#Fabric argentina
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Migrando capacidad Premium a Fabric
En el último tiempo son muchas las compañias cambiando de capacidad para aprovechar al máximo la nueva tecnología que Microsoft nos brinda. Este cambio se vuelve cada vez más necesario puesto que está anunciado que Premium no podrá renovarse y es tiempo de dar el salto hasta Fabric.
En este artículo describiremos estrategias y alternativas para migraciones de este tipo dentro de un mismo tenant y que podemos hacer frente a tenants distintos.
Si aún no estas al tanto de que es Fabric. Te invito a dar una vuelta por este artículo. Para organizarnos mejor vamos a separar este artículo cuando es en mismo tenant o separados.
Migrar en un mismo tenant
La palabra migrar es la usada en el mercado pero sinceramente no creo que esté alineada con la necesidad real. Porque digo esto, porque en realidad no migramos, sino que ajustamos las áreas de trabajo a otra capacidad. Sería como cambiar el almacenamiento de un código. Entendiendo que cambiarnos de Premium a Fabric es en realiad reasignar la capacidad del área de trabajo es que vamos a proceder.
Algunos detalles importantes a tener en cuenta. La región de nuestra capacidad tiene importancia. Si bien existe una opción en el portal de administración para manipular capacidades multiregión, recomiendo crear el Fabric dentro de la misma región que Premium para evitar otras configuraciones adicionales. Así mismo, el formato de almacenamiento de los modelos semánticos puede generar errores. El formato large puede ocacionar errores dependiendo de la complejidad del modelo, a diferencia del small que está más limitado e igual en ambos casos. Adicionalmente a las recomendaciones duras, agrego una más organizativa que refiere a aprovechar este tiempo de proceso para validar que las áreas de trabajo en la capacidad "deban" estarlo y aprovechar de remover de la capacidad las que no se usan, nunca debieron estar o podrían estar en pro (puesto que su adiencia son todos usuarios con licencia).
Comencemos con las alternativas:
1) Manual uno por uno
Permisos requeridos, basta con ser administrador de las áreas de trabajo premium y administrador de capacidad Fabric.
Tal vez la forma más engorrosa, pero no nos dejemos engañar. Si tenemos pocas areas de trabajo, puede ser muy eficiente para aprovechar de visualizar el contenido del área antes de cambiar su capacidad. Para realizar este proceso, abrimos un área de trabajo dirigiendonos a su configuración. Allí encontramos una pestaña referida a licencias para cambiarlo.
2) Manual en lote
Permisos requeridos, cuenta de usuario con rol Fabric Administrator y Administrador de capacidad Fabric. En caso que la migración sea directa, es decir que todas y cada una de las áreas de trabajo y sus ítems de Premium van a pasar a Fabric; ésta es una gran opción.
Esto nos permitirá migrar la totalidad de áreas en pocos clicks. Para ello, nos dirigimos a Workspaces dentro del portal de administración y filtramos las áreas por su tipo de capacidad:
Una vez que la lista de workspace está filtrada correctamente, vamos a seleccionar todos con el cuadradito junto al nombre y aparecerá el botón para reasignar capacidad:
Tengamos presente que eso cambiará las áreas que vemos en la lista. Si estamos viendo 10 resultados, solo serán esos 10 seleccionados. Si tenemos 1000 áreas de trabajo, podemos poner que muestre 100 resultados esta vista y ejecutar esta acción 10 veces para mover lotes de 100 áreas de trabajo.
3) Script API
Permisos requeridos, cuenta de usuario con rol Fabric Administrator y una App Registrada en Azure. En caso de utilizar service principal, hay que adicionar que dicha app tenga los permisos para que utilice la Fabric API en el admin portal. Esos detalles pueden leerlos aqui. Experiencia en desarrollo con PowerShell, Python (Librería SimplePBI) u otro lenguaje de programación y manejo de API. Dependiendo el login efectuado necesitaremos administrador de capacidad Fabric para la App o el usuario.
Esta metodología aplica particularmente para cuando las áreas que vamos a migrar tiene condiciones más complejas. Con esto nos referimos a que hicimos un análisis de las áreas que pertenecen al premium y no todas serán migradas. Ya sea porque el contenido no era apropiado, nunca debió estar en premium, no se utiliza o queremos optimizar el contenido en la nueva capacidad, con esta opción podríamos concretarlo. El primer paso sería relevar éstas áreas de trabajo y armar una lista de IDs y nombres de áreas. A partir de esto la idea es escribir un script que itere las áreas de trabajo reasignado su capacidad. Dependiendo si vamos a autenticar la App Registrada en Azure como Service Principal o con Master User (usuario y contraseña con permiso Fabric Administrator).
Master User: en este caso podremos ejecutar la reasignación desde la categoría de la API de administración: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/admin/capacities-assign-workspaces-to-capacity
Service Principal: como no pueden ejecutar acciones de administración, como pre requisito, debemos asignar la App como Admin de las áreas de trabajo a migrar. Por ello, podemos hacerlo manualmente o con un script que haga el login Master User y una acción Group AddUserAsAdmin. Recien entonces, podremos ejecutar la reasignación desde la categoría de la API de capacidad: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/capacities/groups-assign-to-capacity
Lo más recomendado sería utilizar la autenticación Master User dado que mientras no podamos ejecutar acciones de administración con Service Principal, se vuelve largo el proceso y si ya iteramos para asignar un service principal al área de trabajo a migrar, podríamos estar usando el mismo script para ejecutar la reasignación.
NOTA: Tengamos en cuenta que la autenticación de la API por master user no funciona con MFA. Si tenemos MFA estaremos obligados a utilizar los PowerBi cmdlets de Powershell.
Migrar entre dos tenant distintos
Aquí el proyecto se complica. Hoy no hay herramientas que provean esta solución de manera ágil y dependiendo la cantidad y tipo de ítems de nuestro premium, resultará en cuanto porcentaje de migración realmente se puede efectuar.
El primer detalle a tener en cuenta en este caso es referido a tipo de ítems. ¿Utilizamos solo reportes de PowerBi? ¿Tenemos más contenido como Dataflows gen1, paneles, etc? ¿Se están usando ítems de fabric como notebooks, pipelines o warehouses?
Dependerá de las respuestas a estas preguntas sobre cuan posible es migrar y cuanta manualidad tendríamos. Antes de comenzar recalco que no existe una metodología que soporte esta operación. Es por esto que no podremos migrar el 100% de los casos y tampoco podremos librarnos de trabajos manuales.
Veamos alternativas:
1) Migración manual:
Permisos requeridos, licencia de PowerBi pro en ambos tenants y administrador de capacidad Fabric del nuevo. Rol de miembro o administrador de área de trabajo origen. Permiso de creación de área de trabajo destino.
No se puede dejar de mencionar que el trabajo manual es una opción. Considero crítico para operar de este modo, validar que aquello que deba migrarse sea realmente necesario y se use. No migrar aquello de lo que podemos presindir considerando que es muy laborioso. Crear una área en el nuevo tenant, asignar su capacidad. Descargar los archivos .pbix, exportar json de dataflows, copiar códigos de notebooks en tenant origen y publicar, importar o pegar en tenant destino. Ésta forma es muy lenta pero garantiza mantener exactamente cada componente. Consideremos que algunos componentes como los Paneles, no puede exportarse y solo queda recrearlos.
2) Script API
Permisos requeridos, cuenta de usuario con Power Bi PRO y una App Registrada en Azure. En caso de utilizar service principal, hay que adicionar que dicha app tenga los permisos para que utilice la Fabric API en el admin portal. Esos detalles pueden leerlos aqui. Experiencia en desarrollo con PowerShell, Python (Librería SimplePBI) u otro lenguaje de programación y manejo de API. Ya sea el usuario o el Service Principal deben formar parte del área de trabajo origen. Permiso de creación de áreas de trabajo y administrador de capacidad Fabric en nuevo tenant.
Aunque ésta pueda resultar la forma más atractiva, cabe mencionar que no todo los ítems de las áreas de trabajo se pueden exportar. Puede ser una muy atractiva opción para migraciones basadas en reporte de PowerBi, dado que exportar reportes e importarlos en otro tenant son operaciones factibles en la Rest API. Al iterar las áreas de trabajo en el primer tenant podríamos tomar el nombre, crearlas en el nuevo con la app/usuario como administrador, asignarles capacidad y comenzar a poblarlo. Todo con API. En caso de contar con ítems de Fabric, poco a poco va siendo posible obtenerlos y recrearlos con la API.
3) Manual/Script con repositorio git.
Permisos requeridos dependen si será manual o con script. Cuenta de usuario con Power Bi PRO y una App Registrada en Azure. Experiencia en desarrollo con PowerShell, Python (Librería SimplePBI) u otro lenguaje de programación y manejo de API. El usuario debe formar parte del área de trabajo destino. Permiso de creación de áreas de trabajo y administrador de capacidad Fabric en nuevo tenant. Acceso al repositorio con AD o Personal Access Token.
Dependiendo si nuestros desarrollos ya estaban ordenados dentro de un repositorio o no, delimitará cuan complejo será el proceso. Si no tenemos nuestro premium integrado a repositorios, lo primero será crear un repositorio, organizarlo por carpetas según las áreas de trabajo y sincronizarlo. Realizado el prerequisito de un origen integrado a un repositorio, podremos proceder.
Por un lado, la migración manual. Ingresar al nuevo tenant. Crear una área de trabajo. Asignarle capacidad Fabric e integrarlo a su correspondiente carpeta del repositorio. De esta forma todos los ítems del repositorio serán parte del área de trabajo.
Por otro lado, el proceso podría utilizar un script para automatizar acciones. La iteración de la migración sería por carpetas de workspace en el repositorio. La idea es crear un área de trabajo con el mismo nombre, asignarse como administrador y asignar la capacidad. Hasta ahi como siempre. Lo nuevo sería conectar el repositorio y hacer un update (pull) con la API de Fabric logueando con Master User (no tiene permitido service principal la categoría git de la API). De esa forma, aprovechando el repositorio, se irían creando y poblando las áreas con sus ítems siempre y cuando sean versionables. Aqui tenemos limitación obligada a master user que podríamos tener MFA y nos impediría seguir. La alternativa sería realizar un deploy desde el repositorio al área de trabajo, sin embargo la dificultad para construir ese request para cada ítem de PowerBi es muy alta. Lo que generaría controversia de si demoraremos más en hacer el proceso automatico que manual.
NOTA: recuerden que los repositorios permitidos son Azure DevOps o GitHub. Pueden leer más sobre la integración en los hipervínculos.
Así llegamos al final del artículo con muchas opciones de migración premium o pro a fabric. Recordemos que la forma más viable es hacerlo dentro del mismo tenant y que si es a separados hay mucha más complejidad. Seguramente, no son las únicas formas. Así como podemos usar la API hoy son cada vez más las operaciones que podemos ejecutar con Semantic links y sempy en Fabric notebooks. Repaso también que no todo componente es migrable, configuraciones de CI/CD o deployment pipelines podrían causar un verdadero dolor de cabeza entre distintos tenants. Espero que esto los ayude a no sufrir tanto las migraciones.
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The most sensitive of the world's cosmic ray detectors, the Pierre Auger Observatory – with an observing area the size of Rhode Island – is now being built on a vast stretch of land in western Argentina.
"The Fabric of the Cosmos" - Brian Greene
#book quote#the fabric of the cosmos#brian greene#nonfiction#sensitive#cosmic rays#detection#pierre auger observatory#rhode island#argentina
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IT IS TIME: Miss Universe National Costume 2023
it's here! the Met Gala for people who actually understand what camp is!
yes I'm like 3 months late, but I sat down and watched the damn thing. I put up with the horrible little rhyming couplets for each contestant so you don't have to. and without further ado:
Albania: Starting off very Victoria’s Secret this year! Apparently it’s gold for important symbolism reasons, not just because everything in this competition is blinged out to within an inch of its life. The wings do look nice in motion!
Angola has a good balance of bling, actual cultural dress, and oh hey it has surprise bonus art on the back! That will be a theme this year.
Argentina: Why is there a guy in a hat right down at the bottom edge of her cape. He looks like he’s staring at her butt. How does this represent their flag.
Aruba: This is fine. I like the coral. She thinks climate change is bad. Her parrot is clearly way too heavy to hold up and it wobbles like crazy in motion.
