pricelessemotion · 1 year
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gio-cosmo · 3 months
ooh, 14, 21 and 22?
Hiii ^^
14. Worst game you’ve ever played?
ooo this one’s tough…realistically, the worst game I’ve ever played is probably some low-budget knockoff wii game I played as a kid or something LMFAOO but I feel like that’s a predictable answer on my part. I feel like I’ve had pretty good luck with games I end up playing, I’m really picky so usually I just. Refuse to pick up a game at all if it doesn’t look interesting lmfaoo. I will say though….the two games I most regret purchasing are Fire Emblem Engage & Pokemon Scarlet 😭 they aren’t the worst games ever by any means but. They were both 60 bucks and I never play them. Very devastating for my measly bank account 😢 ALSO tbf I feel like the reason I dislike Fire Emblem Engage is bc I want another Fire Emblem game to kind of go along the same layout of Three Houses…not a direct copy obviously but Three Houses was just so good. It’s so good in fact that any time I play any other Fire Emblem game that ISN’T Three Houses I’m like….🫤 LMFAOO which I know isn’t a very good mindset for me to have and I should stop comparing them so heavily but…alas. BUT I suppose I can’t even really give Engage a proper rating since I haven’t finished it. Idk I just didn’t really care for the storyline or characters but that’s just me personally.
21. A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving?
There’s actually quite a few where this has happened!! There’s been a plethora of games I’ve seen on Steam or in a store and I’ll look it over and be like “ehhh this really doesn’t look like my thing…but it has good ratings…and it’s under my recommended…” and then I’ll usually set it off to the side, and once I get really incredibly bored I’ll cave in and buy it just to give me something to do LMAOO. Needy Streamer Overload was one where I was very skeptic about at first, but I actually really ended up enjoying it (I especially love the soundtrack!) and also World of Horror! I remember seeing people say it was boring and the game mechanics looked so overwhelming so I put off buying it forever, but I finally got it a few weeks ago and it’s probably my fav horror game of all time now. I’m mentally kicking myself for avoiding it so avidly for so long! I don’t find it boring at all, I love games that are built to be replayed as many times as you want. It was funny though bc when I first started playing I was so confused..had me staring at the screen like ☹️ LMFAOO I WAS ACTUALLY BEFUDDLED. But after a few playthroughs it ends up being easy to understand which I am very thankful for. ALSO. Slay the Princess!! Another one I avoided for a while for..honestly idek why. But oh my GODDD I LOVE SLAY THE PRINCESS WOOO YAYYY 🎉 slay the princess honestly was such a crazy surreal experience idek how to describe it. It’s so awesome. It’s coming out on the Switch w a 200 dollar collectors addition thingy and oh my god. Bro. I am DEVASTATED at my lack of funds 😭😭 I actually have to put it out of my mind bc if I think abt it excessively I get really sad 💔 ANYWAYYYSS SHOUTOUT TO SLAY THE PRINCESS 🗣️🗣️ so wonderfully made, beautiful artwork, stunning music…omg. Also grotesque at times but in a way that’s just so fundamentally different and unique? If that makes sense? It’s all so meaningful and connected and they manage to express so many emotions throughout a playthrough. I’ve got every achievement and I’m so happy I gave it a shot :) OH. Also One Shot! One Shot is great…oh my goodness. Woaw. This is making me realize how overly skeptical I am about every game I ever purchase in the history of ever LMFAOO why am I so overly critical 💀 like why do I always have to mull it over for months smh 😭
22. Do you watch any other gamers?
As of right now, no. Not routinely, anyways. I used to be obsessed with watching YouTube game playthroughs as a kid, but I’m not really all that into it anymore. However! I will say that what got me into the Persona franchise back when I was a 5th grade child (?!?!??) is Kubz Scout’s playthrough of it on YouTube! I watched him tons as a kid (someone should’ve been monitoring my internet access for sure 💀) and I still watch some of his gaming videos every now and then. So. Shoutout to Kubz Scout’s for introducing me to my favorite game franchise everrr!! 🗣️🗣️ absolutely crazy that I was watching Persona playthroughs in elementary school though LMFAOO every time I think abt it I’m like … where were my parents at !! 😭
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str0yberries · 7 months
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Oh my goddd thank you so so much :DD I don't celebrate the new lunar year but I truly appreciate this ask, it made me laugh how the person looked so serious while throwing the wrapped money. This single-handedly made me want to research the history of red envelopes and guess what?? It’s a tradition to give your friends and family bright red envelopes filled with money. But it’s not about the money — it’s all about the envelopes. They symbolize good wishes and luck for the year ahead. With today’s technology, many people have exchanged digital red envelopes instead of traditional paper ones.
The tradition comes from an old story about a demon, Sui, who would terrorize children on New Year’s Eve. Parents would try to keep their children awake by giving them eight coins to play with. Inevitably, many of the children would fall asleep, and the coins (eight immortals in disguise) would light up and drive the demon away. The envelope is now symbolic of the coins.
