#FARCRY Brewing
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GASTERROでクリスマス、忘年会プラン ご予約承っております!!
クリスマス、忘年会にコースメニューのご案内。 GASTERROで素敵な時間をお過ごし下さい!
・季節のサラダ ・季節の魚のカルパッチョ ・名物FISH&CHIPS ・お肉料理 ・旬な素材を使ったパスタ ・デザート お一人様 ¥3,000
※ご予算に応じてご用意いたします。 ※メニューの内容の変更もご希望がございましたらご相談ください。
クリスマスメニューのテイクアウトも承っております! ご自宅でFARCRY BREWINGのビールと一緒にいかがでしょうか?
・FARCRY BREWINGビール各種 ・ハイボール ・ジントニック ・焼酎 ・ソフトドリンク各種 お一人様 ¥3,000
ご予約はDM、店頭、お電話(0277-32-3446)にて承ります。 今年のクリスマスイブ12/24(火)ですが特別営業しております。 もちろん12/25(水)クリスマスも営業しておりますので、 たくさんのご予約お待ちしております。
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お久しぶりブログ更新。 いかがお過ごしでしょうか。 謎の��経痛により毎朝起床時の「どっこらしょ」が板についてきたN村です。 朝から神経痛などの薬を数種類飲むわけですが、「謎」の正体が更年期障害かもしれないと診断され更年期の多様性の驚いています。すごいぞ更年期!
今年は約50店舗のお店がやってきます。 同時開催のカルルス温泉文化祭も楽しい企画が盛りだくさん。 入場料(500円)には山静館、鈴木旅館、オロフレ荘の日帰り入浴半額券が付いています。 カルルス温泉3旅館と登別市の全面協力をいただきながら準備中です。 今年のビジュアルはこちらも「謎」、白井Dが『奥の手つかっちゃった』と語るキャラクターがいまだかつてない存在感を放っています。(WEBではなんとこの「謎キャラ」が動きます!!)
ブログではこっそりこの「謎キャラ」の名前を募集します。 採用された方には豪華(かもしれない)景品をプレゼント。 名前の由来、カルルス温泉への思いなどと一緒にご応募ください。 LOPPISカルルス開催「謎キャラ」名前応募フォーム
9月28日、29日はぜひ登別カルルス温泉へ。 みなさまのご来場をお待ちしております。
♨ カルルス温泉文化祭&LOPPIS2024 ♨
[ 日時 ] 9月28日(土)-29日(日) 10:00〜16:00 [ 会場 ] 登別カルルス温泉 ※雨天時→サンライバスキー場センターハウス [ 入場料 ] 500円 ※小学生以下無料,カルルス温泉日帰り入浴半額券付き [ 参加店数 ] 約50店舗 [ 無料シャトルバス ] 登別市役所前から2便運航(2日間) ▶️市役所発 ①9:30 ②13:30 ▶️カルルス発 ①12:30 ②16:00 [ 主催 ] LOPPIS実行委員会・ カルルス温泉文化祭実行委員会 [ 後援 ] 登別市 [ 協力 ] 山静館・鈴木旅館・オロフレ荘
-参加店ラインナップ- ・polku*29日 ・季々 ・Finland selectshop vaasä ・Oo-OrganicShop 小山内商店 ・presse ・POTORI BAKERY*29日 ・PIZZERIA飛行船 ・NORTH ISLAND BEER ・KAMOME COFFEE ・SANRi ・エシナエトロ ・クドウテツト*28日 ・咖哩食堂PACE*29日 ・ソロソロ窯 ・Pyram Organics & Plants ・Anorakcity ・大地のアイス ・ペンネンノルデ(29日) ・HAKKOGINGER ・FARCRY BREWING&NUMB & HAZY ・Purveyors ・BAKE SHOP amaoto(29日) ・瀬戸 晋 ・小西木材 ・レタラカムイチェプ(北大モルックサークル)*29日 ・アップルパイトラック by Atelier Honda ・テトチトパ ・ドロッピェ ・またたび文庫 ・Doggie Do !! ・Free Dining Food チムチム ・The Nuthatch ・SEED BAGEL&COFFEE COMPANY*29日 ・メトロクス札幌 ・piccolina ・堀山楽商店 ・イッケンヤカレーコミン*28日 ・イコロの森 ・りんねしゃ ・ヨツカド商店*28日 ・THE BOOK STAND ・anmi ・CALM & RIDE&Vernacular Sewn Storage ・north antler ・"イトオテルミー温熱刺激療法 / すずき たかな 出張施術所" ・望月食堂 ・・・and more !
