got a worm nibbling my brain. can someone help me find a piece of obscure media?
webcomic/indie comic from the 2010s. basically a sci-fi short story about a young girl (with red hair?) who was being raised by scientists as part of an experiment. she receives a haircut/has her head shaved, in preparation for her annual brain scan/testing. it is revealed that while her body is human, her "brain" is artificial, made of computer implants throughout her skull and spine. at some point her biological mother (also a scientist on the same campus?) encounters her and is repulsed, viewing her as a machine who has murdered her daughter.
it was very poignant and it bruised my heart and i can NOT find it anywhere
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beaft · 3 months
today i was confronted with one of my top five scariest situations ("abruptly presented with critical decision that must be acted upon immediately, except you can't act on it immediately because you're stuck doing something else and can't leave"), and i coped with it and didn't burst into tears or call my mum even once. truly i am a king amongst men. songs will be sung of this day
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ennard-is-near · 3 months
Call me Michael Afton the way I hate this stupid job and my tummy hurts
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canisalbus · 1 year
Has Machete ever had to comfort or calm down Vasco?
I think Vasco might have a bit of a habit of suppressing and underplaying his negative emotions, he doesn't like showing sadness or anger. He is genuinely optimistic and carefree and usually handles stress and difficult situations calmly, it takes a lot to truly get under his skin. But even he has his bad days and weak moments and of course Machete tries to be there for him. His attempts to comfort him are clumsy and inexperienced but I'd like to think that over time he gets better at it, largely by mirroring and replicating Vasco's own behavior.
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bronzebluemind · 6 months
It’s been 0 weeks since the World Cup finale, 17 weeks to go until sgp and 34 weeks to go until next season.
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jenna-louise-jamie · 5 months
it just occurred to me, martin wilby is the alex rider tv show's ash. there's a line in season 1 where the department is talking about wilby being responsible for ian's death and how ian “thought the world of him.”
very similar to how ash was responsible for john (and helen's) death, but john very clearly loved the guy. enough to make him alex's godfather and save his life. another very interesting parallel for the rider brothers.
ash and wilby are different to each other however. at least ash had somewhat more of a reason to join scorpia? a vendetta against alan blunt. wilby just straight up wanted money. yassen gregorovich stabbed both of them though.
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vegaseatsass · 3 months
My Stand-In Episode 11
AUghhghhhh I can't believe next week is the last week of this series, what am I supposed to do with my life without it? (Meet You At The Blossom, you are my only hyperfixation hope)
I shan't talk about the end of the episode except to say that it feels right that Spiritual Master is the biggest MingJoe antishipper out there. Yes, he's been tirelessly advising this young master on his disastrous love life and its cosmic implications for three years, but that doesn't mean he's rooting for him or thinks the torturous time loop he's trapped everyone in is karmically sound!!!!
I also really can't get over the "every story that's not about a time loop is about a time loop" vibes of the scene too, how it was filmed, the way the master described the cycle they're in, all of it. Good stuff. But beyond that I'm zipping my lips I dare not even speculate on what is coming in episode 12.
What I do want to talk about is the Akarayota family!!
I think it is so brilliant that Ming's dad was kept fully offscreen and out of the picture until episode 10. It made him such an ominous, menacing figure. Like it seems obvious to me now that last episode, when Ing asked about telling his family and Ming said he needed to make sure it was the right time first, he was talking not about emotionally preparing himself or like, winning his family over, but about this blackmail scheme he needed to suck Mike into to "defeat" their father, which he always knew was the only option. Putting aside everything else in the Ming vs. Dad game of family ruthlessness chicken, at the end of this episode, this man was going to get his son killed in a way similar to how Ming got Joe killed: out of stubbornness, out of a refusal to believe long after he was shown that Ming would choose Joe not just over his family but over his own safety, out of a belief that he could control the situation and let Joe perish and lose nothing more than Ming's, like, will to live (but if you keep him locked in the house forever after, that won't matter, right?). You can just really see where Ming gets it from with this guy. I also have to wonder what the FUCK was going on in that household during Ming's childhood that a. the siblings are all so codependent b. Ming has learned to throw up on command c. Ming throwing up on command is something Mike has seen him do and treats as an old familiar trick.
