#Félicité Island
adelemadouce · 4 months
Swans and Eagles
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I think I was more excited about meeting the Emperor than the Empress! Who can blame me - four weeks ago on May 18th, 1804, France was declared an Empire! And for the first time in our history, we got an "Emperor of the French"!...Napoléon 1er...the husband of my dear Aunt Joséphine, she was now Empress Joséphine.
France was in a frenzy of joy! Not since the dark years of the Revolution had our patriotism been so stirring, so hopeful and so auspicious as it was now with our radiant young Emperor!
As a relative of the Empress, I received an invitation to a welcome reception at the Château de Saint Cloud! At this reception (and it must have been one of many because all of France wanted to congratulate the imperial couple!), ...well, at this reception only relatives and friends of Joséphine were invited, especially from the Sugar Islands, Martinique, San Domingo and Guadeloupe. I had never been on these islands, and my relationship to the Empress was difficult to determine, but I was still part of her extensive family and was therefore able to look forward to the imperial reception with my husband and our son Tanguy. It was a hot Sunday in June 1804, when we were supposed to drive to Saint Cloud in our new equipage. My family, Maman, Papa and Dominique and our servants had gathered in the drawing room to admire the three of us. Duchâtel, in his sky-blue satin suit, with lace jabot, decorative sword and white gloves, was sweating like a pig. His lace handkerchief was already soaked, he asked for another one. I wore an isabell-colored silk dress that clung tightly to my belly and felt cool on my skin. I also wore a chasuble made of translucent chiffon with silver embroideries. Long white gloves, a pearl necklace and jasmine flowers in my hair. Simple but beautiful! I liked myself very much. And so does my family! As I slowly walked down the stairs and entered the drawing room, everyone applauded. My Papa cried! He was so proud that his daughter was being received by the Emperor! I kissed him tenderly, then we said au revoir! Our four-in-hand equipage was waiting...
At first I thought the Empress had invited all the inhabitants of the Lesser Antilles! I had never seen so many people in their Sunday best! Among them were aristocrats, in satin skirts, with lace cuffs and powdered wigs! We were led into the magnificent hall of the palace, the atmosphere was cheerful and loud. Music came to us from another hall, Mozart was being played. The guests lined up one behind the other in a queue, refreshments and petit fours were served. Tanguy was well behaved and calm. "It almost looks like these people have just come from Marie Antoinette's court!" said a young lady behind me and smiled. She was also pregnant! "Yes, indeed," I replied and smiled back. "It seems like the old days are coming back!" Next to her stood a man in uniform, he seemed to be her husband. "Family or acquaintance?" the young woman then asked. "Family,...from Martinique," it somehow didn't come easily to my lips. She looked at her husband, then back at me. "My family is close friends with the Taschers, but we are from San Domingo. Oh...pardon!...I'm Félicité de Fodoas, and this is my husband, General Savary!" The man bowed slightly. "I am Adèle Duchâtel,...my husband, and this little rascal is my son Tanguy!" Félicité looked down at my son, who was wearing a light blue suit like his father, a small top hat and a bouquet of violets for the Empress. "What a sweet boy! When are you expecting your second child?" Before I answered I looked at Duchâtel, he was talking to another man, so I could talk freely. Duchâtel hated it when I talked about my pregnancy. "It should be the end of August," I said. "Mine won't keep me waiting that long," she put her hand on her round little belly. We laughed and had a pleasant conversation. Until we entered the Grand Salon and the court chamberlain called our names. "Monsieur et Madame Charles Duchâtel!" I had caught a glimpse of the Emperor a few minutes earlier, but now I lowered my eyes because I didn't want to appear too curious. At Duchâtel's side, I took small steps towards the throne, then we stopped. I let go of Tanguy's little hand, and I sank into a deep curtsy. I kept my lashes lowered for a long moment. It was only when I heard Tanguy rushing towards the Empress that I looked up. He held out the violets to her and Aunt Joséphine was delighted! "Bonjour mon petit prince!" She said in her sweet voice and pulled the boy onto her lap. But my eyes wandered to the left. The Emperor stood next to his throne. I immediately lowered my eyes again. "Please, Madame..." I heard his voice above me and looked up to him. "...rise! You are carrying the life of an unborn child, that requires consideration!" Duchâtel took my arm and carefully pulled me up. But I no longer saw my husband. I looked at the Emperor and I only saw him!
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"Your Majesty,...my unborn child will remember Your kindness with deep gratitude for the rest of his life!" His eyes were fixed on me. The Emperor Napoléon was a completely different person from the gloomy, thin General Bonaparte I had once met. Again, I tried not to show too much curiosity. But, God! I was so curious about him! "Why do you wear so little jewelry, Madame?" he then asked me. "I told you...," Duchâtel snapped at me from the side, "...you should wear the large parure...not pearls...I told you!" Duchâtel wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Your Majesty...I beg Your forgiveness....but my wife has a mind of her own...and..." But the Emperor ignored Duchâtel. He looked at me, unfazed. "Well, Madame?" he insisted. I stretched and put my hand on the side of my belly. "Sire, I'm wearing the most beautiful jewelry a woman can wear!" I was now brave enough to meet his gaze, but when our eyes met, something happened that touched me deeply and left me in the greatest confusion! Something had happened in that moment. But I didn't know what it was...I just couldn't take my attention away from him. And he seemed to notice that there was something about him that captivated me. He seemed to want to find out...
It was the friendly voice of the Empress that freed me from this strangely pleasant situation. "Adèle...I've put you on the list of my future ladies-in-waiting. Are you happy?" My heart was pounding. It was the day of miracles!!! I leaned forward, took Aunt Joséphine's hand and pressed it happily to my cheek. "Your Majesty, there is nothing greater for me than serving my Empress!" I smiled at her radiantly. Even my little Tanguy laughed!
Yes, it was the time of miracles that had now begun for me. Just one week after my first meeting with Emperor Napoléon, our paths crossed for the second time. It was another sunny Sunday when I drove early in the morning in my light purple riding dress to the Hippodrôme in Longchamp to go for a ride in the Bois. Andrian, my stable boy, was already waiting for me with my mare Poupette, fully saddled. It was to be the last ride before the birth of my child and, at Duchâtel's request, Adrian was to accompany me with a horse from the stables. It was fine with me because I liked Adrian very much! He was a young lad of fifteen, who dreamed of becoming one day one of the Emperor's hussar. Adrian was very good with horses and an excellent rider. I really hoped his dream would come true! On this sunny summer morning we rode into the woods at a moderate gallop. The air was wonderful, it smelled of fresh greenery. At this early hour there were hardly any people in the Bois. As we came to a crossroads, we heard the hoofbeats of other riders in the distance. My Poupette neighed! I looked in the direction of the hoofbeats and was frightened - it was the Emperor, with a small entourage! I reined in Poupette and my horse stopped. Adrian stared with wide eyes in the direction of the galloping Emperor. Adrian finally jumped off the horse, fell to his knees in the dust and clutched his tricorn hat to his chest. I didn't know where to look first, at the Emperor or at Adrian? My horse pranced restlessly. I pulled on the reins and patted Poupette's neck. The Emperor brought his horse to a halt in front of me. "Your Majesty!" I called out kindly and bowed as much as I could in my saddle. "Madame...to see you here? At this early hour...in your condition?" The Emperor wore a uniform, but no coat because of the heat.
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His companions, Grand Marshal Duroc and General Rapp also wore no cloaks. I looked at the Emperor and tried to smile, my heart pounding so loudly I was afraid he might hear it. "Sire, it is my last ride before giving birth!" His spanish stallion pranced restlessly next to my little mare. "Madame, you must promise me that! Turn back immediately! It is truly irresponsible to ride in your condition! If you were my wife, I would not allow you to do so!" He said these words very seriously, but he didn't seem to be really angry. I saw a kindness in his eyes that overwhelmed me. And my heart beat even louder! "Sire, I promise! Your desire is my command!" Did I really say that? The Emperor turned to his companions and the men grinned. The Emperor immediately turned back to me. "What is the name of your horse, Madame?" I patted Poupette's neck again. "Her name is Poupette, Sire!" He nodded. I saw a furtive smile on Grand Marshal Duroc's face. The Emperor, however, did not take his eyes off me. "One day, Madame, you and your....Poupette...will accompany me on a ride in the forests of Fontainebleau! But now, turn back immediately and take care of yourself! Think of your child...for my sake!" I swallowed. Our eyes locked so deeply that I thought I was drowning in his gaze. What a sweet death! I came to my senses and nodded vigorously. "Yes, Your Majesty...I will ride back immediately! I thank Your Majesty! From the bottom of my heart!" He finally smiled. "Good, Madame! We will meet again..." He turned his horse, glanced at Adrian and said: "Stand up, boy!" Then he and his officers galloped off, leaving a cloud of dust behind. Adrian and I looked at each other. But we were too confused to say a word...
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recapqsmp · 1 year
Samedi 09/09 - Vent de déprime sur Quesadilla Island
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Tubbo s'est connecté et a remarqué que la puissance des machines create avait encore été nerf : le coefficient de stress unit a doublé, et les pompes produisent encore moins de puissance ! Aussi, ses backpacks ont été vidés de leur contenu. Les admins lui ont rendu, mais Pac a décidé de transférer le contenu de ses sacs dans des coffres au cas où, et Tubbo a conseillé à Fit de faire la même chose.
Cucurucho a espionné Tubbo pendant qu'il construisait la bibliothèque demandé par la fédération. A chaque fois que Tubbo le voyait, Cucurucho fuyait, pour revenir à nouveau une minute après.
Cucurucho est finalement allé voir Foolish pour lui proposer une tâche : décorer les alentours du spawn. Foolish a marchandé sa récompense, et les deux se sont accordés sur 15 duck coins, 2 bananes éternelles (au cas où des mouettes lui en volent une encore une fois), peut-être le retour de son sunbird et la possibilité d'arrêter Tubbo s'il fait une bêtise.
