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transformationaddict · 20 days ago
Fuck! My brother stole my fucking phone and screwed around with my Chronivac. When I get my phone back I see “IQ: very low, stoner himbo preset, horniness: max. Applying changes.” I need help! Fuck!
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Yo, you still remember that dude in the pic? Nah? But you think he’s a total stud. Kinda stiff and high maintenance. But bro, you’d totally hit it. I mean, you'd go for anything with a tight ass and those sick biceps…
Dude, that used to be you, ya know? Well, like a thousand hand sessions ago. So, roughly three or four months. Bro, how many tissues you go through in a day?
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Your rents are threatening to cut you off again. Probably your bro’s fault, the golden boy… Man, you’ve got a lecture tomorrow, I’m calling it. But first, you need a doobie. And a clean tissue, for sure.
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transformationaddict · 25 days ago
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transformationaddict · 1 month ago
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“Babe, what are you doing?” I ask, walking in on my husband downing a carton of milk.
“Uh, nothin’ sweetie! I’m just starvin’!” He says with an uncharacteristic deep voice as he wipes milk off his chin.
“You’ve been acting strange lately. First I catch you ordering 3 pizzas for yourself and now this! I thought we were supposed to go to the gym together babe.”
“Ah. Don’t cry darlin’. I hate to see you this way.” He says as he wraps his arms around me. He smells like a mixture of sweat and grease. It’s honestly repulsive.
“Since when do you call me darling? And seriously, you need to take a shower. You can’t act this way in front of the kids.”
He looks at me with a mischievous grin before giving in and going upstairs to take a shower. He kisses me on the cheek and walks upstairs. I wonder what’s gotten into him lately…
“Stupid bitch… Can’t wait till I give this guy the balls to divorce her. You need a real man in your life.” The possessed man says to his own reflection in the bathroom mirror. “How long’s it been since this ass has had some action, eh?”
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transformationaddict · 2 months ago
Another Locker Room Harvest
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Mikey, was developing into quite the gym buddy over the last few months. He was always eager to spot somebody or give them pointers on their technique. I could’ve seen developing quite the friendship with him. I thought that’s what I would do for a change. but my darker impulses took over.
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We just finished our fitness regiment and we went to the locker rooms to clean up. I forgot I had a bodysuit syringe in my gym bag. My hand touched it as Mikey was stripping off his clothes and had his back towards me. It was almost like a reflex. I plunged the needle into his shoulder.
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He looked back up at me with confusion before a vacant look swept across his face. He didn’t deserve what happened to him. But he was going to die at some point, at least this way he can be young and fit forever.
His husk collapsed on the tile floor. I knew he was going to be a tight fit, but since I’ve gone through the trouble of harvesting him, I had to try. I slipped him on while his flesh was still warm. The way his skin clung to me, forced me to let out an orgasmic moan. I knew I was going to enjoy being Mikey.
He was a unique subject to add to my collection. Although my closet is dominated with the skin of Latino men, he had something else mixed in. His mom was Filipino and his dad was Mexican. His mixed race gave him an exotic look. A look I was happy to now call my own.
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transformationaddict · 2 months ago
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Hot bull
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transformationaddict · 2 months ago
Hairy Latino
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That’s me behind that face. It’s not the face I was born with, but it most definitely belongs to me now. When I first met him, I knew I was going to call that face my own. I loved the way his mustache sat on top of his full lips. I especially appreciate his hairy chest and pits. They still have his musk. I think I’m gonna wear him for a while. I like the way I feel in his skin.
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transformationaddict · 3 months ago
My roommate is starting to catch on. I mean he’s been missing chunks of time from his day, now that I’ve been taking his better alter ego to the gym with me. I mean hitting the clubs together at night was perfect, but he’s too much of a good bro not to workout together- and sneak in a shower or locker room fuck. Anyway all I need to say is “bro mode activate” and he swells up into this dumb horny himbo, ready to party and show off. There’s a little resemblance to his old self in there- like he kinda passes as a hotter dumb-as-rocks older cousin or something. It’s hot watching it happen, seeing him freeze in place, jaw get all rigid, then square off and shoulders and chest explode with size and muscle all while his cock go full on thick and hard mast. Then he’s ready to go- no questions asked. Honestly I hate it when he turns back, but our time together seems to be getting longer and longer. Besides, all I have to say is “Bro mode activate” and he’s back for more.
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transformationaddict · 3 months ago
Ghosts Like To Be Subs Too
If you told Julian that ghosts were real, then he’d probably just laugh in your face and call you fucking stupid. Ever since he was a kid, he never believed in ghosts, demons, or anything of the like. Paranormal activities were nothing more than a cheesy fantasy to him. 
His stubborn refusal to suspend his disbelief for even a second set Julian apart from other naysayers. Once Halloween season came around, everyone knew not to invite Julian to any haunted houses unless they wanted an earful of his bitching about how unrealistic everything looked. He was a buzzkill through and through. 
Julian didn’t mind being left out of the spooky festivities though. If anything, it gave him plenty of time to just enjoy himself at home. 
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One night, strange things began happening around his apartment as he was just chilling in bed. However, being the stark nonbeliever that he was, Julian simply explained away everything with logic and reason. 
Flickering lights? Probably just needs new light bulbs. Sudden, cold gusts of wind? Most likely just the A/C kicking in. Random creaking and groaning sounds? No doubt just the loud neighbors upstairs.
As the night progressed, the strange occurrences grew more erratic and inexplicable. However, regardless of what happened, Julian remained unfazed. Little did he know, however, it was a ghost behind all paranormal activity in his apartment. A ghost had wandered into his residence, looking for a human vessel to take over. And what better choice for a vessel than a nonbeliever? 
Just as Julian was getting ready for bed, all of the lights in his apartment blew out, leaving him vulnerable in pitch-black darkness. Despite this, he merely groaned in annoyance and used his phone flashlight to finish getting ready.
