#Facebook app development cost
harshathusm · 2 days
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Cost to develop an app like Facebook
Producing an application like Facebook would depend upon many factors like features, platform, and the location of the development team. Some key features like user profiles, messaging, and notifications have very significant implications on the overall cost. After producing the application, maintenance, marketing, and sustaining the application afterwards make equally crucial things that must be included in your budget. Knowing these will help you estimate the overall cost to develop an app like Facebook.
USM Systems:
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mariacallous · 3 months
Connecting the dots of recent research suggests a new future for traditional websites:
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered search can provide a full answer to a user’s query 75% of the time without the need for the user to go to a website, according to research by The Atlantic.
A worldwide survey from the University of Toronto revealed that 22% of ChatGPT users “use it as an alternative to Google.”
Research firm Gartner forecasts that traffic to the web from search engines will fall 25% by 2026.
Pew Research found that a quarter of all web pages developed between 2013 and 2023 no longer exist.
The large language models (LLMs) of generative AI that scraped their training data from websites are now using that data to eliminate the need to go to many of those same websites. Respected digital commentator Casey Newton concluded, “the web is entering a state of managed decline.” The Washington Post headline was more dire: “Web publishers brace for carnage as Google adds AI answers.”
From decentralized information to centralized conclusions
Created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, the World Wide Web redefined the nature of the internet into a user-friendly linkage of diverse information repositories. “The first decade of the web…was decentralized with a long-tail of content and options,” Berners-Lee wrote this year on the occasion of its 35th anniversary.  Over the intervening decades, that vision of distributed sources of information has faced multiple challenges. The dilution of decentralization began with powerful centralized hubs such as Facebook and Google that directed user traffic. Now comes the ultimate disintegration of Berners-Lee’s vision as generative AI reduces traffic to websites by recasting their information.
The web’s open access to the world’s information trained the large language models (LLMs) of generative AI. Now, those generative AI models are coming for their progenitor.
The web allowed users to discover diverse sources of information from which to draw conclusions. AI cuts out the intellectual middleman to go directly to conclusions from a centralized source.
The AI paradigm of cutting out the middleman appears to have been further advanced in Apple’s recent announcement that it will incorporate OpenAI to enable its Siri app to provide ChatGPT-like answers. With this new deal, Apple becomes an AI-based disintermediator, not only eliminating the need to go to websites, but also potentially disintermediating the need for the Google search engine for which Apple has been paying $20 billion annually.
The Atlantic, University of Toronto, and Gartner studies suggest the Pew research on website mortality could be just the beginning. Generative AI’s ability to deliver conclusions cannibalizes traffic to individual websites threatening the raison d’être of all websites, especially those that are commercially supported.  
Echoes of traditional media and the web
The impact of AI on the web is an echo of the web’s earlier impact on traditional information providers. “The rise of digital media and technology has transformed the way we access our news and entertainment,” the U.S. Census Bureau reported in 2022, “It’s also had a devastating impact on print publishing industries.” Thanks to the web, total estimated weekday circulation of U.S. daily newspapers fell from 55.8 million in 2000 to 24.2 million by 2020, according to the Pew Research Center.
The World Wide Web also pulled the rug out from under the economic foundation of traditional media, forcing an exodus to proprietary websites. At the same time, it spawned a new generation of upstart media and business sites that took advantage of its low-cost distribution and high-impact reach. Both large and small websites now feel the impact of generative AI.   
Barry Diller, CEO of media owner IAC, harkened back to that history when he warned a year ago, “We are not going to let what happened out of free internet happen to post-AI internet if we can help it.” Ominously, Diller observed, “If all the world’s information is able to be sucked up in this maw, and then essentially repackaged in declarative sentence in what’s called chat but isn’t chat…there will be no publishing; it is not possible.”
The New York Times filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft alleging copyright infringement from the use of Times data to train LLMs. “Defendants seek to free-ride on The Times’s massive investment in its journalism,” the suit asserts, “to create products that substitute for The Times and steal audiences away from it.”1
Subsequently, eight daily newspapers owned by Alden Global Capital, the nation’s second largest newspaper publisher, filed a similar suit. “We’ve spent billions of dollars gathering information and reporting news at our publications, and we can’t allow OpenAI and Microsoft to expand the Big Tech playbook of stealing our work to build their own businesses at our expense,” a spokesman explained.
The legal challenges are pending. In a colorful description of the suits’ allegations, journalist Hamilton Nolan described AI’s threat as an “Automated Death Star.”
“Providential opportunity”?
Not all content companies agree. There has been a groundswell of leading content companies entering into agreements with OpenAI.
In July 2023, the Associated Press became the first major content provider to license its archive to OpenAI. Recently, however, the deal-making floodgates have opened. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, home of The Wall Street Journal, New York Post, and multiple other publications in Australia and the United Kingdom, German publishing giant Axel Springer, owner of Politico in the U.S. and Bild  and Welt in Germany, venerable media company The Atlantic, along with new media company Vox Media, the Financial Times, Paris’ Le Monde, and Spain’s Prisa Media have all contracted with OpenAI for use of their product.
Even Barry Diller’s publishing unit, Dotdash Meredith, agreed to license to OpenAI, approximately a year after his apocalyptic warning.  
News Corp CEO Robert Thomson described his company’s rationale this way in an employee memo: “The digital age has been characterized by the dominance of distributors, often at the expense of creators, and many media companies have been swept away by a remorseless technological tide. The onus is now on us to make the most of this providential opportunity.”
“There is a premium for premium journalism,” Thomson observed. That premium, for News Corp, is reportedly $250 million over five years from OpenAI. Axel Springer’s three-year deal is reportedly worth $25 to $30 million. The Financial Times terms were reportedly in the annual range of $5 to $10 million.
AI companies’ different approaches
While publishers debate whether AI is “providential opportunity” or “stealing our work,” a similar debate is ongoing among AI companies. Different generative AI companies have different opinions whether to pay for content, and if so, which kind of content.
When it comes to scraping information from websites, most of the major generative AI companies have chosen to interpret copyright law’s “fair use doctrine” allowing the unlicensed use of copyrighted content in certain circumstances. Some of the companies have even promised to indemnify their users if they are sued for copyright infringement.
Google, whose core business is revenue generated by recommending websites, has not sought licenses to use the content on those websites. “The internet giant has long resisted calls to compensate media companies for their content, arguing that such payments would undermine the nature of the open web,” the New York Times explained. Google has, however, licensed the user-generated content on social media platform Reddit, and together with Meta has pursued Hollywood rights.
OpenAI has followed a different path. Reportedly, the company has been pitching a “Preferred Publisher Program” to select content companies. Industry publication AdWeek reported on a leaked presentation deck describing the program. The publication said OpenAI “disputed the accuracy of the information” but claimed to have confirmed it with four industry executives. Significantly, the OpenAI pitch reportedly offered not only cash remuneration, but also other benefits to cooperating publishers.    
As of early June 2024, other large generative AI companies have not entered into website licensing agreements with publishers.
