owlf45 · 1 year
You and Cyber remind me of First and Second in Imaginary I actually don't know why it's just... the vibes 😎
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kremechihihi · 1 year
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buwan ng wika already passd but i still wanted 2 draw sum futurism in modernized filipiñana garb 4 funs
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its4lyric · 2 months
FWB!Matt X FWB!POC!Reader
SUMMARY~ After a one night stand with your best friend Matthew, you both (he) decide that it would be best not to hook up for your relationships sake. But damn you made it hard in that little dress you were wearing. Litteraly …
⚠️WARNING⚠️~ Back shots, degrading, slight choking, kinda asshole Matt toward the end
”Do I stress you out? Can I help you out? Does it turn you on when I turn you round?”
“it’s nothing personal, I just… I just don’t wanna ruin our friendship and make things weird”
Matt explained as you two sat beside each other on the couch in your apartment. His tone was gentle as he gave his explanation, and waited for you to say something. Although you knew this had to have been coming, you were selective with who you had sex with. After the two of you hooked up you expected a romantic relationship, and in turn he reminded you that what you guys had was a friendship. A slap in the face is what that felt like.
Matt questioned. You had been so focused on how embarrassed you felt that you didn’t even think to respond. Was the sex bad? Pfttt, no never…
“you good kid?”
“Yeah sorry. No, I get it!”
“Well yall finna see each other tonight right? Tell him what you feelin”
Your best friend ranted as she set on the edge of your bed, looking at you through the mirror of your vanity as you got ready. You applied lip liner to your top lip before rolling your eyes.
“I ain’t doing all that. I don’t wan to push that on him. He has his own things going on. Plus, he’s talking to some girl in Boston. Jus wan him to be happy”
You and your best friend Tasha exited the Uber you were taking, Tasha stumbling a bit onto the round driveway in front of this elaborate house. Jake Webber, one of your friends, invited you to his birthday party. Trashy loud cyber pop blasted as you approached the house, red solo cups and underdressed people littered the lawn as you walked through the double doors
You two walked in, and immediately you were hit with strobing lights. You looked over to Tasha, but she was already being taken by a tall man with curly hair. She winked and waved before disappearing into the crowd of people. You scoped the place out before spotting the kitchen, and soon you were slivering through a group of people to get to the kitchen. You saw a bottle of Hennessy and immediately began to pour. You took a large portion down from the solo cup you poured it into before making a sour face. “that was… a lot”
A familiar voice mumbled behind you. You turn to see Matt standing behind you with a root beer in his hands. You laughed a bit before setting the red solo cup down on the counter. Matt’s eyes began to drift down your body, then he stepped forward. Your eyes widened as he looked like he was about to kiss you, but in turn he really was pulling your dress down. It had rode up your thighs, so he reached his hand behind your thigh to pull it down a bit.
“your ass was about to fall outta that”
Matt whispered into your ear, moving the hand that had pulled your dress down to your lower back. You blinked, before opening your mouth to say something before closing your mouth again. What the hell were you supposed to say? Before you could gather all of your thoughts, he pulled you closer. Thats when you felt it.
You felt his hard dick press against your thigh. Your eyes widened once again. You cleared your throat before looking at Matt. Is this man on something?!
“So, uh how’s it going with Katrina?
You said, desperate to change the topic. You reached for the Hennessy, pouring up again and taking the solo cup into your hand. Despite your attempt to change topics, the tension was undeniable at this point. He looked at you, squinting one eye and shaking his head a bit.
“you don’t care…”
“I don’t care”
You giggled as you took the Hennessy down. I mean, this isn’t right. He has a girl who he’s talking to. She’s probably sweet. But he’s looking at you like he wants you to throw all of your morals out of the window…
But…. Who said you have morals in the first place?
“ Shit! M-Ma- “
You moaned as Matt gave you the most delicious back shots. Tears were falling from your eyes onto the pillow of a vacant room Matt had taken you to. Matt’s right hand snaked up to your mouth to cover it, meanwhile his left sat religiously on your hip. “ Moaning like that for everyone to hear? what a cock slut”
“Fuck off Ma-Ma-“
you choked out as his hips snapped against your ass, his balls hitting your clit deliciously. Matt grunted before a smirk appeared on his face.
“ don’t be mean to me baby, m’giving you good dick right now “
he said in a faux sad tone. You screamed out when the hand that was on your face went down to your clit, rubbing in circles at an insane speed.
“ you like that shit, yeah ?”
Matt chuckled before his right hand now grabbed your hair and pulled your head back for you to look at him. Your hair that was once straightened, now curly due to being sweat out, beads of sweat gathering all over your face, mascara running, lipstick smudged, and lazy eyes shown how fucked out you were. Matt said something, but you couldn’t really hear it, your ears were ringing. You were just so high of the feeling of Matt’s dick stretching your tight cunt as he pounded into you from behind.
“ you cock whore, taking it so good “
he said, releasing the hair he had in a tight hold. That resulted her your head dropping down, snapping you back into reality. That hand returned to your clit, running moderate circles around it. The band in your stomach familiarly began to strain and tighten.
“Matt! M’go-gonna cum”
that’s when the fingers he had on your clit began to move in faster. A you let out a loud strained moan as you creamed on his cock. A few thrusts later, he came in his condom, filling it up with his cum. After a few minutes, he slowly slipped his large cock out making you suddenly feel like your missing something. You roll over, only to see Matt tossing the condom in the trash and putting his clothes on. I mean, at least he could see if you were okay?
As soon as he was dressed, he began to walk to the door, not saying a word.
“ bye?”
You spoke out, covering yourself with some of your clothes near by.
“ bye. Oh hey, don’t…Don’t bring this up, okay? Don’t wan this getting back to Katrina”
He spoke before walking out of the room. What the fuck just happened?!
a/n - hope you guys liked this. Pt.2? 😬
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Figuring out
"Sam, Sam."
"Psst, Sam"
"What Dean?"
"I think I love him."
"That's great he loves you too, go back to sleep."
"I don't think I can."
"Then for fuck sake, shut up," Sam grunted and turned over on his shitty motel bed to face away from Dean's bed.
"Then shut up," Dean mocked under his breath, "bitch." He flopped back down onto the pillow only to stare up at the celling he had just enough light from the freeway to see.
Not four hours later the sound of wings fluttering reefed both boys from their sleep. Dean jolted up knife already in hand only to see Cas, his Cas maybe even, standing at the foot off his bed looking for all the world like a lost child.
"Cas, not that it's not good to see you, but why are you here, it's like five in the morning," Dean grunted while rubbing his eyes with the hand not holding his knife.
"I wanted to see you, though waking you was not intentional." His head was tilted a little to the side, an adorable pout on his lips. Thank god for the dark room or Cas would've seen the blush creeping up his neck.
"Well I'm up now, what d'ya want for breakfast, Sam?" Dean asked while swinging his legs over the side of the bed.
"Whatever they have, salad-wise," Sam said, snuggling deeper into the covers.
"Naturally." Dean put his knife onto the bedside table so it was within Sam's reach if need be then trundled his way into the bathroom after grabbing the same jeans he wore yesterday and his only clean shirt.
He came back out, did up his boots and grabbed the keys for Baby.
"C'mon Cas, we'll let Sammy get his beauty rest," He said while walking past the Angel who followed a half step behind Dean
The drive to the diner was thankfully uneventful, no vampires trying to slash their tyres and no women in white trying to seduce them.
The diner was even more dull. The standard traffic of office monkeys that hate their life but can't bring themselves to end it and early morning joggers who think they're different for getting oat milk and tweeting about it on their aggressively nature themed blog that calls to the end for all farming. The only stand-outish part of it all was the cashier. A woman in her maybe late 20's by Dean's guess with bright blue hair, a pro-Palestine hat that said 'from the river to the sea' with the Palestinian flag under it and a full cyber-sigilism tattoo sleeve.
Dean had been so busy studying her appearance that he hadn't even noticed the line had moved enough that it was their turn to order.
"So what will you and your boyfriend be having today?" She asked with a tinge of an Aussie accent and Dean faltered.
"We- uh- he's- we're ah not together." He stumbled to get his words out.
"Sorry mate, what can I get ya?" She asked again, this time her accent came through thicker.
"I'll just get a bacon and egg muffin with a coffee, black, two sugars please and, do you guys do a Caesar salad?"
"We do, yeah."
"The largest one of those I can get, to go please." He passed her the money and pocketed his change before walking over to the table furthest from the door.
"It is odd that she thought we were together," Cas stated. Dean almost choked.
"Yeah, yeah it is." dean replied praying to a god he knew didn't care that Cas would drop it, of course, God doesn't care so Cas did no such thing.
"I wonder what it is about us that made her think that, I've been told that I 'look the type' whatever that means, maybe that was it."
"Yeah, yeah I guess you do." Dean paused for a second but kept talking before Cas could open his mouth. "Cas can I talk to you for a second?" He asked.
"You already are." Cas said, tilting his.
"Not the point, the bible doesn't say anything about being gay is a sin, right?" Dean asked.
"Not the original one, no. Why?"
"Because I think I love you." He rushed out.
"Yes, I love you too, I believe." Cas said, making Dean chuckle and shake his head.
"No Cas, I'm IN love with you."
"Oh well in that case then I too, am in love with you, perhaps not in the exact same way that a human might be, but rest assured I have loved you since I pulled you from perdition." Cas admitted with a soft smile.
Dean's tunnel vision on Cas was broken when the same cashier set their food on the table between then with just enough force to almost startle Dean out of his seat.
"Have a good one," she said before speed walking away back to the counter where a chef was relentlessly ringing the bell.