“Goddamn it… That stupid landlord really needs to get off his ass and fix the wiring in this fucking building…”
Julian finished his nighttime routine and tucked himself into bed. He turned off his phone flashlight, allowing the darkness to swallow him whole, and closed his eyes. As he waited to fall asleep, the ghost decided to make its presence known. 
Ooooo… Ooooooo…
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“Great, what now?” Julian grumbled as he sat up in bed. He was face-to-face with the smoggy ghost with pink glowing eyes. For the first time in his life, Julian had been confronted with something his sense of logic couldn’t explain. He was speechless.
“What the fuck…?”
Ooooo… Ooooooooo…!!!
The ghost made its move and charged at Julian while he was too busy trying to comprehend what he was looking at. It slammed into his face, causing Julian to fall back onto his bed with a thud. Panic and adrenaline kicked in as he realized he was in danger. Julian tried scuttling away from the ghost, but it was quickly gaining on him. The ghost positioned itself right on top of Julian’s face. He began coughing as the thick, ghostly fog enveloped his head, granting the ghost the perfect entrance into his body. 
The ghost began trickling inside Julian’s body through his orifices. Mouth, nostrils, ears, and even eyes, the ghost used every hole in his head. Julian convulsed and thrashed around his bed as he felt the inside of his body getting filled up with a ghostly presence. The sounds of Julian violently gagging filled his bedroom. He flexed the muscles in his throat in an attempt to stop the ghost’s main entry point, but it was useless. The ghost continued pushing its way inside of Julian despite his efforts. It was an expert in possessing other beings and there was nothing an ordinary human could do to stop it now. 
Once the ghost occupied enough space inside of Julian, it began exercising its newfound control over his body. It started by forcing him to relax his throat muscles. His eyes shot open as he felt his body moving against his command. Wanting to seal his throat again, Julian raised his hand to choke himself. However, the ghost read his thoughts and quickly used his other hand to stop him. Julian tried resisting the ghost’s control over his body but to no avail. His throat relaxed and his mouth hung wide open, ready for the ghost to finish slithering down inside of him. 
“Mmmrrmph… Uhhhhh…” Julian moaned. He gripped his bedsheets as he slurped up the last piece of his invader with one final gulp. Julian felt full of a ghastly sensation he couldn’t explain in words. His body was tense, sore, and bloated all over. As he laid there, panting for breath, Julian felt his hands start moving on their own. They reached out to his torso and began massaging his pecs and abs. The ghost’s body takeover was complete. 
“MMMMM! FEELS SO GOOD!!!” the ghost bellowed in a loud, demonic voice. It was overjoyed to have flesh and a real voice again. No longer would it be forced to communicate in ooo’s like some cartoon ghost. 
The ghost purred as it explored its new vessel, relishing the feel of the firm, hard-earned muscles it had just stolen from Julian. A nearby mirror caught its eye, and the ghost scoffed at the sight of his reflection.  
The ghost snapped its fingers, and the powerful sound echoed throughout the apartment. Then, within seconds, Julian's wife beater and sweatpants burst open. Shreds of fabric fell to the ground like confetti. The ghost smirked again as it saw Julian’s heavy tool hang low.
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“A FINE SPECIMEN OF A HUMAN MALE INDEED!” The ghost wrapped its calloused hand around its new cock and gave himself a few pumps. “PERFECT FOR BREEDING! CAN’T WAIT TO USE IT—”
As the ghost was busy admiring its newly possessed body, Julian’s phone began ringing. The ghost scowled at the phone for interrupting his moment of self-worship, but his expression softened when he saw the name of the incoming call. Pedro. 
Then, inspiration struck. The ghost quickly grabbed the phone and cleared its throat before answering. 
“Hello? Hey, what’s up?” the ghost said with Julian’s voice instead of his regular voice. The man on the other side of the call talked normally, failing to notice anything wrong with his friend. The ghost grinned with a malicious gleen in its eyes as they spoke. Its body takeover plan was going perfectly and was about to get even better.  
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“Hey, are you still awake… Cool, you down to chill tonight… Alright, I’ll be over in a bit. See you soon.” 
Pedro hung up and stared at the black screen for a few seconds. He was shocked that Julian answered. He knew that Julian was a creature of habit who never strayed from his routine. It seemed odd to Pedro that he would still be awake past his usual 9PM curfew without good reason. Maybe Julian couldn’t sleep either? Pedro wasn’t sure, but decided to just brush the thought aside and get ready. He already told him he’d be coming over after all.
Pedro threw on some random clothes and drove downtown to Julian’s apartment complex. He punched in the access code, took the elevator, and walked up to Julian’s doorstep where he awaited him. 
“Hey! Glad you could make it,” Julian said as he dabbed him up. 
“Thanks for having me over. Watchu doing up tonight anyway?”
“Not much really, just can’t sleep. I was actually about to start watching Netflix right when you called.”
“Really? That’s cool.” Pedro made himself at home while Julian helped himself to the couch and turned on Netflix. 
Pedro felt a shiver run up his spine as he took off his shoes. He felt like he was stared at. Pedro turned and saw Julian grinning from ear to ear. 
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“You good, chief? What are you smiling for?” Pedro asked. Julian shrugged. 
“I’m just enjoying your company. How are you feeling tonight? Come join me.”
“Good… Thanks for asking.”
Pedro felt goosebumps form on his arms as he sat next to Julian. In all the years he had known him, Julian was never a smiley kind of guy. Although they were pretty close friends, something about Julian’s demeanor seemed… wrong. He never went out of his way to create a warm, welcoming environment for his guests. No, Julian was a serious man who did just enough to not be marked an asshole by others. 
With that suspicion in mind, Pedro tried sneaking a glance at Julian. He tried to do so without Julian noticing, but he immediately caught him. He turned his head and smiled at him. At that moment, Pedro saw Julian’s eyes flash pink. 
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Julian returned his focus back to the movie. Meanwhile, Pedro was trying to mentally process what he had just seen. He replayed the image over and over in his head. It was just a brief second. Blink and you miss it. But Pedro knew what he saw. Julian’s eyes had turned pink! 
