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thelemonsnek · 1 year ago
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VIBRATES!!! Sticker sheet collab hosted by @cecilioque came in so ofc I HAD to start using them >:)) they all came out so nicely, I had such a hard time picking and choosing which ones should go on my computer ^^'' unfortunately had to cut quite a few of my favorites to leave room for future stickers :( but the rest are going on my binders, so it works out!
[image id: a photo of a laptop lid covered in stickers. Many of them are pokemon, with many other miscellaneous stickers too, including possums amongst other animals, bugs and insects, and several stars, suns and moons. Several stickers are starting to overlap from how many there are. End id]
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dystopyx-blog · 10 months ago
yandere slashers
Name: slasher personality type — slasher type — yandere type — slasher inspiration/s
Spencer: Cold and Calculated — mortal — manipulative — Ghostface
Definitely wears a mask and one of those little half cloak thingies -- with the hood -- basically a poncho but like edgy ig. Also mans is a serial killer, ofc hes manipulative. Hes a charmer.
Leonard/Lenny: Strong and Silent — above mortal — protective — leather face, Michael myers.
LEAVE ME ALONE I LIKE BIG STRONG SILENT PROTECTIVE TYPES this is MY yandere slasher harem, let me have this
Arficer: Parasitic — supernatural — possessive — pinhead, Freddy Krueger (vomits a little)
Your slightly Parasitic supernatural yandere firmly believes you belong to him and no one else <3 ain't that cute? your the cute lil human he's attached to, you belong to him as much as he belongs to you <3 (okay but maybe you belong to him an eensy bit more)
Eddie: Unhinged — revenant — obsessive — Billy lens, Brahms heelshire
AFGAFHXRTY I LIKE EM DERANGED. 10000% the type to sit on your counter like a fuckin cat đŸ«”đŸ«”
Happy (or Dizzy? Still undecided): Animalistic — demonic — delusional 1 — pennywise, art the clown
I love clowns <3 even when they're absolutely fuckin unhinged. Maybe especially idk. This one's the type to wrap an inhumanly long tongue around your entire fucking head and neck and tell you taste delicious, and in his mind it is highest praise, especially since he'd never ever eat you!! (Unless you die, he'd totally eat your corpse, but he'd never kill you!!!) He just loves you so much đŸ„ș you're his pookie ❀
Glen: Mad Scientist — inhuman — delusional 2 — Herbert West
genuinely just full heartedly believes you two are in a relationship. Youre his house spouse. While he works in his lab in the basement, youre being his cute house spouse upstairs! Hrs truly blessed and loves you dearly <3
Hey wait a second... how'd you end up with this harem in the first place?!
Silly you, it's on you for buying the suspiciously cheap mansion on the very outskirts of town and the edge of the forest! Eddie, Arficer, Happy, and Lenny basically came with the house. Glen's lab is in the basement. And Spencie used it as an emergency hideout looking before you moved in. Man, maybe they're right to feel entitled to you? (They're not, they're literally yandere slashers.)
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ilcantodelsoleil · 7 months ago
a little eensie weensie part of a gratuitous explicit sugusato Thing that i'm writing below the break. nsft pwp as always ....
Geto swallows down each and every single curse that rolls off of Gojo's pretty pink tongue as he strokes at him, wanting deliriously to laugh at the irony of it all but only being able to pant his pleasure instead.
This is what I was made for, he thinks. I've been eating up the wrong curses my entire life, it seems.
Sweet. He drinks the coarse words down like the cherry cola floats Satoru loves so much, and the ease of their subsumption into his very being is something he can usually only dream of. The slick sound of Geto's tight fist pumping at Gojo's flushed cock seems to ripple through the air like the heatwaves outside of their little dorm room sanctuary, the buzzing of cicadas complementary to the dizziness in his head.
“Fuck, Suguru,” Satoru slurs, bucking against the tunnel of his hand, “fuckin’ faster, you goddamn prude–”
idk how much of my klance readerbase collides w satosugu stans but here u go HEHAHAH. i wonder if i will continue this
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gravyhoney · 11 months ago
Making a partner for my doll
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I haven't decided what kind of partner(friend, buddy, girlfriend, boyfriend, lover, etc-)
but he needs a friend that's not a golem, a tree spirit, a fish or a fox
Th fuckin eensy.
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pokemonshelterstories · 2 years ago
why are tynamo so eensy. baby fuckin pokemon
why arent YOU so eensy. ever think of that
but really it's because they're a larval stage. absolute baby moments.
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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Gamzee Makara, Vriska Serket, Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde
Candy, page 35
GAMZEE: HeY (vRiSkA) mY bOoTyLiCiOuS bAbY bItCh.
GAMZEE: YoUr BaD bOnE dAdDy Is GeTtIn To Be A cHiLlY mOtHeRfUcKeR fRoM tHiS dAnK sUmMeR bReEzE.
GAMZEE: hOw AbOuT wE gEt OuR wIcKeD sNuGgLe On DoWn At ThIs GrAsS wE jUsT mAdE aLl NaStY iN. :o)
GAMZEE: HeY bEaUtIfUl. :O)
GAMZEE: iS sOmEtHiNg MoThEr FuCkIn ThE mAtTeR?