"Come, we'll continue this in the car." Cas said while getting up and grabbing the bag.
Cas was waiting next to the passenger door when Dean finally pried himself from his seat in the diner. He swiftly unlocked Baby and jumped in to start the car. Cas wasn't half a second behind him and had the door closed before Baby had started.
"Did you mean in when you said you've loved me since you pulled me from hell."
"Of course, why else would I say it?"
"Then why, why, didn't you say anything?" Dean exclaimed.
"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"Good grief Cas." Was all Dean said before grabbing Cas by the lapels of his coat and kissing him. He pulled back a second later only to be pulled straight back in by Cas' hand in his hair.
The food was cool by the time they got back to the motel and Sam had packed all of his stuff and some of Dean's
"Good to see you two are still alive, I was about to send out a search party." He said with a knowing smirk.
"Shut up, bitch."
"Whatever, jerk."
Sure they still had a lot to work out, especially when it came to Dean's issues but they took the first step and that's what really matter.
With that thought Dean ate his cold muffin with a small smile on his face.
This is my first time posting something original (on this blog) and I'm super nervous. Please let me know if you find any egregious mistakes and I hope you liked it.
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nayeonline · 4 months
Ari's K-Pop Roundup: May 2024 (aespa, NewJeans, IVE, tripleS, YVES, ARTMS + MORE)
sorry this one was a little late - it was partly due to my personal life being a bit hectic at the moment, and partly due to the amount of stuff I wanted to say about this month's releases. check out last month's installment here, and happy pride month :)))
Supernova + Armageddon - aespa
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Instant classic. 'Drama' in all its electric cyber-crush glory is a tough act to follow, but 'Supernova' holds it's ground from the first second and starts being fucking iconic in the next five.
Dem Jointz is all over this track, I love how he gets to go a little wild with the complexity of his production when working with groups like aespa and NCT. The beat bounces and booms, taking the listener on an intergalactic roller coaster ride of dance-pop rhythm, with the aespa girls as our celestial guides. 'Supernova' is a masterclass in vocal mixing and ad libs, Ningning's vocals sound especially addictive on this track, low and oozing confidence. It's an instant hit, and one of aespa's best.
While 'Supernova' feels very much in aespa's usual territory, 'Armageddon' takes a few more risks - it's slightly less dancepop, a little more edgy; less first-listen club banger and more third listen unexpected groove. Don't get me wrong, it definitely maintains the hallmarks of an aespa title track: full of unplaceable futuristic synths, tin-can trap beats, and a deep sliding baseline, but something about that half time chorus and the switch up to focus on the members lower registers more feels so confident. 'Armageddon' depicts an aespa utterly assured in their abilities as idols, musicians, entertainers, and performers, and regardless of it you liked the song or not, I think it is clear to anyone from this title track that aespa have far from reached their peak, and they still have much more to do in this industry.
Frustratingly, the album did not live up to the quality of the titles that represent it. There are a few stand out hits, like 'Bahama', which pulls off y3k h2o just add water mermaidcore effortlessly, as well as 'Set The Tone' a classic aespa style track evocative of the 'Drama' and 'Savage' EPs in sound, and 'Licorice' which apparently is controversial to enjoy, but I can't help but love its bounce and rhythm; but much of the rest of the tracklist fell short. I couldn't help but notice a lack of coherence both in the sound and concept of this era. The album feels like a hodgepodge of tracks rather than a deliberate project - there aren't any through lines between tracks other than aespa's flagship futuristic production style (which isn't actually present on every track but whatever), and each song seems to be appealing to different scenarios of streaming music - BAHAMA is for a summer beach date, but Supernova is for the club, but then Live My Life is for a disney channel original movie starring Demi Lovato?? The overall vibe seems to be disjointed.
This is a problem I have with a lot of aespa's releases since the 'Savage' EP - on the EP or mini album or album or whatever around 65-90% of the tracks are certified bangers, life changing hits, and then there are a few dull fillers to pad the runtime. I know there is a pressure for groups to release something twice a year or so, but I think aespa is at a point in their career where they can certainly afford to release an album once a year if it's for the sake of quality music.
Great titles, poor b-sides - aespa deserves more than a top-heavy album, SM take more than six months next time you want to make an album for them I beg.
How Sweet - NewJeans
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It's been a rough couple of months over at HYBE, and considering how sick we are of it as fans and listeners, I can't even imagine how exhausted the members are of the whole ordeal. Being at the centre of one of k-pop's biggest company dramas in history in the middle of your comeback season isn't for the weak, but NewJeans make it look easy. They are back, stronger than ever, with yet another instant classic.
'How Sweet' is the complementary reversal of 'Bubblegum', capitalizing on the members gorgeous lower registers and pairing them with a 90s hip-hop vibe, featuring their signature NewJeans production flairs as always. I've seen a little bit of criticism that this song feels too much like 'ETA', (which I think is a bizarre comparison, it much more sounds like a lovechild of 'OMG' and 'Ditto') but I don't think that groups releasing music in their established sound is a bad thing at all. NewJeans aren't rookies anymore, they have more than proved themselves to be a force to be reckoned with both on the charts and on the stage, and with the korean general public and bunnies themselves consistently loving the NewJeans sonic identity it makes no sense for them to abandon it entirely. They've grown a lot since 'Attention' and 'Hype Boy', and their performance of this song shows that clearly.
The girls' vocals on this song are to die for, every line they deliver exudes confidence and assurance in their capabilities. Danielle and Hanni's little chant of 'Toxic loverrrrr you're no betterrrrr, 거기 숨지 말고 얼른 나와, you little demon in my storyline, don't knock on my door, I'll see you out' is adorable and SO catchy, Danielle's delivery in that outro with her Aussie accent being a highlight of the song as a whole.
Yet another banger from (in my opinion) the most exciting kpop group out right now - it is becoming clearer and clearer to me that the day NewJeans release a bad song is the day pigs fly.
Girls Never Die - tripleS (<ASSEMBLE24>)
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The final lineup for tripleS is here, and with it, one of the groups best songs to date. Juggling 24 members in one song is feat few have successfully managed, but tripleS expertly uses the plethora of voices they have at their disposal to deliver a title track as hypnotic as it is anthemic.
'Girls Never Die' has all the hallmarks of a tripleS song we've grown to adore, from y3k style production to the classic 'lalala' hook in the chorus - sonically it both calls back to the groups humble beginnings with Acid Angel From Asia's 'Generation', and looks to the future of the group with its united 24 members. The verses tend to lose me a little, but although they are dull, they are thankfully short, and the chorus is a stunner. The finale of the track is a triumph, the final refrain of 'girls never die 절대 never cry' closing the song giving the effect of a battle cry - to me 'Girls Never Die' says tripleS are here to shake things up in the industry, and release fun music while doing it.
I've enjoyed many a tripleS project before this, with the +(KR)ystal Eyes EP and the 2023 ASSEMBLE album being real highlights. '<ASSEMBLE24>' is immediately one of ( if not their best) albums, b-sides such as 'Beyond the Beyond', 'White Soul Sneakers', and ESPECIALLY 'Chiyu' bringing the heat fully.
tripleS are one to watch, and while I have genuinely no clue what 'decentralized kpop idol group' means or what the fuck an objekt is, trust when I say I will be watching.
Accendio - IVE (IVE SWITCH)
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After the exciting return of an IVE that is worthy of their hitmaker epithet with 'HEYA', I was intrigued to see what 'Accendio' would bring to the table other than a matching cherry-red wig moment for the members (which was iconic btw.)
'Accendio' borrows some ideas from garage, but generally just feels very kpop - it's functionally the epicentre of the sounds of the industry right now; a little bit tripleS, a little bit (G)-IDLE, but 100% IVE. It has an ethereal quality, but in the sense of a fallen angel, with the lyrics bringing a sense of Catholic guilt (not sure why this is becoming a trend right now but sure!). The chorus is half high-fashion girlpop with their chant of 'watch me, don't touch me; love me, don't hurt me', and half rhythmic acid trip with the onomatopoeia and the refrain of '주문 걸어, accendio'; it's a highly successful marriage of opposites. To me it recalls the sound of their Japanese single 'WAVE' which I personally loved, and while 'HEYA' is technically a more advanced kpop song production-wise, 'Accendio' just has a pace and rhythm to it that 'HEYA' lacks, making it feel more exciting and engaging.
It's actually kind of crazy how good the rest of the album is, like IVE's b-sides have never been criminally bad, but this is wild. Potentially a niche reference for you 4th gen stans, but 'Blue Heart' and 'Ice Queen' are to 'Accendio' what 'Clue' and 'Note' are to SHINee's 'Sherlock'. 'Blue Heart' expands on that vogueish, runway style sound from the first part of the 'Accendio' chorus, and 'Ice Queen' explores that gossamer flowy sound from the refrain. I doubt this was intentional, but I love any sense of sonic consistency in kpop albums (@rinas4ki this kind of what we were talking about) and all three tracks are very successful.
'WOW' is a little bit of a wildcard, an acoustic style girly type of track that sounds like the kind of thing SM used to force aespa to sing, but it works very well for IVE. That post chorus of 'wowowow' is very cute. 'RESET' also has a little bit of a garage sound, and reminds me a lot of Yves debut (which will be discussed below), and while it is pretty catchy, it isn't especially memorable, especially in the context of IVE's discography and the quality of the other tracks on this mini album, but it is still worth a listen for sure.
Overall I am very impressed with IVE this time around, 'HEYA' is very enjoyable, 'Accendio' is even more enjoyable, and the b-sides don't put a spanner in the works at all, in fact they in many ways boost the overall quality of the comeback, a feat frustratingly rare in the kpop scene. If you missed the 'IVE SWITCH' album this month, I would definitely recommend giving it a listen.