“Hey, what’s wrong? You seem tense,” Julian asked. He threw an arm around Pedro’s shoulder, but Pedro shook him away. 
“What’s wrong with me? Bro what’s wrong with YOU!?” 
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I mean— Why are you acting like this? Smiling at me, acting all extra for no reason, and your eyes! I swear to God bro your eyes turned pink when you looked at me! What’s with you? It’s like you’re possessed or some shit!!”
The two men stared at each other. Pedro was waiting for a response but never got one. Instead, Julian closed his eyes and tilted his head downward. Pedro opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he heard a low chuckle coming from Julian. His shoulders were bouncing as his laugh grew gradually louder and louder. Then, out of nowhere, he threw his head back up and let out a deep, maniacal laughter that rang throughout the apartment. His eyes were glowing bright pink, too! Pedro fell onto the ground from the shock. He wasn’t serious when he accused Julian of being possessed. It was just a figure of speech! But it was becoming all too clear that he was correct… 
“AMAZING!!” Julian’s voice boomed. His voice had dropped to an unnaturally deep pitch that shook Pedro to his core. “NEVER IN THE HUNDRED YEARS THAT I’VE BEEN AROUND HAVE I BEEN SUSSED OUT THIS QUICKLY! I CAN’T HELP BUT LAUGH!!”
“What are you? WHO are you?” Pedro said as he picked himself up from the ground. 
“Does that really matter now? As far as we’re concerned, I’m Julian. Always have been, and always will be. At least until I get bored of this body anyway.” 
Pedro was glaring at Julian as he spoke. The ghost noticed and chuckled in response. 
“What’s the matter? You want your little friend back? Do you really think—”
Before Julian could finish his sentence, Pedro charged at him at full speed. Pedro grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the couch. The ghost was shocked at how quickly a big guy like Pedro could move. He had him pinned down before he could even retaliate!
“Listen here,” Pedro whispered. “You’re gonna get out of my friend’s body and you’re gonna do it now. Do I make myself clear?”
Pedro had a tight grip around Julian’s throat. The ghost was struggling to breathe, let alone talk. Pedro softened his grip just enough to let the ghost talk. 
“I can’t!! This body is too tight of a fit, I won’t be able to leave without something pushing me out! Something long and hard like a shoe horn!” 
Pedro contemplated how best to force the entity out. An idea quickly came to mind, but Pedro wasn’t particularly happy about the implications. He looked down at his buddy’s face, then decided what he was about to do was well worth the price if it meant saving his friend. 
“Heh, alright fucker! Hope you’re ready to leave cuz I’m gonna force you out with my dick!!”
Without hesitation, Pedro made his move. 
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He planted his mouth onto Julian’s lips, catching him by surprise. It was a sudden, rough kiss but it was a welcome one. The ghost opened his lips and let Pedro slip his tongue in as it kissed him back. The rough, scratchy feeling of their beards brushing against each other’s lips caused them both to let out low, sensual groans with every kiss. Their hands became frisky and began exploring each other’s bodies as they made out. Pedro groped Julian’s ass, Julian massaged Pedro’s jacked arms. They locked their lips and bodies pressed against each other as they moved towards Julian’s bedroom. Once there, Pedro pushed Julian onto the bed and quickly took off his clothes. Julian did the same. 
Pedro hopped in between Julian’s legs and wrapped a hand around his throat again. The ghost looked at him with big, wet eyes full of desire. Pedro merely smirked. Even though he was the one that started their little makeout sesh, Pedro wasn’t doing it for fun. He was doing this to save Julian from whatever was possessing his body and nothing more. 
“Open your mouth.” 
Julian did as he was told. Pedro leaned in and spat a ball of saliva into Julian’s mouth. As he watched Julian swallow his spit, Pedro grinned and tightened his grip on his throat, causing him to let out a suppressed moan from the delightfully sensual feeling of getting choked. 
“Such a good little slut! You like when Papi spits in your mouth?”
“Yes Papi, I love it!”
“Want me to do it again?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes Papi! Please, sir! Spit in my mouth again!!” Julian opened his mouth as wide as he could and Pedro spat into him again. 
“Good boy!!” Pedro said with a cocky smirk. He then leaned back down and planted his lips against Julian’s again. 
They shared a few more deep kisses and as they did so, Julian felt something begin to poke against his butt. Pedro pulled away to spit on his erect cock. As he lubed up his dick, he took a good, long look at the man laying underneath him. 
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Although he had always been curious, Pedro had never actually fucked a guy before. Though the situation wasn’t exactly ideal, Pedro was glad his first man was a hottie with a body like Julian. 
With that thought in mind, Pedro leaned back down for another kiss. This time, as they made out, Pedro began guiding his dick to Julian’s hole. Once he lined up his tip, Pedro pushed it in until his cock penetrated him.  
“Mmm…” Pedro purred as he felt his dick go inside of Julian. The warm feeling of his tight ass enveloping his cock sent a shockwave of pleasure throughout his groin. 
“Mmmmm— Hm? Ow! Arghhhh!”
Pedro let out a horrific gagging noise as he threw his head back. His pupils went white and his body became stiff, trapping Julian underneath him with his dick tip still planted inside of him. 
Yes, finally! Now let me inside!!
Meanwhile, a sinister smile formed on the ghost’s stolen face. It then took a deep breath in and exhaled. As it did so, a thick fog left Julian’s mouth and went straight inside Pedro’s agape mouth. 
“Mrrrmphh? Mmmmugghhhh!!!”
Pedro convulsed violently as his body was getting filled rapidly with the same entity that took over Julian’s body. It felt like he was getting stuffed with air. His muscles tightened with every mouthful of ghost essence he was forced to swallow. Before he knew it, Pedro felt his consciousness fade away as the ghost took complete control over his body. The last thing he remembered was feeling his face muscles form an unwanted smile before everything went black. 
