#Felicity's personality
thequietabsolute · 2 years
:: want to hear one of my favourite pieces of trivia? In Kafka’s 200th letter to Felice Bauer he asked, ‘Can you actually read my handwriting?’
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cure-whimsy · 5 months
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official artwork from the Pretty Cure Pretty Store in 2023!
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terukotime · 1 year
some of my drawings from the drdt magma board :)
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(felicity design by @gooseagain)
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dailykafka · 1 year
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— Franz Kafka, Letters to Felice
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yr s3 spoliers
specifically thoughts about how Sara spoke about love when she was rejecting August and making up with Felice. Acknowledging her feelings for august importantly, but also putting other feelings she held above those. It might have been just the way the subtitles translated it, but I also loved how they used the word 'love/feelings' for august but also sara and Felice's friendship, and also simon. It just means so much to me when friendship and platonic love is treated as just as meaningful and important, perhaps even more so, than romantic. And then also sibling love. Like that final car had all types of love in it. And they had all been liberated from the forces which tried to restrain them. So at the end of the day, true love won. In all it's different glory. And also they all made a conscious choice to get in that car. They all chose to love, and be the people they became when loving each other.
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smoakmonster · 1 year
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30 days of vintage olicity - day 8   
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hope-malory · 4 months
𝗕𝘂𝗲𝗻𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗲.
Ay algo en ti que me encantaba tanto, tú forma de ser, pensar y tratarme o tal vez tus ojos, tú sonrisa; simplemente tú me encantabas. Te amé, claro que lo hice y con todas mis fuerzas, te miraba y le pedía a Dios que me permitiera ver esa sonrisa por lo menos una eternidad.
Sabía que me harías daño, sabía que te haría daño, pero valió la pena el arriesgarse por ti. ¿Por qué lo hice? Fácil, por el simple hecho de que si no lo hacía me hubiera perdido de esos momentos a tu lado, de los recorridos que hacíamos tomados de la mano, de ese beso bajo la lluvia, de las madrugadas en medio de la calle a las 3 a.m, las risas, del día que nadie más estaba pero tú si, o de esa noche en la que dormí en tu pecho y las personas importaban un carajo.
Te agradezco todo ese tiempo que me brindaste, los detalles, el cariño y por cada pelea que siempre supimos cómo arreglar. Estuviste en mis buenos momentos y en los malos pero realmente malos apoyándome y eso no se compara con nada. Tal vez solo es otra mala jugada del destino. Las cosas no siempre salen como uno espera y Dios solo sabe el porqué hace lo que hace.
Gracias por ser tú; por permitirme conocerte este tiempo y compartir un pedacito de tu vida conmigo, te amo y es por eso que te dejo ir. Te deseo lo mejor espero que encuentres la felicidad que no te pude brindar por distintas circunstancias y nunca me cansaré de pedirle a Dios lo mejor para ti.
Es el final, llego la hora de soltarte, no hay nada más que decir, y no te preocupes está es la última vez que te escribo.
𝗕𝘂𝗲𝗻𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗲 𝗲𝗻 𝗹𝗮 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗮.
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indianchindian · 6 months
Sara putting herself, Felice, and Simon First
I love this part where Sara put herself first over August, despite her feelings for him. Tbh I didn't enjoy August and Sara, but it brought out a caring side from August. Sara was the one who understood him well and saw the good in him, despite what he did to Simon. I despised that Sara did this because Simon is her brother she's very close to, but at the same time I love how her character was written. She wasn't the token neurodivergent character unlike what is shown in entertainment, or an autistic "savant". Rather, she's human, and a flawed one indeed. As a neurodivergent person myself, I loved that part because all of us are flawed in many ways and we did really shitty stuff in the past. But Sara's character development was what I liked the most about her.
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Despite her feelings for August, Sara noticed in season 3 that August was only about himself when they were in a relationship. When August tried to patch up things with her, he only explained how he felt when he was in a relationship, but no signs of consideration for her feelings. It was all about him and little about her. Sara knew that this wouldn't be a healthy relationship, and her relationships with Felice and Simon broke when she came out about what she did to protect August, and August showed no signs of consideration for this. Hence she decided to amicably end things, because she knows that her relationships with Felice and Simon are way healthier than what she shared with August. And relationships and feelings, there are broader perspectives to it than just being a lover. And she feels more fulfilled with Felice and Simon than with August
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If Sara chose to stay with August, then it will take her a turn for the worse. She would have no familial or peer support, and on top of that August would depend on her for comfort while the same won't be reciprocated. Sara would not be happy in the long run. Hence I appreciate Sara for taking this step :)
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ti-racconto-di-mee · 9 months
Perché se si ride insieme allora la cosa è seria.