So let's talk about the siblings! Ahhhh!!! My heart!!! When Mike first mentioned a promise, I was sure it was going to be a tit-for-tat trade where Mike owed Ming some kinda life debt (a la May saving Ming from drowning and getting pneumonia) that Ming was cashing in on. My guess was Ming had done some kind of monumental favor for Mike in their youth and Mike Owed him. But no no no! Mike's promise was made in the past three years and as far as we can see was simply borne of not wanting to see his brother in pain. I promise you, Ming, if Joe ever returns I'll do anything to help you be together, so please, for now, move on with your life. How fucking much does he love and prioritize Ming if that's a cash-in-on-able vow he'll break the law and fight their father over? How much of Mike's life is already spent cleaning up after Ming and shielding him? Again, what the fuck was going on in that household in his childhood that the oldest son in the family splits his time between business, Buddhism, and keeping his baby brother out of the line of fire? I had the thought that Ming could go to Mike for money to avoid their father, but Mike telling the loan shark "WE cannot get $500 million to you by tonight" without Ming even needing to ask him kind of said it all. Lowkey wondering if Ming is THE heir and Mike is a half-brother or illegitimate son of some kind since it does seem like the family wealth is concentrated in May and especially Ming's hands, even though Mike does nothing but work for this family lol. And May <3 I have a lot I'm mulling over in her relationship with Tong but the fact that she showed up just to shut down the line of familial manipulation that hinged on her womb was so badass. There's also something about Tong using "you chose your brother over me" as a DIVORCE JUSTIFICATION that makes me wonder if that was an ongoing conversation and threat in their relationship, that she had to prove again and again that she saw Tong as family as much as she did her beloved little brother... I do hope we see a little bit before the very end of Ming reciprocating his siblings' immense devotion to him (in ways other than "fled the country to hide that I was obsessed with your boyfriend's posterior", or tbh even gifting his perfect secretary to the brother who has always wanted him lol). But I am very compelled by what we've seen so far, that the Akarayota siblings consistently choose each other and shield each other from their powerful, terrible parents.
Last but not least, mama Akarayota! Love her writing! I love that the scene where she's accepting Joe and Mingjoe's love comes packaged with "oh yeah I was the one who destroyed your relationship with your mom teehee oops", and she doesn't even seem very sorry about it, she's just sooo happy that Joe passed her little test and loves her son and is making Ming happy and alive, and who really cares what happens to Joe's life or family. I love that she felt the urgency of Ming going to meet with the loan sharks in ways her husband didn't, but instead of working with her son or finding a way to pay the money her son-in-law owed, she just did the impulsive thoughtless rich person move of calling the cops, which escalated literally everything and missed getting Ming killed by a Joe-shaped hair. Why pay $500 million baht to criminals when you can rely on your power and the state? It's just such an automatic, instinctive, realistic choice for her to make and I love love love the consequences it came with. Basically I love that even though Ming's mother has the classic QL parent arc of moving from pressuring her son to marry women to warmly accepting that he loves a man, she does it with so much rich person violence and collateral damage along the way. There's a complexity and realism there I don't often see.
I also wanted to talk a little bit about Sol and how moving I found it that he uses "I can't get over you" as a way of connecting with Joe, empathizing with and accepting how obviously Joe is never going to get over Ming, and actually, finally letting him go. About how JOE FUCKING DYING AGAIN does in fact justify his frantic in-denial attempts to block Mingjoe a few episodes ago lol, but how beautiful it is that he was ready to let Joe go and make his own choices in this episode. About how much I wish Ming had!!! TURNED TO SOL!!!! FOR MONEY!!!! TO SAVE THE LIFE OF THE MAN THEY BOTH LOVED!!!! but that would I guess be even more of a drastic character change than Tong suddenly caring about his wife and unborn child lmao.
But I have to rewatch the episode with Laura now so we can both suffer so I will end the post here. Augh I love this series, I want it to be next Friday already I want to know what's going to happen but I also don't want it to end, augh augh augh
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snakebites-and-ink · 10 months
Conditioned whumpees crying for their master ❤️❤️❤️
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slythereen · 11 months
Hello, I am new to F1 and Charles is my favorite driver. Today I saw many people mentioning Charles' personal fashion CLACE. This project was blocked by Ferrari? But why? Do other drivers have a personal brand? Can they do what they want? I'm very curious about this. What does it mean now that Charles can wear his own clothes? I would be very grateful if you could reply to me<3
not me scrambling to tumblr to scream about the clace photos only to discover this. anon i am so sorry in advance if this goes off the rails but charles wear his own merch again IS kind of a big deal !!
