#February 23 - 2023
dogstomp · 1 year
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Dogstomp #2976 - February 23rd
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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latenightexperience · 2 years
I feel myself slipping,
No swimming sideways your
Undertow takes me
As I go limp.
All to take the impact better, darling.
(Can I call you that?)
We live inside a world of my own,
No need for breathing,
No need for that exposing light.
Here, it's you and me and
Whatever storms I can conjure
Just to pass the time
When being rocked away by you
Is simply not enough.
(Like the real world wasn't before I brought us here.)
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ralfmaximus · 2 years
Rambling Picard season 3 thoughts...
Beware of spoilers.
Two episodes in and... it's not terrible.
Though it's already groaning under the weight of so much ~Nostalgia~ that I worry the whole thing's gonna collapse soon with a splintering crash.
Even the musical score with its callback stings & themes is achingly nostalgic.
Michael Dorn looks amazing. And I think we got more Klingon Eviscerating Action in one brief scene than we did in all of TNG + DS9 combined.
Pacing & editing is sluggish. Like they're stretching out what should be a TNG two-parter into a whole season.
Dialogue is snappy and feels honest. Especially the exchanges with Captain Shaw. It creeps up on Joss Whedon levels of quippiness without going over the line, which is just this side of delightful.
Vedic? Vadic? Vadik? Whozat?
Am I supposed to recognize her??
And how does (a presumably) private citizen afford, assemble, arm, and crew a giant starship with enough weaponry to shame the flagship of the Federation? That seems absurd.
Like if Zuckerberg sunk all his Facebook cash into a superyacht capable of nuking a US aircraft carrier and nobody noticed.
Back on Earth: some supervillain picked up a multi-story Starfleet building (on Earth!!) lifted it into a Sky Hole then dropped it a few blocks away, instantly pulverizing it and whatever it landed on into rubble!
And the death toll is... 117 people? Huh.
Oh but then I guess transporter technology and super good 25th century emergency services probably kept that number from being 10x so I guess that's (grumble) believable.
Still, as terrorist incidents go this one seems kind of low key. If they can vaporize any building (on Earth!!) why not go for like Federation HQ? Instead they hit a "recruitment center" and killed 117 recruits + staff which is... lame? Guess we wait and see.
Does Jean Luc not remember having sex with Beverly Crusher??
Which I though canonically never happened?
And Beverly secretly got pregnant, had a child, raised that child to age 30-something, and managed to keep it a secret from everybody. Huh^2.
Jack Crusher has a severe case of British Accent which makes sense because the actor is british... but how?
Presumably his mom raised him and she doesn't sound like him at all. If Beverly stashed him on her family's Scottish Ghost Fucker Planet he'd sound more like James Doohan's Scotty than James Bond. So confused here. Guess we wait and see.
Unironically LOVE Captain Shaw. Sure, he's a stick in the mud and meant to infuriate us viewers but honestly? He's the first naval officer on this goddamn show who acts like a real naval officer. I sure hope he doesn't die.
The Ferengi looked & sounded like an italian mobster in a Ferengi costume.
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years
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lilyjamesofficial: @bafta 🎥 🖤
@rebeccacorbinmurray @halleybrisker @sofiatilbury @charlottetilbury @michelleclassnails it doesn’t work without you. Cheerleader magician artists 🤍
@sadaf_jaffari facials have literally transformed my skin 💫
@bulgari @onlynaturaldiamonds @tamararalph xxx
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music-asylum · 2 years
February 23, 2023
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Another morning waiting, another afternoon. The fog cleared while you slept.
But there's no going back to who we were, no dreams for you to cling to. It's just as uninspiring like this, a banal kind of resignation. Another day you didn't make it out of bed.
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vyxart · 1 year
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sisa98225 · 2 years
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“Hear my teaching, O my people; incline your ears to the words of my mouth.” —Psalm 78:1
I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a Holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. And, to make a right beginning of repentance, and as a mark of our mortal nature, let us now kneel before the Lord, our maker and redeemer. (Source: The Book of Common Prayer, p. 265, Ash Wednesday liturgy).
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untothebreach · 2 years
I guess I have meltdowns every time this happens because to me, this immediately takes me back to being ignored and belittled and spoken over as a kid. It triggers a deep, painful insecurity, digs it's nails into a wound because I've learned to watch for it so I could shut myself down, slip away from the party for no one to notice. Run away before I get lashed out at. Or risk getting lashed out at.
Every time to talk in the chat like that, cheerfully, about something I don't know, it tears into that little part of me that whispers, "you don't belong here and no one will notice when you're gone. So go ahead, do it. Like they'll even care." It reminds me how out of place I feel, makes me think about all the ways they're better than me and how ill never ever fit in. How I'm the discarded one. How I'm always ignored.
It's a trigger but one I can't avoid, and also cannot stop. I have to face it, but it would be easier to face if I knew that they cared. Right now it just acts as a proof for all my fears. A reminder of them ignoring my messages. How I'm destined for the background of peoples lives.