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Pedro’s cock slipped out of Julian’s ass as the ghost took a deep whiff of its dank pit smell. It looked down and blew a sharp whistle at the mere sight of its new, long member. While Julian had girth, Pedro had length. The ghost wasn’t sure which dick it preferred. Not that it really mattered though, as it would be putting both to good use. 
Julian’s body went limp now that the ghost was out of him. His eyes were open but with a glazed over look to them. The ghost tried catching his attention, but Julian was unresponsive. Do doubt he was still in a severe daze after getting possessed. 
The ghost smirked. It decided to make the most of having two bodies under its possession. It flipped Julian over onto his stomach, then stuck Pedro’s cock back into his ass. 
“Yeahhh take that big dick like a good bitch,” the ghost said in Pedro’s voice. He watched with a smile as his massive 8 inch cock disappeared into Julian’s ass. Once it was entirely in, Pedro grabbed Julian’s waist and began thrusting into him like he was furious. 
“Fuck yeah! That’s how I like to get fucked, raw and hard! Got that, you oversized lump of walking meat!?” the ghost said out loud. Once it finished issuing its command to Pedro’s body, the ghost exited through his mouth and zipped straight into Julian. 
“Ahhhh! AarrrggGGGHHH FUCKKKK!!!” Julian shouted out as the ghost re-entered him. 
Between Julian’s body getting possessed again and having his ass full of thick, Latino cock, the ghost was caught between two powerful forces of erotic stimulation. Additionally, even though the ghost wasn’t directly in control anymore, Pedro’s body was still moving according to its last command and fucking him as hard as he could. 
“Ah— Ahh— Oohhh— Fu— Uckk—!!” Julian cried out with pleasure everytime Pedro rammed his hips into him, forcing his cock even deeper into his ass. 
“Push your ass out.” Pedro said in a monotone voice. He pushed Julian’s head down into the pillow as he arched his back even further and bit into the pillow. Pedro picked up the rhythm of his thrusting speed and jackhammered away at Julian’s hole. 
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The small bedroom became filled with the erotic sounds of two men fucking like their lifes depended on it. Pedro grunted like an automated fucking machine and Julian moaned like the cock hungry slut he had become. They had become drenched in sweat and their body odor permeated the air, filling it with a potent, sweaty musk that was absolutely delightful to the nose. 
“Nrghhh… Ohhhnghhhh!”
Julian felt Pedro’s fucking speed change. He was getting close, but the ghost wouldn’t let him finish so soon. The ghost quickly shot itself out of Julian and back into Pedro. Pedro gagged briefly as the ghost zipped down his throat but then let out a sigh of relief as he fell under complete possession again. Now that it was at the steering wheel, the ghost slowed down Pedro’s thrusting to stop him from blowing his load. The ghost then decided to stay as Pedro and take a turn at topping. 
It pounded away at Julian’s ass, his cock sliding in and out at rapid speeds. Once the ghost noticed Julian was getting close to finishing, it returned to Julian’s body to stop him. The ghost kept up this cycle for a good while. Whenever one of the men was close, the ghost would repossess and prevent them from shooting their load. The ghost kept them at the edge of climax, only to cut them short every time. 
The ghost was making them fuck for as long as they physically could. The time gap between body takeovers got shorter and shorter. It got to the point where the ghost could simultaneously experience fucking as Pedro and getting fucked as Julian, like being in the middle of a threesome. It was a bodily ecstasy unlike any other. After not having flesh to call its own for so long, the ghost felt like its senses were on fire! Only once it finally had enough, the ghost exited their bodies and allowed them to shoot out their heavy loads in what looked like a sticky, white eruption. Both Julian and Pedro bellowed out a loud FUCKK as they became drenched in their own bodily fluids. They were both left panting for breath after such a rough hookup! 
The ghost floated in the air after it finished having its fun. It needed a moment to breathe too! But it knew that it didn’t have too much time to relax. After all, Julian and Pedro could wake up if it took too long! Thankfully, however, the ghost’s worries were unwarranted. As the ghost hovered back down, it saw a strange sight. Julian and Pedro turned to face the ghost, and despite  neither being actively possessed, their eyes were still glowing bright pink! 
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The ghost was amazed. It had come to Julian’s humble abode to take over Julian’s body as its new permanent vessel. However, in an awfully lucky turn of events, the ghost had successfully secured not one, but TWO human bodies to possess (and as if that wasn’t enough, it was two well-endowed, hairy Latino men too!!) 
It was too perfect. The ghost couldn’t help but relish in its own flawless success. It hopped into Julian’s body and let out its signature demonic laugh. Then, just as a quick experiment, it hopped into Pedro’s body and laughed. It was true— both Julian and Pedro were under its control! Even if the ghost wasn’t inside them, they only waited until their new ghostly master returned. 
And so, the ghost continued living as a human, sometimes as Julian, sometimes as Pedro. To make things more convenient, the ghost decided to have its vessels get married and move in together. Although it was the ghost behind their every word and action, Julian and Pedro looked like they were just happily married husbands to the outside world.
And nobody would be none the wiser.
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transformationaddict · 3 months ago
Osaka October 2024
After saving up for years and working hard, I finally manifested my dream of visiting Osaka, Japan. Ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to visit this city. There's just something about Osaka that intrigues me... Sure, Tokyo and Kyoto are cool too, but Osaka always stood out to me as special. I mean, I'm a huge fan of Capcom video games and Osaka just happens to be where Capcom is headquartered. Plus, Universal Studios has always been on my bucket list!
Anyway, I stayed at a small Airbnb because it was much more affordable for my budget and I had the place to myself near downtown. My Airbnb was within walking distance of a dojo, and I thought the traditional building looked interesting. Since today was my last day here in Osaka before flying back home tomorrow, I decided to check out that dojo.
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The guy who seemed like the guard at the dojo was nice enough to let me look around. Of course, I had to snap a few pictures. As I peeked inside, I saw people training. Mostly younger guys and girls, but my eyes were glued to the buff, hot coaches. They looked exactly like the Bara guys I always draw: big, chunky, muscular, and sexy.
