease, and i do have a lot of pieces that don’t fit into any specific au - so this post is specifically for aus (this is a rly long post so im hiding it under a read more) (also please nobody comment on how similar the summaries are ive never had to think of how im summarising these aus before this post)
all my writing on tumblr // all my writing on ao3
1. your pain (is my burden to bear) AU 
Summary: soulmate AU where you can feel your soulmate’s pain, and marks that originate from your soulmate’s injuries can be found on your body
2. target and assassin AU
Summary: The Asset has been tasked with the mission of killing Antonia Stark. Falling in love with her along the way was never part of the plan.
3. park bench AU
Summary: they’re both running from their past. in New York, they find each other.
4. taste of your lips AU
Summary: TVD au. Bucky wasn’t planning to stick around in New York, just drop in long enough to fix whatever his brother had fucked up and then leave. But then he meets Toni Stark, and against all odds - he finds himself staying in the one city he’d sworn never to step foot in for all of his immortal life. 
5. the second (love of his life) AU
Summary: greek gods AU, Aphrodite!Bucky x Hephaestus!Bucky . Bucky has spent over a thousand years resenting his marriage to Tony, content to ignore his husband in favour of his lover, Steve. but when he’s captured by Joann Schmidt and its Tony, not Steve who comes to his rescue - Bucky finds himself falling for the husband he spent so many years ignoring. Is it too late, or can he fix a marriage that was doomed from the start?
6. waste my time AU
Summary: Tony doesn’t do boyfriends. Tony has a boyfriend - Tiberius, or he will anyway once he convinces Ty that breaking up with him was a horrible idea. But then he meets James Barnes at a bar, and suddenly things don’t seem so black and white anymore
7. elite AU
Summary: a/b/o dynamics. Bucky isn’t planning on starting anything up in his new school, and would’ve been completely content to keep his head down until he graduates. But after a chance kiss with a bambi-eyed omega at a party in the beginning of the school year, things weren’t looking so simple anymore
8. 1000 lives (for you) AU
Summary: James hasn’t been subjected to the Chair in close to 3 years. After all, why would HYDRA use the Chair to control him when they’ve got his soulmate instead?
9. Secret Love Song AU
Summary: Marrying Steve wasn’t what Toni had in mind when she pictured the rest of her life, but it wasn’t any hardship. Of course, that was before James came into her life. (this au has been race and gender bent since the original post)
10. Dilwale AU
Summary: mafia au. Tony and Bucky used to be in love. Now they’ve sworn never to see each other again. ‘Course, MJ and Peter falling for each other puts a kink in those plans. 
11. K3G AU
Summary: desi au. As a member of the illustrious Barnes dynasty, Bucky is expected to undertake certain responsibilities; chief of which is marrying someone from a respectable family. Tony Stark from Chandi Chowk might just put a wrench in those plans.
12. buckytony teen wolf AU
Summary: when Tony and Rhodey went searching for a dead body in the woods, a rogue Alpha werewolf was not what they were expecting to find. Overnight, their entire lives change
13. undercover cop AU
Summary: After the events of Afghanistan, Tony can’t bear to work at Stark Industries anymore. Handing over the reins of the company to Pepper, he quits and starts working at Midtown High. but the US government isn’t about to let one of the country’s biggest assets work at a public highschool without even the smallest bit of protection. Enter Agent Barnes, or as Tony knows him - Midtown High’s new gym teacher
14. the K2 AU
Summary: Bucky just wanted to live his life without the Army ever finding him again. Saving Tony Carbonell at a metro station and getting sucked into the intricate life of the italian mafia was never on the agenda. 
15. Mara Dyer AU
Summary: fem! Bucky. Bucky was an extremely normal 16 year old girl - if you discounted the fact that her bestfriend and boyfriend died after an abandoned building collapsed on them; and that she was the only person to survive. Then bodies started dropping around her, people that she imagined dying who died in the exact grotesque way she pictured is. and suddenly, there’s nothing really normal about her at all.
Summary: fem! Bucky. Bucky kills a wolf. Except its not a wolf, its a Faerie and the High Lord of the Spring Court comes collecting his pound of flesh. 
17. centre of his universe AU
Summary: The Asset is fascinated by the Stark Heir. 
18. one shot AU
Summary: highschool AU. nerd! tony x punk!bucky. Bucky has has a crush on Tony Stark for his entire highschool career, but he’s never thought he had a shot - choosing instead to pine uselessly while Tony dates what feels like the entire highschool body. Bucky’s resigned himself to the belief that Tony will never be his, until Tony breaks up with longtime girlfriend Rumiko Fujikawa, and suddenly - Bucky has one shot. 
19. 1000 lives (for you) AU
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes and Anthony Edward Stark are impossible soulmates - separated by time, distance and space but brought together by horrible pain and suffering. This is their story. Starts from TWS, and is largely canon compliant.