Content companies surfing an AI tsunami
On the content creation side of the equation, major publishers are attempting to avoid a repeat of their disastrous experience in the early days of the web while smaller websites are fearful the impact on them could be even greater.
As the web began to take business from traditional publishers, their leadership scrambled to find a new economic model. Ultimately, that model came to rely on websites, even though website advertising offered them pennies on their traditional ad dollars. Now, even those assets are under attack by the AI juggernaut. The content companies are in a new race to develop an alternative economic model before their reliance on web search is cannibalized.
The OpenAI Preferred Publisher Program seems to be an attempt to meet the needs of both parties.
The first step in the program is direct compensation. To Barry Diller, for instance, the fact his publications will get “direct compensation for our content” means there is “no connection” between his apocalyptic warning 14 months ago and his new deal with OpenAI.
Reportedly, the cash compensation OpenAI is offering has two components: “guaranteed value” and “variable value.” Guaranteed value is compensation for access to the publisher’s information archive. Variable value is payment based on usage of the site’s information.
Presumably, those signing with OpenAI see it as only the first such agreement. “It is in my interest to find agreements with everyone,” Le Monde CEO Louis Dreyfus explained.   
But the issue of AI search is greater than simply cash. Atlantic CEO Nicolas Thompson described the challenge: “We believe that people searching with AI models will be one of the fundamental ways that people navigate to the web in the future.” Thus, the second component in OpenAI’s proposal to publishers appears to be promotion of publisher websites within the AI-generated content. Reportedly, when certain publisher content is utilized, there will be hyperlinks and hover links to the websites themselves, in addition to clickable buttons to the publisher.
Finally, the proposal reportedly offers publishers the opportunity to reshape their business using generative AI technology. Such tools include access to OpenAI content for the publishers’ use, as well as the use of OpenAI for writing stories and creating new publishing content.
Back to the future?
Whether other generative AI and traditional content companies embrace this kind of cooperation model remains to be seen. Without a doubt, however, the initiative by both parties will have its effects.
One such effect was identified in a Le Monde editorial explaining their licensing agreement with OpenAI. Such an agreement, they argued, “will make it more difficult for other AI platforms to evade or refuse to participate.” This, in turn, could have an impact on the copyright litigation, if not copyright law.
We have seen new technology-generated copyright issues resolved in this way before.2 Finding a credible solution that works for both sides is imperative. The promise of AI is an almost boundless expansion of information and the knowledge it creates. At the same time, AI cannot be a continued degradation of the free flow of ideas and journalism that is essential for democracy to function.
Newton’s Law in the AI age
In 1686 Sir Isaac Newton posited his three laws of motion. The third of these holds that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Newton described the consequence of physical activity; generative AI is raising the same consequential response for informational activity.
The threat of generative AI has pushed into the provision of information and the economics of information companies. We know the precipitating force, the consequential effects on the creation of content and free flow of information remain a work in progress.
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vavuska · 3 months
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Seems that EA is now allegedly accused of a mayor privacy violation, having used tracking tools on The Sims FreePlay app to secretly gather and transmit players’ personal information to Facebook for advertising purposes. This data potentially includes unique Facebook IDs, which can be used to match players’ in-game activities to their individual Facebook profiles. Attorneys suspect that these potential data-sharing practices may violate a federal privacy law and are now gathering players to take action.
So, there are at least two class action against EA, because it seems to collect data from players using the Meta Pixel software to harness data from players and sell it to the Meta company, who owns Instagram, Facebook and other social networks.
It would be interesting to learn if this allegations are true and how this would be seen in the eyes of GDPR, European Regulation 679/2016, which allows the processing of personal data only with consent given by the data subjects and also in the context of (online) games.
Consent in the context of the GDPR must be understood as an unambiguous indication of an informed and freely given choice by the data subject, relating to specific processing activities. The burden of proof that these criteria are fulfilled falls upon the controller (i.e., the game developer).
Google Play list the privacy condition of EA for its games, including The Sims Freeplay. Basically EA claims to use players data only to give them "better game experience", which seems vague but not less legit. The only less transparent thing I noticed is that the instructions to opt out of targeted marketing of in-game ads are in English and not in Italian: downloading the game, players allows EA to share their account information with third-party partners to customize advertising experience, which is basically all app developers do, but it's weird that the instruction to opt out doesn't have been translated at all!
This is not the first time EA is accused of, well, unethical commercial practice, since EA has been sentenced to pay fines by Austrian (2023) and Belgian (2018) civil court, because their FIFA loot boxes violated local gambling laws.
Moreover, it's important to notice that in January 2023, the European Parliament adopted a report calling for harmonized EU rules to achieve better player protection in the online video game sector.
The Parliament called for greater transparency from developers about in-game purchases: player should be aware of the type of content before starting to play and during the game. Also, players should be informed on the probabilities in loot box mechanisms, including information in plain language about what algorithms are devised to achieve.
The Parliament further stressed that the proposed legislation should assess whether an obligation to disable in-game payments and loot boxes mechanisms by default or a ban on paid loot boxes should be proposed to protect minors, avoid the fragmentation of the single market and ensure that consumers benefit from the same level of protection, no matter of their place of residence.
The Parliament highlighted problematic practices, including exploiting cognitive biases and vulnerabilities of consumers through deceptive design and marketing, using layers of virtual currencies to mask/distort real-world monetary costs, and targeting loot boxes and manipulative practices towards minors.
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hostpyters · 3 months
BuyNothing is a grassroots community movement and network designed to promote the sharing and gifting of goods and services among neighbors without any exchange of money. Originating as a Facebook group, BuyNothing has grown into a widespread movement with local groups around the world, fostering a sense of community and sustainability. Below is a detailed review of BuyNothing’s features and functionalities:
Key Features
Community Building:
Local Groups: BuyNothing operates through hyper-local groups, typically based on neighborhoods or small communities, which enhances trust and fosters close-knit relationships. Neighbor Interaction: Members interact directly with their neighbors, promoting a sense of community and mutual support.
Gifting Economy:
Free Exchange: Members can offer items they no longer need or request items they are looking for, all without any monetary transactions. This can include anything from furniture and clothing to food and services. Sustainability: By encouraging the reuse of items, BuyNothing helps reduce waste and promote sustainable living.
Platform Integration:
Facebook Groups: Originally and predominantly, BuyNothing operates through Facebook groups, leveraging the social network’s existing infrastructure to facilitate easy group creation and management. BuyNothing App: The BuyNothing Project has developed an app to streamline the process and make it easier for people to participate without the need for Facebook.
Ease of Use:
Simple Posting: Users can easily post offers or requests by creating simple posts within their local group, describing the item or service and adding photos. Comment-Based Interaction: Members typically interact through comments on posts, where they can express interest, ask questions, and arrange for pick-ups or drop-offs.