Tubbo a terminé sa bibliothèque. Cucurucho a validé la construction, et lui a remis sa récompense. Tubbo a essayé de le questionner au sujet de la disparition des oeufs, mais Cucurucho n'a donné aucune information. Il l'a alors interrogé sur les duck coins, et a appris que la monnaie serait bientôt utilisé sur le serveur, qu'ils seraient mis au courant bientôt, et qu'il y avait pour l'instant moins de 1000 duck coins en circulation.
En regardant sa map, Fit est tombé sur une salle secrète sous le spawn (accessible en creusant sous le bloc de magma posé près du mur d'enquête). Dans cette salle faite en quartz, et décoré comme un bureau de Cucurucho, il a pu trouvé un livre nommé "october 10th" disant "badboyhalo :)". Fit pense que c'est probablement une mauvaise blague, car les blocs ne sont pas renforcés. Mouse a tout fait exploser.
Aypierre et BadBoy sont entrés dans un état de dépression assez avancé à cause de l'enlèvement des oeufs et des changements soundain sur le serveur. Ils ont commencé a creuser des trous partout pour essayer de tomber sur une base de la fédération, avant de tester si d'autres choses sont modifiées ou désactivées sur le serveur et ont enfin théorisé sur des prochaines décisions farfelues qui pourraient être prises, comme le fait de passer le serveur sur la version bedrock, ou la suppression du cuivre.
Cellbit a reçu une dernière mission d'enquête de Cucurucho. Aux coordonnées données par Cucurucho, il a trouvé une sharestone l'emmenant à 100k blocs. Il s'est ainsi retrouvé devant un chalet abandonné. Dedans, il y avait le livre d'un Hermite parlant d'un mur intraversable et se demandant ce qu'il y a de l'autre côté. Au mur il y avait aussi une suite de nombre et au sol un coffre protégé par mot de passe, contenant de nouvelles coordonnées. En suivant la piste, il est tombé sur une cabane à l'entrée d'une grotte luxuriante. Dedans, il y avait un chat sauvage et un autre livre de l'Hermite demandant que la personne trouvant ce lieu s'occupe de son chat nommé Zeno s'il est encore en vie. Cellbit l'a donc adopté. Comme il ne trouvait plus de piste, il a décidé de rendre son rapport à Cucurucho, mais en ne mentionnant pas les livres de l'Hermite trouvé sur la route.
En rendant son rapport, Cucurucho l'a félicité, et lui a donné sa récompense : il peut demander ce qu'il veut à la fédération, excepté une information. Cellbit lui a demandé s'il pouvait avoir son fils à nouveau, Cucurucho lui a répondu que c'était une information confidentielle. Cellbit a alors demandé un peu de temps pour réfléchir, et s'est déconnecté devant le lit de Richarlyson, toujours aussi vide.
La fédération a envoyé ElQuackity surveiller Baghera pendant son grand prix de F4.
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artemlegere-art · 28 days
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Portrait of Felicite-Louise-Julie-Constance de Durfort Marechale de Beurnonville
Artist: Merry-Joseph Blondel (French, 1781–1853)
Genre: Portrait
Date: 1808
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Collection: Private Collection
In this elegant, but unpretentious life-sized portrait Merry-Joseph Blondel depicts Félicité-Louise de Durfort (1782-1872), the young wife of Pierre Riel, standing upon a garden terrace. She leans casually with her left arm on the large wooden planter of an orange tree in full fruit, whose selective shade leaves her, for the most part, bathed in a gentle sunlit glow. She wears a simple high-waisted diaphanous white dress trimmed with gold ribbons. An Indian inspired shawl, the height of fashion at this period, in creamy cashmere embroidered with paisleys is draped over her right arm and trails at her feet, which are adorned with white satin slippers with ribbons laced around her tiny crossed ankles. Her black hair is parted, curled at the temples, and gathered simply atop her head with a gold ribbon or diadem. She hold a sprig of pale pink roses in her right hand. Her gaze is calm, demure, but direct. At left, steps guide the eye to a path winding to a distant view of the Château of Balincourt in the background. Pierre Riel, who was some thirty years older than his bride, acquired the house in 1803 just two years before their wedding, and as the new chatelaine, Félicité supervised a complete redecoration of the château in the Empire style at every expense her husband’s considerable fortune afforded.
Unlike his wife’s family, which on both sides, was one of the most illustrious in France, Pierre Riel had risen to the highest rank from very modest origins. Born in 1752, the son of wheelwright from Champignolle, Reil was a good example of the Bonapartist legend that every footsoldier had a marshal’s baton in his knapsack, even if Riel actually received his from Louis XVIII. While stationed on the Island of Reunion in 1778, he married Geneviève Gillon de l’Etang, a lady of slightly higher station, and the widow of an Anglo-Irish merchant named Macfields. When he returned to France she refused to accompany him and they were divorced without issue. In 1789 the citizens of Riel’s home town decided to honor him with the gift of the small property of Beurnonville, for which he nevertheless paid them the sum of 200 francs, almost the entire value of the land. Henceforth he was known as Pierre Riel de Beurnonville, then, under the republic, Citoyen Beurnonville, eventually ending his career as a hereditary Marquis-Peer. It was as a Lieutenant-General and Senator of the Empire that he married the young Mlle de Durfort, a marriage arranged with her widowed mother. Years later, Félicité said to some young cousins, “women are so unfortunate, we are married very young to worn out men, without heart, without love, without strength, whom we do not choose”. As youthful and pretty as Félicité evidently was, she had fortune to speak of, and was therefore in a position to choose her husband. She and Pierre had no children when he died in 1821. Her husband remembered her tenderly in his will as ‘my dear Wife, for whom the tender love that I had for her and her perfect conduct and the touching signs that she never ceased to demonstrate during our marriage.’ He left her the usufruct of almost his entire estate, with the eventual reversion to his nephew, Etienne Martin, Baron de Beurnonville Despite the high rank he held in French freemasonry, the Marshal evidently retained his allegiance to the Church, asking this his widow establish a donation for prayers for the repose of his soul to be said in perpetuity at their parish church in Paris and at their Château of Balincourt.
Now a wealthy widow, the Maréchale fell in love with a retired officer nine years her junior, Joseph Marie Frémiot, a former infantry captain, the son of a regimental musician. As a mark of the favor in which her husband had been held, her second husband received from the King the personal title of Baron (18 May 1825). In 1827, despite her age, she gave birth to a son, Henri, who sadly predeceased both parents, dying in 1868. Félicité died two years later at their Paris home. Joseph followed her two years later. Pierre’s nephew now inherited the splendid Château of Balincourt, where the portrait hung until his death, when it passed to his cousin the Count de Reiset.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 4.14 (before 1940)
43 BC – Legions loyal to the Roman Senate, commanded by Gaius Pansa, defeat the forces of Mark Antony in the Battle of Forum Gallorum. 69 – Vitellius, commanding Rhine-based armies, defeats Roman emperor Otho in the First Battle of Bedriacum to take power over Rome. 966 – Following his marriage to the Christian Doubravka of Bohemia, the pagan ruler of the Polans, Mieszko I, converts to Christianity, an event considered to be the founding of the Polish state. 972 – Otto II, Co-Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, marries Byzantine princess Theophanu. She is crowned empress by Pope John XIII in Rome the same day. 1395 – Tokhtamysh–Timur war: At the Battle of the Terek River, Timur defeats the army of the Golden Horde, beginning the khanate's permanent military decline. 1471 – In England, the Yorkists under Edward IV defeat the Lancastrians under the Earl of Warwick at the Battle of Barnet; the Earl is killed and Edward resumes the throne. 1561 – A celestial phenomenon is reported over Nuremberg, described as an aerial battle. 1639 – Thirty Years' War: Forces of the Holy Roman Empire and Electorate of Saxony are defeated by the Swedes at the Battle of Chemnitz, ending the military effectiveness of the Saxon army for the rest of the war and allowing the Swedes to advance into Bohemia. 1775 – The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage, the first abolition society in North America, is organized in Philadelphia by Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush. 1793 – The French troops led by Léger-Félicité Sonthonax defeat the slaves settlers in the Siege of Port-au-Prince. 1816 – Bussa, a slave in British-ruled Barbados, leads a slave rebellion, for which he is remembered as the country's first national hero. 1849 – Hungary declares itself independent of Austria with Lajos Kossuth as its leader. 1858 – The 1858 Christiania fire severely destroys several city blocks near Stortorvet in Christiania, Norway, and about 1,000 people lose their homes. 1865 – U.S. President Abraham Lincoln is shot in Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth; Lincoln dies the following day. 1865 – William H. Seward, the U.S. Secretary of State, and his family are attacked at home by Lewis Powell. 1881 – The Four Dead in Five Seconds Gunfight occurs in El Paso, Texas. 1890 – The Pan-American Union is founded by the First International Conference of American States in Washington, D.C. 1894 – The first ever commercial motion picture house opens in New York City, United States. It uses ten Kinetoscopes, devices for peep-show viewing of films. 1895 – The 1895 Ljubljana earthquake, both the most and last destructive earthquake in the area, occurs. 1900 – The world's fair Exposition Universelle opens in Paris. 1906 – The first meeting of the Azusa Street Revival, which will launch Pentecostalism as a worldwide movement, is held in Los Angeles. 1908 – Hauser Dam, a steel dam on the Missouri River in Montana, fails, sending a surge of water 25 to 30 feet (7.6 to 9.1 m) high downstream. 1909 – Muslims in the Ottoman Empire begin a massacre of Armenians in Adana. 1912 – The British passenger liner RMS Titanic hits an iceberg in the North Atlantic and begins to sink. 1928 – The Bremen, a German Junkers W 33 type aircraft, reaches Greenly Island, Canada, completing the first successful transatlantic aeroplane flight from east to west. 1929 – The inaugural Monaco Grand Prix takes place in the Principality of Monaco. William Grover-Williams wins driving a Bugatti Type 35. 1931 – The Second Spanish Republic is proclaimed and king Alfonso XIII goes to exile. Meanwhile, in Barcelona, Francesc Macià proclaims the Catalan Republic. 1935 – The Black Sunday dust storm, considered one of the worst storms of the Dust Bowl, sweeps across the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles and neighboring areas.
