#Feel free to submit an ask or something and I'll queue it!
daficrecs · 2 days
Send me your Dragon Age fanfics to read & rec/review!
Hi everyone, and welcome to DAFicRecs! Right now it's just me, Sin, running the show, but over time I hope more people will join this project and help me share the love and joy of DA fanfic. 😁💙
My goal is to support fanfic authors in our community by sharing the works I love (and what I love most about them) with the Dragon Age fandom. I have almost two decades of professional experience reviewing books (fiction and non-fiction), and I'd like to use those skills to support our community.
In the past, I ran a similar blog for the Baldur's Gate 3 fandom, which you can check out here: BG3 Fic Reviews
If you would like me to read your fanfic, please send me an ask (with a link to your work and a short description) and I will add your work to my reading queue. While I do sometimes write "spot recs/reviews" of work I really love, I would prefer that this be a collaborative project with the community and that authors submit their work to me themselves.
Thank you for your support and please keep creating and sharing your incredible work! And readers, please remember to leave kudos on your fav fanfic authors' work!
Below the fold are fic submission guidelines! A master list of all the recs/reviews I've posted will also be there in future!
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to send an ask to DAFicRecs.
Last updated: 18 September 2024.
When you submit your fic, please be sure to include the following:
A link to your work & the pseud/handle you publish under (regardless of platform)
The title of your work
Any tags I should be aware of
A brief summary
Any social media you would like to be tagged in the rec/review when we publish it (please include a link to your profile)
If you have commissioned artwork for your fic, please feel free to let us know! We would be happy to post it with the rec/review of your work (with the artist's permission)
What kind of work can you submit?
Anything and everything. Long fics in progress, short NSFW fics, dark fics, angst fics, fluffy fics. Everything is welcome. If there is something in the tags I really can't handle, I will be in contact with you and let you know. In the rare cases where that does happen, please know it is not a reflection on your work—all it means is that I'll need to hold it until I find a reviewer who is comfortable reading those themes.
To be absolutely clear: this blog is firmly profiction and therefore supports and celebrates creative/artistic freedom in fiction.
You can submit your fic to me through the DAFicRecs asks here. Please note that I won't respond to your ask (unless I need further information) and I will just add it to my queue and will get to reviewing it as soon as I can. Please don't worry when you don't get a response to your ask! Once I have created an AO3 collection for my fic reading queue I will update this post with a link. Then you can check there what's currently in my queue, and whether I have added you.
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trigunbookclub · 1 month
One Month Until TrigunBookclub 2.0!
Are you ready? 👀
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Welcome to the One Piece Positivity Project!!!
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(Directly inspired by the @undertalepositivityproject). The aim of this blog is to spread positivity and good vibes throughout the OP fandom!
How does it work?
All you gotta do is send an ask or a submit a post with a nice message to this blog addressed to someone you like or inspires you, etc (with their @/username included) and I'll put it on a card and post it anonymously
That's basically it! The guidelines are in the blog description, but otherwise- go wild! Send multiple asks! Has someone already been sent a card? Well then send that person another one! There are so many wonderful people in the One Piece community I'm sure you've already thought of one person you'd like to say something nice to :)
Can I submit cards for the blog to use?
Feel free to submit your own One Piece themed cards (as long as you don't steal any art that isn't yours to make it!) And they don't have to look like the cards I've made either, just make sure that there's enough space to fit a message onto it 👍. You can check out the [#gift card] tag in the undertalepositivtyproject for inspo (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
Can I submit gifts as well? (fanart/crafts/etc)
Yeah! Just specify if you want to remain anonymous or not OuO
Are you using a queue?
Not at the moment! Your card will pretty much be posted whenever I see it
Aaand I suppose I'll add onto here later if there are anymore questions. GO FORTH FRIENDS!! SPREAD POSITIVITY!!!!!
