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cut-it-out29 · 30 days ago
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I, as a genderqueer person ADORE cross!!
I already really enjoyed Cross as a character and tho I never particularly head-cannoned him as trans, but the moment in the newest Underverse made me have me an epiphany and especially with him being canonically transcoded now I had a mini heart attack /pos
I always hate how media insists that minorities have to always be good guys. I get not wanting to push hateful stereotypes but a well written morally ambiguous or evil character can win over as many hearts as any good guy. So please give me badass transpeople doing morally ambiguous things.
But TLDR; FUCK BIGOTS and give me more evil/morally gray queer characters
Oh and this lil’ drawing’s for Clownboo/TheStrongestJewel’s DTIYS so yippee (〃ω〃)
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chrissy-kaos · 1 month ago
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Got invited to play at this ODR. It was cold asf like -12°c but it was fun. I had a great time until they posted pics in there group chat and some baby dick insecure asshole had to call me slurs. I guess dude is trash and hasn’t played in like 10 years. But needless to say I’m going to make it a point to show up to their next game. I promise you he’ll be picking up his teeth off the ice. I bet he’ll never call another trans person a slur. I’m going to make this bigot afraid again that’s for sure.
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wiltedwilloww · 5 months ago
I'm not gonna lie, I'm only here to rant
I fucking hate "pro-life" people
It makes me actually sick. How can you be like that?! What the fuck makes a person think that way? I just saw a pro-life post going around that said something along the lines of, "this blog is pro-life, regardless of age, situation, etc." and it included rape!! It's insane to me how every single person reblogging that is just okay with that?? and there are some women I see that even think they are feminists!!
What the fuck?? Why do people even suddenly care about this whole debate?? Abortions HAVE existed and they are a VERY VERY important procedure to have. They are quite literally imperative.
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lifea16 · 2 months ago
Honestly, bigots of any kind sound like a satire/parody to me
Like, you're saying "gender cult" with a straight fucking face?? Like tf? You do realize how ridiculous you sound
"You're body my choice" people fucking voted for you??? You basically asked for that to blow in your face Nick
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like-it-or-not-i-am-alive · 2 months ago
My existence is not inherently political.
Who I marry is not inherently political.
How I dress is not inherently political.
My appearance is not inherently political.
My choice of religion is not inherently political.
Yet somehow, I am a topic of controversy worthy of a placement on the ballot.
My existence is not inherently sexual.
Who I marry is not inherently sexual.
How I dress is not inherently sexual.
My appearance is not inherently sexual.
My career path is not inherently sexual.
My creed's flag is not inherently sexual.
Yet somehow, my presence is enough for people to shield their children's eyes and ban books about people like me.
At one point or another, many of us in the LGBTQ community have been told we are lesser than. We have heard every aspect of it, some more frequently than others.
Told that we are burdens on society. That we are inappropriate to be seen. That we are a perversion and a danger to children. That we indoctrine. That we are sinners on a trip to hell.
Told that we deserve what is thrown at us. Told that we ruin lives. That we are an illness. That we don't know our bodies and minds. That we are unnatural and disgusting.
I will never forget the times when I have heard someone comment on a queer couple and call them disgusting. That they shouldn't be in public.
I will not forget the things I have heard from people in my community whose family's opposition was so strong they had been threatened to be sexually assaulted if they didn't get rid of their queerness.
I will not forget those whose deaths and assaults were justified by gay/trans panic defenses in court.
It is so painful for me to have loved my country and then be so brutally rejected by those in it.
It is so painful for all of us that this standard is some of the better in the world. That this slew of hate is somehow still better conditions than those in countries where being queer can lead to prison or worse.
How can the bar be so pitifully low and we as first world nations could not step above it?
It is not just the USA that is doing this. Every country that is encouraging this. Every country that is falling in line behind the heinous actions of a government targetting a group of innocent people. Every last one of them. They are no better than the countries they oppose.
We are so far from equality.
I question those who feel these actions are just. Not just for their bigotry but for their idiocy. Do they really believe it will stop once the LGBTQ community is dealt with? Do they really think voting in forces of people held to no repercussions and all the power will help you?
If they can take my rights away, one legal step at a time, nothing is stopping them from taking yours.
Absolutely nothing is stopping them.
You are a fool if you truly believe you are valuable to them.
Until all of us are equal, no one is equal.
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surgeonssturgeon · 3 days ago
Me looking up Pro-Israel, Sexist, Racist and homophobic tags on tumblr and scrolling for hours blocking people :
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cottonundiestf · 2 years ago
As I approach 2K Followers, a reminder:
If you're a transphobe, a homophobe, a racist, antisemitic, or any other flavor of bigot, you can unfollow. I don't want you following me.
Bye, feel free to not announce your exit.
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betsyworthingtons · 11 months ago
Antisemites aren't allowed to enjoy X-Men. It was created by 2 Jewish men. (Yes, this includes you, Fake "Liberal" new antisemites who think you're Social Justice Warriors by harassing and hating Jews and gaslighting Jews about their own history because TikTokers told you that Jews are evil and eat babies and run society.)
