#FF Inarizushi
dappersheep · 1 year
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Batch 2/2 finally. Sorry that took a while, got super busy. Thanks to everyone who waited patiently to have their requests done!
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rouge-the-bat · 5 months
i tried a sample of rabbit jerky the other day and it must have unlocked something in me bc a few days later i was just like [FOX MODE ACTIVATED] I NEED. RABBIT MEAT.
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panndesal · 8 months
reisouya gamers AU
Rei being the assistant manager to financial department manager Souya, working closely with him and looking out for his boss even on off-hours. He finds out Souya can be a bit of an air-head, but is genuinely nice and even makes extra inarizushi during lunch for Rei because he liked them that one time the whole staff went to a sushi restaurant. But Rei isn't so sure about pursuing his crush on the other man, because he sees Souya being close with the engineering and logistics department managers (Dobashi and Shimada). There was also that one scene of Souya drunk in a makeout session with the other department manager holding his waist tightly to push him against their front. What could Rei offer, in his youth and inexperience?
Outside of work, Rei and Souya meet up in an online MMO, without either of them knowing the other's true identity. Rei found Souya as a beginner and helped him around. He later finds out Souya is actually a day-one veteran who quit the game a long time ago but is getting used to the new updates and meta. Nevertheless, the two hit it off with their similar personalities and Souya catches himself getting fond of the other player. Meanwhile, Rei doesn't want to admit it but the other's personality makes him think of a more verbal and teasing version of his boss (and crush) and guiltily maintains the image in his head.
After all, what are the odds that your in-game crush is also your real-life boss?
Rei only discovered the truth when, during a time that he had to leave papers at Souya's desk by himself, one of the (smaller) windows opened was a screenshot of their most recent raid, showing the exact numbers of the damage his own character dealt. He now wondered whether it was a sign that Souya already knew Rei was his in-game friend or was fate really playing jokes again.
// Souya is so me, online classes, taking notes while GW runs in the bg on auto
// I'm thinking the MMO they're playing is either RO or FF (I still really love RO even if the only players I know are all older than me haha)
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zebyzeee · 3 years
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I like them, therefore, here's some dumb stuff
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ff-ringo · 3 years
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Inarizushi Skin-Spirit of the Nine-tailed Fox
"If it comes to this,then what objections do I have to being called a monster?"
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pobopolybius · 4 years
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Gonna be thinking about these two every step of the way
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raynef-art · 5 years
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Its been a while but FF rq that I received : D!!! 
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red-lobster-man · 4 years
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DAY 2: Draw your current team
Im gonna actl try drawing humanoid figures LOL but this will do for now uwu
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fuckyeahfoodfantasy · 5 years
Ascended Century Egg, Inarizushi, and Awamori
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p sure everyone and their mom has seen it already but whats one more time smh
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abyssalandromeda · 4 years
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inarizushi for my kk⭐️pcalm au! they just look.....tired, lmao. still working on getting used to this csp thing. anyways, if you couldn’t tell, their crystal animal is a kitsune, seeing as they’re, yknow, a kitsune, i thought it fit. drop me a line and let me know who you’d like to see next!
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warbuddymaddydaddy · 4 years
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hinabes · 5 years
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Inarizushi’s Backstory
A story about hubris, expectations and a surprising amount of worldbuilding.
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I. Priestess
“The Inari God has descended!!!”
“It’s the Inari God!!”
“The Inari God has descended!!!”
I opened my eyes to the sound of excited cheering. Humans, dressed in the garb of clerics and priestesses, worshipped on bent knees, the excitement in their gazes genuine.
I looked down to assess myself.
When I was a part of the Chaos, I was to believe that when we were incarnated in this world, our appearances would be determined by our basic intentions.
...Unless the summoner had strong pre-existing obsessions.
“Lord Inari, these are the things we’ve been protecting.”
According to him, this Inari shrine housed holy relics of utmost importance, and if they were destroyed, catastrophe would befall Sakurajima, where we were.
Even though I was slightly annoyed, I looked at his earnest expression and nodded.
So be it, since you summoned me from that boring Chaos, I’ll fulfill your desires.
The man was elderly by human years, with a long white beard flowing from his chin; he looked kind and gentle.
It was just that when he looked at me, it was as if he were actually looking through me at someone behind me.
That must have been their so-called “Inari God”.
The Inari God ought to be true to themselves, to be revered.
The Inari God ought to maintain purity, to resist any and all filth.
So said the old man constantly, and he respected me very much.