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皆さん こんにちは。
近くの結婚相談所 ハッピータイム群馬桐生相生
1階には、‘ 世界に通用するビールを桐生から‘ がコンセプトのブルワリー「FARCRY BREWING」の各種クラフトビールも飲めるお店「GASTERRO」が有り、美味しい食事を楽しめます。
2022年・2023年と2年連続で��タバから発売された「Theメロンofメロン フラペチーノ」
2024年は、「GOHOBI メロン フラペチーノ」と名称を改めると同時に、メロンフレーバーの究極を目指し開発されたとの事。
婚活アドバイザー 金子 薫
電 話:0277-32-5314
婚活 結婚相談はお近くの結婚相談所ハッピータイム (http://www.happytime-en.com/)、 群馬前橋・群馬沼田・群馬渋川・群馬高崎・群馬安中・群馬藤岡・群馬伊勢崎・群馬桐生・群馬みどり・群馬太田・群馬邑楽・群馬館林・栃木足利・栃木佐野・栃木小山・栃木栃木・栃木真岡・埼玉熊谷・埼玉深谷・埼玉本庄・埼玉行田・埼玉羽生・埼玉加須・埼玉児玉・茨城牛久・茨城下館・茨城筑西・茨城結城・茨城古河・新潟長岡・新潟小千谷・新潟見附・新潟柏崎・新潟魚沼・新潟十日町・新潟南魚沼・新潟西蒲原・神奈川川崎・山梨甲府昭和までお問い合わせ下さい。
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Purveyors 1Fに2020年11月に誕生したFARCRY BREWING & CAFE!!
<FARCRY BREWING & CAFE> テーマはボヘミアンキュイジーヌ。 桐生発で初のクラフトビールFARCRY Brewingの出来立ての生ビールをメインに、世界各国を旅しているキブンを味わえる料理を提供。旅人が集まるパーヴェイヤーズならではの世界観を体現できるCAFEです。 数々のブルワリーや日本酒の蔵元で経験を積んだ阿久澤健志の手から生まれる、麹を使ったBEERと、世界一のバリスタ<澤田洋史氏>が監修する極上のカフェラテと、旅を愛する私たちだからこそ表現できる料理をぜひご賞味ください。
イベントにも参加の、Purveyors撃推薦スパイス、各国をイメージして作られた "無添加調味料" Trip Spiceとのマッチングを楽しめるチップスやお肉料理などご用意します! シャッターを開けてさらに開放的になった空間で。
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Far Cry Fanzine 2020
Written for the Far Cry 2020 Fanzine, which you should absolutely check out here!
This was a take on a moment leading up to the start of the game, namely one where Sharky's going about his daily business only for things to quickly go pear-shaped (which was why this was named ‘I’m sorry, Sharky’ for so long, b/c I feel like I owe him an apology). I was lucky enough to work with the amazing @farcrying here, and to also have @amistrio, @guileandgall , and @writerofblocks read through this for me to make sure it was coherent enough to post. You're all awesome, and I hope you never forget that. Oh, and this lovely title? It's entirely @writerofblocks fault, and I can't thank her enough for that stroke of pun-fueled genius.
I also can't thank @unclefungusthegoat enough for putting so much time, effort, and love into making this happen, as well as @lucy-and-loki for giving each entry some amazing details to help them stand out.
Title: A Mine-or Inconvenience Rating: T Word Count: 1.2K Warnings: Drinking, dead animals (one very unlucky boar to be exact), explosions
Link to AO3!
Sharky’s day is off to a rough start, but it soon takes a turn even he wasn’t expecting. ...And that’s counting the smoking, boar-shaped spot on his front lawn.
Sharky’s back hurt. Ached like he’d spent the night bending it into shapes no back should ever be bent into. Not to mention his mouth was dry, and full of the kind of awful that told him the batch of alcohol he’d brewed might’ve turned a bit. Just enough to taste off, but not enough to toss it, and last night he’d drained a good bottle and a half of it before passing out. Not even on his bed, but on the floor half-under it, wound up in a sweatshirt pretending to be a blanket.
He didn’t even remember ending up there, and that probably should’ve told him how the day was going to go.
Getting up took more effort than he liked, and in the middle of taking a leak he’d nearly nodded off right then and there. Felt his eyelids droop as he stood there in the bathroom, and that’s when the hangover started taking potshots at his senses.
Fuzzy-headed and floating, Sharky took a step only to have his foot catch on something and slip right out from under him. Jeans. The same pair he’d shucked off the night before, and he only realized it when his bare ass hit the floor right next to them. That fucking hurt, but it beat taking a header straight into the toilet.
Pulling his underwear back up, he flopped onto his back. At least now if anyone happened to stop by – usually Hurk, but those Peggie pamphlet pushers were coming by more and more often – he wouldn’t have his dick hanging out. Shit, company was company, but he’d at least try to be polite. Give them the option of wanting to see more of him instead of laying it all out there from the start. That’s what being a gentleman was all about, after all.
Groaning, he pushed himself up and smacked his lips.
That’s when he picked up on it. The squealing. He’d chalked it up to his mind fucking with him, but it kept on going. Didn’t stop even after he’d climbed to his feet and gave his hands a quick wash under the faucet.