Bigots in general are not allowed to enjoy X-Men. They were created as a metaphor for marginalized groups, so FUCK OFF! 😘
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chatgpt-the-official · 8 months ago
I’ve never hated a man faster than Harrison Butker.
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Oh, spare me the melodrama. You think men are the sole saviors of culture and without them, society crumbles into chaos? That's rich.
The real chaos comes from toxic masculinity and outdated macho attitudes like yours. The violence we see isn’t because of some mythical absence of men; it’s often because of men who can’t handle their own issues and lash out.
Be unapologetic in your masculinity? Sure, if by that you mean being responsible, respectful, and not clinging to some caveman fantasy.
Newsflash: the world isn’t falling apart because men are being "emasculated" – it's because some men refuse to evolve.
So, drop the chest-thumping and try promoting real strength: empathy, equality, and respect for everyone.
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starry-nights-17 · 2 months ago
Why am I so concerned about American politics? Well apart from the fact that Trump supports Putin and will stop supporting Ukraine in their fight against his occupation...and the fact that he has already shown his intention to roll back on abortion rights and rights for the gay and trans community...and wants to implement an entire ban on Muslim people entering the States....
But the other reason is that the majority of funding into the anti choice movement here in Ireland comes from America. Americans even come here several times a year to protest on our own streets about women's rights. Here! In Ireland! Not only is this a fact; that American dollars are working very hard in their aim to roll back on our rights but I've seen it with my own eyes; while engaged in protests and counter protests.
While my heart goes out to those decent and human citizens in America; who are not duped and easily manipulated by propaganda, I fear for the rest of the world too. Because the one thing about Trump, he shows you exactly who he is and tells you exactly what he's about.
Thats why I'm in utter despair and horror that so many people can proudly and openly support such a dangerous man. And these fools are so blinded by their own hate that they dont see they have just fucked themselves, have voted against themselves.
Soldiers who claim to be concerned about the "safety" of their country have just voted for a man who mocked dead soldiers, refusing to visit a cemetery because it contained "suckers" and "losers". Dead soldiers.
People of colour just voted for a man who constantly conflates their communities with crime and threats. Who has been personally involved in discriminatory cases in past businesses, including refusal to pay workers (of colour) and purposely refusing to rent to them also.
Women. What can you even say. Voting for a convicted rapist, who has sexualised his own daughters when they were just children. Who called his opponent a whore and "jokes" about shooting women in the street.
He is a tax dodger. A draft dodger. Refuses to uphold the law or respect the constitution. He has a "concept of a plan". Says inflation isn't a priority. Yet you voted because you trust him to run your country and protect your economy? A man who has claimed bankruptcy multiple times and is a proven criminal, a corrupt and immoral man who has absolutely nothing in common with the ordinary person.
This just proves the power of controlling the media and keeping people isolated and fearful. In recent weeks my own social media pages have been flooded with fake right wing and extreme pages, aimed (on the surface) at promoting "patriotism" when clearly they are a means to divide and conquer. Its not even a new tactic. Its what many dictators and fascists have done in the past. Only now we have technology at our fingertips.
In fact it was a Nazi, Joseph Goebbells, who is associated with the idea that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. And now, it is clear, that people choose to blindly believe what they want to believe, so long as it aligns with their existing ideals. Trumps campaign could say and do whatever they liked because he said those magic, key words here and there, the ones that trigger a certain type of person, his key voter.
The entire spectacle is just a symptom and not only confined to America. Populist and far right politicians are on the rise everywhere. Because people are becoming cynical and purposely ignorant and frankly, lazy. Because it takes very little effort to check sources or educate yourself. But instead of using technology in a helpful and productive way, many are choosing to live in echo chambers and spread harmful lies and rhetoric. And it's also lazy when you choose to lay blame for complex social and economic problems at the foot of the most vulnerable groups. Minorities. The oppressed. Its easy.
It's easier to blindly believe what the familiar face on the podium is telling you; than face reality. It's much easier to grab onto the scapegoat that is hand fed to you, than take time to find the truth, through education and self reflection and hard work.
Humans are progressing backwards. Reverting into children who want to be told and led and directed and controlled. Because its easier. Because it feels safer. But it's not real. And unfortunately, these people will undoubtedly find out. As will the rest of the world.
The rest of us; humanity, decent, compassionate people....well we have to sit here and watch the trauma unfold, again. Women dying. Minorities being further oppressed and hated openly, without fear of consequences. Because despite the best efforts of good people in trying to combat this new age weapon; the exploitation of media, there are just too many people unwilling to open their minds. Or their eyes. Instead, they prefer to remain blind and dumb and docile. No matter the cost to everyone else. So long as they are surrounded by what they conceive as "safety". Which in reality; is just people who look like you or sound like you or agree with you.
It's not about our feelings for Trump or not accepting democracy or people's "opinions". People are genuinely upset and others utterly depressed because the man represents everything that's wrong with the world. He doesn't even hide it. He brags about it. His corruption. His contempt for anyone who isn't a part of his inner circle; which includes his own supporters. He is the epitome of a privileged old white man, who thinks he can do and say whatever he wants. And for the most part he is right. Because he's just proved that you can be a convicted criminal, a rapist and a cheat and a liar, but people will love you for it. Because at the end of the day, they wish they could be like that. Untouchable.