The amount of money never includes the number 4 because the Chinese pronunciation of “four” sounds like the word for death.
It’s the biggest holiday in Asian culture
The Lunar New Year is the oldest and most important holiday in China — and it’s also celebrated in countries like Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam. Over 2 billion people celebrate the holiday around the world.
It’s also called the Spring Festival
Even though winter weather is still around, the Lunar New Year is also called the Spring Festival. The holiday welcomes the beginning of spring. The traditional Chinese Lunar Calendar originated about 4,000 years ago and was created to divide the year into seasons for agriculture. Because the new year falls around the time the sun is entering a position to start a gradual warming, many farmers will start planting crops – signifying the beginning of spring, which is one of the ways the holiday was also dubbed the Spring Festival.
Many traditions – like wearing the color red – started from an ancient legend about a monster
According to Chinese legends, a beast named Nian would devour villagers on New Year’s Eve. Many traditions are linked to the “Guo Nian,” which means surviving Nian’s attack. For example, legend has it that many people tried to ward off Nian with food, but wearing red is what ultimately drove the monster away. It’s also why fireworks are a big part of traditions – the sound is said to scare off evil spirits.
The dates change every year
Many Chinese rulers debated the start of the festival, and for years, the dates went back and forth. It finally was decided that it should follow the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. This marked the beginning of the festival as the first new moon of the year and ends will the full moon, which is 15 days (about 2 weeks). This means it can fall anywhere between Jan. 21 and Feb. 21. And this year it seemed to be the tenth. Lastly, did you know that the fireworks aren’t just to make the sky sparkly??
The story of Nian isn’t just about wearing red to scare the monster away. Traditional Chinese culture also used fireworks to frighten the evil spirits. In China, fireworks will go off at different times depending on the region, but the most common times include when the reunion dinner is ready, at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Day, again in the morning of the new year and the last day of celebration.
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antpernas · 4 years
This day was... whew boy. A trip.
So, we started off alright, we woke up at an OK time but didn’t end up getting ready to do stuff until after my parents had left for work. At that point, we decided to *get it on* which was SOOOO much fun. Douching together was hilarious, and a nice little throwback to when we first met. It was also nice to finally have sex with someone that I truly, deeply cared about again, and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) to have it be reciprocated. The fact that it was good sex was just a nice perk :) Definitely boosted my confidence with topping, since it had been so long!
After we finished up, we started getting ready to head north! Our first task was to test my kayak and see if it would hold up under our combined weights. The answer; barely! But barely would HAVE to do, since the beach I wanted to take him to was only accessible by boat or by kayak. We loaded my kayak, and this time I made sure that I actually grabbed the oars! Then, off we went!
Before we got to the park, we made a stop at Joseph’s market to get some lunch. Oh my GODDD how horrible a decision that was!! Scorpio was, yet again, overwhelmed with the many choices available to him. He ended up buying various quantities of different items, as opposed to doing the dinner combo like I had suggested, and spent just a bit too much money on food. But, GREAT food, so in my opinion it was worth it! Though, I’m sure his wallet didn’t feel the same.
Afterwards, we made a straight shot to the park, all the while making sure my kayak wasn’t slipping off my car to go tumbling into traffic like a large boulder the size of a small boulder. I think Scorpio ate a little bit while I was driving, and I, as always, took the opportunity to show him more music. This time, I showed him the soundtrack to the sequel of the game I tried to get us to play the night before, which we ended up dozing off while playing. Once we got there, I parked so I could eat my food, then we started getting ready to launch!
Getting into the kayak was the simple partl. The real challenge was getting across to the entrance. Poor Scorpio had to sit in the seat and row us across on this barely balanced kayak, otherwise the weight wasn’t properly distributed. I remember him asking me to hold him tighter while he rowed, which was just... UGH butterflies! It was in this moment that I started singing “Go the Distance,” sparking a new, very unique step in my intimacy with him. Singing seriously was something I had never done in front anyone, and especially not intentionally. I felt very vulnerable, but it was also kind of liberating. And he told me it helped, which made me feel even better. Soon enough, we made it across!
The walk to the beach was gorgeous, and we ended up sparking a discussion about Disney movies and Broadway musicals, which was a part of my memories I hadn’t brushed off in a LONG time. It was also interesting to hear about some of his experiences with them. As much as I love to talk, hearing him talk about his past or his life at any time he felt comfortable sharing it was so amazing. It was almost like it made him seem more real to me, like he wasn’t just this perfect, extraterrestrial angel that brought happiness everywhere he went, but in fact, a human! It was nice.
We ended up singing some more until we got to the beach, which was choppy as SHIT. I already knew from the clouds that it wouldn’t be a good day for snorkeling, but to say I had anticipated the water to be that bad would be a lie. We ended up making an attempt for a few minutes before we just decided to swim normally and then walk the beach and chat more. At some point, we turned around to start trying to get to the exit, but we couldn’t find it! We ended up passing it and hitting the north end of the beach/island, talking about musicals and stuff the entire way there. We found a pretty cool abandoned jetty/pier thing, though, which was SUPER cool. We decided to risk losing the daylight and walked along it while chatting some more.
