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noues-gerez-vos-emotions · 10 months ago
Vivre Zen en Février
Vivre Zen en Février
Vivre Zen en Février Comment Vivre Zen en Février, ce mois qui se déroule entre les frimats de l’hiver et l’arrivée du printemps. Les changements de température font des écarts importants. Il fait encore glacial la nuit ainsi que très tôt le matin et selon les jours, à midi, on se croirait presqu’en été, avec l’envie d’un pic-nic au bord du lac. Personnellement je trouve cette période éprouvante…
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miroir-de-sports · 1 year ago
Deux de l’Ain
Les Aindinois vont par deux. Francis Rigon et Jean Dumont ont en commun d'avoir 80 ans, de résider dans l'Ain et d'avoir participé au Tour de France 1969. Né en Italie, Francesco est naturalisé en 1964 ; après un parcours de coureur amateur il commence une carrière professionnelle en 1969 avec l'équipe Frimatic-De Gribaldy où il fut équipier de Joachim Agostinho. Son fils Franck est président du Comité Départemental Olympique et sportif de l'Ain.
Un Aindinois peut en cacher un autre.
Jean Dumont est né à Ambérieu. Il se distingue dans les courses contre la montre en amateur, au Grand Prix de France et au Grand Prix des Nations amateurs 1964. Il intègre en 1965 l’équipe professionnelle Peugeot - BP- Michelin et ses porte-drapeaux, Eddy Merckx, Tom Simpson et Roger Pingeon né lui aussi dans l’Ain à Lagnieu. Il totalise cinq participations au Tour de France de 1967 à 1971 dont une 16 ème place en 1969.
Francis Rigon et Jean Dumont à l’arrivée de l’étape Moûtiers- Bourg-en-Bresse.
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444names · 2 years ago
the entire article on hobbit names from tolkien gateway
Ablic Abligoth Abof​ Abold Accia Acter Adellic Adelverest Adine Adock Adodoc Afted Aggied Agnize Aldfasted Amidelthro Andalfie Anded Andepal Andescot Andidaded Andoc Andyine Andymas Antabel Appeal Apperst Appip Approwick Ardle Asterven Ateree Aticatend Atinflock Bably Baged Baggilcome Baillown​ Bants Bardended Baree Batterl Beardesco Beciadoc Beformyrth Beirban Beriver Berrile Betic Bigared Bilaras Bilthand Bobbit Bodephey Borba Boredits Brant Brougo Brove Buckhob Bucks Buckving Bundy Buntror Burph Burricine Calinart Calven Chamidal Chaming Chigrich Chilived Chillbags Ching Chobran Clade Consy Corters Cother Counmar Coverear Crinninsy Dalaridily Dandorobra Dandy Dantiong Daspromand Dassill Dedudic Defut Dellan Dention Depatiused Depeads Descom Dildan Disper Dispreckla Dorth Dring Drown Ducened Dudilin Dusitcho Ealventons Earing Ecced Ecock Egavia Egrumed Elinges Elper Elthan Endeand Eneckon Esibs Evers Excell Exised Extras Faine Faing Falaw Falothy Famoneare Fared Faree Farenel Farrickone Fated Fathatten Fathildig Fathishen Fatim Fattle Fealf Fearter Feated Feetwer Fembrandoc Fembuced Fendin Fernamfat Filch Filds Fivend Fluder Foodockho Forah Forcen Foreed Forther Fosard Fousbardus Foustopul Freet Frickhor Frimater Frimely Frosaramer Futhy Fírided Fíring Gamsome Garaldin Gartic Gavinearan Geell Gelan Gerverl Gester Gesto Gestred Gisen Goleeney Golkiney Golly Gongolle Gonst Gooks Goolfat Gortle Gother Gotto Gradoc Granins Greed Gridest Gridge Gring Guent Hamer Hance Hansheined Hantakent Harielast Hariven Hassin Hated Havaccefus Haviatered Helco Heldand Hended Hened Herned Hewall Hiecial Hildwily Hingshild Hirrist Hlock Hobradabso Hobraory Hodbuck Hompled Hother Imansiden Ingmarrine Isappear Iseney Itfong Itlibly