Rules and Guidelines:
Community Guidelines: Each group follows a set of community guidelines to ensure respectful and safe interactions. This includes rules about what can be posted, how items should be claimed, and the general behavior expected from members. Volunteer Moderation: Groups are usually moderated by local volunteers who ensure that the guidelines are followed and help maintain a positive community atmosphere.
Pros Promotes Sustainability: By reusing and sharing items, BuyNothing significantly reduces waste and promotes a circular economy. Cost Savings: Members can acquire items they need without spending money, which is particularly beneficial for those on tight budgets. Community Engagement: Fosters a sense of community and neighborly connection, enhancing social cohesion and support networks. Wide Range of Items: The diversity of items available is vast, from everyday household items to unique and unexpected gifts.
Cons Dependence on Local Participation: The effectiveness of a BuyNothing group depends heavily on active participation from the local community. In areas with low engagement, the range of available items may be limited. Facebook Reliance: Many groups are hosted on Facebook, which may not be ideal for individuals who do not use the platform. However, the app aims to address this issue. Inconsistent Availability: The availability of items can be unpredictable and dependent on what members choose to offer at any given time.
BuyNothing is a powerful and effective movement that promotes sustainability, community building, and economic savings through the sharing of goods and services. Its local focus and reliance on neighborly interaction make it unique and impactful, fostering a sense of connection and mutual support among members. While the platform's success depends on local engagement and the range of available items can vary, the overall benefits of reducing waste, saving money, and enhancing community ties make BuyNothing a valuable initiative for those looking to contribute to and benefit from a sharing economy.
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Digital Marketing Course Content
Fundamentals of Digital marketing & Its Significance, Traditional marketing Vs Digital Marketing, Evolution of Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Landscape, Key Drivers, Digital Consumer & Communities, Gen Y & Netizen’s expectation & influence wrt Digital Marketing.  The Digital users in India, Digital marketing Strategy- Consumer Decision journey,
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Social Media Marketing
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Search Engine Optimization
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Advertising Tools & Its Optimization
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Website Hosting Using Word Press
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ars-webtech · 9 months
Cross-Platform App Development In Dubai - An Insightful Guide To Follow
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In the heart of the United Arab Emirates, the dynamic world of mobile app development is evolving rapidly, and Dubai is at its forefront. This guide delves into the world of cross-platform app development, highlighting its essentials and showcasing leading mobile app development firms in the UAE, like ARS Webtech.
An Insightful Overview About Cross-Platform App Development
Cross-platform app development involves creating mobile applications that run on multiple platforms using a single codebase. This approach contrasts with traditional native app development, which requires writing separate code for each platform, such as Java or Kotlin for Android and Swift or Objective-C for iOS.
Benefits of Cross-Platform App Development By Mobile App Development Companies UAE
Code Reusability: Developers can write and manage code that works across various platforms, reducing development time and effort.
Cost and Time Efficiency: Faster and more economical than developing individual native apps, it simplifies the entire development cycle.
Wider Market Reach: A single app can target different platforms, expanding market reach.
Consistent User Experience: Cross-platform frameworks support maintaining a consistent experience across platforms.
Faster Deployment and Updates: Facilitates simultaneous feature release across all platforms.
Popular Cross-Platform Development Frameworks
Flutter: Known for creating visually appealing apps, it's a strong choice for businesses in Dubai.
React Native: Supported by Facebook, it allows developers to build mobile apps using React and JavaScript, known for its flexibility and seamless integration.
Best Practices In Cross-Platform App Development
Prioritize User Experience: Ensuring apps function flawlessly with an intuitive interface is crucial.
Security Considerations: Especially important in sectors like healthcare and e-commerce, robust security measures are essential.
Scalability: The app should accommodate increased user traffic and additional features as the business grows.
Regular Updates and Maintenance: Ensuring the app remains compatible with the latest operating systems and user expectations.
Integration of Emerging Technologies: Incorporating AI, IoT, 5G connectivity, and machine learning enhances user experiences and contributes to Dubai's smart city initiatives.
Blockchain for Increased Security: Integrating blockchain technologies can add an extra layer of security, particularly in sensitive industries.
Cross-platform app development is a strategic choice for businesses in Dubai looking to maximize their digital presence. Companies like ARS Webtech are at the forefront of this movement, driving innovation and excellence in the mobile app development scene.
1. Which frameworks are commonly used for cross-platform app development in Dubai?​
​Flutter and React Native are two prominent frameworks. Flutter is known for its visually stunning apps, while React Native offers flexibility and seamless integration.
2. How do mobile app development companies in Dubai prioritize user experience in cross-platform apps?
User experience is a top priority, ensuring consistent and delightful interfaces across devices.
3. How to choose between Flutter and React Native?
The choice depends on specific project requirements, design preferences, development speed, and existing tech stacks.
For further guidance or to start your cross-platform app development journey, contact ARS Webtech at +971585840413.
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webstep-technologies · 10 months
App Development frameworks
How do the most popular app development frameworks contribute to mobile app development?
In today’s digital landscape, mobile applications (app development frameworks) have become a necessity for businesses to reach their target audience effectively. With the ever-growing demand for innovative and user-friendly mobile applications, developers are constantly seeking efficient ways to build high-quality applications in very little time. This is where mobile app development frameworks come into play. The frameworks provide a foundation for developers to create cross-platform mobile applications that work seamlessly across various devices and OSes.
Development Frameworks Used for Developing Mobile Applications
Most popular app development frameworks
React Native (developed by Facebook) — This framework has gained immense popularity among developers due to its ability to build native-like mobile apps using JavaScript. It allows them to write the codes once and deploy them on both Android and iOS platforms. Hire React Native developers to obtain cross-platform mobile app solutions for iOS, Android, and the web and enjoy benefits like reduced costs and time and enhanced productivity and profitability. app development frameworks
Flutter (backed by Google) — Flutter uses the Dart programming language and provides a rich set of customizable widgets, enabling developers to create visually appealing and responsive applications. Its hot reload feature helps the developers change the codes in real time and obtain immediate visual updates. If you opt to hire Flutter developers, your cross-platform applications will have a quicker time-to-market with a single codebase for all the platforms. app development frameworks
Ionic (open-source framework) — It uses technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in the development of cross-platform mobile applications. It enables developers to provide end users with a consistent user experience across multiple platforms. It will be a smart choice to hire Ionic developers when it comes to obtaining a feature-rich cross-platform mobile application. app development frameworks
Kotlin (open source, originated at JetBrains) — This is another app development framework that allows developers to share codes between Android and iOS platforms. It seamlessly works with Android Jetpacks (a tool provided by Google). Hire Kotlin developers to enjoy improved app performance and a better user experience with access to modern technologies. app development frameworks
Hire Experts
In today’s mobile-driven world, mobile app development has become a crucial aspect of achieving business success. Hiring the right mobile app developer is essential to obtaining a high-quality application. With various frameworks available, such as React Native, Flutter, Ionic, and Kotlin, selecting the ideal developer can be challenging. A skilled developer can help you cut down on the cost of application development. Correspondingly, it will lead to an increase in the ROI value. Hire the best developers from WEBSTEP Technologies. Visit https://www.webstep.in to obtain more information and connect with them to acquire a cutting-edge mobile solution for your business. app development frameworks
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appsontechnologies · 1 year
Learn how to choose the right mobile app development company and promote your mobile app to maximize its success.