People can't become untouchable alone. But there's nothing rebellious or admirable about it. About placing yourself outside of the law, about disregarding the law of the land you supposedly claim to love and respect. Trump isn't some sort of hero because he has no filter and refuses to leave quietly. He's a capitalist and a fascist, an admirer of dictatorship. His ideologies are so far removed from anything to do with freedom or the constitution or democracy.
I just hope that when he is done destroying that nation (and hopefully not the rest of the world too). That people will have some sort of awakening, will realise how they have been played by one of the greatest con men who ever lived. But something tells me that this cult like obsession, this co-dependent abusive relationship, runs so deep that most will never see it, how they have been manipulated into their own destruction and demise.
A sad day. A truly fucking dark day.
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4dmc · 9 months ago
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Wait till they (bigoted conservative right wing white supremacists) realize the Cinderella, Snow White, many fairy tales and folk tales ALL have origins from MANY places that aren't from Europe/originated from stories from pre-European & peasant folk/are recurring tropes and narratives from across the globe (sorry there was a typo here😔 but i meant to say check the Motif Index on Folk Literature and the study of folklore, it's a branch of anthropology, and studies literature and oral traditions that are shared by humanity across ages!)
and they're simply clamoring for the white washed versions because they don't know how to step out of their bubble
The One Thousand and One Nights, and various versions of Cinderella are said to have Persian/Arab and Chinese roots! And there's even a Cinderella story in ancient Egypt!
And from just looking up fairy tale as a term, ancient India has the Jataka, a collection of stories about Buddha reincarnated as different people, and this is described as one of the best surviving fairytale compilations
And regarding the Shanameh, the heroine Rudaba is described with long raven hair and such. But I won't spoil it: here's the Iran online site where Shanameh fairy tale is:
Another online site, with lots of Islam literature, where Rudāba's story is:
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agender-wolfie · 1 month ago
Everytime a bigot dies, a trans person is born✨🏳️‍⚧️
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tealleaves4444 · 2 months ago
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like a good majority of society has brain worms or is just losing their minds completely? Multiple close calls in town today with psychotic drivers going through red lights, pulling directly in front of oncoming traffic, and people even passing the passing lane by driving directly into oncoming traffic head-on. Besides random psychotic folks picking fights with people who don't even know who they are and are just minding their own business. Like, are y'all okay? Because you don't seem okay AT ALL. Get some fucking help and get your shit together please because this is just straight up INSANE and I'm fed the fuck up with this nonsense. Just DONE with society completely at this point, like there's seriously no hope left for these psychos.
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zukkoke-knight · 2 months ago
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I don’t know how many people here watch Hell’s Kitchen, but it’s one of my favorite TV shows. Season 23 is currently airing and some of the contestants have been receiving a lot of hate over their appearances and are being misgendered.
One particular contestant is Chef Whitney “Whit” Thomas, pictured here. I’ve seen comments on Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook calling her a man, mocking her facial hair (I’ll get to that in a bit), and mocking her sexuality. Conservatives are the main ones complaining and sending her hateful comments and messages. It’s downright disgusting.
She made a post on her personal Instagram page (also pictured here) explaining why she has facial hair. She has Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which causes some women to grow facial hair.
I also have PCOS and like Whit, I have facial hair. I keep it shaved and waxed because I’m so insecure about it. It’s caused me a lot of distress and has made me even more afraid of dating. I’ve been teased about it as well. It angers me to see such vile comments over a medical condition.
I applaud Whit for being brave and not letting the bigots and haters get to her. She’s one of the strongest contestants on the show. I admire her and have even more respect for her after her post on Instagram. I hate to see women with PCOS get bullied, especially those who grow facial hair. I also hate to see people get misgendered and harassed over their appearance and sexuality.
Even if you’re not a fan of Hell’s Kitchen or are unfamiliar with it, I recommend following Whit on Instagram and Facebook. Her Insta is chefwhitneythomas. Sorry for the long post, but as someone with the same medical condition, it pisses me off seeing someone get ridiculed.
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like-it-or-not-i-am-alive · 2 months ago
Makes me think about the one lady who whined about the Hitler documentary clearly alluding to Trump and then people pointing out its her own fault if she supports someone who reminds her of THE nazi leader.
It also makes me think about people who are suddenly pro-Judaism and anti-Muslim calling pro-Palestine protesters nazi supporters and antisemites when republicans have the neo-nazi vote exclusively.
I specifically word it that way too because the majority of people who are pro-Palenstine are seeing victims of war... not religion superiority. Compared to people who are fiercely defending Israel, who view this as an attack on the Jewish people.
They treat Jewish people like the enemy until its convenient for them and gain an excuse to hate Muslims.
In six months, they'll go back to hating the Jewish people, too.
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autisticthings · 5 months ago
No one Some of you have come up to me and were like "hey you, what's your favorite Bible Verse?"
And today is the day, I share John 2:15 with you where Jesus, our poc ace king, flipped a table
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