#Fantasy religions
nateconnolly · 1 year
The whole universe spoke the same language
For the empire stretched from the Moon to each of the nine worlds.
But the edge of the universe remained untouched. 
And the men of the Moon said, “Come, let us go to the edge of the universe.”
They made starships with thicker hulls, and mightier engines.
The slaves of the Moon mined materials, and crafted sturdy walls.
But the One came down to see the empire and the ships that they were building.
The One said, “These ships are not built to travel from world to world, or from moon to moon.
“These ships are built to travel to the edge of the universe, where mortal men should not go.
“They did this in the same language, as the same tribe.
“But the slaves of the empire will no longer speak the language of the Moon.
“The other worlds will no longer be the same tribe as the men of the Moon.
“Let us confound their languages, so they cannot go where mortal men should not go.”
And the One said, “Let us confound their technologies, which they presumed to use against us.”
So the One hid the meanings of words, and the One struck the empire down from his holy sky.
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empyrean-thrones · 5 months
Religions/deities in Empyrean Thrones
Navarrian gods
Poromish gods
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limbobilbo · 1 year
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Tell about religion in your fantasy, sci fi or any sort of fictional world and I’ll tell you about mine.
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ivynightshade · 6 months
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fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s ‘i am tired of making a religion out of my suffering’.
[text id: i am too little, and too much, and never enough.]
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phosilli · 5 months
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eye of the vulture king
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shellyscribbles · 2 years
Introduction to the world of Hallendrest
This story and world building, despite being a project I have worked on for years now, is still in the early stages and subject to change.
What is Hallendrest?
Hallendrest is a dying world where a central kingdom, the only one to successfully keep the ground from dying and turning grey, is slowly taking over control of the entire world.
Races of Hallendrest (with their magics)
Mages are beings who posses elemental magics as well as some ability to manipulate the inherit magic of the world through spells and totems. A mage can inherit magic from one or both parents though it is rare for a mage to inherit from both as it is less common for women to carry the magic. They sometimes carry the magic without having access to it.
Druids are beings who posses earth based magics. Their main abilities relate to the ability to transform themselves into the form of animals usually having a particular animal such as a wolf or lion that they are best at switching between.
They are also able to manipulate earth, water, and plant life.
The least used ability is the manipulation of small animals such as birds, ferrets and mice.
As with mages, their magic can be inherited from one or both parents with women being less likely to express it.
Humans are well, humans. They lack magic of any kind though they can sometimes, especially women, carry the magic in their bloodline without having access to or any expression of their magic.
Vonterre is ostensibly ruled by a king who works in conjunction with a council of seven men who are overseen by a head. The council was established by the original government as a check on the king.
In reality, the king has no true power and is used as a scapegoat to take the blame for the unpopular actions of the council.
Most political maneuvering is related to taking control of new kingdoms as they join the expanding Vonterre. An emissary is sent from Kalt to assist with the transition usually resulting in a new government being established due to the rulers failure conform to the new order quickly enough.
Drestin (Drestinites) Worship of Drest. Original faith of the Druids but since the use of magic is forbidden, and the distinction between druid, mage, and human, is erased, it is followed by anyone. More common in rural areas though there are strong pockets of it in Kalt and Vonterre.
Drest: Druid God. Masculine. Interact with nature by force. Control nature. Command growth and development. Dominance over animals. Using animal forms and power gift given to Druids. Related to Drest’s drive to embody himself and live among the people of Hallendrest.
Core Ideals: Strength. Protection. Control.
Volar (Volarians) Worship of Vontis. Original faith of the Mages but since the use of magic is forbidden, it is followed by anyone. More common in rural areas, particularly the farthest points from Kalt.
Vontis: Mage Goddess. Soft interaction with Nature through magic. Manipulation of power. Largely impersonal.
Core Ideals: Humility. Responsibility. Stewardship.