GAMZEE: We CaN tAlK aLl OpEn At EaCh OtHeR aBoUt ThE sAd NoIsE hApPeNiNg In OuR bOsOm NoW tHaT wE aLl MaDe ThE sOrDiD pLeDgE tO pRaCtIcE tHe WiCkEd InTiMaCy On ThE mOtHeRfUcKiN rEgUlAr.
(VRISKA): Gamzee...
(VRISKA): Can you just
(VRISKA): Not talk?
(VRISKA): For just a little while, so I can...
(VRISKA): So I can...
(VRISKA): I don’t know.
(VRISKA): Just.
(VRISKA): 8e quiet.
(VRISKA): Did you hear what I F8CKING said????????
GAMZEE: Aw MoThEr FuCk SuGaRpUsS. :o(
GAMZEE: mY nAnNa NeCtAr!!!
(VRISKA): You 8etter fucking listen up, Makara.
(VRISKA): I don’t know what you may have thought... THIS was. Whatever the fuck it was that just happened here.
(VRISKA): 8ut let me clue you in.
(VRISKA): Nothing happened here.
(VRISKA): Do we understand each other, you reprehensi8le, malodorous PIECE OF SHIT?
GAMZEE: honk. :o)
(VRISKA): What the fuck do you think you’re doing????????
GAMZEE: I gOtS tO fUcKiN tElL mY nUmBeR oNe InVeRtEbRoThEr AbOuT aLl WhAt JuSt GoT dId.
GAMZEE: hE aNd I aReN’t As TiGhT aS tHe BoYs We UsEd To RoLl As, BuT hE sHoUlD gEt HiS kIcK oN aBoUt WhAt A hIgHlY uNaNtIcIpAtEd YeT bItChIn PiEcE oF hOt N hEaVy HoRsEpLaY i WaS jUsT mAdE tO pArToOk.
(VRISKA): You were just “made” to... ?!
(VRISKA): Why you FUCKING...
(VRISKA): You’re not telling Karkat a8out this!!!!!!!!
(VRISKA): You’re n8t telling ANY8NE. Do you hear me, cl8wn????????
GAMZEE: mOtHeRfUcKiN sHaMe On Me, FoR fAiLiNg To ReCoGnIzE uP sOoNeR fOr HoW cUtE yOu ArE wHeN yOu’Re AnGrY. :o)
GAMZEE: NoW wHy DoN’t YoU cOmE aLl SeTtLe YoUr WoRkEd Up WiGgLeR aSs DoWn HeRe WiTh YoUr SaLtY nEw RuMpUs UnClE sO i CaN sNaP sOmE mOtHeRfUcKiN sElFiEs, My FiRm YeT sLiPpErY lItTlE pAsSiOn PeAcH.
(VRISKA): No selfies, no texts, no N8THING!
(VRISKA): Which fucking part of “you’re not telling anyone” is so hard to understand?!
(VRISKA): Not a single fucking word of this is EVER going to 8e 8reathed, whispered, or honked to ANY8ODY.
(VRISKA): LEAST of all any insinuation that this is something I “made” you do. You GET me, fuckface??
(VRISKA): I didn’t MAKE you do anything.
(VRISKA): You were slo88ering all over my FUCKING foot, while I was 8eating the SHIT out of you.
(VRISKA): I SAW that look on your face.
(VRISKA): I saw your how your codpiece was, like...
(VRISKA): Ok, never mind that.
(VRISKA): I mean, once we were actually... you were totally into... don’t even try to convince me you weren’t, like...
(VRISKA): UGH!!!!!!!!
(VRISKA): Why am I even TALKING a8out this??
GAMZEE: I dOn’T kNoW aBoUt AlL tHe BuSiNeSs YoU sAiD, hOnEyNiPs.
GAMZEE: i’Ve GoT tO fEeLiNg ThAt WoNdEr In My HeArT wHiCh SaYs MaYbE i GoT eRoTiCaLlY bUsHwAcKeD hErE.
GAMZEE: i’M sO cOnFuSeD... i DoN’t HaRdLy KnOw At WhIcH wAy Is Up AnYmOrE, aBoUt My OrIgInAl WaNtInGs FoR tHe NaStY dAnCe We JuSt DiD.
GAMZEE: MaYbE tHe TrUtH oF tHe ShIt Is MoRe LiKe...
GAMZEE: I gOt ThE aDvAnTaGe TaKeN oF mE.
(VRISKA): You son of a 8itch.
(VRISKA): If ANYONE didn’t consent to this horror show it was ME, RETRO8CTIVELY!!!!!!!!
GAMZEE: VrIsKa, I...
GAMZEE: gOt To MoThEr FuCkInG sAy.
GAMZEE: tHiS wHoLe ExPeRiEnCe HaS lEfT a MoThErFuCkEr FeElInG a LiL bIt UnCoMfY.
