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Things that happened at Christmas Eve on Ballerina/Leap!
What we know for sure of course.
• Félicie tries to apologize with Victor, she’s rejected by him.
• Félicie and Camille have their dance off.
• Félicie achieves to do the Grand Jeté.
• Félicie is chosen for the role of Clara.
• Félicie and Victor finally reconcile with each other.
• Régine tries to murder Félicie on Eiffel’s workshop and then on the top of the Statue of Liberty.
• Victor tries for the first time his pigeons wings and saves Félicie.
• Régine falls off from the Statue.
• The Nutcracker is released on the Opera Garnier with Mérante’s coreography.
• Félicie has her debut as dancer.
• Mérante and Odette reconcile with each other.
A happy ending on a very special day for our beloved characters.
#Ballerina/Leap!#Ballerina 2016#Leap! 2017#Christmas Eve#Félicie Milliner#Victor Hubert#Camille Le Haut#Régine Le Haut#Louis Mérante#Odette Milliner#Mérandette#Mérante and Odette#Mérante x Odette#Felíctor#Félicie and Victor#Félicie x Victor
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A Different Little Mermaid Story pt. 6 by DeviantLivehorses
"Ooff, that was close!" exclaimed Victor while he recovered his breath. "Who was that guy?" After thinking a moment in a way to explain it to him, Félicie made a tought expression, a cross-eyed, straighted her back and faked to have something in her right hand, something like a spear. Then she put together her hands and closing her eyes rested her head in them. "That was the guard? The guard you always made fall asleep everytime you sneaked out?" asked her friend in a pannic attack. Félicie noded and then placed her hand in her forehead like if she were looking for something, after she pointed at herself. Victor understood correctly the meaning of her mimes. He was looking for her. "Oh, that's bad!" Victor said. "I think I lost him but in one moment to other he could be here looking for you. We have to start moving." And after he did say that, he stood up and offered his hand to Félicie to help her to do the same, forgetting at the moment that she couldn't stand up yet. Félicie took his hand with both hands and at the moment she tried, her legs shook again under her weigh. She fell down brusquely over the ground, making the pain in her butt that she made an aching expression. Victor approached to her, took her by the elbows, and looked her into the eye. "Are you alright?" he asked with a noble tone...
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Here it is! Part 6 of my Mermaid Félicie AU fanfiction, because not every month can be like mermay, but mermaids are never out of fashion! Also, sorry for the delay, my life is full of proyects. 😅 In this chapter, Félicie and Victor achieve to catch the train that will take them both to their destinies in Paris, and, maybe I got a bit corny with them and I know both are kids I just...couldn't help it... 😅 Special thanks to my current and most enthusiastic audience, loveseternalbloom, @myblacknightworld, and @littleladybaker!! 😃
#DeviantLivehorses#Ballerina/Leap!#Mermaid AU#The Little Mermaid#Hans Christian Andersen#Mermay#Félicie Milliner#Victor Hubert#Felíctor#Victelicie#Victorie
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What I like and what is for me a proof that Félicie and Victor are meant for each other and what I think proves that Félicie wasn’t attached to Rudolph at all, is how in the movie, there is nothing that Félicie hides or doesn’t tell to Victor.
Victor maybe was trying to win Félicie, telling her lies about how is going the things for him in life.
The fact is that, when Félicie hangs out with Rudolph, both doesn’t really talk to each other about their lifes. All is resumed in Rudolph showing off how perfect he is, or flirting with her, promising things or giving her compliments.
But there’s no compromise from his part, and their relationship stays over the surface, with appearances, never grow roots or goes deeper.
Meanwhile when Félicie hangs out with Victor, they go out, they share mutual experiences about their adventures, they even play or joke about the other. They even argued! and that’s something that sometimes is necessary. Victor doesn’t only flirts with Félicie or gives her compliments, he also gives her advices like “You should have more care with your music box, is the only thing your parents have left to you.” He helped her to escape, he fixed her music box many times, he took care of her while she was sleeping in the train road to Paris. He was really interested for her and more important, for her wellfare.
Félicie trust in him like with nobody. She barely knows Rudolph, but Victor is a friend of a lifetime. She is involved in Victor’s life, she supports him in his dream, she is happy with his achievements.
But here is my point; the best proof that Félicie have more interest in Victor than in Rudolph is the fact that she even telled him about her affair with the russian prince, even while telling him in his face that she’s practically friendzoning him.
While Rudolph hasn’t have any idea of who was Victor. Félicie never told him about him, nor even her adventures, or her story, even after Félicie’s identity was revealed...
When the three characters meet at the Eiffel tower, when Rudolph tries to attack Victor Félicie tells him: “He’s my friend.” and when Rudolph doesn’t believe her she answers: “This is Victor, we grow up together.” There is no signal of Rudolph knowing something about Félicie’s friend.
