mapriljelly · 1 year
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this is my new avatar! it s based off of my gacha club avatar, and will probably be my avatar for a while.
how i got to make this avatar is by going to a link called pincrew.com, in case you want to go there. also... i think i might not be posting anymore.. im not sure if this is the last time i am gonna post.. but if it is, then im gonna miss tumblr! i hope u all have a great day, and u all can use the comment section to chat with eachother! anyways, bye... :(
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blackpointgame · 2 years
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blackhole ⚫️🎲👽👾#free #gamefree #let #gamenight #chess #bgg #boardgamegeek #boardgames #boardgamer #boardgame #game #games #gamer #conlife #newgames #Nadal #parchis #aabon35 #brettspiel #essenspiel #reviewer #blogger #blackhole http://aabon35.blogspot.com http://arubio28814.blogspot.com
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arabicaacap · 2 years
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طبيعي ان طفلي يشم كل شيء ؟ حاسة الشم تعلم طفلك تصنيف الأشياء بمجرد أن يقترب طفلك من إتمام عامه الأول ستزداد رغبته في معرفة ما يحيط به، وستزداد قدراته على إدراك الأشياء وتمييزها. لعبة حاسة الشم ستعطي بُعداً جديداً لكثير من الأشياء التي تحيط بصغيرك. وسيكتشف من خلال هذه اللعبة قدرته على تمييز الأشياء وتصنيفها من خلال الرائحة. تناسب هذه اللعبة طفلك من عمر سنة فأكثر. الأدوات اللازمة: * نكهات متنوعة من عناصر الطبخ (بهارات وملح وغير ذلك) * أطعمة ذات رائحة: فواكه، جبن، فريز (فراولة)، لبن، إلخ * صابون ذو رائحة * ورود وأزهار وأوراق شجر وعشب المهارات التي يتعلمها: * تمييز الروائح * التعرف على مفردات اللغة * تصنيف الأشياء اللعبة: ستقوم الأم أو الأب بتصميم هذه اللعبة اعتماداً على العناصر المتوفرة وتصنيف رائحتها. عليك باصطحاب طفلك في جولة حول المنزل، تبدأ الجولة من المطبخ حيث تتعدد الروائح وتتحفز حاسة الشم. عليك بإخبار طفلك بأسماء العناصر التي يشمها، وشرح ماذا تفعل وكيف يتم استخدامها في المطبخ. إذا كان طفلك كبيراً بما يكفي لأن يتناول أطعمة صلبة من الأفضل إتاحة الفرصة أمامه ليتذوق ما يشمه، سيجد متعة كبيرة في شم روئح مختلفة خاصة في المطبخ، وستبدو عليه علامات التفاعل مع الروائح. بعد المطبخ يمكن شم رائحة الصابون في الحمام، ورائحة بعض العشب أو الورود المحيطة بالبيت، أو داخل حديقته إن وجدت. دع طفلك يشم أيضاً رائحة الطين، ويرى جذور النبات. للانتباه: عليك بتوخي الحذر من ألا يستنشق الطفل بهارات حارة، أو أشياء ممكن أن تثير الحساسية لديه. لا تقرب المواد التي يشمهاً إليه إلا بعد التأكد من أن أول استنشاق لرائحتها عن بعد لا يؤثر سلباً على الصغير. طريقة أخرى: إذا كان الطفل أكبر من عام يمكن استخدام قناعين أحدهما للوجه الضاحك والآخر للحزين، للتعبير عن أثر كل رائحة على الطفل. سيحب الطفل كثيراً في هذه المرحلة أن يعبر عن مشاعره وانفعالاته بهذه الطريقة. في حالات نادرة شم كل شيء قد يكون علامة لطيف التوحد و يجب استشارة الطبيب 24.ae #روائح #دماغ #Repost @ro_esam #webcomics #webcomic #ranyatoon #illustration #process #comicstrip #illustrationreel #reel #creative_content #happy_art #sunshine #for_you #comicsart https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQry9yuq7E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Ineffable Smut War is raging at Reddit’s GoodOmensAfterDark!
Come and support my art (link here)!
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19h55: *Elenthya re-enters the Battlefield*
Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Everything will be fine. Not your first time anymore.
 *Elenthya hesitates then takes off her backpack, and takes a small little pink box out*
I wasn’t expecting to post this one on the Reddit Smut War, but some lovely tags on Tumblr made me reconsider it, and…
*Elenthya inadvertenly drops the box*
*The box rolls and rolls and rolls down the battlefield, then stops. Then GLOWS*
*Explosion, a bunch of poor trees wiped out in an instant*
Oh my. O.O
*Elenthya squeals, shrieks, then runs awaaaay*
19h56: *Elenthya left the Battlefied (but will be back. Again).*
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
Civil disobedience, act 5: Kindness!
The regime started their murdering and brutal crackdowns early on the protests. In retribution people started to share free hugs and fist bumps on the streets. Soon free hug became a revolution act why? Because men and women touching or even sitting next to each other was a taboo culturally and religiously, and the regime likes to keep that taboo in place. Hugging strangers regardless of gender is a taboo breaking act and the regime started to call girls and women who participated in this "whores"!
Among protesters it's a strong tool. Coming out to the streets can be really scary but receiving a hug in solidarity empowers you. Hearing death news everyday can take a toll on you, getting a hug from a stranger you know has heard the news and is mourning with you can be comforting.
