rbrooksdesign · 2 days
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"EDMT-#3," digital, Oct. 2024, Reginald Brooks
Multiple generations of the Butterfly Fractal 1 -- giving 1--2--4--(8--16--32--...) BF1s. Their Running Sums (∑) can add up, too.
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todays-xkcd · 8 months
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I'm sure the building inspectors will approve my design once they finally manage to escape.
Log Cabin [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[The floorplan of a log cabin, with a fullsize layout on the left, while on the right is a sequence of increasingly smaller versions of the same layout, like a golden rectangle.]
[Caption below the panel]: Log cabin
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mrvelocipede · 5 months
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🔺🔸◼️🔸🔺/ > \ ' OwO ' / < \🔺🔸◼️🔸🔺
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does your default rectangle based sierpiński pyramid need m0r3 1t3rat10n5?
inspired by @anonymous-leemur
more renders and about how I made this (not below the cut because it messes up the arrangement)
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rayetherna · 1 year
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And this, my friends, is a fractal horse, which was inspired by a glitch in a 3D model of a friend’s horse OC XDD The portrait “sprouted” multiple snouts and I just had to take the idea and run off with it to “brew” more monsters.
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themathkid · 2 years
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Samuel J. Palmer - http://sjpalmer.art/
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mycrystalearth · 11 months
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🐚 ammonite fossils 🐚
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kereonn · 8 months
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©Kereonn Xxx
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ovytia-art · 1 year
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Fractals was a bit of a challenging prompt for me. My first association with ‘fractals’ is the fibonacci sequence and endless spirals, and you know what that made me think of? The infinite realms.
Hard surfaces are hard for me, so yay for cel shading
DannyMay Masterlist
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blake447 · 10 months
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So in case anyone's following and seen my work with dragon and koch curves, and was curious about sierpinski's triangle, it can be represented with these sequences but unfortunately the process is more irregular so we cant pull the same tricks with binary sequences, at least in any manner that is immediately obvious.
Pictured above is a process where you double each element of the sequence, and pick a number to inject smaller triangles into, then repeat the process. With a bit of practice you can draw an eularian path that forms a sierpinski triangle.
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If you wanna get really fancy you can vary the edge you break into smaller triangles each iteration, though its really, really hard to do on the fly
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This is one i've always wanted to write a program to generate.
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rbrooksdesign · 1 day
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"EDMT-#4," ink & acrylic, Oct. 2024, Reginald Brooks
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nobrashfestivity · 1 year
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Kazuo Nakamura, Number Structure and Fractals, 1983
Oil on Canvas. National Gallery of Canada
Estate of Kazuo Nakamura
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mrvelocipede · 11 months
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wow, has it really been a year since the internet discovered Goncharov?
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Always From Here to Infinity ~ Julia Fractals
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lesbianslovebts · 7 months
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For this project, I took a stage 9 dragon curve and implemented the following rule: for each of the stage 8 fractals contained within the stage 9 fractal, where 4 lines enclose a square, there is 1 bead. I made the background black and then assigned a color to each column. The rainbow is because I am gay, of course. :]
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tres13 · 1 year
FULLVIEW for best quality; Tumblr nukes all my image uploads!
For this year’s (2023) DannyMay, prompt “Fractals”
Experimenting with drawing/painting styles, with my current favorite subject. :D
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And the version with just the cool, starry stuff, no clock/gear motifs:
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