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fanfarescribe 4 years ago
hii requests open i hear 馃憖 please... i need tekgra in my life ahuugh
TekGra! A rarity indeed! I'll be sure to try to do it justice!
Also you didn't technically ask for it but I'm going to include a song lyric anyways. Because this fits them too well it hurts.
Pairings: SkekGra/SkekTek, veeery implied SkekGra/UrGoh/SkekTek
Try to leave the past behind me But you just keep reminding me And threw it in my face so wrong wrong wrong
I try to see things your way but something changes everything And every question way too long long long
Something Different by Godsmack
(I know I'm taking some liberties with this such as the fact that there's no way that SkekTek would leave the Castle or even get to the Circle of the Suns in time but screw it. The movie and show took liberties with time as well. Also this is longer than I expected. Oops)
SkekTek hastily puts on his robes, trying to avoid stepping on all the frivolous art projects SkekGra has laying around the Circle of Suns. He's spent time here an hour too long, the Skeksis will find out he's gone, he needs to get back. He makes his way to the entrance of Grot, to the shortcut that SkekLi lead him through when he hears that grating voice he's come to feel conflicted about.
"Leaving so soon?"
SkekGra is leaning on the cave mouth, waiting for him the whole time.
"It would be a real shame for you to leave. UrGoh has really come to enjoy your company," SkekGra says.
"Don't try to guilt me with lies, SkekGra!" SkekTek snarls. "As if I want to spend time with the traitor and the imbecile who tamed him. As if a Mystic would enjoy my company!"
"Oh no. He does. If he didn't, you would know." SkekGra walks closer to him. "I have to wonder why did you come in the first place?" SkekGra asks, leaning a hand on the wall besides SkekTek, making the Scientist feel smaller, and yet...safe. "You specifically asked SkekLi if he knew where I was. Why?"
"I-I..." For once the loquacious Scientist is at a loss for words. "The Skeksis are livid with you after that stunt you pulled with the Dual Glaive."
SkekGra snickers, moving in ways that reminds SkekTek like a puppet. "I expected lividness."
"This isn't something to be taken lightly, SkekGra! There's talk of eradicating you!"
SkekGra grins only wider, SkekTek recognizes that look. He's nervous, but he doesn't say it. "So you were worried about me?"
SkekTek looks down not denying it. "There's no weaponry with you....." SkekGra tilts his head in response to that. SkekTek continues. "How do you expect to fight back without any weaponry?"
SkekGra snickers. "Well, you know me, SkekTek. I'm quite agile."
"So you plan to run away from the fight. That's not the Conqueror I know." SkekTek grumbles disapprovingly, but flinches back when SkekGra snarls.
"Well I'm not the Conqueror anymore, am I??" SkekGra looks at the timid look on SkekTek's face and takes a deep breath. He reaches out, and when SkekTek doesn't move back or pushes his hand away he takes his shoulder. SkekTek closes his eyes, expecting a blow, but receiving an embrace, much to his surprise. SkekGra's arms wrap around him, the scent of paints and wood reaching SekTek's nostrils. Not the scent he's used to. Yet he finds himself inhaling it.
"Forgive me..." SkekGra murmurs. He lets go and nuzzles his head on SkekTek's head. "You don't have to leave you know..."
"Yes I do." SkekTek instinctively says. "The Emperor needs me."
"So you can drain more Gelfling and Podling slaves?" SkekGra asks with a hint of disgust.
"Since when did you care about the Podlings as well?" SkekTek growls.
"Last week." SkekGra admits with a shrug. "There's a much bigger world outside the Castle, SkekTek. Even I'm still learning about it." He reaches up and pets his cheek. "When will you see that you are letting yourself burn up, just so you can keep the others warm?"
SkekTek leans in to SkekGra's touch and nuzzles the Heretic's neck feathers, prompting SkekGra to purr. SkekTek is shaking so SkekGra pets his back, rubbing his hand down his spine just how he used to like it.
The Scientist sighs and pulls away. "I can't. The Skeksis way is the only way I know." He turns and walks away, not looking back. He can't get used to the comforting touch. It holds him back.
"...Now doesn't that sound familiar?" SkekGra mutters, watching his Scientist disappear into the caves. He returns to the Circle and makes his way to the Canopy bed he shares with UrGoh. He curls up against the warm mystic, letting out a shaking sigh.
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fanfarescribe 4 years ago
馃挮 + Shepard/Garrus OR Shepard/Mordin
Send me a 馃挮 and I'll set my music player on random. I'll then pick my favourite line from the song that comes on, and write a Drabble based on it.