We got a ways into the path before he stopped me for a second and said there was something he wanted to tell me.
Oh boy.
He didn’t even finish the sentence before I knew where this was going. And then he said it. “I just don’t think I like you that way... You’re like a bro to me.” Surprisingly, I took this pretty well at first! I didn’t cry, didn’t pout, and I think I handled it pretty well. But then we sort of finished the conversation that we were having and it went dead silent between us. And THAT’S when I started to feel it.
I don’t even think I can recount the absolute rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts I had while we started searching for the exit again. I tried my best to be as sweet and enthusiastic as I normally was with him, but I just wasn’t in the headspace to do it, I don’t think. And halfway through the walk back to the dock from the beach exit, I just started choking on my tears. I remember just being so very... conflicted? Angry? Sad? I just couldn’t even begin to piece it together. I was disgusted with myself for thinking I was mad at Scorpio simply because he didn’t feel the same way about me, and I felt stupid for even thinking to feel entitled to that from him in the first place, even though, up until that point, it had never occurred to me that I was! I still don’t even think I was; my mind was just trying to jump to an easy answer to the questions I had bouncing in my head, and blaming Scorpio seemed like the most simple solution, even though every part of me knew that’s not what I wanted to do.
I kept thinking about it, though, and once we were coming up on the entrance, I finally realized who I was REALLY angry at; myself. I was angry because I felt stupid for devoting so much of myself to someone who never felt the same way, for potentially making someone I cared about so much feel that they were obligated to show me that same affection back. Once I came upon this realization, the waterworks REALLY started coming down. But it was liberating to know that I wasn’t truly angry at Scorpio. Really, all I felt in my heart for him was, and is, love. And it was comforting to know that there was nothing more to this situation than that it just. Plain. Sucked. We can’t control who we get butterflies for, and it just so happened that Scorpio didn’t feel that way for me. And that’s okay!
(Sidebar, he chipped his toenail soon after he told me that, and joked that the universe was already putting him in his place. I have a thing to say about that later.)
And this is when I asked myself one very important question; what’s next? That’s what I got to mull on once we got to the kayak and I had to hold him while he rowed us across again, still in silence.
Loading the kayak was a bit of a chore, but we managed to do it and started heading on our way. As much as I tried to hold back my tears once we started going, it just wasn’t happening. This was especially true once I REALLY tried to choke them back to finish talking about the soundtrack to the game I was showing him. The floodgates were OPENED. But it was a relief.
We started chatting and I got what I wanted to say off my chest; that it was all okay. That I realized I’m just mad at myself, and that it’s not his fault that he doesn’t feel the same way for me (not that he needed my validation or anything). I thanked him for being honest and giving me the chance to see him again, as well as this closure, and I apologized for being distant while we were heading back to my car. He was reassuring through all of this, telling me that it was okay, and making sure I understood that he still wanted to be friends, as long as I wanted to be.
And this is when I sort of came upon an answer to that question. I realized a LOT in that hour~ long period after he told me what he needed to, but perhaps the most important takeaway for me is that I just want to be happy. All the other details about situations are semantics; if I love someone and it makes me happy to spend time with them, then I should do it! And if it doesn’t, then I won’t. It’s as simple as that. It doesn’t matter if we’re dating, if we’re friends, or whatever it may be; I didn’t even have concrete definitions for those anyway, so this thought process was the real answer to all my problems. Do what makes me happy. And Scorpio makes me happy. So even if he doesn’t love me the same way, if he wants to be friends, then I’m thankful he’s not just cutting me out of his life and I get to spend more time with him some day! I just need time to get over the heartbreak and adjust to our new relationship. A strong relationship at that.
The “thing” I had to say earlier was that I didn’t by any means want Scorpio to feel as though he deserved some kind of punishment just for breaking my heart. I can already imagine it sucks to hurt someone you care about, and the last thing I would ever want is to rub salt in his wounds. I may poke fun about it in the future when we see each other again, but I would never want to make him feel as though he needs to truly be ashamed or guilty for being honest with me. It’s sort of for this same reason that I don’t like saying he “broke my heart.” Even though he did, just saying it like that paints him as an antagonist, when really, he was just honest with me, and he still means the world to me. He made me realize I need better friends, JAJA!
But, yeah! That was my internal journey, and after that all that was left was to heal, mostly. On the way home, I gushed more about the soundtrack and we chatted about my background with music. He said he was always impressed with me and how I’d taught myself so much about music, and it made me feel all sheepish, but good! We stopped at my old middle school and took a walk around the park/trail right outside of it, and chatted a little bit more about me and my childhood. Once we finished there, we hopped back in the car and went home.
For the most part, home was alright! The only weird part was figuring out our new boundaries, and since everything was so fresh, I wasn’t sure where I wanted to set them. Of course, the ball was in my court, but I didn’t want to suddenly turn on a dime and act as if I didn’t like Scorpio at all, because that would never be the case! My second greatest regret of that trip was not cuddling him when we went to sleep that night.