“Judo, huh… interesting.”
I wandered around a bit more. The place had a sort of museum vibe, with everything looking like it belonged in a picture. But then, I ended up lost and stumbled into a room.
“Oh crap…” I thought. Shouldn’t have gone this far... It felt like I was somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be. When I tried to leave, the door wouldn’t budge. I twisted the knob a few times, but it felt like someone had locked it from the outside.
“Dammit! If they find me here, I’ll be in so much trouble!”
I looked around for another way out, but there was just that door and it was stuck. Oh great...
“Sumimasen! Sumimasen!” I called out, but no one heard me.
I sat on a bench feeling frustrated, my mind started racing of worst case scenarios. Getting locked inside a dojo wasn’t something I saw coming today. What if they thought I was trying to steal something? I couldn’t handle the idea of ending up in a Japanese jail or worse, getting deported… What a nightmare that would be, right!
“Huh? What’s that smell??”
Suddenly, a strong scent hit me. It was sweaty and musky.. like something damp and unwashed. It was definitely a man’s smell. I glanced around and saw a locker in front of me, its door slightly open. I got curious, so I opened it wider. The smell got stronger, making me cover my nose.
“Ugh! How long has this been sitting here!” 
Inside was a gi, hanging up.
“This must belong to someone, but damn, they need to wash this shit!”
I reached out and grabbed it. Just as I expected, it was slightly damp, and around the neckline and armpits were these yellowish stains. For some reason, I felt a sudden warmth and noticed my dick starting to react.
“Ta…kagi?” I noticed the name embroidered on the kimono. It must’ve belonged to Takagi-san. “Must be one of the coaches…”
Then a weird intrusive  thought hit me. What if…? I glanced around, just to make sure I was still alone in the room.. Part of me hesitated, thinking it was stupid. I didn’t want to end up smelling like this thing, but… I was curious, okay, and for some reason I felt strangely turned on… 
“Ehh, no one’s gonna see me anyway...”
So, I took off my t-shirt and pants. I couldn’t believe I was doing this, it felt so wrong, but the curiosity and thrill were too much to ignore.. I took another deep whiff of the kimono. “Fuck, this stinks…” I groaned, but instead of being disgusted, I felt my body react in ways I didn’t expect…
And before I knew it, I was slipping my arms into the kimono, buckling the black belt around me. The smell seemed to wrap around me, making me feel weirdly warm. I slid into the pants too and grabbed my phone, looking at myself in the camera. The gi hung loose on my small frame.
“I wonder what Takagi-san looks like—”
Out of nowhere, I felt a hard punch to my back, then my stomach. My body jerked, and my back arched. No one was here, but it felt so real. Was it a ghost??
My body heated up, and I started sweating. Then came this cracking sound. My toes and feet were growing in size and reshaping, and I could feel something growing inside me, like my stomach was expanding. My skinny figure started to grow with muscles. It was painful, but in a weird way, it felt… good? The cracks and crunching noises filled the room.
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I scratched at my chest and stomach as thick hair started sprouting all over.. “Fuckk.. itchy!” I groaned, feeling my voice crack. Like something lodged in my throat. The smell coming off my body was strong now, filling the air around me.
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I touched my chest, now covered in thick hair, and felt the sweat dripping from my pits. My body kept changing. I felt a tugging sensation on my hair, as chunks of my hair fell to the floor. It was all gone, leaving me with a short, oily crew cut. I ran my fingers through it and couldn’t resist bringing them to my nose to smell… 
「 やべ ! 」 I muttered in Japanese. 「いい匂いだね …」(Fuckk! Smells so good…)
My dick throbbed hard, dripping. Then my face started to shift, like something was moving under my skin. My features became more rugged, more masculine. I looked older, and Japanese. 
“Ohhh…” I groaned as a thick beard sprouted on my chin. As the changes finished, I came hard, my cum spilling out onto the gi, making a huge mess. I was gasping, shuddering in pleasure. Still trying to process what just happened…
I grabbed my phone again, opened the camera, and froze. My jaw dropped… 
That face… was that Takagi-san?? I looked down at my round, hairy stomach and chest, my fingers trailing over the thick hair. “Ohhh… so good,” I muttered to myself in Japanese. I actually looked like one of the coaches I saw earlier… but way hotter and bigger.
Just as I was trying to make sense of it all, suddenly I heard a noise coming from the door that was stuck, creaked open.
「 おお、高木さん!やっと見つけた。生徒たちが待ってるよ—練習の時間だよ。」( Ah, Takagi-san! There you are, I’ve been looking for you! The students are waiting, it’s time for your lesson.” a guy said in Japanese. He was one of the men I’d seen earlier, somehow I understood what he was saying completely… 
I was still speechless, too stunned to reply. 
「 高木さん?大丈夫?」 (Takagi-san..? You okay??) he asked, looking at me with confusion.
Oh no… I had actually turned into Takagi-san. A freaking judo coach. Guess this trip was going to be way longer than I thought.
But looking at myself, with a face and body like this,  I didn’t really mind. Staying like this from now on…. 
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transformationaddict · 4 months ago
After donning his polo, drone 110, formerly Evan, had discovered a new appreciation and obsession with rubber. The way it hugged his every curve was causing a near endless pleasurable tingling to course through him. Now something new was calling out to him from across the room. He couldn't pull his eyes off the rubber pup mask staring back at him from the desk, drawing him in with the same intensity of the rubber currently wrapped around him.
His fingers trembled slightly as he gripped the mask, lifting it up almost a reverent manner. The smooth rubber made his fingers tingle in delight. Bringing the eyes of the mask level with his own, he stared into the empty void. He could feel the mask pulling in him into it. He was too enthralled by the playful whispers echoing in his mind to notice that he was slowly bringing the mask closer and closer to his face.
Without hesitation the mask seemed to spring to life, leaping out of his hand and onto his face, adhering itself to his face. Before he could process it, the cool rubber spread around his head, sealing around it tightly, forming itself to his features perfectly.