Choosing the right mobile app development company is essential to the success of your mobile app project. There are many factors to consider when making your decision, including the company’s experience, expertise, and cost.
Once you have developed your mobile app, it is important to promote it so that people can find and download it. There are many ways to promote your mobile app, including:
How to choose the right mobile app development company:
Do your research. Before you start contacting mobile app development companies, take some time to research your options. Read online reviews, compare portfolios, and talk to other businesses that have developed mobile apps. Ask the right questions. When you are contacting mobile app development companies, be sure to ask the right questions. This includes questions about their experience, expertise, cost, and development process. Get multiple estimates: Once you have found a few mobile app development companies that you are interested in, be sure to get multiple estimates. This will help you compare prices and ensure that you are getting the best deal. Make sure the company is a good fit for your business. Not all mobile app development companies are created equal. Some companies specialize in certain types of apps, while others have experience working with a variety of clients. It is important to choose a company that is a good fit for your business and your specific needs. How to promote your mobile app:
App store optimization (ASO): ASO is the process of optimizing your mobile app’s listing in the app stores so that it is more likely to be found by potential users. This includes optimizing your app’s title, description, keywords, and screenshots. Social media marketing: Social media is a great way to reach potential users and promote your mobile app. You can create social media posts about your app, run social media ads, and engage with potential users on social media platforms. Content marketing: Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable content to attract and engage potential customers. You can create blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos about your mobile app to promote it and educate potential users. Paid advertising: You can also use paid advertising platforms such as Google AdWords and Facebook Ads to promote your mobile app. This can be a great way to reach a large audience of potential users and drive downloads of your app. Public relations: Public relations is the process of building and maintaining a positive public image for your business and your mobile app. You can reach out to journalists and bloggers to get them to write about your mobile app. Why Appson Technologies is the best partner in this journey:
Appson Technologies is a leading mobile app development company with over 10 years of experience. We have a team of experienced and skilled mobile app developers who can create high-quality mobile apps for any platform. We also have a proven track record of success in helping our clients promote their mobile apps and achieve their business goals.
Here are just a few of the reasons why Appson Technologies is the best partner for your mobile app development and promotion needs:
We have a deep understanding of the mobile app development industry and the latest trends. We have a team of experienced and skilled mobile app developers who can create high-quality mobile apps for any platform. We have a proven track record of success in helping our clients promote their mobile apps and achieve their business goals. We offer a wide range of mobile app development and promotion services to meet the needs of any business. We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service and support. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced mobile app development company, Appson Technologies is the best choice for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create and promote a successful mobile app.
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net-craft · 1 year
Top 5 Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks you need to Know in 2023
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Cross-platform app development is the process of creating apps that can run on multiple platforms, such as Android, iOS, web, and desktop, with a single codebase. Cross-platform app development can offer many benefits for businesses, such as faster time to market, lower development cost, wider reach, and easier maintenance. However, cross-platform app development also comes with some challenges, such as performance issues, platform-specific features, and user experience differences. Therefore, choosing the right cross-platform app development framework is crucial for the success of your app project.
In this article, we will introduce you to the top 5 cross-platform app development frameworks that you need to know in 2023, and how they can help you create amazing apps for your business.
Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful and native apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter uses Dart as its programming language, which is a fast and expressive language that supports both object-oriented and functional paradigms. Flutter also uses a declarative approach to create UIs, which means that developers can describe what the UI should look like, rather than how to create it. Flutter also provides a rich set of widgets, animations, themes, and navigation features that can help developers create stunning and responsive UIs.
React Native
React Native is Facebook’s framework for building native apps for Android and iOS using React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React Native allows developers to use the same codebase for both platforms, while still leveraging the native capabilities and features of each platform. React Native also uses a declarative approach to create UIs, which means that developers can describe what the UI should look like, rather than how to create it. React Native also supports hot reloading and live reloading, which means that developers can see the changes in their code without rebuilding or restarting the app.
Ionic is an open-source framework for building hybrid apps for mobile, web, and desktop using web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Ionic allows developers to use the same codebase for multiple platforms, while still accessing the native features and functionalities of each platform through plugins. Ionic also provides a rich set of UI components, themes, icons, and animations that can help developers create beautiful and consistent UIs.
Continue reading Top 5 Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks you need to Know in 2023
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appgrowing · 1 year
New Open World Game Topped Pre-registration, Another Masterpiece by Nuverse
Recently, many new games from leading developers have gone on an advertising spree. In addition to Moonton's Watcher Of Realms, according to AppGrowing, Nuverse's Dragonheir: Silent Gods started a massive advertising campaign, topped the Google Play Pre-registration, and became a Top 5 game among loads of games that are already released by top Chinese developers.
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Source: AppGrowing
Dragonheir: Silent Gods is about to be launched  in September 2023, according to data.ai. After the release of the global version of Earth: Revival(《星球:重啟》) in February, Dragonheir: Silent Gods will be the second Nuverse game to be available worldwide this year, carrying the company's expectation of building a global brand.
01 An Open-world TRPG on 5-Year Development and $15 M
Dragonheir: Silent Gods is a D&D open-world semi-real-time strategy RPG. It is said to have taken five years to develop and cost over $15 million, making it the most "heavyweight" of the known Nuverse games.
In terms of art, Dragonheir: Silent Gods combines vintage oil painting with the widely accepted dark western fantasy style, differentiating it from the "cartoonish" games of the same genre. Delicate character and scene modeling make the game looks sophisticated.
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Image Credit: Dragonheir: Silent Gods
Of course, in the case of the increasingly competitive game market, "appearance" alone is not enough to attract players. Officially, the game story text is now approaching 1 million words, and all the dialogue is in English voice-over, including the invited DND series "Critical Role" voice actor Mathew Mercer. Moreover, with the support of high-level music, Dragonheir: Silent Gods tries to revive the D&D-style fantasy world in all aspects.
Along with the vast worldview and plot, the main selling point of Dragonheir: Silent Gods is the "open world adventure" gameplay. Players can freely explore the game world, collect resources, solve challenges, and learn about the characters‘ stories.
Dragonheir: Silent Gods has little innovation in combat. The game adopts a normal turn-based model, incorporating auto chess gameplay to enhance strategy. Players select characters to arrange a team of 5 to fight, and there is a common TRPG "dice throwing" in the process.
Similar to Earth: Revival, Dragonheir: Silent Gods will be released on multiple platforms. According to the official website, the game will not only be available on the mobile platform of App Store and Google Play but also on Steam.
02 Advertising Strategy of Dragonheir: Silent Gods
According to AppGrowing, Dragonheir: Silent Gods began advertising on May 24, which coincides with the opening of the game's PC and Android beta test in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan of China.
