guideoflife · 1 year
Navigating the World of Knowledge and Facts
Welcome to a journey through the vast landscape of knowledge and facts! In this information age, it's essential to be a savvy navigator. Join us as we embark on a quest to uncover the treasures of wisdom and truth. 🗺️ Let's dive deep into the sea of knowledge and emerge enlightened.
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soothsayersblog · 10 months
Uncover Hidden Truths: The Power of Comprehensive Background Searches
In today’s interconnected world, information is more accessible than ever before. Yet, there are still many layers of hidden truths that remain elusive to the average person. This is where Fact Finder Plus steps in, providing comprehensive background searches that go beyond the limitations of traditional methods. While other background services may offer limited information for a hefty price,…
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 months
by Dion J. Pierre Harvard University has awarded most of the degrees it withheld from pro-Hamas protesters as punishment for their participating in an unlawful demonstration at Harvard Yard, further feeding an impression that its tough talk about discipline and restoring order was contrived to temper negative publicity prompted by its alleged refusal to address antisemitism on the campus. According to The Washington Free Beacon, which first reported the story, Harvard conferred degrees to 11 of the 13 protesters whose behavior during the final weeks of the semester prompted several warnings from the university. Responding to the university’s amnestying him and other protesters, one graduate reviled Harvard on social media anyway, denouncing the institution as cynical and rapacious. “What does it mean to be conferred a degree from a university that holds millions of investments in illegal occupation, bankrolls the annihilation of Palestinians, and mistreats its students for a political agenda,” Asmer Asrar Safi said in comments quoted by the Free Beacon. “While we know our fellow organizers … will continue to mobilize, please remember that every student, faculty, and staff member at the university has a responsibility to challenge the status quo.” Harvard later said in statements to the Free Beacon and The Harvard Crimson, the school’s official campus newspaper, that nothing about its decision is amiss. “Consistent with its May 22 statement, the Harvard Corporation has voted to confer degrees to 11 eligible candidates who have been restored to good standing following the completion of Faculty of Arts and Sciences processes,” a university spokesman said. “The university continues to work to strengthen and improve disciplinary processes, such as the recently announced procedures to enable the work of the University Committee on Rights and Responsibilities to enhance the consistency of investigation and factfinding [sic] processes in cases involving more than one school.” This latest news follows earlier reporting that Harvard “downgraded” disciplinary sanctions it levied against several pro-Hamas demonstrators who participated in occupying Harvard Yard. The shocking development likely erased the good will Harvard regained by appearing to embrace an approach to discipline that would deter future unruly behavior as well as the anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hate incidents the protesters perpetrated throughout the school year, which damaged the reputation of the institution and prompted a slew of lawsuits and federal investigations.
Look for more Harvard campus pogroms this next school year, thanks to Harvard administration's obvious disdain for their Jewish students. Campus (and off-campus) Hamas supporters will take advantage.
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dailyvelcinta · 1 year
fic rec friday!
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(by @astromech1138)
Set before the events of Andor, just before the team arrives on Aldhani.
“I saw you.”
Kleya’s tone was even, hard, and—smug, despite her restraint. Vel clenched her jaw. Kleya had only agreed to meet with her in this obscure Coruscant alleyway to hear how her factfinding mission to Aldhani with Cinta had gone. Of course she would think of some way to show Vel she still held more information.
“Saw me what?” Vel countered, refusing to take the bait.
“You, and Cinta, by the fountain, where you are not supposed to be, unless communicating a message.”
(read this fic here on ao3!)
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
PALO ALTO, Calif. (KRON) — Stanford University’s star athlete, Katie Meyer, was found dead inside her dorm room the morning after the university threatened her with expulsion, according to a wrongful death lawsuit filed last week and obtained by KRON4.
A coroner ruled Meyer’s death a suicide after she was found dead on March 1. The night before, on February 28, she received a distressing email from Stanford’s Office of Community Standards informing Meyer that she was facing a formal disciplinary charge, according to the lawsuit filed on behalf Meyer’s parents in Santa Clara County Superior Court.
The charge stemmed from an incident in which Meyer poured coffee on a football player after he kissed one of Meyer’s soccer teammates without consent, the suit states.
