#Father of the Flock
highmoon-deepwoods · 4 months
We have an offer. Your lord and ours appear to be allied.
We despise all those under the Insurgent flag.
We offer to assist in finding the heretic.
Our lord wishes to keep such actions quiet. We can assist in this.
We await your answer.
- The Shielding Dark
Tempting offer. I will ask Jawbone to seek an answer and then get back to you if necessary.
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justaz · 4 months
semi-dark king merlin au, someone from ealdor tells king cenred about merlin and he is captured and held as a slave in essetir. since merlin despises captivity and servitude, he’d rather be dead and free than alive and in chains so he acts out and pisses people (especially the king) off so they’ll think him too much trouble and kill him. at first they stick to beatings until merlin manages to get his chains around a few necks and now has a body count so they kill him…..only he wakes back up a few hours later and king cenred is Intrigued and keeps him close. merlin keeps acting out but no matter how many times they kill him, he won’t stay dead. merlin has this moment after waking up perfectly fine after his twenty seventh death where he is hopeless and believes there to be no escape, not even thru death. a few other sorcerers in chains come and help him clean up and give him a lil peptalk, realizing him to be emrys, and then they revolt and take over the kingdom and crown merlin as king and now uther is like “wtf” bc his neighboring kingdom who was kinda sorta on his wavelength about sorcery, though uther did not approve of keeping them alive, is now a kingdom ruled by magic. he goes to war with them but with magic running free and fucking emrys on the throne, they don’t make a lot of headway. anyways merthur meet on the battlefield, enemies to lovers, you get it
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blackholesun321 · 11 months
I had this idea that their feathers when born are more colored like an actual bird, maybe like the bird that represent, but as they grow older, the colors change to their primary colors. Like Shanks' feathers turn red, Zoro's green, Perona's pink, and so and so forth.
ALSO YES! "fatherhood be up on ye" is exactly how Mihawk acquires Perona. I don't make the rules.
Speaking of more birb culture, mishanks is traditional and did the whole courting rituals of giving gifts and all that before becoming actual mates. Beckman 100% officiated the wedding. I don't make the rules on that either.
A fledging without a flock doesn't grow properly. Their wings become somewhat underdeveloped and are smaller in adulthood. When Zeff acquires Sanji, he was really worried Sanji's wings wouldn't develop properly. (They did, but Birb Dad Zeff was really worried and bodied anyone who commented on his son's small wings.)
When a flock member dies, the ones closest to said member gets one of the fallen's feathers as a memoir. Flock mates can give their closest friends/their favorite children a feather they can put in their hair or wear around their neck on a necklace. Zoro definitely has some of Kuina's feathers as well as a feather from Mihawk. Luffy has feathers from Shanks, Ace, and Sabo. Sanji has one of Zeff's feathers and so forth.
YES! ALWAYS MORE BIRB TALK! 🪶 ✨ and to answer your ideas—
And bird slowly changing colors as they grow old is just ‘chefs-kiss.’ Like maybe as an adaptation for predators? Like how some species don’t grow into there actual plumage till and adult. And maybe a bit of Haki like the will and soul of an individual can effect what colors show up. Little bit of genetics little bit of magic like someone with red hair will more then likely have red in there adult plumage— as well as someone small will probably have smaller wings for their frame.
The universe just stares at the absolute disasters that are Shanks/Mihawk and went “you know what would be hilarious?” And then slapped them both round the head with Random Child™️ and you know what the universe is on to something.
Absolutely, once they both get their heads out of their respective sand dunes of denial, Shanks and Mihawk have the most step-for-step, beat-for-beat traditional courtship. Only because Shanks started being all romantic, and Mihawk was even more romantic the next time they saw each other, and Shanks goes bet! And Mihawk went, "I'm going to get such a good grade in courting" (like that is a normal thing to want, an actual thing you can achieve). And both their competitive streaks have them overdoing it on many an occasion.
And once they get married, the Grand Line gives a sigh of relief because, gods and devils, those two were—well, are—freaking insane. Ben officiates their wedding, yes, and ends the ceremony by saying, "With the sea as witness, I now pronounce you idiots. You may now kiss the bride, or whatever." Then he proceeds to go off to have a final drink in peace away from those two fuck heads.
("Ah, but we're your fuckheads, Ben!" 'Shanks and I mean this with every bone in my increasingly irritated body. If you don't leave me alone in the next five minutes, you're about to go from newlywed to newly widowed.')
Imagine having wings on your back. Now, imagine how difficult it would be to groom them. By nature and necessity, you need a community to help you take care of your wings. So, imagine you are Judge Vinsmoke, and you know a good part of communication and connection comes from grooming. You want your kids to be dependent on you and your expectations.
Now, imagine you are Sanji, alone, bullied, starved, and beaten. Your wings have been falling apart your whole life, and the only person who ever groomed you had died. You are not in an environment where you can get the necessary supplies and aids to help you become self-sufficient in grooming. Based on these facts and the stories you've heard about fledgling wings not being taken care of, you believe you have been crippled for the rest of your life.