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are you favorite characters nd coded? do you headcanon them nd for fun?
if "yes," then this is the blog for you! submit a character at the form at the bottom of the post (DONT USE ASKS) and you'll be added to the queue so long as it follows the rules!
this is all for fun, don't take this too seriously!! this is mainly a space for neurodivergent people to come together and have fun with headcanons since we're often underrepresented - neurotypicals are welcome if you're respectful. inspired by @aretheyqueer
i skip around in the form submissions (sometimes i'll get like 10 of the same fandom at a time, or just a bunch of autism in a row with nothing else, or just a ton with no reasons). i also shuffle the queue a bit, so for these reasons it won't be in order of submission.
the owner of this gimmick blog (@angelellipsis-devilofdots, aurora/north/rockrose, she/fae/they) has anxiety, synesthesia/chromesthesia, and self-diagnosed autism.
you can also include mental illnesses if you'd like to
if you add reasons for the headcanons, refrain from any offensive stereotypes or prejudice
avoid making a poll if the character is confirmed to have said condition (ex: if a character is canonically autistic, don't submit them for autism. but if you also headcanon them with adhd and that isn't confirmed, feel free to submit)
if they are heavily implied/coded to have something, but not outright confirmed, you can still submit!
characters can be voted on multiple times but not for the same reason, i may forget though
no harry potter/helluva boss/hazbin hotel
no real people
upcoming hiatus
that's it for now! feel free to reach out to me with questions, corrections, suggestions, etc ❤️
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lavenderarts · 2 months
Revamp: Monthly Subs and Reward Art!
Hi everyone! After a long hiatus on this due to inconsistent health, I'm back and feeling better than ever, and I'd like to re-institute my monthly subscription service for art rewards. These will be active on my Ko-fi starting on August 1st! Read on to hear about the changes from my old system and details of what you'll get for subscribing, but if you don't care about any of that and just want to see the rewards page, here it is:
Please share this and consider tossing a couple bucks a month my way to help me support myself and my dog! Details below the cut!
So last time I was offering art rewards, it gradually became unsustainable for a number of reasons, chief among them the fact that I was basically offering severely discounted full commissions of all styles, and it was exhausting to fulfill in addition to regular commission work. I just couldn't keep up and got overwhelmed. So to help prevent that this time around, here are the changes I'm implementing:
I'll have a single reward type: single character busts! These are easy to crank out in an hour or less, so I can keep up with demand better. I'll reserve the right to decide between lined/lineless flats and papercrafts as I see fit to keep them interesting and fun for me, but if it's your birthday month or your yearly sub anniversary, you can choose the style and get a little something extra! For examples of what a bust looks like, please check out my recent ArtFight submissions :)
I'm going to do my level best to institute a hard 3-week turnaround rate for all regular commissions, and save the final week of each month for giving these rewards full priority along with onboarding new batches of clients for the following month's commissions.
I'm moving my subscription service over to Ko-fi, where anyone can give between $2-9 a month as a very generous tip and get access to my Discord server, or give $10+ for monthly bust rewards, early access to adoptables, and more! You can choose to give more than $10, but no other rewards exist for higher tier subs, it's up to whatever you feel is appropriate! Ko-fi has both Stripe and PayPal integration, which should be easier on the subscriber end, and it allows me to use PostyBirb to post across multiple sites at once, which makes it much easier to post early-access WIPs and finished work than it was on my old subscription service. It also automatically handles Discord onboarding and role assignment, yay!
I'm on the hunt for a simple Discord bot that can post a single repeating message on the first of every month with a link to a Google form for everyone to submit their requests, so that I don't have to ask for them manually. (If anyone knows of such a bot or is capable of making one, please get in touch!)
Previously I offered a whole suite of other rewards in addition to the monthly art -- things like subscriber-only request streams, early claims on adoptables, and even physical merch, which were not sustainable for me. Going forward, early adoptable claims for a discount will still be available as a reward, and I may occasionally do request streams, but on a less formally-scheduled basis and only as I have the free time to do so. I am not able to offer physical prints/stickers at this time; I might revisit the option in the future, but I need to know more before I try it again! I'll also be continuing to offer a subscriber discount on all commissions that will stack with other sales and discounts, along with the ability to skip the waitlist and jump directly into the work queue.
So to recap, if you subscribe to me, here's everything you get:
For $2-$9 USD: Discord server access with a special role, and my thanks for your generous support!
For $10+ USD: Discord server access with a special role, 24 hour early adoptable access with the ability to claim for a discounted price, a bust of a single character each month, first looks at finished artwork and WIPs/timelapses, commission discounts, and potentially more down the line.
My Discord is open to anyone, and all members can freely chat, post art, attend/host art streams, and answer polls regarding prompts for adoptable designs and more. You just get some nice bonuses for subscribing! While these subscription tiers are available, one-time tips and donations of any amount are still an option for commission clients or anyone else who just wants to show some love.