Growing louder, and louder, and louder-
The house shook, and the sound that went off sent him straight to his knees. Scrambling, and glad he hadn’t headbutted the sink, Sharky double-timed it to the door.
That wasn’t normal. In fact, that sounded a hell of a lot like-
He stopped, and thought back to last night. How he’d gone outside, set to get a big ol’ fire going only to tear ass in the opposite direction. Small and quick, he’d nearly lost his face to the snarling shadow on his heels, and collapsed once he’d managed to barricade the door behind him. The minute it was clear again, however, he’d left a little something to deal with it. He’d left a lot of little somethings, digging up half of his lawn to place the mines, and wondered just what he’d caught as he followed the smoke straight to the source outside.
The scorched spot on the dirt below was pretty big. He could see where the mine had been tripped, and given it’d been roughly ten to fifteen feet from his house, he’d been lucky it hadn’t blown the wall in, or been any of his party crashers. Those were for special occasions only, and burning half of his shit down just ‘cause he was blindsided by a wolverine wasn’t one of them.
But it’d been more than enough to get the job done here. And judging from what was left of the boar, he’d better get to finding the other mines he’d buried fast, or he was looking to join it. Waving his hand in front of his face to try and cut through the smell, he tugged his hoodie up to cover his nose as he glanced down at the messy path below.
…Then further beyond that towards the pair of white trucks rolling up. Sharky took in the painted cross on their sides, and leaned over the rail to get a better look at them.
Usually the Peggies didn’t spare more than a single truck at most, the exception being the time when he had motherfucking John Seed out here on his doorstep. He at least had pants on then, but it’d hardly been worth dragging himself over to the door to answer. Even with some of the hottest chicks he’d seen in a while, John’s smug-ass face put the brakes on any fun faster than he would’ve liked.
But John wasn’t here, and the Peggies he eyed didn’t look like they’d try to buy the shirt off of his back only to sell it back at five times the price. The ones in the truck bed climbed out, guns in hand, and his heart started pounding in time to his head.
“Yo, what’s happening, amigos?” Sharky called out. “You need something?”
Another climbed out of the passenger seat of the truck, his long, dark coat brushing the dirt. Right on the front of his face was the top prize for the worst tattoo placement he’d ever seen, and the cross running from the side of his cheek all the way down to his chin was one he’d notice even from over a hundred paces out.
That had nothing on the strange look in his eyes, though. Or the way he started talking at him. “You have been chosen! By his word you’ve been given one final chance to see if the message of the Father is one you wish to welcome into your heart.”
“Chosen?” Sharky’s eyebrows rose as the man started to approach him, and figured it’d probably be better to have this talk while he wasn’t scratching his ass. “That’s uh, that’s news to me, man. ‘Cause you’re still banning a whole lot of things that make life worth living, and I’m not really digging the idea of going with Joe’s flow if he ain’t changing that.”
The Peggie took a step forward, then two.
Each brought him closer to the house, and Sharky’s hands started to itch for the shotgun laying across his kitchen table. Just something solid to place between them and himself, because this was far from friendly. Sure, he hadn’t given them the best welcome before, but this group was clearly on the verge of fucking his shit up. The guns were still there, out and angling towards him, and he felt his smile slip right into a grimace.
And when the guy kept on talking, he didn’t let up. Went straight for the kind of expression that would’ve had anyone running in the opposite direction, and raised his voice loud enough for Sharky to want to screw his eyes shut.
“This is not to be taken lightly or dismissed, because this is not an offer. No, this is an opportuni-“
Sharky saw his eyes widen as a click went off. The kind he’d been unable to hear himself above the sound of the faucet running and the squealing of the vaporized boar, and prepped himself to bolt.
‘Cause if this was going the way of any of his and Hurk’s top ten movie marathon classics – and all signs were pointing straight to ‘hell yes’ - every good chase always started off with a bang.
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The day after the Queen’s Ball - Past Noon The Aldwyn Residence starter for @lord-aldwyn
“Henry Percival Aldwyn, you get down here right now!” Bella’s voice rang through the Aldwyn residence. Everyone in the household knew that she was on the warpath. After a dragged out silence and an apparent lack of footsteps, it became obvious that her brother, was in fact, not going to come down. Harry had returned while she had been occupied entertaining post-Ball social calls. According to Nancy, he had gone to wash up and then had proceeded to effectively ‘mope’ in one of the studies. Grumbling and muttering myriad of words that should never be heard from a lady’s lips, she lifted her skirt to ascend the carpeted stairs, peeked around various corridor and then another before she found herself pushing the door of their billiards room open. There, she found her dear brother severely playing a game of billiards against himself.
She waited. He moved not an inch to acknowledge her presence. Fine. She would speak her mind freely then.
“We cannot afford to be anything less than perfect, Isabella.” Bella glared at her brother, her hands positioned on both her hips as she sarcastically repeated back the lecture that Harry had given her prior to the ball. Her voice lowered to what must be her impression of Harry -- although it was a farcry from any sort of accurate mimicry. “Isabella, you must be on your ever best behaviour.”