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pdj-france · 1 year
Image : Toei Animation Les fuites du chapitre 1090 de One Piece ont confirmé le décès de deux personnages dont le sort a été remis en question pendant plus de 13 chapitres depuis que nous les avons vus pour la dernière fois sur Egghead Island. A présent que nous retournons à Egghead Island, nous obtenons des réponses à de nombreuses questions comme celle-ci. Bien qu'il soit triste de les voir partir, au moins, nous avons désormais une idée de leur sort. Voici tout ce que vous devez savoir pour savoir si Shaka ou Pythagore sont morts dans One Piece. Shaka est-il mort dans One Piece ? Image: Eichrio Oda Oui, Shaka est confirmé mort par les fuites du chapitre 1090 de One Piece. Sa mort est survenue lors des événements du chapitre 1077. Shaka a remis en question la mission de CP0 quand Lucci et Kaku ont proposé d'aider à combattre les Séraphins. Lucci a admis vouloir assassiner Vegapunk et les Satellites et rembourser Stussy. Malgré le risque, Shaka a laissé la décision à Luffy, soulignant l'obligation de protéger Stella, et Luffy a choisi de libérer les agents. Tout en combattant les deux Séraphins, Zoro a fait remarquer la résilience du groupe. Shaka a été choquée de découvrir un membre lunaire parmi les Beasts Pirates. Après cela, Shaka s'est rendu à l'ex laboratoire de recherche sur les fruits du diable au sous-sol, où il a découvert les agents Cipher Pol et Stella manquants. Toutefois, York a tiré sur Shaka dans la tête avant qu'il ne puisse les libérer. Après le chapitre 1077, il n'a jamais été confirmé si la balle dans la tête de Shaka l'avait tué, et il apparaît que nous ayons désormais notre confirmation. En relation: One Piece Chapter 1090 Spoilers, calendrier de publication et récapitulatif Pythagore est-il mort en un seul morceau ? Image: Eichrio Oda Oui, Pythagore est confirmé mort par les fuites du chapitre 1090 de One Piece. Le décès de Pythagore survient lors des événements du chapitre 1077. Pythagore a recherché le Vegapunk Stella manquant sur les ordres de Shaka. Pendant la recherche, S-Snake s'est approché par derrière et a provoqué une explosion dans le laboratoire qui a détaché la tête de Pythagore de son corps mais est resté en vie. Pythagore a rencontré Usopp, Franky, Lilith et York pour enquêter sur l'explosion. Usopp l'a visé, mais Pythagore a expliqué qu'il était de leur côté. Avant qu'il ne puisse les avertir à propos de S-Snake, York s'est transformé en pierre. S-Snake a tiré un faisceau, les jetant hors de la plate-forme. Les quatre individus ont réussi à regagner la plate-forme sains et saufs. Pythagoras a félicité Lilith pour avoir affaibli S-Snake à l'aide d'un Bubble Gun. S-Snake leur a tiré un autre faisceau en réponse, mais ils ont pu l'esquiver. Après que S-Snake ait pétrifié les trois, Pythagore se met en colère et demande à savoir qui lui a ordonné de le faire. Cela dit, S-Snake marche sur sa tête et provoque une explosion. - Ce post a été mis à jour le 11 août 2023 A propos de l'auteur Matthew Kevin Mitchell est un écrivain contributeur pour Attack of the Fanboy et PC Invasion depuis 2022. Matthew couvre principalement des mangas comme One Piece, des films d'horreur comme Scream et des jeux d'horreur de survie comme Dead by Daylight. Son moment préféré est survenu pendant son premier événement presse couvrant Scream 6 pour AotF. Il est originaire de Denver, Colorado, où il a obtenu son baccalauréat ès sciences en technologie de l'information de l'Université Regis. Lorsqu'il ne se fait pas peur ou n'écrit pas, il adore jouer au hockey sur glace, gâter son chien et boire une quantité de café malsaine. En savoir plus sur L'Attaque du Fanboy :
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 3.7
Alexander Graham Bell Day
Arbor Day (California)
Bird Day (California)
Bloody Sunday Anniversary Day (Selma, Alabama)
Chamorro Heritage Day (Guam)
Equal Pay Day (Gleicher Bezahlungstag; Germany)
Finnmarkslopet Dog Sled Race (Finland)
First Planting Festival (Elder Scrolls)
Get Grandma To Write Down Her Meatloaf Recipe Day
Hamilton Lavity Stoutt Day (British Virgin Islands)
International Day of the Anti-Fascist Woman
International Women’s Day (Angola, Tajikistan)
INTERPOL International Day of Remembrance for Fallen Officers
Liberation of Sulaymaniyah (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Mahasivarathri Day (Sri Lanka)
Masaryk Day (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
Maslenitsa (Russia)
National Be Heard Day
National Ben Day
National Heroes and Benefactors Day (Belize)
Nones of March (Ancient Rome)
Plant Power Day (UK)
Say Hello Day
Teacher’s Day (Albania)
Texas Energy Day (Texas)
307 Day
World Oneness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cereal Day
National Crown Roast of Pork Day
National Flapjack Day
Punch Roll Day (Sweden)
1st Tuesday in March
Football Day (England) [1st Tuesday]
National Sportsmanship Day [1st Tuesday]
Peace Corps Day [1st Tuesday]
Town Meeting Day (Vermont) [1st Tuesday]
Unique Names Day [Tuesday of Name Week]
Independence Days
Aleutian Islands (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Barbara Eden Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Billy (Muppetism)
Contradiction Day (No It’s Not!; Pastafarian)
Empodocles (Positivist; Saint)
Festival for Vedovus (God of the Dead & Volcanic Movements; Ancient Rome)
Full Moon [3rd of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Big Famine Moon (Choctaw)
Chase Moon (England, Wicca)
Death Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Crow Comes Back Moon (Traditional)
Dolyatra (Powder Festival; India; Hinduism) [3rd Lunar Full Moon]
Fish Moon (Colonial)
Harvest Moon (South Africa)
Makha Bucha (Festival Celebrating the Concept of an Ideal Community; Buddhism; Thailand) [3rd Lunar Full Moon]
Sap Moon (Alternate, North America)
Sleepy Moon (China)
Sore Eyes Moon (Traditional)
Southern Hemisphere: Corn, Harvest
Strong Winds Moon (Traditional)
Sugar Moon (Traditional)
Windy Moon (Cherokee)
Winds Moon (Celtic)
Worm Moon (American Indian, Traditional)
José Olallo (Christian; Saint)
Junoalia (Old Roman Festival to Juno)
Leonid Feodorov (Russian Greek Catholic Church)
Paul the Simple (Christian; Saint)
Perpetua and Felicity (Christian; Saints)
Psyche’s Day (Pagan)
Pierre-Henri Dorie, Siméon-François Berneux (Christian; part of The Korean Martyrs)
Thomas of Aquino, Doctor of the Church (Christian; Saint)
Treachery Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 11 of 60)
Alice the Collegiate (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Coal Miner’s Daughter
Foxes (Film; 1980)
From Genesis to Revelation, by Genesis (Album; 1969)
The Golden Eggs (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (Film; 2014)
Highlander (Film; 1986)
The Long Goodbye (Film; 1973)
Mame (Film; 1974)
Mickey’s Grand Opera (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (Film; 2008)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (Animated Film; 2014)
My Beautiful Launderette (Film; 1986)
A Room with a View (Film; 1986)
Sailor Moon (Japanese Anime Series; 1992)
The Six Million Dollar Man (TV Series; 1973)
Way Out West, by Sonny Rollins (Album; 1957)
Young Americans, by David Bowie (Album; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Felicitas, Perpetua, Reinhard (Austria)
Bogoljub, Felicita, Perpetua, Teofil (Croatia)
Tomáš (Czech Republic)
Perpetua (Denmark)
Ralf, Raul, Rolf, Rudolf, Ruudi, Ruut (Estonia)
Taika, Tarja, Taru (Finland)
Félicie, Félicité, Nathan (France)
Felicitas, Felizitas, Perpet, Reinhard, Volker (Germany)
Evgenios (Greece)
Tamás (Hungary)
Quintilio, Tommaso (Italy)
Ella, Elmira (Latvia)
Felicita, Galmantė, Rimtautas, Tomas (Lithuania)
Are, Arild (Norway)
Felicja, Nadmir, Paweł, Polikarp, Tomasz (Poland)
Efrem (Romania)
Tomáš (Slovakia)
Felicidad, Perpetua (Spain)
Camilla, Ottilia (Sweden)
Davon, Devan, Deven, Devin, Devon, Devonta, Devonte, Devyn, Dewey, Lothar, Luther (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 66 of 2023; 299 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 10 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 16 (Jia-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 14 Adar 5783
Islamic: 14 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 5 Ver; Fiveday [5 of 30]
Julian: 22 February 2023
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 10 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Empodocles]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 77 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 16 of 29)
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globalheroesnews · 2 years
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monkismymoniker · 7 years
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tommeurs · 2 years
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Villa Zil Pasyon [1080 x 1349] Private island of Félicité
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BFCD Masterlist: Video Game Characters
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List will be updated as characters are introduced to the blog. Feel free to continue to submit characters as I do not play or really know video games and those that I didn’t find in searching/research, were fewer in number than the ones that I happened across or found by sifting.
Edit: The asterisk is for voice actors and I only included the Black female voice actors. That’s why they don’t all have them. (Some of them were for whatever reason voiced by some nonblack).