Meyer, 22, was a “perfectionist,” captain of the women’s soccer team, held a 3.84 GPA, and was just a few months shy from graduating, according to the suit.
The prestigious university’s office ordered Meyer to appear for a disciplinary hearing to potentially face “removal from the university,” attorneys with Justice Law Collaborative wrote.
According to Gina and Steven Meyer, their daughter had “an acute stress reaction that impulsively led her” to die by suicide, attorneys wrote. “The actions that led to the death of Katie Meyer began and ended with Stanford University.”
The young athlete’s sudden death sent shockwaves of grief through Stanford’s campus and the sport of soccer nationwide.
Stanford University officials called the lawsuit’s allegations “false and misleading.” Stanford soccer star Katie Meyer dies by suicide
“The Stanford community continues to grieve Katie’s tragic death and we sympathize with her family for the unimaginable pain that Katie’s passing has caused them. However, we strongly disagree with any assertion that the university is responsible for her death,” Stanford officials wrote in a statement.
The statement continued, “Stanford’s Office of Community Standards (OCS) received a complaint regarding alleged behavior by Katie that resulted in physical injury, and as is the practice of the office, it launched a review of that allegation.  After extensive factfinding and the opportunity for both sides to provide information, it was found that the high threshold was met for the matter to proceed to a hearing. However, it is important to emphasize that we are committed to supporting students through the student judicial process under OCS, and we did so in this case. In particular, the university offered Katie an advisor to work with her throughout the process and told her she could have a support person of her choosing with her in any meeting or conversation with OCS. The allegation that OCS did not communicate with Katie prior to February 28 is also incorrect. Several days earlier, the head of OCS had informed Katie that a decision would be made by February 28 whether to proceed to a hearing.”
The unnamed football player never wanted the school to take disciplinary actions against Katie Meyer, and he did not file a complaint with the OCS. Instead, Dean of Residential Education Lisa Caldera filed the complaint, according to the lawsuit.
The letter that Katie Meyer received on the evening of her death was sent by Assistant Dean Tiffany Gabrielson, and contained threatening language regarding sanctions, the suit claims.
The coffee-spilling incident happened on Aug. 28, 2021, but formal charge letter was not sent until the evening of Feb. 28, 2022.
Katie Meyer immediately responded to the email expressing how “shocked and distraught” she was over being charged. That evening, she was sitting alone in her dorm room and feeling terrified that her future would be destroyed, the lawsuit claims.
Earlier that same day, Katie Meyer was happily making plans for spring break and booking plane tickets, attorneys wrote. She attended classes, went to soccer practice, met up with friends, and FaceTimed with her mother and sister.
“Everyone she interacted with has advised she was well, in good spirits and the usual Katie,” the lawsuit states. Her death “was completed without planning and solely in response to the shocking and deeply distressing information she received from Stanford while alone.”
Katie Meyer was a fiercely competitive and passionate student-athlete. She led her team to an NCAA women’s soccer championship in 2019.
Stanford University “used” Katie Meyer as the face of its outstanding athletic teams, yet failed to support her mental well-being, legal expert Paula Canny told KRON4.
The lawsuit is an “indictment on Stanford’s disciplinary system,” Canny said. “It sure sounds like they did do something wrong.”
Stanford alumni who founded the Student Justice Project criticized the university for denying responsibility in connection to Meyer’s death.
“Katie Meyer was a beloved member of our community,” said alum Bob Ottilie. “It is unfair for Stanford to suggest she bears sole responsibility for her death; Stanford has to candidly assess the role they played here.”
The Student Justice Project, founded by five Stanford alumni in 2012, conducted case studies in 2012 and 2013 that found the university’s disciplinary process was “extreme.”
“Our extensive investigation from a decade ago indisputably demonstrated that Stanford University used draconian tactics to negatively impact the lives of its own students,” Ottilie said.
Ottilie has represented students accused of misconduct by the university in dozens of cases. He said Katie Meyer’s matter “would have been the least significant student disciplinary issue I had ever addressed at a college or university. It does not appear to have been a big deal at all,” Ottilie said of the charge against Katie Meyer.
If you or someone you know may need suicide prevention support, you can contact The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, available 24 hours a day, by calling 800-273-8255. To learn more about the National Suicide Prevention Lineline click here.