Australia: This is now multiple years in a row that Australia has just worn a fucking prom dress. It’s got native wildflowers on. You could have made this exact same dress with a Great Barrier Reef theme and I would have liked it 80% more.
Bahamas: This costume is allegedly based on a 19th-century doll from the Bahamas “world famous straw market,” which is already bullshit; I googled “bahamas straw market antique doll” and like. they both have big skirts? I guess? Anyway now I’m too distracted by the way she has a hoop skirt awkwardly jammed under there and hiked up on one side. Minus ten for poor construction.
Bahrain's theme is “Bahrain’s pearl heritage,” which like. I guess? The headdress and yoke are pretty. Put more pearls on the actual outfit. Kudos for getting to wear pants.
Belgium: Girl. No. Why is your theme “Latin dance” and why are you wearing a spangly cocktail dress with a totally unrelated piece of fabric fluttering behind it? (Apparently the fabric was designed by a member of Belgium’s royal family? Who is a fashion designer? This is what nepotism gets you.)
Bolivia saw Aruba’s parrot and was like, I can do that better. And she was right! It’s way less wobbly and the costume as a whole does work better. Also made from recycled materials, so we’ll see if that’s a theme again this year. The back of the cape is nice too.
Sadly, Bolivia's parrot supremacy was short-lived, because Brazil was like, bitch please. I see your sad little parrots and raise you FOUR giant parrots, and also the shoulder parrots are articulated and can turn their heads back and forth. I think Brazil wins the parrot competition that only she knew she was in.
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"it's 2024 antisemitism isn't a problem anymore you just want to be oppressed."
here's a non-exhaustive list of antisemitic incidents, attacks, and pogroms during my lifetime. if you're not jewish, i am guilting you into reading this entire list. i really do not care if it takes forever or makes you feel bad. read it.
state farm settles a $30mil lawsuit after it was revealed that state farm kept a list of prominent jewish lawyers referred to within state farm as "the jewish lawyers list" where any claims made by those attorneys were automatically forwarded to state farm's fraud unit, purely on the basis of the attorney's jewish identity. state farm employees testified confirming the list had been used to discriminate against ethnic minorities.
four days after the cave of patriarchs massacre, a man shot at a van full of jewish students, killing one and injuring three others. he is reported to have shouted "kill the jews" as revenge for the cave of patriarchs massacre.
a white supremacist fired ten rounds at a synagogue in eugene, oregon.
a jewish community center in buenos aires, argentina was bombed, killing 85 people and injuring 300.
a japanese magazine ran an article that stated "the 'holocaust' is a fabrication. there were no execution gas chambers in auschwitz or in any other concentration camp. today, what are displaced as 'gas chambers' at the remaints of the auschwitz camp in poland are a post-war fabrication by the polish communist regime or by the soviet union, which controlled the country. not once, neither at auschwitz nor in any territory controlled by the germans during the second world war, was there 'mass murder of jews' in 'gas chambers'."
in turkey, an islamic preacher distributed thousands of copies of a book called "the holocaust lie."
jean-marie le pen was convicted and fined for remarks minimizing the holocaust, and then accused the president of france of being "on the payroll of jewish organizations, and particularly of b'nai b'rith."
osama bin laden stated that israel's ultimate goal was to annex the arabian peninsula and the middle east and enslave its peoples. he claimed that the us state department and department of defense were controlled by jews for the sole purpose of serving israel's goals. he also claimed that israeli jews controlled the governments of the us and uk, directing them to kill as many muslims as they could.
iran arrested 13 iranian jews, accusing them of being spies for israel, including a 16 year old boy. ten of them were sentenced to 4-13 years in prison, and eventually when they were freed they left iran for israel.
a man was arrested in paris for attacking a bartender because he "believed she was jewish."
several synagogues in sacramento were set on fire by a group of eight or nine men.
a man shot and killed one person and injured five at a jewish community center in los angeles.
a man broke into a jewish woman's house, shot and killed her, then set her house on fire. he then drove to the synagogue where she was a member and fired into the windows of the synagogue, then exited his car and spray-painted two red swastikas on the building. he drove to another synagogue where he shot and shattered the synagogue's glass windows.
on yom kippur, two molotov cocktails were thrown at a synagogue.
a synagogue in syracuse, new york was set on fire by a man who reportedly yelled "i did this for you, god!"
a sukkah was destroyed at a synagogue in st. paul, minnesota.
a synagogue in harrisburg, pennsylvania was set on fire before yom kippur.
during the 2000 presidential election, lee alcorn, president of the dallas naacp branch, criticized al gore's selection of senator joe lieberman for his vice-presidential candidate because lieberman was jewish. alcorn said "if we get a jew person, then what i'm wondering is, i mean, what is this movement for, you know? does it have anything to do with the failed peace talks?" ... "so i think we need to be very suspicious of any kind of partnerships between the jews at that kind of level because we know that their interest primarily has to do with money and these kinds of things."
in belgium, the vice president of one of the country's largest parties gave an interview on dutch tv where he cast doubt over the number of jews murdered by the nazis during the holocaust. in the same interview he questioned the scale of the nazis' use of gas chambers and the authenticity of anne frank's diary.
osama bin laden stated in a letter that jews controlled the civilian media outlets, politics, and economic institutions of the united states.
a synagogue was set on fire in toronto, ontario, canada.
men rammed two cars through the courtyard gates of a synagogue in lyon, france, then rammed one of the cars into the prayer hall before setting the vehicles on fire. eyewitnesses reported seeing between 12 and 15 attackers. this was the first of a series of attacks on jewish targets in france in a single week - which coincided with passover - including at least five other synagogues.
a synagogue in marseille, france was burned to the ground.
a synagogue in strasbourg was set on fire.
a synagogue in paris was firebombed.
"richard nixon tapes" were declassified, which confirmed that billy graham, a famous evangelist and civil rights advocate, had agreed with nixon that jews controll the american media, calling it a "stranglehold."
a synagogue in tunisia was bombed, killing 20 and injuring 30.
a gunman opened fire at the airline ticket counter of el al, israel's national airline, at the la international airport. two people were killed and four were injured. federal investigators concluded that the gunman had hoped to influence us government policy in favor of palestinians and that the incident was a terror attack.
in an interview for a french magazine, a french actor, comedian, and activist dieudonne m'bala m'bala described "the jews" as "a sect, a fraud, which is the worst of all because it was the first."
white supremacists planned to bomb a series of institutions and people associated with the black and jewish communities. targets included the united states holocaust museum, the new england holocaust memorial, and steven spielberg.
terrorists attempted to bomb a jewish cemetery, and succeeded in bombing a jewish community center and jewish-owned italian restaurant in morocco. 45 people in total were killed.
a molotov cocktail was thrown through the windows of a synagogue in los angeles, california.
the prime minister of malaysia drew a standing ovation for his speech. an excerpt: "[muslims] are actually very strong. 1.3 billion people cannot be simply wiped out. the nazis killed 6 million jews out of 12 million. but today the jews rule this world by proxy. they get others to fight and die for them. they invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong so they may enjoy equal rights with others. with these they have now gained control over the most powerful countries. and they, this tiny community, have become a world power."
two synagogues in turkey were bombed, killing 55 and injuring over 750.
romania officially denied the holocaust occurred on its territory up until 2004.
the film 'the passion of the christ' was released, causing backlash against the jewish community for protesting the antisemitic tones of the movie.
a jewish school library was firebombed in montreal, quebec, canada.
jewish cemeteries were defaced with swastikas and a funeral home set on fire in wellington new zealand.
m'bala claimed during a press conference that the central council of french jews was a "mafia" that had "total control over french policy exercise", called the commemoration of the holocaust "memorial pornography" and claimed that the "zionists of the centre national de la cinematographie" which "control french cinema" prevented him from making a film about the slave trade.
the muslim brotherhood leader denounced what he called "the myth of the holocaust" in defending iranian president's denial of the holocaust.
a polish radio station during the polish election promoted antisemitic views, including denial of the jedwabne pogrom. their support of right-wing conservative law and justice party is considered a major factor in their electoral victory.
a group of 15 members of the state duma of russia demanded that judaism and jewish orgqanizations be banned from the country. 500 prominent russians demanded that the state prosecutor investigate ancient jewish texts as "anti-russian" and ban judaism.
islamic extremists planned to bomb a number of synagogues and an israeli consulate in california.
iranian president denied the holocaust during a speech in zahedan. "they have invented a myth that jews were massacred and palce this above god, religions and the prophets." he suggested that if the holocaust had occurred, that it was the responsibility of europeans to offer up territory to the jews.
a man stabbed nine people at a synagogue in russia.
the iranian state-sponsored "international conference to review the global vision of the holocaust" opened, with its focus being to question the facts of the holocaust. the iranian foreign ministry spokesperson stated "the holocaust is not a sacred issue that one can't touch. i have visited the nazi camps in eastern europe. i think it is exaggerated."
mel gibson was arrested for a dui, and reportedly yelled at the police officer, "fucking jews... the jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. are you a jew?"
m'bala was fined for defamation after calling a prominent jewish tv presenter a "secret donor of the child-murdering israeli army."
ilan halimi, a french moroccan jew, was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered. he was dumped on the side of the road, 80% of his body covered in burns, and died from his injuries on his way to the hospital. the kisnappers thought halimi was wealthy because he came from a jewish family, and the gang confessed that they believed all jews to be rich which motivated them to target several jews. the halimi family reports being told that if they could not raise the money for the ransom then they should get it from the jewish community.
a man targeted the jewish federation of seattle when the organization showed up in search results after he typed the phrase "something jewish" into a search engine. he forced his way through the building's security door with several guns, a knife, and ammunition, taking a 14 year old girl as a hostage. he is reported to have said "i'm only doing this for a statement" and "i'm a muslim american; i'm angry at israel" before the shooting spree began. he then took a pregnant woman hostage, saying "now since you don't know how to... listen, now you're the hostage, and i don't give a fuck if i kill you or your baby." the woman reported him stating "that he was a muslim, and this was his personal statement against jews and the bush administration for giving money to jews, and for us jews for giving money to israel, about hozbollah, the war in iraq, and he wanted to talk to cnn."
holocaust survivor elie wiesel was attacked by a holocaust denier in san francisco.
jewish professor elizabeth midlarsky had a swastika spray painted on her office door.
2008 - gaza war
a leading member of hamas made a statement that israelis "have legitimized the murder of their own children by killing the children of palestine... they have legitimized the killing of their people all over the world by killing our people."
a belgian jewish magazine received a dozen death threats on its website, including a threat to carry out a suicide attack to "avenge the suffering of the palestinians."
protestors in indonesia shut down the country's only synagogue, threatening to drive out the country's jews. they stated that "if israel refuses to stop its attacks and oppression of the palestinian people, we don't need to defend [the synagogue's' presence here." the synagogue has been shuttered since.
a man sent a letter threatening to bo b the ida crown jewish academy in chicago. the letter said that explosives would be set off around the school unless violence in gaza stopped by january 15 2009.
south african deputy foreign minister was quoted saying "[jews] in fact control [america], no matter which government comes into power, whether republican or democratic, whether barack obama or george bush... the control of america, just like the control of most western countries, is in the hands of jewish money and if jewish money controls their country then you cannot expect anything else." she later claimed she "conflated zionist pressure with jewish influence."
antisemitic graffiti, including swastikas, appeared all over turkey. a sign was put up at the door of a civic group's office saying "jews cannot enter, dogs can." anti-jewish articles began appearing in turkish newspapers, and there were several hundred documented examples of antisemitic messages. as a result, turkish jewish immigration to israel increased.
in yemen, jews experienced verbal and physical harassment. jewish children were injured, one seriously, when muslim students threw stones at them. anti-israel protestors also attacked several jewish homes, smashing windows and pelting them with rocks, and injuring at least one jewish residence. a yemeni jewish family was extricated from yemen to israel after suffering continuous antisemitic attacks and death threats. a grenade was also thrown into the courtyard of the family's home in raydah.
a molotov cocktail was thrown. at a synagogue in brussels. rocks and other objects were thrown at a jewish school. a jewish home was the subject of arson. afterwards, hundreds of protestors tried to march toward the jewish neighborhood but were held off by police.