Now staring through the eyes of the mask, he felt the pup inside him growing stronger, its playful mind washing over him. The pup's playful simplicity blending into the calm unity of a polo-drone. His mind was all but gone as the two forces shaped himself into something new, caught between a swirl of blissful obedience and excitable submission.
His body relaxed as his new mind took over. He slowly slid down towards the ground to take his rightful place on his hands and knees. A pleasure filled moan left his lips as he started to wag excitedly. All too happy to serve, obey and most importantly, play.
The new pup barked excitedly as he bounded out of the room, wanting nothing more than to spread his new found joy with all his other brothers.
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transformationaddict · 4 months ago
can we please see what the multiverse holds for this stud? I'd especially love to see his Sikh variant.
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Sorry for the wait, searching the entire multiverse for very specific realities is time and energy consuming! That being said, I'm sure you'll find these next few glimpses of the multiverse quite interesting.
Our first stop, Sikhism:
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In this world where everyone shares an Indian heritage, our subject has embraced his roots and become a mighty Sikh bodybuilder. He stands tall at 6'2" with a chiseled physique that's the envy of every gym rat in Punjab. He wears his dark hair in the traditional Sikh style - a neatly tied dastar that adds to his regal bearing as he showcases his chiseled physique.
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His muscular form flexes and ripens under the gaze of adoring fans, each corded vein and defined muscle speaking to his tireless dedication to fitness and self-discipline. As he moves, the fabric of his clothing strains against his broad chest and powerful thighs, hinting at the incredible strength that lies beneath - a strength both physical and spiritual. This is a man who worships the gods of fitness through sweat, discipline, and devotion - a true embodiment of the Sikh ideal of strength and courage.
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Next, a somewhat normal reality:
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In this alternate reality, he's instead an adorable, slender French twink. His messy hair frames a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and large, expressive brown eyes that sparkle with mischief. As a wealthy french man, he spends his days lounging on his chic Parisien appartment and inviting people over.
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Clad in tight, low-rise jeans that hug his lean hips and a button-up shirt, our French cutie exudes a carefree, flirtatious energy. His pink lips are often curled into a sly grin, and his playful demeanor is infectious, drawing you in with promises of laughter, adventure, and passion.
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Last but certainly not least, let's venture to a tropical paradise where every country on Earth is a lush, sun-kissed island:
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Here, he's transformed into a bronzed Samoan hunk. His dark, gleaming skin is a testament to his heritage, while his muscular build speaks to a life spent in the open air, basking under the tropical sun. His hair is worn long and loose, framing his chiseled face like a golden crown. A few days' worth of stubble adds a rugged edge to his smooth, olive-toned skin. The salty tang of sea air mingles with the musk of raw masculinity, an intoxicating combination that can't help but stir primal urges among visitors.
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His broad shoulders and muscular physique are the result of endless days spent working at the beach bar where he serves exotic cocktails to sun-worshippers from around the world. As he wipes down the polished wood with a white towel, beads of sweat glisten on his bronzed skin, drawing the eye inexorably downward to the tantalizing bulge straining against his board shorts. Whether mixing cocktails or soaking up rays between shifts, this Samoan hunk is the epitome of island charm and carefree living.
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These three tantalizing alternatives offer a glimpse into the infinite possibilities that await in the multiverse. Who knows what other versions of our stud might be out there, just waiting to be discovered? The universe is vast, and so are the desires it holds...
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transformationaddict · 4 months ago
Halloween Party - Warrior through cultural appropriation
Shit, Jeff thought, Halloween used to be just fun. Now it was first of all a huge effort to find the perfect costume, to shape your body to match the costume. And then you look so good that you would like to fuck yourself, then there are a couple of killjoys outside on the street in front of the Frat House, berating you because your costume is a cultural appropriation and a sign of digital imperialism. Shit, who even comes up with such bullshit terms? Today was about getting drunk, having fun. And at the end of the evening, to end up in bed with a hot guy. Halloween was not a lecture in sociology or ethnology or whatever the shit was called.
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After he had removed the traces of the eggs that had been thrown at him, Jeff was ready for his appearance. He knew he was damn hot. He had an awesome body. His tattoos looked almost real. And in his shorts with the Hawaiian pattern, his cock was in joyful anticipation of the highlight of the party. Only in his head did he feel somehow… cloudy… One of the activists in front of the Frat House had sprayed a gas in his face. Jeff had thought it was pepper spray. But it was something completely different. It made him feel good. Like he had smoked pot. It was weird. But it was Halloween. No showing weakness now! He practically had a duty to party tonight. A guy asked him if he wanted a drink. Did Jeff know the guy… Seemed somehow familiar. But the guy was obviously a local. He replied that he didn't have a coconut milk. The guy laughed out loud and punched Heff in his impressive pecs. “Hey, costume of the day definitely goes to this guy. Coconut milk! I'm cracking up! And the guy even has the accent down pat.” At least that was what Jeff understood. English was not his mother tongue. Was it not? Or was it? Shit! And what was so funny about coconut milk? He loved coconut milk. Here everyone drank beer or some kind of mixed drinks. The stuff came from the white devils and was pure poison! Hoff collected a few glasses and took them to the kitchen.
“Ia ora na! What would you like to drink?” Honf didn't feel like partying anymore. Somehow he felt more comfortable at the bar. And here it was also easier for him to flirt with the hot guys from the fraternity. True, the guys asked him what he meant every other sentence. But that might not have been because of his French Polynesian accent. The guys were just drunk. And the music was loud. But the work was fun. And more than one guy had made it quite clear to him that they could meet later somewhere in a sheltered place. Poor white devils, he thought to himself. If only they had a rough idea of what kind of beast was hiding in his pants. They would probably have to throw up when they sucked on it. His cock twitched and became semi-erect in his pants.