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cocteautwinslyrics · 2 years
the UN has set up a factfinding mission in your house to determine whether you're mad at me
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gryffieverse · 2 years
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Character Profile
Full name: Henry Maxim Van Tassel
Meaning of name: Henry - House ruler, Maxim - greatest
Nickname: Love (by Eli), My love (by Eli, when they’re married)
Reason for nickname: Eli is an idiot and lame
Birth date: September 23rd, 1967
Zodiac sign: Libra
Libras born on September 23 are energetic factfinders. These highly verbal people combine a love of learning with good taste -- the hallmark of their sign. September 23 people manage to project an image of seriousness while still maintaining their charm.
Age: 26 (as of the beginning of the story)
CONTENT WARNING: mental illness, abusive parent, alcohol and drug abuse, violence
In a nutshell: Henry is the first-born son of a rich and influential family. His father is the CEO of an investment company, while his mother is a high-profile politician. He has never lacked anything and has been living the high life, not caring who he hurts in the process. When he’s twenty-five years old, he gets taken hostage by a group of people posing as only his mother’s political enemies (although their true motivations turn out to be even wider reaching) and his mother refuses to pay the ransom they ask for the safe return of their son. Henry spends a year in the clutches of his captors, only escaping with the help of a mysterious man who goes by Steve and doesn’t give a last name.
Once safely back at home, Steve reveals that the people who kidnapped him are still after them, and that Henry must help him put a stop to their plans before it’s too late. Embroiled in the mystery are also other characters from Henry’s past some of whom he thought were dead. Who is really behind it all? What do they want? And can Henry keep his loved ones safe from whoever is coming after them?
Physical appearance
Faceclaim(s): Young: Emjay Anthony, Main: Matthew Daddario, Older: Eric Bana
Height: 6ft 3 (190.5 cm)
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark brown/black
Tattoos, scars, distinguishing features, etc: No tattoos, we imagine the runes don’t exist in Shadowhunters
Usual fashion of dress: business casual
Jewelry or accessories: expensive watches and cufflinks
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Henry takes after his mother in his ability to be extremely personable. He is able to befriend and then use people for his own gains fairly easily. He’s charming, rich, and good-looking (a fact of which he is very aware of and takes advantage of often). Henry is extroverted and enjoys big gatherings and being surrounded by his friends and loved ones.  He has a jealous streak, and he is possessive of people and things around him. He doesn’t want to lose anything, ever.
Despite his love of people, he also has a side that detests the political machinations of his mother and who jut wants to move to the countryside, never to grace the parties of New York’s elite again. He would describe himself as quite boring behind the scenes. He is compassionate and caring, willing to go to any lengths to help those he cares about. He is also very forgiving and falls in love easily.
Greatest joy in life: His siblings, his friends, cooking
Greatest fear: Something bad happening to those he loves
Why? He is very dependent on the people close to him and handles loss and/or solitude poorly. He feels responsible for his younger siblings, especially after he realizes that his mother isn’t the best parent in the world.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? The death of either or both of his siblings.
Character is most at ease when: At home cooking, or anywhere with his close friends just having fun
Most ill at ease when: His mother asks him to do something he knows is wrong.
Enraged when: Someone or something threatens the things and people he cares about.
Depressed or sad when: He feels lonely
Priorities: His family
If granted one wish, it would be: He wants to step down from business and politics and open a restaurant of his own.
Character’s soft spot: His little sister Lorelai, later on his children
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes.
Greatest strength: Henry is compassionate
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Jealousy, obliviousness, having been born into wealth.
Biggest regret: Trusting Demo and that time when he and Eli weren’t speaking.
Minor regret: Not standing up to his mother.
Biggest accomplishment: Getting his shit together and getting together with Eli.
Minor accomplishment: Quitting his job at his father’s company
Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about: Henry was kind of a an asshole in high school and is embarrassed about all the things he did and the people he hurt back then.
Character’s darkest secret: While escaping captivity, he shot someone, and it shook him deeply.
Does anyone else know? Steve, who was helping him escape at the time.
Other: Henry suffers from PTSD from having been held hostage for a year. He has debilitating panic attacks and struggles to come to term with it.