a man opened fire on three israeli cosmetics salesmen and two customers in a shopping mall. the shooting, which followed a period of harassment against the cosmetic stand, resulted in two israelis being hit by the shots. the perpatrator explained that he was motivated by the middle east situation.
sixty-six antisemitic incidents were reported in france, home to europe's largest muslim and jewish populations. numerous synagogues were attacked with petrol bombs and damaged in various towns. a car was rammed into the gates of a synagogue in toulouse and set on fire. a petrol bomb was thrown at a synagogue which set fire to an adjacent jewish restaurant. offensive graffiti was also sprayed on synagogues throughout the country. in paris, a rabbi's car was torched, a. jewish student was attacked and stabbed four times, and a 15-year old girl was assaulted by a gang.
a jewish community in germany was daubed and later stoned, and the central council of jews in german reported a significant increase in the number of hate mails and death threats during the conflict.
synagogues in multiple cities in greece were vandalized and suffered arson attacks. in athens, the walls of a jewish cemetery were sprayed with antisemitic graffiti "jews israelites murderers." neo-nazi slogans like "ax and fire to the jewish dogs" were used at anti-israel protests. a monument commemorating the murder of greek jews was vandalized with slogans like "greece - palestine no jew will remain." a seminar at the jewish museum of thessaloniki was cancelled after receiving threats, and the leftist parliamentary party of coalition of the radical left declined to attend the greek national day of remembrance of holocaust heroes and martyrs because of the attendance of the israeli ambassador. in ioannina the local jewish cemetery was vandalized with several tombs broken. the corfu synagogue was vandalized with graffiti such as "shit on israel" "jews nazis" and "murderers." the shoah memorial was also vandalized with graffiti regarding gaza. in larisa both grouns from the extreme right and extreme left targeted the local community. leftist and palestinian demonstrators attempted to vandalize the synagogue during a march, while later the same day groups linked to neo-nazi groups vandalized the shoah monyment and organized protests in front of the synagogue asking for the expulsion of jews from larisa. jews were attacked as "christ killers" and "smelling of blood" "they are the worst thing of the 20th century" and an eminent member of the greek orthodox church spoke of "zionist monsters with sharp claws" and "jews puhished for killing christ" and being "god killers."
italian trade union flaica-cub issued a call to boycott jewish-owned shops in rome in protest at the israeli offensive. it was condemned as antisemitic and reminiscent of the italian race laws under fascism in the 1930s.
a molotov cocktail was thrown at a jewish owned building in amsterdam following an attempted arson of a jewish institution in arnhem. a synagogue and jewish owned building were targeted by stoning. at an anti-israel demonstration in utrecht, some demonstrators shouted "hamass, hamas, jews to the gas."
during the 2009 oslo riots, the largest anti-jewish riots in norwegian history, muslim youth attacked the israeli embassy and yelled anti-jewish slogans in arabic, including "death to the jews" "kill the jews" and "slaughter the jews." in one incident, young men beat a 73 year old man who was carrying an israeli flag while shouting "bloody jew - get him!" they only stopped attacking him when they realized he was not jewish.
a jewish burial chapel in sweden was the target of an arson attack and a jewish centor was set on fire twice in three days.
there were approximately 225 recorded antisemitic incidents in the uk during the war. synagogues were firebombed, jews received verbal and digital abuse, and a gang tried to force their way into jewish restaurants and shops, specifically focusing on the london jewish family centre. a jewish motorist was also dragged from his car and assaulted. antisemitic graffiti with slogans including "kill jews" "jews are scumbags" and "jihad 4 israel" were sprayed in jewish areas across london and manchester.
a molotov cocktail was thrown at a tample in chicago, and in lincolnwood a synagogue's glass doors were shattered by a brick and "free palestine" and "death to israel" were spraypainted on the building. a jewish preschool in california was graffitied with swastikas and antisemitic messages.
argentinian jews wearing kippot were physically attacked on public buses and jewish cemetaries were defaced. a gang attacked argentinian jews near the israeli embassy in buenos aires.
in bolivia, vandals removed a star of david from a monument from the plaza israel and started spraypainting "plaza palestina" on jewish murals.
during shabbat, the caracas synagogue, venezuela's oldest synagogue, was defaced with "property of islam", and an armed gang of 15 unidentified people broke in and the security guards were bound and gagged while the gang destroyed the offices and the repository where the holy books were stored. they daubed the walls with antisemitic and anti-israel graffiti that called for jews to be expelled from the country, and also stole a database that listed jews who lived in venezuela.
2008 - cont
the harvard crimson school paper ran a paid holocaust denial ad.
a chabad house in mumbai was taken over by two attackers and several residents were held hostage. a rabbi and his wife, who was six months pregnant, were murdered with four other hostages in the house by the attackers. according to radio transmissions, the attackers "would be told by their handlers in pakistan that the lives of jews were worth 50 times those of non jews." injuries on some of the bodies indicated that they may have been tortured.
hamas refused to allow palestinian children to learn about the holocaust, which it called "a lie invented by the zionists" and referred to holocaust education as a "war crime."
an irish journalist claimed "there was no holocaust... and six million jews were not murdered by the third reich. these two statements of mine are irrefutable truths."
tapes were released in which billy graham is heard in conversation with richard nixon referring to jews as "the synagogue of satan."
four men were arrested in new york in connection with a plot to blow up two synagogues in the bronx.
a neo nazi entered the united states holocaust memorial museum in washington dc and shot and fatally wounded a security officer.
the last surviving romaniote synagogue in greece was targeted for an arson attack.
a synagogue in cairo, egypt was bombed.
a synagogue in sweden was attacked with explosives.
six jewish institutions were attacked by vandals in montreal, including four synagogues and a school.
j.z. knight stated "fuck god's chosen people! i think they have earned enough cash to have paid their way out of the goddamned gas chambers by now."
the manhattan terrorism plot to bomb various targets in manhattan, including a synagogue.
a man killed four jews, including three children, outside a school in toulouse, france.
a synagogue in sweden was attacked with an explosive decide, shattering a window.
alice walker expressed appreciation for the works of antisemitic conspiracy theorist david icke. she said that icke's book "human race get off your knees" would be her choice if she could have only one book. the book promotes the theory that the earth is ruled by shapeshifting reptilian humanoids and "rothschild zionists."
louis farrakhan delivered an antisemitic speech, referring to jews as "satanic jews" and "the synagogue of satan", controlling america's government and other sectors, reportedly saying that president obama "surrounded himself with satan... members of the jewish community." farrakhan also said that the jewish people "have mastered the civilization now, but they've mastered it in evil... who's the owner of hollywood that creates images and makes the people think that what is created on screen is the way we should live? that's satan... satan has devoured so much of humanity. ... the people that own hollywood are the same people that control your press, the same people that control your media, the same people who are the publishers, the same people who are the distributors, the same synagogue of satan, and they put you before the world in this disgraceful manner. ... jesus was the last hope for the jewish people but they rejected him. they are now in control of the media and the airwaves, gaining access to the 'sacred territory' which is in the minds of the people."
the supreme leader of iran grand ayatollah ali khamenei questioned the validity of the holocaust, saying "the holocaust is an event whose reality is uncertain and if it has happened, it's uncertain how it has happened."
kkk leader killed three non jewish people at a jewish community center and jewish retirement home in kansas, the day before passover.
residents of a village in spain called "castrillo matajudios" ("jew-killer camp") since 1627 voted to change the name of the village.
four jews were killed when a gunman attacked a kosher supermarket in paris where the gunman held 15 other hostages and demanded that the kouachi brothers not be harmed.
iran organized the international holocaust cartoon competition, a competition in which artists were encouraged to submit cartoons on the theme of holocaust denial.
louis farrakhan accused jews of involvement in sept 11 attacks.
swastikas were spraypainted on a jewish fraternity at uc davis on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz.
a french settlement named "la mort aux juifs" or "death to jews" finally changed its name after a denied attempt in 1992.
a synagogue in copenhagen was taken by a gunman during a bat mitzvah celebration where one jewish man on security duty was killed.
stanford university student senate candidate molly horwitz was asked by a student group how being jewish would affect her decision-making.
two synagogues and a jewish neighborhood in san antonio, texas were vandalized with antisemitic graffiti.
natasha waldorf of alameda was subjected to two boys sending her text messages that included antisemitic slurs, two other students joked about the holocaust and when she confronted them they told her that "hitler should have finished the job."
the campus chapter of students for justice in palestine at the university of california irvine was sanctioned because they disrupted a program hosted by a jewish campus group and intimidated jewish students.
alice walker published a poem on her blog titled "it is our (frightful) duty to study the talmud", recommending that the reader should start with youtube to learn about the evils of the talmud.
a huge wave of threats, including bomb threats, were made against jewish community centers and other institutions in the united states around the high holy days.
sarah halimi was murdered in paris.
the chicago dyke march organizers singled out and approached a group of women carrying jewish pride flags and began to question them on their political stance in regards to zionism and israel, and then expelled them from the event. the organizers attributed the reasoning to the star of david on the flag as a "zionist expression." the organization's twitter account also used the phrase "zio tears" in a now deleted tweet. "zio" is a slur originated by david duke.
the new england holocaust memorial was smashed with a rock.
in ukraine, the space of synagogues holocaust memorial display was vandalized by neo nazis.
the chairpersons of the chicago slutwalk wrote, "we still stand behind dyke march chicago's decision to remove the zionist contingent from their event, and we won't allow zionist displays at ours." the organizers made the following declaration about the star of david: "its connections to the oppression enacted by israel is too strong for it to be neutral."
a jewish cemetery in missouri was vandalized.
the unite the right rally took place in charlottesville, virginia, where white nationalists chanted slogans like "blood and soil" "jews will not replace us" "the goyim know" "the jewish media is going down."
a synagogue in sweden was firebombed.
trayon white, an american politician, posted a video to his official facebook page showing snow flurries following, and alluding to the rothschild family conspiring to manipulate the weather.
an israeli man wearing a yarmulke was attacked in berlin; the attacker reportedly beat him with a belt and shouted "yehudi" ("jew")
tamika mallory, an american activist and one of the organizers of the womens march, attended an antisemitic speech by louis farrakhan, a figure she had previously refused to denounce. during the three hour speech, farrakhan claimed that "the powerful jews are my enemy" "the jews have control over agencies of those angencies of government" like the fbi, thta jews are "the mother and father of apartheid" and that jews are responsible for "degenerate behavior in hollywood turning men into women and women into men."
a republican candidate for senate in california openly called for a united states "free from jews."
11 people were murdered at the tree of life synagogue. on social media, several people made the claim that they "should not be mourned if they were zionists."
belgium outlawed kosher slaughter.
rep ilhan omar tweeted an allegation that american support for israel was rooted in money spent by pro israel lobbying organizations.
several mps quit the labor party under jeremy corbyn citing "culture of extreme antisemitism and intolerance."
a subway poster in brooklyn with a picture of ruth bader ginsburg was valdalized with the writing "die jew bitch" and a swastika.
multiple violent attacks occured in brooklyn.
a synagogue in turkey is attacked with a molotov cocktail.
one person was killed and three were injured during a shooting at a passover seder in california.
a synagogue was attacked by a lone shooter in germany.
a kosher grocery store in jersey city, new jersey was attacked and five people were killed.
jersey city mayor steve fullop said a trustee of the jersey city board of education should resign in the wake of her comment after the above shooting about "jew brutes" that according to her have "threatened, intimidated, and harassed" black residents. the trustee asked whether the public is "brave enough" to listen to the shooters' message, and said the local rabbis were selling body parts. she remained on the board until 2022.
a jewish elder was killed and four others were injured at the home of a hasidic rabbi during hanukkah in new york.
the tomb of esther and mordechai in iran was subjected to an arson attack.
the jewish center at the unitersity of delaware was subjected to an arson attack.
six igbo synagogues in nigeria were razed by soldiers, and at least 50 people were killed.
a synagogue in portland was subjected to an arson attack.
george washington university's chapter of tau kappa epsilon fraternity reported that their house was broken into and vandalized, and their sefer torah destroyed.
four hostages were taken at a synagogue in colleyville, texas. the attacker believed that the rabbi could call another rabbi in new york and secure the release of aafia siddiqui, a pakistani operative imprisoned for attempted murder and other crimes. siddiqui tried to dismiss her lawyers on the grounds that they were jewish. she said the case against her was a jewish conspiracy theory, demanded that no jews be allowed on the jury, and that all prospective jurors be dna tested and excluded from the jury at her trial if they had "zionist or israeli" dna. she wrote a letter to president obama, asserting, "study the history of the jews. they have always back-stabbed everyone who has taken pity on them and make the fatal error of giving them shelter... and it is this cruel, ungrateful back-stabbing of the jews that has caused them to be mercilessly expelled from wherever they gain strength. this is why 'holocausts' keep happening to them repeatedly! if they would only learn to be grateful and change their behavior!"
kanye west states that he "likes hitler" and is a "nazi." he still occasionally goes on an antisemitic twitter bender.