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Source: AppGrowing
In terms of media, Dragonheir: Silent Gods mainly invested in Meta Audience Network, Messenger, Instagram, and Facebook, and the share of each is relatively average. Its target markets are in Europe and America. The ad format of the game is mainly in-feed, while creatives are mostly horizontal (including square) videos.
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Source: AppGrowing
The creatives of Dragonheir: Silent Gods focus on the content of the game itself and did not go too far, probably because it is still in the early pre-registration advertising stage.
Showing World View & Scenes
DND theme is appealing enough for European and American players. Dragonheir: Silent Gods focuses on the abundant and detailed surroundings in the video, labeling the game as "high quality" and attracting players interested in the genre.
Some creatives also combine the exploration gameplay. For example, the following video shows the beautiful scenes of several maps through "team exploration".
Showing Characters
Characters have always been one of the promotional methods for RPG games. Dragonheir: Silent Gods stated that the number of heroes and NPCs in the game has exceeded 200, and the content is also used in ad creatives.
For example, this video shows the character's exquisite modeling at the beginning, and then turns to its combat skills, maximizing the audience's understanding of the character.
In addition to the direct display of characters, Dragonheir: Silent Gods also released many "character customization" ads. Besides the presets, the game supports a variety of detailed numerical adjustments, with a quality beyond the normal brutal character customization. It even shows the common "property points" of TRPG, highlighting the game's unique features.
From the advertising point of view, such character customization videos are mostly used for MMO games, which can capture a wide range of players. It may drive Dragonheir: Silent Gods to broaden its target audience.
Showing Strategy Gameplay
Dragonheir: Silent Gods has created ads showing the strategic gameplay. For example, this creative shows the animation effect of characters coming on the battlefield and discharging their skills in turn. Elements such as kill clears and blast damage figures highlight the excitement of the fight and attract users interested in this kind of gameplay.
Generally speaking, the current creatives of Dragonheir: Silent Gods revolve around the three major directions of game art, characters and gameplay to do simple display, and the entire idea is rather restrained, more to advertise as an auxiliary means of brand exposure. But considering the various ads of Earth: Revival after its launch, perhaps we will see more interesting ad creatives when Dragonheir: Silent Gods is officially released.
03 Will it be "the Year of Game" for Nuverse?
Entering 2023, Nuverse has announced three games, the globally released Earth: Revival, Dragonheir: Silent Gods in pre-registration, and CoA(《晶核》), which is aimed at Mainland China and will be released on July 14. These three are different in art style and gameplay, but all present a high quality. Earth: Revival performed well in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan of China, having taken the Top 2 in Taiwan iOS Top Grossing games. It was launched in Japan in April and once entered the Top 30 of the iOS Top Grossing games. The anime-style ARPG CoA have exceeded 9 million pre-registrations, according to the official website.
From the establishment of the Game Department in 2018, ByteDance has been exploring the game development for the past 5 years. Although there have been news of studio dissolution and project cancellation, Nuverse has done a lot of work, especially in mid core & hard core games, and some of them performed excellently. For example, the female-oriented game Flower Ariel (《花亦山心之月》)  and the Earth: Revival that confronted with Tencent and NetEase in the theme of doomsday survival.
The exposure of 3 new games in 2023 H1 reveals a clear increase in Nuverse's game productivity and self-development strength. Whether ByteDance's mid core & hard core games can gain more achievement this year is up to the performance of Dragonheir: Silent Gods and CoA.
*The content and media in this article are protected by copyright laws. Some information is cited from public sources for illustrative purposes only, with ownership retained by the original authors. This article provides general information only and is not meant as opinion or advice for specific situations.
Follow AppGrowing's social media accounts or register immediately at AppGrowing to learn more mobile advertising insights.
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mavassistant · 2 years
You Should Hire A Virtual Assistant & Here’s Why
To Hire a Virtual Assistant is a suitable solution for your business if you are tired of spending hours in front of the computer without free time for yourself, your friends, or your family. You might be wondering if hiring a Virtual Assistant is worth it.
We’ve all heard about how a Virtual Assistant can help your business succeed. But how? Here’s a list of ten reasons you must hire a Virtual Assistant (VA) to help reach your goals.
What is a Virtual Assistant?
A Virtual Assistant provides remote services to different brands and businesses. Additionally, Virtual Assistant offers numerous benefits in the business, such as:
Grasping the most potential talent that your business needs
Less supervision
Reduces the workload
Keeps business owners away from entrepreneurial burnout
Despite these benefits, there’s a big decision to make regarding outsourcing. And since business owners always aim for success, they will undoubtedly take risks. This is due to the reason that VA leverages the business’s utmost potential.
Virtual Assistants can help everyone needing assistance, such as:
Business owners
Real Estate professionals
Embracing a Virtual Assistant means delegating remotely and with some training, especially on the client’s preferences. Thus, business owners can enjoy a work-life balance and focus on the essential tasks alone.
There are millions of Virtual Assistants ready to assist clients today. They are primarily in administration, sales, marketing, finance, customer service, human resource, IT, creatives, and many others. Virtual Assistants can work hourly or with fixed-rate jobs starting at $5/hour or $500 monthly.
Virtual Assistants Today that can Help Clients
Most of these Virtual Assistants are skilled and trained. These are some of the fields Virtual Assistants today can help clients with:
Executive Virtual Assistance
Social Media Management and Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Real Estate Virtual Assistance
Email Marketing
Project Management
Copywriting, Editing, Proofreading
Online Bookkeeping
Video Editing
Web Design
Facebook Ads Marketing
eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Etsy, and Poshmark Virtual Assistance
Graphic Design
Podcast Management and Marketing
Online Teaching
Brand Marketing and Advertising
Online Accounting
Full Stack Development
App Development
Business and Product Development
Xero, Wave, FreshBooks, and ZipBooks
Quickbooks, MYOB, Zoho, and AKAUNTING
Digital Marketing
ChatBot Marketing
Customer Service, Sales, and Support
Human Resource Management
Coding Designs and Procedures (Architecture and Engineering)
Online School Management
Top Three Reasons Why you Need a Virtual Assistant
1. Reduce Costs
Onboarding a new employee means additional expenses. Thus, when business owners hire a Virtual Assistant, it saves costs for training, benefits, and other fees. Considering a VA is an independent worker. Business owners can spend on something other than leave credits and benefits like a regular employee receives.
2. Saves time
Most of the VAs have experience in their expertise. This means that you can skip training. They know what to do and have the knowledge and skills to impact your business growth. And since VAs are remote workers, they know how to manage their time and tasks well. On top of that, a Virtual Assistant can multitask while ensuring quality outputs.
3. Proper tasks delegation
When you outsource, you are delegating tasks effectively. Why is that so? As your business is continuously growing, tasks are also increasing. In that case, you need to leverage a Virtual Assistant’s abilities in coping with duties. Similarly, your office employees can focus on their tasks, and you, as the owner, will focus on and prioritize core duties.
Where to Find an Effective Virtual Assistant?