At least it helps to know why I'm being triggered, I guess.
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molagboop · 5 months
Examining Chozo Anatomy: Arms
Welcome to my deep-dive into Chozo anatomy. Today, I'll be discussing features present on the arms and hands of our feathery fellows.
This post exists simultaneously as a reference for artists and as a fascinating look into the world of Chozo anatomy for all audiences. Whether you're here for references showing how Chozo arms are built or you enjoy taking a peek at Metroid Dread's character models out of game, I've got you covered!
You'll find plenty of images and a full breakdown of the anatomical structure of Chozo arms beneath the cut.
First, a quick overview: from a musculoskeletal standpoint, Chozo arms are built exactly like human arms, diverging at the hands. Chozo hands look like bird feet that evolved in much the same way our hands did.
Part 1: Elbows
Dread Chozo have feathers protruding from their scaly elbows.
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Underneath every fountain of large plumage is a soft bed of down. This manifests in patches of plush, miniscule feathers that are grouped together somewhat densely.
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Our subjects appear to have primarily smooth skin occasionally interrupted by spots of down from which plumage arises, but I think Chozo that are feathery all over are neat. The concept art and 100% gallery rewards seem to paint a picture of softer Chozo with more feathers all over their bodies (save for their plated arms and hard beaks), but the in-game models appear smooth. We're all familiar with Raven Beak's bald head (which many of us have expressed a desire to slap), but perhaps that head is covered in a fine layer of velvety feathers?
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I managed to remove Quiet Robe's left pauldron and embroidered sleeve, so I have a fuller view of his whole arm, including the base of his feathery neck.
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Quiet Robe's shoulders are quite smooth. If you want to give peepaw Robe fuzzy shoulders, I certainly wouldn't complain: you don't need to remain 100% on-model, especially considering there's a gaping hole in his back underneath that miter, and the front of his robe hides the abyss instead of an old man's breast. Corners were cut to prevent obtrusive clipping in cutscenes, whose animation plays out in-engine through scripting while the game is running (this is how the game manages to transition seamlessly from a cutscene into a boss fight).
If you'll direct your attention back up towards our Zero Mission concept art, you'll see that the Chozo of yore had spiked forearms/elbows. Those structures may indeed be feathers (upon closer inspection, they do seem feather-shaped: all three characters appear to display different variations in feathering, particularly in the shape of the feathers and how densely clustered they are), but the older designs also appear to possess a carapace of sorts?
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The segments between their limbs are more pronounced, sort of like a beetle's exoskeleton. I'm not sure whether to think older Chozo designs had harder skin with feathers situated in specific locations (notably around the face and shoulders), or if our good chums are just skin and bones. Maybe the discs defining their wrists, ankles and elbows are just particularly bony, and I'm misreading their forearm feathers as spined protrusions.
Whatever the case may be, the older designs are charming. I find myself drawn to them despite the focus on submersing my own Chozo in fleshy, feathery pseudo-realism.
Part 2: Forearms and Hands
Like the feet of real birds, the tops of Chozo forearms are lined with rows of hardened scutes. Quiet Robe has cracked, chunky, pronounced plating that seems to show a bit of wear: a hallmark of aging.
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Chozo hands consist of three fingers and a thumb. Their digit count is consistent with the amount of toes that most real birds possess. Interestingly, Quiet Robe's knuckles are particularly pointed and pronounced, where Raven Beak X's aren't*. They remind me of jagged little spurs: useful in hand-to-hand combat.
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RB-X may not have raised knuckles, but the real Raven Beak's power suit has white knuckle guards that indicate his own might not be so different from our gentle friend. They could also exist to give his armored fist some punching power despite a lack of biological spurs, but this is all speculation.
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The palms of both Quiet Robe and RB-X's hands appear to match their inner elbow patches: Quiet Robe's palms are bathed in a violet hue, while Raven Beak X has pink flesh. This is more apparent on RB-X than on our Thoha chum, but that coloration appears to extend some ways down the underside of the forearm.
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Part 3: Those Weird Patches of Skin on the Inner Elbow
One thing you'll notice is that Chozo have patches of flesh on their inner elbows, under their arms, and between their fingers.
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This flesh tends to differ in color from the rest of the skin. Quiet Robe's are darker, with more saturated red-violet hues.
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The patches under the arms run in tandem with the serratus, the muscle on the sides of the torso that reaches inward towards the abdominals.
I tried to take a less weird shot, but couldn't figure out how to position the bones in a way that would provide a decently lit angle without warping the model horribly.
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RB-X's patches are stretched, perhaps a quirk relating to its size or an abridging of the feature via the X tampering with the related genes to suit its fancy. I've likened their appearance to the gliding membranes of animals like flying squirrels... not that these are likely to assist the creature in any gliding with how little surface area they inhabit, but their dimension and the way they resemble some sort of connective tissue spanning between the segments of each limb is certainly evocative. It's like having webbed feet, but instead of the webbing being between one's toes, it's situated between the bicep and the forearm.