Drives and motivations:
Henry was raised to follow in his mother and father’s footsteps into politics and business. He starts out wanting to fulfill his parents’ wishes and it’s very important to him that they approve of him. Once he realizes it’s not what he actually wants, his goals change and he wants to find his own interests, including opening the restaurant and carving his own path in life.
Immediate goals: To get back on his feet after his ordeal, to win back his girlfriend and settle things with his family.
Long term goals: To figure out what the people who kidnapped him want and stop their plans, to be set free of his family expectations.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: He has no idea at the beginning of the story, and he doesn’t want to involve any of his friends in the mess. It becomes quite clear quite fast that he’s not cut out for the job though, and he ends up getting help from many people. As for winning back his girlfriend and being set free of his mother’s expectations, well…
How other characters will be affected: Henry’s parents will be upset and will have to make other arrangements. Many friendship dynamics in Henry’s life will change and the way the world sees him will too.
Hometown: New York City, New York, USA
Type of childhood:
Henry comes from generational wealth and has always had great expectations thrust upon him, even form an early age. He was also quite privileged and travelled often, especially to Europe.
Most formative childhood memory: When he was fifteen, there was a fire in his family’s apartment that nearly killed his sister. It was long thought that the fire was caused by their brother Seven, but when the truth came out years later when they were adults, it was shocking for everyone.
Childhood hero: Luke Skywalker, his mother
Dream job: A chef
Education: MBA (Master's in Business Administration)
Religion: He was raised protestant but he’s not religious.
Finances: Wealthy
Current location: New York City
Currently living with: He lived alone prior to his kidnapping, then lived a short while with his parents before moving back into his old apartment.
Pets: He gets a dog when he is older.
Occupation: Chief marketing officer (CMO) in his father’s company
Finances: Wealthy
Mother: Camille Austen, née Simmons
As a child and a young adult, Henry and Camille share a good relationship. He is definitely her favourite child, and she places a lot of trusts and expectations upon him. He is also the most alike to her, or so she thinks. As an adult, Henry starts to disagree with her mother and see through her lies. They grow more distant and have explosive arguments. Eventually they manage to somewhat reconcile and remain cordial until her death.
FC: Famke Janssen
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Father: Leonard Van Tassel
They’re in good terms, though Leonard is often out of the country and in lieu of spending time with his son, he sends him money. They’re not close.
FC: Matthew Del Negro
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Stepfather: Samuel Austen
Samuel and Samuel married when Henry was only three years old. Henry has known him for most of his life and considers him a family member. Samuel is the father of Henry’s younger siblings and Henry has a good relationship with him.
FC: JR Bourne
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Brother:  Dakota “Seven” Austen
Seven loves his brother but is often jealous of him and the love their mother showers him with. He compares himself to Henry and this causes issues in their relationship. Henry is protective of Seven and worries about him often. Nevertheless, they would both drop everything to come to the other’s aid, and they both know it.
FC: Miguel Herrán
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Sister: Lorelai Austen
Lorelai is the younger twin, and thus the baby of the family. Henry is especially protective of her, which frustrates Lorelai to no end, though she does appreciate a big brother who has her back. She and Henry talk a lot and at one point team up against their mother’s schemes while Seven still believes her.
FC: Carlson Young
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Love interests:
Mo Darling (ex-fiancée)
Henry and Mo started dating in high school when she was sixteen and he was eighteen. They dated on and off for many years. They were together when Henry was kidnapped and resumed their relationship afterwards, though things weren’t going very well for them before. They even got engaged, though neither was really sure if continuing to date is the right way forward. During their attempt to make their relationship work, Mo got pregnant, but they broke up due to Henry’s feelings for his best friend. They remained friends and shared the custody of their daughter.
FC: Alycia Debnam-Carey
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Eli Moore (husband)
Henry and Eli were best friends since they were sixteen and fifteen respectfully. They were inseparable and once Henry started dating Mo, Eli was often included in the couple’s plans. Henry didn’t realize he had any sort of romantic feelings towards his friend until Eli got himself a boyfriend when they were already adults, but Eli had been in love with Henry for years, which Mo knew. Once Mo and Henry got engaged, Eli took it hard. Henry ended up finding out about Eli being gay when the pair kissed while Henry was still together with Mo, which caused them to put their entire friendship on hold and Henry’s engagement to fall apart.