GAMZEE: uNcOmFy, UnReSpEcTeD, uSeD, aNd MaYbE aLsO,
GAMZEE: JuSt An EeNsY wEeNsY iTtY lItTlE bIt...
GAMZEE: uNsAfE. :o(
(VRISKA): I don’t care if you feel “unsafe”!!!!!!!!
(VRISKA): You’re a lying, disingenuous puddle of sideshow puke, and I don’t 8elieve for a SECOND you meant ANY of that!
(VRISKA): The 8NLY thing that matters here is that you keep your F8CKING MOUTH SHUT A8OUT WH8T WE JUST D8D!!!!!!!!
GAMZEE: (VrIsKa), My MeAn QuEeN sQuEeZe, AnD bOrDeRlInE sExUaL vIlLaIn,
GAMZEE: i GoTs ReAsOnS oF sElF pRoTeCtIoN aGaInSt YoUr PrObLeMaTiC hOlLeRs ThAt I sHoUlD kEeP tHe WiCkEd ShIt ZiPpEd, JuSt LiKe YoU sAy.
GAMZEE: TeLl It To Me FuCkIn StRaIgHt, TuRbO tUsH...
GAMZEE: dO tHeSe LoOk LiKe LoOsE lIpS tO yOu?
Vriska: (Eep!)
Vriska: Um...
Vriska: Hey.
(Vriska): Sup.
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normystical · 9 months ago
bro fuck being emotionally unstable. one tiny eensie weensie minor inconvenience, like not even noteworthy at all, and my brain just goes "damn i gotta literally slit my fuckin wrists open for this shit fr bruh 💀"
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catboyclarity · 1 year ago
More Whumptober. This one was fun for reasons of POV. Who doesn't love a violent, deranged nepo baby?
Whumptober Day 4: Hiding An Injury. TW: Knife wounds, violence
Characters: Violet (she/her), Jude (he/they), Rosarian (they/them)
Violet winced as she took her place on the dais. She’d cleaned and bandaged the cut on her side when she staggered home the previous morning, made sure that no one could smell any blood on her, and it hadn’t bled anymore. It ached, sure, but she could deal with it, and nobody would have even noticed, except of course that her brother was right there next to her and he had to be annoying.
“Vi.” He leaned his shoulder against her, which jostled her injury, and she winced again. “Are you okay?”
“Shut up.” She glared at him. “People are about to come in. We can’t look weak, dipshit.”
“Which is why you shouldn’t come in hurt.”
“I’m not hurt.” Not even really a lie. One eensy tiny knife wound could not put a stop to Violet fucking Stephens. Jude opened his mouth to object, but Rosarian rapped the arm of their throne and people filed into the room. 
It wasn’t like not coming in was even an option. Well, maybe it was, Pop used to stay home all the time if his bones were aching. But Dad never did, and Violet would always be her father’s daughter. 
She never really listened while Rosarian gave speeches. During the brief time when both she and Pop had been seconds together, he always got on her case about that, but what the old broad was saying didn’t matter so much. If it was important, Jude would handle it. That was his part to play. She did her part by watching the crowd gathered beside the dais. 
There was one particular character—some chick, a puppy—that seemed shifty and familiar, until Violet put it together why. She’d  been the one with the knife. Violet glared at her. The chick gave a toothy grin and twirled something in her hand. 
“Hey!” Violet lunged and grabbed her, leaning down off the dais to yank the puppy’s wrist. The motion sent a hot stab of pain up her arm and she fought back a cry. When she spoke again, her voice trembled. “No
no fuckin’ weapons in here, get it?”
“It’s a fucking pen,” the chick said, holding it up for the crowd to see. It was, in fact, a fucking pen. A nice, shiny one. Looked like it would make a satisfying click.  Violet didn’t let go of her wrist, could feel her own hand shake. “You good, babe?”
“I’m fi—” Violet’s snarl was interrupted by Rosarian standing up from their seat.
“My second is well,” They said, their cold voice rough and flat. “Although she would do better remembering her duties.” They turned away from the crowd to look at Violet and she winced again, knew they were comparing her to Dad, and unfavorably. “I appreciate your concern, Violet, but should the matter come to that, I can defend myself from a pen.”
Humiliated, Violet let go of the woman and stood behind the throne again. Even worse, the smell of her own blood started to creep out from under her clothes. Every wolf in the room would smell it. Rosarian would smell it. They’d all know someone got the drop on her. Jude gave her a sympathetic look. It made her want to punch him.
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sweetandsoursaws · 5 months ago
[Yes, they're capped, keeps him from drawing blood by mistake. Meant he could jab Miles with it without hurting him.
He looked down at the phone, instantly torn. Take the phone and get Stuff. But also lose his one line of communication? Fuckin. Rude.]
Hey, I'm a grower. Ain't you?
[Still not taking the phone yet. Not THAT one, anyways. Because now that he's this close to Miles and one of Miles' hands is occupied, it's a great time for Lark to grab Miles by the shirt and try snaking his other hand into Miles' pockets to try and steal his REAL phone.
That's Lark, king of making tiny, eensy weensy, incremental moves. Like stealing your phone so he can put himself in your contacts.]