1. why was clace blocked by ferrari?
i believe charles may have started working on clace and the concept of it while he was still with sauber. i’m not 100% on that timeline. regardless, he stopped developing it while at ferrari and once got asked about it. he said something to the effect that it just wasn’t a good time, but sebastian take-no-shit vettel revealed that actually, ferrari won’t let him (or any driver) have his own clothing line. (note to self: come back to link this interview video) so we know that is the true reason.
as to why, it’s because ferrari has an exclusive clothing partnership with puma. the drivers are allowed to design their “own” shirts for special races (like charles’ monza merch), but they are all still produced and sold by puma. the issue with clace, for ferrari/puma, is that it would not be produced by puma and therefore violates that exclusivity clause.
2. do other drivers have their own brands?
yes! not every team has a fully exclusive partnership. and given the individual contracts of drivers and unique brand circumstances (drivers have their own not-team sponsors as well as team sponsors, who sometimes sponsor them as a driver as well), it can vary. so it may be that ferrari as a team has an exclusive arrangement, but charles as a driver and independent contract may develop his own brand line on the side. that was not the case before (and still, theoretically) but just as an example.
off the top of my head: lando has quadrant, which is his own company/esports that sells merch. he also sells LN4 merch. quadrant is technically independent of him. i actually can’t remember if mclaren has a clothing sponsorship tbh, but he’s been able to have his own brand. similarly, max has vestappendotcom and team redline, both of which are independent organizations (and i believe redline has merch). daniel launched enchanté recently. sebastian didn’t start his good-causes t-shirts until after he retired but he has that brand. so yes, personal branding is also big for drivers are they start to develop their reputation as drivers apart from their teams.
as to whether or not they can do what they want… it really will vary based on the individual contract, but not really. i think lewis probably has the greatest freedom over his reputation and personal brand (he does a LOT outside of racing and is globally famous, “beyond” f1), but he likely still has certain clauses relating to his conduct and how it reflects on mercedes. plus, all of the drivers are bound by the fia’s rules (notably, the non-political stance that all drivers have to abide by).
one example along these lines are the driver’s personal cars. not all of them are really bound to have their own team’s constructor’s cars, i don’t think, but it seems like most drivers either do or they have a car from a related partner or sponsor. i know less about the personal cars tbh. charles has his ferrari pista which he mostly drivers, but he also has several other brands. max has several aston martins (which, while being a distinct team, as a Brand is one of red bull’s sponsors). i don’t know what the haas drivers drive, but i wouldn’t be surprised if they have ferraris (because haas uses ferrari engines).
3. so what does it mean that charles is wearing clace?
it means CHANGE. something is afoot that has changed his contractual obligations regarding puma. this can mean a LOT of things, especially because he just signed with a big talent management company (WME) and because he is wearing clace noticeably and publicly. a lot of his fans know it got shut down by ferrari, so he had to know that people who notice and realize this Means Something.
what does it mean? at the very least, in all of my theories, it means charles’ negotiating power has grown significantly. his personal brand and reputation has power. he is able to get a contract that entitles him to greater personal freedoms and branding outside of his team. that’s mega.
what contract, though? my main theories:
he has resigned with ferrari already with a very favorable contract (that immediately modified his current) that entitles him to greater liberties and likely has several clauses requiring more preferential treatment with car development etc
he has signed with rbr, who are less strict on personal brands (as an energy drink, they can achieve their marketing power based on putting a can in their hand regardless of what they are wearing. their brand is built more on vibes and emotion than on Stuff). this also likely means his contract kicks in sooner than, say, 2025… because otherwise, he’d likely still have to abide by his remaining year on the ferrari contract.
puma is ending their partnership with ferrari and/or ferrari’s sponsorships are shuffling around a bit, so it’s no longer a limitation on the drivers.
i’m sure there could be many other explanations. im sure wondering about what it all means is going to drive me insane.
also: welcome to f1 hell!!! ❤️💙
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riacte · 10 months
Fuck it, posting the False-Martyn Secret Life body swap AU the distressed clowns cooked up in the copium lounge when it dropped.
Basically we wanted False in Life series soooooo bad and we wanted Renchanting soooooo bad and was like. Hey we can just make up our own stuff right. Hey what if body swap AU. So she could go to play Life series and Martyn could find Ren on Hermitcraft. Hey what if we just did that yeah.
