#Feels like I'm in a rocking chair by the fire lol
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worldismyne · 9 months ago
was there any drama behind warrior u ending in the middle of an isuee?
Drama? Not really, more like, a series of unfortunate events.
The creator's computer crashed, destroying around 10-15 finished pages that had yet to be uploaded.
She was writing as she went, on an issue that was the origin story of the fan favorite villain, Hevvin. I think there was a lot of pressure to make it perfect, and when she went to go back and redo the pages, did what a lot of creators in her position would do. She second guessed the direction the issue was going and thought what she had made was 'terrible'.
She was very open about how she felt she wrote herself in a corner. She enlisted the help of fans to post one page fan comics while she decided what to do, and in the end, decided to end the series.
We were all sad, but from my POV, most people were understanding. It was a for free webcomic she had started in college and made 100s of pages for us. A lot of us had been in a position where we couldn't finish a fic or lost something we'd been working on to computer issues. It was just sad to see it happen to something on such grand of a scale.
A few years later, there was a problem with the webhost, and the official website for the comic died. She was also applying for animation jobs, which at the time the industry was very anti-fandom. So her DA and other galleries that had WU stuff incidently on it was deleted. Her WU blogs got caught in the shuffle, so we lost the original ask blog and concept art blogs. She made a new WU blog that has what she was able to save, but was very clear by 2020 she was ready to move onto a different project.
I can't stress enough how intensely parasocial the fans were by the series end with both her and the characters who'd been accessible through ask blog format since before tumblr (we have an archive of the old formspring for the blog, it's 30 webpages long, and that was just a fraction of it). She read and promoted any fan work that was made on the blog. Even posted the thumbnails for unfinished issues, and had been writing issues out of order.
There was a lot of pressure from the fanbase to make certain ships canon and Hevvin fans were half the fanbase (tumblr sexyman level obession). She was very clear what she would and wouldn't write, that she was pantsing the comic the entire run (no outline, just vibes) and by the series end there was so much pressure to appease the fans, I think the pages getting lost was the straw that broke the camel's back.
((For context, when all this was going down superwholock was on fire with fans harrassing people at cons over ship takes, homestuck was in full swing and fans of that would reach for other webcomics like WU during hiatuses. It was not a great time to 'let down' an audience on tumblr))
I wasn't on her end of the inbox, but I saw her get exhausted from demands to incoporate ships, headcanons, and update faster. It's one thing to get writers block after loosing a good chunk of work, it's another to have that happen in front of 10k+ fans who treat you like any old mutual.
She is aware of our efforts to revive the comic, but has been clear she's ready to move on to different projects. We did get a nice lil promo on the official blog.
Now she has a new comic series, where she works on one issue at a time. When the issues are done she posts them, when they aren't she talks in vague updates. Lately she's been focused on helping raise money to get people out of Gaza.
The orginal WU fandom is mostly gone, though we had a few pop in, nostalgic over the comic as we finished the unfinished issue. Atm we got about 99 peeps following on tumblr and consistent traffic on comic fury.
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thegnomelord · 1 year ago
CH 1: With a Spark It Starts Just Like It Ended
CW: NSFW Blood, gore, cannon typical violence, M reader but can be read as GN, Mage reader, Monster 141 AU, reader is described as having thick fucked up arms.
AO3 3.7k words, more of an intro to what's to come lol.
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Old man Abdul had lived a good life. A harsh one. But a good one.
He was amongst the first to grab a gun and raise the fight against the Russians, risking life and limb for the freedom of Urzikstan even as members of his pack bled and died to artillery fire and noxious gas. And he alone had survived to see his country set free of tyranny and chose to stay in the military long after his hair had greyed.
And how was he rewarded for his service?
With a 'promotion' to guard the basement of a conference hall. They even called it the 'Peace House' as if that made his position grander, though in his humble opinion the only peaceful thing happening within the halls above was the lack of physical violence.
"Hey, did you fall asleep on me old man?" Taim, a bright eyed and gap-toothed human private so young he could've been one of his grandsons, asks as he throws down five playing cards on the floor between them. Royal flush, again.
Old man Abdul's eyes are soft with a glare and he throws down his own cards, already knowing he'd lost. "Go fish." He huffs, leaning back into the chair they'd been able to squirrel away.
It was embarrassing to think that boredom could torture him more than the Russians did, but they were only a few hours into their shift and he was already thinking of biting a bullet. Chances were they'd stay down here long after the diplomats up top finished bickering about who knows what...
"Hey," Taim perks up, and from the few weeks he's known him, Abdul knows the glint in his brown eyes heralds something stupid. "How about whoever loses this round takes a shot from your leg?"
He is proven correct.
"How about I throw you into a minefield so we can match?" Old man Abdul responds, his tail wagging from side to side. His tail looks more at home on a rat than any werewolf, the fur there an accidental casualty of a Russian fire mage's spell that had taken his leg off. The prosthetic leg only fitting on his human body isn't nearly as insulting as the warding totem they'd given him to protect against lethal magic after his leg had gone flying.
Taim gulps and holds his hands up. "There's no need for that sir." He quickly adds, clearing his throat and reaching to the floor to pick up their cards and shuffle them.
Taim's warding totem slips out from beneath his jacket, but it's different from old man Abdul's. Not in appearance, with the same materials every mage will make theirs differently, but in feel. It feels different...wrong.
Eyes narrowing he reaches out and holds the piece of faintly glowing rock between his claws. Heat radiates into his fingers, the magic inside pulsing in a steady even thrum like a machine instead of beating like a heartbeat; like something not quite alive.
Abdul had been in combat long enough to know how good a warding totem is with how his body reacts to it.
The shit one he'd been given barely gets the remaining fur on his tail to bristle.
Taim's makes his skin want to melt off.
"Where did you get this?" Abdul asks, tail curling up as he lets go of the totem with disgust clear on his face. "That rock could probably protect you from L3 mage without cracking, maybe even L4." Call him paranoid, but a private getting a totem to protect him from mages rarer than unicorns doesn't make any sense.
"Oh, that-" The young man clears his throat, the totem laying flat against his chest like an insult to life. "Came from up top a few days ago, guess all those terror attacks spooked command and they want to keep us normal people safe." He realizes his words and quickly adds. "-not that I'm calling you not normal or anything sir, it's just that-"
"-You're squishier than me, yes, I know." Old man Abdul rolls his eyes, leaning back into his chair with a huff.
Taim gives a nervous little giggle, scratching at his curly dark hair. "No offence sir. It's just...you know."
"We all look out for our kinfolk first." Old man Abdul sighs, going to wave him off.
His pointy ear twitches and immediately he's jumping to his feet when his sensitive hearing picks up the sound of the elevator mechanism running. No one is supposed to come down at this time, and Abdul already has his rifle raised to point at the elevator doors by the time Taim is able to get to his own feet. The old werewolf doesn't even need to say anything for the young man to stand on opposite side of him, they work together well, both guns aimed at the person revealed by the opening elevator doors.
It's just the janitor.
Taim lets out a small breath and lowers his gun, relaxing as the janitor gives them a small greeting both of them have to strain their ears to hear as a face mask muffles their words.
"That was a bit embarrassing." Taim chuckles weakly, nodding his own greeting and taking a step back so the janitor can push the heavy cart past them. Abdul notes the janitor's hands are thick and large, the veins poking out beneath latex gloves. Murky water sloshes inside the mop bucket, the trash bag filled to the brim and budging.
It's just a janitor.
But like an annoying tick on his ass, something doesn't let old man Abdul relax.
There's a buzz in the back of his mind like the one he'd get when he was being watched, and when he catches sight of the janitor's eyes beneath the wide-brimmed cap that buzzing stops; Instead replaced with a flash sense of wrongness in his bones and the feeling of tar inside his heart and an indescribable scent — like stale beer and burnt grass and deep dark rot — it has his fingers moving to the trigger before the sight of magic melting through latex can make the short trip from his eyes to his brain—
Glowing lines spring into thin air to form magic circles before their eyes.
The warding totems shatter.
'Pop' goes a head.
Both bodies drop to the ground.
"Could have told me there was a dog." Your words scrape against your throat like shards of glass from the disuse, melted latex stretching into long strands as you take off the cleaner gloves and throw them away, your fingers steaming and glowing hot with mana before you hide them away in tactical gloves.
"I-" Taim tries to say but his voice fails him, eyes and mind still blinded by the harsh glare of magical fire.
"Save it." You cut him off, pulling open the lip of the trash bag to dig out your facemask helmet. It's both a full face helmet and a gasmask, scratched up from years of use but still able to protect your head while keeping you anonymous. A shame it can't filter out the stench of burnt flesh, but you've gotten used to it.
Taim's vision clears and the moment his eyes settle on the charred remains of Abdul's head— the hollowed out skull where concentrated flame had burned a hole straight through everything in it's path, the flesh and bone charred black —he's scrambling away as fast as his feet can push him, the shattered remains of your warding totem crumbling beneath his fingers. Bile rises in his throat and he coughs when he breaths in, but his stomach is thankfully empty so he ends up dry heaving.
"On your feet." Your words are hard to understand under your gasmask, but you don't need to raise your voice. The tone you use has him scrambling to his feet in seconds.
"I- I- yes sir!" Taim manages to stutter out, doesn't even have to fake his fear as he stands at attention. He watches you reach into the dirty water to pull out a Handheld Personal Computer and shake off the residual droplets to ensure it still works before putting it in your pocket.
"When is the next check in?" You ask, reaching further into the trash bag to grasp the handhold on the heavy gas canister hidden beneath office trash. You pull it out without much effort, setting it carefully on the ground so you can recheck that the release valve is intact.
"20 minutes sir." Taim responds and he doesn't need to know Arabic to know what's inside the canister when a grinning skull is printed on the metal.
You let out a low sound, and Taim tries not to peer too closely at you. Sometimes he wonders what face a person who burns people alive without a single second of hesitation could have, but then you look at him and he sees that unnatural glow of mana in your eyes behind the darkened lenses of the helmet and he's glad he's met with the emotionless visage of the mask rather than the one beneath it.
"You have 10 to get out before Hell opens up." You say, standing back up and picking up the canister without complaint. "Use the emergency tunnels, don't spook the VIPs."
Taim is human, not sensitive to magic like the monsters are, but even he can feel the latent mana in your veins that strengthens your body. Like maggots at the back of his skull. It makes a second round of bile rise to his throat. "Yes sir."
You pay close attention to him until he disappears down the corridor before going the opposite way. Alone, it is easier to calm the lingering heat in your veins until the eternal engine of mana in your chest fizzles down to embers like a sleeping beast. Can't have your mana mess with sensitive electronics, even if that does leave you exposed on the cams (as if there's anyone alive to watch them)
"Ifrit, status?" The small radio in your ear crackles.
"Moving to the target, encountered and neutralized a wolf." You answer, taking sharp turns as you follow a path you'd memorized beforehand. "No other monsters to report."
You were lucky to run into one down in the bowels of the conference hall instead of at the front gate. Otherwise your espionage mission would have turned into a frontal assault. Not that Khaled would have minded, you were getting paid to send a loud statement after all.
"Good." You don't need to see his face to know he's smirking, your employer wasn't a huge fan of subhumans. "Continue to the objective."
You respond in affirmative, coming to a heavy metal door, locked with a passcode and even a palm scanner; It's all a valiant effort to keep sensitive data safe, but it may as well be cardboard to you. You summon another circle, this time right on the door, biting your tongue. You're not good with 'subtle' but you haven't forgotten what Taurus or Sierra had taught you; first pushing a bit of loose ash magic between the large atoms making up the metal to disrupt the bonds, then a single pulse of fire ignites the volatile ash and has the entire bottom half crumbling into red hot shards.
Molten slag drips down to the floor when you duck down under the remaining half of the door to find yourself in the server room. Steam rises when the cold air meets your hot skin, but you hardly notice as you first head to the ventilation system at the back of the room. It's dark, but you don't bother turning on the lights, the subtle mana in your eyes enough to give you primitive night vision.
"Ifrit to Alpha-Actual, connecting the payload right now." You say, setting the canister down. The ventilation collects the air from the server room to push it through the entire building and then outside, so all you have to do is melt a hole through the exit pipe until it's big enough for the hose on the canister to fit snugly inside.
"And the files?" Khaled's voice sounds in your ear once you're finished.
"Going now." Standing back up you head to the central server. Taking out the HPC you hook it up to the mainframe, watching the screen until it shows 'connection secure'. "I'm connected."
"Copy that." Your eyes scan the cracked screen (which you broke less than a week after getting it), seeing the file transfer start before Khaled even finishes speaking and trying to read and memorize the names of dozens the files but they change too quickly. "File transfer ETA 5 minutes. Sit tight."
Giving confirmation you keep an eye on the doorway. Though you are positioned in such a way that you'd see the shadow of someone coming in before they see you, years of being behind enemy lines and acting as a friendly to your foes has taught you to be careful. Especially when you can't use more than a smidgeon of mana without frying the entire server system.
You are lucky that no-one comes, the remaining guards too busy guarding the diplomats above you to check what's beneath their noses. While waiting you access the public stream to watch the peace talks, setting the sound to the lowest possible setting so you can keep an eye on the diplomats in case you need a change of plan.
"Got the files, you're clear to finish." You're moving before Khaled can finish speaking, leaving the HPC to hang by the cord from the server. "Oh, and remember: Loud."
"You get what you pay for sir." Kneeling down next to the gas canister you check to ensure your gas mask is firmly on and breathing in deeply; It restricts your breathing and makes muscles work harder, but your body is so used to it that it feels like coming back home.