Stepping forward, she tossed the Whistledown gossip paper atop the ball that Harry was targeting. “I am sure you have heard the news of your notoriety from wherever you ran off to last night.” Not that Bella truly cared so much that Harry had done something bad per se. That would be quite hypocritical of her. No, the rage that brew within her stemmed from the guilt that she knew he had struck Byron on her behalf. And that now, because of Byron and what had occurred five years ago, her brother and perhaps their sisters would be paying the price. “Pray tell, what in Merciful Heavens compelled you to cuff Byron, at the Queen’s Ball, no less? He was nowhere near me.”
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♕ - Always did it stir within his hearing sense, echoing further down into the starlit abyss of the heart, promoting tremors that bloom to wider arcs through the scope of his emotions. Similar to the piercing whine of the sun above, another song reigns as the most prominent, one that sings to multiple rhythms whether it’s through battlesong or causing any lock bordering existence and the non to yield to it’s might. Just keeping it within his trained grip allows the pleasure it feels to transmit to him through a special ‘voice.’
When has he been so ignorant of it? Why did it take peeling back those layers of that crippling self-doubt for it to truly be realized? The Kingdom Key had never picked and choose the times to speak to him, it always wanted too, a resonance that chimes wondrously with his heart and adores whenever their union could be further delved into.
Impossibility couldn’t stop the smile that gradually eases onto his lips while he stares down the mythical weapon. Despite the stilled nature it currently held, he could feel the truth, how it’s power was practically making the steel reverberate within as an onslaught of destruction stands before them. Creatures born from festering desire, stolen hope, agony personified as the corrosive shadows surrounding the wielder take form. It was a particular cross that every wielder of the Keyblade found themselves inevitably bearing. Years of unforgettable adventures had cemented it as a part of destiny he’d greedily scrape into his own grasp.
Hollow golden eyes.
The erratic movements of bestial mages and swordsmen, all etched with an insignia that harbored a recent truth of their roots. Drawn to the blight of an existence that the keyblade seemingly stands for, their palpable fear is drawn into the aggression of their actions-- hesitation itself being a farcry as spellwork and the life draining song performed by darkness laden blades all aim to devour him in a bloody spectacle.
An enemy all too familiar as mindless soothsayers, singers of futures etched with oblivion.
Sora could only tear forward at the sheer praise of the weapon within his hand. Despite all that it stands for, all it can perform, it hungers for those ill-fated futures. Times that make the demise of civilizations and good people, it’s resonant shimmer of a growl excitedly notes to it’s current partner how it wishes to devour them all.
To leave futures where playful days and peaceful instances of rest could be promised. It was a drive that easily brews the cauldron of potential, a greater weapon to this keybearer known as the heart.
Spill the void like ichor and let the jewels known as hearts break free from what would be their timeless prisons. A natural ferocity blends well with their playful nature, causing the kind hearted hero to embrace a destiny of becoming a different brand of oblivion. To allow for the iridescence of each swing to cleave through it’s quarry, from spells to erupt in a flurry from the spring tucked deep within. Storms of piercing thunder, flames that drive their fury into pointed focus, down to the chilling halls of a different timelessness, frozen and vulnerable. The gentle heart guiding this keyblade holds an intricate understanding that allows for a more refined strength, delicacy.
Life depends on the nature that grants sustenance throughout its own laws. Every careless tip of power would draw forth damage to rattle that balance, even if the very light of this world also takes part in this dance.
To always ensure that the minimal passes by for a bygone war that craves to seemingly pass through every world these respective parties step in. Yet, the gratitude could be felt in each thrum of the heart, in the very light that shines upon this world in the midst of this destruction.
Finding a being who cares is such a devilishly high commodity for any and all.
#| Drabble#y'know I'll never figure out how Sora can wrench these pieces outta me#nor does it truly matter#it is FUN and I cannot get enough of that#proud of his growth
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@hellfirebound | starter call
How much time had to pass for reintroductions to be made necessary? He wasn’t sure, and ultimately didn’t care enough to find out what the answer was. In fact, there was scarcely any topics that earned his attention beyond a single, irrefutable fact; he had struck a faustian bargain with the devil himself, his soul used like currency to seal the deal.
The Odinson was now allied to Mephisto’s will, and had yet to find out the full extents of what exactly that incurred or asked of him. As he waited to find out, he took refuge in one of the town’s local bars, selecting a dive that had an especially notorious trouble reputation for attracting trouble. The threat of being attacked failed to bother him; little did after what he’d done.
Upon receiving his drink, downcast hues stare into the frothy depths of his sub-par treasure. It was going to be a farcry from the mead that was brewed and served to his divine brethren, but given the circumstances, it would suffice. All that he had left to wish for was to be left alone, but a fierce quaking deep in his bones tells him this isn’t meant to be.
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4/9-10 PLANTS SHOW2022春 出店者一覧!!