Itobroped Joughted Kamul Knoung Knowardle Knowyn Labetwor Labodan Layearther Leents Letworift Liado Lighlive Liling Lingeet Lisell Litiver Lized Lobsoman Lonshey Lontabind Looldity Losix Loudners Lowilt Lowyn Madanore Mador Maged Malcon Malily Mallasta Mancludned Mandy Mantakend Masta Mationda Mclando Mcluents Melcotty Melph Membelas Merew Meried Mesca Mideadaugh Mided Midgerears Milcothers Monin Mosaung Mossix Moung Movairac Moven Mundfatew Mundove Mungrimonn Nalfilved Namgerien Nammidins Nepeon Niffers Ninces Ninnic Nobbition Nodoc Normar Nothasted Nowalfrer Noweard Nower Nowyn Olcoulay Olfickho Olloc Ongel Otabobb Oterviney Othents Otrosent Overoppeal Ownead Pandesto Parmas Pations Patiusing Peall Peastil Peody Peoplingar Perisers Pimare Pimullroul Polcomplaw Poldaira Pooks Pooriticho Poppeodch Popubb Pordelice Poser Possits Posto Powee Prandyined Priandarly Price Pried Prien Primer Primpeat Pross Prown Pullbother Reend Relationed Renho Rererrise Riadobse Riathroung Rigaret Roarded Robanded Roughfated Rowalarar Rowarufus Rowner Rudfare Ruffster Rufut Rumple Sacter Samse Sappealch Sarack Saramen Sardich Saughfie Scesmes Scousibag Selvacef Sembrany Senhor Shild Shilve Shily Sible Sidgeng Siseney Sisto Sking Sméaggient Sméagshen Spearer Sposeck Sprecks Spriman Striadept Sured Takelly Takended Takents Talin Talle Tandy Tansh Thamgee Theater Thelangs Thending Thentim Thfived Thowee Thramda Thropull Throw Tiloth Tinalding Tingoldis Tione Tobbirto Togelaree Tolfon Tompas Tonge Tonica Tookied Topeodob Treng Twearther Tweathay Unarthal Uncater Uninot Unknobb Unknordise Unknory Usbais Wandiffs Warduing Warmadably Wassum Whairamda Wheing Wheirtyper Whencended Whereen Whers Whilichir Whilinge Whilve Wifourd Wishily Witimoted Witiney Yorty Youddle Youts Éownersho Éown​
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iamphotogaffeur · 2 years ago
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La photographie de nuit, d’hiver, de chapeau bien chaud et de nez rouges à cacher.. c’est bientôt le retour! Contacte moi pour organiser une séance! @soledadmanu . . #swissmodel #toque #wintertime #nightphotography #frimat #nuit #hiver #noel #vinchaud #femme #swissphotographer (à Lausanne, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-_7rEIfRM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Je suis naturellement contre l'esclavage. Si l'esclavage n'est pas mauvais, rien n'est mauvais (Abraham Lincoln, Lettre à Albert Hodges, 1864).
Abraham va-t-il m'éviter un énième message d'Instagram sur le contenu de marque ? 😉
Villeurbanne, Rhône.
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quandpensezvous · 5 years ago
Épisode abordant le thème de la langue, avec notre invitée: Catherine Dorion. 
 Ge, tu, elles: L’édito de Geneviève: « Mordre ou mordue, la langue ». 
Les nouvelles régionales: La région administrative de la Capitale-Nationale est à l’honneur. 
De la ben belle visite: La députée-poète Catherine Dorion. 
Le plus jeune commence: Paul-Antoine anime un quiz sur la relation amour-haine entre l’anglais et le français. 
Programme de soutien aux finissants en sciences humaines profil individu: Francis s’intéresse à la santé et sécurité au parlement. Avec la généreuse participation de Luc Sincennes. 
Quand pensez-vous?: Est-ce que le français est vraiment en danger? 
Musique: « Viens avec moi » des Hôtesses d’Hilaire, un coup de coeur pour Francis. 
Wikipéha: La grande (longue!) histoire des législations entourant la langue française. 