2023-2024 - current war
in october, an egyptian police officer shot and killed two israeli tourists and an egyptial tour guide in alexandria.
a jewish man walking to synagogue in johannesburg was accosted by a male jogger screaming antisemitic insults at him. the jogger then assaulted the man, knocked him over, and kicked and punched him while he lay on the ground.
a jewish cricket player was stripped of the captaincy by cricket south africa, claimed to have been a measure to reduce protests at the world cup.
a synagogue in tunisia was severely damaged during anti-israel riots with hundreds of people filmed setting fire to the building.
in armenia, unknown assailants set fire to a synagogue in yerevan and disseminated the arson attack on social media.
the associated press noted a rise in antisemitism on chinese social media. an israeli employee of the israeli embasee in beijing was stabbed and injured on october 13.
a 16 year old in australia was arrested after planning to attack a synagogue in vienna.
gravestones in belgium were damaged and many stars of david were stolen from a cemetery. only the jewish section was vandalized.
danish police arrested at least four operatives who were planning attacks on jewish or israeli targets in denmark.
in paris, stars of david were painted on multipe spots on several building fronts in a southern district. similar tags appeared over the weekend in other suburbs. antisemitic chants were filmed on the paris metro, "fuck the jews and fuck your mother, long live palestine. we are nazis and proud of it." a woman in lyon was stabbed and a swastika was graffitied on her home.
overall, french jews have noted a huge increase in antisemitism, with a surge of 1200% since october 7.
in berlin, the houses of several jews were marked with a star of david. two molotov cocktails were thrown at a synagogue.
israeli students in riga, latvia reported receiving hate texts and threats from other students.
lectures on the holocaust at utrecht university of applied sciences in the netherlands were postponed indefinitely.
a norwegian medical student at a rally in warsaw was pictured holding a poster of the flag of israel in a trash can alongside the text "keep the world clean." far right polish lawmaker grzegorz braun used a fire extinguisher on a lit menorah and removed it from the wall during a hanukkah celebration, saying "there can be no pace for the acts of this racist, tribal, wild talmudic cult."
residents of dagestan gathered near the flamingo hotel after reports that refugees from israel were being accomodated there. the protesters demanded that all hotel residents come to the windows to look at them. when the guests did not do this, stones were thrown into the building. the residents demanded to check the basements and let them into the hotel. police arrived and allowed protestors to check the hotel to make sure it was "jew free", and after this a message was posted outside the hotel that jews were prohibited from entering.
an antisemitic ralley was held in cherkessk, demanding the "eviction of ethnic jews."
a local jewish religious national-cultural community center under construction was set on fire in nalchik with the attackers writing "death to the yahuds" on the wall.
a mob stormed the uytash airport in dagestan after the arrival of a red wings flight from tel aviv. messages spread on telegram that a direct flight from israel was arriving, with calls to come to the airport and prevent the plane from landing. dozens of protestors stormed the airport and reached the runway, some of whom managed to climb up onto the plane's wings. 20 people were injured, two of whom were seriously injured. there are reports from passengers of rioters checking cars going to and from the airport for jews.
a synagogue in melillah, a spanish enclave in north africa, was attacked by a mob chanting "murderous israel" while waving palestinian flags.
pro palestinian demonstrators burned an israeli flag and chanted "bomb israel" outside a synagogue in. sweden.
i have to break up the sections because tumblr apparently has a character limit.
multiple cases of antisemitism were reported by students at concordia university with jewish students facing verbal and physical threats from both other students and faculty members. footage of a professor yanise arab shouting at jewish concordia students to "go back to poland, sharmuta (whore)" went viral alongside another video of a student using the slur "kike."
two jewish schools in montreal were targeted with gunfire overnight, and one was struck with gunfire a second time a few days later.
a jewish community center in montreal was attacked with a molotov cocktail.
jewish students and teachers of the peel district school board reported antisemitism and violent threats, including a teacher posting "jews are the problem" in a private facebook group.
a sukkah at caltech was vandalized with anti-israel graffiti. a man threw rocks through the glass doors of a synagogue and cafe in fresno, the second with a note reading "all jewish businesses will be targeted."
at columbia university, a woman assaulted an israeli man with a stick after he confronted her for ripping down posters with pictures and information abuot kidnapped israelis.
a man was arrested for sending threatening emails to a. synagogue in charlotte, north carolina.
a man in new york's grand central terminal punched a woman in the face and told her it was because she was jewish.
seven members of "white lives matter" california held a demonstration, holding up signs reading "no more wars for i$rael."
professor russell rickford spoke at a rally, saying he had found hamas's attack "exhilarating."
the illinois comptroller's office fired one of its lawyers, sarah chowdhurt, over antisemitic remarks she made on the instagram of another lawyer who is jewish.
a building next to a jewish fraternity at upenn was vandalized with antisemitic graffiti reading "the jews r nazis."
a man broke into a jewish family's home in los angeles, yelling "free palestine" and "kill jews."
threats against the jewish community at cornell university were posted online, threatening to shoot rape, and murder jewish students and encouraging violence against them.
paul kessler, an elderly jewish man, was killed at a rally after being struck in the head by a megaphone by a pro palestine protester, causing him to fall.
a woman was arrested after ramming her car into a black hebrew israelite school in indiana, mistakenly believing it to be an "israel school."
a man fired two rounds from a shotgun into the air outside a synagogue in albany and made threatening statements. he is alleged to have said "free palestine" at some point during the attack.
a game between the girls' varsity teams from the leffell school and roosevelt high school early college studies in yonkers was stopped when roosevelt students began to hurl antisemitic slurs at leffell students, with one yelling "i support hamas, you fucking jew", and during the third quarter became aggressive and violent during the play resulting in injuries of leffell's players.
participants in a pro-palestine rally in sydney changed "gas the jews", and several individuals in melbourne made death threats against jews, one group harassing a rabbi and his son, and another asking where to find jews, saying they were "hunting for jews."
a man in new south wales threatened to kill four jewish teenagers in a car with an israeli flag draped on it.
neo nazis marched in melbourne, displaying a banner reading "expose jewish power" and distributing neo nazi literature.
a sydney jewish man was verbally abused for wearing a kippah.
pro palestine graffiti was spray painted on the fence of a synagogue in auckland, and an unsuccessful attempt was made to set the property on fire. google maps had mistakenly listed the property as the local israeli consulate.
new zealand jews report a surge in antisemitic threats.
in new zealand, one child was physically assaulted and another had a swastika and a star of david drawn side by side on their school shirt. children were greeted by their peers with nazi salutes, being called "dirty jews", being told "jews control the world", and jokes about jews being gassed, and the blood libel claim that jews "chop off babies heads."
the us and israeli embassies in buenos aires received bomb threats via email, including one which said "jews we are going. tokill you all."
three people were arrested under suspicion of planning an attack on the maccabiah games.
brazilian authorities arrested two suspects in a. hezbollah backed terror plot to attack synagogues and other jewish targets in the country.
a column on the israeli embassy on colombia was vandalized with a swastika, start of david, and the word "terror" in hebrew.
if you made it to the bottom of this list and actually read everything, reblog with the tag "heard." that's really it. i just want to know that people hear us begging for people to speak up.
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Ok I’m not good at making requests but I think it would be cute if one of the interviewers wears an Argentina jersey and Franco is blushing and yapping in the media pen (and then he posts about it a million times like his handshake w Lewis)
good journalism ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ - franco colapinto
a/n: YES FRANCO LOVERS JOIN MEE i honestly love writing fics for this flirty little shit pls send more requests like this one eee it was so cute w/c: 922
It's all for the sake of good journalism.
At least, that's what you kept telling yourself - and all the other interviewers who were questioning why you were sporting an Argentina kit to a race that was being held in Singapore. Watching, buried in a hoard of other photographers and journalists, the race drew to a close and suddenly the crowd around you sprung into action. As drivers started trickling in, with tired expressions - some happy, others not, you resigned yourself to waiting. It was pretty clear you were only here for one.
He spots you as soon as he enters the media area, even though you're concealed by about a dozen other people. You watch as his eyes light up at the sight of the familiar blue and white fabric and he beelines towards you, ignoring the sound of others calling his name.
"Hello," he says, breathlessly with a beaming smile - you chalk the flush in his cheeks up to having just finished a race.
"Hi!" you spring immediately into interview mode, listing off question after question about the race. He answers them all as earnestly as he can, and the entire time you're watching him with an awe-struck look. The clamour and sound of camera flashes around you are drowned out as the two of you talk, and before you realise it you've forgotten you're conducting an interview and not just having a conversation.
"Well that's all the questions I had prepared, good job out there today, you did amazing!" you say, fully aware that you're gushing at this point but you're relieved when he offers you an earnest smile.
"Nice shirt," he points out, and you realise suddenly how keen he is to keep talking. You laugh, a little shy at being so openly acknowledged.
"I knew you'd like it!"
"Who's on the back?" he asks curiously and you turn around to show him, "Ah, Lionel of course, a woman after my own heart." You chuckle softly as he places a hand over his chest. There's a beat of silence when you honestly think he's about to leave but then he leans in a little closer.
"Blue looks good on you, maybe a Williams shirt next time?" He says it so casually it takes you a while to take in what he's saying - and to realise how boldly he's flirting with you.
"Ah," you let out, though it's more of a gasp than words, "I'll have to talk to your merch department about that."
"I'll be waiting," he beams, giving you a sly little nod before disappearing back into his garage. It's only once he's gone do you realise how sore your cheeks are from smiling non-stop. Letting out a shaky breath, slightly overwhelmed by how well that interaction went, you turn around to snake your way back through the crowd. You try to avoid eye contact with anyone but the other camerapeople only smile at you knowingly, and you can only hope some of them got good enough photos for you to remember this moment by.
It's only once you get back to your hotel room and open up your phone do you realise just how many pictures had been taken of the two of you - and how many of them were far better than 'good enough'. In one the two of you are deep in conversation, your brows furrowed in a frankly un-flattering way, him as perfect as ever. In another, you're both laughing, about what you're not entirely sure, but just looking at the photo makes your heart flutter. Your favourite by far though, is one where you're looking down at your notebook trying desperately to remember the questions you had wanted to ask him. There's a childish pout at your lips that you cringe at - but what makes it your favourite is the look on Franco's face as he watches you, cheeks flushed as his lips curl subtly at the corners.
You don't seem to be alone in this opinion either - at least, that's what you've deduced from the half a dozen times Franco has posted it. Clicking through his stories, you're taken aback by the fact that he posted more about your interaction than him scoring points - the photo of the two of you even becomes the cover of his post dedicated to the weekend. Looking at the post you're not even bothered by the hundreds and hundreds of comments speculating what's going on between you two. Instead, your attention is captured by the caption he's added to it - "A race weekend to remember, for more reasons than one."
It's a little corny, and you let out a soft chuckle as you scroll through the rest of his page shamelessly, though you're sure not to like any of his posts for fear of letting on too much. The two of you spoke once, and if you're being completely honest you're a little embarrassed to still be thinking about him at this moment.
Just as you're about to set your phone down though, it chimes with. a notification that makes your eyes widen - a follow request from none other than the man of the hour. The rational part of you begins questioning how he managed to find your profile or the professional concerns of a journalist and driver following each other. These concerns however do little to slow you down as you race to hit accept because at that moment the only thing you can think about is one thing - that he's thinking of you too.