EDIT: I LIED we tried to play Monument Valley before we went to sleep but we ended up dozing off. Also we talked about our views on relationships when we parked at Red Reef park.
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kiyokoks · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
i was tagged by @baqukou so let’s do this !!
1.  What is the color of your hairbrush? my main one is purple but i have a yellow wet brush for after i shower :P
2. Name a food you never eat? olives !! i can’t stand them, every time i get a beef empanada i personally stick my fingers inside and pull the olive out 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm! i get hot super easily i’m like an overpowered space heater
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? playing animal crossing: new horizons on my switch lite !! i laid down the construction for the river bridge and am trying to build three new houses for arriving villagers :))
5.  What is your favorite candy bar? it’s not from canada so i can’t always have it but from peru aka where my mom is from but the white chocolate sublime bar w nuts !!! it’s so good i ration my candy from the motherland
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yea! in jr high aside from playing basketball, i qualified for the edmonton public schools zones sports fest for running, though i can’t remember which dash in particular
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “voya ir a me cuarto” aka im going to go to my room in spanish to my mom
8. What is your favorite ice cream? mint chocolate chip! i love the sweet but spearmint taste
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? coffee with sugar and almond milk 
10. Do you like your wallet? yes !! it’s a white coach wallet my mom bought me when we went to calgary cross iron mills mall it’s super cute
11. What was the last thing you ate? quesadillas for breakfast bc they’re easy to cook (i’m lactose intolerant but some things are worth the abdominal pain!!)
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i got two new shirts i ordered online from hot topic !! one of them is a black my hero academia heroes rising movie poster shirt, and one is a yellow bakugou t-shirt 
13. The last sporting event you watched? the haikyuu!! season 3 shiratorizawa match
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? caramel omg my mom makes the best caramel popcorn with nuts 
15.  Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my best friend ally !! she let me visit her island yesterday to chop trees for that last bit of softwood i needed for timmy and tommy’s shop
16. Ever go camping? yea! my jr high had an annual fall camping trip for 3 days where we’d hang out and play games at night it was awesome i actually miss it a lot
17.  Do you take vitamins? yea lmao my mom always worries that i’m not eating well and need vitamins
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? i used to, but now i have a shift in the morning at w*rk every sunday so nope not anymore
19. Do you have a tan? you bet! my mom is from peru but she’s kinda light-skinned (by south american standards) but my dad is from el salvador and is VERY brown skinned so i have a very obvious brown tan all year round bc genetics !! it’s obvs darker in the summer tho 
20.  Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? chinese food all the way babeyyy !! dim sum is so fucking good i could never give it up, i even had my 18th birthday at a chinese hot pot restaurant w all of my homegirls
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? nope lolol i think i did once or twice at like a party
22. What color socks do you usually wear? usually pink or purple 
23.  Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i don’t drive but if i did i wouldn’t i hate reckless drivers so fucking much
24. What terrifies you? needles and gory medical procedures !! i remember when i watched the 100 and one of the season finales where they extract bone marrow was rough for me to watch i screamed very quietly 
25. Look to your left, what do you see? im sitting down at my desk so my switch lite
26. What chore do you hate? laundry bc if u fuck it up there’s real consequences
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i have to hold myself back from laughing it’s so funny
28. What’s your favorite soda? another thing from the motherland but inca cola !! it’s kinda hard to find but when i do get it ohhh my goddd
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? typically im hanging out w my friends when i get fast food so yea we go inside 
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my mami 
31. Favorite cut of beef? tendon!! it’s so fucking good in Vietnamese pho i sometimes pay for extra 
32.  Last song you listened to? boy with luv (feat. halsey) by bts
33. Last book you read? does fic count ?? bc if so chapter 28 of the devil ships zeku on ao3
34. Favorite day of the week? monday !! bc no w*rk and it’s the start of a new week
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? god nope nope no i don’t have the brain cells
36. How do you like your coffee? with sugar and almond milk though idk how much sugar i just kinda match it with the amount of instant coffee whoops
37. Favorite pair of shoes? my red timberland boots !! they go with everything i wear and are super comfy for a long day at uni, plus they can take any kind of weather (this sounds like a sales pitch lmfaoofhf)
38. The time you normally go to sleep? pre-quarantine was like 10:30PM since i had to wake up at 5 to get ready in time for my mom to drop me off at the bus stop for my 8AM classes but quarantine bedtime is more like 1AM now
39.  The time you normally get up? usually around 7am or 8am, but for w*rk on the weekends around 6am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets!! they’re so pretty to look at 
41. How many blankets on your bed? four !! i sleep with four blankets at night so i’m ultra warm
42. Describe your kitchen plates: hmmm well they’re white with a nice flower pattern, but we also have some tiny plain white ones and then some multicoloured plastic ones
43.  Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? well i don’t like alcohol in general but the one time i did try it w my friends at a restaurant it was kinda sweet so that was nice
44.  Do you play cards? kind of ?? if someone brings a pack of cards im down but i never carry any myself
45.  What color is your car? i don’t have a car but black would be nice 
46. Can you change a tire? nope i don’t drive and on top of that i’m a dumbass HOWEVER if i do get a car i will learn how to !!