I hope this all makes sense and sounds enticing; I really love seeing people's OCs and getting to bring them to life and put my own little touch on them, and I'm very excited to start giving something back to all of you out there whose support means so very much to me, and without whom I could never do what I do. Thank you so much for checking out the Ko-fi! As a reminder, reward eligibility begins on August 1st! The tiers are active on Ko-fi now, but if you subscribe before August you won't be rewarded for the month of July, so keep that in mind.
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incorrectfmaquotes · 11 months
Today marks 6 years since I started this blog!
Thank you all for following! Whether you followed back in October 2017 or earlier today, I appreciate every single one of you.
And for some other things I wanna say, which I don't think affects anyone and isn't exactly news, especially to anyone who might be paying attention, but more just me acknowledging it: I haven't really been attending to this blog that much in the past couple of years, but especially this one. I've largely just let the queue run and fill it up with older quotes every couple of months. I made this blog when I was in high school and had more free time; I am now something that somewhat resembles an actual adult (if you squint maybe) with more Adult Responsibilities and Situations (but as I have unfortunately realized, adulthood does not erase feeling teenage emotions all that much). I've had less time and frankly less bandwidth to devote more time to this blog - especially to create quotes at the rate I did the first 3 years. And something that has hindered me even more in attending to this blog and is in part why I started to do so was that starting around 2020, a lot of times, I could not open my inbox, direct messages, or activity page on this site. I don't know if the culprit of that was my browser, my old laptop, or our famously well-functioning website Tumblr, but this would frequently happen and would do so for weeks at a time. I'm not saying this was the only reason why there have been unanswered asks and submissions for years (see above: increasing Adult Situations and the Toll they have taken on me), but that certainly played a heavy hand.
I'm in some new circumstances and over the past couple weeks, they have been a bit more stable and consistent - I've actually made about 85 new incorrect quotes and have put them in the queue, an amount I don't think I've been able to manage since the early months of 2020 before quarantine. Opening the inbox and DMs seem to be less of a problem lately, so I've also put in the queue a good amount of those submissions I've had sitting in my inbox for a while and will try to do more, though unfortunately some of the blogs that have submitted quotes have since been deactivated. I'm going to try to answer some asks in the coming days, but again, a lot of these are months and years old, and a part of me feels a bit awkward only just responding now and I'm wondering if it's respectful at all, but I still wanna do it.
That is to say, even though I am in a more manageable situation, I'm not promising that I am now going to attend to this blog like I did in the beginning, or even that much more than I have the past few years. I have learned that circumstances can change with no notice at all. I'm also not saying there's no guarantee that I'll be even less present here or won't stop running this blog altogether when the current queue runs out - not that I'm planning on it, but I can't completely rule that out as a possibility. But even if I ever stop attending to this blog, I don't think I'll ever delete it altogether, if you're worried about that.
So, thank you for sticking around with this blog for the past 6 years! And for sticking with this post that got a lot longer than I thought it would be. This post probably sounds like a whole lot of nothing, but I still wanted to say it, and I thank you for putting up with it. Hope you have a good day! 💕💕💕
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didyouknowtotaldrama · 5 months
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And so, we fired him.
We're officially out of interns, and the facts are down to Mod Dundie. Unless...
Did You Know... we're taking submissions?
Extend this post to find out more!
Submissions are officially OPEN! This has been something that's been considered for a while, and we're happy to say they're officially happening!
How to submit:
Head on over to didyouknowtotaldrama.tumblr.com
Click 'Submit a Post'
Submit your fact!
All facts require a photo - feel free to provide a photo yourself in this box, otherwise a photo will be chosen for your fact!
Feel free to specify if you want text above or below the photo, and which tags you'd like on the post (characters in a post and 'total drama' will be tagged regardless)
Please specify if you'd like to be tagged in your submission, or if you'd like to be credited as 'anonymous'. As part of the submission box, I'll be able to see your main blog. I understand not everyone will want that @'d in a post, so please let me know otherwise
Nothing NSFW - let's keep it PG, folks!
Vaguing - No posts about anyone in the community, please! On a similar note, despite the disclaimer that this is a joke blog on each post, I've made the decision to refer to 'our source' rather than Fresh TV, or any employee of Fresh TV themselves. This is mainly because, well, sources can be wrong, and also I don't want to tie misinformation to any names. It may seem counter-productive to a 'fact blog' to do this, but it just feels like the best thing to do. If you submit any names or mention anyone directly at Fresh TV, I'll have to change them to 'our source' (or words to that effect), or depending on content, not submit it at all (this is something I'll try and discuss with people if it does arise!)