That’s why I think, Félicie and Victor work as a couple so well. The best is that they work together, they share everything, they help each other, they treat the other as an equal, not as someone superior or inferior. They can be as imperfect and injuried as some couples can be, but I believe their love is true. I believe that when they grow up, they will be an amazing and sweet couple.
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In this Saint Valentine’s Day...
Spend time with your friends
Be with the people you love
And confess them how much you love them.
#Saint Valentine's Day#Félicie Milliner#Dora#Nora#Victor Hubert#Felíctor#Louis Mérante#Mérante#Odette Milliner#Mérandette
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Inktober day 24: Dizzy by DeviantLivehorses
Skating it isn't the best sport for Victor and he shouldn't tried to spin before mastering it. 😂 Made at October 25 of 2019 with pens.
#DeviantLivehorses#Ballerina/Leap!#Ballerina 2016#Leap! 2017#Fanart#Félicie Milliner#Victor Hubert#Félicie and Victor#Félicie x Victor#Felíctor#Victorie
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A "Ballerina/Leap!." fan music video tribute, with EuropaCorp Distribution's movie "Á Monstre a Paris." song "La Seine." performed by Vanessa Paradis and Mattieu Chedid, written by this last one.
Although I haven't saw this movie yet, the story attracts me a lot. But the thing I love the most is it's song. So catchy, so moving, so passionate... Obviously this song reminded me of B/L! Is almost the same animation and style. I HAD to do the crossover and tribute with this. Sadly the Seine, has less screentime than Mérandette themselves. 😂 But as always I handled it. I finished this video before but, I decided to upload it later in honor to this day, the Bastille day or the National French Day. 😉
This is fanmade and for entertaining only and I don’t want to own the copyrights. The copyrights belongs to their owners.
#livehorsesdream#Ballerina/Leap!#Ballerina 2016#Leap! 2017#A Monstre a Paris#La Seine#Vanessa Paradis#Mattieu Chedid#Félicie Milliner#Victor Hubert#Felíctor#Victorie
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Resting on your shoulder by DeviantLivehorses
Yes, I am a Mérandette shipper, that's true. But I also ship so hard Felíctor or, as it is now known, Victorie. They do a very sweet couple together. I will never overcome that train scene in which Félicie falls asleep on Victor's shoulder, I just can't! So have an almost same situation but with them all grown up (And married!!...?) Made with pencil and pencil colors and finished at July 3th of 2019.
#DeviantLivehorses#Ballerina/Leap!#Ballerina 2016#Leap! 2017#Felíctor#Victorie#Félicie Milliner#Victor Hubert
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“We arrived at the same time and we will leave at the same time; I promise!”
Félicie and Victor aesthetic board.
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Cheek kiss by DeviantLivehorses
I think someone has been taking notes from Mérante's flirting. ;P And this is one of my favorites Ballerina/Leap! fanarts I ever made. It's very tender! As you can see the only colors are their hair, and Félicie's eyes, mouth and blush. Made at october 30 of 2017 with pencil and pencil colors.
#Deviantart#DeviantLivehorses#Traditional art#Fanart#Ballerina/Leap!#Félicie Milliner#Victor Hubert#Félicie and Victor#Felíctor
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On pointe digital comic by DeviantLivehorses
The digital version of the original one. Did you realize that Victor is shorter in size than Félicie? Well, I guess that when they grow up Victor overtake Félicie. (Or at least is what he thinks) XD And, by the way Victor, you get what you deserve. Made with DeviantArt muro at august 9 of 2018
#Deviantart#DeviantLivehorses#Digital art#Fanart#Comic#Félicie Milliner#Victor Hubert#Félicie and Victor#Felíctor
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Felicie and Victor little cute drawing by DeviantLivehorses
This is a drawing inspired by my little sketch notebook that has a wooden cover, perfored with a little cute image of a pairing. Every time I see it they remind me of Félicie and Victor. So, I did this. Made at october 30 of 2017 with pencil only.
#Deviantart#DeviantLivehorses#Traditional art#Fanart#Ballerina/Leap!#Félicie Milliner#Victor Hubert#Félicie and Victor#Felíctor#Inspired
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Well, Rudolph's name according to some Internet pages is "Rudolph Dimitriev Stanislaw Artiem Rankovsky lll." write that down for your tags. 😂 And for some that may not know this, prince is another name for the title of duke in Russia. In other words, russian princes weren't exactly sons of the Czar but their relatives.
Once watching the movie with my family, my nearest older brother pointed out that as long as he knew, it was oftenly said that Rudolph Nureyev was this narcissist and proud.
And yeah, it's odd to me that the writers took out of nowhere the romance between kids. It's supposed to be seen as cute and still innocent in comparation with grown up romance, which it only makes it... more immature. Kids shouldn't be thinking about those things yet. At some point what would be more accurate for their age is actually the main plot the movie was treating: what's what defines a kid's personality, that is nothing more but the expectations they have on themselves for the future in relation with a specific profession.
Anyway, I still ship Felíctor.