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His name is “Hone.” “Hone” means “warrior.” It's a good name. A buddy of his, whom he had met during his semester abroad at UCSB, was called “Jeff.” He had googled that. “Jeff” meant “God's peace.” A name for weaklings. Hone was no weakling. In Santa Barbara it was the middle of the night, here on Bora Bora the sun had not even set. The white devils were already drinking alcohol. Another sign of weakness. Hone made great cocktails. But he never drank anything himself except protein shakes and coconut milk. Not even on Halloween.
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transformationaddict · 4 months ago
Flubber Bond
After discovering Flubber's existence, Bill was on a hunt to find it by raiding Profesor Professor Brainard's home where he invented in his basement lab. He had a strong sexual desire and fetishism by playing with slime, becoming aroused by getting slimed. He couldn't believe at the sight of a slime being alive, kept in a glass canister which made his cock throb hard already before he could open it. Flubber felt no threat from him as he tries to bond with it before opening the lid. To his surprise, Flubber slithers out and purrs when it latches on to his hands. Bill notices it was getting bigger and bigger as it bonds with him and his cock just drips with precum. Unlike regular slime, he could feel Flubber slithering all over his body, feeling the slight pressure and yanking his body back and forth, up and down, whichever flubber slithers in different direction. He noticed something happening to his body, he appears to be bigger and muscular than he was a moment ago. He laughs in joy, pleasure and flexing his muscles, showing all of it's glory as Flubber starts to absorb into him as it found it's new host to bond. Also transforming itself as a tank top that perfectly fits his size, with a hint of green glow emitting.
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transformationaddict · 4 months ago
Brohood is love
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transformationaddict · 4 months ago
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So bro, we heard you’re into cycling? Yeah? That’s cool, wanna try on a pair of Team Golds cycling glasses? Maybe our jersey? It’ll make you feel REAL good man!
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transformationaddict · 4 months ago
Body a Day #9: School
Being the out and proud art teacher at a high school deep into the Bible belt wasn’t easy, but Manuel ‘Manny’ Martinez did his best to make it work. Although he knew that his hometown wasn’t perfect, he simply had too many roots here to let it all go. And it wasn’t all that bad. Despite some glares from a few of the parents here and there, Manny made sure to with Pride; Pride not for himself, but for all the students that lived closeted and unsure of themselves.
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Because of that, Manny tried to petition to the principal, Harrison Hayden, regarding a Gay-Straight Alliance for the students to have. “You’re quite tenacious, Mr. Martinez,” said Principal Hayden, looking quite unimpressed. “This is… what, the fifth or sixth time you’ve asked me to allow your gay club?”
Manny didn’t miss the way that Principal Hayden always used ‘Mr. Martinez.’ He called just about every other member of that by their first name. However, Manny didn’t allow that to bother him. “Well, it’s not really a ‘gay club.’ It’s more a place for students of all types to come together and—” He was cut off as Principal Hayden cleared his throat and then talked about how much the parents of the student body would protest such a club and cause a scene.
Manny tried to explain the marginalized students, but it was soon clear that Hayden wasn’t going to listen.
That night, he mentioned the whole ordeal to his partner and husband, Terry. “I have to admit,” said Manny between spoonfuls of spicy spaghetti, “This was the most PC way anyone has even told me, ‘No way faggot,’ before.”
Terry clicked his tongue. “Piece of shit, principal,” he muttered as he wound up about half his spaghetti onto his fork. “Straights just can’t comprehend the situation not only being all about them.”
Manny nodded but shrugged. He wasn’t sure what to do know. There were plenty of students that had expressed interest, but Principal Hayden didn’t seem to think they were worth considering in comparison to the rest of the school. “If only there was a way to change his mind… or just changing the principal.”
“Hmm… well, there might be a way for me to pull a few strings,” said Terry. As he hummed in thought, Manny felt chills run down his spine as he saw a familiar and maniacal grin.
“Terry, no.”
“Oh, c’mon! As if you even know what I’m thinking.”
“I don’t need to be a mind-reader to know that it’s insane. Don’t you remember what happened last time? I still have nightmares.”
“Like you didn’t enjoy me giving you that boning,” said Terry. Last Thanksgiving, Terry had offered to use some kind of technological app to allow the couple to shapeshift for the long weekend. Unfortunately, due to some kind of glitch in the program, Terry and Manny ended up turning into dogs for a few days. It was only by some divine miracle that they didn’t end up as fixed or female dogs, according to Terry. “Point is!” said Terry, motioning to move on with the conversation, “This time, I’m gonna do a test run to make sure that my little app works properly. Trust!”
Without waiting for Manny’s response, Terry rose from his seat and rushed over to his study—completely forgetting that it was his turn to do the dishes. “Never marry a programmer,” sighed Manny, but he still couldn’t help but smile. That manic look in his eyes, the excitement in his voice… Manny couldn’t help but love all of it. It was pretty hot, too.
Terry spent the rest of the night in his study, only coming out as Manny, clad in just a pair of boxers, was preparing for bed. Before Terry said anything, Manny walked over to his dresser and handed him a glass of water.
“Oh, thanks!” said Terry before gulping it down. “Hey, how’d—”
“Every time you lock yourself in your study you always forget to eat and drink,” said Manny, chuckling.
Terry smiled, almost swooning. “You know me so well, honey. So, ready for the test run?”
“Test run?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I promise I’ll be the only doing the dangerous stuff,” he said, practically bouncing from foot to foot in excitement. When Terry was that excited, Manny found himself having a hard time rejecting him. Eventually, the couple shut off the lights and cuddled together in bed. For whatever reason, Terry hadn’t elaborated, but just insisted that they go to bed like normal. “You’ll see, just watch!”
Manny lied on his side and waited. He was the smaller spoon even though he was physically larger. But after a few minutes, Terry eventually drew back. “Hmm…? Terry?” Just before Manny looked back, he felt some kind of slimy tentacle-like creature force itself into his mouth. “Hmm?! Mm—!” Mmffm!” He tried to struggle, but found his limbs felt heavy and almost completely unresponsive.