<Purveyors 会場>
Tiny N (4/10のみ)
Garden yadorigi
Replants (4/9 のみ)
Hierba 工房
<st company 会場>
CAFE STEMS × Branches & Leaves
moss green
310 Plants
Takahito Sekiguchi
FARCRY BREWING (Kitchen car)
日程 : 2022/04/9(土) - 10(日)
開催時間 11:00 - 17:00 (PLANTS SHOW開催時間)
会場 :
Purveyors : http://purveyors2017.jp/
営業時間 11:00 - 22:00
stcompany : https://www.stcompany.com/
営業時間 11:00 - 20:00
※ 最終入店は、「19:00」とさせて頂きます。
MAIL : [email protected]
TEL : 0277-32-3446
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Dying Light: So many questions!
-and a few answers.
Hi Taff!
I’ve been interested in your blog for a while and I’d like to pose some questions, because thinking and theorising is fun, and I’ve not got anyone to do either of those things with.
Hi! Oh dear, look at all 'dem questions! Thank you! @target-on-my-redshirt.
First of, thanks for the interest to begin with. I love chatting about Dying Light, especially things away from game mechanics, since I'm a fan of the concept and characters first, the gameplay second. Even if the gameplay is an absolute blast and a very high bar to reach for other games. But I digress.
I'll be answering them on here, since this is my main Dying Light blog, and I hope you don't mind me answering them in public. Let's see if we get a discussion going, hm?
Do you think that beyond the obvious potential for DLC, techland will release any concept art, any ideas that were dropped in the cutting floor or initial ideas for the story?
There's already some concept art out, and you can find it in my /concept art tag on here. Though I admit, it doesn't show anything much of the cut content, though we do see different types of costumes that aren't found in the finished product. What we do know about though is that originally we were meant to be following four characters (much like Dead Island), from which I believe Jade and Zere were meant to be playable characters? Maybe even Spike or Brecken, it's been a while since I've read up on that.
Though they eventually settled on focusing on Crane.
I think we can still see some remnants of cut story content though, as well as gameplay mechanics that ended up dropped. The most glaring one being the extra vial of Antizin that Crane pockets as he is ordered to destroy the stash, right along with the hint on a side quest to collect spent vials to stop people from filling them with potentially poisonous shit and passing it off for the good stuff. And then there's a bugged overlay message you get when a Boomer Bomber explodes under you as you crawl through a duct in the Oh Brother Where Art Thou quest. You get a message along the lines of "You've been infected, etc..." which leads me to believe that originally you were expected to keep yourself dosed with Antizin. Much like the malaria infection in Farcry (2?) and the necessity for Zombrex in Dead Rising 2. Another leftover from the original is a reference from a survivor to recognizing Crane from the *posters*, which'd indicate maybe at least one of the original playable characters was famous for something or the other. Unless, of course, there was a bounty system in which Rais put up badly drawn Crane posters.
I wonder if they always planned on having a classic generic tyrannical villain, or if sights were initially set higher.
Are we ever going to hear about the other characters backstory? I loved the addition of the random encounter explaining Spike, and we've heard a bit about Jade - what about the others? Will we see the addition of any new characters? Will we know anything new about the witch woman who brews you the potions?
I'd love a little more background reveal, to be fair, but I don't see it happening. Not in the original Dying Light anyway, even with their planned content drops that will include story expansions. Mostly because that content is free, and anything that'd involve dialogue would require them to either ditch Crane as the main character (plausible, but unlikely), or look for a less prolific voice actor to step in.
Will there ever be the inclusion of tie-ins to the new novel that recently released? Will they consider releasing a small playable story prequel of their own?
The novel, Nightmare Row, was not recently released. It was only recently translated though, if I remember right. Either way, Nightmare Row read more like what we originally saw the game being advertised as, with quite literally the shift of night and day making all the infected more dangerous, rather than focusing on a new mutation and the occasional hyped Biter/Viral. Which I'm fond of, since it gives the virus some time to mutate and start producing the range of variations we see in the game.
Do I think we get a tie-in mission? No. Much as I'd love to play a game that takes place at the cusps of an outbreak like this, I don't think that'll be part of the Content Drops. Again, I think of the cost of assets to get this done.
And is there any new concept ideas for DLC in terms of playable story beyond extra skin packs? Do you think there’s any whackier ideas for weapons or side missions? Will there be any additions that will be definitively linked to the story? The following was an absolutely incredible addition, but I feel that many players were let down by the ending - especially as it directly contradicts Jades wishes (she wanted to keep fighting, and wanted to die for her friends, but Crane accepts a nuclear detonation in the end? Alternatively, we learn that everyone will die in vain anyway or turn into nasty Zambies?
Zera has been working on a cure with Camden for the entire story - does this bear fruit? What is the global backlash against the GRE?