"Letting the gas out now." Even with the gas mask you still hold your breath when you open the valve, the gas hissing as it escapes the canister, the fan right next to you helping push it through the system. You know there's not enough gas to reach the diplomats on the top floor, it's part of the plan, so when the gas pitters out you cast another circle inside the pipe.
The servers around you flicker meekly and crackle with electricity when you use your mana fully; Something intense and suffocating burns behind your sternum for just a second before liquid mana is rushing down your veins into your hands and coming out through the magic circle as copious amounts of ash.
The rotating fan right next to you spews some of your ash right back at you, flooding the server room in magic that has long since accepted your body enough not to hurt you. But even your seasoned stomach feels tight when you breathe in the mixture of ash and toxic gas, the chemicals turning your magic a nasty shade of green, and you make a mental note to change the filter when you're done with the op otherwise the toxified sediment collecting in there will poison you for months.
You can hear the diplomats begin to cough over the livestream in the HPC, but it all feels so distant when you shift and feel cold dog tags press against your burning chest. They're light like a noose around your neck, yet the absence of weight mocks you in a way their owners no longer can.
There's a familiar sting in your bones when your mana reservoir begins dwindling, but it's easy to push through it until the engine in your chest goes into overdrive from the stress the magic puts on your body. You only stop when the burning mana in your veins starts burning small holes in the sleeves of the janitor jacket, revealing bits of your mage marked skin.
Stopping the flow of ash your hands find themselves in your pocket, taking out a lighter. It's one of those old zippo lighters, the exterior is rusted from years of action and numerous initials are scratched into the metal, but somehow it still functions; It's the strange thing about it— the more you use it, the longer it lasts. Stop, and it dies.
"It's a bit like you, firebug."
Absentmindedly you trace the scratched initials in the metal, trying to ignore the hollowness in your chest when the screams beyond the smokescreen of ash start sounding familiar.
"Going dark." You say to them, flicking it open.
One spark is all it takes.
. . .
With Makarov having gone underground like a wanker after his escape from the gulag, Price and Laswell had been stuck with their heads in mountains of paperwork searching for the bastard. Price had known he'd be in for a headache the moment he agreed to let the boys watch a live football game between England and Scotland, but he reasoned they'd all been working hard enough to earn even a small break.
At the very least it gave them all a moment of reprieve from the stress of a possible world war.
It didn't stop Soap from being a bloody muppet.
"Oh fockin' 'ell!" Soap roars and jumps to his feet, growling at the teli where a ref held a red card above her head. "That should've been a yellow! Fock, one more eye and the ref's a right cyclops." He waves obscenities at the teli as if the ref can see them, his tail hitting Gaz every time it wagged.
"Soap!" Gaz groans and stretches one black wing to smack the werewolf over the head with his long flight feathers to stop him blocking the screen.
Though Gaz's wings are hollow, the smack still hurts. "Ow, what's that for?" Soap groans, rubbing the back of his head.
"At least take your defeat with a wee bit of dignity." Gaz smirks, folding his wings.
"Bold assumption he has any." Ghost mutters next to Price, making him chuckle.
“Oh ho! I’ll get me dignity when the bloody ref gets off 'er knees an’ stops blowing the entire game.” Soap turns to playfully snap his teeth at Gaz. "And what's tha-"
The football match cuts out, replaced with a news segment.
"-Oh, what the fock?" Soap grows quiet when the newscaster begins speaking.
"We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you breaking news. As we speak, the conference hall in Al Mazra, where diplomats from over 40 countries had come to discuss peace and trade agreements with the newly reinstated Urzikstan government, burns in the flames of another terrorist attack."
The footage shifts to a drone filming a bird's eye view shot of violent flames spewing from every hole and window to engulf the entire three story building in consuming fire, heavy plumes of smoke rising into the sky like a maw of a hungering beast to spew a storm of ash and cinders down to the ground. The clouds of ash have a sick green undertone to them.
"Shit." Gaz sucks in a breath.
"Mokarov's done hiding." Ghost notes, leaning in to look closely at the screen with narrowed eyes.
"How the fock did we miss this?" Soap asks the question in their minds, turning to look at Price. "This popped up like bloody whack-a-mole."
At that same time Price's phone rings. The dragon quickly fishes it out of his pocket, seeing Laswell's name as the caller ID before he picks it up while the reporter drawls on.
"Price, are you-"
"Yeah, I'm watching the teli." He cuts her off, knowing what she's going to say. Distantly he can hear the same news report sounding on her end.
"Authorities warn citizens to vacate the immediate area as toxic gas has been detected in the air. Military forces are already enroute, but the prospects for the diplomats survival are nonexistent."
Price's draconic eyes focus on the screen when the footage shifts to that inside the conference hall. Two diplomats argue about something Price can't begin to try and untangle, his focus on one man near the back who begins coughing. More follow suit, and even over the screen Price can tell the signs of toxic gas inhalation by the way more diplomats begin wheezing and coughing wetly.
"This isn't the Russians." Kate says after Price has put her on speaker.
"How come? Looks like some terrorist shite Makarov would pull." Johnny says, his tail curled up and the tip wagging occasionally as he pays attention to the screen.
Seconds later plumes of blackish-green smog erupt from the vents above the diplomats, spewing out with such force it knocks the the camera and the man behind it down to the ground. Ash Magic, Price realizes when he sees smoldering cinders drift almost peacefully in the all consuming fog. Seconds later something causes a spark and the volatile ash magic explodes.
"Ash mage." Ghost grunts, "Just great."
"Makarov doesn't use mages." Price says, scratching his beard.
"No, but Al-Asad does." Kate's voice drifts through the silent room as they watch several APC's arrive on the scene, armored soldiers exiting. But without any monsters who can stomach the heat like Price and with the fog of ash so thick it could be cut with a knife, the best they can do is secure the perimeter. "The CIA intercepted his broadcast before it went public, this is just the start."
Gaz hops off the couch, crossing the small distance to tap one claw at the screen. "What is that?" He asks. Seemingly hearing him, the drone camera focuses on where the main entrance of the building had been.
A dark silhouette of a person can be seen in the flames, growing darker and more refined until finally a featureless helmet emerges from the flames, a deep glow emanating from behind the lenses. It's followed by a body, clothes burnt away in some parts but the flesh beneath unharmed. Price can tell immediately it's a mage by the state of the arms — even from far away it's easy to tell the mage marks, the skin turned rough and dark like cooled magma, veins brimming with volatile mana.
Before the soldiers can fire a single bullet you lift one hand up, the dark mage marks turning to bright like fresh lava when mana flows from your chest to your fingers. A magic circle etches itself into the ground in an instant, so large the surrounding buildings fall into it's perimeter.
And with a second motion of your hand everything erupts into an all consuming cloud of ash.
Laswell's voice rings out. "That's Khaled's new attack dog."
Price and Ghost share a look, both know what will happen long before some nervous soldier caught in the ash cloud pulls the trigger. The cloud of ash explodes the second a spark is created in a weapon's chamber, plunging everything into chaos.
Great, a new wanker to worry about.
Price sighs, brows furrowing. "That's trouble all right."
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Tag list: @resident-cryptid @diejager @lovingtyrantkitten @lieutnt
Masterlist <- Chapter 1 (you are here) -> Chapter 2
You can imagine the helmet however you want, but it's in the style of the Devtac Ronin helmet.
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vdlest · 2 years ago
Home Sweet Home
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Eddie Diaz x Female!Reader
The reader and Eddie are living in together with Christopher. You just got home and saw Eddie sleeping in the couch, waiting for you.
Nothing but fluff and sweet conversations
I haven’t written anything in a while. Let’s see if I still have it lol!
It’s been a long day for you.
You finished a lot of works today and all you wanted is to crash into the bed and have the best sleep you can get before another long day tomorrow.
You went inside the house and upon opening the light, you saw Eddie lying on the couch, peacefully sleeping.
A smile immediately formed in your lips.
You put down your keys and your bag by the rocking chair and you approached your sleeping boyfriend.
It’s been 2 years since you two met.
There was a huge fire that took place in the hotel you used to work at. You got trapped in one of the guest's rooms because you were trying to rescue one of the guests too. Good thing the firefighters from 118 came to rescue you, and it was Eddie who saved you when you were almost hit by a falling debris.
You owe your life to Eddie.
If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be where you are today.
A few days after the fire, he checked up on you to see you're okay and that you're not experiencing any trauma. Then he went back again after a week, not to just check on you but to get your number. Since the day he got your number, the two of you are constantly exchanging messages.
Until one day, he finally asked you out, and the rest was history.
"Hey," you gently caressed his cheeks to wake him up.
His eyes slowly flicker and when he saw you, he got up and sat down on the couch, "I fell asleep while I was waiting for you."
You sat down beside him, "Yeah, I noticed that."
"You worked pretty late today," he said as he stretched his arms.
"We had a lot of issues today with our upcoming group, so I had to stay and negotiate with them. Good thing I'm finally home," you answered.
He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you as warm as he could make you feel, "Yeah, you're home. Chris was actually waiting for you too, but I guess he fell asleep." You felt Eddie kissed your head, "I guess I'm not the only one who misses you."
"Aww, I miss you and Chris too,” you answered as you rest your hand on top of his chest.
This is what made you so excited to come home — to feel secured and happy in the arms of your boyfriend. Ever since you two moved in together, you stopped experiencing nightmares that you’ve been experiencing since you were a kid. And every single time you wake up in the morning, your heart is filled with so much love just by seeing Eddie and Chris.
“By the way,” Eddie faces you but his arms are still wrapped around you, “It’s my off this weekend. I’m planning to take you and Christopher out.”
“That sounds like a nice plan to me,” you answered with a smile on your face.
“Are you sure you’re okay to go out with us? I’m worried you might have to work this weekend, given the circumstances you’re dealing with right now,” he said.
You cupped his right cheeks and assured him that it’s totally okay, “I’m off this weekend too anyways. Plus, I’ve been wanting to go out with you and Chris. I can’t even remember the last time we went out, just the three of us.”
“How ‘bout on Monday?”
“On Monday?” your brows furrowed in confusion, “Chris has school, right?”
“Yeah, but I’m talking about just the two of us,” he said. “I mean, the three of us are already going out this weekend, so I’m wondering if we can have Monday just for the two of us. Like, after we drop Christopher off his school, we can go somewhere, then we’ll pick him up in the afternoon afterwards.”
“I mean, I can take a day off on Monday too, but are you sure you want to go out on Monday? Just the two of us?” you asked.
He grabbed your hand and smiles at you, “Why not? It’s only fair to have some quality time for both of us, right?”
In all honesty, you are excited for some quality time with Eddie.
It’s been a long time since the two of you dated, because the two of you will always think of Christopher first. After all, you promised to each other that Christopher will be part and the top priority of your relationship.
“Sure,” you replied. “So where are you taking me?”
He winked at you, “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”
“God, you are so full of surprises!” you commented.
Your relationship with Eddie has been both a blessing and a gift. He’s been there with you, through the ups and downs of your life, through thick and thin, through turns and twists. It was like he completed the real meaning of “love” in your life. And there’s no other person you would rather take the risk of falling in love than him.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he suddenly asked you, not knowing that you’ve been staring at him.
You shook your head as you fix his hair and gave him a smile.
Well, you know your boyfriend too well. He’s not gonna take that as an answer, “Come on, tell me.”
“I just realized how damn lucky I am,” you confessed and you felt his hands on top of yours, “All my life I’ve been looking for someone who could finally understand me, who could love me and teach me to love myself even better. I’m so glad I finally found you.”
“No,” he kissed the back of your hand and gave you a reassuring smile, “I found my way to you. Right from the moment I saved you, my heart already knew you weren’t just a stranger that I needed to save. I had a hard time forgetting you, so I stopped trying to forget you instead, I accepted the truth that you are someone I won’t be forgetting.”
“I know I’m hard to forget,” you joked.
Eddie chuckles, “I have no plans of forgetting you,” he extended his arms around you and pulled you towards his chest, “You’re stuck with me, whether you like it or not.”
“I have no plans of resisting,” you answered.
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silly-inky · 2 years ago
Can we have more sibling banter between Mario and Luigi? Have some of my thoughts on them
Mario and Luigi def insult each other (this next part I will take directly from one of my head canons posts because I'm too lazy enough to think of more stuff lol) :
Mario: Luigi you’re looking extra ugly today. What did you do? Get a shower? Your skin looks like it’s melting off like the wicked witch of the west
Luigi: Look who’s talking you red bowling ball, you look like a love child between Danny DaVitto and Golem from lord of the ring, who's very existence makes god weep knowing he has to look at your face when you die
Mario: We have almost the same face you you dried out celery stick
Luigi: You’re the one that started it ‘jump man’
They pull pranks on each other all the time, such as Mario hiding Luigi's stuff around the house on their birthday, making him think he misplaced or simply forgot to out it back in its right place, until he looks at/in the object which will have a little note that would say something along the lines of "loosing your marbles already old man?", it's tradition at this point. Luigi would be a bit more smart and creative though, such as loosing all the screws on Mario's chair, so when he sits down on it, it falls apart, or putting tiny rocks under the insoles of Mario's shoes, so he feels them, but every time he tales his shoes off no rocks come out.
I headcanon that Mario has ADHD and Luigi has autism, so imagine with me, Luigi info dumping about his current hyper fixation, and Mario loosing his train of thought a lot through their convo
Luigi: and then ther is this thing about it!
Mario: that's cool, it reminds me of... Ummm.... Oh what was I gonna say!..................................................................................What were we talking about just now?