Just what was happening? What was wrong with Terry and why did this feel so right? Manny wasn’t sure what Terry had planned, but he couldn’t help but enjoy that wonderful feeling of being penetrated. It was usually him being the top while Terry would hum or just get distracted, so allowing Terry to take the lead was a nice change of pace… whatever this was.
It truly felt as though something was robbing every part of Manny. First, the control over his fingers and toes disappeared first. Then, his legs and arms became numb as a warm yet foreign feeling engulfed his writhing body. It was like soaking in a hot spring or getting a massage by an expert masseur. “Ohh… oh god, Terry, don’t stoooop…!” Manny writhed and trembled on the bed with such intensity that he was worried his brain would short-circuit.
As Terry’s essence finally became coating Manny’s brain, Manny peeled away his boxers and began to jerk himself off. “Ohhh, it feels so good!” It was like making love together for the first time. Terry’s essence filled each crevice and wrinkle, lighting up each and every single one of Manny’s pleasure centers with such intensity that Manny’s vision went white. “OHHH, FUCK!” Manny’s hips thrust high into the air, cum rocketing out of his barely-touched cock as Manny happily became a passenger in his own body.
What had occurred was nothing short of miraculous for the young couple. Panting, they lied, together in Manny’s body, on the bed that they had each called home so many times. A slight sheen of sweated coated Manny’s face and chest, but neither of them minded. No, there was something comfortable about lying in one’s own natural musk.
Eventually, using Manny’s voice, Terry said, “Y’know our plan for tomorrow, right?” Manny, somehow knew exactly what was running through Terry’s mind. No words needed to be shared, Terry was just indulging in the subtle yet pleasurable joys of using Manny’s voice as his own. They shared one heart, one mind, and one body. It was almost depressing, for both of them, to even think about separating.
“But for tonight, we can be like this,” said both Terry and Manny. They hugged themselves and enjoyed the feeling of softly humping the sheets as they peacefully slumbered.
The following day went about as expected. “I’d like to just have a quick word afterschool,” said Terry with a smile that looked uncanny on Manny’s softer face. Principal Hayden didn’t seem to notice or care and just gave him a weary, “Sure.
“But, Mr. Martinez, I really doubt that you’ll be able to change my mind,” he said.
“I wouldn’t be too sure of that, sir,” said Terry, and inside Manny couldn’t help but chuckle.
Terry was at the principal’s door as the final bell rang. He slipped inside without knocking, a pool of Terry’s essence already filling up Manny’s mouth. “Mr. Martinez, can’t you at least knock?!” was the last thing Principal Hayden was able to say before a dark tendril shot its way into his mouth. With the waning control over Manny’s body he had left, Terry shut the door behind him to make sure no one could hear Hayden’s struggles.
Principal Hayden’s back curled into a C and his thighs quivered as more and more of Terry’s essence invaded his body. The whites of his eyes slowly filled up with that shade of dark as his weighty figure convulsed. Any struggles and moans were muffled thanks to Terry’s entrance.
Soon, all of Terry had flown into Principal Hayden’s mouth with a wet slurp! Manny rested his palms on his knees, panting. Already Terry’s lack of presence in his body weighed heavily on his psyche. It had only been a few seconds, but Manny dearly missed him.
Luckily, if everything worked out, they would be reunited much sooner than later.
Hayden’s body came under Terry’s control much faster than Manny. “Didn’t want to play around?” Manny asked with a smirk.
‘Hayden’ smiled back. “Nah, love,” said Terry as he rolled his shoulders, trying to stretch out a crick. “This body ain’t as cute as yours. But it always feels nice to dominate a homophobic fuck.” The belt became undone, and soon Hayden’s slacks were on the floor. Leaning back, Terry raised Hayden’s legs and rested them on the chair’s armrests. His ass was in full-view, ready to be bred. “Before I approve of your club, Manny,” Terry forced Hayden to say, “I need a bit of convincing. What say you and I talk, man-to-man?”
“Of course, Principal Hayden,” said Manny, unzipping his own jeans and stroking his hardening dick.
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The next day was quite the blur for Principal Hayden. Not only has he apparently approved of Mr. Marti—no, Manny’s GSA club, but he had even given statements regarding the reaction from outraged parents. “All students of all walks of life are welcome in our community,” was his thesis as he spoke to news station that had covered the story.
When had he become so passionate in such a thing? Hayden wondered that to himself as he showered for the night. Strangely enough, it felt like he was waking up from a dream as he showered. Was he disassociating the whole time while he didn’t notice? No, he still remembered doing everything he had done the past few days. It felt like only just now did he realize what he was able to do.
However, one person in Hayden’s life seemed happy with his decision. As Hayden stepped out of the shower, he saw his wife, Natasha, watching the news and looking giddy. “Hey,” she whispered as he took a seat next to her. “Do you remember my sister’s kid? Well, she came out a trans recently. Her name’s Arianna now.” Natasha leaned toward Hayden and rested her head on his shoulder. With her free hand, she rubbed his belly. “Girl keeps talking about how excited she is to attend your school next year.” Natasha kissed Hayden on the cheek. “You did well today, dear. Her and loads of other kids are real happy about what you did.”
Huh, guess I did…
Manny looked up from his book as he saw Terry saunter in while panting. “What took you so long?” he chuckled as Terry collapsed on the bed.
Voice muffled, Terry answered, “Just had to make sure the bastard didn’t throw you under the bus.” He turned to his side and faced Manny. “I had to make sure he didn’t change his mind last minute or tried to screw you over, but it’s all good now.”
“Why? Did you do something to him?”
“Nah, nothing like that. Just… he realized the lesson that every bigot’s got to at some point: someone y’know’s got a flag of their own.”
“Well said, dear. So, I’m guess you’re far too tired to go at it tonight?” In response, Terry began to snore. Sighing dreamily, Manny cuddled with his husband and pecked him on the lips. “Good night, dear. Thanks for everything.”
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transformationaddict · 4 months ago
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“milk tech” by  吐蕃叔
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