#franco colapinto#franco colapinto x reader#franco colapinto x you#franco colapinto imagine#franco colapinto fanfic#franco colapinto fluff#franco colapinto oneshot#williams racing#williams f1#formula one fanfic#formula one x reader#formula one fluff#formula one#jet writes ★#purinfelix#jet answers ✧
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— oikawa tōru x f! reader
syn: Your high school lover suddenly breaks up with you to chase his career in another continent. Ten years later, you unexpectedly bump into him, and feelings that were once buried with time resurface once again but you know better than to let it consume you.
18+ MDNI; timeskip!oikawa, angst, hurt/no comfort (gets a bit better towards the end, trust), light smut, implied sex, brief mention of oral (f receiving), not-so-happy ending (sorry lol), iwaizumi being a good friend. divider: cafekitsune.
word count: 4.9k
notes: sorry i suck at writing the synopsis lmaoo pls trust me on this one. i may or may not have cried while writing this aaaaa i live for oikawa angst sm. feedback is more than welcome!
A few hours.
It took 18-year-old Tōru Oikawa a few hours to intricately gather his thoughts and tell you his plans regarding his future. His future. You always took that with a grain of salt because deep down there’s an impending fear that you weren’t always going to be a part of that, especially with how passionate Tōru was with volleyball—you just didn’t think it would come this soon.
Standing at the doorway to your boyfriend’s room, your clouded gaze followed each hesitant step taken as he quietly packed his clothes. Back and forth, back and forth, Tōru grabbed a handful of clothes from his closet and tossed it into an opened suitcase that lay on the floor. The tension in the room grew heavy with each passing second as his suitcase became evidently packed; your solemn gaze locked on his figure, his back remained facing you.
The silence was deafening, your neck burned with a searing blaze, all the things you wanted to scream at him were stuck in your throat. You’ve been standing on the same spot for more than half an hour now, you couldn’t feel the soles of your feet at all but that didn’t compare to the unbearable pain that weaved its way into your heart. Occasional sniffles and sighs escaped you both but nothing more, no one dared to address the elephant in the room right now. That in less than a day, Tōru was going to be eighteen thousand kilometres away from you. For good.
”We can make it work. .” A shaky sigh left your lips, voice hoarse despite not having the heart to yell and argue with him. Tōru gripped the fabrics in his hand, nails digging into the softness of the textiles, he mirrored your sigh and finally faced you. Eyes slightly red from holding his tears back, Tōru’s brows furrowed, “We’re going to be in two different continents. The time zone would be too much of a difference.”
You don’t have to remind me.
Biting your tongue in frustration, you stared at him. His eyes, his nose, his lips, anything and everything that would help you sear his appearance in your mind. “So you’re just going to let all this go? As easy as that?” Nothing in this is easy for me. For the first time in a few hours, Tōru inched closer to your unmoving figure. He’s been keeping a clear distance as if holding you tight against him would cause you to disappear in a flash despite his heart practically aching to be near you at this very moment.
It took all of Tōru’s willpower not to wrap his arms around you, and whisper into your ear over and over again how much he loves you; how scared he was that in less than a day, you weren’t going to be by his side anymore. He was a coward. He knew that doing so would only worsen the situation at hand.
“You and I have futures to pursue, you of all people should know that.” The wooden frame of his bed creaked as he plopped down with another sigh. “B-but you don’t have to end our relationship like this . . ! Maybe I can go to Argentina with you and—” Your boyfriend waved a dismissive hand and let out an empty chuckle, “Don’t be so irrational.” “You’re the irrational one here, Oikawa!” You raised your voice at him, tone trembling with anger and fear as your nails painfully dug into the plushness of your palms.
Your chest rapidly rose and fell with each heavy breath taken, unshed tears threatening to fall from your eyes. Why did he have to do this? Ever since entering a relationship with Tōru, you’ve always known that you only came second to volleyball but you didn’t know it’d hurt this much. Despite having no intentions of holding him back from the future he has worked hard to carve, you couldn’t help but become a little selfish on your end. Why did Tōru have the need to feel that breaking up with you was the best solution?
As mentioned earlier, you’d do anything and everything to make it work. You were hoping. Hoping that your boyfriend would at least reconsider breaking off the relationship but knowing him, once he had set his mind straight, there was no turning back.
“Do you not love me anymore?” You whispered into the silent room. Tōru looked away as he caught a glimpse of your deflated expression, shutting his eyes as he tried not to think of that specific expression in his mind. All he could muster was a weak rebuttal but he dared not to explain further, even if he wanted, he couldn’t bring himself to. Not when the situation was already taking a toll on both of you. He spoke again, voice threatening to waver,
“Will you come see me off tomorrow?”
You didn’t go despite Iwaizumi’s pleas to see Tōru off with him. You couldn’t. The least you could give yourself right now was space, and seeing your boyfriend off to another country would do more harm than good, especially knowing that he wasn’t yours anymore nor you were his. It took Iwaizumi more than thirty texts to finally give up, it was a rare occurrence as it wasn’t in your friend’s nature to be persistent like that.
You’re thankful that he cares for you a lot because for the first few weeks without Tōru’s presence, both of you confided in each other. There were occurrences where you had to turn down his requests on joining him for a weekly video call with Tōru who still had a hard time settling down in a foreign country; in your mind, you had no business communicating with your ex-boyfriend anymore—he broke off the relationship and that was that.
Weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. As you moved on with life and focused on your career ahead, naturally, you found yourself burying the painful past behind. Not to mention how you deleted Tōru’s number—after painfully reminiscing old texts with him—and blocked him from all your social media accounts. It’s been ten years now and Oikawa was the least of your concern, he was just a person from the past that you’re thankful to have met.
After all, if it wasn’t for what he did, you wouldn’t have learned to grow as an individual and truly seek what you wanted. During the course of your relationship with Oikawa, you were more than content supporting him in his volleyball career, standing at the sidelines and cheering him on but you didn’t know what you wanted for yourself then, and maybe Oikawa saw that earlier on. That breaking up was a way for you to flourish as your own person, not someone who stood amongst the crowd.
It was a peaceful weekend afternoon, passing time at the local convenience store to buy whatever snack you felt like eating before heading home to retire for the day and possibly binge a series you’ve been meaning to watch. Walking down the bread aisle, you caught a glimpse of a very familiar sight. Milk bread. Chuckling, you found yourself reminiscing about the old high school days where you and Oikawa would stop by to buy a pack of milk bread whenever he ran out. You haven’t eaten one since the day he left you.
It wouldn’t hurt to try one now, you thought to yourself. Reaching for the closest pack, another hand suddenly reached out to the one you had set your eyes onto. Both yours and the stranger’s arms retracted back in embarrassment, “S-sorry! You can go ahead and grab it.” You profusely apologised, not noticing the expression the stranger wore. Upon their silence, you drew your attention to the man standing beside you and blinked twice.
It seemed like the only option when the stranger before you was not just any shopper, it was none other than Tōru Oikawa. If you were to tell your 18-year-old self that ten years later, you’d be face to face with your ex-boyfriend, you wouldn’t have believed it. Everything felt strange—from the way the ambience of the store faded into white nothingness, to the way Oikawa felt painfully familiar yet different; he wore the same genuine shock plastered on your face—eyes wide, brows sky high, and lips slightly parted. You wondered if his ears were ringing too or if his heart threatened to leap from his chest. Oikawa was the first to break his trance, searching his mind high and low to find something, anything to say to you.
He was speaking yet nothing was heard on your end, only your own storm of thoughts. All you could muster was to really take him in. His hazel eyes shone beneath the harsh ivory lights of the store—everything about him was the same but unfamiliar; his hair was styled the same way ten years ago but a little shorter, his evident athletic build, his sun kissed skin, his aura. It was your turn to finally return to reality as Oikawa warily waved a slender hand inches from your face, “O-Oikawa. . ?” was all you could come up with, tone airy yet just above a whisper for him to hear. Oikawa greeted your unreadable expression with a familiar warm smile as if the two of you were ten years back in time, hearts beating for one another.
“It’s been a while, huh?” He hummed.
Everything was a blur—from the painfully awkward start of the conversation, to brazenly inviting him back to your apartment to prolong the spontaneous catch up. You were surprised because you both managed to flow into a smooth conversation where no one had to think of anything and everything just to keep the impending silence away. It was weird, you’ve always imagined that seeing Oikawa once again would reel you back in the most unpleasant way; the deepest memories you’ve sworn to reject resurfacing.
But the whole situation before you was a damn far cry from the scenarios in your mind—Oikawa had no hesitations telling you about his life for the past ten years, even going out of his way to inform you of his favourite local meals back in Argentina and how he applied for his citizenship, so you did the same thing. It was like being a teenager all over again, gushing to one another about your interests, and whatever else there was to talk about. You caught a glint in Oikawa’s hazel eyes as he spoke endlessly, almost as if he had been waiting ten whole years just to tell you everything that’s been going on in his life, like he knew the two of you were bound to meet again one way or another.
A solemn smile made its way to his face, the atmosphere in your apartment shifting with it. You held a breath, heart violently pounding against your chest possibly knowing where the conversation was going. “You were the only one I wanted to see, you know? Before I. .” Oikawa trailed off, looking down at his fingers. You nodded, knowing exactly what he was referring to.
It pained you to even imagine it: 18-year-old Tōru Oikawa restlessly scanning the bustling airport for your familiar figure, eyes darting between the ocean of people coming in and out of the terminal, heart sinking down to his stomach as each second passed without your presence. Despite the countless times Iwaizumi reminded him you weren’t coming, he waited. Oikawa waited and waited until he needed to proceed to the airport security, each heavy step further into the airport, he’d hoped you’d call out his name and give him one last hug before he left for Argentina but you never came. That night, Oikawa realised he’d left a piece of his heart back home.
”I’m sorry. .” Was all you could muster. In your defence, he wasn’t the only one hurting—you were torn between saving what’s left of your broken heart and giving in to your desires. Of course, you picked the former. That time, it seemed like the best idea, though, you’d be lying to yourself if you said there weren’t restless nights where you wish you’d gone to see Oikawa off. It plagued you for as long as your cruel mind wanted, scenarios of what could have been a proper goodbye seared into your brain—a one last hug before letting Oikawa chase his dreams, uncertain when you’d be able to see him again.
Oikawa let out a sigh, a breath he didn’t know he had been holding, “I missed you.” He took a small sip of his drink, letting the sweet taste linger on his tongue before nervously swallowing. It took all his willpower to avoid your gaze, staring at the ivory walls ahead, hoping you’d say something sooner or later instead of letting the small confession awkwardly linger in the air. You chuckled, a humourless one,
“You know, I’d be more upset if you didn’t.”
The man whipped his head to your direction, meeting that meaningful gaze of yours; he looked like a deer caught in the headlights—eyes wide and lips slightly parted. For the first time in a while, Tōru Oikawa felt his heart race; it wasn’t like any other, not like the adrenaline rush that took over his body before a match, not like the nervousness he felt when he boarded the plane to Argentina for the first time. It was unique. Uniquely yours. Only you made him feel this way. In the blink of an eye, Oikawa felt like he was pulled back in time, a teenager all over again, brimming with such emotions. If it weren’t for his quick senses, he wouldn’t have noticed the way your gaze subtly shifted downwards—to his lips—and then back up to his eyes.
Have you been on edge all this time, too? Filled with overwhelming emotions? He thought. Yes, it’s been ten long years but that doesn’t mean his heart did not beat for you anymore; it doesn’t mean that he has stopped thinking about you; it doesn’t mean that he did not want to kiss you the moment he laid his eyes on you back at the convenience store. Surely, you didn’t feel the same, right? But then again, it’s been a decade and Oikawa’s feelings remained indifferent to when he left.
A brush of gentle fingers against your cheek caused your eyes to instinctively close, knowing fully well what was about to happen next. A single click from the white clock that hung on your wall. A second. And then Oikawa’s lips were on yours. The kiss was anything but foreign—sure, it felt stiff at first, suddenly not knowing how to match your lips with his but it has been ten years. The kiss was meek but after a heartbeat, you and Oikawa moved in complete unison, falling into that specific pattern you both knew—how he moved his lips, how he let out gasps in between, how he eagerly prodded his tongue. Your head spun, hands exploring Oikawa’s built torso while his own focused on your head, tugging at the strands and gently rubbing your nape.