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It feels good knowing all 12 members of LOONA have redebuted after leaving BBC, and what a way to end it. Yves has always been one of my biases in LOONA, and this solo debut proves exactly why she's so special.
'LOOP' is a uk garage style kpop classic, and while Lil Cherry's rap occasionally wanders into questionable territory, Yves' vocals melded with the gorgeous Pink Pantheress style production (no she didn't actually produce it, but a girl can dream, right?) make the track the hit it is. I've seen the use of 8-bit sounding vocal processing being criticised online, but I personally love the computerized sound it brings - with Yves lilting 'ooh's and refrain of 'yeah I'm lost but I like it' 'LOOP' creates an atmosphere of a virtual euphoria.
'LOOP' is great and all, but for me the real star of the album is the beautiful, the stunning, the AWE INSPIRING, 'DIORAMA'. It's so effortless in it's production and that chorus is so subtle yet addictive, it's seriously good. 'DIORAMA' has been on repeat since it's release, I can definitely see this one finding a spot high on my top kpop tracks of 2024 list.
The mini album as a whole is amazing, Yves is such an exciting soloist, she clearly has a lot she wants to achieve, and 'LOOP' is evidence of that.
Virtual Angel - ARTMS (Dall)
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WARNING - PLEASE READ: If you wish to support ARTMS after reading this review, please be warned that the music video for 'Virtual Angel' contains repeated flashing scenes, and has been reported to trigger seizures, epilepsy and headaches in a small minority of viewers - even the 'Human Eye Ver.' has some flashing elements. Please stay safe!
I think i speak for all orbits when I say we had big expectations for 'Dall'. Both of the Loossemble albums so far have been excellent, Chuu and Yves have been bringing it in their solo projects, and everything we've heard out of Modhaus concerning Loona has been incredible - for ARTMS to stumble with this album would be immensely frustrating. Fortunately, they did not stumble at all, they smashed through the finish line of the Loona redebuts, and elevated the groups post-BBC discography to another level of excellence.
'Dall' is an album that is difficult to put into words. It has the essence of Loona beyond just having Heejin, Kim Lip, Jinsoul, Choerry and Haseul involved, it is genuinely quite moving how it echoes that 'Hi High' sound from so long ago. I say this as a joke a lot, but 'Dall' is genuinely an album that feels like an ascension to another plane of existence - it is euphoric and ethereal, especially in the context of the fight the members and orbits have put up since 2022.
I consider 'Girl Front' the gold standard for Loona songs, and 'Virtual Angel' genuinely comes close to snatching that crown. The whole album is so fucking good, and while I would usually go through the charade of describing every track and its genre influences and whether the hook is catchy or not, I refuse for this album - I will not steal the experience from you of hearing this album for the first time.
So yeah, this is probably a mildly shit review, but PLEASE go stream this album, if there was any post BBC Loona album you were going to listen to, let it be this one (but also the Odd Eye Circle album lmao). 'Virtual Angel' is a triumph, 'Dall' is a triumph, 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy', 'Sparkle' and 'Unf/Air' ESPECIALLY are triumphs.
In conclusion... stan loona.
Taxi Blurr - Jay Park (feat. Natty of KISS OF LIFE): i may not like Jay Park, but Natty is and always will be my girl, so here we are. I really love the 90s r&b style of this track, and Natty especially sounds amazing on it - her vocal colour is so beautiful. The two's voices blend really well in my opinion, the harmonies in the bridge are satisfying as hell.
Mona Lisa - Soojin (formerly (G)-IDLE)): questionable album titles aside, Soojin is back with her second comeback post leaving (G)-IDLE. This song is frustrating because it's not really offensively bad in any sense, but it is also not really especially good in any sense either. The budget for the MV is kind of crazy, but I wish they had put some of that into the making of the actual song.
No Biggie + Algorhythm - ITZY: (requested by @a-moth-to-the-light) If you've been on my blog before, you will know that JYP's direction of ITZY's korean releases has been irking me for a while, but somehow when ITZY gets on that plane and lands in Japan I am always obsessed. I'm into pretty much all of their Japanese releases, like Ringo went triple platinum in my mental chart. 'No Biggie' is really cool actually, super catchy and Yuna sounds amazing on it - it feels very laid back and relevant to the 2024 music space, something that ITZY's korean singles seem to struggle with. 'Algorhythm' is also SO GOOD, in production, style, and vocal performance. The music video and song also have major old red velvet vibes, which I love. ITZY - please stay in Japan a little longer, the discography over there is so solid. I miss Lia so much though, I hope she's doing well.
LOST! - RM (BTS): I really appreciate namjoon's artistry, and I actually enjoyed his 2022 album 'Indigo', quite a bit, but this song just doesn't work for me. I have heard from others that the album is something special tho, so if i have a spare half hour I might give it a listen.
나의 이름은 (ROTY) - YOUNG POSSE: I would like to redact my previous statements on young posse, I get it now, and this song is so fun. Very 2000s, very y2k, beautiful production, great raps from everyone, what more could you want.
Supernatural - A.C.E: Saw a GIF from the music video on my dash and decided to check it out, and I was severely impressed. 'Supernatural' is not an ear-splitting noisy headache of a track I have come to expect from kpop boy groups, it's a light hearted, classic Bruno Mars style pop hit. Good music and a well produced fun concept? I need to check out this group more.
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AN: so sorry for being away for so long!! Hopefully this is not out of character <3
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Adventures (what kind of crazy shit would you get into together?)
I mean, time and space? But especially likes places a like earth, I mean like places with cafes and parks where you can sit and chat but also tourist places, loves going on a tour just to sneak of and search the place for your own.
Bond (what kind of - platonic, obviously - relationship do you have with each other?)
Companion :3
Cuddling (do you ever cuddle? how physically affectionate are you?)
Definitely, I mean he definitely loves hugs.
All the time, sometimes for no reason.
Dance (do you ever dance together? how?)
He’s the kind of timelord too take you to a 80s club ^^
in a very 80s fashion outfit** “ready to go, doll?”
“Okey queen wannabe”
“You don’t like it?” He frowns.
“I love it, are we going to like a club??”
Enemies (were you ever enemies? Do you share the same enemies?)
You probably do, I mean, the cyber men probably tried to upgrade you, the darleks used you a leverage/just tried to kill you.
You know, the normal stuff.
Fight (how often do you fight? how do you resolve conflict?)
You probably fight about who/how he decides to safe people. Like you’d disagree if the monster of the week deserves to get killed off or relocate or if you should just let it be.
You’ll eventually get to agreement, ether that being from time sake or just something happening that makes you on the same side.
After everything’s done, even if it ends badly, he’ll give you a hug and apologize. Doesn’t matter if he was right in the end or not, he just wants too make sure you’re both on the same side.
Gain (how have you helped each other improve as people?)
I think you help him with his sadness after a adventure doesn’t go right, like if he’s really upset just giving him a hug and talking to him until he feels better would make him love you.
As for you, he helped you with whatever you need. He just wants you to be happy, so if he can help you with literally anything he’s happy too.
Help (how do they ask you for help? how do they help you when you need it?)
He ether just does it verbally or if it’s something deeper, he’ll look at you a lot until you ask.
“… yeah? Doctor?”
“You know that time we went to that planet with the massive sunflowers?”
“Oh-“ proceedes taking about random thing for 30 minutes.
“Point is, dolphins. Yeah, that’s my point.”
Injured/Ill (how would they act if you got hurt or sick?)
Pissed, at the thing that hurt you of course.
Like doesn’t care if you just stubbed your toe, he’s fixing whatever you stubbed it on so you can’t do that anymore.
Or if it’s like the bad guy for the adventure. Their getting trapped in a mirror asp.
And now if your just sick, he gets you the best medicine in time and space and then also the best soup, followed by cuddling.
“Doctor, you're going to get sick.”
“Oh, me? Nahh, I’ll be fineeeee”
He did get sick. And now it’s your turn to have to take care of him.
Jokes (what’s their sense of humor like? how do you joke about things together?)
Very silly and probably Sciencey humor.
Kisses (do you ever kiss? how? Kisses not on the lips count)
Forehead kisses <33
Love (how do they show you they care?)
Remember small of handed things you said, mentioned you liked a singer/band? You’re going to their concert.
Mentioned you thought something looked cool? He got you it.
Also if you say you want to go to a planet with like a no people? He’ll try and find the best place.
Meeting (how did you meet? how did you become friends?)
Probably helped him from some aliens.
Nesting (do you co-habitate at all? how?)
I mean you definitely have your own room, but he’d probably really like too sleep with you on the couch and have like a nap ^^
Oasis (is there a specific place that is “your place”? what is it?)
You probably have like an apartment from whatever place/time you’re from that you stay at whenever you don’t travel with him. And with that I really think he’d like your room. It’s just so you.
Protection (how protective are they over you?)
I mean he’ll let you wonder off and do stuff on your own, like if you want to go home for a little he’s definitely fine with that, he’s not over bearing.
But if you get hurt he’s immediately ready to fight for you.
If he has history with something/someone and they try to get near you he won’t even let them look at you.
Query (how inquisitive are they when it comes to getting to know you?)
He’s a very extroverted, but definitely won’t push you to answer something you don’t want to.
Record (what’s something you’ll never let them live down?)
Marrying “the virgin queen”
Support (how would they show their support for you? how far would that support go?)