1. student of the year AU
Summary: Steve was supposed to keep his head down, get good grades and get a scholarship to a university far enough away that he wasn’t even breathing the same air as his family. But then he becomes bestfriends with Bucky, falls in love with Bucky’s boyfriend Tony - and things get a bit more complicated along the way
2. just friends(?) AU
Summary: Tony did this, thing where he fell in love with his friends. All of his friends, except maybe Steve. (too bad nobody told Steve)
3. captain americana and the heartbreak prince AU
Summary: Steve Rogers has known Tony Stark for 10 years, 4 months and 11 days. He’s been in love with him for the exact same time. 
4. om shanti om AU
Summary: It should be noted, for the sake of posterity - that Steve usually wasn’t one to buy into the craze that surrounded celebrities. At the end of the day, they were still people. Tony Stark though, that was his exception.
5. stevetony lawyer AU
Summary: raising a 14 year old boy while juggling a demanding job at the DA’s office wasn’t easy, but Steve made it work. It wasn’t an easy life, but it was a good life. They were happy - and then Peter gets charged with the murder of his classmate Wade Wilson and everything falls apart. With his son facing life in prison, Steve does the only thing he can and calls the best defence lawyer he knows - his almost fiance Tony Stark.
6. schitt’s creek AU
Summary: David! Tony x Patrick! Steve
7. kidnapped! tony stark AU
Summary: Tony gets kidnapped and Steve loses his mind.
8. zindagi na milengi dobara AU
Summary: desi AU. in college, Steve, Sam and Bucky made a promise. 3 weeks, 3 activities, 3 boys and the country of Spain. 15 years later, Sam is getting married and its time for them to make good on that promise, to give him the send-off of the century. But between Sam’s conflicted feelings over his engagement, unresolved tension that threatens to break up the trio; Bucky’s secret agenda and Steve’s workaholic tendencies - it definitely promises to be a trip they’ll never forget
9. arranged marriage AU
Summary: desi AU. Steve has been in love with Tony for years. So when his mother asks him to settle down, he impulsively sends a rishta to the Stark residence; and thinks nothing of it. And then - they reply.
10. betrothed AU
Summary: Tony and Steve are princes of neighbouring kingdoms, promised to each other at birth. But the life of a royal is not as smooth as it seems.
11.  the salacious bisexual life of tony stark AU
Summary: As a journalist, Steve Rogers is expected to write articles on a great many number of things. He didn’t realise that could include his ex boyfriend.
12. Civil War AU
Summary: everything’s the same except: (1) Steve and Tony are dating, (2) Steve doesn’t know Tony is Iron Man
13. stevetony lucifer AU
Summary: Tony is tired of being the Devil, tired of following Howard’s order, tired of all the bullshit that comes with divinity. Malibu isn’t great but its a refreshing change of pace, a nice break from the screaming and the pain. And then he meets Detective Steve Rogers and Malibu suddenly has a lot more to offer.
Note: this AU was started by @imposter-human and all credits for it rightfully go to her. i just piggybacked onto it and added a couple of my own thoughts, but this AU is hers. 
1. Dostana AU
Summary: Rhodey and Tony desperately need a new apartment, and there’s a brilliant one that’s close to where they both work. There’s only catch though, the landlord, Pepper (who is stunning) only accepts applications from couples. After a night drowning their sorrows in the local bar, they come up with the brilliant idea to pose as a gay couple for the apartment. They move in, and come up with increasingly stupid ways to impress their new landlord without exposing that their marriage is a shamNeither bestfriend likes to lose, and both of them have their eyes set on one person: Pepper (or do they?)
2. rajput tony stark AU
Summary: desi AU. Toni Stark comes from a long line of rajput royalty. (this au has been genderbent since the original post)
3. civil war rhodeytony AU
Summary: civil war scenes re-imagined with an established rhodeytony and a past stevetonyrhodey otv.
4. me and my bestfriend but make it rhodeytony
Summary: memories of me and LRP but re-imagined as Tony and Rhodey
5. meri pyaari bindu AU
Summary: To the rest of the world, he’s always be a Mr someone - but to Rhodey, he has and forever will be, his very first love, Tony.
6. doctor who AU
Summary: Doctor! Tony Stark x River Song! fem James Rhodes
7. female tony AU
Summary: Tony doesn’t like Rhodey’s new girlfriend. (he’s still trying to figure out why)
1. stephanie rogers AU
Summary: Steph Rogers was never supposed to find herself on the frontlines of World War 2. Then again, she wasn’t supposed to do a lot of things. - the mcu re-imagined with genderbent Steve. eventual stevetonybucky otv
2. on your knees AU
Summary: dom/sub AU. Tony is relearning what it means to be alive in a world where he’s not in the clutches of HYDRA, and misinterprets a scene between dom! Steve and sub! Bucky
1. president tony stark AU
Summary: Tony Stark is sworn in at the 46th President of the United States. Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes are assigned to his detail.