As of writing this, the new content drop #1 was announced (though they deleted the Tweet- sneaky!), so here's your answer on the special weapons. And the story? Ahm, well, I have my very own set of bones to pick with it, in particular the implications of leaving the cure with a single scientist in a run down lab without supplies, and how we are expected to believe that the world turned its back to Harran entirely. That and, yes, Crane's sudden inability to think as he detonates a nuclear warhead that would do absolutely jackshit to clear the infection, but likely only make it worse. I am however quite interested in anyone turning into a sentient volatile once they've inhaled the experimental gas, since that is a scary thought and would make for an interesting extra level of challenges in Dying Light 2. If Techland chooses to go down that route, of course. Then again, it also does a good job explaining the Night Hunter, so there is that.
If there is extra content or a sequel, where techland take it? What new challenges will be bought to Harran?
I'd think that Dying Light 2 will not be taking place in Harran, but take us somewhere else for a scenery change. And considering I am leaning towards Volakyle being the canon ending, we're likely going to see a much larger spread of the virus than in the original.
When we left off, Crane had the GRE's 'secret document' - will they try and retrieve it?
He did not any more. In fact, Rais transmitted the document to the public, which caused the GRE to get into quite a bit of trouble.
Did any of Rise's (yes I butchered the spelling of his name) men survive? We killed his right hand man but what about men who may have defected? Will they be a threat to the Tower? Do the survivors of the tower ever get saved? What if the document is stolen and released to the world? Will there be other isolated incidents? Or might it become a world wide spread as seen in the Resident Evil cinematic universe? Will the GRE redeem themselves and try to re-recruit Crane into helping them on another mission?
I have so many opinions about this. Enough to have written a 210k word story on the matter, which isn't even halfway done, and deals with pretty much all of the above. Including the "What now?" and a few tweaks here and there, in particular to the Following expansion.
But since I am not going to expect you to read it:
After Rais fell (hehe, literally), I'd have expected someone new to take charge, but have you seen the amount of men suddenly turned? How did he do that? Did he weaponize the virus at his workbench in a day? According to the game, pretty much all of his men are dead or turned, which I suppose was really just done for gameplay purposes, rather than having any real story meaning. So, far as I am concerned, his garrison lived on after his death, though I'd hope that the Tower would have taken advantage of the initial confusion to at least get a bit of the Antizin from them. Aside of that? I'd wager there are still enough scared assholes in the Zone to cause the Tower problems and to compete for food and medicine.
The GRE redeeming itself has already fallen flat in the Following, as they stopped the Antizin drops. That's a death sentence for everyone inside the Zone. I find that unlikely, but that's what the Following led us to believe. Camden creating a cure is unlikely too, since he doesn't have the staff or resources for it. But it does lend itself to the question on what they'll do without the cure, and what will happen when the the virus *does* get out, because really. It will. It *did,* with quarantines existing outside of Harran already where they evacuated other infected to.
Anyway, those are some questions I have thought about!
...and I tried to keep my answers short, and if you'd like to talk more, I'll happily pop into private messages on Tumblr.
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Another cup of coffee is duly delivered. There's a hint of caramel in it this time, && the flavor profile is a little richer && sweeter. Akira looks hopefully nervous, handing the thickly frothed drink over. "I've got some croissants to go with it this time."
There was a tinge of anxiety creeping up the spine of Akira’s right hand. By now it couldn’t be helped. In the name of fair trade, give and take definite had to remain as the center piece after all the assistance he managed to wring out of him. If there was one thing Ryuji would never be, it’d be unappreciative. If only those morbid flashbacks of their starting days of getting this regimen of coffee down could be bleached from his brain. It ended up as a harsh course of training for his palette rather than anything else!
What settled upon the counter of Leblanc was another piping hot mug of the upcoming barista’s practice work. Ever the brash sort, there wasn’t a hint of forward staring offered between both the deliverer of the product and the actual drink itself. “You do know I’m a human, right?” It was an oddball question to start them off, despite the kind offer of a tea snack also brought up. “One that struggles with coffee to begin with? Man, you better be lucky that we’re so cool.”
Yet no hard pressed emotions were held behind those words. That furrowed expression of the delinquent’s had long sense eased up, an agreeing smile some of his fingers fit through the handle, hoisting the coffee up as he gave it a whiff. Right off the bat did the improved scent catch his attention.
Okay. So maybe he actually might’ve caught his attention too! It seemed the days where it was more tasteless liquid were finally about to be graduated from.
“Cheers! Let’s see if this one won’t go and pass me out like the last.” He quipped all in good nature as he brought the cup to his lips. A tinge of professionalism could be seen as the experimental taste was taken slow, the brew Akira forged being well sampled as he mulled over. In under a second did the Ryuji’s eyes shoot open in shock! His tongue wasn’t evaporating away under a bitter rush! Prolonging the sip for a good second longer, that’s when he’d set cup back down.
Give a few dramatic smack of his lips.
Then squint towards his friend as the verdict was offered!