Terr El Dur – Ancient religion worshiping both Drest and Vontis as a sacred couple. Largely out of practice though some remote villages still have fanes. Drest and Vontis were personal Gods with whom the people interacted and served.
Core Ideals: Love. Community. Service. Unity.
Hallenism (Hallenist) Worship of Hallen, Almighty silent God of Hallendrest. Gave magic to the world as a test. Full persons have no magic, having both neutralizes magic therefore humans are highest beings. Magic is a poison to the world. It is a test to see that men will reject power for the good of others and the world. False religion created by the first council of Kalt/Vonterre.
In accordance with his nature, he also withholds his power leaving it to men to redeem themselves and become worthy of entering the halls of Hallen. People receive multiple lives to try until they are worthy.
Dominate faith of Kalt and central Vonterre.
Core Ideals: Sacrifice. Obedience.
Important people (current and historic)
Torral - first King of Vonterre
Kallias Adlay - Present King of Vonterre
The Council of Kalt - Head of Council: Travastol. Operations half of council (day to day functions of the kingdom, logistics) : Berquist (Operations chair), Damek, and Halston. Executive half of council (maintaining law and order, preventing further death of Hallendrest through force):Khalid (Executive Chair), Kedar, and Rai.
Reena Adlay (Maiden: Zevach) - Third Princess of Adullam (new acquisition of Vonterre) married to Kallias as part of agreement that made Adullam a kingdom of Vonterre.
Kaisair Adlay - Kallias' father, previous king of Vonterre.
Other notable features:
As the death of Hallendrest spreads, Kalt at the heart of Vonterre is seen as remarkably alive and opulent. Its the only place where electricity, in door plumbing, and plant life are all ubiquitous.
The success of Kalt is attributed to the brutal measures King Kallias takes to keep the people from using magic including brutal public executions and the destruction of entire cities, with the people banished to the grey lands for disobeying the laws of Vonterre, usually by failing to surrender a fugitive.
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comikbook · 7 days
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Violent Dog, 2023, Digital Painting by myself, Liz Pence
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descendinight · 10 days
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study of picture 学习
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prokopetz · 1 year
Fantasy RPGs can be relied upon to have very strange ideas about how organised religion works, but I think my favourite recurring bit of weirdness is the idea of a hierarchical cult of the God of Treachery. There are several assumptions that need to be interrogated here.
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shortboxcomicsfair · 15 days
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Without a doubt one of the most visually beautiful comics you'll read this year, @narsidart's 'The Last Crane' is a gorgeous 128-page comic about a prophet on a journey to be reunited with his god and lover after a period of 10 years. Debuting exclusively at SB Fair this October!
This comic will be released digitally in October as part of ShortBox Comics Fair, an online-only event that will see the release of over 100+ new, original comics from artists around the world!
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nateconnolly · 1 year
Azazel’s teeth have wound up in the tombs of kings, buried in their dead hands. Her teeth have also been found washed up with the trash and seaweed on every beach. A molar was brought up from the bottom of the world’s deepest pit. A canine was found in the nest of a crow. Azazel’s teeth are almost always misidentified—as human, or elephant, or dragon. Once, miners discovered a fang of Azazel and mistook it for a vein of gold. They dug and they dug, breaking off chunk after chunk, but their entire civilization came and went before they realized what they had uncovered: an angel’s colossal tooth. 
Each tooth is a different shape, size, color, density, and weight. Her throat is bottomless, and there are teeth all the way down. Infinitely many teeth glistened in the moonlight as we talked. 
I asked Azazel why her teeth are found on Earth.
“I spit them out when they begin to decay,” Azazel told me, with a voice so loud it rivaled hurricanes. “Entire species have evolved to feed off the pulp in my teeth. Parasites, scavengers, decomposers. It is an ecosystem that draws no energy from the Sun—for the light of the Sun cannot reach deep into my throat. No, I am the primary source of energy to the creatures who know only the dark. They are always hungry, always feeding. It is necessary, now and then, to spit out the rotten teeth.” 