Losing Eli made Henry realize he might have had feelings for him all along. He didn’t deal well with this and ended up going a drift, partying, and sleeping around. He met and started an affair with Demo at this time (which annoyed Eli). Slowly Eli and Henry start to build their friendship back up and eventually get together.
FC: Joe Sugg
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Demo Buttergood (ex-boyfriend-adjacent)
Henry and Demo met when Henry’s life was pretty much spiraling out of control. They didn’t exactly date, but spent time together for a while, mostly partying. When Demo turned out to have been working for the enemy all along, the affair came to a sudden end and the pair became enemies. Henry and Demo clashed many times but once the real villain was uncovered, managed to make peace, and became friends. Demo is the godfather of Henry’s daughter.
FC: Daniel Sharman
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Daughter: Marylou “Lou” Van Tassel
Lou was born at a time when her parents were at a crossroads with what to do with their relationship. They resolved to split up, but Lou had a relatively happy childhood, nevertheless. She loved both her stepparents, getting along especially well with Eli. Henry dotes on his daughter and has to be reined in, so he doesn’t buy her everything she asks.
FC: Benedetta Gargari
Son: Archibald “Archie” Van Tassel
Archie is Henry and Eli’s adopted son. He is fourteen years younger than Lou and came into the family when he was five. His parents were loving and supportive, and he didn’t lack anything his whole childhood.
FC: Young: Jacob Tremblay, Adult: Cody Fern
Color: Blue
Music: Classic rock
Food: Enjoys gourmet dishes
Literature: Non-fiction
Form of entertainment: Movies
Mode of transportation: His car
Hobbies: Cooking, running, watching movies
How they would spend a rainy day: Watching movies with Eli
Spending habits: He has money to spare so he’s not overly conscious about saving money
Smokes: If you ask him, he’ll say no but he sometimes smokes
Drinks: A lot
Other drugs: Only occasionally, especially after breaking up with Mo (and Eli)
What do they do too much of? Worry
What do they do too little of? Think about the consequences of his actions
Extremely skilled at: Cooking
Extremely unskilled at: Using firearms
Optimist or pessimist
Introvert or extrovert
Daredevil or cautious
Logical or emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing
Confident or unsure of themselves
Animal lover? Yes
How do they feel about themselves: Henry is quite sure of himself, though he hides some deep-rooted insecurities inside. They’re mostly to do with his sexuality and the fact that he doesn’t want to be a businessman.
One word the character would use to describe self: Boring
What does the character consider their best personality trait? Generous (actually it’s compassionate)
What does the character consider their worst personality trait? Anxious/cowardly (actually it’s jealous and possessive)
How does the character think others perceive them: As rich and powerful but rather boring and basic
What would the character most like to change about themselves: He would like to be brave and good in a fight instead of suffering from PTSD from his experience at the hands of his kidnappers.
 Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: He loves people and spending time with them.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Yes, if need be but not around his friends.
Person character most hates: Demo Buttergood (formerly), William McAllister
Best friend(s): Eli Moore, Demo Buttergood, Mo Darling
Person character goes to for advice: His mother (formerly), Samuel, Mo, Demo(on and off), Lorelai
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Seven and Lorelai, later on his children
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Peyton Bradley. Mo dates him when she’s not dating Henry.
Person character openly admires: His mother (formerly), Demo (on and off)
Person character secretly admires: Peyton Bradley
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Eli
After story starts: Also Eli
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Faraon's Experience: The Pyramid Cafe in Egypt ...
This unique cafe is built in the shape of a pyramid, using the same type of limestone as the ancient pyramids of Giza. With its seven floors, it offers a different and fascinating experience for visitors.
The interior of the pyramid is decorated with hieroglyphics and ancient statues of pharaohs. Here, you can purchase replicas of ancient artifacts and local artisan products.
The cafe is dedicated to tea and sweets lovers. With a selection of Egyptian teas and traditional pastries.
Diners can enjoy a unique culinary experience in the themed restaurant. Dishes are made with ancient recipes, the same ones eaten by the pharaohs in their time, using fresh and local ingredients. The atmosphere is enriched with traditional music and decorations that transport visitors to the time of the pharaohs.