9 à 3: L’oreille absolue, un phénomène particulier et fascinant, avec Justin Fournier et Isabelle Trottier. 
Correspondance:  Alexianne et son journal intime, en attendant celui de Catherine Dorion, peut-être? 
Cochonneries: « Quand » ou « Qu’en » pensez-vous? 
 Enregistré le 23 juillet 2019 devant public à La Microbrasserie le Prospecteur de Val-d'Or, dans le cadre de la 15e édition du FRIMAT. 
Merci à nos partenaires! 
 • Paysage Boréal, dépositaire des produits Bolduc, présentateur de cet épisode!  • La Société St-Jean-Baptiste de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue  • Air Creebec  • La Microbrasserie Le Prospecteur  • Le FRIMAT  • Québec Studio  • Adama Productions  • Pier-Luc Beaudet Duciaume, Planificateur financier pour IG Gestion de Patrimoine  • L'Hôtel Continental centre-ville  • Avantage numérique  • Honda de Val-d'Or  • Marie-Claude Robert photographe  • Studio Lachapelle 
Animation: Francis Murphy, Geneviève Béland et Paul-Antoine Martel;  Narration: Yolette Lévy;  Image sonore: Bernard Boulanger et Le Carabine;  Technique: François Lachapelle;  Régie: Stéphanie Poitras et Sophie de Carufel;  Recherche, billetterie et accueil: Karine Murphy. 
 Extraits musicaux entendus: 
Les Jeux du Québec (Chanson thème)  © Sports Québec  
Didgeridoo, Qualité Motel feat. Simon Proulx  C’est pas la qualité qui compte © 2018 Qualité Motel  
Écoute Chérie, Vendredi sur Mer  Premiers émois © 2019 Profil de Face  
La hiérarchill, Jérôme 50 (Remix QPV)  La hiérarchill © 2018 Dare to Care Records Inc. 
Le souverain, Tomàs Jensen  Pied-de-nez © 2002 
Instant zéro, Laurence-Anne  Première apparition © 2019 Laurence-Anne 
A Heartbeat Away, Jean-Michel Blais  Dans ma main © 2019 9366-3870 Québec Inc sous licence exclusive à Arts & Crafts Productions Inc. 
Le levain, Jean-Martin Aussant feat. Jacques Parizeau  © Jean-Martin Aussant 
All in the Bus, Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire Viens avec moi © 2018 Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire 
Pousser MA note, Les Hôtesses d’Hilaire feat. Les Hay babies & Robin-Joël Cool  Viens avec moi (Live) © 2019 B-12 
C’est dans les chansons, Jean Lapointe  15 ans d’émotions en 21 chansons © 1991 Éditorial Avenue 
Gobbledigook, Sigur Rós  Með Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust © 2008 Krunk 
De pluie et de cendres, Guillaume Beauregard  D’étoiles, de pluie et de cendres © 2014 La Tribu 
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animationnightsny · 4 years ago
Post-apocalyptic triptych, contemplating on the state of the world after humans have gone extinct. Insects have replaced humans and perpetuate their violence – a robot paints a fresco in memory of the past civilization – and a walking living plant lists the last surviving plant species.