I'm unsure of whether to write their appearance off as something only RB-X has, or to take them into consideration for Chozo morphology. I've entertained the thought that some Chozo's inner and under-arm patches do manifest more like this (flattening against the body when the arm is extended and stretching as above when the elbow is bent), and how one's flesh appears is a matter of genetics, or perhaps a feature of aging.
As humans get older, some sections of skin begin to loosen and sag. I don't imagine this is much different for Chozo: Old Bird and Grey Voice certainly have their fair share of wrinkles in the manga. At first, I thought the way RB-X's flesh stretched between its limbs looked somewhat taut and uncomfortable, but the more I think about this from the lens of aging, the more likely it seems that these sections could be spots of loose skin. Perhaps this isn't an X-borne bug, but a feature? Who knows.
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It's a lot harder to see the patches between the fingers on Quiet Robe's model, but they're present with a great deal of clarity on Raven Beak X.
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I think I mentioned this in my post about Quiet Robe's model, but these patches remind me of an anatomical feature seen in older official works (like the concept art for Metroid: Zero Mission). Older depictions of the Chozo had defined, segmented structures on the biceps and the underside of the forearms.
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Also of note is the fact that these structures appear on the legs of older Chozo.
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Now that we've covered in-game examples, I'd like to give more examples of this feature in concept. First off, you can see these patches in the gallery reward for 100%'ing Burenia in Dread. Upon closer observation, the prisoner on the left appears to display these patches.
The underarm patches are obscured, as their arms are resting pretty close to their torso, but you can barely see the pink patch of flesh running along the serratus and disappearing beneath the arm. The elbow patches are a little clearer.
It's very difficult to see, but I think the coloration around the prisoners' knees may also show some stray sections of pink, matching the leftmost prisoner's inner elbow. Dread's interpretation of the Chozo could possibly have similar patches behind their knees, but I don't see it. It's all up in the air: I say do as you please in that department.
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Now for our last example of shirtless individuals in Dread's key art: this hunter** from Ghavoran's 100% completion reward. The inner elbow is a bit obscured, but the modified serratus is clear as day.
The odd patches on Chozo arms were an anatomical subject I wanted to present in-depth because they've changed over the course of two decades: they moved from the sides of the biceps and forearms to the inner elbows and under the arms. Dread does a few things differently from Prime and Zero Mission, which is not a bad thing!
When illustrating characters of a fictional species from existing media, I like to take different depictions across generations into account. Morrowind's Argonians are unlike those we see in Skyrim, and the differences are even more staggering between Arena and Daggerfall! The Chozo have also undergone a few design changes between installments, though admittedly, there's far less whiplash between the Chozo of Dread and Zero Mission than there is between the Argonians of Daggerfall and Arena.
In both cases, the older depictions of the species in question aren't rendered "obsolete" or "not canon" by the newer designs. I'm of the opinion that these discrepancies merely open up more opportunities for interesting and diverse characters. I love seeing Argonian characters with digitigrade legs as Morrowind NPCs had, but the plantigrade layout on characters from the rest of the series is just as fine.
You could give your Chozo the arm structure of older designs, adhere to the more recent arm flesh patch conventions, or toy with a mix of the two: the world is your oyster! You could opt to omit them entirely! Don't let the most recent iteration of the canon hold you back: it's always worth taking a hint from earlier designs when you're playing in a sandbox with decades-old franchises.
I'm not here to say "this is how Dread does Chozo: adhere to the most recent canon or perish": I'm here to show you what Dread does so you can take these design choices into consideration when drawing your own interpretation of this species. Take liberties, and take them often! If you want to remain on-model, that's also fine.
That wraps up our investigation of Chozo arms, but if you notice something I neglected to mention, feel free to point it out!
**Possibly Raven Beak? Who knows: he's old and grey, this one's grey. Maybe these soldiers are out on a hunting trip with the boss, or perhaps he's proving his worth as a warrior by slaying Corpius' uncle solo and cuirass-less. There's no way to say for certain who this is or what's going on: Mawkin culture isn't elaborated upon much in writing during Metroid Dread. I make up my own lore as I go.
*If RB-X's form is an accurate depiction of Raven Beak's pre-death arms. Who knows, maybe his physical form has crusty armored old man scutes like Quiet Robe when Samus piledrives him into the surface of the planet, and the arms we see in-game are the product of the X parasite choosing the more glamorous, younger Raven Beak's smooth baby arms from the pool of genetic material it extracted from his still-writhing form. We'll never know.
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icarodamiano · 2 years
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she has been so girlfriend vibes lately
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simpingforcys · 26 days
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7 more before we hit 150 on this blog.
I'm thinking... giveaway once we reach that point 👀 Of what? Stay tuned ~ 🍬
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
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icedbatik · 2 years
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Sidney Crosby: A face journey ...
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years
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laurenalaina: I could YELLOW’ver how I excited I am for the @ptxofficial tour!! Don’t forget that tickets are available starting Monday, Feb. 27th local time. Comment below which city you’re coming to!! ✨💛
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blogmoderne · 2 years
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