At night it becomes a space for astronomical observation. Equipped with modern telescopes, the observatory allows visitors to explore the night sky and learn about the constellations that fascinated the ancient Egyptians.
Daily Factfinder
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benjaminsblog · 1 month
Toronto (pt. 3)
Adventure Time! I hopped onto a double-decker train and alighted at Union Station in the heart of Toronto around noon and after depositing my luggage somewhere safe, started scouting the city. It was impossible to miss CN Tower as soon as I stepped out of the station, which was appropriate since it’s the undisputed #1 attraction in these parts.
I made a late decision to use the hop-on-hop-off tour bus service that laps the main spots of Toronto – normally, I am very happy to let my legs carry me everywhere, but after a short walk/run the day before (which was the only exercise I managed during the tournament), I was feeling a significant amount of pain in my left hip, which flared up after more than 5 minutes of walking. It made the day a bit of a chore in places, but I didn’t let it spoil my fun. My plan was to use the tour as a factfinding mission and revisit any points of interest later once I’d (hopefully) healed up a bit.
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The bus tour lasted 2 hours and passed by several places that I’d already bookmarked. My journey stretched from the Waterfront all the way to Casa Loma, and the tour guide rockin’ the mic had a couple of amusing nuggets along the way: the trip to the top of CN Tower is free if you’re willing to traipse up the 1,776 steps instead of taking the elevator!
Once I’d completed a circuit, the nearest point on my to-do list was Graffiti Alley, which was very cool and well worth the visit:
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I was ready for food after wandering through the wall art, and having spotted a chain called ‘Fat Bastard Burrito’ whilst aboard the bus I decided they’d earned my business. It’s a Subway-style system where you pick the pieces of your burrito from the options in front of you, and all went swimmingly until the final stage where I chose my sauce; the choices didn’t really grab me but I felt the burrito would have been lacking without, so I went for the hot sauce. The man behind the counter tentatively applied three drops to my order which I thought looked a piffling amount, so requested he do the same again. I should have heeded the seasoned professional’s warning, because it nearly ruined an otherwise delicious burrito!
I pottered around a little longer before limping back to Union Station and travelling to my lodgings for the next few days. It is a little outside the city but so far I have found Toronto and the surrounding areas to be very well-connected – a boon if my hip continues to annoy. I am again thinking about conserving my energy tomorrow in order to be ready for one final push on my last day, but we shall see what the morning brings…
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soothsayersblog · 11 months
Fact Finder Plus: Reunification is Always Possible
In the age of digital connectivity, the ability to reach out and connect with others has become an integral part of our daily lives. Fact Finder Plus emerges as a guiding light in this digital landscape, offering a simple yet powerful way to bring people together with precision and efficiency. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Fact Finder Plus, exploring its features and understanding…
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onlinemarktplatz-de · 5 months
FactFinder und Shopware geben strategische Partnerschaft bekannt
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FactFinder und Shopware verkünden strategische Partnerschaft zur Verbesserung der B2B-E-Commerce-Landschaft in DACH, mit hoch performanter KI-Conversion Engine. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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entiretorridaffair · 7 months
love please explain how mock trials work!!!! debate is soo interesting to me
basically, you get a legal case (this year it was a criminal case so there was a defendant vs the state). and you have 6 witnesses in total and a bunch of evidence. and you go against different schools and you're either arguing for the prosecution or the defense!
if you're the prosecution for that trial, you are arguing that the defendant is guilty of all the charges brought against them beyond a reasonable doubt. if you are the defense, you are arguing that your client (the defendant) is not guilty and you are trying to plant doubt in the mind of the factfinder (the judge).
technically you want to win the verdict (guilty or not guilty) but the real goal is to win the competition. each person is scored out of 10 points and whichever team has the most points at the end of the trial wins!
this year i was doing a cross-exam and the closing argument for both sides we had so in every trial i was questioning one of the other team's witnesses and then making a seven-minute speech at the end arguing my team's case for the judge as a wrap-up to the trial!