Thanks, buddy, for making me choose. Why must you do this to me, I thought we were friends?? -kidding kidding-
Think I'll go for Mordin/Shepherd.
"Show us your face, Mr. Jones, my dear" (Said the Angel to dear Mr. Jones) "It's a crime to the heavens for even a while To hide for a moment that beautiful smile Show us your face, Mr. Jones, my dear" (Said the angel to dear Mr. Jones) "You are loved and you know you will never be alone!"
---The Devil and Dear Mr. Jones by Voltaire
Warning: It's been a hot minute since I watched a playthrough of Mass Effect. A looot of this may be OOC. If anything I might be applying a bit of my personality in Shepard.
I don't know when this takes place.
"Hey, Mordin." Shepard walks into the lab. She has been for quite a while, but if Mordin's annoyed by it, he never says.
Mordin looks up, feeling himself cheer up at the sight of her. "Shepard. How may I help?"
"You've been in the lab for a long time. You up for a little social gathering?" Shepard asks. "Our latest mission involves going undercover to this party to get intel on this corporation. You should come along, you're quite eloquent and good at absorbing information."
"Oh. Sure you need me?" Mordin asks. "Not really soiree material."
"You sure? Because you're pretty charming to me. And you've got a nice smile." Shepard says leaning on the table.
Mordin keeps himself under control and tries not to act flustered. "R-Regardless, need to focus on work now. Wouldn't be good to tear away from it."
Shepard sighs. "But you've been in this lab for weeks. I can tell that you're getting more jittery than usual. And EDI tells me that your mind seems to be elsewhere."
Mordin narrows his eyes. Damn tattling AI.
"Look if the answer is no, then I'll respect that. But please step outside the lab once in a while."
"Why do you care?" Mordin asks suddenly, perhaps a bit more coldly than he intended. "After what I said before... About not being interested in that way."
Shepard looks affronted, nearly prompting Mordin to apologize, but then she chuckles. "Doesn't matter. I'll always be worried about you. Because my feelings for you aren't just sexual." She turns to leave, leaving Mordin stunned.
He thinks he knows everything, but the complexity of humans always tend to perplex Mordin. Despite everything, she still cares for him. It makes no sense, and yet it's rather compelling.
"Wait." Mordin peeks out the door, getting Shepard's attention. "Black tie, I'm assuming?"
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fanfarescribe 4 years ago
For whump kiss prompt: could you do either "semiconscious kiss" or "kiss with frost bitten lips" for nygmobblepot, please? I couldn't decide which one XD
Aaah this has been in my inbox for months. I'm so sorry @gottaread2 I really hope I do this justice XD
Whump Kiss Prompt: Semiconscious Kiss or Kiss with Frost Bitten Lips.
Nygmobblepot, good lord it's been a while since I wrote for these two.
Oswald paces back and forth, eyes darting back and forth but always landing on his centerpiece, the frozen Edward Nygma. The pacing hurts his leg, but he cannot sit still, his heart is racing. It's been months since he's had Victor Fries frozen him, as a reminder to all who dare go against him. He should be feeling proud of himself everytime he looks at him, but instead, he feels his stomach turn.
Oswald feels an irrational hatred. But not towards Eddie. Eddie was his best...and only... friend he's ever had. He loved him. But he didn't love him back. He killed his girlfriend so he only gets Eddie's attention but Eddie attempted to kill him.
Oswald hates how if he never even looked at his girlfriend, they'd probably would still be friends. He hates how despite everything they have done to each other, he still loves Eddie.
He hates how he's in the wrong.
He grabs a flamethrower from behind the bar counter, as all bar counters should have one.
He's going to regret this.
He walks towards the Edsicle.
Soooo going to regret this.
He raises the flamethrower and puts it on the lowest setting he could. He begins thawing out Eddie. Ice morphs into liquid as it falls to the ground pooling around Oswald's four grand shoes. He finds himself caring less and less. Evnetually Eddie gains freedom in his upper torso and then soon after, his legs are free, the gangly green clad man collapsing on the ground.
"Eddie!" Oswald carelessly tosses the flamethrower aside and runs to him. "You better be alive, you moron!" He puts his hands on his cheeks. Even wearing gloves, they're so cold. Oswald pumps his chest a couple of times and Edward coughs up water, and begins to breath much to the Penguin's relief.
"Eddie! Thank god!" He kisses the man who is barely conscious, lips feeling cold to the touch, and white to the sight. Oswald nuzzles his pointed nose on his. "Eddie I'm so sorry..."
The moment gets ruined when Edward's eyes shoot up and he reaches up and strangles Oswald around the neck.
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