47. Your favorite province? British Columbia bc they don’t have dumbass, oil loving, neo-con war hawk fuckwits like we do here in alberta
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? i pretty much hate my job with everything that is inside me but doing online grocery delivery has almost no customer interaction so i like that
49.  How did you get your biggest scar? hmmm well i have one on my left ankle from when i sprained it by being a dumbass and trying to ballet spin on my slippery kitchen floor with socks on but other than that i have no scars
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? i let my little sister play on my switch lite for a bit with a different game and i helped my mom with her virtual farm on her ipad
thanks for tagging me !! feel free to do this if u want but im gonna take @thebakuboy @bakugobinch @detectivejigsawpines and @noticemedeku
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abigailtopaz · 6 years
3x12 Bizzarodale - My thoughts
1. TIERRA I AM SCREAMING and Josie being like “We fully disgaree” with them not wanting a big wedding I love her
2. tHe gArgOyLe kInG hAs wOn
3. “Tom and I are finally tying the knot.” CAN YOU HEAR ME SCREAM
4. “wE uSeD tO bE gOoD fRiEndS”
6. I hate it when Cheryl says “Tee-Tee” I’m sorry
7. Hermione in glasses. I am dead. Hermione in general. I am so gay.
8. Veronica can you please talk like a teenager would talk and not like a 70 year old? Thanks.
9. Okay but Kevin deserves better than Moose but I lowkey like them I am sorry
11. I am so happy Sweet Pea has a home I cry :’)
12. Heartbroken Sweet Pea makes me sad I wanna cry goodbye
14. His smile Oof I’m melting
15. I know his dick is big. I know it. I know it’s big.
16. “gArgOyLe kInG” I am so done with this istg
17. Kevin is the cutest I wanna cry
18. Cheryl’s nails really worry me ajjaksks
19. Cheryl is a bitch. She has no right to out someone like that. It’s so disrespectful and just not okay.
20. Kevin my bby 😭😭😭😭
21. Toni calling Cheryl out like that 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 We stan
23. Josie my bby istg she’s so adorable I wanna hug her and tell her everything is gonna be okay 😭😭
24. Reggie is so dumb I love it 😂
25. Veggie.... I am conflicted
28. Josie being sad is something I am not here for AT ALL and Archie is such a cutie istfg
29. Reggie istfg 😂
31. Toni is so cute 😭😭
33. Cheryl apologising is good, but she would’ve never done it if Toni didn’t say anything
35. Awwwww Kevin my bby
36. I know I should listen but all I’m focusing on is Sierra’s open blouse I’m not even sorry
37. “It’s a prank. And we’ve been played.” I have to laugh
39. Even Penelope is worried and it shows that deep down she really cares for Cheryl
41. Oh boyyyy
43. Oh daaaaaamn that flashback
44. “Jelly Belly” 😭😭😭
45. Bitter that we didn’t get to see the Tierra wedding
48. Moose leaving has me crying I-
49. Kevin crying breaks my heart
50. “Pretty Poisons” I’m cringing I’m sorry
51. Hermione and Gladys are fucking leave me alone
52. Gladys is a great villain and I am so ready for the drama
Ugh this episode was amazing ngl I am so ready for the new one 😭👏🏻👏🏻
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sambart93 · 6 years
2018.09.15 KAT-TUN CAST in Yokohama Arena [Report]
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01. New Genesis 02. FIRE STORM 03. ONE DROP 04. UNLOCK 05. 喜びの歌 06. 願い 07. READY FOR THIS! 08. DIRTY, SEXY, NIGHT 09. Ask Yourself 10. Don’t wait 11. Sweet Birthday 12. GREATEST JOURNEY MC Segment 13. vivid LOVE 14. UNIVERSE (宇宙Six) 15. Marionation (中丸雄一) 16. World’s End. (上田竜也) 17. One way love (亀梨和也) 18. Real Face #2 19. ツイテオイデ 20. BIRTH 21. Love yourself ~君が嫌いな君が好き~ 22. DON’T U EVER STOP 23  KISS KISS KISS 24. Will Be All Right 25. アイノオカゲ 26. 薫 27. Unstoppable
-アンコール- 28. Peacefuldays 29. ノーマ���ー・マター 30. FUNtastic
Can we talk about how much I fucking LOVE these boys? I love them with ALL my heart!!! 
At YokoAri there really isn’t a bad seat. But I was super happy with me! I got the first row in the stands (2nd floor) and it was amazing!! And we got the best surprise ever when we were allowed and able to stand up! Usually the first row of stands are NOT allowed to stand and must stay sat for the entire performance but not for KAT-TUN because KT were of course like ‘fuck that rule! Our fans won’t stand for that’ <<< AHAHA GET MY JOKE?! So we stood the entire time! I think it was just over 2 and a half hours which is GREAT!!
