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valtsv · 2 days ago
i really do love those military jackets with embroidery that resembles a gilded ribcage they serve sooooooo much thanatological cunt it's unreal. the memento mori of it all. the bastardised martyrdom. the self-fulfilling prophecy of dressing yourself in silver and gold evoking the final, fragile shield between the most vital, vulnerable parts of you and annihilation, just to go to a place where the objective is to hack it to pieces as cruelly and efficiently as possible until you resemble nothing more than ground meat trodden into the dust you came from. fuck the military for real and forever but they went harder with horrifically ironic self-deceiving propaganda than anyone ever has or will. give it up for the old lie everyone!
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thetwinsinlaw · 2 days ago
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Armand + hands in his pockets
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tanasha-not-yet · 2 days ago
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pov httyd1 astrid
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schoolhater · 24 hours ago
iof shut down the gaza border again, cutting it off from aid, again. the cost of daily living will likely rise again. please donate to the people working to make things a little more equitable in the face of death:
the sameer project
workshops4gaza (workshops/bookstore, proceeds go to the sameer project)
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laniidae-passerine · 3 days ago
The fetishisation of the subordinate is such an interesting part of Severance. Helena pretending to be Helly in order to receive the affection from the severed workers that would never be bestowed on their boss. The creepy doctor believing that he’s in love with Gemma and trying to manipulate her into reciprocation, even when it’s obvious she loathes him. Cobel’s obsession with Mark, to the point she’s convinced she has a right to him both in and outside of the workplace. How people in power delude themselves into believing those under them are their equals, all the while sexualising and exploiting the complete power imbalance that exists in that relationship.
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illusioncanthurtme--art · 2 days ago
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So... how's outpatient therapy at the mystery shack going?? :')
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lovelysophya · 2 days ago
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Come and get a taste of this amazing cock 💦🍆🍆
Slide to my TELEGRAM for my services @lovelysopya DM for unforgettable experience.
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martyfive · 2 days ago
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important message from my girls today☝️
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bomberqueen17 · 1 day ago
How To Shop For Fabric Online
RIP Joann's. Now many places in the US no longer have a local fabric store, such as it even was toward the end.
There are some good posts going around about where to shop for fabric and craft supplies online, like this one for example. But if you're a beginner-to-intermediate sewist, and the way you've always shopped for fabric is by going to the store and touching it, it can be a hard, even cruel adjustment to suddenly be looking at a photo online and trying to piece together from the inconsistent descriptions what you're actually looking at.
So I'm going to just try to bang together a little primer on What Things Are Called, and how to educate yourself, so that you don't have to do what I did and just buy a ton of inappropriate stuff you wound up not being able to use for what you'd thought. And I will link to some resources that will help with this. This will be garment-sewing-centric but will, I think, be fairly broadly applicable.
The first thing is to look carefully at your desired project. If it is a commercial pattern, it will usually tell you what kind of fabric you need, but it will describe it in not the same words it's often sold under. If it is NOT a commercial pattern and you're kind of winging it, it's even harder. So here is how to start figuring out what you need.
Number one: Knit or Woven?
Quilting fabric is woven. If you are making a quilt, you want a woven. Most craft projects are made with woven fabric-- tote bags, upholstery, you name it.
Many garments are knits. T-shirts, yoga pants, cardigans. It is easy to know, because knits stretch. They can either stretch both ways (along the length and along the width) or just one way (usually along the width); this is confusingly either called 2-way stretch or 4-way stretch. Yes, stores are inconsistent. Look carefully at the description, and they will usually specify-- "along the grain" or "in all directions". Some garments require stretch only around the body-- maxi skirts, knit dresses etc-- while some absolutely need stretch both ways, like bathing suits.
No, you absolutely cannot clone your favorite knit t-shirt in quilting cotton. It will not fit. Most knit garments have "negative ease", meaning they are smaller than your body and stretch to fit. All woven garments have "positive ease", meaning they are larger than your body, unless very firm shaping undergarments are used.
SMALL EXCEPTION: There exist "stretch wovens", which are woven fabrics made with elastic fibers. These will be labeled as such. They are actually harder to sew with than regular wovens because they almost never have their stretch percentage labeled; they are NOT suitable for knit patterns. Avoid them, until you are more advanced and know how to accomodate them, is my advice!
Number two: WEIGHT.
How heavy is the fabric? How thick? How thin? This is measured in two main ways-- ounces per yard (denim is often 8oz, 10 oz, 12 oz) or grams per square meter. But many fabric retailers do not tell you a weight, they use words like "bottomweight" or "dress-weight", and you have to learn to figure out what they mean by that.