You do art? Art room in the tardis. Will also go to see whatever artist you look up too (cough* Van Gogh cough*)
You like books? You have your own part of the library with all your favorite books. Will also take you to bookshops whenever you want new books
You like cosplay? Whole closet full of stuff and will go to cons with you (also will cosplay with you) ((I think the thought of the doctor in cosplay is amazing))
Trust (how much do they trust you? how do they show you that?)
Oh after you become his companion 100%
If you come up with a plan he’ll immediately start doing it, no questions asked, well until he’s already started.
Uplift (how do you bring each other up?)
Long speeches. Especially from him.
Vacation (do you ever travel together? what’s that like?)
… I meannnnn, that’s like all what you do.
Worry (do they worry about you? how often?)
Oh definitely. Immediately when he realizes you wondered of he starts looking for you, if he can’t find you he sends you a text message.
“Helloo where you wonder of now then?”
And if you don’t answer he’ll start to get really worried.
Only to find you have befriended the town folk and is now getting married to the queen.
Xerox (are there any traits or habits of theirs that you’ve picked up by accident?)
“Ah- welll-“
That hands in pocket thing he does.
Yahoo (what’s an inside joke you share?)
“You’re being such a darlek/cyber man/crying angel right now”
Zany (do they have a weird side onlyyou get to see? what’s it like?)
He’s Always weird but I guess more emotional side if that makes sense??
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howlingday · 2 months
siguiendo con yugioh!au (personalmente prefiero pokemon pero gx llamó mi atención)
Qrow lo veo con un deck tipo archfiends debido a su pasado como bandido y su reputación, así mismo el efecto de desgaste de tus puntos de vida hace alusión a su semblante desventajosa, además creó que tendría cobertura con algunas cartas de joey debido al tema de la suerte y el asar aunque capaz que esto pega más con clover, en otro punto gx tiene un deck no-canon de vodka perdón "salsa picante" según la censura
El caso de penny es complicado debido a la cantidad de archetypes de máquinas aunque se me hace divertido que tenga el deck de syrus de vehicroid, debido a la naturaleza de niña curiosa de penny sería adorable como su deck se conforma principalmente por cosas salidas de bob the builder además debido a que varios de ellos dehecho contienen efectos problemáticos refleja también su otra naturaleza de androide de batalla, aunque definitivamente si habló de naturaleza de batalla entonces tendría a cyber dragon
Iroonwood definitivamente tendría un deck ancient gear, esto aparte de su prótesis también refleja sus características militares asi como la historia de atlas de tanto avanzar como quedarse estancado en el pasado
Por último cómo otra nota talvez jaune tendría una actualización de su deck con los neo space, debido a que estos provenían de un mundo aparte me parece lógico que se encuentren en ever after, además en lugar de curious cat podríamos tener a yubel
Continuing with yugioh!au (personally I prefer pokemon but gx caught my attention)
I see Qrow with an archfiends type deck due to his past as a bandit and his reputation, likewise the effect of wearing down your life points alludes to his disadvantageous appearance, he also believed that he would have coverage with some joey cards due to the theme of luck and roasting, although maybe this works better with clover, at another point gx has a non-canon deck of vodka, sorry "hot sauce" according to censorship.
Penny's case is complicated due to the number of machine archetypes, although I find it funny that she has the Vehicroid Syrus deck, due to Penny's curious girl nature, it would be adorable how her deck is made up mainly of things from Bob the builder also because several of them actually contain problematic effects also reflects his other nature of battle android, although definitely if he talked about battle nature then he would have cyber dragon.
Ironwood would definitely have an ancient gear deck, this apart from his prosthesis also reflects his military characteristics as well as Atlas' history of both advancing and staying stuck in the past.
Lastly, as another note, maybe Jaune would have an update to his deck with the Neo Space, because these came from a separate world, it seems logical to me that they are in Ever After, also instead of Curious Cat we could have Yubel.
Huh. I never realized the "hot sauce" was actually sake. Pretty funny censorship! But, yeah, I can see Qrow having similar cards due to his battle with alcoholism, and his use of Dark monsters, including Archfiends, is also fitting due to his role as the sort of shadow ops of Ozpin. I can even see him pulling out something old school like Archfiend Emperor, The First Lord Of Horror simply to utilize it's one of many special effects.
Actually, if we follow the Chibi logic, we could also give Penny some Insect cards, like Naturia Mole Cricket or Atomic Firefly. You could even take a step further with Inzektor cards, like Inzektor Exa-Beetle, or a monster that gains attack based on the monsters around it, like Insect Queen gaining ATK for every Insect on the field, or Humongous Hive Hegemon - Zexstagger, which also gains ATK AND can special summon Insect monsters from your graveyard or hand.
I can definitely see General Ironwood having military specific cards, as well as cards that are very similar to airships. Ancient Gear also works with his allusion to the Tin Man. In fact, Ancient Gear fusions would also allude to Atlas' use of robots AND their willingness to sacrifice for a supposed "greater good". That said, I would say his most powerful card would be Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem, acting as a menace of titanic proportions only matched by the might of the most technologically advanced kingdom on Remnant.
To be honest, I never finished GX. Partially because the ending wasn't dubbed and also because I don't even remember where GX stopped off. But I've heard plenty about how bad Jaiden got for no reason because of Yubel, which would be a pretty neat parallel with the Curious Cat.
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beemochi-art · 7 months
why do u gotta pick between oplita and megop? megoplita. optimus has two hands. his partners can hate each other, its fine. they can glare daggers at each other over optimus's shoulders or behind his back.
I just mean to two types of fans of the ship. It’s like they both hate each other. Especially on Twitter. It’s like sometimes I like Both! And people are always at war at each other. Sigh
Well here’s the thing. I’ve never been too big op megoplita. I’ve always imagined Optimus as monogamous. And I feel like Oplita gives me more freedom to do whatever I want with Megs. If anything, I think it’s incredibly interesting if Mega was crushing on Op but Elita unknowingly takes Ops attention away, making Megs a jealous bitch. It’s like Elita is Ops wife, but you gotta admit fighting the same guy for 4 million years is a little 🏳️‍🌈✨.
When it comes to different continuations as well.
Cyber verse. Oh god Megop all the way. Not even just cause elita isn’t in there. But Megs is super gay for that man.
Prime, I’m am not a megop shipper at all. But a lil bit of Orion and Megs action is nice. I really with they would have kept Elita as a plot point for Op’s grief.
I won’t get into all the continuings but Earthspark. That’s a big one. As much as I’m dying for Oplita! You can’t deny Megop has way more sauce. I guess there would be the case where I choose megoplita. But still I’m not big on it.
I feel in the ideal Megoplita situation. I can see Optimum and Elita already being a thing. But if Megs wants Op they come as a set. The glaring daggers at each other will not fly with Optimus. It’s not a matter of just be civil for Optimus sake. Megs knows he’ll choose his wife every time. So I feel like Megs would have to swoon Elita too. A little gentler and wayy more respectful. I think Megs would find that he very much likes her too. Creating the best thing ever! MEGLITA!!
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hitchell-mope · 3 months
Ten things I would include if I were in charge of Doctor Who.
Naomi Scott as the Doctor. Let’s call her the Sixteenth Doctor for simplicity’s sake.
Typical 3 seasons and Christmas specials featuring the daleks and the Cybermen.
Catherine Tate pulling double duty as both Donna Temple Noble AND The Master. Because we all know that she could pull it off.
Companions: Rose Temple Noble. Luke and Sanjay Smith and their two young sons with Clyde, Rani and Sky as backup. Alfie Enoch as Ian and Barbara’s great grandson.
Purple and gold tardis interior. Like Thirteen’s but brighter.
Kate travelling in the tardis at least once a season.
Tate!Master manipulating Rose like Harold Saxon manipulated Bill. Only. Rose doesn’t end up dead, cyber converted, exterminated ot otherwise
Tony Award winner Daniel Radcliffe as The Rani. As the careless, but not psychotically mad, scientist that The Rani is supposed to be.
Three part regeneration Christmas special featuring the Paternoster Gang
Rupert Grint as the Seventeenth Doctor. LET. HIM. BE. GINGER!!!!
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Imma start with them entirely then one by one! LETSGOOOO
*they all had the idea of becoming a gang after seeing the big three do their thing (before the big three broke up)
*they all live together in a big apartment inland, they all pay rent but most of them sleep around the pyramid
*they chose to use onis as their looks cuse all of them are giant nerd (sun most as he was adopted by an Asian family)
*they have made themselves law enforcers for the streets before DJ cyber did, they got banished after they confronted DJ Cyber about his suppose killing of felix (rumors by faux)
*for a side job they foster kittens (they have two cats of their own named Lu-Lu and Professor K)
*they all work at the pyramid so their banishment just made them work more XD
*all of them got mechanical legs cuse of Big devil losing them from a work accident and sun making the great idea of all of them losing their legs to make him feel better (it did make big devil feel better but he was so mad)
*All of their bad rep is from Sun as he is the most short tempered out of all of them
*for age it goes Big devil, Pluto, Lil devil and then Sun
*none can take a complement from anyone, if you do be prepared for a curse word and them booking it
*after losing their legs they had a hard time controlling how strong their legs where for months, but now they can kick people into next Tuesday with how hard it is now
*after the faux Project Algo incident Big devil was put into critical condition in a hospital as he was the one thrown, it really messed up the devil theory moral (mostly to pluto as hes the leader)
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ok time for them individually
Pluto! *he was given the status as leader from beating Big devil in a point fight around the pyramid
*under all that brooding and seriousness he is a goofball
*he use to use inline skates before losing his legs, but now he skateboards as its easier on him
*his family is from Mexico so he will and can scream in spanish at you if pissed off enough
*has bad posture but is getting it fixed by the others yelling ay him
*he sneaks to the millennium mall to meet up with someone ALOT (i ship pluto with Cue from DOTexe)
*after the Project Algo incident he went to cyber to personally say sorry to him for the entire Devil theory gang, Cyber did forgive them as he knew they arent all bad
Big Devil (Aristotle) *he takes second in command as he knows Pluto need it
*does have heterochromia (but tents to hide it with a brown contact)
*he is like the dad of the group keeping them all together
*Big devil never really liked his name so he kept his nickname devil for everyones sake
*Never like Faux or how the cops worked but only followed as pluto said to
*he was friends with eight ball from DOTexe before the sniper incident, now he goes to where they hung out once to think of memories
*Hes taught all of the Devil theory members how to use their spray paints well, so they arent covered in paint all the time
*hes the real scary one out of all of them but hides it under alot of chill vibes
Lil Devil!(Socrates) *Him and Big devil are both brothers (blood brothers)
*Lil is known to join chaos if their is any, will stop it after the others come over
*lil is known to tattle on the others to Big devil if need be
*lil has copied his older brother alot and will do it by reaction now as they done it for the longest time
*may be the second youngest but acts alot like big devil if need be, he has yelled at people older then him for doing dumb things
*him and big are both from new Amsterdam, so they got the ropes
*He has on many times chose to kick people if they didnt listen to him to show what their dealing with
*He was the one to name professor K and never regretted it
*became even more short tempered after Big devil went into the hospital after project Algo
and finally Sun!!