Alyx Vance Half Life * Ozioma Akagha | Amanda Amanda the Adventurer | Amanda Stern - Detroit Become Human * Simbi Khali | Anaya Imanu - Tombraider * Melissa Lloyd | Angrboda - God of War: Ragnarok * Laya DeLeon Hayes | Aveline De Grandpre - Assassins’ Creed
Bangalore (Anita Williams) - Apex Legends * Erica Luttrell | Billie Lurk/Megan Foster - Dishonored 2 * Rosario Dawson | Bow Kid - A Hat in Time | Bunny Brawler - Fortnite
Calamity - Fortnite | Chondra Unkrich - YIIK: A Postmodern RPG | Citra Talugmai Far Cry |  Clash (Morowa Evans) - Rainbow Six Siege * Sophia Walker | Claudette Morel - Dead by Daylight |  Clementine - The Walking Dead Game
Daisy Fitzroy - Bioshock Infinite * Kimberly Brooks | Darli Dagger - Samurai Shodown | Doctor Slone - Fortnite * Mara Junot | Dolores - The King of Fighters
Efi Oladele Overwatch | Eileen the Crow - Bloodborne * Jacqueline Boatswain | Elena - Street Fighter * Eva La Dare (Karen Dyer) | Eliza Skullgirls | Élodie Rakoto - Dead by Daylight | Eurydice - Hades The Game * Francesca Hogan
Flint - Brute Force * Monnae Michaell | Fliss Dubois ( Félicité DuBois)  - Man of Medan * Ayisha Issa | Frey Holland - Forspoken *  Ella Balinska
Grace - Fighting Vipers | Grace Sienar - Star Wars: Squadrons * Erica Luttrell | Grace Walker - Wolfenstein * Debra Wilson
Holiis Forsythe - Psychonauts * Kimberly Brooks 
Ikora Rey - Destiny The Game * Mara Junot |  Imani - Paladins |
Jacqui Briggs - Mortal Kombat * Danielle Nicolet, Megalyn Echikunwoke | Jade - Mortal Kombat |  Joslin Reyes Tomb Raider * Tanya Alexander | Julianna Blake - Death Loop * Ozioma Akagha
Kanna - Blast Master Zero | Kate Alen - F Zero
Lancer - Rogue Company | Layla Ellison - Redfall * Noveen Crumbie | Lifeline - Apex Legends | Liz Tuttle - Hogwarts Mystery | Lola Rembrite - Huniepop | Lydia Daybreak - Paradise Killer * Elli Osili Wood 
Mary - Pop N’ Music | Marina - Splatoon | Marlene - The Last of Us * Merle Dandridge | Melusi - Rainbow Six Siege * Sibongile Mlambo
Nadine Ross - Uncharted | Nilin - Remember Me | Nora Harris - The Last of Us * Chelsea Tavares | Nyoka - The Outer Worlds
Oerba Dia Vanille - Final Fantasy | Olara Horizon Zero Dawn | Olive Specter - The Sims |  Orisa Overwatch *Cherrelle Skeete |
Piranha Jet Set Radio | Plastic - Mirror’s Edge * Ozioma Akagha | Purna Jackson - Dead Island
Rae Sloane - Star Wars Aftermath | Regina Jones - Lily’s Garden | Riley Abel - The Last of Us *Yaani King | Robin Ayou - Subnautica Sub-Zero * Kimberly D. Brooks | Rochelle - Left 4 Dead | Rose Chapman - Detroit Become Human | Roxy Laveau - Mafia *  Kalilah Harris
Samina Ebadji - Horizon Zero Dawn * Jaye Jacobs | Senna - League of Legends * Kimberly Brooks | Shani Beyond Good and Evil | Shaunte By WayForward |  Sheva Alomar - Resident Evil * Karen Dyer | Shinobu Jacobs - No More Heroes *Kimberly Brooks | Stella - Spiritfarer | Sunny - Calico 
Talanji - World of Warcraft * Susan Wokoma | Talia - Lolirock | T-Bug - Cyberpunk 2077 | Tilly Jackson - Red Dead Redemption *  Meeya Davis-Glover
Vella Tartine - Broken Age *  Masasa Moyo | Vivienne de Fer - Dragon Age Inquisition 
Zahra - Indivisible *Secunda Wood | Zo - Horizon Zero Dawn  * Erica Luttrell | Zoey Wade - Choices: Stories You Play
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twstheadcanons · 3 years
Self-Indulgent TWST Geography
A long post of generalised geography headcanons for the world of TWST complete with continents for my own personal needs.  The post divides locations by Continent.
Anyway why is there a homeland whose name is just the definition of a desert.
Continents (and ocean)
Errant - a western continent in Twisted Wonderland. Mzunguko - the second largest continent in Twisted Wonderland.   Yalmae - the largest continent in Twisted Wonderland.   Abíní - a continent West of Errant. Tridente Ocean - the largest ocean in Twisted Wonderland.
Rose Kingdom – a country in the western region of Errant. It isn’t a particularly large country, and traveling from it to its neighbouring countries is possible via buses or car. Crownsshire – a county in Rose Kingdom Crowns – the capital  of Crownsshire. It is the town Riddle, Trey, and Che’nya live in.  
Land of Pyroxene – a large country in Errant.  Known for its cold, snowy winters and history with legends pertaining to five of the Great Seven. Waldburg – province Vil’s family is from.  Largely influenced by another country within Errant. Argent – a province in Land of Pyroxene.   Verre – a city in Argent.  Trein and Cater are from here.  Félicité Cosmetics originates here. Miroir – a province in Land of Pyroxene.  Has a large outlet mall popular with fashion-lovers and shopaholics.  The Ténèbres brand originates here. Enchantée – a town in Miroir. Jack and Vargas live here, whilst Vil and his father move here. Scharlachrot - a province in Land of Pyroxene. Epel’s Village of Harvest resides here, and is famous for its widespread organic produce.
Isle of Lamentation – island country, its popularised global name is a translation from the isle’s original Nísos Thrínos.  It has robust technological advancements and is the homeland of the popular idol group On the Edge, known for having concerts with elaborate imagery and visual effects from some of the best technicians available.  Due to legends of the God of the Underworld,  dogs are extremely popular on the Isle of Lamentation. Kapnós – capital of the Isle of Lamentations where the Shroud family resides.  
Valley of Thorns – an isolated country small in population, largely consisting of a large mountain range.  The closer one is to where its Queen resides, the colder it gets.  It is said the Valley of Thorns can go weeks with nothing but moonlight. Geimhreadh - technically the name of the forest near the Valley of Thorns’ mountain range, where the Queen makes her home at its peak.  Its name spread to the residential areas nearby.
Afterglow Savannah – country in Mzunguko,  ‘Afterglow’ acts as a loose translation of its name, Baadaye.  It lies in eastern Mzunguko.  Famous for its royal guards and leading role in nature conservation. Kiburi – a county in the east of the Afterglow Savannah. Mwamba – capital of Kiburi, where the Kingscholar royal family lives. Maisha – a county in Afterglow Savannah, with its capital sharing the same name.   Jioni – a town in Maisha.  Ruggie and his family live here.
Manyoya – county in Afterglow Savannah.  Well-known for a famously expansive library and a high population of avian beastfolk. Uzuri  – a city in Manyoya, where Rook is from.
Land of Hot Sands – one of many countries in the continent of Yalmae,.  Within the country, it’s referred to as Aldif’.  Rich with its magical history and origins of astrology, Aldif’ nurtures Magicians skilled in divination.  It has a vivid musical scene as well. Misbah - governate of Aldif’. Yatamanaa – capital of Misbah, a largely lucrative city within Aldif’ and city where Kalim and Jamil live.
Port of Jubilee - a diverse nation where Sam’s family lives, owning an extensive emporium.  A vast amount of cultures reside in Port of Jubilee, many sharing common ancestors and languages with one another. Nanm - province in Port of Jubilee. Sekrè - port town in Nanm that Sam is from.  His family owns an impressive emporium popular with locals.
Tridente Ocean
Coral Sea - a sea within the Tridente Ocean.  Many of coastlines range across countries within Errant, Mzunguko, and Yalmae.  Beneath its waters lies a kingdom sharing the same name as the sea.  
Name Trivia
Continents (and ocean)
Errant - the continent of Errant has the homelands based off movies such as Alice in Wonderland, Snow White, Hercules, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, and Cinderella.  The name stems from certain scenes in the movie marking a particular moment the protagonists feel out of place or stray off the expected course.
Alice in Wonderland: Alice’s misadventures begin when she makes the decision to follow a strange rabbit, straying off the course of simply reading and studying as her sister wished, where the curious and at worst annoying strange creatures and nature of Wonderland take a turn when she meets the Caterpillar, who questions Alice’s place and identity, and the stress of her situation and being unable to return home overwhelms her emotionally.
Snow White - the horrific moment Snow White, in a state of panic, rushes through a dark forest, where her fears envision hidden horrors within the trees and wildlife.
Hercules - after refusing to listen to Phil’s warnings about Megara being in cahoots with Hades, Hercules faces the devastating fact that Megara (reluctantly) deceived him, and loses his superhuman strength and faith in himself.
Sleeping Beauty - shortly after meeting a man she falls for, Aurora becomes devastated and resigned to her fate being betrothed to a complete stranger out of responsibility for her future and country.
Beauty and the Beast - Maurice’s ventures through a mysterious forest consequently leads him to the Beast’s castle in a desperate attempt to escape cold, only to be imprisoned by the Beast for intruding, ultimately putting the story into motion.  After Belle makes a deal to swap places with her father and free him, Belle starts off terrified and in over her head despite saving her father’s life.
Cinderella - after the mice’s hard work creating a fitting ballgown for Cinderella to enjoy the ball, her stepsisters ruin the dress and Cinderella’s chances of leaving her oppressive family’s home.  Her distress and tears lead her to meeting the Fairy Godmother.