Alas, that was restricted to when I acted like his ideal “Inari God”.
“Aw, shucks~ Come see me again, okay? Master Ninetails~”
The courtesan’s soft fingers brushed against the back of my hand. Her alluring smile and longing eyes were calculating, though I didn’t hate it.
After all, when it’s all the same drinks and service smiles, everyone prefers to do it with someone gentle and caring, who understands their heart’s desires.
“Ah, might you be the Master Ninetails whose been in everyone’s good graces lately?”
The voice was teasing and flippant. I turned to look up and the way his long sleeves dragged on the crimson stairs caught my eye. Though it was formalwear, the way he donned it was casual, draped loosely over his shoulders.
The way his eyes crinkled was even more attractive than those of the beautiful courtesans. I raised my head slightly regard him, and when his playful eyes met mine, I understood that this guy was the same type of person as me.
“Master Ninetails, shall I have a drink with you today~”
“That would be wonderful.”
“Eh-- Boss, you can’t be hogging all the business~”
“Then today’s drinks are on you.”
“Fine~ I won’t disturb you~”
Chin propped up on my hand, I arched my brow at the young man who pleasantly shooed off the girl.
“You’re the owner of Shangri-La?”
“What is it? Scared?”
“Nothing, let’s drink.”
I stalked back to the shrine in the dead of night, and was greeted by the old man’s anger the moment I stepped through the torii gates.
“You went to that filthy place again, in this disgraceful form!”
I gave him nothing but a humorless sneer.
To say that returning to my original appearance and doing the things I want to do was filth?
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II. God’s Intermediary
“Pfft-- You’re saying, you take the female form in the day and pose as their pure Inari god? And you can only return to this form at night to drink and let loose?”
Junmai Daiginjo held in his chuckle, though I was helpless to the humorous glint in his eyes.
Once we got to know each other, his original stunning demeanor didn’t get any less impressive, though, in front of me, he did get livelier and more… infuriating.
In the time I downed the wine in one gulp, he had his elbow on my shoulder.
“Man, in my opinion, what if you left those boring guys and joined my Shangri-La? With your looks, Ninetails, if you took female form, you’d give me a run for my money as Oiran. Though… the male body isn’t bad either. How about you be a man for a day, woman the next!”
“Shoo, keep flattering yourself.”
I irritatedly shook off his hand and side-eyed Daiginjo, already rolling in laughter. Propping my chin up, I gazed at the still sky outside and let out a long sigh.
I didn’t dislike the female form and even liked looking like a woman sometimes.
But… these days were certainly… quite boring…
“You- You- You! You stubborn bastard! Going to that indecent place again! Associating with those filthy people! And that smile, that unbecoming smile!! You!!! Undress and cleanse yourself under the waterfall!!!!”
Even with the flame of his life flickering out, the old man mustered the energy to butt heads with me. My smile dulled, the good mood I built up at Shangri-La ruined once more.
It was winter. Icicles had formed at the top of the waterfall, the water rushing down sticking my clothes to my body. Seeing the old man angrily looking at me, I couldn’t help but shake my head and close my eyes.
It’s not that I wasn’t grateful for him bringing me into this world, and it’s not that we had only bad memories between us.
He brushed my hair gently, he made my soft bed, he prepared my favorite tea.
But he did all this because of his faith in the Inari God. Not me.
So be it, he was my master attendant, I’ll have to do as he pleases. He was already so old, I could think about leaving after sending him off.
Humans really were fragile.
Weak, powerless, feeble.
Fingers thin as twigs laid on the back of my hand. His eyes were already clouded.
“Inari… You’re the Inari God, never forget, you are the Inari God!” “Rest assured, since you revere me as your God, I will assume a God’s duties to the end.”
“Hearing that… puts me… at ease…”
The clerics and priestesses ducked out of my way as I left the room, and they spoke in tones they thought I couldn’t hear.
“Heh, this monster really thinks it’s a god.”
“Tch, as expected of the old fool.”
“That’s right, now we can chase him out! Then the Inari shrine is ours!”
“Yeah! Then all the offerings… hehe…”
“But… they’re for the gods…”
“What gods, the old fool was the only one who believed in them.”
Hah, filthy humans.
Gods aren’t all joy and happiness, they feel rage too.
Blasphemous, to have never respected the gods.
And to be blasphemous is to invoke divine punishment.
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III. Monster
The people of this land had long since forgotten what the gods bestowed upon them.
The gods granted them plentiful harvests, bestowed them peace.
Yet the people neglected to pay respects, to be thankful.