General info:
Posting - Currently, the queue is set to one post a day. Therefore, depending on the volume of submissions, it may be a while before your fact is posted, especially as some of Mod Dundie's posts will be scattered in, too. Depending on the volume, the schedule may be increased
Asks - Some submissions have been made on ask already, which is great! These will be given priority. I did consider allowing submissions via ask, however I've decided to stick to the submission box. Therefore, their facts will take priority, but they will be the only ask-submitted posts
Removing posts - Submitted a fact and want it taken down, or your name removed? I'm more than happy to do so! However, please bear in mind that if people reblog your fact, it'll be out there, and you'd need to ask those people for removal too.
Please remember that this is all in good fun, and so you should have fun if you do choose to submit any facts! Please don't hesitate to privately message the blog with any questions, too, or respond to this post with any questions.
Let's get learning!
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General Info + Submission Guidelines
This is an almost exclusively submission based blog, so feel free to submit your characters. Just send an ask in. I'll put polls into the queue in the order they are received, and they'll run for a week once up. Make sure to include the fandom they are from. You may submit propaganda, and it will be included in the poll under a readmore. Celebrities may be submitted.
Answer polls assuming they have access to ikea furniture to attempt assembling
3 polls are posted per day
Polls in queue(Updated Aug 1): 12 (+336 inbox*)
*the number for the inbox is the number of asks remaining, and may be more or less than the number of characters
Polls will be tagged with the fandom and character name. I usually use the names as submitted, and possibly popular relevant tumblr tags. If it is a real person, it will be tagged with their name, #real life, and sometimes their profession(s) (actor, musician, wrestler, etc)
If the image used was submitted with the ask, it will be tagged #image from submitter
Polls are tagged with the date submitted, formatted as the 3-letter English abbreviation of the month and the day (e.g. #Apr 29). Keep in mind this may be a day off due to timezone differences
Non-polls are rare, but will be tagged #not a poll (excluding the original version of this post)
Polls about blog policy(e.g. the "should I include pictures?" poll) will be tagged #blog policy poll
Frequently Asked* Questions
*or occasionally asked/mentioned in tags. or perhaps I'm just giving you the information and no one has ever once asked this
[Character] has a lot of different portrayals/renditions. Which one does the poll refer to?
Unless the post specifies one in particular, I don't have any more clue than you do. If the submission specifies, I put it in the post. The rendition a picture is from is not intended to indicate a specific source.
What level of specificity is allowed?
You may be as specific or unspecific as you like with your character submission. Both "Link from The Legend of Zelda series" and "Castiel from Supernatural, specifically in S05E08 'Changing Channels'" would be allowed. That being said, I reserve the right to not publish excessive variations of the same character (e.g. if you submit Castiel separately for every episode of supernatural, I will not be posting all of those).
What do you mean by "assemble it well"?
You may interpret this however you like, but I would define it as getting furniture assembled such that it stays together, and deviations from the instructions are either intended or insignificant. I would not count mental distress as not going well (for the purpose of answering this question), with the exception of cases where the mental distress leads to it being disassembled, unfinished, or otherwise destroyed.
Will my username be publicized?
For submissions, no. For other asks, probably. Anon is on if you wish to use it.
What is the ideal format for submissions?
Submit through asks. The exact formatting doesn't matter much, but the format of "[character] from [media]" including proper capitalization (e.g. Link from Legend of Zelda), with additional content on other lines is slightly easier to copy-paste.
Should I submit multiple characters as separate asks?
Up to 3 characters in one ask is fine. More than that, please split the asks. If you want to submit each as a separate ask, that's equally fine. If submitting multiple characters from the same media, it's fine to either list them and say "all from [media]" or list them all as "[character] from [media]".
How are the pictures used obtained?
Generally from fan wikis, or wikipedia. If a picture is submitted with the ask, I will use that, and tag the post #image from submitter
Why is this picture of the wrong character/why was an inapplicable tag used?
Due this being a submission-based blog, I am not personally familiar with all characters on here. If something is improperly tagged, the image is of the wrong character, etc, notify me if you want me to fix it.
What's the policy on re-polls?
This is one of the questions no one has ever once asked! As such, I do not have a policy on re-polls for polls that don't have a significant error. If a poll has a significant error(something that disrupts its ability to be answered, such as polls that only run for a day rather than a week, or don't have the answers set up correctly), notify me and I'll put out a corrected version as soon as I can.