Mzunguko - “circle” in Swahili, the language prominent in Lion King’s names, lyrics, and Rafiki’s dialogue, as well as the official language of Kenya, where much of the movie’s settings take inspiration and blatantly feature.  Taken from the iconic “Circle of Life” song.
Tridente Ocean - “trident” in Italian.  Yes, I hear you.  The author is from Denmark.  The statue is in Denmark.  The movie references the statue in Denmark.  However the surname Ashengrotto and Azul’s mother running a ristorante screams Italian and there’s the overall edgy mafia vibe the Octatrio has going on.  I win this one.
Yalmae -  “shine” in Arabic (يلمع).  I wanted a name that illustrated the vibrant, lively diversity of the continent’s many countries, cultures, flora, and fauna.  Something akin to a name that inspires a welcoming feeling.
Abíní - “morning” in Navajo.  I wanted a name that inspires energy and enthusiasm, like a sunrise in summer.  
Rose Kingdom
Crownsshire - just the most painfully English name I could think of.  “Crown” refers to, naturally, the crown of the Queen of Hearts.  Also decided to make the Rose Kingdom its own, smaller, more limited country, instead of allowing its apparent monarchy to leech off 20+ different countries Crowns - do you have any idea how genuinely shocking it is we don’t actually have a town here named this.
Afterglow Savannah
Baadaye - “afterglow” in Swahili.  The official and native name of the Afterglow Savannah.  Interestingly, my findings found translations of it meaning “future” as well, which I consider fitting. Kiburi - “pride” in Swahili, can refer to a ‘pride of lions’ or confidence (often overconfidence). Mwamba - “rock” in Swahili, alluding to the Pride Rock that Mufasa’s pride resides in. Maisha - “life” in Swahili. Jioni - “evening” in Swahili.  This refers to where anywhere the sun doesn’t reach, Simba shouldn’t wander, because it’s too dangerous. Originally, I wanted to go with “Kivuri”, which means “shadow”.  However when I went to double check that ‘shadowland’ was a thing in Lion King, referring to where the Elephant Graveyard is, it’s actually a song from the Broadway musica called “Shadowland”, sung by Nala (Heather Headley). It both mourns the desolate state of the Pridelands under Scar’s tyranny, and narrates Nala’s resolve to leave and find a way to save her people and their land.  The song is absolutely gorgeous, solemn, and powerful, and contributes more than any live-action CGI Disney movie could ever come up with.  Its instrumental composition features the melody lei-motif prominent in the animated film (yes, That song.  the heartbreaking one).  It’s one of my favourites in Lion King alongside “He Lives in You” and “Not One of Us” because I like the ones where the chorus goes off. Please just listen to the Lion King Broadway soundtrack it makes me cry with how gorgeous and heartfelt it is.   Anyway in their money-grubbing ways I hope Disney puts the Broadway on Disney+ so some brave soul takes one for the team to pirate it Manyoya - intended to mean “feather”, but to my understanding it also encompasses “fur”. Uzuri - “beauty” in Swahili.  Nothing too deep here, just something pertaining to Rook.
Land of Hot Sand
Aldif’ - “warmth” in Arabic (الدفء).  Meant to allude to a comforting warmth, kind of hinting that the popularisation of “Land of Hot Sand” more or less leaves the official name lost in translation. Misbah - “lamp/light” in Arabic (مصباح), naturally referencing the magical lamp sought after throughout the movie. Yatamanaa - “wish” in Arabic (يتمنى).  Meant to be bit a bit of a cheeky play on words.  The “wish” inside the “lamp”.
Land of Pyroxene
Waldburg - Wald is "forest” in German.   References the forest that Snow White runs away into after being warned of the Evil Queen’s intentions. Argent - “silver” in French.  References Cinderella’s silver dress. Verre - “glass” in French.  References Cinderella’s glass slipper. Miroir - “mirror” in French.  References both the Mirror of Snow White and the enchanted mirror Beast gives Belle. Enchantée - “enchanted” in French.  Ties into the theme of enchantments, curses, and charms prominent in French fairy tales, and specifically makes me think of the Enchanted Rose from Beauty and the Beast.   Scharlachrot - “scarlet” in German.  References the red colour that hides the infamous green of the poison apple’s true nature.
Isle of Lamentation
Nísos Thrínos - Greek for the isle’s name. Kapnós - “smoke” in Greek.  References Hades’ iconic appearance surrounded by black smoke.
Valley of Thorns
Geimhreadh - “winter” in Irish.  References the winter court of Unseelie fae in Celtic folklore.
Port of Jubilee
Nanm - "soul” in Haiitan Creole.  References the importance of determination and drive prominent in Princess and the Frog.
Sekrè - “secret” in Haitian Creole.  References Dr Facilier’s ulterior motives.
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ink-dreams-ffxiv · 2 years
Prompt 4: Elysium (Free Day)
Rehna’s claw tips plucked the strings of the guitar. She looked up, from where she sat, to the small park that was part of Elysium. The new residential for foreign residents of Ishgard. Located next to The Firmament, a rebuilding of the Brume and surrounding area heavily damaged during the end of the Dragonsong War. Parents with their children, some couples, and a lone person here and there sat upon the magically warmed grass. Only a few were facing the red haired foreign Miqo’te, with the thick island accent. Though, no one had complained about her playing and singing. She began again. The song was an Ishgardian one, a challenge from her students. They couldn’t understand how it was that she could sing, and all hints of her accent vanished. Of course, they didn’t have a clue as to how much time she spent learning a song, feeling the words as she sang them, until the lyrics were as clear as any local singer could do them. Rather than bore the crowds with repeating the song over and over, she took the liberty to sing other songs, coming back around every third or fourth. 
Des yeux qui font baisser les miens
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche
Voilà le portrait sans retouche
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens
Unexpectedly, several voices rose in harmony with hers this time as the chorus began
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Qu'il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça m'fait quelque chose
When she was finished, applause rose from the park, not just for her, but also for those who sang the chorus. A small girl approached, Rehna could see she wasn’t nervous, just very bashful. In her hands was a bundle of knitting. “Ah, Miss, uh, so pretty!” The girl gushed, clearly flustered. “Ma-ma wondered if you might like, fer yer tail?!” Rehna tilted her head to the side, looking from the girl to her mother. The woman had been knitting while they ate lunch and relaxed, listening to her play. She held out her hands to the girl, who draped the knitting over them. Rehna realized it was the young girl’s scarf, her coat had been buttoned up, hiding the lack of scarf from her sight. When she looked closer, she broke into a broad grin, and held it back out to the girl, who clearly was not familiar with Miqo’te. “I think I need a little help putting it on, would you like to help me put it on?” “OH! Can I?!” The girl practically bounced; she was so happy with the offer. Rehna helped guide her a little, the girl’s mother had knitted the long edges of the scarf so that Rehna could slide her tail inside, protecting it from the Ishgardian Cold. Rehna even let the little girl pet her ears, watching the wonder in her eyes at how soft her fur was. She walked the little girl back, she had learned that the girl like to be called Capu, short for Capucine, and that her mother was named Félicité. They lived in the new housing, but Félicité liked to come to bring Capu to Elysium so she could meet people from all over, people like Rehna who were different, so the girl would feel comfortable with her new experiences. 
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swedesinstockholm · 3 years
la vie la mort la vie la mort la vie la mort, les choses qui me donnent envie de vivre et les choses qui me donnent envie de mourir, est-ce que ça veut dire quelque chose sur les choses elles-mêmes ou juste sur moi?
mercredi c’était la vie qui avait le dessus, même à l’adem agencedel’emploi avec mon livre sur artaud dans la main et mes mensonges, dans le bus une fille parlait de ses études de biologie marine et ça m’a pas donné envie de mourir et au retour je me suis trompée de bus mais c’était pas trop grave parce qu’il faisait grand soleil et j’ai vu de près la maison dont j’étais tombée amoureuse à l’aller, le cube en bois avec les grandes baies vitrées drapées de longs rideaux blancs à fetschenhaff, c’est la jumelle en bois de celle de la petite rue biscornue qui descend du limpertsberg au rollingergrund, je suis tombée amoureuse du trajet entier, des maisons bien tenues du cents, du petit chemin qui partait dans les arbres à l’arrêt fort du moulin, de la route qui descend à clausen à pic entre les vieilles pierres et qui remonte de l’autre côté où on voit bien la forêt encore de la couleur de l’automne.
et puis je suis tombée amoureuse du nouveau au cours de théâtre, en tant que timide qui essaie de s’en sortir, il est très grand et il me fait penser à l’acteur norvégien qui joue dans les films de joachim trier et quand il a annoncé à la prof qu’il s’était inscrit au conservatoire à la rentrée elle l’a acclamé et j’ai eu envie de le serrer dans mes bras. il m’a fait penser:
- à l. qui m’avait raconté comment il avait combattu sa peur de danser - au comédien timide avec les yeux de hibou avec qui j’avais bu une tisane et fait des boules de mie de pain nerveuses - au type de heima en islande qui avait pleuré à sa fête d’anniversaire surprise - à l’ingénieur son qui m’avait dit you don’t need to be anything to be on stage
je meurs d’envie qu’il me raconte que le théâtre a libéré sa vie et qu’il veut devenir comédien. il parlait pas beaucoup et il rigolait pas à gorge déployée comme les autres et il avait une présence calme qui m’attirait avec une corde attention c’est peut être le début du début du retour de lara l’hétéro, mais j’en ai un peu marre de cette division homo/hétéro, la timidité maladive masculine m’attire, les filles qui se font entendre m’attirent, celles qui s’emportent vite, qui font des tourbillons dans l’espace et qui prennent beaucoup de place, mais c’est pas tout à fait vrai non plus, ça dépend. j’ai pas de type, de préférence, d’orientation sexuelle nord sud est ouest, tout ce que je ressens c’est les présences et les énergies qu’elles dégagent, qu’importe leur provenance. la présence en tourbillon de la prof de théâtre, la présence tronc d’arbre du nouveau. est-ce que j’arrêterai un jour de tomber amoureuse de mes profs? mercredi je l’ai vue de plus près que d’habitude et j’ai vu ses rides, j’aime tellement les rides.