*Sun was raised with their sister(shes part of futurisum) by an Asian family so they tend to do things by the book somewhat
*Sun had made all of the devil theorys outfits in a wild spree of inspiration and maybe 10 monster drinks, they are mostly made of metal to protect them from bullets
*Is the one most people think of when the words Devil theory are spoken as he is a short tempered lil dog who can and will bite
*Has a degree in engineering but never really uses it unless its for modifications on DT's legs
*has alot of old games stashed in their apartment and will not let anyone touch them, they are his babies and he will tell you so
*before joining the Devil theorys he had a way worse temper and ran away from his family cuse of it, he now thinks of Devil theory as his family now
*Sun has once bitten and torn someones flesh from being really mad, one of the main reason they were banished
*Pluto loves calling sun the nickname Sunny just to mess with him and so he gave pluto the nickname dwarf planet
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tenebraevesper · 6 months
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 41: The Irregular Hunt
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''Isn't it better to hide quietly in the shadows? There are even flowers like buds, you know. It's better to keep it a secret so it protects. Undisturbed by anyone, it blooms magnificently.''
– Hana ni Natte (Be a Flower) by The Apothecary Diaries
Touka took a deep breath, not looking forward to what was about to happen next. She and Shadow had been called to do a full health exam, with both having some idea what this exam would actually be about. Rouge led them to the room where they were supposed to have their health exam done, knocking on the door and being met by a female chinchilla ARNav wearing a labcoat.
''Ah, I've been waiting for you,'' she said. ''Come in. No, not you!''
The chinchilla glared at Rouge, who just gave her the sweetest and most innocent look possible. ''Aw, not even for emotional support?''
''No,'' the chinchilla replied in a sharp tone, glaring back at Rouge before walking back into the room. Touka and Shadow glanced at Rouge, who just shrugged.
''Well, I tried. Good luck you two,'' she said, watching them enter the examination room. As they walked inside, both Touka and Shadow were wondering why an ARNav was sent to exam them. They quickly both concluded that it was probably because Shadow was an Irregular. Even if he worked now for ARMS, the humans would still be wary of him since he could absorb their BioEnergy if they weren't careful around him.
''You can call me Dr. Manilla,'' the chinchilla ARNav introduced herself. ''I'm the one in charge of examining any Irregular ARNav that gets brought here, while my co-worker is responsible for the human partners. But, due to your unique circumstances, I had been told that you would participate in this examination together, Miss Sakamoto.''
''I prefer to be referred to as Kageura,'' Touka grumbled in an irked tone. Dr. Manilla glanced at the papers on her chart.
''Huh, but here, it says you're registered as Touka Sakamoto,'' she replied.
''That's an unfortunate mistake made by the higher-ups. You can just refer to me by my name for simplicity's sake,'' Touka responded with a sigh. Dr. Manilla just shrugged, then pointed at a platform in the corner of the room.
''Fine then, Touka. Please, go stand on the scanner,'' she said, with Touka obediently following her orders, stepping onto the platform and observing it as it lit up, scanning her. A holographic screen appeared before Dr. Manilla, who read through the incoming data. Her eyes widened in surprise, something Shadow, who was standing to the side with his arms folded across his chest, had noticed. ''Interesting… So, Sakamoto's notes were indeed right.''
''What are you talking about?'' Touka asked, furrowing a brow.
''You have an unusually high level of BioEnergy, far greater than what a normal human would have,'' Dr. Manilla revealed. ''I believe that this is because of Sakamoto tampering with your genetics, giving you a quite resilient body. It is genuinely fascinating, and I would love to learn more about what he had done.''
''I don't want to do more examinations than necessary,'' Touka replied, glaring at the chinchilla ARNav. Dr. Manilla took note of the look Touka was giving her, as well as Shadow glaring daggers at her. The chinchilla ARNav just frowned at the two, a bit annoyed that doing further tests on Touka's body was not part of her work and that she would need to get permission from the Comander to do that.
''In any case, you're completely fine,'' Dr. Manilla responded, with Touka stepping off the platform. She then typed something on the holographic monitor before her, then turned back to Shadow. ''Now it's your turn.''
Shadow stepped on the platform, not at all happy about the scanner sweeping over him, sending the data to Dr. Manilla. However, to the siblings' surprise, the chinchilla ARNav looked quite frustrated as she typed furiously on the holographic screen. ''Agh, what is going on here? Why am I getting errors?''
''Is something wrong?'' Touka asked. Dr. Manilla held up her hand to shut her up, then kept typing on the holographic screen.
''We'll have to redo this. The data I got seemed to be corrupted,'' she said, with the scanner sweeping once again over Shadow. However, when Dr. Manilla attempted to analyze the data she had gotten was once again filled with errors. She groaned in frustration, eventually realizing that her computer system couldn't actually process the data beyond the bare minimum.
''I'll have to send this over to someone who can get through this, but from what I've seen, you're in the clear,'' Dr. Manilla told Shadow. ''It seems like you have an unusual amount of energy that can be used in various ways, but my computer just cannot process what this kind of energy is.''
Touka and Shadow exchanged glances, the smallest of smirks forming on their lips as they knew well what this energy was. Their expressions turned back to more serious ones as Dr. Manilla called out for them to follow her to a short corridor that led to a different room. This one seemed to have thicker walls, with a mirror adorning one of the walls, and Touka and Shadow quickly realizing it was a two-way mirror.
''This room is for testing out an Irregular's abilities,'' she explained, turning to Shadow. ''I'll activate a test dummy for you to use your powers on, so feel free to go all out. I have Prof. Sakamoto's notes in regards to your combat skills, and from what I've read, they're quite impressive. All you have to do is to show me that you didn't get rusty over the years.''
''Hmph.'' Shadow narrowed his eyes. He was the Ultimate Lifeform! Did she really believe that his combat skills would get worse only because he was stuck in a stasis pod for a decade? Admittedly, she wouldn't know about his battles in Neos City, but nevertheless, he did feel slighted. Nevertheless, he wondered just how much of his abilities he should show off. He didn't want these people to know just how powerful his Chaos Spear, Chaos Blast and Chaos Control were, as he knew they would take advantage of him. Still, he needed to prove himself worthy of his title. Clearly, Sonic wasn't the only one with an ego.
Dr. Manilla walked into the room next to this one to observe Shadow through the two-way mirror, while Touka was left standing in the corner. Shadow centered himself, observing the holographic opponent as Dr. Manilla activated the test dummy. His ears flicked, and his opponent charged at him, with Shadow punching the latter in the stomach before throwing it over his shoulder, causing it to land hard on the ground. The test dummy flickered and got up, with Shadow wondering if Dr. Manilla was also testing his own endurance as the close combat battle continued, with the test dummy getting tougher and tougher to fight against. Still, he decided to make it a challenge for himself not to use any of his powers, kicking the test dummy into the mirror and almost cracking it.
''Hey, watch it!'' Dr. Manilla shouted through the speaker.
''Tch, that was too easy,'' Shadow muttered, placing a hand on his waist.
''You know, you could just use your powers for this. This is supposed to be an exam to test all of your abilities, not just your close combat skills,'' Dr. Manilla told him. She then sighed, when she saw Shadow rolling his eyes. ''Fine, then. I suppose I we can skip this part and get to the more important stuff. You're going to absorb your partner's BioEnergy so I can see how you're handling it.''
Shadow's crimson eyes widened as he felt a chill flowing down his spine, but he tried to keep his expression impassive. Horrible memories of him hurting Touka due to Prof. Sakamoto's experiments and his own inexperience with BioEnergy flashed in his mind, and he shook his head. ''I refuse.''
''What?'' Dr. Manilla sounded quite surprised by his answer. Usually, Irregulars would act like rabid animals around BioEnergy, but she guessed that Shadow was a special case. After all, he was created to break the system and actually take properly advantage of BioEnergy. ''Well, you have no choice. If you have any complaints, take it up with the Commander.''
Shadow narrowed his eyes, turning to Touka as she stepped next to him. Neither of them wanted to go through this experience again, but they knew that they had no choice. At least, unless they wanted to use the alternative. Touka waved at the two-way mirror. ''Just, give us a moment.'' She then crouched next to Shadow, whispering, ''Should we go with Chaos Surge?''