For the giver It's a stressful thing to do though. You have to be ready to run if you see a policeman. Sometimes people whisper in your ear "please be careful and stay safe" with good intentions but a haunting tone and it just makes you want to bolt specially if you have anxiety! But anyway it's fun and it brings us unity.
The first and third video are from Kermanshah and Mahabad, two Kurd cities. The last one is from Tehran.
Another kindness act is fist bumping and getting chocolate but make it revolution style. Each chocolate or candy is wrapped in a note. The note is either a slogan (like woman life freedom) or a sentence of encouragement. It can also be a call for demonstration. This started as a tool to encourage civil disobedience. So women who risked their arrest and took off their hijab in the streets were the first group of people who received chocolate. Then men and women, and hijabi and nonhijabi women started to give these to each other. So it turned into a solidarity gift giving ceremony. The day after Kian Pirfalak, the 10 year old boy murder, all over Tehran people handed out chocolates in paper boats with notes that said "in the name of the god of the rainbow".
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[images id: 8 pictures taken of notes that accompanied chocolate or candy. The notes are written in Persian.
Pic 1 notes translations: "24, 25, 26 of Aban, freedom." "Accompany us. We will take Iran back with you." "You're not alone buddy."
Pic 2 notes: one is a drawing of Hossein Ronaghi, a political prisoner and social activist who was released from prison 2 months later. Underneath the drawing it says "Hossein Ronaghi said I'm afraid too, I want to have a peaceful life too, I don't want to hear the news of death and torture and execution and poverty and misery, I like to sleep peacefully at night, but I can't be indifferent... " The second note is a drawing of a small woman standing on a mullah's head and putting her headscarf on fire.
Pic 3 notes translations: "woman life freedom" "your hair is so beautiful" "keep doing what you're doing" "#for_you" "thank you for making the city beautiful" "you're a fist and you have a lot of fans" "after the revolution you will be part of our history book"
Pic 4 notes translations: "#women_life_freedom" "be safe daughter of iran" "for your beautiful hair" "for #woman_life_freedom" "fight fight until victory is the anthem of attack" "you are the beauty of my city" "we need hugs to live"
Pic 5 note translation: "for woman life freedom #MahsaAmini"
Pic 6 notes translations: "for dancing in the alley... Hope we will laugh wholeheartedly one day" "we're going to celebrate freedom together, so promise to be safe"
Pic 7 note translation: "women life freedom"
Pic 8 note translation: "if I rise, if you rise, we will all rise. #Women_life_freedom"]
These days we're living in an almost Martial law situation. They're shooting at everyone they see. A man, Alireza Khoshkar Bayati, was talking on the phone in his car. They thought he's filming them and broke his car windows. He got scared and tried to flee, they thought he might be guilty of something so they started shooting at his car. That's how another innocent life was taken. When things like this happen we get more convinced that our only option is the regime change. When you're not even safe in your car talking on the phone, it's impossible to live. After Mohsen Shekari execution for a couple of days, people gathered in the street he closed and was executed for. The anti riot forces attacked silent protesters with tear gas and batons and shotguns. A group of people walking down the street silently. The astonishing part was that many people didn't run. They continued their walk. We have nothing to lose, nothing to live for. The regime change is the silver of hope keeping us all alive. That's why they're afraid of people walking silently. There are still demonstrations happening. In universities. In streets, mostly at night. There are strikes and boycotts. People are getting killed or abducted. And finding chocolates and hugs is no more comforting. The only comfort my people can find is the regime change.
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notinterger · 1 year
Hi I'm Bee and my pronouns are she/they. The blog is 99% reblogs and 1% four am ramblings. I am in the Owl House, MCYT, Nimona, Rottmnt, AvA/AvM, and Spiderverse currently.
Pfp is a gift from Smer on discord
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frogblast-the-ventcore · 11 months
The Secret Dashes
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zimmbzon · 11 months
👯cool peeps 💃🏻crushes 📰 whadimiss? 📈 on the up 🧟 for me? aw shucks
link the the OG mega post all links urls are below the cut
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tariq-yuonko · 2 years
Scorpion is the most luxurious character in the world of games, and deservedly ❤️‍🔥🔥
#mortal_kombat #Scorpion #explore #gameing #games #for_you
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alasema · 3 months
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easytobuy · 3 months
Buy Now:👆
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mapriljelly · 1 year
I'm still here!
I'm still here I have just been busy, also the proprobility that I'm going to get a mobile account is kinda low. I will not post as often, so don't be worried if I have not been posting for a while. Also drawing my OC that ya'll voted on the pole will be delayed until I get a mobile account, meanwhile, you guys can get to know eachother in the chat! So yeah..
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sandyarmored2783 · 10 months
To find notifications from what you love on tumblr
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certainsuitwitch · 1 year
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ernaux · 2 years
This is what your year of watching great movies looked like. https://mubi.com/2022/450713d8324ee09952765d49e1b612b1?lt=syjpcgo4o9cf0faxyogtmaqj778bbyz8p258z1672656837&for_you=true
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bellabeautyshop · 2 years
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#nano_ring #hairextension #microring #extension #beauty #instragram #reel #awesome #tiphair #beauty #for_you #bellahair #remy_hair #long_hair
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