[ Oh? Miles hadn't registered that Lark was wearing claw caps, he had thought they were just painted!
He would crane his neck to lean closer without pressing into the claw, smiling smugly as he held the phone out. ] Tell you what, keep it and enjoy what I've left on it, hm?
[ Blinked but, after a beat, would bark out a laugh. Ohoho! Was Lark trying to be threatening? Kitty cat man really was adorable. ]
I didn't see any dick in that pic...
And I already told you what I want. It's not my fault you're too chicken shit to make a move on me.
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starryevermore · 4 years ago
ever after: spun gold and kept promises (6) ✧ robert pronge
ever after ✧ a fairy tale anthology | ao3
pairing: rumpelstiltskin!robert pronge x miller’s daughter!reader
summary: in which you are the miller’s daughter and robert pronge is rumpelstiltskin.
word count: 1,135
warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, dark fic, smut, noncon, loss of virginity, forced breeding, daddy kink, spitting, slapping, name-calling (cockslut/bitch), not proofread
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ONCE UPON A TIME, there was a land far far away where a young woman made a terrible mistake. You should’ve never made a deal with that man. Not when the price was so steep. Not when it would ruin you. You just...never expected it to end up like this. 
You were born the daughter of a miller. Your family had struggled your entire life, and it only got harder when your mama died. It was just you and your papa from there on out, trying to make it by. But the older you got, the harder it was. Your father couldn’t pull his weight quite like he had before when he was younger, and now you were faced with the pressure of getting married when you both knew that you didn’t have enough to pay your dowry. You’d be lucky if anyone married you. 
And that’s when things started to go horribly wrong. 
You couldn’t stop yourself. You told one eensy weensy lie about learning how to spin straw into gold, and it spiraled far out of your control. Soon, the king heard of your alleged abilities. And you were confronted with your lie. 
He locked you away in the tallest tower in his castle, telling you to spin straw into gold or else you’d lose your head. And, as you laid crying in the straw, a man appeared from thin appear, saying he’d use magic to turn the straw into gold for the price of your necklace. You accepted. 
Then you were locked away again, with more straw to turn to gold. And he came back, and promised to do his trick again if you gave him your ring. You accepted.
You were locked away a third time, with an entire dungeon filled with straw to turn to gold and, should you be successful, he’d marry you.. But when the man came, you had nothing left to give. Until he said he would do it for the price of your firstborn child. And, not wanting to die, you agreed. 
The king was more than impressed when he came down the next morning to see the dungeon filled with gold. Proposed to you right then and there, until you let slip that it had been done by magic. You weren’t sure how he thought the straw had turned to gold, but it turned out that the king had an abhorrent dislike of magic. He turned you away, saying that he would never, ever marry you.
The man who’d done the trick found you easily after that, and he didn’t seem happy. Stole you, took you away to his home high in the mountains, a snarl curled across his face as he shoved you onto the floor.
“I-I can find someone else to marry, I promise! Just give me some time—”
“Don’t bother. I’m going to make sure you hold up your end of the fuckin’ bargain,” he growled. With a quick flick of the wrist, your hands were bound behind your back, your clothes disappearing. “Gonna make sure you’re so stuffed full of my cum that there’s no way the seed won’t take.”
He climbed onto top of you, his own clothes disappearing. You whimpered as you felt his hardened cock press against your thigh. How the hell was he so big? Were all men this big? Holy shit, how was it going to fit?
“You’re gonna fuckin’ call me daddy,” he said, his breath hot and heavy as he leaned in close to your face. 
You winced, trying to move away, but he grabbed at your jaw, forcing you to look back at him. He pressed his lips against yours, his tongue easily sliding past your lips. You tried to move away again, but he was too strong, holding you in place. 
Finally, finally, he pulled away, a nasty smirk on his face as looked down at you, before rearing back and a glob of spit hit your face. Your mouth fell open as you tried to protest, but your words died in your throat as he spat on you again, this time the glob landing right on your tongue. His rough, calloused hands slid down your body, groping at your breasts, squeezing and flicking at your nipples, snickering as you squealed. 
“Gonna fuckin’ break you in, gonna make you my fuckin’ cockslut. You’d like that, wouldn’t ya?” 
When you didn’t say anything, he removed one hand from your breast, pulling back and hitting you across the face so hard, you tasted blood.
“Did I fuckin’ stutter, bitch?”
“W-Would love to be your cockslut, daddy,” you stuttered, the words feeling wrong as they left your mouth. 
“Damn fuckin’ right you would.”
He reached down, gripping his cock in one hand, running it along your folds, his smirk only growing as he felt how wet you were growing. Shit, why were you wet? Your married friends said that only happens when you liked what was happening. Did you like what was happening? How could you like this?
“W-Wait, I’ve never—”
He pushed the head of his cock in, moving slowly as he was met with resistant. You squealed and screamed, trying to move away from him, but he only gripped at your hips, slamming his hips against yours until he was fully sheathed inside you.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he grunted, pulling back and then slamming back in again. “Gonna take a while to break you in. Oh, but don’t you worry. This fuckin’ cunt is mine, and I’m gonna make sure she can take every fuckin’ inch.”