Luigi: * specific thing* I was on about
Mario: oh right! Go on
It works both ways, but Mario prefers to listen to Luigi, of course sometimes he just gets annoyed though
Mario: Luigi I love you, but I'm not interested right now, I'm trying to watch something here
Luigi: we'll screw you too (in a joking matter)
They both stim, with Luigi it's more vocal stimming such a screeching (he mainly does it in a more comfortable setting, such as at home) popping, clicking his tongue and random Jiberish, he likes to rock and jump when he's standing either when excited or bored, and occasionally will grab Mario's arms and flail his hands about, Mario is chill with this and laughs a little whenever Luigi does it, it's justbhis way of showing hebis excited and wants to share that with people
Mario stims through Echolalia (repeating certains words, phrases or sounds) visual stimming and tapping, he likes to stare at fire and flashing/ colour chnaging lights, he watches little ants on the floor move, we will watch the clouds slowly change in the sky, and he will move his head side to side looking at how the lighting changes on the jewels in Peaches crown. In meetings when he's bored an can't speak, he will tap his fingers or a pen and bounce his leg
They both know eachothers stimming, and encourage eachother doing so, so they don't get overwhelmed, but also as a way of showing his they are feeling to their friends without actually saying what they are feeling
Mario will randomly wake up in the middle of the night to go to the kitchen for something, only to find Luigi already awake and doing something in the kitchen
Mario: what are you doing up bro? Nightmares again?
Luigi: a little it's more of the phantom pain from my burn scars again (headcanon of him having burn scars from holding the man hole cover to protect mario)
Mario: shit, that doesn't sound fun
Luigi: it isn't, but I can't go back to sleep, so I made cookies, their on the cooling wrack
Mario: thought I smelt something good. Do you want me to stay up with you?
Luigi: nah, it'll pass eventually, currently talking with Rosalina over text to keep myself occupied, she says hi by the way
Mario: alrighty, I hope it goes away soon, and tell Rosie I send my love. Goodnight
Luigi: night bro
Peach often keeps Luigi up to speed on Mario's condition when he's not at home, and Luigi does the same for Peach, they have a running joke of calling Mario anything but Mario when talking about him, so he doesn't really understand they are on about him
Mario def jokes about Luigi's love life, when he does this however, Luigi reminds him of how he has not even accepted his own feelings about a certain princess, which quickly shuts him up
In the end, they make fun of eachother a lot, but are eachothers biggest fans, no one will ever love Luigi morebthan Mario, and no one will ever respect Mario more than Luigi
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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batterfang · 4 months ago
Thanksgiving was actually quite nice this year. I don't usually go as family gatherings trigger pretty bad anxiety, but it's been a year since I've seen anyone and I wanted them to meet my partner. It was very chill and quiet. I got to sit in the biggest, comfiest papasan chair that is also a rocking chair all bundled in front of the fire pit. My aunt also has a lot of dogs and cats, so I was surrounded by cute fluffies.
Edit: This was in my drafts and I forgot about posting it but I'm feeling less enthusiastic now that me and mom caught a bad cold from the family gathering lol. We're guessing anyway. She got sick a few days after and then within the next 4 or so I got it. Day... 4 or 5 and still feeling like my head wants to drop off my shoulders into a squishy mess on the floor.
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cherry-velvet-skies · 2 years ago
My Thoughts on RUSH! Track By Track:
OWN MY MIND: 9.5/10
STARTING WITH A BANGER OMG It's so fire I started bouncing when it got to the chorus it's so good and an awesome choice for an opening track we're off to an amazing start. Very punk-esque and the lyric video fits the same vibe.
GOSSIP: 9/10
Obviously I've already shared my thoughts about this song and I'd be lying if I said it hasn't grown on me more since I made that statement. I've been singing it to myself everyday while I cook for like four days now. It's so catchy, the MV is a total vibe, and I do like the meaning behind it.
These are lyrics to definitely scream when you're just going through a bad time. I mean I know it's symbolic of a long distance relationship but I feel like many people can relate to it. Also love that little sexy bit snuck into the middle there lmao
BLA BLA BLA: 10/10
BABY SAID: 9.5/10
I was pleasantly surprised by this one lol by the title I thought it was gonna be a ballad but it's very funky but like in a rock way and I love ittttt plus the lyric video with Vic just totally vibing made it even better
GASOLINE: 8.5/10
Obviously we've all heard this song before but I'm glad they put it on the album because I've been wanting so save it so bad lmao but it's such a powerful song and I can feel the activist rage radiating off of it every time I listen to it.
FEEL: 10/10
FAVE FAVE FAVE OMFG THIS SONG SET MY FUCKING SOUL ON FIRE THE GUITAR AND THE SLOWER PARTS TOGETHER I'M SO !!!!! Dami's voice is incredible and the lyric video is just... I'm being so normal about it.
YES YES YES GIVE ME MORE ANGSTY HARD ROCK SONGS GIVE THEM TO ME NOW. Also the mini guitar solo at the end? Addicting. PLUS...that Lucy's diamonds lyric...A BEATLES REFERENCE?! +1000000 POINTS HOLY FUCK
KOOL KIDS: 10/10
Personally, I tried to avoid listening to as many concert versions of the song as I could until now because I wanted to go in somewhat blankly and I'm so glad I did because THAT WAS AWESOME I LOVE IT and I think I'm starting to notice a pattern with all the songs I'm rating 10s lmao
This is a song that you need to have blasting in your headphones while you gaze longingly out of a car window while it's raining, watching the drops race down the glass and rooting for one in particular, only for them to join together to make one drop in the end and that's the only way I can describe this song. I can see Må performing this live and the entire crowd is just belting out the lyrics right along with them.
PUNK ANTHEM HELL FUCKING YEAH I'M IN LOVE also another astounding guitar solo? THOMMY YOU ABSOLUTE MAD LAD THE TALENT YOU HOLD IS INDESCRIBABLE. 100% ANOTHER FAVE TRACK. Also, aesthetically speaking, the lyric video is everything I wanna be and more.
SURPRISE IT'S IN ITALIAN I love this one so much I CAN'TTT it's so good it had me jumping in my mf chair !!!!! And AGAIN WITH THE BOMB ASS GUITAR SOLOS THOMAS RAGGI YOU REALLY POPPED OFF WITH THESE THINGS plus the lyric video is so special to me I know it's just them walking back and forth but it's special how they each have their own runway walk I can't explain it you either get it or you don't
LA FINE: 9.5/10
I've already shared my thoughts about this but it definitely has that Teatro D'Ira Vol. 1 vibe we've all been dearly missing and it's just an incredible sound that will always be iconic
If y'all thought LA FINE was reminiscent of TDV1, you're gonna LOVE this one. It sounds so much like it that I can't help but listen to it and be like "That's the Måneskin I know" because it's SO symbolic of their sound. The way I view it is that this song, just based on sound and vibes alone, is LA PAURA DEL BUIO's younger, more emo sibling and no I will not take criticism on that because I know I'm right. Also the lyric video is majestic and I'm right about that too.
Again, another one we've all heard and there's no debate it's incredible and I still come back to the MV and lyric video every now and again because they're just as iconic as the song itself.
This one has truly divided the fandom lmao but for me personally I like it and it's a song I listen to and then forget about for a bit and then I listen to it again and remember how much I love it. Idc it slaps and it's in my playlist for a reason.
Again, no question. The perfect song to cry to while simultaneously screaming the lyrics. The MV is a cinematic masterpiece and the song is so emotionally wracking in the perfect way. Damiano's lyrics are either fun and quirky, super fucking angsty, or poetically deep and meaningful there is no in between.
CONCLUSION: This album is a No-Skips album and probably one of the best albums I've ever heard and I will not be listening to anything else for the next month. Thank you and goodnight.
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cyborg-franky · 3 years ago
Helloooo Franky! ☆ I'm a sucker for AU prompts so I've never clicked a link faster in my life lol soooooo may I ask soulmate AU or room mate AU with either Sanji or Ace, please? hehe thank you! Hope you are having a nice day/night when you read this („• ᴗ •„)
my looove! here is a cute little soulmate AU <3
Ace x GN Reader SFW Prompt: soulmate AU [First words you and your soul mate say to each other are marked on your body] Word Count: 667
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“It’s so stupid.” Ace mumbled as he looked at the words on his wrist, squinting with a grimace on his face as he turned his wrist around to read the full thing.
“I admit, it ain’t the nicest one. “Thatch hummed and held Ace’s arm looking over the words that had appeared overnight, he chuckled a little which earned him a scowl.
Ace snatched his arm back and let his bangle fall back over it, leaning back in his seat, heavy boots propped up on the table until Marco walked over and pushed them off, almost causing Ace to fall backwards on his chair if he hadn’t been caught by the chef.
“Still complaining about it yoi?” Marco asked as he sat across from the flame user.
“You guys are lucky, yours are nice!” Ace mumbled and tipped his hat down over his sulking face.
“I don’t know why it bothers you so much, not the first badly done tat you got, Matchstick.” Thatch pointed out, nodding to his arm. Ace opened and closed his mouth, sulking.
This hadn’t been where you expected your life to come to an end. your crew hadn’t been the nicest when they decided to ditch you on a raft in the middle of the sea. A bottle of water and enough food for a day. Sitting there and contemplating what your next move was, hoping a seaking would just come along and eat you in one gulp to put you out of the impending misery you faced.
That was until you heard a strange sound, something was moving fast and heading straight for you. The boat was small, a man standing on it, waved firing out the back of it.
Ace had seen you in the distance, aiming the striker in your direction, slowing down before the current caused by his ship and his power was enough to rock the raft you were clinging to. You blinked when the handsome man tipped his hat, grinning brightly as he offered you his hand.
“Need some help?” He asked as you got to your feet, wincing at how much the wooden planks you called a lifeboat rattled under your movements.
You thought nothing about the words Ace had spoken, the soulmate mark that wrapped around your ankle was so vague it could have been anyone. ‘Need some help?’ you’d always needed help; it was a shitty and ridiculous hint to go by and you’d always ignored it.
“I don’t know, can I trust a man who comes out of nowhere in the middle of the sea and wearing a hat like that?” it was meant to be a half-joke but the way he gawked at you as his hand was still outreached towards you.
Ace couldn’t form words, so shocked at the chance meeting, the random recuse out at sea would be with his soulmate. He laughed just as awkwardly as you now, turning his wrist around and showing you.
“Yeah..” Ace chuckled watching as you looked sheepish, taking his hand he pulled you onto the striker.
“I promise I’m just really bad at first impressions” You didn’t let go of his hand, this felt right, his hand in yours. He didn’t seem to move away either, just standing there with a smile on his face as he took off his hat, resting his forehead against yours.
“Me either, trust me.” Ace thought back to all the times he’d tried to murder the man he called ‘father’ now.
“Hopefully we can make a better second impression with one another huh?” You suggested, feeling his arms wrap around you, a mumble of agreement against your neck.
You smiled, you could tell he was someone who’d never expected to meet his soulmate, his emotions all over the place as he just held you. It felt nice, felt right just like all the stories of meeting your soulmate would tell you. It was an offbeat messy start but not every love story was flawless.
@fire-fist-ann @rivvd-art @santoru @mimi-ya @simp4ace @aifozu
@useless-potatho @iloveportgasdace @smoleeveewrites @strawhat-bast @gonuclear @saisei-no-hano @whisplion @my-muses-in-op @undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold @sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart
@sugxrslushy @kaizokuwritings @bepoprotectionsquad @thatsprettycoolbro@whisplion @ace-no-isha
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chocoenvy · 3 years ago
Hi, I really love your works, they make me so soft(and cry). I really did get a brain wyrm with your last work, the council of gods, and I hope you don't mind me sharing. Just, you know how in imposter aus, there will be at least 1 or 2 characters that will be on readers side? How about for Imp, that's Kazuha (who has never felt comfortable with the imposter!God, the wind so cold and quiet around them) and Tomo(who is still alive because Imp might or might not have accidentally done something through teyvat). Just, these two having Imp's back whenever possible. (And maybe when Mari asks if anyone wants to phone home, everyone gets a shock seeing an alive Tomo.) ty for reading this blurb, I hope you have a good day!
Shameless plug for @fuwon but if you want more imposter au + kazoo and tomo read their story (here) pls it's amazingly yummy and deserves the world.
unsure if i can count this as a part two but who cares lol. This isn't edited and it was highkey rushed but alsdfkjsd;flkasdjfsdl writing is hard <3 (o h, that's why it took so long, it's almost as long as the first part-)
A Council of Gods: Part Two
warnings: Cult behaviors, fluff :>
"Oh, hey Mari? Can I- like - tell my acolytes where I am?" Emi scratched their head with an embarrassed grin, "They're probably freaking out right now."
The four gods, and the puppet, were in a lounging area. The puppet and Imp were playing miscellaneous games by the fire, Mari was sprawled across the rocking chair, Arte was reading a book they'd found about the Fatui.
Mari nodded with a soft smile, "Of course, Arte, would you like to do the same?"
"Huh? Oh," Arte startled from their book, "Yeah I need to." They smiled, "I'm sure they're ready to tear the archons apart."
Imp looked up from their game with the puppet, "Uh..." They fumbled with their new clothes, "Can I... call someone from my world?"
All eyes turned to them and Imp's breath caught in their throat.
Mari noticed how they froze and softened their gaze and tone, "You have someone from your world you'd like to talk to?"
Imp paused but nodded, "Mhm." They hummed.
Mari sighed, "As long as they don't hurt you, then of course you can." They said with a motherly smile.