False is falling.
Well, she's falling, but she's doing it in a nonchalant way, and she's actually very confused about the whole thing, but she's trying not to show it.
"Do you know why you're here?" the Watchers seethe, their many voices echoing in the void.
False is unaffected by the Watchers. "Um, no? A bit of explaining would be appreciated, thank you."
"The Watchers are hungry," the Watchers continue. "Ravenous. Distressed. Depressed. Straight up delusional. We crave more blood. Drama. Stories."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, but what does that have to do with me?"
"The Watchers want you. " A pause. "We've always had. Since like, 2021."
False blinks. "Oh. I'm… flattered?"
"Copium can only sustain us for so long," the Watchers continue grandly. "We're good at creating crumbs out of thin air, but we're at our limit now. We hold on until we can't anymore. So, please. We need you here."
False shrugs. She's still falling. "Sure. Why not? This seems fun. I'll join you in a heartbeat."
"… You seem unaffected by us. We're gods. We control the universe. We control you. We have interesting fanon portrayals. AND WE'RE MEANT TO BE SCARY!!"
"Dude, I'm literally falling into the void," False points out. "Voices aren't really scary compared to that."
"… You're an interesting one, False Symmetry."
"Charmed," False replies drily. "Anyways, where do I begin?"
The Watchers explain the rules to her and how she'll be sharing the body of another player. "Martyn. Hmm. Well, I guess that might as well happen," says False, who is on Tumblr and has probably Seen Things.
“By the way, he's somehow down to half of his hearts already."
False gasps, highly offended because she'll be starting out with a disadvantage. "Martyn's done WHAT NOW-"
A confused Martyn wakes up inside the Hermitcraft server. Fortunately for him, the gears in his mind turn quickly. He picks up the communicator next to him and instantly understands the situation.
Ren: Falsie!! When are we gonna meet at the race? :D False: would 11 in the morning be ok? Ren: Yes!! See you there!! RD <3 <3 <3 :)
Martyn gasps dramatically. Is this what it feels like to have Ren answer your DMs?
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sculkshrieking · 2 years
some scardarity maybe... please i am starving i need my silly cowboys... 😩
Tumblr media
so happy you asked for them because i had a dream that Scar put an animation of himself and Jimmy greeting each other just like this in a video of his and i freaked out so hard that i woke myself up
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thepartyishere · 2 months
kunikidazai who are lowkey atsushis parents in a best friend trio way and their partner chuuya who's kinda atsushis uncle
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listen obvs its entirely up to her if she goes for it or not but im looking at the new mace theyre adding in the next big update and gem would be absolutely fucking lethal with that thing. shes already queen of jumpcrits can you IMAGINE her swooping down from her lighthouse to deposit one thousand damage onto unsuspecting arizonian dads.
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
no no no i dont think you understand the chokehold aurora has on swiss. the power she has over him. he'd do whatever she wanted. prostrate himself at her feet for just the chance to eat her out. you see the way she jerks him around, the lax way his body sits at her feet? he's panting, drooling for her.
can you imagine the way he has to fight not to stare at her shiny, wet folds, the way her big clit teases out from between them. the line of her taught stomach, the way her nipples poke out from her tiny tits. only allowed to touch the backs of her thighs or nothing at all as she shoves her cunt in his face, only allowed to focus on her pleasure for as long as she wants.
you like that daddy? yeah, baby, i bet you do. a slave for my pretty pussy.
his legs will go numb and he'll be gasping for breath before he even thinks about his own needs. he'll stifle every last spike of pleasure until she says enough.
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markantonys · 10 months
we know liandrin did careful research into her cover story for the girls' kidnapping, but she might not know exactly when gawyn's birthday is. maybe she only knew it was coming up relatively soon and thus the story would be plausible, but maybe it hasn't actually happened yet.
so what i'm saying is - and i am saying it with all the love and affection in the world for gawyn - 3x02 A-plot of the waste-bound group gatecrashing gawyn's birthday party in caemlyn and mat kicking gawyn's ass in a duel in front of his future wife and everyone he knows at his own birthday party, or we riot.
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insanesonofabitch · 11 months
Sometimes I feel like a clown for destiel truthing in the year of our lord 2023 but then I see people destiel denying in the same year and that’s like. That’s worse.
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