So, you wrap up your horribly ugly wings so no one has to see them and become a dish washer for a cruise ship. They feed you, house you, and start to train you in the ways of cooking. Some even offer you to join the grooming circles that form from long nights together and no one else around. You deny them, and your wings fall into further disarray.
Then, Zeff happens. Then, on that rock in the middle of the blue, someone touches your feathers for the first time with care since your mom. You don't cry, only because you don't have water to spare. And Zeff huffs, pulls open the stiff joint, counts the flight feathers, touches the bald patches where feathers should be, and lets the dry, salt-encrusted down crumble in his hand. He nods once, allows the wing to fold back up with a wince from Sanji, and says, "It's bad, real bad, eggplant. But not hopeless. You'll have a lot of physical therapy in your future, medical creams and oils, along with a specialized diet. This is probably going to affect you for the rest of your life, but you will be able to fly eventually."
And Sanji, small and weak, Sanji, who was told his whole life by family, by those meant to love and care for him, that he would never fly, should never fly, and that them taking away the sky from him was a blessing to the world. Sanji, whose mother's name was Sora, who dreamt of light blue eyes and bright blue skies, wind beneath his feathers, and hope it would be as gentle as nails through his down. Every moment of Sanji's joy has been taken from him. But with this hope that blooms in his chest like fire, Sanji laughs because they tried to take his freedom from him, and they failed.
Why stop at just one single cultures idea of feathers? Why not have each Blue have a different meaning for feathers, how to gift them, where to place them, and how to preserve them? For example, the East Blue is the most relaxed about giving and receiving feathers. They wear them in their wings, hair, or as jewelry. Mothers braid their baby's down into their braids, and fathers put the first lost down into resin. Friends make bracelets, crowns, necklaces, and earrings for each other. Lovers who place painted or treated feathers into the others wings to they will last longer. On some islands part of the funeral rights is too burn the loved one feathers into pottery. It's still considered special to give someone a feather and then to wear it, focusing on the placement in the wing.
But Luffy, who loves fully, whose heart is open, grasping, and desperately eager to show the world who he cares about, has never cared much about propriety. He just loves the people he loves and wants everyone to know it. His wings would be a riot of feathers, with greens from Zoro stuck in his primaries, sunset orange, yellows, and reds from Nami braided into his hair. The soft whites, creams, and browns from Usopp are made into necklaces, and the yellow and black of Sanji's slide in side by side with his flight feathers. He's covered in his devotion and gives just as freely.
By the time they make it to the Grand Line, people are practically clutching their pearls around them. It takes Vivi a while to get used to the way someone will just drop a feather into her hand like it's no big deal, as in some parts of the world, that would be considered essentially a marriage proposal. She gets used to it, and eventually, everyone who joins the crew does too.
Shanks thinks it's hilarious personally. And, as someone raised by a man from the East, he doesn't see much issue with the way Luffy drowns himself in his loved ones' feathers. Mihawk is at first a little more clutching his pearls about it, not for cultural reasons, but more due to his discomfort with physical displays of emotions (disgusting!). However, he quickly gets over it because his kids can do whatever they want, as long as it isn't stupid. As much as being emotional makes him break out in hives, it makes Luffy and Zoro happy, so who is he to deny them?
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lady-delamort · 1 year
“I need you guys to understand that I’m this upset because I love you and don’t want anything bad to happen to you".
-Fragment of The Easy Way.
When I read that scene, the image couldn't get out of my head, I knew I had to do something for these guys whose adventures have given me so many emotions!! And about the writing of the dear @stardustandstoriesandstratagems ✨✨✨💖 I was really looking forward to finishing this for Father's Day, but a lot happened… hehehe… Anyway here it is!! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT, DEAR!! 💖💖💖💖
Hawks and his cute little chickens that bring disaster wherever they go XDD ❄️🦅
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This time, no charming eyes of theirs will avoid their punishment XDDD They will have to talk seriously with their snow hen mom XDD❄️🦅✨💖
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I highly recommend reading!! I'm sure you will enjoy it a lot!!✨
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roe-and-memory · 8 months
if adding facts about the real racer that a character in cars 3 is inspired by was a job i would be absolutely rolling in the dough
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wickedcriminal · 2 years
What do you think Hiccup the younger's relationship is like with his niece and nephew, Zephyr and Nuffink? He lowkey looks like one of those fun uncle who lets the kids get away with alot of things. Also Zeph and Nuff are going to be so confused that their dad and uncle share the same first name lol 😂
Younger ADORES those kids. And he comes in a package of three, so Elder's kids not only get Uncle Hiccup, they also get Uncle Fish and Aunt Cami <3
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They spoil those kids. Little Fish loves to take them on walks and naps and the kids pick up the bad habit of ankle-biting from their dear aunt Camicazi <3 And Minicup definitely lets them get away with a lot of things, using the royalty card to justify it, of course
He'll teach them dragonese, too, because these kids get to grow up around dragons!