“Do you replace them?”
“I have no need to replace them.”
“So, their number grows smaller as time passes.” I deduced. “One day you’ll run out.” 
Her eyes blinked in confusion. (They are not infinitely many, and number only somewhere in the millions.) Then they narrowed in amusement.
“The number of my teeth has never and will never grow smaller,” Azazel replied. “The Lord saw fit to give me infinitely many teeth. I lost my first tooth a thousand years after that. But infinity without one is still infinity. Another thousand years passed, and I lost another tooth. But infinity without two is still infinity. And infinity without one million is still infinity. Loosing my teeth is a process without end, subtraction without reduction.”
“So there is no end?”
“No end at all.”
“Is there a middle?”
Azazel smiled at my question. It was clear to me that she thought I was finally catching on, and that I had finally posed a question worth asking.
“It isn’t necessarily wrong to say there is a middle,” said Azazel, “but that is not how I think of it. Rather, I would say that it is all beginning.”
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qaey · 9 months
thinking sooo hard about fabian’s presents to everyone in freshman year…..he acts like he doesn’t care but he’s BEEN paying attention enough to get people super personalized gifts and like the way everybody responded with like ‘this is too good to be true’ ‘how could somebody have gotten us our hearts desires’ i’m sorry he’s the guy of all time
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limbobilbo · 1 year
Not memes but instead sharing some world building ive been doing:
A prayer to the god sons:
Javen lord Javen king on high, grant me your power and your wisdom
Sulgan lady Sulgan mother of all, grant your children safety
Lance lord Lancs hidden thunderer, may your rumble strike fear into the hearts of the non righteous
Adwe lord Adwe stalwart defender, grant me your prowess grant me your blade
Marthem fallen Marthem, my your death be not in vain
Osgrey great Osgrey the unknowable one, grant me your cunning grant me your wit
Maela lady Maela bringer of all, grant me my success and bring me my joys
Ael great Rel giver and taker, sister and brother, take what is owed and give what is granted
Lemea lady Lemea granter of prayer, hear my words and flow them to all
Ile of Ile triumph of all, all that was and all that will
May it be.
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ivynightshade · 6 months
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fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s ‘i am tired of making a religion out of my suffering’.
[text id: my bones whimper at the thought of what could have been. / what could have been if i was not born in a grave?]
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daisylolesbi · 1 month
being forced to live in a convent for my sin of lesbianism. at first, i think I'll be fine because it turns out all the other girls there are lesbians too, but once i start having redemption sessions with the priest running the convent, and the means by which he is saving our souls is with his thick cock, as he trains us to enjoy his lingering fondling touch on our breasts and butts and hips and pussies, as he encourages us to kneel and use our mouths on his throbbing length to earn forgiveness, as he trains us to understand what our bodies were made for as he gets each of us lezzies pregnant one after another by cumming deep inside our improperly used pussies and untouched wombs, as he takes our virginities for real.... i realise that there is no escaping this place, and even worse, that im not sure i want to escape at all..
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ironinkpen · 5 months
Thinking about how Kipperlilly is so much of a minmaxer that she tried to get Lucy, who we know from Yolanda Badgood had a "profound conviction" in her faith and would never have willingly changed deities, to switch religions just to be better than some kids who didn't even know they existed. Tried to pressure her friend into making a life-changing, deeply personal decision for the sake of a petty, one-sided rivalry. Thinking about "Lucy was very supportive, 'cause it mattered a lot to Kipperlilly," about "Lucy is the only one who sort of gets it" and how that might have actually just meant "Lucy is the only one who doesn't argue with me." Thinking about afternoons spent quietly resurrecting dead rats in the woods, clearly unhappy but unwilling to vocalize it and hurt Kipperlilly's feelings. Thinking about Lucy finally putting her foot down for what might have been the first time ever and getting murdered for it.
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