Directed by Lucas Roussel, Charlotte Brun, Loïc Frimat, Vincent Labis, Adrien Lannoy, and Alice Lepoutre
Who We Are
Sunday, March 21, 2021 11 AM - 11 PM Eastern Time
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ekman · 2 years ago
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Il est bon et rassurant de voir nos bons vieux clébards de gauche aboyer leur haine aveugle à l’annonce de la victoire sans appel de Giorgia Meloni. Ce matin, c’est delirium dans tous les box du chenil. Avènement du post-fascisme par ici, fin des droits de l’homme par là... ils tentent avec leur vieille pointe Bic de griffoner des dazibao hautement dénonciateurs, réthorique usée jusqu’à la trame, pathétiques petits cris de révolte feinte, outrance des mimiques, les sourcils en guidon de vélo, le regard stupéfait et la bouche en anus de galinacée, un peu comme celle d’Ursula quand on lui montre comment les charcutiers russes confectionnent la célèbre saucisse d’Izioum. À l’approche des frimats automnaux, les Français se font plus frileux encore qu’à l’automne dernier, quand leurs gentils médias faisaient de l’ignoble Z une énième Bête Immonde, s’inquiétant de la gargamélisation des esprits et invoquant “le sursaut républicain”. Rien de tout cela de l’autre côté des Alpes. Les gauchistes, là-bas, sont tranquillement mauvais quand il s’agit de diaboliser la droite patriote et traditionnelle. On les a entendus évoquer un programme démagogique, insister sur le soutien bienveillant du monstre magyar, s’inquiéter d’un christianisme phobique à tous les étages... mais rien sur le post-fascisme postulé de Giorgia Meloni. En Italie, l’atgument ne prend pas vraiment. À vrai dire, il n’a jamais pris. En Italie, bien des gens pensent que Mussolini a fait faire au pays un extraordinaire bon en avant économique, industriel, social et sociétal – ce que les faits, par centaines, attestent. Le fascisme dictatorial, le jusqu’auboutisme idéologique, les guerres... tout cela est enterré, comme les milliers de victimes de l’épuration rouge, comme l’Istrie, comme la Dalmatie... Les Italiens sont les acteurs de leur propre histoire, ils veulent continuer d’avancer sur des voies bien romaines, et ce ne sont pas trois boomers germanopratins et quelques ministres mongoloïdes qui les arrêteront. De quoi accouchera cette alliance de gouvernement ? De conflits internes conduits par des égos destructeurs, sans doute – come sempre ? Laissons à Giorgia Meloni à sa joie authentique. En tout état de cause, une bonne partie de l’Italie respirait un peu mieux ce matin – cela s’appelle l’espérance. J.-M. M.
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missmorice · 8 years ago
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Head scarf: Muse by Morice Young
Shirt: Ralph Lauren
Model: Caroline Frimat
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fromcydonia · 7 years ago
What's your favourite scene from Mommy?
The scene where diane imagines the future of her son.
I think why i love this one so much is because of two things.
The first is the fact that during the whole film the screen is at 1:1 ratio which made me feel more intimate with the characters. I felt more close to them especially when they felt scared, angry and uncomfortable. The first time the screen becomes full i felt like i share diane’s hope, like there is a good chance for a happy ending but i knew the film isn’t over and the moment something bad happened the 1:1 ratio came back and the hope disappeared. The same thing happened in this scene, there is a full screen and then there isn’t. There is hope and then there is reality.
The second thing is the new law we learn about at the beginning. There was no doubt it was going to brought up again and the whole film it was there, in my mind. I could have been full of hope but i knew the law is going to serve a purpose later on. It’s something i’m very good at, not being able to be happy because i know it won’t last for long.
Those two things made the scene very emotional for me because i knew there won’t be a happy ending and i knew that the full screen symbolizes hope, happiness and freedom but i also knew that after the full screen the 1:1 ratio comes back and with it the loss of hope, the harsh reality and the feeling of being trapped with those characters. I couldn’t be happy and i couldn’t be hopeful because i focused on the fact it won’t last or in this case that it isn’t even true or realistic.