Is there a way to jump ahead of the poll queue?
Be me. Or submit a character I decide I really want that answered about. This hasn't happened yet, but I reserve the right to post polls out of order, although if I do they'll be in addition to the regularly scheduled polls. If it is a user submission, I'll only post it out of order within 4 days of the original submission, so you don't have to worry about whether or not it will be posted at a random time for months(although there's always the chance someone else submitted them before you).
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roblox-confessions · 17 days
A confession blog for Roblox and it's games. This blog is predominantly aimed towards games with fandoms, such as Regretevator or Phighting, but anyone of any RBLX game community can submit a confession, as long as it is about the platform or a specific game.
View the read more to see submission guidelines and further information.
Want more confessions? Go check out @robloxconfessions2. They're pretty cool.
Each post will be tagged accordingly with the game it's for. Potentially triggering subjects (if they are to arise) will be tagged with #CW [insert whatever here].
For the sake of keeping things organized, please specify the game you are submitting a confession for. If you don't, I will try to guess or I will put it in the general tag. If I have incorrectly tagged something, please let me know and I'll fix it as soon as I can.
Posts will also be marked with a number for the purpose of people being able to respond to previous confessions anonymously. If you wish to respond publicly simply just comment on the post.
The mod may sometimes add commentary if it feels it has something to say or add, but generally won't otherwise.
If you have any questions or want clarification on something, please send me an ask.
Currently, there is only one mod, so please don't spam my inbox if your post takes a while to appear. This blog runs on a queue.
Mod X (It/It's)
⬜Submission Rules
Please don't submit anything extremely NSFW. Suggestive is okay, but nothing beyond that. This community has mainly minors.
If you're responding to a previous confession, please specify which one.
On above note, if you are responding to a previous confession, please do NOT try to start a fight or get aggressive. I will be lenient, but if I suspect you're baiting for an argument, I'll just delete your response.
If you never see your confession, feel free to send it in again.
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hello! i'm the solo mod of this blog (as of now!), i use both she and he. submissions are always open!
submission guidelines:
you can submit through tagging me in the post or sending the link to my ask box, submission box, or DMs. i'll try to get to these as fast as i can!
the post must have at least 500 notes!
preferably submit posts that are at least several months old, but exceptions will be made!
always feel free to spam like or reblog!
self guidelines:
i tag by character, media (ie pmmm, magia record, spin-off manga, etc), post format, op's url, and the (general) amount of notes
please let me know if you would like anything tagged.
i tag spoilers as the media name followed by spoilers, ie "magia record spoilers". this includes older media, such as rebellion! however, it does not include the original series.
non-submitted posts will run on a queue! submitted posts will be posted as i get to them.
if i double post something please don't hesitate to let me know.
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Hello! 😷
This blog is meant to serve as a safe space for those who still mask up, who are actively covid conscious, and who practice pandemic solidarity!
The ask box is open to answer the prompt "I still mask because...". Anonymous submission is an option! And the queue is set between 4pm EST to 12am EST.
When submitting your answer to the prompt, please refrain from using casually ableist language to describe people that don't mask. I feel like if we're pushing against ableism, then we should try to unpack & check the casual ableism in our language too. This website gives a glossary of ableist words and phrases as well as alternatives that can be used instead.
The blog's main tag is #i still mask because. This is where the asks & submissions for the main prompt will be!
I started this blog especially because it's been very difficult dealing with the loneliness of continuing to mask & avoid ignorance of covid, so I hope this space can open up the opportunity for others like me to share their experiences as well as find some covid-aware & covid-informed community!
Please do not interact if you don't think covid is a big deal anymore. I do not welcome any unsolicited consolation that the pandemic is "over", nor do I welcome any unsolicited advice that I or anyone else should just stop worrying so much & just "live our lives". This is not the space for that kind of commentary nor for any willful ignorance of covid, and I would appreciate if that boundary was respected. Any attempt to do such things on this blog will be deleted and those responsible will be blocked.
All that said: If you actually are genuinely curious about why the covid pandemic is still something to take seriously, please do feel free to ask questions. But I'll only make space for people that come to me with sincere intentions to understand and learn.
Thank you for stopping by 😷💛
If you'd like to tip me for running this blog, you can through ko-fi! ☕
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petworthy-pokemon · 16 days
Can you pet that pokemon?