Besides the services a VA can do for your business, a VA’s help will empower your business strategy. Now, are you ready to embrace a Virtual Assistant in your business?
But, before that, you need to be aware of where you can spot an excellent Virtual Assistant. And here are the top three best places to find a VA.
Initially, you can find a VA on any social media platform like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, and Pinterest.
Another one is Virtual Assistant Companies like Real Estate VA Agencies.
And last is the place where competitive VAs dwells, the freelancing websites.
Which is the right place to find a great VA? According to a DDIY study, 33% of 500 established companies worldwide outsource using freelancing websites. In short, this implies that freelancing websites are a great place to spot, especially for newbies. This is because the freelancing website displays portfolios showcasing the VA’s expertise and experience. Therefore, by looking at their portfolios, you can illustrate how a VA provides value to your business.
Now, are you excited to hire a VA? You can sign up with Surge now! Because this site aims to provide excellent VAs and ensure the VA’s capabilities through in-house training and apprenticeship programs, you’ll experience a BIG difference in your business!
How to Hire Virtual Assistants
The process is easy.
1. To begin with, SIGN UP to hire here: https://surgedigital.agency/.
– Fast verification
2. Afterward, POST a job and get applicants.
– With at least 5,000+ (and growing each month) freelancers from different expertise
– All trained, experienced and screened for you
3. Finally, HIRE the most fitting freelancer for your business.
– Start getting leverage right on day one!
Or you can also contact us now for more details.
Source: https://courses.thesurgemarketplace.com/hire-a-virtual-assistant-2/
You can also visit our website for more info: https://mavassistant.wixsite.com/mava
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laziodigilux · 2 years
 Which are some of the popular digital marketing tools?
In DIGITAl MARKETING ,there are a variety of tools that can be utilized to achieve a specific aim. Few examples
Google has developed a free analytics platform for all people that lets you track the performance of your social media site, video and app. You can also calculate your advertisements ROI from here.
It is a comprehensive suite of tools that allows users to research competitor backlinks, keyword research, analyze competitor backlink profiles, monitor link building campaigns, and more. It also provides a range of data and reports to help users understand their site performance and make better decisions about their SEO strategy. It is a great tool for any website looking to improve their search engine ranking and stay competitive.
The Google Keyword Planner is a great tool for online marketers who want to maximize the effectiveness of their search campaigns. It can help them identify the best keywords to target and the estimated cost of targeting them. It can also be used to create Ad Groups and to get an idea of how competitive a market is. Finally, it can provide useful data on search trends, which can help marketers tailor their campaigns to better meet their goals.
Kissmetrics offers a range of features to help businesses measure and optimize their online presence. It records and tracks customer activity on websites, including page views, clicks, and conversions. Kissmetrics also provides in-depth customer segmentation, allowing businesses to target and personalize marketing campaigns. Additionally, it offers a range of analytics tools to measure the success of campaigns and identify areas of improvement.
SEMrush offers a suite of tools to help you identify, track, and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) for your website. This includes keyword research, competitor research, and SEO analysis. Additionally, you can use SEMrush to track your website’s performance over time and get insights into your content marketing performance. You can also use the tool to monitor the performance of your paid search campaigns. SEMrush also provides reports to help you measure the success of your campaigns and make strategic decisions.
Its dashboard is user-friendly and easy to navigate, allowing users to easily create, schedule, and analyze the performance of their social media posts. Additionally, Buffer provides users with analytics tools to help them measure the effectiveness of their content.
It is designed to help businesses and marketers to create, manage, and optimize their Facebook Ads campaigns. AdEspresso helps you to easily create campaigns, set up budget, track performance, and optimize your ads for better performance. It also provides real-time analytics and insights to help you make decisions quickly and accurately. AdEspresso also provides a range of features such as A/B testing, audience segmentation, and targeting, so you can get the most out of your campaigns.
Lazio Digilux is a digital marketing company in Thrikkakara Ernakulam,that provides a variety of services, including graphic design, web development, branding, photography, videography, and digital marketing.
Visit Us : https://laziodigilux.com/
Contac Us :  +91 9605044544 ,+91 9544044544
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honeyweb569 · 8 hours
Website Application Company in Tirupati
In today's digital world, having a robust web application is critical for businesses to thrive. A Website Application Company in Tirupati provides customized solutions that cater to the specific needs of various industries, offering state-of-the-art technology and seamless user experiences. Whether you're looking to develop a business portal, e-commerce platform, or internal web tools, partnering with a professional company can help you achieve your goals efficiently.
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What is a Website Application Company?
A Website Application Company specializes in designing, developing, and maintaining web-based applications. These applications are hosted on web servers and can be accessed via internet browsers, making them highly flexible and scalable. The role of such companies is to provide businesses with tailor-made solutions that streamline processes, improve customer engagement, and boost overall productivity.
Benefits of Hiring a Website Application Company in Tirupati
Customization: The company develops applications tailored to your business requirements.
Cost-Effective: Local services often provide affordable packages compared to outsourcing internationally.
Expert Support: Tirupati-based companies are familiar with the local market and provide ongoing support to ensure the success of your web app.
Key Services Provided
Custom Web Application Development Tailored web solutions designed specifically for your business goals.
E-commerce Solutions Web applications that cater to online businesses, offering a seamless shopping experience for customers.
Portal Development B2B and B2C portal development to improve customer interaction and internal business processes.
Web Maintenance and Upgrades Regular updates and maintenance to ensure the smooth functioning of your web applications.
UI/UX Design User-friendly designs that ensure a great user experience, contributing to the success of the web application.
FAQs about Website Application Company in Tirupati
Q1. Why should I choose a Website Application Company in Tirupati? Choosing a local company ensures better communication, tailored solutions for your business, and support that is available during business hours.
Q2. What services are offered by a Website Application Company in Tirupati? These companies provide services such as custom web application development, e-commerce solutions, portal development, and maintenance.
Q3. How long does it take to develop a web application? The development timeline depends on the complexity and scope of the project, typically ranging from a few weeks to several months.
Q4. Can a Website Application Company in Tirupati help with app integration? Yes, many companies offer integration services that help businesses seamlessly incorporate new web applications with existing systems.
Q5. What is the cost of developing a web application? The cost varies depending on factors such as functionality, features, design, and timeline. It's best to contact the company for a customized quote.
By choosing a Website Application Company in Tirupati, you can ensure that your business benefits from custom solutions that cater to your specific needs, providing you with a competitive edge in the digital space. Whether you're looking to launch an e-commerce site or build a custom business tool, the right company will guide you through every step of the process.
READ MORE : https://www.honeywebsolutions.com/
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suchi05 · 1 day
Data protection vs SAP Direct Table Access! Are you exposed? - ToggleNow
Data Protection
In October 2018, Morrisons was forced to pay compensation to an employee when the employee’s personal data was published illegally.
In April 2019, Facebook mentioned that two datasets from Facebook apps had been exposed to the public internet and 533 million users’ data was exposed.