I’ll try and split up the songs and such into their sections and costume changes -- but I could be VERY wrong:
願い READY FOR THIS! DIRTY, SEXY, NIGHT Ask Yourself Don’t wait Sweet Birthday GREATEST JOURNEY
MC vivid LOVE UNIVERSE (宇宙Six)
Marionation (中丸雄一) World’s End. (上田竜也) One way love (亀梨和也)
Real Face #2 ツイテオイデ BIRTH Love yourself ~君が嫌いな君が好き~ DON’T U EVER STOP KISS KISS KISS Will Be All Right アイノオカゲ
薫 Unstoppable
-アンコール- Peacefuldays ノーマター・マター FUNtastic
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The opening is great! They enter and come down from a massive hanging chandelier thing in the air! It is amazing!! An amazing opening! When I watch it the second time, I’ll keep and eye on that big hanger and try and see them slip into place just before the show starts xD
READY FOR THIS and Dirty, Sexy Night was so great! I loved this coupling of songs! The first one get everyone hyped up and I love the individual dances the boys having during the instrumental/dance part in RFT! And DSN is just a great song all around where Kame can be a little shit xD
Ueda ripped his shirt open and kept it like that after ONE DROP xD everyone went mental and he kept it undone ALL the way until after the MC when he got changed xD
I died laughing when UchuuSix were first introduced because, I had already spoiled myself for the SetList so knew which Juniors were going to be there, but my friend didn’t. So when the boys came on stage and the ‘SIX’ showed first, my friend was like ‘AH HELLA NAH! NOT SIXTONES!!!!!’ but then went to UchuuSix and she was like “OH THANK GODDD’, and I was on the floor laughing because her react was so comical. No offence to SixTones fans >.<
UchuuSix were actually very good! I really enjoyed their song! I was bopping along and it was so interesting to see who stayed standing during their solo song because then you could see who the Junior fans were and their uchiwas, whereas all the KT fans just sat down and took it as a short break xD
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The MC was THE BEST! So they had their usual talk which was just ridiculous of course because Maru was like ‘so..... what did you do recently?’ and everyone commented that they hate that phrases and question but then Maru paused ‘....so what did you do recently?’ and we all died laughing. And so Kame replied ‘well I went to the beach (Ueda/Maru: and you didn’t get discovered (by fans/press)?!), it was really nice and relaxing’, but then he was like ‘I’m always the one that talks the most and I have NO IDEA what you two do on your days off! WHAT DO YOU DO?! I know you box and you draw but... WHAT DO YOU DO?!’ so Ueda replied that recently he’d been going to smaller shops and there was one specific one in Ginza (Maru and Kame: IN GINZA?!) where an old man gave him some on the house tempura and how delicious it was. Kame asked ‘why didn’t you say no to his offer?’ and Ueda responded something like ‘what am I supposed to say? ‘*in a really rude way* I don’t need it old man! (Iranee yo Jiji!)’’ and everyone was dying. Then Ueda started saying ‘y’know if this audience was all guys--’ and Kame and Maru jumped in like ‘he’s spoken about this several times during this tour!’ and Ueda said ‘but it’s true! If this was all guys, I wouldn’t work as hard as I am! Are you telling me you’d work just as hard if our audience was all guys?!’ and neither of them specifically answered but everyone understood that they agreed with Ueda who’s all like ‘the audience is so full of women and they’re all so beautiful so I must do my best!’ xD whatta idiot. Adorable but oh god he’s funny. Towards the end of the MC, Kame picked up the towel basket and as he was leaving with Ueda he said ‘when we get backstage, tell me the name of that tempura place’ xD and then Maru stayed on stage and did his DJ Maru part on the top stage!
They also talked about the TachiMi/Standing part of the audience and Ueda was saying they should make those tickets cheaper ‘they should sell for 6500 yen!’. And then Maru was telling joking ‘even though it’s the MC... STAND!’ we’re allowed to sit during the MC, except for TachiMi.
They announced during this MC (I’m not sure about previous ones) that their TV show (Tame ni Naru Tabi +) was going to be a weekly show (thanks to hyphens’ support) from October! So naturally we all got super excited!
Just after the MC (which is shorter than we’re used to, but for good reason; coming up now!), Kame and Ueda go backstage while Nakamaru goes to the top stage, and there is his beautiful DJ set. So he does his Nakamaru DJ section with making sounds with his voice, recording them and pressing them in a certain order to make a song. 