''We can't let them know about this!'' Shadow hissed under his breath, shooting her a glare. Touka just nodded, a grim expression on her face.
''I know, Shadow, but if it comes to this, I want you to use Chaos Surge,'' she told him in a firm tone. ''I'll figure out a way to explain that power so they don't get suspicious.''
Shadow gave her a pleading look, his ears drooping as he was clearly unwilling to go through with this. Even though he was now used to using Chaos Surge, that still didn't mean that he wasn't traumatized by almost killing his own sister after having accidentally absorbed her BioEnergy. He knew that if he goes with the usual way the Irregulars would use BioEnergy, he might end up with the same situation as before and he refused to let that happen. However, Touka gave him an assuring look, and while this did help with Shadow's confidence, he still wished he didn't have to go through that.
''Are you two done with the pep talk? We don't have a whole day for this, you know,'' Dr. Manilla said, with Shadow and Touka hoping that she didn't overhear their conversation.
''Fine,'' Touka grumbled, glancing once again at Shadow in concern. She was willing to take the risk, but she also understood why Shadow refused to go through with this. Nevertheless, they were now property of ARMS, super soldiers that were forced to work for them, and they would have to follow orders. Still, they had a way out, but they needed to be patient.
Shadow took a deep breath and took Touka's hands into his own, sensing her BioEnergy. He was still reluctant to even start the absorption process, but being under the watchful eye of Dr. Manilla, he pressed on. He hated this, feeling Touka's BioEnergy coursing through his own. It wasn't unfamiliar, but his instincts were screaming to stop this, but hearing Dr. Manilla's voice over the speaker forced him to continue. He could see Touka looking uncomfortable and pale, her hands shaking. Even if she had a greater pool of BioEnergy than a normal person would, it didn't mean that she was immune to having it absorbed.
''It's fine-'' Touka hissed back, her chest heaving with every breath as she glared at the two-way mirror. Both were already past the activation point for a Chaos Surge, with Touka suddenly falling on her knees, crying out as her mind was in a haze.
''Don't move! We're not done yet!''
Shadow wanted to stop, but Dr. Manilla's voice over the speaker made him freeze for a moment. This was replaced with anger, and he pressed back the BioEnergy he had absorbed, cutting it off. Touka looked up at him, a small smile tugging on her lips as she clutched her chest, breathing heavily, but her eyes now glowing in an red and orange colour. Shadow turned to the two-way mirror, about to tell Dr. Manilla how he won't participate in the when both of them suddenly heard a scream.
''What the hell is this?! You two fried the goddamn computer!''
Touka, who was now sitting down on the ground, and Shadow exchanged glances, with Touka snorting in amusement. This was followed by a groan from Dr. Manilla, who then added, ''Your exam is over now. I need to get this sorted out… Screw the Sakamoto and his experiments ruining my equipment…''
Shadow glanced at Touka. ''Do you think you can walk?''
''Yeah, I just need a moment,'' Touka said, her eyes returning to her normal colour, before taking a deep breath and getting up. ''It's still not a pleasant experience…''
Shadow walked closely next to her, fearing that she might fall over, but fortunately, Touka managed to walk on her own. Rouge was waiting for them outside, trying her best not to show just how anxious she was. ''Are you two okay?''
''Yeah, we were until the Doctor wanted me to absorb Touka's BioEnergy,'' Shadow said, his tone grim. Rouge sighed, giving the two a sympathetic look.
''I was afraid they would do that. This was one of the experiments they put all of Irregulars through,'' Rouge told them.
''I used Chaos Surge,'' Shadow stated, with Rouge's eyes widening in surprise.
''Apparently, it fried Manilla's computer,'' Touka added. ''I suppose that, unlike Sakamoto, they don't have the equipment to handle analyzing Chaos Energy, especially not after a Chaos Surge.''
''I see… Although, I suppose that at this point, you two have also improved your ability to use Chaos Energy, so it would be difficult to analyze it regardless, especially if they don't know what they're dealing with,'' Rouge responded.
Both Touka and Shadow nodded, with Touka adding, ''If anyone asks, Chaos Surge can only be used by me and Shadow. We cannot let them know that the rest of Team Neos can do that.''
''Don't worry, my lips are sealed,'' Rouge told her.
Sonic stared at the TV, his eyes narrowed and his arms folded as he scowled in a surprisingly Shadow-like manner. Lucas, who was nearby in the kitchen, took note that the azure hedgehog had been running all over and outside Neos City, trying to burn off the excess energy and figure out a plan how to save his friends, but clearly, he couldn't think of anything. He returned home, looking defeated and irritated, turning on the TV and just aimlessly switched through the programs.
''Sonic, are you okay?'' Lucas asked, already knowing what the answer would be.
''No, I'm not. Shadow and Touka are gone, and there's nothing I can do to help them. All I'm doing is just sitting around,'' Sonic told him, clearly frustrated. Lucas sat next to him.
''I know how you feel. I'm more patient than you are, but even I hate the idea of just doing nothing,'' Lucas said. ''Unfortunately, we really cannot do anything for now. We do have that deal with Dr. Eggman and we can communicate with Touka and Shadow through that private network, which is better than nothing.''
''Do you have any ideas on what to do?'' Sonic asked.
''I've been thinking all night about it, but the only thing that came up on my mind was to find a way to get Touka and Shadow get sent to Neos City. They now work as Agents for ARMS, and given how Neos City is a magnet for Irregulars, I'm certain that they would want them to fight Irregulars,'' Lucas told him.
''Shadow is an excellent fighter. I doubt that they would send him to fight Irregulars that Hunters can deal with,'' Sonic told him. ''They would need a bigger threat.''
''You're right,'' Lucas responded, suddenly getting up. ''That's why we're going outside.''
''What do you want to do?'' Sonic asked, also getting up.
''See what the Irregular Hunters are up to,'' Lucas said. ''I don't know how much they would know about ARMS, but we need to start from somewhere.''
''I think I saw ol' Commander Loki and his squad somewhere,'' Sonic said, perking up and ready to get back into action. ''We could tag along.''
''Hey, look at that!'' Tails exclaimed, pointing at the red sky. Sonic, Lucas and Warren looked up, taking note of the AR Field that displayed warning signs above, urging people to stay away from that area. They were at Kita, the northern part of the city, having gone there due to seeing a squad of Irregular Hunters heading there. Fortunately for them, it seemed that ARMS wasn't following them around, but it was possible that that was because Touka and Shadow had agreed to work for them. ARMS would lose interest in them so long as they got to keep their secret project.
''I'll go check things out!'' Sonic told them, and before his friends could reply, sped up towards the area. Lucas, Warren and Tails exchanged glances, wondering how they ended up in this situation. To start off, Lucas and Sonic did pass by the Taylor Workshop, and after telling the two what they had planned, Warren and Tails agreed to accompany them.
''We haven't gotten any message from Eggman, so there really isn't much we can do,'' Warren said. Considering how their main task of contacting Touka and Shadow had been completed, he and Tails focused on their personal projects, with Tails even working on a new device that would aid him in a battle. After they heard about Lucas and Sonic's plan, they agreed to accompany the two, also expressing desire to just do something instead of sitting around at home.
The three had soon joined Sonic, who was peeking around a building, observing Loki and his Alpha Unit fighting fox-like entities made out of blue flames. The azure hedgehog then pointed at a building further away, where a familiar figure was standing.
''That's Shiro!'' Tails said, looking stunned. He hadn't expected to see the kitsune again, even though he knew that she was still out there, free to do whatever she wanted.
''Shiro?'' Lucas rose an eyebrow.
''Right, we haven't told you, have we? Basically, Shiro was the Irregular that had been attacking people at the Kita Inari Shrine, but Tails and I had managed to force her to retreat along with Minami and Amy's help,'' Warren explained. ''Seems like she's back.''
''I see…'' Lucas muttered, taking note of Sonic's gaze. He was a bit surprised that Sonic didn't leap into action immediately, staying back instead, and quickly realized that Sonic was actually looking around for any sign of ARMS. Unfortunately for him, it was only the Hunters.
''Any plans?'' Sonic asked, understanding the look Lucas gave him. He knew that it was unusual for him not to participate in the battle, but given the current circumstances, he decided to rely on Lucas for the next move.
''I'd say that we go for Shiro. The Hunters seem to be handling those… uh, what are they?'' Lucas glanced at Tails.
''That's just foxfire – an illusion created by Shiro to keep them occupied,'' Tails said, staring at the fox-like entities.
''Got it. Do you guys think you can sneak up to Shiro?'' Lucas asked. Sonic and Tails glanced at each other, a wide smile on their expressions and nodded. Tails then reached into his backpack, taking out the devices he and Warren had been working on.
''Actually, we could use this opportunity for a field test,'' Tails said, with Sonic giving him a curious look.
''What's that?'' he asked. Tails flashed a grin.
''You'll see!'' He and Warren then stepped closer, and to Lucas and Sonic's surprise, initiated a Chaos Surge. ''Let's go!''
Lucas and Warren observed as Sonic and Tails rushed out behind the building, with Sonic finding a way around and speeding up the building Shiro was standing on. Fortunately, she didn't seem to have noticed the azure hedgehog, as she fully focused her attention on the battle below. However, sensing a rush of wind, she turned around and saw a ball landing and uncurling into a hedgehog right before her.
''So, I see that you decided to cause trouble. Let me guess, you're gonna tell me how you have some kind of excuse to attack people, and I'll tell you why that's the wrong answer,'' Sonic said, stretching his arms for the upcoming fight, before giving a confused Shiro a confident smirk. She managed to quickly collect herself, unfolding her fan.