My lifehack for learning these has been go to go to ready-to-wear clothing retailers and see if they give the weights of the fabric their garments are made from. (Yes, I learned how to shop for clothes online instead of in-store years ago, because I am fat; some of us have had to do this a long time.)
If you are making a pair of trousers, you need heavier fabric than if you are making a blouse. Do not buy a floaty translucent chiffon to make your work trousers, it will not work no matter how cute the color is. Learn how the different weights of fabric are described, and you will improve your odds of finding what you need.
Number three: DRAPE.
Is it stiff? Is it fluid? Is it soft? is it firm? There are a lot of very artsy words used for this, and you may find yourself puzzling over things with a fluid hand, or a dry, crisp hand, or "a lot of drape", or maybe the listing doesn't describe it at all. This segues neatly into another technical thing, which is the WEAVE of the fabric. There is a dizzying array of words that tell you what kind of fabric it is-- twill, tabby, challis, chiffon, crepe, organza, georgette. And these will give you insight into the drape, and thus into the texture/usability of this fabric, and how suitable it may or may not be for your project.
I know it's a lot to think about but I am now going to give you resources for where to see all this stuff.
Number one is Mood Fabrics, which I can't believe hasn't been in any of the posts I've seen so far. They are a huge store in NYC's Fashion District and yes you can go there, but when I went there it overwhelmed me so much I left empty-handed. But what they have is AN INCREDIBLE WEBSITE. They have everything on there, and what's most important for you, their listings are INCREDIBLY consistent. They have VIDEOS of many of the fabrics, where a sales associate will hold it, wave it, stretch it, and tell you verbally what it is and what it's for, in about thirty seconds. HUNDREDS of these videos.
Whether you want to buy from them or not, go to Mood Fabrics, click around, find their listings, and read them. They will tell you fabric content, weight (usually gsm), often weave, they have little graphics that show you if it's for pants, dresses, shirts. And they have those videos. Look at the listings, watch the videos, and you will leave knowing a lot more about how to look at an online listing of fabric and know what you're getting.
Another really excellent website for this is Stonemountain & Daughter. I've actually not bought anything from them yet (they came highly recommended, but they're not cheap), but their online listings are, again, very thorough and very detailed. They always have a picture of the fabric with a fold in it held in place by a pin, which does more to help you understand the weight and drape of a fabric than any other static image ever could-- that visual, combined with how informative the listings are, has helped me learn to estimate fabric weights on other sites very effectively.
And here is a page that's ostensibly about how to wash silk, but I found it so useful because it gives such a clear image of what each weave/type of silk fabric looks and drapes like. I've never bought anything from these guys either, but this is a good resource.
Learn a little bit about fabric so you know what you're looking for, and you can begin to replace some of that "i just have to go and feel it in person" problem. There will still be trial and error, but you'll have a better starting place at least.
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soup-mother · 3 days ago
It's actually vital we tell "men" that they don't have to like men and they can be a lesbian. we can save so many trans girls from a horrid cycle of misery, we can save them from convincing themselves they're just gay men because that's what they think wanting to be a woman means. we can save them. i know we can.
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republicansaretheproblem · 3 days ago
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This was beyond a doubt the most embarrassing moment in White House history, thus far…
Since when do Vice-Presidents get to flip out on visiting dignitaries and provoke a reality tv argument that causes a visiting head of state to storm out. It wasn’t bad enough that MTG’s creepy boyfriend insulted Zelensky but Vancehole had to pile on causing Trump to go full Hitler. It was clearly planned and once Trump flipped Vancehole turned to the camera and laughed.
Trump’s dementia is so bad he needs Edolph to run domestic policy while Vancehole handles foreign affairs. Secretary of State Little Marco Rubio sat there quietly like a good little stormtrooper. Putin and his henchmen must’ve broken out the champagne.
Fuck the entire Republican Party.
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gaywizardemporium · 3 days ago
Saw this in my news feed today:
> The Department of Education has just launched a website, enddei.ed.gov, where people are supposed to go to report instances of “divisive ideologies and indoctrination” in schools. It doesn’t verify your email address, so you can make one up to submit a comment. You can also make up a school district—or google a random one. I used Aberdeen School District in Idaho. Zip is 83210.
> It would be a shame if folks flooded this form with…well, whatever they can come up with. Have fun!
Tumblrinas, you know what to do.
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fexjam · 2 days ago
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Spy punishes Scout by making him french
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lazylittledragon · 3 days ago
Does Cyra's childhood trauma carry over to Baldur's Skate and does she have any bonus skating related trauma
yeah i think it’s all pretty much the same just with extra layers of awful
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erlie · 2 days ago
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*cries in tears* Him. And the tomatoes. Goddamn.
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