Arte shut their book with a snap, "If they hurt you I'll hurt them ten times worse." They spat with a strained grin.
Emi giggled and pat Imp's head softly, "They won't even be able to touch you with us around."
Imp frowned, "Well, I like them, and they helped me run away from the fake god and the archons." A faraway look overcame their eyes and a frown tugged down at their lips, "They were ready to do anything for me."
"Well, I can bring your acolytes here now if you wish." Mari stood with a smile, "I'd prefer for you to not go back to your world to meet them. Acolytes can be overbearing, especially after you've been reincarnated." Mari chuckled, "If you went back home I doubt they'd let you come back."
"I'm fine with that." Emi beamed and Arte agreed.
"Now," Mari clapped and four of their realm dispatches appeared in their hands, "Who would you like to send these to?"
Emi had a hard time choosing, though eventually settled on Diluc (they wanted to choose Zhongli but Imp was barely able to stop shaking with one Zhongli around). Arte didn't struggle at all, immediately asking if they could see the Tsaritsa (their cheeks were dusted with a faint pink when they thought about her. It was hilariously cute). And Imp, surprisingly, didn't struggle either. They asked for Kazuha.
Mari nodded with a bright golden smile and the dispatches disappeared, "They should be here soon, they'll appear in the throne room so let's go there to wait for them."
The three others agreed, the puppet followed, casually holding Imp's hand as they walked through the halls. Imp got easily afraid of the acolytes walking around, but holding the puppet's hand made them feel grounded and the puppet never minded.
The five of them waited excitedly for their acolytes to arrive, Imp in particular was silently vibrating in anticipation. They were no longer able to focus on anything but tightly holding the puppet's hands and quietly flicking their eyes to the spot where they had first arrived.
A small white-ish blue light flickered in the spot and two guys appeared. A slightly taller blond holding onto the other's shoulder, who was holding the dispatch in his (unbandaged?) hand.
"Kazuha! Tomo!" Imp shouted, scrambling up and flinging themself onto them, "I missed you two! I'm glad you're both okay."
"Ah! Your grace!" Tomo shouted, "You're okay?"
Tears pricked Kazuha's eyes and Tomo's looked near watery.
"We were so worried about you!" Kazuha sniffled, "We thought- we thought the crow had gotten you."
Imp shook their head with a wide grin, "No, they didn't get me." They turned to the other three gods and the puppet, "Mari," They gestured to them, "Brought me here. They are a god of a different Teyvat, the one we're in right now..." Imp faltered as they looked between the three other gods, "Why do you guys look so..." Imp trailed off, nervousness gripping their veins. Even the puppet looked shocked.
"Tomo's..." Emi approached, staring at him. Their gaze flicked over to Imp, "How is he..."
"Oh!" Imp shouted, panicked, "I- uh- I don't know how I just kinda... accidentally, uhm... interrupted his duel... with the shogun..."
"You what?" Emi and the Puppet shouted, their eyes wide and mouths agape.
Imp flinched back and Kazuha steadied them, "I arrived to Teyvat at the starting area but I had my map and I wanted to go to Inazuma 'cause it had just come out and- and I saw Tomo about to get executed so I- I just- I didn't think and just ran forwards and the Shogun immediately stopped when she saw me!" Imp's hands were shaking, all of the words had tumbled out without any thought or breaks from their panic.
"Your grace," Tomo grabbed their face with his hands and squeezed lightly, "Calm down."
When he tugged on their cheeks they couldn't help but smile, "There ya go," Tomo grinned, "You're alright your grace. I've always told you that you'll be alright."
"I never thought that..." Mari hummed, standing from their throne, "I'm surprised Tomo is alive. It's nice to formally meet you both Tomo and Kazuha. I am grateful to the both of you for treating my friend here so."
Tomo and Kazuha could feel their godly presence. It wasn’t the same as their god, who had touched them with their Divine Gaze, but this world cherished the being in front of them. That much they could tell, so the two bowed.
“We are merely doing what loyal acolytes should.” Kazuha said, rising from his bowing, “The others in our world are fools for following the first sign of godhood, and they hold too tightly to the fake god.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Mari nodded, “One day we shall deal with that, but now is not the time.”
There was another flash of white-blue-ish light and the room temperature dropped significantly. The Tsaritsa stood tall in all her terrifying and blood-filled glory.
Though, as soon as they saw her, Arte launched themselves into her arms with no fear, giggling like a madman.
“Tsaritsa! Here you are! Haha! I’ve missed you.” They clung onto her tightly, and the poor Tsaritsa looked so confused as she glanced around at everyone in the room, but she held onto Arte just as tightly.
“I’m so glad you’re alright, your grace.” She held their face in her hands, though the gesture was far more intimate, “I was so worried for you, we all were.”
Emi leaned in towards Imp and Mari, muttering, “If they start making out I’m gonna throw my shoe at them.”
Imp chuckled, “I’ll burst into tears.”
Mari raised a brow but grinned all the same, “I’ll kick them out of my throne room if they do.”
Emi giggled and Arte looked over suspiciously. To which Emi and Imp looked away, and Mari merely smiled innocently.
Arte introduced the Tsaritsa to everyone in the room, including Kazuha and Tomo. The Tsaritsa bowed to the gods and thanked them for taking care of Arte.
“Thanks to you as well,” Mari said with a warm smile, “I’ve heard of Arte’s situation and I am glad that in their world they have a home to call their own.”
The Tsaritsa nodded, holding onto Arte’s hands, “As am I.”
Somehow, Mari and the Tsaritsa immediately dove into conversation pertaining to the harbingers and Mari’s puppet. Which the Puppet was very embarrassed about, hiding their face in their hands and leaning against Imp with a groan. Imp merely giggled at their suffering.
Emi, though, was getting antsy. Where was their acolyte? Their world was the most “normal” but at the same time the entirety of their Teyvat probably went insane when Emi went missing. In the short time Emi was gone, did they already destroy Teyvat trying to find them? Emi nervously bit their nail as the possibilities ran through their mind.
Luckily, the thoughts dissipated as a white-blue-ish light flickered in the room. But instead of Diluc, it was Kaeya holding a small pink bundle of fur in his arms. A… ticked off pink bundle of fur in his arms.
The little thing hopped out of his arms and Yae Miko appeared with an indignant puff, “Apologies, your graces,” She bowed, “For not getting Diluc. He is an unnecessarily suspicious and stubborn individual.”
Kaeya blinked at the once-fox-now-woman but shook himself out of his stupor at the sight of his god (and more?)
“Your grace!” He approached them and bowed lowly, grabbing their hand with a relieved sigh, “It relieves me to know that you are alright. The entirety of Teyvat was so worried for you.” He lifts himself up and grins brightly at Emi.
Emi smiles back, “Aha, is everything alright back at home? I was worried that you would all freak out because of this.”
Kaeya hummed, “It’s… well, we were all worried for you and… okay, the archons - not naming names but the electro and hydro archons - are trying to start up another archon war because they think one of the other archons have taken you-” Kaeya sighed, “It’s a whole, awful, completely unnecessary situation.”
Emi sighed loudly and smacked their forehead, “It hasn’t even been a full day yet,” They groaned.
“I’ve tried to get Ei to calm down,” Yae Miko frowned, “But whenever it comes to you, your grace, it seems as though all sense of reasoning just disappears from the archons.”
Emi huffed, and turned to the three other gods and the puppet with an apologetic smile, “I should probably go back home for a bit, or else I’ll come back to no Teyvat at all.” They smiled but their worried eyes told that they didn’t think it was a joke, “I had a nice time and will come back when I can. I just have to use the realm dispatch to come back?”
Mari nodded, “The same way you first came here. You can leave by tapping the dispatch again, it’ll automatically return you home.”
Emi nodded and grabbed Kaeya and Yae Miko’s hands, “Alright, thank you so much for all of this, and see you all soon!”
“Thank you for taking care of our grace, your highness,” Yae Miko bowed and Kaeya followed suit, also thanking Mari.
“See you Emi!” They all called after her, waving as they and their acolytes disappeared.
Arte and the Tsaritsa immediately lost themselves in conversation with one another. Arte worrying over the harbingers as though they were their children, and the Tsaritsa revealing how Tartaglia threw a tantrum when Arte went missing (the Tsaritsa also threw a tantrum but that’s besides the point).
Imp, on the other hand, yawned.
“Are you tired, your grace?” Kazuha asked, “I assume it’s been a long day for you, hasn’t it?”
Imp nodded and hummed in agreement.
“Here, I can show them to their room,” Puppet offered, “You two are free to come with..?” They trailed off, glancing at Mari for permission.
Mari nodded, “I’ll come as well, it’s about time to go to bed anyways.” They looked back at Arte and the Tsaritsa and called out, “You hear that lovebirds? We’re going to bed!”
Arte and the Tsaritsa turned. Arte giggled and pulled the Tsaritsa along by the hand.
When Arte and the Tsaritsa went into their room, the Puppet practically pleaded with them to “Be quiet, these walls are thin.”
To which Mari giggled and looked away but didn’t say anything. Arte’s face heated up a bit but they nodded in agreement.
Imp eagerly entered their room, Tomo splayed across the couch with a tired sigh and Kazuha carefully sat next to him. Imp paused and sat in between Tomo and Kazuha.
“I don’t wanna sleep alone, if that’s okay with you two?” They asked.
“Of course your grace.” Tomo patted their head, “It’s no different from camping outside. Well, other than this is a lot fancier than that.” He chuckled.
Imp hummed. After much emotional stress, they finally had a moment to rest in comfort and familiarity with their head leaning against Tomo's shoulder and Kazuha's head leaning against theirs. They were out like a light, snoring lightly.
Mari, who was leaning against the doorframe, hummed quietly, "Tomo's not your actual name, is it?"
Tomo chuckled and whispered, "No, it's not. But they called out to me on that day with so much panic and yet so happy to see me. And they called me friend I just..." He looked at them with an affectionate smile, "couldn't tell them my actual name.
I want them to call me that, always."
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angel-inked · 2 years ago
Silenced Fire, Chapter 33 "The dream that changed my life"
WARNING!! This is the closest thing I will get to writing smut.
I feel like this turns a little rough towards the end as far as the wording goes but that's because I'm almost finished writing Silenced Fire and I'm excited about it 😅
I wanted to get the plot out and I need to go through with an editor's comb later lol
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @hecatemoon87
Rose sighed, exhaustion setting in as she stepped over the three men passed out on the floor "leave'em" Forrest had murmured when asked what to do with them. Rose figured they'd come to and order more drinks in the morning, Bondurant shine was potent stuff. Rose heard the door to Forrest' office close and heavy boots approaching. Rose hummed appreciatingly as Forrest brushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her temple. He disappeared behind her, and when she turned He was wiping down a table. "Thank you for the help handsome" Rose smiled, kissing his cheek.
Forrest groaned at the touch of her lips "you'd better be thinkin' real careful 'bout what you say to me woman, or that dress ain't gonna last long and all that's gonna be covering you is one hell of an aroused man" he purred close to her ear. Rose smiled, she liked this side of Forrest. It's not hard for her to get him like this after discovering how much he likes her praise and adoration. "Well what if that's what I want" Rose smirked. Forrest groaned again quietly "I think you know good and well how to get what you want out of me" he murmured, crashing his lips into hers. “I love you more than I have words to express it.” He said softly before resting his forehead against Rose's.
Rose decided she'd finish cleaning in the morning, as all she wanted in this moment was Forrest. "Aren't you just so sweet?" She cooed, cuping his cheeks. "You can handle the out of towners and be the sweetest man I know, it's perfect" Rose smiled, earning a long low groan from Forrest. He pulled her flush with his body and leaned back against the table, just holding Rose in his arms. "Let's head to bed, alright?" Rose suggested, Forrest nodded. He couldn't deny that Rose knew exactly how to drive him crazy.
Forrest seemed to open his eyes at some point, he glanced around. He had awoken in his rocking chair and his surroundings resemble a nice log cabin. A fire roared in the fire place and two voices caught his ear. These voices didn't belong to his brothers, two young children ran in "papa, James won't let me play with him" the girl frowned, sounding like she was about to cry. Forrest nodded, "why can't lily play with you?" Forrest asked, turning to the small boy. "You'd better play nice with your sister or I'm gonna get mom involved" Forrest explained with a stren look and tone. The boy nodded before taking off again, the girl ran after her brother and disappeared around a corner. Forrest stood and moved to the nearest door, a kitchen, he saw Rose cleaning a dinner table as the children ran past. "The kids wake you up hmm?" Rose smiled, walking up to Forrest. He noticed a ring on her left hand, Forrest closed his eyes as their lips connected.
When he opened his eyes he saw Rose hovering over him, "morning" she smiled. Rose got off the bed and began getting dressed, Forrest sat up and looked around the room. Everything seemed normal, the station hadn't changed much in the several years that brothers had owned it. "Everything alright?" Rose asked, sitting on his side of the bed and placing her hand on his. "Yeah" Forrest mumbled, his voice thick and deep from just waking up. "Odd dream is all" Forrest explained. "How so?" Rose questioned. Forrest didn't respond, just continued rubbing his thumbs over the back of Rose's hand. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Rose asked again, Forrest only shrugged.
Rose looked away from him for a moment, "it wasn't a nightmare was it?" She asked as she turned back. Forrest shook his head, "haven't had one of them for a while" he mumbled. "Good" Rose smiled. She continued getting ready for the day and Forrest didn't move, he just kept his eyes fixed on Rose as she moved around the room. This dream, might've just made Forrest make up his mind.