In November 2019, the Alibaba Chinese shopping website mentioned that a developer working for an affiliate marketer scraped customer data from the website, including usernames and mobile numbers.
In 2021, LinkedIn was the victim of a data breach, and the information of 700 million people was leaked on the dark web.
These are just a few! According to a recent survey, 88% of organizations do not have a sustainable governance program to enable effective cybersecurity and compliance management for their business-critical applications, processes, data, and people.
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The annual cost of cybercrime has risen by 72% over the past five years and the average cost of a breach now stands at $3.62 million.
Companies that run SAP systems are vulnerable to attacks, and the potential damage could be devastating.
In this blog, I’m going to focus exclusively on data protection in SAP systems. I’ll cover other topics, such as implementing GDPR and data protection controls across the organization in my subsequent articles.
Before I start with the detailing of the topic, let me ask a question.
Do your users have access to data via transaction codes SE16 (or its variants such as SE16N), SE17, or SM30 transaction codes? How are you restricting the access?
Direct Table Access via SE16, SE17, or SM30 (either directly or via custom transaction codes), remains the quickest and easiest way to access table data, and most business users prefer it to have. The key authorization objects to restrict the data are S_TABU_DIS and S_TABU_NAM which have only two activities i.e., 02 (Maintain) and 03 (Display). Users with access to S_GUI authorization (which is assigned in the common/general role) will allow users to export the data out of SAP and download it into something more familiar, such as Excel. Once data is exported out of your system, then you will no longer have any visibility or control over it.
Read more: https://togglenow.com/blog/data-protection-in-sap-systems/
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navdurga32 · 1 day
Where can one buy app installs at the lowest CPI for Android and iOS?
In today’s competitive mobile app market, gaining visibility is crucial for the success of any application. One effective way to boost visibility and drive downloads is by purchasing app installs. However, marketers and developers often face the challenge of finding platforms that offer app installs at the lowest Cost Per Install (CPI).
CPI is a key metric that reflects the amount of money a developer spends on acquiring a user who installs their app. A lower CPI can significantly enhance a campaign’s return on investment (ROI) and overall profitability. This article explores where one can buy app installs at the lowest CPI for Android and iOS while focusing on CPIDroid as one of the best platforms for achieving this goal.
Key Considerations When Buying App Installs
Before diving into where to buy app installs, it’s essential to understand the factors that influence the cost of app installs:
Target Audience: Defining the right target audience can help reduce CPI. The more specific your audience, the better your chances of acquiring high-quality installs that convert to active users.
Geographic Location: CPI varies significantly based on geographic locations. Generally, developed countries have a higher CPI compared to emerging markets. Identifying the right markets can help in optimizing costs.
Campaign Optimization: Effective campaign management, including A/B testing of creatives and targeting options, can lead to lower CPI. Continuous optimization is key to ensuring a successful campaign.
Ad Format: Different ad formats (e.g., video ads, banner ads) come with varying costs. Choosing the right format based on your audience's preferences can impact your CPI.
Platforms for Buying App Installs
Ad Networks: Various ad networks like AdMob, Chartboost, and Tapjoy allow developers to buy app installs directly through their platforms. These networks provide extensive reach and targeting capabilities.
Programmatic Advertising: Programmatic platforms like The Trade Desk and AdRoll enable automated buying of app installs across multiple networks. They often offer competitive pricing based on real-time bidding.
Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers can be an effective way to drive installs, especially among niche audiences. While this method might not always yield the lowest CPI, it can be beneficial for targeted campaigns.
Social Media Advertising: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow for targeted app install campaigns. These channels can offer low CPI when ads are tailored to the audience's interests.
CPIDroid: Among these options, CPIDroid stands out as one of the best platforms for acquiring app installs at the lowest CPI. Below, we explore why CPIDroid is a top choice for both Android and iOS app developers.
Why CPIDroid is One of the Best Platforms to Buy App Installs at the Lowest CPI
1. Competitive Pricing Model
CPIDroid employs a pricing model that prioritizes affordability without compromising quality. The platform is known for consistently offering low CPI rates compared to competitors. By leveraging a vast network of advertising partners, CPIDroid can negotiate better rates, ensuring developers get the most value for their investment.
2. High-Quality Traffic
While many platforms may focus solely on low pricing, CPIDroid emphasizes quality. The platform attracts a diverse user base, including individuals who are genuinely interested in downloading apps. This focus on quality traffic results in higher conversion rates and better user retention, ultimately leading to improved ROI.
3. Robust Targeting Options
CPIDroid offers advanced targeting options that allow developers to tailor their campaigns according to their specific needs. Marketers can target users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that their app is showcased to the right audience. This precision in targeting plays a significant role in reducing CPI and enhancing campaign effectiveness.
4. User-Friendly Interface
The platform features a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of setting up and managing campaigns. Developers can easily navigate through the dashboard, analyze performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns. This ease of use allows even those with limited marketing experience to effectively manage their app install campaigns.
5. Comprehensive Analytics
CPIDroid provides comprehensive analytics tools that help developers monitor their campaign performance in real-time. Detailed insights into install rates, user engagement, and other key performance indicators allow marketers to adjust their strategies swiftly, ensuring that they maintain low CPI throughout the campaign lifecycle.
6. Dedicated Support
CPIDroid prides itself on offering exceptional customer support. A dedicated team is available to assist developers at every stage of their campaigns, from setup to optimization. This support can be invaluable, especially for new developers who may be unfamiliar with the intricacies of mobile app marketing.
7. Proven Track Record
CPIDroid has established a reputation as a reliable platform among developers seeking low CPI app installs. Many users have reported significant success in driving installs and increasing user engagement through the platform. The positive testimonials and case studies serve as a testament to CPIDroid’s effectiveness in delivering results.
8. Diverse Payment Options
The platform supports a variety of payment methods, making it convenient for developers to fund their campaigns. This flexibility allows businesses of all sizes to participate without the constraints of traditional payment methods.
In the quest for acquiring app installs at the lowest CPI, it’s crucial to choose the right platform that aligns with your marketing goals. While there are several options available, CPIDroid stands out as one of the best platforms for both Android and iOS app developers.
With its competitive pricing, high-quality traffic, robust targeting options, user-friendly interface, comprehensive analytics, dedicated support, proven track record, and diverse payment options, CPIDroid provides everything developers need to successfully drive installs while keeping costs low. By leveraging CPIDroid’s offerings, app developers can enhance their marketing strategies, increase visibility, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth in the competitive mobile app landscape.
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socialadnetwork · 2 days
Budgeting for Success: How to Promote Adult Apps
Promote Adult Apps in a highly competitive digital marketplace can be challenging, but with the right budgeting strategy, it’s possible to drive user acquisition, increase engagement, and ensure long-term success. In this guide, we will explore essential tactics for Promote Adult Apps, focusing on the adult ad network, PPC for entertainment, native ads, banner ads, CPM, PPC, and various ad networks. Whether you’re an app developer or marketer, understanding how to effectively allocate your budget will help you maximize returns on your advertising investment.