And the food souls who came to this world to aid them received no such respect either.
“Hah, monsters should be dealt with by monsters.”
“Hmph, such monsters, if only they’d die sooner than later!”
“Hope they get rid of each other. Saves us from having to look after them.”
Daiginjo looked at the dark sky weighing over their heads as he drank, his brow furrowing.
“Why is it, that we’re the ones with power, yet we have to hide in the darkness and take the form of those weakling humans and pretend… by right… we’re supposed to be protecting them…”
That’s right… Why is it, when we’re the ones protecting them, we don’t get even a word of thanks and are labeled monsters…
“Since they’re calling us monsters anyway, we should act like it, shouldn’t we…”
Daiginjo chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
I knew that this was his invitation for me to join his world of monsters.
I can never tell what he’s thinking, though that didn’t get in the way of us being friends.
His every word was playful, though each of them I took to heart.
The humans, pampered for far too long, had forgotten their respect for the gods.
As such, another face of the gods shall restart their memory.
I didn’t even have to sully my own hands.
I needed only to take a back seat and watch as the monsters born from their own desires swallowed them whole.
One blood-red night, towering flames engulfed the red shrine.
The mournful cries were muffled by the wind, the blood splattered on the ground scorched black.
When I stepped into the shrine, the cleric who once called the old man an “old fool” grabbed me by the ankle.
“Lord Inari… save me… save me…”
“And for what?”
“Bold of you to ask for divine salvation, having never paid the gods any respect. Save yourself, foolish human.”
“...Monster!!!! You’re a monster!!!”
If I have to become a monster for you to remember what you’ve done, then so be it.
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IV. Under the Shrine
“Woah, what a thorough burning.”
Daiginjo rubbed his chin, taking in the destruction. I sat on some surviving stairs to drink, watching the humans hard at work, rebuilding the shrine for the gods.
In hindsight, it was pretty funny; while the shrine was standing, the humans paid the gods no mind. Only when disaster befell them had they remembered the gods they forgot.
And only when the “monsters” stopped unconditionally helping them had they remembered the respect these “monsters” were due, building altars and presenting offerings.
Bored, Daiginjo returned to Shangri-La, and only I stayed to watch them work, yawning as I sat on the debris.
“Um… Lord Inari… We found a hidden entrance in the shrine… come look…”
“We’re… too scared to go in, please come take a look…”
“Alright, it’s quite late, you can all take a break.”
“Also...the… monsters in the fields…”
“I’ll deal with them tomorrow.”
“Thank you, thank you!!!”
Before, I would have never heard this “thank you”.
With a long sigh, I cleared my head of my many laments and headed for the hidden entrance.
It was dark and cold, and I was surprised to discover such a large space under the shrine.
Tucked away underground, in the deepest reaches sat a single altar.
I wanted to investigate, but I was stopped by a huge amount of energy.
Even more unexpectedly, I found the energy oddly familiar.
I reached out to touch the barrier. Flowing through the barrier… as I thought, it was the energy that plucked me from the Chaos initially.
At the center of the barrier, encased in black smoke… could it be…
That guy… To protect the relics, he forcefully stripped away the huge amounts of energy in the summoning process, trapping the food soul that was supposed to be born within the pull of this energy.
If that’s the case… perhaps…
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V. Inarizushi
Junmai Daiginjo was dumbfounded. In the time he took to get drinking snacks for his pals, Inarizushi ended up with a mean-looking fox kit glued to him.
“...An illegitimate child?”
“Daiginjo, don’t think I won’t hit you.”
“Ahem, I mean, where’d you find it.”
With a muffled thud, Junmai Daiginjo hit an invisible wall while walking towards Kitsune Udon.
“Don’t you touch Master Ninetails!”
“...Hoh, the little devil’s protective. Ninetails, be honest, where’d you get it?”
Inarizushi glanced at Daiginjo, who was rubbing his forehead, then at Kitsune Udon, who was gripping his clothes and hiding behind him, and laughed.
“What if I said they fell from the sky?”
“Fine, I’ll drop it if you don’t want to tell. Come have a drink, a birthday toast for the kid.”
“I’m not a kid.”
“Hmph, what a kid.”
“I’m not!”
Inarizushi shook his head resignedly, helping himself to Junmai Daiginjo’s wine bottle. He turned his head to look at the pitch-black sky outside distractedly. 
“What are you looking at, Ninetails?”
“Nothing. Don’t you think this sky could use some sprucing up?”
“What are you laughing at? Don’t you think so?”