The rest of the day, Forrest seemed distant. He spent most of his day out on the front porch, only moving from his chair to make a few shine deals here and there. Howard, Jack and the girls walked out to join him towards the end of the day. "What's goin' on with you Forrest?" Jack asked, stopping by his older brother's side. "Yeah, what's wrong with you? You ain't done nothin' except mope around out here all day" Howard added, as he sat next to his brother. Maggie took her spot atop Howard's lap, looking at Forrest with concern. Rose knelt by Forrest' chair, placing the back of her hand against his forehead. Forrest groaned quietly as he glanced at all the confused and concerned faces he was getting, in a way it was kinda nice, he felt cared for and this showed how much his brothers and the girls payed attention to him, they noticed even the slight changes in his behavior.
"You feeling alright?" Rose asked, Forrest nodded. He readjusted in his chair and padded his lap for Rose to sit with him. "If you're not sick then what's going on?" Howard questioned. "Just" Forrest muttered, "a lot of thinking, it's not too much to be concerned about". "I disagree" Jack announced, "if it wasn't a big deal you wouldn't be actin' like this" he added. Forrest bowed his head, "baby?" Rose asked, Forrest looked up at her. "Is this something you want us to find out about later?" She asked, Forrest nodded. "It ain't a bad thing is it?" Howard asked, raising a brow at his brother. "No" Forrest murmured. "Then that's all we need to know" Rose exclaimed. "As long as you're alright, I'm willing to drop it" Jack explained, settling into his chair between his brothers.
"I appreciate the concern though" Forrest murmured, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen upon the group. "We're brothers Forrest, it's what we do" Howard smiled, Jack nodded in agreement. "And I love you" Rose murmured, kissing Forrest' cheek. "If these three are worried, I know I need to be worried" Maggie chuckled lightly, gesturing to Rose, Jack and Howard. Forrest nodded, dropping his head to Rose's shoulder and she brought her hand up to rub the back of his neck. Forrest couldn't wait for his trip into town with Rose tomorrow.
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sirenascales · 4 years ago
-> double black [part five] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
The killer is revealed! What surprises are in store? [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai]
2,420 words
warning: mentions of domestic violence and rape, violence and straight up murder
note: here we go... this is the second to last chapter :) hope you all enjoy reading! no smut again lol
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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"This place... is creepy as hell," I mumbled under my breath, glancing curiously over at Dazai as we climbed out of the car and started walking towards the large abandoned factory. "Are you sure this is where Ranpo told us to go?"
"Yep~ He's usually never wrong, so there must be something here we can find~" Dazai sang, nonchalantly walking inside the factory. I sighed deeply and quickly followed him, shivering at the creepy aura it gave off.
"Ugh, does somebody really hide out here? It's giving me the creeps," I whined, hugging myself and rubbing my hands up and down my arms.
"What if there are ghosts here?" Dazai wondered and I shuddered deeply, fear striking my heart at the mere thought.
"Don't say that!"
"Will you two shut up?" A third voice spoke up and my eyes widened in surprise.
"Chuuya? What are you doing here? And... who's that?"
In the middle of the factory, Chuuya stood before a man tied up to a single chair, a linen bag over his head. Chuuya had a deep frown on his face, obviously extremely irritated with something.
"Wh-who is that?! Please, help me!" The man begged, howling in pain when Chuuya kicked him in the stomach.
"Shut the hell up!"
"Is that the one?" Dazai asked and Chuuya nodded. I looked at them in confusion.
"The one... what?"
"This," Chuuya started. "Is the one that's been stealing from the Port Mafia for well over a year. Along with that bastard Taichi."
My jaw fell open in shock, not expecting that at all. "Wh-what do you mean stealing?"
"Exactly what it sounds like. Taichi was in charge of moving product and bringing back the cash from the Northern area of the city. He's been getting his hands in the product, selling them little by little on the side to line his pockets." Chuuya seemed to grow angrier and angrier by the second as he explained. "We've been investigating that thief for three months and we finally pieced it together. Thanks to you." Chuuya's angry gaze is now on me and I feel my heart drop to the ground.
"What do you mean? Me?" I stuttered, looking over to the man as he began to struggle in his chair. He rocked from side to side, pleading loudly for his life.
"Please, let me go!"
There was a large bang! followed by a scream as Chuuya swiftly brought out a handgun, shooting the man right in the head. I was the one who screamed.
"I hate disloyalty," Chuuya spat, his voice cold. His equally icy glare narrowed on Dazai, who didn't even react to the man being killed, unlike myself. My now shaking hands were clamped over my mouth, in shock by what I've just witnessed.
"So tell me," Chuuya began, now turning to face me. "How is it that you knew that Taichi was meeting a drug dealer... the dead man at your feet specifically?" He didn't even give me a chance to answer before he continued. "How did you know that? Were you there?"
I rapidly shook my head, heart thudding in my chest. "No!" I exclaimed, taking a step back.
"Really? Taichi was killed in the South. That wasn't his area, and he wasn't even assigned to move the product. Hasn't been for months since the investigation started." Chuuya's voice was even, and it sent shivers down my spine. I took another step back. "Well? Explain yourself."
I gulped, absolute fear coursing through my body. I could feel the sweat slide down my temple and. "W-well, I overheard him talking about what he does for you. So! I just assumed..."
Chuuya scoffed, laughing dryly. "Plausible, yes." He dug into his coat's inner pocket and I gasped sharply when he held up my knife. I was stunned, thinking I had lost it, but Chuuya had it all along. Suddenly, that day I went to visit him in his office ran through my head, and I realized that was when I last saw my knife. Fuck.
I felt a sense of dread wash over me.
"I know you take excellent care of this knife, clean it regularly. Except for the blood in the hilt."
"And the bloody clothes I found under the sink in your bathroom," Dazai finally spoke up and I gasped sharply. "You probably should have thrown those clothes away before you had me sleep over. You know I like to snoop," He continued on as I clenched my shaking fists. Dazai circled around so he and Chuuya now stood before me, tall and intimidating. "You're the killer, aren't you? Actually, you don't have to answer that. We already know that you are."
I didn't say anything, my lips pulled in a thin line as I stared at the ground. I started to breathe a bit heavily, heart pounding and my blood boiling with the anger and rage I tried to keep at bay from the moments I wake up in the morning to the time I go to sleep at night.
"Well?" Chuuya yelled, growling. "Aren't you gonna say anything?! You killed him!"
I lifted my head up, and the two men looked genuinely surprised at the look in my face, eyes dark and narrow and full of anger. I was seething, but I couldn't help the sick, twisted smile that grew on my face. "And what if I did?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "Hell hath no fury, right?"
Suddenly, there was an almost inhuman shriek as a figure jumped out from behind the men, knife brandished and slicing right at Dazai. Dazai luckily dodged it, the figure landing on its feet before standing tall. Dazai and Chuuya are both shocked, as they now stared at the perfect clone of myself. The clone didn't give Dazai any time to process, running towards him again and slicing almost wildly with the knife in hand.
"My, what a turn of events!" Dazai exclaimed a bit excitedly, taking in my clone's features. She looked exactly like me, except she looked more wild, her face contorted into one full of rage, anger and anguish with a seemingly endless stream of tears pouring down her face. Her movements were erratic, cries leaving her mouth as she lunged for the attack.
Meanwhile, I had engaged in a fight with Chuuya, but even I could immediately tell just how outmatched I was and that I had no hopes of beating him. Still, I threw a punch at him, able to get him right in his cheek, but he quickly retaliated with a harsh kick to my side. I cried out in pain, clutching my side.
"Are you crazy," Chuuya hissed. "Ability user or not, I'm one of the best martial artists in the Port Mafia! You're not beating me!" He dodged yet another of my punches, jumping back before he kicked me again right on my torso. I grunted in pain, falling on one knee.
"I'm afraid I don't like you," Dazai told my clone as he ducked down to dodge a wild swing. He quickly shot up, successfully headbutting the clone. She cried out in pain, covering her face with her hands as she fell back, Dazai reaching out to grab one of her wrists. As soon as he did so, she disappeared, his ability coming into effect. He let out a tired whew! dusting his hands off before turning to the fight between Chuuya and I.
Even if Chuuya did outmatch me, I tried to keep fighting him, until he suddenly grabbed me and threw me hard on the ground. I gasped, the wind knocked out of me. "Fuck!" I cursed, struggling to breathe as I tried to stand up. I am forced right back on my knees, a hand pressing on my neck. My anger disappeared, and by then, I knew that it was Dazai.
Now that all my anger, and fury was gone, all I had left was the immeasurable despair that settled in my chest, tears now freely sliding down my cheeks. I couldn't stop my sobbing, feeling the two men's wide eyes on me.
"He was beating her!" I cried out, just desperate for them to hear me out before they passed their judgements on me. "Taichi... was beating Keiko and... I never knew! She's been my best friend ever since I moved here and I never had a clue! Not one! Until that day she called me.. when I was at your place," I glanced at Dazai, lip quivering as I struggled to continue. "I went home and when she came over... I knew something was wrong I... then she took off her clothes and there wasn't an inch of her skin below her neck that wasn't covered in bruises I-" 
I choked up, covering my face as I started to sob uncontrollably, the pain of once seeing my friend who was so full of life, looking like a scared, beaten animal as she stood before me. As I cried, Dazai and Chuuya looked at each other, just stunned beyond words.
"I knew..." I spoke up after a moment. "That one of these days, he would actually kill her. That's why she was so afraid to leave him. He was already beating her, and raping her, what would stop him from killing her if she defied him?! Huh?!" Even with Dazai still holding onto the back of my neck, I started to grow angry. "So, I killed him. I killed him before he could have a chance to kill her!" I then stared at Chuuya in his blue eyes. "And I'll do it again."
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"After Taichi dropped Keiko off at my apartment, I snuck out through the emergency stairwell and back exit to follow him. The building is old, so I knew there were no cameras."
I carefully kept the hood of my hoodie over my head as I followed Taichi from a distance, a determined look on my face, one that said that I will not stop.
I soon followed him into the alleyway, where I hid behind a dumpster and watched him do his drug deal. He was grinning and laughing, acting smug and it was honestly fucking disgusting.
"I waited until he was completely alone before confronting him. He didn't expect to see me at all."
"What the hell are you doing here?" Taichi demanded, glaring at me. He wasn't that nice, friendly guy he played himself to be anymore.  "What the fuck are you doing in Port Mafia business?"
"I honestly don't give a fuck about the Port Mafia. I do give a fuck about Keiko, and you're going to stay the fuck away from her."
He just stared at me, before he threw his head back and laughed loudly. "Okay... okay, stupid bitch. That was kind of funny. Just go back home before--"
"And before he could finish his sentence, my clone stabbed him right in his back."
I watched Taichi fall to the ground, my clone falling on top of him, shrieking as she stabbed him over and over again in a rage filled flurry. There was blood everywhere, some even spraying on my clothes as I watched.
Then, I stepped closer, pulling out my knife and landing one more final blow right in his chest, killing him.
"And he was as good as dead."
"... was Keiko in on this?"
Keiko opened the door to my apartment, letting me rush inside before closing and locking the door. She turned to look at me, eyes wide as she took in the blood on my clothes.
"Did... did you..." she stuttered softly, and I nodded.
"He's dead."
Keiko burst into tears.
"You know the answer to that already."
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I was sitting on the ground now, head hung low as I stared at my hands. "I killed someone," I said softly, eyes burning with tears as I clenched my fists. "But when it comes to the people I love... I will do it again. So," I turned to Dazai. "Turn me into the police." I then turned to Chuuya. "Or just shoot me in the fucking head. I'm not strong enough against either of you... I just ask that you keep Keiko out of this. She has suffered far too much already."
I kept my head down, Chuuya and Dazai standing above me. Chuuya had a displeased look on his face, though Dazai's expression looked a bit forlorn.
"You'd do anything to protect your friends," Dazai stated and I looked up at him, looking broken, and small. Dazai gritted his teeth, frowning deeply.
"This is so fucked up," Chuuya grumbled, his mind moving at a mile a second as he rubbed his temples. Taichi was as good as dead anyways, seeing as him stealing from the Port Mafia was punishable by death. So what the hell is he supposed to do now? Chuuya growled in frustration.
"Did you guys..." I started, voice small as a thought plagued my mind. "...know all along...?" I bit my lip, keeping my gaze on the floor. "And when we-"
"It's not what you think," Dazai spoke up, knowing exactly what I was thinking. "You were just sloppy. But I don't blame you for panicking, bella."
"I knew as soon as you brought up the drug deal," Chuuya spoke up and I scoffed, laughing at my own stupidity. "I just wanted to fuck you 'cause of that dress."
Dazai snorted while I couldn't help the short laugh that escaped my mouth despite the situation. I shook my head, sighing deeply. I just decided to accept their answer, as this wasn't the right time to dwell upon my insecurities. I glanced over to the dead body of Taichi's accomplice, thinking he was probably going to die by the Port Mafia's hand anyway.
Dazai followed my gaze, tilting his head a bit as he tapped his chin. "There is no DNA evidence," Dazai recalled and Chuuya narrowed his eyes at him.
"Yeah, so?" he replied, stuffing his hands in his pocket.
"So," Dazai started, glancing over at me still on the ground. "There is no proof of her involvement. Man, just what will I tell the Boss now?!" Dazai threw his hands up dramatically, Chuuya's eye twitching in annoyance.
Still, the Executive kept his mouth shut, taking in the meaning of Dazai's words. Then, he looked over at me, blue eyes staring me down before his lips twitched upwards a bit.
"Oh yeah... I won the race."