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abbaefas · 5 years ago
Je cherche les racines
Là où les fleurs poussent
Dans l'air et le doux frimat
Ces joyaux, ces cadeaux
L'allégresse du baiser
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medi-at · 3 years ago
Le Rendez-vous panquébécois à l'Agora naturelle d'Amos
Le Rendez-vous panquébécois à l’Agora naturelle d’Amos
C’est à l’Agora naturelle d’Amos que se terminera la tournée du Rendez-vous panquébécois (RVPQ) 2022. Ce seront les participants de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue et de la Baie-James qui seront à l’honneur. Ils seront accompagnés notamment du quintet féminin Et on déjeune (qui a remporté le FRIMAT 2021) ainsi que de l’auteur-compositeur-interprète Guillaume Laroche, qui sera également présent à H2O le…
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pikapikcreations · 4 years ago
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Alors... quelle est donc cette création avec des chats? Réponse en direct: Une gigoteuse bien chaude pour cet hiver ! Et pour fêter l'entrée dans les premiers frimats, 10 % vous seront offerts sur ma page ETSY pour tout achat d'une gigoteuse avec le code FRIMAT10 jusqu'au 25 novembre!🥳 https://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/879277104/gigoteuse-bebe-unisexe-hiver-pati-pata #nice06 #pikapikcreations #couture #sew #sewing #coutureaddict #tissus #gigoteuse #turbulette #couverturebebe #baby #cadeaunaissance #gift #birthgift #cadeaunoël #christmasgift #chats #cats #patesdechats #tissusdesursules #Nominettes_labels #coton (à Nice, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGzkCrrl-ej/?igshid=p00aoem463d1
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vlcccosmetologyinstitute · 6 years ago
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Grand Masters in Cosmetology (GMIC)
 Grand Masters in Cosmetology (GMIC) is detailed course in cosmetology to give you the expertise on Skin, Hair, Make-up and Aesthetics, it’s one program which covers all aspects of the theory and practice required for beauty professionals/ Cosmetologist to carry out treatments on skin, hair, make-up and Aesthetics in a safe, professional and competent manner. Grand Masters In Cosmetology (GMIC) is stretched over 15 months 26 days with a great learning program for a successful carrier as a cosmetology. The program is divided in different modules for Skin, Hair, Make-up and Aesthetics. 4 Modules of Skin, 4 Modules of Hair, 3 Modules of Makeup, Advance level of hair and Makeup along with Training on various Spa therapies and Nail extension, Micro dermabraision and Chemical peel. This particular course is a combination of almost all the courses conducted at VLCC institute as it covers content from:
 Diploma in Beauty Culture, Diploma in Hair Technology, Certificate in Professional Make Up, Diploma in Spa Therapies, Certificate in Nail Art & Gel Nail Extension, Saree Draping, Trendy Hair Do’s, Cosmetic Recipes, Certificate in 70mm Make Up, Advance Diploma in Hair Technology, Certificate in Chemical Peels & Micro dermabrasion, Session with Subject Expert History of skin care & the use of cosmetics, Professional Ethics ,Correct Posture, Professional behavior, Personal Grooming, Anatomy and Physiology, understanding skin & skin layers, Functions of skin, Types of skin, pH level of skin, The Lymphatic system , The Bones of the skull (Face & Neck),The Muscles of Face & Neck, Common Skin Disorders, Sebaceous gland disorders, Skin Pigmentation disorders, Under Eye Dark Circle, Hygiene & Sterilization, Massage, Theory of Massage, Different Massage Manipulations & Techniques , Classical Massage (Face, Neck and Décolletage), Pressure Point (Relaxation point), Shiatsu, MLD, Benefits & Contraindications, Massage Steps, Nail Care, Nail Structure , Common nail Disorder & Symptoms, Nail Shapes, Manicure, Pedicure, Superfluous Temporary Hair Removal, Tweezing, Threading, Waxing, Different Type of Bleaches, Cream Bleach, Protein Bleach, Lather Bleach, Facial Electrical Treatment, Knowledge of Electrical apparatus, Beauty Studio Center, Derma Scope Magnifying Glass),Woods Lamp, Frimator , Steamer, Vacuum Sibisper, Oxillation, High Frequency, Galvanic, Ultrasonic, Masks & Packs -Home care Recipes for skin , different Facials Skin Analysis, Draping of a Client & Client handling skill, Setting of the facial room, Setting of the trolley, Face Clean Up, Basic Facial