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The kids are certainly confused as to why Hiccup and Hiccup share the same name, but they call Elder "dad" anyway so it's not too life changing, lmao. If anything they're going to be mixing up the Fishlegses names! Probably have to call one "uncle Fish" and the other "uncle Legs", lmao!
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Luke 12:32 (NLT) - “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
Just gonna drop this here.
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sunshine-gumdrop · 10 months
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Joseph seed and his flock of pops.
It's a bit shite but I love him....
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unsanctitude · 2 years
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i made a sanrio oc who is an old man deeply afraid of going to hell
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highmoon-deepwoods · 4 months
Our lord has spoken! Scouts must be deployed!
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argeriant18 · 4 months
Weird thought but don't you find it cool and oddly fitting that Susan is gifted a horn. The whole point of it is that once you use it then help will always come to her. It's oddly fitting and quite foreshadowing as well, knowing that she's the one who strays from the path of Narnia. But also it's a bittersweet and hopeful thought because she should be willing to receive help. She can never come back to Narnia until she resolves her feelings about it within herself. And once she has that peace in herself, she can then seek out Narnia. Like an old verse: seek and you will find, I think that the horn operates on that level too: help will come to her, they will find her, so long as she is willing to call out and receive that help.
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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unprompted / @mischiefmodig / always accepting !
In the spirit of this holiday, and because Loki is feeling extra he has purchased a very special product that he only had noticed today. Mostly because of the ingredients that it was made with. And even more special was the fact that it had been made into a delicacy that he knew someone, in particular, would adore. Loki bought this pastry as a gift. A sentiment, if you would of good nature... but it was anything but. ( though perhaps it was still of gaiety, even if strictly speaking it was out of curiosity of what would happen to someone who ate the thing ) And so he arrived upon Thor's door and knocked. In his hand, he held the box of Danish-style pastries with Logus Fruit Filling. Four of them to be precise. When answered, he presented the items to his brother, with hardly any emotion or tell. ❝ Here, brother. I saw them this morning and thought of you. ❞ The perfect test subject.
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 door , he was less surprised to find loki behind it , and MORE surprised at the offering. his eye scoured the treats hungrily. danishes. his favorite. and quite lovely ones from the look of it. and still thor found them odd. loki was not the sort to dabble in apologies he did not mean. nor did thor expect to be graced by a sudden wind of familial kindness either.
their ships had blown too far away from one another to entertain that.
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he would not leave them disregarded and left in loki's hand , but . . . ❝ brother , what so happens to be the occasion? ❞
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dxrknessembr8ced · 4 months
" Today is going so well, is it that right old friend. "
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Behind her stands the robe figure revealing himself to be cult leader of las illuminados Osmund Saddler. Just like the rest Saddler is now one of Macaque's cronies was he was resurrected by las Erebus to command the las plagas infected to wipe out more of the darkstalkers but rebelled. The reason why he hasn't killed her because of the amount of power she possessed but also a very dirty little secret he has ever since his rebirth.
" What more do you want of me you vile insect? I gave you my people, my most loyal subordinates, my gift of god, everything! "
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Macaque chuckles clapping her hands while her sharp appendages moved her body around to face him.
" You should watch your mouth, you know it ain't healthy with all that negativity especially with your little problems... "
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" Your problems with your little plagas to eat that girl you loved so much since your rebirth... "
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" How did you...- "
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" Know? Simple really I can read and communicate with parasites?like las plagas. We're not so different you and I, birds of a feather flock together. Let's get one thing straight here you ugly old waste of space fanatic. "
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" You're gonna do what I want and bring more las plagas, I want all survivors be converted and no not for your dead religion only for my legion of soldiers. You know what happens to the girl if you don't do what I say. "
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Saddler's mood had shifted from a calm and intimidating demeanor to desperation and panic upon hearing her what she is going to do with the unknown girl.
" N-no! You wouldn't dare! "
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Macaque smiles amused at the expense of saddler's desperation and pleading.
" Awww that's cute, I don't make threats. I made promises and this shall be my gift to you Saddler, you follow my lead she wont be harmed simple as now get out and do your job... "
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Saddler immediately left and Macaque as usual begins her expansion of gongsheng soldiers to scour the wasteland that is metro city and find these survivors who know all about Hsien-Ko's whereabouts as the clock is ticking and the excitement has just begun.
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themonsterunderthebed · 2 months
wrote an email to a russian orthodox priest (about usda conservation programs that might be relevant to his farm) and couldn't decide whether i should address him as "father" or "mr" or by his first name or what. ended up chickening out and starting the email "hi there,"
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cherrybudgie · 2 years
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Islaboard ♡
Check out the tags 👇🏻
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