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hermannsthumb · 3 years ago
for the autumn fic meme.. newmann #20 like newt chasing leaves and hermann outwardly is psh, childish and internally heart eyes and is crunching the leaves around his feet with his cane when newts not looking (this became really long lol feel free to just post it not as a request)
20. Crunching Leaves
from autumn fic prompts here
this is such a cute idea
"It's weird having a break from things, isn't it?" Newton says.
Hermann hums noncommittally. He prods the small fire in their chiminea with the end of a rusted poker (dug up from a garden shed that's seen better days), and moves his leg back just in time to avoid spraying his trouser hem with sparks. Newton tugs the sleeves of his sweatshirt down over his knuckles and gives him a small smile. "Even a small break," he amends. "It's like a mini vacation."
Hermann is not sure—if given the opportunity to do so—he would've picked the northwestern United States as his ideal vacation spot, nor would he spend three out of their four days there networking and lecturing at an international Kaiju Science conference, but he supposes he understands Newton's point. The location of their rental cabin is remote and wooded, which has made for rather calm, picturesque evenings by the living room fireplace, and everything (even their sparse accumulation of groceries) is on the PPDC's budget, which means it's hardly the hit to the wallet it would have otherwise been. Ideally, he would not have to handle Newton on a vacation, either, but Hermann supposes nothing can be perfect. He watches silently as Newton pours himself another cup of coffee from the rental kitchen's French press. "Mm," Hermann says.
Their flight back to Hong Kong leaves tomorrow afternoon. Over their shared dinner of instant mashed potatoes and fish sticks from a box, Newton had suddenly become deeply incensed that they had not taken full advantage of the rental cabin, and dragged Hermann outside onto the small back patio to do some proper autumn things—to Newton, that meant finding two wooden deck chairs languishing under moss and ivy at the very back corner of the property, lighting a campfire in the dusty chiminea with an ancient book of matches discovered under the sink, and attempting to roast marshmallows with a broken tree branch. He gave up on the marshmallows after he kept burning his beyond recognition, too impatient to hold them anywhere but directly in the flames. Hermann had not bothered in the first place. He's always been somewhat repulsed by their texture. "Have you ever been camping?" Newton says.
Hermann shivers at the thought of willingly spending time inside a tent. Even sitting outside beneath trees right now (where twigs bounce from above onto his clothing, bugs keep landing on him, and all sorts of things to set off his hay fever) is pushing the limits of his patience. "Absolutely not."
"I used to go camping every October when I was a kid," Newton says. "I loved it. This place kinda reminds me of the campground we'd go to. So many—" He waves his hand around, and adds, lamely, "Trees."
Hermann privately thinks that all forests tend to look the same, but he doesn't tell Newton that; it's not as if they can take a stroll through the woods whenever they'd like back in Hong Kong, where they spend about ninety percent of their waking moments toiling away in the dark and the damp of the basement laboratory, and he's not keen to put a damper on Newton's good spirits. He knows Newton has spent more than a few days off of work hunting down the nearest hiking spots, always returning (often the following morning) with his pockets full of leaves and interesting rocks he looks up online. Hermann has always, quite frankly, found it endearing. Not that he would ever confess such a thing to Newton.
He pokes the fire again. This time, sparks shoot out at Newton's boots. Newton doesn't bother moving out of the way. "I never spent much time outside as a child," Hermann says. "Too busy with school, I suppose." When he was not doing schoolwork for his classes, he was practicing whatever his mother and father decided school was not sufficiently instructing him in (for the Gottlieb children were expected to be exceedingly accomplished and well-rounded in their skills)—advanced mathematics, languages beyond their native German, even piano, for a spell, before Hermann finally confessed he loathed the instrument, though he still retains enough of it he reckons he could play some Chopin should you sit him down in front of one. He used to have a treehouse—a hand-me-down from his elder brother, as most of Hermann's things were—he would keep his telescope in, and he would fall asleep there some nights, one eye still pressed to the eyepiece. That was when he still had the full capabilities of his left leg that were required to shimmy up and down a ladder, of course.
"Didn't you live on a farm?" Newton says.
It was not actually a farm, as Hermann frequently reminds Newton, merely a former farmhouse on what was, at one point, likely farmland, but that must've been at least a hundred years before the Gottliebs moved in. The house was certainly old enough. Newton never fails to roar with laughter over it anyway, and Hermann knows it's because he's picturing Hermann's in dungarees and milking a cow or some such nonsense. Hermann can see Newton's mouth twitching into a broad grin even now. "Hardly," Hermann says. "I really do mean I was too busy to have the time to do much else. My mother and father preferred it that way."
"'Much else'?" Newton echoes.
"Childish sorts of things," Hermann says. A dead leaf drifts from a tree overhead and lands near him on the patio. Hermann stabs it with the poker, debates condemning it to the fire, and then flicks it off to the side inside. He drops the poker back on the ground. "Er. Playing. Indoors, or outdoors."
This sobers Newton up. "You mean, like, being a normal kid?"
"I suppose," Hermann says.
"Jeez, dude," Newton says. "That's...kinda depressing."
Hermann shrugs and takes a sip of his coffee. He doesn't think much about it these days. He doesn't think much about his childhood in general, really, and certainly doesn't waste time moping over it—there are much more important things that require his attention. "Is it?" His coffee's gone cold. They've been out here for quite a long time; the sun has almost set on the horizon, and the chill of the October evening is settling upon them fast. Hermann suddenly wishes he'd thought to pack a thicker sweater. Or, oddly enough, a book. It feels like the appropriate setting to read something, perhaps even aloud to Newton (not that they would ever agree on what to read). Perhaps he and Newton might draw their chairs together, and toss a heavy blanket over themselves, and Newton would put his head on Hermann's shoulder and poke fun at Hermann's taste in literature, but listen intently anyway...
The fire pops. Hermann coughs and shoos his traitorous thoughts away. Another leaf drifts down, this one landing in Newton's hair, and Newton's smile returns as he extracts it. He clenches his fist around it with a satisfying crunch. "I love fall," he says. He raises his boot above another leaf and slams it down with an even louder crunch. His smile widens into a grin. "Hey, do you remember if there was a rake in the shed? I kinda want to make a leaf pile."
"It's nearly dark, Newton," Hermann points out.
"And?" Newton hops to his feet. "I'll be right back," he says, and, his scarf flapping behind him like a cape, tears off back in the direction of the shed, taking care to trod on each and every dry leaf in his path.
He returns a minute later empty-handed. "No rake," he says.
He jumps on another leaf. Then another.
"Don't be such a child," Hermann sighs, though his heart twists in his chest at the sight of Newton so unabashedly happy. He often envies Newton for how carefree he can be sometimes, though he has a sinking feeling what he's feeling now is nothing remotely like envy. Newton really is a thorn in his side.
Newton, rather appropriately, sticks his tongue out at him, and then jumps on another leaf. The force of it jostles his glasses so far down his nose they threaten to fall to the ground themselves. "I'm having fun, man. This is the first time I haven't been stressed out of my fuckin' mind in months." He pushes his glasses back up. "I wish we had another day here."
Oddly enough, Hermann finds himself agreeing with Newton. But he'd prefer an additional day without Newton, of course—Hermann would love to have a day all to himself here, where he could sleep in late, take advantage of the bathtub (which he's been too shy to so far, given that their cabin has only one restroom and he shares it with Newton), and devote as little time as he pleased to all things kaiju-related. Well, maybe he'd let Newton stop in for dinner. Or for a passionate debate or two. Or to share a blanket and a book, if only in Hermann's wildest fantasies. It does sound a bit like a bore without him.
While Newton's back is turned, Hermann uses his cane to crunch a few dry leaves littering the ground by his feet. The sound really is quite satisfying. "Can we go inside now?" he says. When Newton turns to him, his hair sticking up at odd angles, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes bright behind his glasses, Hermann must affect a frown to keep himself from smiling. "I'm—er—I'm getting a bit cold."
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oddberryshortcake · 3 years ago
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
(Please don’t feel pressured to answer tho! If you find these types of asks weird or annoying then pls feel free to just delete 💙)
You're never annoying!!
For this answer I'm going to pick songs from my musical playlist, because I really love musicals and sing them a lot despite not having the range lol
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Misérables. Specifically the David Bryant version because get this...His singing voice sounds exactly like dub Astral. Please listen to it, it rocked my world. The concept of Astral having survivor's guilt is something I never knew I needed.
Birth to My Creation from Frankenstein the Musical. This is my absolute favorite musical song ever, I was so determined to learn all of it and sing it in character and I accomplished that. I basically introduced this song to my friend by acting out the whole thing in the car. I love a lot of the Frankenstein songs, especially The Waking Nightmare, Amen, These Hands, etc. (Which since you're a Zexal buddy, The Waking Nightmare gives me major Don Thousand vibes) Please check them all out. I'm sad because it's a relatively unknown musical and I can't find a recording of it's professional performance with Steve Blanchard as the monster :( I would love to see it if it ever gets performed again.
All You Wanna Do from Six: The Musical. I'll admit I'm better at singing Don't Lose Ur Head, which is also an amazing song by the way, but God this song is amazing. It's so long and has multiple different verses and that's what made it so fun to learn and memorize. This is another really great musical. I know a decent amount of Tudor history, wrote my historiography paper on Anne Boleyn that got me into Grad school. It's a really fun and cool way to tell these woman's history through a modern musical and Katherine Howard finally got the attention she's been lacking in Tudor history.
Feed Me from Little Shop of Horrors. Catchy as hell song about a man-eating plant encouraging murder. I love this musical a lot, it's truly one of a kind, and I'm not just saying that because the evil plant named Audrey crashed on Earth on my birthday. Just a crazy coincidence! (A really scary one like what)
Cell Block Tango from Chicago. Needs no introduction, if you know this song you know how fire it is! A lot of songs from Chicago are great but nothing can beat the the six merry murderesses of the Cook County Jail
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tradingjack · 3 years ago
Another thing I wrote a while ago that I'm still kinda proud of. 3.3k words of Viktor weird character development or something.
Trying to come to terms with all these different characters lol. For some reason it's way harder for me to reconcile Viktor Arcane and Viktor League of Legends and then my own strange version of Viktor than it is for me with Jayce. I'd make an OC but I feel like it'd still be too close to actual Viktor lmao
The forge was as quiet as it always was now, windows dark, smokestacks empty as the surrounding streets.
Jayce had long since changed the lock on the front door. Sometimes Viktor wondered if Jayce had purposefully chosen a shitty lock. 
The warmth had long since left the place, the roar of fire replaced by stagnant air. Viktor traipsed through the halls, cane tapping quietly against dusty cement. The sound echoed off the dark walls, a mockery of a hammer against metal that had once led Viktor to its heart. And he reached the heart to see much of the same stagnation, shafts of sunlight illuminating unburnt coal and long-untouched tools, waiting to rust where they sat against tool racks and workbenches. 
But someone else had been here since the last time Viktor had come to sulk.
The most obvious change was that of a rocking chair. A thinner layer of dust puffed from under Viktor’s footsteps as he quietly walked up to inspect the sturdy wooden thing. It was a normal rocking chair, varnish worn due to some use, a clear indent where someone or maybe many someones had sat in the chair over the years. On the other side of the wheelchair was a tiny little bowl, stagnant water within, calcium indicating where it had been filled to when it was left here.
There was no way Jayce had brought this here. Viktor was sure of that. So someone else had noticed the House Talis forge hadn’t been in use for years.
He was in luck; whoever it was wasn’t even trying to be sneaky. What sounded like slippers shuffled against the hard floor, shakily calling out, “here, kitty!” He turned and watched as an old lady ambled into the forge, eyes widening slightly in surprise at the sight of Viktor standing there, waiting.
“Oh, my. It appears someone else has found my hidey spot,” she pleasantly said, halting on tremulous limbs to smile gently at him.
Viktor knew she’d be reacting differently if he’d worn his usual metal suit when he’d gone out today. Since he’d severed his more physical connection with the Hexcore, though, he’d found himself going out less and less with his metal suit and more as just a regular person. After all, almost nobody knew Viktor; at that point, only Jayce and Heimerdinger would recognize his face. He hadn’t even brought his third arm with him. To her, he probably just looked like a young man with too many prosthetics, wearing too many layers of clothes.
She wouldn’t even recognize his voice thanks to the voice modulator he usually used, so he nodded in greeting and responded, “I have been coming here for the past several years.”
“Oh? I never noticed.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “You are not with House Talis.”
“Neither are you.” Ms. Talis was a very old woman at this point, but this woman was too pale, and she didn’t have artificial fingers.
“Nope!” she replied with a little giggle, clapping her hands. “I suppose that makes us both trespassers. Would you mind if I sat? I’m afraid my legs aren’t as strong as they used to be.”
Viktor silently moved to the side, briefly gesturing with his cane at the cleared pathway to the rocking chair.
“There’s a little kitty that’s been living around here, feasting on the birds in the rafters. I hope we get to see her today,” the little old lady chattered as she passed Viktor on her way to the chair. He watched as she slowly settled into the rocking chair with a grunt, the chair leaning backwards, slippers hanging off of thin feet.
“How did you get in?” he quietly asked.
“Hmm. Don’t tell Talis this, but there’s a little hidden door on the side of this forge near my house that he never locks. I’m the only one who’s ever used that door, and it would be an awful shame if he locked it because of me,” the old lady admitted, mischief sparking in her eyes.
“I see,” Viktor muttered, observing this odd little lady. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of the situation. 
