animeeslxttccfinds · 2 years
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venomgaia · 4 months
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you know what yeah ill post this. sure.
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softcitrus2345 · 4 months
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Finally got around to finishing what I had planned as a Valentines post, ignore the fact that it's march now XDD This is a follow up to this post I shared around mid-february in honor of my two favorite lovebugs ;p If you thought they couldn't get any cheesier, you were dead wrong-
Vanessa is holding back the very strong urge to BITE BITE BITE BI-
(also if it wasn't clear, here's the dialogue for the last page XD) Damien: Huh.. It's like.. dough..? So soft... Vanessa: Yeah... Damien: ...You wanna make out? Vanessa: Yeah.
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vellichorsdesire · 2 months
transmasc selfshippers your f/o(s) would still love you dearly no matter how you present yourself. if you don’t pass as cis or tend to be more feminine presenting, they’d understand and love you for nothing but you!!! if you like skirts and dresses or have longer hair, they’d still happily call you handsome if you’d like and will see you as a guy through and through. they’d be happy to call you all the compliments that help you feel gender euphoria, helping you pick out clothes that affirm your gender the best (or maybe you both pick out clothes from their wardrobe)… what genuinely matters the most to them is that you’re happy with who you are, because that makes them happy, too
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thesilverlady · 7 months
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“There's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begin.” — Mitch Albom
#f&b#rhaenyra targaryen#pre asoiaf#aemma arryn#targnation#valyrianscrolls#valyrianladies#house targaryen#targaryensource#canon rhaenyra targaryen#book rhaenyra#asoiaf fancast#asoiafedit#fire and blood#my edit#thesilverladyedit#*my thought process on this:#[aemma's color pallette is purposely warm toned. indicating the prosperity + happiness + free of danger most of her life was]#[i made her hair a more honey colored similar to her mother & grandmother. Her eyes are arryn blue with a slightly hint of pale lilac]#[in the pic with Viserys the flowers are blue for her house + Vis' jewels on his clothes a deep purple - a color his daughter would wear]#[i also chose a pose that was more formal. with less evidence of personal feelings]#[in the final pic of baby rhae I made her dress a deep red.Both as a tribute to house Targaryen+as a hint for the blood she'd have to bleed#*now onto rhaenyra's side!#[her pallete is a cooler tone; opposite of her mother's as her life starts and ends grimly]#[i made her silver gold hair purposely a bit whiter because I headcanon her son aegon iii to have taken the coloring from her.]#[her eyes are a darker shade of purple but still very intense with their coloring]#[ the pose I chose with daemon is again the opposite of her parents; personal feelings are the heart of it & the passion is clear.]#[in the picture where she holds her baby her dress is dark so it's probably not very clear but the color is the same one as Viserys' jewels#[in the final pic we see the surviving children. On the left it's aegon iii & on the right viserys II]#the wall behind them is the same color as their mother's dress.The blood that has been spilled is now behind them&they have to live with it
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Donnie never had his curtain moment in "clothes don't make the turtles"
I'm here to rectify this scandalous state of affairs.
Future Donnie - Catch-up curtain moment - good timeline - and no one would be able to wear a corset like this gentleturtle.
[Insert cat hiss here]
@sadiezercies gave me the corset-suggestion
@gornackeaterofworlds and @luckycharms1701 conversation about Rokoko-clothing leaded me to the curtain moment.
You guys 🫵🫶
My 18+ Patreon is also very scandalous, but in a good way
Attention please 🔥
The turtles you find on my site are all aged up, unless they are turtle tots (obviously)
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buttfrovski · 8 months
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mama's boy
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cutiepieautistic · 1 month
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Cal gabriel stimboard
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be-an-echo · 6 months
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Merry Christmas guyyyss🎄
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mypointofworship · 3 months
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hyak-wixgar · 2 months
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my four survivors.......... guy who was supposed to die tomorrow, the coolest person in existence tm, a chihuahua magda gessler and fucked up failgirl who just did murder.........
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
Lily and Regulus being the types of people to dress really nicely and fancy for the weekends while James just throws on whatever he can see,
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vespurring · 8 months
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Marina 🎀
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softcitrus2345 · 7 months
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More than halfway through December and I STILL REFUSE TO GIVE UP ON THESE PROMPTS-
24. Ravenous - Barley wolfs down a bunch of food as his appetite gets the better of him.. It's just those darn pre-full moon cravings am I right fellas? It's rare that Barley behaves like this, so it certainly caught Ambrose by surprise the first time he was around to see it 😳 This isn't awakening anything in Ambrose no sir- 25. Intoxicated - Damien and Vanessa go out to a fancy dinner party thing and get more than a little tipsy- After losing track of how much he's eaten, Damien's fancy little corset vest finally gives in to the strain of holding back his huge belly, with his dress shirt following close behind... It is taking all of Vanessa's willpower not to just outright pounce on Damien at a public event- That was probably their sign to go home and make out a bunch DBUASIFKJBSG 25.5. Old Uniform - Ambrose "misplaced" Barley's current apron, so Barley had to use his old one for the day >;3c Guess he'd forgotten just how much he's grown since last wearing this one... 👀 26. Heavy Lifting - Matt struggles to find the button for his ever-tightening jeans.. He swears this used to be easier... Don't worry, Matt, you're getting close!! 👍😀👍 (He's never gonna find it-) Solution: drop his belly on the counter and use both hands to (try to) button up 😏
Hope you guys are still enjoying these, I've still got a few left before I can die in peace /j
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chaosspear · 1 year
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guys i think world hero sonic the hedgehog might be um... 🏳️‍🌈?
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doodle17 · 9 months
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"...I'm gonna get Frazie."
"Good idea."
Headcanon that Raz, his mom, Queepie and Dion sometimes sleepwalk when it comes to certain situations, Raz especially when hes older. In this situation, he had too much caffeine before bed
Probabaly doesn't help that you literally need to shake him violently to wake him up when he does this, so now they kind of just let him wander when it happens. There are waaaaay more sleepwalking stories the old interns have, at least all of them have had at least one encounter with a sleepwalking Aquato
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