At the end of this segment, Nakamaru addresses the boys and gives them a request. At this show we had:
Nakamaru: Could you two do an impersonation from the game, Metal Gear Solid? Ueda: *Comes on stage* Snake! SNAKE!!!! Nakamaru: That was the best! Then Kame came on stage and he was like ‘I don’t know any other lines from the game!’ so then they suggested he do something from ‘King of Fighters’ and Kame replied ‘King of Fighters? ........ KING OF FIGHTERS?!?!?!’ and everyone died laughing. Kame: What’s King of Fighters? Ueda: It was a one-on-one fighting game. Maru: Ahhh so nostalgic... Kame: I dunno. Maybe because we’re from different generations. Ueda: THAT’S IRRELEVANT! Everyone laughed again xD
We got our usual Nakamaru TV Shopping skit but we had Ueda’s new character Yankee-kun join in! So we had the three of them being ridiculous about the bath products xD At the end of the Nakamaru TV Shopping skit, Kame walked off screen saying ‘say chuuka.... say renga...’ and I absolutely died. Because (BACKSTORY TIME!) a long time ago when they did their first Yokohama concert as KAT-TUN in 2005, Kame asked the crowd to do a call and response of ‘Say Chuuka! Say Renga!’, but at the time KT fans had no fucking clue what he was doing (Chuuka = Chinese Food and Renga = Red Brick Warehouse which are two super famous things in Yokohama), so he got super embarrassed (he talked about the embarrassment on Cartoon KAT-TUN and another Variety show MANY years ago). I spent most of this show waiting and hoping for him to do this C&R again, so I freaked and got SO HAPPY when it appeared in this segment instead xD I felt like something on my Check List had been ticked off at that moment hehe
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I love, love, love the screen visuals for Vivid Love and Marionation! They are so gorgeous! And I love the props and the dance for Marionation too! And lets talk about how epic World’s End is! So we have an opening VTR of a snake and I just guessed ‘ooh he’s gunna cut it with a sword’ and there is a slash motion across the snake who dies as he’s cut in half and then Uepi came out on stage with a sword in his hand and I freaked! I was like ‘I WAS RIGHT! I WAS RIGHT!!’. It’s such a good performance and the visuals of the ticking timer on the screen too is great! My friend said she was disappointed in the ‘One Way Love’ performance and concept and to an extent I am BUT I totally understand why he did his performance this way. We had a prerecorded VTR of him singing the song, and then in the white or black parts of that VTR, the camera that’s following Kame on stage is shown in those parts. It is visually pleasing and great concept and looks good but I, like my friend, wanted him to do something really sexy for this song or just him actually singing it -- he did sing it a little but you could tell there was no point of him having a mic during it because he was putting his all into the modern dance he did.
Kame messed up for his line for Kun and said ‘MY DREAM’ instead of ‘My Friend’, and when he realised, he stopped singing and just smiled like a child at the camera and we all squealed obviously. It was the cutest reaction!
For the encore they came around in the trolley stand things and Ueda definitely saw us! We were only a few feet away from him so makes sense xD also the woman behind us was hilarious when Kame came along xD He pretty much pushed her small son out of the way so she could get Kame’s attention instead of her son. Me and my friend were cracking up laughing.
During the final greeting from them, we started getting really loud and clapping and woo-ing when Maru was trying to speak and he was like ‘be quiet! it’s late and other’s will hear you!’, but we did it again and got even louder and he just lipsynced ‘quit it! you’re loud!’, but you could tell him and all 3 of them loved how we just got louder and louder for them! xD During Ueda’s greeting he commented that there are some children in the audience and he was like ‘please don’t copy me! (his bad language and attitude)’.
Reports came out later that Massu had gone to watch this show too! My friend who came with me is a huge NEWS fan so was super happy to know Massu went the same time she did ^_^
And that’s all! Hopefully my second report will be up pretty quickly after this one!
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whimsymuse · 6 years
— rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
Thank you @notsoguiltykpop for tagging me in this. I’m sorry this took my so long, I wanted to answer sooner, but I didn’t have time and then it completely slipped my mind and stayed as a draft.
 I’ll tag @zigzagkyung, @jinsbangtan and @ibangtanthings if you guys want to do this. I wadded an 85th question because there wasn’t one and I wanted to know more stuff. :P
• Last:
1. Drink - Some creamsoda sodastream concoction
2. Phone call - My friend so that we could freaek out about something
3. Text message - My sister. We texting eachother after my mom yelled at her after someone else almost hit us with their car while my sister was backing out of a parking space.
4. Song you listened to - Don’t leave me ~ BTS
5. Time you cried - A few weeks ago I think, when I watched Coco with my sis
• Ever:
6. Dated someone twice - Nope (what is date???)
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - Yes. I kissed one person and I regret that being my first kiss.
8. Been cheated on - No, Ihaven’t dated sooo. People have cheated on my tests before. (If I wasn’t already nerdy enough)
9. Lost someone special - Yes
10. Been depressed - Yeah
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - No
• Fave colours:
12. A deep cerulean
13. Maroon
14. Peachy pink
• In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - Yes
16. Fallen out of love - Yes, I think? Not sure if what i felt was love but ://
17. Laughed until you cried - Definitely
18. Found out someone was talking about you - Yes
9. Met someone who changed you - For sure
20. Found out who your true friends are - Yes
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Nope
• General:
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - Almost all of them, they’re all my family and friends.