The atmosphere shifted with the newly found desire, small moans and gasps filled the walls of your apartment as Oikawa kissed you with hunger—as if he was a starved man. He didn’t hesitate to explore you with his tongue, groaning into your mouth before pulling away to take a breather—chests heaving as you both gasped for air, faces mere centimetres from each other, hot breaths intertwining. He looked at you with hooded eyes, gaze filled with carnal desire as he gave your swollen lips a small peck. “I want you so bad . .” Oikawa breathed out, eyes tracing every dip and curve of your features.
Cupping his crimson red cheeks, you gave him a small smile, “I’m all yours.” Always have been and always will be, you wanted to add but already you had an idea Oikawa knew that more than anyone else.
The short journey from the living room to your bedroom was a blur—it was messy, eager hands exploring each other’s body, hungry lips inseparable from one another, articles of clothing swiftly discarded along the path to your bedroom. Lying atop the sheets, your eyes wandered along Oikawa’s bare sun kissed torso—his physique was much bigger than you last remembered, muscles flexing with every movement that had you painfully clenching around nothing.
He stood at the foot of the bed, chestnut hair tousled from the work of your fingers, bare chest heaving from the kiss, and fingers working at the zip of his pants. You took the time to really drink him in—the entirety of him; reality settling on you how much he had grown as a man. Oikawa was no longer that naïve 18-year-old who swallowed all his fears and insecurities with a flirtatious façade.
He eagerly pulled down the remaining clothes he had on, swiftly crawling up the bed towards you, not giving any time to revel at the sight of his bare cock before kissing you again, his fingers intertwining with your own.
It felt surreal, from the way the heat of Oikawa’s naked body felt against your own to the way his kisses explored parts of you that he’s never seen before. He took his time, admiring every inch of your bare body, not hesitating to blurt out praises that came to his mind first thing. “You’re beautiful.” Oikawa whispers against the warmth of your skin followed by an open-mouthed kiss.
He held you gently, caressing and massaging every bit of skin he could get his hands on. He knew better than to rush such an intimate moment with you, especially when he’s been fantasizing about this for the past decade—fantasizing about how your skin would feel beneath his searing touch; how you’d sound when he stimulates the most sensitive parts of your body, how you’d look when pleasure is all you can think about. It drove him absolutely impatient but for you, he’s willing to slow down if it meant he could savour these moments with you—Oikawa has patiently waited for ten years, full of uncertainty. What more was a few minutes to bask in your beauty?
Attentive as ever, he scanned your face for any sign of discomfort, focusing on the way you moaned and scrunched your face in pleasure as he tasted you. God, you tasted like pure heaven—divine. Oikawa could get lost between your legs forever, everything about you drove him crazy. Not to mention how your scent had him completely whipped.
The night continued on like this, Oikawa eagerly exploring your body, pleasuring you in ways you didn’t know even existed—it was almost like he had a list of things at the back of his mind, neatly tucked away for when this specific moment comes. There was never a moment of uncertainty, his body swiftly moving into the next act, bringing you with him. Despite your own pleas to return the pleasure, Oikawa refused, even as his cock leaked with pre-cum, begging to be touched by you. He didn’t have to do all the work but he did, only because he wanted to. He wanted to show you how much his body yearned and desired to be close to yours; ten years was no easy wait. Sure, Oikawa had a fair share of mere hookups with other women but they weren’t you. They will never be you.
As the moon shone amongst the ebony skies, moonlight seeped through the window, casting a faint ethereal glow upon your sweat-coated bodies—skin shining like the stars above. You held onto Oikawa’s shoulders for dear life, ribbons of moans and curses tumbled past your lips and into the thick air of the room, travelling to the ceiling above.
He moved with fervour, hips relentlessly driving into your own as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. Back and forth, back and forth, the steady rhythm of Oikawa’s hips, jolting your body along each forceful thrust. It was heaven on earth, naked bodies tangled amongst the ivory sheets as you lost yourselves in each other, one thing in mind. You both cared about nothing at this point, not even the fact that he still had to go back home—to Argentina; not even the fact that your hearts beat as one, interlacing with one another as buried feelings blossomed out in the open—the unsaid, the desire, everything came beautifully crashing down upon the two of you, unsure about what the future holds. That was a conversation for tomorrow, anyway.
Amidst the overwhelming pleasure, the creaking of the bed, and the lewd moans that filled your room, Oikawa found your hand once again, interlacing his damp fingers with yours. He gave it a small squeeze, moaning right into your ear before slipping out a confession, “I love you so much.” It caught you off guard, eyes fluttering open, returning his lustful gaze. “I—” “It’s okay. .” Oikawa cut you off, steadying his breath. He knew exactly what you’d say—that you love him, too—but somehow hearing those words from you after all these years was even more painful than rejecting him because at the end of the day he had to go home.
The night carried on with more and more pleasure, each orgasm becoming more intense than the previous, the movements of your bodies showed signs of exhaustion but none dared to stop—as if stopping was somewhat going to take one away from the other. You’ve never felt anything like this before, waves of pleasure rolling out and crashing into you repeatedly; all you could really do was hold Oikawa tightly, whispering sweet nothings against his neck. God, you could only wish for this to last forever.
As the morning rolled around, the sun shone brightly through your window, slowly burning your skin the longer you stayed in one position. Groaning, you stretched your naked body, muscles painfully crying out from overuse. Normally, you would have cared about it but the spot beside you was cold and empty, no sign of Oikawa. The realisation hit you, heart sinking to the depths of your stomach. Did he leave already? And not even saying goodbye? The loud sound coming from the kitchen pulled you out of the storm of unpleasant thoughts. Ignoring the weakness of your legs, you did your best to slip into a fresh pair of underwear before grabbing Oikawa’s shirt that lay at the entrance of your room to head to the kitchen.
You sucked in a breath. There he stood, only wearing pants from last night while navigating through the small space of your kitchen. He hummed a familiar tune, the saccharine sound of his voice mixing with the sizzling of the eggs he cooked. “Oikawa.” The man before you turned at the sound of your voice, pleasantly shocked, “Good morning, sleepyhead.” He greeted in a singsong voice. You would’ve called him ‘cute’ if it weren’t for the evident lovebites, hues of dark purple and red peppering his torso—it immediately reminded you of last night, cheeks heating up at the lewd memories. “Take a seat. This is done.” Oikawa skilfully plated the eggs, grabbing the freshly toasted bread before heading to the table where you now sat. It was weird yet nice to see him so domestic, something you never really experienced back then.
“Thank you.” You look up at him, a faint smile dancing upon your lips. Oikawa shook his head, “It’s nothing. Just a simple breakfast.” You weren’t talking about the breakfast, though, and he knew that as well but dared not to bring it up. It was bittersweet, really, how the two of you acted right now felt so right but so wrong at the same time—you both acted like a normal couple during a normal morning, as if there wasn’t a return ticket neatly tucked inside Oikawa’s passport that weighed his heart heavy with each passing second in your presence.
Thank you for showing me what could have been.
That was what you meant earlier. Getting the pleasure to look into the life of what could have been with Tōru Oikawa wasn’t much but it put your yearning heart at ease—that in another life, he’d be cooking eggs for you again without having to think about flying back home; that in another life, you ended up together. Maybe if you were still eighteen, you would have cried, screamed at him for getting your hopes up, for leaving you once again, for breaking your heart a second time, you weren’t a teenager anymore but that didn’t mean you were immune to seeing him leave you again—you just got older, and became better at swallowing unwanted emotions.
That’s right. You weren’t a teenager anymore. “You’re leaving tomorrow.” You bit the inside of your cheek, addressing the elephant in the room; you swore Oikawa flinched a little at your straightforwardness. It wasn’t pretty to hear but it also wasn’t a lie. He took a small bite, carefully swallowing the piece before meeting your gaze, “Yeah, Iwa is dropping me off at the airport in the afternoon. .” His sentence lingered in the air, it didn’t dissipate, it stayed there waiting to be finished. You remained silent despite having an idea of what was to come next, you wanted him to say it, just like he did ten years ago. Oikawa nervously cleared his throat,
“Will you come see me off tomorrow?”
Much to Oikawa and Iwaizumi’s surprise, you came to see the former off—a little breathless from jogging around the terminal but at least you were in one piece. You didn’t notice the way Iwaizumi’s eyes widened at the love bites on your neck matching his best friend’s one; he was well aware of what happened between you and Oikawa the other day but just didn’t expect the intensity of it, especially with the situation now, nonetheless, he remained silent. Iwaizumi figured he’d talk to you about it later.
Everything slowed down as Oikawa set his hazel eyes on you—the bustling of the airport, the time displayed on the large digital clock, his racing heart. What he felt right now was a far cry from that day when he left for the first time; ten years ago, everything felt like it was slipping past his fingers. Oikawa remembers pacing back and forth just outside the men’s toilet, Iwaizumi’s attempts to calm him down fell deaf on his ears—all the former could hear was the uncomfortable beat of his heart, and the buzz around him. He tried his best to calm down, he really did but to no avail because at the back of his mind, you were the remedy. If Oikawa told his 18-year-old self that he wouldn’t have to stress so much about flying back to Argentina anymore, his younger self would most likely not believe him—having permanently associated the airport with the dreadful feeling of missing something. Missing someone.
Ten years later, he knows not to worry anymore. “Tōru.” You called out, giving Iwaizumi a quick wave before walking towards the taller man. “You came.” He replied, breathless, not knowing whether to scream at the fact that you came to see him off or called him by his first name. Oh, how Oikawa endlessly prayed to the universe for the day his name rolls off your tongue once again. It was sweet—meant to be voiced by you and only you. The three of you exchanged casual conversation like it was back in high school all over again—small banters here and there between the two men, a little teasing on the side, and most importantly, the unsaid thoughts.
You didn’t want this to end, you didn’t want to let him go but you knew better. Oikawa gave his best friend a firm hug and turned to you, arms spread wide, a sad smile etched on his face. “I’ll miss you so so much.” You let out a sigh, inhaling his scent for one last time as he tightened his hold around you. Oikawa rested his chin on the crown of your head, a light chuckle escaping his lips, “I’d be more upset if you didn’t.” He pulled away, cupping your face and resting his forehead against your own,
“I love you so much. You know that, right?” “I love you too, Tōru.”
Who knew that ten years later you’d be watching the back of your ex lover’s figure walk away from you as he leaves the country—it was silly how the universe worked but you never once doubted it. Despite how cruel it was, you’d already come to terms with it; finally letting go of Tōru Oikawa. You both had different paths in life to pursue, and that was that. It just wasn’t meant to be.
Iwaizumi gave you a friendly pat on the back, noticing the way tears quickly formed as Oikawa faced the other way. Yes, you were older now, more mature but that meant nothing as the love of your life walked away from you once again. You didn’t want to admit it back then but ever since Oikawa left for Argentina, he had taken a piece of your heart with him. And maybe you’ll just have to live with the fact that your heart will stay incomplete—a piece of it remaining eighteen thousand kilometres away from you.
#₊˚ෆ YUE WRITES!#oikawa tooru#haikyuu#oikawa angst#oikawa smut#oikawa x reader#oikawa x you#oikawa x y/n#haikyuu angst#haikyuu smut#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu x you#haikyuu x y/n#smut#mdni
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Oikawa and blue
tooru oikawa x reader
c: fluff, pining, best friends to lovers speed run
All you can see is blue as you find you face buried against Tooru’s chest, against the smooth fabric of his uniform as he crushes you with a hug that nearly sends both of you sprawling to the ground, laughing and choking out your name in disbelief as he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
It’s been three years since your best friend moved to Argentina, since you’re felt the warmth of his gaze as his dark brown eyes sweep over your form to make sure you’re still in one piece. Since he’s fallen into his easy habit of teasing you, of swiping his tongue over his bottom lip and winking to let you know when he’s joking.
—three years since you’ve felt this familiar ache that’s long since lived deep beneath your ribcage rouse to life as you scramble to shove it back down, frantically fighting to ignore feelings that have no place here.
Tooru Oikawa’s been your best friend for so long, you can hardly remember what life was like before him.
(You can hardly remember what it feels like not to love him.)
“I can’t believe you’re here,” he exhales, face still flushed from the game he had no idea you were at, not until he spotted you waiting on the sidelines after.