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“Tutti abbiamo sentito di avere qualcosa di incontenibile e impossibile da capire per gli altri. Ecco perché servono le persone, al plurale: in modo che, messe insieme, capiscano tutto di te.” 
— Naoise Dolan, "La coppia felice".
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melien · 20 days
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Coming soon👀
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sunnwalker · 8 months
Oghhhh Angel and Timothy's miserable awkward and just horrible dynamic (Thinking about it (I want Angel to rip into him I need her to be mad at him idc she deserves to bully him))
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mostro-rotto · 2 months
Dovresti essere felice e grata che non capisci il motivo per cui ti hanno trattato in un determinato modo perché significa che tu non tratteresti mai e non feriresti mai una persona in quelle maniere e questo dice molto più della tua persona che della loro. Smetti di cercare risposte dove non c'è spazio per le domande e occupa le tue energie in cercare di capire per quale motivo non ti vuoi abbastanza bene da girare i tacchi quando una persona ti dimostra che non è disposta a rispettarti
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ways in which Ash Fox reminds me of my own autistic experience:
He dives so deeply into his interest in a comic superhero that he constantly wears a costume for it. His homemade costume of white pajamas, a cape, and pants tucked into the socks is specifically emulating his favorite character (who we see is on the comic book he reads in the film). 
I deduce from him wearing the same clothes all the time that he has sensory issues with clothes. The only other time we see him wearing a different outfit is when he’s wearing briefs to go swimming. 
He is hung up on one thing throughout the entire film: that he’s an athlete. He’s constantly trying to prove himself to his family, especially his dad who was/is athletic. Getting fixated on that reminds me of myself throughout middle and high school; I was always trying to improve myself and make other people respect me. He’s so set on it that the direct and indirect cues from others about how he’s not athletic don’t deter him. He lies about Kristofferson’s trophy, saying it’s his, because he wants to be seen as an athlete. Also he runs in front of a whole crowd of people shooting at them to prove he can be athletic to save their lives. 
Just the fact that he’s uncoordinated and awkward. His PE coach tries to indirectly tell him he’s not good at sports. His father calls him uncoordinated. He has trouble following Kristofferson’s directions to chop the lock off of the crate. 
He desperately wants a bandit hat. It reminds me of my fixation on objects. Especially when I was around Ash’s age, I would get fixated on obtaining certain objects, like knapsacks or capes or binoculars.
He often says things in such a blunt and grumpy way that it upsets other people, or at least surprises them. 
Continuing on from the last point, he is pissed about the new changes that are happening around him. He doesn’t like that he has to share a room with Kristofferson, even though his cousin is amiable (and Ash still gets to sleep in his own bed!). He doesn’t like the shift in atmosphere around his parents. He gets snippy when Kristofferson starts getting to know Agnes at school (a girl who Ash either likes romantically or considers to be his friend). 
Sometimes he doesn’t respond to people with words, but instead does this little sequence of shaking his ear and spitting. He does this the exact same way several times in the film to express annoyance. I take it to mean he’s so overwhelmingly annoyed that he doesn’t want to or can’t speak, so he does this little stimming thing. 
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lovejywn · 3 months
On Wille and Felice's friendship and what it means to me
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When watching Young Royals, I noticed how much I could find my own life in the series, reflected in a much more metaphoric manner definitely, but it was still there. You could say it helped me see my own situation with a different lense, and one of the things it helped me realize is how much I've craved to have a relationship like that of Wilhelm and Felice. Obviously omitting the fact that they kissed various times.
Girls have always had it hard when it comes to having male friends. I know for a fact the pain that comes with being confessed to by a boy who you considered a real friend. This might sound weird, but my male friendships have always been something I cherished, because even though I'm not someone to hide their true self with others, the experience is vastly different from female-male friends and fem-fem friends. To this day I do have some male friends I really enjoy spending time with, but life hasn't let me be as close to them recently as I once was or wish to be. I find in their friendship something to aspire to.
I know this might be understood as "pick me" behavior or need for male validation, but it's not that. It's an urge to go back to a type of friendship I once had and that came back to me thanks to Young Royals. This is definitely not the only thing about myself I've discovered after watching the series.
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ninoelesirene · 1 year
Sono felice di essere diventato un uomo di azioni e sentimenti, restando sempre un ragazzo di parole e pensieri.
Mi compiaccio di aver accolto l’errore, di essere a volte scomodo, reattivo; mantenendomi incline alla dedizione, all’accoglienza, al silenzio.
Accetto di avere i nervi scoperti, di essere senza pelle, di non indossare maschere, conservando l’impegno a decifrare gli impulsi, disciplinare la rabbia, corazzarmi, quando serve.
Sono umano e fallibile, ma ricordo con tenerezza la fatica che si prova pensando che essere perfetti ci procuri l’amore che vogliamo.
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