Deep Cleansing, Thermo herb, Fruit Facial, Gold Facial, Acne Treatment, Facial Electrical Treatment, use of Beauty Studio Center, Derma Scope ( Magnifying Glass), Woods Lamp, Frimator ,Steamer, Vacuum Sibisper, Oxillation, High Frequency, Galvanic, Ultrasonic, NMES (Faradic- Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation),Aroma Facial, Aroma Body Massage, Aroma Manicure & Pedicure, Advance Manicure and Pedicure, Paraffin Wax Manicure & Pedicure, Anti Tan Manicure & Pedicure, Hot oil manicure, Advance massage techniques, Advance  MLD, Uplifting and skin Tightening massage, Skin Treatments, Hyper pigmentation Treatment, Anti Tan Treatment, Intense Moisturizing treatment, Face Firming Treatment , Sterling Silver Facial, Skin Whitening Facial, Anti Aging Facial, Paraffin Wax Facial, Nail Art and Temporary nail Extension , Sequins Art, Paint Art, Crystal Art, French Nail Paint Application, Temporary Nail Application (Glue on), Advance Superfluous hair removal, Italian wax & Brazilian wax (Lipo-soluble Wax), Administration & Management, Administration & Management of salon , Operating a Successful Salon, Diet Tips, Diet for Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails, Cosmetic Science, Spa Manicure & Pedicure, Different Nail Systems, Product knowledge, Personal Hygiene, Health & Safety, Nail Structure, Nail Conditions, Different Nail Zone, Classical Gel Nail Extension, French Gel Nail Extension, Maintenance & Removal, Nail Art, Needle art, Water marble art, Glitter art, Mylar art, Sponge art , Spa Head massage, Nail Art & Nail Extension
Spa Therapies, Types of Spa, Different Spa treatments, Various Spa Products, Study of bones & muscles, Study of various organ systems, Study of various body movements, Requirements from a therapist, Meditation for the therapist, Yin Yang energy, Concept of Qui, Tai Chi, Chakra Balancing, Body Massages, Swedish Massage, Aromatherapy, Lomi Lomi, Thai Massage, Balinese Massage, Reflexology, Body Polish/ Wraps,
 Hair Technology, Hair Cutting Tools , Hair Terminology/Methodology, Sectioning and parting , Distribution , Elevation , Cut , Basic hair cutting terminology, Types of Shampoo and conditioner ,Types of Blow Dry, Blow Dry with Paddle brush, Blow Drying on different Angles , Scrunch drying (With Diffuser) Hair Trichology, Hair Structure & Composition , Parts of the Hair , Layers of the Hair , Hair Cycle , Types of the Hair , Hair Facts, pH Scale , Hair Analysis, Hair & Scalp Disorders, Premature Grey Hair, Dandruff , Falling Hair, Alopecia , Split ends, Damaged Hair, Infestation , Roller Setting, Velcro Roller, Hot Roller, Hair Cuts, One Length Hair Cut, Diagonal Backward line cut, V shape One length, Diagonal forward Cut, Ironing, Crimping, Tong Rod, Hairstyling, Introduction & Styling Product Knowledge, Trendy Hair Do’s, Crown Management- Center Parting, Side Sweep, Zig- Zag parting, Twisting, Single Bun, Three Interlock Bun, Four Interlock Bun, Basket Bun, Donut bun, Forward Graduation cut Natural Inversion Cut, Scissor over Comb (Male cut),Tong Rod Setting (Directional), Different Techniques of Blow Dryer, Theory (Hair colouring and pigmentation), Demo—Global colour (with base colour),Grey coverage /Root touch up (with base colour), Full Head –Highlighting Red or gold (on virgin hair ), Colour with Frosting cap, Hair Perming, Basic understanding of perm, Hair Water Perm with basic 6 Sections, Oil Massage (Head), Henna Application (Head), Up-styles, Traditional Bridal Bun, French Knot, French roll, Twist in French, Runway Up-style, Admin and management of Salon , Operating a successful salon, Health and Safety, Hair Cuts With Different Techniques, Inversion variation, Classic Round (Uniform Layers), Square Variation (Back Square), Square Variation (Top Square), One Length Bob, Graduated Bob, Graduated Layers, Classic Men's Square, Men's Graduation Cut, Clipper Cutting Techniques, Indo Western