Junmai Daiginjo shrugged, clinking glasses with Inarizushi, downing the clear wine in one gulp. He gazed at the sky tenderly, yet there was an underlying apathy.
“Boring things are better off discarded.”
Junmai Daiginjo turned his head to see Kitsune Udon pouring wine for Inarizushi and he quirked an eyebrow in surprise.
��You taught me that. What of it?”
Junmai Daiginjo propped up his chin to observe Kitsune Udon lapping at the wine when they thought nobody was looking.
“Uh… Nothing, the wine’s a bit strong, a kid who just fell from the sky shouldn’t drink so much the first time~”
As Junmai Daiginjo finished speaking, Kitsune Udon downed the rest of the wine, letting out a long burp, head falling to the table with a thud.
“I heard… this part of Sakurajima is protected by relics, and if they’re destroyed, catastrophe would certainly fall.”
“That’s right, what of it?”
“Then this...the key of this kid from the sky, I wonder what it will unlock?”
Inarizushi stopped patting Kitsune Udon’s hair to look at Junmai Daiginjo, who was smiling pleasantly.
“Do you have to know so soon? I don’t want to lose a drinking buddy so quickly.”
“I’m not in a hurry, it’s not too late to think about it once other artifacts have surfaced.”
“You’re not scared of me running off?”
“Master Ninetails is high and mighty, he’d never. Come, have another cup, this is Shangri-La’s best wine! I don’t bring it out for anyone but you.”
“Hoh, great, cheers!”
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Translation Notes
The Chaos, which I’ve also referred to as “chaotic energy”: it’s a very vague word to begin with and can mean both. I’m more convinced it’s a real “thing” now, wouldn’t go so far to say “place” but it may be the other side of the Tierra fish (it’s also called Chaos)
It may have something to do with the greek creation myth? idk
Now we know that 1) food souls come from there, 2) they’re told(?) things there, 3) they’re self aware there, 4) its boring
funtoy please give us more concrete stuff i dont want to keep grasping at straws
KITSUNE UDON REAL. funtoy please steal my design xoxo please i will pay u
the 2nd half of ch4 was pretty vague but I’m fairly certain that the black smoke/whatever’s in it was kitsune udon
I’m also not sure if kitsune udon is a separate character or inari’s fox. his art doesnt show him with any foxes but neither does it show nine tails
i also have no idea kitsune udon’s gender so i went with they. there’s literally not a pronoun to be seen in the last chapter bc chinese be like that
i’ve decided to call junmai’s brothel “shangri-la”, you might also see it called “bliss” or “paradise”. it’s more specifically the sukhavati of buddhism
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wibblyparfait · 4 years
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ff-ringo · 4 years
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Hi, dear master attendants! Anonymous Letter is about to open! Attendant's choice UP Card Pool opening! 😍😍😍 ⏰⏰⏰ Event duration ⏰⏰⏰ 05/18/2020 -05/24/2020(UTC) 1. During the event, a double-pick card pool will open-- Anonymous Letter. 2. Anonymous Letter card pool only offers 10x draws, and only Jade Gourds can be used to make draws. 3. Jade Gourds can be purchased in the Mall and exchanged for using Soul Embers and Magic Crystals. 4. During the event, Master Attendants can choose 1 UR Food Soul and 2 SR Food Souls to put into the pool, and their odds will be raised up. 5. After making a certain number of draws from this pool, you can get your selected Food Souls. After all rewards are drawn, you can choose to make new selections and start the drawing over. Rewards will also reset.
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kaydeedc · 4 years
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05-26-2020 (late post)
ELEX finally took pity on me...(the rates I got last time with Wu Yi Da Hong Bao were so bad)
I'm glad I got Margarita~ ^ ^ and that I got Inarizushi and Awamori as well.
I need to save more soul embers and crystals!
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gdiwes · 5 years
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Was looking through an old sketchbook and found a batch of old Food Fantasy skins for some of my characters ^^ I wish I still had the energy to color them, maybe I will one day! 
From the top down, the skins are: 
Creme Brulee : Exquisite Gold, her wedding skin because armor dress lol 
Uni/Sea Urchin : A new year’s skin, no name haha I just wanted an excuse to give her a fancy flowing kimono instead of her usual slim and spiky one. 
Inarizushi : Lunar new year’s skin, no name. Usually he’s fully covered by a cloak/blanket so the skin is a change of pace for him haha
Spring Roll : Lunar new year skin with no name, but pairs with Inari’s ^^ She has a pig themed bow, and gave Inari his red envelope. 
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