You sobbed, screwing your eyes shut, trying to distance yourself from what was happening. Maybe you didn’t screw everything up, maybe the king married you. He’d probably be gentler. Not too gentle, your married friends said that men were rarely gentle. But it would be better than this, and you certainly wouldn’t feel so bad about what was happening.
He didn’t last long, growling about how your cunt was strangling him as he released his load. He pulled out, stroking his cock as he watched as his spend leaked out. Then he collected it with his finger, pushing it back in.
“Don’t wanna waste a single fuckin’ drop,” he winked. He let go of his cock to grab at your hips, flipping you over so your ass was in the air and your face pressed against the dirty floor. “Ready for round two, bitch?”
He didn’t wait for your answer.
And he did it again.
And again.
And again.
And again, what felt like a thousand times over, until he couldn’t anymore, leaving you a mess on the floor while he went off to bed, the cycle to begin again in the morning.
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therealvalkyrie · 3 years ago
okay so I go to pick up dog food today right? and obvi since im already there I need to go to the consignment antique store next door. I go in look at some chairs look at a mirror find a ring for my mom and!!!! right there on the second floor I find a pair of vintage levi 550s IN MY SIZE for twenty bucks, bamskerdoo im out the door and going to buy some pillows at the tj maxx. i get home, laze around waiting for my mom to get off work so I can drop off my grandma’s car and she can pick me up on the way home so I don’t have to walk a mile home through the snow (bc the other day it was 60 fuckin degrees but now it’s whiter than kim k’s house outside?????? anyway), have a teensy eensy wittle bitty mental health
thing, ignore my problems and watch tiktoks for like 3 hours, finally drive over to my grandma’s at 10:30 pm jamming to American Pie by Don McLean because my mom had to talk to the night shift people at her work unexpectedly, leave the car keys just inside the back door and hitch a ride with mother dearest home. So we get home, fend off the rabid beasties, and I can FINALLY put on my PJs and look over my spoils of the day. and WAHT do I see on my twenty dollar vintage levi 550 lightwash jeans? a. fucking. TEAR!!!!! right in the crotch. not patchable without looking butt ugly. so now I’m sitting here at midnight on a wednesday ordering embroidery floss online bc michael’s doesn’t have the decency to be open for emergencies at midnight on a Wednesday in March so that I can embroider an ENTIRE LEG of these fucking PANTS just to cover the crotch hole. but my girl scout lemon-up cookie said I’m creative, so. wish me FUCKING luck I guess
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deerblossoms · 3 years ago
heyyyyy it's my last day in san gabriel and i am feeling bittersweet as always. i never really process endings until they've happened EXCEPT before luna moved. was emotionally wrecked for like a week and then he moved and i was fine. unusual. actually this reminds me i haven't heard from him in like a week. #girl.... get back to me. what's wrong with you. anyways. things that happened with jo: we kissed twice, he got me into playing animal crossing religiously again, he bought me a pair of converse with monstera leaves on them and took me to long beach at night (we walked on the sand and stepped on a bunch of sand crabs and i peed in front of a few random ass guys) for my birthday, started learning german again and honestly it's not hard to pick up, i baked brownies last night and they turned out good (secret ingredients were cinnamon and a little skrewball whiskey) i dyed my hair purple and recently he hooked me on the walking dead. i'm on season one and glenn is my girlfriend. kissing him with tongue.
i have a little eensy weensy problem which is that i am a teeny bit in love with jo and i always have been and i think i always will be. oopsie!
tomorrow i hop on a train to san diego where lainey and nile will pick me up and i'll stay with them in el cajon for a few days. sidebar, a small wrench in my plans: i've been non-committally checking my facebook housing groups every once in a while to see if there's any good deals, and recently i messaged an apartment for shits and giggles and apparently they really think i'd be a good fit and want me to come see the place immediately to give me the best chance. now a) i'd already told them i wouldn't be available till the next week and b) i won't be available until the next week. this is a problem. jo thinks i should cancel on lainey and fly up to new york asap. i cannot do this because lainey is moving to fuckin london and i'll miss her too much! this has been planned for a while and i want to see her. jo is right though. also, i have to give my current apartment a month's notice if i want to move out or i assume i won't get my security back. maybe this is better compared to the costs of paying rent to multiple apartments. i'm not sure. it's a dick move but like...do i care? do i care.... anyways. very exciting to see lainey, i hope the facebook lady responds to me and gives me some latitude here. like if you think i'm sooooo sexy.....
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gravyhoney · 1 year ago
who do you consider your least traumatized OC, and what horrors do you plan to put them through next?
Oh I love this a lot. And I had to think about it soooo much bc all of my ocs are traumatized in one wild way or another, and a lot of characters who literally DONT KNOW EACH OTHER have a collective trauma from a world destruction event.
However, I think at the beginning of where his story starts, my least traumatized oc is August.