And you’ll keep it to yourself, the way your stupid, fragile, hopeless heart soared as his expression lit up in shock, as he didn’t hesitate to drop everything to run toward you, lifting you up and spinning you around in his arms without a single trace of the exhaustion he was keeled over with moments before after the final whistle.
(It was worth every minute of the plane ride spent fretting over how terribly this surprise could backfire.)
Every second spent wondering if he missed you as much as you—
“I missed you so much, you have no idea,” he breathes out as he hugs you again, mouth dangerously close to the shell of your ear as he holds you like he doesn’t care that you’re surrounded by his teammates and other players and bleachers full of fans.
(You’ll keep it to yourself, the fact that you know he hasn’t been dating.)
You kissed Tooru the night before he left Japan.
It was brief, a fleeting decision you made as you stood in the doorway of his apartment, your mouth quickly finding his in lieu of the tearful goodbye that was on your lips.
It tasted like salt and farewell.
You never talked about it, he never brought it up.
(You never forgot that it happened, but you sure do fucking hope that he did.)
But now, as he leans his forehead against yours and continues to laugh softly in delight, eyes shining with something that looks suspiciously like tears, it’s clear that he didn’t as he says, “Are we going to make a habit of this?”
—and kisses you like he hasn’t stopped thinking about it for a single second either.
#tooru oikawa x reader#oikawa tooru x reader#oikawa tooru#tooru oikawa#haikyuu#dee writes#rambling: t. oikawa
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So I finally sat down and watched the entirety of season 7 of Drive to Survive so here are my unfiltered (and 100% unserious) thoughts:
- I’m so glad they didn’t shy away from showing some of the corruption in F1
- Jack Doohan calling Carlos Sainz the paddock whore? As if Franco Colapinto isn’t trying to throw it back on every old man he sees and it’s WORKING? Doohan better start getting loose with it because Briatore is gonna take him back behind the paddock and put him down the second his contract is up if he can’t out-sex the national twink of Argentina
- episode 6 is sooooo Wildflower coded I love it (and wholly inaccurate for the real dynamics of McLaren, hence the WF vibes)
- I felt like a medieval peasant strolling the cobblestones looking for a flash of ankle every time I saw even a glimpse of Franco. Franco for like 2 seconds in episode 6 when they showed Baku!!!!! and in the background for 2 seconds in the episode 7 on Singapore during the drivers parade. Franco overtake on Gasly mentioned in episode 9… wait why are they only showing Franco’s crashes
- like seriously who did Franco piss off at Netflix for them to only show his crashes?
- This entire thing needed 200% less Christian Horner. No one should be subjected to that much of that man.
- I heard bad things about Briatore but actually seeing him? That man is a VILLAIN. Gives me atrocious vibes. I hate him. Stinky. Ew.
- No mention of the Gax beef? This feels homophobic somehow
- *watching Lewis Hamilton do donuts* I’m not crying you’re crying. SHUT UP.
- this season felt like they started producing the earlier episodes while the season was still ongoing and then when everything in the last fourth of the season happened they were like OH SHIT actual plot lines that we don’t have to fabricate? what do we do? and in response they did nothing.
- Franco deserved better :(
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"Artist Alexandra Kehayoglou creates exquisite pieces of flowing textiles that reference the rugged landscapes of her homeland, Argentina.
In the creation of each tapestry, Kehayoglou transforms surplus carpet fabric into natural elements that range from a spectrum of Earth-colored mosses to clusters of trees and serpentine rivers that cut through the heart of her weaves.
Entwined within each piece are fragments of the artist’s own memories, including witnessing waterways slowly recede and the alterations to Argentina’s grasslands."
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[Fabric] Protegé la experiencia de usuarios en una capacidad
Cada día más y más personas se suman a la ola de Fabric. Gracias a su amplia variedad de planes permite a pequeñas y grandes empresas nutrirse de sus características desde tempranas etapas. Algo primordial al momento de construir servicios o contenido en un recurso dedicado es monitorear esa capacidad.
¿Por que lo hacemos? porque necesitamos asegurarnos que sus recursos sean viables y no se sobrecargue. Si hay una sobrecarga todo se vuelve lento, la experiencia de usuario cae dado que no logramos dar respuesta a sus peticiones por fallas o demoras.
En este artículo mostraremos como mantener la experiencia de usuario sana aunque los procesos operativos colapsaran.
Hace unos días escribimos sobre la importancia de mantener una capacidad sana y hemos mencionado formas de montiorearla/administrarla. Ambos artículos son una gran fuente de aprendizaje para velar por un espacio dedicado que respondas a las necesidades de los usuarios con los recursos disponibles.
En estos artículos hacemos mención sobre dos categorías de operaciones que utiliza la capacidad. Hablamos de operaciones background e interactive. Tal como su nombre lo indica una refiere a todos los procesos bach, código, calendarizados, flujos, etc. Mientras que interactivo vela por la respuesta de los modelos dentro de los informes para usuarios finales. En enero 2025 microsoft fabric incorporó una excelente característica que nos ayude a poner límites porcentuales a operaciones background.
La característica se llama Surge Protection, y la definición en palabras microsoft:
"La protección contra sobrecargas ayuda a limitar el uso excesivo de su capacidad al limitar la cantidad de cómputo consumido por los trabajos en segundo plano. Puede configurar la protección contra sobrecargas para cada capacidad. La protección contra sobrecargas ayuda a prevenir el estrangulamiento y los rechazos, pero no es un sustituto de la optimización de la capacidad, el escalado vertical y el escalado horizontal. Cuando la capacidad alcanza su límite de cómputo, experimenta retrasos interactivos, rechazos interactivos o todos los rechazos incluso cuando la protección contra sobrecargas está habilitada."
Muy bien define que esta es una característica que se suma a ayudarnos. No va a reemplazar las prácticas anteriores.
¿Cómo funciona?
Ahora disponemos de dos parámetros nuevos para definirle a las capacidades. Por un lado el porcentaje máximo de la capacidad que pueden alcanzar las operaciones de segundo plano (Background Rejection threshold) y por otro el porcentaje al cual debe bajar el procesamiento para retomar las operaciones de segundo plano. Tomemos un ejemplo para explicarlo mejor (Background Recovery threshold)
LaDataWeb ha configurado estos parametros delimitando 70% para el rechazo de operaciones y 40% para la recuperación. Elegimos 70% porque conocemos la actividad de interactividad de los usuarios y casi siempre ronda entre 17% y 20% según nuestra Fabric Capacity Metrics app. Entonces sabemos que resguardando 30% estaremos seguro y limitamos 70% a las de segundo plano. Podríamos pensarlo como que hemos partido el 100% de la capacidad limitando al back a usar hasta cierto punto.
El día comienza a las 8 am cuando la gente inicia la jornada tradicional de trabajo y corre más operaciones de lo debido manualmente logrando que el background llegue a 70%. Surge Protection al llegar al 70%, continuará las operaciones que este "En ejecución", pero comenzará a rechazar todas las operaciones nuevas que intenten correr. ¿Como sabremos que rechazó? podran saberlo al ejecutar porque verán así:
O en la Fabric capacity metrics app en el nuevo apartado de "System events":
Esto significa que por 24 horas Fabric intentará reducir la capacidad de background rechazando nuevas peticiones. Los usuarios que dan uso con operaciones de interactividad dispondran de 30% de la capacidad. Si su uso es el promedio especulado, no se verían afectados en performance en sus operaciones. Lo cual permite a la empresa seguir operando.
¿Hasta cuando estará bloqueado el back? seguirá rechazando peticiones hasta que la capacidad baje hasta un 40% como lo fue especificado en el parametro de recuperación de capacidad.
¿Cómo configurarlo?
Abrimos el menú de configuración -> Admin portal -> opciones de capacidad. Seleccionamos la capacidad deseada para configurarlo y prendemos la opción de Surge Protection. Luego delimitamos los valores como el ejemplo de la imagen:
Así llegamos al final del artículo donde revisamos una excelente característica que nos ayuda a mantener la experiencia de los usuarios aún cuando los procesos estan en situaciones críticas.
Espero que esta nueva feature los ayude.
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i actually think you’re a prophet when it comes to franco colapinto. like how does everything you say make so much sense and i never thought of it before??? anyways, thoughts on franco pining and trying to win reader over??? like they have mutual friends and every time they see each other he cant stop flirting with her. whenever they’re at parties back home in argentina, he won’t leave her alone. she acts “annoyed” but ends up spending the whole night talking to him, so he views in as a win. also, he dms her after every time she posts online complimenting her, especially if it’s a bikini picture or something. idk i feel like he’s such a charmer
Thanks, babe! I hate when i'm reading fanfiction and their out of character so i just try to stay the closest to reality, maybe that's why i take so long to write, i like to think what they'd do, yk?
Anyways, I feel like his friends would try to help setting you up, taking all the seats but the one next to you so it was left for him, telling him that you would be going out with them so he could come two and telling him when you posted so he could be the first to like and reply to your story.
The thing was that you got into the friend group because of your best friend, so you were a new addition and didn’t have the time to get to know Franco but when he was home you’d see him more often, clubs, concerts, birthday parties or simple dinner, he was always there. And he would always flirt with you.
You mainly ignored his first attempts because of some not so good stories your friend had about him. But you’d admit the banter was fun, and turning him down multiple times knowing that he wouldn’t give up gave you the biggest confidence boost. At some point you just decided to have fun with it, thinking you would never fall for his charms.
The night that it happened was your best friend’s birthday. You were in her room, getting dressed while waiting for her to shower because you would be doing her hair and make up for her party. You tried your best to zip up your dress but after a couple minutes you gave up and walked out, looking for someone to do it for you, all you found was Franco, in the kitchen, stealing the party snacks.
“You’re early” he nodded, “and eating the party food” he moved his hand from the bowl, apologizing quietly, barely paying attention to what you were saying and just admiring how good you looked. “Where’s everyone?”
“Think they went out to get something, they were leaving when I got here.”
“Fuck. Me. You’ll have to do. I need help with my dress” you turned your back to him, pulling your hair to the side to reveal your back. The zipper was completely open and giving him a peak of the top of your thong, his eyes went wide at it. “It’s a zipper and then you tie the top. Can you do that?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure” he reached out for the zipper right by your ass, gently tugging the fabric down to help it close. Then his fingers reached for the long ties below your shoulders and tied a bow on your back. “Done” he whispered.
“Thanks, I’ll- umh, check on the birthday girl,” you told him, flipping your hair back when you turned back to him, “you make yourself at home, really and wait for the guys to come back I guess, we’re still gonna take a while.”
He nodded, shoving his hands back into his pockets as he followed you out of the kitchen.
That same night you realized that all your friends were coupling, and you weren’t in a mood to meet people, so you turned to the last person you knew, Franco. You sat in the garden, by the door as the party happened inside, he saw you from the window and decided to join.
“Oh, no,” you looked up at him, standing in front of you and took the drink he offered you. “Is the party that bad? I planned it”
“No, it’s good, think everyone’s enjoying it.” he sat by your side “Just came to see what’s wrong”
“Don’t know if you noticed but pretty much everyone I know in there is making out or about to make out with someone.” you took a sip of your drink
“Should we join them?” he teased and you hit him in the arm, not missing how strong he felt.
“I’ll leave” you warned, only half joking.
“Fine, I won’t say anything” he lifted his hands up in surrender “you’re the only person left that I know too, so I guess we’re stuck with each other”
“Right” you scoffed.
It turned out that once you actually got to know him, he was quite shy but really sweet. You spent the night talking and the next morning when Franco woke up he had a hickey on his neck and a stain of your lipstick on the collar of his shirt.
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Hi! 🐑🐑 anon here! thanks so much for the sheep :)))
I’m typing on my phone rn so I can type much better. Thank you for the advice!!! So here’s my Argentina thing:
I go to school here (7th grade) and we have breaks betweeen every class!!! 5-15 minute breaks! It’s illegal to not have them! It’s amazing!
i get to choose my lunch every day! I choose, I buy, and I can eat almost anywhere! I always eat the same thing (caprese roll) cuz autism and vegetarianism
speaking of which, we can eat in any of the breaks! We decide! It’s awesome!!!
no dress code! No awful suffocating polo shirts! With the worst fabric made! Just whatever I want to wear! Every day!!!
if I can’t do something, I’m allowed to not do it! I don’t have to do gym! I can sit it out! Gym is rlly hard for me bcuz I remember one day in my life when I could run for more than a minute without doubling over gasping at the end. Also, I hate it.