en sortant du cours j’ai vu e. le timide avec qui j’avais fait la danse de la main, il marchait vers la gare et j’avais envie de le rattraper pour discuter avec lui et lui poser des questions sur sa vie. j’ai dit à k. que j’aimais bien ses collants blancs et qu’elle me donnait envie d’en porter aussi mais après j’ai plus rien dit, j’ose jamais poser des questions aux gens sur leur vie alors que c’est tout ce que je veux, que les gens me racontent leur vie, savoir ce qu’ils font, d’où ils viennent, etc. j’ose jamais rien dire tout court, ce qui m’amène à hier et à la mort.
hier matin je me disais que ça faisait longtemps que je l’avais pas vue la mort et je m’en suis félicitée et puis le soir j’ai googlé c. t. et j’ai regardé tout ce qu’elle avait fait sur son site, tous ses PROJETS, les projets les projets les projets les projets les pro-jets, et puis j’ai googlé c. qui elle a une présence de lac un jour sans vent mais un lac très chaud qui me donne envie de me vautrer dedans et j’ai atterri sur le site de l’association des artistes plasticiens du luxembourg et j’ai cliqué sur l’onglet “se professionnaliser” et y avait plein de trucs sur les démarches administratives à suivre pour avoir le statut de travailleur indépendant et s’affilier à la cns et que des trucs angoissants comme ça et y avait une photo de c. dans son atelier avec la ministre de la culture et c’était marqué que pour pouvoir bénéficier d’un atelier il fallait être membre de l’association et que pour être membre de l’association il fallait avoir un diplôme des beaux-arts ou équivalent et je m’imaginais c. en train de faire toutes ces démarches en tant que personne raisonnable, rationnelle, pragmatique, sérieuse, éduquée, informée. et puis j’ai pensé au walkshop du weekend dernier quand elle est partie en sautillant sur la place de la mairie de dudelange parce qu’elle devait aller préparer le workshop de son expo à walferdange, j’imagine, je voulais y aller mais j’y suis pas allée parce que j’avais peur qu’elle croie que je la stalke, peur d’être embarrassée, peur de m’exposer.
je suis au courant de tout ce qui se passe dans la vie culturelle de ce pays (enfin c’est relatif) et pourtant j’ai toujours pas proposé d’article à culture.lu, j’ai peur d’aborder les gens, j’ai peur d’avoir rien à dire alors je parle à personne et j’avance pas. je me sens creuse et j’ai l’impression d’avoir rien à offrir, rien à proposer, rien à ajouter. sur le site de l’association je me suis sentie, je sais pas, épuisée, paralysée, overwhelmed par l’ampleur de la tâche, google me dit dépassée, submergée, envahie, bouleversée, accablée, accablée par la réalité de la vie, par ma non-éducation et mon impression de rien savoir faire, je sais même pas pourquoi je dis aux gens que je suis une artiste, qu’est-ce qui m’a pris? et si tout ça c’était pas du tout mon monde, que j’étais pas faite pour cette vie, une vie où il faut entreprendre des choses, avoir des pro-jets, tout le temps, avoir des idées, organiser, aller vers les gens, proposer, se faire connaître, se faire entendre, prendre des risques. et si ma mère avait raison et que ce qui m’irait à moi c’est de passer le concours de fonctionnaire et d’aller travailler dans l’administration, dans un bureau, “pour avoir la paix”? ou d’être secrétaire d’accueil comme gaëlle obiégly mon héroïne littéraire et d’écrire mes livres dans mon coin? est-ce que c’est ce que je veux, rester dans mon coin?
à force de penser au monde de l’art du luxembourg que j’arrive pas à approcher, ou plutôt à intégrer, j’arrive à ouvrir la porte mais je vais pas plus loin, c’est comme avec le monde queer, à force j’ai peur de me laisser engloutir par l’aigreur, j’ai peur de devenir aigrie. alors bon ça va parce que j’arrive encore à tomber amoureuse, et les gens m’intéressent, ils me fascinent, je les adore, et je demande qu’à collaborer avec eux, mais je sens l’aigreur qui pointe aussi, parfois, l’envie de tout rejeter et de me replier encore plus sur moi-même, de me laisser envahir par la colère 1. contre moi-même 2. contre les gens parce qu’ils me prennent pas par la main pour me montrer, me guider, me rassurer, m’inclure. et si on me prend pas par la main moi j’arrive à rien. voilà. et là j’ai revu la mort.
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ao3feed-larry · 3 years
Glow, Shine, Shimmer
by larry_lvers-28 (hardbroken17)
Mako Island is the island of mystery, of magic and powers given to those in the right place at the right time. Storms brew and then they fade, but what doesn't fade is the memories of things that happened in the eye of those storms, and the aftermath of what occurred.
Danger will come, loyalty tested, strains on relationships, and the hurt from the effects of their world.
Words: 8357, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Full Moon Rises
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, Eleanor Calder, Anne Cox, Des Styles, Mark Tomlinson, Taylor Swift, Lottie Tomlinson, Félicité Tomlinson, Phoebe Tomlinson, Daisy Tomlinson, Paul Higgins (One Direction), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, Niall Horan & Original Female Character(s), Eleanor Calder/Louis Tomlinson, Luke Hemmings/Ashton Irwin, Original Female Character/Original Male Character
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - H20 Just Add Water, Alternate Universe - Mermaids, Merman Harry Styles, Merman Zayn Malik, Merman Niall Horan, Human Liam Payne, Human Louis Tomlinson, Rich Louis Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson is Protective of Harry Styles, Alternate Universe - Teenagers, Teen Romance, Teenage Drama, Fluff, Drama & Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Supportive Liam Payne, Zayn Malik Loves Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson Loves Harry Styles, Rimming, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Bottom Harry Styles, Top Louis Tomlinson, Blow Jobs, Shower Sex
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/3ql9jy8
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 3.7
Alexander Graham Bell Day
Arbor Day (California)
Bird Day (California)
Bloody Sunday Anniversary Day (Selma, Alabama)
Chamorro Heritage Day (Guam)
Equal Pay Day (Gleicher Bezahlungstag; Germany)
Finnmarkslopet Dog Sled Race (Finland)
First Planting Festival (Elder Scrolls)
Get Grandma To Write Down Her Meatloaf Recipe Day
Hamilton Lavity Stoutt Day (British Virgin Islands)
International Day of the Anti-Fascist Woman
International Women’s Day (Angola, Tajikistan)
INTERPOL International Day of Remembrance for Fallen Officers
Liberation of Sulaymaniyah (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Mahasivarathri Day (Sri Lanka)
Masaryk Day (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
Maslenitsa (Russia)
National Be Heard Day
National Ben Day
National Heroes and Benefactors Day (Belize)
Nones of March (Ancient Rome)
Plant Power Day (UK)
Say Hello Day
Teacher’s Day (Albania)
Texas Energy Day (Texas)
307 Day
World Oneness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cereal Day
National Crown Roast of Pork Day
National Flapjack Day
Punch Roll Day (Sweden)
1st Tuesday in March
Football Day (England) [1st Tuesday]
National Sportsmanship Day [1st Tuesday]
Peace Corps Day [1st Tuesday]
Town Meeting Day (Vermont) [1st Tuesday]
Unique Names Day [Tuesday of Name Week]
Independence Days
Aleutian Islands (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Barbara Eden Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Billy (Muppetism)
Contradiction Day (No It’s Not!; Pastafarian)
Empodocles (Positivist; Saint)
Festival for Vedovus (God of the Dead & Volcanic Movements; Ancient Rome)
Full Moon [3rd of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Big Famine Moon (Choctaw)
Chase Moon (England, Wicca)
Death Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Crow Comes Back Moon (Traditional)
Dolyatra (Powder Festival; India; Hinduism) [3rd Lunar Full Moon]
Fish Moon (Colonial)
Harvest Moon (South Africa)
Makha Bucha (Festival Celebrating the Concept of an Ideal Community; Buddhism; Thailand) [3rd Lunar Full Moon]
Sap Moon (Alternate, North America)
Sleepy Moon (China)
Sore Eyes Moon (Traditional)