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Trust, he WILL be traumatized but up until said traumatizing event, he’s pretty normal. He’s basically a trainee for a guardian position that he feels obligated to do. He’s never really known anything else, and he doesn’t know he has the choice to say no. He meets some fuckin guy (/pos) who is like â€˜đŸ«Ž let’s go travel the world together’ and he realizes he doesn’t want to stay there forever. But said guy is a member of Previously Mentioned Collective Trauma Club and she inadvertently leads someone to him that absolutely fucks up his shit and shows him and everyone he was supposed to defend that he’s eensy and also terrible at his job so he loses his sense of self, gets stabbed and shot a few times, watches a few of his friends die horribly, and yeah. He’s gonna have a super fun time. Hi August, bye August đŸ«¶
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jess-themess05 · 2 years ago
what a mother fuckin tiny lad right there
literal eensy weensy spider
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Pls can has uppies?
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survivorreelsmagicwithin · 4 years ago
Episode 7- “#MarshmallowMoves”-Landen
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I can't tell if I'm in trouble or not. They voted out Nick, which is something I really really didn't want to happen. Kevin is acting strangely towards me. The only person I feel like who is being genuine with me right now is Dan. I'm not sure if I should keep pretending that everything is fine, but I'm pretending that the last vote didn't bother me. 
1 hour and 33 minutes later
I hope the relationships I made before that disaster of a vote are real still. That's all I'm hoping.
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Today's immunity challenge is a luck challenge. There is no way to be "good" at rock-paper-scissors unless you are playing real-time. For this reason I have chosen to use random.org for all of my guesses. I hope that luck is on my side with my matchup. Also, I went to Potions Class today and looked in some cauldrons. No potions left behind. Thinking I will try luck potion tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be lucky and get an idol. Probably not. 
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YAYYYYY!  Another week with no tribal and I am very thankful because the one we had was wild and I don't have to deal with anything like that again for AWHILE!  I should be staying up to search right now but I am about to head to bed and then make my search time earlier for tomorrow, woohoo! I feel like after tribal something like a merge might happen?? maybe? I feel like it should be about time! 
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so Hufflepuff won (YET AGAIN!) and I'm feeling pretty great about that! there's not much to discuss about the actual events on this tribe, it's pretty much same old same old positioning. like stale cardboard! however, we got an exciting little hint of something at the immunity challenge today. it seems like there's going to be something coming up after tribal tonight, and particularly, i would guess that it will be a merge. of course i could be wrong and we could be thrust into another swap (a horrible outcome, really) but i'm hoping it's a merge. i've had a lot of paranoia about what would happen during a merge ever since the messy Jess rocks vote, so i just am excited to get it over and done with!! that being said i'm also not just like, throwing myself to the wolves of fate or something. i've also been doing planning ahead and thinking about the merge. specifically, i'm trying to calculate where numbers might go. right now, we have a group that is configured like this: -5 hufflepuff -4 Ravenclaw -3 Gryffindor -1 Slytherin (i know, crazy... and it's my least favorite one. UGH!) obviously, this puts a liiiiittle eensie teensie tiny target on the hufflepuffs' back, now doesnt it? and that's not very cute for me, someone who is very much IN hufflepuff - has had no time to form the strong relationships that kevin has with the other side - has burned the 1 ravenclaw and probably 1 of the gryffindors here on this tribe - and hasn't done any looking for spells! no, no, thats not very bueno at all, i'd say. of course, everything could be shaken up if kevin is taken out, but i'm not expecting that. it'll probably be a jacob or autumn boot.. i'm praying for a jacob boot but who knows. honestly just taking out that wildcard, one who is very fitting to his house mascot as a snake, that's something that would be VERY appreciated. i know i can't trust him after our experience in 2020 and it's not just bc i hold a grudge it's because i know the type of player he is, and that's not a type of player i can work well with in this game. Anyway, this brings us into the question of what the hell i am going to do to survive at the merge, and honestly, i have no fuckin clue. the good news is i do not think juls would be on board with a plan to vote me out, or at least she would do her best to vouch for me. as soon as we merge my sights will be set on autumn, too. i need to secure her loyalty and form a strong friendship with her, she's always seemed like a cool person and i wanted to do it anyway, but knowing i need to have her and juls on my side, makes this bond even more crucial. The bad news is Owen on this tribe, is a VERY dangerous player, will come into the merge with an army of 3 strong fellow Ravenclaw, and, last but definitely not least concerning - he comes into the merge with a strong relationship with Ruthie. This is VERY bad for me, because I know that if Owen decides to get Ravenclaw to target Hufflepuff and for some reason the Gryffindors (or potentially Jacob, if Autumn gets targeted, or even worse, Jacob AND autumn if Kevin goes home), he won't be going for Ruthie. If he's not going for Ruthie, he's not going to go for Lily, not to mention I highly doubt the Gryffs will go for her anyway because she's so lovable. Having Lily as my closest ally is a risk/reward, because when I enter the final rounds like 8, 7, 6, etc, she will be a HUGE shield for me and someone that will take off a lot of the heat on my name. But i need to get there, and that means i can't get taken out for being an extra vote for her during the early stages of the merge, i have to find my own way to survive. There is always the possibility they