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poltergeist-coffee · 2 years ago
*YAWN* good morning *stretches and looks out the window* why is it dark outside 😀
I guess you can have the charred remains 😓
when phil first found the book he just thought it was just some random mythology book and completely forgot about it until he met forever, after which he went to look for the book to learn more about mermaids and maybe how to befriend them. he only glanced over the page about transformations
the book goes completely forgotten until forever confeses to him about the swallowing of the scale. later that night he goes searching through the books again and finds what he was looking for. he goes through the whole chapter about transformations hoping to see if there are any alternatives but all he finds are things he already knows. until the last page
at first there is hope that maybe this will be different, that maybe this is the solution. that hope dies quickly as he continues. even if some memories would stay intact there would be gaps that he knows forever would always be trying to fill, and phil could never ask forever to leave what he loves, his pod, his family, the sea, his life, behind
what's worse is that he knows forever would take it. he knows forever would take the deal if he were to ask. forever loves to a fault, to the point of leaving his life behind if it meant it would make phil happy. his darling forever wouldn't even think about the consequences until he was half way through the vial
and maybe it was selfish, perhaps even cruel to make the decision for him but he knew, phil knew he could never tell forever about this
tears rolled down his cheeks.
"just incase" he says while collecting his own tears. he prays to his goddess that they will never have to be used
-*scratches neck* honk shooed a little too close to the sun 🪶
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the-ultimate-puppeteer · 2 years ago
Really enjoying your rwby imagines there's not enough of them in the fandom, how woukd rwby be with an s/o who has a dark past and is trying to redeem themselves however due to this past some don't trust/hate them
Team RWBY with an S/O who has a dark past and is trying make up for it by becoming a hunter
Reader is gonna be one of the students at Lady Browning's Preparatory Academy For Girls but it's for juveniles instead of just girls cause I'm going for a GN. Reader anyway in this they worked with Roman and Neo in Roman Holiday and a couple afterwards
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•I'm sure you know but this girl was probably the most understanding outta everyone 
•After all she was part of the white fang, and while it's different from being an assassin it doesn't change the wrong she's done or the lives that were lost that could've been prevented 
•She knows it's the same for you and she's so glad that you decided to leave your old life behind and try to make up for it by protecting others
•She does understand the distrust and hate you get for your past though
•Doesn't mean she doesn't hate it when people try to start stuff with you because of it or spread rumors about you faking your remorse
•She's very quick to defend you in these situations, saying how while your past won't change at least you're trying to make up for up for it by helping others
•And for that he's always going to be a better person than those who can't see past a person history and judge then for it
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•Not gonna lie this girl was shook when she found out about your past
•And had a bit harder of a time coming to terms with it then the other girls 
•It doesn't change her feelings for you don't worry
•She just needs time to process this new information 
•She is glad and very proud that you left that life behind you and want to change
•She's very quick to thrash anyone who tries to start anything and she is very good at making them feel ashamed for their mistrust or hatred of you
•Yes your past is dark but at least you're not letting it define you and are choosing a brighter path of saving others
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•Okay so this girl probably processed the information the best outta all the girls
•She may have been a bit shook but it's kinda ambiguous 
•Still all that matters to her is who you are now and who you are now is amazing 
•Probably the girl who's going to throw hands with the people who hate you and talk shit behind your back
•You tell her it's fine but she's not letting people talk shit about her love
•Afterwards if their words or people treatment of you gets to you expect to cuddled into the bed by this sunny dragon queen
•You're past may have been dark but your future is full of light
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•Oh boy so you probably thought she'd take this well but your only partially right
•Ruby is shaken when finding out about your past
•The person she loves and cares for use to kill people and from a young age at that
•You need to explain things to her pretty quickly and comfort her while doing so
•Afterwards she's able to come to terms with your past and is happy that you decided to change
•what she hates are the people who hate you, she can understand the distrust but they don't even know you abd are judging you
•She finds that unacceptable and after yelling at them to leave you alone she drags you off to hang out so she can cool off
•Sure you may have done dark things in the past but at least you're trying
•That's far more then most people would attempt to do
•And for that she's going to forever be by your side
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my-mt-heart · 2 years ago
I maybe in the minority here but i would be glad if when Daryl leaves Carol stays with Judith and R.J.
People are saying she's not a babysitter she's supposed to be bad ass and not reduced to her role as a mother and thats not the point in my opinion. You can be a mother and bad ass (Michonne, Maggie, Rosita?.. hell, Carol??.).
There's nothing wrong with being a mother and there's nothing wrong with not being one.
But in Carol's case, her keeping Judith would be a nice call back to when she looked after her with Tyreese (its already a nice call back now but it woukd go furher) plus it would prove that, unlike what carol haters say, not every children she keeps with her end up dying (because we knoow the kids are gonna survive to reunite with Rick, there's no way it doesnt happen), this would allow Carol to reunite with Rick too and for Rick to be (once again) forever grateful to her... caryl would reunite coz of course by then if Rick is there Daryl is too...
It would make her bond with Judith stronger and i was hurt when i realised she barely saw here during the time jump in s9, so much she was not sure Judith would recognize her. Like what the hell? Rick is one of her best friends! Complicated relationship yes, but still best friends! So im glad that she's taking care of Judith and R.J now along with Daryl, and for her to continue after Daryl leaves would make sense.
And Carol loves children. The only reason she was cold towards them (like Sam and Henry too at first) was the fear or getting attached and losing them (and, well, news flash...😑).
You're right that mothers can still be warriors, and I do love watching the rare Carol and Judith interactions knowing how far they go back with each other. A callback to The Grove, where she saved Judith, would be amazing.
The issue for me is keeping Carol stuck on the same cycle over and over again. Like Lydia told her in 10x16, she's capable of being more than everyone's mother, so I want to see what that looks like. Ideally, it's getting the chance to chase her own happiness, which of course involves Daryl, but it also allows her to discover new parts of herself that she can love as much as Daryl does.
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