''This is quite unexpected, but not out of place. I assume you act as back-up for the Hunters?'' Shiro said, giving Sonic a scrutinizing gaze.
''Nope, I'm just a hedgehog who likes adventure and has a tendency to save the day,'' Sonic replied.
''Dance of the Foxflame!''
Without any warning, Shiro waved her fan down, suddenly sending fiery crescents towards Sonic, who leapt upwards and homing attacked Shiro. Gracefully, she dodged his attack and entered close combat, using her fan like a tessen, a war fan, as she sliced through the air, leaving wisps of fire, meaning that Sonic was not only in danger of being hurt by the weapon, but also being at risk of being burnt. Fortunately, his training with Shadow did pay off, as he used some of the new moves he had learned to fight back. While Shiro moved with grace and precision, Sonic was way more unpredictable, rolling onto the ground and kicking Shiro from below, who blocked the kick with her closed fan, but when he got on his feet to punch her, she had placed the fan over his wrist and held it, blocking his punch, but what she didn't expect was for Sonic to suddenly drop down, his own weight pulling her down with him. She let go, attempting to hit him with the end of her fan, but was met with sharp quills that almost cut her hand. She backed away, only for Sonic to bounce at her, but she waved again, creating a wall of flames. Sonic uncurled, landing at the edge of the building and feeling his quills getting singed.
Shiro was about to go for another attack, only to suddenly see a bunch of circular devices being thrown at her, hovering in the air. She looked up, a bit stunned to see Tails hovering above, his eyes now glowing amber as he snapped his fingers. To Shiro's shock, she was suddenly enveloped in a light blue EMP field that acted more like a cage.
''Agh!'' Shiro fell on her knees, feeling like a shock pulse coursed through her body, keeping her paralyzed. She gritted her teeth, glaring at Tails. ''Y-You!''
''Woah, what did you do?'' Sonic asked.
''Warren and I had figured that we could make a conductor for my EMP power that would allow me to use it as an offensive attack from a distance… Or, in this case, several can also act like a EMP cage to keep the opponent at bay,'' Tails explained, turning back to Shiro as he carefully controlled the energy output. ''This time, you won't get away!''
''This is awesome!'' Sonic was amazed by this move.
Shiro, on the other hand, could just glare daggers at Tails.
Below them, the foxfire illusions had suddenly disappeared, with Lucas and Warren realizing that Sonic and Tails managed to take care of Shiro. Both of them looked at the Hunters, who were quite confused by the sudden disappearance of their opponents, probably not having realized what had happened.
''What was- What are you doing here?! You can't be here!'' Loki shouted at Lucas and Warren as the two approached him.
''We know, but you guys had been held back by illusions. The Irregular is up there!'' Lucas pointed at the nearby building, where Tails was keeping Shiro paralyzed. Unfortunately for them, there was a small burst from one of the devices, catching on fire and fizzling out, with Tails' eyes widening as he realized what had just happened.
''No no no!'' Tails stared in horror as the devices broke down, clearly fried due to just how much power they had to channel, despite the twin-tailed fox's attempts at keeping the stream of energy as steady as possible. Sonic, who saw Shiro getting up, went for a kick, but was blocked by the fan, with Shiro glaring at both of them.
''This is not over yet!''
A wall of flames suddenly emerged, wrapping itself around Shiro and forcing Sonic to retreat, with the flaming orb suddenly falling off the building. Sonic and Tails gasped in shock, looking over the edge of the building, but as the flames dissipated, they realized that Shiro was gone.
''I thought I had her this time,'' Tails grumbled, only to feel a hand on his shoulder.
''Don't worry, little bro. I'm sure that next time, you'll be able to defeat her for good. You have already grown really strong,'' Sonic told him, with Tails smiling back in response. Both saw the Alpha Unit and their partners gathering below the building, with Tails grabbing Sonic's arms and then lowering both of them onto the street.
''You again!'' Loki exclaimed when he saw Sonic, clearly irritated. ''Seriously, hedgehog, every time there is an Irregular attack-''
Sonic shrugged. ''What can I say? I like to be in the middle of the action.''
''In my defense, I had fought Shiro before, when she had taken over Kita Inari Shrine,'' Tails added. Loki's eyes narrowed as he looked at Tails.
''Wait, were you one of the Inari Shrine kitsune that were supposed to guard it?'' he asked.
''I had left it a while ago, so I wasn't involved with it when Shiro came along. Me and my friends were the ones who discovered what had happened… Uh, we're not in trouble for that, right?'' Tails asked nervously. Loki just rubbed his temple, sighing. He then turned back to his unit.
''Go and check the area out for any signs of the Irregular. I'll take over this one,'' he said, with the squad spreading out. He then turned to Tails. ''Do you have any information that could help us in containing the Irregular? We know that she had been lurking in Kita to drain humans of their BioEnergy, and we have a report from the blue kitsune, named Ao, about her activities.''
''If you have Ao's statement, then I don't believe I can add much more to that. She is susceptible to EMP fields, though,'' Tails replied.
''I'll keep that in mind. Now, it would be the best for you to leave, especially you two since we have an Irregular on the loose, and we already had to send another person to the hospital,'' Loki said, looking over at Lucas and Warren.
''Except, we know how to deal with Irregulars,'' Lucas told him, with Warren giving him a look of concern. He didn't remember admitting that being part of the plan. ''You don't have to worry about us.''
''Again, being a Hunter, I'd be responsible for your safety-'' Loki said, only to get annoyed when Sonic interrupted him.
''Then just tell whoever's in charge that we'll take responsibility for our own safety,'' Sonic told him. He then folded his arms across his chest. ''Speaking of Irregulars, what do you guys even do with them?''
''That is none of your concern,'' Loki told him in a stern tone, wondering what this civilian ARNav was even up to.
''Do you know anything about an organization called ARMS?'' Sonic suddenly asked. Loki's jaw dropped, while Warren and Tails turned their attention towards Lucas, since from what they knew, they were supposed to keep the whole thing with ARMS a secret. Lucas just gave them a resolute look, as this was something he and Sonic had planned.
''H-How-?'' Loki stammered, only for Sonic to respond.
''Our friends have been taken by them. We're not supposed to talk, but I had figured that, as an Irregular Hunter, it would be fine to talk to you,'' Sonic replied. Loki fell suddenly silent.
''I see… Officially, I can't tell you anything, but unofficially, the only reason I'm aware of their existence is because I have seen several of their members visiting our HQ and taking away the Irregulars we had captured. I don't know what they do with them, but I had attended a meeting where they showed off an Irregular after they had done something to him, something that made him completely lifeless. My supervisor wasn't too keen on witnessing that.'' Loki's eyes narrowed, his voice lowering into a whisper. ''It really feels like some shady business.''
''Why are you telling us all of that?'' Lucas asked.
''Look, I know I shouldn't divulge information like that, but I don't like ARMS. Not to mention, if your friends are involved with them, I can only imagine in just how much trouble they are,'' Loki answered.
''They even told us to forget that our friends exist,'' Sonic added. Loki sighed.
''Figures… We had a similar situation with one of our human co-workers, who had managed to find an Irregular who did not want to absorb BioEnergy, which came as shock to us. She wanted to help the Irregular, but then those ARMS agents came, took both of them away, and when our co-worker returned, she acted like nothing happened and never told us what happened at ARMS. She later left and moved away, and we never heard anything back from her. Like said, shady business,'' he explained. ''I hope your friends make it out alive.''
''Do you know where they are?'' Lucas asked. Loki shook his head.
''I sincerely hope you'll never have to deal with them personally,'' he told them. ''I know it's not easy, but it would be better to avoid them.''
''I doubt it. They made it personal when they took away our friends' freedom,'' Sonic said, his tone serious.
''Unfortunately, the information we have on Agent Shadow is inconclusive… As in, the energy spike he created friend our computers and the technicians will take a couple of days to fix them,'' Dr. Manilla told Commander Williams. ''However, from what I have gathered, the hedgehog is incredibly powerful, and I believe that even Sakamoto didn't manage to get any correct data on his abilities. Furthermore, simply absorbing BioEnergy results in just the usual growth we observed in other Irregulars, but it when the hedgehog did… something, his energy levels suddenly went off the charts. I've never seen anything like this before,'' Dr. Manilla said in amazement. ''I'm asking your for permission to conduct more exams on the two, since they're refusing to participate.''
''Do you think they'd be ready for a mission?'' Commander Williams suddenly asked.
''Well, they're in good condition and the hedgehog's combat skills are quite astounding-'' Dr. Manilla was interrupted by the Commander.
''Then, I don't believe further exams are necessary. We need these two for the next mission,'' Commander Williams told her. Dr. Manilla pouted, but she nodded.
''Yes, sir. I'll try to salvage whatever data I can find on the computer,'' she muttered, walking out of the room. Commander Williams then turned to the other person in the room, his assistant.
''Call Agent Sakamoto, Agent Shadow and Agent Rouge to the meeting room for a briefing. I want them to be there in ten minutes tops,'' the Commander told the man, who just nodded and left. He then turned to his monitor, frowning as the insignia of the Eggman Empire flashed across the screen.
This mission was going to take priority.
#Previous Chapter
#Current Chapter
#Next Chapter
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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lunieloon · 1 month
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Howard Y'Doin and Dewey D.S. (Decimal System) met when they were kids in their home city of Crimson Point. Most people ignored triangles there, but Howard was taught from a young age that a person's worth isn't determined by their shape.