1. the Carbonell Family AU
Summary: Anthony Carbonell is the patriarch of the Italian Mafia, Natasha and James are his bodyguards (and lovers). Steve Rogers is the FBI agent who’s vowed to bring him down.
clarktony (superiron)
1. bound by blood AU
Summary: when Clark’s parents die, Howard Stark takes him in. Desperate to recreate the serum by any means necessary he starts experimenting on both his new foster child, and his own flesh and blood son in an attempt to create the next supersoldier. Years later, Clark has broken free of Howard and is now Superman; but he and Tony are connected in ways he couldn’t even begin to understand
1. morgan stark’s villain origin story AU
Summary: Morgan Stark isn’t a normal girl. It might have something to do with the death of her father.
2. blind tony stark AU
Summary: Tony loses his sight when he’s 15 after a kidnapping gone wrong.
3. desi! tony stark AU
Summary: just a link to all pieces that have desi! tony stark in them.
4. slytherin! tony stark AU
Summary: just a link to all pieces that have slytherin! tony stark in them.
5. AU-gust 2020
Summary: a masterlist to all the AUs i did for AU-gust, spanning various ships and fandoms
6. sins of the father AU
Summary: Harley has always known who his birth father is. It just never occurred to him, that his birth father might not know who his son is. im3 compliant. slightly aged up harley keener (he’s in highschool not middle school)
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ad1thi · 4 years ago
sins of the father sounds VERY ominous adi and secret love song sounds very soft but knowing you it could go either way because 1000 lives (for you) is a VERY TENDER title but here we are with me yelling at you for every new chapter aldnlskdf
dnfjdksk Rhae you’re not wrong (both of these AUs are actually on my blog) but basically:
Sins of the Father
This is my Harley Keener is Tony Stark’s Biological Kid AU and it’s supposed to be this massive rewrite of Iron Man 3; under the lens that Harley is Tony’s kid, but Tony doesn’t know that he has a kid. I don’t know what I want to do with it yet though; because it was a very spur of the moment thing that I posted on tumblr,,,,but it is theoretically a WIP (in that i am theoretically writing it)
secret love song
This AU is from very very long ago, when I was first starting out this account and basically i was listening to Secret Love Song by Little Mix and was like hmm the idea of a secret relationship is angsty how do i make this winteriron?? and then I forgot about it until like earlier this year when I found the post again and was like -- I do be having some galaxy brain ideas. I retconned the entire thing; and pumped out like 5k worth of fic because i realised that I was gonna need a lot more to wrap this up than I realised and I haven’t updated the google doc since June.
The premise of the fic is essentially that post AoU and TWS; Steve needs money to fund his massive global stalking of his bestfriend, and Toni (who is fem and desi in this) needs to look good to her shareholders now that she’s broken up with Pepper and taken a step back from the Avengers. Steve needs money, Toni needs stability - and marriage solves both of these issues. Objectively, Steve isn’t the worst person to be married to and Toni’s almost 40, she’s sort of given up on love but someone to come home to doesn’t sound so bad. So they get married, and it’s fine and good, and Toni’s happy - even if she only sees her husband once every 6 months - 
and then Steve Rogers brings home his bestfriend, brings home James, and suddenly; Toni isn’t sure about anything anymore.
The fic as it’s written has an initial timeskip; and a lot of desi culture worked into it; and even though I’m like 5k in we haven’t actually gotten to Toni and James meeting yet, let alone recovery and Toni forgiving him for d-wording her parents and falling in love; so if it ever does get finished it will be a monster of a fic. I really hope I do manage to work on it because I really like it as a concept, but I want to write it out entirely before I post it, but like I said - it’s not been updated since June.
ask me about my wips!!
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ad1thi · 5 years ago
okay so i won’t set my next goal on kofi until i put out the new part for the greek gods au (i’ve written almost 500 words btw) but these are the wips in consideration. 
all wips are part of a series i’m calling: bollywood but make it gay, which is essentially be rewriting bollywood films with marvel films. crucially, none of these ideas are originally mine- im just repurposing them with characters i think fit. im obviously editing the stories slightly but they aren’t originally my ideas
some of these wips will feature desi!tony
let me know which one you guys wanna see first, and thats the one i’ll work on first and set the goal for!:
1. Dostana
ship: ironhusbands, side peppermay
Summary: Rhodey and Tony desperately need a new apartment, and there’s a brilliant one that’s close to where they both work. There’s only catch though, the landlord, Pepper (who is stunning) only accepts applications from couples. After a night drowning their sorrows in the local bar, they come up with the brilliant idea to pose as a gay couple for the apartment. They move in, and come up with increasingly stupid ways to impress their new landlord without exposing that their marriage is a sham
Neither bestfriend likes to lose, and both of them have their eyes set on one person: Pepper
(or do they?) 