Southern Hemisphere: Corn, Harvest
Strong Winds Moon (Traditional)
Sugar Moon (Traditional)
Windy Moon (Cherokee)
Winds Moon (Celtic)
Worm Moon (American Indian, Traditional)
José Olallo (Christian; Saint)
Junoalia (Old Roman Festival to Juno)
Leonid Feodorov (Russian Greek Catholic Church)
Paul the Simple (Christian; Saint)
Perpetua and Felicity (Christian; Saints)
Psyche’s Day (Pagan)
Pierre-Henri Dorie, Siméon-François Berneux (Christian; part of The Korean Martyrs)
Thomas of Aquino, Doctor of the Church (Christian; Saint)
Treachery Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 11 of 60)
Alice the Collegiate (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Coal Miner’s Daughter
Foxes (Film; 1980)
From Genesis to Revelation, by Genesis (Album; 1969)
The Golden Eggs (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (Film; 2014)
Highlander (Film; 1986)
The Long Goodbye (Film; 1973)
Mame (Film; 1974)
Mickey’s Grand Opera (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (Film; 2008)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (Animated Film; 2014)
My Beautiful Launderette (Film; 1986)
A Room with a View (Film; 1986)
Sailor Moon (Japanese Anime Series; 1992)
The Six Million Dollar Man (TV Series; 1973)
Way Out West, by Sonny Rollins (Album; 1957)
Young Americans, by David Bowie (Album; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Felicitas, Perpetua, Reinhard (Austria)
Bogoljub, Felicita, Perpetua, Teofil (Croatia)
Tomáš (Czech Republic)
Perpetua (Denmark)
Ralf, Raul, Rolf, Rudolf, Ruudi, Ruut (Estonia)
Taika, Tarja, Taru (Finland)
Félicie, Félicité, Nathan (France)
Felicitas, Felizitas, Perpet, Reinhard, Volker (Germany)
Evgenios (Greece)
Tamás (Hungary)
Quintilio, Tommaso (Italy)
Ella, Elmira (Latvia)
Felicita, Galmantė, Rimtautas, Tomas (Lithuania)
Are, Arild (Norway)
Felicja, Nadmir, Paweł, Polikarp, Tomasz (Poland)
Efrem (Romania)
Tomáš (Slovakia)
Felicidad, Perpetua (Spain)
Camilla, Ottilia (Sweden)
Davon, Devan, Deven, Devin, Devon, Devonta, Devonte, Devyn, Dewey, Lothar, Luther (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 66 of 2023; 299 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 10 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 16 (Jia-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 14 Adar 5783
Islamic: 14 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 5 Ver; Fiveday [5 of 30]
Julian: 22 February 2023
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 10 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Empodocles]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 77 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 16 of 29)
0 notes
miguelmarias · 4 years
TOP 2020
 A)    Great movies made since 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Buoyancy(Freedom;Rodd Rathjen, 2019)
Les choses qu’on dit, les choses qu’on fait(Emmanuel Mouret, 2020)
L’Île au trésor(Guillaume Brac, 2018)
Le Sel des larmes(Philippe Garrel, 2019/20)
Ghawre Bairey Aaj(Home and the World;Aparna Sen, 2019)
Undine(Christian Petzold, 2020)
Happī awā(Happy Hour;Hamaguchi Ryūsuke, 2015)
Netemo Sametemo(Asako I & II;Hamaguchi Ryūsuke, 2018)
Adolescentes(Sébastien Lifshitz, 2013-9/20)
Family Romance, LLC.(Werner Herzog, 2019)
Demain et tous les autres jours(Noémie Lvovsky, 2017)
Gamak Ghar(Achal Mishra, 2019)
Lunana:A Yak in the Classroom(Pawo Choyning Dorji, 2019)
Semina il vento(Sow the Wind;Danilo Caputo, 2020)
Objector(Molly Stuart, 2019)
La France contre les robots(Jean-Marie Straub, 2020)
Paris Calligrammes(Ulrike Ottinger, 2019/20)
Un film dramatique(Éric Baudelaire, 2019)
 B)    Great movies made before 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Là-Haut, un Roi au-dessus des nuages(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 2003)
Pangarap ng Puso(Demons/Whispers of the Demon/Hope of the Heart;Mario O’Hara, 2000)
Les Films rêvés(Eric Pauwels, 2009)
La vida en rojo(Andrés Linares, 2007/8)
Come Next Spring(R.G. Springsteen, 1955/6)
Song of Surrender(Mitchell Leisen, 1948/9)
Adventure in Manhattan(Edward Ludwig, 1936)
Strannaia zhenshchina(A Strange Woman;Iuli Raízman, 1978)
Chastnaia zhízn(Private Life;Iuli Raízman, 1982)
Málva(Vladimir Braun, 1956/7)
Zhila-byla devochka(Once There Was a Girl;Viktor Eisimont, 1944)
The Unknown Man(Richard Thorpe, 1951)
Aisai Monogatari(Story of a Beloved Wife;Shindō Kaneto, 1951)
Practically Yours(Mitchell Leisen, 1944)
A Summer Storm(Robert Wise, 1999/2000)
Lettre d’un cinéaste à sa fille(Eric Pauwels, 2000)
Sombra verde(Untouched;Roberto Gavaldón, 1954)
Fantasma d’amore(Dino Risi, 1981)
Adieu, Mascotte(Das Modell vom Montparnasse;Wilhelm Thiele, 1929)
Mori no kajiya(The Blacksmith of the Forest;Shimizu Hiroshi, 1928/9;fragment)
Zwischen Gestern und Morgen(Between Yesterday and Tomorrow;Harald Braun, 1947)
Last Holiday(Henry Cass, 1950)
Dialogue d’ombres(Danièle Huillet & Jean-Marie Straub, 1954-2013)
Out-Takes from the Life of a Happy Man(Jonas Mekas, 2012)
Nice Time(Claude Goretta & Alain Tanner, 1957)
Aloma of the South Seas(Alfred Santell, 1941)
A Feather in Her Hat(Alfred Santell, 1935)
La Danseuse Orchidée(Léonce Perret, 1928)
Underground(Vincent Sherman, 1941)
Time Out(in Twilight Zone-The Movie)(John Landis, 1983)
Lackawanna Blues(George C. Wolfe, 2005)
Janie(Michael Curtiz, 1944)
Dernier Amour(Léonce Perret, 2016)
Jeunes Filles en détresse(Georg Wilhelm Pabst, 1939)
Kisapmata(Blink of an Eye;Mike De Leon, 1981)
La Dernière Lettre(Frederick Wiseman, 2002)
The Lady of the Dig-Out(W.S. Van Dyke II, 1918)
Their Own Desire(E.Mason Hopper, 1929)
 C)    Very good movies made since 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Zumiriki(Oskar Alegria, 2019)
Atlantique(Mati Diop, 2019)
J’accuse(An Officier and A Spy;Roman Polanski, 2019)
Richard Jewell(Clint Eastwood, 2019)
Alice et le Maire(Nicolas Pariser, 2019)
Contes de Juillet(July Tales;Guillaume Brac, 2017)
Dark Waters(Todd Haynes, 2019)
Ofrenda a la tormenta(Fernando González Molina, 2020)
Nomad:In the Footsteps of Bruce Chatwin(Werner Herzog, 2019)
Into the Inferno(Werner Herzog, 2016)
The Zookeeper’s Wife(Niki Caro, 2017)
Journal de septembre(Eric Pauwels, 2019)
La Deuxième Nuit(Eric Pauwels, 2016)
Kaze no denwa(Voices in the Wind;Suwa Nobuhiro, 2019/20)
Da 5 Bloods(Spike Lee, 2020)
Izaokas(Isaac;Jurgis Matulevičius, 2019)
A Metamorfose dos Pássaros(Catarina Vasconcelos, 2020)
Tabi no Owari Sekai no Hajimari(To the Ends of the Earth;Kurosawa Kiyoshi, 2019)
La Nuit d’avant(Pablo García Canga, 2019)
My Mexican Bretzel(Nuria Giménez, 2018-9)
Domangchin yeoja(The Woman Who Ran;Hong Sang-soo, 2019/20)
Öndög(Wang Quanan, 2019)
Hatsukoi(First Love;Miike Takashi, 1959)
Million raz pogivaet odin Cheloviek(One man dies a million times;Jessica Oreck, 2018/9)
The Two Popes(Fernando Meirelles, 2019)
Félicité(Alain Gomis, 2016/7)
Salt and Fire(Werner Herzog, 2016)
Ni de lian(Your Face;Tsai Ming-liang, 2018)
Qi qiu(Balloon;Pema Tseden, 2019)
River Silence(Rogério Soares, 2019)
Charlie’s Angels(Elizabeth Banks, 2019)
La boda de Rosa(Iciar Bollain, 2020)
Guerra(War;José Oliveira & Marta Ramos, 2020)
My Thoughts Are Silent/Moyi dumky tykhi(Antonio Lukich, 2019)
Namo(The Alien;Nader Saeivar;co-script-Jafar Panahi, 2020)
Los silencios(The Silences;Beatriz Seigner, 2018)
Terminal Sud(Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche, 2019)
Tu mérites un amour(You Deserve a Lover;Hafsia Herzi, 2019)
Les Misérables(Ladj Ly, 2019)
Padre no hay más que uno(Santiago Segura, 2019)
Honeyland(Tamara Kotovska & Ljubomir Stefanov, 2019)
Izbrisana(Erased;Miha Mazzini & Dusan Joksimovic, 2018)
This Is Not A Burial, It’s A Resurrection(Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, 2019)
Primero Enero(Darío Mascambroni, 2016)
Lahi, Hayop(Pan, Genus/Genus Pan;Lav Diaz, 2020)
 D)    Very good movies made before 2015 seen for the first time in 2020: 
Topaze(Marcel Pagnol, 1936)
The SIGN OF THE RAM(John Sturges, 1947/8)
Abandoned(Joseph M. Newman, 1949)
Bewitched(Arch Oboler, 1944/5)
La Femme du Bout du Monde((Jean Epstein, 1937)
The Outcast(William Witney, 1954)
Saadia(Albert Lewin, 1953)
Un monde sans femmes(Guillaume Brac, 2011)
Dishonored Lady(Robert Stevenson, 1947)