Also maybe Rudolph wasn't just there to be the romantic rival but also as a personification of procrastination and the temptation of becoming someone you're not. Victor wouldn't represent it because the one which Félicie wanted to go out with that night was Rudolph.
Hello! I’d like to hear your opinion on Rudolph…like seriously how old is this kid? He looks older than Felicie and Victor (I’d say around 13-15 at least)…plus, I didn’t even catch Rudolph’s full name! Felicie also mentioned that he was a prince?! What could he possibly be doing at a dance school in Paris?! I sorta wish he had more screen time as well...
I do have thoughts on our silly little Russian boy!
(look at that cute face!)
I seriously love his dancing. God he’sgood. I mean, if we’re looking for a passionate dancer I think he’s our guy.
Character-wise- he’s a bit all over.He’s stuck-up and snobby towards Félicie and disregarding of the othergirls, and it’s only when Félicie starts improving than he actually paysattention to her (I also don’t know why Félicie goes from meh to infatuation towards him so fast).
But it’s the scene on the Eiffel Tower that really irked me- he seemed decent enough untilthem, sure he was stuck up and gave bad advice to Félicie (and is a very bad poet) but it was when hepunched Victor that he became an unredeemable jerk in my eyes. Seriously, hecould have shaken hands with Victor and walked away and been much the betterfor it. I think it comes down to him being a foil for Victor, showing how meanand rude he is while Victor is a genuine, upstanding guy.
I also don’t know what his full nameis supposed to be, or why they made him a prince of all things, except that it’ssupposed to impress Félicie and further accentuate the difference between himand Victor. I mean, that’s his whole purpose in the movie, as a romantic rivaland Victor’s foil. Speaking of- these are children,maybe we didn’t need a romantic rival- or romance at all!
As for what he’s doing there-historically, it makes absolutely no sense.
The late 1800′s was when the ParisBallet was in decline and dancers – especiallymale dancers- were fleeing to Russia and other countries to perform. Male dancers were in lowdemand and poorly thought of by the Parisienne theater-going public, while elsewhere inthe world they were still well-respected. So why would Rudolf have travelled toParis to dance instead of staying inhis home country where people would have actually appreciated his talent?
On theother hand, I love his dancing and it certainly makes sense for a showing of The Nutcracker that does have importantroles for male leads. So in-movie, that’d be the reason. And in the movie we’re supposed tobelieve that Paris is still the world center of ballet, so of course he’d want to go to Paris. I’d argue his parents wereold-fashioned and truly thought that he’d do better in Paris than in Moscow.
(He kinda looks like a girl here… now that would have been interesting)
I also didn’t realize how tall he is compared to the other girls (who are 11!). However old he is, too old to be courting a child. Ugh. No. A lot of my personal issues with the movie would be fixed just by having them older, seriously.
I’d also like to throw out that I’m pretty sure he’s supposed to be (somewhat) inspired by the famous dancer Rudolf Nureyev, but that’s for another time.
What do you guys think of Russian boy?
#Ballerina/Leap!#Rudolph Rankovsky#History lesson#Analysis#Paris Ballet#Late 1800's#Russia#Russian prince#Ballet history#French ballet#Russian ballet#Rudolph Nureyev
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Thanks @giantgirl253 for tagging me!!
Top 3 Ships:
Last Song: Show Yourself - Idina Menzel & Evan Rachel Wood, Frozen 2
Last Movie: Interstellar
Reading: Little Women
Tagging @myblacknightworld, @mademoiseli, @littleladybaker, @lasaraleen, @blackangel2711, @tintin-is-my-life, @ifthesewings--couldfly, @killer-meme-queen, @lightening816 and @greatmarta
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I was trying to come up with a ship name for Felicity and Victor using a ship name generator, and one of the many names I got was Victory.
Victory! That’s sounds awesome! 😃 I use to call them Felíctor, but Victory fits them perfectly! Love always win above everything else! 😊
But…they can be something more like… Victorie? :3 You know, to avoid tag confussions. 😉
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V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Ufff uh…let’s see…
First of all I’m not a current fic writer, but I do some little things mostly for fun…
V: My little sister and I have some B/L! headcannons and I would like mostly to describe Mérante and Odette’s wedding. And yes, I have thought to make some Mérandette’s prequel and of Felíctor too…
T: I believe that for the moment there’s no trope I can’t stand…or maybe I don’t remember any…
F: Hmmm, let me check in…
“Sometimes Mérante made fun of her (Odette), calling her the wicked witch that always had a broom on her hand and made misterious potions that made one recover the youth and health. “If you don’t shut up,” always said Odette with mischievous voice “I will turn you into a frog”. “Then I would need some help with a kiss to return to my human form”. always joked in response Louis. “If you only beg for forgiveness.” used to answer Odette. And so on they could continue, and Félicie never knew which one of them would win those battles.” from my fic “Ballet fever.”
I just love to explore Mérandette’s relationship and I believe they would mock the other but in a clever way that can be de most hillarious.
Thanks for asking! It happens that today precisely I have a little break from school so I have time to do this. :)
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