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iipptcollege · 11 months
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Know The Facts
#KnowTheFacts #FactCheck #GetInformed #FactsMatter #KnowledgeIsPower #StayInformed #TruthMatters #FactFriday #EducateYourself #FactFinding #DidYouKnow #StayWoke #FactBased #Informative #EmpowerYourself #UncoverTheTruth #KnowledgeSharing #FactualFriday #StayCurious
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
New York Judge Arthur Ergoron on Monday said that he is holding a bench trial in New York Attorney General Letitia James fraud lawsuit against former President Donald Trump because "nobody asked for" a jury trial on either side, The Messenger's Adam Klasfeld reported. "Trump isn't getting a jury trial in his $250m civil fraud suit brought against him by New York AG James because his legal team didn't request one on the paperwork," explained The Guardian's Hugo Lowell.Legal experts were stunned by the revelation, characterizing it as a blunder by the former president's lawyers. "So Alina Habba didn't demand a jury trial?!" wrote MSNBC legal analyst Katie Phang. "I wonder how Trump feels about this screw-up by his legal team." Former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman called the decision "mind-blowing.""For Trump to have his fate in the hands of this judge, whom he has vilified, is malpractice by his lawyers and very ominous for him," Litman wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "It's incredibly easy to ask for a jury trial. You just check a box on a form. Hard to believe that Trump understood that his lawyers hadn't done it when he's been savaging the judge who is now the factfinder in his huge fraud trial," he added. "I honestly can't believe that any lawyer hired on such an important case could make this mistake," wrote defense attorney Andrew Fleischman. "But I also can't think of any strategic reason you'd want a bench trial in front of a judge who just sanctioned your lawyers for making frivolous arguments."
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Trump Isn't Getting A Jury Trial Because His Lawyers Forgot To Ask For One
New York Judge Arthur Ergoron on Monday said that he is holding a bench trial in New York Attorney General Letitia James fraud lawsuit against former President Donald Trump because "nobody asked for" a jury trial on either side, The Messenger's Adam Klasfeld reported. "Trump isn't getting a jury trial in his $250m civil fraud suit brought against him by New York AG James because his legal team didn't request one on the paperwork," explained The Guardian's Hugo Lowell.
Legal experts were stunned by the revelation, characterizing it as a blunder by the former president's lawyers. "So Alina Habba didn't demand a jury trial?!" wrote MSNBC legal analyst Katie Phang. "I wonder how Trump feels about this screw-up by his legal team." Former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman called the decision "mind-blowing."
"For Trump to have his fate in the hands of this judge, whom he has vilified, is malpractice by his lawyers and very ominous for him," Litman wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "It's incredibly easy to ask for a jury trial. You just check a box on a form. Hard to believe that Trump understood that his lawyers hadn't done it when he's been savaging the judge who is now the factfinder in his huge fraud trial," he added. "I honestly can't believe that any lawyer hired on such an important case could make this mistake," wrote defense attorney Andrew Fleischman. "But I also can't think of any strategic reason you'd want a bench trial in front of a judge who just sanctioned your lawyers for making frivolous arguments."
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arpov-blog-blog · 1 year
..."During a pretrial conference for defendants Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, Judge Scott McAfee questioned prosecutors over whether the state intends to make any plea offers in the case.
“We have not, at this point, made an offer,” Fulton County special prosecutor Nathan Wade said during the hearing.
“Is the state in a position to make one in the near future?” McAfee asked.
“Judge, I believe that we can,” Wade replied. “We’ll sit down and kind of put some things together, and we’ll reach out to defense counsel individually to extend an offer.”
Chesebro and Powell, both lawyers in Trump’s orbit, are the first defendants to face trial in the Fulton County district attorney’s 2020 election interference case. Chesebro is widely regarded as the architect of the fake electors plot, while Powell — an ex-Trump campaign lawyer — became a notable surrogate of the former president’s false claims of election fraud.
Both defendants invoked their right to a speedy trial, significantly hastening the timelines of their cases. They each face seven criminal charges, including state Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act charges asserting they joined a criminal enterprise bent on keeping Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election.
Also Friday, McAfee denied two motions by Chesebro aiming to invoke immunity from prosecution and suppress emails authorities obtained via a search warrant.
“This Court declines the invitation to supplant the jury’s role as the factfinder,” McAfee wrote in his ruling on the motion for immunity."
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