The forge had sort of become his personal little fortress of solitude away from fortress of solitude since Jayce had essentially abandoned it. He wasn’t dressed in his metal suit because he was so sure Jayce would never visit this place again. And enforcers cared much less about things the farther from the city center they were, so he’d never worried about them either.
Of all the people to interrupt his sulking, it was another trespasser.
He considered what to do as the lady hummed, rocking back and forth slightly and digging around in her pockets. Obviously she couldn’t hurt him. She was wearing a pastel pink bathrobe on top of what appeared to be an old nightgown. Her slippers had little bows on them. She was barely even paying attention to him, face obscured briefly by a wispy mop of silver hair as she dug deeper in one of her pockets. He hadn’t expected to see another person today, let alone talk to someone else. Maybe it would be interesting.
“Ah! Finally,” she crowed, pulling her hand out of her pocket to reveal a little baggie of pet treats. Wrinkled fingers clumsily opened the bag, and she passed a treat to Viktor in a shaking, outstretched hand. “Here, dearie. I’m sure she’d like you as well.”
“Eh, I doubt it,” Viktor replied, but he found himself taking the treat.
“Oh, nonsense. You seem like a smart, kind lad!”
“You are too trusting.”
She shrugged, chuckling and setting the treats in her lap to dig through her pockets again. “I don’t have much of a choice. I’m far past my butt-kicking days,” she chortled. Her pockets were deep, and Viktor was vaguely surprised to see her pull out a small water bottle from one.
He rotated the dry treat in his fingers, crumbs falling against the palm of his hand to the floor. “And if I were to try and kill you?”
“Well, I imagine I’d die then,” she lightly said, turning to give Viktor a small little smile. “But I don’t think that’s the sort of person you are.”
“I could prove you wrong.”
“You very well could. But can you wait until after I see the kitty? I’d like to feed it at least one last time,” she asked, grunting a little as she bent over to fill the water bowl.
Viktor didn’t reply. Instead, he just leaned against a nearby workbench, setting his cane down on worn-down tools and crossing his prosthetic over his unaltered leg with a smooth whirr. He wondered if all the old common people in Piltover were like this lady. The ones in Zaun, people who got lucky enough to get old, were often either desperate beggars dying on the side of the street or holed up permanently in whatever hovel they had managed to buy themselves, desperately doing anything to stay alive. Of course, in all of Piltover, it was just this old lady making herself at home in Jayce's abandoned forge, so he supposed he already had his answer.
It had been a long time since he’d thought about another person as a person, other than Jayce.
The old lady sighed as she set the now half-empty water bottle down next to the bowl and leaned back in her rocking chair, watching dust twirl in the sunlight. “Well, we have some time before the kitty will come near us. Tell me, how did you get in if it wasn’t through the side door?”
“The front door.”
She side-eyed him. “So you know Jayce Talis?”
Viktor couldn’t help a wry snort. “I do. But I broke in.”
“Oh my, I’m sure he’d give you a key if you asked.”
“I think we’re far past that point.”
“He’s also a smart, kind fellow. I’m sure you two would get along swimmingly!”
At that, Viktor couldn’t help but to bark out a laugh. “In another life, perhaps.”
The old lady sighed, looking back at the high ceiling of the forge before closing her eyes. “Yes, he is rather older than you, I suppose. How cruel time can be.” She sank further into the rocking chair, arms resting comfortably on the armrests and a content smile on her thin lips. “What is your name, dearie?”
Viktor hesitated, thinking about it briefly before deciding it didn’t matter. “Viktor,” he said shortly. “And yours?”
“Anna! Though I’ve gone by Mrs. Merriweather, and then Ms. Merriweather, and Annabelle. But you can call me Anna.” She nodded to herself. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Viktor.”
He didn’t respond. The treat was starting to disintegrate in his twiddling fingers, so he set it on the workbench and crossed his arms.
“So, why are you here?” Anna eventually continued, shifting to hold her hands in her lap.
“Why not.”
Anna shrugged, glancing at him. “Well, you seem like a strapping young lad. You could be out clubbing. Or perhaps studying, for the Academy, to create some grand thing. Or eating. Unfortunately I don’t have a snack for you, but dearie, you seem awful thin.”
“I always have been.”
She squinted teasingly at him. “Yes, you Zaunites so often are.”
He simply nodded.
“Well, when you go home today, the first thing you can do is have a snack!”
Despite knowing he’d likely forget to eat again, Viktor found himself humming in agreement. Nobody had reminded him to eat in a long time. He felt a crooked little smile rise on his face, and couldn’t be bothered to hide it.
“Oh, you clever boy. You avoided my question! Why are you here of all places?” the old lady asked again, turning to more fully face him.
Viktor found himself not having the energy to lie to her. “Eh, my… home, it isn’t the most comfortable place.”
“So you come here for comfort?” There was so much surprise in her voice. “You don’t have someone at home or somewhere a little less abandoned for that?”
He didn’t bother to tell her this place used to be the most comfortable of them all, over two decades ago. “And why are you here, Anna Merriweather?” he asked instead.
She chuckled a little under her breath. “Well. Personally, my home is lonely. Now that this forge is cold, quiet, just as lonely… I thought I’d keep it company, at first. I found the kitty since then,” the old lady explained, voice warbling. She coughed once, clearing her throat as she clutched her chest briefly, then settled in the chair once again. “Now I come here to keep the place company and to feed the kitty.”
“You don’t find comfort in this place?”
“Well, I do. But I didn’t think such a young person like yourself would.” She idly gestured with one hand. “I guess you look younger than you are?”
“Probably,” Viktor offhandedly replied, fidgeting with the glove over his artificial hand. He often forgot, under the metal he encased himself in, he still looked like he was in his thirties. The reality was he was pushing rapidly towards his fifties; may already be past it, he didn’t know. It didn’t really matter anymore.
Anna wheezed a little bit, both hands covering her chest now.
“Should I be doing something?” Viktor asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Ahh, no. My heart’s just acting up again,” she sighed, lightly patting her left chest. 
Viktor frowned, thoughts racing briefly. “Would you like a replacement?”
“My goodness, what?”
“For your heart. It’s killing you, no?”
Anna laughed, hearty despite her pain. “Well, yes, it is. But I don’t think my body could take any heavy procedure like that.”
“What if your body could? Would you then?” Viktor had not operated on many Pilties. Most of the ones he had were ones on the brink of death, and the rest were ones that came to him on Emberflit Alley, begging him for more time. He was more than happy to give to those who asked, though careful not to give priority or take bribes. He had never offered his services to a Piltie like this, though.
Anna gave him a measured look, lips pursed. “No. I wouldn’t.”
“But why? If you could live longer, why wouldn’t you take it?”
“I’ve lived enough.”
Viktor rolled his eyes. “That is quite a lot coming from a person I’ve never heard of before. You live alone. When you die, no one will remember you. Doesn’t that terrify you, Anna Merriweather?”
“It used to,” she softly admitted, gaze turning to her knees and twiddling her thumbs over the cat treats.
“Then why doesn’t it still?”
She sighed heavily through her nose, hands stilling over her lap as she thought about it. “Well, dearie. Is it so bad to not be remembered?”
“Yes. It is the worst thing, to pass with no recognition, no mark on the world. I can’t imagine a worse fate. Without that, what would be the point of living?” Viktor snapped. He was gripping the edge of the workbench he was leaning on too tightly; his metal hand had left dents in the solid surface. He let go and shook out the hand with a scowl.
Anna gave a short laugh. “Point of living? What a silly thing to think.”
Viktor scoffed.
“No offense, dearie. I didn’t mean to laugh at you.” She had a small smile on her face, content once again. “It is just like smart people, like you, to think like that. To believe that there must be a greater purpose to living, a point to it all, a reason to keep living. Viktor, you don’t need a reason. You just live.”
“I disagree.”
“I understand. But that is why.” Anna shifted in her seat before continuing softly, “Most of our lives are forgotten by ourselves already. No person can live on in memory forever. While you are alive, day by day by day… is it not better to simply live than to just hope for and obsess over great moments in your life that may never even come, and are short-lived when they do?”
“That sounds like a life wasted.”
Anna sighed. “Perhaps it is. But at least I lived it.”
Viktor found himself thinking over the little old lady’s words, the conversation locking itself in his brain before he could stop it. He silently watched, twisted little frown still on his face, as Anna left a couple cat treats next to the water dish before grabbing the half-empty water bottle and moving to stand up.
“The cat hasn’t come yet,” Viktor said.
“Truth be told, dearie, I’ve never seen her. But the food is always gone whenever I come back, and sometimes my chair is warm before I visit despite the chill of this abandoned forge. Perhaps next time,” Anna quietly replied, holding onto the arm of the rocking chair precariously. Viktor quickly picked up his cane, leaving the cat treat on the table, and moved to help her with his free arm.
“It’s far past time for my afternoon nap, goodness me,” Anna exclaimed before gratefully taking Viktor’s assistance. “Would you mind helping me get home?”
“It is not the best idea to show a stranger how to get to your house.”
“And if you were going to hurt me, you would’ve already done it, you silly boy.” She playfully slapped his gloved metal hand before looping her arm in his, leaning into him. “Come now, it’s this way.”
Viktor allowed himself to be led out of the cold heart of the forge and towards a small side door, far down the narrow, twisting hallways of the place. Anna winked at him when she opened the door, shuffled through, and then closed it behind them with a gentle puff of air. He gave a small bowed smile. It would be their secret.
And despite that knowledge, despite visiting the abandoned forge much more often than he had before he’d run into Anna, he still always broke in through the front door. A better way to keep the secret, anyway. He started bringing a few cat treats, hidden in a pocket. Then he started bringing little canteens of water, of his own drinking water, to refill the bowl. He had to, after all.
Anna never visited again.
The rocking chair had also started to collect dust. Viktor took some time every time he visited to brush any accumulated dust off, though he never sat in the chair himself. He started making it a habit to dust off the space. A broom took residence next to the still coals, cleaner and rags on the anvil. He took care to refill the water bowl, and to leave some treats sitting on the floor next to it. Like Anna said, they’d be gone by the next time Viktor visited. It could’ve been birds. Maybe it was a cat.
It wouldn’t be for months that he finally saw the cat. He entered the forge, and immediately noticed golden eyes staring at him from the chair. He blinked, and a black outline formed around those wary eyes, curled up on the rocking chair.
“Hello,” Viktor muttered.
The cat kept staring. 
Viktor slowly approached, making sure his cane tapped on the ground as lightly as possible before he put his weight on it.
The cat kept staring.
Eventually, he got close enough to where he could touch the cat if he reached out towards it. The cat stared unblinking at him, pupils contracted, tail twitching lightly where it was curled on the rocking chair. Viktor slowly pulled the cat treats out of his pocket, and used his unaltered hand to hold one out near the cat’s face.
The cat stared at the treat, nose twitching. Then it blinked, leaned forward, and Viktor felt the scratchy texture of its tongue and the nibble of its teeth as it took the treat. Before he could move his hand back, the cat bopped the side of its face against his fingers and meowed loudly.
He lightly scratched the side of the cat’s face, under its ear and chin, the side of its neck. It had short fur. 
“You’re late. You missed her,” he quietly said. 
The cat took its face away from his hand to curl up in the rocking chair again.
He knelt down next to the water bowl, unscrewing the cap of the canteen. “I never did understand the point of pets. Heimerdinger would have his poro, and he’d be sad when it inevitably died and he’d have to get a new one, which would also die, over and over. Despite being sad, he never bothered to artificially extend their lives like Singed; he always insisted on getting new ones instead.” He poured water into the bowl. “Someday, you will die as well, you nameless creature.”
The cat stared with its golden gaze at him from its curled position on the rocking chair.
“I still don’t understand, and I don't have resources to waste on a cat,” he murmured, setting the canteen down to lightly brush his unaltered fingers through the fur of the cat’s back. A tingle went up his arm as the cat purred, something about the feeling of it settling into his mind similarly to how the Hexcore communicated, but it was soothing instead. “But I will keep visiting. How does that sound?”
The cat kept purring, blinking slowly at him.
“That was stupid. You are a cat. You can’t hope to understand me.” Viktor sighed, now scratching behind its ears. The motor in the cat grew louder. Viktor couldn’t help but enjoy how the moment felt, and allowed himself to sink into it. “But… just in case you can. I will keep visiting.”
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themerrypanda · 3 years ago
2021 Fanfic Review
I found this format through @pandirpus and liked it enough to give it a go (and include some stuff from my earlier years before I've done reviews like this.) Any writer friends that want to try it out are welcome!
Published word count for the year: 196,288 total. From 2019: 41,165. From 2020: 77,945. From this year, 2021: 77,179. (Dang, I wrote and published more than I thought this year compared to the last. Go me!)
Written word count for the year: About 278,963 all time. (Too many Google Docs to attempt to get an accurate amount from each year.)
Number of stories posted to AO3: 25 total, 14 just this year. Of the all time total, 17 are from Stardew Valley and 6 from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Fandoms I wrote for: Stardew Valley, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and a brief stint into Loki (TV Show). (In 2020 I also added my very first fanfic for Darkwing Duck that is now ten years old.)
Pairings written for: Of the pairs I actively made (or am making) their stories focus on the romance...
Ferdithea (Ferdinand/Dorothea, FE3H)
Setuela (Seteth/Manuela, FE3H)
Sylki (Loki/Sylvie, Loki)
Elliott/Nicole (Stardew Valley)
I have also done Dimileth, Sylvgrid, Felannie/Netteflix (all from FE3H) in 2020, and Alex/Sara (Stardew Valley) in 2019.
