#Faelynn Goodfairy
c-rose2081 · 2 days
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Faelynn Goodfairy (title card)
Farrah’s little sister Faelynn is the black sheep of the Goodfairy family tree. Though sweet and loyal, she’s a wild child who often makes poor choices and is easily frustrated at being stuck in her perfect big sister’s shadow.
Though the Goodfairy sisters love one another very much, they can’t stand being in one another’s company very long, merely due to the fact that they are opposites. Where Farrah is generous, Faelynn is self-serving. Where Farrah is soft spoken and a touch shy, Fae is bold and social. Born without wings, Faelynn’s future as a possible Fairy Godmother is still up in the air, as a fairy without wings is a bad omen in the eyes of the fairy court,
Don’t mistake, Faelynn is a hexcellent friend and cares very deeply about those in her inner circle. But she’s also the type who’s ready to steal a carriage and take a joyride just for kicks.
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c-rose2081 · 3 months
Faelynn is really cute, and she’s Farrah’s little sister so she can’t be that bad…until you realize she has the kind of personality that can convince a saint to rob a bank?
Girl’s an actual menace to society and her parents sent her to Ever After just so they didn’t have to deal with her anymore 😅
Like, poor thing cause she’s been kinda black sheeped from her own family. But also not, cause she’s literally about to steal a car. So…there’s that.
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c-rose2081 · 3 months
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Faelynn Goodfairy (Legacy Student)
Another legacy student for the new year, Faelynn is taking her big sister Farrah’s place as the school’s most magical creature.
Except she’s really…not. Because Faelynn was born without wings.
In the eyes of the Good Fairy Court, no wings at birth is a bad omen—a sign that a good fairy could have evil in their heart, and that they are susceptible to corruption by dark forces. Safe to say Faelynn was very sheltered growing up, her parents doing their best to keep her away from things that could taint her magic towards evil. Unfortunately that ended with them trying to wrangle a wild child with chronic wanderlust and escapism issues.
Unlike her picture perfect sister Farrah, Faelynn is all over the map. She likes to get into trouble on purpose and often uses her magic for selfish reasons. Despite having no wings, Fae’s powers are incredibly potent. But seeing as she isn’t properly developed, they drain her energy dangerously fast. Too much magic use at once can lead to complete power collapse, and that just isn’t any good for Fae’s health. This doesn’t tend to stop her from using it though, even if it’s dangerous.
Where Farrah’s magic is limited to others wishes, Faelynn doesn’t have this issue. She can do whatever she pleases, even if it’s for no one but herself. However, the more selfish a wish, the quicker it seeps up her power and leaves her feeling numb and empty inside. Too much, and she’ll go gray and lose any feelings altogether! Fae just wants to impress Ever After and make some new friends.
But how can she possibly be as beloved as Farrah when she can’t even cast a spell without possibly hurting herself?
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