Welcome to Petworthy Pokemon! this is a little project i came up with to have something relaxing to do, where I review how much of a good pet each pokemon would make. I plan to queue one entry a day, but if i build up a big enough backlog or get a lot of fakemon entries, I'll increase it to two a day!
Ask Rules: -Popularly requested canon 'mons can be bumped up (since there's over a thousand and i'd be posting only one review a day...) -Feel free to share input why you think pokemon I've already reviewed would make good/bad pets in ways I haven't mentioned. :3 -You can ask me to review fakemon as long as they have a wiki page or dex entry you can link/submit! Dex entry not needed for fusions, just send the art. -No, I'm not going to cover sexual topics, and I'll ignore any asks trying to be unfunny/edgy.
Categories I'll analyze: Temperament - how sociable or well-behaved it is Anatomy - how safe/comfortable it is to cuddle and spend time with. Danger - obvious, how dangerous it can be. Rarity - how hard would it be to get one? Ability - how its unique traits could help or cause issues as a pet Special - any needed context not covered by the above categories. Ratings: IDEAL - Has many positive benefits and/or no drawbacks! SUITABLE - Makes a good pet, with minor drawbacks. FUSSY - Good pet but high-maintenance/needs specific care. RISKY - Desirable but has dangerous issues you'd have to deal with. NASTY - You could have one as a pet, but it's unpleasant or difficult to deal with. IFFY - Controversial for moral reasons. DON'T - Has many issues and is dangerous, you really shouldn't have one as a pet. BANNED - Extremely dangerous and/or rare, likely illegal to own without proper training and license.
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vivziepoparchives · 4 months
This blog is run by one fan making an effort to collect and organize as much stuff related to Vivziepop and her IPs as possible. If there's something you'd like to see documented here, feel free to use the submission form to send it my way. If I already have what you submit, I'll delete your submission/ask but know that I am always grateful for you making the effort to send it to me!
All video and audio files are saved to my hard drive, but where the longer ones still exist online, I will be using links rather than uploading directly. If a link goes down, please inform me and it will be replaced with an upload instead.
It is not this blog's intention to spread patreon content relevant to attracting new patrons. (Some very old patreon content that's readily available online may be posted.) If you find I've accidentally posted patreon content from recent years, please inform me and it will be removed immediately.
Please be aware that this blog is not interested in documenting discourse or controversy. This is a fan archive. Any asks or submissions about drama will be disregarded. People leaving rude/negative comments or dms will be blocked.
As the archive grows, better browsing can be had with the tags page.
This blog runs primarily on a queue, but sometimes newer things will be posted as they come up.
If your work is featured here and you wish it to be removed, I will gladly comply. It is not my intention to disrespect the artists who work on this show but to help feature them in a more easily searchable database.
They/Them/Their is often used by default to refer to those whose pronouns I do not know off the top of my head. This is not meant to be a statement of their actual preferred pronouns.
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feleshero · 10 months
Celebrating you, THE WRITERS!
The TL;DR of this post is this! I'm temporarily transforming my blog into a hub where people can send affections & praise for me to then send out into the world. Think of me as the switchboard of love, baby! Send in pleasant notes tagged with #GRACE and I'll reroute that love, via graphic, love letter, or IC delivery to the target of your affections.
Oh, hey! I didn't see you there, Internet. It's me, Sifr, your friend*. Come in, pour yourself a drink, stay a while and listen.
End of the year, hey? You've been in the battlements for time now and that's a weight you're gonna carry for days. Trust me, I know.
So, rather than let the clock tick over with all that weight left unbalanced, I figured we could take this month (December! The BEST month, objectively) to throw some light around. That's why I'm instituting the inaugural 'End of The Year RPC Bonus Extravaganza!'
"Now, Sifr, you dozy bitch." I can hear you typing on your loud ass mechanical keyboard. "What is an 'End of the Year RPC Bonus Extravaganza', and can't you find a better name for it so it gets a cute acronym?"
...Okay?! Let's call it #Year's End GRACE then. 'Gathering of Roleplayers Actively Celebrating Everyone'. Catchy, easy to parse, moving on to the way it works then.
Over the course of December, maybe even a little into January, I'm gonna be posting compliments, praise, affections and promos that you (my fellow writers) submit to me for the purpose of sharing some joy.
'These can be anonymous submissions, general submissions about an entire fandom, requests where you ask Me to wax about someone you think needs some love & affection. However you can think to send in some weaponized joy to my inbox (with #GRACE somewhere in the message so I know what time it is) I will find a way to get it out in the public and to the people you love!