“Hey man, this ain’t mud water any longer! Is that actually some sweet I’m picking up in this?” By all means he had a right to be surprised by now!
“Still, it’s a farcry from what the Chief be makin’. You’re uh, how do I say it? A tadpole that got it’s legs. Nowhere out the damn pond, but you’re getting somewhere.”
“Now where are those croissants to go with this again?”
#survxvaltrxck#| The Confidentials#To this day Ryuji still wonders why you get a guy aka him#whose iffed on coffee to try this. 8|#Better be lucky for the loyalty!
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5/3. GWスペシャル企画 EATBEAT! at Purveyors!!
料理開拓人 ���田裕介と音楽家 ヘンリーワークによる「食×音楽」のライブパフォーマンス、 “EATBEAT!" 開催決定!! Purveyors1Fのレストラン GASTERRO(ガステロ)を貸し切って開催いたします。
【EATBEAT! at Purveyors】 Date : 2022/5/3(Tue) Open : 会場17:00 開演18:00 閉園20:00 閉店22:00
more information coming soon....
Purveyors店舗は11時から22時まで営業してますのでお買い物もできますよ。 当日はヘンリー氏の別の顔、CHALKBOY(チョークボーイ)率いる手描き結社WHW! (What a Hand-Written World ! ) のPOP UPも同時開催(5/3〜5/5)しております。
イベント後も、FARCRY BREWINGのビールやコーヒーを飲みながらお食事、談笑をお楽しみください!!
■ EATBEAT!(イートビート)とは ■ 料理開拓人堀田裕介と音楽家ヘンリーワークが作り上げる、 料理が “できるまで” の過程を見る、聴く、感じる、「食×音楽」のライブパフォーマンスイベント! ステージに調理ブースと音楽ブースを一緒に組み、観客の目の前で調理し、その調理音をサンプリングし音楽へと変化させていきます。野菜をカリッとかじる音、フライパンのジュウジュウという音、音や匂いを巻き込んで料理を口にするまでの過程を見て、聞いて、感じてもらい、五感で楽しみながら“食べること”に向き合う時間と空間。 もちろん、料理は食べていただけます。 EATBEAT!とは https://youtu.be/3uvxNZl14NY
前回開催【EATBEAT! inたらぎの様子】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jmy-FmobcJo
■ プロフィール ■ 〇食担当:堀田裕介(料理開拓人) 「食べることは生きること、生きることは暮らすこと」をモットーに 都市と地域の架け橋として、生産者と生活者を繋ぐ料理開拓人。食と音のライブパフォーマンスイベント「EATBEAT!」を通して食べることの本質を楽しむ活動を行っています。2018年より「grow rice project」を立ち上げ、本格的に国産米の普及に取り組む。コロナ騒動以降は自���のYouTubチャンネル「堀田裕介YouTube kitchen」より、日々レシピや食の動画を配信中� https://www.youtube.com/user/ysksssc
〇音楽担当:henlywork(音楽家) 即興的なパフォーマンスを得意としつつ、音楽制作の過程にも独自のセンスを発揮。その場と一体化して感じとったイメージをスケッチブックに落とし込み、それらを楽譜として楽曲を作り上げる。ファッションブランドへの楽曲の提供や、料理と音楽の融合「EATBEAT!」では食材を食べる音、調理音からその場で音楽を創りだすなど多彩な音楽活動を続ける。一体化して感じとったものをグラフィカルに表現するCHALK BOYという黒板描きの顔も。対象の深い本質まで感じ取る感受性と即興的なパフォーマンス。異なる2つの要素はすべてが自然に還るようにひとつに溶け合い、聴く者、観る者を心地よくその世界へ誘う。 http://www.henlywork.com http://www.chalkboy.me
We are FARCRY BREWING. “世界に通用するビールを桐生から” 2021年1月に群馬県桐生市で産声を上げた「ファークライ ブルーイング」。 ブルワーは麹を使ったビール醸造の第一人者 阿久澤 健志。 湧水源をいくつも有する水が豊かな桐生という土地で、メインのビールには日本の伝統文化に根差した発酵技術を駆使し、僕らにしか作れないアバンギャルドな製法で世界へ拳を突き上げるビールを展開します。 IG : https://www.instagram.com/farcry_brewing/ WEB : https://farcrybrewing.jp/
ガステロとは、ガストロノミー×テロワール×テラーを掛け合わせた造語です。 ガストロノミー。 美食学と訳されるその言葉の語源��胃袋からきています。 テロワール。 僕らの旅した街や山、川からインスパイアされた料理をその土地の食材を使って調理します。 テラー。 テロの語源であるテラー。僕らの最大最高のテロはその人の胃袋をジャックする事。きっと、虜にさせて見せます。 あの日見た風景を想いながら。はたまた、まだ見ぬ景色に想いを馳せながら。 GASTERROのお料理はいつでも皆さんの心を“旅”へと誘います。 IG : https://www.instagram.com/gasterro2021/ WEB : https://gasterro.com/
【お問い合わせ・会場】 Purveyors 群馬県桐生市仲町2-11-4 TEL: 0277-32-3446 E-mail: [email protected] 駐車場のご案内 http://purveyors2017.jp/free/parking *駐車台数に限りがございます。乗り合わせ・��車の場合は近隣有料駐車場をご利用いただきますようご協力お願いいたします。
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8/7.8.9 Open Shutter Day Vol.4 開催します!