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Why Budgeting Is Crucial in Promote Adult Apps
The Unique Landscape of Promote Adult App
Advertising adult apps comes with its own set of challenges. Unlike mainstream app categories, adult apps face restrictions on many popular advertising platforms such as Google and Facebook. This limitation means marketers must explore alternative advertising methods, such as adult ad networks, specialized PPC campaigns, and more creative approaches to user engagement through native ads and banner ads.
Limited Access to Traditional Ad Platforms
Mainstream ad networks like Google Ads and Facebook often restrict adult content, limiting the visibility of such apps on major platforms. This makes it essential to rely on adult ad networks that specialize in this niche.
Competition in the Niche Market
The adult app industry is highly competitive, with many apps vying for the attention of a niche audience. This makes effective budgeting even more important, as overspending on inefficient advertising methods can lead to poor results.
How to Allocate Your Budget for Promote Adult Apps
Understanding Advertising Channels
When Promote Adult Apps, choosing the right advertising channels is critical. It’s essential to diversify your advertising strategy across different networks and formats to reach a wider audience and achieve the best return on investment (ROI). Below are key advertising channels that should be included in your budget:
Adult Ad Networks
Adult ad networks specialize in providing ad space on adult content websites, offering targeted exposure for adult apps. These networks are particularly valuable because they cater directly to users seeking adult content, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions.
Popular Adult Ad Networks
ExoClick: One of the largest adult ad networks, ExoClick offers a wide variety of ad formats and precise targeting options.
TrafficJunky: Another leading platform that provides access to some of the biggest adult entertainment websites globally.
AdXpansion: A network designed for adult advertisers, offering options like CPM and CPC bidding to suit various budget levels.
PPC for Entertainment
PPC for entertainment allows advertisers to pay for every click on their ad, ensuring that the budget is spent only on users who express interest by clicking. This performance-based model is ideal for boosting traffic and conversions, especially when the target audience is clearly defined.
Advantages of PPC Campaigns
Cost Control: Since you only pay for actual clicks, PPC ensures you are getting direct engagement from potential users.
Immediate Results: PPC campaigns can start delivering traffic quickly, making them ideal for app launches or promotional events.
Native Ads for Adult Apps
Native ads are designed to blend seamlessly into the platform or website they appear on, creating a less intrusive advertising experience for users. For adult apps, native ads can help maintain user engagement without being disruptive.
Why Choose Native Ads?
High Engagement: Native ads appear as part of the website’s content, making them more likely to be clicked.
Flexible Formats: Native ads can be displayed as recommended articles, sponsored posts, or other types of content that align with the platform's design.
Banner Ads for Visibility
Despite their age, banner ads remain an effective way to capture attention, especially when they are strategically placed on websites that your target audience frequently visits. Banner ads can be tailored to suit your branding, featuring strong calls-to-action (CTAs) and compelling visuals.
Optimizing Banner Ads
Eye-Catching Designs: Use high-quality graphics and animation to make your ads stand out on crowded pages.
Effective Messaging: Make sure your banner ad clearly communicates the value proposition of your adult app, with a clear CTA urging users to click and download.
CPM vs. CPC: Which Budget Model Works Best?
Advertising cost models like CPM (Cost Per Mille) and CPC (Cost Per Click) can significantly impact how effectively you use your budget. Knowing which model to choose for your campaign can make or break your success.
CPM: Best for Building Awareness
CPM campaigns charge advertisers per 1,000 impressions (views) of their ad. This model is most effective when your goal is to build brand awareness, especially for new app launches or expanding into new markets.
When to Use CPM
Broad Audience Reach: If you aim to increase visibility among a large audience, CPM campaigns are ideal.
Low Engagement Cost: CPM can be more cost-effective than CPC when you want to make your ad visible to as many users as possible without worrying about clicks.
CPC: Best for Conversions
With CPC campaigns, advertisers pay only when a user clicks on their ad. This model is best for driving targeted traffic and conversions since you’re only paying for engaged users.
When to Use CPC
Niche Targeting: Use CPC when promoting to a more defined, niche audience that is more likely to click through and convert.
Conversion-Focused Campaigns: If your main objective is to drive app downloads or signups, CPC ensures you’re getting the most value for your budget.
Balancing Costs Across Different Ad Networks
How to Spread Your Budget Effectively
To promote an adult app successfully, it’s crucial to diversify your budget across multiple ad networks. Each network has different strengths, so understanding which ones deliver the best ROI for your app is key.
Test and Optimize
Start by allocating a portion of your budget across different adult ad networks. Test various ad formats such as banner ads, native ads, and video ads to identify which ones deliver the highest engagement and conversion rates.
Key Performance Metrics to Monitor
Click-Through Rate (CTR): How often users click on your ads.
Conversion Rate: How many clicks lead to app downloads or other desired actions.
Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): The overall cost to acquire a new user through paid advertising.
Scaling Successful Campaigns
Once you have identified the top-performing networks and ad formats, you can scale your budget to focus on the most successful channels. Continuously monitor and tweak campaigns to ensure they stay optimized and cost-effective.
Maximizing Budget Efficiency: Tips for Cost-Effective Campaigns
Setting Realistic Budgets and Goals
Before diving into any paid campaign, it’s important to define your advertising goals. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, drive app installs, or improve user retention? Your goals will directly influence how much budget you need and where to allocate it.
Planning for Long-Term Success
Promoting an adult app requires more than a short-term boost in visibility. It’s essential to allocate part of your budget to long-term campaigns that focus on user retention and ongoing engagement. This can be done through retargeting campaigns or loyalty programs that keep users engaged over time.
Promote Adult Apps successfully requires a well-thought-out strategy that includes choosing the right ad networks, setting appropriate budget allocations, and continually optimizing campaigns for performance. By using a mix of adult ad networks, PPC, native ads, banner ads, and different pricing models like CPM and CPC, you can reach your target audience effectively while staying within your budget. With careful planning and execution, your adult app can achieve significant growth and long-term success.
How much should I budget for promoting my adult app?
Ans. The budget for promoting an adult app depends on your specific goals, the target market, and the advertising channels you use. A small app may start with a budget of $5,000 per month, while larger campaigns could range between $10,000 and $50,000 per month.
Are adult ad networks worth the investment?
Ans.Yes, adult ad networks are essential for Promote Adult Apps, as they offer access to niche audiences that mainstream platforms do not. These networks provide targeted exposure, leading to better engagement and conversions.
What’s the best pricing model for adult app promotion: CPM or CPC?
Ans. Both CPM and CPC can be effective, depending on your goals. Use CPM if you’re focused on building brand awareness and reaching a broad audience. Use CPC if your primary goal is conversions, such as app downloads.
How do I optimize my ad campaigns for better results?
Ans. Test different ad formats, including banner ads, native ads, and video ads, across various ad networks. Monitor key metrics like CTR, conversion rate, and CPA, and adjust your campaigns accordingly to maximize efficiency.
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