I'll make a cute graphic for your message if you want, I'll scream loudly in the tags about my own personal thoughts on the person, I'll have a muse of mine 'deliver' the note to another muse in character to bridge the gap between fact & fiction all for you! I want to make this a celebration!
Non-denominational, no agenda, no stress nor pressure, just sending fucking joy across the series of tubes that comprise Irene Adler's internet.
I'll drop this little invitation in the queue multiple times leading up to the new years. My inbox will always be open for this, please DO NOT HESITATE to send in some love & affection for someone! Feel free to reblog this if you want to spread the word, or try to find a way to participate yourself. You don't have to be 'following me' to participate or send things in. This isn't about me, I'm just the middleman for these affectionate transactions.
There'll be no limit on how many motes of joy you can send. If you have any notes on formatting or design that you want for the messages, the graphics, or the in character delivery, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! They can be included and tended to with ease!
Think of this as a little 'End of Year Bonus'. It has no monetary value. It's made of pixels and questionable grammar. But its a part of your heart, signed, sealed and delivered to someone who might really need something to hold on to.
I think that's pretty neat, actually.
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amphibia-a-day · 7 months
Hiiiii I accidentally messed up the numbering of the past few posts since like... The 4th, I'm glad it wasn't longer than that but I finally had time to sit down today and draft and queue more posts and actually add things to the sheets I made (yes I have a Google sheets file with so much info about each post and the dates and numbers and stuff- anyway) and I noticed, huh that's weird, why aren't we near 1000 yet..... Oh no
So uh yeah somehow on the 4th I posted 998 instead of 988, I guess I can see how that would happen, but then the next one was 899? Then 900, then somehow 801, and then I've been counting from there.... Whoops ... This is what happens when I've been working 2 jobs and also opened a show at the beginning of February so I haven't actually had time to sit down on my laptop and queue stuff, I've just been doing it on my phone in passing moments of free time... Whoopsie 💀🧍
Anyway it's fixed now! Today isn't 807, it's 997, which means day 1000 is soon! I should've known something wasn't right when Tumblr told me I hit 1000 posts on this blog a few days ago .... H m
Anyway, things should be back to normal now! ...and hopefully with a little more variety in episodes I post, I've just only had what I had drafted already to work with and not been able to pull things from my laptop, but now there's a few more options! Which, speaking of....
I've been meaning to make a post like this for a little while but haven't gotten around to it - what episodes do you want to see screenshots from?? I've been posting screenshots I like, or I think people will like, but I wanna know - what would you like to see? ...to anyone that may read this anyway. Feel free to write in the notes, or send me an ask, or do whatever feels comfortable for you! Or you can submit screenshots and I'll queue them up if they haven't been posted yet - I've had people send me some before, and apologies for not responding to your asks, but I do definitely see them!!! And I appreciate them so much!!
tl;dr, I goofed on the last 10 days of posts, but I fixed them now, and now I'm going to sit down and queue more for at least a little bit so more screenshots can actually get posted on time instead of when I realize before going to bed 😔 and I'd love to hear from you all on what you'd like to see on this account! I love running it, and I love seeing people come back day after day - thanks for being here! :)
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pokemon-with-hats · 2 years
Okay, it's the first of the month, so I've opened up my ask box for new requests! I've also made sure the database (linked in my pinned post) is up to date, so feel free to check and see which 'mons haven't gotten hats yet. And as always, I ask that if you've gotten a request in before, you hold off on submitting a new one, so that newer followers have a chance to request something.
Now for the schedule change announcements I mentioned last night:
First, I plan to go back to daily edits! I cut back on the number I was posting a week last August due to starting my grad school classes, but I feel I should be able to return to one a day without negatively affecting my school performance. If that changes, I'll revisit this, but for now I'll see how it goes!
Second, I've been feeling kind of bad that there's at least a month between you submitting requests and me posting them. That was initially designed into the schedule in case there was a month where i didn't get requests, so I'd still have things to post. But I've seen that my request queue fills up usually within a day or two of opening my ask box, and I don't think that'll be an issue. So now I plan on posting requests within the month that I receive them.
That all being said, this month I only have room for about 12 requests - I currently have 20 or so sitting in the queue that I need to work through first. Then, starting in April, I'll take a full 30 requests, and all of them will be posted within April (or like the first day or two of May)!
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