23. Do you have any pets - No , but I have many plants
24. Do you want to change your name - Yes! My parents did this thing where they gave me two names and called me by my second name and I din;t know I had a first first name until I was 8 and it started mesing up my school files. I live both of my names, but now that people are calling me by both, I feel so detached from both names.
25. What did you do for your last birthday - Went to a board game cafe with some freinds. Let’s just say I will not be eating cake again anytime soon and that I am just as clumsy as my bias.
26. What time did you wake up today - 7:40 and its a weekend =.=
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Reading fics probably.
28. What is something you can’t wait for - For me to be done all of these exams!!
30. What are you listening to right now - Distant cars driving down the highway and my fingers type on my laptop.
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - I spoke to a Tomas. I don’t think I met a Tom, but odds are I have.
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - When people dragg metal across metal, or glass. Omlll I’m cringing just thinking about the sound.
33. Most visited website - Instagram or Tumblr I think
34. Hair colour - Dark brown with some lighter brown around the bottom
35. Long or short hair - Medium. I recently cut it myself for the first time beace I was bored.
36. Do you have a crush on someone - Nopee
37. What do you like about yourself - My ability to see the bright side of situations and people. It just makes life simpler and happier imo.
38. Want any piercings? - Yess! I want a couple small ones on my left earlobe and maybe a cartillage piecing.
39. Blood type - A+ (my parents asked why it doesn’t show in my math marks)
40. Nicknames - Bittah bittah, Caramel Macchiato, Brokoro, Half of the full moon (the better half)
41. Relationship status: Single
42. Zodiac - Aries
43. Pronouns - she/her
44. Fave tv shows - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Avater the Last Airbender and Game of Thrones
45. Tattoos - No my parents would skin me alive
46. Right or left-handed - Right
47. Ever had surgery - No, though considering the amount of times i’ve hurt myself I should have by now.
48. Piercings - One in each ear, but I’m hoping to get more!
49. Sport - Yes! I used to by on my school’s volleyball team, until people got good and I couldn’t play at all in high school. I ADORE dodgeball (with the soft foam balls cause I refuse to whip the big rubber ones at people).
50. Vacation - I’m going to Europe for the first time this summer!
51. Trainers - No
• More general
52. Eating - Nothing, but now I’m hungry
53. Drinking - Nothing
54. I’m about to watch - My computer turn off casue I’m too lazy to get the charger
55. Waiting for- My exams to be over so that I can finally relax.
56. Want - To pass my exams and BTS tickets
57. Get married - Hopefully in the future. I want a family, but I also want to explore the world first, so we’ll see how things go.
58. Career - I want to work in something pertaining to international relations. I adore learning about and encountering different cultures and I reallyy want to help as many people as I can around the world.
• Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - Hugs!
60. Lips or eyes - Eyes
61. Shorter or taller - I’ve fallen for both, so I don’t think that matters to me.
62. Older or younger - Older, but again, not a big deal to me. As long as you’re sweet and we’re both mentally on the same maturity level.
63. Nice arms or stomach - Arms. I see abs and the first thing I think is, ‘this person watches what they eat... Idk if we’ll do we’ll together’
64. Hookup or relationship - Relationship.
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - Troublemaker, but i keep falling for hesitant people.
• Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger - No
67. Drank hard liquor - Yes?
68. Lost glasses - No
69. Turned someone down - Okay, so quick story time: A guy approached me in the store while I was listening to my music with both earbuds on. I only realized he was talking to me and managed to take out my earbuds when he was already half done what he was trying to say and all I caught was, “very beautiful, and I just wanted to know if you were single.” And me being the awkward egg that I stuttered out a ‘s-sorry no’ and I wanted to just casually say that I’m not interested, but immediately after he said ‘oh you’re not single’ and stupid me said “N-no, I’m not interested.” GODDD it’s been a week and I still feel so bad!!!
70. Sex on the first date - No
71. Broken someone’s heart - Doubt it
72. Had your heart broken - Yes
73. Been arrested - No
74. Cried when someone died - Yes, it was for my grandma when I was 4, but I barely knew her so I was only crying becasue my mom was.
75. Fallen for a friend - Everyone I fall for starts off as a close friend (With one exception)
• Do you believe in
76. Yourself - Most of the time
77. Miracles - Yes
78. Love at first sight - I believe in profound attraction, but I think love is only felt after seeing someone at the best and worst and then caring for them so deeply regardless.
79. Santa Claus - Of course! My presents are on the line
80. Kiss on a first date - If I really like the person, sure. But I’m so awkward so probably not.
81. Angels - Sometimes. I’d like tot hink someone is watching over me.
• Other
82. Best friend’s name - Abby, Sharon and Sharu
83. Eye colour - Dark rown
84. Fave movie - Princess and the Frog/Tangled (I’m a child, but a child with taste)
85. Anything you recommend to check out? So I’m a huge nerd and recently got into dnd. If you’re into that, I’d check out The Adventure Zone podcast. If you’re into crazy medical history I’d recommed the Sawbones podcast!
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