Always Goodbye(Signey Lanfield, 1938)
A Blueprint for Murder(Andrew L. Stone, 1953)
Bedevilled(Mitchell Leisen, 1955)
That Forsyte Woman(Compton Bennett, 1949)
The Miracle(Irving Rapper, 1959)
The Madonna’s Secret(Wilhelm Thiele, 1946)
The Town That Dreaded Sundown(Charles B. Pierce, 1976)
Grayeagle(Charles B. Pierce, 1977)
Barricade(Peter Godfrey, 1949/50)
Tomorrow is Forever(Irving Pichel, 1945/6)
David Harum(James Cruze, 1934)
The Vanquished(Edward Ludwig, 1953)
Keisatsukan(Uchida Tomu, 1933)
...Enfants des courants d’air(Édouard Luntz, 1959, short)
The Winds of Autumn(Charles B. Pierce, 1976)
Suddenly It’s Spring(Mitchell Leisen, 1946)
Uchūjin Tōkyō ni arawaru(Warning from Space;Shima Kōji, 1956)
Swiss Family Robinson(Edward Ludwig, 1940)
Ludwig der Zweite, König von Bayern(Wilhelm Dieterle, 1930)
Faithless(Harry Beaumont, 1932)
Botan-dorō(Peony Lanterns;Yamamoto Satsuo, 1968)
Ginza 24 chou(Tales of Ginza;Kawashima Yūzō, 1955)
Goodbye Again(Michael Curtiz, 1933)
Lines of White on a Sullen Sea(D.W. Griffith, 1909)
You Gotta Stay Happy(H.C. Potter, 1948)
Cave of Forgotten Dreams(Werner Herzog, 2010)
Riff-Raff(Ted Tetzlaff, 1947)
The Moon is Down(Irving Pichel, 1943)
The Bride Wore Boots(Irving Pichel, 1946)
Adventures in Silverado(Phil Karlson, 1948)
The Stolen Ranch(William Wyler, 1926)
Congo Maisie(H.C. Potter, 1940)
Marcides(Mercedes;Yousry Nasrallah, 1993)
Hell’s Five Hours(Jack L. Copeland, 1958)
Daniel(in Stimulantia;Ingmar Bergman, 1967)
Diên Biên Phú(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 1992)
Canyon River(Cattle King;Harmon Jones, 1956)
Dos Basuras(Kurt Land, 1958)
Smart Girls Don’t Talk(Richard L. Bare, 1948)
The Big Shakedown(John Francis Dillon, 1933/4)
Corvette K-225(Richard Rosson;p.,collab.Howard Hawks, 1943)
The Gay Deception(William Wyler, 1935)
The Invisible Woman(A.Edward Sutherland, 1940)
Rage in Heaven(W.S. Van Dyke II;collab.Robert B. Sinclair,Richard Thorpe, 1941)
Wild Side(Sébastien Lifshitz, 2004)
I bambini e noi(Luigi Comencini, 1970//7)
The House Across The Street(Richard L. Bare, 1948/9)
The Doughgirls(James V. Kern, 1944)
The Love Trap(William Wyler, 1929)
Torch Song(Charles Walters, 1953)
The Meanest Man in the World(Sidney Lanfield, 1942/3)
Cole Younger, Gunfighter(R.G. Springsteen, 1958)
Ballerine(Gustav Machatý, 1936)
Via Mala(Josef von Báky, 1945//8)
Sky Giant(Lew Landers, 1938)
Les Invisibles(Sébastien Lifshitz, 2012)
Promène toi donc tout nu(Emmanuel Mouret, 1998)
A Story for the Modlins(Una historia para los Modlin;Sergio Oksman, 2012)
Something in the Wind(Irving Pichel, 1947)
Spoveď(Confession;Pavol Skýkova, 1968)
Guilty Hands(W.S. Van Dyke II;collab.Lionel Barrymore, 1931)
Atto di accusa(Giacomo Gentilomo, 1950)
Suspense(Frank Tuttle, 1956)
This Is The Night(Frank Tuttle, 1932)
Escape in the Fog(Oscar ‘Budd’ Boetticher,Jr., 1945)
The Price of Fear(Abner Biberman, 1956)
Happy People:A Year in the Taiga(Werner Herzog, 2010)
Urok(The Lesson;Kristina Grozeva & Petar Valchanov, 2014)
Le Naufragé(Guillaume Brac, 2009)
Lili Marlen(Peter Mihálik;script.Dušan Hanák, 1970;short)
Deseo(Antonio Zavala Kugler, 2013)
  E)     Great movies that improved by new watchings: 
Shanghai Express(Josef von Sternberg, 1932)
The Best Years of Our Lives(William Wyler, 1946)
Till We Meet Again(Frank Borzage, 1944)
Man’s Favorite Sport?(Howard Hawks, 1963/4)
Along The Great Divide(Raoul Walsh, 1951)
Hondo(John V. Farrow, 1953)
Where The Sidewalk Ends(Otto Preminger, 1950)
Mrs. Miniver(William Wyler, 1942)
Driftwood(Allan Dwan, 1947)
‘Good-bye, My Lady’(William A. Wellman, 1956)
Touch of Evil(Preview version, 1975;not later ‘improvements’)(Orson Welles, 1958)
Le Crabe-Tambour(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 1977)
Unfinished Business(Gregory LaCava, 1941)
Madigan(Don Siegel, 1968)
Big Business(James Wesley Horne;s.Leo McCarey, 1929)
Putting Pants on Philip(Clyde A. Bruckman;s.Leo McCarey, 1927)
The Runner Stumbles(Stanley Kramer, 1979)
Yushima no Shiraume(Romance at Yushima;Kinugasa Teinosukē, 1955)
David Harum(Allan Dwan, 1915)
The Virginian(Cecil B. DeMille, 1914)
Island in the Sky(William A. Wellman, 1953)
All About Eve(Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1950)
L’Eclisse(Michelangelo Antonioni, 1962)
The Roaring Twenties(Raoul Walsh, 1939)
The Plainsman(Cecil B. DeMille, 1936)
JLG/JLG-Autoportrait de décembre(Jean-Luc Godard, 1994)
‘Je vous salue, Marie’(Hail Mary;Jean-Luc Godard, 1984)
La Roue(Abel Gance, 1923)
They All Laughed(Peter Bogdanovich, 1981)
Innocent Blood(John Landis, 1992)
An American Werewolf in London(John Landis, 1981)
The Thing Called Love(Peter Bogdanovich, 1993)
Into the Night(John Landis, 1985)
The File On Thelma Jordon(Thelma Jordon;Robert Siodmak, 1949)
The Little American(Cecil B. DeMille, 1917)
In Our Time(Vincent Sherman, 1944)
The Hunters(Dick Powell, 1958)
Phase IV(Saul Bass, 1974)
L’Honneur d’un Capitaine(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 1982)
Backfire(Vincent Sherman, 1948//50)
Five(Arch Oboler, 1951)
Somewhere in the Night(Joseph L. Mankiewiz, 1946)
A Man Alone(Ray Milland, 1955)
Die Geiger von Florez(Paul Czinner, 1926)
Living on Velvet(Frank Borzage, 1934/5)
La Recta provincia(Raúl Ruiz, 2007//15)
La Noche de enfrente(Raúl Ruiz, 2012)
Carrie(Sister Carrie;William Wyler, 1951/2)
The Spiral Staircase(Robert Siodmak, 1945/6)
The Paradine Case(Alfred Hitchcock, 1947)
L’Amore(Una voce umana+Il Miracolo)(Roberto Rossellini, 1947/8)
The Heiress(William Wyler, 1949)
 F)     Very good movies watched again 
Bluebeard’s 10 Honeymoons(W.Lee Wilder, 1960)
The Five Pennies(Melville Shavelson, 1958)
Take a Letter, Darling(Mitchell Leisen, 1942)
Escape(Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1948)
Appassionatamente(Giacomo Gentilomo, 1954)
Así como habían sido(Trío)(Andrés Linares, 1986/7)
San Antone(Joseph Kane, 1953)
The High and the Mighty(William A. Wellman, 1954)
Taki no Shiraito(The Water Magician;Mizoguchi Kenji, 1933)
The Web(Michael Gordon, 1947)
The Buccaneer(Anthony Quinn;s.Cecil B. DeMille, 1958)
The Buccaneer(Cecil B. DeMille, 1938)
Desire Me(uncredited:George Cukor/Jack Conway/Mervyn LeRoy/Victor Saville, 1946)
Flaxy Martin(Richard L. Bare, 1948/9)
Swing High, Swing Low(Mitchell Leien, 1937)
Death Takes A Holiday(Mitchell Leisen, 1934)
Irene(Herbert Wilcox, 1940)
Beloved Enemy(H.C. Potter, 1936)
The Cowboy and the Lady(H.C. Potter, 1938)
Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam(Paul Wegener, 1920)
Mia madre(Nanni Moretti, 2015)
Hell On Frisco Bay(Frank Tuttle, 1955)
Stormy Weather(Andrew L. Stone, 1943)
The Milky Way(Leo McCarey;w.Harold Lloyd, 1936)
Pietà per chi cade(Mario Costa, 1954)
Repeat Performance(Alfred L. Werker, 1947)
Das indische Grabmal:1.Die Sendung des Yoghi,2.Der Tiger von Eschnapur(Joe May, 1921)
Julie(Andrew L. Stone, 1956)
The Member of the Wedding(Fred Zinnemann, 1953)
Winterset(Alfred Santell, 1936)
The Right to Romance(Alfred Santell, 1933)
As Young as You Feel(Harmon Jones, 1951)
You’ll Never Get Rich(Sidney Lanfield, 1941)
The Woman Accused(Paul Sloane, 1933)
Foma Gordeiev(Mark Donskoí, 1959)
The Parent Trap(David Swift, 1961)
High Wall(Curtis Bernhardt, 1947)
Mr. Lucky(H.C. Potter, 1943)
Un Marido de Ida y Vuelta(Luis Lucia, 1957)
The Safecracker(Ray Milland, 1957/8)
She’s Funny That Way(Peter Bogdanovich, 2014)
Oh...Rosalinda!!(Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1955)
Caribbean(Edward Ludwig, 1952)
Harper(The Moving Target;Jack Smight, 1966)
For You I Die(John Reinhardt, 1947)
Crashing Hollywood(Lew Landers, 1937/8)
Le Souvenir d’un avenir(Chris. Marker & Yannick Bellon, 2001)
Susan Slept Here(Frank Tashlin, 1954)
Bishkanyar Deshot(In the Land of Poison Women;Manju Borah, 2019)
Pollyanna(David Swift, 1960)
A Tale of Two Cities(Jack Conway;collab.Val Lewton & Jacques Tourneur, 1935)
Café Society(Woody Allen, 2016)
Shadow on the Wall(Patrick Jackson, 1949/50)
Tonnerre(Guillaume Brac, 2013)
Le Jouet criminel(Adolfo G. Arrieta, 1969)
‘Once more, with feeling!’(Stanley Donen, 1959)
The Shopworn Angel(H.C. Potter, 1938)
The Absent Minded Professor(Robert Stevenson, 1961)
Gavaznha(The Deer;Masud Kimiai, 1974)
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