Howard was born to a star and a triangle shapeling. His dad- the star shapeling- left them both to pursue the life of fame all star shapelings were destined for. Leaving him to look out for them both. His mother was always sick, and she was always preparing him for the worst despite his insistence that she would recover if she kept her hopes up. Howard managed to get a guitar when he was 10 and took to performing on the streets for cash as a kid. That's where he met Dewey.
Dewey was born to a rectangle and a square shapeling who were leaving him behind in Crimson Point to have a "fresh start" in Cyber Square. He knew something was wrong with him. He could feel it in the way his wings and chest ached every time he flew. Because of this, he would walk everywhere. He was fending for himself near the ground level of the city when he heard the strumming of a guitar.
There was another Shapeling on the ground, playing for the people that flew by without even looking at him. Dewey got closer and the star smiled at him.
From then on, the two were inseparable, and Howard vowed to find a way to save him and his mom from the early deaths all triangles were destined for.
But street performing could only get him so far, and as time went on, his mother's condition worsened. By the time he was 14, she was gone.
Dewey knew he would follow sooner rather than later, he saw how much Howard was doing for the both of them, and he didn't want him to waste his destiny as a star watching over him of all people.
So he suggested they run away to Cerulean Circle- where there was a better chance for someone to notice Howard's talents so he could live a good life.
But Howard saw this as his chance to get enough money to save Dewey.
So the two ran off and crossed a whole ocean to make it. When they saw the shimmering lights of the blue city, they were 18 years old. Dewey was holding up surprisingly well. Howard saw it as a sign he would be able to save him. The two carved out a place for themselves. Dewey was hesitant to put a label on their relationship (he still believed he would die soon) but Howard would always remember him as his soulmate (platonically and romantically)
Howard began attending auditions, and did find success in performing. But he never took the bigger jobs that required him to move a lot, because he didn't want to leave Dewey.
But the world was catching wind of Howard Y'Doin, and when auditions for the Generational Big 3 came around, his fans wanted him to try out.
So he asked Dewey if he should.
Dewey said he would never forgive him if he didn't take this chance, since this was his dream since they were kids. So Howard agreed to audition. (On the condition that Dewey came to support him) ((That's also where THIS image happened!))
Of course, the world fell in love with him almost as much as Dewey had. But nothing good could last forever, and Dewey knew his aching wings were only getting worse.
He held on as long as he could for Howard's sake.
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ryukang1995 · 2 months
Some notes and brainstorming for a Mortal Kombat AU that takes elements from the previous timelines as well as New MK1, plus my own set of ideas.
Liu Kang is the main hero. Kung Lao is his cousin.
Sonya Blade is Liu Kang's love interest. Jax is her superior and uncle figure.
Kuai Liang is Scorpion. He and Smoke were taken in by the Shirai Ryu after deserting the Lin Kuei.
Hanzo Hasashi is the Shirai Ryu grandmaster, and a father figure to both Kuai Liang and Smoke.
Kitana is Kuai Liang's love interest. Mileena is her sister who is cursed. Jade is her loyal friend while Tanya is Mileena's.
Bi Han is Sub-Zero. Sektor is his accomplice. Cyrax also deserted the Lin Kuei after escaping the Cyber Initiative.
Raiden is the mentor to the heroes. Fujin is his brother.
Kano is cybernetically enhanced, similar to his appearance in Snow Blind.
Kenshi is descended from a clan of Samurai. Johnny Cage becomes his ally.
Goro is the Shokan prince, and he's rather morally grey. Sheeva is close to him. Kintaro is a rare hybrid of Shokan and Tiger.
Baraka is a Tarkatan warrior. Reptile is a humanoid with a Zaterran form. Both of them are also morally grey.
Stryker is a fellow officer of Jax and Sonya's squad.
Kabal was a former Black Dragon member turned officer who is conflicted over where he stands.
Nightwolf is a legend among his tribe.
Noob Saibot is Kuai Liang and Bi Han's dead father.
Rain is an Edenian mage who betrayed his realm for Outworld.
Shujinko and Bo' Rai Cho are instructors of the White Lotus Society. Li Mei is Kung Lao's love interest.
Sindel is the queen of Edenia. Ermac is the reincarnation of King Jerrod fused with other dead souls.
General Shao is Outworld's champion. Motaro and Reiko are his fellow commanders.
Shang Tsung is the primary villain. He has an uneasy alliance with Quan Chi.
Ashrah was a demon who is now purified and rebels against Quan Chi.
Havik is an enigmatic being bent on spreading chaos.
There are definitely a few characters I left out for the sake of time, but these are the main ones in my mind.
While I am mixed on MK1, I do think some of the ideas have potential to work within a separate universe that doesn't rely on multiverse shenanigans.
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Nino Couffaine AU
So this is a crack AU where instead of having a twin brother, Nino is the adopted bro of Juleka. It’s based on the “Nino is Luka” meme. Hope you enjoy
Luka was never born in this timeline. Instead, when Juleka was a baby, Anarka Couffaine adopted Nino Lahiffe after his mother’s death from childbirth. She had been good friends with Miss Lahiffe, and decided to honor her by raising the child as her own.
Things are much different for Juleka and Nino. While the two love each other, they can argue about things more than Luka did.
Juleka has a little more inner-confidence in herself, due to her brother’s enthusiastic personality. On the other hand, Nino’s a little more chill, due to his sister’s shyness.
Nino has more appreciation for gothic culture, and listens to emo tunes, not because he’s sad, but because he loves the melodies. He’s also more of a cyber goth.
Jagged decides to stay as a father, for the sake of Nino’s deceased biological mom, and from encouragement from Anarka. Because of this, his career is less active, and Juleka is more of an outward rocker.
Anarka still acts like a pirate, but only at her job as a children’s entertainer.
As a black kid raised by a white family, Nino has some insecurities about his identity, and hates it when people assume he isn’t Juleka’s sister. It’s thanks to the encouragement of both his family and friends that while the system is inherently against him, what matters at all is that he matters just as much as anyone else, and that they are his friends and family, no matter what.
So what did you think? I think I’ll make a few more posts about this, even if probably won’t become a full on AU like some of my other ones. As always, @artzychic27 and @msweebyness. Make sure to reblog, reply, post, and ask to lemme know what you think. As always, stay on the lookout for Class of Villainy, Class of Heroes, and Mirrorverse!
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kreestatic · 2 years
Rambling a bit about Rouxls Kaard
Something odd I noticed while playing. Rouxl's teleportation has the same effect when your SOUL is glowing and sealing the Fountain
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Presumably, the Dark Fountain is sealed with Light cause of course it does. Is Rouxls not a full Darkner?
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Rouxls leaving Kris's pocket at the beginning of Chapter 2
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Remember that he could survive in the Cyber World without turning into a statue, while Lancer immediately started to be weak just a few minutes out in the Dark World. He just "turned into a statue" when Kris and Ralsei appeared. Heck, he didn't even fully turn into a statue
An idea is he could be like Ralsei who is made of the Grand Dark Fountain but I don't really think so. It could be that Rouxls has a part of Light in him. He isn't a full Darkner
Another odd thing about Rouxls is that he has a Gaster motif in his songs: "Rouxls Kaard" and "It's Pronounced " Rules", just really sped up in the background. Heck, he even looks a little bit like Gaster
I just don't think Rouxls is just a Darkner. If so then why does he have that effect? An effect that represents Pure Light?
Some speculatory stuff:
Rouxls was made by Gaster.
When Gaster discovered Dark Worlds, he wanted to see if he can manipulate them, so he created his own Darkner, Rouxls
Rouxls is a piece of Gaster.
Gaster wanted to know if he himself could have a Darkner form, so he disguised himself as Rouxls Kaard
If the Knight is Gaster, then that's just probably another piece of him. Think of Rouxls like the Diary Horcrux from Harry Potter
Rouxls is Gaster's son
I don't really take this theory too seriously, cause it's a bit ridiculous. Who knows, maybe Gaster hooked up with some Darkner and they made Rouxls ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe that's why he has that Light effect, cause he's half Lightner
A small detail that could carry this theory is this line from Seám
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The straight interpretation of this is that they're talking about the Chaos (Spade) King and Lancer. But the wording of it can also prefer to The Knight's (for the sake of this thread, let's assume it's Gaster) son. And who was the other person put into power? Rouxls
I think Rouxls might be the Sans type character of Deltarune. More of a comedic relief but a lot of strength hidden inside him. Also, they're both characters that tie to Gaster
I wonder what role Rouxls will play in Chapter 3. If he appears again as a mini-boss like in Chapter 3, then there's definitely something to look for there
These are all speculation and a bunch o' ramblings so take it with a grain of salt
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pro-prin-prinny · 3 months
Which Yu-Gi-Oh deck would you're favorite characters play?
I'll be providing images so if I run out of room part two will be a reblog. For the sake of deck building rules I'll go with it needs to be an established archetype but characters would have custom cards to them within the archetype. We'll start with the siblings.
Ashley Graves-
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Ashley's nightmarish yet childish nature leads me to believe she would play a Fluffal/Frightfur deck. Her signature cards would of course be a pink and green fluffal rabbit and her ace would be a Frightfur fusion of the two.
Andrew Graves-
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Andrew being the hopeless romantic that he is would play a Black Rose deck. His deck would be full of plants that would deal burn damage upon being destroyed with some of them dealing damage to both players instead of just one. His signature card would be a tuner that treated synchro summoning as destroying and his ace would of course be Black Rose Dragon.
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I don't think I could see the Machine Herald playing any deck that wasn't Cyber Dragon. I imagine there would be a few monsters that synergize in his deck that go from one type to machine type. His signature cards would be a monster that changes to machine type at the cost of turning an opponent's monster into machine type and DNA Surgery. His ace monster would be Chimeratech Fortress Dragon.
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