Most popular story: Always. For All Time. wins by total kudos. That’s what I get for writing for a very populated Marvel fanbase lol
Story I’m most proud of: For Stardew Valley, Home and Our Friend Linus. (But really, anything from this collection was fun to write.) For FE3H, my long-fic Rusalka. I'm thirteen chapters (54k words) into it, and I feel like I might actually finish something novel-length with this one.
Funniest: From Stardew Valley, either Doctor Pringle or There's Always A Bigger Fish. From FE3H, The Tale of Sylvain.
Kinkiest/Flirtiest: I don't do smut. The most flirty I get is probably between Alex and Sara the end of Dinner Date for Stardew Valley and a couple Seteth and Manuela interactions in Rusalka for FE3H.
Saddest: From 2021, Stardew Valley's Evelyn. From 2020, FE3H's Haunted.
Least popular: Clear Sky, my novelization of the prologue of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, suffered most from initial "advertising" (accidentally misleading plot summary) upon release. also, no ships
Most cringe-worthy: Probably my first publication, a diary/journal of a generic farmer’s first three seasons in Stardew Valley. I had written it intending to end at about Summer Year 2 and splitting off into a bunch of different farmers’ stories with each bachelor or bachelorette. The farmers (and what I want to write) evolved drastically since.
Favorite opening lines: "Willy stepped outside of his fishing shop and home and inhaled a great, satisfying waft of sea-salty air. A pleasantly cool rain drizzled on his face, and his lips curled into a smile. It will be a mighty fine day for catching red snappers, he thought." ~ Rain, Smoke, and Fish
Favorite closing lines: "“Good kid,” Marlon said. “Bummed I missed the lesson. It’s been, what, fifteen years since your last one?” “Be here tomorrow, practice dummy,” Gil said. “I’ll put you to work.” Marlon laughed. “You’ve been saying that for forty-one years, Gil. And I still don’t believe you.” Gil shrugged as he rocked his chair, a sly smile creeping onto his face." ~ A New Apprentice
Top scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated(TM): For Stardew Valley, Elliott/Nicole looking at the Moonlight Jellies, whether from the dock or a rowboat. For FE3H, Ferdithea during a yet-to-be published scene of them dancing at a ball together.
Story I haven’t written yet, but intend to: For Stardew Valley, maybe a couple of short stories. The bigger goal is to write about Harvey and his relationship with an OC psychiatrist named Kim. For FE3H, I’ve had for over a year a thirteen-chapter WIP of meetings between that many pairs in the Goddess Tower.
Fic-writing goal for 2022: Publish at least ten more chapters of the long-fic Rusalka before 2023.
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leelee10898 · 6 years ago
Thing's go bump in the night.
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@speedyoperarascalparty requested Leo & Aria as Hugh Hefner & a playboy bunny. I hope this does it justice.. Nsfw & crack comedy lol. 🎃
"you almost ready?" Aria called out to Leo, who was still in their bathroom. "Go ahead down, I am still in the shower. I will be down in a little bit." He called back. It was their turn to host the annual Halloween party and Aria was excited. Cordonians did not celebrate Halloween as full scale as American's did, so when Ellie and Aria came along, they brought new traditions to not only their gang, but the entire country.
They decided that each couple do a theme, this year Aria and Leo were going as Hugh Heffner and a Playboy bunny. Aria slipped on her stilettos, and double checked herself in the mirror. She pinned her hair up in curls. He make up done in dark tones, and a bright red lip. She gave her thigh high stockings, with a small red bow on the back a quick tug and took for their party.
They transformed the entire lower half of their Valtorian Estate into a haunted scene. Fog, cobwebs, bats. Black drapes covered the walls. A haunted house was bulit in the grand ballroom, they hired actors to walk around and scare their guest. A buffet lay spread out before them, all Halloween inspired foods. Even the staff were in costume, all scary characters of course.
Aria walk around taking the entire sight in. Her home was completely transformed into the spookiest scene she ever laid eyes on. She helped plan every detail, but the way it came together blew her mind.
The guest mingled, a few screams and laughs echoing the halls, she couldn't help but smile. "Aria, this is amazing. " Liam greeted her. "Thank you, you look great as a vampire."
"Damn girl, Sexy Heff looks good on you. Even I may be into you." Ellie giggled as she wrapped her in a hug. "Little blossom, this place is amazing. I can't wait to go in the haunted house but I am a little scared." Maxwell danced in place. "Jay-z and beyonce huh?" Aria gigled at Maxwell. "Rhys you did good." Olivia and Drake approached them dressed and bonnie and clyde. "Olivia how are you feeling?" Aria asked a very pregnant Olivia. "If one of these fools tries to scare me, I can't promise I won't cut them." She huffed. "Liv we talked about the knives." Drake shot a warning look at his fiance.
"Where is Leo?" Liam asked, noticing his brother was no where in sight. "Ahhh guys?" Maxwell pointed to the stairs.
There was Leo ascending the grand staircase. He wore a powder pink body suit, fishnet stockings, and heels. Bunny ears on top of his head, complete with a fuzzy bunny tail on his ass. The group stood there, mouths agape at the sight. He switched his hips as he flawlessly as he shashayed across the ballroom. "Oh. My. God." Liam muttered. "It looks like hes trying to smuggle a banana and two plums." Maxwell squeeled. "If one of his balls pop out, im done." Drake shook his head.
"What is everyone staring at?" Leo approached the group grinning. "I look hot dont I?" He boasted, even dressed as a woman the man was cocky. "You look... something. " Olivia laughed.
They had planned to swap roles, but the finished result was more then Aria expected. She quickly stepped into the role as Hugh, walking up to Leo, slapping his bare ass, making him jump. "If you'll excuse us, I need to parade my sexy bunny around." Aria adjusted her sailor hat and they walked off, mingling with the guest.
As the night went on the party raged. Alcohol flowing made everyone loosen up. Several people tried grabbing Leo's ass making him feel like a piece if man meat.
"So love, I have been dying to know. what do you have on under that robe?" Leo whispered into her ear? A devilish smile played on her lips. " I could tell you, or, you could come find out." She pulled him into a searing kiss. He grabbed her hand pulling her into the haunted house. Most of the guest had already been in, all except Maxwell, he was a little to scared. The actors had since gone on break, so it was just them.
Aria tossed him into a chair, standing in front of him. Leo reached for the tie of the crushed velvet robe and growled in satisfaction at his findings. His hands cupped and squeezed her bare breast, as his mouth attached to one of her pink buds. He rolled his tongue and flicked forming stiff peaks on both as his hands ghosted down her sides. He slipped a hand into her boy shorts parting her folds, he develed two fingers into her wet heat, curling and pumping them in and out. She threw her head back at the sensation.
"Take this shit off." She demanded as Leo stood, quickly disrobing his bunny get up. She pushed him back down onto the chair, dropping to her knees. She took his hard length into her stroking up and down. She ran her tongue up his shaft and around the head, lapping up the trickle of pre cum that dripped out. She slowly lowered her mouth onto him, teasing him, inching her lips farther and farther down before she took him entirely into her mouth. She gaged as his long thick cock hit the back of her throat. "Oh fuck." He yelled. Her stiffled moan vibrating his cock made him grab her head, guiding it back and forth. He felt his balls tighten, he was close to his release. The grip on her head told her he was close. She released his cock with a pop. A whimper escaped his lips.
She stood up and Leo grabbed her waist. Pulling her onto him. His strong arms cupped her ass as he lifted her to his face. Yanking off her panties with his teeth. His mouth quickly attatching to her wet pussy. " Leo, im gonna fall." She gasped. "You can fall back baby, I got you." He assured her. She let her body fall back against his chest as he held her pussy to his face and ate her like a watermelon slice.
His soft tongue swirled around her sensitive bud, sending jolts of electricity through her body. He continued licking and sucking, her legs shook, the pleasure intense as she felt herself coming undone. "Fuck Leo, oh my god yes." She screamed as her jucies flood his mouth. He took every once of her swwet nectar. He lowered her hips down, she straddled herseld on him.
"We're not done yet my sexy bunny. I'm gonna ride you til you explode." She lowered herself onto his thick length, rotating and swiveling her hips. Eliciting a deep throaty moan from him. She picked up the pace, digging her nails into his shoulders as she bounced up and down on his rock hard cock. "Fuck, yes,Leo." She moaned as she felt the fire building deep withing her core.
The chair scooting back, hitting up against the walls of the make shift house. She came down harder and harder on his dick. "Fuck baby. Ride my cock." He moaned. That did it she felt her release coming as waves of pleasure pulsed throughout her body. The small house shaking around them. "fuck, oh, oh yes yes yes, fuck oh my fucking god." She screamed as came completely undone. Leo grunted out as he found his own release. Aria collapsing against his chest.
They both heard a loud scream followed by "little petunia, help me." They looked at each other and bust into a fit of giggles. "Well, looks like we scared Maxwell shitless. Happy Halloween love." Leo kissed her. "Happy Halloween." She grinned.
Tagging: @bobasheebaby @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @xxrainbowprincessxx @hopefulmoonobject @alicars  @katurrade  @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @liamxs-world  @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08 @museofbooks @syltti78 @ao719 @3pawandme @blubutterflyy @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @liam-rhys @riseandshinelittleblossom @wannabemc2 @gibbles82 @sarwin85 @heatherfilliez @gardeningourmet @cocomaxley
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years ago
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Tumblr messing up, are there stores like that there? There's like at least 2 in this mall (I'm at the Walden again) I gotta find somewhere to charge my phone , we gotta go here
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They have vegan falafel I think that’s made with chickpeas, tumblr messing up , it’s packed in here today
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But I found somewhere to sit to charge my phone , tumblr messing up , rests your head on my shoulder 😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗
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Tumblr messing up , you are so mesmerizing , I be so in awe of you , so beautiful 😍😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , so sexy ahhhh 😍😍😍😍, locks your face 👅💦💦💦💦💦, you are so perfect 😍😍😍😍, so raw 😍😍😍😍, gonna let my phone charge for a bit , tumblr messing up , how you feeling baby? 😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤, squeezes you 😍😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗
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My super modellllll ahhhh 😍😍😍😍, masterpiece 🤤🤤🤤🤤, in every way 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤, Tumblr messing up , your face ahhh 😍😍😍😍your body ahhhh 😍😍😍😍, real life bad bitch 😍😍😍😍, bliss 😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , you are the bomb 😍😍😍😍, about to get up from this table cause my phone almost all charged up , I was thinking about dying my hair back red for the winter what you think baby? I think you red or blue hair would look good on you too baby 😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , we can match 😍😍😍, that would be raw 😍, we fly af baby 😍😍😍, my mother has to go to the ATT store so that's where I'm at right now
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Tumblr messing up , lol my finger got in the way 😂, at first I didn't know what that was , I can't wait to get home 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤, gives you a big kiss 😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘, tumblr messing up , we should get some sweaters for our babies 😍😍😍, what you think baby? They look more like they like hoodies , perhaps , they'll look real cute in em 😍😍😍, I can't wait 😍😍, you heard of these? :
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Or the Roku , like for our entertainment center in the basement , what you think baby? I think channels can be added to it , tumblr messing up , there's only 1 of each left , should I get it for us , tumblr messing up , then a Tv (for the basement) later on , what you think baby? I'm seriously thinking about it I'm still in the store ,
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Tumblr messing up , wraps my arms around you 😍😍😍😘😘😘😘,I'll get it , well see if I can get it , the basement can be getting started to get remodeled for us 😍😍😍, I have to wait to get it , I have to charge up again , it's on 14% my phone i think has faulty battery , we should get personalized stuff for our babies 😍😍😍, what you think baby? And nice dog bowls 😍😍😍😍, the steel ones , how you feeling baby? I love you so much 😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🖤, diamond twinkle in your eyes , set my soul on fire , paradise , ahhh it's so nice , tumblr messing up , from head to toe you glow , so sensational , can't wait to see that booty hole , yummy , wanna lick honey off your tummy , play with your nipples , watch that pussy trickle, straight blazing , no inferno , no drizzle , no fizzle , look in your eyes , so hypnotizing , tumblr messing up , we dive in , drenched in divine sin, whips and chains , darkness so bright, death in our eyes , so lovely , fire and desire , tumblr messing up , you are so perfect (heading home now ) 🖤🖤🖤🖤, squeezes you 😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗, Tumblr messing up , rocks you from side to side 😘😘😘😘😘, showers you with kisses 😘😘😘😘💋💋💋,
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Waiting to go home 🖤🖤🖤🖤 getting us into a meditated state, deep and slow breathing , counting from 10-1 slowly , climbing down the ladder, seeing the white dot, and the rope , grabbing at it, lifting out our bodies , tumblr messing up , seeing the door, opening it , we see blue building...like a sky blue , tumblr messing up , we go inside hand in hand , this place is a southern ...creole restaurant , with a buffet and salad bar , tumblr messing up , we get our food, and sit down at these round tables that’s sky blue too, the chairs are black , there’s paintings on the wall , someone playing saxophone , we jam to the music , while we’re eating , tumblr messing up , I grab your hand and kiss it , we smile at each other,laughing and talking about any and everything that comes to our minds , bliss, [almost home] , We glance around the place , there’s strings lighting on the ceiling , they’re white , tumblr messing up , almost at the door, home now 🖤🖤🖤🖤, tumblr messing up
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Picks you up and twirls you around 😍😘😘😘, I can't wait for us to FaceTime baby 😍😍😍😍 , licks your face 👅💦💦😘💦💦, Tumblr messing up , set the mood babyyyyy 😍😍😍😍, licks your neck 👅💦💦💦💦, I gotta make another post for the images
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