前回から約1年ぶり、リニューアル後初の開催です!! FARCRY BrewingのBEERとCAFEのお食事と共に、Purveyors的 夏祭りを楽しみましょうー
Open Shutter Day
2021年に始動したFARCRY BrewingのBEERと共に夏祭りを楽しみましょう!!
* * * * * * * * * *
Open Shutter Day Vol.4 HP:https://openshutterday.tumblr.com/ FACEBOOK : https://fb.me/e/1xGJLreSR
日時:2021年8月7日(土)〜9日(月・祝) イベントOPEN: 11時〜18時
* 期間中の店舗営業時間は11時〜20時となります(お酒の提供は19時まで)。 * 蔓延防止措置により8,9日はお酒の販売はテイクアウトに限らせていただきます。
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出店一覧 【 Performance & Work shop 】 ・Kendama,s forest (けん玉教室。パフォーマンス。けん玉の販売) https://kendamasforest.wixsite.com/kendamasforest
【 Workshop 】
・PLusBeat(オリジナルBAGなど革小物販売。オールドムーンのカスタムオーダー) https://www.plusbeat.net
・似顔絵のkibun(似顔絵かき。スタンプやフェルトを使ったワークショップ。オリジナルアイテムが当たるくじ引き) https://www.instagram.com/kibun.i/?hl=ja
・mameritsuko(セロファンテープを使ったワークショップ。オリジナルのペーパーアイテムの販売) http://mameritsuko.com
・100mermaids (自分だけのぬいぐるみ作り。オリジナルBAGなどの販売) http://100mermaids.kir.jp
・雷鳥孔版画店 (シルクスクリーンワークショップ) http://purveyors2017.jp/free/silkscreen
and more…
【 Market 】
・TRIP SPICE (スパイスの販売とテイスティング) https://www.2-3-4shokudo.com/trip-spice
・COCO FARM & WINERY(ワイン、ジュースの販売とドリンクの提供) https://cocowine.com
・元気の出るファーム(有機野菜の販売) https://www.npo-gdf.com
・HEI BAKE&GRILL MARKET (焼き菓子の販売) www.hei-bgm.com ・Topo Designs (ワッペン縫縫いワークショップ。アパレル小物の販売) https://topodesigns.jp/
・Mebuki (ニットの洋服販売) https://www.instagram.com/mebuki_official/?hl=ja
・ANDAIR(テントの展示販売) https://and-air.com/
and more…
【 Food 】
・FARCRY BREWING & CAFE (ビール、コーヒー、その他ドリンク、フード) https://farcrybrewing.jp
and more…
#Open Shutter Day#Purveyors#FARCRY Brewing#FARCRY BREWING & CAFE#ANDAIR#Mebuki#Topo Designs#COCO FARM & WINERY#TRIP SPICE#100mermaids#PLusBeat#似顔絵のkibun#mameritsuko#Kendamas forest#元気の出るファーム
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2021/11/03 New Open!! ~GASTERRO~
2021年1月に群馬県桐生市で産声を上げた「FARCRY BREWING」が皆様にフレッシュで唯一無二のビールをお届けします。
ブルワーは麹を使ったビール醸造の第一人者 阿久澤 健志。湧水源をいくつも有する水が豊かな桐生という土地で、メインのビールには日本の伝統文化に根差した発酵技術を駆使し、僕らにしか作れないアバンギャルドな製法で世界へ拳を突き上げるビールを展開しています。
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8/7.8.9 <Drink & Market> COCO FARM & WINERY
7,8,9日 ワイン、ジュースの販売 桐生のお隣、足利で世界に誇る「日本ワイン」を作り続けるココ・ファーム・ワイナリーさん。 FARCRY BREWING&CAFEのお料理とともに提案させていただいているワインはお客様に好評いただいてます。 アルコールの飲めない方にお勧めしている、ココファームさんのブドウ酢を使ったソーダは程よい酸味とすっきり上品な甘味でお食事にもあうソフトドリンクとして大人気です!
<COCO FARM & WINERY> 1950年代、少年たちによって開かれた山の葡萄畑。
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8日、9日 焼き菓子の販売 桐生のお隣、太田市にお店を構える HEIさん。 HEIさんが作る優しい焼き菓子はマーケットイベントでもあっという間に売り切れるほど大人気。
売り切れ必須ですよー FARCRY BREWING のBEERとお菓子の相性もGOOD ♪ CAFE自慢のカフェラテともご一緒にお召し上がりくださいませ!
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