Bridal, Royal Bridal Bun, Matt Multiple Bun, Anglo Indian Half Moon Bun, Mermaid Up-style, New fashion Up-styles, Crimped up Cocktail Look, Modern Retro Wave Up-style, Red Carpet Up-style , Brick, Spiral, Roots perm, Ends perm, pony perm, piggy back, hair rebounding, hair spa, dandruff treatment, Different Styling Techniques, Prep for style (Blow dry, Ironing), Waving (Tong curls, Hot Rollers, Finger waving, pin curls), Volume up (Crimping, Velcro) ,Twist and twirls, Braidings ( 2,3 ,4 , 5 strand braids, French braid, Dutch braid), Trendy Up-styles Up-style with waving techniques, Up-style with volume up techniques, Up-style with twist and twirls, Up-style with braiding techniques, Up-Style with fusion of waving and volume up techniques
Make-up theory, Portfolio Make Up, Glossy Make Up, Ramp Make Up, Black & White Make Up, Different eye liner, Different Eye Make-up, Fantasy Make Up, illusion Make Up, Old age make up, Makeup Technique, Corrective Makeup, Face Shape Theory, Color Theory, skin care regime, airbrush makeup, airbrush party look, airbrush bridal look, airbrush  fantasy look, Portfolio Make Up, Lipstick application, Day Self Make Up, Day Party Make Up, Day wet Look, Evening Make Up, Engagement Make Up, Bridal Make Up, Reception Make UP, Groom Make Up, Face Shape Theory. Media make-up, Anchor Makeup Female (Indoor), Desirable Diva Makeup, Glam Doll Makeup, Royal Bridal Makeup, Golden Era Makeup, Metallic Makeup, Face & Body Makeup ( Air Brush)
Saree Draping, Air Hostess Sari Style, Gujarati Sari Style, Bengali Sari Style, Mumtaz Sari Style, Indian Sidha Pallu Sari Style, Ulta Pallu Sari Style, Model Sari Style, Devdas Sari Style, Marwadi Sari Style, Dupatta Styles (4 different types
Advance Diploma in Hair Technology (ADHT)
Trendy Unisex Hair Designing, Men’s Corporate Cut  with Scissor Over Comb, Men’s Fade Cut with Clipper Over Comb, Hair texturizing techniques:-Scissor slide , Razor slide Channeling , Twisting , Deep parallel point cut,  point cutting, brick cutting, use of texturizing scissors, Transient Cut, Head position layering, Back Graduation, Concave Layers, Emo Cut, Grad. BOB/ Classic Bob, Fusion of Hair Color Techniques, Color change/color wash, Color Correction, Color Refresh, Latest and different Color Technique, Balayage tech, Highlights, New fashion Hair Styles, Catwalk up style, Vintage up style , Contemporary up style, Forms of Smoothening, Hair smoothening with color bonding, Keratin Treatment, Hair extension,
Chemical Peels & Microdermabrasion, Crystal MDA – Aluminum oxide crystal Chemical Peel Theory, Definition and Mechanism of Action of Chemical Peels, Classification of Chemical Peels depending on the depth of penetration, Chemical Peels for Cosmetic use, Indications, Contraindications and Contra-actions (Risk Management), Consultation and Consent form, Expectation alignment and Counseling the Client, re-care and Post care instructions, Professional Technique and procedure of Chemical peels (Superficial and Medium Depth and Combination Peels), Demonstrations and Hands on Practical’s, Lactic Peel, Glycolic Peel, Salicylic Peel, Modified Jessener's Peel, AHA +BHA Peel, Body Peel
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vlcccosmetology · 6 years ago
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Diploma in Cosmetology (DIC)
 In order to maintain the high standards which have been set by the industry, and to continue to provide an excellent training which creates consistently competent and well-rounded, skilled and highly sought-after therapists, we have to have a training program that can guarantee these outcomes by our diploma holders. This professional beauty course for which has a minimum eligibility 8th pass. (Hindi/ English medium)  
Diploma in Cosmetology (DIC) is one program which covers all aspects of the theory and practice required for beauty professionals to carry out treatments in skin, hair and make-up in a safe, professional and competent manner. This syllabus contains the minimum requirements for understanding and knowledge. 5 Months 20 days of extensive training in cosmetology (Skin, Hair and make-up) for the Salon Professional you always wanted to be. The program is divided in 5 Modules; it facilitates the knowledge required for the successful beauty professional– in both the theory and practical field. In the completion of the program Students will have knowledge on-