would target Max, but I have to be VERY careful in just assuming this, because i also know Max is probably going to look like a tempting goat to most people. he's not very great socially (at least individually) and he's not very active with his mom kinda grounding him all the time, like he just looks like an OTT goof and he'll probably come across as easy to manipulate once his ally Landen gets blindsided! I'm very worried that'll be the perception. So i need to start taking action now to make sure this early merge doesn't go down a dark path i see as a possibility. Step 1. Owen and Ruthie, Today. This is CRUCIAL. I am going to talk to Owen about game today whether he likes it or not, I'm going to drag it out of him and i'm going to fight like hell to get him to trust me even a little bit. I know I can be a good social player and I KNOW i can talk convincing game, but I also know Owen is very good at social skills and reading me so it's going to be a bit of a cagey death match with this one. I need to make sure Owen feels good about me moving forward into the merge and that I can "repent for my Sins" so to speak after basically throwing him up for crucifixion during the Jess boot round. If I can get owen into the idea of possibly an alliance of me, him, and ruthie, then maaaaybe i could protect myself a bit from him. perhaps i could also very subtly hint that lily is the one that's been coming after him harder than i have, i have to be careful with that because if it gets back to her i'm fucked, so i'll keep an eye out on the conversation and see how the tide's going and if it's worth hinting at. i also need to discuss with Ruthie and figure out what her other pregame relationships are, and see where we can get ins. I know being honest and open game talk with Ruthie earlier is what got her trusting me a bit more, so I want to just expand on some of the personal stuff I've been building on with her in the past couple days and just really start hitting the game talk home. Step 2. Max and Chips. If i can drive this wedge further, it would be faaanfuckintastic. I need to re-iterate to people that I DONT got Max's back. If people start pushing the narrative of me and max as a thing, or me as a hufflepuff strong person just because of the jess round, i'm screwed. so i'm going to have to be very careful to Make sure everyone knows exactly how willing I was to cut Max. When i get to the merge, the FIRST thing i'm going to do is literally have like, an hours long call with Kevin. I want to establish to him that i'm his extra number, his goat, his whatever he needs. I want to tell him how i was ready to sacrifice Max, i want him to give me ALL the details. Of course if Kevin goes home before the merge this is going to be a million times more difficult and so that brings me to Chips, my key plan today besides working on Owen is going to be to work on Chips. I don't want to give Chips too many promises I don't plan to keep because I don't see myself working with him super long-term, but I do want to Get a better read on him. Right now Chips is just an enigma to me and I need to get into his head, maybe at least get him to open up a *little* bit more, bc our game relationship right now is just a mess, he's so hard to talk to about these strategic things at times, even before the jess boot but especially after. as far as the other people go, the ones i didn't mention - owen's ravenclaw buddies, joanna, jules, and dan - who's to say they're even really tight with owen! I'll be curious to meet them, specifically Jules is someone that strikes me as someone I'd get along with. I also see a lot of potential for me to get along with Dan but we'll have to see on that one. I'm going to try to work on my relationships with Ravenclaw once I hit the merge too, but I'm gonna be careful because if I come on too strong, they'll consider me even more of a threat and that'll give them more of a reason to target me instead of Lily or Max. i know i'm in a precarious position and that's not even to mention spells, but I'm really trying to think over every angle here, and i think with some luck on my side and hopefully, some Kevin on my side, i can utilize kevin, lily, juls, and max as tight shields for my game, and continue working my way through the middle to make it alllll the way to the end. #MarshmallowMoves. i know this was an ESSAY so thanks for sticking it through. i really hope i don't write all this for nothing, because i'm starting to get excited that the big leagues are almost here, it's finally time for me to stop winning immunity every single round and actually experience the game, and i would hate for it to get cut short so soon. Game on wizards, cus this honey badger DONT care! >:D *flashes my claws but not in a furry way* haha thanks. bye ^_^ <3 
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So..... once again, I lost a BEST FRIend to ROCKS! I swear I’ve got some kind of curse. Every time people have gone to rocks for me in games, it’s always my closest ally that leaves. And this time is no different :( I’m so sad Jess is gone, but I know she’s rooting for me, and that’s what will get me through this. I know I should’ve known better than to leak everything Ruthie said but I really trusted that juls chips and jess would act in their best interest. Apparently it was Landen who told Ruthie..... so I dont know. Maybe I accidentally told Landen the things Ruthie told me!? Or maybe someone else threw me under the bus. Either way, all bets are off now. I want to get to a merge with dan Jules and Joanna and paint a huge ass target on these hufflepuff nerds. I’m boutta hex the shit out of those four til they’re all out of this game. I WILL! Get my revenge for jess. But to do that it’s basically about winning challenges to merge which thankfully we have done. People tried hard on the music video thankfully and then we got lucky with attack defend balance. All I can hope is we MERGE NEXT!!! There’s a bounty on my head and if we don’t merge soon I’m heading to Azkaban :(
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I’m soOoOoOoOoOoOo paranoid! I feel like it would be such a good move to get me out this round because I’ve been so loose with my powers. I feel like all it will take is for Jules to want jacob here more than me, tell everyone about my powers, and then have everyone vote for me!!!! Do I just waste powers tonight to make sure that doesn’t happen? Maybe. 