Not school related things now:
everyone uses their hands to talk! So I don’t get weird looks for my stimming!!! It’s incredible!!!!!
this is a ginormous one for me: THEY ARE SO BLUNT HERE. They use body language, which I can read well, and they just say what they mean! It’s such a relief!!! I can trust them!!! I don’t have to try doubly hard to figure out what they’re saying!!!! ITS SO SO SO AWESOME!!!!
also: a down point is that the greeting is usually a hug. But for some reason, here, hugs are better! They give me tons of warning bcuz I know when they’re gonna do it so I can prepare! Everyone talks with their body and it’s so much easier to understand!
Back to school real quick, we address the teachers by first names!!! No titles that seem to just distance us from ppl supposed to help us!!!
yeah, there are asshoels, but mainly, people are so nice! But in a genuine way! Not in a stupid social cues way! They are genuinely happy to see you, and if they aren’t, you know! No passive aggressive, no sarcasm (I like sarcasm sometimes but it can be annoying), just actual words!!!
wveeyone gets accommodations! The gym thing, are you tired? Or did you break your hand? Whatever! You can sit out! Do you need to doodle in class? There’s no, “do you have a (professionally diagnosed) learning disability? No? Then no.” Just yes! Sure! I love your doodles! Can u draw something for me?
Anyway, that was a lot. I’m actually fascinated in this and obsessed so thx so much for letting me info dump in your inbox!!!! Hope it’s interesting! There’s more, which I’ll add later!
Hi 🐑🐑! That all sounds great! I'm glad you've had such a positive experience there ☺️ I wish I could have got out of gym, I always found it so difficult and my PE teachers could be pretty mean 😔
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Hey do you have world building ideas and advice for hot climates like deserts,savannas, or any tropical island for example?
Of course! :D I'm assuming you want a post the opposite of this one [x]
Worldbuilding: Hot Climates
Beating the sweltering heat
When it comes to living in a hot climate, there's learning to survive the heat, and adapting to the ins and outs of usually very uniquely biodiverse environments.
For humans surviving intense heat is often not actually that difficult. Due to the placement of the equator many nations live in sweltering conditions. The key to surviving is based on the different kinds of hot biomes, there's some different general survival advice for someone living in a windy desert compared to a humid rainforest.
When it comes to extreme fantasy environments we have factor things in like fire safety, heatproof suits, fireproof architecture, solarpunk technology, and more.
Arid versus Humid
Arid (also known as dry) leads to more desert biomes, as it rarely rains. Deserts although stereotypically very devoid of life aren't actually always that. Many peoples live in these places of course, and all kinds of life thrive within. Think about cactus fields, vibrant but sparse greenery, and the tons of the desert insects.
In these kinds of biomes we can see things like dunes, mountains, sandstone, cracked earth, and so much more. In deserts things like lightning storms, sandstorms, invasive plants that rely on the wind (like tumbleweeds) need to be taken into consideration for the people who live there.
However things change drastically if it is a hot and not-arid climate, like a rainforest or jungle. Humidity can be just as dangerous, if not even more on it's own in such a sweltering environment. Many rainforests also take place in high altitudes, which are their own adventure.
Figuring out what you wanna do between these two polar opposites is the hard part, but don't too discouraged because with the use of mountains and weather-travel, these biomes can sometimes end up close by to one another.
Tropical versus Subtropical
You learn something new everyday, I didn't even know there was a difference until making this post.
Tropical climates have consistence hot temperatures and rain, while subtropical climates have more seasonal features, maintaining a warmer to hot temperature with seasons of dry versus rainy.
For earth what typically makes a nation one or another relies on the equator. The closer nations are all usually tropical, while the outer group marked right below US Midwest and right in the middle of Argentina, are our subtropical nations.
For example, Libya is a subtropical nation and Indonesia is a tropical one.
It doesn't have to work like this in your worldbuilding, but it's something that could be considered in how climates typically form. I'd also like to add that monsoons and tropical storms are a thing. If you're in the tropics or subtropics expect hurricanes, warm storms, and monsoon seasons.
Moonsoons mostly affect Southeast Asian nations, but there is a variant of monsoons that touch down in the western US, southern US, west-central Africa, Madagascar, and more.
If you've never been in a monsoon, just think heavy rain. LIKE reallllly heavy rain for several months seasonally.
Think about what you need for specific hot environments, whether it be flowy or "revealing" clothing to keep yourself cool, or long loose-fitting breathable fabric, capes, and scarfs for a sandy region to protect against sandstorms.
Clothes in majority of hot regions will be very lightweight and easy to move around in. Culture and religion plays a big role in the rest. Many high-cultured groups such as natives in both cold and warm regions wear vibrant colorful clothing, of patterns and designs.
Body paint or mud paint is an ancient used technique, still seen in many places to this day to protect from bug bites in places like the rainforest, but also for a form of cultural self expression and tradition.
For humid regions wearing things that are waterproof is quite important, especially during monsoon season.
For humans we have all sorts of natural abilities that allow us to live in hot places, like heat acclimation, but what about everything else?
Desert animals often have ways that they avoid too much sunlight, such as burrowing, and living in dens. Often times they don't need much water, have ways to hold reserved hydration like camels, or get water from specific sources like prey and cacti.
Some animals have special padding on their feet to prevent the hot sand from burning them. Longer lingers also help heat escape, and features that help regulate body temperature are often amped to the extreme (fennec fox ears). There's lots of natural camouflage at play too, because there's not a lot of hiding places in the middle of the desert.
When it comes to places like jungles or rainforests, animals make use of the biodiverse environment. Think canopies, dense foliage, vines, wetlands, etc. The excess amounts of vibrant fruits and dense foliage allows things like birds to be brilliantly colorful. Rainforests and similar environments allow for heavier biodiversity, meaning often times stranger more uniquely evolved animals.
Water/Food Sources
As for deserts and intelligent societies water is the biggest concern, the second one being food. Groundwater from wells and aquifers is the most common modern source. While in ancient times when groundwater wasn't relied on, populations gathered around a source of water, like the Nile for instance.
When it comes to food large crops would need to be brought in from outside desert territory, so instead expect lots of meats from animals like goats, lots of dairy, insects, edible cacti and desert grown fruit/fungi. If people can rely on coastal food source they will, eating mostly fish and rice.
Desert Life Things
Wood can be more scarce in deserts, leading for different materials to be used into strong heat-resistant structures like brick. In fact a lot goes, but not concrete. Concrete does an amazing job in keeping heat in, while things like mud-brick housing conducts temperature in such a way that it stays cool during summer and comfortably warm in the winter.
Expect lots of air conditioning if an available option. Things like high ceilings, small windows, thatched roofs, and architecture that helps houses maintain cool temperatures.
Coastal Life Things
A lot of coastal architecture has adapted to tides, thinking houses on stilts or homes placed somewhere elevated high enough to overlook the ocean. We see this in other environments like wetlands too. Access to boats or docks is a major thing too. Cities would rely on docks as car-based cities rely on parking lots.
The place must be ready to adapt to changes in the water, and natural disasters (excluding something so extreme that is inevitable like climate change/rising sea levels)
Rainforest/Jungle Life Things
Pretend rainforest and jungles combine these architectural factors of coastal regions and desert regions, but now they have access to wood. In fact the usage of live trees is also a thing, building homes around trunks, houses high up connected to trees, and more stilts. Also expect lots of hammocks now.
Fun Fact:
One of the hottest places on the earth is an acidic desert in Ethiopia, the Danakil Depression (Dallol). The mixture of the salt in the area and the volcanic presence underground creates an incredibly toxic and acidic environment, that is beyond hot. Think a salty version of the Yellowstone region except it's all a desert, in the middle of Africa.
#worldbuilding#architecture#world building#worldbuilding tips and tricks#writeblr#writing tips and tricks#worldbuilding deserts#worldbuilding biomes
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Teaching Them Spanish Part 2 18+ Ft: Chifuyu, Kisaki, Mitsuya and Sanzu MINORS DNI WC: 800+ TW: cursing in spanish, slight degrading, hair pulling and sexual tension(with Sanzu)part 1 A/N: Hello babes! Part 2 of teaching them spanish !! Please understand there are different dialects and meanings for some of the words used. This is what I grew up knowing and learning as a kid! For example, since I'm Mexican concha means shell in Spanish for me and I have a friend who is from Argentina concha means p**** in Spanish to her. Enjoys babes!
He caught on pretty quickly to how to pronounce the words, even phrases. When he’s in the shop and when he has a bit of downtime, he has a booklet of phrases that he would repeat to himself, and make sure he said it correctly. You are helping stock some supplies and when you hear him scolding Peke. “No peke J! Uno, dos, tres. Ahhh Merida.” Chifuyu began picking up the items that fell off the counter.
“You okay???” You asked about walking to the front. Peke J saw you walking up, and he began making his way towards you, purring as he wanted to be pet by you. “Was your daddy trying to discipline you by counting in Spanish?” you chuckled Peke responded in a meow “ mi precious” you spoke in a cute tone which he liked.
Chifuyu squinted his eyes “I’m trying to get him used to understanding it. He only seems to like it when you speak to him in spanish. And when I say it he does the opposite. ” Looking at Peke J who was now cuddling in your arms.
“Well you should try on a softer tone like I do and not sound so gruff ” Kissing the top of Peke’s head. “Huh, mi bebe.”
‘Little shit.’ Chifuyu said to himself as he was looking at his biggest competition who had your attention at this moment.
He would memorize everything fast and in a matter of months he would be fluent. He noticed when he spoke to you in Spanish you would literally gawk at him like your star struck. He wouldn’t deny he liked that attention you gave him but when it came down to actually working it was a bit more bothersome. “Did you understand all the directions??” He asked as he was signing some paperwork. “_______…..” he looked up to see you almost in a trance.
Snapping out of it. “Sorry, what did you say?” Looking at the blond hair man.
Taking his glasses off he pinched the bride of his letting out a sigh. “Necesito que prestes atención. Esto es importante ( I need you to pay attention. This is important.)” you nodded at his response literally you went a bit tone-deaf hearing him speak again. “Do you understand?”
“Kisaki can I just say.” You were trying to speak but him knowing you so well he cut it short.
“afuera (out)” he pointed to the door.
You huffed while walking out “You expect me to pay attention when you speak Spanish to me and you know how I get when you speak it to me.” You walked out still ranting.
You were his model as he was getting rough estimates for a current design. The ball of pins was right next to him as he was making adjustments “Por favor da la vuelta (please turn around)” turning around at his sweet command. “Gracias” he was folding the access fabric and then pinning it.
“De nada (you're welcome)” you made sure you didn’t move because there would be times when you move you got poked.
The first time he heard you speak Spanish he thought it sounded so elegant. They way you had a form of grace in your tone the way the words sound more as he would call it 'enchanting'. But then there was also that side that sounded way worse just by the tone when you spoke and how you were saying things they were either bad words or bad phrases. Hearing you hum as he was finishing the last pin, you always did a cute hum when you were his mannequin. Turning around once more. “Ay, qué lindo eres (Oh, you're so cute.).” he smiled
“Stop saying things like that babe.” he was making you blush. “I only speak the truth.” Getting up kissing the tip of your nose.
His hands were very grabby with you feeling him squeeze your ass . Another hand on the back of your head fist full of your hair. His tongue dancing against yours. You were feeling flustered any moment he was with you. Giving into him as always when he entered your home. You couldn’t reject him, not even a bit. He was your addiction and you loved it. With his hand he yanked your head back “Tienes una cara muy bonita (you have such a pretty face).” he spoke to you feeling his other hand gripping your chin as you could see his eyes dilated. Shoving his lips against yours feeling his teeth dragging on your bottom lip as he pulled away. Biting your lower lip you look at him as he sends chills down your spine. “te necesito ( i need you)” looking into the eyes of your chaotic lover.
Letting out a devilish laugh that matches a smile. “You need me sucia(hoe)?”. You nodded at him. “Well, then I have to give you what you want…. Let’s sin up the fucken place then. What does a sucia like you want first?”
“Anything papí.” The moment you said this to him his lips latched onto your lips once more his hands began to travel up your shirt.
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