Skin fundamentals, Skin structure, Functions of skin, Types of skin, Common skin disorder, Skin analysis, Client consultations, Skin ph, skin care & the use of cosmetics, Professional Ethics, Correct Posture & Professional behavior, Personal Grooming, Anatomy and Physiology, skin & skin layers, Functions of skin, Types of skin, The Lymphatic system  - Face, the Bones of the skull (Face & Neck),The Muscles of Face & Neck, Common Skin Disorders, Sebaceous gland disorders, Skin Pigmentation disorders, Under Eye Dark Circle, Hygiene & Sterilization, Theory of Massage, Different Massage Manipulations & Techniques, Classical Massage (Face, Neck and Décolletage), Pressure Point (Relaxation point), Shiatsu, MLD, Benefits & Contraindications, Massage Steps, Nail Care, Nail Structure, Common nail Disorder & Symptoms, Nail Shapes, Bones and Muscles  (Arm & Foot) Manicure, Pedicure, Superfluous Temporary Hair Removal, Tweezing, Threading, Waxing, Different Type of Bleaches, Cream Bleach, Protein Bleach, Lather Bleach, Facial Electrical Treatment, Knowledge of Electrical apparatus, Derma Scope ( Magnifying Glass), Woods Lamp, Frimator, Steamer, Vacuum Sibisper, Oxillation, High Frequency, Galvanic, Ultrasonic, Masks & Packs -Home care Recipes for skin Facials, Skin Analysis & Client Consultation, Draping of a Client & Client handling skill, Setting of the facial  room, Setting of the trolley, Fundamental of facial, Face Clean Up, Basic Facial, Deep Cleansing, Thermo herb, Fruit Facial, Gold  Facial, Acne Treatment
 Hair Technology
Personal Grooming & Hygiene, Professional Ethics & Soft Skills, Hair Cutting Tools, Hair Terminology/Methodology, Sectioning and parting, Distribution, Elevation, Basic hair cutting terminology , Shampooing & Conditioning, Types of Shampoo and conditioner, Blow Dry, Types of Blow Dry, Blow Dry with Paddle brush, Blow Drying on different Angles, Scrunch drying (With Diffuser),Hair Trichology, Hair Structure & Composition, Parts of the Hair, Layers of the Hair , Hair Cycle ,Types of the Hair, Hair Facts, pH Scale, Hair Analysis, Hair & Scalp Disorders, Premature Grey Hair, Dandruff, Falling Hair, Alopecia, Split ends, Damaged Hair, Infestation, Roller Setting, Velcro Roller, Hot Roller, Hair Cuts, One Length Hair Cut, Diagonal Backward line cut, V shape One length , Diagonal forward Cut, Thermal Setting, Ironing, Crimping, Tong Rod, Hair Styling, Introduction & Styling Product Knowledge, Crown Management- Center Parting, Side Sweep, Zig- Zag parting, Twisting Braids, Single strand pony Tail, 2strands/Fish tail, Triple Strand, Four Strands (Matt and rope), Five Strand, French Braid, Dutch Braid, Bubble Braid, Flirty ponytail Up-styles, Single Bun, Three Interlock Bun, Four Interlock Bun, Basket Bun, Donut bun, Hair Cuts, Forward Graduation cut, Natural Inversion Cut, Scissor over Comb (Male cut),Thermal Styling, Tong Rod Setting (Directional), Different Techniques of Blow Dryer, Hair Coloring, Theory (Hair coloring and pigmentation),  —Global color (with base color), Grey coverage /Root touch up (with base color), Full Head –Highlighting Red or gold (on virgin hair ),Color with frosting cap, Hair Perming, Basic understanding of perm, Hair Water Perm with basic 6 Sections, Oil Massage (Head),Theory, , Henna Application (Head), Up-styles, traditional Bridal Bun, French Knot, French roll, Twist in French ,Runway Up-style
Make-up, Product knowledge as per skin type Make Up Theory, Infrastructure of makeup room, make up product knowledge, Personal appearance, Brush theory, Tools of makeup, Corrective makeup theory, Color theory, Face cleansing, Base application theory, Eye makeup application theory, Lipstick application, Day Self Make Up, Day Party Make Up, Day wet Look, Evening Make Up, Engagement Make Up, Bridal Make Up, Reception Make UP, Groom Make Up
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quandpensezvous · 7 years ago
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