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I think jacobs going home :c which is so sad but he’s not really trying, it’s really quiet tho so anything could happen, joanna might still be upset I lied last round and flip things on me who knows !!
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Maybe Jacob is actually going home this time? Idk, last time they said Jacob and Nick went home so who knows what these people are telling me.
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The good news I pulled off the Nicholas vote. The bad news is we're back at tribal but are we even surprised lmao https://media.giphy.com/media/l4pTsh45Dg7jnDM6Q/giphy.gif the tea is I'm mad but I'm not pissed because I only want people who are down for the cause. It's gonna be all hands on deck once we hit merge and I don't have time for any disloyal non-Hufflepuff people. So Gryffindor constantly losing really means Owen, Chips, and Juls will actually live to see merge, all three of whom I know will join the coalition. Nicholas and Jacob on the other hand would probably link up with Hufflepuff and that's what I don't need. So if we merge tonight, it's a 7-5 breakdown with Hufflepuff being outnumbered. Mind you that depends on everyone in that 7 cooperating with each other but let's be optimistic and assume that everyone recognizes ALL of Hufflepuff is still in the game. And if you ain't Hufflepuff, you can and will get snuffed so don't fall for the hype at merge and any member of Gryffinclaw who does is dead to me. Ok now Imma need y'all to go ahead and merge us thanks
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I can't remember if I wrote one of these or not this round so here is another... Things are quiet on the Hufflepuff tribe and I'm nervous about the swap that i think is about to happen!!  It has been kind of quiet today. I've talked to Owen a lot and Landen, Lily and Juls a little today.  Being safe is nice but it will be fun to start competing for things individually. If we do merge I am excited to maybe work with Dan.  I want to be on his good side, lol, but he is a good player and I feel like if he doesn't go home tonight he and Owen will single handedly win every individual immunity. 
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We won the random.org immunity! I think we will likely merge now that numbers are low enough. You can not find an idol by brewing luck potion. You suck at brewing potions. Duh!
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Y’all I’m fucking screaming!!!! I found a third power lmao. I’m gooped! I found the riddikulus charm or something and I had to play a fake advantage at a tribal in order to power it up and I used Raffy’s rat ass to make it happen! I’m not sure what my power is rn but I’ll add it to my vote steal and my idol 😌
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queuethequill · 6 years ago
“Aw. Little unloved boy.” The spirit summoned an image of a younger Alexshim, frightened and sad, alone, tearful. “The Boy Without Love. And then you became the Man Who Couldn’t Love, didn’t you?” The image changed to an older Alexshim, dressed in one of his favoured presidential suits, hands folded behind his back and his expression blank.
The spirit lazily stretched in mid-air and turned itself to look him in the eye. “You could’ve been the Man With Love, you know. One little, eensy, tiny choice. One step down a different path, and bam!” With a wave of its hand, the image transitioned to a scene of a smiling Alexshim cooking with a laughing Raziel. Kalo was present, as well, standing behind the two and tossing sliced carrots at them both. “Two lovers, her and them, and a whole lotta kids, to boot!”
Four smiling faces appeared. The eldest child held up the youngest while the other two stood on either side. One of the standing children proudly held out a large, round toad; their older sibling was sticking out their tongue and making a face, cringing away while clutching the youngest sibling.
“Cute kids, huh? Sweet kids, too Very loving. And not only that, but you coulda got yourself a few friends, too. People who really cared about you.” Damon appeared, along with Cressidia and Jalo in what appeared to be a family portrait taken in Jalo’s late teens. “She would never get too comfortable with you marrying her daughter, sure, but she would actually care about you and want the best for you. And Damon? Heck, you’d end up telling him all your darkest secrets, and he’d tell you his! And you’d be best buddies through it all! Downright heart warming, really.” The spirit poked at Jalo’s image and laughed. “This one would see you as a role model instead of the scum of the earth. How about that?”
All colour disappeared, and the spirit faced him directly. “You wanna know what it would’ve taken? Hm?” It grinned widely, fangs flashing. “All it would’ve taken would’ve been trying to be a good person. Just trying. Just trying to be the kind of person she’d like. And asking for help with being that person. Whadda concept!” It laughed and floated off a little.
“Oh, but let me guess what you’re thinking! ‘No, no, I am loved! I’m fuckin adored’, right? Am I close? No? Eh. Well, let me ask this anyway. All those kids you convinced that you’re the hottest thing around
how many of ‘em would nurse you as you’re sick, old, wasting away and about to die?” It floated closer to his face. “How many would bring flowers and crystals to your grave and cry over your stone for years after you’re gone? And will even one– one? Will one of them welcome you to their afterlife, forever and ever?” It grinned again. “Would you like to peek at his afterlife? It’s kinda sweet, actually. Very lovely. His Kalo and his Raziel love him very, very much. No? Oh well. It’d probably make you more miserable
actually, I should ask if that could be part of your penance! Seems fitting, really!”
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