-this fic is currently being written and almost 3k of the fic already exists
2. Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi 
ship: buckytony
On Tuesday, Tony was preparing to marry the love of his life. On Wednesday, he was burying his mother. On Thursday, he was married to James- a man he barely knew; and liked even less.
On Tuesday, Bucky was attending Ms. Carter’s son’s wedding. On Wednesday, he buried Peggy. On Thursday; he was Tony’s husband.
This is their love story
-about 300 words of this fic exist currently
-this fic will include desi! everyone
3.catching him isn’t hard (its impossible)
ship: stevetony, with fem!steve
Summary: Steph Rogers knew her brother was mixed up in some shady shit. But she still didn’t expect him to be killed; murdered in his own house like he meant nothing. The police may have no leads; but Stephanie knows the man who killed her brother is Tony Stark - and she’ll stop at nothing to put him behind bars.
Tanishq is a simple man just trying to raise Peter, the boy he found abandoned on the side of the road. When Detective Stane offers him the chance of a lifetime- he can’t turn it down. He agrees to masquerade as international smuggler Tony Stark, but soon gets sucked into a world of lies and espionage that, if they catch up to him, will kill him
-the premise of this fic is almost entirely done; but it should be noted that this is based on one of my all time favourite films and so i probably will be slower to write this as i’ll want to write this fic to perfection
-this fic will include both desi!tony and italian!tony
-it should be noted that this ISN’T my carbonell family au but another mob boss!tony stark au
4. raazi
ship: currently ironmonger, but unlike other wips; this ship is subject to change. it can be tony x anyone of your choosing; fem!toni
Summary: General Stark and Brigadier Stevens are childhood friends, and Stark wants to cement their life-long acquaintance by joining their children in marriage. During the turmoil of the Indo-Pakistan War of 1981, the two families celebrate the wedding of Antonia Stark to Erik Stevens. Antonia leaves her home in Delhi to start a new life in Lahore, but she’s there for a more patriotic purpose; to smuggle information back to the indian army
a story of love, espionage, and a 20 year old woman who risked everything for her country
-nothing of this fic exists yet; but it will be written
-desi!tony will exist in this fic
-crucially, this fic is based on real world events and a true story; so it will be treated with the sensitivity both those issues curtail
anyway! those are the wips up for production; and since i expect all of these wips to be at least 10k+ (which is a task for me since i generally write 1k but i wanna do justice to these stories) the goal will be much higher.
Let me know which ones you guys wanna see first (they will all eventually be put up) and i’ll work on them accordingly!!
tagging some mutuals so this gains traction: @imposter-human, @theavengays, @wintersoldierland, @kimannhart, @firebrands, @lovelyirony, @starkrogerrs, @riotwritesthings, @omg-just-peachy, @s-horne, @spideyjlaw, @spiderrpcrker, @littlemissstark, @starksnack, @icarustarks, @sleepyoldchild, @wecollectnightmares, 
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ad1thi · 5 years ago
creator tag meme
rules: rt’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
tagged by:  @rxmanoff ages ago and im only just getting around to it im so sorry
there was this theory floating around on tumblr about how morgan losing her father was a perfect set up to morgan becoming a villain and i became obsessed with that idea, and 3000 was the result of that. it was a huge labour of love (because i rly struggle to bring fics over the 1000 word mark) and it is one of my favourite things ive ever written
life, the long way round
i bingewatched doctor who instead of doing my work and this fic was the result of that. im yet to watch something and not think “how do i turn this into a tony au?” there’s glaring similarities between the doctor and tony and i just really enjoyed writing this. it is hard to understand if you haven’t watched doctor who - which is why i included the key plot points needed to understand the fic,,,but i just love the idea that even time itself cannot stop rhodey and tony from falling for each other. i also experimented with fem! rhodey, which was fun
the final page
this is angsty asFUCK but its also one of the most honest representations of my characterisations of tony, and thats why i like it. 
hear me roar (watch me bleed)
i was upset by season 8 of game of thrones and then i wrote this. it is plotless and exists purely because i saw this one edit of Jaime Lannister and Tony Stark together and i thought yes
bollywood but make it gay
im cheating slightly because this includes two works (and like 4 others that are unpublished because im still working on them) but my favourite thing to come out of 2019 is desi!tony stark. og people on this blog will remember how much i used to talk about italian! tony stark - and while i still have a lot of love for that headcanon, it is also very telling that it didn’t even occur to me to draw from my own culture and that i focused on another culture. so that growth for me is something im personally very proud of, and bollywood but make it gay was born from that. 
tagging: @lovelyirony, @imposter-human, @wintersoldierland, @firebrands and @omg-just-peachy
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